#birth week AND b + h's anniversary
ragegrove · 3 years
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in  the  photos?  yeah,  def  a  visual  of  h.ollogrove  --  who  died  in  summer  of  1985  --  reincarnating  in  another  universe,  in  another  time  &  seeing  each  other  for  the  first  time  bc  #soulmates  are  forever.  and  #h.ollogrove  doesn’t  end  in  summer  of  ‘85.   (bc  that  is  the  exact  way  b  would  look  at  her  finding  her  again,  i  promise  you)  😭   ...*im  crying*  brb.
      @flayedprincss​....  guess  what  i  just  realized?  this  decision  of  sending  you  a  meme  on  october  11th  of  last  year  and  the  fact  you  responded  at  12:12  a  magical  number  --  is  crazy  how  it  blossomed  into  this  huge  dynamic  between  our  characters  1  year  later  !!   it’s  absolutely  the   coolest  thing  i’ve  ever  gotten  to  do  in  history  of  writing,  creating  this  world  and  our  characters  with  you.  it’s  insane  at  how  awesome  it  is  and  how  far  they’ve  come  and  developed.  hollogrove  has  been  my  biggest  inspo  for  majority  of  my  edits  throughout  the  year--   i’ve  had  the  most  fun  chatting  with  you  and  creating  all  these  fun  edits  inspired  off  our  muses.  i’ve  also  have  made  such  a  good  friend  in  the  process  who  is  very  creative,  funny,  smart  and  sweet  <3   aka  you.  you  have  been  such  a  great  and  true  friend  to  me.  you  are  a  true  gem,  never  forget  that.  friends  like you?  they  just  don’t  come  everyday  okay.  they’re  rare  and  so  special.  i  know  we  are  a  screen  &  many  miles  apart  but  i  still  consider  you  as  one  of  the  bestest  friends  i’ve  ever  had.  !!  <3  
        🥺  ❤️   
         you  always  hype  my  edits,  (it  means  so  much  to  me),  you  always  gush  over  my  portrayal  (im  crying),  we  are  always  thinking  alike  (cant  get  over  how  our  minds  are  always  on  the  same  wave  sndksn).  i’m  summer,  you’re  winter,  and  we  make  the  bestest  bestie  pairing  for  that.   ☀️  ❄️  <3  you  always  keep  me  in  awe  with  how  you  have  took  heather  h.olloway  and  turned  her  into  this  intriguing  character  who  is  so  three  dimensional  with  all  this  DEPTH  and  realism--   from  who  she  is  as  a  person  to  her  dialogue  to  her  thought  process...  she’s  such  an  amazing  character  and  my  favorite  character  all  because  of  you  bringing  your  talents  of  her  portrayal  to  the  surface.  with  all  that  said,  happy  h.ollogrove  anniversary  week.  AND  happy  birth  week  to  you my  sweet  friend  !!  i  love  u  sm.  <3  
        p.s.  ( we  cannot  leave  out  @mrflayed  who  has  also  been  a  dear  and  true  friend  to  us,  that  has  also  been  apart  of  the  crazy  h.ollgrove  antics  LOL,  we  love  you  so  much  @mrflayed​  !!  it  wouldn’t  be  the  same  AT  ALL  without  you.  )  i  am  so  grateful  for  you  both !!  and  i love  you  both  so  v  much.  OK  PLS  NEVER  FORGET  IT.  <3
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duvetsandpillows · 4 years
Lewis Hamilton Fluffy A-Z
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your voice. Your accent is the most beautiful thing in the world. He loves listening to you talk and will stay on the phone to you all night just to hear you talk and occasionally singing to yourself.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
You had a little baby girl when you and Lewis had started dating. The father had abandonded you and you were worried that Lewis would get scared off but Lewis fell in love with her immediately and vowed to be the best father figure he could to her. You two had discussed having a baby together and found out just before your one year anniversary that you were pregnant.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Lewis loves cuddling with you. He's such a busy man that when he has the time to cuddle he will make the most of it. He had the habit of while talking to people he would stand behind you and wrap his arms around your shoudlers, pressing the occasional kiss to the side of your head if you didn't have much to say in the conversation.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
Lewis likes to make dates meaninful. They aren't usually extravagant but they are always perfect to you. He loves taking you along to race weekends as much as possible and would always take you out somewhere in every country you visit. Whether it's going out to dinner or a walk across the beach with Roscoe, the two of you enjoyed spending the time you got together.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
You are my flame.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
After your fifth date Lewis drove you home and walked you to your door. You invited him in for a coffee and he happily accepted. The two of you were chatting on the sofa, he looked at you as you spoke about your childhood, a smile growing larger as you spoke. "What is it?" you asked placing your mug on the sidetable. "It's nothing... I just-" He took his hand in yours, placing his other hand atop of yours. "The last few weeks have been amazing and I don't think I ever want to loose you. I wanted to as you if... well if-" You put your other hand ontop of his and smiled. "Is the Lewis Hamilton nervous?" His cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. "I would love the honour of being your girlfriend."
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Lewis is always gentle with you nut not too gentle. He knows you aren't made of glass and don't like being treated like a china doll. You two liked to play fight together and you've been trying to teach him some Jiu-Jitsu as you'd learnt it growing up but it usually ended up with him giving yp and insiting on you giving a million cuddles.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
Lewis liked holding your hand in public because he wants everyone to know you are his. He would always give your hand a squeeze and rub his thumb across your hand when there are large crowss of fans around. He knows you struggled a little but with all the attention and were slowly getting used to it and wanting to help you through it.
I = Impression: first impression/s
He first met you in the park. You were walking your dog  and Lewis spotted you standing under a tree as your dog ran acround the playing with a tennis ball you had brought. Roscoe bolted over to your dog, causing Lewis to smile, giving him an excuse to talk to you.
"It's like they've always known of each other." he said flashing a small smile. The two of you chatted for a while and Lewis thought you were the most interesting person he had met. When you said you had to go he made sure to get your number and a couple of days later asked you out on a date.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
You two aren't much for pranks but were always making each other laugh with jokes or messing about and being silly.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Lewis always gives you the most passionate kisses. If you're in public he dials it back a little but always makes sure his kisses show you how much he loves you. When you're sad he always presses gentle kisses all over you face, it always helped calm you down and it may not fix what was happening you would know that you aren't on your own.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
Both of you. Lewis had brought you along to the Mercedes christmas party and it ended up with the two of you getting pretty drunk. When the taxi dropped you home Lewis carried you up to his apartment saying 'a princess shouldn't have to walk'. Once you took your makeup off and changed into a pair of his boxers and t-shirt you walked into the bedroom to see him sitting on the end of the bed staring at you. He reached out and pulled you towards him so you were sat in his lap. You ran your fingers through his hair as he pressed kisses up your neck until he reached your lips.
"I love you," the two of you said in sync as you pulled away before you both were in a fit of giggles.
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You'd decided on having a home birth. After the midwife had cleaned your daughter up and passed her back to you Lewis went out the room and came back in with your older daughter. He sat the two of them on the side of the bed and placed her on his leg facing the baby.
"This is your little sister." The two of you watched as she reached out and gently held her hand, staring at her in complete adoration. You passed her over and Lewis helped your daughter hold her, making sure her nack was being supported properly. Tears began to fill your eyes as your daughter whispered 'I love you'. You two couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Lewis couldn't help but spoiling on you. It wasn't always extravagant gifts but if he would see something that reminded him of you he couldn't help but get it for you. He also couldn't help but spoil your daughters, they had the biggest wardrobes and even did a kids line for his collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger.
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
The whole rainbow. You loved colour, your house and wardrobe was vibrant and Lewis loved it. He could look at any colour and it could remind him of you. Seeing bright green trees, a beautiful red dress or a painting of a lake would always bring his toughts back to you and you showed him how to appreciate every colour no matter how 'boring' other people find them.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Beautiful, sweetheart, my hero
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
You loved helping him design clothes. He would always come to you with first drafts and asks for your opinion. You two would sit at the table for hours until half the room is covered in sketches and bits of fabric you had picked up to try and make a prototype.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
You two like to go out for walks. Letting the dogs run around and play together while your daughters play in puddles. When you get home one of you will wash the dogs off while the other gives your daughters a bath. Then you'll all cuddle up on the sofa watching a movie together, eating a takeaway.  
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Lewis usually comes to you fairly quickly when he's upset. You have a very level head and would always be able to find the best way to help his situation. If he's feeling down and not too sure why your daughters will give him lots of cuddles and get him to play a game with him. They were his best distraction and would remind him that no matter how tough it is right now his family is there for him and how lucky he is to have all of you.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
You two talk about everything. Human rights and what's happening in the world at the moment and how you can help, race weekends, tv shows your obessed with, world politics. You two loved to have intense discussions about world issues and Lewis loved how passionate you are about them and how badly you want to help. Even when you made some questionable words to another driver whose comments royally pissed you off.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Spending time with your daughters. After a race weekend he loved to come home and get engulfed in cuddles. he will always make sure to spend the whole evening with the three of you with no distractions. Having a teddy bear tea party, playing dress up and then winding down with a movie which usually ended up with you all falling asleep on the sofa together.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Lewis isn't one to show off anymore. He likes to keep most of his life private, expecially his daughters. He would post the occasional picture and would bring them along to race weekends but doesn't want them in the spotlight. He mostly just shows off his projects that he's been working on. he would show you off sometimes, although always making sure he has your permission first, he wants everyone to know how lucky he is to have you and how stunning and intelligent you are.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Lewis took all four of you away for your birthday to a small private island so you could have some privacy and enjoy your holiday. One evening you were all sat int he beach, building sandcastles. You were lying on a towel as Lewis and the girls were trying to build a sandcastle resembling the disney land castle (although it was quite wonky). Lewis called you over to come take a proper look, your eldest daughter pulling your arms to speed you up.
"Mummy look in the door we found a surprise!" You knelt down and and reached your arm in, pulling out a small box. You opened it up to reveal a small diamond ring.
"Lewis what-?" You turned around to see him on one knee, daughters either side of him, your eldest flashing the biggest smile in the world, looking as if she was about to burst.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) everyday you fill my life with pure joy. Every since we met you've always made sure I have a smile of my face and have always been there for me no matter what. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?" You burst into tears and nodded your head before flinging yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him tight. The two of you shared a passionate kiss and he slid the ring on your finger while your daughters were cheering in the background.  
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
Run the World - Beyoncé
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the light to my life.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
Lewis obviously has Roscoe and you have your dog too. You wanted to get a cat but it was a work in progress as Lewis said it was a mad house already but he decided to surprise you for christmas with one after the girls hadn't stopped asking him for once since September.
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asteriismos · 4 years
nsfw alphabet - jacob thrombey
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
it takes a long time before jacob actually knows what the fuck aftercare is. at first he just tells the housekeeper to bring some food around or clean the sheets up lol. after a particularly rough night though you’re having trouble walking and he turns into such like a soft caregiver for some random reason. he draws you a bath and uses all these different oils and stuff because i know he uses them to smell good.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
your thighs. he grips them constantly in and out of the bedroom. it’s usually what he does to edge you on whenever you guys are in public. he’ll put his hands and rub them up and down your thighs. in the bedroom he’ll grip them and kiss them, creating so many hickies you’ll hit him on the back of the head afterwards for making so many. he purposely puts them down low enough so they show from under your skirt for school.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he loves to cum inside you. it’s less messy so he doesn’t have to take the time to call the housekeeper to change the sheets and because the intimacy of it is great. he does use condoms most of the time because it’s definitely safer, but you’re on birth control so there’s times where he definitely prefers cumming inside you. jacob marvels in the way that it spills outside of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he worships your body. jacob outside of the bedroom seems like he’s all for himself, but he’s really not. he takes the time to kiss every single part of you and run his hands up and down your arms and legs and curves. jacob is also the type of person to buy you lingerie sets that he believes you’ll look good in and you put on a show for him, he loves it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s had a few other girlfriends. and he’s also had some relationships strictly for sex because he can piss off his family that way. he’s experienced, but since he’s only with you now he’s super into doing things that you like. he knows what he’s doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
jacob likes to take you from behind purely to pull on your hair. he can appreciate your curves and kiss up and down your spine. on rare occasions he’ll push you against the wall so your chest is pressed against the wall and he takes you from behind that way. that way he’s standing above you and kissing your neck. it’s so hot.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
jacob isn’t the type to be goofy during sex. he’s serious, but not in a dehumanizing type of way. jacob is all about you and him, finding out what makes you guys have the best time. he likes sex a lot and it’s easy to see it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
in the ways that he’s prim and proper on the outside with his wardrobe and hair on his head, he’s the same with his hair down there. i feel like he’s a little ocd about the way he looks, he’s a total perfectionist, so he trims really nicely. he doesn’t have a preference for your hair, though because of the rich lavish lifestyle you usually shave because it looks really nice with the lingerie sets.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he can be romantic. most of the time you guys are fucking rough and hard trying to get all of each other, but there are times ( like for anniversaries or romantic dates ) where he’ll go all out. he has specific sheets for this that are a deep maroon red and fills the entire room with roses or other flowers of your choosing.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does a lot. you two have made pictures and videos together that he keeps on his phone that he looks at while he does. jacob also really likes phone sex or sexting back and forth, so most of the time when he jacks off when you two are doing that.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
jacob loves choking. he has a lot of kinks but that’s his go-to kink. the feeling of your throat when you moan while his hand is wrapped around it is so hot to him he could cum right then and there. he has really nice hands, which you believe are some of his best features.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
in his bed preferably. he has a big ass room so of course his bed is huge and there’s a lot of room. it’s just easier and way more comfortable. there have been a few times where you guys have shower sex if the maid is cleaning up his room, which is always really hot, but the bed is just way better in his opinion.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he really likes lingerie. jacob is totally the type of person to buy you lingerie sets and ask you to wear them ( which you do because you always look super hot in them ) and he loves it. they’re always really intricate and lacey and it looks amazing and super sexy. he also loves when you wear those black stockings under your skirt.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that would get you caught. sure, he’s been a little risqué here and there with like closets in school and in the limo but he would never willingly get caught. then he has to live with his parents yelling at him and he didn’t get to spend all the time he wants with you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he likes giving. jacob has this thing where he’ll eat you out for hours until you’re literally broken and all you can do is say his name. he’ll eat you out till you’re crying and begging. there are some times where he’ll receive just to use his hands to bob your head up and down on his cock but he likes giving more.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
jacob loves going fast and rough, he definitely manhandles you and has his way with you. if he’s really in the teasing mood, he’ll go slow and sensual and make you beg for it. jacob loves hearing you beg for him to go faster or harder.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
preferably, jacob doesn’t like quickies because he doesn’t have enough time to tease you and have his way with you. he likes you begging. but if there really isn’t enough time then he’ll settle for a quickie either on some surface in his house or in the shower if each of you need to take one before school.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
jacob is so into experimenting. he doesn’t take it too far though, since he’s not really into the whole cutter porn thing or blood because it’s messy and he wouldn’t want to cut your soft skin that he loves and worships so much. he does like to tie you up in his own little bdsm way, he definitely chokes you, and he 100% has a daddy kink that started off as a joke but now is a real thing.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can go for a long time, he has high stamina that can tire you out really quickly. jacob does know that you have limitations though and respects that. one time you guys tried to see how long you could go for and you lasted around 5 rounds or so in one go, he claims that he could’ve lasted till 8 but you doubted it because he fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
maybe a vibrator for you. he doesn’t really use them for himself, but mostly to edge and tease you. jacob will tie you up and use the vibrator on you until you’re screaming, only on rare occasions though. he much rather likes just seeing what his own body can do to get you off.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
jacob is the worst when it comes to teasing. he’ll do it for hours, days, and weeks if that’s what he feels like. each of you will edge each other on, then jacob pulls away and leaves you high and dry. it’s frustrating but incredibly hot when each of you do give into the desire. jacob teases you by kissing your neck, pushing his hands either up your blouse to pinch your nipples or he’ll run his hands up and down your thighs, strictly avoiding where you need him most.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
jacob is loud but not in the moaning groaning way. he likes to dirty talk. he praises you, calling you his ‘good girl’ or praises like ‘you’re so wet for me’ or ‘you take my cock so well’ stuff.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he took you to a thrombey party once and fingered you under the table. you were teasing him with wearing the shortest skirt in your closet and those stockings he loved with no panties, so you were hoping he would do something. but when you felt his fingers go in between your folds at the dinner table you wanted to kill him, but it felt so good.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
jacob is averaged sized but he knows how to use it pretty well.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
jacob’s libido is so strong. sex is a thing that he loves, not only for himself but for his partner too.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
jacob loves being the big spoon after sex, cuddling with you till you guys fall asleep. his bed is really comfy, so each of you are asleep pretty quickly.
