#bird trio reunion when?
unfilteredcurse · 10 months
Meh, who am I kidding. I know we're not getting any of that any time sooner. Oh well, at least I can still draw and write.
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vm-haunts · 12 days
Me: haha I'll just make up a timeline for this crazy crossover idea.
Me, a week later: what the fuck what the fuck how did I end up with so much plot how is it still expanding oh my god stooooop.
Aaaanyways. I don't know if I'll ever got it properly written, but this monster of a plot bunny now covers several major events and I'm losing my mind...
But anyways, cliff notes version on the plot and how far it stretches:
College trio was involved in the dionesium (aka Lazarus water) research, and somehow they're actually the more ethical bunch. Which is saying a lot considering.
DP events happened but they encountered and got help from several DC magic users during it. Budding occultist Sam for the win. (no agit yet and no phantom planet either)
The GIW got somewhat reformed, thanks to the help of Team Phantom's JLD friends. However at some point they got new management. Now instead of destroying ghost, the new comers are interested in the correlation of ecto-contamination, liminality... And secretly, in the increased success rate of induced metagene activation in liminals. Yikes, they somehow got worse.
Again, the Fenton parents are somehow the ethical ones here, despite everything. They refused to work with the new branch of GIW, stuff escalated (don't they always), and now they're dead. And in ghost jail. At least Vlad is there with them for the heartwarming reunion.
So Team Phantom ended up faking their death and goes on the run while raiding GIW bases, and along the way they found a weird guy (Jason). Weird guy's mom showed up and. Well guess they're involved with assassin cult's power struggle now, at least they get to help a guy out.
More shenanigans later they ended up with some monks in the Himalayas, and- wait Danny what do you mean you know them? Oh yeah Plasmius's little stint with the Infi-map... Gotta love time travel.
Anyway, after Danny got scammed for long overdue property damage fees and Jason got a pair of cool swords, they met Talia again and she brings news! Totally no ulterior motives or anything :) (Sam called her out to her face and she just smiled)
Jason, considerably more chill in this au, is still unhappy about... Well. Everything in Gotham.
Cue the Red Hood stint but with much more control and less blood shed. Which ironically made RH more intimidating because he moves like a ghost(duh). Especially when Jason's main act of revenge is 'pranks', which reads as mild psychology warfare actually. But hey the bats did that to themselves, he did nothing wrong (besides being a drug lord).
Red Hood peaceful mode does however attracted some unwanted bird themed attention, the Owl's not the Robin's. And well, undead Talons sneaking around undead experts, what could go wrong?
Everything apparently. Because on top of the Rh stint, Jason is somehow also infiltrating the Court of Owls now. As his real identity Jason Todd-Wayne no less. But the real suprise is Danny running into his parent's old researches, and. Well, the poor talons need help, might as well join in with the infiltration.
Some more shenanigans later it ends in Jason and co. quietly turning the talons against their old masters, and oh boy did they overachieved the goal of getting a foot into Gotham's crime world. Must be Danny's Fenton luck.
Ol' Batsy is very very not happy about that development by the way. But he can die mad about it as far as Jason is concerned.
The end. Of part one.
Stay tuned for part two, where we cross AGIT with crisis.
And massive thanks to @taddy-cat, a large part of this is inspired by the lovely discussion with you!
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lemonstars-cat-blog · 11 months
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don’t have the energy to draw out the AU rn but take this!!
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reunion :) idk Shrew and Squirrel have such wlw mlm solidarity vibes to me like idk. they have a very cute relationship whether it’s romantic, qpr, or just besties, i love them :)
AU stuff :)
iiin this au, Shrewpaw caught the pheasant, but was still in the way of the construction vehicle and was very badly injured. He was named a warrior early, given the name Shrewflight, in honor of the pheasant he leapt for before it could fly away, bringing it home to feed his clanmates in a time of great need. He wasn’t well enough to make the journey, but the elders that stayed behind swore they’d care for him as best they could. He was young and strong, they encouraged him every step of the way, even after his clan had left no choice but to leave them all behind.
Eventually, the cats grew desperate, and the traps the construction crew left out made quick work of scooping them up. They were a bunch of hungry elderly cats and one who was very injured, it wasn’t all too hard to catch them. They were brought to the local shelter in… whatever town the forest is near. Shrewflight was brought to a vet where, unfortunately, his leg had to be amputated as the elders, while they tried their best, really didn’t have the medical experience to care for him correctly.
In the town’s shelter, lo and behold, GRAYSTRIPE!?!? and Millie, hi, nice to meet you. aaanyway gray is very happy to see his clanmates, but also mortified to hear what has become of their old home. The elders still have to stay behind, they can’t make the journey, but Shrewflight is determined to accompany Graystripe and Millie, and the trio escape the shelter and make their way to the clans
Squirrelflight chose to be named after Shrewflight in this AU, similar to how Crowfeather chose to be named after Feathertail!!
Also the vets neutered Shrewpaw just to kill two bird w one stone in surgery, that’s why his ear is tipped! This causes a lot of drama when Squirrelflight returns to the clan with 3 kittens in tow, and chooses to settle down with Shrew…
Also i adore the contrast between Shrewflight and Spiderleg in this AU, how Shrew committed himself to someone he cared deeply for, and took in kits that weren’t his as if they were his own, meanwhile Spiderleg cut himself off from the one he used to love and abandoned his own children.
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thedemonofcat · 8 months
Song Anyalze: The Amazing Devil, King
I've embarked on a journey to immerse myself in the melodic tapestry woven by The Amazing Devil, delving into each song to unravel its emotional intricacies and themes. Through this exploration, I aim to offer my interpretation and analysis, fully aware that different perspectives may yield diverse insights.
My inaugural focus is on "King," the poignant second track from their debut album. Within this musical narrative, we encounter a trio of characters: a woman portrayed by the haunting vocals of Madeleine Hyland, a man embodied by the stirring voice of Joey Batey, and an enigmatic King who remains veiled and distant throughout.
The song opens with a cryptic line, "I'll keep the king When you are gone away," suggesting a complex dynamic where the man and the woman share a connection through the unseen presence of the King yet find themselves estranged. This separation is underscored by the lyrical imagery evoking a sense of longing and certainty as the waves of their bodies and the scent of their shared experiences etch themselves into the essence of their being.
As the narrative unfolds, we discern hints of mortality intertwined with the themes of love and sacrifice. The man's absence is attributed to death, symbolizing the omnipresent spectre that governs their fate. Lines such as "And the waves made of fingers and the madness that lingers Rips into the bark of our bones" vividly depict the visceral impact of loss and the relentless passage of time.
Despite the sad undercurrent of mortality, there is a subtle acceptance and even defiance in the face of fate. Though resigned to their eventual demise, the protagonists find solace in the prospect of reunion beyond the veil of mortality. This sentiment is encapsulated in lines like "I'll smile as I climb the stairs (to the light) To the light that you keep burning there (all hell)," where the ascent towards enlightenment is juxtaposed with the fiery embrace of damnation.
Throughout the song, recurring motifs such as sea birds and the solitary house atop the rocks add symbolism, hinting at a cyclical narrative of rebirth and transcendence. Once shackled by the constraints of mortality, the protagonists find liberation in the boundless expanse of the afterlife.
In their defiance of the King and refusal to be relegated to the role of the Unwanted Daughter, the protagonists reclaim agency over their fate. Their voices, resonating defiantly against the backdrop of eternity, serve as a testament to the enduring power of love and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.
In essence, "King" transcends mere musical expression, evolving into a poignant meditation on mortality, love, and the relentless pursuit of liberation from the shackles of fate.
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meteor752 · 11 months
Episode 8 thoughts
I’m scared
Philosophy with Edward, good start
He looks strangely cute honestly, like a very happy boy
Alright, random guy just aggressively “HMMMMMM”
You indoctrinating them into your sea cult Eddie?
Random guy being more aggressive, aight
At this point I had to leave for class, so like tbc for me
Okay I’m back!
Aww they hugging :)
Mans name is pop pop?
Okay it’s not
I adore Ed’s hair, but I think that’s a given here
Yeah okay mans is strugglin
Bye bye Eddie!
Prince boy is back…hurray
Spanish Jackie is absolutely slaying, I adore her
Aaaaaaaand, I have class again, jolly good
If I get called away again I’m gonna loose it
Oh great the stupid nose jar is back
Oh no Swede!!
Oh the bridge is back!
This is a strange friendship, but I kinda love it. The gay loser and bisexual girlboss is back
Let’s go Stede! Save your bestie!
Eddie nooooooooooooo
Eddie yessssssssssssss
Goth Ed is back, ready to avenge his bf
My god he looks fucking cool
Izzy keeps on being the best character of the season
I think Prince boy has a crush on Izzy, just like the rest of the fandom
What you trynna do prince boy
“It’s about belonging to something when the world has told you you’re nothing” pirating keeps on being an allegory for the queer community, and it keeps being so sweet, especially to Izzy’s story
Wait when did Roach and Fang even get here?
Casually reading the letter while stabbing a guy, he just keeps on winning
The fanfics were right!!! He did find the letters!
“YOU WROTE ME A LOVELY LETTER!!” gurl saaaaaaame
Girlboss is helping!!
I’m so soft…
That reunion is all I ever wanted out of this show actually
“For love!!” Stede we don’t deserve you
Don’t ya dare touch Lucius scarf!
