#birth chart babey
moonglittering · 2 years
✨ vi's power and planetary transits. astrological placement breakdown.
vi’s a celestial powerhouse, but his power is balanced out by the galaxy. it all depends on transits and aspects and what’s going on up in the sky every second of the day. here’s a little peek into aspects! these are all astrological.
conjunction, good aspect, when planets form a 0° angle.
opposition, disharmonious, 180°.
square, disharmonious, 90°.
trine, great aspect, 120°.
can read about the rest of these here because tbh i just don’t wanna get into ALL the numbers here. anyway, let’s give an example. let’s say there’s a daily transit moon square chiron going on, he really wouldn’t want to do spells that deal with healing. a bad aspect affecting chiron, the asteroid for wounds, would ruin everything, he’d be unable to do it with confidence. on the flip side, if he wanted to do a love spell ( he doesn’t do those tho lmao he thinks they’re rly weird ) then venus trine mars would increase his success.
the moon’s tricky. not an aspect, but when the moon becomes void. it’s like ‘ hhhlflfsjkfd. ’ as the moon moves into a new zodiac sign every couple of days, there’s a little break between signs where the moon isn’t making ANY aspects to any other planet. and at that point vi’s just standing there, looking like a powerless little fool. voids don’t last long, usually a few minutes? on a rare occasion, a few hours.
now, with how planets move into signs, that’s pretty simple. let’s get to planets/signs domicile, exaltation, detriment, n fall babey.
a planet’s domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. a planetary ruler is given to each sign, over which the planet has a more powerful influence when positioned therein. a planet is considered to be in domal dignity when it is positioned in the sign it rules. this is the strongest dignity of a planet.
a planet in a sign of a similar nature, but which it does not rule, is said to be in exaltation. the planet gets strength and energy from its exaltation, and thus, its influence is positive.
when a planet is in the sign opposite the sign it rules, it is said to be in detriment. thus, its action is weakened.
a planet in the sign opposite the sign of its exaltation is said to be in fall. therefore, contrarily to the exaltation, the planet loses its strength and influence.
example, let’s use venus!! venus: domicile in taurus and libra, exaltation in pisces, detriment in scorpio and aries, fall in virgo. so if venus moves into virgo, his love related spells would be pretty weak shit. in domicile signs, they’d be strongest. you can guess how it is with the other signs.
side note: his natal venus is in virgo in his birth chart so that’s something lollll.
also his actual cosmic manipulation powers are insanity.
and, in short, he could obliterate earth *if he wanted.
*if everything in space lines up properly… which is rare. will never ever happen lol.
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moonspower · 1 year
✨ vi’s power and planetary transits. astrological placement breakdown.
vi’s a celestial powerhouse, but his power is balanced out by the galaxy. it all depends on transits and aspects and what’s going on up in the sky every second of the day. here’s a little peek into aspects! these are all astrological.
conjunction, good aspect, when planets form a 0° angle.
opposition, disharmonious, 180°.
square, disharmonious, 90°.
trine, great aspect, 120°.
can read about the rest of these here because tbh i just don’t wanna get into ALL the numbers here. anyway, let’s give an example. let’s say there’s a daily transit moon square chiron going on, he really wouldn’t want to do spells that deal with healing. a bad aspect affecting chiron, the asteroid for wounds, would ruin everything, he’d be unable to do it with confidence. on the flip side, if he wanted to do a love spell ( he doesn’t do those tho lmao he thinks they’re rly weird ) then venus trine mars would increase his success.
the moon’s tricky. not an aspect, but when the moon becomes void. it’s like ‘ hhhlflfsjkfd. ’ as the moon moves into a new zodiac sign every couple of days, there’s a little break between signs where the moon isn’t making ANY aspects to any other planet. and at that point vi’s just standing there, looking like a powerless little fool. voids don’t last long, usually a few minutes? on a rare occasion, a few hours.
now, with how planets move into signs, that’s pretty simple. let’s get to planets/signs domicile, exaltation, detriment, n fall babey.
a planet’s domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. a planetary ruler is given to each sign, over which the planet has a more powerful influence when positioned therein. a planet is considered to be in domal dignity when it is positioned in the sign it rules. this is the strongest dignity of a planet.
a planet in a sign of a similar nature, but which it does not rule, is said to be in exaltation. the planet gets strength and energy from its exaltation, and thus, its influence is positive.
when a planet is in the sign opposite the sign it rules, it is said to be in detriment. thus, its action is weakened.
a planet in the sign opposite the sign of its exaltation is said to be in fall. therefore, contrarily to the exaltation, the planet loses its strength and influence.
example, let’s use venus!! venus: domicile in taurus and libra, exaltation in pisces, detriment in scorpio and aries, fall in virgo. so if venus moves into virgo, his love related spells would be pretty weak shit. in domicile signs, they’d be strongest. you can guess how it is with the other signs.
side note: his natal venus is in virgo in his birth chart so that’s something lollll.
also his actual cosmic manipulation powers are insanity.
and, in short, he could obliterate earth *if he wanted.
*if everything in space lines up properly… which is rare. will never ever happen lol.
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
hi!! i didn’t know you read birth charts my goodness, but i’m super into astrology and would love to see what you think of it! i’m a cancer sun, leo moon and cancer rising! thank you <3
sorry these birth charts are slow! i’ve been busy with school and roommate drama but they’re genuinely so so fun to make and take a bit less time than the requests in my inbox (i promise i will get to those soon too!!) but thank you for sending these in and being patient with me!! as always, i’m no expert and these analyses are based on google, my basic knowledge, and my personal experience!!
