flatstarcarcosa · 8 months
oh? pwedatow two is back on huwu as well? just for me? yawtja tweats for me in my time of need?
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
Could you write Male reader x male yautja maybe even Vic'tao and Uihoy where they had really limited human contact and even less knowledge about dating. I love the concept of Yautja trying to court someone but ultimately just freaking the human out more and then changing their ways. This exactly, pls. Where they try to court the reader, maybe even kidnap him to show him that they are very strong etc. bring him skulls and at first they don't understand why he keeps rejecting them and fighting back until one day when they finally give him some device to understand each other and he just tells them what absolute monsters they are etc. And then obviously some fluff where they slowly win back the reader's trust and eventually the reader falls in love
You can obviously chose which yautja actually shows up I just like the two but you can definitely choose someone else, i would just like a male yautja
Lost in Translation
Pairings: Vic'tao (Male Yautja) x Male!Reader x Uihoy (Male Yautja)
Word Count: 4462
Summary: On their first trip to earth, Vic'tao and Uihoy were excited! New creatures to hunt, a new planet to explore. Vic'tao spots you. There's something about you that interests him. He can't shake it. So, he does what any sensible Yautja does: courts you. Hey! Why are you screaming?
Author Note: I love this classic idea. Because in all reality, if any Yautja came up to the average person and offered a skull, you would sprint away screaming. I also love the fact I'm getting so many male reader asks! I didn't know their was so many of you out there.
For centuries, Yautjas and oomans have interacted in more way than one. Yet, it all boils down to prey and predator. Vic’tao and Uihoy come strictly for the hunt. Oomans are prey. There’s nothing much else to them.
Not until they saw you.
In a dense city, filled to the brim with oomans that meander to one place to the next, there was you. Vic’tao didn’t understand what is was about you that caught his attention. In all honesty, you looked just any of the other prey that traveled in your city. But, he stopped stalking to sit upon the roof of a build across the street to watch you.
Uihoy paused as well when he noticed his mate no longer was trailing behind him. The older male huffed and shook his head. Youngsters and their short attention span. He headed back towards the mustard yellow and blue male and crouched besides him. The two of them invisible to the naked eye.
They watched as you did your oomanly duties of trading credit for a colorful drink. Uihoy nudged at Vic’tao with his shoulder. “What is it? I don’t think that ooman is much of a worthy kill,” Uihoy questioned and settled down on his haunches. The random ooman strolled out of the building and got into their vehicle.
Before you could escape from Vic’tao easily, the younger of the two threw a tiny puck. The device attached itself to the outside paneling of your vehicle. Then, you were off.
On Vic’tao’s forearm gauntlet, he checked to make sure it was tracking you. A small yellow dot followed the exact pathing on the holoscreen pulled up. He chittered to himself then turned to Uihoy. “We may go now,” he brushed off and jerked his large head in the direction they were originally heading.
The other male quirked a brow from underneath his biomask at his mate’s strange interest in that specific ooman. Uihoy didn’t get an answer. So, he started off the same path they were taking through the city.
Their hunt was about to get more interesting.
On a hot summer morning, a book in hand, you laxed on your balcony. The weekend weather is wonderful to sit outside and enjoy it. A small fan sat off of a round coffee table, blowing air up towards your face. You turned to the next page only to tense up at the feeling of being watched. All of your focus on the book was lost. You placed the book off onto the coffee table and sat up. The feeling followed like a stormy cloud. A shutter ran down the length of your spine. You finally turn on your heel and head back inside to break free.
Once the curtains were shut, the tension that filled your body fell off of you in one huge wave. Strange. You shrugged it off and headed into the kitchen for some water. Hopefully, the water could clear your head about that strange occurrence.
The refreshing water rushed down your throat and helped down your heating body. The outdoors nearly a sweltering heat during the summertime. Your gaze glanced back over to the closed curtains and tilted your head. Whoever was watching you? Your apartment’s balcony faces a tree line. So, it couldn’t be others from another apartment.
A frown broke across your features. You refilled the empty cup of water and head back towards closed curtains. With a deep breath to calm down your rising heartbeat, you pulled them back.
Nothing raised the hairs on the back of your neck.
You shrugged then reentered the tiny balcony. The eyes didn’t return. As you go to sit down back on your comfortable chair, you paused. An animal’s skull sat upon the railing.
Instead of freaking out, you were completely confused. That wasn’t there a moment ago. The glass was set down by your book. Carefully, you stepped up the random skull and peered at it closely.
It was a predator by the looks of the teeth. A canine as well. If you had to guess, it was a wolf’s skull. Amazed by the fact there was a wolf’s skull in front of you yet completely puzzled on how it got here in the span of five minutes tops. You’re on the second story. It’s not like it could fall from the sky or someone just randomly set it there.
This was purposefully.
As much as you wanted to walk away from it, you didn’t want it to fall and break. Or someone else to have it. You glanced around the tree line to possibly search for the owner or a reason to why it was here. You came up empty handed. A sigh left your lips when nothing was in sight. You carefully picked it up and brought it inside with you.
A look around the interior brought upon a place to set it on. One of the shelves in the living room. All you had to do was shift a couple of books and other décor out of the way. Once it sat upon the shelf, you stood back and admired the skull in its new home.
What was someone else’s garbage is your new treasure.
While standing there, you felt the watchful gaze of someone again. Your head snapped back over to the open balcony door only to find nothing there, eyes narrowing. You marched over to the sliding glass door then stopped.
Something was… off.
A shiver ran down your spine the longer you stood there. It took a moment for your senses to finally feel the presence of someone in front of you. Your entire body tensed up before you ripped the glass door closed. So hard, you were surprised it didn’t shatter before you. The lock was thrown. You stumbled away from the closed door, eyes wide as you stared in terror.
There was something you couldn’t see. You felt it. A heat rolling off that invisible thing. What was that?! You trembled in the middle of your living room like scared prey. What you couldn’t see terrified you. Eyes blown wide.
Whatever there moved. The thing moved. You watched as the air rippled, distorted before your eyes as it unrooted from its spot. The figure stepped up to the railing then leaped over it. Then, it was gone. You rushed forward and swiftly shut your curtains before it could return to watch you again.
To calm your racing heart, you leaned against the curtains and placed a hand on your chest. Your heart on the verge of beating out. The feeling it gave you… You felt like prey amidst a hunter.
Once you calmed down enough, you pulled away from the glass door about to head to your bedroom when you remembered something. “Fuck,” you cursed. Your book was still laying on the coffee table! And, you were in a good spot as well.
A stupid, stupid idea came to mind. You peered around the curtains and saw the coast was still clear. When your gaze snapped to the coffee table… the book was gone! Your jaw dropped. Anger flared inside of you.