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academicallysimping · 4 years
Dabi NSFW Alphabet
Hello lovelies! I decided that whilst Rose is working on a nice, fluffy imagine about shoto, I should go ahead do his brother (pun intended) !I am starting with a nsfw alphabet since I feel like they are easier for me to do. I also need to start to fill the masterlist up with something since it is currently VERY empty.
Don’t forgot to request us here
GN Reader (mentions of getting you pregnant, though)
TW: sadomasochism, Ass-slapping, quirk play, bathroom fucking
all characters are over the age of 18
Dabi NSFW Alphabet: 🦋
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He doesn’t strike me as someone who would be THAT affectionate after sex. He seems like the type to just ask if you need a glass of water, get it for you then just fall asleep with you in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of himself would be his hands. He loves to smack his s/o ass while slightly using his quirk so it leaves a very visible mark.
As for favorite body part of their partner, it would definitely be your mouth. He loves the little whines and moans that come from it as he pounds into you from behind. He also loves the way your lips wrap around his cock as you are on your knees for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Doesn’t cum inside. Kinda has a branding kink and loves to see you covered in marks he has made on you, this also goes with when he cums. He loves to see it on your face, thighs, breasts, or body in general. However, if you whine and beg for him to cum inside, he will do it. No questions asked.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wants to fuck you in front of the rest of the League of Villains. He wants to see shigaraki rubbing one out while he watches you two fuck. He doesn’t plan on doing it, though. He doesn’t want anyone else to see your fucked out face while he is balls-deep in you. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few hookups here and there but, apart from that, has never been romantically interested in anyone. He, surprisingly, knows what he is doing, though. Mostly, due to the fact that he has done his research. This man is active in any BDSM forum/group he can find. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position in which he can burn your ass. He needs to have access to you ass or thighs so he can put his handprint on you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious, for sure. He just kinda death glares you if you make a joke, as if to say “Really?”. If the timing is right and he has his hand on your ass, thighs, or throat, he will active his work and will make the temperature a little bit hotter or squeeze a little harder than usual to get you to shut up.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He trims it every week. He doesn’t try any weird designs or anything like that. I am a firm believer of the conspiracy theory that states that Dabi is Touya, so I will go out on a limb here and say his pubes are red. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Isn’t the romantic type. He will use you when you two fuck. No matter what. One year anniversary? He celebrates it by cumming inside you. Angry make up sex? Pulls your hair and smacks your ass. Almost goes to jail? Leaves hickeys all over your neck. fuck trying to be romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t jerk it if you are there. He treats you like his own personal slut and will call you so he can use your throat instead of masturbating. After all, why would he use his hand when he has a whore that’s willing to do anything for their owner.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Marking. Hickeys and burns all the way. He wants everyone to know that you are his. Power play. Master? yes. Sir? yes. Anything that gives him all the power and lets him use you. Humiliation. He will humiliate the shit out of you. He will spit on you, slap you on the face, take pictures of your body after being used by him, all while he calls you a pathetic slut for enjoying it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bar Bathrooms. You two would go and get slightly tipsy. Sneaking away to the bathroom with the loud music. It’s filthy and risky. Just how Dabi likes it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He really likes it when you are submissive to him. It could be anything from you holding onto him when you get scared by a scary movie or a whine escaping from your lips while he gives you a massage. He would end up teasing you about it while he fuck you. “Fucking bitch. Trying to provoke and tease me? What a bad little girl. You need to be punished”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
DDLG. He has a horrible bad relationship with his dad and isn’t really interested in acting like a father figure. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes receiving it. Although he loves grabbing your thighs, burning his mark into your body, as he goes down on you, but nothing beats fucking your throat as tears run down your pretty cheeks.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough, and doesn’t stop for anyone. Even if you are begging for him to stop because of the over-stimulation, he doesn’t stop.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Man, does Dabi love quickies. Whenever he goes somewhere with you, his first thought is “where can I fuck y/n?”. Once he figures it out, though, he will drag you there and fuck you, silently hoping everyone hears your pathetic pleas for his dick.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He will try anything you ask of him as long as he is still in charge and doesn’t compromise the rest of the League of Villains, so no public fucking. He doesn’t take risks when it comes to kids though. Always makes sure he either has a condom or you have had your birth control. None of that pull-out shit either.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
About 3 to 4 rounds. He wants to make sure you are completely fucked out and used before he stops. He needs to hear you beg for him to stop giving you so much pleasure before he even considers slowing down.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has a pair of handcuffs for when he feels particularly sadistic or you have been misbehaving and getting on his nerves. Doesn’t take them off until he can see the marks of them on your wrists.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Such a fucking tease. He will groupe your ass in public and press his hard-on against you while there are people around. Will taunt you religiously, as well. “Come on, princess, you can’t take all of master’s cock...or can you? Guess you’ll have to show me.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t exactly loud. He doesn’t moan and groan. However, he teases you. saying things such as, “You’re such a whore drooling for master’s cock” and “Fucking slut. I bet you want the neighbors to hear how well you take dick.”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
As he was getting you a coffee in the morning one day, he decided it would be fun to cum in it. So he did. He watched you drink it happily, unaware that you had consumed his semen. He didn’t even feel bad because that night, he made you swallow every drop.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Dude has big dick energy. Solid 7.5-8 inches. My guy is thick. He had to prep you for quite a bit of time before you were able to take his dick comfortably the first time. After the first couple of times he wiuldnt prep you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
You two are fucking every other day. Like, he straight up has a schedule and will pass up on important events, such as birthdays, just so he can fuck you on the day he wants.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Around 15 minutes after laying down in bed. He won’t be able to sleep if you are not in bed with him, though. He needs you in his arms. After all, you are his slut.
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irisallenm · 4 years
Sorry — Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader
Chapter #05/25 — Single Parenting Masterlist
Words: +2k.
Warnings: Blood, a lot of blood and tears. Drowning, just a little bit.
Previous | Next (Coming Soon)
Being a single parent is not easy, and when the world hates Y/N it is only a matter of time for everything to collapse.
When your mother found out your pregnancy test things went straight to hell,  you are force, not only to leave the love of your life, but everything behind and now happiness will not be easy to achieve. You are like cinderella before the magic, with more responsibilities and abuse of all kinds, and there is no ball in the small kingdom of the basement you live in, but sometimes there could be a glimpse of hope, one that calls you “Mommy”.
A/N: I’M BACK! Sorry I went away for more than a week, school destroyed me but I’m finally in vacations. Hope to write more and for you to like this. What do you think is going to happen in the future?! Don’t forget to answer on my tumblr! I love to read you, so keep it as short or long as you want~
Keys to read:
Y/N: Your name.
L/N: Last name.
N/N: Nickname.
H/C: Hair color.
E/C: Eye color.
Tag List:
@xoxo-dede​​ @adaydreaminganon​​ @agustd54​​ @nerdyphantomlady​​ @dragonempress123​​ (Ask to be add!)
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The water was so warm that it was weird for both of you. It was like a hug without the contact, and it felt like heaven after a war.
‘Come baby, let me give you a bath’, your voice echoed in the room. ‘The water feels quite nice’.
‘There’s so much water, mommy’. He was almost crying, ‘I’m going to drown’.
‘No, honey, of course not’. You closed the faucet. ‘I’m going to be right at your side, and I promise to never leave’.
That was not just for bath time, but for life.
‘Why don’t you enter with me to the water?’
‘Because I want you to feel it first, the feeling of a nice bath that can erase all the problems’,
‘Can it really…?’
‘Yes, baby’. You smiled from the bottom of your heart, trying to make him relax and return him to the normal world where he couldn't suffered again. 
So the child accepted, you carried him onto the tub and while he was trembling, not from the cold air but from the sight of the huge object beneath him. You skipped the whole rinse and bucket stuff from the routine, you would later explain it to him, but now it was the experience, the new feeling, the smile he was putting on his face.
‘Mommy, the water feels good!’ The kid was splashing everywhere, ‘We’ve never had something like this before!’
‘Isn’t it too hot?’
‘No, it’s perfect’, he was looking at your eyes. ‘What is this called?’
‘It’s…’ your eyes were getting wet, but you swallowed them. ‘It’s called “having a warm bath”’.
‘I love it, mommy! Can we do this again?’
‘Of course, baby.’ You put bubble soap on the water and his eyes were big as plates as they started rising and forming and covering his tiny body. ‘We can do this everyday’.
‘No more cold water in winter?’
‘No more my love’, you kiss his nose and ruffle his hair with shampoo that smelled like a grown-up man, definitely you were buying some cute scene ones for you both. ‘We can use the temperature you want’.
The gigglings filled the room and in no time you were doing the same and after a long bath he was shining with cleanness, his hair looked brighter and his eyes bigger, his body finally showed the pale color of his skin and the lack of meat. You were concerned a little, it was pretty obvious because the only sunlight he had received was when you escaped, and even at that time he was covered with a blanket. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to take him to the doctor for the first time.
Your father had a cup with warm milk for Haru and after that we was knocked out. Your child was still in your arms when your father reached out to hold him but you backed down. ‘I— I can take him to bed, d— d— don’t worry’.
‘Are you okay?’
‘I want him to open to you, not just let him go with a total stranger—’ You covered your mouth after saying those hurting world to the one that gave you life. ‘I’m sorry, I— I’m...sorry’
The tears were out, like the water that ran before in the bathtub.
‘I understand what you are saying, I met him and got you back a couple of hours ago, but please heard me out. That woman is not going to do any more harm to your lifes, and when we caught the bast— the imbecile that kept you locked up against your will he is going to pay’.
You didn’t respond, it was a good to think that it could happen that way, but the only thought of that man coming back to get you was your worst nightmare, and you wished for it to not become true.
‘I’m going to take a bath two, if Haru looks like waking up please tell me and I’ll go out as soon as possible’.
He nodded and your heart ache, you wanted to embrace him but something was stopping you. Was it because you didn’t felt safe? Or was it because if you touched him the dream would shattered and both would just go back to the basement?
You started to fill the tub again, the warm water lurking and kissing your body was something you desired, but was it going to hurt with all the open cuts you had? Probably.
The old pants that you were wearing reached the floor and your shirt followed them. The clothes reminded you of all those years being down there, they never gave you new stuff so you practically lived in that, even your underwear was the same, but it didn’t fit you after your pregnancy, not after all the milk you had made you grow a couple of sizes or when your hips gave birth and leave them a little more wide than they normally were before leaving Japan, but the skin legs that came from not eating properly.
When your panties when down the towel between them stuck there, dry blood on it and the moment you tried to take it off was painful as hell. You hissed and with a bucket and some water the dry blood came of, you were remembering that moment a couple of days away, and the fear came back. Slowly you put your body into the clear water, and all your cuts started to burn, the one in your privates being the painfullest.
The water soon turned into a vivid red color and your conscious was fading away.
‘D— ad’ Your voice was crumbling beneath all the pain but you tried again. ‘Dad!’
‘Yes, honey?’ He was outside the bathroom door. ‘Is something wrong?’
‘...’ There was no response. So he knocked again.
‘Y/N, are you okay?’ He placed his ear near the door and a faint bubble sound made him scared. He was grateful that you didn’t lock it, and when he saw you on the tub covered up to your head with red and no movement he panicked.
He grabbed the towel that was left for you and pulled you out, he was worried about what could you have done. As soon as you body was covered he looked around, trying to found the reason for all that blood, and he found it. 
He was scared.
With his hand he patted your back, and after a couple of them the water came out of your lungs. Your eyes wide opened and the only thing you could do was grab him as if you were a small child again, terrified of life. You caught your lungs out, with all the bloody water that entered them. 
‘Dad?’ Your voice was weak, trembling, you tried to hide another cough. ‘Daddy?’
You were crying, holding onto your dear life, holding onto your father as if it was normal for you... because it was.
‘It’s okay now, don’t worry’. He rubbed your back and hold you while crying. It hurted him to saw you like that; his eyes traveled to the other towel on the floor, the one mixed with dry and fresh blood. ‘I think we need to go to the doctor’.
‘No…’ Your voice was still hard on you. ‘Leave it for tomorrow’.
‘But, this is not good, you lost a lot of blood’. He hugged you more and was in that moment that he realized how thin you were. Normally his arms wouldn't covered you that way, and by the look of your legs and small arms everything hit him like a truck. He started crying and how thin you were, how your stomach had small pink circles or how the bruises in your legs covered most of them. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’.
You started crying with him.
‘I’m sorry, dad’, you said while clinging onto his now wet shirt. ‘I should have told you what she was planning, I should have told you about him, I should have told you about Haru… I should have asked for help’.
He whipped your tears with his fingers, covering more of your body with the towel, you stayed there for a whole ten minutes, just smelling the same smell that your child had after taking his bath, the perfume of his shampoo made you at peace, and without your knowledge you ended up asleep in his arms.
When you woke up at some point of the night you were covered with a beautiful green blanket, you were so tired to cry but that brought you back memories. It was a gift from Izuku, when you guys had your first anniversary, he knew how you love to made a kind of nest with a lot of blankets, and that was the cherry on top of the cake. I was as if you were cuddling him again, with your child on your side grabbing your finger.
‘Why are you crying, mommy?’
That woke you up, why was he awake?
‘I’m happy, baby.’ You smiled while hugging his frail body, ‘aren’t you?’
‘You can cry from being happy?’ He asked, those green eyes looking into your soul, looking for any kind of sign of that being a lie.
‘Of course my love, there a lot of thing you are going to experience from now on and that is going to be one of them’.
‘Yes, Haru?
‘Can we stay here forever?’
‘You would have to ask that to your grandfather, but not now because it’s really late’.
‘B...but does he wants us here?’
‘He love you, my love and if you don’t believe me you can ask him in the morning’.
‘Okay, I'll do that’.
‘Now, time to sleep’.
‘I’m scared’.
‘Why? I’m here with you’.
‘What if this is just a dream and when I wake up I’m still down in that place where you get tortured because of me?’
‘No my love, don’t say that’. You cleaned the tears that fell from his eyes. ‘That will never happen again, I’m going to make sure of it’.
‘And me too’. The man in the frame of the door was sad but with a smile on his face, trying to reassure your little baby boy.
‘Are you really?!’ His eyes lighted up. ‘Are you going to protect mommy and me from anything?! Like dad does with the people?’
‘And how is that?’ Your father asked, wondering what the little green broccoli knew.
‘Mommy said that my dad is a superhero, that he protects people from villains and that’s why he can’t be with us’. His smile was priceless, both your father and you smiled as well. ‘Are you a superhero to?’
His voice was getting quieter than normal.
‘Just for you two’.
‘That’s…’ His eyes closed. ‘Awesome’.
He was asleep now.
‘What a good child’. Your father said while brushing his hair out from his face.
‘Yes, he is’. Your eyes tried to stay open.
‘Sleep well my love’, he called you the same way you called your child, remembering when he said those word to you as a child. ‘We have a doctor appointment in the afternoon and after that we are going to buy some new clothes for you both. Anything you need to feel at home again’.
‘Thank you’. Was the only thing that left your lips after a small kiss on your forehead.
The rest of the night was so comfortable that it almost seemed weird, after all those years sleeping on the floor and covering with cardboard the feeling of a well known blanket and your beautiful ray of sunshine on your side with no cold hands was a bless. That night the only thing on your dreams was a boy and a child chatting and having a normal life, like it always should have been. Maybe that day was not to far from reality, and maybe that dream was going to come true in the nearby future. You would just have to wait and see it with your own eyes.
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Ruth Carol Hussey (October 30, 1911 – April 19, 2005) was an American actress best known for her Academy Award-nominated role as photographer Elizabeth Imbrie in The Philadelphia Story.
Hussey was born in Providence, Rhode Island, October 30, 1911. She was also known as Ruth Carol O'Rourke. Her father, George R. Hussey, died of the Spanish flu in 1918 when she was seven years old. Ten years later, her mother, Julia Corbett Hussey, married a family friend, William O'Rourke, who had worked at the family's mail-order silver enterprise. She grew up at 179 Ontario Street. She had an older brother, Robert, and a younger sister, Betty.
After obtaining her early education in Providence's public schools, Hussey studied art at Pembroke College and graduated from that institution in 1936. She never landed a role in any of the plays for which she tried out at Pembroke. She then received a degree in theatre from the University of Michigan School of Drama, and worked as an actress with a summer stock company in Michigan for two seasons. She also attended Boston Business College and Michigan School of Drama.
After working as an actress in summer stock, she returned to Providence and worked as a radio fashion commentator on a local station. She wrote the ad copy for a Providence clothing store and read it on the radio each afternoon. She was encouraged by a friend to try out for acting roles at the Providence Playhouse. The theater director there turned her down, saying the roles were cast only out of New York City. Later that week, she journeyed to New York City and on her first day there, she signed with a talent agent who booked her for a role in a play starting the next day back at the Providence Playhouse.
