#bishop rotary
rotary-phonecall · 6 months
Guys. Fire fights at Eddie's.
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I wanted to try and draw my Phone-head oc in the style of FNaF's minigames and, well.. I think I succeded! I am certified proud.
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Donnie Tech Part 1/?
After many moons here are the promised observations of the cartoon shtick logic of Donnie's weapons for season one!! Will link a season two and movie version Eventually, but keep in mind I can't explain in depth how each bit of tech works, rather that I can pinpoint the functions for the visual bit. Keep in mind that Donnie's tech can pretty much do any ridiculous thing you can put your mind to, and that it can also backfire in any ridiculous way you can put your mind to.
Tech Bo:
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Collapsible, can become a shorter version of itself easily stored
Shoot a grappling hook AND function as a zip line
Can form a rocket from either end (usually at the same time, resulting in the bo spinning)
Is equipped to be a fire extinguisher
Can shoot out lasers
Has a button that activates the "Shopping Cart Protocol" to lock the Turtle Tank if it goes outside a set perimeter
Top can turn into a rocket powered fist
Turn into a giant drill
Turn into a saw
Turn into a tranquilizer
Turn into a tennis ball shooter
Turn into a selfie stick
Top can turn into a disco ball of "multidimensional reflective orb neutralizer"
Battle Shell:
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Has rotary engines (think jet turbine or computer fan) that help him fly around. He calls them "rotors" for short
Can transform into a seat so April can sit on his back
Can split up into a DJ set up in "music mode"
Jet Pack Shell:
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His fastest mode of transportation
Not much is shown, but April had a significant difficulty controlling it
Spider Shell:
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Has four arms with three fingers
Arms can turn into saws
Has a seemingly endless toolkit inside that includes basic things like hammers and wrenches, but also blowtorches
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Has night vision
Can function as binoculars
Is able to summon is tech ("communicates with microwave transceiver with class c encryption protocols")
Read mystic energy signatures after adding the crystal they found in Draxum's lab
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Has an app that can tap into every security camera in NY
Bug Slapper:
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Has a green Mad Dogs sticker on the side
Compacts itself into a metal suitcase and then expand back into a vehicle
So far only uses Big Mama's webbing material as projectiles
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Began as an automated smart lair designed with the intent as a cleaning assistant
Has a "disposal unit" which unlocks several of Donnie's weapons such as: guns, pinchers, drills, and flamethrowers
Can carry at least two turtles (Mikey and Donnie)
Is nicknamed "Cyber Bishop" by Donnie
Uses surfer dude slang: “dude”, “gnarly”, “buzzkill”, “okey dokey”, “dawg”, “you beefed it”, “brohounds"
As a smart lair has clear favoritism towards Donnie until tampered with. As a drone they share more of a familial or pet like relationship, and Shelldon has room to sometimes poke at Donnie's faults as well
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In conclusion there's not much to worry about breaking canon, the physics of our reality, or understanding complicated tech and science to write about Donnie's tech. He can do whatever he wants as long as it's silly, overly dramatic, and includes an unnecessary amount of purple guns. His tech bo is especially flexible with breaking the rules even before we get to his ninpo powers.
I'm keeping the Turtle Tank separate, because it also deserves its own post. Happy writing!
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
The Convention-Part One: Inked - Hank Loza x Reader
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Tagging: @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @librarian1002 @words-and-seeds @elizabeththebat @broiderie @thanossexual
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Hank always attends the San Diego tattoo convention. It’s a weekend event hosted at the Convention Centre, with a couple of nights stay over at the Hilton next door. He usually heads up early on the Thursday for set up and comes home on the Monday. It’s a long few days. The show usually opens at 11am but he’s always early, making sure everything he needs is ready and working and it closes out at 11pm. Usually he grabs drinks with a couple of the other artists afterwards.
It's the fifth year he’s been working alongside Nina in his booth. The Padre crowd, the other artists call them because of where they hail from. They may have separate studios but the two of them have been collaborating since he took her on as an apprentice seven years ago. This is her first time entering one of the competitions, which is a crime because her work with watercolour pieces is phenomenal. He’ll be surprised if she doesn’t rank in the top three.
