#biodiversity hashtag
sandhya17 · 5 months
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Interesting Facts About Coconut Crab
Check out this cool infographic about the world's largest terrestrial arthropod. Their population is declining due to human encroachment and they are listed on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable.
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nurserylive-plant · 8 days
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Descriptions: Help preserve Assam’s biodiversity by participating in our tree plantation efforts.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/pages/tree-plantation-in-assam-state
Hashtags: #Assam #TreePlantation #Biodiversity #GreenAssam
Keywords: Assam tree plantation, biodiversity conservation, green Assam
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rahulnl · 16 days
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Descriptions: Help preserve Shillong’s biodiversity by engaging in our green initiatives and tree plantations.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/pages/tree-plantation-in-shillong
Hashtags: #Shillong #TreePlantation #Biodiversity #GreenInitiatives
Keywords: Shillong tree plantation, biodiversity, green initiatives
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Ways the average person can raise awareness for World Wetlands Day!
There are several ways the average person can raise awareness for World Wetlands Day:
Share information about wetlands and the importance of their conservation on social media. Use the hashtag #WorldWetlandsDay to join the conversation and share facts, photos, and personal experiences related to wetlands.
Participate in local events and activities to raise awareness about wetlands. Many organizations host events such as educational walks, bird-watching tours, and conservation projects that are open to the public.
Write to your representatives and urge them to support wetland conservation efforts. You can also call on them to protect wetlands from development and pollution, and to support the restoration of degraded wetland habitats.
Educate others about wetlands by sharing information and resources with family, friends, and community members.
Take personal actions to protect wetlands in your own community by participating in clean-up efforts, promoting sustainable use of wetlands, and encouraging others to do the same.
Support organizations that work to protect wetlands and their biodiversity. You can donate money or time to help wetland conservation efforts.
Lastly, you can also make conscious choices that help wetlands, such as using natural fertilizer in your garden, reducing your water consumption and using water-saving devices, and choosing products that are environmentally friendly.
Remember, World Wetlands Day is not only a day to raise awareness but also to take action to protect wetlands and ensure that they are around for generations to come.
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third-world-punks · 3 months
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“Who are we? We are the global South, that large set of creations and creatures that has been sacrificed to the infinite voracity of capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and all their satellite-oppressions. We are present at every cardinal point because our geography is the geography of injustice and oppression. We are not everyone; we are those who do not resign themselves to sacrifice and therefore resist. We have dignity. We are all indigenous peoples because we are where we have always been, before we had owners, masters, or bosses, or because we are where we were taken against our will and where owners, masters, or bosses were imposed on us. They want to impose on us the fear of having a boss and the fear of not having a boss, so that we may not imagine ourselves without fear. We resist. We are widely diverse human beings united by the idea that the understanding of the world is much larger than the Western understanding of the world. We believe that the transformation of the world may also occur in ways not foreseen by the global North. We are animals and plants, biodiversity and water, earth and Pachamama, ancestors and future generations—whose suffering appears less in the news than the suffering of humans but is closely linked to theirs, even though they may be unaware of it.” — Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide.
We are THIRD-WORLD PUNKS, a blog devoted to cultivating a dark-academia aesthetic inspired by Latin America and the UK Punk Scene. I'm your host, PHILOSOPHIKA, a 33-year-old British and Colombian philosopher specialising in aesthetics (the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as beauty and ugliness and investigates the nature of art and the senses) and anti-totalitarian ethics. Keep reading to learn more about the aesthetic's main goals, sources of inspiration, and suggested hashtags.
To create a Latin American take on the 'dark academia' aesthetic from the perspective of the region's actual inhabitants. The T.W.P. aesthetic actively avoids depicting the region as a holiday destination (fruity drinks, trendy hotels, sexy pool boys, designer sunglasses, etc.) or representing the culture through a tourist's eyes (for example, as exclusively consisting of festivals or big public events). This aesthetic should provide the viewer with an intimate portrait of what it's actually like to call this region home. Images of local food, daily customs, traditional clothing, distinctive architecture, weather patterns, etc., are encouraged.