In New York City, she also worked for a time as a model. She then landed a number of stage roles with touring companies. Dead End toured the country in 1937 and the last theater on the road trip was at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, where she was spotted on opening night by MGM talent scout Billy Grady. MGM signed her to a players contract and she made her film debut in 1937. She quickly became a leading lady in MGM's "B" unit, usually playing sophisticated, worldly roles. For a 1940 "A" picture role, she was nominated for an Academy Award for her turn as Elizabeth Imbrie, the cynical magazine photographer and almost-girlfriend of James Stewart's character Macaulay Connor in The Philadelphia Story. In 1941, exhibitors voted her the third-most-popular new star in Hollywood.
Hussey also worked with Robert Taylor in Flight Command (1940), Robert Young in Northwest Passage (1940) and H. M. Pulham, Esq. (1941), Van Heflin in Tennessee Johnson (1942), Ray Milland in The Uninvited (1944), and Alan Ladd in The Great Gatsby (1949).
In 1946, she starred on Broadway in the Pulitzer Prize-winning play State of the Union. Her 1949 role in Goodbye, My Fancy on Broadway caused a Billboard reviewer to write: "Miss Hussey brings a splendid aliveness and warmth to the lovely congresswoman...."
She filled in for Jean Arthur in the 1955 Lux Radio Theater presentation of Shane, playing Miriam Starrett, alongside the film’s original stars Alan Ladd and Van Heflin.
In 1960, she co-starred in The Facts of Life with Bob Hope. Hussey was also active in early television drama.
On August 9, 1942, Hussey married talent agent and radio producer C. Robert "Bob" Longenecker (1909–2002) at Mission San Antonio de Pala in north San Diego County, California. Longenecker was born and raised in Lititz, Pennsylvania. They raised three children: George Robert Longenecker, John William Longenecker, and Mary Elizabeth Hendrix.[14]
Following the birth of her children, Hussey focused much of her attention on family activities and, in 1964, designed a family cabin in the mountain community of Lake Arrowhead, California. In 1967, she was inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame.[15]
In 1977, she and her husband moved from their Brentwood family home to Rancho Carlsbad in Carlsbad, California. Her husband died in 2002 shortly after celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.
Her son John Longenecker works as a cinematographer and film director. He won an Academy Award for producing a live-action short film The Resurrection of Broncho Billy (1970).
She was also active in Catholic charities, was noted for painting in watercolors, and was a lifelong Democrat although she did vote for Republican Thomas Dewey in 1944 and for Hollywood friend and former co-star Ronald Reagan in the 1980 and 1984 presidential elections.
Hussey died April 19, 2005, at the age of 93, from complications from an appendectomy. She is interred at Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Memorial Park in Westlake Village, California.
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Dacre Montgomery A-Z
*this was requested a few times, i just can’t find them anymore :(
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
he would be in the moment. not take out his phone and text his friends "yo i just had sex" it wasn't anyone else's business. he couldn't keep his hands off of you, pulling you close and sometimes if you were laying on your stomach, sleeping, he'd trace soft patterns into your back and just watch you sleep. as creepy as it sounds, he thought you were the most gorgeous person ever.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
we all know how dacre was bullied in high school and he wasn't very confident, but after pr and his body was built, his favorite part of himself was his biceps. he'd look at himself in the mirror, proud. "what a narcissist!!!!" might sound that way to you, but he deserves it.
his favorite body part of his partner's was their thighs. dacre's hands couldn't stay away from them. if his partner was straddling his waist, his hands wouldn't be on their back or ass, it'd be on their thighs. he especially loved thicker thighs, there was more to grab.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
dacre would be ecstatic when you started birth control because he loved to cum inside of you, pull out and just watch it drip down onto the sheets. he loved nutting in your mouth and seeing some of it dribble out of the corners of your mouth.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
dacre likes light bdsm. tying up his girl on her hands and knees and pushing a vibrator against her clit until she's a whimpering mess. the thought of tying her up and doing that to her can make him cum in his pants so fast.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
yes. there's no doubt in my mind that he isn't experienced. he's a good looking guy with a nice physique and i bet he knows just what to say. he knows what he's doing. you ever see that episode of friends where chandler's trying to get kathy more pleasured than when she was with joey, so he goes to monica for help and she tells him the 7 spots girls are the most pleasured? dacre knows all of those spots, and what order to do them in.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
oh jeez he loves doggy style. he loves watching your ass bounce with every thrust. dacre loves to scratch down your back, smiling at the red lines. but he absolutely loVES to choke you as he's fucking you, tilt your head up and kiss you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
really depends on the situation. if it's on set in his dressing room and he's wearing his mullet or some shit he'll go "save a horse ride a cowboy" and he'd make you reverse cowgirl on him and he'd make stupid jokes about his mullet and shit.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
when you first met dacre, he was shaven, not knowing if you liked hair or not. but then you two got to talking and he mentioned how he liked to have pubic hair, but not where it's huge. he likes to keep it trimmed. i feel as if his pubic hair is a little darker than his hair, but it's still blonde.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
my god his eyes would be filled with nothing BUT love and lust. his eyes never leaving yours as he kissed down your body, or his eyes locked with yours as he's going down on you, fingers intertwined with yours and him smiling as your hand squeezed his when he pleased you the right way.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
dacre only jacks off when you aren't around. when he's away for work or a panel, he'd jack off. he wouldn't watch porn of two strangers, he'd watch the video he took on his phone of you two having sex, but his way. you tied up and him pressing the vibrator against your heat, and your moans and whimpers loud. his hand going the speed of his thrust in the video, and his eyes fluttered shut when he heard your moans speed up when you were close to your orgasm. his hand sped up, orgasming over his hand and chest, when you came in the video. dacre sighed and went to snapchat, taking a photo of the mess he made with the caption "thinking of you"
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
like i said, he's into bdsm. oh, and biting. either him biting you or you biting him. he LOVEDDDDDDD to see his teeth marks. he didn't know what it was about it, he loved it. dacre loved getting bitten on his neck, collarbone, shoulders and chest. if he was working on his laptop and you noticed he was stressed and you bit his neck or shoulder, he'd instantly relax.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
in the comfort of his own home, or "play room" as he likes to call it. calm down, christian grey. anyways, he liked to do it in his house because he could pleasure you so well where your moans are loud and no one else could hear. he loved to hear your moans and how the progressively got louder.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
as mentioned before,,., biting. if he's sitting on the floor and you're on the couch and you lightly bite his neck or shoulder as you lean down, he'd get turned on. he also gets turned on by you wearing one of his shirts, thigh highs and underwear. when you bend over or lean up and he sees your underwear, he's turned on.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
sure he's into bdsm, but light. candle wax? not a chance. he hated getting hurt, whether it's a fire, hair straightener, he hated it. so candle wax play was a no-go.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
receiving, he's vocal. "god baby you suck my cock so good" "you want my cum in your mouth, huh dirty girl?" his fingers tangled in your hair. he'd let you go at your own pace, until he was close to his orgasm. his eye thrown back against the couch or pillows on the bed, eyelashes touching his cheeks, and his teeth biting into his bottom lip. giving, he's a fucking GOD. he knows how to work his fingers and tongue, and he knows how humming or moaning against you makes you squirm.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
really depends on the situation. if it's after a stressful day, it's quick. if it's an anniversary or special occasion, slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
dacre loved quickies, because it made him feel like a teenager hiding from his parents. how often? twice a week. he didn't do it more than proper sex, though. but he enjoyed the quickies very much.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
since he likes to cum inside of you, he takes risks of pregnancy, but i bet he's got the morning after pill or some shit in his bathroom.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
like i've been saying, really depends. if it's been a long day, one. if it's a good day, two or three. in the beginning, dacre would last 10. now, he lasts around 25-30 on a good day.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
oooohhhhh yeah. dacre likes to use vibrators and gags and blindfolds and handcuffs. he has a vibrating cock ring but he would only use it with you. if he was by himself he couldn't use it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh jesus fuck he loves to tease. if you're tied up, he'd press the vibrator against your clit, and then slowly press it down harder. thrusting his cock into you hard for a few thrusts, then pulling away, wanting to hear you beg for more.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he moans and whimpers he's close to his orgasm. but when you're going down on him or you guys are having sex, he's vocal. "you're so warm baby girl, you feel amazing" "god your lips feel so nice"
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
l a p d a n c e s. oh god, he loves those. if he's sitting on the couch or bed watching tv and you sit on his lap and grind slowly on him, my g o d he was so happy. his fingers almost leaving bruises as he gripped your hips and ground your ass into his crotch.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
hmph. 6 1/2
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
in the mood, it doesn't stop.
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if it was 2-3 rounds, fairly fast. 10 minutes after, maybe? if it was a rough day, he'd watch you sleep, tracing patterns into your back. a soft smile on his face as he saw the corner of your mouth turn up a little bit.
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amethyst-noir · 5 years
Tagged: All about me and fanfic
I got tagged by the wonderful @aelaer; thank you so much! This was fun!
1. At what age did you start writing fanfiction?
16. I discovered fanfic in December 1999, which makes this year my 20th anniversary, yay! At the same time I also met my best friend. She was curious what walls of text I was staring at while all the others were in various chat rooms. (We didn't have internet at home back then and this was during trade school which was a boarding school. I got online for the very first time, didn't know what to do and typed my current obsession into AltaVista. Highlander. I discovered fanfic about 5 minutes later and never looked back. That was all in German back then because my English was almost non-existent. I only learned it because I wanted to read more HL fic and I've burned through everything in my native language so I had to expand. Yes, I've learned English through fanfic and later on - after the advent of DVDs - by watching shows and movies in the original version.
2. Who is your favorite author?
Help, I don't want to play favorites but okay: Maygra, who wrote beautiful Duncan/Methos stories and whose Chris/Vin stories brought me from HL over into Magnificent Seven fandom. MacGeorge, who wrote the hottest Duncan/Methos and the best Duncan Gen I have ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately, their website is no longer online so the link goes to the Wayback Machine.
Tons of wonderful people in the Mag7 fandom (Gen and Slash alike) whose work is lost in the mists of time of still lives in worddoc copies on my harddrive. Their pages where on Angelfire (some of them are still there); lots on Tripod or even Geocities. See, I've been around for a long while. 😉
During my Stargate Atlantis days I read tons and tons but special mentions go to Auburn and Synecdochic (who wrote much more SG-1 than SGA but freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose still makes me tear up just thinking about).
Between Mag7 and SGA I spent time lurking in The Professionals, Starsky & Hutch and Supernatural fandom but I consumed such vast quantities in such a short time that I barely remember anything (I was jobless at that time), but Flamingo's Starsky & Hutch stories are exceptional.
Then there was Person of Interest and Da Vinci's Demon's and Hannibal and lots of other casual fandoms. Hannibal was the fandom I joined Tumblr for and I still lurked around. I only started writing, posting and interacting with people after Infinity War, a little bit over a year ago now. (And by "started writing" I mean in English. I wrote in German until about 2008 or 09 when I gradually stopped because there was no feedback and I had no fandom I could really obsess over. I was reading and lurking around until IW and Ironstrange came along and by that time I was not even thinking about writing in German anymore.)
A couple of favorites from this corner of fandom (in alphabetical order!): @atypical-snowman, @aelaer, @babywarg, @descaladumidera, @mistressstrange, @myrxellabaratheon, @phierie, @ssironstrange, @stark-raving-strange. There are many more but those are the ones I first thought of. They give me Tony and Stephen as equals, snarky and complex people and also deliver on the angsty H/C. I love you all. 💞
3. Favorite type of scene to write?
Comfort. Hurt is necessary before that but I much prefer long drawn out comfort with lots of touching and talking, culminating in a (first) kiss. Angst and misunderstandings regarding feelings are also nice but only if it ends in happy contentment.
4. What is your favorite fanfic?
Uff, okay, one for each fandom because otherwise we're here until the next year.
Highlander: Variation in D Minor by killabeez (4th installment of Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark series)
The Magnificent Seven: Egeo Fides (Without Promise)  by Maygra (3rd installment of theTo Make of Heaven, Earth series)
Starsky & Hutch: Crystal Blue Persuasion by Flamingo
Stargate Atlantis: No way, there are too many. But check out the SGA Big Bang on the Wayback Machine if you want tons to read. This was the first Big Bang I witnessed and since than I've been stuck with the definition of "40.000 words or more" for such events. The SGA years where the most fun I had in fandom until I fell into Ironstrange.
Ahem. *draws a blank* Sorry. But there was such much in the heyday of the fandom. Let's just say that I like it when Will and Hannibal are depicted as equals or Will as the dominant one. Frail-flower-Will who is an unsuspecting ping-pong ball for manipulative!Hannibal is not my thing. They manipulated each other like the pros they are and in the end Will out manipulated Hannibal, in my opinion. Peacefrog wrote beautiful Hannibal.
Marvel/Ironstrange: Let's just name my favorite current WIP and be done with it otherwise this gets exhausting. whatever souls are made of by @atypical-snowman. This has everything I love and adore. And I still have to catch up with it. Also, I'm looking forward to @iwritefanficsometimes's Switched at Birth AU.
5. What tags do you avoid like the plague?
A/B/O, except for very rare exceptions. Mpreg. Always. Everything with Tony and Steve in a past or present relationship because I just don't like it. "Hurt no Comfort" - see me run in the other direction as fast as I can.
6. What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won’t manage?
Fantasy or Historical AU. Rewrite of the MCU where Stephen, Tony and Pepper know each other since before the events of IM1 and fall into a relationship before the first Avengers.
7. Do you outline, or write as you go?
No outline. If I outline the story is finished. I write because I have an idea and don't know how it'll turn out. I discover the plot as I write. If I do an outline I know what happens and see no use in writing it anymore. *looks at outline for massive d/s AU with soulbond for Tony and Stephen* You are nice, but I know exactly what happens in every scene so why bother writing it out completely? Boring.
8. What has been your favorite story to write so far? Why?
Precious. Because it wrote itself and was so much fun. I had absolutely no clue what it would become when I started and a week later I had this massive (for me) story.
9. Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why?
I only can do one-shots. I would love to write a long multi-chapter epic but my style and my endurance don't fit with it. Watch me cram 10 years into 5k words.
10. What is your favorite kind of comment?
Each and every one! I squee in delight when I get an "<3", I jump from joy when I get "I loved it" and I'm bouncing like a little child when I get one of those long ones that tell me what the reader liked best. I look forward to the Kudos mail each and every day.
11. Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing?
I started because I was back home from school and offline. "I can do that too!" I thought and tried it. It was bad, it was really bad. But badly writing in German was a stepping stone to writing halfway decent (or so I like to think) in English. I know that I make tons of mistakes, I know that I basically write the same plot/situations all over again and again but I enjoy it and quite some people enjoy it with me. So why not? I don't want to get traditionally published, I don't want a career writing; I just want the ideas out of my head. And if other people like what I write? Yay, thank you, I love you!
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hisband · 5 years
(rainbowsongs) / oh!!!! it’s a birthday!! so that calls for birthday hats and a little noisemaker!! and a cute little present, wrapped in blue and with yellow flowers all over it. what’s in it? good question. if it’s coming from black hat island, however, it might be best to open with caution. more safely, a card is also given, with a happy growl and some claps. inside, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and hearts and smileys, outside, a crayon drawing of murdoc, with a grin, and a birthday cake. — 5.0.5 :^)
   Where has he seen this creature before… ? He’s a friend of Belial’s, isn’t he? Murdoc’s spotted Gren chatting him up as well, but this is the first time the big bear ever approached Murdoc alone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist ( or, you know, a crackpot bioengineer ) to figure out why he’s wandered over to him - the big, colourful box, party hat and noisemaker more or less speak for themselves. Muds gazes at him apprehensively, accepting the present and reading over the label. 
   “Black Hat Island?” Murdoc wrinkles his nose. “Never heard of that place before.” The box is set aside in favour of what’s what’s offered to him next - a childish ( and admittedly endearingly-crafted ) card that reminds him an awful lot of what Noodle used to give him for his birthday when she was little. The crayon drawing of himself brings forth a smile to his lips; he figures either one of the boys had let it slip to their furry friend what today’s special occasion is. And as much as Murdoc wants to play the role of stoic, weathered rock star who’s above it all, he just can’t seem to bring himself to do that right now.
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   “Uh… well…” He never has been good at thank you’s, beyond the occasional over-the-top acceptance speech - and those are usually done after downing one too many glasses of champagne. But Murdoc’s been dried out for weeks now, leaving him awkward and fumbling to find the right words.
   … Which would probably be easier if the damn animal weren’t staring at him with those blasted button eyes.
   “It’s… not bad.” Murdoc pats 505 on the arm, nodding briskly. That’s as much of a response as you’ll be able to get out of him today, teddy-bear - at least until he opens that mysterious package. “I’m sure it’ll look very nice on top of the pile of the many, many birthday wishes I’ll inevitably receive over the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours. You want some fresh fruits cream cake? My boyfriend made it special.”