“You motherfucker! Stealing my book. I was in a good spot,” you screamed, hopefully whatever that thing was could hear you. Not only did it scare you but it stole your book. Oh, you were furious now. No one steels your books.
From the outside, the Yautja could still hear your shouts after the terror Vic’tao caused you. Neither of them expected less. Uihoy was entertaining Vic’tao’s fascination. What would have a Yautja interested like this. Even Uihoy himself was curious.
“Looks like the ooman took it well,” Uihoy teased his mate and patted the mustard yellow Yautja on the shoulder. The two of them still had their cloaks activated. They didn’t want their presence known to anyone besides their intended target. Vic’tao huffed and shook off Uihoy’s grip with a unseen glare thrown his way.
“Oh shush. I knew this was to happen. Oomans are prey.” Then, he lifted up the book he snatched from their target. “Look at what I got. We can learn more about the ooman.”
A deadpanned fell upon the older Yautja behind his biomask. “You stole a book.”
Vic’tao gave a scoff and purposefully shook his tresses to make them rattle. “This ooman. I want to learn more about him. Like some of things they teach you on the mothership. Oh, wait, you weren’t born on a mothership,” Vic’tao teased. All jester between the two male Yautjas
Their beginning may have started off rocky with disgust of the other, here they are.
Then, the yellow male wapped Uihoy with the book. “Learn about your target, yes? They should’ve at least taught you that.” Despite a hateful start to their relationship, they now can joke about their cultural differences. “You never know. Maybe this book has information about our target.”
Uihoy groaned and lulled his head backwards. “Dumbass, you can’t even read any of the ooman languages,” he grunted then tilted his head back to look at him.
Vic’tao raised a finger to tell the purple Yautja off, sucking in a breath before falling flat. He glanced down at the paper book in his hand and slumped on his shoulders. “I hate it when you’re right,” he mumbled, ready to throw the book when an idea struck him. “Wait! We can translate it back on the ship.” Their ship, more like Uihoy’s, had the capabilities to translate any known language into Yautja.
Another deadpanned look was thrown at Vic’tao who couldn’t see it. “Or, you can use your gauntlet,” he offered instead and tapped at the mentioned device. “This wonderful technology that be entirely versatile or did they only teach you basic hunting skills at the moment.” Vic’tao scoffed then stood up on the branch they each shared. Uihoy followed suit.
In one moment, Uihoy was free. The very next, Vic’tao pinned his into the trunk of the tree. A tight grasp wrapped around the purple Yautja’s throat and trapped him to the tree. Though, the Yautja was short, he wasn’t one to be messed with.
“I’ve got you stuck here, don’t I?” he rumbled into his ear, eyes gleaming behind his biomask.
The ground left Vic’tao’s feet. His back met the rough texture of bark, biting into his scales. Above him, Uihoy had him pinned instead. “Checkmate.”
A few days have passed since that incident occurred. Your book was long gone at this point. Another had been ordered and should be arriving in the next day or two. Despite your apprehension to leave home to go to work, you’ve pushed through and left the very next day for a stupid paycheck.
Nothing happened. No eyes. No feelings of being watched. Nor the next day. It too was free from that torment. Even on the fourth day, today, nothing has happened.
That caused you to question if it happened at all. If it wasn’t for the skull and missing book, you would’ve believed it was a fluke. A nightmare that you don’t remember waking from. Only it happening and now haunting you. The book, you could brush off as miss placing it someone stealing it from work. Besides that, the skull was your hard evidence.
Never had have you ever seen a wolf, let alone its own skull. The whole thing mystified you. All you could do in the end of scratch your head about it. How in the world does this happen to you?
Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people in your town and this thing targets you.
Now wasn’t the time to maul over your misfortune of the situation. With a sigh, you stepped out into the hallway. Your foot knocked into something on the ground. A brow quirked up as you glanced down only to find a box on the doormat. Confused, you picked it up off the ground.
It wasn’t a package. It looked like someone just randomly dropped off a box. The box itself wasn’t big. At most a foot wide and long barely even three inches tall. You checked the time on your phone really quickly before spinning on your heel and going back into your apartment. The closed behind you. You walked over to the dining table and set it down.
A short list of people who could’ve dropped it off listed off inside of your head. Yet, you felt like any of them would’ve notified you of the package. With your lips pressed tightly in a line, you carefully pulled the top of the box off.
The lid fell from your grasp before falling to the ground with a light tap.
Bones filled the small box. Horror flashed over your features. What the fuck?! You stumbled back and knocked into the kitchen counter behind you. Bones. But from what? Animal or-or human? A full body tremble raked your body.
The first thought to enter your frenzy brain was to call the police. Then rational thinking rose to the surface. They would think it was you or they may think you as crazy if these aren’t human. What were you suppose to do now? You’ve got work in less than thirty minutes and some crazy person dr-was it that thing you saw a couple of days ago?
A cold sweat rolled down your back. You had hoped it was only a one-time issue… not a recurring stalker. Wait. Do you have a stalker? Is this considered stalking?
You took a deep breath then quickly threw the box into the garbage. The bones rattled as they fell into their new and forever home. You shuttered at the sound, praying they weren’t human and damning yourself to throwing away evidence. Evidence that could paint you as the killer if they were. You ran your fingers through your hair before marching out of the door for work. Not another second to be wasted.
From his corner inside the ooman’s dwelling, Vic’tao bristled when they threw away the gift he graciously offered. He hunted down dangerous beasts for those bones and presented them to you. Then, you cast them aside.
Strange enough, you accepted the skull but refused the rib bones and femur packaged away in that box. It stumped the yellow Yautja as he meandered over to where you carelessly discarded the bones. The skull was set upon a shelve in the main room of your small dwelling. He moved over to it and peered at it. What made it different to be accepted rather than the other bones he offered to you?
He tasted your fear in the air and shrugged it off. Not that he was expecting less from a weaker creature such as yourself. Yet, there was something about you that caught his attention. Vic’tao had to try and win your hand and favor.
When you returned home, you set your keys and bag down on the kitchen counter. A peak into the garbage revealed the box was still there. Another tremble racked your body.
All day, you had hoped it was just a strange daydream or some hallucination. Clearly, that wasn’t the case.
When you’re about to enter your bedroom, something out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. You screeched to a halt, head whipping to find the balcony curtains opened. Just wide enough to reveal another white, shiny skull sitting on the small coffee table. Long, sharp canines veered from its mouth. Empty, eyeless sockets staring at you.
Your feet froze to the spot, refusing to move. All you could do was stare in terror at the sight.
This was purposeful. Someone was doing this on purpose. Tormenting you.