To provide a modern fusion between Latin American (principally Colombian) and UK culture that does not reproduce the aesthetics of British colonialism. To this end, the T.W.P. aesthetic steers clear of antique botanical prints, colonial uniforms, overly beige colour palettes, floral chintz wallpapers or decorative accents, leather trunks, and/or anything even faintly reminiscent of a plantation. Emphasis is placed instead on UK Punk fashion and culture (think Camden Market and Vivienne Westwood), extravagant and eclectic UK (& European) architecture and interior design, and Oxbridge academia vibes.
To challenge what traditional academia looks and feels like, as well as its core tenets (eurocentrism, US-centrism, elitism, abelism, etc.). The T.W.P aesthetic celebrates and encourages out-of-the-box thinking, ethnic and racial diversity, neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ higher education experiences, as well as discussions of postcolonial, queer, and feminist theory, among others (think TWAIL: Third-World Approaches to International Law). Quotations, reading lists, book recommendations or reviews, and catchphrases along these lines are welcome.
— art deco/decopunk — art nouveau — solarpunk— steampunk — gutterpunk — latin american geography, flora & fauna — latin american culture — spanish colonial architecture — pre-columbian latin america — 70's & 80's uk punk scene — elements of cyberpunk — alternative fashion — maximalism — haute boheme aesthetic
Do you want to tag something with this aesthetic on your blog? Check out the suggestions below:
#TWP —   #TWPs —   #TWP Aesthetic —   #TWPs Aesthetic | #Third-World Punks —  #Third World Punks —  #Third-World Punks Aesthetic —
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burins · 1 year
i was doing comics livetweets on twitter but that seems... dangerous given the longevity of that site so i'm going to bring them over here so that in six months when i go "what comic was that in" i can find it. i'm breaking my "no new 52" rule to read greg pak's action comics run bc i've heard it's good! i already read the first tpb but it was on my desk shift so i emailed panels to myself. Country Kids Make Do!
AC (2011) #25: clark is so so charming in this run! he also breaks martha's finger AS A BABY which is a bold move on a writing level. if i found a baby in a cornfield and it broke my finger i might consider leaving that baby at the nearest hospital even if it was as adorable and round-cheeked as clark is here. ma kent is obviously made of sterner stuff than I.
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now that we've gotten the backstory out of the way it's time for clark to fight the wind. literally. he tries to reverse a hurricane.
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frankly i also find this charming! this is such a young thing to do. i also thought i was god's answer to every problem when i was 20. fortunately i did not have superhuman powers so i never accidentally tossed a whale in the air.
the art in these next few issues is Pretty Rough in the face department. aaron kuder does some rly lovely backgrounds and landscapes and action scenes and then you get a close up and we have some real adult animation ass mouths. it's still not as bad as this though!
AC 26: after clark fights the wind we have a charming moment where we learn that jimmy thinks clark plays a lot of sudoku bc he's always on his phone looking at Metropolis Nextdoor and trying to find crimes. clark have you ever considered going on normal gossip?
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jokes aside these panels make me pretty emo about the intrinsic horror of being clark kent. you can hear every bad thing that happens, all of the time, and you also have the power and the will to stop it, or at least to try to. and that's your whole life forever!! woof!!!!
smash cut to the rainforest, where lana lang, electrical engineer, is busy excavating deep under the earth for geothermal energy. now i myself am not an electrical engineer but i don't think this is usually how that works. it's also been years since i took envi or geos classes but i do think that if you disturb forest soils in one of the most delicate and biodiverse areas on earth. this might be a problem. it's fine though bc lana lang is a hashtag girlboss and grabs a gun the first chance she gets.
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clark shows up to fight the monster that of course appears, and immediately gets shook like a chew toy. delightful. he makes friends with the monster (also delightful!) and immediately gets stabbed by a ghost soldier (literally that is this character's name.)
