#billy bibbit imagine
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warnings: MacMurphy, swearing, “break out”, boats, some jealousy
AN: I added macMurphy and then decided against it but now I’m a little stuck with him so we’re just going to skip around with him. We’re also going to rewrite what happens a little bit.
chapter 10
Billy and I sat on the bus, curled up together against the cold. Taber was behind us, trying to come up with an idea about where we were actually going.
“Wherever it is I just hope it’s inside.” I grumbled as I laid my head on Billy’s shoulder. A commotion at the front of the bus made us all snap to attention.
“Hello boys and germs. Today we’re going on a field trip of my choosing.” MacMurphy had clambered into the drivers seat and was smiling back at all of us. He closed the doors and took off. We took off out of the parking lot and billy turned so his back hit the window and I hit him.
“Wh-what the hell?” Billy muttered. I looked at him and shrugged.
“We just better not get into any trouble over this.” I muttered back. Taber nodded and we all braced ourselves for what happened. We pulled up in front of a trailer park and MacMurphy climbed out. “What’s he doing now? This can’t be our destination.”
“Everyone this is candy. Candy, this is everyone.” I raised an eyebrow at the lady that had been brought on.
“Hi.” Taber called out. Billy took one look at her and turned back to me, his nose scrunched up. Candy kept shooting glances at him but he wasn’t looking. Instead he kissed my head and pulled me tighter against him.
“Th-This is g-g-going to be hell.” I nodded against him. “D-do we c-call R-r-ratched?” I shrugged and watched the two would be captors.
“I have no idea. But wherever we’re going, I don’t think I’m going to participate.” I looked back at Taber and he shrugged. It wasn’t long before we pulled up at a dock. “Oh hell no.” I muttered as Mac started to rush us off the bus. I got off and leaned against the bus. Billy stood off to the side and taber trailed after Candy.
“Are y-you g-g-going?” I shook my head and watched the small expedition head towards a boat. “Wh-what are we g-g-going to do?”
“What do you want to do?” I cocked my head at him, finally looking over at him. He shrugged and smiled at me.
“I’m n-not sure.” Walking over he hugged me. We stayed like that for a bit as we watched the boat head out.
“Didn’t you want to get on the boat with candy?” I asked. Billy laughed and kissed my temple.
“N-no. Sh-sh-she’s not my t-type.” He assured me. “You have n-no reason to be jealous.” I closed my eyes as I leaned against him.
“Sorry. It’s just…” I sighed and pulled back to look up at him. “The way everyone was looking at her.” Billy chuckled and kissed me.
“I wasn’t l-looking at h-her.” He admitted. I tilted my head at him. “Why w-would I when I have y-you?” I blushed as he kissed me again.
“Stop it you.” I chuckled. Before long, we saw a car pull up with Nurse Ratched and some of the other members of the day staff. “Nurse Ratched?” She turned to look at me and billy when she got out of the car.
“Where did MacMurphy and the others go?” She walked over.
“On a b-b-boat.” Billy pointed out to the dock where we could see the boat returning.
“MacMurphy also has a girl with him ma’am.” I said as she started walking away. “I hate to tattle but…” she nodded and cut me off.
“Thank you mx. (Y/L/N).” She started walking away from the bus and billy started after her. I followed one of the day staff back to the car and got in. Billy joined me a few minutes after.
“N-nurse R-Ratched is riding back on th-the bus.” He said. We waited until the bus was loaded and off before following. Hell was going to break loose on the ward.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Halloween Drabbles Day 19:
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Billy Bibbit x reader
Prompt: Candy
You messed with the ends of your hair as you stood in the waiting room. You usually wouldn’t even be allowed to visit as it was often considered bad for patients to be seen by the outside world.
But Halloween was soon. And you missed Billy. You wanted to just stop by, say hello, let him know that you were still waiting for him when he decided to get out. You bounced your foot up and down anxiously before someone came to take you back. You would only be in there five minutes but it was long enough. You held your jacket tighter to you as you were shoved into a small, supervised room.
Billy came out next, smiling a bit at the sight of you.
“How’d y-y-y-you get i-i-in here?” he questioned.
“Nurse Ratched is away for ten minutes,” you whispered. “I timed it well. But Happy almost Halloween Billy!” He smiled.
“Oh d-d-dear it’s already H-h-h-Halloween?”
“Soon.” You grabbed his hand and put it in your jacket. He raised his eyebrows before feeling a candy bar in a hidden pocket inside. He grabbed it and took it out swiftly, shoving it in his pants. “Happy Halloween,” you whispered. He smiled.
“H-h-happy Halloween.”
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
The Woods and Billy Bibbit by San Fermin has 4 years au angst vibes, idk why ithose songs just have that feel to them
BRO I get EXACTLY what you mean you are SO right my dude. god anyone remember the whole Buttercup thing,,,,,,im doing that w these 2 songs. honestly I have many songs I can imagine endless animatics too you have NO idea how tempted I am to make a special tag JUST for me info-dumping on this one cool song I heard sjehtksrjhtkrthrkjthr
god the lines  “Give in to love//Then do whatever a grown up man does//It's not your fault//You know this is what your mother would want” “I was a boy and I was good//But there are witches in these woods.//The nights are lovely, dark and deep//But I'll appear when you're asleep//You'll wake up with a sudden hurt” They make me FEEL things
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hadarlaskey · 4 years
Nurse Ratched is the perfect movie villain – and the perfect stereotype
Nurses have long had nefarious connotations on screen: think of the murderous Annie Wilkes in Misery, the scheming Nurse Charlotte in High Anxiety, or the homicidal hospice sisters in the anthology series American Horror Story: Roanoke. All of these characters are terrifying because they subvert our expectations; they are cruel rather than compassionate and harm rather than heal.
Nurse Ratched, created by Ken Kesey for his 1962 novel ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ and immortalised by Louise Fletcher in the 1975 film of the same name, is arguably the most infamous nurse villain. In many ways she is the perfect antagonist; she is also the perfect stereotype. She is an archetype of female authority: the cold, clinical, condescending woman in a position of power. She does not resort to violence, a stereotypically masculine weapon, in order to terrify and intimidate. Instead she is quietly monstrous. She dehumanises and demoralises under the pretence of placid pleasantries, exerting control and coercion in her crisp white cap of evil.
Even Nurse Ratched’s appearance is deceptive. The novel describes her as “smooth” like “an expensive doll” with “baby blue eyes, [a] small nose, orange fingers [and] big, womanly breasts”. Hardly an obvious tyrant. Despite her ‘perfect’ appearance, however, our unreliable narrator Chief Bromden imagines her handbag full of “needles, forceps, and pliers” rather than “compacts or lipstick or woman stuff.” It is this blend of the sensual and the sinister which makes her such an unsettling character.
