#black tie with double white stripes
tyforthevnm · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance at Voodoo Music Experience 2006 @ City Park, New Orleans, LA on October 29, 2006 | Mandi
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murrays-wardrobe · 8 months
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What Do You Want to Do When You Produce? (06x15) Outfit 2
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crystalliumdaisy · 6 months
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redesigning star dresses part 1!
part 2 and part 3
notes and individual pieces below <3
keep this in mind i love the og stardresses! i just wanted to challenge myself and i’m an inspiring fashion designer!!! my goal was to create dresses that reflect the spirits and u could easily match them up.
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these were my initial sketches, i wanted every dress/outfit to have a different colour and silhouette to make them more recognisable.
aries ~
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- pink was the obvious choice for a colour. I didn’t want to use any major black like in the og design because aries design is so light and bright!
- i really think the og stardress hair is lacking. A fun fluffy 80s hair adds to the whole sheep aesthetic and creates a different silhouette to other designs.
- the 80s hair also inspired a more 80s look with fluffy legwarmers and big hoop earrings.
- i also wanted to bring in those pink pompoms on the side of aries dress so i made them star shaped and put them in lucy’s hair
taurus ~
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- why put her in a bikini if she’s a cowboy??? this haunts me everyday.
- I couldn’t put her in mainly black and white cos that’s virgo i comprised and landed on a brown.
- for inspiration it was pretty obvious to go with a cowboys and the wild west! i always disliked the one leg pants her og design has so i modified it to a cut out.
- her og design was a mix of the aquarius and scorpio one and it always didn’t stand out to me, so i think by exaggerating the cowboy aesthetic it stands out much more.
gemini ~
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- her og design is actually one my favs. so i really only made minor changes
- the colours stood out against other dresses and were easily identified as gemini. the dual colour symmetrical dress is a great way to reflect the double spirit.
- Gemini is a pretty symbol spirit so to reflect them i used circular shapes and organic lines. i changed the head piece mainly because i struggled drawing it but i realised it made the design too top heavy anyways.
- i extended the dress width and length mainly for silhouette reasons (she wears so many skin tight dresses) as well as to give a nod to the dresses the alternate geminis wear.
cancer ~
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- my issue with cancer star dress isn’t the dress itself. I actually love the dress in the manga. it’s the colour. WHY IS GREEN?!?
- if it weren’t for the symbol i wouldn’t be able to match this dress with cancers design, so it had to change.
- other than that there’s no major differences, the ribbon tie is meant to resemble scissors, i love the claw shape hair ties in the og design so i brought them back and i brought the stripes in cancers top to her bow.
leo ~
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- i was inspired by beauty and the beast, in the movie the beast kinda looks like lion.
- i swapped the yellow and black in the og design since it has a pretty similar colour story to virgos dress. The og kinda gets lost next to leo since the black doesn’t have variation and leo is in a deep black too.
- i wanted to make her hair bigger like a lions mane and curled around her face.
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am-i-interrupting · 5 months
Okay first off OMG THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ME REQUEST!! I loved it and I was wondering if it isn’t too soon like what was Vox x readers wedding like from the OATSH series I’m just wondering since they mentioned Vox was wearing his wedding ring so I wonder what their wedding was like I bet velvet made the brides and grooms suit and doing a absolute amazing job and why do I see Vox crying a bit like not water fall crying but like light produce section Mist crying. also why do I imagine Vox got turned on if he saw yn getting all angry and stuff 😅 also again thank you for accepting my request
Their wedding was actually in the 60s but this is how I imagine it.
To Feel Adored | OATSH
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You wanted to continue to adjust and nitpick. You couldn’t keep your hands or your heart steady.
This was it. It was finally happening. You were getting married. It felt like a fantasy. It didn’t feel real. How could it be? How could this happen to you?
You adjusted your earrings even though they didn’t need it. It was a good thing Rosie hadn’t allowed you to hold your bouquet because you had no doubt it would be torn up petal by petal on the floor.
You gathered the soft fabric of your dress and ran your thumb over it. The dress was beautiful. Lace hugged your bust and collarbone creating an empire waist to the dress. The sleeves were long and bell shaped, cuffing at your wrists. The dress itself didn’t accentuate your curves but rather fell delicately over them.
A knock on the door.
“Come in!”
It barely creaked as it opened but your ears still turned to the sound. You saw your father’s reflection join your own in the mirror.
He wasn’t wearing his usual suit but it was similar enough. It had the same stripes in that reddish-pink color he was so found of but the base of the suit was white. He wore his stitched up at between his deer ears, his horns having grown big enough to peak out the top of it. He’d chosen his glasses instead of his monocle for the day. The rested carefully on the bridge of his nose. He smiled at you with those stained teeth of his.
“Are you ready, my deer?” he asked.
“As I’ll ever be,” you told him.
“Good.” He reached for your veil and placed it over your hair (which you’d decided to wear naturally) and face, no need for a clip when the holes for your fox ears would keep it in place just fine. “Let’s get this over with.”
He held his arm out to you. “I’m not going to die.”
“Ah, let’s not get stuck over semantics,” he said as you looked your arm in his.
He placed his hand atop of yours. You didn’t miss the small squeeze he gave it. You squeezed it back.
Rosie greeted you in the hall, Frank at her side. Rosie and Frank dressed in opposing colors. Frank dawning more light pinks instead of the usual whites while Rosie wore a nearly all black dress, the bust a pink that matched Frank but covered by a ribcage.
She finally handed you your bouquet. Irises, which reminded you of life in New Orleans, joined by red lupines and blue hydrangea. You felt yourself leaning against your father even more. Alastor held you steady.
You focused on the flowers in your hand as you walked toward the isle. You couldn’t look at anything else. You couldn’t breathe.
You just focused on the flowers and thought of every moment up until this point that had gotten you here. In both life and in death and you couldn’t believe that this was true, that it was happening, that it was real.
You took a deep breath and looked up. Immediately you were taken by his expression. Vox’s absolutely love-stricken eyes. The zap of electricity that went between his antennas, showing his rapid heart rate as your eyes met.
Then you were taken in by his outfit.
He did always look so handsome in dark colors. A dark black suit jacket hung open to reveal his white and blue stripped waistcoat, double breasted. His dress shirt beneath was black but von straws the the light purple tie he had so nicely. Vaguely, absently your registered that the purple matched the accents on your tail, ears, and hair.
He looked absolutely stunning.
You and Alastor got to the alter before you were ready. You didn’t even flinch when Alastor took Vox’s outstretched hand and used it to pull him closer before you could grab it.
“Hurt her and I will tear your soul apart bit by bit for all of Hell to hear, understand?”
“I—um,“ Vox barely even spared him a glance, too focused on you. “Yes.”
He let go of Vox and allowed him to take your hand. His own was grabbed by Rosie who was shaking her head as she pulled him to his seat.
“Was that necessary?”
You paid it no mind. You hand was in Vox’s. So delicately, he helped you up to the podium when you really needed no help at all or you couldn’t, if you could take your eyes off him.