- oh CANCER! darling you are water and a little fire. especially since your sun (overarching traits) and rising (outward, “mask on” traits) are both cancer, you might seem more emotional from the outside, but you might perceive yourself as much more passionate and creative and likely less emotional because of your leo moon.
☼ i’m gonna be real, i don’t have a lot of personal experience with water signs and i don’t know a lot of cancers, but hopefully this still feels right to you! cancers tend to be one of the most emotional of the water signs (especially when it comes to sadness), but i also feel like this makes them the most introspective when it comes to emotions. maybe you’re super aware of your own emotions? you also might be pretty forgiving of others especially if you’ve developed an emotional connection to them. as your sun sign, this emotional awareness might sweep broadly over your personality but i also could see some conflict once we start looking at your moon sign.
☾ leos are strong leaders with an attention to detail that i am so jealous of. fire signs are led by their passionate hearts. they might have a flare for the dramatic, be a bit headstrong, and possibly hold grudges or have difficulty forgiving people who have crossed a line (see how this maybe is different from your cancer sun!). since this is your moon sign, these are the traits you most likely see in yourself, but others don’t perceive as strongly. this is specific and maybe a reach, but, when it comes to to the forgiveness stuff, i feel like you might be forgiving of people who wrong you (especially if you’re emotionally connected to them), but you might struggle internally with the decision to forgive their actions despite that outward willingness to forgive and forget.
↑ because your rising and sun are both in cancer, you might come off as much more genuine at first because you are not only emotionally aware, but you also present the same traits in general that you do when your guard is up. they might manifest differently, but those traits are present from the get go. especially since cancers are loyal and protective, giving off that vibe so consistently and immediately is super cool. some people might see your connection to your emotions as sensitivity, but i think this would quickly drive away anyone who wasn’t okay with that sensitivity because it’s not a hidden trait (and also who wants those people around anyway). so, hopefully, you attract people who are comfortable with your emotional prowess and then you surprise them with those more private leo traits of leadership and spontaneity that is so cool in combo with your cancer traits.
♡ *drumroll* harry potter character compatibility based on your big three (but mostly your sun kinda). okay so cancer suns get along really well with other water signs and also earth signs. this means you would probably get along with mr remus lupin !!!! pisces (like ron and lupin) are emotionally ruled, but less consciously than cancers are. so those men might be unexpectedly aware of your emotions (which you’re aware of as a cancer) and be comforting presences if you’re struggling or wallowing through strong emotions like sadness. scorpios like molly weasley or sirius black might also be understanding of your sensitive tendencies, but their reactions aren’t as predictable (i think we’d expect those two to have different approaches to the same emotion). you could also be good friends with an earth sign like hermione because she’s has the stability of a virgo that compliments your cancer traits. when i take into account your leo moon too, i could really see you fitting in with the golden trio because ron is water (like your cancer), harry is a leo (so he might bring out your fiery tendencies), and hermione is an earth which compliments well.
i’m not gonna lie, this one was a bit difficult, but i really hope some of it felt right to you and if it didn’t i’m super sorry. water signs are not my expertise so those bits might be a bit more muddled or general than i would like them to be. please lmk how you felt about this and i’d be willing to revisit parts of it too if you’re like “this doesn’t quite feel right” thank you for trusting me with this and for waiting patiently for this post!!! <3
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cirocchio · 4 years
tell me what your muse wants to know about ciri :3
@tatterdema1ion​ said: Xerxes wants to know what sweets she secretly likes bc he knows she must--
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‘...what do you, eh, mean, secretly?’ As if she’d keep a trivial thing like that a secret -- as if she could if she tried. Maybe Xerxes has never outright asked? ‘-- ch-chocolate, isn’t bad. It -- it also helps, if I feel a bit faint. The bars with nuts in it are, nice...’ But why would he want to know -- to bribe or prank her with? ‘...then in exchange, y-you should tell me, what vegetable you like -- ‘secretly'.’
@raajasii​ said: soma demands to know her star sign ofc
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‘...It’s erh... b-between Pisces and Aries.’ Her tone and expression are like that because she’s actually looked into this, and didn’t find the results particularly fitting. Especially the Aries part. ‘I... uh. D-don’t think it’s very accurate, probably... b-but then they talk of birth charts and... stuff.’
Anyway, it doesn’t matter much what her star sign is, his is Leo, she knows that much.
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localmagicalboi · 5 years
✨ ( mixed ) elements.
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✨ Forest! Water + Earth.
Forest mixes Water and Earth. It can either be highly abstract or very concrete, but either way Forest has a deep connection to the past, to history, to nostalgia, and to old symbols, archetypes, myths, and legends. It is the place where fairies and monsters dwelled in the old stories. However, it is also a place of peace, growth, renewal, and healing. It is both a place of freedom from the rules of society and connection to the older and deeper laws of nature. The long life of the trees symbolizes long memory and tradition – or else a connection to the timeless. Forest is a decisive element. Whether by tradition and cultural norms or deep, philosophical introspection, Forest knows what it believes to be good and right. It will live by those beliefs and help others along the way. A sense of community is important to Forest, as people with this element combination are highly empathetic and live for their friends and family. Loyalty to the team and its dearly held values are of the utmost important. While Forest is typically calm, peaceful, and patient, attacking one of Forest's friends will bring the rare wrath of the woods in all its fury.
✨ Core Strengths: Forest is calm, kind, imaginative, wise, patient, adaptable, observant, artistic, idealistic, rational, practical, dependable, fair-minded, respectful, honest, loyal, and insightful ✨ Possible Weaknesses: When immature, Forest might be depressed, pessimistic, passive, indecisive, self-loathing, overly cautious, unsocial, shy, stubborn, bitter, judgmental, callous, excessively serious, or withdrawn from reality.
