#black butler mariposa
Candles and Broomsticks
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"Tell me Elizabeth, how come it's taking so long for any of the children to be baptized?"
Lizzie causally sipped her tea as she speaks with a visit of one of the "mother friends" she "made" over the one year Bella attend a special school. "Well me and my husband never really thought to baptized Bella. And Albert, Anthony, and Rachel just aren't cause Ciel and his wife chose not to. It's not the end of the world." The red head huffs and fans her fan near her face, her long lashes fluttering as her blue gems roll. She is a opposite of Lizzie you see, from her hair to her sharp facial features compared to Lizzie's soft, to her outfit that isn't so cute and mature as Lizzie's but more tight formal that shows she's a prize of the doctor she wedded. Her name is Lady Lenora Bell, wife of a Lord Doctor Arthur Bell, and has a daughter Bella's age named Marge who's just like her mother and not in the pleasant way Lizzie would've hoped.
It still boggles her mind how she wound up accepting her into her home.
"On a off topic, is your husband arriving for the party? I heard some gossip on it while I was in London." Asked Lenora with a smile of her dark red lipstick. Lizzie's heart fluttered in her chest as she smiles and speaks, "Yes, of course my darling husband will attend. This is a very special day for him after all."
Indeed, just down the road is a carriage being driven by the Phantomhive's chef and most special butler in the spring air. "Ahh, can't wait to pick up my lil Amelia." Said Bard after taking a large breath in the spring air. Sebastian chuckles beside him, "You saw her last week. Though I do agree with your words Bardroy."
Inside the carriage are a total of five adults and five children who sit excited, a little girl's legs kick in her seat as she giggles. "I take it you're excited Rachel?" Asked a boy with dark wisps of black hair that cover his ears, skin a pale smooth beige, and big lovely brown eyes behind brown ribbed thin glasses dressed nicely in a white button up and brown slacks with suspenders to match and a black coat over it. Rachel giggles and nods happily, causing her parents to smile.
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The scent of yummy food and sweet cakes fills the senses of everyone, the sounds of music and happy voices fells the ears of everyone. The party was in full bliss and there wasn't a singe frown upon a face. Beside the desert table stands Bella, her long black hair in waves down her back with a lovely blue gem necklace draped around her neck tightly dressed in a lovely gown that brings a gentle glow of her pale skin and a pop of her emerald eyes. With her are many teens her age dressed all lovely as well with happy smiles and sparkling eyes. "Wow Bella, the dress is so pretty!" "Thank you. My father and our tailor helped make it."
Across the way in the ballroom stands Ciel and a man whom he hasn't seen in a long while, a Chinese man dressed in emerald greens and sparkling golds. Lau brought his glass to his lips and took a sip of his shiny golden drink before speaking, "My my, doesn't that dress look familiar. At least the fabrics. Perhaps a certain party connected to a case?" The Earl chuckles softly yet meekly, "Thank goodness that dress is being used for better use." The two were interrupted by a beauty, a man with fair blond hair long and tied in a small pony tail and skin a pale peach color with beautiful crimson eyes, dressed in a formal dark green suit with a beautiful sapphire blue cummerbund. "Oh Joanne!"
Joanne smiles in return and spoke, "How are you, we haven't seen each other since Christmas." "I've been doing well, and you?" "Very well." Suddenly, Ciel paused, "If you're here than certainly so is-" He turns his body and quickly grabs hold of two children, one girl who's 7 and a boy who's 9, one girl with shoulder long black hair and big green eyes of emerald blue and a button nose booped with flushed blush and freckles and a boy with the same shade of black short hair and big brown eyes. "Hi uncle Ciel!" Ciel chuckles and hugs them tightly, his voice dipped in a childish way, "You were sneaking up on your dear uncle weren't you??"
Odin and Violet Sullivan-Harcourt, sweetest little angels you'll ever meet everyone will claim. Over the years it came a shock to the Phantomhive household to hear Joanne Harcourt was interested in courting the very lovely mad genius she is of Sieglinde Sullivan, the German girl Ciel and Sebastian took in and funded for everything she needed.
"My what adorable children you have Sir Harcourt."
