#blackthorn elite
laughing-moonlight · 4 months
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come like ya girl on PMEX
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sinnohelitefourlore · 5 months
Everything Lance Arrax was in the Dragon's Den, Clair Arrax was not. Clair, to be honest, was fucking over this shit regarding her training at the Dragon's Den. Fuck and shit were two of Clair's favorite swear words. She had developed quite a vocabulary over the years. If a child in Blackthorn City said a no-no word, their parents would ask if they had been around Clair Arrax as of late. Indeed, there was a reason she was called "Potty Mouth Clair," a nickname that would follow her into adulthood and by many trainers even outside of the Johto region once she became a gym leader. Clair frequently put her vulgarities to practice when her elders gave her a hard time when she was training.
~Sneak Peak of The League Chronicles, Chapter 26- Clair
Link: Ao3
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cosmic-metanoia · 5 months
Masculinity Concepts in FFXVI
***Spoilers for Final Fantasy 16***
I wanted to focus on the concept of masculinity in Final Fantasy XVI.
I really love how we see different aspects of masculinity portrayed in the characters. I won't go over every male character in the game but I'll mostly focus on the Dominants along with some side characters.
*Clive - I have a whole character analysis post dedicated to him but to highlight a couple points - he has many wonderful qualities that make him very admirable not just as a man but as a person. Despite his handsome looks that we all know and love, he has a surprising softness inside him and wears his emotions on his sleeve at times especially when it comes to Jill. We see moments when he bares his soul and weeps out of sorrow or joy which makes him more masculine, in my opinion, not less.
*Joshua - His masculinity is incredibly refreshing as it is the complete opposite of toxic masculinity. His face has soft and almost feminine-like features. He may have spent his young life being physically frail but he demonstrates a fiery strong spirit. He has this honest chivalry to him yet views everyone as equals and has a gift for poetic words as a result his study of books. He is merciful and incredibly kind but is unafraid to demonstrate his prowess on the battlefield like his older brother.
*Cid - Now this guy is your classic smokin' cowboy archetype but with MUCH better attitude. He oozes masculine charm, wit, and charisma but he uses it for the betterment of society and to persuade others to join his revolutionary cause. But his motives are candid and straightforward. I love how he didn't exist just to flirt, be eye candy, or simply be the comic relief. He becomes the mentor whose legacy lives on through Clive and bonds the hideaway folks into a real family.
*Dion - He IS the reason why Sanbreque was able to tip the scales to its favor - because he is the powerful Dominant of Bahamut. He is the prince but he climbed the ranks and earned the respect of his elite dragoons. He exudes military spirit and possesses a flair for political language as a future leader yet has a sense of honor and duty to his people. And along with that I can bring up Terence who is also a military man and climbed the ranks to be by Dion's side. Their love for each other is tender and beautiful and perceived as just another aspect of themselves.
*Kupka - Now this guy is your typical gym bro and is quite the buffoon (I cracked up when Sleipnir says something like "seems Hugo's head was filled with rocks afterall.) He gives the strong impression that he does not respect women (ahem, that servant he kicked) with the exception of Benedikta who could care less about him. Kupka is your stereotypical toxic masculine type.
*Barnabas - Another villain who uses his masculine aura to dominate and overpower. Even when it came to the intimate scene with Benedikta, he certainly gives the impression that carnal pleasure is just a means to an end. Benedikta knew immediately that he'd throw her away as soon as she lost her use to him. Also... I mean...the dude carries a huge sword like he's trying to make a statement LOL!
In terms of side characters, we see that even the hardened Blackthorne is encouraged to open up his feelings which (through many side quests) he is eventfully able to do and make peace with his past. We see the rugged Otto and his eyes brimming with tears when speaking about the late Cid or about the Bearer son he lost. We see Goetz as the gentle giant who is working on his own self-confidence. We also see Gav who gets emotional after a few kegs of ale and cares deeply about Edda and her baby. And even Uncle Byron who shows his sense of power through his financial generosity but loves to put on a good show (he would be quite the actor in Shakespeare theater!)
There are many male characters that I missed but I wanted to focus on a handful of characters. We're so used to seeing the typical battle-hardened and gruff heroes that eventually claim victory over their enemies and get the girl. It's nice to have a story where you have men with different pasts and drives that pull them forward to their futures.
