#bittybones torture
itty-bitty-mess · 1 year
Pip was a little pygmy lamia and, like almost every individual of his breed, he was quite the ungrateful brat. He had been adopted from the bitty adoption center and then returned by his previous owner who had spoiled him rotten, making him believe he was the most important thing in the world and that everything had to revolve around him. His brattiness had gotten so bad, that his previous owner returned him without a second thought despite the little pygmy’s empty “apologies”, a futile attempt to not lose the luxurious and comfortable lifestyle he had been so accustomed to.
One day, a young woman entered the establishment in looks for a small companion who could add some sort of excitement into her life. Pip’s eyes landed on that woman and he immediately got to work to be as “cute” and “charming” as possible, playing up the “widdle baby” act as much as he could. Trying to charm his way into a new home and back into his beloved comfortable lifestyle. The woman wasn’t entirely convinced on Pip at first, but after a “cute” tantrum full of crying blue tears and puppy dog eyes, she ended up adopting him with a simple shrug.
Pip was over the moon once he arrived to his new home, slithering everywhere, exploring every corner of the small apartment, calling dibs on the places he would soon mark as his property. The woman or, as he began calling her, “Mommy” didnt really seem that bothered by Pip’s behavior. When night arrived, she prepared him a small makeshift bed with an empty shoebox and some tissue paper and socks. Pip straight up refused to sleep in the box, demanding Mommy to let him sleep on her bed instead.
“Eh, im not doing that but if you don’t want the bed then suit yourself” Mommy said with a shrug as she picked up the makeshift bed and put it on the closet. “But I gotta tell you the floor gets really cold at night and I tend to lock my door.” Pip was a little taken aback by her reaction. He had expected her to beg him to sleep on the box, or to comply and let him sleep on her bed. He tried throwing another tantrum, this time trying to be clear about what he wanted.
“WAAAAHH!! BUT MOMMY I DONT WANT A STINKY BOX, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!!! IM SCARED OF THE DARK!!!!” Pip cried, his fake little tears and screams falling on uncaring, deaf ears.
The woman just shrugged and responded with a “sucks to be you, buddy” and went to her room. Pip followed her and tried slithering as fast as he could to slip into the bedroom before she locked the door but all he managed to do was hit his face straight into the hard metal door. She had entered and immediately locked the door shut, and Pip was way too big to slip through the gap between the door and the floor.
But he wasn’t gonna give up so easily! He started banging on the door nonstop, his tiny gloved hands barely managing to make any noise against the metal door. He tried screaming, directly demanding Mommy to let him in immediately. But what Pip didn’t know was that she was wearing sound proof headphones, allowing her to have a good night’s sleep. He ended up sleeping on the cold, hard floor, trembling and shaking with tears of rage in his eyes. This wasn’t over yet, he was gonna make Mommy’s life a living nightmare and she would have no option but to treat him like the king he was.
From that day onwards, Pip tried almost every trick on the book to make Mommy do what he wanted. He started pissing and pooping on her clothes to “teach her a lesson”, but she simply shrugged and said “Cool, I was gonna throw those old rags away anyways”. Whenever she fed him “cheap and disgusting” Bitty Kibble, he would throw the little food bowl back at her but his aim was so pathetic that he barely managed to flip the bowl. He tried stealing her food which only caused him severe food poisoning because the idiot stole and ate a moldy piece of bread that was many years past its expiration date.
He demanded Mommy to buy him a control remote car and other expensive toys but she just threw a crumpled paper ball on his direction as said “There, play with that instead lol”. He threw constant tantrums but she completely ignored him or just didn’t seem to care enough. Even when he had planned on scratching or biting her, his pathetic and useless little fangs and his weak little “claws” did absolutely no damage
He even tried stealing Mommy’s phone and trying to break up with her boyfriend through text. However, the boyfriend could tell that wasn’t how his girlfriend texted, he could tell that it was Pip by the terrible grammar and childish word usage so he sent Pip graphic images of bitty gore which deeply traumatised him. He told Mommy about this, hoping that maybe she would craddle him on her arms to comfort him but all she did was laugh at him. Pip felt humiliated, he couldnt believe she didn’t even comfort him or tried to pamper him after such a horrible thing!
Tears welled up in his little eyes and he went to the corner to fake cry again, looking behind his back every few minutes hoping to see Mommy looking back at him with a guilty expression, but all he saw was she had left for work again. This wasn’t fair! How could Mommy not care about him! He was Pip, the great and magnificet pygmy! The most specialest lamia of all, who deserved all the love and attention in the world!
Pip suddenly got an idea, he was gonna go to Mommy’s workplace and demand her, in front of everyone, to give him what he wanted, like fancy human food, expensive toys, a shiny new bandana and to let him sleep on her bed! Mommy could sleep on the floor if she wanted! Perhaps he could even make up some lies about him being “abused” and “neglected” to ruin her reputation with her colleagues. Yes! That was a great idea! Mommy would surely listen to him if he isolated her from everyone! Pip was sooooo smart!
Pip spent the entire night planning how he would take his plan into action. The next day, when Mommy left for work once again, he swiftly slipped through the closing gap of the door, trying to no be seen by her. Then, he silently slipped into her car and hid there, standing as still and silent as possible while she drove. Then she finally arrived to her workplace and entered the huge, shiny office building. Oh, this was Pip’s chance! This was gonna be so good!
He got off the car and slithered around, following silently behind Mommy, he was waiting for the perfect oportunity to strike and humiliate her. However, as they entered the building, Pip was immediately greeted with a massive crowd of people walking in all directions like busy bees in a hive. It was overwhelming and loud for the little lamia and, in a moment of disorientation, he lost sight of Mommy!
He panicked and looked in all directions, slithering through the squeaky clean, polished floor and trying his best to dodge the passerby. He tried screaming and calling out to Mommy, surely she would hear him and go to his rescue! Mommy would never abandon such an important lamia like Pip! Surely Mommy would show up and sweep the little lamia in her arms and take him to a warm and cozy bed full of toys and yummy food like he deserved!
However, his squeaky little yells were drowned out by the constant noise of the office building. People calling out each other’s names, machines working and beeping nonstop, loud clicking of keyboards, etc. All louder than Pip’s weak little voice. Pip tried moving through the crowd, and soon he spotted a stranger who had stopped walking to watch their phone. He got an idea and tried making a “cute” teary eyed expression as he approached the stranger, knowing that his cuteness would be enough to capture the stranger’s attention and get them to help him.
“UM.. EXCUSE ME, IM WOST AND TOO WIDDLE TO MOVE THROUGH THIS CWOWD. CAN YOU HELP ME FIND MY MOMMY PWEASE?” Pip said, pouting and about to start fake crying again. But the stranger didnt seem to hear him. Instead, they started to walk back to their office.
“WH- UM, EXCUSE ME?? HELLO??? DID YOU EVEN HEAR ME???? IM A WIDDLE LAMIA AND I NEED HELP!!! ARE YOU DEAF?? HEWWO!!!” Pip yelled, the baby act completely dropped as he was ignored. He was extremely angry so he raised his voice, damaging his throat a little but continuing regardless. “I AM PIP, THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT PYGMY IN THE WORLD!! HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR-“
And then another person immediately walked by and “unintentionally” kicked Pip on the rib, breaking it and sending him flying all the way across the lobby, making him hit his head against the marble floor. Pip laid there against the wall, in too much pain and complete shock, trying to process what had happened. Never in his life had Pip gotten harmed before, his previous owner was always so careful and caring, making sure he was always safe and protected. He had never known pain until that moment.
Little blue tears fell from Pip’s eyes, the difference this time was that they were genuine and not fake. He wanted to go back to his first home, where his owner gave him a whole human king-sized bed just for him. Where Pip could cheerfully slither across the long table full of all kinds of delicious food and pick what he wanted whenever he wanted. Where Pip had an entire miniature theme park just for him to play in. He regretted being so ungrateful, he regretted pissing and pooping everywhere to get his previous owner’s attention, he regretted rippin apart his previous owner’s nice chairs and couches whenever he threw a tantrum, he regretted interrupting others and yelling and manipulating his previous owner to get his way, he regretted insulting his previous owner multiple times and calling them horrible things.
Pip started crying, sobbing even. He regretted everything he did and how much of an unbearable brat he had been. He wanted his comfortable life back. He wanted to feel pampered and like the center of everything again. He tried screaming, calling out to Mommy again, he desperately needed her to hold him or at least pat his back or something. But nothing happened. So despite the pain of his now cracked skull and broken rib, Pip pushed himself up and tried slithering around again. Calling out to Mommy and crying non stop, not caring about the ammount of snot that now dripped from his nose cavity.
