#thor blurbs
multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
I'm just thinking of you and Thor from GoW spending time together. You make him feel seen as himself and not a weapon. He treats you as an equal even if he outmatches you as a warrior.
A/n: 👏👏
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He doesn't feel like a burden when he is with you, a drunken mess. He actually feels loved by you and that's something that Thor would always be grateful for.
The god had thought he would be alone and miserable after he and his wife separated, that he and his daughter's relationship would always be strained until you stumbled into his life. You were soften spoken when he first met you. He did not think much of you, just some weakling that he didn't have to think twice off.
Until you slipped into the hall where he was drinking alone one night. You were kind, you didn't treat him less. Nor did you talk down on him like he was some drunken asshole. After that night you two started to see each other more and more. It amazed him by how well you two had gotten long, how much you two had in common.
You might have not been much of a warrior or fighter but you were kind, gentle. He was happy that you got along with his daughter so well, not to mention you and Sif.
Placing his hand on your head, you glanced up at him as you straightened your arms above your head biting back a yawn. "Ready for bed?"
Tipping his head to you, he let his hand caress your cheek as he nodded his head. "I am"
He was enough in your eyes and for that, he will forever be happy to have you in his life.
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘-𝐎𝐍𝐄: Dumbification w/ Thor Odinson
a/n: the last day of kinktober :[ i just want to start off by saying how much of an adventure this has been, constantly challenging myself to write about characters and kinks i never have before, and constantly being consistent with uploading. this challenge definitely kept my brain and myself on my toes, and even though i can say that i've thought about giving up this challenge when i went through some rough patches, i'm proud that i was able to keep pushing forward. i also want to thank you all for your support on this, it really did mean a lot as i watched myself and my fanbase grow. it really has been an honor and i hope i can continue to grow a platform for people to enjoy!
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
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Thor was big, so very big in almost every aspect, from his muscle mass to his strength and now, to his cock. He never failed to scramble your brain and your insides; coherent sentences being left to the wind as he pounded you into the mattress.
You weren't an Asgardian woman, women like them were meant to take gods like Thor, but you? Oh, you were merely just a Midgardian. What Thor saw in you during his visit to earth that possessed him to want to make you his queen was beyond your comprehension.
He said that you were built like a goddess, like you were made just for him.
“Th…” Your voice had failed you, your head falling back onto the pillows. The mating press position was definitely new, but once you told him that you were ready for kids, he was making sure that you were going to get pregnant. "No need to speak, my little dove," He boomed from above you, "Let your husband take care of you." All you could do is blabber a word of confirmation.
"So perfect. You were made to take my seed, my queen, my wife." You simply whined, continuing to claw at his back as his large cock split you open. You could feel him inside of you, all around you like a blanket. I mean, he was laying over you, so that definitely counted. You couldn't think, you just laid there bent up in the position that he had you in, taking everything that he gave you greedily.
“I've got you, dove.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback
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theofreakingbell · 3 months
does anyone in the MCU / thorverse / loki community wanna do a gotcha for gaza? I do not have the health rn to organise one but would be happy to throw money at it / help boost if someone else could run it
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vilentia · 11 months
Whispers in the Stars
Thor x reader
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The debris of Asgard floated in the vast expanse of space, a silent testament to the events that had taken place. The spaceship carrying the surviving Asgardians hummed softly, cutting through the interstellar silence. Thor, now king, stood at the ship's observation deck, lost in thought, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. His gaze was fixed on the floating ruins of his homeland.
Behind him, a soft step echoed. It was you. You'd known Thor for what felt like eons, your bond with him strengthening with each challenge faced. You'd been by his side through his banishment to Earth, the dark days with Loki, and now the destruction of Asgard.
Seeing his somber reflection, you silently approached, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and resting your head on his broad back. He took a deep breath, feeling your presence, a grounding reminder that he wasn't alone in this.
"Why do the stars seem more distant tonight?" you whispered, the melancholy evident in your voice.
"They carry the weight of our memories, stories, and dreams," Thor replied, his voice deep and resonant.
You moved to stand beside him, looking up to meet his blue eyes, clouded with sorrow. "Our stories are not over," you reassured him, "Asgard is not a place, it's the people. And as long as we have each other, its essence will never fade."
Thor looked down at you, the corners of his lips curving into a small smile. He appreciated your wisdom, always managing to find a silver lining even in the darkest of times. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, tasting the promise of a new beginning.
"The universe has its ways of testing our mettle," Thor mused, pulling away but keeping you close. "But with you by my side, there's no challenge too great."
You grinned, threading your fingers through his. "Then let's face the future together, my king."
And as the ship journeyed onward, two souls stood united, their love a beacon of hope for all of Asgard. The stars might have whispered tales of tragedy, but they also sang songs of resilience, love, and new beginnings.
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missacidburn928 · 9 months
"It hurts, okay! It hurts because things will never be the same again. That bright eyed girl full of sunshine and hope. She's gone. A woman fortified with brimstone and ash has taken her place now. 
All you had to do was not play games with my heart. The fickle thing loves to hold a grudge. And your transgressions can not go unpunished. 
I didn't want it to be this way. I truly thought I might not ever have to release this side of me again.  But I was wrong. 
Enjoy all the destruction your betrayal hath wrought."
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jackiequick · 1 year
— A trip to New Mexico, how fun right? Well, sorta! | Marvel Phase 1 FanFic
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Timeline: Set during Iron Man 2 and in between Thor
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Summary: Coulson was assigned to go see what the hell was happening in New Mexico and decided he might need, more like want, some assistance and who better to keep watch of the town than a blast from the past SHIELD agent?
Pairing: Coulson & Underwood, Darcy Lewis & Jason Underwood and etc.
Established uncle & nephew relationship: Tony Stark & Jason Underwood
Characters/mentioned: Clint Barton, Rei Stark, Jane Foster, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff and etc.
Click here if you like to read the previous fic
The day was young and the sun was still shining among the city across Miami into the Stark Mansion. Pepper was off at Stark Industries with Natalie Rushman, who’s real name is Natasha Romanoff, meanwhile Jason took care of the business around the household. It’s been rather hectic lately so someone at least needed to make sure no one starved and everything was well taken care of.
He thanked god his grandnephew, Rei Stark, beautiful mother was taking care of the boy this week. Because then, they would have another mystery on their hands with how curious that child can secretly be.
