#blame the gc for teaching me how to do this
infintyonhigh · 1 year
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breathenbounce · 3 months
Life block
I am truly sorry I didn't get this done on Wednesday. I have been so good about writing these things on Wednesday, but this week has been a tough one. First I didn't even know what I wanted to write about. What great wisdom could I impart on the small amount of people who read this. Then I realized it's not just writer's block I was suffering from, I was in the middle of a life block as well.
Last week somehow I really hurt my hip. So I have taken a week off from doing my usual routine of fitness which included the yoga and I felt like absolute dog shit. In fact this week has brought up so much shit for me, it has been just difficult going through day to day stuff.
I find myself laying on the couch most of the time, watching FB reels, seeing pictures of my family on my phone randomly come up, just feeling totally miserable. You see, BPD sucks. Sometimes you lose your identity, and then you feel like crap. I have been so depressed since 2015 and it has brought some real havoc into my life. One of the worst parts of my depression is it manifests as anger. I also am so afraid of losing people in my life, I don't always tell them how I feel and what they really truly mean to me. I feel like when I do, they run away, and I have seen that happen recently with some people. So I find myself uncomfortable to live in my own skin.
Taking this break has helped me feel better physically buy mentally it has done a number on me. However, I think there's other things going on. I vomited all over my therapist yesterday with all my depressive stuff and then I drove home hoping to feel better. I didn't. I just drove home in silence with the music off. When I got to Algonquin Rd, I did a shuffle with my music, couldn't find one song I wanted to listen to. Truth is I brought much of this shit on myself. However its because I didn't know how to survive with all these mental health conditions I have. I've lashed out, been defensive, blamed others, etc, etc. I have truly been working hard to reinvent and grow, but I don't feel like I am growing.
People tell me I am, however people important to me refuse to talk to me. I started medication in hopes it would help my depression. Lately, it hasn't. I feel weird when I get around people lately. Like I would rather be anywhere else. I went to a slow yoga class yesterday where we did little movement and it was more like meditation. Every time I go somewhere, I feel like people don't like me and think I am weird. I don't want to talk about it because people will then accuse me of trying to get sympathy, or some other bullshit like that.
Usually here on GC and BNB, I try to be positive. Mainly because I want to help others. I hate to see people feel this way that I'm feeling. Lately I feel like I am not helping anyone, most importantly myself. I got certified to teach yoga and no one wants me to teach. People say they want me to but when I show initiative to want to, I'm shut out. I am trying to put together experiences and having difficulty finding places, but then I say to myself, will people actually come? No one cares about the show.
Then my logical mind or wise mind has to come into play and say that it takes time to build a brand. Then I have to ask myself am I doing the best I truly can? Is my depression stonewalling me from reaching a higher level? I think about so many of the sins I have committed in the past and it makes me feel like maybe I don't deserve anything. Maybe I deserve to be alone. Maybe BNB won't help anyone. Maybe I’m just too much for people and I just have to accept that that I’m not anyone’s cup of tea and people just say things to be nice to me and they don’t really mean them.
Yes, I am in a funk, and I hope I can find a way out of it soon. I feel like the hole gets deeper and deeper that I have to crawl out of day by day. However, I still keep crawling out just to fall back in.
I guess I'll keep fighting. I don't know what else to do. Keep fighting too.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
that twitter post gloating about the possibility of JC becoming Chief Cultivator and JFM regretting it really made me remember JC has utterly failed his Sect's teachings.
Now I admit I don't remember all the quotes but one well known moment of JFM actually scolding JC is after the Xuanwu incident and JC says something about WWX 'playing a hero' and how he shouldn't have interfered. That is the only time on screen/paper that I remember JFM being actually upset and telling JC that even as a joke such a thing is unacceptable and what he said goes against the Sect Teachings.
And what does JC do after that? When his Sect is burned and his father gone?
When it is time to rebuild?
He says and does the exact same thing again. He refuses to help the Dafan Wens that he owes a debt to and accuses WWX of playing the hero again. WWX is once again doing the right thing, following JFM's teachings (and his own beliefs) and this time, JC isn't just mocking him for it but also stands against and takes part in killing innocent people.
And then for 13 years he lives in hate and spite to the point that the territories know that they cannot ask the Jiang Sect for help. Because JC does not help the weak and suffering. He will not speak up against tyranny and will not look for justice against overwhelming odds because that is 'foolish' and will harm the sect's image.
JC has already failed his Sect's teachings and it is completely impossible for him to be the Sect Leader and listen, with patience, to the trouble's and pains of the Cultivation World as a whole.
The thing with JC is that he takes the path of least resistance every damn time. every time he needs to make a critical choice, he chooses the easier path. And his mother made it easier for him.
When JFM reprimands him and asks him to think on his actions - instead of going the hard way and thinking of his actions, he blames everyone else. He says his father doesn't like him. He blames WWX for being a hero. He compares walking to rescue his martial brother to defeating an ancient beast and neatly dying in the process.
When the question of the Wens arrises - he takes the easier path again and doesn't reveal a weakness. He allows people to manipulate him and appeace his ego instead of walking the harder and more honorable path. He should have publically acknowledged the debt, reflected on how own weakness and understood people are trying to take advantage of his jealousy.
When the GC transfer was revealed - he took the easier path again. He first denied, then he focused on how that revelation affected him (because you know he was inwardly happy that he had one (1) act of heroism over WWX) instead of absorbing that shock and turning into productive change. It would've been a time to reflect on his hatred and what it lead him to do.
After canon events were done - it would've been honorable and a good redemption arc for him if he had taken a deep look at himself, examined his hatred, and let it go. But instead, he took the easy path and remained unchanging.