In front of the podium, he carefully lifted the veil from your face and folded it atop your head. He let his hand carefully caress the side of your face. Then your hands joined together and the ceremony began.
It was all a blur, too focused on the man in front of you to truly process anything that was said. Just repeating the words you vaguely registered and taking the rings off of the pillow Vark held in his mouth, until the line you had been waiting for came:
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Vox didn’t have time to react as you quickly grabbed his tie and pulled him down into a kiss. He nearly fell back due the force but gripping your waist, he managed to not go backwards. You surged forward and wrapped your other arm around his shoulder and kept him close. His hands went between your shoulder blades.
You pulled away. No longer bride and groom but husband and wife.
A large meal had been made mainly by Rosie and Alastor though there were a few things you saw that you knew neither would have been able to make so someone else must have been involved. Everything had been labeled, however, with ingredients so no one who didn’t favor cannibalism would be subjected to it.
There were, of course, speeches to be made which began when Alastor stood and whipped out his microphone. Within the company of only friends and family, there was a bit of ability to let down some of those fortress walls of his, aided by the whiskeys you’d seen him take back both before the ceremony and now.
“In life, you were one of the few I cared for and in death that remains the same. However, recently I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that you have grown up and you did it without me. So, although I may no longer be the center of your world anymore, know you shall always be the center of mine and know that should anyone hurt you I will not hesitate to take the time and energy to host a broadcast so excruciating that he will deafen himself and all those in hell with the sound of his screams.”
Your rolled your eyes as the last part was spoken directly to Vox.
“You have and will always be,” Alastor reached out for you hand, “my best accomplishment and so long as you are happy, I can live a fulfilling afterlife.”
Alastor kissed your hand and squeezed it. You squeezed back.
Alastor looked at Vox as he gently placed your hand on the table and twirled his microphone before it was engulfed in shadow. A silent competition.
“Well, I know when to take a cue,” Vox said as he stood. “Now, I’ll admit defeat and say this one time that words are not my strongest skill. I am far better suited with visuals.”
Vox brought out a television. His back facing you prevented you from seeing what he was doing but you heard the click of a button before the television began booting up. Vox moved to the side.
“There was no day in my life more special than the day I met you and no day more devastating than when I lost you,” Vox said as the television flickered one last time before it settled.
You saw something you didn’t know. You saw the day the two of you met from Vox’s perspective. You had been too busy adjusting every detail of your appearance so you played the part that you hadn’t seen him glance through the window of the door and see you, stare at you for a moment before he shook himself and took a few steps so he could make a grand entrance.
“Getting to know you was the greatest adventure of my life.”
You were shown spinning around with your arms open as you spoke to him, that day you met. No words came from the television but you remembered them. Him pointing at night, leaning against you as you held him upright came on screen next.
“I will never meet another so kind—“ you in your waitress outfit topping off a costumer— “and righteous—“ you in a snow white dress, dragging a knife down a man’s Adam apple in a darkened alleyway (when had that happened?)— “and beautiful as you.”
The two of you in that bloodstained cabin. You had fallen asleep on his shoulder, cheek squished up and hair damp, curled, and frizzy. He had it wrapped around his finger.
“In life or in death, there is no one I would rather spend eternity with. No one else could ever compare to you. You saved me in ways that I can’t even explain and sparked me to life again after I died in more ways than just physically. I have lived in a reality without you in it and it caused nothing but pain.”
Vox climbing up the ladder in life, angry, snapping, alone. Vox climbing up the ladder in death with you by his side. He was smiling and dancing and waking up content with you atop his chest, hand over his heart, making sure he was alright.
“I came to the realization years ago but it remains true. I would rather not exist at all than exist without you.”
The television flickered off. Vox moved to sit down, next to you once again but he didn’t get the chance as you met him halfway with a hug. You squeezed his middle as you pressed yourself into his chest.
“I love you,” you said, muffled by his suit.
He held you just as tightly. “I love you too.” You both stayed like that for a moment.
Vox’s hand rubbed up and down you back. He looked over your head at Alastor. There seemed to be something in that brief moment, an understanding of how much they both cared about you between one another. It was gone the next moment as contempt came to Alastor’s expression.
“Let’s go sit, doll,” Vox said softly.
You let him drag you back to your seat, though neither of you let go of one another.
There were a few other speeches given.
One from Mimzy that was oddly heartwarming, about watching you grow up and getting to see you now. Of course, she had to throw in a quip about the money you and Vox had as overlords and you had to roll your eyes.
There was one from Rosie about how wonderful love could be and how she was so happy that you’d found it. She wished you both a happy afterlife together.
A couple others from very close friends but for two influential people, the wedding was actually rather small. It was intimate. Not broadcasted or recorded, not a public spectacle.
Then it was time for cake. You and Vox were both handed a knife. His arm was wrapped around your back, holding you close. Alastor summoned his microphone once again for a countdown.
“Three, two, cut!”
You and Vox both went to cut the cake but your knife sliced through faster. You turned to look at him with a smug smile.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said.
You continued to do so.
“You act like it wasn’t obvious who the true head of the household is,” Alastor chimed in.
Vox rolled his eyes with a scowl.
“Oh, come on, baby, we all knew it,” you said, forcing him to look at you as you grabbed his lapels and mocked his pout.
Vox continued to look down at you unamused. He moved to tap your nose with his knife but you were faster. You wrapped your lips around it and licked off the cake and icing mixture. You hummed, it tasted divine. Vox blushed.
“Alright, alright,” Rosie said, with her hands over Alastor’s eyes, “let’s safe that for the honeymoon.”
“Mmm, no, let’s save that for never,” Alastor said as he gently moved Rosie’s wrist away from his face.
The first song you’d ever humored Vox in with dancing played over the radio. You looked up at him as you shook your head.
“Is your goal today to make me cry?” you asked.
“It’s not the goal,” he said as he grabbed your hand, “the goal is to show you how much I adore you. Is it working?”
He began leading you in a waltz. “Yes, very much so,” you said.
You placed your head on his shoulder. You let him drag you through motion to motion. You let yourself get lost in the rhythm.
You opened your eyes and over his shoulder you saw Vark following behind his every step. You smiled.
“I think someone wants to dance,” you said, voice barely a whisper.
“Oh, believe me, it’s been a challenge not to trip over him,” Vox replied.
You laughed lightly and closed your eyes again.
A couple seconds later you felt a hammerhead begin to push your legs and Vox’s legs apart. You laughed as Vox looked down unamused.
Vark looked up at the two of you with his best puppy eyes so of course you picked him up. He was getting heavy but that was okay. With the combined effort of you and Vox, you both held him between you as you finished the dance.
All together, a nice little family you made.
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Hello! I have recently binged your Pingverse series per my partner's request and was curious if your versions of the sides in that story had canon costume designs I could use as a reference for fanart? Thanks!
