orangeteastudying · 5 months
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Studying studying! The end is near and I must persevere!
Estudiando repuuu con un rico chai
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lacksofpaint · 1 month
Que estudiaste o estudias?
I have a bachelor degree in Marine biology and I'm doing my masters now in biotechnology of marine resources
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bloginnovazione · 9 months
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aqeons · 1 year
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jhbio · 1 year
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subbalakshmisastry · 1 year
Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum Bangalore India Bangalo...
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lynaferns · 11 months
Biomáquina AU
(do not ship my character)
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(Edit: sorry, I forgot to add the colorless ver. too)
Probably going to redesign, I didn't have a clear idea of how I wanted them to look like when I made this.
So basically, I had an idea one day for an artwork about Sun in a big dark room like lab with computers, science stuff... and plushies, toys, crayons, childlike drawings everywhere and in the middle of the room Sun was sitting there with cables conected to his head and going so high to the ceiling they desapeared in the dark.
Vague recreation of the idea (I used it as a warm up because artblock)
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And I was like, man what a cool idea.
what if it had lore?
And I made the story in two days and forgot about it.
I made THE STORY in two days, the concept art took me several and when it was finished I went 'OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT MOON' so I added him to the concept art... and to the story, which didn't change much but helped.
So the story lore whatever frankly idk:
Retrofuturistic world where Fazbear Entertainment is making experiments in animatronics with a sustance that makes inorganic components organic. Basically making the animatronics far more alive than they could ever have been (literally alive, like in a messed up way). Biological machines, for example: in the concept of Sun/Moon those teeth and eyes are pretty much real...
This would be called Biotecnologic, which is illegal to practice without a licence and state permision, and only for human benefit (prostetics for disable people for exsample). Fazbear Entertainment had to drop the project right the moment biotecnologi went illegal or they were going to jail. Which means now there are abandonet facilitys with a ton of disconected rotten animatronics... Except for one that turned back on for some reason...
Some time later, this idiot named Fern (selfinsert because idk how to do y/n so I toke my selfinsert and made a few changes, same name) who illegaly exited the city to illegaly dumspter dive in trash the goverment trows out of the city and into the nature outside (which prevents the world from healing right because they are dumb), went a little fared than they usually go and ended up finding the abandonet facilitys of Fazbear Entertainment. This idiot said 'haha cool :D' and went right inside. And that's how they met Sun (and Moon) who has amnesia and doesn't know why the place is empty or why this new person who knows nothing about is stealing lab equipament while intensely staring at him.
They got to be friends and started investigating the place trying to find out what happened in there before the project got canceled.
And a lot more but my brain is a little fried right now and it took me some effort to write this.
Feel free to ask me about this AU (I'll do my best to give a comprehensible answer).
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ariel-seagull-wings · 8 months
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
For Egon
It would be an educational focused page about Biotecnology, with focus on Mycology, presented in a sobber green and sepia-brown background.
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I know you’ve talked about it a bit, but what do you do in your science lab job? Or is it one of those “can’t talk about it for legal reasons” situations?
I work with mussels and biotecnology but yeah i cant say more stuff for legal reasons
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leucaenaleucocephala · 4 months
Biotecnology atau ilmu serumpunnya
Ceritanya kemarin nonton endgame Pak Gita Wirjawan yang menghadirkan Indonesian women agriculture biotecnoligyst dari Osaka University. Bukan kali pertama juga Pak Gita menghadirkan women scientist in His youtube channel. Bahas tentang genetics, microbiome, metabolomics, entropy, ect. MasyaAllah they are inspired me a lot. Semoga Allah memberkahi beliau, ilmunya bermanfaat, dan nular. Aamiin :D
Flashback sedikit pas masih mahasiswa, di semsester tujuh kemarin aku baru nggeh belajar sedikit tentang hal serupa; nutrigenetics dan dasar analisis genetic molekuler. Ilmu baru untuk ku, sangat menarik untuk dipelajari. Tentang kaidah penurunan sifat, nutrisi, dan gen dieksperesikan. Sangat insights full saesatu, till i can’t expressed how i feel so lucky even just a little.
Definisi mumet tapi seru banget, asli. Pengen juga melanjutkan belajar dan bisa paham begituan. U know, mempelajari itu semua menyadarkan bahwa Allah itu Maha Agung atas ciptaan-Nya. Ia menciptakan makhluk dengan apik, teratur, dan sangat kompleks. As human being, kita kerdil banget. Ilmu Allah itu sangat luas. Let’s learn, grow, and explore!