As he slithered around, Pip didn’t watch where he was going and another person walked by and harmed him. This time, they stepped on his tail, causing the internal tail bone to shatter and the ecto-flesh to rip open, beginning to bleed. Pip let out a loud, ear piercing scream, hugging his tail in pain as he curled up into a fetal position. Then another person walked by and kicked Pip once again, the force of the kick itself caused another couple of ribs to break. Pip could not stop screaming, the pain was too unbearable for him.
Even with his damaged tail, Pip tried dragging his body across the floor, trying to escape the crowd. But another pair of seemingly giant feet crushed his little arms. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”. He screeched, but the person responsible for it kept walking as if nothing had happened. He tried using his body and his tail to push himself forward but another couple of people walked by, kicking him around between them as if he was a pingpong ball. Every time he tried getting out of the crowd, people would suddenly walk by and either step on him or kick him back to the center of it all. Tears fell from his eyes as he recieved another kick, then another, and so on.
He cried, he screamed, he yelled as loud as he could. Maybe if he was loud enough, people would realize he was there and maybe even help him. But no, nobody cared and they continued on with their day. Now, compared to the treatment he was used to, Pip felt insignificant. He was no longer “The Great and Amazing Pip, The Specialest Pygmy Of The Entire World!”, he was just a worthless little thing, lost in an office building, getting kicked around as if he was nothing but trash.
Finally, Pip caught a glimpse of Mommy in the distance, she was talking with another woman as she held a cup of coffee and a clipboard. Tears of joy formed on Pip’s eyes. Maybe this nightmare would finally be over! Maybe if he screamed loud enough, Mommy would recognize his voice and immediately go to his rescue!
With anticipation and hope in his eyes, Pip took a huge chunk of air and prepared to let out the yell of his life. But life had other plans as a woman walked in. She was wearing tall heels, clicking and clacking against the floor. Without a care in the world, she walked by and interrupted Pip mid-yell as she stepped on his spine. Pip felt the sharpest and strongest pain of his life coursing through his entire body. He wanted to screech in pain but he couldn’t, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t move the lower half of his body…
Tears fell from his eyes, panic surged through his body as he saw Mommy about to ride the elevator. He used his broken arms and tried dragging himself in her direction with all the strength he had left despite the immense, agonizing pain he felt.
“MoMmy- Mo- ahk! moMmy! hElp mE! It hUrtS.. HURTS! HELP! MO-“ but Pip couldn’t even finish his sentence as a floor scrubber passed by. Polishing and sweeping the floor and picking up Pip along the way. The little pygmy was trapped alongside the dust and trash. Pip could feel everything despite being unable to move. He felt his tiny little body being ripped apart and crushed piece by piece. His arms were first, then his tail, then finally his torso and head detached and nothing but dusty, bloody remains mixed with garbage and dirt were left.
When Mommy returned home that afternoon, she didn’t seem surprised that Pip was nowhere to be found. Instead of panicking or worrying, Mommy just shrugged and started to put away the groceries. Maybe Pip had slipped out and died as he fell from the window, or a stray cat got inside and ripped him apart. Whatever had happened to Pip, Mommy didn’t really care, she had better things to do and she had already been considering returning Pip back to the adoption center anyways.
And so, with another bitty gone, life on the big city continued, for nobody would care about an insignificant and worthless little bitty.
The End.
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vexy-sins · 5 years
Story Link (read before clicking)
*Instead of just reblogging the story itself, I wanted to say a few things first. This story contains bitty torture and comes from a bitty torture blog. DO NOT CLICK THE LINK unless you are ok with this. Please DO NOT hate read or send hateful messages to the writer.
*The blog asked me if it was ok to write the story, and in return I asked that they properly tag the content, which they did.
You can read the story here
*Mind the warnings: contains implied bitty death, bitty torture, implied bitty death of a lamia bitty.
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angelbittyabuse · 4 years
Hum... Hello, I guess?
K, guys.
First time writing on the diary. Here we are. BittybonesAU, timeline 5555 aka S for short. Looks like a stupid PIN code anyway. Third Angel at the task, the other two weren't up to the mission and ended up killed. I'm not really up to die so I'll do better.
For short, I'm here for business. I'm under a Nightmare's command, -whom I totally not plan to overthrone one day or another-, meant to establish relations with other forces in the Multiverse. Neat, uh?
Would be if the main task weren't selling dumb rodents to other AUs and anomalies.
So welcome one, welcome all! Here at Angel's Little Business, we got all kind of bitties for your mad scientist taste -I see you, Sciencefell- or your nice lunch with pals -Horrortale is one of our best customers!-. We also sell bittys for company purpose but let's say that's downright less interesting. We got some Nightmares in our clients that have a thing for nurtering on bad feeling by torturing the critters, though.
Despite the job being lame, I must say making powerful contacts here and there will be useful for myself. Keeping those in the pocket.
My boss, Nocturne, and my departed former selves from other timelines lend me the timeline S on a plate- main human and monster gangs relies on me for money, the bittys breeding and fighting rings being their main source of income and Raziel, the Starlight of the dumb cult that has spawn, basically eats in my hand, sending as a peace offering his share of feral pest.
Yup. Life's easy. Life's good. How things could go bad? Nah. They won't... Won't they?
Behind the curtain: So. I may or may not be starting a bittybones abuse blog? English's not my birth language tho so please forgive me, it'll be clumsy. Angel is quite forward as a character too. Please stay outside if you're sensitive, things are not going to be clean. Some parts will feature the past of my bittys OCs so there won't always be killing but there will be gruesome maiming, yep. Hope you enjoy?
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Silver!
Commission:  I do offer commissions and they are currently open. I have 5 slots open, and the rules are on my writing blog.
Social Media: Tumblr: @silverdragon-imagines-blog​ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverDragonMS
Tell us a little bit about you!
I'm called Silver. My hobbies are writing, video games, and I sew occasionally. If you've ever been on a voice-chat with me, you'll know that I have a dog, considering she barks all the time. Oh, and as far as writing goes, I'm a total angst gremlin. ^u^
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing?
There are so many people who make me want to improve my writing, way more now that I'm in the LU fandom. Though I think the person who helped a lot with making me want to put myself out there would have to be kas [kas-writes on tumblr].
What got you into writing?
Surprisingly [or unsurprisingly] Undertale got me back into writing.
What's your favorite part of the writing process?
Coming up with ideas is by far my favorite part. Once I start, it just keeps going until I've got a huge pile of ideas to use in an outline or story. I once plotted an entire fic late at night over the course of maybe an hour or two. I'm super excited to write that fic once I'm done with the current one
What's your least favorite part of the writing process?
Editing is a pain. I never edited my writing until LU, but I do it because I want everything to be all nice and easy to read. It's a chore, but it's worth it.
Whats your favorite type of scene to write?
Pure. Unadulterated. PAIN. I just love to throw characters into the worst situations possible and force them to suffer through it, then make them live through the aftermath. The worse the situation, the happier I am writing it. ^u^
What's the hardest for you to write?
Fluff is so hard for me. I have written one thing that was pure fluff and it was super difficult to write. It was worth it though, but I will never force myself to write a pure fluff fic again.
What's your favorite genre to write?
Extreme angst with lots of buildup. I like to torture my characters i guess lol
What fandoms do you enjoy writing for?
Linked Universe mainly, but I'm still in the Undertale fandom, I just don't put out as much content for it anymore.
What's the work you are most proud of?
This one Undertale Bittybones fic that I wrote back in 2016 is by far my best work... for now anyway. That will probably change as time goes on considering my current plotting. I guess for runners-up, I'm torn between two fics. A Glitched Death is one that, even though I'm not as into it as I was, I'm still proud of it. Then there's Counter Clockwise which I think started my love of writing for LU. https://archiveofourown.org/works/7407346 <- bittybones fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/20246200 <- A Glitched Death https://archiveofourown.org/works/23330332 <- Counter Clockwise
Is there a specific scene you are particularly proud of?
Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'm sure there are a few that I'm proud of. I think whenever a scene gets the reaction I wanted out of the readers is when I get proud of a scene.
Is there something you had to work through that forced you to grow as a writer?
I'm not sure actually. I guess I haven't gone through trying times in a while, and the only stubborn scene/character is Warriors, who refuses to let me write him.
Do you have any fics inspired by real life stories?
No fics, but a few lines or scenes are inspired by things my family has said. The first thing that comes to mind would have to be this scene in my current fic, the Sky Angst Fic. Basically, I made Time say that he hates agreeing with Twilight because it gives him a rash. I have heard this too many times by my family, it's stupid, but it fit the scene way too well.