[all of the keepers suits look very similar in structure, theyre variations on the "Base" keeper uniform]
Patton: Robin-egg blue and pale yellow suit. More padding than Romans or Logan's because he mostly fights hand to hand. blue rounded goggle-mask (prescription)
Logan: Mostly dark blue, some mid-blue and black. Geometric patterns. theres one on his neck/chest that looks a bit like a tie, prompting "professor quasar" memes. dark blue goggle-mask, a little more angular than pattons
Roman: white and gold with red "sash" (its just a stripe on the suit) resembles a body-suit version of his canon outfit with the detail placement. very early on has a red cape but ditches a few months after the dark sides come on the scene as major players because remus loves fucking with it. white domino mask
and our dark sides
Virgil: full-body armor and helmet, black and dark purple. after the join up he adds some gray and light purples inimagine something like hi-tech motorcycle gear
Janus: a very close-fit black scale-textured body suit that can change with him within limits (he can make it imitate closer cut clothing but not, say, a hoodie.)it comes with gloves. doesnt wear a mask. sometimes but not always he will pair this with a capelet thats bullet proof and doubles as a shock blanket, typically if he thinks hes going to get into a firefight
Remus: just wears usually smth like green cargo pants and a sleeveless black tank top under whatever unhinged tech suit or weapon rig he's wearing that day. also doesnt wear a mask
and while im here might as well link you to the physical description post also
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miasiegert · 6 months
CATS Tied Tail Tutorial
Hi Folks, I know many of you already make these and have tutorials and already make these, but my friend Andre (Mungojerrie/Macavity at Suncoast) asked me how to make a Mungojerrie tail so I thought I'd post my tied-tail tutorial (as opposed to a wrapped tail tutorial) here for convenience. Everyone has their own variations. We also do wrapped tails (for sleeker cats) but mostly tied because we like the way it swishes and cats are all about coming for that booty. NOTE: I'm copying/pasting so this is customized for Mungo and specifically our mohawk Mungo costume shown below. Bonus shoe painting.
For the shoes I painted, his are in the center, bottom, between Cass and Gus--his Macavity are next to his.
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What You Need: Different Types/Colors of Yarn including one Acrylic Yarn that’s strong to braid base/core.

Mungo Color Palette: Black, Different Oranges, little Yellow, little Red, OPTIONAL: little bit of White or Gray, can be added later.
WAIST BELT (Option: Get thick cord for around the waist, if nylon burn the end with a lighter so it doesn’t fray). 

Directions: Take Black yarn and wrap it around your waist about three times. You probably will shorten it but can always shorten, not lengthen. Cut 6 strands of yarn, 3 Black, 2 Oranges, 1 either red or yellow), and tie at one end. Separate into three pieces of two strands each and braid normally. You might need to tie the end onto a chair or use your toes to hold it taut. As you braid, periodically check it around your waist to see if you can tie a comfortable knot with extra hanging down. At the bottom, tie another knot. You can let the ends be loose and frayed for aesthetic. You can do this with 9 strands as well.
Step 1: Take a strand of yarn between your toes and stretch your leg out. Use the distance of leg to hip joint as a guide. You can always shorten a tail but can’t make it longer. Stand up and see where it falls from waist down. *Remember braided it will be a little shorter but yarn will add ~3” length. 
Step 2: Take 3 strands of yarn (Black/Orange) and braid normally, checking periodically about length (remember it adds 3”). Tie a thick double knot at the bottom.
Step 3: At the top, fold the tip of the yarn over so it forms a small tail loop. Tie a knot.
Step 4: Wrap yarn around the width of your hand many times then carefully cut one side of it. You should get ~5-6” pieces. Do this for all colors. You will need more than you think, a lot of black and a lot of oranges especially.
Step 5: Take 2-3 strands of yarn, go to the bottom, and just above the knot, tie the yarn in half so both ends dangle down. Single knot should be fine. Continue to do this but change where you tie the knot so there aren’t weird gaps. For stripes, have Big sections of just one color before changing. Mungo is mottled so mostly oranges for the stripes with black, then some reds/yellow mixed in in a few spots for variation. You can optionally have a TINY bit of gray and/or white if you’d like but not necessary.
Step 6: Tie all the way to just above the top knot, then slide the tail loop through. CONGRATS, YOU HAVE A TIED-TAIL and should have extra yarn if you want to make warmers.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 8 months
Fated by the Stars (7)
Straykids ot8 x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Wounds/Injuries Traumatic Past, Violence, and Mentions of Non-consensual Molesting. Swearing
Summary - The boys are busy, so they invite over a friend of theirs. This friend makes sure to help you look beautiful for the party tonight. No way you new omegan best friend would let you go not looking like an absolute goddess.
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Today Jisung and Minho were taking me to Jisungs fashion studio. Since both of them had the most knowledge when it came to fashion, they had taken the lead over my outfit for the company's coming together party. When we got to his studio, that had me stand on a podium in the middle of the room. Minho sat in a chair off to the side, next to him on the table was a suit for each of the pack mates. They were trying to pair my dress with their suits, so we looked similar like a pack but everyone still had their own style. The common color among the boys was each suit was many black, but they each suit had something colored in a bright red. That color would them match them with my dress.
Today I would get to find out what my dress was supposed to look like as they had finally finished it. So I was gonna get to put it on and they would pin where they need to make some adjustments to better fit me the way they wanted it to.
Chan's suit was just the pants, shoes, and the coat. He liked to wear his suits without a shirt and tie. The less he had to wear the happier and more comfortable he would be. The buttons on his suit would match my dress color. Minho had a classic suit style where it was longer on the back of the coat. He had a handkerchief in his pocket that matched my dress. Hyunjin would wear a pin stripe suit, the stripes being the same color as my dress. Felix would wear a regular black suit except he wore a turtle neck under his coat, the color being the same as my Dress. Changbin would wear a typical suit as well, except he would not be wearing the coat part, just the regular white button up and tie. The tie had a red love heart on it. Jisung also wore a regular suit and tie, however the cuffs and bottom of the jacket were adorned with red lace decor. Seungmin wore the full typical suit style, he was the only one who had the waist coat as a part of his outfit. His waist coat was the same red as my dress. Finally Jeongin, wore nearly the same outfit as Chan, except his coat was mainly red with black lace detailing all over the main part of the coat.
Jisung opened a small closet, pulling out a dress covered from view by a black plastic cover. He pulled off the cover and handed me the dress. The two looked away allowing me privacy to take off the hoodie and shorts I wore, replacing it with the dress.
I smiled seeing the dark red sequin dress. It had a deep v neck, and was double slit around my legs. When I stop still it seemed like a regular red aline dress. However when I would walk, both my legs would pop out and be visible at times. This dress almost hugged me in all the right places. The places that didn't would eventually hug me as that was why I was here today. Jisung was finally going to finish my dress so everyone was finally ready for the party in two days.
The boys turned around both smiling seeing me all dressed up. Jisung got to work right away with pins already sitting between his lips, only pulling one out to pin pieces tighter against me. Minho on the other hand, took this opportunity to distract me.
