#black butler next gen
What type of dance does Belladonna do ?
She does the waltz pretty well, learned from her parents perfectly!
She also is pretty decent at ballet, nothing too extreme but very good at it
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Can you write a really cute Austin fic where they're both on the Elvis set and he's slowly falling for her but he doesn't realise until Priscilla gives him a nudge after she sees how he looks at the reader? Sorry if it doesn't make sense!!
Third Wheeling
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Movie RPF
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Reader
Characters: Austin Butler, Female Reader, Olivia DeJonge
Word Count: 1960
Rating: Gen
Summary: Austin can’t see what is right in front of him. Fortunately he has his wife to help him out.
Tags/Warnings: Requested, Request, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Elvis Movie, Elvis Movie Set, Flirting, Crushes, New Romance, Workplace Romance, Almost Kiss,
Notes: Here you go sweetheart. Hope you like it <3
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‘Ugh,’ Austin said as he flopped into the makeup chair with an oomph.
‘Long day?’ Y/N asked with a smile as he placed his feet up on the table beside her smiling cheekily as she bumped them off with a nudge of her hip.
‘The longest,’ he said, ‘that last scene took forever.’
‘It looked good though,’ she said handing him a makeup wipe. He took it without hesitation, but he looked up at her curiously.
‘You were watching?’ Austin asked a slight blush tinging his face that she didn’t notice.
‘Yeah I always try and watch where I can,’ Y/N said nonchalantly as she moved to start removing the adjustments to his face to get him back looking like himself. He allowed her to, watching her as she worked, her tongue poking out in concentration as she diligently removed every scrap of 60s Elvis from his face. She was leaning over him, the scent of her perfume wafting into his nostrils and causing a flutter to run through him as he realised just how close she was.
‘Have you got any plans for tonight then?’ Y/N asked as she dropped a couple of latex pieces into a small dish on the counter.
‘Food and Netflix probably,’ he shrugged.
‘Sounds fun,’ she chuckled.
‘Well if you’ve got any better ideas, I’m all ears,’ he replied. Y/N looked down at him before she looked away, fiddling with some of the items on the vanity as she said, ‘well we could hang out.’
‘Yeah?’ Austin replied.
‘Yeah, I mean I’m starving we could grab something to eat,’ she said finally looking at him though it seemed nervous as if she wasn’t sure he’d say yes.
‘How about the bar a couple of blocks from here?’ he said, ‘I’m sure it does food.’
‘Sounds good to me,’ she said.
‘Let me just get out of this costume and I’ll be ready, okay?’ he asked standing up from the chair. She looked down at the white suit and black pants he was still wearing.
‘Okay,’ she said. Austin nodded and headed back out of the room towards his dressing room. Once he was out of the door she checked herself over in the mirror hoping she looked presentable enough for evening plans. Fortunately she had everything she needed at her disposal and by the time she could hear Austin coming back down the hall she was supporting an effortlessly casual look.
‘Hey,’ Austin said popping his head around the door, ‘ready to go?’
‘Yep,’ she replied grabbing her bag from the floor and slinging it over her shoulder. As they got into the corridor and fell into step Austin looked at her. She looked different but he couldn’t put a finger on how all he knew was that he could feel those butterflies returning a small smile creeping onto his face.
When they got to the bar it was crowded and Y/N had to crane her neck to see if she could find a seat. Seeing there was a booth at the back free she barrelled towards it Austin followed quickly after he realised where she was headed however in the vicinity a girl got to the booth ahead of them, sliding into it before either of them could with her back to them. Y/N sighed turning back to face Austin though as she did she heard her name called from the booth making the pair of them look towards the voice and found Olivia looking at them.
‘Hey guys,’ she said.
‘Hey,’ Austin said moving to stand next to Y/N.
‘What are you doing here?’ she asked eyeing them both closely as they shared a look.
‘Just grabbing some food,’ Y/N said casually.
‘Yeah Y/N told me I wasn’t allowed to go home and watch Netflix all by myself,’ Austin chuckled, ‘what about you?’
‘Well I was meeting Helen for drinks but she’s running late,’ Olivia said checking her phone and opening it with a sigh, ‘even better she’s cancelled.’
‘Well you can join us right Y/N?’ he said missing the disappointment on her face as he slipped into the booth opposite Olivia.
‘Yeah of course,’ she said jovially slipping into the booth beside him not noticing Olivia watching her curiously.
As they ordered and chatted about the day of filming Olivia watched them both, participating in the conversation minimally as she observed them. She had of course suspected they had liked one another in more than just a friendly way. Austin was always eager to go to hair and makeup and Y/N almost never ended up working on anyone else but she didn’t know they were this smitten. As Austin told a joke Y/N laughed putting her hand on his bicep as she did, and Olivia watched as Austin’s face lit up from making her smile. It was as if neither of them realised Olivia was there. They only seemed to come out of their own bubble when the waitress arrived and placed down their food.
‘Man, I am ready for this,’ Austin said as he grabbed a knife and fork from the pot on the table.
‘I’m just going to go to the bathroom really quick,’ Y/N said.
‘Your foods gonna go cold!’ Austin said.
‘She’s not even brought mine yet it’ll be fine!’ she said before she disappeared off in the direction of the bathrooms. Olivia tucked into her nachos.
‘What do you think?’ Austin said shoving a French fry into his mouth as he watched her eat.
‘It’s good,’ Olivia said covering her mouth as she spoke and looking away from Austin who frowned feeling something was off.
‘You alright?’ he asked making Olivia look up.
‘Well I’m not having a great time,’ Olivia shrugged looking at him.
‘Why not?’ Austin asked his brows knitting together with confusion.
‘Because it’s no fun being a third wheel,’ she said a smirk falling on her face as Austin’s eyes went wide.
‘You’re not a third wheel-’
‘Oh please,’ Olivia chuckled taking a sip of her drink, ‘you two have barely even noticed me. You could’ve told me it was a date.’
‘It’s not a date,’ Austin said.
‘Sure it’s not,’ Olivia said with a roll of her eyes though after one look at Austin’s face she realised he was serious, ‘oh. I mean I just thought.’
‘Thought what?’ Austin asked.
‘I mean the two of you like each other,’ Olivia said continuing as Austin went to protest, ‘don’t pretend that you don’t. You barely even notice anyone’s around when she’s there.’
‘That’s not true,’ Austin said but as the butterflies fluttered inside him once more he realised his friend might have more of a point than he realised. He liked Y/N. They were friends sure, but he hadn’t thought of it like that. He enjoyed her company. She made him laugh and she was always the first person he got to talk to when he’d had a crappy day on set but he always thought it was just the way their roles had fallen yet as he thought about it he realised she’d been the first person he went to because she was the first person he wanted to tell. But did she like him back? If Olivia could see the way he liked her maybe she could see how Y/N felt too. But he panicked. What if he told her he liked her and she shot him down? They still had half a shoot to go and he couldn’t dare think about how awkward that would be.
‘Sure,’ Olivia said, ‘that’s why she looked heartbroken when you suggested we pair up.’
‘It’s not like that,’ Austin said, ‘I mean I don’t think it is. Wait do you think she thinks this a date?’