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halcyonrogers · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet / B.B
(A/N): i dont actually know what im playing at, writing this absolute filth, as i’m on my grandparents wifi and they will KILL me if they find this. anyway, i hope you enjoy this, and this can also be for bucky x male reader as well as bucky x female reader! happy pride month!)
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A = Aftercare: Because of how rough Bucky could be at times, he’d go to great lengths to take care of you after sex. Whether that be pulling you into his arms to sleep soundly until morning, or running you a hot bubble bath, he sure knew how to treat you right.
B = Body part: His favourite part of you would definitely be your eyes. Whenever you’d suck him off, he’d make a habit of gazing into your eyes. The eye contact would make his hips stutter, his cock twitching in your mouth as you looked up at him through your lashes. His favourite part of himself, however, would be his thighs. Wherever you two were, you always seemed to have a hand on his thigh, or be sat on his lap. Even in public, you’d discreetly thigh-ride him until you were whimpering into his shoulder.
C = Cum: Ohhhh, dear. Since before the war, the use of condoms were risky, but also a necessity for someone his age. Because of this, he never truly knew what it would feel like to cum inside of someone. As soon as he met you, however, things got interesting. You had explained that STD’s could now be treated, and that birth control exists, so he could fully go to town on you. This proved to be the one important thing you’d told him, because now he cums on your chest, back, face, basically anywhere he can and wants to. His favourite place, however, is inside you. 
D = Dirty Secret: His ultimate dirty secret is that he actually has a slight blood kink? Now this is not to say that he’ll be chopping you up; but if you ever came home angry and frustrated, punching walls until your knuckles bled, he would have no problem with getting on his knees, licking and sucking the blood off until your hands went numb.
E = Experience: Even with being an assassin for god knows how long, he kept the knowledge of how to pleasure someone and certainly didn’t lose any skills before he met you. The first time you and him had sex, he made you cum 7 times until you couldn’t move off the bed. His fingers work absolute wonders and its a shame he hasn’t suggested a threesome yet, because of how much love he has to give. 
F = Favourite Position: His favourite position would definitely be you on your stomach, ass up, whilst he pounds into you relentlessly. He gets off on the way your body spasms underneath him from the ecstasy, and he especially loves to press his fingertips into your hips until there are predominant bruises all over your sides in the shape of his hands.
G = Goofy: Even though he’s rather rough and serious, he can’t help but crack a joke or two just to ease the tension. He might be in the middle of pumping his fingers inside of you, when a random thought pops into his head, and he suddenly declares “I want pasta after this, I’m starving.” 
H = Hair: Since discovering his once secret hair pulling kink, you do everything in your power to get him into a sub mood, so you can have him writhing underneath you. Sometimes you’ll go as far as to use his hair to pull his mouth onto your nether regions whilst you ride his face, or you could be giving him a blowjob and run your fingers through the unruly pubic hair above his cock, tugging on it to make him scream. For how he grooms himself, however, he doesn’t really do much. He prefers to be 100% natural, and he certainly doesn’t expect you to shave or groom yourself just for him. He takes you as you are.
I = Intimacy: Bucky loves intimacy. If there’s an anniversary, or he knows you’ve had a hard day, he’ll run you a bubble bath, and then pleasure you until you black out. He definitely has no filter when it comes to his romantic side, as he’s a full enthusiast of appreciating and loving his partner.
J = Jack Off: He doesn’t really believe in relieving himself as he finds you do it so much better for him, plus he always feels guilty after anyway, so he tends not to do it. However, if he’s on a mission and knows he won’t see you for weeks on end, he’ll schedule a skype call at least every 2 days so he can help loosen you up whilst he’s gone, and hopefully get you to do the same for him.
K = Kink: Bucky, more than anything, loves the sound of you begging. Whether it be on your knees for his cock, or to fuck you until you can’t see straight, he loves the filthy words that spill from your lips when you’re desperate for something. Sometimes he’ll get you to scream what you want just for fun, and laugh as aggravated tears run down your cheeks. Oh, edging is also something he definitely enjoys!
L = Location: Bucky will do it anywhere as long as you’re up for it. He loves making you whimper against his palm as he fucks you against a bathroom stall in a crowded club, or making you ride his thigh as you two get transported to one of Tony’s big gigs in a limo.
M = Motivation: When you get dressed up for special events, your make up perfectly done, not a hair out of place, he wants to ruin it. Bucky will try to find any way to mess up your masterpiece and have your mascara running black lakes down your cheeks, your lipstick a dark red smudge around your lips.
N = NO: The one thing he will not agree to is extreme BDSM. He knows how it feels to be tied up against your will and tortured for very different reasons than sex, so he would never willingly do anything to harm another person in that way. 
O = Oral: When he goes down on you, he is relentless. He won’t stop until you’ve cummed at least 3 times - even then he’ll edge you between orgasms to get you a sobbing mess underneath his vice grip on your hips.
P = Pace: Most of the time he does it fast and rough, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over quickly. He makes sure you’ve been edged that many times you’re just a bundle of sensitive nerves before he gets you to cum around his thick cock.
Q = Quickie: He only ever does quickies if he’s frustrated or he needs to teach you a lesson. Quickies could also happen if he knows you and him are meant to be somewhere in a specific amount of times, and he’ll try get you to cum more than once, say in the space of 5 minutes.
R = Risk: Bucky loves the risks you two take during sex. Your neighbours must absolutely hate you and file a lot of noise complaints, and when you stay over at the compound, Steve hates you in the morning. Like, actually despises you. Bucky’s headboard must have banged that many times on Steve’s wall that he’d believe the wall would come through. The anger would only go away when he sees the utter joy on Bucky’s face as he strolls into the kitchen for an early morning coffee. Bucky would have a smirk on his lips when he hears the gasps fall from everyone’s mouths, reacting to the new scratches littered on his back.
S = Stamina: Are we forgetting that he’s a super-soldier?
T = Toy: Bucky doesn’t own toys for himself, but he enjoys buying them for you. He has a special penchant for vibrating underwear, and he won’t tell you they vibrate until you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone important at a party, and he’ll suddenly switch it on, making you stumble on your words, your flute of champagne shattering on the floor. 
U = Unfair: Bucky is a stubborn tease. He’ll have you on the edge, over and over again, waiting for your orgasm - but if you ever so much as took your time sucking his cock, or flirted with Steve or anyone else, he’d have you bent over his lap in no time, your ass red raw.
V = Volume: Bucky is so loud, it’s almost a crime. The noises he makes can vary from little whimpers that break your heart, to thundering groans that leave you a shuddering mess.
W = Wild Card: There’ll be times when you’ll be talking to Steve or Natasha, and he’ll come up behind you, pressing his rock hard erection in your back. You’d stutter as his arms wrapped around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He’d rudely announce that he needed you for something, and roughly drag you to the bedroom just because he can. He’d enjoy the looks of shock on Steve’s face once you re-emerged from Bucky’s room in only his top, lovebites decorating your neck and upper thighs that were painfully obvious.
X = X-Ray: Of course, we all know what the super-serum did to him and Steve. When I say it enhanced everything, I mean EVERYTHING. He’s big, obviously, but to give a measurement I’d say around 8 inches. 
Y = Yearning: Bucky would be nothing without you, or the sex. 
Z = ZZZ: Bucky’s a very light sleeper, plus sex with you doesn’t really wear him out, so he’ll probably go for a quick shower before climbing into the bed to find you fast asleep. He’ll spend hours memorising every small feature of your body, hoping to god you won’t leave him just so he can have small, precious moments like these every day.
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What did it mean that there were no handbooks for me? That people asked me to be strong in the face of the biggest loss I'd ever experienced or imagined? At times I felt like I didn't deserve to feel so shattered, especially in the shadow of my parents' immense loss but losing a twin is like losing half of yourself.
When I was 22, my twin brother, who was my only sibling, died. He had huffed duster while driving resulting in immediate brain death causing him to hit a tree at over 90mph. That day wasnt like any other day because a few months earlier I woke up and knew he was going to die. Just not how or when. The day the phone rang and I heard my mom say dark, foreign words like car accident, unresponsive, drugs, life support was the most impactful day of my life. In the thickness of shock, I didn't realize that the rest of my life would be measured in before and after. Before, when my family was intact. After, when I would somehow be forced to learn to live without the person I was supposed to get a lifetime with.
"Be strong for your parents," said blurs of people at Trevor's memorial service. I nodded, but inside me, something twisted. I stood in a daze as people streamed by, offering their awkward words and hugs. Be strong for your parents? I thought. How can I be strong for them when half my soul just died and I dont even know how to be strong for myself.
I was barely breathing. I was barely standing there. I was numb and strong was the last thing I felt. One thing is for sure I felt angry at my brother for leaving me here. For abandoning me. It's funny how I found myself consoling complete strangers over the death of my brother and yet these very people werent there for him when he was alive and struggling w addiction. Why is it that no one seems to truly care about you until tragedy strikes and then suddenly your life meant so much to them. They say things like "I didn't see this coming" "Why didn't they reach out"
In the early months after Trevors death at 22, I existed in a heavy fog. Nothing was as I knew it. I'd been forced to abandon the little life I'd once known. My friends were living their lives -- going to college, working, falling in and out of love and lust. Meanwhile, my life had stopped and I no longer recognized the world around me.
My home was filled with the cloying scent of flowers just starting to die. It struck me just then how terrible it was that we send flowers to the grieving -- here you go, another reminder that nothing is permanent, that everything lovely will be lost.
My brother's absence was heavy in the house. Though he had died in Peoria, his room was still scattered with relics: the bed he had slept in for so many years, his skateboarding hoodies hanging like shadows in the closets, a handful of videos and books. Memories pinned to each corner. His beloved Ferret Ember waiting for her best friend who was never coming home.
Having always taken comfort in words, I scoured the internet for a book for someone like me -- a barely adult whose (barely) adult twin brother had died. What I found was unimpressive: There were more books on losing a pet than losing a brother or sister, especially a twin. A few books existed for surviving children after a death in the family, but they were for small children. One memoir documented a sister's grief following her brother's death, but it was out of print.
What did it mean that there were no handbooks for me? That people asked me to be strong in the face of the biggest loss I'd ever experienced or imagined? At times I felt like I didn't deserve to feel so shattered, especially in the shadow of my parents' immense loss. I felt guilty for missing him.
A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant and my world took another 360* hit. I decided I needed to join a support group so I sat in a circle with a few widows and widowers, a woman whose daughter had died, and a woman whose mother had died. I was younger than any of them by at least 30 years, but I could relate to their shares: "I feel like I'm going crazy." "I'm so damned angry right now." "I can't sleep at night." "My anxiety is at an all time high"
Though the losses were different, the feelings were the same and we were all barely coping.
My parents, who adopted us at 2 would never be the same. Their pain was almost visible, as if a piece of their bodies had been cut out. I had lost myself, too, or at least the version of me that was unscathed by tragedy: an innocent version, who walked around in some parallel universe where her brother was still alive, ignorant to the incredible fortune of an entirely alive family.
My brother, my twin, my built in best friend. I miss Trevors big brown eyes. His loud laugh. He was the co-keeper of my childhood and my secret's. The person who was supposed to walk with me longer than anyone else in this life. The only other person who knew what it was like to grow up with our particular parents, in our particular home and our particular situation being adopted.
The future.
I cried for the nephews and nieces I would never have. I cried for my own daughter who would never know my brother, her uncle. How would I explain him? How would I ensure that his essence wasn't lost, that he wasn't just a figure in old photographs, a handful of stories? Suddenly i was the only person who could make my parents the grandparents they were soon to be.
I constantly grieve for all the hard times ahead when my brother wouldn't be by my side. When my parents begin to age. When my grandparents die. There would be no one to share these dark milestones with and no one to comfort me in the way he did with just his presence.
And so 3 weeks after his death Im now pregnant and despite feeling like I wanted to die from the pain and loneliness i had to stay alive. I suddenly was needing to stay healthy, to stay safe, to stay positive because I was bringing a beautiful baby girl into the world and theres no time to fall apart.
So I placed my grief on hold.
I felt like our family had been a four-legged table, and one leg had suddenly been torn off. The remaining three of us wobbled and teetered. We felt the missing leg like an amputee, each morning waking to the horrible fact that Trevor was gone and unable to stop the pain.
I wrote letters to my brother in those early months and years. At first, memories blazed through my head and I used the letters to capture them before they flitted away, gone forever: my brother walking towards me when he knew my heart had been broken and embracing me in a giant hug. The time I taught him to make snow angels in the front yard of our home, our bulkily clad limbs sliding in synchronicity under the cold afternoon sun.
Later, I wrote the letters when I needed to cry -- when the grief sat coiled and waiting in my chest, needing to be let out, released. I couldn't find the words of other bereaved twin sisters or brothers to bring me comfort, so I created my own.
One day, when I was lost in my sadness, my mom said, "You won't always feel like this. You'll have a family of your own. You'll move on." This seemed impossible in my 23 year-old new mom skin. I couldn't imagine this potential future where I lived a life my brother was no longer apart of.
But very, very slowly, I began putting my life back together. I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl and I made the difficult decision to leave an abusive relationship and return home again. As time has gone on I notice my daughter has his love of music and animals and possesses the lighthearted spirit my brother had at the same age and I cant help but smile and think a part of him is in her.
Sometimes adult siblings aren't able to close the distance between them, all those shared experiences and time and space and relationships matter. They tether us, they twine our stories together. I pray that my children will one day remain close as they grow, and that they enjoy a long lifetime together and never take eachother for granted.
After nearly 9 years, the sharp shock and grief I felt in those early months and years are no longer constant but only come back in waves, especially around his angelversary or our birthday. It's hard to explain to people the survivors guilt I feel and the PTSD I acquired from watching him struggle to pass away after being taken off life support. It's hard to explain to people that the week of his death never gets easier to face and I tend to shut down and shut people out because I dont want to be a burden. I distance myself so my sadness doesnt spill into their lives.
Its taken 9 years for the pain to dull and for the words "your brother is dead" to stop pounding in my head -- but they did. Trevors absence is mostly a dull hurt, the ghost of an old broken bone that aches when it rains. I feel it more on holidays and anniversaries, when someone else close to me dies. Or when something funny happens and I go to text him and realize I cant. Because Hes gone.
I'll always wish he was still here. I'll always wonder what he would look like and what he'd be doing if he was still alive -- at almost 32, At 50. At 75. Who would he be today? Would he have gotten sober and started a family? Would his music career had taken off?
So with no other choice I continue on. Perhaps I am even strong, like those well-meaning mourners at my brother's memorial asked me to be. But my brother's loss will remain with me for my whole life -- just like he was supposed to.
I wish I knew how to explain to the people I love that the distance I create during anniversaries is done so they are not effected by my overwhelming sadness. I create distance because even after 9 years I am still learning how to cope and handle my grief and sometimes its easier to do alone so that theres no pressure to feel like you have to be happy and in a way continue healing.
I'm incredibly blessed with an amazing boyfriend who is patient and kind and incredibly handsome and perfect in every way. He has been incredibly understanding and supportive despite the distance I have placed between us lately and that's how I know hes who I am going to spend the rest of my life with if he'll let me.
I will forever be thankful for the time I had with my brother and the lessons he taught me but time doesn't heal all wounds and I am just finding ways to get by.
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mommydropthemic · 7 years
What does love look like: My Birth Story
Uncomfortable, scared pregnancy = Uncomfortable, scared birth.
I ate a “strata” at church made of cheese, hamburger, and breadcrumbs. This was the birthing cocktail I needed, apparently. I had a ton of loose stools, just like last time with the birth of my first child, around 12 pm when I returned home. Like last time I kept wondering: Is it early labor? Is it cheese? Is it both? I have a way, a knack, of alienating Western/ polite/civilized? people with my love/non-fear of discussing the body. Foreshadowing the momentous coming of our second child, reminded by our best man Jeff at the wedding, that I introduced this knack to my future husband the first night we met by showing him my foot corn. (According to Jeff who introduced us, Jasen’s response was of compassion). I’d not kept it 50% then in matters of body, and the thing about birth is, especially home birth, you have no choice but to keep it 100%-120%. So a big memory for this birth is shitting all over the place. On the couch, on the way to the bathroom, perhaps a little bit made it into the toilet?
 Everything’s a blur, but I do remember this birth being more painful than my first. Samuel has a bigger body than Ruby (though she had a larger head). I had also alienated my kind stay-at-home white-guy-writer-dad-neighbor Jeff, because the last month of pregnancy I was so damned hot and uncomfortable — the day Sam was born it was about 90 degrees (which is anathema to any typical Seattleite and I’ve been one since my birth in the mid-80’s)—I would lay in bed, pregnant as all hell, naked in our room which is adjacent to neighbor Jeff’s house separated only by a few feet, a chain link fence sparsely lined with trees. In my mind, he was an innocent white guy enjoying the side of his house, walking and whistling as he might, then the sight of my distended-bellied, uncomfortable naked body splayed out right next door made him uncomfortable. You might note that I didn’t exactly intentionally do this, but we are cash-poor and lazy with completely ineffectual heavy blinds that are perpetually hanging halfway open, the cord tangled on one side, the other cord half-cocked—it’s a damn mess.
