scarlettaagni · 2 years
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@jacklycan’s Predvember Day 2: Adventure
That character-defining time Halkrath ran through six layers of drywall the moment he learned to walk.
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English Missy knows:
Stop acting like a child!
You can run but you can’t hide!
I’m gonna get you!
Are you okay?
English Halkrath knows:
You scum sucking son of a bitch!
Can you help me? (said in a young girl’s voice)
Where is my daughter? (learned from Zazin)
English Vosandi knows:
You scum sucking son of a bitch!
Get out, get out!
Burn in hell.
English* Kandore knows:
Memento mori.
Best friends forever!
English* Mad Ghost knows:
The entirety of Dies Irae
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yautja-lover · 2 years
Chapters 1 and 2 for The oomani-di Next Door 🚪 😍 are already posted
Chapter 1 The Ad 📄
Chapter 2 Sweet h'dui'se 😋
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gothikangelica · 1 year
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Here's another commission here!
This one is from @spikem59 , who wanted their OC Halkrath to have a full body artwork, both normal and armored.
Thanks for commissioning me! 😁
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prey-4-me · 2 years
Strange Preferences - Appendix: Courtship Contentions - Pt XVI
Prey Predator x fem!reader
Does Taabe finally rest?
Amishta - name, meaning fearless, limitless
Tenahpu - Comanche/nʉmʉ tekwapʉ  word for man
Pabi - Comanche/nʉmʉ tekwapʉ  word for elder brother
Nʉ pia - Comanche/nʉmʉ tekwapʉ  for “my mother”
Luar-ke halkrath - Yautja for moon shadow
Lar’ja dto - Yautja for dark forest (Pabi’s name)
Taabe - Comanche/nʉmʉ tekwapʉ  word for sun
After your conversation, you both had tried to sleep a bit more. Neither of you succeeded. Sensing the general distress, Sarii was restless as well. Finally you gave up and started the day. You took Sarii outside for her morning walk. Passing by the stream, you bathed before returning to the lodge.
Pabi and a female clan member were waiting for you. Pabi pulled you aside, “Nʉ pia.” Your eyes widened. Respectfully, you introduced yourself. She clicked reassuringly.
“She and Grandmother will help you for next part of rites with Tenahpu.” You were annoyed. Everyone was pushing you. But you didn’t want to offend his mother. “Thank you,” you mumbled as she whisked you off.
Grandmother was waiting. They bathed you, commenting on your petite features more than once. Still annoyed, you tolerated their grooming of you. As they carefully combed your hair, Pia asked, “Do you want to know Tenahpu’s Yautja name?”
Stunned, you nodded. You had never really thought about it. She grumbled slowly so you could try to understand, “Luar-ke halkrath.” Grandmother translated for you.
They adorned your head with small pieces of Yautja jewelry. Next, they presented you with Sarii. She had a small piece of jewelry around her neck. She wagged her tail, happy to be included. They led you outside to the courtyard. Pabi and one other waited. Tenahpu stood a bit further away, alone.
Suddenly it grew darker. A weird orangey yellow color pervaded. You looked up. The sun was slowly being covered by the moon. Enthralled, you continued to watch. It stopped once it fully covered the sun, which was peeking around it in fiery reds and oranges. The moon was casting a shadow over the sun. Taabe and Luar-ke Halkrath, or Moon Shadow. Together in the sky on the last day of courtship rites. Was it Taabe?
Pabi grunted a word you didn’t understand, trying to comment on the occurrence to you. You turned to him. What was his real name? Curious, you were about to ask. But Grandmother clacked and grumbled, gently urging you forward towards Tenahpu. When you arrived, she stood between you and took your hand in one of hers and Tenahpu’s in the other. Raising them to chest level, she paused, waiting for your choice. Pia had explained what to do if you accepted. Also begrudgingly what to do if you said no.
You looked up, squinting again. The moon was slowly moving, the shadow it was casting quickly disappearing. You withdrew your hand from Grandmother’s, having decided.
You put your hand over your chest, then moved it to Tenahpu’s. It was your turn to wait. But you already knew his answer. He mirrored your actions. Grandmother clasped your hands in hers. The ceremony was over. You were united.
Tenahpu rumbled happily as Grandmother and the others went back inside to eat the celebratory meal. Yautja were serious about their meals. The two of you embraced for a moment before joining them.