Oh Auntie is alive!
When did Jim become the crew doctor? They are somehow worse at it than Roach I’d say
New trio to obsess over
Edward Teach canonically did a flip during a fight, my baby
They are both so supportive to their golden retriever friend/bf
“But you’re not a man. You’re soft” alright auntie
Trans Oluwande?
Izzy keeps saying eat the rich, and we stan him
Izzy!!!!!!! Hell yes!!!!
Oh oh my god
Please don’t tell me Swede died for that!
Oh okay no he’s like that princess bride dude, aight
Olu is a great support system
Ed is slaying in his gay ass sitting way
Stede looks surprisingly sexy in that outfit
Alright, a little Archie Jim action, hell yeah
How come every time they kiss Izzy is just, in the background
Girlbosses, all of them
Aww, Eddie cares <3
Aww, Izzy does not care <3
Frenchie helps Izzy! Fuck do I ship that now?
If Izzy dies I’m gonna throw my computer
Izzy remains the best even while on deaths door
Wait he called him Eddie?
Okay I don’t have captions, so I have no idea what Izzy is saying here
Okay I heard Twat
Something about family?
Oh my god…
Okay I’m not throwing my computer because it’s technically my school’s computer but like bruv
Why him??????
Zheng apart of the crew? Ayo?
Stede don’t push it
Why is Wee John officiating?
Maybe it’s because he’s Calypso
Oh no they’re all officiating that’s sweet
Roach is a doll
Frenchie is officially the first mate? Ayo???
Does that mean Frenchie is the captain??
The cravat!
Hi Buttons
I think this is the first interaction Wee John and Frenchie has had all season, which is sad honestly
If we get a season 3, it better switch povs between The Revenge and Stede and Ed’s adventures as innkeepers, together with their pet bird Buttons and the ghost of Izzy
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skyfallslayer · 7 months
Wow. Thanks for the mention @user-needs-a-username! It's nice to be notice by one of my favorite authors :) Hmm... now for my fics might be a little tricky. I read a lot, lol.
1.This has a hold over me since 2014 - Three older protective "brothers" trying to keep their little bird out of harms way. (A Hurt/Comfort/Thriller Young Justice fic - Of Monster & Men by Black Friar. Has a wonderful sequel)
2. Short, but shit, this is what I wish could have happened in the show - Imagine suddenly seeing your dead dad after eighteen years? (A Tear-jerking reunion Daredevil fic - still got a lot of fight left in me by QueenWithABeeThrone.)
3. One of my favorite whumptober fics - "You had one job" trope and they f*cked up... Or did they? (A parental!RoyEd hurt/comfort fic - A Safe Place by Thornback)
4. A What if story - "What the f*ck makes you so special?" Says the supermutant that broke into your home. (It doesn't show it, but SA warning on this one. I love the author's writing and how she portrays every character from "The Boys"; It's a good comfort/recovery fic - Safety Pin by the_moon_girl)
5. F*ck, this one plays with every emotion - So you grabbed the wrong briefcase? So what? It's not like an evil General is going to kidnapped and torture your subordinates... right? (TEAM MUSTANG GETS TO SHINE IN THIS ONE! This is family/parental/brotherly love here folks - The Briefcase by boredom)
6. Now, I read this years ago but I still think it holds up - It's always the mine inspections. ALWAYS the mine inspections. (Again, doesn't show it, but it does have a conversation about SA. It's a horror/hurt/comfort Parental!RoyEd story about being captured by spies - In His Own Hell - by alightintheshadows)
7. Another What if story - No bitches brothers? Lying? Character lives instead of dying? Sign me up! (A rewrite of FMA:B with Al having no clue his brother signed up for the military; And... a certain character lives - My Ambitions (Will Be Your Savior) by Mina37)
8. It's the trio I've always wanted together - What's better than one fatherly figure? TWO fatherly figures! Give this kid some love. (Post No Way Home with parental Matt and Parental Bucky towards our favorite spider-boy - The Spider, The Soldier, and The Sinner by Barbell_Bankai11)
9. Another whumptober favorite - The complainer is complaining but no one takes him seriously until it's too late. (Short, but sweet. This fic is another mustang's team acting like a family - Invisible Quicksand by CryRan88)
10. For the final one I have to give it to one of the first FMA fic I've ever read - When science is obviously not your strong suit. How can you make Gold from Lead any way? (Roy's on his way to rescue Ed and overhears something shocking - Gold From Lead by Bookwrm389 (an orphan account)
These are all on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net
It was tricky trying to figure out who to tag. But think I'll go to one of my oldest followers @mirkwoodshewolf . Feel free to do it! If not, pass it along :)
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (7/19/2024) Episode: Everyday Fantastic
Peachy’s revelation didn’t immediately change anything about the family's current comfortable domestic routine.
Noemi decided to put off starting her job a little longer, which gave her back some of the time she’d lost while in the hospital. She used that time both to get to know her baby and to catch up on the physical and mental therapy she needed to recover and process her recent stress.
What she really wanted to devote some time to was getting back into a regular exercise routine, but she was limited in what she could do. At the suggestion of her therapist, she decided to kill two birds with one stone, turning to gentle yoga as way to exercise both mind and body.
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Noemi also gained the opportunity to deepen old friendships and make new ones among the other mothers of her generation.
Beau and Rhys both had kids just a bit older than Skye. Living on the same island made it quite easy for the 3 boys' best girls to fall into an easy companionship once Noemi was feeling better physically and emotionally.
Having “mom friends” just a short walk down the beach that she could share her struggles with, with little ones that were perfect playmates for her own sweet boy, was an amazing gift she intended to take full advantage of.
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After one of the trios' frequent “playdates” Noemi was shocked to discover that her sim friends weren’t the only new mothers around!
Blossom, their adventurous cat, was prone to wandering the neighborhood. Unfortunately, with Skye’s birth, Luigi’s new job, and Noemi’s health issues the couple had neglected to get their feline friend spayed…
This resulted in the addition of two very unexpected new members to the family – little Tulip and Marigold. As soon as it was safe Luigi’s first order of business was making sure there would be no more little surprises coming at them from that direction!
Blossom was not a fan of the indignity of the cone that kept her from messing with her stitches and made it harder to watch her roaming kittens.
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Not all family surprises were as fun as unexpected kittens. Luigi’s cousins soon found themselves dealing with the loss of several parents.
Luigi couldn’t pretend to be sad that a sim like his awful Uncle Manny was no longer a part of this world, but he did his best to be there for Hunter, who had never been able to reconcile with his father prior to his death and was taking it hard.
Toni and Tori also quickly followed Manny to the ever after, meaning Cullen had also lost a parent and Hunter had a double helping of grief to bear.
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In an effort to get everyone out of the house Luigi invited both his cousins and their significant others to the Sea Life Center. Heading upstairs to the bar he pulled out a shaker and spun up a special cocktail, maxing his mixology skill in the process.
The mourners sat around enjoying the warm island sunshine, catching up and sharing memories of the happy times they’d had with their elders.
On the bright side, Hunter and Tess were doing better as a couple and were seriously considering adoption, while Cullen and Angeles had recently gotten engaged. At the end of the evening Luigi felt great about the mini-reunion he’d put together and wished his relatives all the best.
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The passing of his Aunts and Uncle made Luigi even more grateful for the time he had left with his own folks. The live in grandparents were both quite enjoying their stay on the island: catching up with Luigi, getting better acquainted with Noemi, and spending quality time with little Skye.
Peachy was still working but made time to enjoy feeding both the baby and the rest of the household. Given how excited the little man always was for bottle time his grandpa suspected that when the time came, he’d quite enjoy getting to try out the new flavors and textures of real cooking!
Skye also turned out to really enjoy being snuggled to sleep, which often made bedtime a struggle. Luckily, Grandma Valentina was a good multi-tasker, happy to hang out in the nursery with her smallest boy, checking in on Kelsie, Scott, and her other grandbabies on Social Bunny while he slept.
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After all their earlier difficulties Luigi and Noemi felt truly blessed to have this quiet time with family nearby to rest, relax, and get ready for the big changes that were on the horizon in their lives.
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I honestly had no idea Blossom was pregnant – either the game glitched and didn’t notify me or I totally missed it; the only notification I saw was when it told me she was in labor 😱
This is my first time having a pet have babies.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
What if Fidds didn’t get his memories back before Ford came back through the portal?
I felt inspired to write a li’l ~600 word one shot, enjoy. May or may not have cried a little while writing this.
A Gravity Falls One-Shot Fanfic By Zephy
A pair of grocery bags crashed to the parking lot gravel. Though something in one of the bags shattered - likely the jar of raspberry jam Mabel had requested without the seeds, Grunkle Ford, don’t get the jam with seeds! - the chinkle of broken glass barely registered through Ford’s profound and all-encompassing shock.
Hunched so badly that his bandaged hands nearly touched the floor, an old man with an impressively long and scraggly beard was half-leaping-half-crawling over a bench, having knocked over a trio of garbage cans in his frenzied chase of a bird who, it appeared, had stolen his hat. The years had changed him thoroughly, but there was no mistaking his accent - “Git back here, ya feathery sky demon!” - his nose, or his eyes: that man was Fiddleford McGucket.