Director Miloš Forman once said that he chose Fletcher for the role because her “prim, angelic” manner “surprised [him]”, but the more he thought about it, “the more it made sense.” Nurse Ratched is a perversion of femininity – she looks like she should clasp you to her buxom bosom, but is in fact a battle-axe bitch. That is the genius of her character, and of Fletcher’s performance.
Most disturbingly, Fletcher conveys Nurse Ratched’s complete conviction that what she is doing is right. Her twisted sense of duty is touched upon in the trailer for Netflix’s new drama Ratched, where Sarah Paulson ominously warns: “There are some things that are worse to feel than simply feeling nothing.” As shocking as ice-pick lobotomies and insulin shock therapies may seem now, they were once regarded as viable treatments, not tortures, and Nurse Ratched is not much more than an administrative cog in a much wider machine.
People who do evil are not necessarily the same as people who are evil. Hannah Arendt’s seminal text ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil’ precipitated a philosophical shift in the 1960s and ’70s, as people stopped viewing evil as something inflicted solely by psychopaths and maniacs but by bureaucrats, followers, and those who were just ‘doing their job.’ Nurse Ratched, too, represents the banality of evil – she is not some sadistic superhuman but terrifying in her normality.
In the Ratched trailer, the stand-out line “true monsters are made, not born” evokes the nature versus nurture debate while suggesting that the show will give the character added dimensionality. Given that Nurse Ratched’s notoriety has stood the test of time, it could be argued that a prequel is unnecessary. Yet as Dale Wasserman, who wrote the 1963 stage play version of ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, said, the problem is that “the book is fearfully misogynistic, and the women are treated terribly.” The 1975 film, unsurprisingly, does little to address this.
Our de facto hero RP McMurphy is a criminal convicted of assault and statutory rape, while all the villains are women – not only Nurse Ratched but also Hardy’s wife and Billy Bibbit’s mother, all emasculating ball-breakers. The other female characters are either nurses or prostitutes.
Early on, Harding whispers to McMurphy that “we are victims of a matriarchy here,” and there does seem to be a fundamental male fear of powerful women. Nurse Ratched’s ultimate command comes from her ability to have patients lobotomised, but in many ways lobotomies stand as a metonym for castration. McMurphy’s true fear is not losing his brain but his balls; his masculine, dominating, anarchical energy is slowly being suffocated in this female-run institution, which in itself could be seen as a metaphor for second-wave feminism.
Given Ken Kesey’s notoriously anti-feminist stance, it is unsurprising that, as frightening as she may be, Nurse Ratched is ultimately a rather superficial character. In 2018, Fletcher revealed to Vanity Fair that she had dreamed up her own backstory for Nurse Ratched, imagining that she, “had sacrificed her life for other people… hadn’t married, hadn’t done this, hadn’t done that, and was self-sufficient… because she dedicated her earlier life to other people who needed her.”
This insight paints a very different picture of Nurse Ratched. Is she someone who is self-sacrificing, regretful, and ultimately lonely, or, as the novel depicts her, simply a cold-hearted “ball-cutter”? When defending critics of Hillary Clinton, radio host Rush Lombaugh famously said that “even Nurse Ratched was human”. It is high time that this humanity was explored further.
The post Nurse Ratched is the perfect movie villain – and the perfect stereotype appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/nurse-ratched-perfect-movie-villain/
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eyeliketwowatch · 7 years
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - THE touchstone book from my teen years
This was based on a Ken Kesey book that was recommended to me by a friend in high school, which I read probably in 9th grade, but I wasn't able to see the movie until it reached television a few years after its release. What a perfect book for the rebellious teenage years, when you feel you are going mad in your own very personal way, and the 'system' is doing its best to stomp you down into conformity.
While those that really loved the book and original broadway production of this material didn't care for what the director did to the story and the character of 'McMurphy' (played by Kirk Douglas in the original broadway version, and in the book, described as a red haired muscle bound unstoppable life force), I personally found the movie very well made and possibly more intelligently plotted and imagined than the book or play (in the book I found the frequent drug induced hallucinagenic segments very annoying and tiresome).
Excellent mood and claustrophobic horror of the banal and ordinary I found much more psychedelic and hallucinatory than any dream sequences might have been. And since it is all told through the eyes of Chief Brombden (Will Sampson), who's to say what it all looks like through his point of view? Jack Nicholson turns in one of his signature performances, for which he'll be remembered for a good long time, and the movie is full of excellent character roles that are filled nicely from top to bottom. Louise Fletcher is chillingly reserved in her performance as the chief nemesis of McMurphy, Nurse Ratched, and the inmates are outstanding, especially Brad Dourif as Billy Bibbit, Sidney Lassick as Cheswick, Danny DeVito as Martini ("I bet a dime"), Christopher Lloyd as Taber and William Redfield as Harding.
Been back to see this several times over the following years and it still holds up remarkably well.
5 stars
Released 1975, First viewing September 1977 with several revisits
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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chapter 9
Warnings: the appearance of MacMurphy
An: sorry it’s short. But I wanted to add MacMurphy before I lost the idea.
It was a couple of weeks after the carnival trip. Some of the ward seemed to catch onto the fact that Billy and I were together while everyone else remained clueless. We were playing cards like every other day when there was a new addition to our little gang.
“He-he-he can’t hear you. He’s d-deaf and d-d-dumb.” Billy called over his shoulder at the man trying to talk to Chief. Billy shared a look with me, knowing Chief’s secret but not wanting to give it away.
“Is he now?” The man asked as he made his way over to us. Billy put his arm over my shoulder and squeezed. “R.P. MacMurphy.” He held his hand out for billy. Putting his cards down, billy shook his hand.
“Billy B-b-bibbit.” MacMurphy’s eyes flashed over to me. It was clear from the one look that he was just here to get off the work farm. The only thing that was wrong with him was an ego trip.
“I’ve seen you before.” He held his hand out to me. “You’re the cousin of the senator. The one who…” he cut himself off before he finished his sentence. I nodded and shook his hand anyway. “Well I’ll be. Funny running into you here.”
“Imagine that.” I gave him a small smile. To most it wasn’t that big a deal that he cut himself off but to me it meant that he at least had the balls to feel a little sorry about it. Everyone else made fun of me for it and it was a long time gone since I’d had to deal with it. “Want a hand MacMurphy?” I cocked my head towards the card game, watching as MacMurphy tilted Billy’s cards away from Martini.
“Sure. Deal me in.” He sat down next to me and Taber dealt him in. “And call me Mac.”
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Tagged by @eclecticwildflowers for these picrews!
(because I can’t link them:
first: https://picrew.me/share?cd=pZkZDK1UEv
second: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/197705)
tagging @edith-hyde, @sevsnapes @smilingformoney @deepperplexityand anyone else who wants to.
