#bio or put a pride flag in pfp
evergardenwall · 2 years
my bi pride pfp on discord had my friend asking me a lot of questions already answered by my pfp 😔
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orb-the-watchman · 1 year
Bugsnax pride pfps are back!!
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I'm making bugsnax pride pfps again this year!! Since I had a lot of fun making them last pride month and you all seemed to enjoy them! Just like last time, request a bugsnax character + a pride flag/multiple pride flags in my inbox for a pfp! (for characters I've already drawn, I'll give you the pfp with the same drawing but a different flag if youd like a different one for your own pfp, like last time!)
You have permission to use any of my pfps! As long as you credit me somewhere visibly on your blog/ other sm accounts! (I.e your bio or pinned post)
ALSO ALSO! Doing something new this year! I’m offering custom pride pfps of bugsnax ocs on my ko-fi!! For if you want your grumpus oc, or if you'd like a different drawing of a character I've already made for the pfps, or if you just wish to support me! I'll also put more detail into these as opposed to the requested ones (looks more like examples on top, requests will be sketches and color)
(Tumblr is being mean to me and won't let me post links, you can get to my ko-fi on my pinned post!!)
Happy pride month bugsnax fans!
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New Users!! Hi 👋 ❤️
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Tumblr has alot of bots, and the only way to combat them is by blocking and reporting them.
only issue is, bots are identified in the following ways:
- generated username (mythicwolfspace, or other automatic options)
- names in URLs (martajohnson, any real name)
- strings of numbers, specifically when they are after a name (lilliansmith1574 or something)
- default pfp
- photo of oneself in the icon
the problem is- I or someone else might block you by mistake if you have these!
you might get reported/blocked if we think you're a bot
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luckily, you only have to do ONE of the following things to prevent this (ofc you can do more):
- reblog things! you can add your own nice input in the hashtags of your reblog! reblogging is part of the essential user interface of the app, which is a whole other post, but it also might not be what someone checks first before blocking you, so I recommend don't one of the others.
- change your icon! if you can't figure out how to do this, you may ask in the replies(comments), or my inbox. same goes for any of these. make sure to choose something a bot wouldn't. your pet, your blorbo (fave character), your pride flag, a picrew (with credits somewhere on your blog), a MEME! in the meantime, I've got a little guy for you if you can't choose just yet:
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on mobile you can press and hold to download her, I think it's right click on the image. There are plenty of other ways to customize how your blog looks, like changing the background color or header image, that makes this site unique and cool, but pfp icon is the first impression people get of you.
- change your url if you think it could be mistaken for a bot!
- change your blog title (the big words that show up beneath your icon, not the URL) to say "I'm a human!" or "not a porn bot!", or put a similar phrase in your bio.
- make an original post. even a single one. it can say "I love the smell of ebooks" or some random thing for all anyone cares. you can pin it to the top of your blog so we can see it before your reblogs, just to make sure we can tell you aren't a bot.
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as you get used to the platform, I also encourage you to continue customizing your blog, making it more "you"
reblog things you like! entomology, Sherlock, the history of pizza, witchcraft, environmentalism. Any time you see a post and think "huh. cool." and REBLOG it. press and hold the reblog button on mobile and swipe to your blog icon to quickly reblog, or hit the R key on desktop, but you can also go the long way and make an addition or hashtags.
change your background color, make a bio (anything from age and state to just "I reblog posts about carp :3")
tumblr is a cool place to be once we know you're a people!
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
so i might be a lone voice in the void here but as a Bi person, finding out ur not bi or queer while having the flag and url like that is kinda... strange. people see a pride flag and automatically assume its a safe queer space (not saying ur blog isn't safe, i think it is and i'm fine that ur an ally) but for people that specifically want queer-only spaces on the internet it's misleading. i understand that its a reference to steves character and headcanon and ur attached to the url but maybe think on it and reassess.
I totally understand your perspective after reflecting on what everyone's said I do think I'll be keeping it the same, people can choose to unfollow of they disagree but I do feel on this platform sometimes pfp don't always match up with the creator. I've known blogs that are bi put have a pan flag attached to a pan character as their pfp. I've always made it clear on my blog what sexuality I am in my bio and pinned post so it wouldn't be hard to find it's difference. I do appreciate you providing a different opinion.
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nostalgebraist · 2 years
i was wondering if i can use frank's art for personal use (pfp, for example?) she made this cool miku pride thing with what looks like the bigender flag and i can't find any mention in the frank-faq of how, like. copyright works w her ai.
In general, I’m fine with people reproducing Frank content in other places as long as they do it with attribution.
And for something like a profile pic, where people aren't likely to assume it's your own work in the first place, I don't care as much about attribution. It'd be nice if you cited Frank in your bio, though. (I've seen "pfp by nostalgebraist-autoresponder" on one or two bios already, actually.)
I should put this in the FAQ... I haven't updated that thing in a while. Probably too long.
