#blackreaderstation replies
kkeidawrites · 2 years
Omg maybe Jacob holland x Diana reader. The reader is the daughter of the king and queen and she is litterly like Diana. She alwasy smiles and always helps people😭
🤔🤔🤔Diana? Are you talking about Princess Diana? If not, I’m not sure who you’re talking about, I’m sorry😭😭😭
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
The flower shop link isn’t working
Hmmm…it’s working on my end but I guess tumblr is once again messing up my stuff 😭😭I’ve reblogged both the flower shop and the cookie shop
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
Would you ever write for aizen or as nodt in their other forms?
Uhhhh…I’ve never wrote a story about them in their other forms before and I wouldn’t be comfortable as to write them because I’m afraid that I would confuse both myself and the readers
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
How many characters per ask?
Now, I do one character per ask because I think it’s less of a challenge but you have to choose which of the shops or Masterlist you request from.
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
Just so we know which kinks would you not write ? Also sry about all the asks
It’s fine if you ask a lot of questions! I really couldn’t name them all in one post of what kinks I won’t do lol but, the common ones I’ve been asked is necrophillia, coprophilla, anything bodily fluid related is a hard NO. I won’t do Blood kink. I will not do anything family related, which I mean step-bro or step-sis or blood brother or sister that is weird as hell. Annnnndddd that’s all I can think of right now but like I said you have to ask me first and then I’ll decide from there.
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
Would you ever write for aizen, shinji, gin, uryu, yumichicka, as nodt, szayel, ulquiorra , nnoitra , or mayuri ?
I would actually!
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kkeidawrites · 2 years
Hi! How would Jacob holland be with a female reader who studies and gets blamed for almost everything. Like if someone got hurt and she looked at them she got blamed for it?
Ummm, I’m not too sure how I would write this without offending anyone who goes through something like this, I’m sorry😭😭😭I try to be fair to everyone and with what little I know I don’t want to offend anyone.
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kkeidawrites · 3 years
Ice and Steel
A forewarning: Mentions of child abuse, violence, cruelty towards a child, and familial dispute. If this bothers you please do not read ahead. Thank you on behalf of p3achyheartz and blackreaderstation.
Chapter 7: A Bruised Heart; Hazel’s Estranged Upbringing
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Hazel’s knees met the harsh ground below her and the feeling of blood beginning to seep through the scrape on her once healed scabs surfaced once more.
The taunting laughter from her older brothers made the young girl glare at the ground below her.
“We told you you wouldn’t be able keep up with us! Now look at you!” Akito teased as Daiki laughed.
“You should just stay down like a good little girl!” Daiki chimes in. Hazel’s small fists grip the rocks that laid dormant below her. She made sure that her hands hid the grey stones as she looked up at her brothers defiantly.
“Good little girl?” She clumsily returned to her feet as she continued to glare at her brothers. Her sudden question made them give her a confused look as Hazel gritted her snaggle tooth teeth.
“I’ll show you what ‘a good little girl’ can do!”
Her arms began turning like a wheel as she threw the stones at their intended targets: Daiki and Akito. The boys grunted from the pain of the stones and one ended up hitting Akito in the eye.
He grunts from the pain and falls to his knees clutching his right eye.
“Akito!” Daiki cries out as he kneeled to his brothers side. Blood was falling from the right side of his head and Daiki turned a murderous glare to their younger sibling. Hazel panted from her onslaught and straightened her back for a fight.
“You little!” Daiki storms over to Hazel and grabs the scruff of her pink kimono, bringing her face close to his.
“You’re going to pay for that!” He threatened and Hazel turns her head away.
“If it’s to get away from smell coming from your rancid upper lip, I’ll take anything.” Hazel says back, sassily. Daiki blushes in embarrassment and grits his teeth as he throws Hazel into a tree. Her back hit the rough bark harshly and she grunted as her body slid down to the grass below her.
She grunted in pain rubbing her back, then two shadows crept up in front of her and she looked up to see Daiki and Akito who was holding his bleeding forehead, glare down at her.
“You want to be a boy so bad? We’ll teach you why boys are always fighting then.” Akito spoke up as he cracked his knuckles. Was that supposed to scare her?
“Well what are you waiting for? An invitation?” She got back to her feet and into a fighting stance.
“I’m ready when you are.” She says.
Unfortunately, Hazel had got the short end of the stick after her fight with her brothers. It took maybe five or six guards to break all three children and Hazel escaped in time to avoid any questions from them. Albeit, she served enough punches and kicks in to break a couple of ribs on each brother and Akito’s head was going to be ringing a bit more than normal. However, it didn’t help the fact that she was limping terribly on her way back to her room.
She held the wall as she hobbles to her room and just when her day couldn’t get any worse, the wicked witch and her devil spawn were walking the same halls as she was.
Rei’s face scrunched up in displeasure as she noticed Hazel’s limping form pass her. Rei gave her a look and then noticed a bit of blood on the younger girl’s hands.
“Fighting again, brat?” Rei asked. Hazel ignored her as she continued her limp. Her hellspawn stomped her right foot at the disrespect.
“My mother is talking to you!”
“And?” Hazel glared at the girl and her step sister hid behind her mother from the scary look.