After a night of rowdy festivities and spoiling the dog, you and Tenahpu carried Sarii to your sleeping area. You snuggled into Tenahpu once you were settled. You translated his Yautja name into nʉmʉ tekwapʉ for him as you drifted off. Your sleep was deep and dreamless.
taggies: 🌟@coolninjavoid 🌟
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pyode-luar-ke · 2 years
storm season | yautja fanfic
A/N: not me making a predator side blog 🙈 anyways, here’s a short story with a couple yautja ocs i have.
summary: she finds it harder to deal. then everything changes.
word count: 1,713
content: angst, infertility, child loss (stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS), grief, implied smut, mating season, heats/ruts, mentioned pregnancy, implied childbirth, unrequited love (😳?), happy ending
It’s become more and more difficult to ignore the pain. She used to be able to get over it, to continue as she is meant to. Yautja do not spend their lives wallowing over loss. They cannot be rendered stagnant because of death. They are not a species that grieves.
But the ache lingers after each unfruitful pregnancy. With every stillborn she is forced to burn upon a funerary pyre, the more the ache grows. She can no longer ignore the ashes of her lost pups. It haunts her like bhu’ja on Chiva n’ithya.
Paya will sometimes grant her a breathing pup— Nan’ku. She will treasure it. She will pour everything she has into it. She will be happy.
And in a devastating blow, Paya will be cruel and invite The Black Hunter to take her pup away.
Three times she has awoken to a lifeless pup in a nest. Three times The Black Hunter has invaded her home and stripped her of her blood. She is left cold each time. She burns more fires. She digs more graves. The pain festers.
Sometimes, when she is swallowed within herself, she wonders what she’s done to lose Paya’s blessing. She wonders why it must be her pups.
To spare herself, she hunts— Fast, hard, unforgiving. She takes trophy after trophy, mounts more and more th’syra on her walls until they overflow. Her weapons drip blood for days. It does nothing to distract her from the pain.
Occasionally, she hunts reckless and wild— blinded by the pain. She hunts until she is almost killed, until she nearly meets The Black Hunter herself. Paya is not as indifferent to her as she thinks. She survives every time. The pain does not leave.
Mating season comes again. It has not been welcome for decades.
Being as old as she is, her heat has become more tolerable over the years. It no longer controls her as it once did, when she was younger and more inclined to indulge. Thankfully.
However, there is always a male. This time, it is a dewy-eyed, dusky one with tresses gray like storm clouds— Older, most likely an Elite. He pursues her for months, delivers her th’syra and bests every other male that dares approach her. His tenacity impresses her, but it’s for naught.
He must not know her reputation. There were only two that challenged him: Youngbloods that didn’t know any better.
When he finally accosts her, she fights like she always had— All claws and fang, growling and bellowing, and ravaging. Making his rut as difficult as possible. It is in her blood to resist, to meet his challenge, to test to see if he is worthy of siring her pup.
The male proves himself. He may be two noks shorter than she is, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in the strength of his burly arms and legs. He manages to pin her, to bade her to submit. She does. He ruts her, his dia-shui is sweet.
He roars when he spills his seed, and she whickers. The male above her dismounts and collects himself. Wetness drips from her core. They do not speak. Outside her yurt, the sky is dark— than-guan. When she looks at him, the dusky male looks like halkrath, but his tresses glow like the luar-ke.
“You’ve wasted your time, male. My womb will bear you no pup.” She snarls, bitter, and the liquid heat of his spend between her legs reminds her of the pain, “Be it by miscarriage or pyode thei-de.” 
The male hums, mandibles clicking together as he dons his awu’asa. When he finishes, he holds his syra’yte awu’asa in his paws. He doesn’t put it on. She meets his dewy, liquid gold gaze. His pupils are black holes.
“Every pup I’ve sired has passed before their Chiva. I have checked.” He clicks, stormy tresses fall over his shoulder when he tilts his head. He wears silver bands around them. They remind her of rain drops.
“They meet Cetanu and yet you still try?” She knows calling him by his name draws his attention but she doesn’t care. She’s been trying to lure him for years. All she wants are answers.
“It’s all I can do, female.” He replies simply, and places his syra’yte awu’asa over his face. Vaguely, she doesn’t like how the cold black visor hides his molten eyes.
“What is your name?” She asks the dusky warrior as he’s about to leave her abode for good. He pauses in the doorway, regards her with clicking of his mandibles. 
“I am called Rath’ju-dha.” He replies, respectfully dipping his head and pounding a fist against his chest. She preens. Males worship females. Then he makes a mistake and asks, “And you?”
She debates beating him over the head, but withholds. Her bed of furs is soft and tempts sleep. She also does not wish to bleed upon her nest.