AC 27: next issue we learn that clark has adopted the monster, who is actually a child. very very cute. in an alternate universe i think this kid becomes his robin and he and bruce meet up earlier to exchange parenting tips for underqualified 20somethings who accidentally ended up with very rambunctious wards.
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clark's exasperation about lana's total inability to use his superhero name is deeply relatable. also clark what else did you pretend to throw into the sun and not actually throw into the sun
AC 28: we go underground and learn about an ancient secret society. i'm skimming this plot. lana is very excited about sustainable energy.
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i had to look at this face so you do too!
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i REALLY do not know how i feel about leonard sawyer, mahican nation, ghost soldier for (I think?) the US government! especially bc in about ten pages he is gonna literally stab clark in the back. hm!!!!
AC 29:
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that's my special guy--
we get some more fighting... clark loses his newly adopted son who is actually a secret prince of underground. hey do we ever hear about the underground civilization again? here i was setting my fic in space so i could write aliens, like a chump. i guess i will find out when i read the next volume!
overall i'm enjoying this run, it's making me feel the clark kent emotion TM. god i do hope we get a new artist soon. sorry mr kuder but i need you to learn how mouths work (eta i looked this up and it's kuder most of the way through this run. sigh. i will simply zoom out a little on hoopla.)
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freehawaii · 2 years
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This Is How Tourists Are Destroying Coral reefs In Hawai`i
ABC News - January 9, 2023
The millions of tourists who flock to the shores of Hawaii every year are wreaking havoc on its natural environment -- especially the coral reefs, which are at risk all over the world, a new study said. 
The most popular coral reefs on the Hawaiian islands are likely being degraded by the very visitors they attract, according to a study published Monday in Nature Sustainability. 
Researchers from Princeton University combed through more than 250,000 geotagged Instagram posts from 2018 to 2021 by tourists visiting Hawaiian reefs and compared them with flyover maps of live coral cover. They then used artificial intelligence to analyze reef map images at about a 2-meter resolution, or about 6.5 feet, and 16-meter, or 52.5-feet, depth, according to the study. 
Bing Lin, a PhD candidate in science, technology and environmental policy at Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs and the lead author of the study, got the idea to use social media for the research after doing fieldwork in Hawaii in 2021 and realizing that one of the first things people do when they visit a site is to take a photo and post it to Instagram, he told ABC News. 
"They take pictures of the beaches, and they post on social media," he said. "Instagram is by far the main platform through which social media presence is documented, and so I came up with the idea of using Instagram to get a sense of a large-scale representation of where people are distributed in Hawaii." 
The scientists found that the accessible sites with more live coral cover were visited more often, but that at the popular sites, coral covers were more degraded compared to those at less popular sites, the paper states. 
"We were able to find that coral reefs not only played a really significant role in attracting tourism, but also that the tourism subsequently seemed to suppress live coral coverage at the sites in which tourism was most concentrated," Lin said. 
While tourism is mostly concentrated on the shoreline, with lots of activity on the beach, many tourists end up on excursions in which they venture further into the ocean for snorkeling or scuba diving, Lin said. 
Using keywords included in captions and hashtags, such as "#scubadiving," Lin was also able to determine a certain degree of interaction with the reefs. Corals tended to thrive farther out into the water, where there are less people, Lin said. 
The degradation can happen in the form of diver contact, when divers intentionally or accidentally come in contact with the reefs, as well as elevated pollution in areas that tourists frequent, Lin said. 
Places in Oahu in Honolulu County, such as Waikiki Beach, Waimea Bay, Lanikai Beach and Shark's Cove, were among the biggest spots for degraded reefs, Lin said. 
Areas on the Big Island were also among the sites with the most degraded coral, he added. 
Coral reefs are vulnerable all over the world due to ocean water warming and pollution. 
 A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2021 found that coral reefs could stop growing in 10 years unless greenhouse gases are significantly reduced. 