I don’t really have OC’s so this is what I think of when I write aka what the characters see for my series. And yeah they r kind of based off me.
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This is how I imagine Dan fielding sees reader (it’s called old enough on ao3 so maybe I’ll start tagging it that way here).
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This is how I think Severus snape sees the reader in half blood Star.
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This is how I think billy bibbit sees reader in stuttering anxiety.
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This is how I think Loki sees the reader in cast out.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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AN: this is the last in the series for @lilyevans1 I hope you liked them! Sorry its so short but i think its short and sweet.
Warnings: stress, Billy having scars from cutting
Billy walked into the room, clearly nervous about something. I could tell by the way he was rubbing the scars on his wrist. Sitting up further on the couch, I reached my hand out towards him, forearm laying across the back of the couch.
“Everything alright Billy?” His eyes met mine and he dropped his hand. He nodded before moving to sit down next to me.
“All g-g-good.” he responded, slouching down and gently putting his head on my shoulder. I hummed as I ran my fingers through his hair. ”Just w-worried about this this weekend.”
“What about it?” I curled my fingers so my nails scratched his scalp. Billy relaxed under my touch.
“I’m not used to to working.” He whispered. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. We sat in silence for a little while. ”What if I m-m-mess up?” I shook my head quickly.
“You won’t. They’ll love you and you will be the best worker there.” He looked up at me with bright blue eyes. “If you mess up, its alright Bill. Everyone messes up. Even if they don’t want to admit it.” I pressed another kiss to his forehead.
“Th-Thank you.” he murmured as he closed his eyes. I smiled against him and wrapped my arms around him.
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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AN: I already know this is gonna be long. But I just finished reading the book and Billy Bibbit deserves so much better so here. It is unapologetically long and fluffy. Warnings: mentions of past suicide attempts, mentions of forced medical operation (lobotomy of another character), mentions of attempted murder (what else do you think McMurphy would do to defend Billy?) mentions of abuse from authority figure, mentions of scaring
I stood outside the hospital leaning against my car. I was waiting for my boyfriend to come out anxiously. I had met Billy bibbit when McMurphy threw together a spur of the moment fishing trip and candy had dragged me along. I sat next to candy on the bus and nervously had waved at the young man who had blushed hard as soon as he saw us. Turned out he was very sweet and kind despite all that had happened to him. Once the trip was over I had given him a kiss on the cheek and slipped him a piece of paper with my address on it. We had been writing back and forth for a while before he had asked me out. I started to come for visits and I would pass his mother every time I went. She unnerved me, not a good quality to have in a receptionist. And not how you want to meet your boyfriends mother for the first time.
she reminded me of Norman bates’ mother: overprotective and overbearing. Probably too involved in her grown sons life and most likely hiding some dark secret that lurked right below the surface. I mean why else would she ensure her son ended up at the same hospital she worked at on her beat friends ward? It wasn’t right. And it had terrified her to see me walk in that first time asking to see her son. From what I heard, Mrs. Bibbit had the head nurse talk to Billy about it during group therapy. the way I understood it, every patient up there had smiled, patted him on the back, and congratulated him. And he continued to see me.
a week ago McMurphy had snuck Candy and I onto the ward. There was a party, Billy and I spent the night together and in the morning, the head nurse had tried to embarrass him. But when he responded, there wasn’t a stutter to be heard and Billy held his head high while he requested an AMA in full view of everyone on the ward. When the head nurse had denied it and asked what his poor mother would think, Billy squeezed my hand before letting me go with Candy. I never found out what he had said but he got his AMA and he had pissed everyone off by putting my name down as the person he Would be released to. His mother practically disowned him and had a fit when She found out. his last letter before today had mentioned that there had been another denial at that and it had kicked up such a fuss with the head nurse that McMurphy had attacked her on Billy’s behalf. But there was no mention of what had happened to him.
The gates opening knocked me out of my memories and I bounced on the balls of my feet in excitement. Billy smiled when he saw me before turning to watch the gate close behind him. I saw him looking at one of the windows before he threw up both hands, flipping off whoever he had seen standing there. Laughing, Billy rushed over to me. I hugged him with all my might before kissing his cheek. Billy just stood there holding me tightly to him and occasionally pressing kisses to my temple. Billy broke away first and kissed me full on The lips.
“Hey.” He whispered. I smiled back at him and smoothed my hands over the jacket he wore. It was the same one he had worn on the fishing trip.
“Hey yourself.“ I whispered back. “Ready to go? I hope my place is alright. I didn’t know where to Take you so I went out and got an apartment.” I opened the passenger door. “Candy wasnt happy I moved out of the trailer though. I think she was just upset that you got out and Mack is still there. Can’t blame her but I mean come on.” Billy squeezed my hand to stop my rambling.
“A-Anywhere is f-fine. As long as I’m with you.“ billy blushed at the cheesiness of what he had said but I only smiled and nodded. “I sh-should p-p-probably tell you about Muh-muh-Mack though.” My eyes met Billy’s and I bit my lip to fight the tears. Without him even saying I knew what happened to him.
“in the car. Away from here.“ my eyes glanced up to the window billy had flipped off. “She’s watching.” Billy smirked and glanced over his shoulder.
“Sh-she is?” I nodded and was about to walk around to the drivers side and let billy work himself out with the passenger seat when he pulled me flush against him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him in surprise and let him back me up until we were pressed against the car. He pulled away, pupils blown wide and panting. “T-tell me when sh-she’s gone.“ I nodded weakly and slumped when billy Lowered his head to start going to work on my neck. I quietly moaned in his ear before tightening my grip around him. The head nurse hadn’t moved from the window. It would have made me laugh if what billy was doing didn’t feel so good. “Sh-she still w-watching?” I nodded against his neck as Billy pulled back and smirked down at my slumped form. Billy dipped me and kissed me again. His hand moved just past my belt where it stayed. My eyes widened momentarily before they closed. I moaned against his lips as billy straightened back up. “If sh-she’s still watching after th-that,” he looked over his shoulder and shook his head. “Screw her.“ I laughed and gently pushed him into the passenger seat.
“Come on lover boy. Let’s get going.“ I settled in to the drivers seat and interlocked our fingers over the gear shift. “I can’t wait to show you our new home.” The grin on his face made my heart melt a little so I leaned over to steal a kiss. The drive back was full of stolen kisses and laughter. And a few tears as I found out that the head nurse had given McMurphy a lobotomy. Billy lightened the mood again as he recounted some of Mack’s adventure on the ward before the nurse finally got the better of him. As we pulled up to the apartment building I got a little nervous. “So here we are.“ I reached into the backseat to get billys bag.