The whisper was like the silence one second before an explosion; immediately following, Ford felt his stomach drop into free fall, a guilty-sick feeling rising up in his throat. Fiddleford was supposed to be at home with Emma-May and Tate in California. He was supposed to be fine.
But he was not at home, and he was certainly not fine.
Ford hardly felt himself start moving, grocery bags and broken jam jar left completely forgotten. “Fiddleford?”
He’d been half hoping that the disheveled man wouldn’t turn at the sound of the name, that this wasn’t his old- His old partner. But no, the recognition and genuine surprise in his eyes, that was real. All of this was too real. His mouth stayed open for a long moment, mind full of thoughts, but empty of any words. What did he say??
Apparently Fiddleford was feeling similarly.
“Er… um. Hello?”
The thoughts built like pressure against a dam, rising as a dampness at the edges of his eyes, until he found himself hugging the other man to his chest, practically vomiting every I’m sorry that had been fighting to leave him for the last thirty years: “I’m sorry. Fiddleford- I’m so sorry. Ishouldhavelistenedtoyou, I was stupid, I’vealwaysbeenstupid, but now I’m just-” He pulled away, suddenly realizing how stiff and uncomfortable Fiddleford felt in the hug. The man’s blue eyes seemed… confused.
“Sorry…” Ford whispered once again. A thick moment of silence passed between them, each trying desperately to figure the other out and unable to.
It was only when Ford moved to take Fiddleford’s hand - hoping that would be a more acceptable physical sign of solidarity - that they began to make progress in that regard.
Fiddleford’s eyes widened at the uncannily familiar sight of six fingers, but he barely had a moment to process before a sharp, burning pain shot through his head like lightning, burning behind his eyes. Instinctively, he squirmed and grit his teeth, caught in a wild haze of deja vu.
High fives, laughter, late nights.
Rolling thirty eight sided dice.
Shared moments of joy and stress and everything in between.
Years apart, and then…
A drive north.
A warm greeting.
A night under the stars.
Hours and hours spent tinkering in-
That place.
With the blue light, the rope on his ankle, the eyes, the eyes, THE EYES!!!
The entire montage-like flashback lasted only a moment, but it left Fiddleford trembling and struggling for breath.
He remembered. Not everything, but enough. Enough to know something bad was happening- was going to happen, happen soon-
Time stopped, reality coming back into focus, centering around the warmth of a hand on his shoulder. A familiar warmth and a familiar hand.
“Stanferd…” Fiddleford muttered, surprised to realize how familiar the taste of the name was and how perfectly it went with the gaze he lifted his eyes to meet. “Stanferd Pines.”
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deceasedreese · 2 years
Predictions, Hopes, and Headcannons for Watching and Dreaming
Orgins of both The Collector and the Titans. I would love to know more about both of their species and about King's father
Caleb Wittebane AND Evelyn Clawthorne. I need to know what these two sound like. Even if its just for a second. Give me more reasons to feel sad that Caleb is gone, leaving Evelyn a widow and single parent.
Manny Noceda. Not sure how that would be integrated into the narrative. Maybe and unconcious Luz getting advice/motivation from her Papi?
Belos. Im a lover of angst, so I would love to see the entire process of him deciding he needed to kill Caleb.
Callback(s) to A Lying Witch and a Warden
"Do not underestimate me ______. For I am Luz Noceda, _______ ...Now eat this sucka!" Luz delivering the final blow.
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"And that's the end!" I could totally see the series ending with Luz retelling this entire story to her children. To witchlings, human children, etc. I think it would be cute!
Awesome animation!!
There are only two things I can think of that would get the majority of the animation budget.
A fight scene.
Luz reuniting with King and Eda. I will cry many, many tears.
Or...we get both 🤷🏻👀
Raine's possession
As I stated in a previous post, Eda is now the spitting image of Evelyn. I wouldn't be surprised is Belos tries to hurt her. I would like to think they would stop him before he is able to but idk...
I also like to think they'll prevent Belos from actually harming Eda, the kids, etc.
They'll be 'unpossessed' with the help of the Collector
However, I think the main people Belos will be aiming to hurt would be Luz, Eda, or Hunter. Yet, he might also hurt King, Willow, Amity, Gus, and/or Camila to hurt them.
I don't think Raine will walk out of this without a few scars. Specifically on their ear and cheek
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I NEED an "I love you." from Luz. Amity has been the one to initiate everything in their relationship. She asked Luz out, she always gives initiates physical affection, etc. I would love for Luz to initiate this one.
A call back to Good Witch Azura 2.
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Im sure there will be parallels of this entire scene alone, but I'll be awaiting the angst that is to come.
Future Lumity! I need to see these two older. Even as adults maybe. I live for this relationship due to it being such a revolutionary thing. A healthy, happy sapphic couple. Maybe they both subtlely got rings on their finger 👀
I dont think the plotline of Hunter being a grimwalker was resolved. I think Willow will pull him aside and talk to him about it. Saying what he is changes nothing about how she feels about him.
And then he'll say something about loving the person she is. How grateful he is for her, etc.
Luz, King, and Eda. I'll cry. Especially if it's something like this:
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Amity and Alador; Willow and Gilbert and Harvey; Gus and Perry; Lilith and Hooty; Clawthorne family reunion
All the Hexside kids with their parents
King and The Collector
I really feel like there will be a confrontation later that will go along the lines of:
The Collector: You betrayed me! If you don't ____, I'll-
King: Or you'll what? Kill me? Just like your people did to my dad? My entire species??
I think it would be cute if the Collector was integrated into the relationship King has with Luz. Unique sibling trio for the win!
King letting The Collector hold François
Luz having her quinceñera. All her friends and family are there. Eda, Camila, and Amity dance with her.
Or if they do flash-foward: Everyone just living their lives.
Hunter carving palismen and living his best life. Helping young witches carve their own. Maybe he'll even carve his own palisman when he's ready. I am certain it will be a bird.
Gus being an ambassador* of the human realm. *: wreaking havoc. Occasionally accompanied by Luz, Willow, and/or Hunter. I could also see him as an Illusionist instructor.
Willow being a coach for grugby at Hexside. Helping to lift up young witches confidence and self-esteem.
Amity not working for the family business at all. Maybe a teacher or as a librarian.
Maybe all of them just work at Hexside lol
Raeda being old gays. I will simply NOT accept either of them dying. That's a hate crime.
Lumity and Huntlow adults
An actual scene of people going to therapy. Maybe someone leaves and tags the next person in lol
A parallel to this scene:
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Luz has gone through a lot. But she made it through a better and wiser person witch. She can just be embracing what her life is now in TBI before flying back home to Amity and/or Eda and King.
Will likely add more later lol
Feel free to do it too!
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alchiest · 7 months
There was a boy who always wonders that he could strive his dreams. He's Vincent Estilloro, born in Iloilo City, Guimaras. He was a Lola's and Lolo's boy, a precious pearl in their eyes. He was the youngest of three siblings, a trio of different fates. He grew up in a broken family, a shattered mirror of his parents' love. His father was an alcoholic, a slave to the bottle. His mother was a worker, a slave to the city. His sister and brother stayed with their father, a pair of lost souls. He stayed with his grandmother, a ray of hope.
He had many good memories, like flowers in a garden. He also had some bad ones, like weeds among the roses. He moved to Manila when he was three, a new world of noise and lights awaits for him. He started school when he was five, a new world of books and friends. But soon he returned to Bacolod, a familiar world of peace and green. He continued his studies there, from grade 2 to grade 4.
In grade 4, his grandfather fell ill, a foot infection that spread like fire. Soon after, he passed away, at the age of 73. They mourned his loss, like a storm in their hearts. He neglected his studies, like a bird with broken wings. But his grandmother encouraged him, like a gentle breeze. She told him that he had to strive, like a seed that grows into a tree. He listened to her words, like a song that lifts his spirit. He focused on his studies, in honor of his grandfather. He finished grade 4, like a milestone in his journey.
On April 17, his mother called his grandmother, a voice from afar. She asked them to come back to Manila, a place where she had a home. He agreed to go with her, a chance to start anew. He finished his elementary education there, a step closer to his dreams. Fast forward to the year 2018, that's when he reunited with his siblings, a long-awaited reunion.
In 2023, they faced family problems, like waves that rocked their boat. His sister Efril got pregnant early, like a flower that bloomed too soon. His brother Reggie neglected his studies, like a fish that swam away from the school. On June 24, his beloved grandmother's 66th birthday, an important day in his life, she made a birthday wish for him, a gift from her heart. She said: "I hope to see you finish high school and college, and I wish for you to have a long life." He cried as she said this to him, a tear of gratitude and love. On June 27, his grandmother went back to their province, to fix their house where his grandfather and grandmother lived, a place of memories and history. And that's where his story ended.
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Broken Wings, Healing Breeze
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Producer Charles Roven first met Christopher Nolan twenty years ago, and along with Emma Thomas, the trio went on to produce what many consider to be the high-water mark of superhero films, The Dark Knight trilogy. Their latest collaboration, Oppenheimer, has picked up right where they left off, as Nolan’s ambitious J. Robert Oppenheimer biopic is yet another critical and commercial smash. The project came about in a rather casual way, as Roven and his wife, Stephanie Haymes Roven, were enjoying a social outing with Nolan and Thomas, his wife and producing partner.