‘I dunno I mean looking at the pair of you it sure feels like one,’ Olivia ribbed making him scowl, ‘oh come on it’s not a bad thing.’
‘Liv I just got out of a relationship,’ he said.
‘So you’re not ready?’ she asked.
‘It’s not that…I guess it’s been so long since I felt like this, I didn’t really realise I did,’ he admitted.
‘But you do feel like that?’ Olivia asked.
‘Maybe…’ he said sighing as she stared at him pointedly, ‘okay yes.’
‘Then I think you should go for it,’ Olivia said.
‘What if she doesn’t like me back,’ Austin said.
‘I don’t think you have to worry about that. Hey, your wife can tell when someone’s into you,’ Olivia joked making him chuckle.
‘I forgot I’m a married man,’ he smirked.
‘Well I give you permission…in fact,’ she said as she spotted Y/N pushing through a crowd of men until she was back at the table. Austin looked puzzled but as Y/N sat down Olivia looked at her phone and sighed, ‘oh no.’
‘Everything okay?’ Y/N asked, smiling politely at the waitress who had just placed her food down before she looked back at an upset Olivia. Austin was watching her in disbelief as he realised what she was going.
‘No, Helen’s free now but she’s just asked me to meet her somewhere else,’ Olivia said looking up, ‘you guys don’t mind, do you?’
‘Oh, um no I guess not,’ Y/N said.
‘What about your food?’ Austin asked making Olivia smile, ‘you guys have it.’
‘Why don’t you just go afterwards?’ Y/N asked.
‘Yeah Liv, why not?’ Austin asked trying to make her falter but she didn’t.
‘I’m not too fussed. I’d already eaten anyway we were just meeting for drinks,’ Olivia said slinging her bag into her shoulder just as easily as her white lies slipped off her tongue. Austin had to admit, the girl could act.
‘Oh okay,’ Y/N said, ‘see you later then.’
‘Yeah, see you,’ Austin said making Olivia smirk.
‘You two have fun,’ she called as she headed out of the bar.
Austin moved to tuck back into his food, but he got distracted as he noticed Y/N staring at where Olivia had gone when she felt his eyes on her she turned and said, ‘that was weird right?’
‘How do you mean?’ he asked trying to hide the panic inside him.
‘I don’t know just odd. I mean is she okay?’ she asked.
‘She’s fine,’ Austin said cursing himself as she looked at him sceptically. He sighed, ‘she just felt a little out of place.’
‘Because…because she thought we were on a date,’ he said quietly.
‘Oh,’ Y/N said trying to ignore the way her heartbeat quicker as he said it.
‘I mean I told her it wasn’t…right?’ he asked.
‘Right,’ she nodded looking back to her meal she moved her fork around the plate awkwardly. Austin stayed quiet for a moment but he could feel questions bubbling inside himself as those feelings he didn’t realise he had floated inside him refusing to be resubmerged now they breached the surface.
‘I mean would you mind?’ he asked earning a confused look from her, ‘if it was… a date I mean?’
‘No,’ she said quietly, ‘I wouldn’t mind.’
‘Really?’ he asked his heart beating a little quicker.
‘Yeah, actually I was a little disappointed we weren’t on our own tonight,’ she said.
‘Well, we’re alone now,’ he said only now noticing that they were closer together than he had anticipated. He felt as though he was going to kiss her but before his brain could connect she pulled back with a cheeky smile on her face which widened as he looked perplexed.
‘Nice try Butler,’ she said, ‘but if we’re gonna do this I’m at least getting a proper first date out of it.’
‘Is that so?’ he mused pulling back.
‘Definitely,’ she giggled.
‘Well in that case what are you doing tomorrow night?’
@caitlin1996 @purejasmine
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ritalacochona · 1 year
Finale Thoughts...
I have just watched it once through and here are my initial feelings
The Morrigan Manor Episode was ok.
After the Guide tattled on Guillermo for the last episode it was harder for me to feel bad for her in a weird way. I felt like I understand why they aren't friends with her. She doesn't match their vibe at all. Also the oil paintings were too much sweetness. ( that being said I still love the Guide, I just hope we get more of her badass self next season)
Laszlo using the doc footage to save them was great though. Laszlo was top tier all season. The fencing fight was the disappearance I liked best. Matt Berry is so hilarious.
Felt like the reveal it was the Guide was poor/ to obvious and I mostly hoped to have Nandor find out about Guillermo for this episode.
I maybe need to watch again but for some reason I thought Nandor would react bigger when he finally found out.
Exit interview had a lot of highs and lows. Probably my least favorite finale of the show over all though.
High- I loved the gang protecting Guillermo. Each worrying for Guillermo in their own way. Nadja and Laszlo genuinely caring for him. Colin calls him Gigi. Nandor going to his moms house and then there mini fight to prove they trust each other also awesome. Nandor knowing how to fix Guillermo amazing. I was ecstatic when Guillermo finally turned. When he finally felt it. After all this time. The vamps all taking him to hunt awesome. They are a family. I also loved that it is Nandor that knows this is not for Guillermo. The Djinn. The whole crew coming together for the fake ceremony was a genius plan of nandor.
Lows- he turns back so fast. Like after 13 years of servitude, 5 seasons and this whole season? I would have loved for them to just end with the turning, then black. They could have used next season to explore Guillermo changing his mind. Very anticlimactic. Like no matter what everything has to comeback to the status quo. It was a little reminiscent of how the baby Colin stuff meant nothing, and how the time in London was also swept away. Something Something about how if you choose vampirism nothing ever changes maybe. I am also concerned about Guillermo not having that motivation anymore. He just loves the vamps so he stays as their butler? He received everything he wanted. Nandor said he would live their as their equal. So is that off now? Other stuff I was not happy with. Nadja's storyline was pointless in the end. They could have done a lot more with the Guide/Nadja thing. She wasn't even central to how it was resolved. Natasia Demetriu is so fantastic, I hope they finally start centering her next season. I also wish they would have left some kinda cliff hanger. Is that weird? Like is something happening with the creatures they made? The vampire council? The energy vampires? The over hypnotizing Staten island? No? Didn't know I would not like everything tidied up at the end. Also almost would have preferred Morrigan Manor air on its own.
Over all this season was fantastic. Pride Parade is one of the best episode of the whole series. Urgent Care, Local News and The Roast were also top class.
As for the Nandermo of it all, Last year kinda put me on the path to Gen ship them, Guillermo not wanting to be a vampire anymore makes me think the show will end with him leaving them behind.
If they are leaving the Guillermo wants to be a vampire behind I hope next season they give him really great new motivation or maybe just refocus on other characters stories instead. Especially Nadja .
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lyranova · 9 months
Hi! How did you come up with the next gen’s names?
Hiya anon 🥰!! Ooo thank you for the fun question, I don’t know if I’ve fully explained how I came up with my Next Gen’s names 🤔.
The simple answer is I googled names that were similar or had a similar meaning to their parents names, and chose them based on that 😆. But I’ll go into further detail below 🥰!
For Alistar I looked up names that meant “Protector” or “Defender” and Alistar came up multiple times in different lists, and I actually really like the name (i blame my sister because she *constantly* played Dragon Age 2 (?) and always went for Alistair so…😅), so I just went with it 😁!