“it l-looks nice.“ he nodded at the building as we walked up to the front. “I’m s-sure th-that the apartment is j-just as n-nice.” his hand squeezed mine before I buzzed us in. It was a little awkward as we took the elevator up to the floor our apartment was on. We kept stealing glances at each other but looking away when we caught the other. It felt like a new beginning and neither of us knew what we were doing. There was an added fear of what would happen if this didn’t work out. If we didn’t work out. The fear kept growing as we started to settle into our life together. It wasn’t as if we were fighting all the time or as if we didn’t know how to act, the air was tense no matter what we did. Until one night.
“L-let’s go outside.” I tore my eyes away from the television. “It’s a n-nice night a-and I w-w-want to spend it w-w-with you.” I could tell he was nervous. His stutter always got worse when he was nervous. I anxiously slipped my hand into his as we stood up. I followed billy out of our fire escape and down to the small field below. Being in the city didnt give us that much greenery but I had been lucky enough to find just the right about for him. He waited for me as I finished climbing down and led me over to the small community porch that everyone in the building shared.
a few families had had the same idea as us and greeted the two of us as we wandered over. Billy sat down in one of the lawn chairs and quickly pulled me into his lap. I tried to surprise my grin but it was hard as he held onto me tightly and pressed kisses to my head and neck for a while. We watched the sunset and the building children run around for a while before I laid down on him.
“this was a good idea.” I whispered as billy shifted so we’d be more comfortable on the small chair. I could feel him nod before pressing yet another kiss to my temple. ‘almost like how it was when we would have our visits.’ I thought. I could tell billy was thinking it too but neither one of us wanted to break the tranquility.
“W-what are th-they doing?” Billy asked, his attention drawn to the kids running around with mason jars. I lifted my head to look at him curiously.
“you can’t tell me you have never been catching fireflies.“ I shook my head at him. “Come on billy. It’s something everyone has done at one point in their lives.” billy frowned at me before looking away.
“my m-m-m-mother…” He forced out and I nodded.
”she wouldn’t let you.” He nodded and looked at me with sad eyes. “And then she put you in there with that nurse and you were there forever.“ billy smirked.
“not f-forever.“ he teased. “I’m only th-thirty one.” I smiled at him, glad to see his sense of humor was shining through again.
“come on mr. Thirty one. You are going to catch fireflies with me.” I tugged on his hand and borrowed a mason jar from our next door neighbor. She smiled at the two of us and told me not to worry about returning. It. I smiled as I looked back at billy asking one of the kids what he was supposed to do.
“he spent far too long locked away from the world.“ she said. “use that jar and show him.” Nodding and promising I would, I jogged over to join the small group that had surrounded billy.
“know what to do?” I asked. Billy nodded and smiled at me. Together we took the top off and followed the kids. Some of the kids caught fireflies in their hands and brought them over to put in our jar while others continued to show billy what to do. I turned my attention to one that had just landed on my arm, carefully scooping it up in the jar before putting the lid back on when billy came running over. He was red in the face and out of breath but still smiling the biggest smile I had ever seen him have.
“I c-caught one!” I smiled as he carefully added his catch to our jar before closing the lid for good. we went back to our lawn chair to sit and watch the fireflies for a little while. “Th-that was fun. W-we need to do th-that again sometime.“ I nodded before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“we can do this every week before it gets too cold.” I promised. Billy watched the kids start to release their catches and looked back at me.
“why are th-they letting them go?” I watched as the sky illuminated with the released fireflies. I took Billy’s hand and our jar to join them.
“because they would die otherwise. And they aren’t meant to be kept as pets. You let them go and they Light up the sky as a thank you.” I turned away from billy as I opened our jar. “It’s kind of like you and that hospital. You take them on for a little while, watch them and see what they do but in the end they leave and become sometime extraordinary.” Blushing as I turned back to him, I almost didn’t have time to register how close he was before his lips were on mine. Almost like when he had tried to gross out the head nurse but more tame. More calculated. More passionate.
“I love you.” Billy whispered when he broke away. my eyes met his glassy ones and he sniffled before continuing. “Can I keep you? I don’t want you to g-go away.“ I nodded quickly and drew him into a hug.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I promised. “I’m going to show you the world.“
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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Requested by @salemwitch96
request: Billy Bibbit: from the dialogue. Combination of "do you ever wonder what it would be like if things were different" and "Oh, I should just face it-we'll never be anything but friends"
Laying against Billy was probably the best feeling in the world. The rise and fall of his chest, his heart beating in my ear, his arm wrapped around me. Billy was focused on something on tv, something he didn't quite understand that he didn't need to earn anymore. Life in the institution did more damage than good to him and it was disappointing to see. Billy shifted and brought me out of my thoughts. Maybe it was time to show him some good.
"Billy?" I asked softly. He hummed, never taking his eyes off the screen. "Bill." Blue eyes met mine as he raised an eyebrow in concern.
"Wh-what's up?" I swallowed thickly as I sat up. Despite being my best friend in the whole world, Billy sure made it hard to talk to him at times.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if things were different?" He shrugged.
"Y-you mean like I d-d-didn't stutter? Or g-go to the institution?" I shook my head. "Then wh-what do you m-mean?"
"I mean if things were different with us. Do you ever wonder about that?"
"S-sometimes." Hope grew in my chest. Even though we put off this air of being a couple, it always broke my heart to know that I would always have to answer negatively when someone asked. Maybe now that could change. "I sometimes w-wonder wh-what it would be like w-without you." I could feel my face heating up as Billy played with his necklace. "I th-think sometimes about wh-what might h-happen to me if you g-g-get fed up and l-l-leave."
"It's ok Billy." I quickly intervened, knowing he was getting anxious based off his stutter alone. "I ain't going anywhere." He smiled at me before continuing.
"I also th-think about wh-what would have happened if I had..." My eyes went wide and I threw myself at Billy, pulling him into a hug he probably did not want right now but so desperately needed.
"No. Just no. Do not even think of finishing that sentence." I buried my head in his chest and just held him. Billy hugged me back eventually.
"Th-that's not what you w-were looking for was it?" He asked. I shook my head, not letting go of him.
"Oh, I should just face it-we'll never be anything but friends." I muttered into his chest. Billy's face fell even though I couldn't see it. "It's ok. I've accepted that. At least I still have you." My eyes snapped open and I slowly pulled back from Billy. "I still have you right? This hasn't changed anything?" He shook his head slowly then thought better of his and nodded.
"You s-still have me." He reached out and touched my hand. "B-but it might have changed something." I held my breath as Billy leaned in. Not knowing what he was doing, I stayed still and let him take the lead. Kissing Billy was a whole new experience, one I hoped I would get to continue experiencing as time went on. I slowly and gently reached up to cup his cheeks as he deepened the kiss. Breaking away, Billy gave me a smile. "Is th-that ok?" I let out a laugh and kissed him gently.