Just the fact she’s participating will raise her profile exponentially. He’s been urging her to for years, but she’s always been self-conscious about her work, especially around so many other skilled artists. It’s only in the last year that that has changed, and Hank thinks that’s because of her relationship with Creeper. He’s watched her confidence soar since she’d taken up with the club’s Road Captain. They’re good for each other, he sees them laugh a lot more these days and it warms something inside of him. Both are patient and resilient, each one has struggled with their own demons in the past and come off better for it. He knew the instant he introduced them outside the community centre that they would be a good match.
Hank glances at his schedule on the wall before he dips his rotary tattoo pen into the black ink cup. It’s almost end of day on Friday and he has a three hour slot booked in after he’s finished shading the anchor he’s tattooing onto Bishop’s chest. He rarely takes walk-ins anymore, he did in his first couple of years but he prefers the structure of a schedule, it’s easier for him to book onto some of the seminars he wants to attend, or for prep. They still have to use the Artist’s Area when they print of their stencils and transfers, and it can be a pain in the ass if there’s a backlog. He prefers to get his shit organised on a client-by-client basis, so he knows what he’s doing with each one. When he takes that step away from the booth to collect the next stencil it gives him the time to recalibrate and attune his focus.
It’s when he wipes away the excess ink from the tattoo just over Bishop’s heart that he senses your presence. He hears the slight creak of the chair behind him as you sit down and glances over his shoulder to see you sitting there, putting away the camera you use for photographing the event back into it's case. It’s an expensive bit of kit and he always lets you stash it behind the table at the front of the booth when he’s inking you.
Both Nina and him are using Nestor as their assistant today, the other man is thorough and quick, something they need when they have to turn things around quickly. Out of the two Prospects, Bottles is the more personable which is why he’s on front of house. His amiable persona sets people at ease and draws them in, both his and Nina’s diaries are filling up months in advance and Hank has to admit, it’s thanks to Bottles.
You mouth the word ‘hi’ when your eyes meet, and he finds himself smiling before he turns back to Bishop to work on the last part of the shading. Bishop registers the change in his expression, his gaze straying over Hank’s shoulder.
“She’s pretty.” Bishop murmurs, his tone low enough so only the two of them can hear it over the buzz of the tattoo gun.
“I know.” Hank says as he places his palm on the other man’s chest and adds a darker shade of ink to the curvature of the anchor. “She gets prettier ever year.”
He’s never told Bishop or any of the guys about you. This is their first year attending the convention and they have their sights set on other things. Nestor’s already booked in with Nina for one of her later slots, he’s been taken with her watercolour work for a while and is getting a rose inked onto the space underneath his collarbone. His is one of the pieces she intends to showcase at the competition later on. Bottles has his eye on a couple of seminars, there’s some taster sessions in piercing he’s interested in. Creeper’s here for Nina and Bishop as a model for Hank’s compeition entry.
Only Nina has some knowledge of what Hank gets up to once the shows over and he knows that girl keeps her confidences even with Creeper.
This thing between the two of you started four years ago when you slipped into one of his rare free slots, he hasn’t looked back since. He’s done all of the work on your body, from the Medusa tattoo on your left bicep to the Grecian vase featuring one of the muses on your right forearm. He did the laurel wreath on your wrist last year after you’d won an award for your photography collection ‘The Ancient Art’ – documenting different tattoo methods throughout the world. Some of the practices such as Handtapping dated back over 2000 years ago and the work you were showcasing was truly stunning. He’s looked it up online after you mentioned it and he was completely blown away.
“They call her the Tattoo Journalist.” Hank tells Bishop as he sets down the tattoo pen and uses the alcohol pad to wipe away the excess ink. “She does a lot of traveling to different countries documenting art forms, covering events like this and interviewing different artists. We catch up once a year.”
He bundles the wipe up in his gloved hand before tossing it in the trash.  