For Ezio I had a harder time because…I couldn’t find what Finral meant, so I went with what Vanessa meant and it means “Butterfly” so I started looking at names that meant “Butterfly” or “Bird” and Ezio happened to pop up 😆. I was a little conflicted at first, since that’s also the name of a character in Assassins Creed, but what made me finally decide on that name was my cat who is also named Ezio. His personality is very similar to OC Ezio’s so…i just went with it!
For Aloys and Maelie I just went with French names since Gauche’s name is also french 😆. I decided on Aloys because that was my best friends cats name, and it was the name of a character in Black Butler (I wanted the name to be redeemed lol 😆😭) and it also means “A famous warrior” so thats what made me decide on that. As for Maelie, i chose it because it sounded a lot like Marie (I felt like Gauche would want to honor his little sister in some way, but knew she would get angry if he named his daughter after her, so this was a way around that 😆) and because it meant “Princess” and to Gauche Maelie is his little princess so that was a no brainer 😆!
For Alice, I named her after Alice in Wonderland, but also because her and Henry’s blue hair reminded me of the color “Alice Blue” so her’s was pretty easy!
For Wendy, Thomas, and Nicholas I wanted to keep the Agrippa tradition of using “older” sounding names or names that were more popular in the Victorian/Early 1900’s 😅. I named Wendy after Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, I named Thomas, Thomas, because…well it just sounded older to me 😆! For Nicholas i named him after Nicholas Flamel!
For Brielle, Mizuki, and Kaiyo I looked up names that meant their “affinities” 😅. So since Brielle is like Asta and doesn’t have any mana, I went with something that meant “Strength” and Brielle popped up and it was just too perfect for an Astelle kid! For Mizuki I went with this spelling “水城” which means “Water Castle”, and I interperted it as a combination of Noelle/Mizuki’s magic and Asta’s strength 😅. For Kaiyo I did the same thing and named her after Water/Ocean, and at the time I was going to also give her the water affinity…but changed it to Mercury magic at the last minute XD!
For Miku, Kito, and Kya I did the same thing that I did with the Astelle Kids…i named them after their affinities 😆! Miku means “Beautiful Sky”, and her affinity is wind and she loves the sky like Yuno so this was quite easy. For Kito, I wanted something that meant “Diamond” since he inherited his mothers affinity, but the closest I could find was “Precious Stone” so that’s what I went with 😅. As for Kya i had a very difficult time finding a name for her since she has both Yuno and Neva’s affinities, but finally I found Kya which means “Sky Diamond” or “Diamond in the Sky” and it just felt right so I chose it 😆!
As for Lovely and Vincent, I wanted them to also have names that were similar to their parents. So I googled names similar to Charmy, and Lovely popped up and it felt too perfect for her 😁! As for Vincent, he was originally named Wolfgang after Mozart, but that didn’t feel right. So I started looking at artist names and found Vincent Van Gogh and to me that felt much better then Wolfgang so 😅!
Hmm…I think that’s most of my Next Gens 🤔, i have a few more but these are the main ones 😅. But yeah I mainly google them just choose the ones i like the most 😆!
Thank you for the fun question anon!!
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ohem1111 · 8 days
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just sharing the new house progress where i am so far! i also uploaded the shell of the house to the gallery as well.
the build i started with was originally by silversimmer007 on the gallery but honestly i don’t know how similar it even is anymore LOL sometimes i just need a starting point even if my build ends up looking nothing like where it started, i just wanted to acknowledge that i did start with someone else’s build though and not from scratch! :)
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i haven’t done any landscaping or decorating inside, simply just laying down the floor plan, lights, and doors. it has 9 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms for my gen 3 just desserts legacy challenge save. in my gameplay i’m going to use the basement level as rental space to move my (eventual) teens into so that i have more space for more children. in this gen the rules state that you need to move out your kids in order to keep having more but i still want them to be in our house, just not a part of the household. right now the household contains our current gen 3 heir, eden, her 2 children + 2 toddlers that are literally aging up in game currently, 1 toddler (who will hopefully be the gen 4 heir), a new baby on the way, and their dog nyx. they also have a butler so i wanted a space for them. once eden ages up into an adult she will be able to get married so i do want dorian to move in then as well. i might end up adding a 3rd bedroom downstairs once the twins are teens to free up more household slots.
depending on how things go when i’m furnishing there might be a few upstairs bedrooms that turn into an office or just be a guest bedroom but regardless i’m excited about this house! it’s so totally different from their last house and that’s what i was struggling with at first. i was working on a different build before this but i think i was trying to make it too similar and tooooo much bigger that i was hating it but i realllllly like where this is going. also the next gen’s color is black so i wanted to switch it up a little bit before i go back to a totalllly dark aesthetic.
i also don’t mess with terrain manipulation but i’m really liking what i did with the front of the house and the back yard. i’m hoping it will just be an easy step down back there and i won’t have to add stairs; i haven’t play tested yet. also this is in brindleton bay!
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not me just now noticing the the after effects update notification in my screenshot…
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Lincoln to Slaves: Go Somewhere Else
The issue of slavery divided the country under Abraham  Lincoln’s Presidency. The national argument was simple: either keep slavery or abolish it. But Abraham Lincoln, known as the Great Emancipator, may have also been known as the Great Colonizer when he supported a third direction to the slavery debate: move African Americans somewhere else.
Long before the Civil War, in 1854, Lincoln addressed his own solution to slavery at a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois: “I should not know what to do as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land.” While Lincoln acknowledged this was logistically impossible, by the time he assumed the Presidency and a Civil War was underfoot, the nation was in such duress that he tried it anyway.
By early 1861, Lincoln ordered a secret trip to modern-day Panama to investigate the land of a Philadelphian named Ambrose Thompson. Thompson had volunteered his Chiriqui land as a refuge for freed slaves. The slaves would work in the abundant coal mines on his property, the coal would be sold to the Navy, and the profits would go to the freed slaves to further build up their new land.
Lincoln sought to test the idea on the small slave population in Delaware, but the idea met fierce opposition from abolitionists when it went public.
In April 1862, Lincoln was still of the mind that emancipation and deportation was the key to a peaceful United States. He supported a bill in Congress that provided money
“to be expended under the direction of the President of the United States, to aid in the colonization and settlement of such free persons of African descent now residing in said District, including those to be liberated by this act, as may desire to emigrate to the Republic of Haiti or Liberia, or such other country beyond the limits of the United States as the President may determine.”
This would become the final portion of the DC Emancipation Act.
In August of 1862, Lincoln invited five prominent black men to the White House, the first African delegation invited on such terms. The topic was simple, that Europeans and Africans cannot coexist and that separation is the most expedient means to peace. Lincoln encouraged these five men to rally support for an exodus.
This intent is even echoed in the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation: “… that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this continent, or elsewhere… will be continued.”
Near this same time, the results of Lincoln’s investigation into the Chiriqui lands proved the coal there was worthless, and there was also the small matter that Costa Rica claimed ownership of part of Thompson’s land.
The next area considered was a small island off the coast of Haiti. About 450 Africans were sent to the island, but after only a year, nearly 25% had died due to poor nutrition and disease. The remainder were returned to the states.
