#bitches gif
lex-hexx · 9 months
when i think i’ve made a male friend but then he calls women “bitches” casually
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tariah23 · 2 months
Too early for this…
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wardrobeoftime · 1 year
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Galavant + Costumes
Queen Madalena’s golden, white & purple dress in Season 02, Episode 04.
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LBFaD has three main locations that explore different ideas within the narrative: Shuiyuntian, the Moon Palace, and Yunmeng Lake.
What I find fascinating is how the narrative then repeats the journey in reverse. If LBFaD was a piece of music, I'd say the structure was most like Arch form: abcba
To me, the story moves like the curve of an arch, each smaller storyline building on the one that went before, but with a new melody. After the third location, it goes back in reverse. There's a repeat of the previous themes / storylines explored within each location - with variations - but they're essentially the same.
Shuiyuntian (A)
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The main idea explored at the beginning is how power wielded by goodness can completely undermine power used for violence. Bullying doesn't reward those who indulge in it, but gentleness and compassion bring what people most desire.
For example, Danyin wants to pass the exam and win Chang Heng's love. Her bullying not only makes Orchid stand up for herself (which CH sees and admires), but I think it's a contributing factor drawing DFQC to watch over her during the exam. This leads to Orchid not only defeating her bullies and passing her exam, but also leads to Orchid saving Danyin's life - and that's a lesson for DFQC, too.
But of course the main focus while we are in Shunteiyan is the dynamic between someone who does not know their own power (Orchid) versus someone who knows his power very well (DFQC - as 'Da Qiang') - but he's unable to use it, thanks to the Xilan Seal.
2. The Moon Palace (B)
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I feel like the main theme in the Moon Palace is authority = responsibility.
It's not just about bodyswapping shenanigans with DFQC. Although Orchid does it half as payback and half to get out of her Arbiter Hall 'jail' - she quickly finds out that being DFQC, she has to make political decisions that affect people's lives too. And with every choice that is made, we see a consequence (not always a positive one) after.
But intertwined with the theme of authority demanding responsibility, is the sweeter theme of compassion creating opportunity.
Orchid's compassion spontaneously moves her to swap bodies back with DFQC in order to save his life - an act which permanently changes her situation. Her compassion moves her to help him heal his tree of emotions. Even at personal risk to herself, she heads to the underworld to find out the truth behind what his father was thinking when he tortured the son he loved. This gives DFQC the opportunity to choose his new (and raw) emotions over being forced into losing them again. That compassion also opens the door - yes, even this early on - for Glazed Fire to replace his Hellfire (but I feel like that should be a whole other post).
3. Yunmeng Lake (C).
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This part had a unique energy to me. Kind of reminded me a bit of Much Ado About Nothing, or Twelfth Night, with all the subterfuge and disguises and misunderstandings.
It seems like the main idea explored here is that Deception can bring about the very thing you really don't want to happen.
The themes of responsibility, power, compassion, and violence vs restraint from the previous storylines are woven in here too, in the actions of multiple characters.
Orchid and DFQC pretend they don't know what the other is up to, while trying to figure out exactly what the other is up to: the power play between them is almost constant.
Orchid begins to feel the weight of responsibility of her choices regarding DFQC and the future.
Mortal!CH is now sworn brothers with DongFang (ohhhh my god the fics, the bromance fics I need right now for them).
Our leads have UnConfessed feelings for each other but both eventually have to accept marrying someone else (because, Fate. Tribulations. Primordial Spirits.)
All of this with a spicy side dish of evil qi and supernatural antagonists.
But it's after this that the narrative themes start to reverse after they return to the Moon Palace (B), and then finally to Shunteiyan (A), where DFQC regrows Orchid from her seed.
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It's in these last two stages - narrative mirrors of the first two stages - that the relationships and the dynamics are also reversed.
Orchid returns as the goddess Xishan: powerful and virtually emotionless. She has the power - both supernatural and emotional - to thwart DFQC's attempts to draw close to her, and uses it.
She's a painful mirror of DFQC's character from the beginning; painful because their dynamic is minus the delight and pleasure of their first interactions.