“I bet you do.” Bishop remarks, his gaze returning to you as Bottles hands you the electronic tablet so that you can sign the consent form.
Hank says nothing. He doesn’t want to discuss his relationship with you, the fact it’s started to get more complicated over the past year. It started off as casual sex, the two of you sharing a couple of drinks before participating in some mind blowing sex at the end of each day. Once the weekend was over you’d go back to your life and he’d go back to his. It happened again the following year and then the next. It became the thing he looked forward to when he attended the conventions, seeing you again.
You never stayed the night, preferring to slip out of his sheets and return to your own room, he would catch glimpses of you throughout the day, just in passing before you met in the bar and went back to his room. It was last year that everything had seemed to change. He’d fallen asleep in the immediate aftermath on the Sunday night and woken up Monday morning to find your number propped up on the hotel nightstand.
The two of you had spent the past twelve months intermittently texting back and forth. Sometimes it was sexts, memories of nights locked away in the Hilton hotel room. He’d called you once and you’d gotten off to the sound of his voice in a hotel room in Argentina. However, most times it was just normal stuff, pictures of random stuff you’d come across in your travels, questions like what the hell is gelato and is it any different from ice cream? How his mom was doing after her fall.
All of these seem like indicators that you could potentially be interested in more but he’s not sure whether to broach that topic because the past few years you’ve had a really good thing and he’s terrified of ruining it.
“You’re done.” He tells Bishop as he sticks the cellophane over the small tattoo and uses medical tape to hold it in place. “I need you back there for 7pm for the Judging.”
Bishop grunts his response before he picks up his shirt from the coat hook Hank had installed during the setup of the booth and pulls it on over his shoulders. Hank rolls his stool backwards, allowing Nestor space to clean down as he peels off his black latex gloves and throws them into the trash.
“Hey.” He says as he raises to his feet, ignoring the twinge in his lower back from sitting in the same position for too long.
“Hank.” You say with that sunny smile of yours and he feels all of that apprehension melt away as you lean in, lips brushing over his cheek.
You smell like daisies, a fresh subtle scent that clings to your skin. It takes everything in him not to kiss you right there and then, in front of everyone. He wishes he could fuck off the rest of the day and take you back to the hotel, spend the entire weekend worshipping you with his lips and tongue.
 Instead, he pulls away and drinks in the sight of you instead. You’re wearing a white t shirt with black shorts and tights with Doc Martins, your favourite pair with the roses up the side, an acid washed denim jacket thrown over the top. Compared to some of the sights he’s seen today, you look practically conservative.
“You just get in?” He asks you, his fingers trailing over the lanyard until he reaches the laminated press pass.  
“A few hours ago.” You tell him, before tilting your head towards your camera case. “Jay Reno paid me to do some exclusive shots of his booth, so I had to get them squared off before I could come over, you know he’s a complete diva.”
He does know. He’d seen Jay lose his shit when he’d hired a marketing assistant last year who posted something he didn’t like on social media. There was nothing wrong with the post according to Nina, Jay just didn’t like the way the light caught him. It didn’t warrant the reaction that he had.
Nestor clears his throat indicating he’s done with the reset and Hank jerks his head towards the chair indicating for you to take a seat. You comply before rolling up the t shirt sleeve on your right arm, so it sits above your shoulder cap. Nestor hands him the tablet and Hank shows you the design once more.
It’s an epitaph to the Hades and Persephone myth. An ornate frame surrounded by roses and daisies. There’s an anatomical heart in the centre, two hands, one skeletal and one feminine reaching for it. The outlining alone will take three hours, you’ll have to come back for the shading, but Hank doesn’t have a problem with that.
“You still in love?” He asks you.
His heart skips a beat when you look him dead in the eye and say “Yes.”
Love Hank? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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kleefkruid · 3 months
The tattoo machines kinda do favor the despicable me cars
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lmao I can do you one even better, that looks like this teensy tiny Bishop rotary machine
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aftonfamilyvalues · 1 year
Ménage à moi
Paddling the pink canoe.