By 1863, realizing Liberia, Haiti, and the Chiriqui lands were not reasonable for resettlement (Liberia was considered too great a distance to relocate a large number of freed slaves), Lincoln mentioned moving the “whole colored race of the slave states into Texas.”
Four days before his death, speaking to Gen. Benjamin Butler, Lincoln still pressed on with deportation as the only peaceable solution to America’s race problem. “I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes … I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country…”
Of course this would not happen. Throughout reconstruction, Jim Crow laws, and eventually the Civil Rights Act, the country struggled for the next century to settle the problem of race–one it still struggles with today–though today the US is made stronger, not weaker, by its diversity.
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Master list:
As I publish stuff, I will update this. - Underlined, have links, non-underlined are not linked yet
FandomMas: 2023
Ace Attorney + Next Gens
TGAA: Sherlock x Reader: Flowers of Love
DD/SOJ: Trans! Apollo x Reader: Love is Unconditional
DD: Simon x Phoenix's Sister! Reader: All for One and One for All
DD/SOJ: Apollo x Divorced! Reader: Doors Closed? Well, Windows are Always an Option
Addison x Edgeworth's Daughter! Reader: Untitled
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock x Reader: A Christmas Surprise
Lestrade x Reader: Classroom Shippers
Sherlock x Reader: 'Secret' Identity
John x Reader: Deductions or Doctor?
Sherlock x Daughter! Reader: The Girl that I Wanna Be
Black Butler
Ciel x Reader: A Birthday Surprise
Grell x Reader: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!
Sebastian x Reader: Cats
Ciel x Reader: Secrets
Mey-Rin x Reader: Taking the Blame
Alois x Reader: Will He Allow It?
Ben x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Carlos x Reader: Dog Lovers
Bruno x Reader: You Can Always Find Help in Friends and Family
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter
Newt x Reader: Bowtruckles Know Love
Newt x Reader: The Memory of a Muggle
Newt x Reader: Trust is Important
Newt x Reader: Bookstore Lovers
Sirius x Reader: Protection and Pranks
Sirius x Reader: Some Facts Are Good to Know
James x Reader: Seven Minutes with Black
Remus x Reader: Visiting Hours
Sirius x Reader: The True Gift of Gifting (Christmas oneshot)
Remus x Reader: Frozen Heart
Wolfstar x Reader: Extreme Truth or Dare
Sirius x Reader: Its the Inside That Counts
WolfStar x Reader: Flirting Gets You Nowhere Part 1 Part 2
Wolfstar Raise Harry: Part 1 (Not x Reader)
Fireman Sam (Plz don't judge meh)
Sam x Reader: Some Secrets Can Be Shared
Sam x Daughter! Reader: How Far I'll Go (Songfic)
Genshin Impact
Kurt x Reader: Similarities
Blaine x Trans ftm! Reader: Love Story
Sebastian x Blaine's Sister! Trans ftm! Reader: You Are the Reason
John x Reader: Strangers to Lovers
Jefferson x Washington's Daughter! Reader: (Y/n)'s Candy Store
Lee x Laurens! Reader: "Get Away From My Sister!"
John x Laf's Sister! Reader: Laf the Matchmaker
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor x Reader x Lucifer: A Tale of Two Dads
Oneshots: Series:
Coloratura x Reader: Remembering
Rainbow Dash x Reader: Tone it Down
Human! Sunset x Reader: Forgiveness, Can you Imagine?
Hikaru x Reader: Always There for You
Tamaki x Reader: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Hikaru x Reader: Jealousy
Tamaki x Reader: Mistakes of the Past
Tamaki x Reader: Never Give Up Hope
Kaoru x Reader: Safety Sacrifice
Tamaki x Reader: Wait...
Paw Patrol
Marshall x Reader: Battle of the Klutzes
Ryder x Reader: Behind the Scenes - I can't find on my Wattpad....
Chase x Reader: Guard Dog.... Literally
Ryder x Reader: You'll Always Belong
Cress x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Cress x Reader: Why Didn’t You Just Tell Me?
Chili x Reader: You Caused This?
Cilan x Reader: An Utter Surprise
Cress x Reader: Smarts of Reader-Chan
Cilan x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Professor Sycamore x Reader: Thank You?
Sofia the First
Cedric x Reader: Sofia and James; Ace Shippers!
Yuri on Ice
Viktor x Reader: A Helping Hand
IF you would like me to post any of the ones that aren't links, lmk and I will do!
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117s-girl · 9 months
Extra! Extra! Here’s an update as to what I will write and post! Please read and request if you feel like it!
FANDOMS: Baldur’s Gate 3, Resident Evil, Halo, COD, Devil May Cry, My Hero Academia, Black Butler, Naruto, Hetalia, Gen Lock, Red vs Blue, RWBY, Fast and Furious, Harry Potter, etc)
TOPICS I’LL WRITE: Angst, Comfort, Hurt, Injured(Character/Reader), Dead/Dying(Character/Reader), Mental Health(Depression/SH/PTSD/Etc), Smut, Fluff, AU’s, and Gender Bends.
WHAT I WILL NOT WRITE: Rape, Sexual Assault/Abuse, and Incest.
EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE: If it is requested that the reader has gone through being raped or sexually assaulted/abused in the past and want it mentioned to the character requested in a scene where it makes sense I will include the mention of the past action. But I will NOT write the present action of the event taking place.
DISCLAIMER: Any and all characters requested below the age of 18 WILL BE AGED UP!!! If you don’t like it ask someone else to write it.
This concludes my rant/update!!! Thank you guys for reading! Please request if you want! Ask me questions! DM me questions if you don’t want to comment!
Until next time Darlings!
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subukunojess · 1 year
SNJ's Summer Fic Reading Masterlist
Hey there. It might be too late and literally putting this on the day that it is due, but I did a Summer Fic Reading Bingo a month ago provided by @ficreadingchallenge
Initially, I wanted to plan it out better by reading fanfic I don't usually go to, each prompt a different fandom, and having a complete blackout. Unfortunately, life got in the way and as I found out, Archive of Our Own is an interesting site to dig around, but it takes time. Some of the prompts were more difficult to find than others and then the ones I did find, it was with a fandom I had no knowledge about or it squicked me out before I could read it.
Perhaps later on my own, I could go back to this and add the ones I didn't get a bingo on. Or I'll do this again next year and get a blackout. But I made sure to at least get one line of bingo. I seemed to misinterpret the free space as a fic of my choice that doesn't fall into the other categories, so you get an extra fic recommendation. Without further ado, here is my masterlist of fics I read during the Summer on AO3:
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New Pairing: "Tweaking Your Writings" by gnarleez (Mario+Rabbids) - Explicit, M/M, and No Archive Warnings. A Phandrow smut fic that has me flustered! One of the few nsfw fics that I like.
New Author: "polished" by droppop (Disney Dreamlight Valley) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A nice scene of Scrooge McDuck taking care of the MC that explores his character.
Space AU: "the captains" by Control_Room (Bendy and the Ink Machine) - Teen and No Archive Warnings. A cool space pirate au with Lacie in pursuit of Captain Bertrum.
Short Fic: "Baa Baa, White Sheep, Why Are You Afraid?" by Spooky_Month_Imbecile (Amanda the Adventurer) - Mature and No Archive Warnings. A great scene of Wooly interacting with the Monster Amanda from the game. Love monster characters interacting!
