#birdbrains musings
masen-in-a-jar · 9 months
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More Musings
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argo-bolo · 8 months
What the heck did they inject into these bird hybrids that makes me go crazy
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katsukistofu · 1 month
not sure if ur still taking requests but if u are would u be willing to write a hawks x prohero!reader where he finds her wearing his own merch?? ty!! i came from ur coffee mixup fic and it was just soo good i sent it to one of my oomfs and we had a mutual freak out over it 😭😭🫶🫶
awww that’s so sweet and cute omg !!! thank you very much my love i’m so happy you two enjoyed it ( >▯<) <333
picture perfect
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ hawks x prohero! fem reader. fluff. cursing. slightly suggestive. reader has ice quirk. ★ your boyfriend sees you wearing his merch and just can’t get enough.
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“Dooo-ve?” Keigo’s teasing, saccharine voice is laced with barely concealed amusement. He leans against the frame of your shared bedroom's door, taking in the view of you lying on your back with an appreciative look on his face.
His heart skips a beat, getting to see you on your rare day off from patrol. Watching you, sitting there all pretty in a sweatshirt with his face on it. Your hair is messy, your socks, albeit both very cute and fuzzy, don’t match in color in the slightest and the fresh coat of polish on your nails is already chipped even though he just painted them for you during your weekly spa day yesterday.
Keigo's breath catches as he stands there, and he swears he’s never seen a more gorgeous view in his life.
The numerous sunsets, the iridescent clouds he's been so close to that he could reach out and touch them, the bright stars in the sky as he flew under them, all paled in comparison to you. Even witnessing you knock a villain out cold with a blast of your signature ice yesterday on live television, still only came second to seeing you all comfy and cozy like this.
There's a soft, giddy smile plastered on his handsome face, and he makes it so, so hard to keep up your act. “What’s that you’re wearing?”
“Nothing,” you answer from your comfortable position his side of the bed. You nonchalantly swipe on your phone to continue scrolling through your feed.
Your boyfriend’s grin only widens, and his sweet butterscotch eyes are half-lidded when he speaks again. “Trust me, I know what nothing looks like and it’s definitely not tha—ow!”
He laughs when he receives a plushie of himself flying to his face, which he easily catches in his hands. Keigo’s lips fall into a cute, overdramatic pout. “You just threw me!”
“You’ve got wings for a reason, birdbrain.” You roll your eyes and stretch your arms out. “Now come cuddle me I’m cold.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Keigo immediately puts the plushie aside and joins you on the bed, pulling you into his warm embrace with eagerness. You’re always cold, but he never minds. Just means more opportunities to hug you, which he gladly jumps at. “Back to my question though, is that my new sweatshirt that just came out from my merch line?”
“No?” Your tone is innocently coy, and it drives him insane. In a good way. “I think you mean my fellow pro-hero boyfriend, Hawks’s merch line?”
“Damn.” Keigo muses, playing along with your little charade. His finger grazes the hem of your collar and you shiver at his feather-light touch. “Your boyfriend’s Hawks? Lucky guy, having a pretty girl like you wearing his merch. Making me jealous over here.”
You out a giggle. "He says that all the time, actually."
"Oh? He better be, or I just might steal you away." His lip brushes over your ear as he continues to murmur. “And I couldn’t help but notice that your boyfriend looks a lot like me.”
“What a coincidence,” you tease, playfully running your hand through his soft, golden locks and bringing them to rest on his cheeks.
“God, you look so fucking perfect.” Keigo groans. You’re already a sight for sore eyes, and the feeling of your fingers in his hair nearly causes him to ascend heavenward. “Next time my marketing team drops something, you’re totally modeling it.”
“I’d rather it be for your eyes only,” you say, and the dimple that appears on his cheeks at that makes your stomach do a little flip.
“Shit, birdie.” Keigo uses a hand to fan himself exaggeratedly. “Is it hot in here or is it just you?”
“Still pretty cold actually, though that might be my quirk talking. I think you’re the hot one.” You hide a cheeky smile as you feel him he hook a finger through your belt loop and firmly drag you closer on the bed in response, forcing you to turn around until your knees hit his with a soft bump.
“Guess I need to work harder at warming you up then.”
A little while later after dinner, his hair is held back with a fluffy, pink Hello Kitty headband which matches the one on your head.
“Okay, I know you said for my eyes only but can I take a pic with you for my socials? Pleaseee, baby?” Keigo begs a little later, leaning into your touch while you carefully apply his sheet face mask on him. “You just look so good I wanna show you off.”
You frown. “I don’t want a bunch of your thirsty fans on my ass, Kei.”
"They're just jealous of what they can't have." He tips your chin up and says it in a tone so matter-of-fact it makes you let out snort.
"Pretty sure it's the other way around," you mutter, using your thumbs to gently smooth down the edges of his mask on his face, and your eyes catch his, brimming with affection so intense and unadulterated you catch yourself feeling a little breathless all of a sudden.
"What?" You tilt your head. "I'm right."
"Nah, I am. You didn’t get that award for hottest heroes on the charts for nothing.” At the comically skeptical look you shoot him, he huffs out a laugh. “I’m serious! Sweetheart,” Keigo’s voice softens. “I know you don’t believe it when the press says it, but when I’m always telling you you’re beautiful, you know I mean it, right? Every single time.”
With warm cheeks, you mumble out, “I know.”
“That’s my girl. You’re everything to me, y’know?” You nod shyly and the sweet, familiar curve of Keigo’s lips makes your insides melt into a puddle of chocolate fondue. “Good. I’m right and nothing you can say or do will change that.”
“Not even if I eat your last chicken nugget?”
“Not even if you eat my last chicken nugget.”
And he says it with such certainty that you can’t help but break into a smile of your own too.
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more of that megastar human demon fanfic,, written absolute sleep deprivation and not beta read (obvs)
i can’t keep to one tense for my life so yeah,, beware
english isn’t even my first language idk why i’m doing this to myself ToT
also please be nice to me i rarely write );
Finally done, [Starscream] stepped back. He’s never getting his deposit back now, he muses.