He was answering a few questions about a financial calls in the living room and flipping across channels on the TV that involves news about the latest Stark Expo, stuff involving Dr. Bruce Banner, The Feltons daily news and information about The Strange Family son, Leonard Strange.
As well as a small crisis forming in New Mexico appeared on various news channels. He rolled his eyes knowing S.H.I.E.L.D. was probably getting word of it already and coming to—
Suddenly the floor started rumbling loudly underneath his feet and the other things started shaking. He quickly turned over to catch a lamp that almost tipped over and crashed.
His eyes widen and shouted into the phone, “I’ll have to call you back, Laura!”
He swiftly made his way down the stairs to see the basement turned open floor lab was being destroyed. And in the middle of it stood his only nephew holding back a jackhammer as AC/DC blasted into the headphones he was wearing. So he wasn’t actually listening or notice him standing there.
“HEY! BOB THE BUILDER CUT IT OUT!” Jason shouted stumbling through the rubble, deeply crackled opened walls and dirty floors that surrounded them.
If his eyes couldn’t widen even more, his eyes darted down to the 1970 model of Stark Expo he helped design decades ago laying on the ground. The model that both Stark siblings, were discussing on becoming something evolutionary different for the world. He wasn’t as smart as them to understand everything they studied and created but he understood it was far too important to not model the idea.
He reached forward lace his fingers crossed the model and questioned, “Jarvis?”
“Yes, sir?” Repiled the A.I.
“What is this? I mean, what is he building?”
“It’s to be believed Mr. Stark has discovered a New Element and is determined to use it to power his suit for a greater timeframe.”
“A new element? Damn. Alright, turn the music off.”
JARVIS did what was told as he unwired Tony’s music as the brunette genius shouted confused and insulted by the actions. Until his eyes fell on his uncle with a nod, “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves.
“You’re creating a new element, i see.”
“Yup! After 20 years, dad is still taking me to school and I’m surprised I’ve haven’t seen it sooner.”
“Because it wasn’t time for you figure it out eariler. Need help?”
“You ruined my floor.”
“That’s means your helping!”
“But your cleaning up afterwards.”
“Damn it.”
The two got to work, opening walls, expanding wires, lengthened the tunnels across the room. Tony coined it ‘hardware mood’, using his hands to create the lengthy contraction instead of his machinery. ‘Going old school’ as Jason liked to call it, pulling apart drilling into the tunnels and adding placements to the sections.
It placed looked insanely messy but you knew where everything is.
By the time, Tony was drilling in something the door to the basement opened as Agent Phil Coulson walked in saying, “I heard you broke the perimeter.”
“Uh, yeah that was 3 years ago, where you’ve been?” Tony replied, walking over to the tunnels and vents they built. 
“Doing some stuff.”
“Yeah well, me too and it worked.”
Both men chatted, as Tony wondered around the room grabbing items as Coulson picked up a half built Shield that could’ve belong to Captain America. That was when Jason stepped into the picture returning with another box of tools, cables and basic hardware.
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The blonde smirked snatching up the item, showing it to Tony who’s face light up, having Coulson help them put the Shield underneath the tunnels to level it. Perfectly leveled.
“I’m busy, what you want?” Tony said, receiving a light slap on the arm from Jason due to the attitude he gave Coulson, “Ow!”
Coulson held back a small chuckled, “Goodbye. I’ve been reassigned, director Fury wants me in New Mexico.”
“Fantastic. Land of enchantment.”
“Or so I’m told.”
Jason spoke up, “The small crisis in New Mexico, involving the decency sized craters with a hammer smacked in the middle of it?”
“Good, your informed.” Coulson added with a half smile.
“I saw the news.”
“I would like you to come, Stark seems to be handling things here perfectly well.”
“Yeahhh. Nope! I’m retired.”
“Never too late to jump back in the game.”
“And I’m busy.”
Tony gave his uncle a look to go do it and get out of the house, that he can handle everything from here. He weighted his options, not wanting to leave his house unsupervised and tired of going deep into SHIELD missions, he rather likes retirement.
“I don’t know, man. Again, I’ve been retired for more than 15 freaking years.” Jason exclaimed.
Coulson thought for a moment, he really wanted to have company for a couple of days and said, “You only need to scout the town and see what’s happening.”
“Undercover work?”
“Yes. Only for 4 days, i promise than you can come back.”
“2 days. I’m only doing simple work, let me remind you that i rather not mess with the others there.”
“Fine by me. Waiting for you in the car.”
Tony giggled at the speechless face his uncle made. It was priceless! He told him to go ahead with Coulson for a few short days, he promised he won’t reck the house, hopefully. Plus he knew the man had a suitcase still packed from their trip to France upstairs.
He sent a playful glare to his nephew, grabbing his things and met Phil outside.
The man drove them to New Mexico, taking stops to stretch their legs and eat on the way there. Both men chatted to keep the time at ease, having respect for one another and actually enjoying the company. Phil Coulson wasn���t a half bad, but that doesn’t mean he won’t heist to tease him.
“So, how’s the thing with May going?” Jason let out ever so causal, sipping a bottle of water.
Phil blinked hearing him and awkwardly blushed, “I—i-how did you know that?”
“I heard of the story that you were on a undercover mission with her and a few interactions were made.”
“It was completely professional.”
“Oh, so taking 2 minutes to unhook her bra was professional?”
“There were cameras! I was trying to sell that we were together.”
Jason snickered, “Oh yeah according to her, you sold it.”
“That was an act for the camera!” Coulson added trying to defend himself, “So you and May talk, huh?”
“Quite a bit. Her emails about you are hilarious.”
“Remind me to call her later. And i will have you know, I was being a gentleman.”
“Oh yeah, of course Phil. You were committed.”
“I think i did alright. You think i was committed?”
“Your one of a kind, Coulson. Don’t ever change.”
The rest of the ride meant a few jokes here and there, stopping for snack break and bringing up movies along with latest shows on TV. There were a few mishaps and things that needed to be taken care of during their stops.
They arrived soon enough to New Mexico, as an SHIELD base was already being formed around the outsets of the town nearby the crater that held the hammer. The moment they exist the car, Jason slid down darting to examine the hammer in awe. Plenty of people tried surrounding and lifting the metallic gray block from the ground but it didn’t seem to budge at all. 