After you gained function of your limbs, you raced into your bedroom and slammed it shut behind you. The door rattling on the hinges from the force you exerted. Your back is pressed to it to ensure it stays in that same position. Your chest heaved with lungful breaths.
Vic’tao tilted his head at your reaction and huffed. Oomans are completely bewildering. Last time, you liked and accepted the last skull. So, he pulled another from his collection and even set it out in perfect sight for you. Then, you go ahead and act terrified of it.
The younger Yautja grunted and marched outside to retrieve it. This time, he held it in his hands and stood in front of the door you closed. His cloak revealing himself to the empty room. Like a patient hunter, he waited for the time to strike.
Inside of your bedroom, you heard a noise come from your living room and tensed up. What was that? You gnawed on your bottom lip then slowly pulled open the door. With it being dark, it was hard to peer through the darkness. Yet, from what you could tell, nothing had changed. You released a sigh of relief and took a step out of your room.
Only to freeze when you heard clicking. Not mechanical. As if something or someone was making the sound. Then, your eyes adjusted even to spot a figure towering in front of you.
A scream ripped at your lips. Immediately, you threw your fist at what looked to its head only to be met with metal. Your hand throbbed immensely afterwards. You screamed again then spun on your heel and began to run away. Only to smack yourself into the doorframe. All you could see was darkness fill your vision… then nothing.
In a span of less than minute, you had somehow knocked yourself out cold after trying to attack him. He chittered to himself under his mask with an amused smirk. The yellow Yautja peered down at your lifeless body then glanced over to Uihoy. “Well, that went well,” he snarked before reaching down and scooping you up. It seems like you weren’t getting the message. So, Vic’tao would have to force you to understand.
Uihoy came over and grasped your limp chin then picked up your head. His other hand ran his thumb across your cheek bone. “They’re not bad looking,” he muttered mostly to himself then let you fall limb against Vic’tao again. He looked up at Vic’tao. “What’s your plan with him?”
“Since he doesn’t get the hint, I’m going to straight up tell him. If he accepts, he accepts. If he doesn’t, we’ll let him ago,” Vic’tao answered before securing the skull to his belt. Once that was settled, the younger male left through the sliding glass door and climbing to the room of these small, compact dwellings. Uihoy’s ship was at least three times the space inside than just your dwelling alone. If you were to accept their advantages, you would get a huge upgrade. Plus, two Yautjas to protect you from any harm.
A snort came from Uihoy as he shook his head. His short, greying tresses swayed with the movement. “This is a ooman you’re talking about. They aren’t the most knowledgeable nor wise,” Uihoy chuckled and followed Vic’tao through the back door. Said door was slid shut after him.
The two of them got on top of the apartments and entered their ship that was hovering just a few feet above the roof. No one was none the wiser to this.
Vic’tao took you to the common area and let you rest on the longest couch there. Uihoy took to the helm of their ship and flew it higher into the sky. Neither of them could risk any ooman seeing them or else… death to that ooman. You are a special case as they try to woo your hand.
A pounding in your head had you grasping it, blocking out the light shining down on you. A groan voiced from your throat as you strained to sit up and held your head in two hands.
Man, you must have start a wild night of drinking to have a headache like this. No wonder why you woke up with a raging migraine.
When you finally fight off the first wave of pain to hit you, you opened your eyes and glanced around. Confusion filled your head. What in the world? This isn’t place you’ve ever been to. Fuck, you must still be asleep… yet that pain felt so real.
A mechanical whooshing caught your attention. You whipped your head around. A grave mistake but pushed through the pain that flared up.
An imposing figure stood in the doorframe. Its height easily dwarfed yours. Your jaw dropped, ready to start screamed when a massive head covered your mouth. That only caused you to freak out more.
Harsh clicking entered the air. You stared wide up at the figure leaning over you from behind, spiting out growls at the other one. The lone form before you rolled its bright orange eyes and let’s its crossed arms fall. Then, it began to stalk closer towards you. You shouted from behind the hand and scrambled backwards, only to knock into the figure.
The purple one advancing one you stopped when the yellow one spat something at it. Then, yellow tilted its head down at you.
Four sharp fangs were all you could notice on its alien face. This wasn’t something on earth. You got kidnapped by aliens! The top two raised in some sort of grin. It clicked something at you but its alien tongue went straight over its head. The purple one made a snide comment to its friend who snarl, hand tensing around your mouth.
For a moment, you fear it would accidently snap your neck. Until its hand fully fell away. Yet, it stayed behind you. Now, you were trapped between the two of them, unable to move.
The creature behind you raised a finger, as if telling to wait a moment then moved over to a wall. Its fingers pressed against a hidden button. A hiss entered the air.
Before your very eyes, the wall started to retract panels. In sort of a strange transformation, the panels revealed a hidden compartment you were shocked to see. Before you grew nervous and disgusted. Skulls and bones lined the space in the wall… like a trophy wall. Were they showing the place they would soon put your skull? Are they going to kill you?!
You gasped and launched off of the couch. The purple one reacted quicker than you could even blink. It was upon you in a moment and shoved you back down on the oversized couch. You choked on air and stared up at the imposing figure. All it did was return the gaze in a lazy fashion. Like it was bored.
“What do you want?” you finally find your voice and asked them an important question. The purple creature tilted its head then pressed a button on its strange gauntlet. It held out the device towards you again and made a motion to go again. “What do you want?”
The only thing you could think of was a translator or something of the sort. You waited impatiently for the device to do its thing and repeat what you had said.
Yellow made its way over to the two of you leaned over the couch, entering your personal space a little too much. Instead of purple answer, the other one took the time to speak towards the gauntlet.
“We are trying to court you,” an automated voice repeated to you in English. Your brain blanked at the response, jaw dropping in shock.
“Court?! Like-like dating? What the fuck?” you practically screeched at the top of your lungs and sat up higher on the couch only to accidently knock into yellow. “You guys are monsters!”
Another pause as your words are translated to them. At first, you froze at the realization of your insulting words. They could possible still kill you if they felt like it. Specially, talking like that to them. You sat there, fretting if you just signed your death notice.
Instead, the beasts tilted their heads. “Not monsters. Yautja. We are Yautja. Yes, we like to court you. We are proud hunters who if you accept us, will protect and provide for you.” Yautja? Strange name for a species. That thought was kept to yourself before you damned yourself further.
Protect and provide. That actually for you thinking for the moment. Your eyes scanned the open area around you. Wherever they’ve taken you is spacious just in this spot alone. At least twice the size of your living room alone. They called themselves hunter which is evident by the many skulls adorning the nearby wall. There was even a skull that was about the size of you.
If they could take down something of that size… you swallowed down the lump in your throat. “Can I have time to think about this? Learn about you guys? Humans don’t just walk into relationships without learning about the other people first,” you questioned, nervously fretting with the hem of your shirt.