The three adults and two children stop and look at Mrs Lenora walking over with a wine glass in one hand now wearing a lovely robin blue dress that tightly hugs the cleavage. With a hum she leans down to look at the children more after Ciel stood up straight, "Such adorable children indeed. Though, I must say Miss Violet's eyes are a surprise twist." The man looks at his school friend as he looks to his children and smile softly, "Yes, well, it's a family trait." He pauses. "Well, that is to say from my family. My grandmother was rumored to have such lovely blue eyes." Though he smiles, Ciel can sense Joanne's shift of things. A shift he's familiar well. A shift to never be truly honest.
A big thing of change over time was Ciel, and not just him marrying and having children, he is no longer a boy seeking revenge but instead a man though wounded accepts life's odd path of surprises. With him in that change was a familiar face, a mirror face if you will, of his brother from the dead away from the decaying fire and memories. It was a begging plea of Undertaker after his madness parade of cheating death and justice finally ended for Ciel and Sebastian to please keep him living until his final breath when Sebastian devours his soul with his wife's. It wasn't easy at first, framing your brother for murder can do that to you, but over time the two found peace. Hell, with help from Sieglinde they found a way to help him age normally with his healthy way of blood transfusion. And along that time the girl and boy simply grew close. Maybe it was the sense of unable to move about freely or books, who knows, what they do know is the two are very close, two souls as one. Around this time was when Joanne began to express courting her. You can ask anyone and you'll get a different story how the three came to be with a public wedding of Joanne and Sieglinde and then a secret wedding of Sieglinde and the forgotten twin, but the answer is the same.
No one knows the truth of Violet's true father.
Ciel glanced to his left and smiled at Xiu talking with two girls, one 8 year old with long straight brown hair and brown eyes and one smaller sized 7 year old with long thick curly dark brown hair and big brown eyes with small speckles of green if you look closely, and smiles. Amelia, the daughter of Midford's maid Paula and the Phantomhive's chef Bardroy. Mariposa, the daughter of Phantomhive's lovely gardener Finnian and his lovely wife Valentina.
"Why invite servants children to such a party? They'll bring the mood down."
That sentence snaps Ciel out his thoughts as he turned to Lenora, but before he could snap at her she has walked away giggling. "You know, I don't quite like her my Lord." Said Lau with venom dripping from his words.
The room fell silent with the sound of a gentle tap of a glass, making everyone turn their heads to the direction of the noise to the handsome man with dark hair combed back wearing a white suit with a dark purple pink cummerbund and matching tie with a pearl broach clipped to the center, holding a glass of wine in one hand and holding Lizzie dressed in a lovely red dress of black lace beside him. "Thank you all for coming to the birthday celebration of Lizzie's and I's lovely daughter Bella. Thirteen years ago today my life was simple darkness until she came into the world and lit it up as the stars in the sky. A light I never realized I needed until the day came." Said he as he looks to Bella who smiles bashfully. Hannah leans to Angela, both dressed in dark purples and whites, and whispers, "How much do you want to bet someone will start crying?" This earned a giggle in which she smiles. After a moment, a large cake of four lairs coated in candles gets carted in by the Phantomhive servants and the kitchen staff of the Midford manor, stopping right by the girl in pink. With her smiling softly everyone began to sing, some singing in different languages, but not one person can copy the look of warmth that Sebastian holds as he watches her. Within a blink he sees the image of him holding a small infant girl crying before coming back to view to see Bella blow her candles out firmly.
It's strange, demons shouldn't cry, but he can feel his eyes grow misty since her birth.
Offical part three of my current fics of my Black Butler Next Gen AU for @nullb1rdbones, @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @sebalizzie, @docmartensanddietcoke, and @onehellofashadynerd
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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tickledpink31 · 1 year
Continuing off of my first introduction of my LMK/JTTW oc, I realize that I should give her a second introduction expanding on her character as well as a summary of a story concept I had in mind. It still won't leave my head. Forgive me as I tend to ramble a lot.
Inspired by @skittlescripts and @theweepingegg,
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(Omg, I just noticed that I forgot to draw her freckles)
I changed her robes because I ended not liking the silhouette of the first one. And I gave her a butterfly brooch too instead of a pendant
She goes by many names depending on who is addressing her. She’s born as Marisol Orozco-Leong, although her obsession with butterflies earned her the affectionate nickname, Mariposa, by her relatives. Historians refer to her as the Butterfly Lady, Queen of Butterflies, or Butterfly Maiden… or just Sun Wukong’s wife.
Guanyin gave her the name Liang Xiaodie after she rescued and revived her. We’ll get to that in a bit.
Her farsightedness being used as an advantage in long ranges was an idea I got from Black Butler who has the gunslinging Mey-Rin, a maid who can see from miles away.