Where do you post your finished works?
I post pretty much everything on AO3. https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverDragonMS
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lethallypink · 8 years
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It finally begins. <3
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natakuchan · 4 years
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That's an old drawing of Apple- I'm gonna draw him tomorrow for the second blog-
Let's talk about broken bittys, shall we? We'll talk about it deeper later on, it's just to blabla a lil'. Also depression left me today for a first in months and I was able to tidy up the house a little... Yeaye! :3
So, what's broken bittybones?
Since bittybones are so much alike, ya know, made from the same stuff etc, it's a common thing to have similarities in the way they breakdown when facing a trauma.
Basically, harsh physical torture will often turn a Sansy into an Horror. A Sansy that'll come to enjoy the thrill of killing will become a Killer. A Sansy killing off its brother, a Dust... You name it.
There's also one way to turn a Sansy into a Lust. That's what happened with Apple.
Of course, those breeds can also be created this way. In that case, the Soulshard used to create the bitty will be its multiverse's equivalent.
The whole stuff may be complicated if you're not used to a recurring headcanon that labs are just recycling dying Sans' souls from the Multiverse, breaking them in pieces and creating bittys with those.
You can always go check Don't Pursue Happiness, Create It by CuddlyQuiche ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/17148314/chapters/40325123 ) to have a taste at that. I love this fic, if only for the whole "seeing through a bitty eyes" thing with the soulbonds and stuff and for how the flashbacks are done. But it's triggering. I can't always read it.
So basically,
Horror Bitty lab created as is, comes from a piece of an actual Horror Sans' SOUL.
Sansy Bitty turning into a Horror through trauma comes from a piece of a Sans' SOUL.
So yeah, if you don't find what you want in store, I guess you can still create it.
I'm quite excited to talk a little about Apple and the Sakine Family. I never really talk about this bitty anywhere, never appeared in the RP or stuff. Poor thing had the sh-tty life. Maybe put on your seatbelt, cause its gonna be darker and darker and-
And yes. There's gonna be monster girl x bittybone. With all what I said a few weeks earlier making that ship oh so wrong, toxic and disgusting for both of them.
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vex-bittys · 5 years
What did the Anon Send? Bitty abuse?
*I don’t usually do call-out posts, but now seems like the time to address a very important issue that affects all fandoms but is currently quite rampant in the bittybones niche fandom.
Don’t Be an Asshole (and Here’s How)
*I’m pretty open-minded, and I understand that there are many different ways to interact with bittybones from seeing them as equals to service companions to pets, to sex toys to torture fodder. I don’t tell people how to interact with bittybones because different people like different hings. On this blog, I like to promote a positive bitty experience. This does not mean that I hate bitty torture blogs, but if I did, I would probably just avoid them. It’s not my place to tell people how to interact with bittybones.
*Why? Because I am not an asshole (most of the time). I do not go to other people’s askboxes and send messages criticizing their content. I don’t send messages intended to shock or upset people because I am not an asshole. Some people, however, are assholes.
*If you don’t like a certain type of bitty that’s fine! Not liking something does not make you an asshole. When you take your dislike of something and turn it into asks demanding that other people also dislike that thing? That makes you an asshole. Let people choose their own bitties even if you don’t like that bitty. Bitty choice is each person’s personal decision.
*If you read something that makes you uncomfortable and you ask for it to be tagged, that does not make you an asshole. Tags are there to help people find content that they like and avoid content that they don’t like. When you criticize someone’s work and opinions under the guise of being helpful, that makes you an asshole. If you have that much of a problem with someone’s work, don’t read it, maybe even unfollow them. Don’t keep arguing and criticizing them for what they like or choose to write.
*If you send someone an ask specifically designed to shock, upset, or harm someone that makes you an asshole. I’m sure you could find a better use for your time than to try to make other people unhappy. Let people enjoy the purely fictitious things that they enjoy. Don’t be an asshole.
How to Handle an Asshole
Do not engage. Don’t answer the ask. You’re not going to satisfy them. You’re not going to change their mind. They only want to upset you, so there;s no point in even dignifying their nonsense with a response.
Block them. That’s right, you can block anons. Blocking an anon blocks that person’s IP address so that they can no longer send you anonymous asks. This is possible on desktop and mobile! Just click “…” and select “Block.”
Center yourself. Step away from the computer and take some deep breaths. Assholes can be upsetting, but you’ve gotten rid of them. You aren’t acknowledging them. You’re ok now. Consider taking a break from Tumblr for the night and enjoying a hobby that makes you relaxed or happy.
Reach out for support. I’m here if you feel shaken by something and need some comfort. Tumblr isn’t always a positive experience, but hopefully having people to talk to makes the negative things just a little bit better.
Most importantly
*Don’t be the asshole. Don’t search out things you dislike to criticize or attack them. Keep an open mind about fictitious content and remember that everyone has their own tastes and preferences, especially when it comes to bittybones. A little repect and kindness goes a long way!
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*Thank you for coming to my VEXtalk.
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dotchi13 · 6 years
The Bitties are here and the Ask Box is Open!
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A big heaping thanks to @calmchapsart for making this, it looks adorable! 
Okay so I have been searching the tags for Bittybones and I really couldn’t find any of them for the darker Sans’ (Guess that makes sense considering where they came from and not a lot of people want Bitties that are able to kill them, so...).
But with the making of my fic ‘It All Started With a Mistake’: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16587800/chapters/38873285 I had decided I wanted to make profiles on the bitties, their types and other things. If you want to learn more about them that I don’t get into here and go more in depth, just send me an ask and I or the Bitties themselves can answer you! 
That’s right, we have Murder, Toriel, Horror, Nightmare and Killer here to answer all questions to the fic or to their types in General. (You can also give them things to respond to if so inclined or ask them personal questions unless stated otherwise.)
Murder Bitties (Dusttale): 
Personality: Murder Bitties carry quite a loathing for themselves and other Sans types, though no one really knows why, and if left alone with another Sans bitty Murder’s will fall into a deep depression and will either ignore their existence, isolating themselves from going anywhere other than their own home and/or start violent fights that may end in the other Sans Bitty’s dusting if not strong enough, even if it is from anything as light-hearted as a Baby Blue or a Dream. If given another bitty to bond with, they bond hard and fast, and will always stick by the other bitty’s side to give them protection even if the other bitty is in no danger, and will be extremely territorial no matter the nature of the relationship.
Likes: Finding ways to vent (Like Drawing or Sparring), Caring for the Bitties they have bonded with and Going with their Whims, morbid jokes. 
Dislikes: Sans Bitties, Nightmares, Feeling Cornered or Being given limited options.
Clear Warnings: You have to be Willing to buy more than one bitty and they cannot be only Sans’, even a Little Bro (Underswap Papyrus) can help Murders stay stable. Be patient and Understanding, and if you have any Sans Bitties of any kind make sure they steer clear of one another. Toriels or Papyrus’ of any kind will sate their need for companionship best, though Murders will bond with any other bitty around, Being Alone will drive them insane and their coping mechanism comes in the form of something known as ‘The Phantom Papyrus’.
Horror Bitties (Horrortale):
Personality: They are almost always Hungry and Always looking for food to eat, to stash and keep close by, always give him your scraps or he will hate you until you learn your lesson. If in the company of Papyrus or Toriel he will feed them first before eating himself, and if in the presence of multiple Papyri or Toris he will feed Teeths and Mumchers first (Horrortale Papryus’ and Toriels). If you provide the food he will actively be your guard dog, viciously protecting you from outside forces with his teeth or whatever sharp thing he can get his hands as he’ll dust first before letting a food source of his die, food being the best thing to bond him to you.
Likes: Food, Being Lazy, Axe Plushies, Naps, Dark Jokes, and more food.
Dislikes: Aggressive Bitties, Undyne Bitties, Anyone whom Wastes Food, Anyone whom would withhold food from anyone for any reason.
Clear Warnings: Never ever withhold food from a Horror Bitty unless you like being cut. Never take a Horror Bitty’s Axe plushie, or they will find another source of comfort from something much more dangerous. Always have food on hand for them and in their vicinity, they are ones for late night snacks. If there is any actively aggressive bitties in your home, never ever let them be around each other, Horrors will only take their demanding personality for a short amount of time with quiet hatred before he actively tries to tear their throats out, something that occurs even faster when the aggressive bitty is facing a bitty Horror protects.