Yellow’s eyes brightened. The figure began to purr by the sounds of it and chuffed at its partner in crime.
Purple gave a thinking face. “I did not realize human customs were different than ours. We hadn’t thought of that." This came from yellow this time. It moved from around the couch then got down on its hunched and offered the skull you saw before.
Instead of being canine this time, you realized this must be feline or something close to it. You timidly reached out and accepted it from yellow. You were thankful it didn’t outright kill you at first and took that as a good sign. “Thank you.” Yellow lifted those upper two mandibles again at you. “Um, do-do you guys have names?”
This time, purple let his arm fall to not catch his next words. “Uihoy.” He pointed towards himself. Your eyes bulged out of your head. What in the world? Not a name from this world.
“Vic’tao.” Yellow joined in and motioned towards himself. How do they expect you to form those kind of names?
Embarrassed, you scratched the back of your neck. “Can you try that again?” you asked, hoping not the offend them any way possible.
For the next few moments, they helped your learned how to pronounce their alien names. In that moment, you learned quickly they meant no harm to you. They weren’t going to hurt you.
You waved goodbye after they dropped you off on the balcony of your apartment. Feeling a little giddy, you walked back inside and head towards your bedroom with a new skull. Despite all the fear you endured from them, they weren’t bad to hang around with. Maybe, once you grew to know them, you would allow for this to continued.
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the-starry-seas · 15 days
Whichever of your ocs, whatever you want to talk about please ? 👀
I'm gonna talk about my girl Ripper :3
I decided to make Yautja canon in Star Wars because really at this point who can stop me? I'm the sort of disrespectful to canon that you usually only see talked about in whispers at church.
My girl Ripper is 7'4" and gets her name from her fingernails which are filed into pointy claws. You can guess what she does with them.
She has a clone boyfriend, an OC of mine named Carno. He's a freak and violent (affectionate, we love a man who get horny over being able to draw blood).
She considers him a delightful little pastime. And then she realises that he likes hunting people and being a bloody weirdo and decides that they're going to start dating. As soon as he realises that she also likes hunting people and being a bloody weirdo, they make out about it. In a deeply abnormal way that involves potentially too much biting.
She's also very smart and knows everything there is to know about weapon and ship technology. She teaches him a bunch of things that he never would have learned from the GAR and he enjoys being able to have free run of her hunting/scout ship. It makes him feel short since everything is scaled to her height but he's still enjoying himself.
She sneaks him offworld to go on hunting trips and finds it very funny how her little man is so good at hunting when he's so short and only has those normal armour and weapons. She has plans to get him outfitted in a proper set of armour and weapons and a biomask. She thinks he'll look hot and she's right <3
I love characters who seem one-dimensional (violent road trip hunter) but turn out to be layered (tech genius, tactical smarts, advanced pilot, knowledge equivalent to a wildlife biologist) but are also very much what they originally seem to be (violent road trip hunter). Love her for that <3
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illaende · 9 months
Attempting to get better at drawing yautja without resorting to drawing the biomask or humanforms anymore so here's my first two attempts 1. Being a full body of my main oc, Illaende 2. A close up of another character named Ka'za-Shu'rai
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lovingthewildlife · 2 years
Yautja x Werewolf reader part two.
Part one is here as I resist the urge to make an Electric Boogaloo joke.
The night had veered from unusual to strange and then swiftly into a shift of highly strung emotions within the pace of half an hour. The ooman he had a habit of watching had turned the tables on him. How long had she known that he was watching her? How much of what he had seen was an act to throw him off?
He could feel hot breath on his heels as he ran and his eyes widened as he found himself having to rely on what he could recall of the park as he'd come in earlier. The light was fading to nothing and his biomask provided a heat signature of creatures in the area but not a topographical mapping. So he relied on his wits and reflexes as he ran and leapt over roots. Cursing when his ooman herded him deeper into the forest from her position chasing him at ground level.
He could easily turn around and fight her, but then what would happen? His days and nights had been filled with her before this. He did his bare minimum in hunting when he wasn't bound up in his thoughts of her. He had been treading the line of becoming a Bad Blood, so was this the goddess laughing at him for coming so close? Was this a test?
He didn't want that. As much as he should relish a chance to challenge himself, he didn't want his hunt to be focused on her. He wanted his heart to beat for her in a new way.
And the fact that she was chasing him now, sharp fangs barely getting close enough to nick his heels had his head spinning. His heart reeling even as he wasn’t given a moment to consider what would happen next. She was driving him before her, forcing them both to act on instinct. He didn’t think that any of the oomans on earth could be like this and he wanted to get himself to a vantage point and trap her so he could question her. He needed to catch his breath, steady himself as he ran and start to honesty pay attention.
Because really, he had been behaving like a juvenile almost the entire time he had been preying on her in the way he did. He had come close to the line of being a bad blood and the only thing that saved him was the fact that he didn’t draw blood at any point. He had let his lust lead him and didn’t consider the fact that oomans could be dangerous simply because he hadn’t witnessed her behaving aggressively at any point.
He felt hot breath against his thigh and sped up, snarling as he move around a tree and jumped to the side in an effort to get better distance while getting higher into the trees. Sharp claws dug into the tree that he landed on and when they raked downward it shook the trunk so hard that it nearly dislodged him. His mandibles clenched down as he leapt through the trees, aware that there was a bit of rustling coming from the sides now and he dared a look down to see what had happened.
For a split second he had worried that some human had come upon their chase and they would interrupt the glory of the run. But as his eyes adjusted to the shapes that were coming in from the sides, his heart squeezed when he saw that they were more that were shaped like his ooman. Canine and too large to be feral dogs, they fell into line alongside his ooman and made him pause as he watched the subtle body language before one of them leapt on the trunk of the tree he was up in, snarling at him.
It wasn’t just his ooman that could see him up here, it was the others with her that shared this canine form. One was dark as night and when he took his eyes off her, he swore that she disappeared. The other was a dark brown, while his ooman had a furred form that was a dark grey. All adaptable to the environment, able to blend with the scenery or even just with the night itself.
Tilting his head curiously, he looked at them before pushing off from the branch and continuing onwards, this time making sure that he was heading back into the woods. He didn’t know the area that well, but all he had to do was take a brief look at the pack that had formed to chase him and he saw the way that they were attempting to get him to go. Subtly, he followed their lead, slowly going to lower branches and thrilling in the fact that their howls and barks got louder and faster the closer they got to him. A time or two they leapt up as he jumped and he just barely managed to be missed being bitten. Or were they just taunting him with how close they could get?