By the end of the journey she was rewarded with a pair of functional butterfly wings to symbolize her growth in character, or more so her metamorphosis.
Her wings are based off of the Asian Swallowtail. During her time as an unwilling host to Lady Bone Demon, her wings closely resemble that of a zebra swallowtail or a tree nymph butterfly
(Yes, you read that right: LBD chose her instead of the little girl. You know, to hit Wukong where it hurts.)
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I’ve been researching a lot on butterflies in Chinese culture, and I hope my resources are correct. If not, please correct me:
One thing that often comes up is that butterflies denote romantic love. There’s also the Chinese folktale of Romeo and Juliet, “The Butterfly Lovers” (this loosely alludes to Wukong and Xiaodie’s relationship)
They can even signify longevity, rebirth, and good fortune
There were also a few articles that say there are legends that depict the Bodhisattva Guanyin as a butterfly.
Here are just some illustrations of Mariposa/Xiaodie. The goal was to depict her change throughout the journey, being sent back to her time right after, and her plan to reunite with Wukong going awry when LBD interferes.
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Now, for the plot. Watch me ramble even more.
The whole concept is pretty much a time loop that circles back to LMK’s modern era, and Mari experiencing the 14-year journey that was actually condensed within her 2-week coma. That's the most coherent way I could word the situation.
In an ironic twist, Mariposa is not much of a social butterfly and is more of a shrinking violet, a cocooned caterpillar if you will.
Being born and raised in Singapore and her mother having Han Chinese ancestry, Mari and her siblings all grew up on the stories of Journey to the West.
Given the fact that demons roam around freely among humans, I like to think that the events of JTTW are treated like actual historical events in LMK and not just a legend.
Now, here’s where the time loop begins:
What kicks everything off was a college program that Mari joins where students get to spend learning for a semester at sea and travelling the world
By the end of the semester, however, the ship gets caught in the storm and Mari drowns in the event.
I don’t want to explain how she got sent back to the Tang Dynasty. I mostly just want to keep that ambiguous.
While Guanyin and her disciple are out looking for the scripture pilgrim, they came across a girl who was half-dead and washed up on a shore. They revive her and nurse her back to health and find out that she has no memories.
How she got the name Liang Xiaodie, Guanyin found her surname (or one of them), Leong or 梁, stitched into her bag, but to the Bodhisattva, it read to her as Liang. (It's Mari's mother's surname. Leong is the Singaporean transliteration of Liang)
Xiaodie was chosen as her given name for her butterfly brooch and the several butterfly embroideries on her clothes.
Xiaodie slowly begins to regain her memories, mostly for basic things on surviving in the wilderness and gaining muscle memory on how to use her bow and arrows again like a master, but not enough to remember her real name or her life before.
Like with the other Pilgrims, Guanyin suggests that Xiaodie should join the scripture pilgrim. Before Guanyin leaves, she gives Xiaodie's bow the ability to summon arrows of her own will so that she may never run out of ammo.
She ends up meeting Tripitaka and Sun Wukong a little bit before Ao Lie is introduced.
Xiaodie is a bit of an odd addition to the group mostly because of her amnesia. The rest of the disciples were sent on this journey to gain redemption and enlightenment. Xiaodie doesn't have a story about her past sins as far as she knew. She went on this journey because she didn't know what else to do. She's the only other mortal of the pilgrimage and the sole woman to boot.
Xiaodie did not physically age at all during the journey. At first, she believed that it was because of the manfruit from the Ginseng Tree that Wukong fed her, but it was actually because her actual physical body was in her time healing in a hospital. Each year that passed by during the journey, only a day passes by in the modern era.
That isn't to say that the manfruit didn't affect her. Her lifespan was still extended even after waking up
Her memories came back at a snail's pace. She has dreams of being in a hospital bed and people watching over (her parents and the doctors).
In spite of her amnesia though, Xiaodie was seen as the brains of the group. Bits of amnesiac resonance come to her that are often useful when it comes to survival, such as knowing how to filter water of bacteria to drink, making soap or shampoos for hygiene, and even remembering bits of Journey to the West whenever she gets a bad feeling about their environment that they're in.
Another thing about her amnesia is how much her dialect differs from everyone else.
As Marisol/Mariposa, Xiaodie grew up speaking and writing Singaporean Mandarin and Modern Mainland Mandarin while everyone else around her uses Middle Chinese. So, it's a bit of a struggle for Xiaodie to communicate with others properly and vice versa.
