#blackmailing for money
nkrlibrary-blog · 7 months
Sextorsion and Blackmail scams || cybercrime reporting portal
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Abusive parents will convince you that you're incapable of being independent, when all your life you were nothing but independent. You were growing up and figuring it out and resolving issues and solving problems all on your own because you had no goddamn parents because nobody filled that role for you. You were on your own from the start. Nobody ever enabled you to be anything but independent.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Hello there, ✌️
I saw your post about asking ppl to send money to Gaza in exchange for your work. You'd only continue writing if you got proof of it.
I can understand your reasoning, it IS a very important topic that should concern all of us and I defo think your heart is in the right place here. ❤️
But what you're doing is blackmailing, basically. Honorable intention or not.
I chose to come at you not as anon, but as myself because I want you to see I mean you no harm or ill-intent. I just saw the post and couldn't NOT scroll past it. Using people's love for your work to manipulate them into doing your bidding is just...it didn't sit well with me. So I had to reach out.
Tumblr can defo help in spreading word and give those a voice who have been silenced for far too long, but I don't think this is the way to go about it.
Again, no hard feelings here. Just my honest opinion. ✌️
Hope you have a good day! <3
this is..... this has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read omg
Girl is this what you're thinking I'm doing????
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Where did I say that I won't post it if I don't get enough donations???? Ofc, it would make me happy if yall did and even motivate me to write better and even faster.
Do you just throw around words without thinking?? "Blackmailing" "using people's love to do your bidding" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????
You sound like the person who'd argue about "but there's homeless people in our area, so why should I care about what's happening in the other side of the world??" while you help neither group of people.
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lonelyoleander · 1 year
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Begin again... Let go...
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frogaroundandfindout · 4 months
You people had me thinking joker straight up beat Jason to death with a crowbar
He was unconscious from the beating for most of the ten minute countdown on the bomb and woke up at the two minute and four second mark. He then decided to try and save his mother (who earlier betrayed him to joker to cover up her embezzling money) and they both managed to get to the door before finding out joker locked them both inside. Then they got blown up together
It’s like 200% worse
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0sbrain · 1 year
i think one of my least favorite troupes in tf2 fanfics has to be scout finds x and y are dating and freaks out/starts being openly homophobic towards them because "canon typical homophobia"
they are mercenaries. fucking contract killers. do you think anyone gives a flying fuck about homosexuality being illegal? you see, they are ok with murder and gruesome violence, HOWEVER they draw the line at two men holding hands because the words on the paper say it's a no no
he would probably tease them because, that's normal that's what friends and annoying coworkers do. and sometimes he might step on a line. but my dear friends. if scout was genuinely homophobic to any of the other mercs, im afraid he wouldn't survive the winter (irse a mimir). he would get snapped by a twig and it doesn't even have to be by the merc he was insulting. anyone in the vicinity would suplex his ass. son, we all suck dick here. get used to it
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I'm sorry.
Buck should've walked Maddie.
The Elder fucking Buckleys have done nothing but damage their children and cause them heartache.
And then the LOOK that damn woman had on her face after seeing Buck after That Kinkley Kiss™️? Fuck right off.
Loved the episode, loved the wedding, but the Elder Buckleys are awful and nothing will change my mind.
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vroomian · 29 days
Abo Hana is kinda a weird figure around pentagram city because she’s not an overlord (Hana: wow that seems really fucking anoying. No thanks forever) but she’s clearly got power to spare. Mostly she just kinda drifts around the city taking random odd jobs and then vanishing when she’s done (sleeping in various increasingly random place, ie in dressing rooms of clubs she owns, a few back alleys, one memorable time under a bridge).
It’s rare that she’ll take a job from an overlord but she always completes them perfectly. She’s the person you go to if you have money to burn and desperately need something done right.
(Hana has no idea where her money comes from but it’s like this: Hana takes her first job and gets paid through the nose for it. Shes like huh I have zero idea what to do with this, so she ends up going ‘hey candy would you like some money’ because candy kind of works for hana ?? She thinks??? And hana has no idea how much to pay an employee.