Even his leading style reflects this - instead of helping people and making it easier for people to approach his sect, he revels in the power he has. Instead of going wherever help is required, his sect only takes up glorious and dangerous night hunts to one-up the others. He harder path is to do the work that brings no fame and glory, and yet again, he chooses to do what's easy.
JC has spent an entire lifetime making easy choices with exactly one exception. That was a big sacrifice. It is the only credit he deserves.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Alfie Solomons on Social Media
Big thank you to @cheekypeakyblinders @peak-a-blinder and @champagneholland !! So much love and support with this lil social media themed project we’re doing! Go read their writing (linked at the bottom!) also can I just say I’m super proud of the moodboards I made for these :)
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Alfie is NOT tech savvy. He’s not a complete technophobe, but he’s definitely not down with the latest trends, he doesn’t have a clue what half the pre-installed apps on his phone are for and he’s only just figured out that you can have a contacts list and that you don’t need to manually type in a whole phone number if it’s already saved on his phone.
He often forgets how to turn off caps lock, so his texts can often be misinterpreted as very angry or very excited
He also uses LOTS of abbreviations- like the normal ones (lol, wtf, ffs, cba) but then he also makes his own up which just confused everybody
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It’s okay though bc the younger ones actually teach him stuff (*cough* unlike tommy abd arthur who just take the piss)
‘No right Finn mate I don’t want to fuckin download Tik tok I’ve got a fuckin watch and a little clock on the screen fucks sake’
Alfie’s in a fair few group chats- there’s the main GC that has the Shelby/gray clan (he’s there for banter and because Polly is an admin and she knows it pisses tommy off
Every morning without fail at like... 5-6 o’clock, he’ll send a bright and cheerful good morning text that’s normally not very well received. But he does it anyway bc him and Pol are the only ones awake :)
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Alfie on snapchat is a different story. Literally every day there’s a picture of Cyril with a caption like ‘love of my life’ ‘best mate’ ‘don’t know what I’d do without you’
He also posts all his baked goodies onto his story too, and the random women who add him via quick add end up swooning over his floury tattooed arms bc he has a dog and he can COOK
He hasn’t got a CLUE what a private story is so every day, at least 100+ people are subjected to ‘tommy fucking Shelby has a stick up his arse pass it on’ which gets screenshotted and sent to the group chat
He doesn’t get the whole ‘streaks’ thing either
‘No I don’t wanna fucking streak with you isaiah what the fuck??? I thought your dad was a man of god and all that???’
Cue three days later on his story: “there’s fires next to some of your names right and if you die yeah, blame isaiah because he asked me to streak with him and I don’t think Jeremiah likesd that tbh and probs prayed to god to smite yous down lol’
‘Alfie it just means we’ve snapped eachother for three consecutive days mate’
His story that day: ‘sorry you’re not getting smited you lot just like sending me pictures of your ceilings ??’
Snapchat filters took him by surprise too but imagine this man’s JOY when he found out Cyril could wear funny glasses AND have a round face 🥺🥺🥺
Let’s talk YouTube. Despite not knowing how to turn caps lock off, and thinking Finn is having a stroke every time he throws it back, Alfie is quite the vlogger.
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What’s starts off as mostly baking videos and rants (he likes to get things off his chest while kneading the SHIT out of some dough) quickly turns into a full on THING
He makes all sorts of videos- at least one weekly vlog with Cyril and him going on an adventure
Honestly those ones are basically asmr bc Alfie will be recording cyril with one hand and petting him and scratching behind his ears with the other and just murmuring ‘what’ve you got there mate? A rock? Tha’s fuckin brilliant that is my mate. My good boy aren’t you? Yeah... good lad... you gonna put the rock down or... no we’re fuckin... taking the fuckin rock home with us... whatever you say mate...’
Like it’s not much of a vlog like ‘hey guys it’s Alfie aka the Wandering Jew and today me and my pal are going to the park’ it’s more of a ‘watch this great big bear of a man talk very gently to a great big dog for fifteen minutes’ type of vlog
He also does the baking vids obvs, but in more of a tutorial format rather than bitching about his mate ‘Timmy’ as he develops the gluten with his sleeves rolled upto his elbows.
‘Well Jamie Oliver will tell you to do it like this’
*like 10 seconds of silence as he stares at the camera*
‘FUCK Jamie Oliver the stupid twat THIS is the right way to do it
There are normally some VERY thirsty comments about his arms.
He does a reaction video to the thirsty comments once
John read them out to him and his audience was DELIGHTED by his blush as he muttered ‘that right, is fuckin inappropriate innit? Fucking filth like that when I’m trying to teach you how to bake my nan’s bread? Terrible.’
Alfie’s new found YouTube success brings some unwanted attention too...
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He doesn’t really know what to do about it so he just leaves it...
A week later, however...
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Finally, lets talk messaging his significant other
Admittedly his long winded, meandering rants don’t really translate very well into text, so he much prefers to FaceTime or simply ring you
His texts are sweet though
He tries, bless him
If you don’t live together, you get a good morning and a goodnight text every night, regardless of any business.
You quickly learn to mute your phone as soon as you wake up bc he is an early bird lol
You hear the rants he doesn’t put on his story 🥺🥺
He doesn’t really use emojis but he uses them a LOT more when he texts you- mainly the heart ones
Likes your instagram posts literally as soon as they’re posted and always comments on them
‘You’re fucking beautiful you. I love you’
He does it on your snapchat story as well, sensing you your picture with a cute (or flirty) comment
You love texting him little flirty messages??? Just subtle ones with a cheeky double entendre.