"Yeah. That's ok." I pulled him back for many more kisses before we settled back down in the position we were in before. "It's perfect."
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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Requested by: @salemwitch96
request:Hey, I have a request for the holiday prompt. Could you do #1 (decorating the tree ) and #3 (movie marathon) with Billy Bibbit. Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
warnings: pure tooth rotting fluff with some swearing
An: thx for sending this in! It just screams billy and I’m glad u asked me to write it. Without further ado!
Billy was humming along to whatever Christmas song was playing on the radio as we slowly swayed. I could feel his smile on my neck as we completed another circle. I ran my fingers through the short curls at the back of his head. It was billys first Christmas since Getting out and I was determined to make it his best.
“billy?” I whispered, not wanting to break the beauty of the moment. He hummed against my neck, breaking off from the song. “Want to put on some Christmas movies and decorate the tree?”
“S-sure.“ he broke away and smiled at me. “S-sounds like f-fun.” I went to grab the stack of VHS tapes from the bedroom while Billy pulled out the artificial tree along with the boxes of lights, tinsel, and ornaments. As I fiddled with the VHS player trying to get “White Christmas” to start, billy untangled lights.
“how’s it going?” I asked as I grabbed the branches for the tree.
“s-slow going. These are really t-tangled.“ I smiled before climbing the ladder to reach the top of the tree. I started attaching the branches. It didn’t take long so all I had to do was watch the movie and wait for billy to get a good portion done. “W-w-what did you do to them last year? Throw them in a b-box And forget them?” I shrugged before climbing down to help.
“probably if I’m being honest.” I managed to get a massive knot out and climbed back up to start putting them on the tree top. “If I’m being completely honest I didn’t expect you to get out this year. If I had known, id have tossed these and gotten brand new ones. This way we wouldn’t have to check each bulb. Which means…” I trailed off before hanging my head. Billy looked up at me with a smile that quickly fell. I had done a quarter of the tree which now had to be undone. “Shit.” Billy started to laugh as I started to take the lights off.
“it’s a-alright (Y/N). W-we can check each light once it’s on the tree.” I shook my head as I continued to take them off.
“no we can’t. Not when I weave them all the way through the branch.“ once I got them off and we had checked every light, billy watched me carefully as I put them back on. Finally plugging them into the wall, I took a step back and smiled at billy. “There. All done. Now we put on the tinsel.” As I started to put the silvery strings around the tree, billy rewound the tale and put on “holiday inn”.
“why do you p-put this stuff on?” I smiled as he started to copy what I was doing.
“to make the tree sparkle!” I threw some tinsel at the tree and billy laughed. “Other than that I have no idea.” At some point there was a tinsel fight that we spent half the movie cleaning up. By the time we got to the ornaments we had moved on to another movie that billy picked. Anytime that he spaced out and just stared at the screen or got really into decorating the tree made me smile uncontrollably and want to take a million and one pictures of his smile.
It was slow going putting the ornaments on the tree. Billy wanted to know the significance of each one before trying to find the perfect place for it. I slipped away when billy started the fourth movie. Reaching up to the shelf in my closet, I pulled down a red box. I carefully opened it and ran my fingers over the beautiful dress and careful paint job on the angels face.
“(Y/N)?” Billy called. I popped my head out of the bedroom door.
“in here!” I called back. I sat on the bed and carefully took the angel out of the box. Billy came in and sat next to me.
“w-whats that?” I smiled as I carefully put it in his hands.
“my moms angel.“ I brushed the hair out of the face. “I put it on the top of the tree every year.“ billy looked back at me. “would you put her there this year billy?” He nodded and carefully stood up. I followed him back to the tree and watched as he cradled the angel to his chest while climbing to the top. Once he had fixed her at the top and was sure she wouldn’t fall, he climbed back down and put his arm around me.
“it l-looks good.” He kissed my temple and I nodded. “th-thank you for this.” I smiled at him.
“youre welcome billy.” We cleaned up and settled in to watch the rest of the movies I owned. “Oh billy?“ he hummed before looking down at me on his chest. “Merry Christmas.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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Chapter 8
Warnings: none
AN: I'm sorry I forgot about Billy for a bit. Sometimes I just leave him because I feel like the story needs to be perfect because he deserves it and then I just can't get the right story idea. Anyhoo he's back. This might be a two part section. It just sounds so cute.
The next couple of weeks were uneventful. It was about time for another day trip and somehow we had all convinced Nurse Ratched to let us go to a carnival that was in town.
"How did you all hear about this?" she asked one day during our group session. All eyes snapped over to Harding. He grew visibly nervous as we all waited for him to answer her.
"My wife mentioned it in a letter." He mumbled out.
"I see." There was a tense pause as we waited with baited breath for her answer. "I don't suppose it would do any harm. We can arrange it." I locked eyes with Billy before giving him a grin. He looked as excited as I felt. Later, as we were standing by the window he pulled me back against his chest.
"When was the last time you were at a carnival?" I shrugged as I leaned back against him.
"Probably when I was a teen." I tilted my head back to look at him. "What about you?"
"Maybe when I was a little kid. B-b-but I don't remember it much." He rested his chin on my shoulder and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "It sh-should be exciting." Nodding, I relaxed into his hold, knowing we would be counting the days until the trip.
It came fairly quickly, for once making me glad Nurse Ratched was so efficient. Pulling Billy's sweater over my head, I didn't miss the small smile that he sent my way. We were both too excited to do much talking on the bus ride over and once we arrived everyone took off in different directions before the chaperons could finish their little speech. Taber hung back awkwardly as Billy and I finished listening. We didn't want to cause a scene when it came time to go back to the ward.
"Did you two want to be alone on this trip?" Taber asked quietly. Billy looked at me before turning slightly red. "I know it's your first trip as a couple and it is hard to have any dates at the ward." Taking a breath Taber relaxed a little. "What I'm trying to say is I get it if you tell me to scram." I noticed him looking over at the row of games that lined the midway. Trying not to laugh I nodded up at Billy.
"It's fine Tabs. Go. Have fun." I waved him off. Flashing us a bright smile, Taber ran off to spend what little pocket money he had. "So it's just us." Realization set in. Taber was right. It was very hard to have dates on the ward. Someone was always butting in or trying to join. This would officially count as our first date. Billy had seemed to realize the same thing because next thing I knew, he was gripping my hand and leading me off towards the games as well.