The summoning circle is gloriously perfect, if he may say so himself. When he’d come across that eerie book in the library, he hadn’t actually planned on ever going through with it. Then [Skyfire] had happened. And finals.
Perfect timing to try out a ridiculous demon summoning ritual. Gathering all of the required items had been suspiciously easy, as if the universe had only been waiting for [Starscream] to finally lose his marbles. The only tricky part had been in finding a safe way to inconspicuously draw enough blood without fainting. Still quickly managed though, by a genius like him.
[Starscream] picked up the book from the table where he’d put it down, never really shaking the cold shiver that would overcome him whenever touching it. Flipping through the pages until he could read out the incantation from the one he’d marked, [Starscream] took a deep breath.
No backing out now. Although he quite literally had cold feet. Latin had been one of his interests in high school, so the words rolled off his tongue easily. Something along the lines of ‘I summon thee, oh Great One, to me’ and a lot of gibberish about praising the being he was calling.
The red lines of the summoning circle began to glow ominously at some point but [Starscream] had become too immersed to care. When he finished with a quiet ‘So join me now, Great Megatron’, the light was so blinding he had to close his eyes.
As suddenly as the light had come, it was gone. What a bust. No demon, no nothing. [Starscream] sighed, turning to blow out the candles scattered around him and retrieve a cleaning rag and a bucket of soapy water to scrub the evidence of another one of his failures away. No sooner than his back was turned, he could feel that he wasn’t alone anymore.
Megatron had felt the pressure of someone acting out a long forgotten ritual the entire evening. It had soured his mood quite badly, knowing another snotty human would be demanding insane things from him soon. Can’t they summon a Djinn or something? Hell, even one of the birdbrains up top would probably jump at the opportunity to grant a human’s wishes.
As it was, he was annoyed and not at all curious to see what kind of flavor this human would be. Soundwave’s little beasts had pestered him about it as soon as their master had felt the first dregs of the familiar call, pleading for a bite when he inevitably brought “his” master downstairs. They could devour the fleshbag for all Megatron cared.
As soon as night fell on the dirtball planet, his summoner finished chanting, and Soundwave and he shared a quick briefing on the runnings while he was gone.
Then Megatron felt the dreaded pull up, and he was standing in a human house. Frag him.
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nyxwritesstuff19 · 11 months
Things People Say
“Bollocks.” Crowley cursed under his breath, searching his pockets again. He could very well miracle up another, but he had that specific bag specifically miracled almost twenty minutes ago to feed these specific ducks specifically and his brain had said specific too many times it was developing a lisp to his own ears.  
A duck quacked loudly at his feet and he narrowed his eyes at it. “In case it escaped your birdbrain, I don’t have any bloody food.” 
The duck only glared back at him and he engaged in the stare down until quiet giggles caught his attention. He turned to bright eyes sparkling with amusement. They were sat on the ground with a blanket rumpled up beneath them and a flock of ducks all nesting themselves in the wrinkles and pecking at the fabric.  
“I don’t think they speak English, I’m afraid.” they said, grinning. “You can sit if you want, though.” 
Crowley glanced over them consideringly before eyeing their little set up. It was difficult to maintain his swaying hips picking through the hoard of birds but he made it to a clear spot beside them, sitting with a soft huff.  
Nearer now, he spied the small green peas where he thought the ducks had been pulling at the blanket and smiled to himself.  
“You don’t feed ‘em bread either?” he asked casually, relaxing back under the weak sunshine.  
They shook their head, showing off the bag of peas in their hand. “This is better for them. They seem to like it too, which is a bonus.” 
“Why can’t ducks eat bread?” He wondered, watching another one waddling up to join them.  
They let him take some peas to feed it, humming consideringly before they answered. “Apparently, it’s about nutrition. There isn’t much in bread they benefit from, and it fills them up so they don’t eat the good stuff.” They scrunched their brows, looking up at the sky while they thought over their words. “It’s kind of like how you fill a cup full of ping pong balls and then sand. If you put the sand in first, you won’t get as many ping pong balls in. They need their ping pong balls first and their sand afterwards- if they still want it.” 
“Sand and ping pong balls? That’s a new one.” he smirked, amused.  
They flushed and shrugged their shoulders. “Weird, I know.” 
“Makes sense at least.” Crowley said, giving the ducks another round of peas. “Beats half the sayings humans have come up with over the years.” 
“They’ve all changed so much, though. And people don’t even remember the original saying, twisting it to fit them instead.” They commented, ignoring Crowley's wince at the slip up. “Like that whole ‘blood is thicker than water’ schtick.” 
“That’s not the original?” He asked, furrowing his brow. He’d heard it over the millennia but he couldn’t pinpoint an origin. 
They nodded, shifting to face him better where they sat criss cross. “The original was ‘the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.’ meaning the complete opposite of what people use it for today.” 
Crowley hummed thoughtfully, glancing back over to them, “You know any others? The original ones I mean.” 
“Yeah, a few. Like ‘Jack of all trades but master of none.’ also has ‘but better than master of one’.” They continued only to smile down at a little duck insistently asking for some pets. “Another one would be curiosity killed the cat, it’s more commonly known that satisfaction brought it back. And ‘early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.’” 
“Bit morbid.” Crowley mused, scrunching his nose.  
Another giggle escaped their lips and his gaze was drawn back to their face, eyes pinched in the corners from their smile.  
“Maybe a bit, but it’s still technically true.” They conceded.  
Crowley smiled and their conversation continued with ease.  
Hours stretched, ducks came and went, and they both only thought to come back down to Earth when the peas were all gone and the ducks had all waddled back to the water.  
“Guess we should go.” They murmured, fiddling with a fold of the blanket.  
Crowley made a noise of agreement, trying not to acknowledge the fact he wasn’t at all prepared to let them go and lose their company.  
“Will you be back here, by any chance?” He asked quietly, almost hoping they hadn’t heard it as he helped them fold up the blanket.  
They flashed him a small smile, hugging the plush square to their chest. “Yeah, I can be.” 