Maybe you’re thinking about him. Maybe the sausages you had with breakfast really were juicy who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Either way it gets him GOING
You use snapchat to your biggest advantage, sending him cheeky little peeks at your body, but never quite ENOUGH
He clicks off the image really quickly so you normally get a ‘Alfie💖 has replayed your snap’ notification
‘Fuck me love’
‘Later. In a meeting gtg xx’
He doesn’t really take dirty pics himself. He does, however, tell you to grab your headphones ;)
Thank you for reading! Below are the other works in this collab! Make sure to check them out 💖💖
John Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Michael Gray by @champagneholland
Finn Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Tommy Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Grace burgess by @champagneholland
Arthur Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Tag list: @the-makingsofgreatness @peakyswritings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @soleil-dor @hiddensapphic @fckingpeakyblinders @snugleo @alittlebirds @satanxklaus @glamsaturn @thegirlwithoutaname87 @queenofmankind @awkwardretro @captivatedbycillianmurphy @xshinytrashcanx @hanster1998 @cheekypeakyblinders @champagneholland
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bipirate · 3 years
Female characters so often play a mechanical role in MDZS plot before being killed so MXTX can focus on relationships between men she finds way more fascinating. In the book, WQ is here just to do the GC transfer, and she apparently never thought about the ethics of what the other Wens were doing before WWX stumbled on her with JC and then she suddenly decided to risk her and WN’s life (ofc WN survived in the end no matter how improbably, not her) while in CQL, she has a whole arc about slowly 1
the rest + my response are under the cut bc it got kinda long 
deciding to do the right thing and shouldering the resulting burdens mirroring WWX’s and LWJ’s. 
JYL is here only to build WWX’s character as being violent only on other people’s behalf when he punches JXZ or goes berserk after her death, birth a kid (she’s dispatched right after) so MXTX might explore JC, WWX and LWJ’s relationships through him later on and have a weird romance with JZX to move the plot along. Her relationship with her family or absence of cultivation are never explored or explained, and her character arc is just taking everyone’s BS and staying understanding and accommodating and never wanting anything for herself like a good woman should for MXTX. 
To contrast with YZY, the only female character with actual power who very tellingly uses it only to abuse people and ruin her family and sect (plus she’s depicted as hysterical and irrational!), reprising that old misogynist trope that a women outside men's control will ruin everything with her caprices so women shouldn’t be trusted with power. Even such a minor character as madam Mo follows this trope, being depicted as in charge in her family and a pretty terrible person at the same time. 
LQY needs to be saved in the cave despite being supposedly a cultivator (it’s not framed as her needing someone to fight at her side like LWJ needed WWX, but someone to save her) then she needed a public argument about WWX to realize that there is sexism towards women bc she apparently never faced it before as a low status servant?! MXTX, really? And then after being accused of acting irrationally, she irrationally storms out, abandoning the cultivator position she fought hard to reach (in CQL, she was part of the Jin sect so at least refusing to be complicit in Jin’s crimes while in MDZS, she was just a bystander from a no-name sect) and just forgets about WWX, never trying to warn him or help him or anything. 
MXTX can’t have a woman having initiative, which is probably the same reason why XXC never tries to teach A-Qing cultivation so she can protect herself or have a job that isn’t panhandling bc then she wouldn’t be able to die helplessly to fuel man angst, so MXTX said no. Unsurprisingly, madam Lan has no backstory when it would have been such a good character arc for adult LWJ to try to learn the truth about her and come to terms with it, Lan Yi and BSSR are never shown when in CQL they create a parallel with LWJ and WWX and can be read as lesbians if one is inclined (I am). 
And to be clear I like many of those female characters though probably not in their MDZS versions, but I wanted to examine the sexist tropes that MXTX seems so fond of and makes such common use of to show that it wasn't just random coincidences but a choice on her part, and it can’t be blame solely on genre conventions either as there are often women characters with good characterizations and their own arcs in wuxia and xianxia (LoF has plenty!)
(breaks added by me) yeah you’re right, the way mxtx writes women is just appalling. i think the cql team did the best they could with the source material they were given. they gave the women a bit more agency. 
wen qing being introduced earlier did wonders for her character arc, not that she had one in the novel - she’s so one dimensional and unlikable in mdzs! but in cql we see that she only worked with wen ruohan because her little brother and the rest of the dafan wens were being threatened. just that little bit of extra information made her so much more compelling. still it would have been so cool if they’d written it so that wen qing (and jiang yanli) did survive, source material be damned.
i’ve also touched on this before but when i read the novel, i was so surprised at the lack of jiang yanli! jyl is one of the most important people in wwx’s life and she’s barely present. her death in the novel made me feel Nothing. i think it’s absolutely inspired of the cql team to not only introduce wen qing during the cloud recesses lectures arc, but also take jiang yanli along. they build up the yunmeng siblings relationship as early as possible and it pays off. i also love that she is present during the fall of lotus pier in cql. she was absent in the book and we never saw what an impact this had on her. i just cannot understand why mxtx would write her out of these incredibly important moments, only to kill her off later and expect us to feel any kind of emotion about it. it cheapens wwx’s reaction to her death, too. 
you’re absolutely right about the other characters too and i don’t want to write a Whole response to every single one of them, but i do want to talk about mianmian. i’m sad that she didn’t get much better treatment in cql. i would have loved to see her fighting, defending herself instead of needing to be saved. i also really wanted her and lwj to be friends..... i’m pushing the lwj + wlw agenda but like. i really wanted to see the conversation they had right after she left the jin clan. there was Such potential there. i like that they had her come back with her husband and daughter in the future and that she was adamant about teaching her child that the yiling laozu is not a bad man. i’m glad cql placed this reunion with mianmian where they did - it’s not a secret that i Hate the novel epilogue where she reappears, if only because mxtx wrote it so that mianmian’s daughter saw wangxian kissing and got scared of wwx for this reason. as if gay men corrupting little girls was not a dangerous homophobic trope already. 
also from what i’ve seen of the tgcf donghua (i havent read the book), she hasn’t uh. improved wrt writing female characters lmao
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
The Internet is Forever Part 1
Fandom: The Old Guard
Rating: T (vague mentions of sex, but nothing explicitly described)
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Once more, y’all have The Gay Guard gc to thank for this lovely crack. It’ll be in three parts, with this one focusing on Joe and Nicky, Part 2 will focus on Andy and Quynh, and Part 3 will focus on Booker and Nile. I’ve never actually streamed or posted videos on YouTube, so I apologize for any inaccuracies, but... this is crack, so... you should kind of be expecting that at this point.