"D-do you th-think Nurse Ratched w-would let you k-keep s-something from here?" I shrugged as Billy wandered up and down the midway, tugging me along gently. He had to be nervous. His stutter was getting worse. "I'm s-s-sure sh-she would. If not, my m-m-mother could p-probably p-persuade her." He seemed to be muttering to himself now. Finally something caught his eye. Pointing up, he smiled at me. It was shy smile. Just like the ones he gave me not long after we had met. "Th-that one." I followed his finger and couldn't help but smile at the abnormally large teddy bear. "I'm g-going to w-win you th-that one." I laughed as I nodded. Billy pulled out the money he had from his wallet and let go of my hand. I didn't even know what game he was playing but he did look good doing it. It took him two tries to win the bear but when he did, I had never seen him so happy. He handed the bear over to me and took my hand again.
"Maybe we should have waited until after we had gone on the rides." I laughed, adjusting my hold on the bear.
"Maybe w-we sh-should have asked T-taber to stick around." Billy joked. "Th-think he'd hold it for us?" We spotted Taber two games down.
"Worth a shot." I shrugged. "Hey Taber!" He turned at the sound of my voice and raised an eyebrow.
"You two following me or something?" A cocky grin spread over his face. "Can't stay away or something?" Shaking my head, I adjusted the bear again.
"We were wondering if you could hold onto this for us as we go on the rides. We didn't exactly think this one through." He nodded and held out a hand for the bear. I passed it over and Billy led me back to where the rides were. He stood in shock for a second before taking off for the tilt-a-whirl. I followed along, having no choice as our hands were still clasped together. Once we were seating and waiting for the ride to start Billy leaned over to give me a kiss.
"You know th-that if w-we had w-waited, the bear w-would have been gone." He whispered, eyes shining brightly. I nodded.
"I know." He gave me another kiss before the ride started. It was already the perfect start to the day.
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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plz have your age in bio before following
Chapter 6
Warnings: abusive relationships, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mentions of suicide, swearing
AN: and we have the meeting of the families. Who’s goes better? Read to find out. This is going to be long.
“(Y/N), your cousin is here.” I looked up from the card game to see nurse ratched standing next to the table. I nodded and put my cards down. “I’ll send billy down in ten minutes.” I nodded again before heading down to the visiting center.
“Mx. (Y/L/N).” The guard acknowledged. I nodded as he opened the door. I saw my cousin sitting at the table in his suit. There were two of his own guards behind him and two more guards from the ward behind them. I paused to take a breath before finally walking into the room.
“(Y/N)! How are you?” My cousin made to hug me and the ward guards stepped in to stop him. “Wow. Tight security.” He tried to joke but I ignored it and sat down across from him.
“Yeah. But that’s ok. Not much trouble here.“ I started to gently scratch at the skin between my first finger and my thumb. My cousin nodded and I glanced over my shoulder, hoping that billy would show up soon. “How’s the campaign going?”
“campaigns over. Don’t you get news in this place?” My cousin looked around before giving me a dirty look. “I’m a senator again.“ I gave him a fake smile.
“Congratulations. I’m sure that’s kept you busy.” He nodded as he picked lint off his tie.
“Yeah no thanks to you.” I bit my lip to keep my mouth shut. I looked down at the table, scratching my hand harder. “That little stunt you pulled at that rally came close to ending this whole thing. because of that it wasn’t the landslide that we had hoped it would be.”
“I’m sorry.” I whispered.
“you should be.” He looked over at the guards that were with him. “Doesn’t matter now. But next time I expect you to be on your best behavior.” My head shot up.
“Next time? You expect me out of here by next year?” I jumped up as the gate behind me started to open and I felt more anxious than I ever had before. “What if I’m not ready? I can’t be expected to have a better handle on all of this by next year!” My hands started shaking and I actually managed to scratch myself.
“of course I do. I wouldn’t be paying for this otherwise.” I starred at my cousin in shock. A hand on my back made me jump.
“Billy!” I turned and instantly grabbed his hand. He looked at me with a worried expression.
“Who the hell is this?” My cousin looked between the two of us and billy held out his hand.
“I’m billy b-b-bibbit.” I squeezed his hand tighter as his free hand was ignored.
“and what the fuck are you doing with my cousin?” I swallowed and took a step closer to him while keeping the table between us.
“He’s with me.“ billy wrapped his arm around me and held me closer. “We’re together.“ my cousin stood there with his mouth open.
“we h-have been since h-Halloween. N-nurse ratched is f-f-fine with it.” My cousin ran a hand through his perfect hair.
“and are you okay with it?” Billy glanced at me Before he nodded. “You sure kid? This one here will ruin you before kicking you to the curb.“ I clenched my fists and shrugged away from billys arm. I walked over to a corner and wrapped my arms around myself. “They are a complete nutso. Their whole life everyone has passed them over time and time again. I’m just the latest in a long line of family members who couldn’t deal with them. If you stick around them long enough, the same will happen to you. Either you’re gonna be stuck with them kid or you’re gonna be so fucking done you’ll leave them on the side of the road somewhere.“ tears started to roll down my cheeks. I shuddered as I held in a sob. I could hear billy trying to argue back but his stutter was so bad that he couldn’t get anything out.
“b-b-but I l-l-l-l….” My cousin cut him off and I heard the smack of his hand on Billy’s shoulder.
“love them? That’s rich. So has everyone that’s had to take care of them. At the beginning.“ the gate opened again and the guard brought someone else in.
“your time is up Mr. (Y/L/N). Right this way.” as soon as my cousin was out of the room I heard billy talking to whoever had entered. Not long after he came by me. His arm gently wrapped around me, almost as if he was scared I was going to shove him away again. When I didn’t move he deepened the hug until he was able to turn me into his chest.
“it’s ok.” He whispered. “I’m not l-leaving. I love you. I’m not g-going anywhere.“ he rubbed my back as I slowly wrapped my arms around him and clutched his shirt. “I won’t let him do anything t-to you again. I p-p-promise.” I clutched him tighter As I nodded into his chest.
“I l-love you t-too.” I hiccuped into his chest. Billy heard me stutter and pulled me closer. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Billy kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for a little while before he gently pried my hands off his shirt.
“Want to m-meet my mom?” He asked gently. I nodded and wiped away the snot that had driped out my nose.
“sorry.” I giggled as I noticed his shirt. Billy looked down and laughed before gently wiping away the tears still on my cheek.
“it’s ok.” Billy kissed my cheek. He took my hand and gently led me over to his mom. “m-mom this is (Y/N).“ his mom smiled as she shook my hand.
“how do you do?” i asked. “Sorry about all that. My cousins…”
”the senator. I know. His face was all over the television the last couple of months.“ she gave me a small smile. “Makes me glad I didn’t vote for him. And it’s incredibly unlikely I will ever vote for him after that Little show.” I gave her a smile back.
