digi-lov · 1 year
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Terriermon EX4-032, BlackGargomon EX4-035, BlackRapidmon EX4-036, and BlackMegaGargomon EX4-037 by Nakano Haito from EX-04 Theme Booster Alternative Being
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radioactivetoad · 6 months
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Holographic BlackGargomon BO-278 Series 6 Digimon Digi-Battle Card 2002 NM
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
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So that's who those guys were! They weren't followers, but monitors. And since they're naturally black variants, they woudn't go crazy like the other corrupted Digimon.
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mat2modblog · 2 years
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So does this mean every black recolor digimon (Gulus notwithstanding) has black digitron and are thus immune to GRB? What about all the other recolors and pallet swaps like Psychemon, NiseDrimogemon and IceDevimon?
(this was Regulusmon’s profile BTW. Bandai Namco mentioning GRB in Gulus’ Digimon Web profile would be a massive spoiler)
Edit: In case anyone else wants to fail to gaslight me for knowing that Psychemon’s pelt is not only not the only difference, it’s not even the most notable:
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Anyone with functioning eyes can tell the difference beyond the pelts. Even the colorblind should be able to tell the difference.
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lopmonappreciation · 7 months
Residents evil Digimon au : Hunk and black megagargomon
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Fresh: zerimon
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In training: gummymon
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Rookie: terriermon
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Champion: blackgargomon
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Ultimate: blackrapidmon
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Mega: black megagargomon
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radroller · 5 months
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LOVE BlackGargomon
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vermilionvector · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game EP. 59
The problem with this episode wasn't that it's not good from visual/animation standpoint, but it's inconsistent with our established power level. Nevertheless, it's certainly a milestone for the series.
Kiyo went to work out of town and met with his colleague and fellow anime fan, Meru. Right from the start, their shared interest made them quite a loveable duo, and unexpectedly, she would have an indirect impact in this episode. Having overheard Kiyo calling Gammamon on the phone and questioned what it meant, Meru has unknowingly stepped into one heck of a chaotic mess that were the Digimons.
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Later that day, they attended a super sentai show based on the folklore of Jiraiya, a form of hero who vanquished evil. Then, Tonosamagekomon crashed the show, claiming he was looking for Jiraiya. Kiyo, who was worried the audience would be harmed, lied to Tonosamagekomon that he was Jiraiya. I know Kiyo had this courage sleeping inside him but didn't have the chance to show it out much, so it's a good thing this episode gave him this chance. Even though this episode wasn't Amphimon's debut, this would be a great build up nonetheless. I wonder what her debut episode was gonna be like, considering the next episode would be flooded with water.
Tonosamagekomon then kidnapped Kiyo and trapped him on his back. Gekomon, Tonosamagekomon's servant, threatened Kiyo to never try to leave as his lord didn't know what was happening on his back. Meanwhile, Hiro and Ruli who were contacted earlier by Kiyo arrived at the festival site but couldn't find him. Meru, who once again overheard Gammamon's name, approached them and told her story.
Also, we learned Gammamon's new baby vocab: Nababa = Choco banana. This is more important than the main story, trust me.
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At night, Tonosamagekomon continuously punished evildoers (both major and minor crimes alike) while Kiyo constantly sank inside his back. By the time the gang caught up with him (Meru also happened to stalk them too, having gone unnoticed by Gammamon who was riding in Hiro's backpack all the time), he's already been absorbed. Gammamon and Angoramon evolved to Canoweissmon and Lamortmon to fight Tonosamagekomon and were on equal footings, being able to push Tonosamagekomon into a corner.
Then, conveniently, the evolution timer went off.
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What followed was a one-side beating from Tonosamagekomon. Gammamon was injured badly but yet still able to stand up, with a grim look on his face.
And when that theme played, we knew what was going to happen.
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Gulusgammamon was back. boys.
But while I always appreciated his screen time, there were some things I disliked about his return here.
At this point Gammamon and Angoramon both achieved Mega evolution. It's a much clearer and better way of beating Tonosamagekomon. But since "the plot" required them to lose, it's fixed that Mega NOT happened, which was inconsistent with what they could do.
Like I said in Ghost Taxi episode, Gulus's appearance was becoming more arbitrary, as if Gammamon was more aware of what's inside him and became less hesitant to call it out. But to resort to such power, he must have thought that the situation was very dire. But as I mentioned in the first bullet, he could evolve to Mega, but the plot prohibited him from doing so. You could argue that the time limit was for both Ultimate and Mega, but since this is a Digimon show, they could always wing it off with the power of bond.
In short, his return was a bit too late. It'd have been fine if it were before the Megas' debut.
Back to the episode, shortly after his return, we saw a few shots:
Espimon seemingly recognized Gulus. I don't know if Hokuto told him anything about Gulus or he's just genuinely surprised.