Tags: @the-chaotic-virgo, @hi-short-for-hello, @immortalwarriors, @the-killer-queenie, @roses-are-red713, @acolorandafeeling, @bookersebastien, @fetchmeabook, @ikilledtheducks, and @goalkeepernerd I blame every single one of you for this cursed fic. They all contributed to this AU so they ALL get credit for encouraging me to write this. 
Also @perropascal!!!
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my works!
Please consider liking and reblogging! I love the feedback!
You know the saying, “The internet is forever?” It’s true. It’s incredibly difficult to remove anything once it’s posted on the internet. That’s why Copley had been able to find all the evidence of Andy, Joe, Nicky, Booker, and Quynh from over the years. No matter how hard they’d tried to scrub their backgrounds, a few things always fell through the cracks. And now, in the twenty-first century, with technology growing at an unprecedented rate, it was harder than ever to stay off the internet. When the team had hired Copley to cover their tracks and find them jobs, he’d known he was going to have his work cut out for him. Unfortunately, he’d never expected… this. 
“Nile, can you come here for a moment, please?”
Nicky’s voice called out from the kitchen, and Nile got up from where she was perched on the couch, shutting her copy of Les Misérables–in the original French, mind you, Booker was trying to help her learn another language–and tucking it under her arm, walking down the hall and into the kitchen. She stopped, frowning in confusion as she took in the scene before her. 
Nicky was standing at the kitchen counter, a plate of baklava on the countertop in front of him. The rest of the kitchen was a mess, dirty bowls and measuring cups filled the sink, and ingredients covered the counter. He had a webcam set up in front of him, along with a laptop, and Nile could see that he was streaming. 
He looked up as she entered, smiling brightly. “Nile! Come, you must try this baklava!” He holds the plate out eagerly, and Nile steps forward cautiously, carefully taking one of the little squares. 
“Why? What are you doing?” Nile asks, suspicious, as she inspects the piece of baklava, not convinced that Nicky hasn’t done something to it.
Nicky looks at her, hurt. “I just want you to try my baklava. I’m teaching the internet the proper way to make it, and I want you to tell them how it tastes!” He gestures to the live webcam. “I need you to be honest, tell me how it tastes, even if it’s bad.”
She gives him the look. She’s never once eaten something made by Nicky that didn’t taste absolutely amazing. As long as this isn’t a prank, she’s not sure there’s any way his baklava won’t taste divine. She takes a bite, and nearly moans at the taste. The buttery texture of the dough is perfectly complemented by the taste of walnuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios, and there’s a hint of orange citrus that just brings everything together. 
Nicky’s looking at her, his eyes wide and expectant, waiting for her to give a review. “It’s amazing Nicky, seriously,” she says, grinning as Nicky beams at her. “It’s the best baklava I’ve ever had. Try some!” Nicky picks up his own piece, taking a big bite, but before he can say anything, a voice floats over from the doorway. 
“Yeah, but how much baklava have you had, really?”
Both Nicky and Nile turn to see Joe standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, a playful smirk on his face. “I mean, if you’ve only ever tasted his cooking, you don’t really have anything to compare it to, do you?”
Nicky growled–seriously, growled–under his breath, and Nile looked between the two, confused. She was so used to seeing them acting like they were still in their honeymoon phase that seeing this other side of both of them threw her for a loop. She backed away from the couple, glancing at Nicky’s laptop, seeing that he was streaming to YouTube. She snorted when she read his channel name: BetterThanOliveGarden. She glanced at the live stream of comments and had to do a double-take. Based on what people were saying, apparently, Joe and Nicky had this online rivalry, and people kept debating their relationship, whether they were roommates, dating, or something else.
She watched as Nicky shoved the plate towards Joe. “How about you try my food before you critique it, Joe?” A sly smirk spread across Joe’s lips, and he took the plate, setting it down without taking any food off it. Instead, he strides forward, cupping Nicky’s face in his hands and kissing him deeply. Nile looks away awkwardly when Nicky moans, and she glances at the comments and sees that they’re going nuts.
People are screaming, keyboard mashing, and comments like: OHMYGOD WHAT, are popping up constantly. Nile grimaces at the webcam. She whispers to the camera, “You guys do know they’re married, right? They do this all. the. time.” She throws a thumb over her shoulder at the two men, still locked in an embrace. Joe has one hand clutching at Nicky’s hair and the other in the back pocket of his jeans, and Nicky’s got his arms thrown around Joe’s neck, both of them completely lost to the world. 
The comments are still blowing up, and Nile isn’t sure if she should actually end the video or not. She shrugs, deciding to leave it going. What’s the worst that could happen?
Well, apparently, Nicky and Joe forgot about the live stream. Nile only found out when she went to go and find the video, only to see that it had been taken down due to “violating YouTube content policies.” She asked Joe about it.
“Well, you see, apparently it’s frowned upon when two people decide to show their love for one another–” 
“You two started taking off each other’s clothes, didn’t you.”
“Yes. Yes, we did.”
“Please tell me the two of you left the kitchen before the pants came off?”