“m-mom?” Billy tightened his grip on my hand as his mom turned her attention to him. ”(Y/N) is m-m-m-my m-m-my….” As his nerves picked up, so did his stutter.
“we’re together.” I placed a hand on Billy’s arm. He nodded as his mom took the two of us in. “Nurse retched is ok with it. She wanted us to go through with telling our families. We’ve been together since Halloween. And I love him.” The silence had gotten to me and I had started to ramble. Billy’s mom started to smile before interrupting me.
“(Y/N). (Y/N). It’s alright.“ his mom touched our arms. “You two make a cute couple and if Mildred is fine with it then it is more than alright with me.“ I grinned like a mad person and turned to billy, tears streaming down my face again. He leaned down to kiss me. “And after that show I’d say you got someone who isn’t going to leave you dear.“ billy hugged me and his mom put her hand on my back. I looked over my shoulder at her. I broke away from billy and turned to his mother.
“thank you.” She pulled me in for a hug. “thank you.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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Chapter 7
Warnings: talk of abusive relationship, talk of verbal abuse, talk of emotional abuse
AN: a short chapter today. I’ve been going through the likes and reblogs and wow the people who don’t listen. There was a lot of blocking today. I said it before and I’ll say it again I don’t care if i lose followers. I am an 18+ blog and anyone who is under 18 or does not acknowledge otherwise will be blocked. If this persists I will start reporting as well
we spent ten more minutes with his mom before the guards came to send us back to the ward. Standing in front of nurse ratched with red eyes and hands shaking felt different now.
“How did it go?” She asked. I shared a look with billy who shook his head. “Oh.” I rubbed at my eye to try and stop anymore tears from falling. Nurse ratched nodded and turned to go into her office. “I’ll make a note in your file (Y/N).” My hands started to shake.
“Nurse ratched you don’t have to. It’s fine. Nothing too bad happened.” I stepped forward and was met by her stare when she turned around.
“by nothing do you mean the things he said about you? Or do you mean the fact that he basically said he would force you out of here by next year if you didn’t leave on your own?” Billy put a hand on my back before she continued. “Because if that’s nothing then I’m sure there’s another reason for your anxiety here. If it’s nothing I’m sure there is no reason for you to be here any longer and I will put in a request for you to leave.“ I shook my head and sighed. “Or do you want me to protect my patient from someone who could potentially do more damage to their mental state?”
“oh.” I muttered before running a hand through my hair. “I didn’t realize…..I didn’t know.” Billy rubbed my back and gently pulled me back by my shirt.
“it’s alright (Y/N).” there was a noticeable pause. “And what about your mother billy?” billy smiled.
“it w-went well. She’s very accepting of this. Even understands w-why (Y/N) was upset.“ I nodded as nurse ratched smiled. “sh-she even asked what you thought about us. W-we told her you were okay with it.”
“good. At least someone is supportive of this then.” Nurse ratched made her note in our files and turned back to us. “You two go ahead back to the day room. And stay out of trouble!” Billy kissed my cheek as we sat down at the card table.
“I t-told you everything would be okay.” I smiled as I kissed billy.
“yeah you did.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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chapter 5
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as Nurse Ratched motioned for the two of us to follow her. Billy slowly reached out and took my hand. I squeezed it as tightly as I could. If it hurt him, he didn’t say anything about it. We went into the back of the nurse’s station and Nurse Ratched closed the door behind us. Billy and I stood there, holding hands and trying not to lose our minds.
“Billy, does your mother know about this?” she asked finally. I watched Billy swallow hard. He shook his head slowly.
“P-p-p-please, d-d-don’t t-tell my m-mother.” He quickly said. Nurse Ratched gave him a tight lipped smile. “Sh-she d-d-doesn’t n-need to to k-know.”
“And what about you? Does your cousin know about this?” She turned to me. I shook my head.
“No. And I don’t see how this would hurt any of his campaigns. If I’m being honest, me being in here does more damage than this would.” I shrugged. Nurse Ratched looked between Billy and me. She sighed and shook her head. It was a long while before she spoke again. With each passing second, Billy’s grip tightened on my hand and my anxiety grew worse. When she sighed again, I saw the look on Billy’s face shift to one of pure terror at losing me.
“Alright, fine. No one needs to know about this outside of here.” She looked at Billy and it seemed like her forever hard gaze softened. “You will eventually need to tell your mother about this. I won’t be the one to tell her but if she finds out some other way then it is on both our heads.” Billy nodded at once and smiled over at me, relief taking over his face. She turned towards me. “And you will need to tell your cousin.” I nodded and returned Billy’s grin.
“C-can we go b-back to the p-party n-now?” He asked and Nurse Ratched nodded before running a hand down her face. Billy gently tugged me back into the day room where Taber was waiting for us.
“So?” He asked. From the look on his face you could clearly tell that he knew something was up.
“Everything is fine.” I said, gently tugging Billy closer. “We’re not in trouble. But we will eventually need to tell our relatives about this.” Taber nodded and we closed our little circle as we watched the rest of the patients in the ward.
“I know how she found out.” Taber eventually whispered. Billy and I looked over at him confused.
“I thought it w-was b-because of our d-d-dancing.” Billy said. He looked at me and I nodded in confirmation.
“I mean it would make sense since that’s when she came after us.” I agreed. Taber shook his head with a small smile. It was one that suggested mischief and mayhem, something I was always game for at Halloween.
“It was Harding.” Taber whispered while jerking his thumb over his shoulder. We could see Harding looking at us smuggly. “He told her while the two of you were outside putting up decorations.” I bit my lip and gave Harding a little wave. He jumped and turned away quickly at being caught.
“So what do you propose we do about that?” I asked, mirth shining in my eyes.
“S-something that equals w-what he d-did to us.” The look on Billy’s face told me all I needed to know. “B-but not n-now.” My face fell and Taber nodded in agreement.
“If we do it tonight, we could get in a lot more trouble.” Taber tapped his chin in thought. “We can start at the next outing. It will be easier to do something away from her prying eyes.” Billy nodded.
“P-plus it won’t be as easy h-here with l-limited resources.” I begrudgingly agreed as Billy tugged me back to the dancefloor. “N-now let’s f-f-forget him and enjoy ourselves.” I sighed as I settled into Billy as we gently swayed on the dancefloor. Billy pressed a soft kiss to my temple before spinning me around.
“Promise me we won’t let him get away with this?” I whispered when Billy pulled me back. He shook his head.
“We won’t.” He promised sincerely. “We won’t.” We danced the night away and when Nurse Ratched left, she gave the two of us a rare smile.
