#stuttering anxiety
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warnings: MacMurphy, swearing, “break out”, boats, some jealousy
AN: I added macMurphy and then decided against it but now I’m a little stuck with him so we’re just going to skip around with him. We’re also going to rewrite what happens a little bit.
chapter 10
Billy and I sat on the bus, curled up together against the cold. Taber was behind us, trying to come up with an idea about where we were actually going.
“Wherever it is I just hope it’s inside.” I grumbled as I laid my head on Billy’s shoulder. A commotion at the front of the bus made us all snap to attention.
“Hello boys and germs. Today we’re going on a field trip of my choosing.” MacMurphy had clambered into the drivers seat and was smiling back at all of us. He closed the doors and took off. We took off out of the parking lot and billy turned so his back hit the window and I hit him.
“Wh-what the hell?” Billy muttered. I looked at him and shrugged.
“We just better not get into any trouble over this.” I muttered back. Taber nodded and we all braced ourselves for what happened. We pulled up in front of a trailer park and MacMurphy climbed out. “What’s he doing now? This can’t be our destination.”
“Everyone this is candy. Candy, this is everyone.” I raised an eyebrow at the lady that had been brought on.
“Hi.” Taber called out. Billy took one look at her and turned back to me, his nose scrunched up. Candy kept shooting glances at him but he wasn’t looking. Instead he kissed my head and pulled me tighter against him.
“Th-This is g-g-going to be hell.” I nodded against him. “D-do we c-call R-r-ratched?” I shrugged and watched the two would be captors.
“I have no idea. But wherever we’re going, I don’t think I’m going to participate.” I looked back at Taber and he shrugged. It wasn’t long before we pulled up at a dock. “Oh hell no.” I muttered as Mac started to rush us off the bus. I got off and leaned against the bus. Billy stood off to the side and taber trailed after Candy.
“Are y-you g-g-going?” I shook my head and watched the small expedition head towards a boat. “Wh-what are we g-g-going to do?”
“What do you want to do?” I cocked my head at him, finally looking over at him. He shrugged and smiled at me.
“I’m n-not sure.” Walking over he hugged me. We stayed like that for a bit as we watched the boat head out.
“Didn’t you want to get on the boat with candy?” I asked. Billy laughed and kissed my temple.
“N-no. Sh-sh-she’s not my t-type.” He assured me. “You have n-no reason to be jealous.” I closed my eyes as I leaned against him.
“Sorry. It’s just…” I sighed and pulled back to look up at him. “The way everyone was looking at her.” Billy chuckled and kissed me.
“I wasn’t l-looking at h-her.” He admitted. I tilted my head at him. “Why w-would I when I have y-you?” I blushed as he kissed me again.
“Stop it you.” I chuckled. Before long, we saw a car pull up with Nurse Ratched and some of the other members of the day staff. “Nurse Ratched?” She turned to look at me and billy when she got out of the car.
“Where did MacMurphy and the others go?” She walked over.
“On a b-b-boat.” Billy pointed out to the dock where we could see the boat returning.
“MacMurphy also has a girl with him ma’am.” I said as she started walking away. “I hate to tattle but…” she nodded and cut me off.
“Thank you mx. (Y/L/N).” She started walking away from the bus and billy started after her. I followed one of the day staff back to the car and got in. Billy joined me a few minutes after.
“N-nurse R-Ratched is riding back on th-the bus.” He said. We waited until the bus was loaded and off before following. Hell was going to break loose on the ward.
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shallowbelever · 1 year
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Supernatural | 2.04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
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keyboardlabrat · 4 months
Socially anxious aroace fear number 17490: Have someone mistake my anxiety for being flustered
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moothecowgirl · 2 months
Having a smooth and successful conversation with service workers always makes me want burst out into song and dance as I walk away, it puts an extra pep in my step.
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I have a question about donnie! I apologise if my question has been answered, but do they have a stutter?
they do !!!
typically it’s not too bad, but it gets worse when they’re stressed (it’s not just caused by anxiety tho)
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everysongineverykey · 10 months
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#good omens#ineffable husbands#aziracrow#irretrievably fucked up. so fucked up#the way he's never actually really had to describe their relationship before#and now that he's having to for the first time he can't!!#for their entire existence it hasn't even been safe to call them friends! and now that nina's pointing out the fact that#the way crowley looks at aziraphale- and aziraphale at him- and the way they act around each other#is more typical of lovers than friends#he's DUMBSTRUCK!!! he's never thought about that!! he's just always felt this way! he never even considered it!!!#and so he tries so hard to explain just what aziraphale is to him#and he stutters and he can't even say he's a friend. he can't even say friend#because a) he's still got that leftover anxiety about heaven and hell noticing#and b) it feels strange now that nina's pointed out the romantic aspects of their relationship#so he stammers. and he finally lands on 'an angel i know'.#and the way he says 'an angel' normally and then gets the shakiest#most pained note in his voice when he adds on 'i know'.#when i first watched that scene#i interpreted it as 'i KNOW he's an angel' rather than 'he's an angel i know'#because he stresses that 'i know'#he's so so aware of how dangerous it is for them to be together even now#and he is so so conscious of aziraphale's wariness of 'going too fast'#those six words just say it all don't they. 'he's just an angel... i know.'#both in the sense that what aziraphale means to him is too complicated to be explained with the words 'friend' or 'partner' or 'boyfriend'#or 'lover' or anything#and in the sense that crowley knows exactly what sort of angel aziraphale is. kill me RIGHT now.
