#binch pls
aeniqmata · 2 years
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bishy437 · 10 months
Modern Hualian Reunion???
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just xie lian things <3
i badly doodled some of the convo me (blue) and my friend (grey) were having abt hualian
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bbonbonss · 9 months
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・⋆★Dark Guardian Angel★⋆・
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traumadumpling · 10 months
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I don't think I ever posted this one 🥺💕
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
the really fun thing about braime is that they are both the beauty and the beast which means i can picture brienne OR jaime flopping down dramatically in a field somewhere and singing "and for once it might be grand to have someone understand i want so much more than they've got planned."
both of them can also do "if i can't have her" but different lines. brienne gets "and from my tortured shape no comfort, no escape i see, but deep within is utter blindness" and jaime gets "long ago i should have seen all the things i could have been careless and unthinking, i moved onward."
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nulltune · 11 months
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activity's gonna continue 2 be a lil spotty from me for a while eeeee i still got a couple of things to finish up b4 i can clown around here orz but!! gimme a ❤️ for a lil something small in the near future maybe ??! i might send in a meme or an ask or throw out a one-liner.... who knows! but it'll be a lil something for sure úwù🫶 multis pwease help out an indecisive lynn and specify a muse tho! <3
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‘x diety would be a sakuraface/shirouface/rinface/whothefuckeverface’ ok I don’t care and I’m ignoring that and I’m fucking balling ✌️
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onewingedangels · 9 months
idk how to feel about that netflix's tomb raider anime show but also gotta watch it since it's going to connect to the new next game.........
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banqanas · 5 days
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this is the kind of idol otaku i want to be
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maggicktouched · 2 years
I finished Interview with a Vampire and wanted to share my thoughts. This will not be spoiler free so I will put it under a cut. But if you want my overall opinion if you’re like on the rails about watching this: watch it. It is so much more than I ever thought it would be. I don’t know a single person who has watched it and disliked it. Watch it. Give it a chance. Especially if you’ve ever liked the series.
Also you can watch on AMC+. An app that is genuinely awful but is running a special rn for like two bucks for two months. Not a bad deal for a good show.
I’ve had a very, very long history with the series, with the fandom at multiple times in my life, and with every iteration of the source material. I’ve most of the books multiple times and there was a long portion of my life where I would have claimed that The Vampire Armand was my favorite book, even if it kind of signaled the series flying off the rails.
I really didn’t expect to like this series. Even when I heard it was good I didn’t expect to like it. First and foremost because over the years I’ve become very disenchanted with Anne Rice’s work. Though I loved Armand’s book because I adore the character, I really struggled with Memnoch the Devil. At the time I was a teen and seriously grappling with religious trauma and any reference to the Christian faith triggered some ugly emotions in me. 
Rice also made some writing choices that just didn’t sit well with me. The Tale of the Body Thief has two sexual assaults if I remember correctly. And it wasn’t so much the character doing bad things that I minded as the way Rice framed him and clearly thought of him in spite of him being one of the most morally repulsive character she wrote.
I never made it through Prince Lestat tbh and I don’t even know the name of its sequel right off the top of my head. 
So when I heard there was a new series coming out I was mildly interested but had little hope that it would be decent. 
The pilot was a little bumpy of a watch for me. It highlights one of my only issues going forward with the series and it isn’t necessarily bad, it just means I’m likely not getting one of my favorite parts in the books and that is Daniel. Daniel who is my second favorite vampire in the series and a character that I have a very vivid picture of in my own mind.
The other issue I struggled with initially was Louis being a pimp. That felt so far off of the very reserved/miserable man in the books I often thought of him as. But it actually worked. 
I never loved Louis in the books tbh. I was very neutral about him and often felt sorry for him because he often felt like he was passed from one abusive partner to the next with very little agency of his own. He gets rid of Lestat just to fall prey to Armand just to go back to Lestat a short while later. Maybe it was just my interpretation of him at the time (I was like twenty the last time I read the books---literally a decade ago lol) but he kinda bored me. This Louis is a person I genuinely and wholeheartedly feel for. He feels much more real. Every scene where Daniel would get bitchy with him I’d be like “YOU BE NICE!!!!! HE HAS BEEN THROUGH A LOT!!!!” meanwhile being just as frustrated with him at times.