Sports AU: "Late" by Hawkguys_and_Coffee (Avatar the Last Airbender) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. Cute implied Aang/Katara fic of Aang rushing to be on time.
Mythical Creatures AU: "Shining a light on secrets between them" by aroseandapen (Pokemon Black and White) - Teen, F/F, and No Archive Warnings. A cute Elesa/Skyla fic with surprises!
Angst: "regrets" by numbika (My Friendly Neighborhood) - Teen, Gen, and No Archive Warnings. Read anything from numbika for My Friendly Neighborhood content. Writing is amazing. This fic in particular has great characterization and angst.
New Fandom: "Overwhelmed" by SlushieMachine (Welcome Home) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A nice Welcome Home fic focusing on autistic experiences. Eddie/Frank. I just love this.
Fic With No Comments Yet: "Improbable Dreams" by Senseless_Scape (Nightmare Before Christmas) - Teen, Graphic Violence, Character Death. An ongoing fic that so far focuses on atmosphere and mystery. Maybe has Coraline elements? Can't wait to read for more updates.
High School/College AU: "Come home tomorrow." by GreenAssCat (The Owl House) - Gen, F/F, No Archive Warnings. A nice Lumity fluff fic in a college setting.
Free Space: "Thank you, Pugsley" by Emroy (Dead End: Paranormal Park) - Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply. A nice little fic about Temeluchus after Season 1, episode 10.
Body Swap: "Freaky (Fifth-Dimensional) Friday" by Mithen (DCU - Comicverse) - Gen, M/M, No Archive Warnings. A fic where Batman and Superman swap bodies by a magic bet and must go through life as the other person. Nice characterization and realization.
Podfic: "Don't feed the plants" written by Beth Harker and read by Static_Whisper (Little Shop of Horrors) - Teen, Gen, Character Death. Warning, this does allude to the current events a few years ago. Basically, it puts man-eating plants within our current world told in a news reporter format.
Long Fic: "A Phantomhive in Night Raven College" by Darkspellmaster (Black Butler/Twisted Wonderland) - Teen, F/M and Gen, No Archive Warnings. An ongoing crossover fic with Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler as Yuu in Twisted Wonderland. Very unique and blends both fandoms together.
Domestic/Curtain Fic: "Plagg's Cheese Tax" by gacenbgirl (Miraculous Ladybug) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A short and sweet fic of Plagg telling a story to Marinette and Adrien's kids.
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spiritamongdarkness · 9 months
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I haven't been this excited to do a meme in a long time! Probably just excited to show off my old work again lol. I saw this and thought it was brilliant! I have actually been thinking about finishing my wips lately. The Gods know I have tons of them XD I don't really post wips that much anymore, but this could actually motivate me to complete them.
The oldest drawing here is from 2017. The newest one is from September of this year.
The first row is all Akari art, except the last one is Sasuke with his children. The second row is all Terence and Alois art. The third row is my Black Butler Ocs Serena, Raelinn, and Adrian. The fourth row is a few Ciel x Erica pieces, Sebastian x my dA sister Lady1Venus's Oc Sabrina, and my Naruto next gen Oc Moyasano. The last row is art of Kabuto; my Security Breach Ocs Starlight (Emony as an animatronic), Eclipse, Lunar, and Emony; and my Skyrim Oc Vyryor as a child. Two of them, at the bottom, look more finished than the others because I just need to shade them and maybe add a background.
The original meme was made by wenmistry on DeviantART
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rejaytionships · 1 year
f/o tags
here you can find all of my selfship tags!
💀 romantic
💙 crush
💗 queerplatonic
✨ platonic
🍧 familial
Baldi's Basics
💀 All Staff x Stella [baldicule]
Black Butler
🌿 [ONÓRA GALLAGHER] (they/he) 🌿
💀 Grell x Onóra [seeing red]
Creepypasta / Slenderverse
🌿 [AUSTIN MCLOVIN / JINGLE] (le/they) 🌿
💀 Tim/Masky x Austin/Jingle [austim]
El Tigre
💀 Maria x Rodolfo x Genesis [shauneveras]
Fairly Oddparents
🌿 [MR. HUNTER] (he/they?) 🌿
Five Nights at Freddy’s
🌿 [KYRA MCALISTER] (she/they) 🌿
💀 Sundrop x Kyra [sunray]
Invader Zim
🌿 [CRO MCGOVERN] (she) 🌿
💀 Professor Membrane x Cro [camr]
💗 Mr. Elliot x Cro [caeq]
💀 Bill x Linn [beeshipping]
💀 Proton x Linn [atomicshipping]
💙 Roark x Linn [lazulishipping]
💗 Jessie & James & Linn [triplethreatshipping]
🍧 Byron & Linn [steel foundations]
🍧 Crasher Wake & Linn [tidefamily]
🍧 Giuseppe & Linn [dazzioling gleam] ---
🌿 [AUSTIN RENÉE] (they/ve/any) 🌿 = UNOVA (+ KALOS)
💀 Emmet x Austin [reviveshipping]
💗 Carrie x Austin [gigglesounova]
🍧 Burgh & Austin [bugfamily]
✨ Elesa & Austin [electric boogie]
✨ Ingo & Austin [supporting ‘rails] ---
🌿 [RUTH ELLIOT] (she/he) 🌿 = UNOVA
💀 Clay x Ruth [businessshipping]
Lacey & Ruth [every girlboss has a girldaughter] ---
🌿 [FISHER ATWATER] (he/she) 🌿 = GALAR
💀 Melony x Fisher [icebergshipping]
🍧 Gordie & Fisher [rock n’ roll] ---
🌿 [ODETTE] (they/she) 🌿 = POGO
💀 Professor Willow x Odette [fieldshipping]
🍧 Blanche & Odette [lakefamily]
✨ Candela & Odette [red hot chilly feathers]
✨ Spark & Odette [fly high voltage]
Resident Evil
🌿 [ILONA POWERS] (she) 🌿 > AU: [THE COUNTESS] (she)
💀 Albert x Ilona [wowers]
💀 Albert x Excella x Ilona [wowionne]
💀 Jill x Ilona [valentowers]
💀 Luis x Ilona [luilona]
💀 Lady Dimitrescu x Ilona [alcilona]
🍧 Jake & Ilona [missing link]
🍧 Keegan & Ilona [the fire burns anew] ---
🌿 - no s/i - 🌿
💙 Nemesis [got you some black and blue]
Slasher Stuff
💀 Bubba x Carolyn [sunflowers] ---
💀 Brahms x Celina [wallflowers]
Star Wars
🌿 [IMROS KATARD] (she/he/they) 🌿
💀 Boba x Imros [bobros]
💀 Boba x Sintas x Fennec x Imros [my three bounty-hunter girlfriends. and yes they hunt bounties]
✨ Imros & Her Team (GEN TAG) [girl gang]
💗 Cih & Imros [green beans] ---
🌿 [KELESGAN SELDLOS] (she/he) 🌿
💀 Hera x Kanan x Kelesgan [kanlesgera]
💀 Kallus x Kelesgan [kelesandr]
💀 Vizago x Kelesgan [kelzago]
🍧 Maul & Kelesgan [maulicious apprenticeship]
Stardew Valley
🌿 [OSMODIUS] (any) 🌿
💀 Pierre x Caroline x Osmodius [ozshopping]
🍧 Abigail & Osmodius [the uncle that stepped up]
Super Mario
🌿 [MISTRESS MELON] (she) 🌿
🌿 [RHOSWEN] (they) 🌿
💀 David x Valerie [my delightful neighbor david]
(cougar and her ship tag are all for the fusionfall timeline, and all others will be categorized separately, but all of the pairings whether in their timeline or the fusionfall timeline are a part of the cougarverse)
🌿 [COUGAR VON MOM] (she/they) 🌿
GEN SHIP TAG: [mothersville]
🌿 [GELATO] (any) 🌿
💀 Endive x Gelato [heaven’s kitchen]
💀 Mung Daal x Truffles x Gelato [heaven's other kitchen]
Codename: Kids Next Door
🌿 [ARNIE TREIZE] (she/any) 🌿
💀 Father/Benedict x Arnie [she’s the man]
💗 Toiletnator/Lou & Arnie [royally flushed]
Ed Edd n Eddy
🌿 [LINDA KANKER] (she) 🌿