Anyhow, I think we both noticed each other, him uncomfortable with my naked pregnant (Asian-- does that factor in?) female body; me uncomfortable with being caught naked by my neighbor or uncomfortable with his uncomfortableness.
All this is to say, WHAT DOES LOVE LOOK LIKE?
My patient Jasen wiped my shit-pouring ass without hesitation. Be it the garbanzo beans I’d had just before I was sure it was labor-labor and not pre (that is “false”) labor, or leftover strata hanging out in my gut even after the 12 pm loose poops.
Love looks like...
Jasen wiping my bottom and throwing away the pee pee pad.
Wayne, Carol, Caryn, Cate, Ed, Mom, and Dad watching Ruby while Jasen rushed home to fill the tub.
Dana and Melissa telling me between my confused afternoon poops to call Midwife Jenn.
Midwife Jenn and her husband Don ditching their anniversary plans to see the Terra Cotta Warriors to go home and be on standby for labor. Of course it was their anniversary; last birth was my midwife’s son’s birthday, the only day she took off all year, and also Thanksgiving. I make auspicious children.
Jasen fighting me tooth and nail (“you’ll take control of house organization out of my cold, dead hands”) to work against my scattered frugal instinct to present the clean, organized house of my dreams. This is still a work in progress, naturally (it’s out of my cold, dead hands).
Brandi, supporting and videoing and being present for the birth.
Ben sacrificing his pay so we could have more.
Alice with her surreptitious gardening and then being able to watch Ruby; looking for castor oil in my disorganized ass house while I just laid my fat naked ass on the couch; purchasing a curtain rod to protect Ruby from her playful self; and a sustained hunt for apricot juice.
Nate being available to watch Ruby
Vicki bringing delicious food when I was starving.
Emily, Charles, and Michaela making pre-celebratory beer with me for Samuel’s arrival.
Jess, Porter, Harper, Etta, and Patrick watching Ruby during the birth and being willing to watch her overnight.
Alpha insurance broker from heaven!
In summary, an army of love for a successful birth.
And, Melissa. Dear Melissa. You set up the birthing tub with Jasen; gently chastised Jasen to go be with me when he was not; and carefully took down the tub—full of poo, blood, baby-birthing-juices, it was tinged red with floating debris, ah, the floating debris. By the final pushes I was definitely disturbed by said floaties in the tub. Based on Ruby’s birth, I thought there wouldn’t be shit, but following a pregnancy of weird shits, and a new baby with weird shits, it is not a surprise.
1) IMMANUEL CHURCH STRATA. Uncomfortable as fuck. Moving from pews to the back of the church with carpeted stairs. Pastor asked if baby dropped, she could tell the baby’s position had changed. Whoops, we couldn’t tell.
2) LOTS of uncertainty. For weeks, I’d been thinking, it’s gonna happen early, it’s gonna happen, I have uncomfortable contraction-like feelings, but they go nowhere. We wake up, no baby, womp womp. So what was to make this day any different?
    hottest day on record
    Jenn and Don’s anniversary
    friend Beth’s daughter Evie’s birthday
    two days before due date.  
 3) After much consternation looking for apricot juice (Alice tried PCC, nope), we had a lemon verbena, castor oil German-midwife-induction-cocktail ready to go and I was trying to decide what was a more auspicious day to coax my baby into existence—6/27 or 6/28, but we didn’t need it. Huzzah!
 4)  On the one hand, the birth was harder, scarier, uncomfy, I was more tired (from taking care of Ruby). On the other, we were MORE PREPARED THAN EVARR.
    A) Therapy
    B) Supplements-nutrition-visiting the doctor
    C) Acupuncture
    D) Birthing class, though we were snooty about it—I was sad for our culture begetting scared women afraid of their bodies, Jasen was snooty about our first birth.
    E) Talk to peers
    F) Talk to Ruby. A LOT. Every night.  
    G) Relationship class
    H) Total Pelvic Recall
    I) Massage. Vag therapy advice + massage
 Based on our most trying year and a half, mine personally and also as a couple with a postpartum mood explosion of some sort (a total-mama-meltdown) I needed to ensure this time around, that the insanity, and post-insanity HAZE of the first and second years of Child One’s life was not repeated or at least not as devastatingly so. So far, success.
 This time:
our finances are less stable
    we are delinquent on rent
    we were fighting about the tub. The $250 tub (my vag, not yours, homie).
    we almost lost our insurance.
    we almost had our water shut off.
an anonymous donor stepped in and helped-they covered the global midwifery fee, the tub, all of it. Ho-ly-shit.
I didn’t do my kegels as much--first, benign neglect, second, on purpose (on advice of my white Vag lady, i.e. vagina guru physical therapist).
my goal of Sammy not fucking up my periurethral area: MET!
birthtub: MET!
confronting J with my shit (though not in the tub): MET!
I am one lucky lady. And my children + hubby are lucky motherfuckers.
I was nervous that the coochie pads weren’t made—we had several, but not many—didn’t need ‘em!
We are at 6.4 weeks post-birth, and my vag + bod, other than being too hot and too stinky, are feeling on the up and up.
GOD BLESS IT. GOD BLESS ALL THE LOVES. IT WORKED OUT. Out of $? My mom shows up with $20. The credit card. (Countless) people feed us. People are patient. People understand.
*The End*
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
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Picture This: A Visual Salute to Nurses http://bit.ly/2JqdWBJ by Barbara Orbach Natanson
The following is a guest post by Karen Chittenden, Cataloging Specialist in the Prints & Photographs Division.
National Nurses Week recognizes the contributions of professional nurses, and this year we’d like to do the same by highlighting recently acquired photographs of wartime nurses who marshaled resources, medical skill, and courage to offer help in dire circumstances.
The annual salute to nurses is timed to coincide with the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth on May 12, 1830. Nightingale is credited with being the founder of modern nursing for her role in caring for wounded and dying soldiers in the Crimean War as well as establishing a nursing school in England. She also made contributions in the fields of public health, statistics, and hospital design.
Florence Nightingale. Photo by H. Lenthall, ca. 1856, printed between 1862 and 1877. http://bit.ly/2Vo7u5q
When the Civil War broke out in the United States in the following decade, extraordinary American women followed in Nightingale’s footsteps. Some applied their organizational skills. For instance, Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female doctor in the United States, set up training for women serving as nurses for the Union Army. Clara Barton was one of the first women to volunteer at the Washington Infirmary and later on the battlefield, delivering supplies paid for by herself or from donations she raised.
Union nurse Clara Barton. Photo by Charles R. B. Claflin, ca. 1865. http://bit.ly/2WtSrnb
Dorothea Dix served as Superintendent of Female Nurses of the Union Army, an appointment created by Secretary of War, Simon Cameron. Dix quickly acquired supplies and recruited and trained women to serve as nurses in Washington, D.C., hospitals.
Miss D.L. Dix, Washington, D.C. Detail of stereograph, 1865 Aug. http://bit.ly/2VpfYcv
Dix required that the nurses she selected be between 35 and 50 years of age, of serious disposition, and dressed plainly. When Helen L. Gilson traveled from Massachusetts to Washington, D.C., in 1862 in her quest to help wounded soldiers, she applied for a position with Dix but was rejected for being too young at 25 years old. Gilson was not deterred and found ways to assist as a volunteer in hospitals and on numerous battlefields with the Sanitary Commission.  She noticed that conditions for wounded African American soldiers were even worse than for white soldiers so she organized the Colored Hospital Service, despite receiving no assistance from her colleagues and being advised against it. Gilson’s service was so greatly appreciated by the many soldiers she had served that they erected a monument to her after she sadly died in childbirth in 1868. She was remembered as “… brave as she was loving. I have seen her sit unmoved and silent in the midst of a severe cannonade while soldiers were fleeing for refuge …, an angel of mercy, loving and loved.”
Helen L. Gilson, Civil War nurse and head of the Colored Hospital Service. Photo by J.C. Moulton, between 1861 and 1865. http://bit.ly/2WtSrUd
Before the Civil War, untrained family members had traditionally cared for the sick in their homes. When epidemics broke out, however, medical needs were greater and Catholic nuns fulfilled that role by treating the sick in hospitals. By 1861, 28 Catholic hospitals run by nuns had been established in the United States. The Sisters were accustomed to contagion and disease and their experience was valuable in treating wounded and sick soldiers. More than 600 Sisters from over thirty religious communities served as nurses during the Civil War. Sister Ann Alexis Shorb was affiliated with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Boston and ran the St. Vincent’s Orphan Asylum there. At some point between 1862 and 1865, Sister Ann Alexis made her way to Philadelphia to serve as matron at Satterlee General Hospital, the largest Union hospital, probably before she became the first administrator of Carney Hospital in Boston in 1863. During the three years that Satterlee Hospital operated, a total of 91 Sisters cared for more than 80,000 sick and wounded soldiers.
Sister Ann Alexis Shorb of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, founder of Carney Hospital, Boston, and head nurse at Satterlee General Hospital, Philadelphia. Photo, between 1861 and 1865. http://bit.ly/2DT9szY
Freed slaves also played a role in nursing soldiers during the Civil War. Although officially labeled a laundress, Susie King Taylor spent most of her time working with the 33rd United States Colored Troops (USCT) as a literacy instructor and nurse. She had secretly learned to read and write before the war and was asked by Union commanders to operate a school for freed slaves at the young age of 14. Her primary focus, though, was nursing soldiers in the 33rd USCT. Nurses in these regiments carried a heavy load caring for the soldiers. In spite of being highly valued by Lieutenant Colonel C.T. Trowbridge, commander of the regiment, Susie King Taylor was never paid for her three years of service: “I most sincerely regret that through a technicality you are debarred from having your name placed on the roll of pensioners, as an Army Nurse; for among all the number of heroic women whom the government is now rewarding, I know of no one more deserving than yourself.”
Susie King Taylor, known as the first African American Army nurse. Photo, published 1902. http://bit.ly/2WtSsrf
Less is known about the role that women played as nurses in the South because records were destroyed in the Richmond fire of April 1865. It is conservatively estimated that more than 1,600 Confederate women were paid as nurses during the Civil War but the number who worked without pay may be far greater. Because the war was fought in the South, it is likely that many women nursed soldiers in their own homes. Otelia Butler Mahone worked as a nurse in a Richmond hospital while her husband, William Mahone, served in the Confederate Army as a Major General. She is depicted here with her daughter, Otelia.
Otelia Butler Mahone with her daughter, Otelia. Photo by Rees & Minnis, 1871? http://bit.ly/2VpfYJx
These and other photographs of Civil War nurses are in the collection of the Prints & Photographs Division of the Library of Congress thanks to the collecting interest of Chris Foard and the generosity of Tom Liljenquist. Foard is a registered nurse who has been acquiring these photographs for over 30 years. He enjoys “putting a face with a name and learning more about their struggles, hardships, obstacles and how they coped.”
Tom Liljenquist has been collecting Civil War artifacts, especially photographs of everyday soldiers, since happening upon a bullet in a local creek with his young sons in the 1990s. He and his sons began donating their photographs in 2010 and have been adding to the collection ever since.
Learn More:
View images of these and other nurses in the Liljenquist Collection. We are also sharing a set of the photos in Flickr, where you can view them along with Flickr members’ comments and contributions.
Explore additional images of nurses across many time periods and places in the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog.
Learn about the many facets of the Liljenquist Collection. And if you enjoyed learning about the lives of these nurses, you may be interested in learning more about individual men and women who participated in the Civil War through our guide, “Civil War Men and Women: Glimpses of Their Lives Through Photography.”
Delve into the life of Clara Barton and the many challenges she faced through the Clara Barton Papers. You can also assist in transcribing documents in the papers through the Clara Barton: “Angel of the Battlefield” crowdsourcing project.
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lennart11412 · 4 years
J. H. Kurzenknabe                            
                                               Short Name:            J. H. Kurzenknabe
                                                   Full Name:            Kurzenknabe, J. H. (John H.), 1840-1927
                                                   Birth Year:            1840
                                                   Death Year:            1927
Kurzenknabe, John Henry. (Muenchhof, Kurhessen, Germany, June 18, 1840--April 13, 1927, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania). German Reformed layman. His parents died of cholera when he was five, and he was placed in a boarding school. When 14, he came to the United States with his violin and his share ($500) of his parents' estate. During the 48-day voyage, he attended an elderly sick woman, a Mrs. Ziegler from Wilkes-Barre, Penn., whose family helped him settled in the States. He attended Wyoming Seminary nearby, where he studied music and perfected his English. Even before graduation, he taught violin and began teaching singing classes in the area. In 1856, William B. Bradbury came to Wilkes-Barre for a six-week musical institute. He was so impressed with Kurzenknabe's talent that he offered him, still only 16 years old, $50 a month and board to accompany him to other institutes as an assistant teacher.
Two years later, Kurzenknabe was teaching a class in Hagerstown, Maryland. At the final concert, one of the soloists became ill and a 14-year-old girl, Susan Shaffer, filled the role so well they eloped to Greencastle, Penn., and were married on November 13, 1859. They had 15 children, moving every few years until 1869 when they settled permanently in Harrisburg. J.H. (as he preferred to be called) tried to enlist in the Union Army during the Civil War, but was rejected because of his flat feet. He became a U.S. citizen on November 2, 1866.
He opened the first piano story in Harrisburg. He continued to teach singing classes, published his many song-books under the imprint J.H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, organized a band and an orchestra, and was an early and active member of the Board of Trade. Long active in the local German Reformed Church, as the city expanded he organized St. John's Sunday School in 1893 which became St. John's Chapel in 1899 at Fourth and Maclay Streets. This has kept growing so that the present church buildings include Kurzenknabe Auditorium.
As president of the Pennsylvania State Music Teachers' Association, he presided over their convention in Harrisburg, December 26-28, 1894. For the occasion, he prepared a concert with 300 voices and orchestra which was conducted by W.W. Gilchrist of Philadelphia. From this grew the Harrisburg Choral Society. That same year, he became the local examiner for the London (England) College of Music.
He wrote the words and/or the music to over 650 hymns. His song-books went through several editions, selling a total of over 300,000 copies.
In 1904, with his daughter Lily he made an extended trip back to his native Germany. On his 50th wedding anniversary, the wedding march was played by six sons and a daughter. His wife died on March 24, 1920, at the age of 75. He followed her at the age of 86.
--Information furnished by great-grandson, John G. Kurzenknabe. Additional essays are available in the DNAH Archives.
Born: June 18, 1840, Mönchdorf, Kurhessen, Germany. Buried: East Harrisburg Cemetery, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Kurzenknabe, J. H., music teacher and author, was born in Moenchehof, near Cassel, Curhessen, Germany, Jun 18, 1840. He is a son of John George and Anna Kurzenknabe. He was left an orphan in childhood. He attended the Industrial School at Cassel. When he was fourteen years old he bade farewell to friends and home, September 15, 1854, and set out to seek his fortune in the New World, sailing from Bremerhaven for America on the following day. By mistake he was transferred to a ship on which all were strangers to him, but he was buoyant with hope and free as a bird. During the voyage of forty-nine days, being a very clever violinist, he made friends among the officers and crew and became also a general favorite with the passengers, so that he was the pet of the ship. His especial attention was attracted to an old lady who was sick during the whole voyage. Her children in America had sent money to bring over their old mother. To this helpless woman he ministered in his boyish way as best he could. The forty-nine days' voyage was tempestuous, and minus mast, and storm-beaten, the ship hove in sight of the eagerly looked-for land. On her arrival at New York, the children of the old lady were there to meet her, to whom she told the story of the boy's kindness.
In this family he found a temporary home, and in years to come he was not forgotten by them. Arrangements were made for him to go to a seminary in Pennsylvania, where under Christian training he found a safe shelter and valuable instruction. Having a talent for music he followed this bent, and in that institution of learning he prosecuted his musical studies and made for himself a name as a teacher of the violin and vocal music. He was afterwards placed under the care and instruction of William B. Bradbury, then the most prominent teacher of music in the country. After a thorough course under this master, Mr. Kurzenknabe started on his own responsibility. His first and only attempt to teach singing and a day-school together in a Maryland town was a total failure, but the very next engagement, which was at Sag Harbor, L. I., proved a complete success. After teaching successfully in Baltimore and other Maryland towns, he visited the New England States and taught conventions in a number of important cities. He then returned to Hagerstown, Md., where his lot fell in pleasant places, and here, too, he found the wife to cheer him through his busy life.