Dari tulisan awal tahun di platform ini, semoga bisa jadi langkah awal yang konkret untuk mengaktualisasikan mimpi tersebut. Even thought aku nggak tau jalannya, masih ngeblur, dan acak acakan. Do’anya Ya Allah, engkau tunjukkan jalan untuk menggapainya. Aku percaya sama jalan dan petunjuk Mu, mudahkan dan bantu hamba untuk belajar lagi.
Aamiin :)
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Alternativas a la visa H-1B para empresas de Atención Médica y Biotecnología
#VisaTN #VisaJ1 #VisaO1 #VisaF1 #H1b #AlternativaH1b #inmigración
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otticafotobenzi · 2 years
Microscopio binoculare Levenhuk 400B
Microscopio binoculare Levenhuk 400B
Il Levenhuk 400B è un microscopio binoculare da laboratorio per l’utilizzo professionale, indicato per microbiologi, biotecnologi medici e veterinari, ornitologi, ecologi o biochimici. Questo modello universale può essere usato per analisi in campo chiaro ed osservazioni con immersione in olio. Il microscopio è dotato di un corpo in metallo resistente, ottiche acromatiche di alta qualità e…
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bloginnovazione · 9 months
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editorialstaff2020 · 2 years
GARLIVE®, il nuovo marchio innovativo degli olivi autoctoni del lago del Garda
Il biennio 2020-2021 ha registrato il grande successo della linea Endovir grazie agli sforzi fatti dai ricercatori italiani di EBTNA-Lab. Gli eccezionali risultati ottenuti da Endovir hanno spinto il gruppo MAGI a rilanciare ed ampliare la gamma di prodotti con il lancio del nuovo brand GARLIVE® attraverso la società capogruppo Magi’s Lab.  il nuovo marchio GARLIVE® è ritenuto strategico per rafforzare il legame con il territorio del lago del Garda e gli olivi autoctoni, che conferiscono una straordinaria qualità ai prodotti grazie agli straordinari Polifenoli tra cui spicca il prezioso Idrossitirosolo.
Il lago di Garda epicentro della rivoluzione
La specificità locale e la biodiversità diventano, con il brand GARLIVE®, fattori strategici su cui puntare nei prossimi anni. Dalle piante di olivo native del territorio, infatti, viene estratto l’Idrossitirosolo, il polifenolo nobile dell’oliva alla cui base sono nati tutti i prodotti Endovir, emblema di cure naturali e della dieta mediterranea.         
Magi’s Lab: l’eccellenza della ricerca scientifica made in Italy
Il laboratorio si sviluppa in circa 800 mq, all’interno del quale lavora uno staff di biologi, biotecnologi e ricercatori, selezionati dalle migliori Università e centri di ricerca italiani, grazie all’attrattiva che MAGI vanta in termini di innovazione e di ricerca scientifica nel campo delle malattie genetiche e rare. Una raccolta di alcuni importanti risultati ottenuti negli oltre 15 anni di attività è consultabile sul sito corporate http://www.magi-group.eu
Sinergie aziendali per un prodotto straordinario
Il progetto GARLIVE® assumerà un ruolo strategico all’interno del gruppo MAGI, avviando una fase di riassetto delle attività fatte sino ad ora dalla società scientifica EBTNA, grazie al cui apporto Endovir è diventato un caso di mercato nel panorama farmaceutico.
Ricerca, sostenibilità, biodiversità e made in Italy saranno gli acceleratori del brand GARLIVE®, nell’ottica di acquisire una fetta sempre più importante di mercato soprattutto attraverso lo sviluppo di prodotti innovativi. In cantiere c’è un integratore a fini medici speciali studiato appositamente per il Linfedema e Lipedema che promette grandi soddisfazioni per i pazienti. L’obiettivo dichiarato di Magi’s Lab è quello di portare il brand GARLIVE® ad una gamma capace di contenere una ventina di prodotti entro il 2023.
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solariumsunlife · 2 years
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Sabias que Solarium SunLife somos exclusivos en eliminar las CANAS FACIALES por laser ?
Gracias a biotecnologic eliminamos vello cano, pelirrojos y rubio.
Compruébalo tu mismo.
#cano #laser #depilacion #tratamietofacial #belleza #salud #beauty #imagen #verano
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biotecnologiasi · 3 years
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¿Sabías que a los cultivos transgénicos se les inserta ADN usando una bacteria natural del suelo?
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