Nightmare Bitties (Dreamtale): 
Personality: Nightmare Bitties are perceptive, sarcastic and demanding, though at their core all they really want is someone to appreciate them and their abilities. Though that does not happen often, seeing as they have the ability to create nightmares and always gives them to everyone in their vicinity as an incentive for others to try and get on their good side, and when they do, the Nightmare bitty then eats the nightmares they once gave the owners and other bitties as a reward. They are responsible bitties and if told to devote themselves to a cause (Eating the Nightmares of a PTSD-suffering Owner or keeping a Killer in check), they devote themselves to the cause as it makes them feel like people and bitties appreciate them, however be wary as if you put them to a short-term cause they will likely destroy all the work put into it so they still have a purpose being alive and around. 
Likes: Nightmares, Visiting people in Nightmares, Nightmare fuel movies or stories, Dark Humor, Being appreciated and valued.
Dislikes: Stupidity, Murderous Bitties trying to kill them (Never works), Being Told to their Face they are only tolerated because of their abilities and not for them being a sentient and companionable bitty.
Clear Warnings: Do not get them if you are not prepared for nightmares at the beginning of owning them, you can gain the bitty’s trust and love fast with well-placed compliments and care, but you have to be prepared for at least a couple of nights having bad dreams, and if you already have constant nightmares do not think they will suddenly stop on the first night, it will take a little bit of time, he will come to visit you in them and learn your worst fears. Also never abuse them, at some point they will dig into the walls of your home, curl up into a ball and fall into a coma, and everyone in radius will become worse and worse as Nightmares will magnetize all negative emotions to themselves until getting enough power to make their owners start seeing their nightmares in real life and drive them to becoming certifiably insane or worse. 
Killer Bitties:
Personality: Their Souls are warped with determination, an extremely rare bitty that is usually only bought by Experts that want to complete their collections, they only have a small range of emotions, Apathy, Hatred and Amusement, you are able to tell what they are feeling from the black sludge trailing down his maxilla (cheekbones), that being liquid hatred. Being that they are so unable to feel things, they are quite violent and will actively seek out other bitties to dust for amusement unless having a tight leash on them by a Nightmare or Color bitty to keep the Killer bitty stable. If a Nightmare is looking over them, Killers will be kept from wanting to kill and will be more open to Amusement, but that is about it, there will be no further improvements, while a Color watching over a Killer can help him feel all emotions and will even help him become reformed to a Classic Sans with permanent black tears and a red soul on display.
(Base-level Killer) Likes: Killing living creatures, Morbid Jokes, Torture, Doing things to ruin people’s day, Protective Bitties seeing as they are easy to mess with. 
(Base-Level Killer) Dislikes: Being punished for the things they find enjoyable, Being Bored.
Clear Warning: Never EVER buy a Killer without a Nightmare or Color unless you like attempts to your life and your bitties being dusted. 
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heather-and-fran · 3 years
This is a bittybones blog that’s a mix between bitty fluff and bitty torture with two main characters to represent the two sides of the blog.
Heather Marley
Heather Marley is a human a cracked SOUL of PATIENCE and she is what I use for bitty fluff content with little bits of angst here and there.
Here’s her Bitty Family. Here’s her home. Other characters
Heather Marley = Stuff relating to her.
Heather’s Bitty Family = Works relating to her and her bitty family.
Fran Chandler
Fran Chandler is an entity of darkness that’s simply classified as a monster despite not being one found on Earth. She is what i use for bitty torture.
Here’s her Bitty Toys.
Fran Chandler = Stuff relating to her.
Fran’s Bitty Toys =  Works relating to her and her bitty toys.
Other Tags
Adopting = Reblogs of information of bittybones that I’m interested in.
Roleplay = A tag for roleplays.
Finished = For roleplays that are finished.
Reblog = Very rarely used and self-explanatory.
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itty-bitty-mess · 9 months
I know Christmas is over now, but I kept thinking about holiday-themed ways to be mean to bitties. Of course you could thread ribbons through their bones and use them as decorations, just to listen to the crying and begging of your bittybones ornaments slowly trail off into nothing, maybe put a hot bulb inside them to make them glow... but then there's the more psychological side, getting them hyped up for presents and then giving them nothing because they've been bad, or giving them only terrible gifts, like a "special necklace" that's actually a shock collar, or maybe some newspaper to line their cage with or just an old sock-- stuff that makes it clear you just didn't care at all about doing anything for them for Christmas, because they're basically just a burden that gives nothing back.
OOOOOOHHH I LOVE this ideas so much!!! This sounds so fun!! Nothing better to get you in that christmas spirit than to torment your useless little bitty in every way possible lol. Here’s some more christmas themed ideas for you. I may have gotten a bit carried away with some but I hope you like them!! Happy holidays!!
Text under the cut bc its long!
A Softybones who finds the perfect napping spot in a stocking by the fire. However, what he doesn’t know is that the stocking has a hole at the bottom, so once he hops in, hoping to find a warm and cozy spot to enter his daily slumber, he slips through the hole and falls directly into the fire. Of course, he screeches and cries at the top of his tiny little lungs because he’s literally burning and melting, but his owners just ignore him as he burns and melts into a puddle of nothing. Once he’s finally gone, the family goes back to opening their presents, as if nothing happened
Your Sansy has done nothing of use since you brought him home from the adoption center, and no matter what you try, he outright refuses to help in any way. He doesn’t care if he leaves a massive mess every time he enters the fridge for a snack nor cares enough to clean his gross little cage everytime he does his business.
Suddenly, you get an idea to make him useful for once. You make him an tiny angel costume - a bitty diaper, a halo made from a pipecleaner and a pair of wings made from cardstock - and forcefully dress him up against his will. Once he’s all dressed up, he’s clearly humiliated, but you’re not done yet.
Before he can protest or take off his ridiculous costume, you shove a cotton ball deep into his throat. As he chokes and tries to pluck the cottonball out of his throat, you tie up his arms and legs together with some gold ribbon. He’s immobile and helpless and is terrified of what you’ll do to him.
Finally, you hang him on the christmas tree, using his tied up arms as the hook. He squirms and tries to spit the cottonball out, but he can’t as it is way too big to do so by himself. He stops moving as much once he realizes you hung him at the highest spot on the tree, so if he managed to free himself, the fall could easily kill him. You can hear his muffled pleas and apologies, begging to be freed and let go.
But you ignore him and leave him hanging on the tree, ready to be humiliated by all your friends and family who are on their way to celebrate with you. They all point and laugh once they see him, and he spends the rest of the night being utterly ashamed and humiliated, trying not to cry.
A spoiled and ungrateful Blueberry constantly throws tantrums every christmas everytime he opens his presents and they’re not the right color or don’t look like they do on tv. He thinks he’s entitled to others’ gifts and has been caught opening gifts that weren’t for him, defending himself by saying he deserves those too because he’s “the gweat and wovable Blueberry!! The bestest behaved bitty evah!! MWEH!!”.
This Christmas you decide you, or in this case “Santa”, wont get him anything at all, but you plan to really drive the message home to the little pest. Once you and your family are opening the presents, Blueberry screeches and cries everytime a present isn’t for him. Throwing himself on the floor, kicking and slamming his fists as he throws a fit.
At the end, once all presents are opened and gone, Blueberry is inconsolable, crying nonstop because “how dare Santa forget about him!”. You see your chance and get close to him, looking him dead in the eyes, and tell him: “Well, Santa himself told me that you’ve been such an unbearable and ungrateful little brat that he decided you’ll be on the naughty list forever, and he won’t ever bother delivering gifts for you ever again. In fact, he told me I should take away all the toys and nice things from your cage since you don’t value what you’re given.”
Cue even more crying and screeching from an utterly heartbroken Blueberry who just realized he’ll never recieve any gifts ever again. His crying increases even more once he runs to his little cage and sees all his toys, bitty furniture, water bottle and all other luxuries are completely gone.
You force him to watch as you shove all his belongings on the fireplace: his favorite bandana, his racecar bed, his favorite teddy bear, etc. All reduced to ashes. He cries and begs you to stop even getting to his kness to plead with big fats tears rolling down his cheeks.
Blueberry is inconsolable, his furniture is gone, his nice clothes are gone, his toys are gone, his fancy cage is now empty and Santa hates him forever!!! He’s never allowed to keep anything ever again and spends the rest of his life pathetically begging for his things back, and regretting his every action to the very end.
Your Papy bitty has been nothing but a nuisance since the moment he got home. His failed attempts at helping you end up making the mess even bigger, leaving you to clean up after him and to do even more work. Everytime you want a calm and silent moment to yourself, he screeches and whines that he needs to be with you, demanding you place him near your soul immediately. You were actually close to dusting him that one time he tried helping you wrap some gifts but ended up unwrapping the ones you had already done, insisting you were doing it wrong and that he’d wrap them “the right way”. Except “the right way” ended up looking like it was made by a messy two year old.