His hands ran along my arms to my shoulders as he stood directly behind me. I could feel his breath on my necks he sensually rubbed up and down my arms. It felt great making my omega preen as her alpha gave her his love. However once he began kissing at my neck, I could feel myself slowly dropping. My omega tried her best to come forward, but now was not the time. I tried to fight my drop.
Finally Jisung had finished, whispering to me from in front. I was now sensually sandwiched between the two boys. "It's okay to drop now 'mega. Let us spoil you with our love. You earned it." I nodded and let go. My mid becoming fuzzy and hazy with the boys. They slowly begin to undress me, Jisung taking it and putting it away in the closet. When he returned he had my hoodie and shorts. Placing them back on me as they continued to kiss and caress my through out our shared moment.
Once I had been clothed, Minho turned me around and picked me up. Wrapping my legs around his torso and holding me by my legs. Together we left the building, returning to the car. Jisung sat in the passenger seat and Minho placed me in his lap. While Minho drove us home, Jisung slowly rubbed circles into my back, lulling me into a nice mid afternoon nap.
A glance at the clock told me it was currently 3pm, this left me with 3 more hours before we would leave for the company ball. The boys were all currently running around getting thing handled before they could get ready themselves. Being the hosts of the party they still had a lot to finish and make sure got done. Someone knocked on my door and I yelled they could come in. Looking over I saw Chan peek his head inside. "Hey sweetie, I have someone for you to meet." Opening the door he brought in a smaller male, I could smell that this male was an omega like me. "His name is Wooyoung, He's a friend of Changbin and Jisung. We thought you could use a friend who is also an omega today. So Wooyoung here is going to take you with him and one of his mates to get ready for the ball." Wooyoung waved at me. I smiled and waved back before quickly getting my things put away. "Okay! I'll be ready to go in a moment then!" Chan left probably to go finish up some more things. Wooyoung walked in a little closer and started to chat as I grabbed some thing I thought I might need. "It's nice to finally meet you y/n! Changbin and Jisung both talk about you all the time." I smiled. "I'm glad to meet another omega myself, may I ask how you know those two?"
Wooyoung nodded and began to explain while I slipped on some shoes. "Well Changbin and I grew up in the same neighborhood, we hit it off well and have been friends ever since. When we found most of our mates at the same time, we both got super excited but also overwhelmed. We found and escape in venting to each other so our bond has been able to stay strong. Jisung is different. He and I joined Minho's company at the same time, we both were dreaming to be designers. One day Jisung came up with the idea of working together to do something different. We could design clothing lines for each sub gender but have them release together during the seasons. Typically there was an alpha clothing season, Beta season and Omega Season. Since one designer would only be able to handle designing for one gender every few months. It was a few months into our success when I realized he was a pack mate of Changbin and from then on my pack and your pack have been close friends." Finally I had the shoes on and we began to walk out the door.
"Will I get to meet your pack today as well?" Wooyoung smiled while helping me I not his car. "Yep! We just didn't want to overwhelm you immediately, So I will help you get ready for the ball and then you an meet them when we get there!" I nodded and he hopped in the drivers seat. Pulling out of the driveway we were off to our first stop.
We pulled up to a hair salon, Wooyoung helped me out and inside. The beta lady smiled seeing us both, "Hey Woo, is this the levanter pack omega!" Wooyoung nodded. "Yep it sure is, I have been told by the pack that she had a rough start to life, so it's up to you what to do with the hair and make up." She squealed. "Well hello darlin' My name is Charlie and I just love it when I get to choose the hair and makeup, Don't you worry darlin'! I'm gonna make you so beautiful your pack won't know what to do!" She quickly hopped over to a chair pulling it around for me. I sat down and she placed this plastic bib like thing over me.
"Woo, what's her dress look like so I make sure to match the vibe?" She asked, Wooyoung came over with his phone showing her a picture. She squealed once again before playing with my hair a little.
"Alright girlie! I have the perfect idea. just spare me some time to work my magic." And with that she got to work on my hair first. She rolled me over to give my hair a wash. Scrubbing different soap int my hair before rinsing. As she took a dryer to my hair, we watched as it began to curl on its own. "You just have the best hair girlie"
Finally it was dryer and she began to loosely braid my hair back to the middle of my head. The braid on each side shaped as if they were part of a flower crown on my head. She curled up some of the part that stayed down. It was quite a beautiful half up do hairstyle. Next she brought over all her make up. First she used her foundation and such to even out my skin tone. Then brought back some of that natural redness with the blush. Next she focused on my eyes, swiping the cat eye style liner. She applied red eye shadow as a base then gradient that into black glittery eyeshadow. Finishing by giving me rose red lipstick.
Looking at myself, I felt beautiful even with the random hoodie and shorts I had on. Charlie spun me around and I was now looking at Wooyoung who stood there. When he saw me, he was suddenly awestruck. "Well if this is how she looks without the dress on then we are gonna be seeing 8 dead men tonight. Cause you are stunning y/n!" I blushed and looked away shyly.
Charlie gave me a small side hug, but Wooyoung quickly said goodbye and we were off again. This time we went straight to the fashion studio to pick up my dress and accessories. "Okay, so first I'll help you get in the dress. Jisung has given me full reign over your shoe choice and accessories. So I already pulled out some options and I'll give you what looks the best with you." I nodded "Okay, can't wait to see the final look. I'm excited to feel pretty." Wooyoung scoffed chuckling a little. "Oh you sweet innocent thing. You will not be looking pretty, You are gonna be drop dead gorgeous. Like the fucking moon goddess!" I giggled. "okay I trust you."
Finally we pull up to the building. While walking in, I was once again fascinated by the beautiful architecture on the inside. Beautiful art lined the hallways, must be to help inspire those with artist block. We entered a different room, this must me Wooyoungs. He handed me my dress, "Let me know when you ready for to tie it up for you."
I nodded and he turned around allowing me some privacy to change. It took me a second to get everything off and get into the dress. To make this dress look as pretty as it could, I had to be braless. But I wore some red lace underwear just because I was feeling extra confident today. Wooyoung came over when I told him I was ready. He pulled the strings to tighten it up, making sure it hugged me perfectly before finishing tying it. I smiled seeing myself in the mirror. Wooyoung had me sit down so he could help me put on the heels. They were these glittery red block heels that gave me an extra 4 inches of height. The straps of these heels wrapped up my calves about half way to the knee.
Next he handed me this small sparkly red clutch with a silver chain strap. He helped me put in some ruby red teardrop earrings, that pried with the silver chain necklace that also had a red teardrop ruby.
Finally he let me stand back up and look in the mirror. Now was my turn to be starstruck, I looked and felt gorgeous like woo young said. I glanced over to Wooyoung, "You were right, I feel gorgeous." He chuckled. "told you y/n. Now give me a minute to change and we can head out." I smiled and nodded. Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to my pack. 'I can't wait to show you my outfit, I think you guys will really like it.' Feeling this gorgeous had given me a new sense of confidence when messaging the boys. They were quick to reply back, the youngest wanting nothing more than to see me right now, while the eldest held back wanting to enjoy the surprise.