Finger painting.
Visiting the safety deposit box.
Dialing the rotary phone.
Auditioning the finger puppets.
Womansplaining yourself.
Engaging in safe sex.
Getting lost in the deep end.
Jillin' off.
DIY time.
Doing a Meg Ryan.
Fanning the fur.
Girls' night in.
Checking the undercarriage.
The downstairs D.J.
Buttering your muffin.
Visiting the bat cave.
Diddling Miss Daisy.
Playing the piano.
Taking selfies at The Bean
Playing chess without a bishop
Reading below the fold
Taking the self-guided tour
Sailing the catamaran
Flooding the basement
Hacking the home network
Optimizing your search results
Meeting with the small council
Practicing your touch typing
Shaking out the curtains
Taking laps around the kiddie pool
Dotting the i
Investing in bitcoin
Clicking the home page
Punching the pill box
Touching up your lip gloss
Polishing the little jewel
Buffing the bumper
Keynoting in Cupertino
Checking some batteries
Solving cat’s cradle
Fingering the fine china
Folding the fitted sheet
Tapping your own potential
Being your own boss
Working from home
Probing the psyche
Taming the shrew
Rocking the Casbah
Rocking the suburbs
Rocking the free world
Knocking on heaven’s door
Romancing the stone
Rubbing the raspberry
Testing the waterslide
Checking your wallet
Cornonating the queen
Pinching the dumpling
Drafting a blog post
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drafted a blog post?
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jacpjnt · 1 year
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Professor Kristensen Recommended that I experiment with the material of Work shop towels. They are very soft, almost feels as if it were cotton. I wasn’t sure what to make but then i thought of this brand I like a lot. It is called Bishop Rotary. It made me want to make a tattoo machine that they make called the v6. Its great for throwing lines. Once I knew what I wanted to make, I then decided to put my signature on the bottom right corner in Times New Roman font J. This would make the piece mine and thus make it so I had to actually put some work into it. I didn’t have many materials so my first step was to make the machine outline. Once I had done so I then had the wrapping of some masking tape which I had opened up. This allowed me to make the ink trail. It was black with areas of clear which gave the effect of splattered ink. To give the piece life I then added a paint brush as a needle head because tattoos are basically just painting on skin. It was cool to work on. Wish i added paint to it but that would take more time.
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scene360 · 4 years
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Hailing from South Russia, specifically Rostov-on-Don, Denis “Tidan” Torikashvili began his tattooing career in 1997. That’s 23 years ago when there was barely an industry, acceptance, and fair working conditions.
Tidan has had many setbacks and restarts, from moving and working in Moscow to London—the latter getting a big break at NR Studio in 2017. And an even more significant opportunity came to him in 2019. Franco Vescovi invited him to be a part of the Bishop Rotary family and a resident artist at Vatican Studios in California, United States.
This interview is a view of Tidan’s rise to success, his adaptation to the West Coast, and dealing with the COVID-19 lockdown. READ INTERVIEW
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cryptikmovement · 5 years
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𝐁𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏 𝐗 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐊 | Limited Edition Fantom ~ Available Now!! *Each piece comes individually numbered (Edition of 150) / 🖤 5 lucky winners will receive an autographed sleeve & Lapel Pin (chosen at random)⚡️Link In Bio⚡️#bishop #bishoprotary #fantom #arma #limitededition #tattoo #rotary #madeinusa #Cryptik ⁣ ⁣ Many thanks to @bishoprotary @franco_vescovi @arubio13 and the entire Bishop Fam for the opportunity.🙏🏼⁣ ⁣ 𝘉𝘰𝘹 𝘚𝘦𝘵 𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴:⁣ • 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘮 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘬⁣ • 𝘉𝘰𝘹 & 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘬⁣ • 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘬⁣ • 𝘉𝘖𝘛𝘏 𝟹.𝟻 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝟺.𝟸 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘴⁣ • 𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘯𝘰𝘵-𝘺𝘦𝘵-𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘈𝘙𝘔𝘈 𝘈𝘥𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘨𝘦 𝘎𝘳𝘪𝘱!⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B53UQ6OnJRn/?igshid=zwjdod30j4rc
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roumates · 6 years
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They’re all babies in their own way.