Coral bleaching, a process that occurs when water is too warm and the algae the corals expel from their tissues cause them to turn completely white, is inundating reefs all over the world, including the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. 
In addition to their biodiversity and beauty, coral reefs serve as vital ecosystems, nurture fisheries and protect coasts.... 
"...The impacts of tourism is detectable across hundreds of sites," Lin said.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Sept. 15, 2023
"Climate catastrophe is already devastating the lives and livelihoods of people across the world and primarily those in the Global South, who are least responsible for causing it," said one campaigner.
Hundreds of demonstrations around the world demanding "a rapid, just, and equitable phaseout from fossil fuels in favor of sustainable renewables" began Friday ahead of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres' Climate Ambition Summit in New York City next week.
"From Pacific nations, heavily affected by sea-level rise and storms, through Mumbai to Manila, London to Nairobi, over 650 actions are planned in 60 countries, culminating in a march in New York City on September 17," according to��protest organizers.
The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels "opposes the fossil fuel industry, which has made obscene profits at the expense of the world's people, biodiversity, and a safe and livable climate," added organizers, who expect millions to join the protests over the coming days. "It calls on governments and companies to immediately end fossil fuel expansion and subsidies."
Demonstrators, journalists, and supporters shared footage from Friday's actions on social media with the hashtag #EndFossilFuels.
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The actions come amid the hottest summer on record and as experts continue to sound the alarm over unwavering environmental destruction, especially by the fossil fuel industry and its political and financial backers.
International scientists revealed this week that six of nine barriers that ensure Earth is a "safe operating space for humanity" have been breached, which followed recent findings that greenhouse gas concentrations, global sea level, and ocean heat content hit record highs last year.
Climate chaos—fueled by oil and gas giants that have spend decades lying about their planet-heating pollution along with rich governments and institutions that continue to break their promises and pump billions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry—is already killing people. The death toll from flooding in Libya this week has climbed to 11,300.
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"The world is at a tipping point," said Tyrone Scott of the War on Want and the Climate Justice Coalition in the United Kingdom ahead of protests this weekend. "Climate catastrophe is already devastating the lives and livelihoods of people across the world and primarily those in the Global South, who are least responsible for causing it."
"We must uproot the systems of exploitation and oppression which keep the majority of the world's population in poverty while lining the pockets of corporates and rich shareholders. This is a watershed moment. How we respond will determine how the world is shaped for generations," Scott stressed. "We demand an end to fossil fuels. We demand a fast and fair transition. We demand climate justice."
Tens of thousands of activists from across the United States are expected to join the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City on Sunday. Marchers—backed by hundreds of organizations and scientists—have four key demands for President Joe Biden:
Stop federal approval for new fossil fuel projects and repeal permits for climate bombs like the Willow project and the Mountain Valley Pipeline;
Phase out fossil drilling on our public lands and waters;
Declare a climate emergency to halt fossil fuel exports and investments abroad, and turbocharge the buildout of more just, resilient distributed energy (like rooftop and community solar); and
Provide a just transition to a renewable energy future that generates millions of jobs while supporting workers' and community rights, job security, and employment equity.
"Despite his numerous and explicit pledges to the contrary, President Biden has turned out to be a strong supporter of fossil fuels," Food & Water Watch Northeast region director Alex Beauchamp, an organizer of the NYC march, said in a statement Friday.
"With each passing day, Biden's failure to lead on clean energy drives the planet deeper into the abyss of irrevocable climate chaos," he added. "We're marching to send a message that true climate leadership means halting new oil and gas drilling and fracking, and rejecting new fossil fuel infrastructure like pipelines and export terminals—beginning now."
Betamia Coronel, senior national organizer for climate justice at the Center for Popular Democracy, highlighted in a Friday opinion piece for Common Dreams that "BIPOC communities have always lived at the intersection of wealth disparity and the climate crisis," and "it is Black, Indigenous, immigrant, working-class people of color who have been leading the efforts in the lead up to this historic march in NYC."