“Of course we did, we have enough self-control–” 
“Andy came in and yelled at the two of you that you were about to do it in front of a live audience, didn’t she.”
“Um, well… yes.”
Nicky’s retaliation happened later that week. Joe apparently ran an art tutorial channel, where he did sketches, showing people how to draw anything from animals, to the human body, to landscape, to architecture. His channel was called ScrewMichelangelo, which had confused Nile until Joe had explained the man refused to stop flirting with Nicky, so Joe hated him. Nile was skeptical, until Joe pulled up an image of the statue David, pointing out all the similarities between the marble statue and Nicky. 
Nile was shocked. She could see the resemblance and turned to Joe in shock. “Wait, Nicky posed for Michelangelo?” 
Joe grumbled, frowning deeply. “No. I accidentally left my sketchbook in his workshop one day, and there were some sketches of Nicky inside. He used those for his inspiration. When I found out I…” Joe looked sheepish. “I was very upset. Nicky keeping me calm was the only reason Michelangelo survived my wrath.”
Nile grimaced. “Yeah, I can see why you’d be pissed.” Joe nodded, and he began to set up the webcam. 
Joe had asked her to help him out, so Nile was once again in the video, this time posing for Joe so he could show people how to draw braids. She was still trying to get through Les Misérables–seriously, she hated french–and she’d lost track of time when she was startled by the door banging open. She looked up from her book, watching as Nicky strode determinedly into the room. 
“This,” he said, coming up behind Joe and laying his hands against the sides of Joe’s neck. “Is for ruining my baklava video.”
He tipped Joe’s head back, pressing his lips against Joe’s harshly. Nile had learned from the last time. She got up, shut off the webcam, and left the room, shaking her head when the men didn’t even react when she shut the door loudly.
“Stupid horny immortal husbands.”
It had been a quiet week, and Nile was suspicious. Nicky and Joe had each ruined multiple of the other’s videos with intense make-out sessions, and Nile was surprised that they both hadn’t had their accounts banned from YouTube. Neither of them had done anything this week though, so Nile was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
When she woke up one morning to a YouTube notification from Joe’s account, she actually groaned. She wasn’t sure she wanted to watch what they’d gotten up to, but she figured she should probably check. 
Clicking on the video, she was surprised to see that she couldn’t actually see anything, because the video was pitch black. Suddenly, a soft light appeared, showing a shirtless Joe. He held a finger to his lips, giggling, before shining the light onto a sleeping Nicky next to him. 
“Nicolo, destati.” 
Nicky grumbled, trying to swat Joe’s camera away, but he missed. “Nicolo, habibi, destati.” Nicky groaned, rolling over and blinking up at Joe. 
“Yusuf, what time is it?”
“Three am, habibi.”
“Why Yusuf?”
Nile can hear Joe giggling. “I wanted to show everyone what I get to see every night for the rest of our lives.”
Nicky’s face softened, and he reached a hand up, pulling Joe’s face down and into the frame, and into a kiss. Joe managed to hold the camera steady, somehow. When he finally pulled away, Nicky grabbed one of Joe’s hands, tugging him down so that Joe is spooning him and his arm is wrapped tightly around Nicky.
“You’ve got your video, amore, now let’s sleep, please.”
Joe says something, but it’s muffled as he sets the camera down. The light turns off, and Nile thinks the video must be over, but when she checks, she realizes there are still hours of footage left. She fast forwards, and once the room starts to brighten, Nile realizes it must be morning. She sees as Nicky and Joe come into view, still spooning on the bed. She watches as Nicky wakes, and sees the camera still running before he reaches out to shut it off.
She shakes her head, shutting the phone off. Maybe now they’d stop ruining each other’s videos and she wouldn’t have to listen to their complaints anymore.
Well, Joe and Nicky had stopped bothering her. But Andy and Quynh were a whole other story.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
And The Livin's Easy, Chapter Six (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: SHE’S HERE! i’m sorry for the wait, but she’s here. :D god, i’m already getting emotional. another fic comes to an end. i hope you’ve enjoyed the ride! i’ll try to have the seventh chapter out by the weekend. a million thanks to frey for putting up with me, and the jankie candle gc for screaming at me to finish this! love you guys. 💕
“Y’know, second place isn’t all that bad,” Scarlet comments, taking a spoonful of ice cream. Yvie hums in response, sipping on her watermelon smoothie.
It’s been a few hours since the competition ended, and Yvie managed to get second place, with Jaida winning the competition. They were sitting at the beach, sprawled in Scarlet’s blanket, eating ice cream as they watched the sunset.
“At least I got a trophy,” Yvie says, reaching for the small second place plastic trophy she’d been given and chuckling slightly. It’s not what she wanted, but at least she made it to the top three. It bruises her pride a little, though, since she won last year. But there’s always the next summer.
“And, as a consolation prize, you get a dinner with me and the finest burritos on the whole island,” Scarlet adds with a wink. Yvie laughs wholeheartedly, it sure sounds like a good plan.
“That sounds even better than the first place prize,” Yvie says earnestly, and Scarlet coos. She’s never been particularly cheesy, but she just can’t help it when she’s around Scarlet. The girl wears her heart on her sleeve and doesn’t hesitate to make cheesy jokes and comments; she’s sickeningly sweet, and Yvie tries her best to reciprocate those feelings.
Yvie looks at Scarlet — really looks at her, taking in her red hair glowing under the dying Sun, her porcelain-like skin, and pouty lips. She doesn’t think she’s seen someone this gorgeous before, and Yvie’s travelled all around the world following her passion.
She notices an ice cream stain in the corner of Scarlet’s mouth, so she brings her thumb to clean it, catching Scarlet’s attention in the process.