On top of that, Xiaodie was not aware that she was sent centuries back for the longest time. She doesn't get why her companions don't know what cars or airplanes are or why they don't understand the slang she uses
It wasn't until near the end of the journey did she regain all of her memories and finally understands her time travel situation. It ended making her more reluctant to stay in the past much to Wukong's dismay.
At the end of the journey, Xiaodie and Wukong planned to get married, but with Xiaodie's reluctance and homesickness lingering, a swarm of butterflies takes her away, and she disappears in front of the pilgrims' eyes.
Wukong, devastated, was quickly informed that Xiaodie did not belong to this century, and had to be sent back to her family. The best thing Wukong could do for now is wait for her correct era to come around, which will roughly be 1400 years give or take.
Back in the modern era, Mari wakes up from her coma thinking everything was just a dream, but something feels off...
Everything she felt—the pain, the joys, and the experiences she went through felt real. She feels as if she actually hadn't spoken to her family in 14 years, and she feels like an older person stuck in a younger body.
Most of all, she feels as if she's lost something, or someone.
It wasn't until the butterfly wings appeared on her back that gave her the confirmation that she really did go on the journey for the scriptures and that her feelings for Wukong were indeed real
So, off we go. Mari makes a plan to go to China and find Wukong herself, and she lands herself in the coastal city of Megapolis. There she finds out that the Monkey King has a successor.
However, life sure loves to throw a wrench in her plans when the Lady Bone Demon escapes her prison and takes Mari's body as a host
She was the perfect host. How could the Monkey King ever want to hurt someone he's waited for so long?
Will Sun Wukong go through with the pain of possibly losing his beloved? Will the Mari find a way to break free of her possession? Find out next time on whatever shit I post next.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
20 Facts About Lady With Butterfly Painting That Will Blow Your Mind | Lady With Butterfly Painting
Susan Rothenberg (Koos Breukel)
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Girl with Butterfly Scenery Drawing with Oil Pastels – Step by Step – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
Galisteo artisan Susan Rothenberg became acclaimed for her paintings of horses, but she never capital to be pigeon-holed.
“She didn’t appetite to be accepted as the horse lady,” said arts biographer and columnist Lucy Lippard, who knew Rothenberg both in New York and New Mexico.
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20 Best Butterfly & Woman art images | Art, Butterfly, Butterfly art – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
Rothenberg’s iconic horses were displayed in museums about the apple and admiring the absorption of Admiral Barack Obama, who adopted one alleged “Butterfly” from the Civic Gallery in Washington, D.C., for a allowance he acclimated to lounge in at the White House.
Rothenberg, who was built-in in Buffalo, New York, on Jan. 20, 1945, died in Galisteo on May 18. She was the babe of Adele (Cohen) Rothenberg, admiral of the Buffalo Red Cross, and Leonard Rothenberg, who endemic a alternation of grocery stores.
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102 best Butterfly & Woman art images on Pinterest .. | lady with butterfly painting
Susan Rothenberg becoming a available of accomplished arts amount from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and after advised at George Washington U
“Black in Place,” 1976
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Vintage Art Nouveau Lady Champagne And Butterflies by Joy of Life Art – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
niversity and the Corcoran Museum School in Washington, D.C.
Rothenberg was allotment of the arts arena in the mid-1970s in New York’s SoHo. Her aboriginal abandoned exhibition was at 112 Green Street Gallery in 1975. The three all-embracing paintings of horses was heralded by art yzer Peter Schjedahl as a “eureka.”
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81 Best Painted Lady Butterflies images | Butterfly, Woman .. | lady with butterfly painting
It ability ume like success came calmly to Rothenberg, but that wasn’t the case, said Cathleen Chaffee, arch babysitter of the Albright-Knox Museum in the artist’s hometown.