I will also (hopefully soon) write about the female characters as well! :)
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lanceappreciationblog · 8 months
Do you have any headcanons about Dad Lance and Silver?
Of course! These are all probably super miscellaneous but...
- Silver has the keys to Lance's place given to him by Lance himself. He was told that he can use it for whatever he needs. Shelter, a place to sleep for the night, food, shower, anything. His home is now Silver's as well. (Rent not included)
- Years down the line, Lance gets full custody of Silver. He even got the okay from Giovanni. "Okay" as in he simply signed the papers without a word and give Lance a ominous smile.
- Silver became a part of the Blackthorn clan after Lance took custody of him. He gets his own cape too of course!
- It took a while for Silver actually call Lance "dad" or anything close to it. It's not that be doesn't accept that fact yet, it's just that he hardly used the word in his life. Not even for Giovanni.
- The first time Silver got the courage to call Lance dad, he didn't point it out to Silver right away, however he did start crying tears of Joy. And Silver was so lost to why the waterworks, until he realized.
- Sometimes when Lance can't make it to the Indigo League on time for work, he asks Silver to take over until he arrives. Cue Silver sitting in Lance's office chair demanding the Elites to do anything and everything for him because he's their boss's son.
- The Elites call Silver "Lance Jr." Silver hates that.
- Silver attends Lance's Team Rocket takedown missions just to give an extra big 🖕 to Giovanni and Team Rocket.
- Lance spends some of his free time at work reading books about parenting before anyone knew Silver was in his life and the Elites thought he was expecting a newborn child somewhere.
- Lance tells Silver a dad joke everyday just to see if one will get him to finally crack and laugh one day.
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steel--fairy · 5 months
Worldbuilding Headcanons #7
gyms and their typings!
gyms aren't required to be a certain type. as in, the pewter city gym isn't required to only ever have a rock type specialist as its leader. if brock retired, a fairy specialist could easily take over.
now, that isn't to say that trends don't happen. a good amount of gyms keep to one or two types either for cultural reasons (there's never been a non dragon gym in blackthorn city due to the influence of the blackthorn dragon clan), environmental (sootopolis trends towards water specialists for obvious reasons, but there's been several flying specialist gym leaders), or a chain of familial/mentor relations (like koga passing on the fuschia city gym to his daughter janine).
most gyms, however, change the type of their gym whenever a new leader is instated. there's a whole series of tests you have to go through to become a gym leader and it's not always possible to find someone of the correct type specialty who can pass the tests. it's better and easier to change the gym's type specialty rather than have it be closed for months.
while two gyms can't have the same type, there's no problem if a gym and an elite four member share a type (see janine and koga again). this is because 1-elite four members usually use their personal teams which are generally more diverse type wise than the teams you battle in a gym, and 2-the gym challenge is meant as a learning experience while the elite four gauntlet is meant as a challenge.
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draconscious · 2 days
a long overdue chat (feat. @earth-master mention 😊)
"Are you serious...KOGA?"
Clair sits bolt upright in the Den's secluded hot spring, splashing water everywhere as her blue eyes widen with incredulity through the steam. Frances, ever bashful and easily spooked, startles and makes a harried hushing motion with her hand. "Shh! Yes, Elite Four Koga. Giovanni. Together. Now keep it down, will you...?"
The heiress allows her aching shoulders to sink beneath the bubbles as she digests the latest gossip from Fran's much more successful meeting in Viridian.
"...Wow," is all she can really manage, decidedly numbed by this latest revelation. Come to think of it, she had never really met Koga in person before--just like the mythical tales maintained within Blackthorn's timeless archives, the Elite's mysterious existence had mainly been conveyed to her through story. Huh...
(She really needed to catch up with Janine again.)
Of course--while certainly surprising--Giovanni's relationship status isn't the only talking point on the pair's agenda today. A bright-eyed and enthusiastic Fran had returned from her trip with a new wealth of anti-poaching strategies, and Clair finally felt well enough to hear her out.
Empathy. Restorative education, justice and hospitality.
A few months ago, deep within the throes of a brutal winter, Clair wouldn't have entertained any of these suggestions for even a second. However, the changing of the seasons--and ensuing recovery from an ugly burnout-prompted breakdown--had thoroughly thawed out her soul. (Make no mistake--Clair hasn't mellowed at all, but now, she feels more focused than ever.)