“You got something here…” she mumbles absent-mindedly, pulling her thumb away. “There.”
Scarlet musters a thank you, touching where Yvie’s thumb was just moments ago, and suddenly there’s a cheeky smile blooming in her face.
“Y’know, you got something on your face too,” she says, leaning in closer to Yvie’s face, and before Yvie can say anything, Scarlet steals a kiss from her.
It’s quick, but it’s tender, and it makes Yvie melt.
“There,” Scarlet chirps, barely withdrawing her lips.
Yvie hums thoughtfully, knitting her brows in a frown.
“I think now you got something on your face, here.” Yvie closes the distance between them again, and she can feel Scarlet smile against the kiss. This time, it’s slower, much more careful and soft; it makes butterflies fly in Yvie’s stomach, and it reminds her of when she was younger and kissed girls behind the bleachers.
At the back of her brain, Yvie knows it’ll be hard to say goodbye to Scarlet once their time together is over, but she doesn’t want to think much about it, so instead she cups Scarlet’s face and pulls her even closer.
Vanessa feels herself spiraling with anxiety.
Kameron couldn’t make it to the competition, but she blew up her phone with encouraging texts and promises of endless kisses and orgasms once they see each other again. A part of Vanessa can’t wait to be back between her arms and pepper her face with kisses, telling her about how much fun she’s had during these weeks and how much she’s missed her.
The other part, however, feels absolutely guilty whenever she remembers Brooke knows about them now, when she thinks of how she’s probably ruined their relationship and regrets ever asking Kameron out.
But, as Crystal said, she’s no one’s property, and she’s free to date whoever she wants, even if it just happens to be her ex’s cousin. They’re free women.
They’re getting together to celebrate Jaida later tonight at April’s hotel room. She knows Brooke will be there, so she takes a vow and decides she’ll talk to her about this and set things straight. They’re grown adults; they should know how to communicate.
Though her bravery goes out the window the moment Crystal declares she’s not coming.
“Gigi asked me out before the competition, and I said yes, because I clearly didn’t know Jaida would win. I’m sorry, Vanj, I can’t cancel it,” she says, sounding truly apologetic as she puts on her lipstick. “Listen, it’s just a little reunion, like that night at the beach. Just try to keep your cool, don’t drink much. and ignore Brooke to the best of your abilities. I believe in you, girl, as long as they don’t play ‘Tusa’ you’ll be fine.” Crystal dismisses it with a wave of her hand, putting down the lipstick.
Vanessa groans, rubbing her eyelids as she flops into the couch in Crystal’s room.
“Glass, I can’t do that and you know it. I have to talk with Brooke Lynn and put an end to this petty shit. Kameron wants me to meet her side of the family and I ain’t about to stand awkward family reunions with Brooke,” Vanessa rants, and Crystal turns her attention to her, cocking one skeptical brow.
“D’you think you’ll be able to do that without ending up screaming at each other?” Crystal inquires, staring intently at Vanessa. She knows her friend like the back of her hand, and it’s a known fact that a petty Vanessa mixed with alcohol can’t end up well. Least of all if her ex is in the same room.
Vanessa takes a deep breath and nods, “I think it’s time I woman up and talk to her like an adult, ‘cause this beef seems like something straight outta some shit rom-com.”
“You love rom-coms, though,” Crystal points out, making Vanessa roll her eyes.
“Well, yeah, but this ain’t ‘The Notebook’. I’m not gonna abandon Kameron for Brooke so we can kiss in the rain,” she replies matter-of-factly, and though Crystal wants to make a witty comment, she desists from it. She sounds dead serious.
She smiles softly, going towards the couch and sitting beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, Vanj,” she says earnestly, and Vanessa smiles at her.
“Thanks, Glass. Now, you better get your shit together for that date, ‘cause between the two of us, you’re the one that’s living her Notebook fantasy,” Vanessa jokes, making Crystal laugh loudly as a blush creeps on her cheeks.
Gigi is waiting for her outside of Sal’s, wearing a baby blue dress ending above the knee with cloud prints on it and white flats, her auburn hair pulled into a ponytail; a smile breaks onto Crystal’s face, not only because she looks as pretty as always, but also because it seems like Gigi remembered her comment about finding her cute when she’s smaller than her.
They lock eyes when Crystal is near enough and Gigi smiles sweetly at her, standing on her tiptoes to give her a quick kiss.
“How long have you been waiting for me?” Crystal asks, lacing her hand with Gigi’s and guiding her inside.
“Not long; my friend Jan has a date too, I just dropped her off at her girl’s hotel,” Gigi comments innocently, and Crystal hums to let her know she’s listening as she fetches for a table.
They finally find one, near the bar that’s still closed, and settle themselves. Soon a waiter comes by, but because Crystal is already familiar with the entire menu, she places her order on the spot, while Gigi studies the card for a moment.
“You really weren’t lying when you said you know this place by heart,” Gigi giggles, looking back and forth between the menu and Crystal.
Crystal smiles giddily, wondering if she should babble about how this place has endless memories from her childhood and teenage years, holding a special place in her heart, with its menu and staff and Sal himself. She usually doesn’t give too much of herself away to girls she’s never going to see again, but Gigi feels special for some reason. As if she isn’t just a simple summer fling.
So she tells her about the first time she came there without getting into the details, when she was just eight and her gay awakening came in the form of a nice woman that caught her staring at her surfboard and offered to teach her.
Gigi laughs, quipping with her own stories about how she got into fashion — the old Barbie movies seemed to take a great part of the blame, along with making her have a short lived ballet phase.
They share stories, jokes, and dreams for their future, and it’s a whole lot more of what Crystal would give away to someone that’s going to be a stranger in a few weeks, a vague memory as years go by and her face fades from her mind. But the fact Gigi doesn’t think twice before telling her her personal things pushes Crystal to be a bit more open too.