He taught successfully in Baltimore, York, Pa., Harrisburg, Philadelphia and New York, and last in Camden, N. J., where the first child, a boy, greeted the parents and cheered their hearts. His next place of residence and teaching was Moorestown, N. J., and the next Philadelphia, where a daughter was born. The war coming on, the New England States seemed safer than Pennsylvania, hence Dedham, Mass., became the next home. Fine classes in Yankee land, war songs and teaching in most of the prominent town brought money to the purse, but sickness claimed the boy for a victim. Repeated and urgent invitations from Maryland friends to make a change, for the boy's sake, induced the Kurzenknabes to disregard the threatening perils of war and journey southward. Antietam and Gettysburg brought the armies of both sides, and the great invasion left the family destitute and helpless, with but five dollars in money and a railroad ticket to Sunbury, Pa., whence the floods drove them back. Mercersburg and study for the ministry were quickly decided upon. But exciting debates of the church involved theological gladiators and their followers, and too free a tongue was not the wisest thing to have in those days of trial. Fairy visions vanished. The advent of twin boys made an increase of income imperative and teaching was the only resource. A house was purchased at McConnelsburg, but sold after an occupancy of two years. Mechanicsburg was home for a short time, and finally Harrisburg became the permanent residence, and a house was purchased which is still home. Teaching for twenty-seven years in many different States, sometimes hundreds of miles from home, always joyous, looking at the bright side of life, active, with plenty of grit, yet with his heart centered where the loved ones stay, earnest, enthusiastic, this is J. H. Kurzenknabe as his friends and scholars know him.
Professor Kurzenknabe is the author and compiler of the following books: "Sweet Silver Echoes," "Music at Sight," "Gospel Trio," "Songs and Glees," "Wreath of Gems," "Song Treasury," "Peerless Praise," "Gates Ajar," "Sowing and Reaping," " Theory of Music," "Fair as the Morning," and "Kindly Light." The sale of "Sowing and Reaping" has rached over 280,000 copies, and over 190,000 copies of "Fair as the Morning" have been sold. "Kindly Light" starts in with 20,000 copies engaged in advance of publication. All of htese books are published by his well-known house of J. H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Kurzenknabe was married in Greencastle, Pa., November 13, 1859, to Susan Shafer, daughter of George and Frederica Shafer, residents of Hagerstown, Md.
Professor Kurzenknabe is at present a member of Salem Reformed church, which, as elder, he represented for many years at Classis and in the Synod. He belongs to Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, I. O. O. F., Harrisburg Encampment, No. 301, the I. O. of H., and several other organizations. He is often for weeks from home, attending conventions, gospel services and children's gatherings. He eats and sleeps well, is in perfect health, is five feet nine inches in height, turning the scale at two hundred pounds, and knowing nothing by experience of sickness. You will find him a hale-fellow-well-met. May his days of usefulness be many and his talent ever be active in the Master's cause, till the welcome summons, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," calls him to the rest that awaits the people of God. This sketch is prepared by one of his loyal friends and ardent admirers.
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: Tim Truman, Mort Kunstler, World’s End, DICE Awards
Comic Books (DMR Books): Timothy Truman grew up in small-town West Virginia. spending his childhood reading comics and Conan paperbacks. One of his favorite comics writers was–and remains–Gardner F. Fox. Little did he know at the time, but someday Tim would illustrate the last sword-and-sorcery tale that Gar Fox ever wrote and relaunch Hawkman—a character created by Fox—to critical acclaim.
  Lovecraft (Akratic Wizardry): H. P. Lovecraft (in a letter to J. Vernon Shea, 1934): “I didn’t slop over in youthful romance, since I didn’t believe — and still don’t — in the existence of sentimental ‘love’ as a definite, powerful, or persistent human emotion.
  Comic Books (Paint Monk): How I missed reading Conan the Barbarian #115 when it was on the newsstand is beyond me. It is a fantastic issue, full of references to the last 114 issues, and a fitting swan song for Roy Thomas’ departure from the title for the next 125 monthly installments. It’s also interesting to note that Conan the Barbarian #115 marks Conan’s 10th Anniversary as a Marvel Comics licensed property. To a lesser but by no means insignificant extent, this means the scribes here at Paint Monk’s Library have reviewed a decade worth of Conan comics in less than a year and a half.
    Science Fiction (Tellers of Weird Tales): Ruthless, predatory–they arrive. They will make of their new empire a purely material thing, made and engineered for their own benefit and for the ruination of everyone who is not they. But then all of their very finest plans are ruined when they are laid low “by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth.” I have been writing about the late H.G. Wells. Those quoted words are from the early version of himself when he might have put prayer and belief into his work with far less squeamishness.
    Gaming (Geeky Nerf Herder): The winners of the DICE awards, honouring and celebrating the best video games from 2019, have been announced by the Academy Of Interactive Arts And Sciences. Since 1996, the DICE Awards (a backronym for Design Innovate Communicate Entertain) have recognized games, individuals and development teams that have contributed to the advancement of the worldwide entertainment software industry.
    Art (Michael May): But it raises the question: where did such ridiculous armor come from? Whether it is Sonja’s steel attire drawn by Frank Thorne or the equally common fur version for less divine opponents painted by Frank Frazetta? The fur and steel bikini is our second sword-and-sorcery cliché and it has its own history, of course.
    Horror (Porpor Books): Well, here we go with another ‘reviews’ special from UK author Justin Marriott, compiled from the pages of his bookzine of the same name (which is up to issue No. 8, as of 2019). In his Introduction, Marriott states that the 130 reviews in this Special cover the time interval from 1918 – 1998 and use a maximum five-star rating system.
    D&D (Bxblack Razor): This post might ruffle some feathers. I’m okay with that. Once upon a time, someone wrote (in reference to Dungeons & Dragons): We don’t explore character; we explore dungeons. And that is as apt a way of describing B/X-style play as I’ve seen, at least in relation to (most) post-1980s gaming. As I’ve described before, the character in B/X is simply one’s avatar for exploration; it is the vehicle used to facilitate play.
    Warhammer (Track of Words): With literally hundreds of Black Library books, short stories and audio dramas available, and new stories being released every week, it can be hard to know where to start, whether you’re brand new to Warhammer or you want to find out more about certain series, factions or characters. That’s where my series of Where to Start With Black Library articles comes in, as I try to demystify the process of getting into Warhammer fiction, suggesting some great stories that you could start with and talking about why they would make good entry points.
    Art (Pulp Fiction Reviews): Künstler began his career in the 1950s as a freelance artist, illustrating paperback book covers and men’s adventure magazines. In 1965 he was commissioned by National Geographic to create what became his first historic painting. He also created posters for movies such as The Poseidon Adventure and The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. And by the 1970s he was painting covers for Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, and other magazines, with the bulk of his work during that period in advertising art.”
    RPG (Victorious RPG): A discussion with a couple of friends of mine (Hi DM Jim and J. Spahn!) has got me to thinking about RPG rules, especially rules that cover a genre specific game like Victorious. There’s a long-running debate as to what is best practice in making a RPG that will be enjoyed by a majority of people. First, there’s the “Uniformity” argument. This was highlighted during the D&D 3rd edition era of the 2000s, but hasn’t gone away. This argument states that a uniform set of rules like D20, GURPS, Savage Worlds, etc. are good because if you know one set of rules you can go to different games that use most of those rules and start playing with a minimum of a learning curve.
    Science Fiction (Brinks Chaos Theory): That was not the case with William Gibson’s classic pillar of cyberpunk, Neuromancer. I read this book about 10 years ago and really enjoyed. Although recently, I couldn’t really remember much about it. I remembered the principal characters, and that the AIs (artificial intelligences) were these huge, mythic beings (not physically huge, but mythically huge), and I remembered that there were Rastafarians in space.
    Fiction (DMR Books): February 15th marks 137 years since the birth of Sax Rohmer. Later this year, his most influential and notorious character, the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu will mark 108 years since his first appearance in print. Born Arthur Henry Ward in Birmingham, England; he adopted the bizarre pseudonym of Sax Rohmer to reflect his fascination with the occult and what was then considered the mysterious East. Rohmer was a prolific, if sometimes formulaic, writer of bestselling thrillers who consistently delivered the goods right up to his ironic death of Asiatic flu in 1959.
    Fantasy Fiction (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): My own take on the the respective roles of Christopher Tolkien and Guy Gavriel Kay in putting together the 1977 SILMARILLION is simple: I don’t know of any evidence that Kay wrote any of it. And I wd be surprised if he did. I think it far more likely that Kay helped in the sorting and sequencing of the manuscripts, that all-important stage of surveying just what materials existed for each chapter or associated work, after which Christopher wd have decided just which Ms he wd use as his text(s).
    Fantasy Fiction (Tentaclii): DMR has a new blog post, “When Klarkash-Ton Read The Book of Westmarch”, musing on precisely why Clark Ashton Smith was an early admirer of The Lord of the Rings, in those fallow decades before the book was properly understood by its early fans or was taken seriously by some perceptive critics. I can add a few useful dates and some historical context, which DMR lacks. For instance, in the year Smith died the reviewer Philip Toynbee in the Observer newspaper (6th August 1961, then a leading UK Sunday newspaper) was pleased to note of Tolkien’s works that… “today these books have passed into a merciful oblivion”.
    Publishing (Jon Mollison): By now the immediacy of the Barnes and Noble failed experiment of woke-casting classical literature has faded.  These non-troversies rise and fall so fast it can be hard to keep up, so let’s have a quick recap courtesy of Penguin Random House and Barnes and Noble: To kick off Black History Month, Penguin Random House and Barnes & Noble Fifth Avenue is partnering up to give twelve classic young adult novels new covers, known as “Diverse Editions.”
  RPG (Table Top Gaming News): I chat with Matt Finch about the concepts of Old School style roleplaying as well as Swords & Wizardry and the current Kickstarter, from Frog God Games, to produce a special boxed set for the system.
    Book Review (Everyday Should be Tuesday): It was an unexpected arrival, but book mail is always welcome at la casa de martes.  I started reading The Bard’s Blade in part due to comparisons to The Wheel of Time.  As it happens, I had just started a reread of The Eye of the World.  I am afraid The Bard’s Blade suffers in comparison.  And for other reasons.
    Appendix N (Appendix N Bookclub): Bunn Hoi and Jeff chat with Todd Bunn about Lin Carter’s “The Enchantress of World’s End”, flipping expectations, one-shot adventures, sphinxes, and introductory RPG systems!
          Science Fiction (M Porcius Blog  ) : Let’s pull a volume off the paperback anthology shelf of the MPorcius Library and read three SF stories by British authors that appear in editor Mike Ashley’s 1977 book The Best of British SF 2.  The Best of British SF 2 contains 14 stories over its 378 pages, and I have already read and blogged about two of them, Arthur C. Clarke’s 1971 “Transit of Earth,” and John Wyndham’s “The Emptiness of Space,” AKA “The Asteroids, 2194.”
  Sensor Sweep: Tim Truman, Mort Kunstler, World’s End, DICE Awards published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 25/6/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Tuesday 25thJune 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a DailyNation Newspaper (DN).
$97M BOOST – BARBADOS’ COFFERS ARE IN for a near $100 million top-up. This is as a result of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board’s approval yesterday of this country meeting all the programme targets in the first review under the Extended Fund Facility in March. The review is part of the conditionalities of the IMF loan, which include meeting a number of fiscal targets. This approval means US$48.7 million (BDS$97.4 million) can be immediately disbursed out of the US$290 million IMF loan committed for the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme. This would bring the total disbursement of IMF funds to US$98 million.(DN)
DEFEND US –Minister of Energy and Water Resource Management Wilfred Abrahams has condemned “fake news” from unofficial sources, being used to discredit the Government.Abrahams, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Christ Church East was addressing party members attending a Barbados Labor Party (BLP) branch meeting in the constituency when he declared, “the attacks have begun”.Referencing numerous untrue social media messages about the actions and movements of cabinet Ministers, Abrahams accused power -hungry opposition forces of attempting to destabilize the Government.“A year has passed and the attacks have begun. You all would have seen the stuff circulating about the Attorney General being in Disney World and all sorts of foolishness,” Abrahams said.Instead, he explained: “The Attorney General was attending a meeting in Orlando dealing with the crime situation in the Caribbean. He was at an official meeting sanctioned by the Cabinet of Barbados. He was not out there on a frolic of his own. He was not shaking hands with Mickey Mouse, but the reports are coming in.”In response, he urged members of the BLP’s branch to defend Government’s reputation.“All I am going to tell you is that when you see those [messages], look at what is in there and reconcile that with the person that you know and you would know this is just a whole set of foolishness and fake news by a desperate set of people who are now out of power and are desperately trying to lay the ground work to get back in.“The attacks have started and you need to defend the people that you know and you believe in. You all need to defend the people that you walked around in the hot sun with and knocked on doors with and told Barbadians to vote for because you believed in them.“When people come with foolishness, do not sit down and say nothing. Represent your MP in the same way you want your MP to represent you. When you sit down and say nothing, people feel emboldened and feel that what they are saying or reading is right,” Abrahams stressed.During the Sunday night meeting, Abrahams responded to complaints from some constituents, who said their interests are being placed secondary to his ministerial portfolio.To the contrary, Abrahams argued that the country’s 27-member cabinet has been busy trying to “get Barbados working”.“Somebody recently told me, ‘Mr. Abrahams, I saw you in St. Joseph helping the people with water. I saw you in St. Thomas and St. James. I saw you during a fire at the dump…. I didn’t elect you to help them, I elected you to help me,’” the MP recalled.“The reality is that we are stretched as Ministers and MPs are trying to correct Barbados on a national level. If we don’t get Barbados working, then the constituencies are not going to work either. I am asking and pleading with you, who are my eyes and ears on the ground, to help me.”Abrahams also discussed with constituents the need for well-coordinated efforts to prepare for the possibility of hurricanes.“I would like you to keep checking on those in your area who are vulnerable, who have children and cannot feed their families. That is the sort of information I want on a continuous basis,” he said.(BT)
CALL FOR RADICAL CHANGES –OPPOSITION LEADER Bishop Joseph Atherley says it is time that several critical factors affecting Barbadians’ standard of living undergo radical reform. “We need to take a serious look at land policy in Barbados. In a circumstance of small size, we need to relook building policy. We need to review foreign land ownership privileges. "We need to re-examine the matter of land concentration in the hands of a privileged minority,” he declared during a service at First Baptist Church on Constitution Road, The City, yesterday to mark the establishment of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP). The new party, which Atherley previously said was formed last November, was officially launched on June 8.(DN)
STRAUGHN: PENSION MONEY WILL KEEP COMING –Pensioners have been reassured of the financial viability of the National Insurance Service and its ability to pay them. It has come from Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn as he spoke Saturday night at the annual awards ceremony of the National Insurance Department, which is marking its 52nd anniversary. “This department has received Government paper which will facilitate the repayment of monies owed by the Government of Barbados and ensure that the fund is no longer endangered by the kind of recklessness that obtained before,” he said during his feature address at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre.(DN)
NIS CLAIMS UP SHARPLY, FINANCE MINISTER SAYS – The National Insurance Department has reported a sharp rise in claims for the first four months of the year, when compared year on year with 2018, Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn has disclosed.Straughn reported a 45 per cent increase in claims across all benefit categories, with the largest increase among claims for sickness benefits. “These statistics do not bode well for our goals of maintaining the health of the nation, and this trend does not augur well for annual expenditure projections across all benefit categories. “With respect to the increase in sickness claims submitted, steps are being taken to identify causes and have action taken to halt, slow or reverse this trend.As he spoke at the NIS’s GEM Awards Ceremony, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, he commended the staff for diligently expediting these claims in a timely manner.“The impact of the increase in claims has been an increased workload for the staff of the department, who have been called upon to process more claims and face the increased demands of the public.“The staff’s response has been commendable, and they are keenly aware that the department is the nation’s lifeline.”In a wide-ranging speech, Straughn also said Government was working with the NIS to introduce paternity leave, as was recently announced by Prime Minister Mia Mottley.He said: “This is but one of the many social improvement strategies that the National Insurance Department will be able to extend to many a family in Barbados. “I certainly look forward to working with your board and your members of staff to be able to bring that policy to fruition in the soonest possible time.”NIS is currently collecting the Health Services Contribution payroll tax to pay for the operations of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH).The NIS, he said, had been partly responsible for tens of thousands of dollars being distributed to the QEH since late 2018.Straughn said: “This funding will contribute to a substantially higher standard of healthcare in the country. “In addition, the improvement of primary care in the island’s polyclinics, through the implementation of a 24-hour service at a number of polyclinics, improved security and an improved staffing complement will add to this multi-pronged approach of strengthening the health of the nation, one Barbadian at a time.” = The Minister gave the assurance that Government was committed to ensuring the National Insurance Scheme was “never again” jeopardised by the actions of a few.He said that since the beginning of the IMF-sponsored economic restructuring plan the Mia Mottley administration had committed to staying current on paying NIS contributions to workers, and had put in place a structure for recouping the Government’s own unpaid contribution to the NIS over the last several years.“The department has received Government paper which will facilitate the repayment of monies owed by the Government of Barbados and ensure that the fund is no longer endangered,” Straughn said. NIS Database Administrator Christopher Cox was awarded Employee of the Year, while the Director’s Award was presented to Claudette Moore and the Supervisor of the Year title went to Lisa Wood.  Gloria Haynes, who worked 40 years at the department, received one of the many long service awards.(BT)