When woo young came back, He looked even more handsome than I thought possible. "You look fantastic Woo!" He blushed a little before quickly replying back. "Well no one is beating your beauty tonight y/n, I'm excited to see those idiots on their knees for you sweet thing." I giggled.
Once he had cleaned up his room, we began to head back out to the car. This was gonna be great. "hey Woo? Mind if I put on a song?" Looking to me with a smile, he simply told me. "Be my guest gorgeous." I smiled and connected my phone and quickly played the song. "Oh this is perfect for this moment y/n!" I smiled and we began to sing along as 'Spicy Margarita' by Jason Derulo and Michael Bublé played in the background.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Cinema Dates | Eddie Brock/Venom x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Eddie Brock: Hiya!! I hope this ask finds you well! May I please ask for a work using the following prompts for 🥹 my favorite loser Eddie Brock X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Look, you're gonna be alright"+"Did you ever think we would end up here?" Thank you 🖤🖤! 🐍anon
summary: it's not often that you and Eddie get to spend time together, but when an opportunity to have a long date night comes up, you both jump at the chance.
tws: swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Eddie didn't go to the cinema often anymore, not since he had bonded to Venom, as the loud noises drove the Symbiote up the wall and the flashing lights made him even worse, but you wanted to go so badly, and Eddie had been wanting to see the film as well; Venom agrees with you both on a safeword, a word he could tell Eddie or you if things got to be too much.
He settled on "Mulder", the main character of the most recent television show you and Eddie had been watching; it worked, and more importantly, Venom felt safe enough to be able to get you or Eddie if it all got too much.
But Eddie was excited for the double feature, if he was honest, and it was cheaper to see both than to see just one thanks to the cinema having an offer on - buy a ticket for one, get the other film ticket for free.
You both agreed to dress up as well, with you dressing up for one film, and Eddie dressing up for the other; you wore a nice black suit with a olive green shirt and a tie that Eddie had bought you a long time ago that had little flying saucers on it. Eddie, on the other hand, wore a dull pastel pink blazer with matching trousers, a pair of white shoes, and a light pink shirt; he even bought a necklace with your first initial on it that was pink and in the font of the film.
But while your shirt was buttoned all the way up, Eddie's was undone halfway down, exposing his chest and giving a small peak at his tattoos. Eddie booked the tickets so that there was time to get something to eat before you went into the first film; he let you pick where to go, wanting to give you a bit of a treat before the five hour long date.
Sat in the less than fancy restaurant, you were happy as you sat across from him, Venom resting his head on your shoulder and occasionally stealing a few of your chips; it wasn't often that the three of you got to spend so much time together, you wished it wasn't just a meal and then a couple of films, but it was the best that you could do.
Venom seemed quite keen, too, perking up and grinning when he heard a song related to one of the films.
"Am I a Barbie girl?" He asked you.
You laughed, looking at Eddie as he pulled a face, trying not to laugh. "Venom, everyone can be a Barbie girl."
"But that would make you both Ken," Venom pointed out. "Wouldn't it?"
You shrugged, gently kicking Eddie under the table so he would stop getting you to laugh. "I guess so, yeah."
"It's a shame you didn't paint yourself pink," Eddie joked, biting back a hard laugh.
"But the other film," Venom huffed. "We're seeing both."
"He's got a point," you hummed, nodding. "But, if we'd have painted you with pink stripes, you'd be right down the middle."
"I blame Eddie," Venom said matter of factly. "He's such a Ken."
You couldn't help it, covering your mouth with your hand as you closed your eyes and giggled; Eddie rolled his eyes, but couldn't bite back his own giggles as he shook his head. You both had a good feeling about the date night, it was going to be a lot of fun, and you were glad that Venom was getting into it as well; you liked being around them both, and when one of them made you laugh, you never felt better.
But after eating, you headed over the cinema, and Venom stayed inside Eddie, not wanting to freak people out; you pulled him aside before going to the screen, clearing your throat and letting Venom seep out of Eddie's shoulder from under his shirt and blazer, sneaking through Eddie's open shirt and looking at you with a grin.
"We have ten minutes," you started, "are you sure you're comfortable with it, Venom?"
"Yes," he nodded. "If it gets too much, I will say."
"Good," you nodded, gently kissing his slick black forehead. "Look, you're gonna be alright - you've got me and Eddie, and we're gonna look after you."
"Yeah," Eddie agreed, reaching for your hand and holding it tightly. "We're gonna look after you, V."
The Symbiote seeped back into Eddie's skin, leaving you and him to have five minutes together; he smiled as he gently kissed you, over the moon to finally have a few hours with his two favourite things in the world - his partner, and his alien partner. He felt a little giddy as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
"Did you ever think we would end up here?" He asked softly. "Y'know, after Carnage and all the other shit we've had to go through."
You shrugged, thinking about it for a moment. "I don't think I did. I hoped we would, but I couldn't be sure… did you?"
"I hoped so," Eddie breathed out with a nod. "But I also hoped that we would have more time."
"Eddie, we have plenty," you told him softly. "We might not go on dates all the time, but I'm okay with that - every fucking bit of time we share… it's something I adore."
He smiled, softly kissing you again and letting go of your hand so he could put his arm around your shoulders. "Should we go in?"
"I think we should," you hummed, leaning into him.
Eddie walked you to your seats, and let you sit down first so that he could get next to you, his arm going around your shoulders as he hummed and let out a gentle sigh; he was content, and Venom could feel it.
Venom only ever felt Eddie being content when he was around you. When he had time with you. Venom often felt the same, and when Eddie relaxed, Venom did, too. Their favourite person in the world.
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faithfulcat111 · 5 months
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Okay, first season, 7 outfits (I count the emo outfit all as one go). Three pairs of shoes: ratty, scuffy off-whites (our beloved), the black converses, and the scuffy combat boots (you can see how bad they are in the bear trap set up. He wears the white shirt with the red collar not only in the flashback scene, but also after waking up both to find his mom with the lamps and on the couch with the axe. He really kept shifting around layers on his emo outfit too. Not only down to just his jeans and t-shirt while sleeping, but down to the flannel while they are at the middle school as well. We got three jackets: blue Wangler, black denim, and funeral jacket; one hoodie, and one blue overshirt worn as a jacket. Sweater count: thick off-white and dark green/white striped. Clothes I own count: plain brown shirt (pretty sure the same brand too (if so, those shirts can be THIN btw)), blue overshirt, black denim jacket, striped sweater, black jeans, blue jeans, scuffy combat boots.