“Ni’ja. Do not be presumptuous.” The male doesn’t heed her threat and only clicks in mirth. And then he leaves, vanishing into the halkrath. She stares at the empty threshold. They will never meet again.
Pregnancy results from her mating. Every day of gestation she expects to lose it, to feel the pains in her womb that signal expulsion. When she reaches childbed, the pup emerges bloody and wailing. She braces. She does not sleep through the night. She anticipates a cold nest.
The pup lives past the point in which his other siblings had not. She watches as he grows big and curious. His favorite activity is digging. He has his sire’s eyes: Dewy gold. Healthy. The pain isn’t as strong anymore.
“Pup.” She scolds, beckoning Nan’kuare back to her side. He jolts up from where he digs in the underbrush, rushing to her on too-small legs that can only carry him so fast. She tugs on his pitch black tresses and he whines, clicking and whickering.
“Do not wander from me." Ni'ja scolds, turning her attention back to the th'syra she is polishing. Nan'kuare babbles something that she can't even begin to comprehend. His grasp on language is quite slim.
Nan’kuare plays at her feet, digging holes around her as if he wishes to trap her. The entire time, he clicks and whickers and says words vaguely. Ni’ja knows it’s all gibberish, but she never wants him to stop.
Hours pass, and Ni’ja has cleaned all her th’syra. Nan’kuare has stopped playing hours ago and dozes on her lap. She looks down, and he has slumped against her midriff. The weight of his tiny body is warm.
“Pup.” She says, and her son blinks awake. He looks up at her, bleary-eyed, and chitters. Ni’ja stands, hoisting Nan’kuare onto her hip.
“It is time to eat.” She says, and Nan’kuare trills happily, mandibles clicking in excitement. Aside from digging, his other favorite activity is eating. Ni’ja gives him small cuts of meat and berries squashed into a mush. Nan’kuare whines for more.
Ni’ja finds herself once again astounded by such a small thing’s appetite. She, of course, relents. He eats every bite.
The next mating season rolls around. Ni’ja doesn’t feel her heat, not while she has such a small pup to care for. 
However, there is always a male. Usually, they know better. It is unwise for a male to pursue a female with a pup. The female will tear him limb from limb. 
However, the dewy-eyed, dusky warrior does not seem to care. Ni’ja can recognize his cloudy tresses and lava eyes from a mile away. His scent carries on the wind.
“Insolent male!” She roars at him when he turns up at the door of her yurt. He has the gall to chitter at her— Bemused and not apologetic in the slightest. Ni’ja is infuriated.
“I have come to meet my pup.” He replies simply, parrying a swipe from Ni’ja’s claws. She snarls, straightening to her full height that has intimidated Yautja before. The male does not keel.
“Rath’ju-dha.” Ni’ja growls, crossing her arms over her chest. In her yurt behind her, Nan’kuare is eating berries. He has never really paid mind to guests anyhow.
“Ni’ja.” Rath’ju-dha says, dipping his head and pounding a fist on his chest. She preens at the respect, again. Nan’kuare looks up at the sound of his mother’s name on a male’s tongue.
Ni’ja allows Rath’ju-dha in.
True to his word, he wanted to confirm that Nan’kuare is the pup he sired. Side by side, Ni’ja internally concedes that they have the same eyes, as well as similar coloring. She will never confess that seeing Rath’ju-dha in her pup’s eyes brings her warmth.
Nan’kuare doesn’t quite understand Rath’ju-dha’s presence, so he hisses at the foreign male. Ni’ja chitters in amusement. Her pup swats at Rath’ju-dha when he attempts to approach him. Good pup.
It does not phase the male. He only shakes his luar-ke tresses and clicks at the tiny thing. His golden eyes are bright. He is happy.
“How does he fare? Is he strong?” Rath’ju-dha asks as he takes his leave, standing in the doorway like he did all those years ago. Only this time, the sun illuminates him like a beacon to the homeland.
“Of course, male. Nan’kuare is strong.” Ni’ja snorts, offended. How dare this male question her pup’s fortitude. She crosses her arms over her chest. Nan’kuare plays at her feet, tiny paws grasping at her ankles. He whickers incoherently.
“He brings me yin’tekai.” Rath’ju-dha murmurs, and dips his head again whole holding his fist directly above his heart. Ni’ja is taken aback by his dignity. She is pleased with his reverence to her.
Ni’ja also agrees. Nan’kuare brings her honor as well.