Candy takes this to mean ‘take this enormous wad of cash and invest it for me’ and then does that. So picture that times however many jobs hana gets offered and completes (all of them) and you get hana accidentally becoming the richest bitch in pentagram city)
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jokest3r · 6 months
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Shot through the heart (fatally) and he's to blame ❤️‍🩹
Introducing "Blue" / "Norton" Shark, sole (begrudging) heir to the Shark fortune as well as budding Nepo baby psychopath I play as my GTAO PC !
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catflowerqueen · 3 months
Even Earth agrees Nexus owns the house.
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leebrontide · 5 months
How WOULD you blackmail someone in an AI-media riddled world? Like if videos and photos are easily faked, how would you "prove" wrongdoing on the part of the blackmailee?
This is for a book.
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 3 months
watching industry
1. i’m gonna have a problem if there’s two blond british guys (indistinguishable)
2. gasped aloud in episode two bc a corrie rando is someone’s mom and was onscsreen for less than thirty seconds
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orchideae · 8 months
A few quick random tidbits about Yanshang Teahouse:
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— Teahouse/casino. While said to be 'disguised' as a teahouse, Yanshang does seem to genuinely function as one, or at least during the daytime. And it's primarily during the evening hours that it functions more actively as a casino. Now I need to note, the latter is not public knowledge. Or rather, it's more so a rumor that holds a fair bit of truth to it. But a rumor is a rumor nonetheless. This is vital, because it is because of this that it is still running. I've spoken a fair bit about this behind the scenes lately, but Yanshang functions as a casino because it draws 'less than good people' into a surrounding that has everything playing against them, and through that, Yelan is able to gather intelligence that benefits everyone, especially Ning. So if the latter for example, Ningguang were to know its full ins and outs, it would actually mean that she'd have to turn a blind eye to something that is not fully legal, which spells all kinds of trouble for the person responsible for, well, the law in Liyue Harbor?
— Gambling. Yelan has gained a reputation for her gambling skills, and is even rumored to cheat when the need calls for it (though of course, this isn't picked up on, it seems!), as is noted in her fifth character story: "If there is a draw, that could only mean one thing: Her opponents are cheating too.", and so potential opponents are advised to steer clear of playing against her through word on the streets of the harbor.
— Home? While this is not Yelan's home whatsoever, there is an upstairs area that is something akin to her 'private quarters'. It holds no personal affects that are tied to her directly, but to an extent, if one were to ever intrude/break in (past The Halbert and the Fang, somehow), you'd find the 'guise' tied to this notorious woman who owns Yanshang. But this guise is not quite her. Again, she works in personas, some much more realistically than others (the art of it, is knowing what of yourself you put into personas as to add to their authenticity's longevity). Either way, there is a comfort and peace that she finds in it, and the room is somewhat styled into a decorum that Yelan appreciates, beyond the 'keeping up appearances' aspect to it. It is hers in the end, to some degree.
— Finances. While one would be led to believe that Yelan gains a lot of financial benefits through Ningguang, Yelan's second character story might beg to differ: 'The way (Yelan) sees it, she is not so much working for Ningguang as making good on her end of the deal, or rather... she is honoring a certain pact. She plucks the fruits of intelligence from the tree of danger for Ningguang, and in return, all she asks for is danger itself and the sense of achievement.' While I'm decently certain that Yelan might occasionally stand to gain some sort of financial gain through the Qixing, it seems evident that it's not what her primary motive is. Yelan seems to not be interested in luxury by default (she lived in a hut for a long time), and more so seeks a sense of freedom, thrill and personal achievement. Now do I think that because of this, she's not well off? No, I simply think that the majority of her income may actually come from Yanshang Teahouse, and, to put it not-so-eloquently, ripping off bandits, and hopefully, specifically some Fatui in the process.
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goddess420al · 1 year
going into debt for my titties is ALWAYS a good idea. 🤤💞
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laniidae-passerine · 11 months
I’m probably deeply biased because he is played by Rahul Kohli but I’m on the 4th episode of The Fall of the House of Usher and I’m finding Leo Usher significantly more sympathetic than his siblings
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 6 months
gods hamilton is such a loser. he payed reynolds talking about “nobody needs to know” and then he told everyone, BY HIMSELF! complete waste of money
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