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Second Season, 7 outfits. This outfit count gets tricky cause he is doubling up a lot from the road trip, I counted everything overall for the road trip as 3. The road trip: day 1: brown t-shirt and flannel, night 1: brown t-shirt from that day; day 2: black sweater; night 2: white thermal and yellow pj pants; day 3: back to the black sweater; exorcism: back to the white thermal. Only wears the scuffy off-white shoes (our beloved), but we get a good close-up of them this time. Two jackets: the black denim returns for most of the season and then he is wearing the funeral jacket for the Snow Ball. Sweater count: yellow, fun red/green/black striped, and black. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): yellow sweater (actually the only thing on this list I bought with Jonathan in mind)
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Third season, 6 outfits. Ratfit (our beloved). I realized he wears the exact same shirt on both the first day as he wears for the ratfit. He just added a tie on day two. Tie count: 2. He wears the same red one except on the day they get fired. That one is brown and slightly spotted. Two pairs of shoes: old man shoes white working and scuffy off-white ones (our beloved) when not. No sweaters are jackets, but it is summer. Another point towards the clothes hating count is that in the car fight scene, he has started to un-button his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. Not by much, but a starting point. Also this is the only season where we ever see him wear a shirt to sleep in at home. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): just the red tie. Strangely enough my ugly (beloved) button-ups do not line up at all with Jonathan's in season 3.
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Finally, season four, 4 outfits. All copy-repeats of t-shirt, jeans, blue overshirt. Scuffy off-white shoes (our beloved) are still here. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): The first blue overshirt with the thick stripes. I own one other blue one (other than the one from season 1), but it doesn't line up with any of Jonathan's.
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tic-toc-clock77 · 1 month
How I remember my sourcemates as a Clockwork fictionkin!(⁠☆⁠▽🕑)
Doubles & sourcemates welcome to interact
Anti-fictionkin dni
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Slender was tall, about 10 feet and just barely shorter than all the trees in the forest. He had a pale, paper white body and no face. He wore a black suit with a white top underneath and a bright red tie, he also wore brown shoes. On occasion, 8 tentacles would shoot out from his back, four on each side which were able to grab people and make it easier for him to consume them.
Personally, I never liked him due to his nature; he'd eat children and force his workers into killing them so he could less work. To the others who lived in the Slenderman's cabin, he was a stern figure with most seeing him as their saviour but I only ever saw him as a monster.
Jeff the Killer:
Jeff stood about 5'9, just barely taller than myself and was skinny, his intense rampages in the city would keep him from eating or sleeping. He had frayed black hair that would fall out every so often, his skin was a pale white which would peel and expose deep burn scars. His mouth had two large slits in it at either side of where his lips ended, dark red and often mushy looking. He wore a greyish white hoodie with black dress pants, oftentimes stained with blood.
Personally, I knew Jeff was one of my closest friends. He helped me through a lot bad times once I finally got over how fucking scary he looked. Jeff had anger management issues but he had a strong passion for his family and those he considered to be family. All in all, he was a good person but he treated others how they'd treated him, even if it was cruel.
Ticci Toby:
Toby was about 5'11 and weighed low. He had brown hair that was slightly lighter than mine. He had brown eyes and his skin was pale like a ghost. He had a gash on the side of his mouth that extended from his lip to the back of his jaw, his teeth would show through. Toby wore a classic blue cap with a pentagram stitched into it, he had orange goggles and a mouth guard made of cloth and metal and black gloves to keep him from biting himself. His sweater was brown with blue long sleeves and a hood that matched, he wore dark blue jeans and regular sneakers.
Personally, I loved Toby. He was my boyfriend in those days and we got each other through tough times. He was kind to me and friendly enough to get on my nerves so badly I'd just let him follow me around, that was at first though. Gradually, I enjoyed his company and we got together. We spent quite a long time together until something...not very good happened
Nina the Killer:
Nina was short, only about 5'1 and weighed a more average build. She loved scene fashion and wore bright flashy colours usually miniskirts and crop tops. Her skin was white but slightly tanned, she had large cuts into either end of her mouth that she often would close up with my stitches I'd lend her. Her hair was dark brown to the point it almost black with two stripes of pink framing her face and a long blackish brown ponytail that extended to her waist. She wore leg warms and stripes gloves a lot.
Personally, Nina was my best friend and we spent a lot of time together. We had a lot of inside jokes but since we both suffered a lot of issues, we helped each other. All in all it was a functional and structural friendship that benefitted us both. She also dated Jeff on and off, whenever her mouth scars would return, I'd know she'd gone back to him again.
I was about 5'6 and weighed a regular weight. My skin was white and my right eye was a deep green colour while the right eye was replaced with a pocket watch clock with a dark brown rim and hands with a deep grainy yellow as it's inside. My hair was a deep, dark brown with lime green dips at the end that extended to my chest. My mouth had black stitches on either side with an x pattern to them that extended from the ends of my lips at either side and extending all the way to the very end of my jaw. I wore a grey tank top with a green jacket and fur on the hood. I wore black shorts and large black boots.
Personally, I liked to stay away from people and in nature until I realized I had nowhere else to go so I became friends with most of them but I did also make enemies... Lol
That's it for this, for now I'll call it part 1! Feel free to ask questions about my mems if you'd like and sourcemates.....hmu if you want :)
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 5: Violence]
Blaze was clipping up her hair in her signature ponytail when the doorbell rang; before she could call out to Silver, he was already telling her he would answer it. The white hedgehog opened the door and greeted Rouge, inviting her inside.
"Lookin' sharp," she said, pointing to the teal blazer and black bowtie he was wearing.
Silver tightened his tie and smiled. "Thanks. Blaze should be out in a minute."
They chatted briefly until the lavender cat walked into the room, her slim figure presented in a knee-length magenta dress with a single ruffled strap crossing over to one shoulder. Red strappy heels covered her feet, and she had applied a nude gloss to her lips.
"Wow, Blaze!" Rouge exclaimed, impressed. "I've never seen you so stylish."
The princess shot her a sly look as she slipped one gloved hand around Silver's arm. "It's not often that I get dressed up. Besides, we're not all like you, hoarding outfits for every occasion!"
The bat rolled her eyes and swatted the air, grinning as she turned back toward the door. "You guys ready to go?"
The couple followed, Silver grabbing his keys. "Let's hit the town!"
Shadow's stint at the coffee shop was almost over, the grumpy hedgehog having worked a rare morning shift. His mood was sour as he and his coworker blasted through a rush of customers. The hour of repetitive labor left him irritated and ready to clock out, continuously checking the time once his coworker had gone outside for a short break.
He let out an aggravated sigh when another customer walked in only a few minutes after the rush had subsided. The red echidna stomped his way over to the counter, a steamed expression plastered on his face.
Shadow's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the angry patron approach the register. Knuckles stopped at the counter, staring across at Shadow with an unflinching frown stamped across his tan muzzle.
Hyper-aware of the echidna's hostile body language, the neutral hedgehog remained on his guard as he held eye contact, then dully mustered a customer-friendly phrase. "Can I help you?"
"Stay away from Rouge," Knuckles growled.