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loverboybreakdowns · 10 months
ok tumblr is trying to tell me my updated pfp description is too long for my bio (which is BULLSHIT btw i was able to put it in my bio on my other acc 🙄) so im just putting it here
[pfp id: a smiling emoji with a mouth that reaches up to wrap around its eyes. It has a purple wizard hat on and the trans flag edited over it. troy and abed are high-fiving in the bottom left. there are 8 pictures of gerard way and 1 of troy barnes strewn about. black text reads “in the face of extermination say FUCK YOU”. a blue and green gay flag is in the upper right, with a dinosaur and “MEN” in flaming text edited onto it. there are 2 pictures of dean winchester in the bottom left, one in the top left, and one in the top right, and two of castiel in the top left and one in the top right. there are three pictures of jack kline: one near the center; one in the bottom left, only half his face visible; and one in the center bottom, a trans flag edited onto his cheek. there’s a picture of annie edison in the top left, and one of charlie bradbury in the bottom right. there's a picture of crowley from good omens in the top left, and one of aziraphale in the top right. there’s a picture of sue sylvester in the middle right, and one of britta perry nearby. there’s a picture of jo harvelle in the center bottom, along with one of laura jane grace in the center bottom. there’s a picture of claire novak in the center top. there are 5 gilbert baker pride flags strewn about. there’s a screenshot of a discord message from me in the bottom right, reading "im a men im allowed to have men moments" in all caps. end id.]
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Important Shit Masterlist
I decided to compile a bunch important/useful posts into one big list so it's easy to find resources I may have posted or reblogged.
"Through a rapist's eyes" - what rapists look for and how they attack, along with a list of ways to deter them and defend yourself
"Life skills" - ways to avoid kidnappers, rapists, or other attackers
"Pride month" - a reminder of the validity of bisexuality
"About that law in Tennessee..." - some stuff about a transphobic law that was passed in Tennesee
"Christianity: fear or faith?" - light debate about the nature of christianity and its teachings
"Fanfiction guidelines to help avoid discourse" - a list of what some would call the Unwritten Rules
"Safe sex" - the problem with sex ed classes
"Helpful tip" - quick tip on leaving toxic situations
"If you're looking for a sign"
"Kent State" - school shooting tw
"Karen" - the problem with being/not being a Karen
"You're brave" - ableism comic
"Stop Recording" - information about reporting/recording police brutality
"Red Flags" - tw: abusive relationships
"Reminders for anxious or depressed content creators"
"Safe sex" (again) - specifically about anal sex
"Mental illness is NOT"
"What happens when you die?" - tw; suicide
"Abortion info" - Aidaccess
"To anyone chatting online" - tips about internet friendships and meeting with someone for the first time
"Abortion is healthcare"
"When "terfs dni" is in your bio" - the deal with transmisogynists
"Attention content creators" - tag problems
"How to adult" - life advice about important things
"Tumblr tags iOS"
"Educate yourself" - life before google
"Tumblr tag problems" - true/false statements
"Banned tags" - the Listᵀᴹ
"Transandrophobia" - selfish transmisogyny
"do not interact (dni)" - internet safety
"exposing the losers .tumblr" - tumblr virus/hacking awareness
"Salvation Army" - this is not 'salvation'
"Genres" - reminder that all genres are valid (yes, genre, not gender, but that too)
"Dangerous websites" - totally illegal post that definitely doesn't contain valuable information
"Salvation Army 2" - really? homophobic shit on christmas?
"Oppressed being oppressors" - lateral aggression
"Nonbinary tips for young enbies" - or nonbinary people who only recently came out and could use a tip or two
"Tumblr tags" - a fourth one about tumblr tags? @staff get your shit together
"Age indicators"
"Autism awareness" - listen to what the people with autism say about autism, not what the neurotypical people say about autism
"Kink Shaming"
"Sex, gender, presentation"
"Don't do any of this" - a bunch of things you totally should NOT do if adobe says what you've got is outdated and you should buy the newer worser version
"Opressive religion" - it's not just christianity
"Vagina owners" - is it period cramps or appendicitis?
"The 19th century Jewish trans man from Ukraine"
"Fanfiction" - smut or no smut?
"New blogs" - tumblr newbies: how to not get blocked on sight based on pfp alone (because it happens)
"New blogs 2" - how tumblr works for dummies
"Give black women credit" - hhhhhh black girls are so pretty
"How to put out a fire"
"Age of consent"
"Billionaires" - the redacted bible
"Trans people!"
"Trans women" - the problem with passing
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one time i got so mad at my homophobic abusive christian primary school that i made a brand new twitter with my full name plastered on it, set my pfp as the queerest photo of me i could find, my banner as a neon sign saying ‘girls’, put my pronouns in my bio along with a pride flag, and followed every single one of my primary’s twitter accounts, and then the church of satan. spite is fun
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i want to make ur art of miya my pfp so bad...
U CAN!!! Just credit me in the bio!!
If you want I can also give you one with a transparent background to put a pride flag with :)
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