“During a social get-together, I was just kicking it around with Chris about what was next after Tenet, and he’s never one to reveal everything. He likes to keep things close to the vest. That’s definitely a Nolan personality trait,” Roven tells The Hollywood Reporter. “And then he asked, ‘Why? What are you thinking?’ And I said, ‘Have you ever heard of J. Robert Oppenheimer?’ And he said, ‘I actually referred to him in Tenet.’”
Roven and his production company, Atlas Entertainment, had already been approached by James Woods on behalf of J. David Wargo, the underlying rightsholder of Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin’s Oppeheimer biography, American Prometheus. So Roven is the one who pointed Nolan in the direction of the book that he would later adapt into Oppenheimer.
“So Oppenheimer was kind of already on Chris’ brain when I brought up American Prometheus. And at the end of our discussion, Chris said, ‘Well, I think I’m gonna read the book,’” Roven says. “And after he read the book, he and Emma called and said, ‘Hey, let’s do this.’”...
What’s the origin story behind your initial collaboration with Chris Nolan on 2005’s Batman Begins?
I had a meeting with Chris, because I was a huge fan from Memento on. His agent had given me a call and said, “Would you be interested in getting involved in this movie that Chris has written and is directing? It’s called Batman Begins.” And I said, “Of course.” And then I also got a call from Jeff Robinov, who was running [Warners Bros.] at the time. I had done a number of movies already with the studio, and this was Chris and Emma’s [Thomas] first movie with the studio. So they thought it would be a good idea to have another producer who really knew those ropes, and that was how I got involved.
Cillian Murphy was right alongside the two of you at the time. Could you sense then that he had a bright career ahead of him?
Well, there was never any doubt that Cillian was an amazing actor. He played Scarecrow, and he was fantastic in the role. He’s been a regular Nolan collaborator ever since; he’s just never had a big starring role in any of those movies. So he certainly delivered in Oppenheimer.
Your last go-round with Chris as director was 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises. What made Oppenheimer the right situation for a reunion?
Well, in 2011, we actually produced two movies together. We did The Dark Knight Rises, but Chris and Emma were also producers on Man of Steel. So they brought me into that project, and both projects were gonna go around the same time. So I really owe my involvement in that movie to the collaboration that we had. But, now, with Oppenheimer, it was kind of a serendipitous thing. I had been approached by J. David Wargo and James Woods. I never knew Wargo, but James introduced me to him because they were friendly. And Wargo had the underlying rights to [Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin’s] book, American Prometheus.
So, in addition to having a collaborative business relationship with Chris and Emma, my wife and I are also just friends with them. And during a social get-together, I was just kicking it around with Chris about what was next after Tenet, and he’s never one to reveal everything. He likes to keep things close to the vest. That’s definitely a Nolan personality trait. So he vaguely referred to some things, but he hadn’t landed on anything. And then he asked, “Why? What are you thinking?” And I said, “Have you ever heard of J. Robert Oppenheimer?” And he said, “I actually referred to him in Tenet.”
Robert Pattinson also gave him a book of Oppenheimer’s speeches as a wrap gift on Tenet, because the movie referenced Oppenheimer. So Oppenheimer was kind of already on Chris’ brain when I brought up American Prometheus. The book is pretty fascinating, and it’s got its own amazing history. And at the end of our discussion, Chris said, “Well, I think I’m gonna read the book.” And after he read the book, he and Emma called and said, “Hey, let’s do this.” So that’s kind of how it happened, and that’s why I call it serendipitous.
How does the 2023 Chris Nolan compare to the Chris Nolan you first met in 2003?
Well, Chris has always been Chris. He’s incredibly focused. He really knows what he’s after, and he’s very precise. So I would say that he’s the same guy in those respects. He obviously has earned both the kudos and the control that he has because of how good he is. He’d be hard-pressed to talk about it, but he’s somebody who can handle all the things. He’s not just a major writer-director; he also really knows how to produce. So each time I’ve had a chance to work with him and Emma, it’s really been a delight...
What’s the status of your slate amid the double strike?
Well, fortunately, I was able to get some deals done and closed before the strike....It’s just sad that you can’t move anything forward...I can’t really schedule any pre-production, because I don’t know when the strike is gonna be over and the actors are gonna come back to work.
During the premiere schedule on Oppenheimer, the SAG strike was called when we were about to start the first screening in London, and our actors had to leave. They got to be on the red carpet, but they couldn’t be a part of the introduction of the movie. So that was also sad because they love the movie so much. The only premiere where we really had a full premiere was the one in Paris. We were actually going to go to two theaters in London, but that was aborted...'
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tonkidrug · 2 years
The elder scrolls 6 equestria
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But Rainbow Dash had been busy the past few months at the Wonderbolt’s Academy, and the only way they’d stayed in contact was through Rainbow Dash’s incessant letters asking about her well being. And no matter how many times Fluttershy forgave her, Rainbow Dash considered it her duty to keep Fluttershy safe. Since Flight Camp Rainbow Dash had protected Fluttershy like a sister, after she knocked her from camp during a race. Rainbow Dash had always been Fluttershy’s dearest friend, always there for her whenever she was bullied or scared. Rarity, her posh unicorn friend, had received a large dress order that required her to temporarily move to Canterlot for the past few weeks. Applejack, her hard working earth pony friend who ran Sweet Apple Acres with her siblings Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom, had left earlier in the week for a family reunion in Appleooza. Twilight Sparkle, her studious unicorn friend who ran the Ponyville library, had been spending the past two weeks in the Crystal Empire with Spike the Dragon. But lately, she’d seldom seen any of her friends, all of them wildly preoccupied. She looked to each of the faces of her friends, thinking back on all they’d gone through. It was a picture of she and her friends that they’d taken when Twilight Sparkle first came to Ponyville. “Oh no…!” Fluttershy gasped and hurried to the picture, picking it up and sighing. The plate hit a picture on the wall, cracking the glass and knocking it to the floor, cracking the wooden frame. Please?” Angel pouted and swatted the plate from her hoof, and crossed his arms again. She always thought of animals as individuals.įluttershy smiled with a sigh and picked up his plate of lettuce, cucumbers and carrots, crouching down next to him. She actually considered Angel more of a roommate than a pet. Raising her hoof and glancing down, she saw Angel, her 'pet' bunny, pouting with crossed arms. You did a great job helping me with the critter’s food.” Owlowiscious nodded and flew back inside and up the stairs, and suddenly Fluttershy felt a soft thumping against her leg. She felt something land on her head, and smiled to see Twilight’s pet owl Owlowiscious yawning and looking down to her with tired eyes.įluttershy smiled. Since most of her friends were out of town, she volunteered to watch their pets. Lying lazily on the sofa was Opalescence, Rarity’s cat. She looked back inside her cottage to see Applejack’s herding dog, Winona, eating from a dog bowl next to Rainbow Dash’s tortoise Tank who ate from a plate of lettuce. Slowly she saw squirrels, bunnies and chipmunks emerge from their burrows, and birds of all sizes and colors flocking from their nests and birdhouses. “Okay friends, breakfast is served!” Fluttershy Chimed as she set out the last plates and bowls of food for the animals. Now it seemed the elements would only collect dust as Equestria’s problems lied behind it. Though, since they had used the Elements of Harmony to reform the draconoquis Discord, deity of Chaos, nothing had dared threaten Equestria. She possessed the Element of Kindness, one of the six Elements of Harmony that protected Equestria from those who would disrupt the hard fought peace of the ponies and their goddess princesses Celestia, who raised the sun each day, and Luna, who raised the moon each night. Her eyes were blue as the sky, and her cutie mark across her flank was a trio of blue, pink winged butterflies reflecting her gentle nature and love for all animals great and small.īut Fluttershy possessed something for more important than her talent with animals. Flutteshy had a pink mane that cascaded down over her shoulder, her tail of the same soft color. This Pegasus was Fluttershy, the wild life caretaker of Ponyville. But one yellow furred Pegasus was already hard at work, preparing meals and tending to the many animals who shared these harmonic lands with the ponies of Equestria. The denizens of this haven had yet to rise and begin the day, and from the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres to the posh streets of Canterlot, a tranquil silence blanketed the sleeping land. The Elder Scrolls 5: Equestria - PrologueĪll was at peace in the morning hours of Ponyville, the sun still sleeping beneath the horizon and filling the sky with coming shades of red and orange as the moon’s night came to an end.
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When the night changes. Part-3
Ram Bheem and Malli reached Alidabad forest after a long, tiring but equally delightful journey
Ram couldn't remember when was the last time he felt so happy. Just a mere presence of Bheem brought immense joy to him. Bheem was really the bright light in his life which was mostly covered in darkness. Through out the journey Bheem took great care of him. He applied medicine to his wounds which were healing under his love, cooked food for him and Malli. Ram had the privilege to listen to Bheems melodious voice when he sang lullaby at night for Malli. He also could vitness the absolute joy on Bheems face when he played with Malli. He admired the immense knowledge Bheem had about plants, animals, birds etc. He was really the beloved son of the mother nature. According to Ram this was the best journey of his life, because in this journey he had fallen even more in love with the Gond protector, who was a angel of his life.