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“Wow..” muttered Jason, giving a once over to Phil who snapped pictures.
The carvings were immaculate, the lining was framed perfectly, the engraved symbols were placed in a fitting manner. The hammer looked one of a kind. Magical. Ungodly amount of time and effort was made into making it. Jason must admit he gave credit to the people who shaped such a glorified item.
Hell, the man stepped over looping the brown handled into his grip trying to lift it himself. He grunted and huffed, taking a couple of breaths trying his mightiest to lift the god damn hammer. But nothing! It didn’t even bother to slightly budge for him. He sighed, releasing the grip of the handle and stomped up to the previous stop he want in.
“Anything?” Coulson asked, humoring his attempt to lift the hammer.
“Nope.” He replied, huffing and massaging his grip, “That thing is stuck!”
“Yikes. Here’s the deal, your gonna get a change on clothes then scout the town.”
“How about you? Gonna try and lift it yourself?”
“Haha! No, I’m handling a few pressing matters and help set up the base of operations.” 
Jason nodded walking back to the car, he seemed out of breath from trying to lift the god damn hammer. It was super glued to the ground, not even trucks and machines with horsepower could even remove it from the ground.
He found himself a nicely fresh change of causal clothes. Being a brown jacket with a olive green t-shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of his favorite classic sneaker. Along with a pair of simple sunglasses that were gifted by Pepper last Christmas. He carried his old school SHIELD ID, walkie-talkie and a handheld gun in his pocket. Just in case.
The man wondered around town, taking notice of the simplicity of it all. The houses, buildings, stores that held the items needed to built a good foundation, a general grocery store, a diner that held the delicious smell of pies, a bar and plenty of other places to visit. It made him smile. He liked it a lot, especially since the afternoon sun shinned just right above the cloud, giving the waves a cozy breath of fresh air.
He enjoyed it.
He walked around, entertaining himself at a coffee shop nearby the gas station. He was waiting in line, reading the signs on the wall and giving small nods to older folk or pregnant women who walked past him, letting them go in front of him. He wasn’t in a hurry to get out or anything, his job was the scout the town and see what type of people they’re dealing with.
And so far? Everyone seemed to be general folk living their day to day lives, working 9-5 meanwhile the teenagers and children were out at school or something.
Everything was going good until he was accidentally bumped into by someone.
He didn’t see the person, only what dropped on the floor next to his feet. A older brunette doll, that was wearing a purple dress, a white lab coat, strapless heels and a ponytail. Alongside a pair of sunglasses on the doll. Looked more like an cool action figure than a doll, designed by wonderfully crafty people.
Little did he know that the young girl who this doll belonged to would be important to him later on. As well as the mother.
He chuckled as his eyes darted up to the person, “Hey sweetheart, I believe this is yours?”
The young girl turned around, her red skirt bouncing in the wind from the movement she was making and fixing her crafty jacket a bit, pushing up her bangs to face the man. Her big brown eyes were covered by square frames. Along with adorable dimples.
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“Ohh? Oh! I’m sorry mister..” She repiled shyly with a smile, and gently taking the doll from him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t want to lose her, she’s smart.” He replied with a smile.
“Yeah my doll is a scientist! She’s love coffee, dresses in purple and uh, stuff.
“Hahaha. That’s amazing, um sweetie?
“Sorry to ask, but um where’s your mama?”
“Uh, she’s getting extra coffee from her and a few friends.”
“And she left you alone?”
“I’m not that’s little, you know. I’m 15–16!…ish, very soon.”
“Child. You’re still a child.”
“I’m almost 16, sir.! Sorry for shouting.”
“Don’t be, it’s alright.”
He was just about to ask her name when..
“Mew Mew!”
Came a voice, sounding it belonged a women. She ran up to them, holding a box of donuts and a two cups of coffee. The women seemed to a short brunette with long curls, a beanie that bounced with her every step and glasses. She was pretty! Her features matched the young girl perfectly, it made him smile knowing that her mother returned quickly.
“Mew Mew, i told you to stay put, sweetie.” Said the mother with a smile pushing up her glasses, sounding sweetly protective of the girl.
“I’m sorry, i had to throw out my trash mom.” Apologized the young girl.
“At least tell me where you’re going next time. This place is sorta crowded. You almost gave me a huge fright!”
“I’m sorry. I will tell you next time. But I’m okay! I promise!”
The brunette noticed the man and said, “I’m so sorry about her! She just ran off and i had no idea what happened..i hope she wasn’t too much trouble or anything.”
That was when Jason spoke up with a politic tone replying, “Oh no! It’s completely alright, you know how kid—I mean, teens are. Just be lucky, it was me who found her and not some other guy.”
“You have kids? I mean no offense, your like a young and tall bachelor.”
He chuckled, “That i know of, I have one. He’s at home with family.”
“You’re new around here, huh?” She questioned with a smile.
“It’s obvious isn’t it?”
“YUP! I mean the jacket means your suitable and out of town, no offense.”
“None taken. I’m just here for two days, I needed some rest from a long trip.”
She smiled, “Well you pick a odd place to stop. Oh well, welcome to New Mexico. I’m Darcy and you already met Mew Mew.”
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“Melissa!” Cut in the young girl, with a grin.
Jason nodded with a small laugh and decided to use a nickname of his, “Nice to meet both of you. I’m JJ.”
“JJ, huh?” Darcy challenge with a smile, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll find out my real name later, if your lucky.”
“Well i like it! It’s cute. Oh I’m sorry again for taking up your time.”
“It’s okay, doll. No one was breaking any bylaws or anything. You seem like your in a hurry as well?”
“Oh yes! Meeting up a fews friends of mine for breakfast and stuff. Oh shit, we’re running late. Thanks again, JJ!”
“No problem! Be careful and stay safe out there.”
The women walked away with a smile, glancing back at him thinking about something as her daughter waved at the man. He chuckled, waving goodbye to the pair noticing he was finally next in line and made a quiet order. He thanked the sweet barista with a charming smile, who giggled softly at his politeness, as he made his way around town. 
His thought went back to the women he met earlier, Darcy, and her grinning daughter. They seemed like kind folk, but a part of him felt like he seen something in Darcy’s face before. Like he met a version of her in the past. Maybe her mother or an older sister? He didn’t know what it was, but he felt calm and a bit like himself around her aura.