Drunk baby, baby baby, flower baby, big baby, and stabby baby. 
Bishop (telly head) and Landline (big phone boi) belongs to @the-noise-maker
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art-is-not-real · 5 years
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😺 prrr like a cat. . . . . #bogota #bogotattoo #huellas #love #petlover #animallove #tattoo #flashtattoo #cat #love #friendship #meow #idk #yolo #bishop #inkeeze #rotary #intenze #ink #girlswithink #inkedgirls #inkedmag #inked #traditionalartwork #tradworkers (en Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ITQ8EFMWj/?igshid=s8omtlkmj506
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emmatai88 · 6 years
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Amazing artist Ivano Natale @ivanonataletats awesome tattoo artists’ tattoo machine arm tattoo!
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skinartbylucky · 3 years
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I can’t wait to get this beauty to add to my wand collection and have great batteries! @bishoprotary @criticaltattoosupply #wand #bishop #rotary #tattoomachine #rotarytattoomachine #pen #tattoopen #ink #tat #inked #ohiotattooers #columbustattooers #614 #columbus #ohio #ohiostate #asseenincolumbus @industryinks @onlyincbus (at Black Sheep Collective) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbQcJ9rJLw_/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (10-16 Apr 2022)
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😊👂 Weather Girl (Rachel Lynn Solomon, author; Sarah Mollo-Christensen, narrator) - I enjoyed this sweet romance (though it did lose a few points from me in the epilogue because I hate a public proposal. But that's definitely a 'me' thing. And in no way spoiled the book at all)
😍 Ulysses (girlbookwrm) - 00Q, 89K - excellent slow burn reimaging of Skyfall & SPECTRE
😍 👂 The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers #1) (Becky Chambers, author; Rachel Dulude, narrator)
😍 Litanies series (emilywithoutY) - 84K, Stucky close canon-divergent AU - "With the Snap undone, the stones returned and the shield passed on, Steve Rogers would ask for nothing more than a quiet, simple life for them in Brooklyn—much like the one they had before. There’s just one thing he hasn’t factored into his plan: Bucky." - excellent job working in all recent canon events, plus some online dating/identity porn. Main story: Spelling Out Desire, 78K + a very hot stand-alone epilogue: the part where I push you flush against the wall, 6K
😊 Fictitious (Tripping) - Ariel Bishop - love this universe - it's usually hockey-centered; I liked that these characters were the hockey-adjacent friends! (another public proposal, though!)
🥰 Season's Change (Trade Season #1) (Cait Nary) - hockey romance - I really loved both these characters but especially oblivious himbo Benji. Talk about a SLOW BURN.
💖💖+105K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Sweet Sugar (this_wayward_life) - MCU: stucky no powers AU, 8K - adore this flip on the sugar daddy thing with a subby older accidental sugar daddy bucky & bossy determined sugar baby steve - this fic has ALL THE GOOD STUFF [reread]
[Podfic] unsportsmanlike conduct (quietnight) - MCU: stucky, 1.6K - stellar podfic of a stellar fic by steebadore [reread]
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain (galwednesday) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 2.7K - bucky proves that sometimes you should just ask for what you want, featuring my fave modern Howlies group chat [reread]
Legends Of Tomorrow - s3, e17
Hot Ones - Gordon Ramsey
Hot Ones - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Sense8 - s1, e11-12; s2, e1-7
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Liquid Terror
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - 20th Century Fox
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - I'm Lovin' It
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Museum of Innocence
Ologies with Alie Ward - Environmental Microbiology (TESTING WASTEWATER FOR DISEASES) with Amy Kirby
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Rotary Jail Museum
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Watts Towers
Unexplainable - When reality broke
Desert Island Discs - Robert Plant, singer and songwriter
Overinvested - Ep. 153: Rosemary's Baby
Partners - Lin-Manuel Miranda & Thomas Kail
Strong Songs - The Music of The Legend of Zelda
Switched on Pop - A Higher Power Ballad
Saving All My Love for Me
Hail Satin [Dee Gees]
The Linda Lindas
Juliana Hatfield Sings Olivia Newton-John
Olivia Newton-John
Grease (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Xanadu (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Sneaker Pimps
Charter Boat Fishing
Presenting Crosby, Stills & Nash
Easygoing Weekend
Presenting Billy Joel
Soul Food Kitchen
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aaronbelltattoos · 3 years
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Progress on Donghee’s suit #slavetotheneedle #seattletattooartist #tattoo #tattoodo #eternalink #envyneedles #bishop rotary #japanesetattoo (at Slave To The Needle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGtCMnpD43/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Michael “Riz” Ariza x Reader
Chapter 7: “What the fuck is a ‘Swole Boy’?”