He could remember particular night of their journey when it started raining and they had to take shelter in a big cave near a forest. That night the weather was freezing cold and it was pouring cat and dogs. Bheem, Malli and Ram had taken shelter in a big cave to save themselves from the rain. Bheem had quickly started a fire from the little firewood that they carried for emergency and also gathered some dried leaves from the cave. He was very much worried about Malli, Ram and their two horses because it was freezing cold. He had covered Malli and Ram with some thick blackets and made them sit near the fire hurdled together. He had used remaining covers on horses and he himself stood near the fire without any coverings. That night Ram had looked at Bheems worried face which illuminated because of fire and called him near. Bheem without registering anything had asked him " do you need anything? Are you feeling cold?. For that Ram had smiled at him and called him near and had drapped himself and Bheem with the same blacket bringing him closer. Malli had quickly taken place in Bheems lap and fallen asleep by clutching his one hand and his other hand on her head. Ram had also shifted closer craving for Bheems body heat as he laid his head on Bheems shoulder. That was the best night of his life.
The thought of that night brought a smile on his face.
Now he was in Bheems Village. When the trio arrived here the whole village was ready to welcome them. Malii had a emotional reunion with her mother and family. And others were just surrounding Bheem to know about his adventures and his time in city. That time Bheem had introduced Ram to his villagers. They were happy that Ram had contributed to free Malli and they had welcomed him wholeheartedly. That afternoon there was a feast arranged for them where they could eat variety of dishes after a long time. Bheems face had lit up looking at the food and had chocked himself while eating. Ram was quick to make him drink water and had scolded him for eating too fast. For that Bheem had replied, " I can't help it, because I'm eating this food after a long time. You don't no how much I craved for this food when I was in city, so you can't blame me for eating fast." For that Ram had smiled and shaken his head.
Right now he was sitting outside a hut after a wholesome meal served by the villagers and he was enjoying the sight infront of him where Bheem was busy conversing with the tribes children. He could see how Bheems doe eyes light up hearing something the kids have said. His smile was so infectious. He could stare at this man for lifetime still it wouldn't be enough.
He came back to reality when he saw some people approaching the hut. . It was a elderly man along with him some villagers that he had met before and a young man who looked like elder man's son. By looking at them Bheem had approached them with smile. "Aree Bhallanna garu, how are you?" Bheem had asked touching the elders feet. "I'm good bidda, I just heard that you have returned from your adventurous journey so I came to visit you and your childhood friend Rudra was very eager to meet you" the younger man Rudra smirked at Bheem for that. Bheems complete denamor changed after that. He could tell Bheem was little uncomfortable but he managed to smile at everyone. Then Bheems peddayya called everyone inside including Ram and everyone went inside. But Ram noticed Bheem still looking outside with a thoughtful look. He wanted to ask him the reason for his sudden shift in mood but refrained from doing it infront of everyone. He could ask him when they are alone, when Bheem is comfortable to share.
He had no clue a big hurricane had just entered their life.
Will they be able to survive this new challenge?
Is Ram's love enough to save both of them?
Or their hearts will be shattered forever?
@bromance-minus-the-b @rambheem-is-real @eremin0109 @thewinchestergirl1208 @eenadu-varthalu @rorapostsbl @budugu @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @fadedscarlets @foxglovedforest @jeonmahi1864 @kafkaesquebestie @hufhkbgg @how-is-it-in-london @hissterical-nyaan @fangirlshrewt97 @juhiiiiii @justmeand-myinsight @kalavathiii @kookiries @itsfookingloosah @lovingperfectionwonderland @mizutaama @rambheemisgoated @reallythoughtfulwizard @rosayounan @rambheem
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yilinglaozu · 3 years
hello, legend of fei anon again! losing my mind at zhou fei doing all this cool stuff so that xie yun won't die!! when she went up the mountain and worked with vermilion master and tricked the wolf of disha!! and their reunion was very sweet. also I love xie yun's guardians at penglai lmaoo when they were like "wow anzhi has a good eye, this girl is loving and righteous. how did he get her??" ALSO I love the "single braincell trio" of li yan and yang jin and ying hecong, they make me laugh so much. and chuchu continues to be the smartest sweetest bravest girl, I LOVE how she's documenting all the sect's styles, and she literally never gives up or lets anyone intimidate her, even when she gets kidnapped. to be honest I would have preferred zhou fei and chuchu as a couple but yunfei is good too, they make me think of those posts where a man is sitting in a woman's lap or being pinned to the wall or being carried and it's like "bisexual men dating bisexual women" lol
hello!!! ngl i’m always looking forward to your messages and hearing your thoughts on the show kinda makes me wanna rewatch it again 😩 ahh yes she keeps growing so much during those journeys and I love seeing her get more confident in her own abilities! also ahh I love her budding friendship with vermillion bird they’re cute together!!
ndjdndn please I love that xie yun has like 15 dads that all care about him and roast him, good for him <3
yesss the one brain cell trio is one of my absolute favourite dynamics in the whole show they’re just so fun and good together!! and yeah chuchu is such a boss!!! instead of giving up and withdrawing when she lost her whole family she just keeps growing as a character and what she does is so amazing
that last comment scream nsjsks you’re so correct about that, that’s really them!! I think chuchu should’ve joined them actually they could’ve been the 3 brain cell trio and chuchu would possess all of them <3
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melisa-may-taylor72 · 4 years
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This month the beginning and end of Queen come together like the cosy ending of a contrived Hollywood drama. While fans wait with bated breath for the band’s final album, “Made In Heaven" — completed by Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor with the aid of Freddie Mercury’s last demos — author Mark Hodkinson launches a new book in which, in greater detail than has ever been attempted before, delves into the pre-fame histories of Queen’s musical antecedents.
With previously unpublished photographs of Roger Taylor's the Reaction, John Deacon’s the Opposítion and even more impressively, Freddie Mercury’s Sour Milk Sea, ‘Queen The Early Years’ is a treat fans have waited too long to read. Coincidentally, six months ago, we commissioned Queen historian, John S. Stuart, to research the definitive article on the band’s pre-fame recordings, and as you’ll see, the results complement Hodkinson’s broader picture with hitherto undocumented details of Queen's 60s recordings.
We've touched on Larry Lurex and Smile before, of course, but the vinyl output of those two acts barely scratches the surface, so to speak: literally hours and hours of privately- recorded material of Freddie, Brian, John and Roger survive to this day — as evidenced by the recent discovery of the Reaction’s ‘In The Midnight Hour’ acetate ( see RC 191). So, while the rest of the world comes to terms with the fact that Queen’s recording career is effectively at an end, we unravel the untold history of four individuals' first tentative steps in front of the microphone, beginning with the 1960′s exploits of Brian May. Next month, we’ll embrace Smile, and John, Roger and Freddie's hidden amateur recordings; but first, 1984 and the Left Handed Marriage.
Around late August, or early September 1963, as the Beatles celebrated the birth of Beatlemania with sessions for their “With The Beatles” LP at EMI’s Abbey Road Studios in North London, another rock legend was developing just around the geographical corner. In a semi-detached house in Feltham, Middlesex, electronics engineer Harold May began an 18-month task, helping his sixteen-year-...[ ]
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[ ]...old son, Brian, to construct the world's most famous home-made guitar, the ‘Red Special'. In the mean time, Brian would have to be con­tent with thrashing away at the small Spanish acoustic his parents had bought him for his seventh birthday. (Brian evidently mislaid this childhood guitar shortly afterwards; and didn't see it again until 1991, when at a ‘reunion’ of former members of 1984, his schoolfriend and first musical collaborator, Dave Dilloway, returned it to him. Brian was so thrilled, that he featured the guitar in the video for Queen’s “Headlong" single).
By 1964, Brian and Dave Dilloway were already recording amateur duets together, and by linking up their two reel-to-reel tape docks, they discovered that they could lay down guitars on one machine, and perhaps bass, percussion and sometimes vocals on the other. Although the technique was crude, and despite the occasional disaster, the effect was often surprisingly good. One of the earliest tapes from these primitive recording sessions survives to this day, and features Brian belting out Bo Diddley’s eponymous R&B standard, "Bo Diddley".
“This is a mono quarter-inch, reel-to-reel I found buried among various other oddments from the era”,  recalls Dave Dilloway. “It certanly dates from before the formation of 1984. It was recorded in Brian’s back room in Feltham, with Brian on lead vocals and guitar, and myself on bass and drums. The track is basic, but Brian’s vocals are clear and recognisable. The guitar playing is fairly basic as well, but competent, without any real solos as such”.
“ This is the only tape in my collection of those double-track recordings. I’m unsure whether Brian himself has retained the tapes we made at the time, but I believe he usually ended up with the finished versions, so he may still heve them somewhere.”
 The duo also recorded four-track instru­mental cover versions of several Shadows tunes — “Apache”, “FBI”, "Wonderful Land” and "The Rise  And Fall Of Fingel Blunt” — as well as “Rambunkshush”, which they learned from the Shadows’ American counterparts, The Ventures.  Also on the same tape is their reading of Chet Atkins' “Windy And Warm".
 Yet another reel reveals an attempt at Cliff Richard’s "Bachelor Boy", on which Brian, once again, takes the lead vocal. Dave Dilloway's theory is probably correctt; May is known to have a meticulously catalogued personal collection of Queen (and pre-Queen) recordings and memorabilia, which almost certanlly contains unfathomable reels of similar early material.