He smiled.
Moments like that made him feel good. He has seen and met plenty of faces beforehand in his life. People on missions, dates he was dragged into going on, parties he danced at, walks in the park and just faces that made him feel a sense of déjà vu. A charming old feeling, per say.
As he scout the town, he scanned the area and the people, when suddenly he heard it. A loud banging tune. A righteous voice that could sent a smile to any man or women who met them. His face whipped around to hiding across the corner of a store, noticing the group.
A short light haired brunette with a beauty mark, an older man dressed in a patterned shirt and a tall blonde wearing a brownish jacket. And next to them stood Darcy, along with her daughter. But his eyes bounced back to the voice.
The mannerisms of the blonde haired man held such strong attitude towards the others around him. Tall and muscular like he was meant to do business with someone. The voice was righteously kind and oddly enough to seem like he lost his footing. His young facial features made him look like he was sculpture by…
A god.
Jason smirked. Pulling out his phone, he called Coulson, simply saying, “I think I found your sources, Phil…”
He returned back to the base of operations.
It was jarring scurrying up the step, having not been in a SHIELD makeshift office for more or less 15 years. Practically 20 years! A heat wave hit him. The man would’ve shivered at the thoughts and memories that had the option to wash over him.
He snapped back towards Coulson watching the man work, watching scanners and scouts shouting loudly across the room. He even noticed a blonde man dressed in black in the corner, tightening his arrowheads giving him a small nod, acknowledging him.
“Phil. We have your guy.” Jason spoke with a clear voice, catching the people in the room’s attention.
He explains to Coulson to try getting into contact with a Dr. Jane Foster and her little group of misfits, collecting as much information they can. Coulson was impressed by hearing this, already on the same page before he showed up finding information about Dr. Foster, calling orders to everyone who was in the area.
Jason nodded, about to walk out when somebody tossed a gun at him. He caught it and examined the weapon. A position for a sharp shooter.
“Hey—wait, no! Coulson, we had a deal. I ain’t doing this. I did the light work you asked for.” Yelled out the blonde following the agent across the halls.
“Yeah well, I had other plans. I figured you’ll like to get a front row seat on the action, high up.” Coulson said, with a small smile, “If he shows up.”
“Whatever you plan on doing, you better keep an eye on them and make sure no harm comes to them. Their group had a child with them.”
“Relax Wood—”
“Sorry, Underwood. I won’t harm anyone, we just need to speak to that one guy. I promise we’ll try to play it safe, but we don’t know who we’re dealing with.”
“You’re window with me will be closing very soon, Coulson. So make it quick, then I’m out.”
“Crystal clear, Underwood. But I do have a question, why did you come?”
He blinked and just shrugged, he really didn’t know the true answer to that question. He thought about it, trying to word it in his mind the best he can, leaving out a few details for himself.
“Because my nephew wanted me out of the house..and I-I had no other choice but to make sure SHIELD that knows what they’re doing…I’ve seen the records and it’s utter chaos.” He answered softly.
Coulson nodded and pressed, “We’re trying to fix it as we go along, I promise. Why did you retire? You know either way, it won’t last. You will always have a part of you that wants to come back to this..I mean look at your life now.”
Jason didn’t answer him this time, just walked away with a grip on the rifle. He knew the plenty of reasons why he retired and honestly he enjoyed retirement, hoping to get this job done. But it won’t say most of it out loud himself.
This time, we was perched on a high level outside with the archer he saw earlier. Clint Barton.
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The man wasn’t half bad. Snarky, has a murder stare he can appreciate, very knowledgeable about stuff and honestly a pretty chill guy. Along with a bit grumpy due to the rain.
In the New Mexico, it was raining again. The last two days have on and off again rain with sun and wind. Mother Nature didn’t seem too happy. Some agents didn’t mind it meanwhile the others were annoyed by it.
He doesn’t mind the rain too much.
“So, you’re the guy Nat was telling me about?” Clint said after a few minutes of silence between them.
Jason was hunched over readjusting his gun, and looked over his shoulder heading him, “What?”
“Natasha. She told me about you.”
“Uh, Clint, I don’t know a Natasha, buddy.”
He chuckled, “Ohhhh! You don’t know? Your women from legal, Natalie Rushman, is actually an agent of ours..”
“The fuck?” Jason let out, taking a moment to connect the dots and groaned, “God damn it! Pepper hired her, and didn’t even notice the clues.”
“Ah, well, she’s good at her job! Could fool anyone. She’s a widow for gods sakes!”
‘So was my big sister..’ He thought to himself, before adding, “Yeah, she fooled me. Uh, what did she say about me?”
“That you’re agile, smart, kind.” Clint snorted, “And bit of a grump. No offense! She likes to tell me about her missions and the people she meets, but she doesn’t know much about you..”
“And I like to keep it that way. For your knowledge and hers, I’m uh, just a family friend of Stark’s.”
“A very close one it seems. You didn’t seem like you wanted to leave the house.”
“Yeah well, someone needs to keep an eye on them. Enough about me, Clint, what about you?”
“Simple man like you, i guess. I remember wanting to work with SHIELD for a long time and I’ve been working 9-5 for some time now, trying to perfect my craft.  Oh, I have a beautiful fiancé not a lot of people know that.”
Anyone can see the soft grin on Clint’s face mentioning the last part. He seemed very proud of it, as if he was planning on starting a family with whoever this fiancé was. In result, it had Jason smiling.
“Treat her right, Barton.” Jason told him with a smile.
“I try.” Clint replied, “You got anyone?”
“Uh..um, it’s complicated.”
“How complicated?”
“I take girls out on dates but it never last.”
“Hmm! You need to try finding a girl outside of your usual spots.”
They waited. Wait long hours of the day, Clint on his leveled perched up with his bow and arrow. Jason on the other side, underneath an umbrella, his gun in hand, eyes narrow. It was dark, rainy, quiet, you couldn’t hear much. Only the ruffle of trees, wet sand being slouch around and machines working.
Until they heard it. The grunts, groans, yells and pure shouting that started picking up pace. The running from starts perked Jason and Clint up in positions.
Then the pair saw it, the situation of a tall, blonde man with full on muscles over his body. His wet hair and pissed off look that made him look like Zeus. Clint got a clean shot at him and Jason narrowed, his gun able to get a closer look.