✨ TAGGED BY: yoinkT, babey, ✨ TAGGING: @heartmemos @sharkapologlst @escapedartgeek @promosis @espercr @foolheartier @dxspereaux @deadmenanddemons @seekesotsibteadmist @motherwitch @altarage @bloodfcst @torturewon @mondregen @mtchstck + steal it!!! pretty good n fun stuff....
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
Steve Harrington Fic Recs (Part II)
Hello!! Gang, Steve has a chokehold on me (i wish i was being literal), so here is another collection of AMAZING Steve fics made by some fantastic authors. Please give these authors a ton of love!!! (and if you are one of these authors and you'd like to be removed from this list, please let me know!!)
Part I of my Steve Harrington Fic Recs
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Tales of a Love Between the Lines by @robiin-buckley
>> Steve shows you he loves you in different ways, and waits for you to realize that you love him too. (Ugh, he’s so sweet in this i want to marry him)
Perfect by @gothbitchshit
>> You and Steve are friends with benefits, but when Steve is pretty much the perfect lover, it’s hard not to fall in love with him. (The pining??? The angst??? The SMUT???? So good I reread this fic constantly)
Love on You by @sinclaiirs
>> After a long day at work, you really just want to feel close to your boyfriend. As close as possible, in fact. (Our dear Stevie boy takes your virginity. That’s it, that’s the fic, and what more could you possibly want??)
You Belong With Me by @peterbenjiparker
>> Steve constantly has another girl hanging off his arm, and it gets harder and harder to watch as you fall more and more in love with him. What happens when your jealousy finally comes to a head? (The pining is off the charts with this one and I am not complaining)
Stand By Me by @once-upon-an-imagine
>> After what occurred in the Upside Down, your boyfriends, Steve and Eddie, are constantly fighting, angry at each other for acting recklessly. You’re trying to hold it together, but when your home has turned into a war zone, it suddenly becomes too much to bear. (I LOVE poly!Steddie, and this fic is so angsty and wonderful omg —there are descriptions of nightmares and panic attacks though!! So read with caution!!)
Everything Has Changed by @starryeyedstories
>> Yesterday morning, your best friend, Steve, picked you up for work like always. This morning, Steve is picking you up for work again, but now he’s your boyfriend and everything has changed. (literally squealed while reading this i love soft!stevie)
And I Snuck in Through the Garden Gate by @upsidedownwithsteve
>> You've loved Steve for what seems like forever. Through summer after summer, party after party, stolen kisses and lingering touches, you have loved Steve Harrington. (this work is genuine art. i reread it as a comfort fic and i cry every time. please read it omg please)
Hard Candy by @upsidedownwithsteve
>> You're a little drunk and a lot jealous of the girl Steve's talking to. An outburst brings long-buried feelings to light, and Steve is all-too-eager to act on them. (it's a little series and it's wonderful!! besties to lovers is my vice)
Put Away My Pride by @wtfsteveharrington
>> Your vibrator died and it seems like all of the batteries in the entire apartment have disappeared. In your desperate search for some batteries, your roommate Steve offers an alternate solution. (roommates to lovers with a healthy sprinkling of perv!steve hell yeah)
Baby, Baby, Baby by @pixiemunsons
>> Steve has resolved himself to knowing he'll be using condoms until you both get married. But when you come home and tell him that you've started birth control, that he can finally fuck you raw, Steve doesn't know how to handle himself. (holy fUCK BREEDING KINK BREEDING KINK YEAH)
Oops, I Love You by @earthgirl616
>> The four times you are reminded of how desperately in love you are with Steve Harrington and the first time you're able to show him. (4+1 fics babey they'll always get me and when you mix it with mutual pining?? say LESS)
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sensessences · 3 years
things in my birth chart that just make sense can you tell i have intimacy issues Sun (Virgo) in the 11th House + Chiron (Sagittarius) in the 1st House + Pluto (Sagittarius) in the 1st House + North Node (Cancer) in the 8th House + Venus (Libra) in the 11th cusping 12th House + Venus (Libra) Square North Node (Cancer) + Jupiter (Gemini) Opposition Pluto (Sagittarius) + Jupiter (Gemini) Opposition Chiron (Sagittarius)
can you tell i am only myself with and through others Sun (Virgo) in the 11th House + Moon (Gemini) in the 7th House + Mercury (Libra) in the 11th House + Venus (Libra) in the 11th House cusping 12th House + Jupiter (Gemini) in the 7th House
can you tell this is all chaos babey My utter lack of Water in my chart (its literal 0 lmao) + Overwhelming Mutable energy dominance (signs & houses) + My "upside-down" placements
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mixkeymilkovich · 3 years
hiiiiii tagged by @milkovichism and @vintagelacerosette ty lovelies!! 
Your name with no vowels: lj :)
Your favorite movie: clueless, silence of the lambs and it (2017) are all tied for first, i can’t choose between them
A food you can’t live without: bread. any and all kinds of bread. 
Your sun, moon and rising sign: aries sun, scorpio moon & scorpio rising (my chart is literally just fire and water signs, AND i’ve got stellium in aries. was genuinely fucked from birth lmao)
An unpopular opinion you have: milk is good actually
Last fanfic or book you read: i’m almost finished reading the silence of the lambs by john harris, and the last fanfic i read was you’re under my skirt, man by crossmydna
How many alarms do you set before you go to bed?: only 1 or 2, i usually wake up before them anyway so they’re mostly just reminders to start getting ready
You’ve been given a round-trip plane ticket to anywhere in the world — Where are you going?: iceland babey
Open your music app of choice and go to your favorite playlist. Hit shuffle. What’s the first song that comes up?: learn to trust by bad suns <3
A quote or lyric you love: “gloom kills time once spent on love” - misanthrope, arma angelus 
Share some words of positivity for your followers and friends: unclench your jaw, and take a breath. you got this, bestie. 