“N’dhi-ja.” Rath’ju-dha leaves when Ni’ja gestures for him to go. His molten eyes catch Nan’kuare again. Then the male turns on his heel, stormy tresses swinging, and Ni’ja watches him leave her yurt.
He disappears over the horizon, in the blurry haze of the jungle’s mirage. Ni’ja wishes his lightning eyes, thunder tresses, and rain drop silvers well. They will never meet again.
Ni’ja glances down at her pup, and Nan’kuare looks up at her. His dewy, golden eyes stare wide-eyed into hers. His pupils are black holes.
She forgets the pain.
yautja translations
awu’asa → armor
bhu’ja → ghost/s (also spirit/soul)
Cetanu → The Black Hunter, Yautja god of death
Chiva → the trial of which a Youngblood Yautja is Blooded should they succeed in killing a kiande amedha (Xenomorph)
dia-shui → musk, specifically that of a male
halkrath → shadow
pyode thei-de → literally soft death, collective term for crib death (SIDS) and stillbirth
luar-ke → moon
nan’ku → alive
n’dhi-ja → goodbye/farewell
n’ithya → land (also ground/earth/dirt)
nok/s → unit of measurement (approx. 13 inches)
Paya → Yautja creation goddess
syra’yte awu’asa → literally head armor, term for bio mask
than-guan → midnight
th’syra → skull/s
yin’tekai → honor
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aubreeno · 3 years
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My yautja oc Mar’cte-Halkrath from my fic Under The Pale Moon, The Devil Stands
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thefoldedbird · 3 years
it's actually so weird you mention that about Balisk cause basically a similar thing happened to Halkrath, minus the god thing (that came a lot later)
Yeah Balisk was a lot younger when it happened, a new teenager. He’s from a swamp clan that’s bordered by rivers. Drowning/close calls isn’t uncommon. His brothers thought it would be funny to prank him. They were all swimming and Balisk joined a little later. So they thought it’d be funny to pull him under as if a “monster” was doing it. They were all laughing and kept dunking him under when he started yelling at them for tricking him. Unfortunately he got dunked a little to hard at one point, hit a rock, and got knocked clean out. His brothers thought he was being stubborn and intended to wait until he started flailing. By the time they pulled him up his wasn’t breathing. Half the brothers rushed to get an adult. The other half stayed and panicked as they tried to get him to cough up all the water. By the time his mother got there he was awake but hoho, all his brothers were severely punished.
But after it happened he shared the experience with some peers who had similar experiences and started getting weird looks. His descriptions didn’t match anyone else’s. Which freaked him out.
He was going to try and write it off as a particularly intense hallucination until he started having equally intense nightmares of the same -very disappointed looking- figures. Upon asking his elders he learned that there were river gods their clan used to pray to, but no one really includes them anymore.
Haha, I’ve rambled. So what happened to Halkrath?
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falconlord92 · 6 years
Yautja Language
Singular words
agaj'ya — realm
amedha — meat
'awu'asa — armor
bhu'ja — ghost/soul/spirit
bpi-de — end
ch'hkt-a — excited/nervous/agitated
dhi'ki — unconsciousness
dhi'ki-de — death
dhi'rauta — cunning
dto — forest/jungle/woodland
gahn'tha-cte — ruthless
gkei'moun — easy/simple
guan — night
h'chak — mercy/merciful
h'dlak — fear
h'dui'se — smell/sent/odor/musk
h'ulij-bpe — crazy
hult'ah — spotter/lookout
halkrath — shadow
ikthya-de — umbra
jehdin — spar
ju'dha — water
kiande — hard
kehrite — training room/dojo
ki'cte — enough/quickly
kjuhte — void
kwei — sly
l'ulij-bpe — mad
lar'ja — dark
luar-ke — moon
m-di — no
m-di mar'ct — no killing
m-di h'chak — no mercy
m-di h'dlak — no fear
mi — fuel
n'ithya — ground/dirt/earth/land
nanku — alive
nok — unit of measurement (equivalent to around 13 inches)
nracha-dte — relentless
ooman — human
pyode — soft
r'ka — Xenomorph
s'yuit-de — pathetic
setg'in — deadly
tarei'hsan — scorpion
te'dqi — secretion
than-guan — midnight
thar'n-dha — strength
thei-de — death/dead