“Damn he’s uh, good looking..” Jason muttered, couldn’t lie and thanked god his old friends weren’t here to make heart eye at him.
“Yeah he is..” Clint muttered back then started asking Coulson to fire, who ordered him to wait.
The tall blonde man raised growled and roared like a large monster of rage, his hands gripping onto the handle of the hammer. He smirked as he pulled and grunted waiting for a result, but nothing came. Just like when Jason pulled it earlier. No result.
However, this man looked upset, screaming and his knees fell to the ground. He looked defeated. Like dialing back on doing a simple task, like he meant to lift it. Jason blinked, trying to think onto what this god was trying to achieve!
‘God of what?’ He asked himself, watching the man to see if he would do anything else. A part of him might’ve been empathetic toward him, if he wasn’t standing the freaking rain roaring in defeat and annoyance.
He snapped out of this thoughts when Coulson called it. Jason ran down with other agents cuffing Thor wrists together. Clint lowers his bow and arrow. They brought him into a room to be interrogated by Phil Coulson, the blonde man stayed quiet the whole time…
Coulson paced back and forth, he just wanted a name. He bite his nails. Proof that this man has something to hide for he can report back to Fury. Phil kept glancing at the monitors, watching this man’s movements. It wasn’t moving, just looking defeated.
Clint was doing research measures for this case, Jason watched the scanners. His eyes stayed on the blonde, wishing he heard his name earlier when he was scouting the town, but he didn’t. Darcy nor Jane Foster said his name. Jason narrowed in on the tall blonde recognizing something, trying to connect the dots.
He seems to be a strong man. Maybe we he brought to Earth due to a punishment? Did he screw up with somebody? Who made him this way? So many questions were running across his head, watching the clock.
Again, he recognized the look, the same one his nephew shared two years ago before announcing himself as Iron Man.
He’s in need of finding himself, grounding himself in humanity.
Coulson locked eyes with Jason, knowing his time was almost up. Less than 12 hours and he’ll be gone back to Miami. 
“You talk to him.” Phil remarked.
“What? No.” Jason rejected the request.
“We just need his name. He said he’s a god compared to the men here.”
“Every man thinks he’s a god. I’ve been near it, he’s just bluffing.”
“Exactly why you should go! Please, i just need it and we can focus our research with the equipment we stole from Foster.”
“You stole from Dr. Foster. Not me.”
Jason grumbled underneath his breath, reminding himself he’ll be gone soon. He walked away, removing his jacket and took a long sigh, sucking his teeth before entering the room.
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He entered the clear room, holding a glass of water for the man and a snack. A bag of chips he stole from the vending machines.
He sat down in the chair across from him, handing him the items.
“What’s this?” Asked the blonde, holding the glass of water and small bag.
“Water. I can promise you it’s not drugged or anything. You need it after taking out those men.” Jason explained, with a kindness in his tone.
“Why? Are you with them? Theses men. Son of Col and his soldiers.”
“Not exactly, your highness. I was just sent to scout the town and keep an eye on the people, especially after the ruckus at the moment.”
“You mean to cause me and theses humans harm then…?”
“No. I didn’t, that was Coulson’s doing. I didn’t know his intentions until now. He know he’s on a time crunch with me and he just ask one thing of you.”
“And what is that?”
Thor stayed silent, looking down after asking that question. He leaned against his chair, inching forward to drink the water and bag of the chips he was given. He was hungry and very much appreciated the small offering. He watched the man, sitting in front of him. He held such kindness, honesty and plenty of gruff to himself. As if he had a lot of trouble in his mind.
“Who are you?” Thor asked him, sipping his glass.
“Why would you like to know? He asked, rather intrigued by his eyes.
“You offered to show me a far cry of kindness.”
“Because, if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people…”
Thor was honestly taking back by his words. Those were powerful enough just to be written in stone. He wondered if this man was playing a role or actually meant every word in that sentence. As if he lived plenty of lives, such as himself. A part of him choose to highly respect it.
“What’s your game, mortal?” He asked, leaning forward in his chair.
“No, no game your highness. You have your secrets and so do i. And i can tell you don’t want to be here.” Jason told him honestly, “I’ll just like to know your name. Please?”
“..I’m Thor. Son Of Odin.”
“Your a god..?”
“Yes. What do you mean by the question?”
“A man of your status must’ve been sent here for a reason, my lord.”
“I was casted out of my home for being a ruckus and disobeying my orders…but i can assure you, I didn’t mean to cause you harm..”
“I can tell. Thor, i don’t know how long you’ve been here on Earth but what I’m about to say might ease your thoughts.”
“You were sent here to learn a lesson. I can only imagine what it might be, however that’s for you figure out.”
“A lesson?”
“There’s always trials and errors to overcome. And I believe you might have to learn something from being among us humans..”
The god of thunder stayed silent simply nodded, listening to him as his mind ran with billions of thoughts. Jason stood up from his chair thanking him for that small information and he’ll request for Thor to be released soon enough.
He was about to leave the room when the god of thunder stop him.
“What’s your name?” He asked, his blue eyes pooling and twirling in curiosity.
He looked over his shoulder with a simple half smile, “Jason Underwood, your majesty.”
With that last comment he left, telling Clint what he found from his conversation with the blonde. It wasn’t much, he wasn’t going to tell Barton about what exactly happened in that room. Keeping that information private until further notice. He only said that his name was ‘Thor’ and that he’s a god.
Clint nodded taking note of what was said to tell Coulson later. Jason nodded, snatching up his keys. His work here was done. He hoped.
He took the first chance he got, returning back to his motel to pack his things and head back home.
The man was driving to Miami turning back the radio, when he received a call from James Rhodes. Rhodey was telling him what recently happened with Tony, the fight with Pepper, the issue with his suits and whatnot. Along with the fact that Tony decided to take off in his suit and sat on a giant freaking donut. It was a rather long list.
“He did what?!”
Was all Jason yelled out the phone, as he reached a red light.
As if he week couldn’t get any weirder…
Thanks for reading this story! Also is this my soft reboot of a cooler sweeter MCU? Yes. Yes it is.