(i have no idea who has been tagged already so i’m sorry if you’ve already done this) tagging @mrsinistertype @gallavichsbitch @gallawitchxx @milkimick-new @fiancemickey @sunoficarus @thisdivorce and anyone else who would like to!!
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graffiastrology · 4 years
The archer, a musical birth chart.pt 5 Does a scorpion sting when fighting back?
Pluto, Lilith and mars in Scorpio:
“No, I could never give you peace”
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So yeah, danger does indeed live in you and your birth chart, and she was aware, Battles, revenge, death and transformation will come ahead.
And she knew, since Picture to burn to Better than revenge (songs that are not in the playlist since they may get changed in the new versions) this scorpio force within her, and she has lilith right in the midheaven, and I think of what she said in the “73 questiosn with vougue” What would you say to your past self?
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"Hey, you're going to date just like a normal 20-something should be allowed to, but you're going to be a national lightning rod for slut-shaming,"
Lets remember who is Lilith, the mother of demons, the rebel woman,the "bad" wife now a feminist icon, she was expulsed from heaven for having her own desires and thoughts. Having this placement in the MC (the house of public career) can manifest in complicated ways where men and their good wives can point the finger at the MAD WOMAN and project everything you hate on her.
But Lilith in scorpio also has a power of transformation and fighting for women's rights
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That event transformed her, and finally stepped into her raw female power.
But now lets go back in time where the narrative was very different, and painted her as a woman with BAD BLOOD putting other women down.But her enemy was not any woman, the triple scorpio herself: Katy Perry.
Scorpio vs Scorpio
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Back in 2015 Taylor and Katy stared a big mediatic feud, 5 years from that we can analyze this in a very different way
So lets recap what happened and how everything went off the trails
From the POV of Katy she lent a couple of dancers to Taylor, and she should have known it was a temporary thing, since they have that in the contracts. She must have read the whole contract, right?
From the POV of Taylor from one day to the other she lost a number of dancers of the tour she carefully put together, but they cant go just away, they have a contract oh what it is? Katy told them to put a clause so they could leave the RED tour ? oh this is enough I don’t need a bunch of traitors in my tour, go away!
And they used to be so close, from her POV it looked like she knew what she was doing, and from the Katy perspective it was not a big deal, you tour didn’t fall apart, you had time to plan in advance, but no, band aids don't fix bullet holes
Make no mistake BAD BLOOD was a intimidation tactic, it was a display of power, and it show a side of Scorpio mars in the 11th house (house of frienships)
it was like "look at my army, look at my powerful friends, do you want to mess with us?" Little did she know she had traitors in her army, one of them will be the one to strike low and give her the punishment of a low libra sun pisces moon: destroying your image with lies and illusions.
And then Katy took an opportunity and kicked the horse when she was dead with SWISH SWISH, but Katy you should have known that Mars, your chart ruler, doesn't like this, because if you beat down your enemy when it is down it speaks volumes about your confidence and real power.
But surprise bitch!
She came back from the dead, Pluto in Scorpio in action, babey!
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LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO, a power move like no other, just think about it, she could have:
Release Me! as planned and get a shit load of hate "you don't have the right to feel good about yourself, snake!"
Release an “apology” song, submit to the liar, and disappoint all the fans who stand her in her darkest time
Or this, take control of this whole snake narrative, loyal fans have already endured the storm, and it will create a new image, a powerful woman, one that attracted new fans (me included)
And so she was back at the top of the game while Katy was entering a dark era (probably going to make a playlist for her too) in these times she reflected in what went wrong and what was more important, because IT TAKES TWO to make a fight, she send a letter and Taylor recognized she may have blow things out of proportion and forgave her when they meet in the AFTERGLOW of their war.
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But let's pause a moment, can we recognize the amount of growth that must take for 2 scorpio women to forgive and forget, to make amends? and that is something she always did, she believed people can be brand new, 32 and still change to grow up, still INNOCENT everybody makes mistakes, everybody makes impulsive choices that are not for the best...but what not everybody does is trick you, get you on the phone and mind-twist you record a call, edit it and re frame it to destroy someone. I am going to put the most interesting part of the call right here:
West: So it says “To all my Southside [N-word] that know me best, I feel like Taylor Swift might owe me sex.”
Swift: [Laughs, relieved.] That’s not mean….. oh my God, the buildup you gave it, I thought it was going to be like, “That stupid, dumb bitch.” But it’s not. So I don’t know. I mean, the launch thing,
West: You don’t have to do the launching and tweet. That was just an extra idea I had. But if you think that that’s cool, then it’s cool. If not… I mean, we are launching the s—
FAMOUS: I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex Why? I made that bitch famous (Goddamn) I made that bitch famous"
Okey let's analyze this, the song was released, Taylor did not promote it, he said that she didn't have to do that, there was an official statement and then the Grammys speech.
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People gave him some flak, but nothing extraordinary...somehow he convinced himself he was the victim and as revenge he and his good wife put the edited phone call and used their platform to destroy her, truly a case of how to make the worst of their Gemini, Pisces and Libra.
And after the plutonic transformation and the power move move that was reputation, is time to sit down, and contemplate the pain, because yes, Scorpio is a tough cookie, but still a water sign, and the hurt is intense and after the war, there is pain and even after the years the shape of their name still spells out pain so yeah she doesn't need to forgive however send that letter so they can have their CLOSURE they can have my middle finger instead.