“Originally, Susan capital to be a sculptor, but her
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watercolor | Sara Purr Tattoo – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Painted Lady – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Celebrity caricature: Downton Abbey Lady Edith – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Lady Butterfly And Fairy Fantasy Wall Picture Honey Framed .. | lady with butterfly painting
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Painted Lady Painting by KC Knight – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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102 Perched White Lady Butterfly Painting by Amy Kirkpatrick – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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LADY BUTTERFLY PAINTING en 20 | Pinturas de mariposas – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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John Collier’s Dramatic and Dreamy Paintings – Renegade .. | lady with butterfly painting
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Dido Belle paintings – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Painted-lady-butterfly by bmsampson1 on DeviantArt – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Painted Lady Painting by Gail Butler – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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The American Painted Lady Butterfly Photograph by Darlyne .. | lady with butterfly painting
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July | 2014 | Quinlyn Nixon Art – lady with butterfly painting | lady with butterfly painting
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Strand 1: Theorising Moving Images
1.   Ontology
André Bazin, "The Ontology of the Photographic Image.” In What is Cinema?. Volume I. Hugh Gray, ed. and trans. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967), pp. 9-16.
Alessandre Raenga, On the Sleeve of the Visual: Race as Face Value (Dartmouth, NH: University Press of New England), pp. 21-51.
Stanley Cavell, The World Viewed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1979), pp. 10-25; 118-133.
Jean-Luc Nancy, "The image--the Distinct.” In Nancy, Jean-Luc. The Ground of the Image. Jeff Fort, trans. (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), pp. 1-14.
Further Reading
Martin Heidegger, 'The Question Concerning Technology', The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, William Lovitt, trans. (New York: Harper Perennial, 1977), 3-35.
Electrocuting an Elephant (Edison, 1903)
Study in Choreography for the Camera
How It Feels to Be Run Over (Hepworth, 1900)
Blow Job (Andy Warhol, 1963)
(nostalgia) (Hollis Frampton, 1971)
The Girl Chewing Gum (John Smith, 1976)
2. The Aesthetic
Immanuel Kant, The Critique of the power of judgment, Paul Guyer and Eric Matthews, trans. (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000 [1790]), pp. 89-127; 182-187.
Gilles Deleuze, 'Having an Idea in Cinema', Deleuze & Guattari: New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy and Culture Eleanor Kaufman and Kevin Jon Heller, eds. (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp. 14-19.
Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics, Gabriel Rockhill, trans. (London: Continuum, 2004), pp. 12-34 and 42-45.
 Further Reading
Jacques Rancière, 'What Aesthetics Can Mean', From an Aesthetic Point of View: Philosophy, Art and the Sciences, Peter Osborne, ed. (London: Serpent's Tail, 2000), 13-33.
Douglas Burnham, An Introduction to Kant's Critique of Judgement (Edinburgh University Press, 2000)
Fiona Hughes, Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement: A Reader's Guide (London: Continuum, 2010)
Bamako (Abderrahmane Sissako, 2006)
Mothlight (Stan Brakhage,1963)
Study in Color and Black and White (Stan Brakhage,1993)
3. Form and Medium
G.W.F. Hegel, Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, T.M. Knox, trans. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975 [1835]), pp. 1-55.
Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I, Ben Fowkes, trans. (London: Penguin 1990), Chapter 7, Part 1 'The Labour Process', pp. 283-292.
Maya Deren, An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form, and Film, in Essential Deren, Bruce R. McPherson, ed. (Kingston, NY: Documentext, 2005), pp. 85-109.
Bernard Siegert, ‘Doors: On the Materiality of the Symbolic’, John Durhan Peters, trans. Grey Room 47 (Spring 2012), pp. 6-23.
Further Reading
Erwin Panofksy, Perspective as Symbolic Form, Christopher S. Wood, trans. (New York: Zone Books, 1997)
Peter Bürger, Theory of the Avant-Garde, Michael Shaw, trans. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), pp. 55-82.
David Bordwell, Narration in the Fiction Film (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), pp. 3-47; 48-62.
Eugenie Brinkema, The Forms of the Affects (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014), pp. 26-46.
Lorenz Engell, ‘Ontogenetic machinery’, Radical Philosophy 169 (September-October 2011), pp. 10-12.
Ritual in Transfigured Time (Maya Deren, 1946)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
4. Watching
·         Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I, Ben Fowkes, trans. (London: Penguin 1990); Chapter 1, Section 4, 'The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret', pp. 163-177.
·         Sigmund Freud, 'Fetishism' (1927), The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. XXI, James Strachey, trans. (London: Hogarth and the Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1950), pp. 147-157.
·         Laura Mulvey, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema', Screen 16:3 (Autumn 1975), pp. 6-18.
·         bell hooks, 'The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators'. In Black Looks: Race and Representation (Boston: South End Press, 1992), pp. 115-152.
·         Jonathan Beller, The Cinematic Mode of Production: Attention Economy and the Society of the Spectacle (Dartmouth College Press, 2006), pp. 1-33.