thwei — blood
ui'stbi — abomination
vayuh'ta — air
yeyin — brave
yin'tekai — honor
z'skuy-de — convulsions/spasm
zabin — insect
dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide/Nau'gkon dtain'aun bpi-de — the fight that begun would not end until the end
gkaun-yte — hello
gkei'moun — sheet
jkiu — sheet
ki'sei — I agree/I understand
n'dhi-ja — farewell/goodbye
n'jauka — welcome
na'tauk — salute
payas leitjin-de Hma'mi'de — remember the gods' practice
sei-i — yes/affirmative
thar'n-da s' yin'tekai — strength and honor
thin-de le'hsaun 'aloun'myin-de s' bpi-de gka-de hou-depaya — learn the gift of all sights or finish the dance of the fallen gods
non-co --- life
Actions and events
chi'ytei — embrace/hug
chiva — trial
dha-viath — disaster
dtai'kai'-dte — Hunt
gry'sui-bpe — stampede
ikthala — cataclysm
ka'Torag-na — lurking
kv'var — Hunt
n'ritja — dance
d'lex — strong, metallic, crystalline Yautja material
dekna — eye/eyes/eyeball
gkinmara — sensors/detector/camera
ki'cti-pa — Wristblades
kiloun — wood
syra'yte — head
th'syra — skull
tjau'ke — rock made of compressed dust
tyioe-ti — escape pod
akrei-non — bombs/explosives
al'Nagara — longsword
awu'asa — armor
bhrak-chei — Speargun
chakt-ra — Smart Disc
dah'kte — Wristblades
dah'Nagara — shortsword
ki'cti-pa — Combistick
kv'Vurj-de — Energy Flechette
sivk'va-tai — Plasmacaster
taun'dcha — Plasma Pistol
t'gou u'linja — Netgun
People definitions
jehdin — individual/one
mei'hswei — brother
mei-jadhi — sister
hulij-bpe — crazy
hult'ah — observer/watcher
vor'mekta — Stalker
kv'var-de — hunter
ic'jit — Bad Blood
sain'ja — warrior
p'kya'uha — sniper
nrak'ytara — guardian
n'yaka-de — master
mar'cte — killer
kujhade — destroyer
u'darahje — abomination
kha'bj-te — maniac/reckless
dteinou — messenger
Bakuub — Straight Spear
Cetanu — The Black Hunter (Yautja god of death)
Dachande — Different Knife
Dahdtoudi — Little Knife
Guan-thwei — Nightblood
Paya — God/Warrior
Yeyinde — Brave One
c'nlip — intoxicating Yautja beverage
cjit — shit
dai-shui — Yautja musk
dhi'ki-de — The Long Sleep (Death)/Unconscious/Coma
h'ko (M-di) — so/segative
ka'rik'na — the summoning (of other Yautja)
kiande amedha — Hard Meat (Xenomorphs)
lou-dte kale — child-maker (female)
mesh'in'ga — The Battle Dreamtime
n'dui'se — Yautja scent
nain-de — type of Hunt
nain-desintje-de — pure win (absolute victory)
Nan-deThan-gaun — "The Kiss of Midnight"/no mercy
pyode amedha — Soft Meat (humans)
tarei hsan — unworthy opponent/bug
tjau'ke — compressed dust
u'sl-kwe — final rest (death)
z'skvy-de — birth of Xenomorph from host (Chestburster)
zazin — completely centred/within oneself
Body Language
As well as their spoken language, the Yautja also have range of identifiable body language that is used to portray emotion.
Back arched and mandibles flared — rage
Head and eyes lowered — submission
Head cocked to one side — curiosity
Lower mandibles flared — aggression
Push with one hand at another's shoulder — challenge
Placing one hand on another's shoulder, and shaking — greeting
Mandibles click together — regard
Mandibles flared — anger
Arm raised up diagonally — guarded
Head bowed — mourning/grief
Mandibles spread, eyes wide — fear
Rapid mandible clicking — deep amusement/laughing
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ikari-veadric-blog · 7 years
I Give My Heart To You
There was a faint, quiet beeping within the mist of the black void that surrounded Jay. Every nerve was numb in his body, yet he could feel the thick stitching on the left side of his chest. He could hear more then just the beeping: he could hear a mixture of muffled voices surrounding him. They were about as faint as the beeping. But slowly, the voices and the beeping were rising in pitch and becoming more clear as his consciousness returned to him. He could smell a a thick suffocating smoke drifting above him before hearing muffle words yelling at it's source. He let out a cough and lifted up from the bed by a few inches momentarily, which silenced the voices. If his body wasn't numb, he would have felt the pain pierce through his chest. It took him several minutes to finally open his eyes, bright lights flooded his vision and the beeping was loud and clear.