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Because when a scorpion cries they will make sure their TEARS RICOCHET, and think about the themes of the scorpio house (8th) how death creates a ripple effect, a death like hers can't go unnoticed and can’t go without consequences (at the moment they are going to divorce) and that is the thing with the scorpio energy it is about action and consequences, its about death and transformation, it's about crime and punishment.
But LONG STORY SHORT: She survived
And I don’t see a better way to go from scorpio to Sagittarius than with that song, so lets JUMP AND THEN FALL into it.
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tomcriuse · 3 years
I need your full birth chart for research purposes
is this what u wanted??? I don’t know what any of this means :( feb 20 babey
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emotrait-arc · 3 years
/post/641700946723979264/get-to-know-me-send-me-a-symbol 🗓️
this is from 8 months ago sahsffghhjkasgf yall want my birth chart or somethin
july 28 '99 babey
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 years
I SONT DOUBT IT!!! @porcelainandthehobbit and I have been doing some DIGGING and she came up with birth charts for both Kurt and Blaine because once a gleek always a gleek babey!!!
But honestly……. I think he hides it well because of his moon and ascendant but definitely Aries energy AF!!!!
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
Hiii I just saw your astrology post and I thought it's so cool! I just love talking to people about astrology. I'm a scorpio sun, aquarius rising, and sagittarius moon. Which hp character do you think would be most compatible with me? (You can totally ignore this ask if you don't feel like it:)
hi hi hi!!! i love astrology and getting these birth chart asks is so exciting! thank you for trusting me with this! reminder that i’m not an expert and i apologize if i miss the mark on anything or everything <333
- you have water, air, and fire in your big three which is exciting and may have some conflicting things that we can try to parse out!! i am an aqua sun and a sag moon so we might have a lot in common ;))) but i’ll do my best to stay objective hehe
☼ personally, i always think scorpios can be a bit of wildcards and can be influenced strongly by other parts of their chart because they can be such complex signs (this might also be especially true for you as a scorpio sun). water signs have a connection to their own emotions and the emotions of people around them, and this can manifest in a lot of different ways. scorpios also like to be in control of situations and aren’t always aware of how strongly their emotions affect their behavior. the scorpios i know also have a tendency to step away from emotionally overwhelming situations even if other signs might not understand their desire to do so. since this is your sun sign, these traits might seem super relatable for you, but they also might be contradicted strongly by the air and fire in your chart so this might not seem that relatable at all.
☾ sag moon (oh hey sister!) a sag seeks adventure and new experiences! they can be a bit of a risk taker, but overall just want to soak up as much of the world around them as possible. like all fire signs, they also make great leaders and decision makers too. they also tend to be pretty positive and have an attractive aura. my sagittarius friend is the type of friend to plan out lowkey picnics, spur of the moment beach trips, and initiate coffee dates. once we spent two hours on facetime looking through a list of “100 weird places in california you must visit” so thats the kind of energy a sag has. your moon sign is mostly how you perceive yourself, but you can also let these traits shine through if you feel comfortable with the people around you. personally, as a moon sag, i feel like there is a secret hidden part of me that wants to run away on a whim or do weird “romanticize your life”-esque things or make spur of the moment wild decisions, but i tend to keep those traits to myself and opt for more practical behavior :( maybe this is something you can relate to? a bit of idealism and restlessness that you keep close to your chest.
↑ mmm not to be biased but i love an aquarius. we are quirky, logical, and not super emotionally charged. we like a deep conversation and, personally, i have a tendency to share my controversial or less-mainstream opinions because aquarians aren’t afraid to be different and i think that can attract people who appreciate that vulnerability and deviation from the norm. since this is your rising sign, you present this version of yourself most outwardly and especially before you become close with people. since aquarians tend to be less emotionally charged, i might guess that you seem unemotional and laid back as a front when your guard is up, but when it comes down you can be more passionate, willing to take charge, and in touch with your emotions (as dictated by your scorpio and sag placements). this also might mean these aquarius traits don’t resonate with you as strongly because sometimes we are unaware of the ways in which we present our rising traits.
♡ and now... character analysis!! this is going to be a bit hard because i have to base it mostly on your sun sign (thats what i have for the characters), but your rising and moon are so different that they could have a bigger impact than they might in other people’s charts. i think you would fit in quite well with the golden trio tbh! ron is a pisces and hermione is a virgo, both of which are quite compatible with scorpios. i could totally see you being a bit of a scheme-planner with hermione because her earth sign practicality and your water sign awareness are super compatible and would connect over your shared desire to lead and create predictable situations. ron’s water sign emotional awareness (okay he isn’t conscious of it but i am a big believer that he is empathetic enough to be considered super in-tune with emotional energy) would also meld well with yours; you might butt heads if you both get upset about the same thing, but if you had conflict with someone else, ron would be the one who could go between the two of you to try and resolve the situation without being to forceful. however, your fire and air sign traits might sometimes lead to conflict with those too. but! thats where harry comes in. harry is a big ole leo so maybe he wouldn’t understand your emotional scorpio side like hermione and ron, but he would absolutely love your sag and aqua traits. the trio would definitely bring out and support your more freeform, adventurous air and fire traits but also meld with your scorpio water traits too. you also might get along well with remus but i’m honestly not sure how you’d fit in with the marauders? sirius is a scorpio which could work great or could lead to a lot of problems, and lily is an aquarius which might be exciting for your aquarius side, but she also might not understand your more rigid, emotional scorpio traits. i want to talk about fred so bad but scorpio + aries combos are SUCH a tossup. you could either have a super deep bond if everything aligns just right (which i think is pretty likely because he could bring out your fire moon traits and be drawn to your aquarius side), or there could be a huge disconnect between how you handle certain situations and how he makes decisions. i think you could also be good friends with george because he is said to have a bit more emotional awareness and i think fred’s emotional disconnect might push your buttons from time to time (but maybe george and ron could be mediators?). bare minimum, i think you’d be invited to the burrow by somebody at some point for sure :))) also crazy addendum: molly is a scorpio so maybe some of those mama’s boys would appreciate that you have some behavior or traits that they associate with their mom? in a subconscious way of course. they might just be drawn to that familiarity.
sorry this was soooo long but hopefully you liked at least parts of what i came up with!! please lmk what you thought and if anything super resonated or felt super off base! i’m also willing to talk more especially if you’re like “i don’t relate to this at all!!” then maybe i can revisit, do a bit more research, and see whats up. thank you again for trusting me with this little analysis!!!