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In the autumn of 1964, Brian and Dave formed a rapidly-evolving band, through which many schoolmates passed, but which eventually settled with a line-up of bassist John 'Jag' Garnham, drummer Richard Thompson, and harmonica-playing vocalist Tim Staffell. After rejecting names such as the Mind Boggles and Bob Chappy & the Beetles, the quintet named themselves after George Orwell’s futuristic novel ‘1984’. Their look was far from sci-fi, however, and they happily adopted the classic, clean-cut beat- group look of the day: jackets, or in Brian's case a cardigan, and narrow trousers; and beat boots. Tim Staffell even acquired that year’s fashion accessory, a pork-pie hat.
The band rehearsed regularly at Chase Bridge Primary School Hall in Twickenham (located next to the rugby ground), and on the 28th October 1964, gave their first public performance at the nearby St. Mary’s Church Hall. It is believed that either one of the rehearsals, or the gig itself, was recorded, but unfortunately, no tape of this debut, perform­ance has survived the years. Although 1984 recorded almost all of their live concerts for their own critical appraisal, to save on the expense of new tape they often wiped over old reels once they’d listened to them. Nevertheless, evidence of Brian May playing live does survive from this period, and the earliest example dates from an unknown gig (Shepperton Rowing Club is the favoured consensus), recorded in late 1965. This wasn’t a 1984 performance, but rather an ad-hoc trio comprising Brian May on bass and vocals, Pete ‘Woolly’ Hammerton (a school friend of Brian’s) on guitar and vocals, and 1984's Richard Thompson on drums. The tape reveals the trio turning in versions of Martha & the Vandellas’ “Dancing In The Street", the Beatles' “Eight Days A Week”, “I’m Taking Her Home” — a song by the group Woolly later joined, the Others — and a brave attempt at the Who’s "My Generation".
The Others comprised older boys from Hampton School, who in October 1964 had issued a single of their abrasive reading of Bo Diddley’s “Oh Yeah", backed by “I’m Taking Her Home", on Fontana (TF 501). “That was good!" claims singer, Tim Staffell. “I’ve still got that record buried somewhere deep in my mind — I remember the singer, Paul Stewart's voice and the quality of the guitar sound. The Others were a pretty significant influence. Maybe not in terms of the music, more in the sense that they were already doing it, which proved it was possible."
As evidenced by the photograph included in this feature, the Others clearly had attitude, something which 1984, or Tim Staffell at least, could only aspire to “If I had tried to push 1984 in any direction," reveals Tim, “then that would have been it. Without hearing any of these tapes of our band — and I didn't even know they existed! — l’d say we probably sounded a lot safer than the Others. Mind you, they were different to us. Their guitar style was very much inspired by American R&B, whereas Brian’s never was. Brian was a unique guitar player: he was able to extemporise a much more original way than most guitar players could. I hope he’ll forgive me for saying so, but I never perceived him as having the dangerous image which was necessary at the time — the cardigan says it all!.
“In retrospect, 1984 was lightweight, a bit fluffy”  concedes Tim. “It was impossible not to be naively ambitious — that was part and parcel of it — and the primary motivation to do it was what we saw in the media as the end results of success. But I guess we were realistic about it — we were at school, after all. Also there was a good deal of pressure in the 60s from our parents, and the conser­vative generation, to conform."
Although a version of “I’m Taking Her Home” by 1984 was captured live on the Shepperton tape, and Brian occasionally guested with the Others on stage, it's worth stating once and for all that — despite the persistent rumours — he definitely doesn’t feature on "Oh Yeah".  In fact, Pete ‘Woolly' Hammerton doesn't even play on the record — he only joined the band formally later on.
In the autumn of 1965, leaving Hampton Grammar with no fewer than four 'A' Levels and ten ‘O’ levels, Brian enrolled at Imperial College in Kensington, London, to read physics and infra-red astronomy. Before breaking up for the Christmas holidays that year, he played the first in a series of gigs with 1984 at the college, a tradition he continued later with Smile, and in their formative days with Queen. Although the exact date of the event has long since been forgotten, a very poor- quality tape still exists of 1984‘s college debut. The set was a typical one, comprising the group’s broad blend of pop, R&B and soul covers, and included the following songs: “Cool Jerk" (originally by the Capitols), ‘Respect" (Otis Redding), "My Girl" (the Temptations), “Shake" (Sam Cooke), “Stepping Stone" (the Monkees), “You Keep Me Hanging On" (the Supremes), “Whatcha Gonna Do Ahout it" ( Small Faces), “Substitute” (the Who), “How Can It Be” (the B-side of the Birds’ final single, “No Good Without You Baby”), “Danc­ing In The Street", “Dream" (Everly Brothers) and the Small Faces’ "Sha La La La Lee".
“Our repertoire was a little too eclectic to have developed into any particular style” reckons Tim Staffell. “But the Small Faces were quite influential. When we were at school, the songs were dredged from all sorts of areas. I’d always liked rhythm’n’blues. Brian’s input would have been Beatles-orientated, Dave’s as well. Richard Thompson would have been more into R&B, and Jag didn't really have an agenda as far as songs were concerned. Because of the nature of the material we covered, our approach to the gigs was almost schoollboy cabaret. 1984 was not a dangerous, moody rock band! Which may have something to do with the way Queen evolved."
1984 oponed 1966 with a couple of gigs at the Thames Rowing CIub in Putney; and once again, a tape recorder was set up to document the group’s progress. Two reels from January that year exist: the first is dated the 15th, and features “Im A Loser” (the Beatles), “I Wish You Would" ( the Yardbirds), “I Feel Fine" (the Beatles), “Little Egypt" (the Coasters), "Lucille” (Little Richard), “Too Much Monkey Business" (Chuck Berry), "I Got My Mojo Working” (Muddy Waters), "WalkingThe Dog” ( Rufus Thomas) and “Heart Full Of Soul" (the Yardbirds).
The second, dated two weeks later (29th January), demonstrates the great variety and confidence of a band which consistently renewed its repertoire. The show began with Jimmy Reed’s  “Bright Lights, Big City", moving into the Cookies' “Chains" (popularised by the Beatles), “Walking The Dog", “Lucille", “Our Little Rendezvous" (Chuck Berry), “Jack O’ Diamonds" (Blind Lemon... (cont)
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(cont) Jefferson, popularised by Lonnie Donegan), “I’ve Got My Mojo Working”, “Little Egypt" and Bo Diddley’s “I’m A Man”. The band’s finale was a versión of Sonny Boy Williamson’s "Bye Bye Bird".
For an amateur band with little real pretension towards stardom, or even a serious attempt at securing a recording contract, a staggering amount of live 1984 material has been preserved on tape. Dave Dilloway, for instance, is the guardian of a seven-inch reel-to-reel, which he says reveals either a very long performance or a compilation of various unknown dates.
Either way, the tape is divided into five distinct sections, which might make tedious reading, but is an invaluable reference: 1) “Route 66", (unknown instrumental), “I’m Taking Her Home", “Too Much Monkey Business’, “Yesterday" (featuring Brian May on lead vocals), “Walking The Dog", and “ Lucille"; 2) “Little Rendezvous", "Keep On Running”, “I Feel Fine”, “Walking The Dog”, “Jack O’ Diamonds", “High Heeled Sneakers", “I Want To Hold Your Hand", “I Got My Mojo Working*, and “I Should Have Known Better”; 3) “Little Rendezvous", “Jump Back Baby Jump Back", “I Feel Fine”, “Bye Bye Bird", “Little Egypt", “Crazy House". “Lucille”, “Oh Yeah”, “Heatwave”, “Too Much Monkey Business", “I Should Have Known Better", and “I Got My Mojo Working"; 4) “My Generation", “Little Egypt", “Dancing In The Street", “Whatcha Gonna Do About It", “I’m A Man", “Heatwave", “Lucille", and “Bye Bye Bird"; and 5) “Heart Full Of Soul", “Too Much Monkey Business”, “Something’s Got A Hold On Me", “Keep On Running", “My Generation", "Tired Of Waiting", “Bright Lights. Big City" and “Happy Hendrick’s Polka".
“These are all domestic quality, single microphone recordings of early-era 1984", reveals Dave Dilloway. “It's mostly bluesy material, with some soul and Beatles songs. While the quality is basic, the sound is intelligible, although there isn’t a large amount of identifiable Brian guitarwork. That came later in the band's history, when we included covers of Crearn and Hendrix. Brian's solo vocals on 'Yesterday' (on the first segment) are quite clear, however."
For much of 1966, the band carried on in a similar vein — Brian's and the others' college work permitting, of course. For Brian May and his unsigned, Twickenham-based covers band, the highlight of the following year, 1967, was undoubtedly the gig he secured via through his contacts at the college — supporting Jimi Hendrix at Imperial. The date was 13th May, the day after the release of Hendrix's debut, “Are You Experienced". Brian May idolised Hendrix to such an extent that he'd been nicknamed “Brimi" — a combination of the two guitarists' names—so although 1984 had seen him perform before, it goes without saying they were thrilled when backstage, they actually bumped into the ascending star as they filed past his dressing-room. It’s a familar story, but it's one worth repeating: Jimi enquired memorably, “Which way’s the stage, man?*.