In order to discover new solutions to Blackthorn's growing poaching problem, new paths needed to be tread...and she's finally ready to put in the legwork to do so. A severe, steadfast soul can still harbor an open mind, after all.
You see me as something profane. You won't acknowledge that I'm human. You barely acknowledge that you're human.
You barely acknowledge that you're human.
Giovanni's harsh words still ring in Clair's mind, and--even now--the truth leaves an awful taste in her mouth. It's always been so easy to lose herself to that infamous temper, that all-consuming dragonflame...but that raw anger wouldn't solve her problems. She'd spent all winter slowly, begrudgingly coming to that conclusion. (Honestly, restraint is probably something she'll have to grapple with for the rest of her life.)
Anger, pride, tradition...all of these aspects had informed the Blackthorn mythos since forever. Each new generation is taught from this imperfect mold, but only those who are willing to break free from it--Clair's grandfather, for example--seem to leave any lasting marks in the greater lore.
Living in the looming shadows of legends who came before...imitation feels so constraining, and Clair is growing tired of it. Sometimes, the past is just the past.
"Clair? Are you alright...?"
The heiress blinks hard, and Fran's worried face slides back into view. Dependable as ever, and a nice reminder. There's no need to go this transformative journey alone. She had Fran, and so many other allies in her corner. (Perhaps even Giovanni, if forgiveness is still on the table.)
"Mhm, just thinking," Clair mutters, refocusing on the matter at hand as the spring bubbles comfortingly around her neck. "Tell me more about these strategies, and how we can use them. You're...you're better with people than I am."
Fran brightens at the rare compliment, and immediately launches into her plans to visit Fuschia's Safari Zone. The resident Gym Leader can't help but grin at this display of enthusiasm--the protégé is all heart, and her attitude is contagious.
Difficult, slow work lies ahead, but it feels like it's finally time to break free of these outdated, violent cycles. Time to acknowledge the humanity within herself, and within others.
Outside the Den, the mountain flowers are in full bloom, and the swirling winds are thick with excitement over a regional festival looming on the horizon. (Who knows, Clair might actually go this year...)
The winds of change have arrived in Blackthorn, carrying more promise than ever.
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amchara · 1 year
i love the specific situation when i see you reblogging things and i immediately think it's tsc without looking at the context and then immediately spiral into a tornado of confusion and/or horror before the moment of clarity washes over me and i realize it's fate the winx saga
you have no idea how many times i've seen fairy-esque discussions on your blog or drama-adjacent things and I'm like "WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK AND KIERAN WHAT DID I MISS oh wait-"
Hahaha, I do feel a slight pang of guilt sometimes for TSC fans who followed and are still here. I mean- I am still into Shadowhunters! But I mix it up a lot more these days.
But more importantly- you made me spiral with your question of WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK AND KIERAN... that I had to think, what does happen to Mark, Kieran and the Blackthorns and Emma in a Fate universe context?
SO- buckle up, we're going fusion with Fate and The Shadowhunter Chronicles.
I'm going to stick mainly with The Dark Artifices characters for this but I do have to do a shout out to the fact that we do have some direct parallels but mainly TMI related.
Sky = Herondale with Jace's weaponry skill and daddy issues, James' gentlemanly behavior hiding a dark side, and Kit's jacket + sarcasm. That boy suffers beautifully, as all Herondales must.
And Bloom = Clary Fairchild, independent red-head discovers hidden world of magic and finds a close knit group of friends who help her save the world. Though the narrative punishes Bloom a lot more than Cassie ever did to Clary.
Therefore Bloom/Sky roughly equals Clary/Jace
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Fate: The Winx Saga actually fits the mold of original flavour TSC quite well even if the other character archetypes don't exactly align with the Fate characters.
But... if we get to The Dark Artifices and the more morally grey Blackthorns and add in the Unseelie Court, this is where I had to stretch the imagination. Not because it can't be done but I had to shift a couple things to fit into the Fate context.
So, first of all- Emma is clearly a Specialist in this 'verse. Trains all day, weapons fan and a drive for revenge? Absolutely she'd be an awesome Specialist. Her background in Fate is that her parents were killed by Burned Ones - and they were also part of Rosalind's elite squad and so as a consequence she's brought up at Alfea by Silva, alongside Sky. She's Julian's Specialist partner.