FLOW GRANTS LEAVE FOR MEN AT CHILD’S BIRTH –Men working at Flow are now entitled to paternity leave, while women would be getting an extra month of maternity leave.This is because Barbados’ leading telecommunications provider has unveiled a groundbreaking parental leave policy for all full-time staff.Officially introduced on June 1, employees of Flow can now look forward to benefitting from paid maternity leave of 16 weeks and paid paternity leave of eight weeks.The new policy, which was developed by parent company Liberty Latin America, will also provide paid leave to employees following the birth of a child via surrogacy.Thirty-eight-year-old Flow employee Janelle Waterman, the first worker to benefit from the extra month maternity leave, said she was looking forward to spending those extra weeks home with her three-month-old son Chance who she described as a bubbly, peaceful child who only cries when he is hungry.“I am back at work now, but I can’t wait to be back home, spending time with him. You see when we do the 12 weeks; you have to try to wean the baby off of breast-feeding from very early to prepare him for when you come back out to work. And, you miss a lot of important developments in the baby’s life. So an extra month for me, feels great,” she said.Waterman explained that returning to work after a three-month maternity leave after the birth of her first child, was tiring because her body was just not ready to be thrown back into work, especially since she was a first-time mom.“So I think this is great. I think that other companies should join with Flow and give this to the parents,” the Flow employee of four years who works in the Quality Assurance Department said.“Evolving our parental leave policy, quite simply, is the right thing to do,” said Kerry Scott, Chief People Officer, Liberty Latin America.“We recognize that diversity drives success, and family dynamic and structures have changed. Our new policy demonstrates our commitment to a culture of diversity and inclusion and one that puts our people at the heart of our success,” Scott added.Meanwhile, Jensen Sylvester, Country Manager of Flow Barbados welcomed the new policy and described it as a seminal moment for the company.“As a business leader, I’m very proud that we’ve introduced such an innovative and progressive policy. Equally, as a father myself, I know the value of creating special moments with your newborn, so I’m proud to be part of an organisation that truly values its people,” Sylvester said.“The same way we create moments that matter for our customers each day, we also want our team members to enjoy the special moments in their life and there’s nothing more special than the birth of a child. It’s initiatives such as this that make us one team and demonstrates our unique company culture,” Sylvester added.Flow’s Corporate Communitions and Public Relations Manager Marilyn Sealy said that Flow implemented the parental leave policy because it was the right thing to do.“We would have had parents, mothers and fathers who would have gone off on leave and they would have wanted more time to be with their children before coming back out to work, and our parent company Liberty Latin America recognizes this.“This policy puts our people at the heart of our success.”(BT)
RAISE THE AGE LIMIT –President of the Barbados Road Safety Association (BRSA) Sharmane Roland-Bowen has renewed her call for the age limit for the purchase of alcohol to be raised. The road safety advocate this time is calling on Government to raise the age limit to 18, saying 16 was much too young.She first made the call three years ago to the then Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration, but at the time suggested it be moved to 21.However, addressing a media conference on Monday to launch the BRSA’s annual campaign against drunk driving, Roland-Bowen said as Government makes changes to the process of obtaining a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act, it should also consider increasing the age limit.“The Barbados Road Safety Association is making an appeal to Government to rethink and seriously consider the minimum age allowed for persons at the young and tender age of 16 to purchase alcohol in this country,” said Roland-Bowen.“The BRSA is making a recommendation to this new administration that one of those changes be raising the minimum age to purchase alcohol to 18 years old,” she said, adding that if Government cared about the young people it would “do everything within its power to save and reduce potential harm to those vulnerable persons in our society”.She also called on Government to move with haste to implement the promised breathalyzer testing.“What is currently preventing the training of our police officers in the utilization and administration of the breathalyzer devices along with the needed refresher training in drink drive laws?” asked Roland-Bowen.Adding that training for the use of the devices could be carried out over a two-day period, Roland-Bowen said: “Why up to this time is there no form of educational campaigns conducted by the Ministry of Transport and Works to inform the public of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol and how the breathalyzer testing will be conducted in an effort to deter and to increase compliance with this new regulation?”Stating that she was concerned about the delay, Roland-Bowen said she hoped it was not a case where Government was changing its mind on introducing the measure.In November last year, 12-months after the Road Traffic Act was amended to accommodate the breathalyzer testing, then acting permanent secretary in the Ministry of Transport Mark Cummins reported that stakeholders were meeting and getting ready to implement the measure.At the time, Cummins said once the number of breathalyzer testing devices needed were confirmed they would be ordered and training would be carried out.However, Government is yet to say if the training was done or when that section of the law would be enforced.The island recorded 27 road fatalities from 25 accidents last year. However, it is not known how many, or if any, of those accidents were as a result of individuals driving under the influence.“This is a critical time, the devices are here, the law is here and the police officers are here, but still no enforcement of this law through the testing of impaired drivers especially at such critical time of the year – the Crop Over season,” said Roland-BowenShe said while she welcomed the paved roadways and patching of several potholes across the island, “things need to start happening that will make our roads safer”.In relation to the association’s 2019 drunk driving campaign, which is being held in association with Banks Holdings Limited (BHL) under the theme Designate One, Roland-Bowen said the initiative was intended to encourage individuals to appoint someone to drive them prior to going out to parties this Crop Over season.She explained that a designated driver should be someone who would not consume any alcohol prior to, during or after a party.Residents will have an opportunity to win several prizes this year during the campaign, which runs until the end of the Crop Over season in August.(BT)
BOARD WARNS COMMUTERS ABOUT FAKE SMART CARDS – Unknown perpetrators have begun to photocopy the Transport Board’s Travel Smart Cards and the police may soon get involved. Acting general manager Lynda Holder said they had recorded a few instances of counterfeit cards up to yesterday, when a man brought in a $32 card without the board’s security features. “There has been an influx of counterfeit Travel Smart tickets in the public domain and the Transport Board is urging commuters to be vigilant. Authentic Travel Smart tickets are laminated and can be easily identified by their watermarked logo and the embossed seal of the Transport Board,” she said.(DN)
NO LIAT TALKS YET – Within the next two weeks Barbados is hoping to start negotiations with Antigua and Barbuda regarding the sale of its LIAT shares. So says Barbados’ lead negotiator Attorney General Dale Marshall, who has revealed that Government is currently awaiting word from the regional airline carrier on when those negotiations can be held. Earlier this month and amid much speculation, Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced in Parliament that Barbados would be giving up its majority ownership of LIAT to Antigua and Barbuda. She however did not disclose if Government would be selling its entire 49.4 per cent stake in the cash-strapped regional airline. Antigua and Barbuda is the second largest shareholder with 34 per cent ownership of the airline which serves 15 Caribbean destinations with almost 500 flights. Speaking to members of the media today, Marshall said he was hopeful he would be able to meet with authorities from Antigua and Barbuda before the start of next month’s 40th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government. “Negotiations have not commenced yet. We indicated to LIAT dates that were convenient for us a few weeks back and they didn’t respond. “We’re now trying to see if we can get those negotiations commenced next week. We’ve sent another communication to LIAT to say that we’re available next week and next weekend and we can jump right into it and we’re once more waiting for them to respond to say whether it can be accommodated or not,” Marshall said. “But we’re hoping that before the Heads’ conference, July 3 to 6, that the negotiations would have begun in earnest.” Mottley has maintained that Barbados simply was not in a financial position to support LIAT due to the country’s current economic position and as a result had made a decision to “take a step back”. Suggesting that the regional airline was in a need of an overhaul, the Prime Minister promised Barbados would continue to support intra-regional travel. “The current model which LIAT has within the 1974 Limited is not an attractive model and what is needed is significant restructuring. Indeed a new model of governance, a new financial model and a new operational model in order for it to be able to extract greater benefits and provide the services which it does,” Mottley said at the time.(BT)
RESIDENT WATCHES ‘SHOULD TEAM UP’ FOR NATIONAL SECURITY – Local neighbourhood watch programmes and residents associations were urged to unite in the interest of national security.Radio journalist Stetson Babb, speaking as chairman of the Graeme Hall Residents’ Association and Neighbourhood Watch,  made the call as the new body launched at the Maurice King Sports Complex on Sunday.Crime in the Graeme Hall area has been low over the years, Babb said, but he told the modest gathering that no citizen is excluded from the ongoing scourge of crime and violence. In the presence of nearly a dozen police officers, Babb encouraged residents not to view the worst and most violent manifestations of society as only limited to certain individuals and communities. “Barbados is too small for that, too interconnected and too interrelated.“I propose that we seek to establish a national coalition of residence associations and neighbourhood watches that don’t just function as disparate entities, but as a network of active and activist communities that shall support and assist law enforcement and be a catalyst for initiatives at the national level that build strong, positive communities.”While promoting the Graeme Hall Neighbourhood Watch as being integral in pursuing the residents’ common interest, he insisted that the nation’s economic and societal challenges required a collective anti-crime response. Babb said: “We cannot and must not import and copy the worst values and attitudes of other places. We must cooperate with, aid and assist the authorities in the fight not just to solve crime but also to prevent crime. “Each of us, accepting our individual responsibility as citizens to act, to assist and contribute and not be made bystanders. That is the call to duty for each of us today as residents of Graeme Hall and beyond, but also as residents of a nation.“Beyond any economic turbulence or fiscal challenges, is a crisis of culture and values that represents an existential threat to our traditional ways of life. This was traditionally characterised by an abiding commitment to and respect for the value of life, decency, honesty, thrift and hard work.” The veteran journalist and Graeme Hall resident also pledged the community’s support to the “agencies of the state, including and especially the RBPF”, whose vital work, he said, must be assisted by right-thinking Barbadians.RBPF Superintendent Elfine Moore meanwhile underscored the central role of community policing in the fight against crime and disorder and praised Graeme Hall residents for their commitment.She said: “I am honoured to be among you and it gives me great pleasure to know that you are launching your neighbourhood watch. Kudos to you, this is one of the better decisions you have made in the group.”(BT)
‘STOP, FRISK’ TO FIGHT CRIME – A former detective is advising the police to step up its stop-and-search tactic in a bid to drive down the wave of violent crime And Valman Thompson has suggested bringing soldiers into the act “if we need to”, as he spoke at the launch of a new anti-marijuana pressure group. “I am not saying that we have to go so far as bringing in soldiers to help us, but I am saying that if we need to we should. “But I think it is time for the police force to step up and do more stop-and-search and go into those areas where we see that there is a hype and use of this marijuana drugs in Barbados,” he recommended. Thompson, who spent 18 years in the force until 2009, put forward the suggestion on Monday as he threw his support behind the newly-launched Coalition For a Safe, Healthy and Productive Barbados at a media conference at the Co-operators General Insurance office. The coalition has been introduced primarily to educate residents about the dangers of using marijuana should a referendum be held on the use of the weed for recreational purposes. A date is yet to be announced. Thompson recalled that during his police career, most of which was spent as a detective at the Central Police Station, he gathered information that suggested that most crimes on the island were as a result of the illicit drug trade. He said: “I used to be in the Orleans, Chapman Lane, and all around The City areas, and the majority of these areas you go where fellows are smoking the marijuana. After smoking the marijuana you see the effects. “Some of them become very slow, then some get in the habit of begging… and they start stealing and committing crimes just to get money to buy drugs, or they get involved in some other illegal activity – the bad behaviours that are taking over the entire communities and then you have this block culture.” He continued: “A lot of the crimes people say were due to when they get high…or they commit these crimes to get money to buy the drugs.” So far, there have been 30 murders this year, two more than in all of 2018. And while authorities have been giving the assurance that they were doing all they could to combat this scourge, there have been increasing concerns from residents and tourism industry figures. Thompson told reporters there was currently a school of thought that there is a link between the high murder rate and “the drug culture in this country”. He insisted: “Some people are saying ‘no, it is not a drug culture’, but if you check it carefully the majority of them have some relation or link to drugs in this country. I know the police force has a rough time to deal with the drug.” But recalling that the late Inspector Anderson Bowen would mount regular stop-and-search operations both day and night, as well as carry out search warrants “at places that we know used to have these drugs”, Thompson suggested the time had come to get back to those methods. On the proposal to hold a referendum for the recreational use of marijuana, the coalition’s members said they were concerned that this could lead to even more crimes, road fatalities, and even more children using or being affected by people around them using. Reverend Paul Leacock of the First Baptist Church, a member of the coalition, told journalists while he could not speak on behalf of all churches in Barbados, he believed several questions must be answered before a referendum for the recreational use of marijuana was even considered. He questioned if the country had a social safety net to cater to any “fallout”, the manpower in the form of psychologists and psychiatrists, and if there would be changes to the education system in relation to duties of teachers and the number of guidance counsellors to handle any impacts. Leacock also questioned if the island’s lone psychiatric hospital was capable of handling any likely increase in the number of patients from marijuana usage or if the island was prepared for any loss in people from the labour force. “These are just a few of the questions that need to be raised, and if we as ministers of the gospel are interested in the well-being of our people, which we are, we have to ask. “We ask them so that those responsible for policy formation may do so and be aware that we are interested, and that we want to see the good of our people and of our land.”(BT)
NO BACKDOOR BUSINESS – A new campaign group, opposed to the eventual legalisation of marijuana use, was launched on Monday, issuing a sharp warning to patients to source medical cannabis drugs through legal channels.Pharmacist Paul Gibson, a member of the Coalition For a Safe, Healthy and Productive Barbados, declared there were already several individuals engaging in “suitcase trade” in medical cannabis and urged the Ministry of Health to police cannabis-based drugs entering the island.He was speaking at a media conference at the Co-operators General Insurance on Monday, where the Barbados Road Safety Association (BRSA) officially introduced the coalition along with its annual campaign against drink driving.Gibson, a former president of the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society, said he was gravely concerned that individuals were sneaking items into the country without knowing if the contents were legit.He said: “We are suggesting that we, through the Ministry of Health, continue to manage the gate of entry. I want to warn Barbadians of something – everybody is starting to bring in these oils illegally or illicitly, through different ports of entry, suitcase trade, post offices and so on.” The pharmacist was unable to say exactly how widespread was the alleged suitcase trade in products containing Cannabidiol, the marijuana-derived substance sought for its medicinal properties. But he said he was “mindful that this is something that is happening a lot and we have to be very careful of it because you are not sure what you are getting”.Just last month, while announcing that five medical cannabis products were to be added to the national drug formulary, Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic revealed that some food stores and health shops were already selling items containing cannabis extract.Besides a hefty fine, Gibson warned today that there were other consequences associated with using medical cannabis products that were not prescribed by a medical doctor here and that were not purchased through the correct channels.He said: “How do you know that the content in those brown bottles are what they say they are? You have absolutely no way of knowing that somebody went on a high-quality computer, printed a label, stuck it on a bottle and sent it here to you. We really don’t know.“We are also warning persons, do not engage in the use of cannabinoids that are being sold across the country. There is a fine of $250,000 for it. It is not authorized and you are not sure what you are getting. You really could be getting anything in those bottles. Because it is popular people want to jump onboard [but] we are urging people to be very careful.“There is also the issue of being poisoned. You don’t know what is in some of these things. This is a grave concern.” Through the coalition that was officially introduced, the BRSA is advocating its opposition to legalisation of marijuana for recreational use in Barbados.The  Labour Party administration has already promised that while laws would be changed to accommodate the implementation of a medical cannabis industry, a referendum would be taken to determine if the country should go the route of legalizing a certain amount of the weed for recreational or sacramental use.President of the BRSA, Sharmane Roland-Bowen, a vocal critic of marijuana use, said she believed the medical cannabis introduction was “a strategy” to “soften the attitude of persons before they go about implementing recreational marijuana use”.As such, she said the coalition was established to educate Barbadians on the use of the drug, adding that no facts would be held back.“It is therefore in the interest of the public that any decision, either for or against, be carefully considered with all the information on the dangers associated with this form of use of this drug,” she said.The alliance is made up of the BRSA, and representatives from among private Public Service Vehicle (PSV) owners, the pharmaceutical society and the Church. (BT)