He wanted to know. He didn’t want to fight, but he wanted to know how they hunted and how they fought. Jumping down from the lowest branch, he hit the ground and rolled with the momentum. There was a skid of paws to his left and right and a soft flurry of leaves around them but the canine oomans were not coming close enough even though he gave a brief pause.
Emboldened, he turned around and braced himself. His transformed ooman was still racing towards him and he lifted his chin when he saw that she had no intention of stopping. He could practically feel the fangs at his throat, but the two at his side were only barking, as if cheering him or her onward. He barely had time to consider that before the large paws were slamming into his chest, making him hit the ground.
The wind knocked out of him, he opened his eyes to see his ooman sitting on him. She had a feral look on her face. Eyes a dark gold and teeth more like fangs than not. Her hair wild and long, shaggy in a way that almost hid the fact that her ears were pointed now. Her hands weren’t quite human, the fingers longer and something more animalistic in them. Her nails long and black, looking more like claws than anything. And her body had more muscle than he remembered ever seeing on her when he peeked through her window. Her mass kept him pinned and his cock twitched as she moved her weight so her hands were at his shoulders now, making sure he couldn’t get up without a fight.
Sharp teeth snapped at him and he let his mandibles spread wide, did his best to angle his head to show his throat to her. She sneak attacked him, more or less. He would yield for the night.
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valentinecult · 2 years
Another question. Does the Feral Predator even know what he is doing or even know how his technology works? He should know that his Bolt Gun only hits its target by the Biomask's laser and he seemed confused by the fact his shield can through a tree.
The Feral Predator knew what he was doing, it's just that he grew arrogant over the course of the movie and became increasingly reckless.
When he attempted to use the Bolt Gun on Taabe, the Feral Predator figured that since Taabe was in close proximity, he should be able to land a hit without the assistance of his mask. Alas, that wasn't the case and he probably overestimated the distance between him and Comanche warrior.
The same could be said when he attempted to use the Bolt Gun on Naru in the final fight. It can be argued that the Feral Predator grew frustrated with Naru and didn't think clearly enough to realize that the spear from the Bolt Gun is unlikely to hit her.
The shield kill scene, I don't think he was confused, I think he was more impressed and proud of himself like 'Damn, I'm actually pretty good at this. Not bad.'
Regardless of his reckless behavior, it's still pretty impressive that the Feral Predator was able to use his weapons effectively and strategically against the French Trappers because this hunter is rookie, now imagine if this was a veteran hunter like Wolf.
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churchydraws · 1 year
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quick wip of @eclipsedcrystalstar's Solar as a Yautja, this time with a full body! I couldn't remember if he had scars on his legs so they're kinda bare rn.
I imagine that, since human Solar has a cane, Rka'Thwei (translates to Fire Blood!) has specialized armor that also has a back brace implemented into it. other then that, his armor is pretty typical as far as Yuautja armor goes.
he does have a biomask, I just gotta draw it. I want it to look like normal Solar's head.
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thenomadclan · 2 years
Character Bio
Scrapper (The Smartest Nomad Clan Member)
•Unknown Real Name
Name Origin:
•Scrapper - When found & rescued by Drago, and brought back to Pandora (the hidden city where the Nomad Clan operated), his extreme intelligence had him dissecting all forms of technology to create something completely new. Though not the greatest fighter he was considered the dirtiest of his time, using every opportunity and every advantage in his arsenal to come out on top.
•Unknown Real Name - This isn’t a name being used, but alittle lore that Scrapper doesn’t know his real name due to being experimented on by humans in “Borgia Industry”. After so long in the facility and the amount of brainwashing, Scrapper would lose all memories of his old life.
•Bruiser - His Biological Brother who was trapped with him in “Borgia Industry”, often times can be said to be the strongest Yautja to ever live.
•Drago - His savior and mentor, often times can be found as a father father to him.
•Surge - Scrapper’s son who was the spitting image of his father, however he was considered unlucky in all his hunts. Leaving Scrapper to “Fix” his son, it got to the points of extreme measures that Scrapper wasn’t fixing wounds and broken bones, he was replacing his son’s flesh with cold hard steel. Eventually having his son be turned into a emotionless cyborg, often times having rare “human moments” of his former self.
Skin Color:
•Due to the poor living condition of the facility, Scrappers skin can be a described as extremely grey from his pigment being completely lost.
Physical Features:
•White eyes.
•Cut Dreadlocks (due to science experiments).
•His skin is so pale that the veins on his skin can not only be seen but also can show the glowing green blood of a Yautja.
•Unlike his brother Bruiser, Scrapper was disfavored by his Gods and given a body that could not hold in a traditional fight, thought lean and fit his body muscle and mass where something in Yautja Culture be viewed as a disgrace.
•Multiple scares & Needle Punctures.
•Amputated Mandible (due to it being sliced off by a Honorbound huntress he fought during the raid of Yautja Prime or “Purge of Drago”).
•While experimented on, Scrapper would go on and have implants imbedded into his body that would be seen on the surface of his body. (Main inspiration from Predator Concrete Jungle like Stone Heart, Long Spear, and Quick Knife).
•6 Feet Tall
•250 lbs
•Weapons Specialist
•Experimental Scientist
•Exiled / Bad Blood
•Traditional JH Armor, with a Human Skull acting as a belt buckle.
•Power Gauntlets
•A Biomask that has 4 vision modes and can be used for sniper like weapons.
•Rocket Kneecap (during the “Purge of Drago” on Yautja Prime, Scrapper’s knee was completely ripped off. With his brilliant mind of not only adding a prosthetic, but turning it into a weapon of war that his enemies never saw.)
•Rope Darts / Xeno Tail Whips (During his hunts in the Nomad Clan, Scrapper managed to fend off against 2 Xenomorphs at once. When he returned not only did he come back with 2 trophies but he came back with new weapons. They can be used for attacks, disarming, use as CQC Daggers, or to maneuver.
•Double Shoulder Canons of his own design.
•Is considered the smartest member of the Nomad Clan.
•During his early years in the Nomad Clan, he was considered snarky, rude, and extremely intelligent.
•He is not afraid to flex his intelligence either, knowing he’s the smartest man in the room.
•Is said to have a short fuse temper if mentioned about his height.
•A Opportunist.
•Often uses sarcastic remarks or jokes to deflect his personal pain.
•Though he gives his clan members a hard time, he is a die hard loyal soldier till the end.
•Was the air support during the invasion of Yautja Prime, was a puppet that shot down any form of air attack against the Nomad Clan’s ground team.
•Was the first being to officially and successfully replicate a Clone.
•Managed to build and keep Pandora or other Yautja hidden cities hidden with a camouflage force field, while also creating underground transit systems to trade with other hidden cities.
•Was the black market equivalent to calling human artifacts to wealthy Yautja buyers, and would sell Yautja equipment to other Yautja’s hidden on Earth.