🍧 Double D "Dee" & Linda [dee is for daughter]
tags no longer in use
[🎈 if i no longer associate with source | 🌱 for if i just don't have attachment to the source or f/o anymore]
🎈 Mandela Catalogue 🎈
💀 Alt!Gabriel x Valerie [rosemary]
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ailleahariko · 3 years
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It feels good to finally have my child back before I was forced to sell him. Never force an artist to sell a pony oc that isn't up for sale, whether you need the DA points/$$$ that badly! And never turn them into an art slave either by lying like "Oh take your time, I'm not in a rush" for once you are, etc! I've learned this the hard way of selling Clovis to somepony a few years ago, even though he wasn't for sale, but my friend told me to sell him anyways and yet he was an incomplete Closed Species oc of mine who I had an idea with and had made a twin older brother for, don't separate twins or anything of the sort please! Also remember to be respectful to your artists!!! It's their choice if they want to give up an oc as an adopt or not, don't nag them down for them and don't befriend them for free art, just to turn them into your art slave! And don't lie about anything either, cuz this somepony was a homophobe bastard/bitch who pretended to support the LGBTQIA+ community for once they lied and they didn't watch anime either! They lied about that too! Clovis is the mpreg offspring of Ash and Sebastian from Black Butler, he's not just some random ass oc! They also didn't like mpreg either it turned out, even though they said they don't mind it!
NEVER, EVER DO THIS TO ANYONE! Be truthful always and nice things would come your way! So SORRY for being a nerd, SORRY for being weeb/weaboo/otaku/etc. trash! It's my choice for fanart, etc., NOT YOURS!! So maybe my story here might teach you a lesson about forcing an artist to be your "friend" for "free art" and to turn them into an art slave aside from going "How much is for that puppy in the window? I see a lot of art of them, yet can I buy them?" and forcing the artist to sell a character that's not up for sale!! That's not how adoptables work and that's not how the art community works!
Anyways Clovis now has his REAL master/mistress instead of serving that somepony's crummy oc!
Clovis and Altissia both belong to me!
Base belongs to ElementBases on DA
Background used belongs to aeonkrow on DA
Black Butler belongs to it's owners
Code Geass belongs to it's owners
MLPFIM belongs to it's owners
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getosubaru · 3 years
It’s such a long walk when you got somewhere to be; I just thought maybe you were gonna walk with me
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a/n: yah, @inb4belphienaps​​ is an enabler. i’ve been threatening to send them all to therapy and here’s the start of that ig
summary: MC decides all of the student council is going to therapy and hell hath no fury like a prepared human. They’ve got highlighters and they’re not afraid to use them.
pairing: could be lucifer/reader, but i’m leaving it gen for now.
warnings: none; small text only for description; gn!reader; possible spoilers since author can’t remember when shit happened in canon; not proofread/betaread; author is a psychology grad student which is its own warning.
current rating: t; may change once later chapters come up, especially with belphegor.
wc: ~1.6k for this chapter. others should be longer i hope
title taken from “therapy” by dresage & g smith
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Diavolo clears his throat, shuffling a few documents in front of him idly. “If there are no other concerns, we can—“
“Actually, I have something I wanted to suggest?” You raise your hand from the far end of the conference table. 
Nine pairs of eyes lock in on you, a few surprised you would interrupt Diavolo in a formal meeting. You square your shoulders and focus on the prince. 
“Please, go ahead,” he says with a gentle wave of his hand. 
“Satan reported that the school extracurriculars are in the black this semester given the successful fundraising fair held after midterms.” You pause to look at the demon in question, who nods. “I know that extra funding is earmarked for gym upgrades, but is that a necessity?” 
Beel sets aside his fifth granola bar and hums. “We did some upgrades last year and nothing is really out of date. I was thinking of replacing the flooring in the wrestling team’s practice room, but that’s just because of a few small tears.” 
“Ooh, whatcha plannin’, human?” asks a grinning Mammon. 
“Nothing you’ll find fun,” you say before he can get ahead of himself. 
Diavolo leans forward, intrigued at the turn the conversation’s taking. “What did you have in mind?” 
You brace yourself. It’ll be a hard sell, even for the most level-headed of the demons. Though you’ve practiced your speech, it’s far more daunting than you expected. 
“Given the recent upheavals, stressful situations, and past traumatic experiences that the student council has dealt with, it would be prudent for the funding to instead be used for outside resources to be brought in to ensure no lasting damage has occurred.” 
You manage not to stutter nor mumble. While the nine of them stare at you with mostly blank faces, you’re just happy your words came out coherent. Lucifer is the first to recover.
“This is why you were so dedicated to coming to the meeting today,” he says rather than asks. It had been a bit of a fight to get him to let you tag along for a “boring budgeting meeting”.
“Therapy,” clarifies Satan. “You want the entire student council to attend therapy with the extra money.”
“Oh fuck n—“
Asmo reaches over to smack Mammon on the head. “No cursing in meetings, idiot.” 
A hint of a smile touches Barbatos’ lips as he watches the realization settle over the others. Even Diavolo makes a face of distaste at the idea. You keep your eyes on the butler, well aware of who really holds the reins around here. When the rest of the table descends into small arguments, he winks one vivid green eye at you. 
“Gentlemen,” you start calmly. No one pays you any mind. Levi looks close to tears as Asmo and Mammon bicker on either side of him. “Hey! Don’t make me use the pacts!” 
Silence prevails. Lucifer and Satan pull back from each other with red-tinged faces. Even Belphie is wide awake and sulking from his place next to an uncharacteristically somber Beel. Diavolo flushes when you train the same glare on him you usually save for the brothers. 
“If we could get back to the matter at hand,” suggests Barbatos. 
“MC, I don’t think you realize just how delicate a situation like that would be,” says Lucifer. 
Diavolo nods. “Many of the things you’re alluding to would be considered state secrets at best. Finding qualified counselors who could pass the clearance checks required would be incredibly difficult.” 