One snowy morning, Papy hops into your bed and starts jumping nonstop on top of you, squealing about the snow and ordering you to get up to play and make a snowman with him. Although you wake up incredibly annoyed and angry at him, you get an idea. You help him get dressed into his tiny winter clothes and open the door to your backyard. He runs outside and squeals in excitement, he loves the snow!!! He makes pea-sized snowballs and a small snowman his size, he makes tons of snow angles and even builds himself a snowfort!!
All throughout, you watch him from inside the house, there’s no way you’re stepping outside at such low temperatures! You carefully close the door to the backyard, making sure to lock it as silently as possible to keep him from noticing, and go back to your warm and cozy bed, snuggling under the covers and drifting off to sleep without that annoying thing bothering you.
After hours of playing in the snow, Papy is exhausted and could really use a warm bath or some hot cocoa right about now! He goes up to the door but notices its closed, “Oh, they probably didn’t notice they locked the door!! They’re probably nearby!! Surely my dear owner would NEVER leave me alone, locked out in the snow!! Nyeh!!” He says to himself. He tries knocking the door, calling your name thinking you’ll probably hear him and let him inside.
He keeps on knocking, and as time passes the knocking gets more and more desperate. Its getting colder and darker, and Papy is growing hungrier and colder by the minute. “HUMAN!!! HEWWO??? AM HUNGWY!!! PWEASE LET INSIDE!!!” He yells, using his annoying baby voice thinking that could do the trick, but nope. You’re still cozy and comfortable in bed, deep in your slumber and having wonderful dreams, dreams were Papy gets crushed into dust multiple times nonstop.
The sky gets darker and the air gets colder, and before Papy even notices it’s already night. He’s freezing, his bones are frozen and he can’t feel his fingers or feet. He keeps knocking, more like banging, on the door, scratching and trying to pry it open. He’s desperate as his delicate bones freeze slowly and painfully. He keeps crying out your name, begging to be let in and apologizing for whatever he did that made you angry. He tries looking for other ways inside. But all windows and doors are locked.
Despite the despair, he tries not to cry to avoid his tears from freezing and sticking to his face. He tries getting as close to the door as possible, hoping to feel even the slightest hint of warmth from inside. He closes his eyes as he hugs himself, hoping to wake up back inside wrapped in warm clothes and showered with love.
The next morning you wake up nicely rested and relaxed. No annoying squeaky voice to scream your ear off at your every step. You take a look trough the window to the backyard and there’s no Papy on sight. Earlier that morning there was an tiny pile of dust outside the backyard door, with Papy’s tiny winter clothes on top, but as the morning progressed it mixed with the snow and the clothes were blown away by the wind. You put on some cozy pajamas and make youself some hot chocolate, you relax the rest of the day binging your favorite christmas movies and enjoying your now bitty-free life.
A person decides the best gift to give their partner this christmas is an adorable little Blueberry!! How wonderful!! How cute!! The Blueberry is more than overjoyed, he’s so excited to get a warm home with yummy food and wonderful toys and all the love he could ever ask for!!!
He even sticks out his tongue to the other bitties as he’s being picked up by the Bitty Shop employee and prepared to be taken home. He’s so special and important!! Once he arrives to his new home, he’s super clingy with his new Daddy!! He’s so happy to be here!! He can’t wait to meet Mommy too!!
Daddy sticks a cute metallic blue bow on Blueberry’s head and places him inside a a wrapped gift box. Blueberry waits in anticipation for the moment where his new Mommy opens the box and sees him!! He’s sure she’ll love him too!!
Unfortunately, the couple ends up have a huge fight during christmas before they even get to open their gifts. Blueberry hears them screaming and calling each other horrible names. He cries, he’s so scared, why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?
Suddenly he hears things being thrown around, specifically each other’s gifts. Oh no!! All those nice gifts they got each other!! The sound of things breaking can be heard from all the gifts that get thrown around. Blueberry is terrified, it’s christmas!! Its supposed to be all about meeting their new bitty and showering him with love!!
Suddenly, Blueberry jumps to his feet as he feels his box being picked up, its his time to shine!! Surely his cuteness will be enough to stop the fight and bring peace back into his new hom. Surely Mommy and Daddy will love him so much they’ll stop fighting!! He finds himself smiling as widely as possible, trying to put up the “widdle baby” act as best as he can. He’s face to face with his new Mommy, who is staring down at him with a… disgusted expression?!
Before Blueberry can even open his mouth, he’s flying all the way across the room and hitting the wall skull-first.
His skull cracks right in the middle and his lower jaw gets shattered completely. Blueberry is screeching in pain, big blue tears cascading nonstop, he’s so confused but can’t even ask Mommy nor Daddy for help. His jaw is broken and he cannot speak, he’s crying but Mommy and Daddy are too busy throwing things at each other to care.
He tries holding his jaw together, barely babbling to Daddy, begging for monster candy. Daddy, incredibly furious, grabs him by the legs and starts swinging him and smashing the bitty’s head against a nearby table nonstop. He’s probably trying to hurt his partner by destroying the gift he got her.
The next morning, the now broken Blueberry gets returned to the shop. The employee is a bit surprised by just how horrendous the thing looks now. He’s barely recognizable as a Blueberry and cannot even speak anymore. Tears fall nonstop from his cracked eyes, one eyelight is gone.
He has no chance of being adopted again by an owner, no one would want an ugly broken bitty like that one, especially not during the holidays. The employee decides to shove him in the Discount Bin, maybe there’s someone that could use him as a guinea pig for an experiment or as live feed for their pet.
During the holidays, you can see Bitty Shops giving the craziest discounts any shop could give, and bitties seem to try their hardest to appear as charming and cute as possible. Sometimes you can even see some bitties on the shop windows straight up begging passerby to adopt them, crying and on their knees. They seem desperate and scared that the end of the year is near, because they know what happents to the bitties on the shops that do not get sold before the New Year arrives.
Once New Years Eve arrives, the unsold bitties get tied up to fireworks by the shop employees, being set off to fly across the sky and then blow up in a delightful show of dust, light and color. Everybody loves seeing the fireworks for New Years Eve, the colors are wonderful and seeing poor crying bitties blowing up in the sky is always a fun experience for the whole family!!
Your younger brother had a habit of shaking his gifts first to figure out what they were. You often adviced him against it, telling him that one day he would end up breaking one of his gifts that way. He often ignored your advice, until that christmas morning where you saw him shaking a particular gift extremely hard. You could hear something small rattling and squeaking inside, and even some very faint cracking sounds, but he still couldn’t figure out what it was.
You assumed he finally learned his lesson once he opened the box to find a Sansy bitty inside, with all his bones broken and shattered into pieces and with both arms already turning into dust. He could barely speak as all his teeth had broken and he couldn’t even move as his legs had just began dusting.
Your parents decided to simply flush him down the toilet, not even considering monster candy or any other remedy. It’s not like your brother particularly cared for the bitty anyways, since you saw him quickly move on to the next gift as if nothing had happened, but you did notice that he stopped shaking his gifts after that incident.
Cherry cried nonstop as you hung him up in the tree, at the highest spot near the bright glowing star. You had shoved him inside one of those DIY ornaments that were made of clear plastic and were hollow inside. He banged the plastic capsule nonstop, begging you to please take him down, promising to be more grateful for the gifts you give him from now own.
You shook your head at that, maybe he should’ve been more grateful for the used trash you sloppily wrapped up for him. He should be happy to recieve even a cup of dirt, he should be grateful despite how horrible or awful your gifts for him were. Its the least he could do after being such a useless burden that provided nothing and only pissed and cried all day.
He panicked and began soiling himself once he saw you walk away back to your bedroom. He begged you in tears to not leave him here, PLEASE!! ITS TOO HIGH!! ITS COLD!! PLEASE LET HIM OUT!! THIS ORNAMENT IS TOO SMALL!! HE CANT BREATHE!! HES SCARED!! PLEASE!! His inconsolable screams intensify once he hears you close and lock your bedroom door. He’s drowining in his own waste, left all alone at such a high spot on the tree. He keeps calling your name between sobs, but you ignore him.
The next morning, you find the broken shards of the ornament on the floor. There’s dust scattered around as well, and you find Cherry’s little soiled pajamas at the top of one of the little dust piles. You shrug and decide to make yourself a nice coffee to start your day. Afterall, you had better things to do like that christmas lunch with friends!