•Was said to be the second fastest of foot to the legendary Chaka, who was on the Nomad Council.
•Managed to fight off 3 Super Predators at once.
•Invented his own version of “The Predator Killer” for it was more deadlier the the prototype that the Yautja Prime Scientists could conjure.
Pictures of Character:
(Art belongs to @chopshop-creationz and another artist not in Tumblr)
@abdxctedd @bunnyraptor69 @black-suns-rim @crowworkz @daswhox @leechandoki @maynixe @mariayautja2022 @outcastsnmagic @pyode-luar-ke @pykepyke @queenlybeastly @shaymin99 @wolfsnowphoenix @whereisxyro @yautja-addict @yautjagirl91 @yautjalover @yuki-suki
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afraidofchange · 1 year
scar approaches the commander, moving through the limited space as if he intends to shrink himself, trying-failing to seem smaller. but he is steady. nonthreatening. a clawed index finger points to her N7 armor, and then to his chrome  wrist-bracer. he unplugs a thin wire from the tech-gauntlet, offers it to her.
the hunter releases a low, rumbling warble from behind  his biomask, as his free hand gestures to her mouth, and then to the  mask's mouthpiece. without words, scar communicates the suggestion: freely give him access to her armor's universal translator software, and he  will scan its database. allowing scar's tech to develop its own translator. allowing scar to talk. he tilts his head, long, locs-like quills hanging over his chest. waits for her permission.
@anarkissm | for Cmdr. Shepard
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Cautious eyes watch as the Normandy's guest makes his presence known through the shuttle bay. They've yet to debrief from the mission on Horizon - a success, although meeting the former Gunnery Chief had come as a surprise; a painful reminder of her past life before death, parting ways without an inkling of hope for what they once had.
Still, she steels herself, watching intently as he points with one claw to her armor, then to his own wrist with a wire. She's certain she can feel Lawson's piercing gaze on her from across the ship, about why she shouldn't do this - but really, if their guest had wanted to wreak havoc, Shepard has no doubt he would've done it already.
With a nod, Shepard reaches for the wire, pulling up her omni-tool along her own arm, taking the wire to implement it into her armor just beneath the edge of the orange hue. Once secured, the Commander looks up with another nod - a universal go-ahead, if anything.
"Alright, let's see what this can do for you."
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flatstarcarcosa · 8 months
actually no the thought of karnaka giving me a full body intricate scan with the biomask when i'm not feeling well and just being like
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is so funny
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yaut-jaknowit · 3 months
So I saw the post about Gawtin doing anything in her power to increase the readers lifespan. So I am thinking perhaps she is researching ways on how to do that when she stumbles upon something about their blood being able to increase a humans lifespan by quite a bit. So she goes and gets permission from the council (maybe a bit of arguing cause I don't think giving blood to a ooman is looked well upon) then ya giving blood to the reader
- 🥤
Forever At My Side
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2118
Summary: With your time around Gawtin, she has come to dreadful thoughts you lifespan compared to hers. You will only live at most for a hundred years. That is far too short to experience your love and passion. Gawtin sets out to find what she can do to help. This gains unwanted attention.
Author Note: This made me do some worldbuilding and I love it! We get to see who is part of Gawtin's life and hear about a city on Yautja Prime as well. Of course, the city I've created isn't part of canon. I can't find much about Yautja Prime so I just get to worldbuild about it.
There are special properties within Yautja blood. Many of them helpful to other species. Yautjas are seen as a superior species among the universe. The research of what their blood could do for others has been dove into. Not deep, but enough to know.
When Gawtin came to conclusion that she wants you till the end of either of your lifespans, she calls upon a favor.
Amongst the Yautja as a whole, the scientific side is reclusive. Not many will give up their life for science, believing the hunt is everything to them. Yet, despite this group being so small compared to the amount of Yautjas alive to this day, they’ve discovery plenty. This includes their main way of travel: their spacecrafts. Or their biomasks when a planet’s atmosphere doesn’t fit their own needs. Or even for a ooman living on a planet who’s air would suffocate you. All this done by those willing to sacrifice their livelihood to further the advancement of the Yautjas.
This is where Gawtin shots a message to a scientist in Kov; a major city on Yautja Prime. Someone who owes her favor. One she’s cashing in for you. Always for you. If there’s a chance to extend your life, she’s willing to do it. Anything to keep you with her longer.
In the beginning, Gawtin knew of the risks of taking on a ooman mate. Mainly their short lifespan. That was a concern. Of course, it was. But, she’s never seen a ooman like you before. So willing to put yourself between the scum who captured and hunted her while heavily pregnant. You even killed for her, protecting her from said scum. Though, she was forever in debt to you. She’s not doing this to repay such debt. She’s doing this for you to be at her side until her heart gives out.
Until Voth-ocheb gets back to her, Gawtin has wait as the patient hunter she is. The moss green Yautja has a feeling this won’t fail her. She feels it in her blood.
On one of the many days the two of you are relaxing, you find yourself in your mate’s lap. With your butt between her thighs, legs thrown over one thigh while your back rests against the other. It’s a seat you would die for. There was nowhere better to be.
One of the advancements you were extremely happy Yautjas have was the fact you could connect with earth’s internet. Even if you were hundreds upon hundreds of light years away. It was only one tap away. You find yourself tapping away on your tablet to fill the day. Today, you didn’t feel like drawing and wanted to snuggle up to your mate until sunset. Not that Gawtin minded. Not one bit.
In the middle of her reading, she turned her head towards the front door. Someone was coming. A little unusual. Yautjas are known to be mainly solidary. You knew you would be forced to get up so Gawtin could answer the door. In preparation, you shimmed off of her lap and next to her. Gawtin pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and began to make her way towards the door.
Halfway towards the entrance, Gawtin hesitated then cursed lowly under her breath in Yautja. Your burrows furrowed at the strange antic. Never have you ever seen the female act such a way. In all honesty, she almost looked… nervous.
Yet, that apprehensive expression was washed over by a neutral expression. Years of training falling into place.
On the couch, you peeked over and watched as Gawtin opened the door. Your eyes widened at the sight of a massive female standing a couple of inches taller than Gawtin in the entrance. What adorn her told you exactly who this is; only having met the Yautja once before when Gawtin had make her case to keep you.
Gawtin’s mother: Ma’tan-Aih. Ruler of this tribe. The War-ak’ox tribe. Baroness Ma’tan-Aih. It’s the closest title that could translate into English from Yautja.
An expression you were famialir with was etched into the moss green Yautja’s face as she looked down at her daughter. “Gawtin, may I enter?” Her voice was commanding in every sense, causing you to shutter. Her Yautja accent heavy and thick, nearly making it impossible to listen to her words. You jerked down to hide behind the back of the couch from her steely gaze. The last thing you wanted was for those purple eyes to be directed at you.