They made fantastic casting decisions for everyone. Lestat genuinely unnerved me in every scene. Honestly every time he’d look intensely at anyone this tiktok would play in my head but he was genuinely frightening. The scene where he’s talking to Claudia on the train? I felt physically sick listening to him threaten her to come back.
Claudia’s actress was also dead on. And honestly so was her character. I’ve never liked Claudia. I’ve never even felt bad for her even though she was written as a tragic character. But now knowing what happens in the books and knowing where this is going I’m so upset. I genuinely don’t know how they’re going to make me dislike her because for the first time she isn’t some spoiled blood hungry brat but a tortured woman living under the oppressive rule of an abusive man. And I know she’s not a child but Louis is very obviously her father figure/big brother and her having to be the one to save him---her having to stay behind and sacrifice her life and happiness for him---her being the one to have to stand up to Lestat and pull them out like that is a pain that I understand and goddamn do I feel for her. Abuse forces you to grow up way too fast, and in a body that never ages? It’s torment. Her life was torment.
I loved Armand’s actor. I absolutely hated the original IWAV Armand. He’s a great actor, but that was not Armand in my mind. This guy has the young face. He has the sharp features. And he has the menacing presence that Armand always had for me. I went into the series having that twist spoiled for me, so like I did know, but I actually think I preferred it that way. I am extremely excited to see where it goes with Armand, especially as the story goes on, because him being there AS the story is told is a big deal. And Louis and Armand’s love affair in the books isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, so the question is what is going on between them? Have they been together all this time? Or did Louis go TO Armand and admit he wanted to retell his story only to have Armand insist he do it there in his own home? Are they actually in a relationship or is Louis just as trapped in Dubai as he was New Orleans? Is it both? God I’m just so excited to see where Armand goes from here.
I also really really loved the pacing. And that’s something I didn’t think I would like. IWAV is not a book with padding. It is excellently paced. So I really worried when I found out not only was this a series, but it was only like half the fuckin book. I had zero faith that could be done without making it an unnecessary shit show of filler. But I think that the pacing is actually what makes this show so amazing. It gave us the time with each character to see them and who they are in this new adaptation and honestly I liked all of them. It showed us explicitly that Louis is not a reliable narrator, which makes me very curious to see other angles and points of view for characters.
The lighting was really great too. So many shows right now are making the “artistic” choice to turn every goddamn light in the studio off and shoot using a dinosaur nightlight plugged in 50 feet away from the camera rn. You can’t fucking see shit. Game of Thrones did it, so did House of the Dragon, so did any show that has ever been on the CW. And as funny as the memes are I like being able to see shit.
I like that the vampires are a little more feral than they are in the books. 
I liked Louis’ family. The part with his brother worried me at first, because disorders like that are often not shown in a kind light, but in the end I think they did a decent job. He was a tragic character and there was always the mystery of “did his mental illness kill him or did Lestat” and honestly I still am not certain Lestat wasn’t lying when he said that he didn’t kill him.
I liked the hints toward characters like Marius and Nikki. 
Most of all I loved how unabashedly gay this was. It’s what we have all wanted.
I am still disappointed about Daniel. I was disappointed in the original movie with him too. That’s just not what Daniel looks like in my mind. Him being older makes me wonder if they’re going to cross his story over with David and I won’t enjoy that. 
While Lestat/Louis was most people’s fav toxic couple, mine was Daniel and Armand. Two characters who were both horrifically broken people in a shit storm of Armand’s making because Armand doesn’t know how fucking else to love anyone because that’s how he was shown love by Marius from the start. Daniel’s misery and ultimately his madness. Even after being transformed he was always so painfully human to me. I always wanted them to somehow find a way to be ok on their own and come together again later in life, and I have heard that it does eventually happen in Prince Lestat and the sequel. So it doesn’t look like I’m going to have that, and if I do it’s going to look very different than how I personally wanted it, but that’s ok. It’s a personal preference.
But yeah. Currently those are all the feelings I wanted to get out. And they’re mostly overwhelmingly positive. I can hardly wait for another season and I hope everyone watches this show and we get more and more seasons to come.
I might even watch the Mayfair show. And I’ve never even read/liked those books.