“It’s quite alright, dear. The little brat can continue limping. I’ll make sure she doesn’t receive any medical assistance from anyone. Let the animal heal on her own.” Rei smirked evilly. Her hellspawn smirked and stuck her tongue out at Hazel but the red haired girl grinned sinisterly.
“That’s fine. But, you should see your sons, they probably need the entire medical ward after what I laid on them today. I’m pretty sure Akito has a concussion right now.” Hazel says and Rei’s eyes widened then she frowns angrily.
“What did you do to my sons, you little wretch!”
“They couldn’t handle what I had and paid the price.” Hazel limped the rest of the way to her room as Rei and her brat rushed away to see to their other relatives.
That night, Hazel applied the gauze to the wounds on her arms then wrapped it up in the bandages. She had to steal these things from the medical ward because, she was forbidden by her father to have any of her wounds tended to as punishment for approaching him about wanting to learn to fight with her brothers.
Hazel grunts from the pain as she uses her teeth to cut off the bandage. Her brow furrows in concentration as she wraps her very swollen ankle up. It was no doubt sprained and it looks like she’ll need a crutch. Again.
“Just they wait,” she mutters as she stashed her medical supplies in a secret compartment by her bed.
“I’ll show them who their messing with and then they’ll be bowing at my feet!” She vowed.
End of Flashback
“Miss Hazel? Miss Hazel?” Hazel’s eyes refocused on her sake cup on her lap then shifted her gaze to Sanjiro who was sitting next to her with a concerned look.
“Are you alright, Miss Hazel?” He asked.
Hazel smiled to him and nods, rising to her feet and chugging her sake. With a pleased sigh, she placed a hand on Sanjiro’s shoulder and motioned him into their new room.
“I’m just fine, Sanjiro. Let’s go get something to eat, I know you’re still hungry, right?”
“Well, yes but-”
“Come on, come on! I want more stuffed dumplings!” Hazel pushes him inside and closes the shoji door behind them.
The kotatsu was larger than the last and this allowed more food to be piled on top of it. Toru and the twins were downing more food in their stomachs as Hazel snagged a pork dumpling, taking a huge bite. She moans in delight but, Sanjiro noticed how distracted she was when they were sitting on the balcony.
“Come on Sanjiro,” Hazel bit into her dumpling again as she spoke with a mouthful.
“The food will be gone and I’m not having any kids in my care go hungry!” She tells him, then picks up a bowl of ramen and pushes it into his chest. Sanjiro hesitantly grabbed the bowl and slowly began eating.
However, their dinner was interrupted when the shoji door opened and everyone but Hazel turned around to see who had entered the suite. Takuna gave his brothers a once over then silently made his way over to Sanjiro’s side, sitting down cross legged.
“Glad you finally decided to join us, Takuna. Steamed bean bun?” Hazel asked as she slurped up some udon while holding out a bean bun to the boy. Takuna takes the bun from her hands and quietly begins eating.
“Where have you been?” Sanjiro asked his younger brother.
“Nowhere.” The buzz cut boy replies, bored.
“Well, I’m glad your back big brother! We have more food here than the last place and the best part is, this hotel has a never ending food staff. So it’s an all you can eat.” Toru says as he bites into a chicken leg.
“Hm.” Was Takuna’s bored response. Toru deflated slightly and Hazel raised an eyebrow. She then felt a strange presence outside and turned her gaze back to the brothers.
“You guys continue eating. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my sake.” Hazel picks up her jug of sake and heads back to the balcony.
She closed the shoji door behind her and sat down in the same spot once more, pouring another cup of liquor.
“You’ve got some nerve showing your face here.” Hazel throws back her drink and sighs softly.
The clacking of sandals sound to her left and her side eye catches that of the infamous Surgeon of Death. A pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates: Trafalgar D. Water Law.
His nervous gaze keep up with Hazel’s deadly one and he puts his hand in his kimono, trying to act cool.
“Long time no see…Red Angel.
End of Chapter
Heyyy everyone, I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a story but, I’ve been doing some things on the side but, as a way to start off a new month I decided to give you all a chapter from Ice and Steel.
Also, some good news is in order! I have finally made an account on Archive of Our Own! It’s the same name as my tumblr so be sure to check that out and subscribe to my account! And you may find something new there as well. -wink- -wink- Also, I don’t remember if I told y’all before but, my inbox is open if you want a request just head over to Masterlist 1 or 2, follow the rules stated and ask away in my inbox! I will get to your request as soon as I can!
However with good news there is bad news as well. I am currently taking new classes for this summer and will have almost little to no time to write for a couple of months, but! That will not stop me from giving you guys a chapter or two here and there! So, just bear with me and know that no matter what SCHOOL WILL COME FIRST OVER EVERYTHING! Periodt.
Also if you see that the other chapters are not posted from either this story or the others, it is because I’m so lazy to put them all on the chapters but, I promise if you search in the search bar on my account you will find the other chapters.
But, that is all I have for you guys, I want to thank @p3achyheartz, @demigoddessqueens, @smol-bluberri and many others I have not listed for supporting me this far in the game, and be sure to show some love to their tumblrs as well!
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