“Yes, Baroness Ma’tan-Aih,” Gawtin allowed and called her mother by the proper title. You tensed up, white knuckling the tablet at the knowledge Ma’tan-Aih was entering your safe space. Before either of them could come into the living you, you attempted to look busy on the tablet so the attention was off of you.
Their footsteps were light on the soft wooden floor. Both of them made their way into the living room. Right where you were. Gawtin returned to her seat next you and even scooped you into her lap. Your muscles refused to relax under the scrutinizing gaze of the baroness. This couldn’t be happening. Why did she even want to speak with Gawtin? The two of them rarely even say a word to each other. Now, her mother wants to have a sit down in Gawtin’s cottage.
Your hands trembled holding onto the device. Gawtin was quick to cup both of them in one of hers. It took all of her might not to purr. She despised the fact you were uncomfortable in your own home due to her mother’s sudden, unannounced appearance. Yet, this is her mother she was talking about. Unless she challenged for the baroness title, there was nothing Gawtin could do in this situation.
Despite your eyes glued to the screen, you felt the laser focus of the baroness’s gaze zoned in on you. Your chest rapidly moved with each intake of air. You attempted to focus again on the tablet, anything to get your mind off of her. That unfortunately failed.
Baroness Ma’tan-Aih sat down gracefully on a chair across from the two of you. Gawtin watched each twitch, each movement made by her mother closely. She knew this was farthest thing from a catchup. This was business.
“Daughter,” Baroness Ma’tan-Aiu started with, “It has come to my desk you are fiddling with something you shouldn’t be wasting your time on.” With her heavy accent, it was hard to know if you heard right. Your burrows furrowed while gazing up at your mate’s beautiful face. Questions whirled to life inside of your scattered mind.
“Dam, what I do in my free time is none of your concern,” Gawtin stated and laid down a firm boundary. Not that her dam had to listen to her at all. “I have my favors. I can use them to my liking.”
A single studded brow rose due to the borderline rude words of Gawtin. “Yet, you use them in a foolish way. Why waste such a favor on trivial matters? Things can be replaced for good riddance.”
Though, you didn’t know what the subject was about, you instantly felt the tension in the air grow increasingly taunt. You gnawed on your bottom lip and watched as one of Gawtin’s mandibles twitched.
“It can never be replaced,” she grounded out in a tone you felt yourself fear. “I will never replace such a thing.” Her hand clenched down on yours, causing the bones in your hands to creak under the sudden pressure. “My mate is here to stay. I have already completed the challenges you laid before me.” Wait, what? This has something to do with you?
The Yautja before you waved off Gawtin’s words with a flick of her wrist. “Yes, yes. I know,” she scoffed. “But to ask someone in Kov to research such a dangerous topic? Daughter, you are a fool. You must know to go through with this, you must go to the council of Cu'stouirll before you go to the monarch herself. Cu'stouirll is known not to be pleasant.”
Gawtin sat up a little higher in her seat. “I will do what is needed to follow through with this.”
It was all too much information at once. They were supposedly talking about you and either someone or something named Cu'stouirll. Which sounded to be a bad thing. You gazed up at Gawtin in hopes for an explanation but received none from the focus hunter.
Baroness Ma’tan-Aih bristled at her daughter words. “As much as I loved your sire’s stubbornness at times, this is not the time to flare it. You must know what this could mean… Especially for those who have also taken an ooman as their mates. This could be opening pandora’s box for the worse.”
It’s not hidden that many of the other Yautjas in this tribe dislike your presence. If it wasn’t for the fact you saved Gawtin and Qui’oky from death, your case would’ve collapsed before your very eyes. The baroness does not want other ooman mate’s to have the same opportunity to whatever Gawtin is planning. You knew whatever Gawtin was fighting for was for the good of you.
Yet, Gawtin didn’t change her stance on the subject and kept the same gaze upon her mother. “Then, let that happen. I will do whatever it takes to keep my mate at my side for as long as possible.” Even with that, you couldn’t piece together what was still happening.
On the other side, the green Yautja sat up from her seat to tower over the two of you. In that moment, you didn’t feel scared or intimidated by the baroness. Not with your mate at your side, prepared to do anything to keep you safe and out of harms way.
“Lady Gawtin, when this falls upon my court, you will have to ensure your case is concrete. I can already tell you, I will not accept this. Letting an ooman be injected with our blood?! It’s an abomination!” Baroness Ma’tan-Aih snapped then spun on her heel and marched out of your cottage.
Your lungs seized with a sharp gasp. Your eyes snapped up to Gawtin with uncertainty swirling inside of them. “Gawtin? What does she mean?” you asked immediately after her mother’s departure.
Her dark purple eyes watched the closed door for a few more seconds before she gazed down at you. One of her hands cupped your cheeks and gingerly ran a coarse thumbpad over your cheekbone. “I had wished not burden you with this theory until I have received the results,” she whispered, this time in English.
“What do you mean, love? I’m completely confused,” you begged for answers and hoped she could soothe your worries.
A sigh escaped the female Yautja. “Ooman’s do not like as long as Yautjas. It is a known fact. A fact that I have come to terms with. But, you, my mate, are everything to me. If I can do something, anything in my power to ensure you stay with me longer, I will go to the ends of Yautja Prime to make sure that happens. Even if I have to fight my mother for this, I will. She nor anyone else will not stop me from reaching my goal.” You smiled softly up at her, eyes closing to nuzzle into her hand.
“Oh love, that’s so sweet of you.” You reached up and cupped the back of her massive hand against your cheek. You carded your fingers through her own. “You don’t know how much I appreciate all that you do for me.” When you reopened your eyes, you glanced down at the couch cushions. “Your mother wasn’t very happy about that though.” A statement but made to be open as a question.
Gawtin shook her head, tresses swaying with the movement. “No, she’s never happy. I could care less about her opinion. Yours is the only one that matters. If wish for me to stop, I will. But if you are wanting to continue, I will let this go on. The choice is yours,” she offered wholeheartedly. Every step you’ve made in her world has been at the hands of you. You are in charge. As always.
You opened your eyes to look directly into hers. “If it means I get to stay with you longer, then the answer is yes. Anything to be with you longer is an easy choice.”
The Yautja burst out purring and leaned down, practically breaking her back to rub her head against yours. Vibrations raced along your skin. You giggled and nuzzled with her. A life by Gawtin’s side is a life you would never trade for.
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The Twelve Incident
“Day of No Suns”, “Taan h’H’ko-gheh”
The disaster that occurred in the Earth year of 1975 in the northwestern forests of South America, where all twelve sons of Odd Crest Patriarch Halkrath perished.