“Tomorrow, perhaps?” Crowley grinned hopefully. 
“Tomorrow.” They agreed, reaching out and giving his bicep a warm squeeze before they slipped past.  
Crowley looked out over the pond, emotions swirling and fluttering in his chest, making his lips smile wide and already yearning for tomorrow to get to him already. 
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trashlie · 1 year
Manifesting Stalkyoo~
Just to get it out of the way: PLEASE KNOW THIS IS ALL IN GOOD FUN! I don’t want anyone to take this in a weird way or like it’s some ridiculous demand I’m making lmao. I’ve just been having a delightful time talking to other Stalkyoo shippers and just romanticizing silly things we want to see so again: THIS IS JUST FOR FUN! I know fandom has been weird about shipping stuff because of the... ugly past lol so I feel a weird need to remind people that my shipping is just secondary enjoyment of ILY and that I will continue to love and read ILY wherever it goes. 
With that out of the way lol please also note there are spoilers all the way up to 224, so if you don’t FP episodes, this post is not safe for you! (unless you like spoilers. i don’t judge people, I like spoilers, too) 
Look, I’m not good at writing fanfiction. I’d love to, but I always feel like it’s difficult for me to portray characters the way the original writer does. I think about it, every now and then, dabble in a little idea, something I might like to see, before the storyline plays out in a different way, but I just never trust myself, so this is about the closest I ever get to that. And even still, I think of these little musings, these silly little “oh I’d love to see ______” very inline with fanfiction, wherein I acknowledge that what I’m hoping for or imagining is very likely to not happen. It’s just the fun of exploring story and the what-if’s and little AU tangents where ONE little thing tweaks. 
For me, the fun of shipping is just playing with those character dynamics, which is another reason fic is so difficult for me - I enjoy my pairings, my characters, within their circumstances. That’s not to say AU fics are unfathomable to me (I LOVE THEM), but more so that it’s hard to write something knowing that I don’t know everything, that quimchee will pull out a surprise and I’ll be like oh my god I should have realized! And again, I guess that’s where musing is fun. You get to play out those little what if’s for yourself, get to imagine a scenario that probably will never come to pass. That’s the fun of fic + canon, to me! Not once has quimchee done something with her characters and their story that really surprised me in an “oh i don’t like this” kind of way. I can say “Oh I’d love to see xyz scenario play out” but when instead abc plays out, I’m not mad. 
I also fully admit that I tend to compartmentalize my shipping thoughts and whims separately from my general commentary, and I guess for the previously mentioned reasons: this fandom has an ugly, nasty past with shipping and even still, there are a lot of people who demand romance from ILY and don’t seem to care about the actual story at play or even weirder, seem to think that it detracts from the romance they think should be happening???? (”when is she going to choose one of the brothers it’s been so many years and episodes waaaah) And I guess, yeah, I get a little self-conscious, because (and this is feels so embarrassing to actually word) I acknowledge a lot of people read my commentary and my opinions! And I’m so happy for that, I love being so communal with everyone! But I do get worried someone is going to take something out of context and be like “omg can you believe she’s one of those weirdo romance demanders” or something lmao, hence this weird long useless diatribe. But yeah, basically, I’ve been talking with people lately and god just thinking about my shippy feels and how much I love the current story - one step forward, three steps back; the struggles to open up; the struggles to deal with feelings in the face of much heavier, scarier elements; etc. etc.
Sometimes you just wake up and you’re like: I WANNA SCREAM ABOUT STALKYOO so you do it because you have a birdbrain and you know is screaming afljkfkjafkjakfjaf LMAO 
If you’re reading this, chances are you aren’t new to my blog so you’ve probably read the likes of my Foundations of Stalkyoo, Why I Ship Stalkyoo, and Further Thoughts on Stalkyoo (I just never shut up huh) posts, so I’ll try not to like, completely repeat everything but if it happens well. It can’t helped, can it? lol 
Anyway something I’ve been talking and thus thinking a lot about is where we stand with Stalkyoo, now that we are getting more confirmation of actual budding feelings. I always reiterate that anything can change, but I also like to remind myself that something quimchee has said in the past (and this is loosely paraphrased) is that whenever it does come to a pairing, it will be made obvious before it gets there, because this is NOT a primarily romance-focused story which means there aren’t as many storylines that deal with just the will-they/won’t-they and the likes, and I think likewise, there won’t be a real love triangle the way most fans tend to think of them. So often a love triangle gets boiled down to someone being torn between two people for whatever reason and i just don’t get the sense we’ll be seeing that? Thus, I do feel like we might well be moving into a territory where we will see some kinds of scenes setting up, or maybe better put, enabling the possibility of a relationship between Shinae and Nol? 
But first. I always say I don’t really try to predict things because I’m always proven wrong, but I still like to try for fun lol, just because that’s part of the joy of reading an on-going story, I think! I’ve waffled a lot on it, but I still feel like when we reach our big time skip (not the first one taking us to graduation, but rather the one that jumps us a few years ahead), there has to be a REASON. Narratively it’s hard to imagine what that reason might be beyond the likelihood that we’ll see our three main characters on separate paths. It’s the only thing that makes sense, because otherwise you end up with a lot of story happening off page, right? If Shinae were to go to Japan with Kousuke, we’d end up missing their reconciliation and Kousuke earning her trust (or if it were to go the opposite, becoming cold acquaintances). Thus, I think Kousuke will go to Japan, but Shinae will take Rand’s advice begrudgingly and take up Yui on her “offer, while Nol will probably go to college abroad. He wasn’t denied admission to Oxford - it’s just not guaranteed there will be a spot for him. 
I know people take umbrage with the idea of Shinae taking up Yui’s offer, but hear me out. I don’t think it’s meant to turn Shinae into some kind of conniving, cunning person in the likes of Yui, as much as just introduce her to this world, give her a better understanding of how people in this society and business work and thus, start to get an idea of how Yui works. While I don’t think it’s easy to ever be one step ahead of Yui, I do think developing an understanding of her world helps to at least defend herself from Yui - start to see traps in advance and how to avoid them, find ways to evade her clutches, that kind of thing. I do think the idea of Yui holding that over Shinae’s head is terrifying and it’s feels more dangerous than going to Japan with Kousuke, BUT again, the idea is that she would become better equipped to defend herself and fight back. 