BlackAgumon, BlackGargomon and BlackGrowlmon's return, all in one place. I don't know how the hell they appeared so fast. Maybe they have always been stalking Hiro's gang. Their return corresponded to earlier episodes with Gulus, but all of them appearing together could mean that we won't get more BlackXXX Digimons, which could also mean that Gulus's plotline might be resolved soon.
Sadly, Gulus had to be a part of Meru's first experience with Digimons as she has been watching from afar all this time.
Gulus then proceeded to beat the hell out of Tonosamagekomon (and he should be grateful that Gulus went "easy" on him, using only punches and kicks). Hiro stepped in to stop Gulus. And here, Gulus stated his goal: for Hiro to sync with him (which we've already seen almost being accomplished in EP. 13), then he could easily save Kiyo and other victims by killing Tonosamagekomon. Hiro declined such savagery, but still intent on saving them nonetheless. Gulus was going to proceed to do whatever he pleased like in EP. 13, but then Gekomon interrupted him and saved the victims himself.
On retrospect, this scene was very funny to me. Gulus has always been portrayed as this brooding, merciless, life-threatening being. Unmatched and unbeatable. But then Gekomon, a mere Rookie, had the gall to interrupt him and easily destroyed the impetus of saving the victims that he was using to manipulate Hiro jut a few seconds ago. It was so disrespectful that I found it hilarious (especially that short "Huh?" Gulus muttered). And Gulus's malice to get rid of Gekomon after all that was totally understandable.
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Luckily, Hiro intervened again, and Gulus conceded. But before he disappeared, he said it's only "a matter of time" before he got what he wanted eventually. Either he knew what's going to happen (with the memory from his past life), or he's just confident that the future would be so grim that Hiro would eventually rely on him anyway.
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(Also, not gonna lie, this scene is kinda hot. And this shot is like 1-1 recreation of a doujin cover I've accidentally stumbled upon on Twitter).
Lastly, the most unexpected resolution, Meru, being an anime otaku as she was, volunteered to take care of Tonosamagekomon and Gekomon, thinking living with monsters cool (as we all are, Meru). This was the first time that a human without a Digivice took Digimons under her care. Not even Yuto or Kotaro who were more directly involved with Digimons were given such privilege. I don't know if she only thought of them as cool AI Holograms and didn't know about their true identities as Digimons, but that's only a minor detail. I hope we see more of her in the future. A few more supporting characters always give more life to the series.
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flightfoot · 2 years
The card game is doing “Alternate Beings” and so far they’ve done BlackGargomon, Doumon, and made Antylamon support for Gargomons line. Hopefully this means they’ll finally confirm Antylamons mega form for Tamers. Was kinda hoping it would be Willis’ Lopmon but it lists “Suzie Wong” as it’s search target. Don’t think they’ll go into Guilmon or Impmon since we got all their stuff including alternates. Also Adventure: Alter-S. Any alternates you wanna see?
I haven't actually played the Digimon card game, sadly. So I'm not sure what the deal with Alternates is. I do hope the card game has both Ophanimon and Holydramon as Kari's Mega partner though!
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dash-n-step · 3 years
Digimon Ghost Game: Episode 21 -The Spider's Temptation-
Poor Arukenimon; girlbossed too close to the sun and another Black Digimon variant after GulusGammamon appears, curious
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cwgames · 3 years
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I wonder why gulusgammon shows up another black digimon shows up? I didn't know there a blackGargomon.
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incorrectghostgame · 2 years
Jellymon: You ever get so tired you start seeing spiders?
Gulusgammamon: Me when I take 17 Benadryl and I start seeing the dark gun hand Digimon.
Angoramon: THE WHO?????
Gulusgammamon, seeing Blackgalgomon out of the corner of their eye: Oh this is not a safe space suddenly
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mat2modblog · 2 years
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DoberGargomon BlackGargomon, BlackGrowlmon and BlackAgumon seem to be really interested in Gulus for some reason. I mean they’re fellow black recolors sure but that doesn’t really explain much.
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jadeazora · 3 years
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First BlackAgumon in Ep13, now BlackGargomon, I’m wondering what these mysterious watchers are up to, if maybe they were allies of Gulus before Hokuto did whatever to him to change him into Gammamon?
Also, not time for what, exactly?
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hibiwibi · 3 years
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A character I had in a dream, tried to make black gargomon have more of a pink theme to fit lopmon.