Further Reading
·         Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, 'The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception', in Dialectic of Enlightenment, John Cumming, trans. (London: Verso, 1997 [1944]), pp. 120-167.
·         Jean-Louis Baudry, 'Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatus', trans. Alan Williams, Film Quarterly, 28.2 (Winter 1974-5), pp. 39-47.
·         Jean-Louis Baudry, 'The Apparatus: Metapsychological Approaches to the Impression of Reality in Cinema', Camera Obscura 1 (Fall 1976), pp. 104-128.
·         Christian Metz, Psychoanalysis and Cinema: The Imaginary Signifier. Celia Britton, trans. (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1982)
·         Imitation of Life (Douglas Sirk, 1959)
5. Time
Mary Ann Doane, 'The Representability of Time', in The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the Archive (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 2002), pp. 1-32.
Mary Ann Doane, 'Zeno's Paradox: The Emergence of Cinematic Time', in The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the Archive (Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press, 2002), pp. 172-205.
Laura Mulvey, 'Passing Time', in Death 24x a Second: Stillness and the Moving Image (London: Reaktion, 2006), pp. 17-32.
Laura Mulvey, 'Uncertainty: Natural Magic and the Art of Deception', in Death 24x a Second: Stillness and the Moving Image (London: Reaktion, 2006), pp. 33-53.
David Rodowick, 'The Virtual Life of Film', in The Virtual Life of Film (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), pp. 1-24.
Garrett Stewart, 'Introduction: An Optical Allusion', in Framed Time: Toward a Postfilmic Cinema, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), pp. 1-19.
La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
L'Année dernière à Marienbad (Alain Resnais, 1961)
Arrebato (Iván Zulueta, 1979-80)
6. Sensation 
Viktor Shklovskii, 'Art as Device', (1919), in Theory of Prose, trans. and ed. Benjamin Sher (Illinois: Dalkey Archive Press, 1990), pp. 1-15.
Dziga Vertov, 'The Cine-Eyes. A Revolution', (1923), in Richard Taylor and Ian Christie, eds., The Film Factory: Russian and Soviet Cinema in Documents (London : Routledge, 1994), pp. 89-94.
Sergei Eisenstein, 'The Problem of a Materialist Approach to Form' (1925), in Richard Taylor, ed., S. M. Eisenstein: Selected Writings 1922-34, Selected Works, Vol.1 (London: BFI, 1998), pp. 59-64.
Béla Bálazs, Béla Bálazs: Early Film Theory, Erica Carter, ed.; Rodney Livingstone, trans. (Oxford: Berghahn, 2010), pp. 1-15; 40-45. See also Erica Carter, 'Introduction,' pp. xxiv-xxv.
Walter Benjamin, 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction', in Illuminations, Hannah Arendt, ed.; Harry Zohn, trans. (New York: Schocken, 1969), pp. 217-251.
Miriam Hansen, 'The Mass Production of the Senses: Classical Cinema as Vernacular Modernism', Modernism/Modernity 6:2 (April 1999), pp. 59-77.
Malcolm Turvey, 'Balázs: Realist or Modernist?', October 115 (2006), pp. 77-87.
Man with a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov,1929)
Further screening
Film Eye (Dziga Vertov, 1924)
Three Songs of Lenin (Dziga Vertov, 1934)
The New World (Terence Malick, 2005)
7. Exclusions
Frank Wilderson, Red, White, Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009), pp. 1-32.
Lee Edelman, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004), pp. 1-31.
Meg Wesling, ‘Queer Value’, glq: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 18:1 (2012), pp. 107-125.
Hito Steyerl, 'In Defense of the Poor Image', in The Wretched of the Screen (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2012), 31-45.
Further Reading
Saskia Sassen, Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014)
Colin Dayan, The Law is a White Dog: how legal rituals make and unmake persons (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011)
Judith Butler, Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex (Routledge: 1993), pp. 121-140.
bell hooks, ‘Is Paris Burning?’. In Black Looks: Race and Representation, (Boston: South End Press, 1992) , pp. 145-156.
Eva Cherniavsky, Incorporations: Race, Nation, and the Body Politics of Capital (Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2006), pp. 71-99.
Susan Sontag, ‘Notes on Camp’. In Against Interpretation (New York: Dell Publishing, 1966), pp. 275-292.