Julian is a Mind Fairy. I considered all the other elements and nope, we've got to acknowledge he'd be a fucking powerful mind fairy, and he'd be a protege of Headmistress Farah Dowling. When Rosalind inevitably returns... she'd sense his power and there would definitely be attempst to push him to give in to the more manipulative side of his powers.
The Blackthorn's 'dark secret' in this 'verse is that Mark and Helen's mother was a Blood Witch, in a time when there wasn't as much division between fairies and Blood Witch.
We keep Julian's dark past in that he had to kill his own father when he was younger, who was possessed by a Blood Witch trying to get revenge for the Aster Dell massacre. In this battle, Julian protects his younger siblings but Mark is taken by some of his mother's relatives and goes off to live with the Blood Witches. Helen is a Specialist and has been banished by Queen Luna to the wilds of Eraklyon to check the Barrier (and her fairy partner Aline goes with her).
Anyway, when our story starts, Mark's just been returned to Solaria, through some backroom negotiations by General Bavani, and he's causing a stir at Alfea, as most people don't trust him due to his background. Oh, and he's an Air Fairy nominally but learnt it through Blood Witch practice, which makes his magic super erratic. He and Julian are trying to get back to their old bond but it's hard and there's the whole point of Julian trying not to admit he's in love with Emma because... okay, there's no parabatai issue but let's go with the idea that Mind Fairies can't be in relationships with their Specialist partners because if they get hurt/their partner gets hurt, it makes the magic go Kaboom or something, so it's Highly Frowned upon). But obviously Mark has no issues with this so we can keep the Emma-Mark-Julian triangle from the first book.
Kieran, as some kind of son of an important Blood Witch clan- maybe even still a Prince, shows up undercover (ala Beatrix's background), but in this 'verse, clearly Mark knows. So he's trying to out why Kieran is there without getting Kieran in trouble. So he and this other Specialist he's been getting close to- Cristina Rosales - are investigating and trying to figure out Kieran's ulterior motives. And of course, the OT3 still develops. 😌
Whew... going to stop here before I write a full-blown AU but thank you for spurring on this ridiculous fusion post. Hope you enjoyed and once you've watched the pilot, maybe even know some of the names I've been throwing around. 😀
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cheemken · 10 months
Steven being the only one with an okay-ish parent is meannn. Gave the other champions either trauma or daddy/mommy issues that won’t get resolved, but Steven gets to have an actual dad lmao
Also I really like the idea that Iris’ parents were teen parents/very early twenties that didn’t think they could handle the responsibility of a child or didn’t want to put their life on hold for her
The way I see it happening is that Iris gets asked to be in an interview, perhaps 5-7 years after she became champion. It’s one of those interviews where the celeb gets asked about their life, the significant events that have happened, how they got to fame, etc.
She mostly talks about her life with Drayden, how she trained under him and learnt what she knows from him. Even sharing some of her version about the events in BW and BW2. But when she gets asked about her REAL parents (which she was annoyed about, cause Drayden was her parent figure and they’re disregarding him with that question) she only mentions how they abandoned her in Blackthorn city when she wasn’t even a year old, and that nobody knew who her parents were. But she ended the question by saying she’s grateful it happened because she wouldn’t have got to meet Drayden if they never did
I say her parents only found out because let’s be real, the champions are celebrities and celebs always have bat shit crazy fans who invade personal business. And now they just got a bunch of info about Iris’ life. So a group of her fans on Discord, or whatever the Pokémon equivalent of it is, probably found her biological parents and got in touch with them, cause this type of stuff always happens on a discord server 💀
Imagine the drama that occurs after this, titles and headlines are something like “Champion Iris of Unova gets in contact with her bio parents!! 😱😱😱 (NOT FAKE!!!)”