Halkrath’s adolescent litter of four, triplets Dusk, Crisis, Abyss, and lone child Kudos were nearing Blooding age, and so it was arranged to take place at a temple built for such on Earth. Halkrath’s adult children, under his supervision, made preparations and collected the sacrifices to be placed in the sacrificial chamber in order to provide the needed xenomorphs. Seven humans were chosen to produce seven xenomorphs, so the four would not be outnumbered 2:1, but given a decent challenge.
Halkrath’s only daughter and youngest child at the time, M’hsi, wished to attend as the other adult children did, but her mother Vosandi made her stay, as she was too young and would see them back soon.
The Unblooded four would personally enter the temple for their trial, and their Blooded siblings and Halkrath would observe remotely from a nearby facility through their biomask feeds.
Through still uncertain means, the sacrifices produced far more than seven xenomorphs, resulting in the Unblooded becoming overrun and outmatched. Halkrath then led his Blooded children into battle on a rescue mission, abort the trial, and kill the Queen and her nest to investigate the cause and stop the invasive species from spreading to the human-populated areas.
With his newly-acquired plasmacaster, Dusk shot at xenomorph drones running down a hall, fatally hitting a hidden Sly, whose body then avoided any xenomorph desecration or injury. During this, Kudos was impaled from behind through the chest by a drone, that Crisis then killed. No longer fit to fight, Kudos clung to Crisis and convinced him to stay and defend him until they had the clear to escape, hunkering down behind some temple architecture.
Shriek armed his wrist-nuke and began running the opposite way from the Queen chamber and exit, using his call to attract as many drones as possible, with Sniper picking off the crowd rushing after Shriek. During so, Sniper was ambushed from behind and dragged off to the nest, and the growing swarm of xenomorphs began to overwhelm Shriek.
Halkrath commanded Hookclaw, with Dusk as his back-up, to destroy the nest and Queen. As Halkrath sent his sons Fearless, Gouger, Spartan, Ruthless, and Abyss to maintain exit control, Ruthless was impaled before his father’s eyes and taken into a serpent vent to the nest, where he fell from the platform and onto a cluster of ovomorphs, dying of acid damage.
Hookclaw confronted the Queen while Dusk slew the defending drones. Dusk was overwhelmed and torn apart by the growing numbers as Hookclaw was impaled by the partially freed Queen. By then, Shriek’s wrist-nuke activated, vaporizing him and the surrounding drones, destroying the temple wing he was in, and billowing down the halls until the blast radius hit the Queen chamber, engulfing Sniper (who was still alive), Dusk’s body, some of the drones, Hookclaw, the Queen, Ruthless’ body, and the nest.
As the explosion distracted the two, Crisis was impaled through the chest and thrown across the room by a drone, dying in the corner. Kudos was ignored by the rushing numbers of xenomorphs past him, as he slowly bled out.
Meanwhile, Halkrath and his surviving children were outside on temple grounds to contain the infestation and secure exits, which was abandoned as xenomorphs surpassed their roadblocks and escaped onto the grounds and surrounding forest. The group scrambled all over the ground to catch and kill any drones they saw, gathering in smaller pairs to back each other up.
Spartan was sprayed with acid while attending to Halkrath, before being stabbed from behind and torn away from his side. Weakened, he couldn’t prevent the swarming drones from killing him with a pharyngeal jaw to the cranium.
Shriek’s explosion destroyed the left wing of the temple, causing structural collapse, the debris from which crushed Abyss, and rained down upon the combatants, Yautja and xenomorph alike. In the chaos, Gouger was headbitten from behind.
The lone two, Halkrath bore witness to Fearless attending him, only to be impaled from behind and torn in two at the waist. Halkrath, furious, attacked the offending drone which then bled all over his right side before expiring, being buried along with the patriarch in rubble.
After the initial reports and radio silence, Half-Heart sent a recovery team as well as clean-up effort to investigate, where Halkrath was found clinging to life underneath rubble, missing both his right limbs, body marred with acid burns and partially melted to the floor. He was taken for medical attention as the clean-up focused on hunting the escaped xenomorphs before any could attack a human settlement or establish a new nest.
Over time, the bodies of the twelve and their masks were removed, if and when possible, from the ruins of the temple, which was then condemned. Ruthless’s body, which was still acidic, was left in place in wait of a time when he would be safe to handle.
A clanwide service was thrown for the twelve, despite the Odd Crests being an unpopular family, for the great loss of Half-Heart life.
The events of that day was pieced together by authorities through salvaged mask feeds and what information Halkrath could offer in his gravely injured and near-catatonic state.
As other clan territories and Hunters were already pre-established near the site of the disaster, the procedure afterwards was a matter of many clans and individuals, resulting in the Council of Ancients taking part in the matter. Half-Heart Clan Leader Kandore advocated for Halkrath as not being the cause of the incident, with further research leading to the conclusion that it was likely due to a mutation in the ovomorphs laid by the Queen already captive in the temple long before the Odd Crests arrived. These mutations possibly made the facehuggers implant multiple viable chestbursters instead of the standard one per sacrifice. Kandore insisted that neither Halkrath nor his sons were responsible for, or could have known about this, or prevented it. Saved on a whim due to already being alive, Halkrath was kept so with his future fate undecided, to be based on the findings.
With that conclusion, the Ancients agreed with Kandore and no further punishment was handed down by them or Kandore to the disgraced patriarch. Despite this acknowledgement of his futility in the cause of the incident, Halkrath was in command of the operation and oversaw the precautions taken, and most importantly to the council, failed to contain the problem when made aware of it. Thus, he was held responsible for the disaster’s development and his mishandling of its containment.
The twelve were buried in their designated tombs underneath the Odd Crest home, and the recoverable masks hung in their living area. All but two mates left Halkrath in the aftermath, those who stayed were the mother of his only surviving child M’hsi, and the other, Luar-ke, pregnant with his next and now only son.
Halkrath the Half-Shadow was cemented in the infamous history of the Odd Crest Bloodline as its sixth most recent disgrace. Unable to Hunt, he is currently Retired and works as a hardware technician and consultant.
Ruthless’s body would lay on Earth for fifty more years, its recovery considered a low priority, until his grown half-sister M’hsi recovered him personally and left him for a scout ship to take him to Yautja Prime for proper burial.
Investigation is still on-going.
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arcanigenum · 2 months
Your superpowered muse fucks up haqrha with their superpower in a fight and he yields and with the biomask he yells CHEATER FUCK YOU
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economizaplay · 3 months
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Prohall Máscara Hidratação Capilar Biomask 1kg LE http://dlvr.it/T9Bbbj
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invadermoz · 2 years
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