1984's act had certainly blossomed by this point. Their attire was now obligatory Swinging London — or Swinging Middlesex — fare: frilly shirts, Regency jackets, striped hipsters secured with a white belt, and hairtyles extending inexorably over the ears, and indeed the eyes. “Somewhere along the line, there was an external influence there", says Tim Staffell. “There was someone calling the shots. I don’t think all that was self-motivated. It’s something I’ve never been comfortable with, which explains why I split away from it early on — certainly from Smile onwards — because it was going that way; as indeed it ended up with Queen. It's fair enough, but that sort of flamboyance is just not me. I look fairly uncomfortable in the picture of the band from that period. My idea of a rock musician is one with hair down his back, a dirty pair of Levi's on, looking at the floor, thoroughly unconcerned with the visual and external trappings, playing the most extraordinary virtuoso guitar. That was my attitude."
Back in February 1967, Brian’s local paper, the ‘Middlesex Chronicle’ caught up with the band, and captured Tim Staffell in an equally decisive mood; although here, he was more enthusiastic about the latest trend. "Psychodelic music is certainly here to stay”~he claimed. "It makes more of music than mere sound, it makes it a whole and complete art form." Dave Dilloway, who also handled the group's light show, added: “We use everything in our act, including things like shaving foam, and plastic bricks we throw around”.
The ‘Chronicle’ was obviously impressed, and its reporter had this to say about a per­formance by what it called “one of the most foward-looking groups today". “Standards, like ‘Heatwave' receive a very original treatment, mostly due to the sounds that Brian coaxes out of his guitar. Jazz chords and electronic sounds add feeling and nuance to numbers that are often churned out wholesale. Using two bass drums for a fuller sound, Richard's drumming, combined with the full bass riffs of Dave and the steady (rhythm guitar) work of John, provides a firm basis for experiments in sound — an opportunity which is not wasted."
“To be quite honest with you, there’s more substance in the literary content there, than in the musical," laughs Tim Staffell. "If some­one genuinely thought that, then I'm surprised! Brian might have used a fuzz-box. but generally, it was au naturel. I remember in the Smile days, somebody wrote about ‘humming chords of wonder’, referring to my bass playing. The reality of it was that sometimes I did try and play chords on the bass guitar, which might have come out as a deep-throated roar, but actually sounded like a load of crap!"
“We did use to tickle about with a few lights, suggests Dave Dilloway, “but being a local band, money was tight and there wasn’t a fortune to spend on the band." As to 1984's psychodelic sound, Dave adds: “Brian did use a bit of fuzz, yes, and Pink Floyd influences and a bit of screaming guitar. He’d actually built a fuzz box into his guitar, which was fairly unique for the day, but typical Brian. If you look carefully at recent pictures of his “Red Special” you can see the fuzz switch taped over."
In September 1967, no doubt boosted by their praise — sincere or not — in the local press, the continuing evidence of their per­formance tapes and their recent Hendrix support slot, 1984 entered the local beats of a battle-of-the-bands competition at the Top...[ ]
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...[ ] Rank Club in Croydon, just south of London. Effectively a promotion for Scotch tape, en­trance to the contest could only be secured via a demo recorded on a Scotch reel. 1984’s effort duly arrived in the form of a two-track master, featuring covers of Marvin Gaye's “Ain’t That Peculiar?" and the Everly Brothers’ “Crying ln The Rain" (on stage, both tracks were usually enhanced by characteristic Brian May guitar solos, but conservatism prevailed, and they were absent in this instance). A copy of this recording still survives, carefully guarded by the custodian of the 1984 archive. “This tape is a quarter-inch, mono reel-to-reel," re­calIs Dave Dilloway. “Tim took lead vocals on 'Ain't That Peculiar?’, and Tim and Brian duetted on ’Crying ln The Rain’. Brian's vocal style and tone can be clearly discerned, if one knows his voice. The songs were recorded in single takes, using a single microphone fed directly to the recorder. There was no mix facility so it has a ‘live' feel, a very good clean sound”. 
The mix was achieved using the old fashioned technique of microphone position and relative volume levels of the amplified Instruments. “As far as I am aware, only the one (master) copy of this tape exists.”
As has been well-documented, after two sets at the competition (one of which saw Brian, Dave, John Garnham and drummer Richard Thompson acting as the back-up band for a singer called Lisa Perez), 1984 won the contest, and walked away with a reel of blank tape (Scotch, of course) and an album each on the CBS label. (Tim took the top prize, Simon & Garfunkel’s “Sounds Of Silence", Brian had to make do with a Barbra Streisand LP, and Dave Dilloway became the proud owner of an album by Irish bandleader Tommy Makem!). More importantly, their demo tape was forwarded to the CBS A&R department for the national showdown, although, clearly, they didn’t win.
True to form, 1984's performance that evening was committed to tape — for an unpublished review by ‘Melody’ Maker, no less — but was probably erased shortly afterwards. The twenty-minute set consisted of the Everlys’ "So Sad", Hendrix’s “Stone Free”, Buddy Knox’s “She’s Gone" and Eddie Floyd's “Knock On Wood". After the gig, the band were invited by a visiting promotor to participate in the all-night gala event which has since gone down as one of the key gigs of the London underground scene: Christmas On Earth Continued, at London's Olympia Theatre, on December 23rd 1967. 1984 was the lowest pro­file act at this decidedly high-profile event, and after Jimi Hendrix, Traffic, Pink Floyd, the Herd, and Tyrannosaurus Rex had all taken to the stage, they only got to perform their humble set of covers at 5 o’clock in the morning. When Brian finally plugged in his ‘Red Special’, 1984 played a thirty-minute set to a very small, and less than enthusiastic, audience.
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Also from 1967, and of far more interest, is 1984′s professionally-recorded Thames Television demo tape. During his first-year of study at Twickenham Technical College, Dave Dilloway had made friends with a number of technicians, or trainee technicians, at the Teddington-based ITV company which served the London area. The station had recently invested in new recording equipment, and rather than hire professional musicians at the usual union rate, in a set up similar to the first Queen sessions at the De Lane Lea studios, 1984 were let loose in the studio to record at their leisure. Dave Dilloway's carefully preserved tape still plays perfectly, and includes the following songs: "Hold On I’m Corning", “Knock On Wood“, “NSU", *How Can It Be”, two early run-throughs of the original May/ Staffell composition “Step On Me” (which eventually became the B- side to Smile's “Earth"), “Purple Haze", “Our Love Is Driftin* ”, and medleys of “Remember”/”Sweet Wine" and “Get Out My Life Woman”/ ”Satisfaction". The session ended with a run-through of "My Girl”.
"What an extraordinary amalgam!" declares Tim Staffell today. “There’s Tamla, Cream, Hendrix, Lee Dorsey . . ‘Our Love Is Driftin' we’d have heard by Paul Butterfield. I’d forgotten there was such a large soul component in 1984!".
Dave Dilloway has the technical details: “This tape is the most re­cent, best and most representative of 1984 that I'm aware of. It is mono, but since it was made on good quality TV studio equipment and was carried out along the lines of a proper studio recording, with separately-mixed microphones for each source, it is remarkably good quality for its age. The material, except for ‘Step On Me', is aII cover versions, but as it dates from the late 1984 era, Brian’s playing is more prominent and effective, with his own style starting to show through. All the performances are competent — particularly Tim’s vocals and Brian's guitar; although the mix is a little heavy on John's rhythm guitar for some reason, probably the ‘ear’ of the recording engineer at the time. All tracks were laid down in one take, i.e., no overdubbing at all, so the sound is predominantly simple, as per our live versions."
And that was 1984′s swansong. In the spring of 1968, shortly afler the Thames recording, mainly due to the pressures of infrequent meetings and university studies — coupled with increasing musical differences — 1984 scaled down their operations drastically. Brian May left the band, and Tim Staffell took over on lead guitar for a while. A little later, Tim himself quit, leaving Dave Dilloway, John Garnham and Richard Thompson to rebuild the group, which soldiered on into the 70′s, content merely to play for fun. They all conceded that 1984 had been a good, solid, and popular local band, but that it didn’t have the necessary spark or originality to transform into a great one.
The Left Handed Marriage
ln the summer of 1965, in another corner of Hampton Grammar School, Brian May’s old friend Bill Richards (who had been a fleeting, early member of 1984 before it acquired its futuristic name), and his colleagues Jenny Hill (née Rusbridge), Henry Deval and Terry Goulds, formed a folk-rock band called the Left-Handed Marriage, named after an archaic form of marrying beneath oneself. By January 1967, the quartet had progressed to the point where they had issued their own privately-pressed album, “On The Right Side Of The Left Handed Marriage", which ran to just fifty copies (and, incidentally, has since acquired cult status among collectors, with a £600 price tag to match).
Although naturally familiar with the al­bum, Brian May as yet had not been involved with the band. That changed in March 1967, after Bill signed a twelve-month contract with EMI's music publishing company Ardmore & Beechwood — a deal secured through the efforts of Brian Henderson, a former member of Edinburgh beat outfit the Mark Five, and more recently, the bassist in Patrick Campbell- Lyons' 60′s psychodelic band, Nirvana. Bill approached Brian to help him create a “fuller" sound for the Left Handed Marriage, with a request to provide guitar and backing vocals on some recording sessions.
On the understanding that the project wouldn’t interfere with his commitment to 1984, Brian agreed. On 4th April 1967, he joined Jenny, Henry, Terry and Bill in AMC Sound, an amateur studio in Manor Road, Twickenham, to record four songs: “Give Me Time” (later changed to “I Need Time"), "She Was Once My Friend", “Sugar Lump Girl” and “Yours Sincerely” (which was basically “Give Me Time" backwards, with new lyrics pinched from the Russian author Pushkin).