“U-Ugh...” Jay murmured, lifting his hand up to block the light from his purple and blue eyes. He heard sighs and gasps of relief all around him. He couldn't see the figures surrounding him, but they were all different shapes and sizes with different smashes of color on them.
“Oh Blue Jay you're alright!” A voice cried out beside him before wrapping their arms gently around his fragile body.
“R-Rei...?” Jay weakly spoke out, his vision was in a complete haze. Unable to tell who was who, all he could do was guess.
“I was so worried! I-I thought I...I thought I...” The voice whimpered as their mind wandered off to what might have been.
“Hey, hey don't cry Rei. He's alright now and here with us again, no need to think like that.” Another voice came in and comforted the other. Jay's vision was slowly clearing up, seeing the colors, shapes and sizes take form. On his right he saw his family; Rei, Rezozo and Cyriri. In front of him he saw his team; Cororo, Smoky, Rix and Halkrath. On his left he saw his two adopted kids, Vay and Astralus.
“Wh-What happened?” Jay asked, slowly reaching his hand up to rub his bruised head.
“Vy told us you both were facing some guy at the bar...” Smoky spoke up, he paused as he took a hit from his cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke. “Basically the guy was sent to kidnap you and bring you to some other guy named Nex, and the guy did a real number on you both, except you were in the worst condition. Pak shot from the side, impaled through the chest, everything. Only thing that kept you alive was whatever emergency life support was left in your Pak. We all came once we heard from Vy that you both were in the hospital. You were out for half a month man.”
“H-Half a month...I-In...the hospital?” That was the only thing he managed to say. His mind couldn't fathom it. All he remembered was last night, cuddling up against Vycus and falling asleep against his chest within his embrace after their date...unless it was all just a dream. It finally dawned on him that someone was missing in the room, how could he missed someone that was seven feet tall with bright luminescent purple eyes?
“Where's Vycus?” Jay asked as he looked around the room. Everyone was silent and taking glances at each other. Wondering who was going to answer his question, Jay raised a brow in concern.
“Wh-Where's Vycus?” He asked once more before pushing himself to sit up, ignoring the pain. No one answered still. He felt something wrong spur up in his stomach and chest.
“S-Someone, tell me please where is Vy-”
“Your heart was severely damaged during the fight, Jay.” Someone unfamiliar spoke up. Jay's team moved to the side to reveal the hospital's transplant surgeon. Jay watched her walk towards the bed, completely silent and blinking a few times. As if not understanding what she had meant by that.
“Your heart needed to be replaced, the pipe had shredded it completely beyond repair. We had gotten all we need to make you a new heart but by the time it would be finished, you would have been dead. So we needed someone to give up their heart to temporarily replace it until your new one is done...and Mr. Marius was the one who volunteered.” The surgeon explained. Jay was slowly piercing together what she had said, tears welling in his eyes as he began to deny it in his head.
“Y-You don't mean-”
“Jay...I am sorry, I truly am...but Vycus died giving you his heart so you can live.”
The sun was blocked by the heavy gray clouds looming over the cemetery, umbrellas hanging above the people crowding the slick black coffin. Every face bore a frown, but two of them were crying. One of them would have joined the other two in their tear fest, but they had ran out of tears long before the burial day. Jay stared at the coffin as he fiddled with something in his pocket, his eyes had lost their shine and tear stains covered his cheeks from the days of crying till he fell asleep. He felt like he lost everything he stood for that day when he found out what Vycus had sacrificed for him. The only thing that was on his mind now was Vycus' smile and voice, trying to imagine he was with him in his mind. All those times Vycus said he would give his heart up for Jay in a blink of a eye, he never thought it was literal. Jay clenched his chest softly, feeling the beating heart inside of him. One by one, the people in Vycus' life had stood in front of the coffin and said their goodbyes, saying how he affected them and how he would be missed. It was soon Jay's turn to stand before the coffin and say his goodbyes. He stood there, staring at the black coffin as he felt tears he thought long gone soon rise to the surface.
“Vycie...you were...the best thing that has happened to me in all of my life.” He began. “You, were my everything, since the day I met you. If it weren't for me getting stranded on that planet, if it weren't for you assigned to kill me that day...I, I would have never meet you, my charmer.” He took a deep, shaky breath as he tried to hold back the tears. Memories began to float in his mind.
���You were my bodyguard, no matter what...whenever I was in danger, you'd always come to save me. You would never leave my side, even if you did you wouldn't go far without me. You always would surprise me with kiss attacks every morning I woke up...telling me how much you loved me and how you would do anything for me...” Jay's tears finally began to fall from his eyes, struggling to keep his lips from frowning as he spoke. He pulled his hand out of his pocket, looking down at the wedding ring he had saved.