Did you catch the two pop culture references? ;)
Pls reblog, like, share and comment for more
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @gaminggirlsstuff @hanlueluver @triptuckers @rooster-84 @sherloquestea @meiramel @hangmanbrainrot @morgan108 @eliohasmyheart @blackheart-beauty @yetanotherwells @savemewattpad @blueboirick and etc
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lostalioth · 2 years
hi jules <3 may I request a lil thing?
what do you think of a fluffy thor x reader taking care of sick!reader? or sam wilson x reader, whatever inspires you the most. thanks sweets!!
(this is for @openheart-odinson to cheer her up <33)
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐩
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→ premise: thor isnt too familiar with the common midguardian cold, all he knows is you arent feeling well. in an attempt to do his best taking care of you, he resorts to goggle.
→ paring: thor odinson x fem!reader
→ warnings: fluff, sick!reader, established relationship, reader being taken care of, slight himbo!thor, possibly ooc thor, nicknames [babe, love, sweetheart]
→ a/n: ahh so I’ve never written for thor but I couldn’t help be a bit self indulgent and do the option of thor taking care of reader, as well as couldn’t help doing this request because it is from alix
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Thor was still very new to all things midgardian, no matter how much time he’s spent on earth and around mortals. Therefore some of the things you do and go through that are normal to you are a mystery to him, though he loves you deeply he does question you quite often.
“What’s wrong, love?” He questioned as he walked into your shared master bedroom. “You seem upset, why are you still in bed? its noon” his voice was laced with worry and confusion now. He brings a hand up to your face to rub his thumb across your cheek and the skin under your eye. The small action made your heart swell with affection. Through a small cough you manage to get out a sentence “I have a cold” your voice came out cracked near the end, worrying your boyfriend even further.
Your head feels very hazy and cloudy, sinuses so congested that you have to resort to breathing through your mouth.
“Well if you’re cold, I’ll just go fetch you a blanket to warm you up silly girl” he lifts his hand off up, causing a whimper to escape your lips like a plea. Giving you a look full of love and sympathy he turns on his heels to head to the old spruce trunk where all the extra bedding and blankets are stored. You weakly shake your head no at him, unbeknownst to him as his wide shoulders and back were now facing you. “No thor, i have a cold, as in im sick” your voice somehow comes out weaker than before.
“Sick?? Do i need to phone the doctor babe, is it bad?” His joking tone switched quickly back to the confused and concerned tone it had before. You let out a small throaty chuckle that leads to a big cough. Thor is quick to inch forward to you to lay a hand on the middle of your back in an attempt to comfort you, as you sit up in bed for what felt like the first time in hours. Once your coughing fit calmed down you looked up at him as he let out a small huff in relief, though his brows remained furrowed. “No my love, I’ll be fine, it's a common illness. It usually passes in a few days.” You offer the teddy bear of a man comforting you a smile as best as you can muster. “Have you never had a cold before? Or the flu?” Thor seemed completely oblivious to what a cold was so you were very curious and it was now your turn to look confused.
“Most of us asgardians are immune to your earthly illnesses and diseases sweetheart”. You give him a small nod in acknowledgment as your eyes grew heavier.
“I’ll let you rest babe, sweet dreams” a small smile spreads across thor's face as you snuggle down under the plush covers, letting sleep quickly consume you. He leans down and leaves a quick peck on your forehead before heading out of the bedroom and down the hall. While you laid peacefully in your soft bed, giving your body some well needed rest, he had a mission.
Softly opening and closing the door to your office he settles down into your soft desk chair getting to work. He knew enough about how to use the computer from missions with Stark and what you've taught him that he is able to open google. Signing into his account instead of yours, he got right to work researching cold remedies. He was determined to help you the best he could.
After enough research he set off into the kitchen to make you a hot cup of tea as well as a bowl of chicken noodle soup. As the tea steeped and the soup was heating up he drew you a warm bath, setting out new clothes for you on the counter. One of his old shirts that you loved stealing and he loved seeing you wear even if it was a tad big on you. As well as a new pair of underwear and socks. He also sets out your shampoo, conditioner, body wash and all the other things needed.
After waking you up to bring you the cup of tea and soup to make sure you’ve eaten, he carries you to the en suite bathroom attached to your master bedroom and begins bathing you.
For the rest of the day he tends to you in any way you need, bringing you a snack, water, medicine whatever he could possibly get.
In the end the best remedy for your cold was a good night's rest, thor's arms holding you tight to his chest.
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→ a/n: i hope you enjoyed!! and i hope thor wasn’t too outta character :)
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Play This Whenever You Need Us- Chris Evans/ Steve Rogers fan fic
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Summary: Chris makes a video recording one day with some of the other cast members as their characters after filming Avengers Endgame for reader since he knows it’ll be hard for her to say goodbye to the original team and Chris has her watch the video after rewatching all the movies again after a few years and Chris comforts her
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of feeling sad, happy memory flashbacks, comfort fluff, soft Chris, mentions of anxiety and depression, let me know if I miss anything, spoilers of endgame a bit
(Chris’s POV)
Ok so I got this idea after I had filmed Avengers Endgame with my other co stars and I knew Y/N loved Steve and the others and after she saw Endgame she was having a hard time and I wanted to do something special to help her smile again. I made a video for her dressed as Steve and I had asked a few of my co stars to be in the video as their character and they like Y/N and they were happy to help me put it together and I couldn’t wait for my girl to see it knowing it would make her smile. I went to go check on Y/N to see how she was doing and I saw her looking through movies and said “hey babe you doing ok?” She looked up at me with a smile and said “oh hey Chris yea I’m alright just wanted to watch a movie but couldn’t choose which one, maybe you can help me decide?” I knelt down by Y/N and Dodger who was by her side and I saw the marvel movies and I picked up the first one and I wanted her to watch that video I made for her but I wanted her to see if after seeing Endgame again and it’s been a while since she’s watched a marvel movie which I understood.
I handed Y/N the marvel movie box and said “here how about we binge watch every marvel again? I know they’re your favorite Y/N.” She smiled and said “oh Chris you know me too well babe, I would love to!” I kissed her and said “great, why don’t you pop in the disc and I’ll go get us some snacks and drinks hmm?” She nodded and said “sounds good honey.” I got up and went to go get us popcorn and drinks and made sure I had that video recording on stand by after Endgame. I couldn’t wait to see Y/N’s reaction afterwards, I love making my girl smile.