Word Count: 1.2k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“My favorite girl! Wha' can I do for you, bonita?”
Packer's voice sounds happy and excited because of your call, making you smile at the other side of the phone.
“Just a courtesy call”.
“Are you comen' to SanBer'? You don' need a courtese' call, sweetheart!”
“You know, just in case. I have… some business to take care of”.
“You need help?”
“No, no. Don' worry! I'll see you after tha'”.
“For sure, kid. When you comen'”?
“I'm already on my way. Maybe two hours from there”.
“Bike or car?”
“Black Hummer SUV, need the numbers?”
“No, just curious. See you in a while then”.
“See you, prez!”
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(five hours before)
If someone turned on a hundred motorbikes around Riz's one, you could recognize your husband's one easily, without looking. So when you heard the roar of the crew coming back to the clubhouse, but not the big black one, your heart quickened. Jumping out of the sofa, you ran outside to the porch worried as fuck and your legs trembling. You didn't see it, but finding Michael inside the green truck. When the men parked their motorcycles, you continued the fast steps to it, seeing how Riz stepped out limping slightly.
“Rey, are you ok?!” You shouted disquiet holding one of his arm above your shoulders, trying to help him.
“Yeah, don' worry, mi amor. I just… fell off my bike”.
“Because of a charter called ‘Swole Boys’”. Creeper said with a singing voice, provoking the crew's laughters.
“What the fuck is a ‘Swole Boy’, ah?” You frowned with anger, holding closer your husband to go upstairs inside the clubhouse.
The guys couldn't stop laughing, confusing you a little more, while Riz kissed your temple with a smile on his lips. They explained you that Angel and EZ made some noise on their way to northern Cali, and the payback went for the crew. Apparently, one of them pushed Michael out of the road and his bike got some scratches and breaks, but nothing that they couldn't repair.
While your Mayan was taking a shower on his dorm there, you prepared him some clean clothes and a big cold gel pad to his ankle, waiting him sitting on the bed. They wanted payback? You were going to give them one they wouldn't forget.
“Cariño, estoy bien”. (Honey, I'm okay) Riz's calmed voice brought you back to reality.
Shaking your head, you focused on watching him get dressed pouting at him not very convinced. When he was ready, lying on the bed, you helped him placing the cold pad above his skin and taking it off every one minute for some seconds.
“Did you call Packer?”
“Yeah, we already fixed it as our way”.
You didn't ask anything else, trying to calm yourself while you were healing him somehow. Your husband were leaving some caresses on your head, slowly, gently, after grabbing your chin with two fingers to make you turn at him.
“You're gonna be a good girl, aren't you?”
“I don't know what 'you talking 'bout”. You lie, shaking your head with raised eyebrows.
“Mi amor…”
“Ah, ah. Nope”. You continue lying, bowing over him to press your lips with his, placing a hand on his neck.
“Promise me”.
“Promise you what, mi rey?”
“Don't play the innocent with me. I know you better than anyone”.