Of course, I don’t think Shinae in this moment is prepared to make that choice, and it may be a choice that comes after Yujing’s big scoop is revealed. Perhaps realizing how much more dangerous and powerful Yui (and the Kims) is would make her see what Rand was trying to tell her. I think she hasn’t fully figured out just what is going on with Yui and Rand, either - why would he be pushing her against his wife? But I think the information Yujing has compiled could help her see that bigger picture. If someone like Rand has spent twenty-five years struggling in this battle with her, how could Shinae ever hope to stand against her with even less understanding, with no sense of WHO Yui is or what makes her tick. 
The thing about this that I always struggle with is: how would Nol regard that? We know he feels vehemently about Alyssa idolizing Yui and taking advantage of her connection to the Hiraharas - and yet he stayed with her, knowing that she benefits from him (but that he does, as well). Would he feel the same, if he found out who was enabling Shinae to go to school? Would they talk about it, since Shinae knows how he feels about it? Would he be able to understand, when even he himself doesn’t seem to realize that his father finds himself trapped by the Hiraharas? That’s... stuff I can’t try to predict, because I think everything is possible. 
I promise I’ll get to that a little more.
The narrative benefit of separating the main characters is, of course, that first off, no major development happens where we can’t watch it. Sure, they’ll go about their lives and things will happen, but I don’t expect it to be major things that would make us go WAIT WHAT?! Otherwise, what brings us back itnto the story after time passes? For a long time my idea was that they’d all go their separate ways and maybe even their relationships would be a little damaged, so that when they come back into each others’ lives, part of the story is recovering that, reconciling with the past and maybe finding new futures together. 
Especially regarding Nol and Shinae, I’d wondered if we would see him leave without reconciling with his friends, and that we’d see him and Shinae meet again after some years and Shinae would have to contend with their unresolved past, with feelings she never had a chance to really identify, let alone explore, and the aching beauty of having to figure out who each other after now that they’ve grown and changed, and if there is room in each others’ lives for one another, if they fit in with who they’ve become. And don’t get me wrong - i do like that kind of bittersweet ache, haunted by the ghosts of what never came to be, having to relearn each other. But the more I’ve talked about this (especially a lot with @bittrbuttr, the more I realized that’s not exactly what I want with them. 
Like, it’s good and achey, it really pulls at your heartstrings. But I think that better suits an actual romance story, where the focus of the story and plot is on those feelings and untangling them, on finding their ways back to each other. I don’t think that’s the story of ILY, though. 
I keep dancing around my point and I apologize, but we all know I’m nothing if not circuitous and I promise we’ll get there! 
Here’s the thing: we know that Nol and Shinae are not in the space to become romantically involved. The feelings are there. They are drawn to each other, we know Nol finds comfort and peace in Shinae and that he always struggles to really push her away. We know that Shinae cares so deeply about him that no matter how much he hurts her, she still wants to try, she still wants to be there for him. I find the hope-tinged pain of 223 really poignant in that way - she wanted to SEE HIM, in a moment that was so special, she wanted to share that joy and get a glimpse at who he REALLY is, and he was unable to do that for her. But still she hopes for the best, still she intends to keep trying, to be as persistent as he was, even if she has to find a different approach. 
They are so important to each other, and I’m hoping that might be a catalyst? 
I understand what Nol’s struggle is. It isn’t easy to be vulnerable, to feel weak, especially when those parts of him have been used against him the last 6 years of his life. He is full of so much self-loathing and isn’t comfortable with his own weakness and vulnerability, thus he can’t show it to Shinae, he doesn’t want her to see him like that. He’d rather let her think he just doesn’t need to see what exists between them, that he doesn’t need to see her indulging because it’s enough to just bring her joy - and that itself hurts enough! But I want him to at least be honest about it - tell her that you don’t want her to see that part of you. Will it change things? Probably not significantly, but it puts her one step closer to understanding doesn’t it? 
And so the thinking is - or rather, the hope - is that maybe Nol will realize this? 
We see some of it in 224. Upon Dieter’s arrival, instead of a hey welcome back or anything, it’s an immediate “Did you bump into Yoo?” and when Dieter reassures him that she’s fine, it’s just stuffy, he knows a. it’s not fine and b. he feels bad. I think he felt that regret immediately, when he noted that she’s angry and he took off the blindfold and she wasn’t there. Nol is so used to pushing people away, it’s his first line of defense, but when it works? When he succeeds at driving that wedge? Again it’s that battle of will vs want - he thinks that pushing her away is the right thing to do for her sake, but he doesn’t ACTUALLY want it. 
It’s so difficult to go back to how things used to be having gotten a taste of something better. It’s so difficult to push out everyone when you’ve allowed yourself to indulge in being loved and cared about, and and I think that’s what Nol’s biggest hurdle is. 
Don’t get me wrong; there’s a lot of hurdles with him lol and clearing one doesn’t exactly make the others any easier to clear. But something we’ve seen from Shinae and that I think the story has tried to impress upon is that things are easier when we aren’t alone. Burdens shared are burdens that weigh a little less. We’ve Shinae and her father talking about being a team - about sharing that burden so it’s not so hard for just one of them and distributing that burden more easily. We’ve seen it in Shinae opening up about her problems with her friends, her insecurities that made her doubt her friendships. Her realization that as scary as situation as her sister breaking into her home was, it was made more bearable with a ragtag group of goofs who will protect her. 
Nol needs to learn to share that burden. He’s spent so long treating himself like an island, he hasn’t had the opportunity to remember that it’s easier to endure something when you aren’t exhausted from shouldering that burden all by yourself. There is strength in numbers. He’s been so run ragged from just trying to endure, trying to get by, trying to survive and how is he to ever fight back against Yui when he’s exhausted just from treading waters? 