Very last thing I want to add, but Iris has definitely listened to Leon rant about his ‘dad’ trying to reconnect with him after he became famous. So now she has that fear that her own bio parents are trying to do the same thing with her
Real quick but does that really happen in discord servers😭😭
Ah but anyways cbdmdn hahaha
No but cjmxnx before the interview, that's where Leon and Iris talked abt stuff tho, and god she doesn't want that, she's already overthinking abt all the different things happening if she ever meets her bio parents
And then the interview happened, the question has been asked, and suddenly a few days later the Champions are messaging her, saying how they've been seeing a lot of news articles abt her parents, how there's a ton of posts going online how these two specific peeps were so adamant and so insistent that they're Iris' parents, and they sent a pic to the group chat and god the fucking resemblance is uncanny and she fucking hated it
There's like a million thoughts running in her head. Maybe those are just edits, maybe they just dyed their hair purple to get clout that they're related to her, or maybe it's just coincidence like how it was coincidence she and Leon looks related to each other. But then these two people wanted to talk to her, they were so insistent she's honestly annoyed by it. She asked for the other Champions to be there for her at least, in case smth actually happens, she doesn't trust these two ofc, and she knows her grandpa will be there for her and the Unova League and her friends too, but it's best to have more people to intimidate them yknow
And in a more secluded part of Opelucid, or maybe even at their own home, Iris invited the two. Drayden, the rest of the Unova kids, and even the Champions were there. But the two knows there's more people there, more Pokémon than they can see. They could see the Mistralton Gym Leader flying w her Vullaby around Opelucid for a while now. Sees the Nimbasa Gym Leader heading towards the mall, but she gave them a side eye as she went. They saw the Elite Four roaming around Opelucid as well. And while they had no plans to fight (ofc, they only have two Pokémon between them, they aren't even trained, and they wanna fight literal champions?), it still made them uneasy
And just chmdnd
Ough yo pls Iris is there just glaring at them, and the two are so uncomfortable yknow, bc for one, Drayden was also glaring at them. At Iris' right was Diantha also looking at them w a bored expression, but it's the one where the champions know it's best not to cross her. Behind her were Leon, Hilbert, and Cynthia, w Hilbert having his arms crossed, glaring at them, he honestly looks terrifying. And Iris just sighs, she'd rather get this over w than to prolong it even more.
She asks them if it's real, that they are her parents, they have no proof ofc, but shit man they're just so goddamn insistent. And they told her ofc, told her everything, why they left her at Blackthorn, how they were young and stupid when they had her, and that kinda set Iris off, "so I was an accident?" God that shut them up. Technically. She was. They didn't want her. That's why they left her, because they were so young when they had her, and they were terrified, and in a spur of the moment, they decided to leave her in Blackthorn, hoping someone would take care of her there.
Iris didn't even want to hear the rest of it. Now they're back? After everything, now they're back? Why? Because she's suddenly a strong and famous Champion? Is this what Leon meant? Of course, how could she be stupid too, ofc this was what he meant. And even tho she already knows, she asked them, asked them why they suddenly wanna see her again, why just now?
Her "mother" hesitated, but her "father" was quick w his response, "we just wanted to see if you're alright!"
Iris smiled. The one Diantha always taught her and Hau when they're finally done with the conversation, but didn't want to be rude. But she did want to be rude. God she wanted to scream and yell and lash out. "Well. That's sweet of you. But I'm doing great. Better than I could've been, honestly." She said through her teeth, "you two are free to leave now."
But idk,,, imagine,,, imagine if her father got low-key pissed bc they really thought Iris would accept them, and they can finally live the life they wanted, the life of wealth and fame together w their daughter. "Iris, listen—"
Tho as he stood up, both Lance and Drayden stood up as well, block his view of Iris, the Dragon specialists having looks that are downright homicidal, and they'd rather not cross them, as they know how Lance could actually get.
They finally relented, as Iris' mother tugged on her husband's shirt, telling him that's enough, they're powerless against the Champions. They know that. And just imagine her looking at Iris, smiling sadly at her, tears in her eyes, and tells her how she doesn't fault her for being like this, as they probably deserve this, and told her that despite it all, she's happy she found a family for herself, a family that really loves her, and before they left, she told Iris she was proud of her. Smth her so called father never said, as he left without another word.
And just jcmxnxmx after that tho, they watch them leave, hopefully they won't return again, and Iris is there crying, being held in Drayden's arms as she sobs in his chest, god that was smth yknow, that really was smth hahah she never wanted to relive that, never wanted to see them again, never wanted to hear word of them again, she doesn't want them, not like they wanted her too, and she already has a family. And her family, despite them not being related to each other, is so much better than her so called parents.