Perhaps this is why she’s becoming a tad too attached to Gigi; none of the girls she’d spent previous summers with cared for her, let alone opened up to her. They would just shoot her messages detailing at which bar or club they would be, or what was their room number.
None of them came to see her at a competition, or texted her weird memes they’d found, sent her videos of weird shit their roommates did during the day, stayed up until the wee hours of the morning texting her or stayed longer after sex.
Gigi is special, and maybe Crystal feels so strongly about her because she hasn’t been on a proper date in a long time, or met someone with whom she just clicked, but it goes without a say that it’ll hurt when they have to part ways.
Though right now, she tries to push that to the back of her brain and act as if they both are there — and the summer is endless and they have a whole life ahead of them.
“How long do you think it’ll take until some shit goes down between Vanessa and Brooke?” Monique asks her girlfriend nonchalantly, as she nudges on her drink. Monét laughs, trying to keep it down not to draw attention to them.
There’s definitely some tension in the room, especially between Brooke and Vanessa, that glance at each other when they think no one’s looking. They’re in opposite corners of the room, with Brooke talking with Plastique, who has a smile plastered on her face at all times despite the situation, and Vanessa staying mostly by April’s side, though she drifts to talk with Jaida and the girl she brought —Jan, apparently— from time to time.
Yvie is floating around, striking a conversation with everyone and trying not to interrupt whatever Brooke and Plastique have going on.
Monét and Monique just stay out of the drama, watching everything go down as they snicker and sip on their drinks.
“Three more vodka sodas; give or take a strawberry daiquiri, and you’ll have Vanessa asking for the aux cord to play ‘Tusa’,” Monét replies after quickly scanning the room. Monique laughs in that dorky way that makes Monét’s heart flutter, and she smiles.
“I don’t know, ‘Nét, Crystal’s not here. You know Vanessa doesn’t like strawberry daiquiris unless they’re prepared by her,” Monique adds, thoughtfully. Monét hums in agreement, taking a long sip from her drink.
“Well, whatever happens, happens,” Monét declares with a shrug as Monique snuggles to her side, holding her drink in one hand and her phone in the other.
Before she can say anything, Monique snaps a picture of her as she sips her drink and smiles cheekily at her, planting a kiss on her cheek when she protests.
“Stop complaining, you look cute!” She insists, but Monét rolls her eyes playfully. To Monique, she would look cute freshly woken up, with her hair a complete mess and her face scrunched up in a frown as she takes in the light of the room. Monét finds it adorable and delusional at the same time.
“Of course you say that, you’re my girlfriend. You’re contractually obligated to find me cute,” she jokes, flipping her short hair over her shoulder and earning a playful slap in the arm from Monique.
“Oh, shut up, miss ‘I’ve been pining for you for the last two years and I’ve decided to tell you over fucking Zoom’,” Monique quips back with a shit-eating grin. Monét immediately gets flustered, looking away in embarrassment. It had been almost a year since then, and Monique still likes to rub that in her face whenever she gets the chance.
At that moment, Monét thought it was a good idea — she was spending the summer with her family in Saint Lucia, and Monique was constantly babbling about this girl she’d met during the competition, who ultimately ended up ghosting her. Monét’d been planning to confess her feelings to her, but ultimately they were crashed the moment Monique went on a rant on how girls always left her hanging and she felt like utter shit.
It had been an awkward couple of seconds until Monique admitted she always found her attractive and to hit her up once she was back in New York City.
Several dates later, and there they were, being the bane of their friends existence whenever they got cheesy.
Monique leaves a soft kiss on Monét’s lips as she goes back to snuggling against her, taking another sip from her drink.
They are too wrapped up in their bubble to notice Vanessa is now talking with Brooke, while Plastique absentmindedly sipps on her drink and Jaida and her date are trying to distract her. April is just sitting in the other side of the room, a drink in her hand, as she chats with Yvie, and they steal not-so-subtle glances at the pair.
Monique drags Monét towards Jaida and Plastique, because she’ll be damned if she misses out the drama.
“What’d we miss? We looked away just for a moment!” Monique dramatizes, trying to be subtle. Jaida rolls her eyes playfully.
“They’re trying to be goddamn adults, that’s what they’re doing,” she replies, making Jan giggle.
“At least they’re trying. My friends, Jackie and Nicky, think we don’t know there’s something going on between them, or was going on, at least. They get all weird when we mention it,” Jan babbles, slurring ever so slightly. “I wonder what’re they doing. They stayed at the house with Brita, but Brita apparently has a family dinner or something. I hope they get their shit together,” she continues, and Jaida subtly takes her drink away.
“We’ll keep our fingers crossed for them too,” Monét offers, stealing a glance at Brooke and Vanessa.
Jackie finds it horribly convenient that she and Nicky are all alone at the house after all the jokes they had to endure during these weeks.
Of course Gigi and Jan have dates tonight, and of-fucking-course Brita is also out. That leaves just the two of them. All alone in the house, and alone together for the first time in a long while.
Jackie tries not to let the memories of their last time being just the two of them get to her, because they’re on good terms now, right? Things get awkward sometimes, when they’re at the club or some bar or at whatever social gathering that includes alcohol, and Nicky goes after girls with brown wavy hair and glasses that look just an itty bitty bit like Jackie, after she’s had more than a few drinks.
Or when they’re studying together and Jackie hums along the lines of Aya Nakamura’s songs, Nicky’s favorite French singer, and the irony isn’t lost on Jackie how Nicky used to dedicate her the same songs she hums under her breath.