Silvia Federici, Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (Oakland, CA; Brooklyn, NY: PM Press; Autonomedia, 2012).
Alyson Nadia Field, Jan-Christopher Horak, and Jacqueline Najuma Stewart, L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema (Oakland: University of California Press, 2015).
Cheryl Harris, 'Whiteness as Property', Harvard Law Review 106:8 (June 1993), pp. 1707-91.
Several Friends (Charles Burnett, 1969)
Looking for Langston (Isaac Julien, 1989)
Formation (Beyoncé Knowles, Melina Matsoukas, 2016)
Further Screening
Paris is Burning (Jenny Livingston, 1990)
Mariposas en el Andamio (Butterflies on the Scaffold,  Margaret Gilpin and Luis Felipe Bernaza; 1996)
Daughters of the Dust (Julie Dash, 1991)
8. Periodisation
Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, Or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991), pp. 1-54.
Fredric Jameson, ‘Historicism in The Shining’. In Signatures of the Visible (New York and London: Routledge, 1992), pp. 112-134.
Steven Shaviro, Post Cinematic Affect (London: Zero Books, 2010).
The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)
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Los Angeles: Protest U.S. War & Racism on Oct 7 at Pershing Square
Where: Pershing Square at 5th and Olive When: Saturday October 7th at 2pm Contact: (323) 306-6240 or (323) 899-2003 October 6, 2017, marks the 16th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan – the longest foreign war in U.S. history. Donald Trump campaigned claiming to be an 'America First,' reactionary isolationist, but quickly revealed himself to be just as much of a Pentagon war-maker as every U.S. president - only even more openly and disgustingly racist and belicose. He followed up his second major bombing of Syria by dropping the horrendous MOAB bomb on Afghanistan. In his 9/19 speech at the United Nations he threatened to totally destroy North Korea, threatened miltiary action against Venezuela, and demanded that imperialist junior partners join in his dangerous provocations. This all coincides with more police killings of young people of color, stepped up ICE raids and deportations, and a wave of white supremacists emerging after being encouraged by Trump. This is a war at home - and the antiwar movement has a duty to respond as much as it does on any other issue! Please join with International Action Center to answer the call by United National Antiwar Coalition on October 7th in L.A. For more information locally: facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/ycg7ca9d International Action Center 323 306-6240 [email protected] or view the UNAC web page at www.unacpeace.org Organizational Endorsements: Bike 4 Peace Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Delmar, NY California for Progress Code Pink Community Organizing Center for Mother Earth Environmentalists Against War Foro Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN Free Radicals, Bangkok, Thailand Good Neighbor Community Builders Grand Junction for Peace International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal LA Workers Assembly Labor Fighback Network Law Office of Virginia Curtis Lee Malcolm X Center for Self Determination Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO), Canada No Matter What! Mariposa Habitat Nursery Office of the Americas Our Developing World Pax Christi Metro New York Peace Action New York State Peace Action of San Mateo County People’s Congress of Resistance People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism and Racism Philadelphia Area Black Radical Congress Puerto Rican Alliance MN Anti-War Committee MN Peace Action Coalition Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Solidarity with Novorossiya & Antifascists in Ukraine The Peace Report Topanga Peace Alliance and MLK Coalition for Jobs, Justice and Peace Upstate Drone Action United National Antiwar Coalition Veterans for Peace, National Veterans for Peace, Salt Lake Chapter 118 Veterans for Peace, Boston Chapter 9, “Smedley Butler Brigade” Washtenaw Reds Wolf ‘s Enterprises Human and Civil Rights Advocacy Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Workers World Party World Beyond War Yoga for Peace, Justice and Harmony with the Planet
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What are the black butler next generation characters birthdays?
Hey there!
Brair - October 2nd, 1894
Bella - May 23rd, 1895
Xiu - February 27th, 1895
Noel - December 27th, 1894
Janya - August 17th (you'll meet her don't worry)
Albert - December 15th, 1898
Anthony - October 23rd, 1899
Odin - October 30th, 1899
Rachel - April 29th, 1900
Violet - July 6th, 1900
Mariposa - September 24th, 1900
Amelia - October 5th, 1900
The dates may not be 100% accurate in math but this is what I got. I have a folder full of stuff for them now and I had a list of things for each kid that'll get a focus throughout the series
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Does Mariposa know how to speck German?