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silverdragonms · 7 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Blue, Cherry, Moony, Sans, Pink, Edge, Other bitties, Alpha, The scientist person from before, The scientist is female, Reb [rebornswap bitty] Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bittybones, Tags will update if the story needs new tags, soul magic and lore, Fluff mixed with angst, poorly written fluff, Unethical Experimentation, Borderline Torture, Lots of Angst, Minor Character Death, probably guessed this was coming Series: Part 7 of Creation of Alpha Summary:
XX/XX/XXXX - All of the necessary subjects are in place, and extras for if success is attained. I hope to reach my goal, and these creatures might just help me out. Experiment 13 shall now commence.
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itty-bitty-mess · 11 months
hi, sorry if you've already answered this before but i remember you mentioning having your own bittybones au before and im curious to know what your au is about?
Hi, sure thing! I've mentioned my own au before wayyy back when this blog was still pretty new. You can find the original idea in the link provided! I tend to jokingly refer to it as "the underfell of bittybones aus" since it could be considered pretty edgy or at least cartoonishly cruel and focuses, as you can tell, solely on bitty whump. Basically, after bitties became popular, people very quickly caught up on their various flaws (such as their annoying personalities, being prone to becoming spoiled, acting like immature toddlers despite being fully grown "adults", constantly talking like babies, going into heat and acting creepy towards their owners, generating waste, having irritiating squeaky voices, etc.) and realized that bitties actually sucked. Many owners began throwing away their bitties and dumped them on the streets. The now homeless bitties could only do one thing now: reproduce. Soon, the stray bitty population grew at alarming speeds to the point where bitty infestations were now a big problem. Stray bitties now were taking over entire homes and would steal from passerby in crowds. The problem was so big that authorities decided to declare bitties an invasive species, even though they weren’t even recognized as animals, and made it fully legal to dust them in order to decrease the population and solve the problem. Now that dusting was fully legal, people got to work and began reducing the population through various ways such as bitty exterminators, food shaped poison, making up games where people dusted bitties for fun, setting up bitty traps, opening fully legal bitty fighting rings or bitty slaughterhouses, etc. Passerby now stomped on or dusted any bitty they stumbled upon. Now, the bitty population is under control and the owned bitties that still exist must stay at home at all times and must be sterilized to avoid any more reproduction. As loved as they can be, owned bitties must behave at all times or they might end up on the streets or donated as food for animal shelters. If an owned bitty sneaks out or gets abandoned by its owner, they're pretty much dead as they are most likely to get dusted in various horrible ways. To summarize: in this twisted and cruel world, people hate bitties. Sometimes i use this au as a baseline for some of my writing, sometimes i dont, honestly it mainly kind of exists as an idea where i can experiment on various concepts and scenarios such as bitty fighting rings or dusting being legal and how it affects the bitty population and the way they live in this society. It'd also be fun to experiment or write about an owned bitty who lives a comfortable, sheltered life but one day he does something that leaves him on the streets, having to face the horrible, cruel world were his kind is widely hated and dusted for no reason. So yeah, that's my silly little au :)
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itty-bitty-mess · 10 months
Currently thinking about separating bitties from their babies. Just think about it, your tiny little bitty has just given birth, tears of joy stream down his face, his little soul is filled with pure love for this tiny little thing, he has quickly latched onto the thumbnail-sized skele baby and has formed an emotional bond that would be unbreakable.
He is hugging it, holding it close in his arms, cooing to the little thing, telling it about all the wonderful things he and the newborn will do together and promising that you'll take care of both him and the baby. One of those things is true, actually. Because no matter how attached and protective a bitty gets towards his baby, he's straight up incapable of taking care of it.
They were created and made to be eternally childish, referring to their owners as "Mommy" and "Daddy", often finding pleasure on simple things like treats, toys or cartoons, not made to develop a true sense of responsability. Some are even unable to function properly by themselves (like Cherries), while others are eternally stuck on being little childish brats with massive egos (like Baby Blues and, to some extent, Papys). Some are highly aggressive and will most likely hurt anything that moves or breathes on their direction, even babybones (like Edgies). They rely solely on their owner and exist in a world not made for creatures their size. In a world were anyone and anything can accidentally dust them if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They're useless as parents and are unable to keep their babies alive without accidentally dusting them somehow.
Your bitty carefully places his beloved little baby on your hand, he trusts you and wants to show off his little one to you. He feels extremely proud of himself. He genuinely believes that youll give it back, but you wont, for the good of the little baby, of course.
Your bitty screams and cries as he sees you rise back up with the baby still on your palm. He doesnt understand whats happening, why are you taking his baby away?? Give it back!! Thats his baby!! HE made it, not you!! He demands you put the baby down, give it back to him, please!! He breaks down on full sobs as you step away from the cardboard box he's in, the one he gave birth in. He can't see you anymore, but he can hear his baby crying!! Give it back!! Please!! His baby needs him!!
But the reality is that his baby DOESNT need him, in fact, his own immaturity is a bigger danger to the baby than you are. He bangs on the walls of the box, you make your way to the door, going into a different room but he can still hear his baby crying. PLEASE GIVE IT BACK!! PLEASE DONT TAKE AWAY HIS BABY, PLEASE NOT HIS BABY!!!! NOT HIS DEAR LITTLE BABY!!! HE JUST GAVE BIRTH TO IT, GIVE IT BACK!! GIVE HIS BABY BACK!!
He stops banging the insides of the box, as he hears you close the room's door. He's alone, without his baby, without the little joyful soul he carried on his ecto belly for months, without a part of himself. His eyes land on the floor inside the box, which had been covered with newspaper for the baby's birth. He feels his breath catch on his throat, he feels dizzy and even throws up a little.
He screams, and cries. He drags himself across the floor. He's utterly heartbroken, he feels like his little soul is about to shatter into a million pieces. His colored tears stain his face, which is contorted in the most heartbreaking, pained expression youve ever seen. Months of love and anticipation gone in seconds, alongside his baby. He screams his baby's name, the one he chose all by himself, as if somehow that would make it suddenly appear on his arms.
He hugs himself, imagining he's still holding his little bundle of joy. He touches his belly where his baby once was, tears fall nonstop, maybe if he wished hard enough a new soul would appear on his belly and he would get a new baby, one you would not be able to take away from him, one that he would care for on his own and love and adore and protect and feed all by himself without anyone separating them.
But that would never happen, because even if he was ever allowed to get another baby, he would accidentally neglect it, trip and drop it or feed it poison unknowingly. It just isn't on a bitty's nature to be a good parent, they were designed to be immature playthings, they were not made with the idea of them being decent guardians to their offspring.
You place the little baby on his new home, a big plastic tub. There's other babybones there, theyre all either asleep or exploring their little enclosure, not even missing the bitty parents they were recently separated from. The tub has tall enough walls so that curious babies cant crawl out of it. The bottom is covered with an extra fluffy towel, cushioning them from the hard plastic of the container.
The newborn baby looks at you with curiosity and adoration on its big eyes, it smiles and giggles a little when you smile back at it, extending its little arms on your direction. You just know that, while the bitty parent is on the other room on the verge of dusting out of pure heartbreak, the little baby he's crying for already forgot about his existence for good...
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itty-bitty-mess · 11 months
TW: bitty melting alive
”Muh-Mummah? Is ow new home scawwy?” The young little Cherry asked, as he rested on his new Mummah’s palm. He was the youngest of his litter, and hadn’t even reached full bitty adulthood yet. He had just been adopted and was more than excited to get to his new home.
“Of course not, sweatheart. You’re gonna love your new home! I’m actually a baker, you know? And Im sure you’ll love all the yummy little pastries I'll make for you. In fact, I decided to adopt you because I thought I could use a little extra sweetness in my life!” She said with a soothing, gentle voice, as she gently booped the thumb-sized skeleton on his nose cavity with the thumb of her other hand.
Cherry giggled like a little kid and, for the first time on his short life, he felt safe and loved. Little red tears of joy formed on his eyes as he held on to his Mummah’s thumb, wrapping both his arms around it. He closed his eyes, feeling sleepy and content, excited to get home and recieve all that love that Mummah promised. He finally drifted off to sleep, thinking about all the wonderful things his new Mummah had in store for him.
When they arrived home, Mummah gently placed Cherry on the counter and began unpacking the little bag with all bitty necessity items. A tiny portable potty, an extra pair of clothes, a matchbox-sized box of diapers, and a small packet of bitty kibble that would last for a week at least.
“Mummah? Upsie pwease?” Little Cherry asked enthusiatically as he spread out his arms. However, she didn’t respond as she listed off the items she had just unpacked, she seemed to be thinking to herself about something. Cherry could only make out the words "oven" and "quick", unable to figure out what she was talking about specifically.
“Mummah?” Cherry repeated as he extended his arms hoping she would pick him up again, tears formed in his little eyes at her silence. He didn’t like being ignored “Mummah!!! Upsie!!! PWEASE?”