I mean, ultimately Nol needs to learn to love himself, but I think it’s easier to tackle allowing others to love him, first. Allowing himself to share the burden, to show those weaknesses and let people have his back. Be able to slump over and know that someone will help keep you standing, you know? And maybe through that, he can find it in him to start loving himself. Of course, he has other problems he needs to address; in order to love himself, he has to forgive himself, and I hope that Yujing’s article can help in that area. I’m sure he carries the guilt of his mother’s alleged suicide, and maybe he was even made to believe that. It wouldn’t surprise me if the time he spent in the mental facility only served to make him feel worse about his existence, made  him believe he was the root cause of the bad. Maybe even, like Nana, he had an argument with his mother before he death and felt that if they hadn’t argued, maybe she would never have made that choice?
Clearly that’s still a little complicated for us to fully dig into, but as horrible as learning that maybe her death was not a choice she made is to learn (I cannot imagine having made this peace with someone I loved reaching a point so dark they made that choice, only to find out that it was, possibly, murder. How do you deal with that? What do you do with all that new grief, that new anguish?), I think maybe, if he learned that she didn’t choose that, it might help free him from his shackles of guilt. 
But I think until he can learn to forgive himself, until he can make that peace, couldn’t letting people love him help? Wouldn’t it be better for him to move forward knowing that he has people who will not only defend him, but who can ease the weight of his burdens? 
As dramatic as Nol and Shinae separating on these rocky grounds, unable to fully reconcile, makes for a good, dramatic romance, I think it’s much better for Nol to move on as a team. To let himself rely on others isn’t something he can learn over night, of course, but isn’t it better for him to enter a scary phase of his life knowing that there ARE people who he can talk to about it? There ARE people he can eventually let see those weak parts of him? 
So my ultimate hope for Nol’s extension is that in that time, he and Shinae find that peace after all. I still can’t help but feel like the three-day-extension is significant, because why else include it, if it was to pass without event? Especially because, depending on how it works (is it 3 additional days INCLUDING the 22nd or 3 days extra, beginning the 23rd?) we’ll hit the holidays. That just feels... too significant, right? 
I want Nol to grapple with his feelings, let his fear take over a little. Is he really as ready to lose Shinae as he tries to be? He seemed to regret hurting her, hanging his head after Dieter reassured him she was fine, even though she refuses to come back in to the room. And I can’t help but feel like it’s significant that she’s still lingering in the waiting room. My thinking is that Nana will get involved - she knows that Nol is upset about someone, she knows other friends have been watching over him, she knows there’s a friend who isn’t coming back in. She can read him well, so it’s not like it’s difficult to read that maybe they had a fight, that he was brusque and brushed her off the way he tries to do even to Nana. Will she go out there to see who this friend is? Will they talk? I feel like they HAVE to - not just because the fandom has waited for it, but because I think Nana can probably glean that Shinae (”Yoo” lol) must be someone important, if he’s acting like that. 
And look. Did Nana see the blush? *I* saw the blush, I’m not getting over that. I’m sorry but he lmao pushed her away, regretted hurting her, and he’s still getting flustered because he pictured her mouth. BUDDYYYYYYYYYYYY. YOU’RE A MESS. 
I don’t expect her to fully intervene in like, trying to make things happen way lmao I think it’s more like... Nana knows better than anyone that Nol is a difficult person to love. I say this with affection, because it’s true. He pushes people away, he deflects from himself, he never opens up, it’s hard to read what’s going on in his head. And Nana also knows of the darkness that looms. She was right there when he pleaded guilty, concerned about his reasoning. She’s listened to him talk about how maybe everything would be better if he didn’t exist. She knows that the darkness has a strong grip on him. So who better than her to encourage Shinae, to thank her for her patience and tenacity, for sticking with Nol even with the way he acts? I’d like to see a little bit of that comfort between them, some reassurance that Shinae is, in fact, making the right choice. She oscillates so wildly between her extreme emotions; sadness and melancholy that caring is not enough and how it sometimes comes out as anger when she can’t find a better way to channel it. We know she doesn’t really regret planning that birthday celebration - she’s just hurt. And I think it would be a big help to have Nana tell her how much it means to see Nol with friends who care about him despite how prickly and difficult he is, how she worries about him and is glad there are people who care about him. I think it would really encourage Shinae that her resolve is right - that she just has to find another way to approach him, that it’s worth the effort. 
And at that same time, yes, I want Nol’s fear to kick his ass. I want him to realize he faces the very real reality of losing someone who cares so much about him, who is willing to put up with him because of how much she cares and how special she is to him - and that she wants him to see it, too. I want him to fear losing the comfort and peace she brings him. I want him to have to finally face head on his want vs what he thinks he deserves, and see what a future without someone like her is like. Can he bear to return to that kind of loneliness? Can he bear losing her concern? How it feels for her to take notice of him, to probe, to listen? 
Like, at the risk of getting really corny and dramatic, that’s what it comes down to. I don’t want Nol to come back in a few years and decide he’s ready to face all of that. I want him to move on from this point knowing he’s not alone. I want him to be able to face prison knowing that he’s not so alone, that there is someone who will always be there to support him. I think that’s what makes the most sense. Leaving on their current circumstances works great if it’s a romance and that’s the main story - but making up, talking, being honest? That makes more sense for THIS story, where Nol starts to grow NOW, where he starts to make those important steps that will help him find his way to healing, and more important, that will help him face the forces that taunt and haunt him.
He doesn’t have to be completely honest with Shinae, because I don’t think he’s ready. I don’t think he’ll tell her that his mother took her life, and that he believes it’s his fault. But I think it would be enough to tell her the truth he couldn’t stay to her face - that he doesn’t want her to see him like that, that it’s still hard for him to open up that way, that it’s still SCARY - but that he doesn’t want to push her away, that he’s sorry he keeps hurting her. We could even go more dramatic with a callback to the hospital scene - that he’s sorry he isn’t good enough and is undeserving of her (AND LET HER REASSURE HIM THAT’S NOT TRUE THAT HE IS). BUT JUST. IDK I WANT HIM TO FACE IT. ADMIT IT.