“I...I don't even know what to do with this now...H-Had a place pi-picked out and everything o-on Keron f-for o-our...w-wedding...” He couldn't take it anymore, he fell to his knees, dropping his umbrella as he began to cry out loudly. Holding the ring close to his chest, calling out Vycus' name as he sobbed.
Vycus and Vay (c) @ikari-veadric
Jay, Rei, Rezozo, Cororo, Halkrath, Somky, Rix, Cyiri and Astralus (c) @michelethechaoticcat
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scarlettaagni · 2 years
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Disguised Halkrath sketch
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yautja-lover · 2 years
The oomani-di Next Door 🚪 😍
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Chapter 2 Sweet h'dui'se 😋
Characters:Charlotte Baker,Harper Georgia,Scar Predator,(Dhi'rauta) Chopper Predator(Halkrath) and Celtic Predator(Setg'in).
Charlotte is speaking with Harper about the ad for the caretaker position that she found earlier today. While the two ladies continue with their conversation, one of the other residents of the cabins is curiously listening in on their conversation.
Scar (Dhi'rauta) Predator's P. O. V.
Dhi'rauta was heading towards the kehrite to meet up with his thwei-mei'hswei but halted in his tracks when he smelled the sweetest h'dui'se. Dhi'rauta took one big sniff of the vayuh'ta and inhaled deeply. Never had he ever smelt something, so sweet. 'Paya! Where was it coming from?' he wondered while sniffing around for that sweet h'dui'se. As Dhi'rauta comes around the corner to find where it was coming from.. he finds the oomani-di.
Dhi'rauta stopped across from them after the two walked inside a room, shutting the door behind them. He listened in on what they were saying, "Mei'hswei?.. what are you do -" Halkrath questioned while walking over to him, then paused and started sniffing the vayuh'ta as he spoke "What is that sweet.." sniffs again ".. sweet smell?" taking an even bigger sniff. "It smells so sweet, like..." Halkrath starts again while taking another big sniff. ".. what's that sweet fluffy stuff that the oomans call again?" he added with a question. Dhi'rauta sniffs again before he spoke, "Smells sweeter than any fruit I ever tasted.. reminds me of home. "
"Daddy??" Harper questioned the young woman. "Which daddy are we talkin' about... the lean mean green fighting machine, that just screams..." she said then, making chef's kisses for effect before continuing. ".. daddy, as fuck or.. are we talkin' about the eight foot tall built-up like a damn tree trunk with an eleven-pack, lookin' like a tasty snack pack daddy!.. and with a butt, you can eat breakfast off of?" she asked while fanning herself with the paperwork while Charlotte just looks at her weirdly, not knowing how to respond to that. "The first one. I think... " the young woman replied 'I mean that costume the dude was wearing, did scream da-' Charlotte's thoughts were interrupted by the southern bell woman, as she spoke while slamming the paperwork down for her to sign "Girrrllll... praise the Lord, honey! Sweet baby, Jesus, take the wheel sugar."
Chopper (Halkrath) Predator's P. O. V.
"What are they talking about now?" Halkrath questioned, as the two mei'hswei continue to listen in on the two oomani-di earning a shrug from Dhi'rauta before he spoke. ".. something about dad-di and Jesus..." Halkrath gives his younger mei'hswei a confused look while clicking his tusks together before asking, "What's a dad-di?.. and who is this Jesus?" Earning another shrug from his mei'hswei and a click, as he spoke, "How the pauk, should I know?"
Halkrath was about to say something else until he heard the doorknob turn. The two mei'hswei froze when the door opened, revealing Harper Georgia and another wei-ghe'h, which they don't know her name.. at least, not yet.
Charlotte is taking a look over the lease agreement while Harper leads the young woman to her cabin. "Wait... I don't see anything about billing for rent or utilities.." she said with a tone of confusion "All that's covered by the owner of these cabins, so you don't have to worry about a thing dear.." Harper replied casually, causing the young woman to open her mouth but the southern bell woman added before she could speak ".. besides taking care of the cabins while the other residents are away is payment enough. Don't you think?"