“In a moment sweetie, I'm deciding which things I’ll actually need from here.” After a minute of whining and crying from Cherry, she finally decided she’d throw everything away aside from the diapers. “There we go, I don’t think you’ll need a potty just yet. You seem pretty young after all, not even a full adult just yet, your bones are still soft and squishy. Just the perfect thing I need for my-“ she stopped herself in her tracks. "Oh I mean, so soft and squishy, how adorable!".
Cherry felt a bit offended by that, and a little hurt. His face turned a little red as he stared at Mummah, hoping she’d maybe take it back or at least pick him up again. He wasn’t a baby! He was just young but he was about to turn into an adult in a few months! However, it seemed like Cherry had only payed attention to the last bit, as he panicked and demanded Mummah to stop once he saw her throwing his stuff on the trash.
“Oh sweetie, you wont need those. I’ll get you even better clothes and feed you super yummy food! Much better and yummier than that dry bitty kibble”
“Yes! In fact, how about we get you all nice and clean and then you can feast in as many treats as you want!” Cherry beamed at that, a nice warm bath and yummy treats sounded really nice right now. Compared to the cold showers and dry kibble from the adoption center, this sounded like pure luxury. He jumped up and down as he cheered with joy, hoping Mummah would carry him to the promised warm bath, and she did.
He saw as she filled a plastic bucket with water and grabbed a frog shaped sponge. He giggled when she made a little voice for the frog and he greeted it back, playing along. Once she placed the sponge down, Mummah sweetly instructed him to take his tiny clothes off. Cherry was unsure about that, he had never been “nakey” in front of anyone other than other bitties. It’s not like he had anything to hide, but he was still pretty ashamed. She insisted, promising that the water in the little pot was nice and that he would recieve a yummy treat after this. After a lot of convincing, he finally relented. He carefully slipped out of his tiny red sweater and little pants and carefully placed them on the side of the sink.
Mummah politely thanked him and carefully grabbed him to place him inside the bucket. Cherry was expecting her to gently place him inside the water, after all this was his very first bath at home. He didn’t expect her to drop him so suddenly in the water, neither did he expect the water to be so, so hot…
“AAAAAAAA MUMMAH MUMMAH HURTS HURTS IT HURTS IT HOT PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT HOT TOO HOT” he screeched in a panic. Everything was great and perfect a second ago, why was it so hot? Why did she drop him like that?? Why did it hurt?
”Oh sorry sweetie, you need this bath. You smell terrible, like straight up dog waste, and I cannot let that putrid smell inside my house. I also don’t want you spreading any more of those germs you brought from the adoption center. But dont worry sweetie this will just hurt a bit, then we can cuddle and you’ll get those sweet yummy treats I promised!” She giggled, she didn’t seemed phased by his screeching and begging.
Cherry seemed close to a panic attack, like was usual for his breed. The water was scalding hot, it burnt his bones and even caused certain bit of his bones to flake off. It burnt like an absolute nightmare. He cried, he screeched, he pissed himself out of panic and fear. It hurt, it burnt, please make it stop. He tried climbing out of the bucket but she simply pushed him back down, it was too tall for him anyways so its not like he could actually escape.
Cherry thought that she would finally take him out of the boiling water once he saw her hand reaching out to him. But instead, she grabbed him in place with one hand, while the other had the frog-shaped sponge on hand. The sponge had two sides, a soft one and a raspy one made of metal. She decided it would be best to use the raspy metal side.
The seemingly innocent sponge began scrubbing all of Cherry’s tiny body. It hurt, it scratched and even caused bits of his bones to flake off even more. It was too much stress and pain for a little bitty of his age and size. Bitties were delicate things, they needed special sponges and scrubbers that were gentle on their bones. This one clearly was made for dishes, yet it seemed like the scrubber side was completely intact, almost as if it was new.
Once that was done, Cherry could only breathe for a bit until she grabbed the soap bottle, shoving the opening on his mouth and squeezing. In seconds, Cherry felt a yucky, sticky substance entering his mouth. He coughed and cried. Then it began filling his eye sockets, his ribcage and his nose cavity. He couldnt breathe. It burnt his insides and irritated his internal magic, all he could do was scream and cry. Begging for this nightmare to end. All he wanted right now was to eat those yummy treats she had promised and take another nap. He could barely breathe and choked as he kept being forced to swallow soap. He felt he was about to dust out of sheer panic.
Finally, she roughly grabbed him again, squeezing his ribcage, and began dunking him in and out of the water bucket nonstop. Cherry couldn’t breathe. He choked on the water and even almost threw up a bit. The constant dunking was too much, and the soap was still inside his skull and mouth. It seemed it wouldnt wash off. The dunking got faster and Cherry could feel like his skull was about to pop off due to the sheer ammount of force being used. He began getting dizzy.
Finally, Mummah decided he was clean enough and took him out of the water. She gently dried him up with an extra fluffy towel and gave him a little kiss on the forehead, calling him a good boy. Cherry was still crying, sobbing out loud like a newborn baby, but it slowly began subsiding into tiny little sobs. This was way too scary for him and he would need some time to get over it.
She gently placed him on the bed, still wrapped in the towel like a burrito, a whispered sweet little words on his ear. She shushed his crying and told him she loved him a lot. This seemed to ease the little bitty. As his crying and sobbing finally stopped and he went back to giggling like a baby once Mummah began tickling his little ecto belly. Cherry could feel his little stomach rumbling, he was beginning to get hungry.
“Um, Mummah? Cam I hav a tweat now pwease?” Cherry asked as he fiddled with his tiny thumbs. His bones were still sore but he felt better now. Everything was better now that Mummah loved him again. She giggled at his nervousness.
“Of course, sweetie. But before I make you a treat, how about we play for a bit and then you take a nap. Im sure that bath shook you a bit, hm?” She suggested, and Cherry couldn’t say no to such a suggestion. He loved to play! And naps! Those were like his second and third favorite things after yummy treats! He excitedly agreed and jumped up and down, still wrapped in the towel.
“UM, Muh-Mummah? Cam I hav mak cloths back pwease?” Cherry asked, feeling a bit self conscious.
“Oh sweetie, it looks like your tiny little clothes fell into the bathroom's garbage can, I'm really sorry about that." "W-WHAT?? MY- MY CWOTES AWE GONE??" Cherry was about to go back to crying like he was a minute ago. His clothes!! His favorite clothes were gone!! "Oh but dont you worry, we’re gonna play a very fun yet messy game! Im sure you wouldn't have want ed your clothes to get dirty, right?”
Cherry sniffled a little, trying to keep it together for Mummah, he didn't want to make her angry and get another awful bath. He tried to be positive about it, and part of him was excited at the prospect of not being limited by his tiny clothes while playing, so he cleaned the few tears that formed on his eyes and nodded, agreeing to whatever game Mummah wanted to play.
Mummah gently picked Cherry up, finally unwrapping him and letting him go free. Cherry was a bit nervous but also excited by being allowed to play without his clothes on, it felt freeing and new! Back in the adoption center, everyone would always yell at him and call him “a disgusting piece of shit” whenever he tried taking his clothes off. He would cry himself to sleep at that.
Once they arrived at the kitchen, Mummah placed him on the counter. She took out a huge plate and a huge container with a funny looking substance.
“Alright, sweetie. This is baking dough, now this isn’t for eating ok? This dough is only for playing. You can make any shapes and figures you want and once we’re done you can take a little nap!” She gleefully showed him how to shape dough and how to play with it. Oh, it was mushy and soft! Cherry had never felt anything like this before!
He spent at least three and a half hours shaping and making little dough figures alongside Mummah. He made tiny snowmen, stars and little cats his size. He made little flowers and gave them to Mummah, who was flattered, and even made a biiig dough heart with the writing “i <3 Mummah” on it. It was so much fun!! So much better than the horrible bath he had just experienced. Cherry was having so much fun, but he also felt a bit hungry and tired.
Mummah seemed to notice and offered to shape him a little comfy bed made of dough. At first, Cherry giggled at the idea, but he was pretty tired and the dough was so soft and squishy! Maybe a nap wasn’t such a bad idea…
Cherry laid down on the little square, and Mummah made sure to tuck him in with a thick sheet of dough on top of his body to keep him warm. He rested in the soft substance and felt comforted as Mummah made sure he was nicely tucked in place. She even offered him an actual cherry as a treat before naptime! Yummy!
Cherry ate the whole thing and finally drifted off to sleep with a full tummy and a soft bed made of dough. He slept, dreaming of wonderful things, of all the amazing adventures he and Mummah could go on together on the future, and he dreamt of getting lots of kissies and cuddles from her whenever he needed it. However, as his wonderful dreams progressed, Cherry began noticing that things began looking weirder and weirder everytime. The birght blue sky on his dream seemed to redden and his Mummah was nowhere to be found. The air felt hotter too, strange...