He doesn’t have to tell her he likes her. That’s fine. Just reiterate what she means to him! One moment he’s telling her she’s special to him, that he cares about her, next moment he’s telling her it’s okay he doesn’t have to look he’s fine like this. STOP JERKING HER AROUND ;~; lmao like don’t get me wrong. I GET IT. I UNDERSTAND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
But I also want to see them move into our time skips with a sense of understanding and peace, you know? I don’t want want Nol to face his fears alone anymore. I want him to let someone stand by his side. I want him to accept how good it feels to rest on her shoulder and know that it’s okay, she’s there.
And to call back to my earlier point lmao I like to think if they get to that point, then maybe he would understand, if Shinae accepts Yui’s offer. Maybe he would see how it’s different from Alyssa, that Shinae made a choice to protect herself, that it’s not about the idolatry, it’s not a self-serving choice, but one that protects her and enables her to fight back. Knowing that they are on the same side, that Shinae isn’t a doe-eyed naïve girl about to be taken advantage of again, but one who wants to fight back against the people who hurt her and others like her. 
We’re about halfway to 3/5 of the way into this story, and I think that’s a good point for Shinae and Nol to join forces. 
PLEASE I JUUUUUUUUUST i want to see them on the same page, I want to see them moving forward TOGETHER. I don’t want Nol to keep walking on his own. I don’t want him to just accept Shinae at his side, either; I want him to CHOOSE to let her choose his side. ;A; 
GOD. PLS. BARKS AT THE MOON I’m just ready for them to bE A TEAM I’M READY FOR NOL TO BE SELFISH AND TO GO AFTER WHAT HE WANTS I WANT HIM TO CHOOSE COMFORT AND SECURITY OVER PUNISHMENT I WANT HIM TO REALIZE THERE IS STRENGTH IN COMPANIONSHIP. I know being close to him puts her at risk - but he needs to see that no matter what, she’s at risk, and isn’t it better if she’s in danger with someone who can help, than to be all alone with it? I WANT HIM TO FACE THAT FEAR OF HIS AND FIND THAT MAYBE HIS DESIRE, HIS WANT, HIS NEEDS ARE EVEN BIGGER. That it’s better to find peace with her than spend the whole time afraid. Isn’t that the thing? He’s always afraid - afraid of someone else getting hurt, afraid of another opportunity being stolen away, afraid of the next time Yui will find a way to hurt him. BUT TO BE ABLE TO FIND COMFORT WITH SHINAE? 
Please. Just open up - be honest!!!!!!! But most importantly APOLOGIZE. Apologize for hurting her, apologize for pushing her away.
I realize, based on what she said on the hospital roof, that maybe he won’t make that choice, that maybe her persistence has to be a long game, that she does have to wait for him to forget to put the mask back on.
But wouldn’t it be so nice if he chose to move forward with her, instead of alone, to face their nightmare and battles together? ;~; 
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moonxsuncelestials · 12 days
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 (From, the birdbrain Qrow Branwen)
send 🐾 to calm down my muse when they're going berserk
It had been quite a day for Yun, from meetings to him having to 'curse' and drag souls back to his domain for a deal that had been struck- he just wanted to relax and enjoy a glass of his wine in his bath.
But life never goes according to plan and well, someone just had to send him over the edge.
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He was beyond furious as he terrorized the morons who angered him not even paying attention to whoever was attempting to calm him down.
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anxiouslyfred · 2 months
Cave Visits
For mine and @lostcephalopods dragonau
Summary: Remus and Roman continue visiting Janus's cave, Roman to try and keep an eye on Remus and Remus intent on befriending the water dragon.
Authors note: This has been a busy day so again I haven't written as much as I'd have liked, but I'm happy with having reread most of the posts I could find to remind myself of this au. I'll write something with more of the characters involved in it at some point I'm sure
My idea for today: dragonau - How does Remus get Virgil and Janus to be his friends? When do one of them tell Roman to stop apologising for Remus?
Since Virgil had first spoken to Janus he’d formed a specific splash for coming into the cave, although yelled just as often. This time he barely did the splash, as if hoping to remain unnoticed as Janus was pretty sure he knew why: The avali brothers that had arrived the day before.
“So the two avali are still in town, refused to leave and you’re hiding with me; Someone Remus has declared he’ll befriend. Wonderful reasoning, Virgil. I’m sure you’ll definitely avoid them this way.” Janus drawled, settling beside him.
“They’ll disrupt the ecosystem, and I’m not avoiding them. I’m observing them, specifically why one if so set on befriending a dragon. Some dragons eat avali so it has to be mad, which is worse as then I can’t predict how it’ll act or what damage it’ll bring.” Virgil ranted, glare going unseen but evident in his voice.
They hummed lightly, “Oh Remus is definitely mad, but I doubt he’s so unpredictable. In fact, I predict he will come in via another ventilation tunnel, and try to find the kitchen rather than either of us.” They could feel the ripples in the water already so expected the second avali was also coming and probably going to reach them first. That was unexpected.
“Why would he look for the kitchen? You’re lying to me over knowing that birdbrain so well already.” He growled out, voice quiet as if he was trying to listen to the ambient noises while they spoke.
“Because I insisted on coming in the intended entrance you showed me.” Roman replied, surfacing from the water tunnel. “He wants to prank me at every opportunity and probably you both as well since we’re acquaintances now. Apologies for that in advance.”
Janus swung to look just left of Roman, “Why apologise? You are not your brothers keeper, are you?”
“Most people met when we happen to travel together assume I am.” Roman replied easily, “And I did enter your cave and return today in order to avoid him being harmed.”
“But you didn’t get out of the area as I said to. That would avoid it best.” Virgil near snarled. He must be more worried than Janus expected as they rarely saw the procyon-mer so ready to fight for their river.
The avali twittered for a moment, before Janus heard the dripping of his feathers speed, as if he’d bent over or perhaps bowed. “That I will admit was partly due to my own curiosity over how a blind dragon and some form of mer became friends. Would you tell me the story?”
“No.” Virgil huffed, “Leave the area before you damage it.”