This one you prepared for. You owe Solomon a favor now, but he promised it wouldn’t be anything too weird. You stand and rummage through your bag, tossing a heavy tome onto the table, followed by a thick manila folder. Even Hell has proper office stationary, apparently. 
“Good thing I took the preemptive measure of finding such therapists, as well as the vows one could take to ensure secrecy,” you chirp. “Who knew demonic medical texts could be so interesting?”
You flick the book open to a section titled “Patient-Clinician Confidentiality Vows” and slide it down the table to Diavolo. Next, you pull out your carefully crafted list of demonic counselors and send it to Barbatos. Finally, a schedule for individual and group meetings—color-coded and triple-checked against classes and extracurriculars—is passed down to Lucifer. 
“You’ve broken the group meetings down strangely,” he says after a moment. 
“Not at all,” you counter. “I’ve identified the most stressed relationships within the group and planned accordingly. The actual therapists might make changes; this is just a hypothetical mock up.” 
Belphie glances at you from under his bangs. “When did you get time to do all of this?” 
“Some of us don’t sleep 20 hours a day.”
The youngest demon scowls at you, but there’s no heat in it. He presumably hasn’t seen that you’ve listed your relationship with him as one needing extra attention. That’ll be a fun conversation. 
“It seems like you’ve thought of everything,” says Diavolo cautiously. He trades reading material with a stunned Lucifer. “But why have you included Barbatos and myself?” 
You try not to fidget as the bomb drops that you’ve basically said the two most powerful demons in hell need therapy. “Both of you are involved in the recent…situations,” you hedge. 
“That’s not everything, though.” Barbatos raises a brow at you in a challenge. Come on, say it outright, it seems to convey. 
You inhale sharply. To hell with diplomacy. “Fine. Diavolo has been sheltered and isolated his entire life from what I understand. You have been in a constant state of servitude for millennia. The very idea of you taking a single day off nearly sent you both into hysterics. Nevermind the co-dependent flavor of that, but neither of you seems able to exist outside of your roles.” 
“MC,” barks Lucifer in reproach. You ignore him in favor of staring down Diavolo.
“I have had lunch with you nearly every day for almost a year and you still were shocked when I referred to you as a friend two weeks ago,” you continue. “And Barbatos, I came over last month to hang out—not follow you around doing chores I know you could have delegated.”
Exactly how many humans could get away with mouthing off at the Duke of Hell and the future Demon King? One, apparently, since neither appears pissed off.
“MC, that’s enough,” snaps Lucifer. 
You fix your eyes on him. “Don’t get me started on you too.”
It’s no secret you’re softer on the eldest brother than you are on the rest of them. Your relationship took some time to reach this point of mutual respect, but Satan and Belphie kicked you out of the Anti-Lucifer League a while ago. It was very dramatic; they even confiscated your personalized member pin. 
Your pact mark with Satan warms on your skin, snapping you out of your staring contest with Lucifer. Wrath isn’t going to be the way to win with him now. 
“We can talk about this later,” you say with far more calm than you feel. “But the overall plan is sound and would be beneficial from an interpersonal standing and a governing perspective.” 
Levi, of all people, nods. “I have something similar set up in the Navy. After a hard or stressful mission, I make sure the regiment gets counseling and proper debriefing. It usually results in the team being more effective together on their next mission anyway.” 
Right. He helms the entire Royal Navy. Easy to forget when he’s tapping away at his gacha games in a Ruri-chan shirt. 
“If there is no more discussion, can we move to a vote?” suggests Barbatos. “MC, as the presenter, you’ll be excluded from the vote.”
You nod and take your seat. Crystals the size of your fist appear in front of each demon seated at the table. 
“All in favor?” asks Diavolo. 
The previously dim crystals glow with the color of their respective demon’s magic. Diavolo’s looks like it holds black fire. Shimmering teal radiates from Barbatos’. The next to light is a deep orange, then a deep red. Asmo’s pink somehow manages to look as petulant as the pouting demon himself. The sickly green you associate with Satan flares into existence. Mammon huffs before his crystal alights with a cheerful gold. The youngest demon in the room closes his eyes and flicks his finger, spinning a lazy purple within his crystal. 
Only Lucifer is left. He ignores the other council members in favor of looking at you. Backing down from his stare would be a mistake. Instead, you lift one eyebrow in a mockery of the expression he often wears. His assent isn’t needed for the vote to pass, but it means something to you. 
He was the reason you had the idea in the first place. 
Lucifer frowns, though his pact mark twinges. He can keep his mask of reluctance, but you know he is proud of the way you’ve handled this—the way you’ve handled him. 
You let yourself smile in satisfaction as the last crystal glows royal blue. 
“The motion passes,” announces Diavolo. “MC, Barbatos and I will take it from here on planning. Everyone should expect their appointment schedules within the week.”
The meeting is dismissed without further discussion. Lucifer retreats to his room with dinner and speaks to no one for the rest of the night. 
This is a process, you remind yourself as you fall asleep without your usual post-dinner quiet time with the eldest. 
You can only hope that you don’t push him away for good in trying to help. 
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pumpkinpot · 3 years
Fire Force x Snowday
Here we are again lol. On my page I also did the same concept but for Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero academia and Black Butler. Master List
Obi- I headcannon that everyone in the eighth pitched in for a really nice popcorn machine and a ton of different condiments with it so at the first glimpse of a snow night in Obi cranks that bitch up and throws every blanket into the gen space for a night of games and movies. He puts on the special sweater that is big enough for you to snuggle into with him as you watch a movie. 
Hinawa- He wanted to keep working, but you begged him to play a game or two with you. After the competition kicks in you two start playing for favors. “If I win this round, you have to wake me up with coffee for a week,” ect. 
Vulcan- He is so down for snow activities. I do think that he would love snow tubing or snowboarding and would be stoked if you joined him. 
Hibana- You could not pay her enough to go out into the cold. The closest she would potentially get is setting in a room with big windows to watch the storm, but she never leavers her place by the fire. This is her favorite time to get some close time with you without the pressure to get anything else done. 
Benimaru- Two words. Bath. House. He spends the entire storm soaking only to come inside and nap. When I say nap I mean nap hard. He takes advantage of the muted atmosphere to quiet his mind and rest. you’re leaned up against his chest in the bath, tracing scars beneath the water as you both fight to keep from dozing off together. 
Maki- She makes me think of grilled cheeses and tomato soup. Making a good meal and eating it in the fresh powdery snow? Power move. It's like a picnic. She’d pick the prettiest place probably on the roof to dig out an icy cove, filling it with lights and blankets. Very romantic. 
Shinra- He’d definitely go outside and build a snowman with you. Of course he’s barefoot like a crazy person. You two build a man for every member of the eighth making everyone take pictures next to their look alike.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
alright ok real request how about ciel sebastian claude and alois fighting over a a modern reader like they get trandsported to the black butler world and the four boys fall in love with them cause there so weird ya know? like gen z weird anyways sending my love ❤️
When those four men here clash together all hell shall break loose. Ciel and Alois Are aged up in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess, manipulation, sabotage, desperation, stalking, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of killing
Fighting over a modern reader who got transported into their world
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☕️🐈‍⬛Ciel and Sebastian were the first one to find you. You were stumbling around their mansion, confusion visible on your face whilst you mumbled something from where the heck you were and why everything looked like you were somewhere in the nineteenth century. Your clothes were really something else. Both of them had never seen something like this before. And when you saw both of them your eyes suddenly widened and in the next moment you were suddenly all over them, yelling excitedly something about that they looked in real life so much more cooler and handsome then in the Anime.