“And still you married me…”
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Northern Cali isn't much fresh than the desert, but the air that enters by the window it's more pleasant than Santo Padre's. With an elbow nailed on the door and your cheek supported over your palm, you guide the steering wheel with the right, being close to your destiny. You know exactly what you're going to do, going over the plan when sideways you find the screen of the phone flashing with Bishop's name in it. You don't answer, checking seconds before the number of notifications in the lock screen. You're fucked, but you can't simply sit and not do anything.
Reach the gym doesn't take you more than ten minutes, speeding up and loudly rattling the wheels at the entrance. You don't care about the artificially muscular men standing close to the ramp down of the building, confused staring at your car. And you speed up a little more, running over the row conformed by motorbikes. The alarms sound flood the fenced yard, when you hit them feeling a gentle tug on the seat belt, reversing the big SUV before stepping out of it with a gun in your left hand. You're more satisfied than ever.
“What the fuck is wrong with y—?” A man with blonde long hair and hoarse voice doesn't finish the question when he focus on you, taking off the barrel lock.
“I'm gonna show you some mexican manners, puto pendejo”.
You're erratic and excited, with pure adrenaline running through your veins, walking close to the motorcycles and shooting the wheels you find in your field of vision. The whistle of every bullet is like a sweet melody for your ears, enchanting your brain. But when you're at the highest point of fun, the roar of a lot of engines interrupts your revenge.
“Saved by the bell”.
Narrowing your eyes and glaring at them, you keep the gun under your jacket, turning on your sneakers at the exact moment that Packer appears being followed by his men, and the Mayans. You weren't expecting your family, at least, not this soon. Crossing your arms behind your back, you take three steps somewhat closer of the riders. The San Bernardino's president is trying to hide how funny the situation seems to him, while your father is almost running towards you really furious.
“What the hell are you doing, chamaca?” He shouts at you, facing each other and grabbing you by an arm.
“Wha'? I just wanna get fit”. You say with pursed lips, shrugging your shoulders.
“Baby, are you serious?” Riz makes you turn your attention at him.
“Who's that chick?” The tall man and blond hair walks closer with some bad intentions. But you're fast.
Taking again the gun under your jacket, freeing yourself from Taza, you point at him with both eyebrows raised up. His steps don't continue, stopping dead, lifting his hands above his head.
“I'm an angry wife, mothafucka'. I don' give a shit about your… muscles, your bikes, nor your fuckin' jackets. Ain't gonna let you push my husband out of the road without showing you what happens after tha'”. You shoot another bullet to the ground, next to his feet. “Tell him you're sorre'”.
“(Y/N), stop”. Bishop, who was a mere spectator, speaks. “We don' need a war”.
“How it supposed they're gonna give you a war? What are they gonna do? Throwing you steroids and protein powders?”
“Please”. He asks you, hearing some low laughs from your charter.
“Shut the fuck up, Obispo, this is not your business”. Clicking your tongue, you do a rotary move with your hand. “Say it”.
“I am… I am… sorry”.
“I am sorry, Riz”.
“See? It wasn' that hard!” You smirk shrugging, giving the gun to your father, before walking some steps closer to the one who you identificate like the president. “Next time… People will call you ‘Sol Boys’, you know why?” (‘Sun Boys’)
No. He doesn't want to know why.
“'Cause I'm gonna fuckin' set you on fire”. And you're talking serious shit. No one mess with the Arizas.
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ogabel · 3 years
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Thank you @bishoprotary 🙌 “We at Bishop Rotary are excited to announce the Artist Series OG Abel rotary machines. ONLY 150 MADE (75 V6 and 75 Fantom machines). How many of you have ever been inspired by or used one of our brother and Bishop Family member OG Abel 's artwork as concepts for your clients tattoo? This creative savant never ceases to amaze us and we are so grateful for the unconditional support you have shown us throughout the years Abel. With only 150 Artist Series OG Abel rotary tattoo machines available, they'll be gone before you know it!” #bishoprotary #ogabel #bishopogabel https://www.instagram.com/p/CVW8RQ4LF_K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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