GOING LEGIT – Legislation could soon be coming to put an end to accused persons sitting in jail for prolonged periods without a court hearing. Three weeks after it was revealed Winston Agard had spent seven years in HMP Dodds without attending a court hearing, Attorney General Dale Marshall said he was pushing to have Criminal Procedure Rules put in place. The 50-year-old Agard, who had been charged for theft of a handbag and its contents, only appeared in court after a prison officer highlighted his plight to the relevant authorities. He was subsequently given bail to return for sentencing. While describing Agard’s situation as “unfortunate” Marshall said measures needed to be introduced to ensure there was no possibility of such a recurrence. “That was an anomaly, an embarrassment to our country, but it is not a state of affairs that you would consider to be rife. But the important thing is that we have to take steps to make sure if they are any others in the system, that we deal with them immediately,” the Attorney General maintained. “We are now considering the passing of Criminal Procedure Rules which will help to codify all of the arrangements that have to be made in respect of those things. I expect to be able to move to Cabinet within the next few weeks and seek their permission to put rules in place. We already have some draft rules under consideration but I think that piece-by-piece, we’re going to get all of those things ready.” The Attorney General said once he became aware of Agard’s case, he spoke to Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson who subsequently provided him with a list of persons on remand at HMP Dodds for two years, as well as persons on remand for over six months. He said both lists had been provided to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for review. Marshall said initiatives were already in place to address similar issues in the short term. He pointed to the recent move by Justice Randall Worrell, who suspended matters in his court to hear the status of some prisoners on remand and their intentions. “Judge Worrell has begun a process that we had actually agreed on in a meeting that I had with himself representing the High Court Criminal Bench and the private bar and also the DPP. We sat down and we looked seriously at the issue of what structures we could put in place in an administrative way to get people down to deal with bail issues,” the Attorney General said. “Often people will apply for bail, but when they get to court they say to the judge ‘Well Sir I didn’t really want bail, I just wanted an opportunity to come to court to plead guilty’, but that is not a feature of our system.” Marshall said he believed the backlog in the judicial system would eventually be relieved once these systems were put in place. However, he admitted it would not happen overnight. “When we add new Criminal Procedure Rules to additional High Court judges, it is a slow process, but I think we’re moving in the right direction,” he said. (BT)
BRITISH BACKLASH OVER DEATH – The United Kingdom Government has announced that it will be complaining to the Mia Mottley Administration for local heart specialist Dr Alfred Sparman, following the recent death of a British citizen at his privately-run clinic here. The issue was debated in the British Parliament last Thursday after being introduced by Member of Parliament Alec Shelbrooke whose father-in-law Gordon Spencer died at the Sparman Clinic on February 13 this year, 26 days after his arrival for treatment. Under-Secretary for Transport, Minister Nusrat Ghani said the matter would be taken up by her Government and relayed to the Barbadian authorities. Minister Ghani was responding to Member of Parliament Colonel Bob Stewart who intervened during her speech and stated: How can we actually allow this man to be continuing to do his work in Barbados? What can the British Government do to stop it? Are we going to report the man to the Barbadian Government? And are we actually going to complain about the way the port agent dealt with this case? Because actually, that’s something that I believe is very practical and might stop another family going through the hell that the Shelbrooke family have been through.” The Minister assured the MP that the since the matter was raised on the floor of Parliament it would be reflected in all the government agencies “and I do not doubt for one moment that this message would be reaching Barbados, especially once the meeting takes place with the IMO (International  Maritime Organisation) as well.” She pledged to immediately lobby the IMO to change the law to ensure that passengers are sent to a “fit and proper” facility and that cruise ships carry out their duty of care to make sure such action is taken on behalf of their patients. Due to possible future legal issues, Barbados TODAY is constrained from going into the details of the circumstances surrounding the death at the Sparman Clinic. However, MP Shelbrooke informed the British Parliament that his father-in-law became ill with a chest infection and cough while on a cruise with his wife Jackie. “Jackie took Gordon to the ship’s doctor who diagnosed double pneumonia and high blood pressure and started treatment through antibiotics. The doctor also performed…tests and categorically confirmed that Gordon did not have a heart attack,” he told the parliamentary debate which was streamed on Facebook. Shelbrooke also quoted the ship’s doctor as saying that Gordon “was improving at the point of medical disembarkation.” The parliamentarian also criticized the port agent in Barbados for referring the patient to a private clinic when the nearby Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) was the preferred primary acute care public medical facility for visitors based on a 2013 report which he quoted entitled: Caring for non-residents in Barbados, authored by the Medical Tourism Research Group. “Within the Caribbean, Barbados is regarded as a favourite destination for regional patients, particularly for those smaller islands lacking advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities and a capacity to offer to treat high-risk patients,” the MP cited the report as saying. “It goes on to say the Queen Elizabeth Hospital serves as the main referral hospital for the entire Eastern Caribbean. Consultants at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital have the ability to admit private patients, such as ill vacationers not covered by the island’s public health system.” He added: “Therefore Mr Deputy Speaker, on Friday the 18 January, with a major hospital available just two miles away from the port with an 86-year-old man with double pneumonia, who according to the ship’s doctor, was improving at the point of medical disembarkation, the port agent in Bridgetown decided to send Gordon to the privately-run Sparman Clinic some three miles away from the port which is owned and operated by Dr Alfred Sparman.” When contacted late tonight, Dr Sparman promised to get back to Barbados TODAYwith a comment but up to the time of publication there had been no response.(BT)
SPONSORS SCAMMED – Efforts to defraud people in the north using a sponsored card earned a 21-year-old man a mere $9 and his first criminal conviction. The dishonest actions of Shakeel Ricardo Antonio Alleyne, of Bedford Lane, Roebuck Street, St Michael will also cost him a $350 fine. The amount must be paid in one month or he will spend three months at Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds. Police went to Queen’s Street, Speightstown on Saturday after receiving information that Alleyne was asking persons for donations on a sponsored card. On arrival he was taken into custody and during a search to which he consented, the card was found tucked in his waist. A further probe revealed that the card was a copy and Allyene had not been given permission to collect the funds. When asked to account for it he admitted to police that he collected the donations for his personal use but denied manufacturing the copy. Alleyne explained to Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch today that he was travelling on a bus when he found the card and concealed it since he knew who it belonged to. “I asked three people for a sponsor and get $9 . . .  . I concealed the sheet . . . and the police came soon after. I concealed the sheet because I was on probation. I get sentenced to community service,” Alleyne said. He denied being “a person in need”. The Chief Magistrate chided him for preying on the charity of others. “When someone genuinely comes to get a sponsor the person is going to think twice because they will think they are like you. When they hear about this – thieves and vagabonds – they will not be willing to open their wallets because of people like you.“You were given a break but you can’t get a second break. All of that for nothing,” the Chief Magistrate told Alleyne before imposing the fine.(BT)
TEEN MUST FOLLOW RULES –Restrictions on Internet use and other house rules are apparently causing trouble at a St Lucy residence. Sixteen-year-old Misael Melero-Ramirez, of No. 40 Aqua Avenue, Husbands Development, St Lucy appeared before Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch today charged with unlawfully damaging a motorcar belonging to Ambrose Johnson – his stepfather. The two live at the same residence and prosecutor Station Sergeant Peter Barrow informed the Chief Magistrate that tensions there have been ongoing. However, the stepfather said he did not wish for the secondary school student to be remanded to HMP Dodds “at this time” once he gave the assurance that he will follow his rules until the two appear before the District ‘E’ Magistrates’ Court on June 27 where the case will be heard. “There are some matters that need to be addressed . . . [and] he has some issues he needs to deal with,” Johnson told the court. Melero-Ramirez was not required to plead to the charge but admitted “I have caused some problems in my house . . . because of some restrictions . . . [pertaining] to the Internet.” The Chief Magistrate made it clear to the teen that he was a child and as such did not make the rules under his stepfather’s roof. “Your end of the bargain is to be obedient. You don’t like it, fair enough. The world is not fair. The faster you get that through your head the better you will be . . . until you are 18. “He restricts the Internet, so what?” Birch questioned, even as he warned the teen to “button your lip and humble your self.” The teen replied: “I tried to behave a little better than I used to. The restrictions are still there . . . . I could not contact my friends . . . . The car was taken away . . . . It ended up being very stressful at home.” However, the Chief Magistrate told him he had a fast and profound decision to make – either adhere to the rules or be remanded at Dodds. “I accept the deal. I promise I will keep my word,” the teen said before he was granted $1,000 bail with one surety.(BT)
MOTORCYCLIST MUST PAY $2,000 IN FINES – When Abdullah Akoojee realised that law enforcement officers were driving behind his unlicensed motorcycle he “panicked” and took them on a chase from St James to St Michael. The 22-year-old cashier from King Street, St Michael was riding the motorcycle around 4:58 p.m. yesterday when police who were on duty along Prior Park Road observed he did not have a rear number plate. As they continued to follow, Akoojee looked back and on seeing the officers, speeded up and drove in the direction of the traffic lights, at Hinds Hill Road, which indicated that he should stop but he never did. Station Sergeant Peter Barrow said police turned on the siren and followed Akoojee onto Grenville Way where he again failed to stop at another traffic sign. He then proceeded on to St Stephens Hill, Grazettes Main Road and Pembroke Road where his motorcycle and the police vehicle collided. Investigations by police discovered that he did not have any insurance or licence and was not registered with the licencing authority. “Officer I know I was wrong. I got frighten and panic and that is why I ain’t stop. I was planning to pay the insurance and the tax next Wednesday,” Akoojee allegedly told police when he was detained. He was charged for not having insurance or a licence as well as driving without a rear or front licence plate, failing to comply with a traffic sign, failing to draw his vehicle as close to the left as possible and not stopping at the sound of the police siren as well as proceeding beyond the stop line on a carriageway. When Akoojee appeared before Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch today he pleaded guilty to all the traffic offences. For proceeding beyond the stop line on the carriageway he was fined $500 to be paid in two months or two months in prison. For failing to stop at the sound of the siren, a fine in the sum of $500 in three months or two months in prison was imposed. Akoojee’s lack of insurance will cost him $1,000 in two months or two months in prison. He was convicted, reprimanded and discharged on all the other offences except the charge of failing to comply with a stop sign for which he was reprimanded and discharged. All licences held by Akoojee for any other vehicles have also been suspended for a year.  He must hand those licences in to the District ‘C’ St Matthias Magistrates’ Court by 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. (BT)
GIRL SENT TO GIS – The island’s top magistrate today chastised four female minors telling them that their focus should be on school at this time and not on “having your names appear on charge sheets”. Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch scolded the 14-year-olds this afternoon in the District ‘C’ St Mathias Magistrates’ Court where they appeared on several assault charges. They were not required to enter pleas. The four, all students from the St Michael area, was sent to the Government Industrial School (GIS) after a probation officer gave Birch a brief school report on them. “They have not been in school long enough to be getting into fights. The only fights they have are with the books. That’s the only fight that they should be having, getting into their education, wrestling that knowledge down to the ground and making sure that . . . they get some good grades that is the only fighting that they should be getting into,” the Chief Magistrate said. The probation officer also informed the judicial officer that in one case threats are being made via social media involving a parent. “They certainly should not be involved in any social media feuding, aided and abetted by the parent. That is not what our taxpayers’ monies are paying for.” Birch went on to tell the accused teens they should be mindful of their other actions as anything captured on social media was permanent. “You’ll be 20 years down the road and it is still there to be seen when you go to apply for community college, the polytechnic and the university. When you all go to jobs, some officious and ill-minded person will bring it back up. Are you all learning nothing from all that has happened with other people?” He said at this stage in their life the focus should on pending examinations and summer vacation. “All of you at 14 should be getting ready for your first round of school-based assessments, for your CXC’s not having your names appear on charge sheets. “At 14 you should be getting ready to enjoy your summer vacation. It’s very hard to enjoy summer vacation when you are at the Government Industrial School. “I find that a lot of us in this society aren’t thinking ahead of the consequences. We only think of actions in the moment. Words, blows, bullets – three things that once you throw them out there they do not come back,” the concerned Chief Magistrate stated before remanding the girls to the GIS until Wednesday, June 26. They will appear before the Juvenile court judge on that day.(BT)
DOUBLE DEATH AGONY –The desperate cries for help from 82-year-old Barbara Forde from inside her burning home will forever haunt the residents of 1st Avenue, Alleyne’s Land, Bush Hall, St Michael. Late Saturday night, Forde’s timber and concrete house, which she shared with her 53-year-old son Carlton Forde, was destroyed by fire. They both perished in the blaze, the origin of which remains unknown. When a DAILY NATION team visited the neighbourhood yesterday, the scent of smoke still lingered in the air, the charred remains of Carlton’s white taxi remained at the scene, and the solemn looks on the faces of many of the neighbours told the tale of the tragedy that took place just hours before.(DN)
INJURED RUSSELL OUT OF CUP – West Indies lost their gamble with Andre Russell’s fitness on Monday when the injury-plagued all-rounder was forced out of their beleaguered World Cup campaign after failing to recover from a long-standing knee injury. The injury-plagued 31-year-old managed just four games of West Indies’ six outings in somewhat of a farcical experiment and will now be replaced by batsman Sunil Ambris, who was a part of the side’s pre-tournament camp in Southampton last month. Russell’s withdrawal comes as little surprise despite West Indies’ insistence he would continue to feature in the World Cup campaign.(DN)
SPRINT DOUBLE FOR JACKSON – THERE WERE a few sparks but no real fireworks as no-one blazed the track at the National Stadium on Sunday night’s low-keyed finale of the National Athletics Championships. Ariel Jackson completed the women’s sprint double and it was redemption for Burkheart Ellis, but there were no additional qualifiers for upcoming meets even though some athletes were a heartbeat away. The 24-year-old Jackson sped to victory in 23.91 seconds, edging fellow United States-based athlete Lisa-Ann Barrow (23.93) in their 200 metres home stretch duel. With Mario Burke, Ramon Gittens and Shane Brathwaite missing, Burkheart Ellis easily retained his Men’s 200 title in 20.79 seconds beating fellow United States-based sprinter Brandon Parris (20.89) and Nicholas Deshong (21.32).(DN)
HUSBANDS LANDS TRIPLE WINS – Veteran Patrick Husbands reminded his rivals he was still a force to be reckoned with at the Woodbine track when he reeled off a triple on Saturday’s 10-race card. The Barbadian ace jockey, who turned 46 last month, won with 4-1 bet Rosemere in race two, partnered with another 4-1 choice Winandyourin to capture race three before taking race seven with 3-1 bet Bet On Mike. The outing once again reiterated Husbands’ return to full fitness following a couple of recent surgeries to rectify injuries sustained in a bad fall last November. A seven-time Woodbine champion, Husbands opened his account in a 6-½ furlong sprint when he guided the four-year-old brown filly Rosemere to a length win over the three-year-old and upward fillies and mares. He forced the pace set by Adelle’s Princess before duelling with Silent Mistake and then grabbing the lead in the upper stretch. Husbands followed up when he made all the running with bay filly Winandyourin to beat the three-year-olds over seven furlongs, reaching the wire a length clear. And his third win of the day came in another 6-½ furlong trip when he partnered with five-year-old bay gelding Bet On Mike to dismiss the three-year-olds and upward by a length.(BT)
GRYNNER TO BE ‘KING OF SPRING GARDEN HIGHWAY’ ON SATURDAY – Government has finally released details of plans to honour seven-time Road Marchwinner, Mighty Grynner, after details leaked in a viral social media photo.Grynner – real name MacDonald Blenman – is to stake a permanent claim to the title of ‘king of the road’ with the renaming of the Spring Garden Highway as the Mighty Grynner Highway on Saturday, it has been announced.A sign bearing the new name was briefly installed and later taken down after the photos prompted a wave of congratulation and speculation.A lavish unveiling ceremony is to be held at the mile-long tarmac stretch’s junction with the Exmouth Corner. A monument designed by two-time Crop Over Festival Designer of the Year, Kevin Small is to be erected on the highway and three signposts with the new name are be installed along the stretch, it was revealed.The event which is to be streamed live, is to feature live performances from the Red Boyz Band, of which the Mighty Grynner was a founding member, as well as the Royal Barbados Police Force Band, the Barbados Defence Force Band, the St Leonard’s 100 Boys Choir and a cast of noted Barbadian calypsonians who are to to honour the revered calypso stalwart.Minister of the Creative Economy and Culture John King in unveiling plans to journalists at a news conference today,stressed that cultural practitioners should be recognised and honoured by the public before they die.“The time has come when Barbadians and Barbados must celebrate people when they are alive and not wait until they are on the other side and then talk about how great they are.”Grynner has claimed fame from the early 1970s with hits such as Crop Over Bacchanal, Ah Coming, Leggo I Hand and most recently, Turn On De Speaker and King O’ De Stage.The veteran calypsonian-turned-culture Minister contended that the 78-year-old legend has waved “the flag for Barbadian calypso” over years.King said: “I remember in the early eighties and late seventies there were not a lot of people recording music and you could depend on Grynner to provide you with that infectious music that everybody wanted to dance to and touring with him you could see the respect and love that he would gather from people all over the diaspora.”The Ministry of Information is to disseminate all updates on road closures and traffic diversions via social media, and on radio and television for the two-hour ceremony, which begins at 4:30 p.m. (BT)
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