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bibbleboo · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
tagged by @drewsaturday TY BESTIE 💖
the only fandom ive been writing consistently for is sk8 tbh but,,, i have,, over 50 wips for sk8 bc so many are abandoned so to be easy on myself im gonna narrow it down to the ones im more likely to write soon (im also gonna add the genre just to give a tiny bit more context but still be vague bc i name fics like a maniac sghghsj)
-a bunch of grown adults clapping for toddlers (comedy)
-hold me tight // or dont (hurt/comfort)
-hold you in my hands like hot tea (hurt/comfort, TWs for themes of csa)
-but what abt the baby (angst, drama)
-30 MG, not 300! (comedy)
-miya got fucking bodied (angst, hurt/comfort)
-robs you but in a girlboss way (au, spicy 😈)
-miya commissions kaoru to draw his fursona, and other emotional journeys (comedy, angst)
-kaoru after the dentist (comedy)
tagging: @firebenderkaoru @joebiddies @brightbluecitylights @cyberabbit @matchablawesome @chaosemmie @bambeptin @inumakisfav @ghoststrawberries
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.....maybe writing today?
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traumadumpling · 11 months
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spellshite · 1 year
My shift started only [glances at clock for a hot minute before realising he took off his glasses] an hour and half but I'm pretty sure that even day 29 at the camping will be slasher free and this makes it very boring.
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nulltune · 5 months
❛  ah, well ... would you look at that. ❜ he'd like to pretend this wasn't in his agenda the moment in which he invited to help walk her home, but even nicola cannot hide the knowing smile in which spreads across his features the moment in which his gaze lands upon the plant that has rested upon his mind all evening. the mistletoe stands particularly striking against the warmth of the café behind it, various patrons and workers rather distracted with their own lives to take note of the falzone's second in command cheerfully guiding the woman by his side with the firm grip of his hand to where it lay exposed for all to see. ❛  you know, i was starting to believe there was some sort of shortage. after dante had insisted we didn't buy any and the streets had looked rather sparse of their stock, it was beginning to appear rather dire for the future of any mistletoe related mishaps for the rest of my life ... ❜
it's a fraction of silence before the blonde inches a little closer, a glance spared towards the still busy crowd until it's drawn back towards the surprise of her gaze in turn. it's a unique one, truly, to be spared privy on it and even that in itself causes him to pause for another second, far too amused to simply stop and stare at her expression without a push into worrying too much. truthfully, a part of him would wish for everyone else to not have an opportunity to see it, but he knows better than to wish that, truly more amused at the idea of showing them who caused it in the first place. a juxtaposition to the gentleness in which he wraps an arm around her waist. ❛  so it's pretty fair if i request to indulge in such a thing for a moment, am i right? ❜
when only met with silence, the young second in command leans down to press a kiss to his companions lips, fingers curling ever so gently against her brown locks with an understanding ease, it's clear hes smiling, a little giddy with her lips pressed to his own and it sticks even once he pulls away, a truly pleased expression for a man who might be tempted to push for it again, enamoured with the sensation despite it still being new for them both all the same. / nicollaa <333
unprompted,  always accepting !   @dangaer  ♡
to celebrate the holidays like this was a first for kishinami hakuno.  hardly anything noteworthy to recall from the previous years  /  those bleak and empty years all blurring together,  there was no reason to celebrate the festivities when there was no one to celebrate it with.  such a solitary existence,  not knowing of any familial ties nor having any meaningful bonds with anyone,  she was bound to be alone.
this year was different,  however,  because he is here. 
to make the acquaintance of the underboss of the faizone would be a fearsome thought to most,  and hakuno couldn't say that she was without her own concerns  —  hard to comprehend nicola francesca,  the charismatic man with the perfect  /  crafted smile,  but the time they've spent together was always enjoyable.  today,  too.  walking together,  sightseeing together,  eating together.  such mundane things became something so precious,  and the hours slipped away before she knew it.  a view of the moon overhead tugs the corners of her lips downwards ever - so - slightly,  its presence a reminder that it's getting late,  and that they'd be going their separate ways soon.