The songs were all cleanly-recorded, melodic atempts at 1967 pop (despite the Left Handed Marriage's later classification, there's little actual folk music in evidence). “She Was Once My Friend" is the pick of the bunch, thanks to its Kinks-like structure — complete with Bill Richard's/ Ray Davies-soundalike vocal and, albeit way down in the mix, flashes of that distinctive Brian May 'Red Special’ guitar sound. Acetates of the AMC EP were cut, and the idea had been to release the songs as a commercial EP.  Instead, the set merely became the Left Handed Marriage’s first demo for their publishers, although it did lead to the offer to record at a more professional session — at EMI’s prestigious Abbey Road studios.
The Abbey Road session took place on 28th June 1967, when Left Handed Marriage were joined by Brian and 1984′s Dave Dilloway, who was drafted in to play bass. Two further tracks were cut: the reworked “I Need Time",...[ ]
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...[ ] and a new song called “Appointment". At this stage, there was more talk of issuing a record, this time a single, and a release date of August was even discussed. This never materialised either, and again 7″ acetates are all that remain.
Although Ardmore & Beechwood were pleased with the results, they still thought the Left Handed Marriage could improve their sound even further, and on 31st July 1967, they booked the band into another studio, this time Regent Sound in central London. As Dave Dilloway was not available, another friend, John Frankel, was called upon to play bass and piano. The eight-track Regent Sound ma­chine was something of a technological marvel, and the session was flawlessly recorded, resulting in new versions of “I Need Time”, “She Was Once My Friend" (which also remixed and edited for the abandoned single), and "Appointment".
Despite the studio quality of the tape, Ardmore & Beechwood failed to place the songs with a record label, and like so many groups before and since, the Left Handed Marriage quietly disappeared from view. It was left to frontman Bill Richards belatedly to issue the fruits of this last session, when in February 1993, he tagged the three Regent Sound recordings — the final mix of “I Need Time”, the abridged version of “She Was Once A Friend Of Mine” and the final mix of “Appointment” — onto the end of “Crazy Chain”, a CD recorded by the reformed Left Handed Marriage, which itself was prompted by collector's interest in the group’s original 1967 LP,  “The Right Hand Side Of...” . Most of the master tapes for the LHM recordings featuring Brian May have Iong since disappeared along with the Regent Sound studio, and (with the exception of "She Was Once My Friend") the Richards/May collaborations on the CD were digitally remastered from acetates.
@natromanxoff, @mephisto92, @moviestorian,  @39-brian,  @an-abyss-called-life, @his-majesty-king-mercury, @x5vale  @onegoldenglance  @i-live-for-queen, @brian-39-may, @toomuchlove-willkillyou, @brimaymay, @sail-away-sweet-sister, @briianmaay,  @inui-mycroft @brianmayislongaway, @balticlover, @astrophysicist-guitar-god, @miez-lakatz, @brianmayoucease, @jesus-in-a-life-boat, @drummerqueenrmt, @iminlovewithrogscar @roger-taylors-car, @crosmopolitan​ @silapril, @sherrifanciesfriskyfreddie @tenderbri, @brianmydear, @thosequeenboys, @millionairewaltz-carpediem, @painandpleasure86, @bribrifrenchfry, @xlucylennonx, @a-night-at-the-abbey-road, @inthedayswhenlandswerefew, @madformeddowstaylor, @drowseoftaylor @queenrogertaylorfan, @let-roger-get-a-lunch, @queen-for-life, @rethought​, @mymakeupmaybeflaking​, @old-but-still-a-child​, @let-roger-get-a-lunch​, @warriorteam1924​, @funnydressesweirdhairanddance​, @painkiller80​, @thefanhuman13​, @yourtieddownmother​, @hgmercury39​, @brimi-stardust​, @thefairyfellermercury​,  @retroromantics​, @sailawaysweetbrimi​, @sophiaintheskywithdiamonds​, @deacytits​@rhysjoejoshtomfarisblog​, @holybrianmaywritingbear​, @lydiannode​, @39-yellow-daffodils​ , @ure-gonna-loveme-when-u-seeme​, @kaykaybeachgirl​, @foxmonkey​, @saik-ava​, @deakysgurl​, @redspecialandclogsandcurls​, @briansrainbowsocks​, @delilahmay39​, @ohmybribri​, @bless-the-queen​, @infunitehearbeat​, @sketchiesscketches​,  @everythingaboutfreddie​, @doitforthevine67​, @recordsoftheseventies​, @tenementfunsterwithpurpleshoes​, @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band​, @beatlegirl1968​, @maylorsqueen​, @shearrehartatacc​, @gralto​, @alittlepeoplemagic​, @rainbowsockbrian​, @frejudy​, @drivenbybri​, @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​, @omb-xx​, @sassymaylor​, @somekindofroger​, @starlightmay​, @rhysjoejoshtomfarisblog, @freddiemercuryismylife​, @sunshine112​, @chrysochromulina​ @glitteryloveravenue​, @deakyislife51​, @0-primejive-0​, @just-a-skinny-lad​, @drivenbybrianmay​
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i-imade-a-thing · 3 years
Bessie and Microangelo & The Third Temple Breakdown!
Ok those set of episodes are really fun and we finally get the reunion between Anne and Sasha! It also set up for the final few episodes of Amphibia. (Oh frog we only have 2 weeks left.....)
As always this will be the lists of things I notice in this set of episode and other stuff! Don't click "Keep Reading" if you haven't seen the episode yet~
Bessie and Microangelo
"Frog devil" does this mean "Frog God" exist?
Hidden armoury under Plantar's house is mentioned(from episode "Family Shrub")
Microangelo's food bowl is gold. Polly really haggle the heck out of some poor employee.
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The well's roof look like a bee(awww)
Add Axe to Frobo's tool list
The wagon that was about to crush Micro. is the same one that Newtopia's armourer rides in
wonder what part of Amphibia this map represent
Armour that Anne wear include:
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An armor from Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild
King's skull from The Owl House on the staff of Sorceress Supreme armor
Elite Commando armor reference Mobile suit gundam
Anne's picture is tape to Plantar's family photo(awww)
That bat-bird hybrid is explosive and eat tiny snail. Noted.
Anne's theme can be heard after Marcy and Sprig take her armor off and when she made a little speech
"I don't want a new look cuz I'm finally happy with who I see in the mirror right now. So whatever I put on, I just want to see same me looking back" This really show how much she grown in Amphibia
Anne looking at her reflection is adorable
Anne sweat a little when she ask other what they think of her armor, meaning she's a little nervous what other people think
"Wish I was a cute little snail" WHY DO YOU SOUND SAD HOP POP
Wait if Microangelo is now in the family photo, does this mean Bessie draw it? Also if that's true then why she didn't draw Anne in?
This episode is just pure wholesomeness! Seeing Bessie being such a mom to Microangelo is sooo cuteeeee. Also seeing another episode reflecting about Anne growth is neat. I rate this episode wholesome out of 10.
The Third Temple
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Marcy is a nerd since she's a kid, also she seems to like planes
Question: Is it legal to kill or torture fictional teenagers?
Sasha have a good heart, she protect people she doesn't know, yet don't want anything in return
Sasha also seems surprise when Anne invite her to play together...does she has friends before them?
Joe Sparrow is REALLY exhausted, so that mean volcano is even further than second temple
Frogs and toads aren't good with extreme heat. Noted.
Anne is shown to be stronger than Marcy(this come back in final challange)
Anne is shocked seeing Sasha, while Marcy is just happy
Sasha just pick up the hammer like it was NOTHING
Anne's theme can be heard when Marcy hug Sasha
"Did you say we?" Anne of the Year Flashback
"The whole reason why we're stalking you is...." has the same energy as Grime saying "We Toads have come here to...." in Reunion
Music box's theme is played when Marcy show Sasha the music box
"Hey u can't tell them what to do!" Anne really standing up for herself now
Marcy follow Sasha without any hesitation
Sasha is annoyed the fact Plantars (and Anne?) doesn't trust her
Marcy is the weakest of the trio (nerd moment)
I seriously can't tell if Sasha was genuine to Anne or not in the fight
Those armour must be very heavy, and Sasha just throw it, against the increased gravity, across the room
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Stone monster give a thumb up before dying. Guess he's more of a guardian than a brainless monster.
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The girl's position seems to mirror the girl's position in flashback
The recharge station have craving off a buff frog/toad, also have a cone shape(like the volcano)
During recharge process, it look like an eruption from volcano
Sasha's power is completely drained
"We should bring [the box] to king andrias!" Andrias' proposition oh no oh no oh no
Polly said "Take me to my bucket"
Marcy playing with Joe Sparrow is cute
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Sasha really want to be friend with Anne again...
This episode make me feel really scared. The girls are back together now and we finally see Marcy and Sasha interact! Both Marcy and Sasha also seem to have their own plan when arriving in Newtopia. Anne starting to trust Sasha, then get betrayed again is going to hurt Anne so much. Plus Marcy doing her own stuff with the box....Anne trust really gotta shatter. Meanwhile Sasha genuinely want to befriend Anne, but need to lie to Anne, Sasha gonna get hurt too. The girl's friendship really look like is about to be broken. I am very scared. It hurts to see their friendship break.
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