Dozens of actors, activists, and climate leaders—including Bill McKibben, Blair Imani, Cornel West, Jameela Jamil, Jane Fonda, Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Naomi Klein, Rosario Dawson, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Rebecca Solnit, and Vanessa Nakate—joined more than 700 groups on Friday in sending a pre-march letter to the U.S. president.
"The U.S. is the top global oil and gas producer and the largest historic greenhouse gas emitter. It is imperative that the U.S. change course and become a true global climate leader by ending the extraction and use of fossil fuels," they wrote, urging Biden to commit to phasing out fossil fuels at the U.N. summit on September 20. "The world is watching."
Biden has also faced mounting pressure to declare a climate emergency this year, as the United States has endured a record-setting number of billion-dollar disasters, from a deadly fire in Hawaii to Hurricane Idalia. Since last week, eight campaigners have been arrested outside the White House for a series of protests demanding a climate emergency declaration and other executive action to end the era of fossil fuels.
Organizers planned to continue the nonviolent civil disobedience campaign in Washington, D.C. on Friday, and warned that "each day Biden delays in taking this step is precious time lost to save lives and secure a livable future for humankind and countless other species."
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cleanearthfunfacts · 1 year
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Title: Grow Your Own Paradise: Eco-Friendly Gardening Tips 🌱🌍💚 Entertaining Blog on Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Living, and Renewable Energy Solutions | Clean Earth Fun Facts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your go-to source for entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! At Clean Earth Fun Facts, we believe that small actions can make a big difference, and one of the best ways to contribute to a sustainable future is through eco-friendly gardening. In this blog post, we'll explore the secrets of creating your own paradise right in your backyard using organic gardening techniques, companion planting strategies, and sustainable pest control methods. Get ready to transform your garden into a haven for both plants and local biodiversity!
Organic Gardening Techniques:
When it comes to nurturing your plants, why not take a natural approach? Organic gardening is all about harnessing the power of nature to support plant growth without the use of harmful chemicals. Start by composting your kitchen scraps and yard waste to create nutrient-rich soil. Incorporate natural fertilizers and soil amendments to provide essential nutrients for your plants. By using these organic techniques, you'll promote healthy growth while reducing the need for synthetic pesticides and herbicides that can harm the environment.
Companion Planting Strategies:
Did you know that certain plants have the ability to support each other's growth? Companion planting is a technique where specific plant combinations benefit one another. For example, planting marigolds alongside tomatoes can help repel harmful insects, while growing beans near corn provides natural nitrogen fixation for the soil. By implementing companion planting in your garden, you'll create a harmonious environment that maximizes plant health and minimizes pest problems.
Sustainable Pest Control Methods:
Maintaining a pest-free garden without resorting to toxic pesticides is not only better for the environment but also for your own well-being. Embrace sustainable pest control methods that work in harmony with nature. Encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings that feed on garden pests. Utilize physical barriers such as nets and fences to protect your plants. Additionally, you can create homemade natural remedies like garlic spray or soap solutions to deter pests. These eco-friendly alternatives will help you maintain a balanced ecosystem in your garden while protecting the delicate web of life.
Join the Movement:
By incorporating these eco-friendly gardening tips into your routine, you can play an active role in creating a greener and cleaner world. Not only will your garden flourish, but you'll also contribute to the overall well-being of our planet. Together, we can make a difference!
Subscribe to Clean Earth Fun Facts:
Don't miss out on more exciting videos and informative content from Clean Earth Fun Facts. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay up to date with the latest tips, facts, and fun about our environment. Join our community and be a part of the movement towards a sustainable future!
In a world where environmental issues are becoming increasingly urgent, sustainable practices like eco-friendly gardening offer a glimmer of hope. By adopting organic gardening techniques, implementing companion planting strategies, and embracing sustainable pest control methods, you can create a beautiful garden that supports local biodiversity and promotes a healthier planet. Let's grow our own paradise and inspire others to do the same! Together, we can make a significant impact and leave a positive legacy for future generations.