“I see perfectly well, thank you. Enough to know foolish folk give honours to those they cannot know if they should be given them, such as bows.” Janus mused, feigning disinterest and wondering if the words would make Roman doubt their blindness.
Before Roman replied however a cackle came from behind them, “You’re blind and I’m your friend.” Remus called, moving fast as he spoke so Janus didn’t try to pretend they could see him.
Virgil let out a low growl, “Just move on with your exploring and leave me river be.”
Janus could only assume neither avali showed signs of following the demand as they settled into chatting, ignoring Virgil.
“Please do apologise needlessly for Remus again. I’m riveted to your words every time.” Janus drawled out, hearing the splash of someone feathered climb out of the water in their cave. It had been 3 weeks since the avali had arrived and they’d both visited everyday.
In all honesty Janus found them amusing now, but the regular apologies Roman repeated were tedious.
“Actually I was wondering if you’d seen him today. His shelter moved.” The voice sounded chipper, as if it was mere curiosity that brought the question, not concern as Janus thought most people felt if their family went missing.
“Can’t you see him right beside me, Roman? It’s clear he’s been here all this time and not exploring whatever caught his interest of the moment.” They didn’t hold back their smug head tilt, or tail waving around the area when hearing the avali moving around them, likely trying to confirm their words.
Sure enough it was only a few moments before Roman spoke again, “Eurgh, maybe I should start jumping in and out. All this swimming will ruin my gorgeous feathers. Also you can simply say he isn’t here rather than lying.”
“Your reactions amuse me, and friends do tease each other, correct?” Janus tried to imitate the wonder Thomas spoke with on some of his visits. They did view these two avali as friends now, and was fairly sure that Virgil did too since the grumbling was less about trying to make them leave now, rather focusing on ensuring they didn’t impact the areas ecosystem too much.
Roman’s breath caught. “I’m humbled by your friendship and gratified to have it. Please also be warned that Remus will be cheering when you mention this to him, since you refuse to let me apologise on his behalf.”
“If he appears in my caves I will do so.” Janus nodded slowly.
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vermillioncrown · 10 months
for the fic writer asks, 12 and 14?
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
okay okay 🙈 i was dancing around the subject of it in my tags a few weeks back but you know what? spotify playlist for the phd-verse
it's specifically a playlist for timkorv vs me picking songs and jamming for the mood per ch (and dbd's playlist is comprised of the chapter titles)
(bil is like. scattered songs from my "wangsta" playlist lol)
for those without spotify, BirdBrains the playlist:
Enter Shikari, WARGASM (UK) - The Void Stares Back
The Chemical Brothers - Hold Tight London
Solid Gold - Who You Gonna Run To?
Polyphia, Jason Richardson - Nasty
Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts
Thomas Azier - Verwandlung
XXXTENTACION - the remedy for a broken heart (why am I so in love)
Jiang Chen 江辰 - Yǒu Zhǒng 有种 (Having Guts)
The Glitch Mob, Ambré - How Do I Get to Invincible
Epik High, Miso - True Crime
Muse - Undisclosed Desires
take what you will from the playlist 😏
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
probably dbd because it'd be visually stunning, i'm a sucker for wuxia/xianxia/guzhuang stuff + it'd benefit from the visuals. but it'd also be a huge bitch to produce (either illustrate or actually costume lmao)
most feasible would be bil, it's just basketball and from si!kagami's pov you can even remove all the fancy special effects lmao
but i guess that's not the question lol. aside: i tend to mentally block scenes with physicality in mind and i'm lucky my imagination is v visual, too -> i've gotten multiple comments on separate fics on how the commenter can easily see a scene being a comic panel or filmed as a drama so 🙈🙈🙈🙈
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glitteringxchaos · 1 year
Blog update:
Since Keigo has been hogging the braincell and refusing to share with anyone else, I'm moving him to his own blog in the hopes that he will be more amenable to sharing once he has his own space. I might be doing a bit of adjusting with the other muses here too...not sure yet. I'll have to see who else is awake and interested in interactions once Keigo backs off a little and lets them up for air.
If you're interested in interacting with the birdbrain, let me know and I'll give you his new blog link! <3
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masen-in-a-jar · 9 months
Musings from my time playing wiz today: is there a Jesus in wizard101?
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hiya, me again, Franky.
So happy that I can send in silly asks to you. I'm excited to read the answers to them. It's always fun to hear your thoughts or your muses thoughts on things.
Yes, I will also take care of myself and stay safe and hydrate.
Onto the questions (you don't have to anwer them all in one go or at all, though).
This is for Ace, Thatch and Izo. What were your first impression of Marco? Like, when you saw him for the first time or spoke to him for the first time, what did you think of him?
And then one for the birb. What is the dumbest/weirdess accident somene in crew neededmedical help for and who was it?
Thatch, what is the weirdest food request you'd ever gotten and did you make it?
Oh these are fun, thank you haha <3
Izou: -looks annoyed and lets out a long sigh as he thinks about his first meeting with Marco- He was loud back then, really loud and overly excitable and honestly? Annoying. He was high-pitched and always wanted attention, Marco was exhausting.
Ace: -he thinks about it and kicks his foot a little as he leans on the rails and debates how honest he should be- Well, he was the first person that was nice to me, he also smiled at me and just….- Ace shrugs and rubs the back of his neck- I just…. He was nice alright? I like him.
Thatch: -Laughing as he stirs the pot of stew and thinks it over- Pineapple, birdbrain and also I wonder what phoenix eggs taste like… -He grins and is glad Marco isn’t in hearing range-
Marco: -He taps his pen on the table as he thinks about the question- Well, I can’t tell you who it happened to, after all, doctor confidentiality right? But I am still amazed how many things and how many times someone can fall on something and have it stuck in the same place yoi. -he thinks about it more and shakes his head, slightly amused at the some of the other cases that came to mind- Someone got stuck in a doorway, someone calught their hair on fire and took out the entire kitche yoi. The fun never stops around here.