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drawnbinary · 11 months
It's me again! I hope that you don't mind me chatting you up, just say so if you do, I'll understand! 😅
Do you think that Hassel can be originally from Johto? Since Blackthorn City is a home of probably the most well-known active dragon clan in the series so far (since Draconids, the people Zinnia's from, are mostly gone)? I've seen theories that the little cape Hassel has on his jacket is a call back to the capes "dragon tamer" trainer class has (and I'm mostly agreeing with this). And when I thought about it, I had this idea: What if Hassel's first pokemon wasn't the baxcalibur that's his ace now, but the dragonite he uses in the school champion tournament? Since the dragon clan from Blackthorn mostly uses the dratini line. What if he got that dragonite as a dratini when he was a kid and raised it his whole life, and now kinda retired it after a lifetime of battling? Baxcalibur is his main now during champion assesment, but he brings out dragonite for some friendly competition every once in a while, like the school championship. And, of course, that would mean that Hassel, Lance and Claire are distantly related.
Oh and I think that Hassel is totally besties with Rika. Gay/lesbian solidarity who go to brunches together. I think that it would be a fun contrast between his husband being such a grandiose artistic mind and his bestie being a very grounded and sober-thinking person.
Oh my god, could you imagine if the DLC will allow us to have some kind of a gym leader/elite four doubles tournament like they did in SWSH? If I'll get to see Hassel and Brassius fight together in doubles as partners I think that I will explode.
I'm also super excited to see them both in the anime and maybe, down the line, in masters. And I hope that they will somehow will return/be referenced in the DLCs- the first one is a school trip, so maybe Hassel will go as a chaperone.
And I totally get you about fanfics and such- I'd love to write something for them one day, when I will have a specific concept in mind. I'm thoroughly disappointed that I can't find any character studies for them, my favorite genre 😔 do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? 👀
You're definitely not alone on pretty much all of those >:D
Again, under a cut because I'm long-winded lol
I've got Hassel from Johto, Galar, or a region we haven't been to yet. Regardless of which region, I figure all the dragon clans are connected in some way so he's cousins with Lance and Clair in some sort of way. The childhood dratini -> semi-retired dragonite is definitely one I've seen and discussed before. I think the fic where Hassel rescues/nurtures a sick baby one isn't on AO3 but it's cemented for me that he's had it since he was young <3
The cape is a nice visual to connect him to other dragon tamers and it being short and part of his jacket also separates him from the dramatic looks of Lance and Clair
I think Rika teases Hassel for being old and out of touch but it's just friendly banter. I hope she was the one who told him about "fleek" over a cup of coffee with pastries.
I pray so hard for them teaming up for double battles (my drawing of them in a silly double battle pose) and/or for them to be at the festival at all (I drew them in the outfits from the trailer). I'm hoping for crumbs at most but I definitely want so much more of these two. They're so interesting.
I am so impatient to see Hassel in the anime. Besides that I love him, I also need to see him moving in 2D so I can figure out how to draw him better/more easily because he gives me so much trouble 😅. I want to know what kind of voice they give him too. Brassius' voice surprised me but it worked really well and wasn't distracting
If they end up in Masters, then I will be downloading Masters. God I want to see them put in funky alternate outfits. And whatever else happens in that game.
I'm super self-conscious about writing (and as you can imagine from my drawings, I'm all about that soft, tender shit) so most things I write pretty much live on Discord
I'm a little head-empty right now so the only headcanon that immediately comes to mind is that Brassius being ill and them spending a lot of quiet time together while Hassel helps care for him gave them both time to figure out their feelings and they don't do anything about it until after Brassius is better.
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puppyluver256 · 1 year
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[Image Description: Clair, the Gym Leader of Blackthorn City in the Johto games, with her Kingdra. Clair is a woman with light skin, blue hair in a ponytail, and blue eyes. She is wearing a blue one-piece suit, a black cape with maroon lining and gold claw-like shoulder accessories, gold claw-like earrings, a black choker collar with a large pearl attachment, blue high-heeled boots with black cuffs, and blue gloves with black cuffs. She is holding a red and white Pokeball in one hand, grinning confidently, and her free hand is motioning to her Kingdra. Kingdra resembles a large blue seahorse with a yellow belly, a long fin on its back, two horn-like growths, and red eyes. The background is the back room of Blackthorn City Gym, featuring black walls with grey designwork and a black floor with a red and teal rug. End ID.]