Remember to follow us on social media and use the hashtags below to show your support for a clean and green Earth:
#CleanEarthFunFacts #GreenPlanetEntertainment #EnvironmentalAwareness #SustainableLiving #EcoFriendlyFacts #ConservationEducation #ClimateChangeAwareness #EarthDayCelebrations #RenewableEnergySolutions #EntertainingFactsAboutTheEnvironment
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate source for entertaining and educational content about the environment, sustainable living, and renewable energy solutions. Join us as we explore fascinating facts, tips, and celebrations related to a clean and green planet.
🌍 Environmental Awareness Videos: Dive into our collection of thought-provoking videos that raise awareness about the importance of preserving our planet and inspire positive change.
🌱 Sustainable Living Tips: Learn practical ways to incorporate eco-friendly practices into your daily life. Discover simple yet effective strategies for reducing waste, conserving resources, and embracing a sustainable lifestyle.
💚 Eco-Friendly Facts: Uncover interesting and surprising facts about the environment, from unique ecosystems and endangered species to innovative eco-friendly technologies and initiatives.
🌿 Conservation Education: Gain a deeper understanding of conservation efforts worldwide. Explore the challenges faced by different ecosystems and learn about the initiatives and projects aimed at protecting our planet's biodiversity.
🌎 Climate Change Awareness: Stay informed about the latest developments in climate change research and solutions. Discover how individuals, communities, and organizations are working together to combat this global challenge.
🎉 Earth Day Celebrations: Join us in celebrating Earth Day and learn about the history, significance, and various events held around the world. Get inspired to take part in activities that promote environmental consciousness.
☀️ Renewable Energy Solutions: Explore the exciting world of renewable energy and sustainable technologies. Learn about solar power, wind energy, and other innovative solutions that can help us transition to a greener future.
Sit back, relax, and let us entertain and educate you with fascinating facts and inspiring stories about our incredible planet. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Together, let's make a difference and create a cleaner, greener world!
🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, where we bring you the most fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! 🌱 Our goal is to spread awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to take action towards a sustainable future. 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn, laugh and make a difference! 🌍
I am an environmental enthusiast. I have a passion for creating a cleaner and greener environment, and I believe that we can make a significant impact with your help. As an advocate for a more sustainable future, I have created the "Go Green Clean Environment Initiative" to support our community's transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
With your support, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to make our community a model of sustainability for others to follow.
I have created a Clean Earth Fun Facts Website https://michaelanthonyhoga6.wixsite.com/youtubecomcleanearth where I share my knowledge and experiences with others, helping them understand the importance of a sustainable future. I also have a LinkedIn Profile linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=michael-hogan-597090166
where I discuss environmentally friendly investments and ways to make a difference through conscious investing.
Your contribution will help us further Clean Earth Fun Facts content creation. We believe that every little bit counts, and we appreciate any donation, no matter the size.
Together, we can make a difference and create a cleaner and greener future for our community and the world. Thank you for your support!
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate destination for all things green, sustainable, and eco-friendly! Join us as we explore environmental awareness, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Our channel promotes green living, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. Dive into a world of eco-consciousness and discover green initiatives, reduce your carbon footprint, and become an eco-warrior. Learn about sustainable fashion, wildlife conservation, and the latest green technologies. Let's make a positive environmental impact through education and advocacy. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet. Subscribe now and join the Clean Earth Fun Facts community!
🌍 Thank you for your interaction and support! I'm thrilled to have you here in the Clean Earth Fun Facts community. Together, we're making a positive impact on our planet with every step we take towards a greener future. 🌿✨
If you're looking for captivating videos on environmental awareness, sustainable living tips, and entertaining facts about the environment, you've come to the right place! 🎥🌱 Join me on https://michaelanthonyhoga6.wixsite.com/youtubecomcleanearth for an engaging journey towards a cleaner, greener planet.