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so the offer to walk her home was a pleasant surprise,  though not one she could accept so easily.       ❛   you don't have to.   ❜       courteous,  yet perhaps a bit too blunt in its wording.  aware that the routes to their respective destinations diverged at this point,  it would be a hassle to have him go out of his way like that,  and for what ?   though she couldn't deny a ...  curious feeling at the offer,  even moreso when her response was met with insistance on ensuring her safe travel back.  hakuno still didn't think such a thing was necessary,  but if it could give him some peace of mind then ...  she supposed there was no reason to refuse.      ❛   then,  sorry for the trouble.   ❜       she ought to be more apologetic when saying this,  she realized that in the back of her mind,  but truthfully,  she hadn't been exactly keen on turning him down in the first place. 
it was selfish of her,  she realized,  but she wanted cherish this—  his kindness,  and the opportunity to be with him for just a little while longer.
leaving behind the chatter from the café,  click of her heels come to a halt in line with his own footsteps,  followed with a slow blink when realizing that they'd themselves under a certain plant.  having no particular feelings on tradition herself,  she was more curious to see how nicola would react,  though his response ended up taking her aback.  ( it doesn't show on her face,  however,  and hakuno recovers rather swiftly )       ❛   saying it like that makes it sound like you were hoping for something to happen ...   ❜       an observation,  mostly,  but there's the barest teasing lilt to silvery voice as she muses this.  peering at him from the corner of caramel eyes,  they widen slightly at the knowing look on his face.
what a surprise.  the words had been a jest,  and she hadn't expected for it to carry any hint of truth in it.  did he really want to ... ?   the blatant inquiry made it abundantly clear,  but such a thing was still hard to believe.       ❛   e - eh .. ?   ❜       the sound comes out as a small squeak,  barely audible,  but leaving lips parted in a small gape afterwards.  when his gaze turned to the distant crowd to ensure privacy for the two,  she found her eyes unable to leave him,  cheeks warm despite the chilly breeze that swept past them.  stunned at the thumping in her chest as her vision remained on him,  a hand would place itself over the area,  as if to verify the actions of that organ.  her heart really was racing,  and—  ah,  irony.  she knew just what it was a mistletoe implied,  but wouldn't dare to ask,  never one to indulge in her own wants or needs.  if he were to ask,  however,  then it'd be acceptable  —  because hakuno is a giver,  dutifully fulfilling that which was asked of her.
though a request of a kiss is ...  much too personal.  as generous as kishinami hakuno is,  such requests were ones she'd typically reject,  for she is quite the romantic deep down,  holding the belief that such intimate acts should be reserved for someone special.
—so maybe that's why ...  the thoughts trail off at the feel of his hand on her waist,  and she is still without the proper words to say,  but actions would speak volumes where speech failed.  dark lashes fluttering close,  head cranes upwards to accept the kiss.  there's a gleeful skip of her heart when their lips met at last,  a soft hum sounding from the back of her throat.  every touch,  every feeling brought on from this moment is unfamiliar,  but it is far from unpleasant.  the smile on his lips is felt  —  cute  —  and while her inexpressive self can't so easily mimic it,  the sentiment behind it is reciprocated with a subtle shift to deepen the kiss. 
there's another sound as he pulls away,  a small whine.  head canting with a sigh,  brown locks spill over small shoulders,  stray strands obscuring full view of flushed cheeks.  rosy lips remain slightly pursed,  pouting a little,  a faint disappointment over wanting it to last longer.  a feeling that melts away easily at the sight of his pleased face.
... he's much prettier up close,  she notes idly.  having someone,  having him,  in such close proximity was yet another new experience for the maiden who was usually so distant,  viewed as a flower blooming on a high peak  /  someone so out of reach.  it surprises even herself when she finds her arms wrapped around his form,  an action to keep the two of them remaining close like this.
dainty hand tentatively reaches out to carress the side of his face with a delicate touch,  half - lidded eyes peer up at him,  mirth in that gentle gaze.  a moment's indulgence,  is what this may have been,  but it had felt much more intimate than that.  they'd come this far ...  why stop now ?   that smile still hasn't left his face ...  a smile that seemed more genuine than usual,  or was she still in a daze from that kiss ?  ( what a nice sight it is,  though. )  despite giving ample time to,  he doesn't pull nor push her away when her hold tightens.  could she take that as a good sign .. ?
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a beat,  and voice comes out as a whisper between what little space lay between them.       ❛   another,  please.   ❜      
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Day 489
I need to make arjuna experience catharsis or I’ll explode
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