Shadow responded with the furrowing of his brow and a quiet scoff. "You're looking for trouble, threatening me. I don't care who you are – if you think you can scare me, you're sorely mistaken."
"I'm not trying to scare you, tough guy. I'm warning you. You back off of my woman if you don't want a problem!"
Knuckles raising his voice set off Shadow's growing frustration, the dark hedgehog refusing to accept the disrespect. He replied in a sharp tone, "You're the one who needs to back off. You must have a death wish – or maybe you're just stupid – to challenge someone whose capabilities go beyond your comprehension."
The echidna started to ball his fists, the two men staring each other down. Shadow continued, "Besides, if Rouge is 'your' woman, and she's taken a liking to me, what does that say about your inability to keep her interest?"
He didn't know if it was true, if Rouge really was in a relationship with the angry stranger in front of him; but he hated being talked down to, and had easily pegged Knuckles' weakness when it came to insults. The redhead's frown turned into a toothy scowl as he suddenly raised his fists and swung.
"Chaos Control!"
The telekinetic hedgehog was the driver for their night out, all three of them hopping into the silver Camaro that boasted two bright teal stripes down the hood. They headed downtown, soon being surrounded by countless bars, clubs, and restaurants – all brightly-lit with energetic music pouring from the windows. Per Blaze's suggestion, they pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant bar, Silver scooting his car into an empty corner spot.
A human hostess met them when they walked through ruby-colored double doors, then led them past a number of tables filled with a mixture of diners; some human, some Mobian, all enjoying their meals and drinks with their personal groups.
She sat them at a booth near the back, Blaze and Silver sitting on one side while Rouge took the other. The woman handed them menus and offered to provide a pitcher of water for the table, which they graciously accepted before she left them to decide on entrées.
"The salmon sounds good," Blaze commented, drawing Silver's attention to her menu, "but it's kind of expensive."
He skimmed the price and smiled up at her. "Get whatever you want – it's a special occasion. I think I'll have the pasta salad. See anything you like, Rouge?"
"Hmm..." the bat wondered, tapping an index finger against her chin. "Maybe fettuccine, that's always a safe choice. Although, it might be worth it to try the grilled chicken."
Blaze perked up as she closed her menu. "Oh! I can vouch for the chicken. Certainly worth it."
"I'll take your word for it, then," she responded, snapping the menu shut with one hand.
When the waitress came by to place their pitcher of water on the table, the triad put in their orders and each poured a glass for themselves. The uplifting orchestra music playing through the restaurant's speakers coupled with the soft orange lights to set a positive mood for their evening, even as Silver brought up a subject that was still considerably sore.
"Hey, so, I know it just happened," he started, addressing Rouge, "and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to... but I wanted to ask how you're holding up since the whole debacle with Knuckles."
Blaze lightly slapped his arm, but the strong-willed bat was determined not to let the breakup get to her; if she was going to get over him, she did need to talk about it. No amount of crying alone would help her completely heal from the pain, so Rouge smiled and made eye contact with Silver.
"You know, it still stings – and maybe it will for a while – but I think I'm coming more to terms with it as the days go by."
"I don't think I've ever met another woman as emotionally strong as you," Blaze commented, picking up her water. "Already starting to get over Knuckles, when Amy bursts into tears every time Sonic doesn't answer her calls!"
Silver chuckled and Rouge shrugged. The bat didn't want to mention her new love interest just yet, thinking it would be better to get her frustrations out first. She could save the good news for last and close out their dinner with happier thoughts.
So, while they waited for their food to arrive, she recounted the hurtful events while sprinkling in complaints about both Knuckles and Julie-Su. A cathartic experience, it allowed the treasure hunter to fully enjoy her meal once their waitress came around with the dishes and drinks.
Time was frozen, Knuckles' balled fist hovering in the air above the coffee shop counter. His mouth was agape, canines exposed in a display of aggression, fierce eyes alive with rage. The powerful hedgehog walked around the counter, trying to remember if he'd seen the echidna before.
The only instance he could pull forth was a mere possibility; a red BMW speeding down the street as he and Rouge enjoyed warm beverages outside the shop. Although it could've been anyone driving such a vehicle, it was the only conclusion he could draw, as there hadn't been anyone around the first time he'd spoken to her.
"Pathetic," Shadow mumbled to himself as he rolled along his skates to stand behind Knuckles.
As time began to speed back up, the Ultimate Lifeform hooked one foot under the echidna's legs and pushed them out from under him. Knuckles dropped, the forward momentum of his punch slamming his jaw onto the countertop as he fell. He let out an agonized shout as he tumbled to the floor, then clutched his muzzle and grabbed the counter to pull himself up.
Shaking, the echidna's eyes watered and he continued to groan in anguish. A splitting headache shocked through his skull and he remained kneeled on the floor while Shadow stood away from him, his baritone voice cutting through the otherwise quiet coffee shop.
"Get out of here. I don't want to have to expend any more energy on you."
Knuckles turned and glared up at him, attempting to speak but immediately clutching his mouth again before finally standing. Shadow remained on the defensive as the echidna chose to leave, his crimson gaze following the attacker until he was out the door.
He watched Knuckles climb into the same BMW that he had seen the evening before – initially invisible as he had parked in the farthest spot from the entrance – and made a mental note to speak with Rouge about the enraged echidna.
As the three of them were eating their respective meals, Blaze prodded Rouge about where she had run off to the previous day. "You said it would be good, so let's hear it."
"I met someone interesting the other day," the bat answered, trying to keep her smile from turning into a grin.
Silver's eyes widened a bit. "Woah, already? I knew you were quick about picking up new guys, but that has to be a record."
"Hey!" she retorted playfully, stabbing a piece of chicken with her fork. "This one doesn't count, okay; probably the first time I wasn't trying to find a lover after a breakup."
The hedgehog argued through a mouthful of pasta salad, "Well, it's extra impressive, then."
He covered his mouth when Blaze made a disgusted face, using his telekinesis to pull a napkin from the dispenser. The lemon-eyed cat turned to Rouge and said, "So, tell us about him."
The bat swallowed her food as a faint pink shade flushed across her cheeks. "He's this hedgehog who works at a coffee shop in town; small place, never been, so I'd never seen him before."
"Right, because you only go to clubs," Blaze interjected, chuckling.
"Exactly," Rouge smirked. Her gestures became more expressive when she started describing Shadow. "Anyway, he's kind of mysterious and moody – has 'grump' written all over his face. But he seems like a quiet guy, sort of reserved. Black hair with bright red highlights, the most striking cherry-red eyes I've ever seen; and handsome like you wouldn't believe!"
"Aw," the princess piped, her expression softening as she placed a hand on Silver's arm. He continued eating and nodded along to Rouge's story.
"I met him right after I dumped Knuckles. Just stopped at a random shop for a cup of tea." She purposely lowered her energy and took a sip from her champagne glass, then chuckled a little. "He made the most awkward small talk while I was sitting there; just had my heart broken, and there was a guy I would've never expected to approach me, talking so calmly that I actually felt like the world was slowing down. He had invited me to go back, so that's where I went after Knuckles picked up his stuff."