☕️🐈‍⬛Ciel labeled you at first as insane, telling Sebastian to remove that lunatic from his manor. Sebastian on the other hand sensed that there was something off about you. Your soul...It was almost like it wasn’t from this world. But this wasn’t enough to convince Ciel. That was at least until you pulled some weird object out of your pocket. A glowing box you called a “phone”. This was evidence enough for Ciel and Sebastian. There was nothing like this in their world.
☕️🐈‍⬛You had nowhere to go so Sebastian offered you to stay with them for the time being. Ciel was at first against it. He wasn’t too keen on the thought of having a dimension traveler in his house, but Sebastian has a silver tongue so it didn’t take much to convince his master otherwise.
☕️🐈‍⬛The objects you had were hidden somewhere where only Ciel, Sebastian and you had access to. You needed to dress yourself properly even though you strongly refused. No wonder, you were used to wearing stuff like “jeans” and “hoodies” and a lot of other stuff. You did possess some knowledge about how to act normally in their time, but Sebastian took it still upon himself to teach you everything.
☕️🐈‍⬛Both of them made sure that your secret was safe with them. So whenever the servants or other people asked you questions that would be a bit difficult to answer both of them talked for you. They even went as far as creating a fake identity and background story for you.
☕️🐈‍⬛They were also fascinated when you told them about your world and things like “airplanes”, “phones” or “TV”. You possessed more knowledge than Sebastian and were very well informed about the history and the upcoming war.
☕️🐈‍⬛The fact that in your world their life was an “Anime” brought very different reactions from them. Sebastian was amused at that whilst Ciel felt annoyed as well as embarrassed. Their faces when you told them that they were shipped in your world were priceless.
☕️🐈‍⬛You were weird and unique and both of them became quickly overprotective over you, simply because they were scared what would happen if someone would find out about you. And the more you told them stories from your world and showed them your really special character the more you fed them with their obsession. Ciel became obsessed because you knew so much he didn’t. Sebastian became obsessed because of your one-in-a-kind soul and because of the fact that you weren’t from this world.
☕️🐈‍⬛Both of them were quick to notice the interest that they both had in you and started to see it as a game of cat and mouse, using all tricks and manipulations to become your favorite. If one of them was already your favorite he would tease the other endlessly about it. Ciel had of course control over Sebastian, but he what kind of butler would Sebastian be if he wouldn’t find ways to get his private time with you?
👅🕷Now to how you met Alois and Claude. News spread about the new person who lived with the young Earl Phantomhive, catching Alois interest quickly. Rumors had it that this person was precious to Ciel. So why not annoy him a bit? He invited all of the Phantomhive household to a ball he held. Claude’s job was it to somehow isolate you from the others so Alois could have you for himself.
👅🕷When Claude saw you for the first time he knew that you couldn’t be a normal human. Your soul seemed somewhat different from all the others. He noticed also how Sebastian kept throwing warning glaring a at him, a signal to stay away. Ciel on the other hand noticed Alois eyes drilling into you and the mischievous look on his face told him everything he had to know. Sebastian and Ciel tried to stick together, but with 5 demons working under Alois one thing led to another and before you knew it you were suddenly in a more isolated area with Alois and Claude.
👅🕷You honestly didn’t know what to do, knowing how both of them were. Alois tried to talk with a sugarcoated voice, asking you who you were and what you were to Ciel. But he needed to admit that he found you very cute. Claude on the other hand stared intensely at you, not being able to wrap his finger around what exactly made your soul so special. You had no other choice, but to talk to him, careful with not spilling from where you really were. But both of them sensed that you were lying and Alois got more and more persistent with you until you felt like you would break. That’s when Ciel and Alois suddenly stormed inside to take you back.
☕️🐈‍⬛👅🕷There was terrible tension between them and quickly a heated argument started, with Alois and Claude demanding to know what you were hiding and Ciel and Sebastian trying to get you out of this tricky situation. Out of fear that a fight would interrupt you just told them the truth, silencing all four of them. Ciel and Sebastian out of shock because you had just told those two guys your biggest secret. Alois and Claude in the other hand were stunned when hearing that you came from another world. That would at least explain why your soul seemed so special.
☕️🐈‍⬛👅🕷But now you had the problem that you had Alois after you who desperately wanted to hear more from you and the world you came from and Claude who had formed a huge obsession over your matchless soul. Ciel and Sebastian both were against it, but you found that now that you had told them anyways it would be only fair if they would know as well. It took you days to convince all four of them to meet up and discuss some special rules.
👅🕷Just like with Alois and Sebastian they enjoyed when you told them what existed in your world and it didn’t take long for both of them to become obsessed with you as well. Alois fell hard for you and the fact that you were from another world gave his delusional mindset even more to feed on. You were truly an angel from another world. Claude was at first only obsessed because of your soul. But the more he got to see from your weird character, the more he became obsessed with you as a person.
👅🕷Alois didn’t even notice that Claude had fallen for you too and by all means, Claude hoped it would stay that way. Alois was a brat and whenever you were visiting him he spent the whole day with you. But Claude was a demon and had his ways to sneak you here and there away to spend time with you.
☕️🐈‍⬛👅🕷But this could only work that long without the other pair noticing. And then there was war. Because all four of them were incredibly possessive and wanted you for themself. Now you were stuck and needed to choose. Not like it would matter anyways. If you would choose one, the other pair would just kidnap you and vice versa. There will be blood spilled for you until one of the pair is eliminated.
☕️🐈‍⬛👅🕷If they should ever find a way to get you back then there’s a good chance that they would accompany you since you woke their curiosity. But if it’s only possible to send you back they’re gonna crush that chance in their hands. You won’t go anywhere if they can’t come with you. However, if you should find a way to travel back without them knowing then they will forget their grudges temporarily and will search together for a way to either get you back or travel to your world. Preference to the latter.
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Could I, perchance, request a kin list from you?
(I saw it in your pinned and am very intrigued lol) -🐙🌱
you absolutely can m8 :33
so to preface these are technically synpaths not kin types but we’re using the word bc reasons
also this is in no particular order just who comes to mind :33
c!ranboo (dsmp)
c!tommy (dsmp)
c!tubbo (dsmp)
c!techno (dsmp)
jon sims (tma)
martin blackwood (tma)
mike crew (tma)
michael distortion and shelley (tma)
ciel phantomhive (black butler)
peter parker (all media types he’s my boy your honor)
c!grian (hermitcraft s8/9 and last life)
c!joel (empires s1 and double life)
jaskier (the witcher netflix)
will graham (nbc hannibal)
cecil palmer (wtnv)
fredrick frankenstein (young frankenstein)
morticia addams (the addams family)
r2-d2 (star wars)
bilbo baggins (the hobbit book)
data (star trek: next gen)
do some of these make absolutely no sense? yes. does that matter to me? no. have fun w/ this ig
(edit: omfg i left out data how could i??)
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