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
im at the airport on my phone rn so i cant reply to everything in full just yet but i have u know i was laughing so hard i couldnt breathe when my folks were asking what was so funny. anyway in response to my birth chart i think you may have glossed over the part when i said i was bulldozer anon... cap rising scorp sun aries moon babey, im basically just the sexiest bitch alive -felix bi anon
Also like. Genuine question. How does anyone have the delusional amount of gumption and gall to come at you talkin bout some "you talk too much" or even ANY criticism w scorp sun cap rising. Like. That's not even TOUCHING the aries moon. That's like. That's like walking up to someone with a loaded gun in hand and tellin them their shoes ugly. That's like challenging Satan to an arm wrestling match. Like. I am BAFFLED. If you step to a Scorpio you already better have your last will and testament finalized. You wanna fuck w a Capricorn, your friends better have your buriel plot picked out and paid off, and make their peace with an open casket not even bein a fuckin option. You roll up on an Aries? They'll fuck ya dad and ya mom and ya granddaddy AND ya grandma too, and leave ya whole ass family with some deep-seated issues for the next few decades. All three TOGETHER? That's some heavy "who the fuck want war? FedEx beef straight to your front door" energy 😳 who the fuck are these delusional ass, suicidal ass, no common sense havin ass people to try to tell you what's what 😳 bruh I'd be SCURRRED 😳 I just KNOW you could rock my shit and then go about your business like nothing happened 😳 who is tryna tussle with a one man hitman squad 😳 who is out here tryna tell Agent 47 they talk too much 😳 I am CONFUSION
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consul-valerius · 4 years
Detailed Character Sheet for Donna (from here !)
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Donatello “Donna” Rivera
Reason or meaning of name: They’re a ✨gift✨
Character’s nickname: Donna!
Reason for nickname: They like shortening their name to make it seem more casual, and it’s cute!
Birth date: some time in late November
Physical appearance
Age: 26
How old does he/she appear: 26 ?
Weight: 175 bs
Height: 5’2
Body build: rounder in their belly and thighs; they normally wear a corset because they’re a bit self conscious of it. short legs and smaller hands, but their arms are a bit long
Shape of face: facial hair makes their jaw seem a bit sharper, but roundish cheeks and a cleft chin when they’re shaved
Eye color: Main character Green 😔🤟🏻
Glasses or contacts: Neither!
Skin tone: lighter toned
Distinguishing marks: beauty mark on their face and embarrassing goat-tee
Predominant features: I would say their eyes and hair
Hair color: Magic color shifting hair babey
Type of hair: wavy
Hairstyle: a messy lob
Voice: a bit deeper than expected; if they’re talking to people they want to impress/don’t know, it gets higher pitched, but with friends it’s pretty low
Overall attractiveness: ummm attractive ???
Physical disabilities: They have pretty weak lungs which sometimes makes physical activity difficult for them, particularly when they’re anxious
Usual fashion of dress: They go for more flowy bottoms and tighter fit tops; wardrobe is just layered stuff from the bohemian section of Forever 21 tbh
Favorite outfit: Long maxi shirt with a turtleneck/mock neck is the go to + corset and flats
Jewelry or accessories: Chokers and rings babey
Good personality traits: determined, socially conscious, good listener, fairly good at quick problem solving, super open-minded
Bad personality traits: very easily discouraged, can be gossipy, is too blunt sometimes, naive, not good at setting boundaries for themself
Mood character is most often in: Literally can only describe it as chill; they try to keep a level head so that they don’t work themselves up
Sense of humor: tik Toks that you send your friends at 3am
Character’s greatest joy in life: Magic! They love that part of themself and exploring it
Character’s greatest fear: In-game: Never truly knowing who they are Post-Game: deeply afraid that their life wasn’t worth saving yoikes
Why?: they’re both kinda tied together: after losing their memories, they always had a nagging fear that they were really just an awful person and couldn’t remember. Even after getting their memories back, they suffer through a pretty bad imposter syndrome+survivor’s guilt: were they good enough to save twice (explained more later lol)? is that even fair compared to all the other people who died of the plague?
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Losing Valerius again/finding out he lied to them again
Character is most at ease when: They’re at home, in their room, smoking and reading
Most ill at ease when: they don’t know where they stand with a person
Enraged when: When someone does something they know is hurtful but continues anyway
Depressed or sad when: They feel manipulated or taken advantage of; they doubt their intelligence and being played really makes them self-doubt
Priorities: They’re a corny main character: it’s their friends, silly!!
Life philosophy: Take care of you and your own, but also don’t forget to look out for your community
If granted one wish, it would be: To rekindle their relationship with their aunt
Why?: They’re too afraid of ever reaching out to her again on their own, but it’s something that eats away at them
Character’s soft spot: Little baby critters + Valerius lmao
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Probably yeah
Greatest strength: their magic 😎
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: their naivety
Biggest regret: toss up between leaving their aunt and agreeing to be Valdrmar’s apprentice
Minor regret: never making up with Lucio
Biggest accomplishment: Breaking Valerius’s chains, they’re a softy lmao
Minor accomplishment: Making Nadia laugh (again, they��re sOFT)
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: mmm probably their past relationships before moving in with Asra ?