Very little, both Finny and
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tickledpink31 · 3 years
Art Masterlist
Obey Me
Obey Me! MC: Minerva “Minnie” Castillo (first intro she had a name change and slight characters alterations months later)
MC and Solomon singing Phantom of the Opera
Paws and Claws: Minnie/Eva the Sheep
Birthday drawing: Kiss in the Morning Star Wheel
Drunk Lucifer hugging the router
OCs galore! Copics and pencil crayons version
Minnie/Eva’s first breakfast in the Devildom
Minnie/Eva’s heart finger
Minnie and Winnie’s Eva and Maria’s big name changes
The Dilag twins: Eva and Maria reintroduction
#OBEYMEmber Day 5: Kids
TW: Blood and Rage—Eva’s tears of blood
A busy Lucifer and his baby
WIP: Eva’s UR Card—Snow White Knight
Completed: Eva’s UR Card—Snow White Knight
WIP: Eva’s Manga Page
Completed: Eva’s Manga Page
Bunny girl Eva + a recording of my drawing process
Eva’s daily braiding routine
My 20th Birthday: Another Eva UR Card
Baby pandas and their new parents
Twisted Wonderland (mostly crossed over with Harry Potter)
Prefect/Hogwarts student OC: Minako Nezumi’s introduction
Meet the Nezumi Siblings
Minako and Lilia jamming with otamatones
Space Bun Storage
Minako’s colour-changing eyes animation
Minako’s blot (based on an idea I had)
The woes of drawing Yana Toboso’s clothes
A smoothie meme (featuring a bandersnatch)
WIP: A drawing inspired by Epic Mickey/possible cover art if I ever get to writing my fanfic
Completed (now with 2 versions): Inspired by Epic Mickey
Who’s that patronus?
Azul pulling a droste image
Slytherins stick together (featuring Minako and Azul)
The Magizoologist and the Hunter
Tweaking Minako’s fringe design
Nezumi siblings redesign
The other Nezumis
Minako’s SR card outfits
Minako and Grim’s dorm outfits
Minako’s bedroom
Wattpad cover 2
Epics of Ink & Light: Prologue Illustrations Part 1
Epics of Ink & Light: Prologue Illustrations Part 2
Don’t Lose Ur Head
Epics of Ink & Light: Heartslabyul Illustrations Part 1
Minako’s Heartslabyul Dorm Outfit
Minako’s Revenge Unbirthday Frock (so I guess we’re going for the middle one)
Epel and Minako (based on a scene from Kiss Him Not Me)
Twisted Wonderland 2nd anniversary: Minako and Grim's Birthday SSR
Request by trixiegalaxy: The Lost Magic of Twisted Wonderland cover
Ask: "ngl i ship minako and kalim, they're a cute couple"
Request from Instagram: Azul x OC
Kento Nezumi Re-redesign
21st Birthday Special Sketches
Future Children: Minako x Riddle
Epics of Ink & Light: Heartslabyul Illustrations Part 2
Minako ghost wedding ssr wips
Minako Ghost Wedding SSRs (complete)
Art request: Wattpad cover
Mildly Muscular Minako
Minako’s coffin
Malleus’ braid
Epics of Ink & Light: Intermission 1 Illustrations
Divus and Flor Dynamic
Papa Crewel AU
Minako’s Halloween costumes
Minako’s Scooter
WIP: Twst masquerade Ideas
Minako’s Masquerade Outfits
Ask: a thorough explanation of Minako’s masquerade outfits
Christmas Special 2022
Wallpaper Art
Speedpaint of Wallpaper art
House of Mouse Au
New art style featuring Minako
Ask: Uzuki Nezumi concept
Avatar the Last Airbender
OC: Kaguya ink drawing
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
OCs galore! Copics and pencil crayons version
OCs galore Part 2! Digital drawing version
Encanto x Lego Monkie Kid Sketches
Black Butler
Old drawing of Black Butler x Friends
Ink drawings of Veronica Midford and William T. Spears
Harry Potter
Harry Potter: Draco and Erika’s married life (featuring a fox)
Hogwarts Uniform Designs: Pre-War vs Post-War
The Arcana
Reenacting the Avengers Shawarma scene
Mar mimicking Asra
Mar’s familiar, Edelweiss the lamb
Lore Olympus
Mirabel’s hairstyles and rainbow aesthetic
Journey to the West/Lego Monkie Kid
Friendly fires
Marisol “Mariposa”/ Liang Xiaodie Second Introduction
Red Son and his Jet
Don’t Push the “Wife Button”
Desperate for attention
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