————time skip———
A few days later Y/N and I finally got to Endgame after binge watching every movie during the week and we were watching Endgame together and laughed at the humor and jokes and we would point out stuff and each time something emotional happened I would take Y/N’s hand in mine and hold her close to me making sure she was ok and every so often I’d have us pause the movie and I’d hug Y/N and comfort her. I looked at her with a smile and said “you wanna stop for tonight? We can pick it up another day?” Y/N shook her head and said “no I’m fine babe, plus it’s getting to a good part the team is getting ready to arrive back with the stones, but I appreciate you checking Chris I’m ok I promise.” I kissed her forehead and said “alright honey I’m proud of you.” We got more popcorn and drinks and resumed watching and we got to the big battle scene against thanos and his teams and Y/N squeezed my hand and we both laughed at everyone’s humor and then when tony got the glove with the stones I noticed Y/N started crying and when she was watching she turned towards me after she watched him snap his fingers and cried and said “no…” I hugged her tight and said “I know honey I know I’m sorry doll.” I held her for a bit after pausing it and just let her cry it out while holding her. Y/N calmed down after a bit and said “thank you for comforting me babe, I’m ok now but can you hold me while we watch the rest?” I kissed her cheek and said “of course sweetheart but are you sure you wanna watch the rest?” She smiled and wiped her tears off her cheeks and said “yea I wanna see Steve get his happy ending.” I blushed and said “I love you, you know that right?” Y/N leaned in and kissed me and said “I love you too Mr. Evans.”
(Y/N’s POV)
Chris held me close while watched the last few minutes of the movie and seeing everyone at Tony’s funeral except Natasha wasn’t easy but when I saw Bucky in the back I was happy knowing he would be there. After I saw Steve say goodbye to Bucky to go return the stones I cried a bit and when Steve ended up with Peggy I got so happy and I got up to hug Chris said “Steve really deserved his happy handing I’m glad they gave it to him, such a powerful movie thank you for suggesting it.” Chris kissed the top of my head and said “anything for my girl, I also have a surprise for you though sunshine, I have something for you to see.” I was curious and said “oh? What is it??” He handed me his phone and pulled up a video and said “push play honey, you’ll see.” I pushed on the video to have it play and I saw Chris was dressed as Steve Rogers and he said “hey I hope this is recording, ok so if you’re watching this doll it probably means you just watched endgame again. I wanted to make this video for you for whenever you need it. I know we might not be around in movies anymore but I just wanted to tell you that we will always be there when you need us I promise you’re never alone, oh I think Bucky would like to come say a few things hang on.”
I saw Bucky sit in front of the camera and he waved and said “hey there Y/N it’s Bucky here and I heard you just watched Endgame again and I wanted to come see how you’re doing and wanted to come say we’ll always be around and that we’re not gone forever just push play and watch the movies from the start and we’ll be there to make you smile we love you doll, oh and I think Wanda wants to come say a few words, love you doll.” I smiled while crying and said “love you too..” Wanda sat down and said “hey there sweet girl I know you just watched Endgame and you’re probably having a tough time but hey look at me? You’re not alone Y/N we’re here and we love you.” Thor walked by the camera and said “hey you, you’re strong and can make it through anything and Loki and I are watching over Midgard remember that.” Loki came in the video and said “hey darling I’m here to say I love you and here to support you don’t ever give up.” Steve showed up again and sat with the others and said “so just remember doll we will always be there when you need us so just watch this video whenever you need it and we’ll be right here we love you doll take care of yourself, see you soon.”
The video ended and I handed Chris his phone back and cried in his arms and said “thank you so much for this Chris, I love you more than anything.” Chris kissed the side of my head and said “I love you twice as much honey, anything for my baby I love you.” I hugged him tight and said “thank everyone for me ok?” Chris smiled at me and said “you got it Y/N I definitely will I promise I’m always here Y/N you’re never alone.”
Ok so I thought the idea for this was cute 😊♥️🥹 hope you all enjoy xx
@chrisevansdaughter @jessybarnes
If I forget to tag anyone please let me know xx
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dietcokesports · 2 years
Hey darlings :D
I may or may not have lied on my last post but we can move past that🤪
Anyways please send in scenarios and I might be able to stew up some writing in my noggin <3
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cherryfinolahobbes · 2 years
After the Blip, Peter and Strange team up to get Wong and Cherry on a date. Staging it to make it look like Wong had bought cherry tickets to an event, at said event they meet Thor. The event is interrupt by a powered up Ward who ends up injuring Wong before disappearing.
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loupsgarou · 2 years
Thor hated seeing her sad, he had been that way since they met, and he would move mountains just to see her smile again.
Even when she had taken a moment to herself after their encounter with her father, she ached for Thor. Physically, emotionally. To reach out for him, root herself with him no matter where he stood, just to forget every shitty experience in her life.
The surprised half-yelp and jump he gave yanked her back to reality, earning a slight squeak in turn, as Mjolnir found itself in his ready hand within seconds to defend them both against the beast on the screen.
fic snippet, “An Appendix of Rhapsodies”
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mxtantrights · 1 year
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yes my inbox is open to blurbs starting now. send in any ramblings or ideas you have! I’d love to answer and talk and create new things along with you all. or just gush over these characters. 
who I will write for 
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Joaquin Torres
Thor Odinson
Namor (K'uk'ulkan')
Alex Summers
Kurt Wagner
Peter Parker (TASM)
(and maybe more, send me an ask and I’ll let you know)
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holdmytesseract · 1 month
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Loki: *paces slowly and intimidately up and down the room, almost like a predetor*
Loki: As a prince of Asgard and heir to the throne, I've been taught how to fight. I fought a lot of wars in the name of my home; saturated sacred grounds with my blood and that of my enemies. Nowadays, it's my duty and privilege as an Avenger to do the same for your home. For Midgard. Just like my brother, I swore to protect this realm - and I will.
Loki: *stops and turns, then crosses his hands behind his back and takes in an elegant, godlike posture*
Loki: I won't hesitate. I won't yield. I am a prince - a god. Nothing fears me. Nothing in this world will be able to bewitch me and cause the loss of focus and the needed coldheartedness. Nothing-
Little Ella, suddenly barging through the ajar door and interrupting her father: Daddy!
Loki: *starts to smile and completely loses his stoic, threatening and serious demeanor* Hi, baby girl!
Loki: *crouches down to catch her and pick her up* What do you got here, princess?
Ella: Daisy tain! *proudly holds up the daisy chain she made with you*
Loki, smiling even brighter: For me?