"Sounds like a connection to me!" said Blaze, returning to her meal. "Are you going to see him again?"
Rouge couldn't stop herself from grinning while she stabbed another chunk of chicken. "We have a dinner date tomorrow. It would've been tonight, but I already had plans with you two."
"Well, Rouge, you could've gone out with him tonight!" Blaze protested supportively. "We would've completely understood."
The bat shrugged and rolled her eyes in lieu of a response, her mouth full. Silver took the opportunity to cut in with a comment of his own.
"I'm glad things are looking up so quickly for you. You really deserve it, after the shit Knux pulled?" He shook his head. "Man, I'm just glad he got double-dumped."
Blaze laughed, making the hedgehog smile and chuckle as well. Rouge thanked him earnestly, then the three of them finished the last bits of their meals. They decided to order dessert, and the jewel hunter shifted the conversation over to Silver and Blaze. They discussed new developments over tiramisu, talking about the renovations they were making to their home, as well as a trip they were planning.
At the end of the night, Silver brought them home again and made sure Rouge was alright to drive. Her single glass of champagne hadn't impaired her enough to crash, so they said their goodbyes and the bat drove home with the window down. She enjoyed the rushing wind flicking through her hair as the radio played a smooth jazzy beat accompanied by inspirational lyrics; and when she arrived home, she pulled out her phone and quickly deleted every picture of Knuckles from her gallery.
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance at Voodoo Music Experience 2006 @ City Park, New Orleans, LA on October 29, 2006 | Mandi
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murrays-wardrobe · 10 months
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Marriage Minneapolis Style (05x20) Outfit 1
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rotisseries · 8 months
ohhh my god ok so in very classic visual symbolism white=good and black=bad right? and atsushi is white and aku is black right? but atsushi's outfit has touches of black, his tie his suspenders his pants, the stripes of his tiger form(and his hair too in the manga. studio bones die challenge) and aku's has touches of white, his hair, the shirt underneath his coat (which btw that white shirt being wrapped underneath his black outer layer of brutal protection goes CRAZYYYYYY btw) and so neither of them is wholly good or bad aku is not entirely bad and atsushi isn't wholly good. it's played for laughs but atsushi was literally gonna rob someone for his own survival at the start. lol. hashtag moral greyness
white/black symbolism ALSOOOO goes crazy BECAUSEEEE it's complementary. very yin and yang of them. in fact there's this cool ass scene near the end of season 3 where there is some INSANE yin and yang symbolism going on. there's also scenes they have together where they have to work together for reasons, usually forced by circumstances, and their color palettes effectively invert, with aku becoming mostly white with touches of black and atsushi becoming mostly black with touches of white (and it looks so slay too) which is kind of symbolic of how they each have a side to themselves that they only let out with each other. you haven't seen a TON of their dynamic yet but they force each other to act in ways they normally wouldn't. atsushi is harsher and meaner to aku than he would ever be to anyone else whereas in contrast aku is forced into some level of goodness. atsushi hates to kill and doesn't want to kill anyone but every fight he has with aku is one where he IS trying to kill him, in contrast there is. well that's a spoiler actually. hurry up and get through s3 it carries sskk on it's back. anyway they each tend to be the other's only exception to their usual morals which is supported by the visual symbolism.
in conclusion. new double black well I think that's not true and I think they're called that so you can look at them and see every way they are not actually chuuya and dazai starting first and foremost with the fact that their color palettes are NOT both black and only black
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[shakes desk] aah. AAH. ART TIME. I double checked my refs so everything Should look right.
Rabbit was banished, and Wolfy left JJ around when he locked down the factory- but!! After getting transformed into a cat monster, JJ's kind of been having a better time? His former friends want to help even though they don't recognize him- augh- TwT
Rabbit and Wolfy are uh... looking for new prey let's say? Salem's not in too deep yet, and Pavel's great with contracts, but let's see where it goes. Muah hah ha.
[ID: A partially colored digital drawing over a grey background.
At the top-middle of the image Rabbit and Wolfy stand back to back, each are holding a round magic crystal with swirls drawn in white. Rabbit's wearing his usual robes with a star shaped badge over his heart, he has antelope-like horns, and a long fluffy tail. He has fur markings that look like browline glasses. Salem's standing by Rabbit and reaching for his crystal with his left hand. He's wearing a jacket with stitch lines by his shoulder and back, and is using a cane. His eyes are closed.
Wolfy's wearing his usual suit and tie, he has short deer-like antlers, and he has a similar tail. He has fur markings that look like round glasses. Pavel's standing by Wolfy and reaching for his crystal with his right hand. He's wearing his usual suit and tie. His eyes are closed, and the scars over his eyes and on his hands are drawn in white.
In the center of the drawing, JJ is falling downward and his legs overlap with Rabbit and Wolfy a bit. He's drawn like a human with bat like wings, a cat tail, claws, and four horns- two come from his forehead, the other two curl from the back of his head to his jaw. He also has a crooked halo with rays of light coming from it. He has shoulder length dark hair, and his face is obscured by shadow. He's wearing a white suit and black bow tie, and black and white striped armbands, with a matching waist sash. A round spiked crystal hovers over his chest, it's colored with green, blue, purple, and gold. Matching colored wisps of smoke come from the crystal.
Six hands drawn in red reach up from the bottom of the drawing to catch JJ- Caedem's gloved left hand with claws and two rings on the middle and ring fingers, Jer's left hand with Lichtenberg-figure-scars, Delta's right hand with part of his sweater sleeve visible, and Rev's right hand with long claws. The last two hands are a bit offscreen. /End ID]
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poirott · 2 years
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3rd Poirot film A Haunting in Venice filming on location
Kenneth Branagh, Tina Fey and Riccardo Scamarcio were spotted filming the upcoming Agatha Christie adaptation on January 6 and 7 2023 in Venice, Italy.
Branagh was also seen filming at the Clock Tower in Piazza San Marco, and later with his double taking a ride on a police gondola through the canals. Branagh appeared in a navy double-breasted coat, striped blue suit, white shirt, red silk tie, black leather gloves, Homburg hat, carrying Poirot's iconic cane and a book about Venice.
Corriere del Veneto (via Italy24) reports the cast will be shooting in Venice until mid-January. "There will be filming on the water with stage gondolas, vintage boats and 1950s taxis." Other locations mentioned include Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio (a square with a church), Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello (music conservatory), San Samuele (church), Palazzo Malipiero (palace), Campo San Boldo (square near the famous Rialto Bridge), etc.
Based on Agatha Christie's novel Hallowe'en Party, the film is set in post-World War II Venice on All Hallows' Eve. Now retired and living in self-imposed exile in the world's most glamorous city, Poirot reluctantly attends a séance at a decaying, haunted palazzo. When one of the guests is murdered, the detective is thrust into a sinister world of shadows and secrets.
Source: DM, JustJared
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