Let's spread the word about the importance of conservation, climate change awareness, and the wonders of renewable energy solutions. Together, we can make Earth Day celebrations a year-round event!
Remember, every small action counts. Share the knowledge, embrace eco-friendly practices, and let's create a brighter future for generations to come. 🌎💚
Join the Clean Earth Fun Facts movement and be part of the solution for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable planet! Our website is a hub of valuable information and resources dedicated to spreading awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable living practices. We provide engaging content, including informative articles, entertaining videos, and interactive quizzes, all aimed at educating and inspiring individuals to make a positive impact on our planet. If you are an advertiser who shares our vision for a better world, we invite you to partner with us. By placing your brand on our platform, you can reach a passionate and environmentally-conscious audience eager to support businesses that align with their values. Leave your information below, and our team will get in touch with you to discuss exciting advertising opportunities. Together, let's create a sustainable future and make a real difference for generations to come.
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Stay tuned for entertaining facts about the environment, Earth Day celebrations, renewable energy solutions, and more!
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mayur1243 · 8 days
big billion tree
Visuals: https://growbilliontrees.com/cdn/shop/files/grow-billion-trees-plantation-1.jpg
Descriptions: Discover how Miyawaki forests are revolutionizing urban green spaces and boosting biodiversity.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/pages/miyawaki-forests-revolutionizing-urban-green-spaces
Hashtags: #MiyawakiForests #UrbanGreenSpaces #Reforestation #Biodiversity
Keywords: Miyawaki forests, urban green spaces, reforestation, biodiversity
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sandhya17 · 5 months
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Sparrows are important!
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ravidalavi88 · 8 days
Help preserve Shillong’s biodiversity by engaging in our green initiatives and tree plantations.
Hashtags: #Shillong #TreePlantation #Biodiversity #GreenInitiatives
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artimohan · 17 days
Help preserve Shillong’s biodiversity by engaging in our green initiatives and tree plantations
Visuals: https://growbilliontrees.com/cdn/shop/files/grow-billion-trees-plantation-1.jpg
Descriptions: Help preserve Shillong’s biodiversity by engaging in our green initiatives and tree plantations.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/pages/tree-plantation-in-shillong
Hashtags: #Shillong #TreePlantation #Biodiversity #GreenInitiatives
Keywords: Shillong tree plantation, biodiversity, green initiatives
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nurserylive-plant · 2 months
The Power of Tree Seeds: A Step Towards a Greener Planet
In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, planting trees has emerged as one of the most effective ways to combat climate change and promote biodiversity. Trees are nature's lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which is vital for all living organisms. However, the journey to a greener planet begins with a humble yet powerful entity: the seed. Tree seeds hold the potential to grow into majestic giants that can transform landscapes, provide habitats, and improve the quality of life for all creatures. In this blog, we will explore the significance of tree seeds, the various types available, and how you can contribute to environmental sustainability by planting them.
Visuals: Descriptions: Tree seeds for growing your own trees. Links: https://nurserylive.com/collections/tree-seeds Hashtags: #treeseeds #gardentrees #seedplanting Keywords: tree seeds, garden trees, seed planting
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strangerboykamal · 2 months
The hippopotamus, known scientifically as Hippopotamus amphibius, is a fascinating creature inhabiting the rivers and lakes of sub-Saharan Africa. This large mammal, often referred to as a "hippo," is known for its formidable size, semi-aquatic lifestyle, and distinctive appearance.
Physically, hippos are massive animals with barrel-shaped bodies, short legs, and large mouths that house formidable tusks. Despite their hefty appearance, they are surprisingly agile in water, where they spend the majority of their time to keep cool and avoid sunburn. Hippos are herbivores, grazing on grasses at night and retreating to water during the day, making them primarily nocturnal.
Their social structure is complex, with groups led by dominant males who establish territories in the water, fiercely defending them from intruders. Hippos are known for their vocalizations, including grunts, wheezes, and snorts, which they use for communication within their groups.