Thatch: You have no idea how many people we cook for on the crew, I’ve had so many requests that could come across as strange to someone. -He chuckles and puts his hands on his hips- to be honest, nothing surprises me, sorry I can’t offer anything juicy to that question, THOUGH watching Marco eat pineapple is still.... yeah.
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80ramiens · 8 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💖💕
Youth of America - Birdbrain
Roadkill - Starcrawler
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
Main - OC #FashionSheet
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👾 Moonrock, Baby! - R e f. S h e e t
👽I always see people designing an outfit for each ark, I designed outfits for every occasion. Afterall, I don’t think anyone should be restricted to only one outfit per island visited! Nemo’s wardrobe is HUGE! In fact, it is that mindboggingly huge that its mass turned into a singularity! There are some things that girl is hoarding, namely: Fashion, Guns, Tech and Coconuts!
☠ There's 102 versions of Nemo’s favourite matching set #1 ; (fluffy one with the cloud pattern) and don’t ya dare to match one of those skirts with something else! BEN knows! LOL It’s Boss is strict when it comes to her style! Papa Zekka taught her that!
💫 Always remember slogan number 17; "Jackpot Couture is lit!"
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#jackpotspacepiratecrew rules include memetic bragging-rights, parental advisory explıcıt content, you have been warned 101 : “Gotta have style if you wanna be cool!” (Yes, it’s a bullshit rule, don’t take it too seriously!)
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🐭 Nemo is a #nerd ; a #geek and a #fashionista at the same time ! And to make it even better, details, accessoires and so on, are interchangeable! I never need to stick to one design and I can get mega creative, which I find super enjoyable :3 And since it's impossible to draw the whole wardrobe, it's impossible which fashionable treasures can be found! 😂 We all love to mix and match, so why not give an #OC the option to do so, too?! And yes, 30 pairs of shoes ain't enough! 😂💯
Which one’s are yer favourites? Do you like her Pj’s ? What about her wedding dress? 🌙 I love her space-party dress, her number 1 fave and her #spacepirate#captn couture! 🌎
🌟 That being said, these sheets also serve as official references!
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"Where the hell did you get such a bratty attitude from?!", Marco asked, wiping away the green slime Nemo bombarded him with. "Oh, that's easy to answer, birdbrain! Let me tell you the absolutely mindboggling, legendarily famous story of - ", Nemo started, getting interrupted by Whitebeard, finishing the sentence for her. " - the idiot that raised her!"
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"I AM NOT A F*CKING MOUSE!", Nemo yelled from the top of her lungs, trying to make her big brother shut the f*ck up! 
"But you are as small, dainty as and as cute as one!", Alliqui laughed, poking his sister's cheek, ruffling her hair, taking her into a Half-Nelson before putting a booger into her hair. 
"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO  -", Nemo struggled, aggressively trying to get out of the grip. 
"You what? MOUSE?!"
The run of the gun suddenly met the temple of her brothers face, a clacking sound occured and the trigger was pulled swiftly. Alliqui bashed into a nearby hill at full speed and full force, immediately being knocked out. "I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU DAMN STUPID BASTARD! CALL ME A MOUSE ONE MORE TIME AND I'M GONNA SHOOT YOUR SORRY ASS INTO THE NEXT BLACK HOLE, YOU F*CKING DEGENERATED MOONDUST-SNIFFLER!"
.... Siblings in a Nutshell, eh?! 
Alliqui is Nemo's big brother. ( Alliqui/Aliquis - Lat.: Person of Importance, a Somebody!)
Nemo, my main-muse and tearsure &lt;;3 (Nemo - Lat.: No One, No Man, Nothing)
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Nemo's Snail-Phone (Scientific Study #173 *cough* beloved pet *cough*)🤍👽🪐🌙🌟
𝐍𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 // ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
✨INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/r0tt3n_rabbit_/
// View the stories for Work in Progress, find all Artworks on my Profile.
❤σиє ριє¢є fαи∂σм - fαиαтι¢αℓℓу σвѕєѕѕє∂ ωιтн ρσятgαѕ ∂. α¢є
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❤𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝕻𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖆𝖘𝖙
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𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙈𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙁𝙖𝙣
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙝𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙚-𝙁𝙖𝙣
👾Nemo in a Nusthell is this bunny:
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
Does Qrow have food he doesn't like? Does it change when he shifts to birb and the other way around?
hc q's || always accepting!
you know i've never thought much about what he doesn't like, and the muse is giving me kind of a big shrug. it's more about environment really. he doesn't like super fancy, small portions with needless gimmicks and extra cutlery and too many courses. gold leaf flakes and whatever the elephant poop coffee is. that kind of stuff. if it's classier than homecooked or take out or something you could take on a picnic.... well, he'll probably still eat it but with lots of eye rolls.
birdbrain has influenced his human side (seeds, bread, berries got bumped up the list of faves, bugs got added as an option), but it doesn't shift back and forth.
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valeren-raven · 1 year
Hey! I'm Bran. And I'm a North Eurasian Raven. Corvus Corax Corax.
I'm really old and I'm the Ghoul of Finnula Fianna.
I like being planetside.
Anyway HI! I'm here I gotta blog! I'll post yummy things and inserting things and yes!
ooc info below the break.
MINORS DNI this is an 18+ blog because I interact with 18+ stuff. Minor muses are okay with approval. (Like Nemo)
General CW for: This is a RP blog. There will be gore and dead animals posted. Bran is a Raven. He does not have human sensibilities. Meat is Meat to him. If any of this makes you uncomfy give his blog a skip.
Age: Very old Pronuns: He/Him Gender: Unknown Demeanor: Raven Nature: Birdbrain Auspex 3 Fort 6 Potence 5 Valaren 6
Str 5 Dex 5 Sta 5
Cha 2 Man 1 App 3
Per 4 Int 3 Wit 5
Flight 5 Melee 5 (Natural Weapons) Preformance 3 (Sky Dancing) (NOT SINGING GODS NO) Empathy 1 Expression 2 Alertness 4 Investigation 4 SHIFTER LORE 6+ (he's got a special thing) Occult 5 (spirititual stuff) Science 2
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