“I am Clair. The world's best Dragon-type master. I can hold my own against even the Pokémon League's Elite Four. Do you still want to take me on? ...Fine. Let's do this! As a Gym Leader, I will use my full power against any opponent!”
More Johto stuff! Look, say what you will about Clair's personality, but I think we can all agree that her design is top tier >:3
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Clair, Kingdra, and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Happy Fanfic Friday, and happy my birthday months! This week I'm recommending my non-Shakadolin multi/poly fics:
Truthberry Wine - 600 words, rated Explicit. Kalami and Teleb have an arrangement with Kadash.
Jasnah's Game - 5000 words, rated Explicit. Ace domme Jasnah requests Shallan's creative help in playing a BDSM game with Wit.
Kaladin's Crash Course in Mateform - 2000 words, rated Explicit. Renarin asks Kaladin's help with Rlain, who is in mateform and desperately horny.
The Scouting Party - 5000 words, rated Explicit. Kaladin, Lyn, Laran, Mela, and Kara scout out a sex pollen-style spren.
The Incident at Kholinar - 7000 words, rated Explicit. Elhokar, Veil, and Kaladin get caught by a sex pollen-style spren. Adolin is somewhere nearby. Was he caught in it too?
Below the cut, you can find fics with darker themes:
Allies in the Alley - 2000 words, rated Explicit, CW drug addiction mention. Kaladin gets Veil's help to distract Teft when he's struggling. This one's actually more wholesome than it seems at first glance.
Breaking Him In: First Night - 3000 words, rated Explicit, CW noncon, blood, violence, alcohol abuse. The Blackthorn has Kadash show his new recruit Teleb how things are done in his elites. Please beware the tags on this one!
A Dynasty to Last Forever - 1000 words, rated Explicit, CW objectification of women. Gavilar has a breeding kink and he uses the power at his disposal to make his fantasies come true.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
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Meet Olivia Blackthorn Carstairs!
Liv is the only child of Julian and Emma, and the wife of Lexi Herondale. She lives in Idris with her wife, her daughter Joan and their dog.
Liv is a member of the elite army Idris Patrol and works under the leadership of Kyle Knightstorm. She is hoping to retire in two years when her daughter takes over the position after her.
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chenfleur · 7 months
— a letter from the decelis academy admin team.
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Dear the valued members of the Deluna and Crescelis communities, 
It is of our utmost pride and pleasure to announce that Deluna Academy and Crescelis Academy will be merging into one practice, effective as of the first day of the upcoming school year. Deluna Academy and Crescelis Academy have been close partners for many years, and after extensive discussion and collaboration, we will now be continuing to conduct elite education as Decelis Academy.
Students will reside in the newly-constructed Decelis Village, where the Decelis Housing System will be implemented. By having each student belong to one of the eight Houses, we strive to build a sense of school spirit and community, strengthen bonds that have been made thus far, as well as build new ones.
Dormitory arrangements have been finalized and changes are selective. Keys and timetables can be picked up starting August 1st.
We are eternally grateful for the loyalty and dedication of both the Deluna and Crescelis communities throughout the runs of both institutions. We are confident that this decision will create a prosperous future as one.
The Decelis Academy Admin Team
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hi 😎
ACADEMY HOUSES — in the stories, there will be four relevant houses (residence buildings):
Viridian House (male seniors)
Hyacinth House (female seniors)
Blackthorn House (male juniors)
Malie House (female juniors)
these will serve as reoccurring settings throughout the installments! i don't think they'll be mentioned by name too often, but i wanted to specify in case they are and it's confusing LOL
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drgnbld · 1 year
[Examine Nanao ]
RPG inspired meme. / @flamasagrada
she stands outside on a relatively warm (for blackthorn standards) spring afternoon while you watch from inside the kitchen, baby firmly bundled within your arms and your other daughter out causing havoc for her uncles in a nearby field.
she stands tall, confident. fiery hair as colourful as her personality blowing in the gentle breeze showing a nice contrast to the blossom trees blooming at the end of your shared garden. the other side of her is your trusty partner who seems to be on the receiving end of something, upon looking closely there's a half eaten baked goodie with an unquestionable marks of dragon's teeth puncturing - alexi was caught red handed it seems. her love of treats always getting her in trouble with your wife.