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emperor-uncarnate · 3 years
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Warriors of Justice
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redwyverndht · 2 years
Ghost Game, or how I stopped worrying and love the mystery box
Incoherent ramble incoming!
my brain is rotating gulusgammamon and what in the Kentucky Fried Fuck will happen next and/or why
my man Hiro is taking the loss of his dad like a champ lol
blacktailmon uver
what are all these black digimon doing
no one notices any digimon ever
how long is ghost game gonna be even because if they have only 52 episodes it's been one hell of a setup and the payoff is nowhere in sight
The thing is, despite these numerous loose threads and no answer in sight, I still can't help but love this dang show. Its characters, the horror ambiance, the animation, and the individual episodes are dripping with emotion and I love it
And my love of the episodic nature of it has made me keep watching it! And idk, if the expectations get in the way, it's better for me but to not expect anything like we've seen before
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depicted: me going feral over digimon and the state of the entertainment industry for my poor, unfortunate mutuals
The mystery box and its problems
There's a concept that gets thrown around when talking about JJ Abrams and his work on Lost, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones: the Mystery Box.
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It's a way to create engagement for your audience, setting up and building up expectations to get resolved later, making the audience wonder and ponder what the result will be
That, the horror, and the charming characters are Ghost Game's greatest strengths. But the thing with the Mystery Box is that it's really difficult to get resolved satisfyingly (re: game of thrones season 8)
This episode made me realize that I have absolutely no idea where all of this is going. And normally that would be a bad thing, but there's one small problem with the problem:
Ghost Game is actually competent,,,,,,,,
It's not that simple
There are lots of instances where I've been legitimately enjoying watching it way more than any previous digimon season. Ghost Game (imho) thrashes every single digimon series in individual episodes quality, especially lately (this is a contentious take and you don't have to agree with it don't worry) The horror buildup, the tension, even when they're not resolved 100% satisfyingly, are golden on their own
Considering the shoes Ghost Game has to fill:
A friggin digimon season
One after the weird success of Adventure:
Helping boost the VB
Being televised before the anime adaptation of the MOST IMPORTANT SHONEN OF THE DECADE THAT'S 1000+ EPISODES LONG
Most people watching it aren't 100% familiar with digimon; they probably just saw adventure (1999/2020) and stayed
The real reason of its episodic nature really comes through
I'm all for plot, but we in the streaming era have forgotten how catastrophic it is for a show's odds of survival it is to have your audience not know what's going on. TV is (surprisingly) still huge in Japan, so that's probably why the show is how it is.
You will never watch Adventure again, and why that's ok
It's not 1999 anymore, though. The era of big networks and monolithic media consumption is over here, where everything is more niche and fandom-ized. That's why western digimon fans have this reaction that might differ from the real target audience: the Japanese (for now) mainstream audience (I'm firm that there's a decent chance Ghost Game crosses the pond with a dub at some point, given the abundance of text in English in the actual anime)
Tumblr is really good at this, since there's not that much elitism here, but it sometimes seems like the fanbase is just desperate to see Adventure/Tamers again, and revive that spark they felt when they were young. But, despite sharing some similarities, Ghost Game isn't Tamers. It's not Adventure. It's also not Hunters nor Appmon. But, since episode 13, it's become increasingly clear that it's also not just Scooby-Doo digimon. Then, what is it?
Every digimon series has reinvented the wheel radically, and there's little to no consistency between them, but that just means that they can adapt, shift, and never stagnate. They're not perfect by any means, and you can complain about lots of things. But you can't complain about stagnation.
Despite how nearly every big media franchise had pivoted to nostalgia (See: Disney remakes) or settled to appeal to the majority, Digimon still experiments and reinvents itself.
Even with the relentless prioritization of Adventure since the start of Tri, they still made a wildly different, yet same in spirit, season. One that had probably the second most passionate and protective fanbase, second only to Adventure itself. In the middle of "the Adventure Nostalgia" era, they made Appmon. It wasn't 100% successful, and it has its flaws, but there is greatness under the surface, and I love it
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I definitely don't want to say all complaints about Ghost Game, or Appmon for that matter, are only because everyone has too much nostalgia, but it does have an effect on the perception most people have.
Fast forward to today. Even when they literally remade Adventure with the same characters of the same age, after all of this, they still managed to make a great original digimon season that stands all on its own!
I have no idea of how Ghost Game will end. But I am certain that the staff at Toei have some degree of competence that gives me hope. Case in point: despite being completely unexpected, last episode kicked ass!!!!!!! *fangirl time*
Vamdemon was very imposing and disgusting (in the best way possible). And the final Canoweissmon reveal, unexpected as it was, was awesome (especially that little gulug teasing we got). Even though I wanted to see more of Dracmon and the other villains, it feels like it's not the last time we'll see them...
All the loose threads, as unresolved as they are, make my matpat-loving gremlin really happy to speculate, and it's still really fun to see the main 6's shenanigans every week!
There's a lot to be enjoyed in Ghost Game, and it really is starting to take shape. But where? I have no idea, and yet I love it for what it is.
anyways stan gammamon
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