Why?: they don’t want people to think they’re foolish or easy to manipulate
Character’s darkest secret: their use of dark magic + parent’s history of using dark magic
Does anyone else know?: Technically they told Asra of this first, but Valdemar knew of it without them ever having said it.
Drives and motivations: They really want to help make Vesuvian prosper as it’s their home. They also want to be the best version of themself so that their friends have someone to rely on
Immediate goals: Post-game, they want to open a school with Valerius and Portia to help boost the literacy rate for Vesuvians
Long term goals: They would actually love to have kids of their own. Would also enjoy taking a more political position once they set up an actual school with mtuliple teachers. Traveling too, to learn more, but they want to do what they can in Vesuvian first.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: with the poWER OF FRIENDSHIP and Nadia’s money lmfaoooo
How other characters will be affected: Definitely shifts Valerius’s goals of.... ahem, taking over Vesuvia. Makes him a lot less of a classist and actually begins paying attention to what his community needs from him. In response, this really helps his relationship with Nadia; they’re all able to work together and enjoy one another. And Dad Valerius!!
Hometown: still working this out, but somewhere South probably
Type of childhood: very. messy. and painful for them.
Pets: they used to have a cat, but now they have a bat!
First memory: Their parents trying to umm.... sacrifice them
Most important childhood memory: Their aunt showing them how to bring plants back to life with magic
Why: For most of their childhood and adolescence, their parents’ history and use of dark magic really haunted them. They felt like magic was a destructive and evil thing that ruined people. However, seeing their aunt use it to bring life to something really shaped them and their views of the world; there can be life in destruction.
Childhood hero: I guess their aunt!
Dream job: as a child, it was definitely be like..... a world renowned magician lmao
Education: they’re self taught! Their aunt owned an inn and a professor would often come to it and bring them books to read, but they more or less taught themself how to read and write.
Religion: very spiritual but doesn’t follow a specific religion per se
Finances: grew up relatively poor, but the helping run the inn kept a roof over their head until they ran away
Present (in-game)
Current location: Asra’s shop
Currently living with: Asra! Lmao
Pets: their bat, Romeo!
Religion: same as before
Occupation: shopkeep
Finances: oh lawd they struggling (post-game they are basically Nadia and Valerius’s sugar baby lmfaooo)
Mother: Viola
Relationship with her: not. Good. Because she tried to sacrifice them.
Father: Raul
Relationship with him: ALSO. NOT. GOOD. FOR THE SAME REASON LMAO.
Siblings: none!
Relationship with them: thank goodness!!!
Spouse: Valerius uwu
Relationship with him/her: solid! sexy! fun!
Children: eventually will have a son with him, Damien
Relationship with them: super close, wants to be the mother/father figure they never got to have
Other important family members: Their aunt! She raised them and saved their life. Things got messy because their aunt sadly was caught up in many abusive relationships that would also spill over into Donna’s life. They had to run away to survive essentially. Haven’t talked since
Color: Purples
Least favorite color: Orange hurts their eyes a bit
Music: *bangs on table* sea shanties with Julian sea shanties with Julian!!
Food: they have a horrible sweet tooth
Literature: a slut for romances and philosophy lmao
Form of entertainment: other than reading, crafting!
Expressions: I’m too. Dumb to answer this LMAO
Mode of transportation: This hoe walking everywhere, horses scare them lmao
Most prized possession: Their tarot cards!
Hobbies: Reading, writing, sewing dolls, and painting!
Plays a musical instrument? They can play the flute pretty well
Plays a sport? LMAO. no.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: curled up in bed drinking coffee
Spending habits: they’re a poor hoe with expensive tastes, hence their sugar mama and daddy uwu
Smokes: yes to weed and like cigarettes, which is not good for their already messed up lungs lmao
Drinks: They date Valerius. Yes they drink.
Other drugs: only weed for this boy
What does he/she do too much of?: sleep. they got sleepy bitch disorder.
What does he/she do too little of?: exercise lmao
Extremely skilled at: they’re a magic man
Extremely unskilled at: cooking!
Nervous tics: they bite their cuticles, pick at their skin, and tend to disassociate/zone out. Asra normally gifts them stim toys to help them not do that to their skin, but they’re too embarrassed to use them when in public or with friends
Usual body posture: hunched over something
Mannerisms: they gesticulate a lot when they talk and sometimes don’t realize how loud they’re being until someone points it out to them
Peculiarities: as mentioned, they zone out quite a lot and sometimes do it in the middle of a conversation, which can be a bit alarming
Optimist or pessimist? They try to be an optimist!
Introvert or extrovert? A very nice introvert lol they have a social battery and when it’s done it’s DONE
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? They wear their heart on their sleeve lmao
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Messily methodical ?
Prefers working or relaxing? Likes to relax, but cannot relax if they have work to do lol
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Acts confident but is very unsure of themself
Animal lover?: oh absolutely
How he/she feels about himself/herself: They have a very negative self image. Even before getting their memories back, they felt they were a bit of burden and were paranoid that their personality was all made up. They really only value their magic.
One word the character would use to describe self: Messy
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “It’s becoming a bit harder to really trust my master and what he says about me. I can’t help but think there’s something... not right about me, but I don’t know what it is. I can smile and joke with him, and I love him a lot. But it feels like there’s something missing that will blow up my entire world, something he’s trying to save me from. Does that make us bad people? Am I a bad person?”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: that they are open minded
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: their holes in memory
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: their magic hair!!