your wife. the words take a while to settle in sometimes. when you first met you were nothing more than hushed calls and quick means to an end. that was her belief anyway. and in reality you hadn't expected to find one of your elite four members sleeping with somebody you had rescued from rocket but hadn't questioned it further. she's smart, empathetic - doesn't take any shit you give her and reminds you of your place often. it grounds you a lot, really.
as she looks towards dragonite with a satisfied look you can't hold back that soft, loving smile as you remember that somehow, after everything you've been through together, she still chooses your side even now. it both terrifies and calms you knowing the extremes you'd put yourself into in ensuring the safety of her and your entire family. she'll own your heart and soul in this life as well in the next or beyond.
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lanceappreciationblog · 9 months
Are you still taking headcanons? If so, here's one of my favourites; to put it simply, he is a workaholic. I like to think that he rose to head of the Elite Four (and later Champion) at an early age (considering how young his LGPE art looks), so he struggled to "fit in". His particular way of "fitting in" is trying to get as much work done as possible... unfortunately, it leads him to working too much at times, and people have to drag him away from his desk.
First off, YES I'm always taking headcanons! Any ask for that matter! :)
Also, YES. Are you kidding me? He has to work as Elite Four part-time, Champion, Dragon Master, AND G-Men (depending on which canon you prefer). This guy is ALWAYS working.
His coworkers beg him to take more vacations but he refuses outright because it's so built into his nature to keep himself busy at all times.
It gets really depressing when he has to work during holidays and isn't able to spend time with his family in Blackthorn. No wonder half of the Johto/Kanto region sees him as a cryptid that may or may not actually exist despite being the region(s) he's Champion of.
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hesperio · 9 months
PUBLIC (Anyone can know this with minimal searching or asking):
Hassel is an active member of the Naranja University and teaches there as the art and music studies teacher. He is one of the more tenured staff members, considering the staff overhaul a few years ago.
Hassel is an active member of the Paldean Elite Four, bearing title and rank as a member of Paldea's government and Champion assessment. He is the final Elite Four member before the participant faces Geeta, and uses a Dragon-type mastery team.
Hassel is the Champion of Life from the 2023 PWT Elite Four bracket.
Hassel is not natively from the Paldea region. His place of origin, while not a secret, is not often spoken about. He will talk often about traveling before coming to the Paldea region, however, and is eager to share his experiences.
He's a tried and true Dragon Tamer, and one of very few Dragon Masters in the Paldea Region. As such, he is in charge of local rehabilitation and conservation efforts with the local dragon populations.
SEMI-PRIVATE (People can know this under certain circumstances OR with enough digging):
Hassel hails from Blackthorn City as a member of the Dragon Clan. His Dragonite, who is not used in Elite Four battles, is one of the Dragon's Den hatchlings and would be recognizable to any members of the Blackthorn Clan / those familiar with them.
He has participated in the League challenges of eight regions: Kanto + Johto (the Indigo League), Sinnoh, Galar, Kalos, Unova, Hoenn and Paldea. He has reached the Elite Four in Sinnoh, Kalos and Hoenn, and reached Champion status in the Indigo and Paldean Leagues.
He was a fairly popular guitarist and musician in the Unova region about twenty years ago.
He has had members of his personal circle of the Blackthorn Clan coming to see him for years to convince him to come home.
He was recently injured in a 'workplace incident' that he has not elborated on.
PRIVATE (Very few people know this and those who do are in trusted positions):
The reason the clan wants him to come home is because his father is one of the Dragon's Den elders and has come into quite an advanced age.
Hassel has pariticipated in several dives into Area Zero and the Great Crater and has accessed up to the fourth research station. He often patrols the space above the Crater to keep an eye on things with his Dragonite.
He currently has a Roaring Moon in his possession, though it is no where near trained enough to be trusted outside of very specific spaces. The capture of this Roaring Moon was the 'workplace incident' that caused him to be injured.
Hassel was severely injured in a landslide on Mt. Coronet when he was twenty-five. He quietly credits his survival to the appearance of Dialga, though the identity of the Pokemon that saved him isn't known to him to this day.
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