He becomes a mirror of Orchid's original compassion, helplessness and tenacity. He could fight her, forcing a power match with the new goddess, but it doesn't even occur to him to do that.
If we could hear this storyline as music, it would be bittersweet - teasing us with hope, but stretching out the melancholy until we almost can't bear it. We watched the first few episodes avidly for DFQC to slowly thaw in the face of Orchid's sweetness, and we were rewarded. We watch again for *some* evidence of thawing from the new-born goddess in the face of DFQC's sweetness, but it almost doesn't come.
The locations, the themes are the same: but almost to the very end, the dynamic is not.
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There's far more visual and emotional parallels between the first three episodes when contrasted with the last three that I haven't spoken about here - but that would make this post waaaay too long (maybe I'll revisit more of the finale's parallels later, in another post).
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(P.S. also, thanks LBFaD. for killing me)
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itsbeckyfreen · 2 years
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sweaterbob · 1 year
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bewitched-bullet · 3 months
Dude chill! It's just roleplay, not the Royal Family. lmao
I'd love a chilled beer, thanks bud! *runs to get one*
....who cares about the "royal family" anyway? (Don't come at me Stuart lolololol, I'll make you a yankie rebel yet)
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Anywho, I care/don't care about what I want and you are awesome for caring/not caring about what you want. That's the brilliance of being an individual.
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persephone-reblogs · 1 year
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Happy gay months
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curiouscaseofmyself · 3 months
me returning to Tumblr after a 5 year break.
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silvyysthings · 2 years
Armie means that much to you that he's only worth a small add on to a post about Timmy and short little 'oh, there's also Armie btw'
Yes because I never post a million Armie' s photos every day right ? 🤣🤣🤣
Try it again bitch
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vaia-uni · 1 year
Bon alors on fait ça comment déjà?
Ah oui…!
Je me présente, je suis Vaïa! (Enfin pas vraiment mais on va dire que c’est mon vrai nom pour le besoin de la cause 🤫)
Anciennement connu sous le nom de @vaiathemultiversequeen , compte que j’ai perdu d’ailleurs puisque il était sur mon ordi, ordi qui est malheureusement décédé, et que je peux pu me rappeler de l’email que j’avais utilisé et du mot de passe 😢. Bon…
Qu’est-ce qui a d’autre à dire? …Ah! J’ai pris un (très long) break de Tumblr à cause de ma santé mentale qui -disons le- n’allait pas très bien. Je suis revenue aujourd’hui, et peut-être pour un petit moment, parce que j’ai introduis un ami irl à Kaamelott et que bah- voila quoi! Y’a pas 36 façons de l’expliquer.
J’ai lu pendant des heures des fanfics Kaamelott, notamment celle de @superiorkenshi ou @kaantt , et pleins d’autres. Et ça m’a donné le goût de revenir sur Tumblr!
Bon, même si le timing est pas super puisque je pars en camps de vacances pour 3 semaines demain. Mais c’est pas grave, je reviendrais! (Enfin je l’espère)
Alors voila, ça résume à peu près ma situation. Du coup, je suis vraiment contente d’être revenu (même si on peut pas vraiment dire que j’étais complètement parti) et y’a pas vraiment d’autre chose à dire.
À part que je viens de regarder mes anciens post…et que j’étais vraiment cringe a l’époque 😖. Non mais “the multiverse queen”! C’était quoi l’idée?? 🧐
Dans tous les cas, hâte de pouvoir discuter avec tout le monde. Et de lire plus de fanfic sur Kaamelott!
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stilesstylelinski · 11 months
Sorry I've been MIA, life has been gradually falling apart :')
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anthonystan · 1 year
happy birthday ilysm 😭😘🎂 i wish i was back over there so i could celebrate with you by partying hard (watching tv and doing target runs) and drinking harder (me drinking all your coke zero)
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Thank you! I love you and miss you so fucking much.
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justagossipgirl · 2 years
"Some people are simply..better than others!"
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
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dickvandutch · 2 years
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