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: probably their hands/fingers from them picking at them
How does the character think others perceive him/her: they feel like most people think they’re ditzy or unreliable. Generally needs to be told that they’re liked in order to stop doubting themself.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Having more self confidence and a better idea of themself
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: they love people! big people pleaser.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: if they need to, yes. They can be pretty shady, but again, sometimes they’re overly blunt with people. it’s a toss up
Person character most hates: proooooobably Lucio lmaoooo
Best friend(s): Asra! Portia!
Love interest(s): Valerius! Nadia!
Person character goes to for advice: Portia
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Valerius lmao and Asra too
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Muriel and Vlastomil
Person character openly admires: Julian, surprisingly
Person character secretly admires: ooooh honestly Valdemar lmao
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: literally Valerius
After story starts: a tie between Nadia and Valerius
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whoiskt · 4 years
it’s that time of the year..! where these questions reappear..!
1: What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before?
Lived through a pandemic. 
I got a job with bennies, although, still haven’t started my career.
Moved in my boyfriend. Got guinea pigs. Learned how to sew-- made my first piece of clothing from start to finish. Got a my first paid cosplay photo session.
Hm, not a lot going on this year really. Forgive me
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution was to get back into doing my hobbies for fun. Well, I will say! 2020 really catered towards that. But yes, I kept it. I particularly wanted to get back into digital art, to which I drew something each month! Also with sewing, photography, and my other VARIOUS hobbies, I’ve been doing quite a lot.
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
Listen, I give it 4 years tops. Then I will be an aunt at last.
4: Did anyone close to you die?
Technically my dad died like 4 times but he came back to life each time so... we’re good. No deaths this year, thank god.
5: What countries did you visit?
6: What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020?
A close friend that I can rely on and like, hang out with. I’d ask for more than 1 but I don’t want to be too greedy. Also, that career would be nice.
7: What dates from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I don’t remember shit. I don’t even remember what day my dad had his major heart attack. That’s how shit this year has been. I’m not remembering any of this.
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
My biggest achievement was my financial handling? If I can say that? Look, I’m not the BEST with money but this year started out with me tight on cash, then the pandemic had my hours go from 35/week average to 10/week if I was lucky-- and my wages relied on TIPS!! Which I wasn’t getting many anymore! The stimulus checks didn’t go to me because they think students should die?? I was barely staying afloat for a while and was actually having to consider moving back in with my parents for a few months... Luckily, I’m on much better footing now.
9: What was your biggest failure?
It was more of an “endure and survive” kind of year rather than a “strive to thrive” year ok? No failures because I survived. 
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
I don’t know how but I have not caught covid or even just a cold this year. I don’t think I’ve gone this long without getting sick in a while.
11: What was the best thing you bought?
Well, the rent towards the apartment with my love. <3 It’s great not living in Hell City anymore.
12: Whose behavior merited celebration?
I said this last year but I’m giving this honor to my boyfriend, Will, again because he’s been here for me all year. It’s been SO rough and I would have surely gone crazy if I didn’t have him here.
13: Whose behavior made you appalled?
Anti-maskers and conspiracy theorists. They can all choke, I really don’t care if they do.
14: Where did most of your money go?
Rent as always.
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The vaccine and Christmas!
16: What song will always remind you of 2020?
I don’t listen to the radio or the charts or anything anymore. I’m not sure I’ll associate anything with this year except for like the meme songs.... WAP, anyone?
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer?
Sadder! But it will pass once I’m able to go to a bar or cafe again. Fatter! Quarantine weight but also I’m pretty sure some of my extra weight IS muscle. So there’s that. Richer but like in the sense that I have less debt, yaknow?
18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Talk to coworkers, or anyone I could. Although, when I tried it didn’t always go so well...
19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Constantly mentally denounce myself.
20: How did you spend Christmas?
Home with my parents. It was a quarantine christmas. My sisters and their husbands didn’t come at the same time for safety. No mass gathering. But I was so, so happy to see my folks again for the first time in a long time. Nice and quiet. Lots of board games.
21: Did you fall in love in 2020?
A little more each day!
22: What was your favorite TV program?
Some things I enjoyed this year: Better Call Saul, Attack on Titan, The Dragon Prince, Erased, Community, The Crown, Bojack Horseman, The Good Place, uhhhhhh.... I know I’m forgetting a bunch but that’s a good list.
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don’t really HATE people but there’s definitely some more people to avoid if you know what I mean.
24: What was the best book you read?
Rise of Kyoshi was really compelling. 
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
Glass Animals and The People Vs. I have a bunch of other songs by bands I like but those are artist’s whose majority of work I liked.
26: What did you want and get?
I got out of the spiderweb. 
27: What did you want and not get?
A new pal. People to wear a freaking mask and actually TRY to end this pandemic. My bar crawl and the rest of my bucket list to do before I moved.
28: What was your favorite film of this year?
I’m Thinking of Ending Things was BY FAR my favorite. Not that there was a whole lot of options this year. Damn, are they even going to have the Oscars?? Even I stayed caught up on movies this year haha.
29: What one thing that made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... having a heated garage parking spot? 
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020?
Pandemic chic. It’s looking like someone who has completely given up with a disposable mask on.
31: What kept you sane?
Will and I just held hands and kept on walking. What else is there to do?
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I actually just don’t really like celebrities? More than ever? 
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
It was an election year. What didn’t stir me up? These fucking stimulus checks, anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers got me heated though. 
34: Who did you miss?
Just about everyone.
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020.
What did I learn that I didn’t already know but like 100 times worse? Just keep swimming? Life isn’t fair?
Honestly my biggest take-away is that most people don’t have any sense of community, and without a sense of community, this world is royally fucked.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
There’s no songs for this
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