Suddenly, Cherry awoke in a panic as he realized the air began getting a little too hot in real life too. He realized he was in some sort of tiny room where a bright light was blinding him completely, so he had to squint his eyes. He began to sweat and panicked even more. Cherry tried getting off his doughy little bed but soon realized that he was immobile, it seemed like the dough had began hardening and even some bits had stuck to his bones a little too well. He was basically immobile from the neck down, and his skull has held in place by the once comfortable dough pillow he rested his head in.
"MUMMAH?? MUH-MUMMAH? WERE AWE YOU!!!! MUMMAH!!! MUMMAH HAWP PWEASE???" He couldn't move, all he could do was cry in a panic and try to free himself from the hardening dough. Surely Mummah would hear him and go to his rescue, right? She probably left him in this tiny room so he could rest better without nay disturbances, but now he was awake and needed help getting out of his doughy prison.
"MUMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!" He tried increasing his volume as best as he could but all he did was damage his throat. It hurt, but oh no, the temperature was seemingly getting higher. He was sweating magic now. His ecto body seemed to begin stinging due to how hot things were getting inside.
Cherry began panicking even more and his screaming increased once he felt his skull flaking off again. Oh god, it burns, its too hot in here, please make it stop pelase, it hurts so bad, please. He tried screaming, screeching. Calling out to Mummah, but it seemed like she couldn't hear him. Surely she was near, right? She would NEVER leave little baby Cherry all alone in such a hot room, right????
"MUMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! PWEASE HWEP PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT BURNS IT BURNS IT HURFS PWEASE MUMMAAAAH" he screeched. His bones began cracking, little red magic leaking out of every single crack. His ecto body seemed to be boiling and the magic flesh began ripping and cracking at the surface, mixing with the burning dough.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MUMMAH HELP MUMMAH MOM HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE IT HURTS OH GOD IM BURNING MOM IM BURNING PLEASE HELP ME PLEEEASEE HELP HELP HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE" Cherry could feel his bones begin melting under the dough, losing their skeletical shape and becoming one with the soon-to-be bread. He could feel the top of his skull melting and sinking into itself. It seemed like bitty magic wasn't made to withstand high temperatures like those.
His skull kept melting, until his eye sockets were sealed shut by the process itself. His mouth melted shut as well. Anything under his neck was now a simple, shapeless mass that flawlessly seemed to mix with the dough. The dusting process seemed to have been halted by the melting itself, as if the dust began liquefying instead of crumbling down.
Cherry was still conscious, feeling everything. Feeling as his body turned into goo. Unable to scream, breathe or see anymore. His skull's face was now featureless and barely even looked like a skull anymore. He could only think to himself, as his consciousness slipped away and his entire being simply began fading from existence itself. It wasn't even a definitive sudden death like any other bitty would get once dusted. It was slow, so incredibly slow.
He wasn't even completely gone just yet. But he could barely feel anything at all. He could feel himself blending with the dough, becoming one with the pastry. Becoming yet another ingredient on the list. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was gone. No one would remember him, and he didn't even get to reach full adulthood like the rest of his litter did.
Mummah entered the kitchen and excitedly peeked through the oven window. Giggling as she saw the dough rise and take shape.
"Oh! Looks like my cherry pie is ready!~"
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itty-bitty-mess · 11 months
Currently thinking about bitties being adopted to complete certain tasks that are usually hard for humans, like reaching very narrow places or finding very tiny items. And once they're done, they get discarded like trash.
Imagine a bitty like a Cherry who is forced to do an extremely stress-inducing task. His anxiety is through the roof and he won't stop crying. He hates it, he can't do it, he wants to throw up, this ammount of stress is NOT healthy for his breed. Oh but Mommy promised a warm bed and yummy food after this, so maybe he can! Yes! He will do it for Mommy no matter how much this traumatizes him, because she loves him very much and she believes in him!!
Finally, he is done, and Little Cherry believes he's gonna get rewarded with a loving home and lots of cuddles from his new Mommy, he's so hungry too, so surely she will be glad to reward him with a little baked treat too! Mommy loves to bake and her treats smell delicious and super yummy! Mommy approaches little Cherry with a big smile on her face, he believes she must be sooo proud of him!! She gently takes one of his tiny bony arms, while Cherry looks at her with pure adoration in his eyes, and then....
*SNAP* Before he can even register it, she effortlessly snaps one of his arms in half like a toothpick. Cherry screams, of course. Oh god, it hurts so bad, its absolutely unbearable. The love and adoration in his eyes disappear and get replaced by confusion, panic and sheer terror. He's screaming and tears flood out of his eyes. He asks Mommy why she did that but she doesnt respond. Instead, before he can even pull his other arm away from her, she grabs it and yanks it off, making it pop off his arm socket and essentially leaving him arm-less.
Cherry screams like he's getting murdered. This ammount of stress can be lethal for his breed, but who cares, he's just a replaceable little piece of garbage. Just a tool Mommy bought because she needed some extra help. Since Cherry had done his job, he was now essentially useless to her and to the world in general. He was disposable.
All those promises of a loving home and yummy treats? just a simple tactic to get any bitty to willingly do unpleasant tasks for its owner, they always fall for it without fail, especially the weak, pathetic ones. Cherry is in so much pain. His arms are dusting at unbearably slow speed, he feels everything and needs it to stop. His face is now permanently stained red from his nonstop tears. His screams of agony are ear-piercing, but somehow Mommy doesn't seem bothered.
He begs Mommy to help him, he says he loves her and asks her why she is doing this if he did what she wanted. She doesn't respond, he's not even worth a simple answer. To her, he's simple, disposable trash no more valuable than a used napkin. She kicks him in one of his tiny legs and it snaps like a twig.
She just laughs as she grabs him by the collar of his tiny red sweater, now stained with his tears, and takes him somewhere he cannot see. The position hurts his neck badly, it hurts. His entire body is in agonizing pain. He can't feel his leg or his now-dusted arms, however he can feel some empty gaps on his mouth where some of his teeth used to be, they probably fell off with all the hits he had taken by that point.
He began pissing himself like any other Cherry, as a built in survival tactic, hoping Mommy would pity his already pathetic nature and maybe spare his life. Thats just wishful thinking of course, because all that does is gross her out enough that she finally decides to toss him on some dirty dark alley, too far away from home or from any bitty shelter that could save him. Once Mommy tosses him, he hits the ground skull-first. Now his head spins and hurts as well.
She leaves the alley, her disappearing figure is probably one of the few things Cherry can make out before everything turns blurry. He cries once again, as the realization finally hits him a little too late. She never loved him, he was never gonna be adopted or loved, he was just a simple tool and a commodity to her. He had been abandoned and left to rot alone, dying slowly, bones broken irreparably, discarded like a piece of trash that is no longer of use. He was worthless.
The next morning, there's an extra pile of dust in that alley. But who cares, that's a common occurence anyways.
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itty-bitty-mess · 1 year
Please consider: Mer-bitties! Basically mermaid bitties.
I feel like there’s a lot of potential for merbitties. You could shove them in an unethically small enclosement like a cup or a narrow glass, perhaps filled with dirty water, and see the thing barely manage to move, unable to escape from your hands bc they dont have legs and they dust if they stay out of water for too long.
Ohhh, you could shove one in a water bottle filled with glitter and sequins and shake it around, make one of those “sensory jars” and see the poor merbitty trying to steady itself in the moving water but failing, being shaken around helplessly, hitting its skull with the insides of the bottle, maybe see it choke on a sequin or two.
Adopt one from the bitty aquarium and keep making promises to give it a nice and spacious water tank but once both of you arrive to your home, you drop him on a dirty toilet lol.
Punish a bratty merbitty by taking him out of the water and see it scream and beg for you to put him back bc he can’t breathe but its too late for him, you’ve already decided you’ll leave him to die and choke just mere inches away from its tank for being a brat.
Maybe they could be used as food for certain animals in zoos and aquariums! Nothing like fresh merbitty for a hungry sea lion!
Hmmm, i wonder if one could be used for different dishes the same way actual fish is used? Maybe, due to how hard it is to keep them from dusting once cooked, they are considered rare and expensive dishes and fancy restaurants have a bunch of water tanks in the dining area where clients can pick and chose the specific merbitty they want in their dish. Itd be specially fun if the bitties have no clue that they’re gonna be cooked alive so they believe they’re being chosen to be adopted lol.
The possibilites are endless!!
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