Ella, nodding: Uh.Huh.
Loki: *helps Ella's small hands to put it on his head*
Loki: Thank you, princess. *presses kisses against her chubby cheek*
Ella: *wiggles and giggles excitedly in Loki's arms*
Loki: *lets her down on the floor again* Go and make one for uncle Thor as well.
Ella: *nods eagerly and storms out of the room again*
Loki: *clears throat and turns back to the huge monitor inside the conference room; putting back on his stoic, threatening and serious demeanor* Apologies, gentlemen... Where was I?
Some of the most important politicians: *blinking and just staring at Loki*
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a/n: This lil' blurb came kinda out of nowhere - and ahhh, I absolutely love it, hehe. 🤭🥰
•☆° Baby Fever Masterlist °☆•
Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @brokenpoetliz @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @smolvenger @lou12346789 @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @ainsley30 @lovingchoices14 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980 @loki-laufeyson223 @vbecker10 @lulubelle814 @foxherder
531 notes · View notes
theofreakingbell · 4 months
was looking at fancy blu rays of thor and 
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(Mondo x Zavvi Steelbook edition from 2021 btw)
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vilentia · 11 months
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Whispers in the Stars
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boltonbritreads · 26 days
🗣️Eddie Munson Fic Recs
This is gonna have a sappy start before I get into the fic rec portion: but I just wanted to say that at the end of May 2022, I was finishing up my first year of law school. It was rough, challenging, lonely, and basically everything you’d expect and I was in a bad place and the fandom I’d been in was slowing down just naturally. I truly wish I could remember how I even became aware of Eddie Munson because stranger things wasn’t really on my radar anymore and whoever I followed at the time that started to veer off into Eddie-mania, thank you. In the two years since then, I’ve graduated and become the worlds babiest lawyer and I genuinely owe a lot to this fandom and community on here for giving me a fun, usually safe, creative place to escape to when it got rough.
I’m just hoping to maybe remind people that there are already an incredible, incredible amount of existing stories to read and talk about that deserve your attention and love if you’re looking to read some Eddie stories. Some of these will be fics I’ve recommended before but I’m going to try my best to pull together writers and fics that I love and think everyone should read in the hopes that someone like me who still scrolls through eddie tags looking for my nightly bedtime story can find something new to them to read! ✨
Previous Fic Rec list here!! some overlap but there’s no such thing as too much hype for these writers
@munson-blurbs I hope it’s ok but I’m linking Bug’s full masterlist here because I have genuinely loved everything she has written. There are blurbs, series, and special events which are all incredible and worth a read! Bug is currently still writing the “Living after Midnight” series which is my current obsession and features rockstar!eddie x motelheiress!reader and it’s angst and lust galore
@corroded-hellfire also sharing the Eddie Masterlist here because there’s so many fics to read!! As You Wish, Big Brown Eyes, Where the Heart Is are all incredible but truly there’s so much here to enjoy
@upsidedownwithsteve SIMMER!! jk I’m actually linking the Eddie Masterlist here too because I love them all but “I Want You To Want Me” and “Simmer” are out of this world
@pinkrelish The Yes Policy I love it, you love it, we all love it and if you haven’t caught up yet oh my god I wish I was you and could read these chapters for the first time again
@ghost-proofbaby I’ve previously told people to go read 24 Hours, and you should, that’s an order; but Maroon is ongoing! and it’s actually infiltrating my every thought so go on over and get caught up bc I think it’s safe to say things are getting amped up
@trashmouth-richie I have also previously recommended Honey, I’m Home because it’s a work of art but Ziggy has a new mini series “Crash + Fall” that I’m completely obsessed with the concept for and I’ve loved every piece so far!
@tiannasfanfic I just reblogged Conviction again but I genuinely am not exaggerating when I say I think about this story and these two monthly and try and find this story all the time to re-read it endlessly. It’s a really lovely story of unplanned pregnancy and two characters not realizing they’ve been smitten for each other the whole time and I love it
@carolmunson I’m sharing another Eddie Masterlist here because I’d be making this post far too long but Carol’s stories are all incredible, complex, and honest. “Let’s go, don’t wait” just got updated and I had to read it like 3 times last night because it was too good to just read one and done
@rebelfell I just discovered Sarah’s blog after reading the most recent “Frenemy” fic and idk what I was doing wrong to not already follow her and not have already read her whole Masterlist but I’m linking the whole thing bc she’s so good!!
@the-au-thor I also only just discovered Elle’s blog and that’s criminal but thank god I found Babysitting Mun because I am a sucker for rockstar!eddie and this series has me on the edge of my seat rn
@storiesbyrhi I’m sharing the Masterlist folks because I have genuinely loved every single story and series and I have read them all now (some several times). So many of Rhi’s stories have a wonderful warm witchy vibe that I crave and I’ve read Siouxsie and the Soulmates, The Cabin in the Woods, Our Patron Saint of the Arts, Vintage Reeboks, and Burning Yarrow (insert screaming fan gif) multiple times now
@heart-eyed-love this fic is the epitome of a soft, cozy, domestic night with Eddie and if you need a hug read this 🥹
@eddieandbird I JUST got caught up on Eddie/Tour Manager series and I’m fully obsessed and desperate to know how they’re gonna navigate this - for folks new to the story, Eddie and his tour manager accidentally drunkenly get married- what could go wrong??
@eiightysixbaby the scream I scrumped when I finished reading Princess Leia, and Other Wishes - look bffs to lovers is already my absolute weakness on this earth but then you had to make it witty and funny and FLUFFY I just can do nothing but re-read and pine
@superblysubpar I’m still obsessed with this addition to The Boy is Mine writing challenge and oh god it’s so good 😩
…and while we’re talking about it - here’s the entire The Boy is Mine masterlist with an INSANE amount of incredible stories to read
@the-unforgivenn !!! tumblr hates me and deleted this bullet (so if you already saw this post, no you didn’t) but And I Need You to Know is a proper novel! I can’t imagine how much time, love, effort, planning, and work went into creating this insane and absolutely incredible world but everyone needs to read this!! and then follow up with She’s So Cold bc I love it and I am so reader
~~ this is not the end nor an exhaustive list! I just wanted to put something out there now that I plan to build on because I know I’m always scrolling and searching for new things to read or old things to revisit ♥️ ~~
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