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vanillacreambunny · 6 days
Trying not to think about the fact I have a presentation next week. Nothing difficult, well, aside from speaking 😭
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pigeonwit · 11 months
run boy run [scene scribble]
“Sorry,” Davey says, almost without registering it. Jack looks at him quizzically.
“F’r what?”
“I – I dunno,” Davey tries to laugh, but it feels less like mirth and more like his insides have been shaken, like the vibrations are crawling out of his lips without his permission. “Being a smartass?”
His eyes dart to the floor, the street, blurring over the passersby, then Jack again, who’s looking progressively more concerned. Without meaning to, he mumbles another “sorry.”
Jack gives him another inscrutably look; he takes a half-step forward, then back, then sort of – steels himself and pushes forward again, planting a hand on Davey’s shoulder that burns through his clothes like molten metal.
“Wasn’t thinkin’ anythin’ like that, Davey.” He says, quiet but strong, like a storm. Davey’s innards shake again, and he has to let out another strange, strangled laugh.
“No – yeah, no, I mean – I just…” He squeezes his hands into fists a few times, flicks the fingers like he can flick all this wrongness out of him like rainwater. “It’s just – I know it’s annoying, when I speak all – weird like that.”
Jack frowns at him, brow creased like paper – Jack hates creased paper, drives him crazy, says it makes all his lines look wrong.
“Didn’t feel weird to me.” He says slowly, like it's obvious, and Davey knows it's meant to be kind, but God, he just feel stupid. "S’just how you are.”
Davey tries his best to hide his grimace. Jack ducks his head to meet his gaze – clearly, Davey hadn’t tried hard enough.
“Hey.” Jack says firmly. “Ain’t bad or nothin’.” He smiles, sweet and dimpled at the edges, like warm bread. “S’nice, ach’lly.”
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shayminsh · 7 months
im sure it isnt normal to feel overwhelmingly anxious just by rereading the log i took from a college week visit
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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chapter 9
Warnings: the appearance of MacMurphy
An: sorry it’s short. But I wanted to add MacMurphy before I lost the idea.
It was a couple of weeks after the carnival trip. Some of the ward seemed to catch onto the fact that Billy and I were together while everyone else remained clueless. We were playing cards like every other day when there was a new addition to our little gang.
“He-he-he can’t hear you. He’s d-deaf and d-d-dumb.” Billy called over his shoulder at the man trying to talk to Chief. Billy shared a look with me, knowing Chief’s secret but not wanting to give it away.
“Is he now?” The man asked as he made his way over to us. Billy put his arm over my shoulder and squeezed. “R.P. MacMurphy.” He held his hand out for billy. Putting his cards down, billy shook his hand.
“Billy B-b-bibbit.” MacMurphy’s eyes flashed over to me. It was clear from the one look that he was just here to get off the work farm. The only thing that was wrong with him was an ego trip.
“I’ve seen you before.” He held his hand out to me. “You’re the cousin of the senator. The one who…” he cut himself off before he finished his sentence. I nodded and shook his hand anyway. “Well I’ll be. Funny running into you here.”
“Imagine that.” I gave him a small smile. To most it wasn’t that big a deal that he cut himself off but to me it meant that he at least had the balls to feel a little sorry about it. Everyone else made fun of me for it and it was a long time gone since I’d had to deal with it. “Want a hand MacMurphy?” I cocked my head towards the card game, watching as MacMurphy tilted Billy’s cards away from Martini.
“Sure. Deal me in.” He sat down next to me and Taber dealt him in. “And call me Mac.”
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persephone-sails · 1 month
Hinata 🤝 Azula
Having the most ableist hatedom
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shima-draws · 2 years
Do I hate adulting? Yes. Do I feel hella proud of myself after making a big girl phone call? YESSSS.
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coffentyme · 1 month
I’m more anxious than I have been in such a long time and let’s just say it’s not looking too good for my social skills
I couldn’t even get through a sentence at the convenience store without stuttering
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selfcareobsessed · 2 months
this week i realized that i love when people are patient with me when i talk because i stutter and stumble over my words often and i know it must make it difficult to understand me sometimes.
i love learning new things about myself.
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lecliss · 2 months
And the conversations people are now having about the different ways Laios, Shuro, and Falin are autistic is kinda starting to get to me. It's fuckin making me realize I've probably never actually masked in my life aside from like, two job interviews. And not even in a sense that I just be my honest self. No man, my throat just closes and I can't fucking talk so I don't even have the opportunity to pretend to be normal or not. And if I can manage to talk I just sit there like the autism creature and involuntarily act like some sweet delicate tiny baby-talking little girl because I'm, on all levels except physical, a deer in headlights. And around friends I can manage to be myself but fuck if I even realize I'm not picking up on shit until a week later and it fuckin hits me. I genuinely don't have an opportunity to mask or pick on ways I even could mask cuz I go into auto pilot mode of either complete involuntary nonverbal shutdown or "🥺👉👈". Like you guys even have the mental awareness and self control to think about masking or learning how to????
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zipmode · 2 months
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