Charlotte was completely baffled at the moment not having to worry about paying rent, and utilities are like a dream come true. How is it no one has taken the position yet? "Well, yeah... I mean this place is huge! Who even owns this place anyway?" the young woman asked in curiosity, "The same person you saw earlier, when you walked in. " Harper replied, causing Charlotte to gawk at her in shock." He bought the place out and rebuilt it himself," she added as the young woman's mouth kept gasping like a fish. "You keep openin' and closin' your mouth like that you'll catch flies," Harper said teasingly, causing the young woman to gape like a fish and shiver when she felt something touch her hair slightly. "What was that?.." she questioned no one in particular, as she fixed her hair. "What was, what sugar?" Harper asked, confused, slightly turning her head at the young woman.
Celtic (Setg'in) Predator's P. O. V.
Setg'in had sent Halkrath to find their youngest mei'hswei, Dhi'rauta who never showed up at the kehrite. Which is odd.. sure Dhi'rauta can take care of himself and is more of a loner like Nracha-dte but it's not like him to be late. So he had Halkrath go check on him since Dhi'rauta never responded to any of the messages that he sent him. Setg'in has gotten tired of waiting when neither of them responded to his messages and is now searching the cabins for his two mei'hswei.
Once he did find them... the two were reaching out to touch the oomani-di. Setg'in grumbled to himself, ignoring the sweet h'dui'se that's flooding his senses as he grabbed his mei'hswei and moved them away from the wei-ghe'h. The two mei'hswei spun around facing their oldest mei'hswei. "What the pauk do you think you are doing?!" Setg'in questioned them while clicking his tusks together angrily, mandibles flaring. "I couldn't help myself, her h'dui'se smells so sweet." Dhi'rauta trilled, causing Setg'in to shake his syra'yte and asked, "Are you pauk-de serious, right h'ka-se?"
The two young mei'hswei bristled while their dekna gleamed with delight, as they both spoke at the same time. ".. smelled sweeter than any fruit I ever tasted. " Dhi'rauta replied, ".. like kot'ton kan-di! That's what that fluffy stuff is called." Halkrath stated excitedly. Setg'in huffed at them and pushed the two away from the two wei-ghe'h "leave the poor oomani-di alone, your acting like a couple of young bloods" he said, nudging them towards the kehrite."Your lucky Nracha-dte isn't here to see this, or he'll have both our hides for this. Especially if your actions cause the new oomani-di next door to run off as the others had. "
Yautja Language - English Translation:
kehrite - training room / dojo
thwei - blood
mei'hswei - brother
h'dui'se - smell / scent / odor/ musk
vayuh'ta - air
Paya - Yautja, God of Life
oomani-di - human woman
ooman - human
pauk - fuck
wei-ghe'h - female (not an insult)
pauk-de - fucker or fucking
h'ka-se - now
Dhi'rauta - cunning
Halkrath - shadow
Setg'in - deadly
Nracha-dte - relentless
dad-di - Scar (Dhi'rauta) and Chopper (Halkrath) trying to pronounce the word daddy
kot'ton kan-di - Chopper (Halkrath) trying to pronounce the word cotton candy
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scarlettaagni · 1 year
OC ask thingy
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Specifically for M'hsi, zola, and Halkrath 🥺
god I'd be so annoying if I met Missy, just like Zola was
she held herself back a bit cause Missy was both injured and more than clearly not in the mood, but we both would have such useless questions like the acidity of Yautja soil or the composition of water on their planet or their G forces
Zola would be so outdoorsy and extroverted. Definitely has her life more together than I do despite doing way more than I do, plus she has her driver's license at 18 and I don't. but she's also a big STEM fan so we can be massive nerds together. she'd let me borrow an outfit and we would watch the Barbie movie in theaters
Halkrath would hover any new person doing whatever they're doing so he'd just stand behind me on my phone, and I would end up just sharing and having to explain memes to him, as he gently picks up my phone out of my hands and does the dad hold-at-distance-and-squint at it. then he fixes my AC
also I have not been picked up nor thrown in over a decade and I would like that to happen to me again, Missy or Halkrath can do it idc
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scarlettaagni · 2 years
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@jacklycan’s Predvember Day 18: Treasure
Who can tell you what a treasure must be?
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scarlettaagni · 2 years
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@jacklycan’s Predvember Day 9: New Era
The promising son takes his turn, and thus the Mandorla Leadership under Kandore comes to an end. The Odd Crests lead once more since Yiba-ke, and will for centuries to come.
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scarlettaagni · 2 years
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@jacklycan’s Predvember Day 12: Den
A cozy pile of mates and their pups nesting on a bed is the norm for Yautja.  There was once a time when Halkrath’s bed was like so. Still, those left in the Odd Crest home keep the custom alive.
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