Conservation of hippos is increasingly important due to habitat loss and poaching. Their populations are threatened by human activities such as dam construction and illegal hunting for their ivory tusks. Efforts to protect hippos involve creating protected areas and promoting sustainable practices around their habitats.
In popular culture, hippos are often depicted as both fearsome and comical, contributing to their iconic status in children's books, cartoons, and games. Their unique characteristics make them a symbol of Africa's diverse wildlife and conservation challenges.
#Hippopotamus #Wildlife #Conservation #AfricanWildlife #Nature #AnimalFacts #Safari #EndangeredSpecies #Ivory #HabitatLoss #AquaticLife #NocturnalAnimals #Herbivore #RiverHorse #Savannah #AfricanSafari #WildlifePhotography #Biodiversity #Ecosystem #ProtectWildlife #WaterLife #BigAnimals #WildlifeHabitat #HippoFacts #AnimalBehavior #SemiAquatic #LargeMammals #GrassEaters #AnimalKingdom #Zoology #EnvironmentalConservation #NaturalHabitat #AfricanRivers #WildlifeProtection #ThreatenedSpecies #AnimalCommunication #BigMouth #TuskedAnimals #HippoLove #ConservationEfforts #AfricanAnimals #JungleLife #SustainablePractices #ProtectTheWild #ZooLife #AfricanSavannah #RiverCreatures #AfricaTravel #HippoArt
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friendsafforestation · 2 months
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Botanical Wonders: The Enigma of Alaskan Harebells
🌿 Exploring Botanical Insights 🌍
Did you know that understanding plant distributions involves more than just naming? It's about mapping out where species thrive and how they vary across regions. Here's a fascinating tidbit:
In the world of botanical taxonomy, a political jurisdiction can be colored in if just one locality hosts a specific plant. This method helps when data is unevenly detailed, with some areas rich in herbarium specimens and others sparse.
Take the Campanula genus, for example. Recently, the Alaskan Harebells, scientifically known as Campanula alaskana.  Harebells in the Saskatoon area are no longer considered Complex Campanula rotundifolia and are now considered to be Alaskan Harebelles.  These harebells have caught our attention here in Saskatoon. These delicate blooms show intriguing differences from region to region, as noted by Mary Kreiger, a local botanist.
Unlike mammals, where species ranges are more straightforward, plants benefit greatly from platforms like iNaturalist. By harnessing the power of citizen science, we can contribute countless data points that enhance detailed range maps. Just like the American red squirrel's taxon range map on iNaturalist (check it out: https://inaturalist.ca/observations/54942912#activity_identification_a09efc16-e12a-4939-aaa6-d7928ea3b4c5), these efforts provide invaluable insights into plant biodiversity.
Join us in celebrating the collective effort of citizen scientists and researchers who enrich our understanding of flora worldwide. Together, we're painting a clearer picture of our natural world, one plant species at a time. 🌿💚  Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
#BotanicalTaxonomy #PlantBiodiversity #CitizenScience #iNaturalist #ExploreNature
Join us as we discover our rich and diverse history through #HistoricPlacesDays. Get creative with a selfie or photo and post it on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #HistoricPlacesDays before July 17 for a chance to win $500! Enter the contest today. www.historicplacesdays.ca/contests @nationaltrustca
Learn more today. www.historicplacesdays.ca @nationaltrustca #RichardStBarbeBakerPark #SaskatoonHistory #NatureConservation #ExploreSaskatoon #RichardStBarbeBaker #AfforestationArea @ParksCanada @ParksCanada @Parks.Canada #ParksCanada #HistoricPlaces #EveryPlaceAStory #CanadianHistory #CdnHeritage #CdnHistory #CelebrateHistory @nationaltrustca National Trust for Canada / Fiducie nationale du Canada @nationaltrustca / @fiducienatca National Trust for Canada #RichardStBarbeBakerPark [email protected] https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com/ http://www.friendsareas.ca/
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