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 years
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Chapter 3
Word spread fast in the institution after my fight with Harding. The few friendships I had grew stronger while I made a few more enemies. It appeared that two factions had been created: those who stood by Harding and those who stood by me. Billy and Taber had stood by me when people started to pick sides. Unless you were looking, the factions weren’t necessarily clear. But when we went into therapy sessions or the few of us went on a day trip, it was very clear. It was my first day trip since arriving at the institution and I kept close to Billy. Taber had taken on the role of my bodyguard. He would let us know if there was going to be any trouble from Harding or his group. This particular trip, we were at the zoo. We were allowed to walk around in pairs of two or three and Billy had paired with me right away. Taber tagged along to keep an eye out for us. Billy had dragged me to the polar bear enclosure. 
“Of all things, why polar bears?” I laughed as Billy watched them in awe.
“Th-they’re p-p-pretty.” Billy said, a blush spreading on his cheeks. I gently nudged him and pulled on his sleeve. 
“Come on.” I said, knowing exactly how to show him it shouldn’t be embarrassing about what animal he liked. “Let’s go see my favorite animal.” I took the lead as we entered the aquarium. 
“W-w-what a-are w-we d-doing h-here?” Billy asked. I smiled as I led him past the fish, seals, sea lions, and whales. (Y-Y/N)?” he asked we entered the penguin enclosure.
“This is why we’re here.” I pointed at the group of penguins in front of a group of schoolkids. 
“P-p-penguins?” Billy asked with a smile. I looked over my shoulder at Taber who was smiling at me as well. “Y-you l-like p-p-penguins?” I nodded, bringing my attention back to Billy. 
“Yep.” I smiled. “Always have. They’re just too cute.” The kids moved away from the glass and i stepped up to take their place. I sat down as the penguins turned their attention to me. Looking up at Billy, I motioned for him to take a seat next to me. “I mean come on. Just look at how they walk!” Billy laughed as he sat down. 
“Th-they l-look like like th-they a-are w-wearing t-t-tuxedos.” I laughed and nodded. 
“Yeah they do.” I agreed. 
“While this is fun, Harding’s coming.” Taber interrupted. Billy and I stood up before turning towards the exit. “When are we ever going to be rid of this guy?” Even though it was under his breath, I caught it.
“How about when the three of us get out of the institution?” I laughed, putting an arm around each boy’s neck.
“Y-you k-know th-tha isn’t isn’t g-going to h-happen a-anytime s-soon.” Billy shook his head as his arm went around my waist. Taber nodded in agreement as he put his arm around my shoulders. 
“Guys,” I pulled them closer. “You forget who you are talking to.” I joked. Both of them broke out into massive grins. We left the aquarium and headed towards the food court. “Anyone got money for food?” Taber nodded and handed it to me. “What do you guys want?” 
“Anything is fine by me.” Taber said. I nodded and looked at Billy expectantly. 
“I’ll g-g-go w-with y-you.” I nodded as Taber went off to find us a table. “D-do y-you th-think H-h-harding is l-l-looking f-for us?” I watched as Billy pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit up. 
“I don’t think so.” I shrugged. “I have a feeling he’s getting tired of this just as much as we are.” We got in line and I looked up at the menu.
“B-but d-don’t y-you th-think he’s he’s g-going t-to g-get N-nurse R-ratched on y-you?” I shook my head and shot Billy a small smile for his concern. 
“Not really.” I looked back at the menu. “He can play all the games he wants but he knows in the end she won’t touch me and anyone who does will be in big trouble.” I turned back to Billy, having made my decision. “Especially if it gets out and it always gets out.” 
“W-when y-you p-put it th-that w-way.” Billy chuckled and looked up at the menu. “C-could y-you o-order for for m-me?” 
“Of course.” I nodded. “What you want?” 
“H-hot d-dog.” Billy smiled as I nodded and stepped up to the window. While I placed my order, Billy looked over his shoulder at Taber. I smiled at the person behind the counter and took my change. 
“Come on.” I tugged Billy’s sleeve to get his attention and moved over to the pick up window. I leaned against the counter as I watched Billy smoke. It was a quiet wait for our food before we took it back to where Taber was sitting. “So what now?” I asked as we sat eating. Taber and Billy exchanged looks. “We have an hour left guys. Where are we gonna go?” 
“How about the lions?” Taber suggested. I looked over at Billy who nodded. 
“Sounds good.” We finished up our food before heading over to the lions. Taber walked up to the glass and busied himself with watching them. Billy and I hung back, nervous that Harding might show up and start something. “Everything ok Billy?” He looked up at me from staring at his shoes. 
“O-of c-course.” He said, eyes wide and slightly nervous. 
“Well you were taking a mighty big interest in your shoes there.” I shrugged as I pointed at his shoes. “Figured there might be something on your mind.” Billy nodded as he ducked his head again. “You know you can tell me anything Billy. Any secret is safe with me.” 
“I-i l-l-like y-you.” Billy mumbled out. “I l-l-l-like y-y-you a l-l-lot.” He kept looking at his shoes while I stared at him in shock. The weight of what he had just said hit me like a truck and I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my face or keep the joy out of my voice. 
“That’s great.” I finally responded. Billy’s head shot up and his eyes widened. “I like you too.” Billy looked at me like I was going to pull the rug out from under him any minute. 
“Y-you’re j-j-just s-saying th-that.” His stutter was getting worse and I quickly reached out and grabbed his hands. Neither of us noticed that Taber was watching our interaction with a smile on his face. “J-just f-f-forget I s-s-said a-any-anything.” 
“Billy, I’m being dead serious.” I pulled him close. “I like you too.” Billy looked at me, relief washing over his face as he locked eyes with me. “This is for real Billy. I like you. You like me. And we’re confessing in front of the lions at a zoo.” A fit of laughter came over me as I hugged Billy as tightly as I could. 
“I-it’s b-b-better th-than in f-front of N-n-nurse R-ratched.” Billy said as he put his chin on the top of my head. “I w-would n-never m-make it it o-out of th-that.” He hugged me tighter. “I sh-sh-shudder to th-think w-what sh-she w-would tell tell my m-m-mother.” I looked up at Billy and shook my head. 
“Don’t worry about them Billy.” I assured him. “I’ll protect you.” Billy nodded as he looked down at me and finally allowed a real smile to appear on his face. “I promise.” 
“S-sounds g-good.” Taber clapping brought us out of our little world. 
“Finally.” He said as he hugged the two of us. “There were bets on when the two of you would finally admit there was something more there than just friendship.” The three of us started the trek back to the front of the zoo where the bus was waiting to take us back to the institution. “Looks like I just won.” Billy and I laughed at Taber as we reached the gates.
“G-glad w-we c-could h-help.” Billy said as he followed Taber onto the bus. I laughed as I took my seat next to Billy. As we settled in for the long ride back, I leaned against Billy and closed my eyes. With Billy’s arm around me and his chin on top of my head, I drifted off to sleep. 
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