Or when they have sleepovers and Nicky goes to sleep on the complete opposite side of the room, and the memories flood Jackie’s mind. Of lazy mornings, sleepy kisses, and having breakfast in bed despite Jackie’s protests. “You’re going to make a mess and I’m gonna be the one that’ll have to clean up,” she used to say, and Nicky would just shut her up with a kiss and a promise of not doing it again, only to repeat the process the next time she stayed the night.
Sometimes the memories got a little too overwhelming, and in consequence she pushes Nicky away, avoids her in real life and social media, until her old feelings die out again and she can live in peace.
But now that she’s drowning in feelings she thought were buried and memories that make her heart skip several beats, there’s no way of escaping Nicky without making her suspicious.
“How do you fancy pizza from two nights ago for dinner?” Nicky calls out from the kitchen as Jackie sits uneasy in the living room couch, trying to focus on whatever garbage reality show is on. She flicks a few channels again before taking a deep breath and answering.
“Isn’t it pineapple pizza? No, thank you, I prefer cooking,” Jackie tries to sound witty as she replies, vaguely looking at Nicky, who’s perched at the kitchen’s door frame, looking at her intently, before she turns her attention back to the TV.
“That’s a good idea, though. I think there are enough spices to do some shawarma, and there’s some chicken left from when we tried to do chicken tacos,” Nicky trails off, going back into the kitchen. Jackie finally pulls herself off the couch to follow her, worried about Brita’s kitchen.
“Didn’t you burn an egg the other day?” She asks, slightly concerned as she watches Nicky stand on her tiptoes to reach the top shelve.
“I mean, yes, but that was Gigi’s fault! She distracted me,” she complains with a whine. Jackie chuckles softly, coming closer to her.
“Oh, really? How so?” She inquires, trying to sound amused.
“Um, well, she was making some dirty jokes, like she always is,” Nicky explains, her voice coming off as more airy and trembling than it usually is.
Jackie tenses, biting the inside of her cheek. She understands without the need of asking more questions.
“Ah,” she musters, shifting her weight from one foot from another. Nicky lets an excited squeal once she fetches all the spices from the shelve. “Do you want to, uh, do you want help maybe? Just to make sure you don’t burn down the house,” Jackie offers, stumbling with the words a little.
Nicky looks at her over her shoulder. “If you want to.” She shrugs, turning around, perching herself on the counter.
Jackie licks her lips, trying to keep her cool. “Alright.”
She tries their best to stay focused at the task at hand, taking over for the most part and instructing Nicky how much spice to sprinkle or how to cut the chicken, and it’s generally chill; there’s not as much tension as Jackie would’ve expected, but her breath still hitches in her throat when their hands occasionally brush or when either Nicky or her have to perch themselves against the counter so the other can cross the narrow space in the kitchen to get something.
Their proximity makes Jackie clench her jaw, the tips of her fingers itching to reach for Nicky’s face and capture her lips in a long overdue kiss and—
She shouldn’t be thinking about this.
She shouldn’t be thinking of Nicky like that.
Before she notices, they’re ready to fry the spiced chicken, and Jackie is rummaging through the bottom shelves to find a frying pan they can use.
“Nicks, do you remember where Brita said—” She leaves her sentence unfinished, as she turns around just when Nicky was trying to make her way to the end of the counter, so now they’re pressed against each other, face to face.
Nicky looks absolutely flustered, cheeks growing pink with each second that passes. She clears her throat before speaking, not moving an inch.
“What Brita said about what?” She inquires in the same breathy tone as before, and Jackie’s stomach twitches.
“About the frying pans. I’m trying to find one, but, uh, there’s- there’s nothing there,” Jackie manages to stammer out. The scent of Nicky’s perfume is intoxicating, it fills her nostrils and it makes her knees go weak. But she stays firmly put where she is.
Nicky cocks one of her perfectly painted eyebrows, a small smirk appearing on her face as she reaches for something behind Jackie in the counter, their faces being now closer than ever.
“It was right behind you, chérie; I told you I left it there, but you didn’t listen to me, it seems,” Nicky nonchalantly says, shamelessly staring at Jackie’s lips. Her breath is hot against her skin, and Jackie finds herself lost in Nicky’s piercing gaze.
Jackie knows too damn well that the slightest move would cause their lips to brush, and then it’d be game over for her.
She wants to move away, but she’s glued to her position for some unholy reason, just staring at Nicky wordlessly as her breath becomes ragged.
Then, Nicky aims to close the distance between their mouths.
And Jackie turns her face away, with Nicky’s kiss landing on her cheek instead.
There’s an awkward silence as Nicky steps back, seeming absolutely mortified.
“I said, ‘Don’t kiss me until you get your shit together.’ and I stand by that. Don’t make things harder than they already are, Nicky,” Jackie speaks calmly, almost somber. Her skin burns in the spot where Nicky’s lips had been just moments ago, and the tears already start prickling in her eyes.
She can’t believe Nicky could be this cruel.
“Merde, Jackie, I didn’t mean- I wasn’t trying-” Nicky struggles to get a coherent sentence out, and Jackie is already pulling away from her, their closeness too much to bear. “Jackie, listen,” she pleads, and Jackie forces herself to meet Nicky’s gaze.
She seems truly sorry.
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean- well, I did mean to kiss you. I’ve missed you in every single fucking aspect, but I missed your lips the most. God, how couldn’t I?” Nicky rambles, and Jackie just listens in silence, with her heart pounding against her ribcage so hard she’s sure Nicky can hear it. “And- and I know the reason we broke up is because you couldn’t tolerate my indecisiveness anymore, and I’m sorry. I really am. But do you know why I tried to kiss you?”
Jackie squints, shaking her head no. She can taste the words in her tongue, wants so badly to hear Nicky say them.
Nicky takes a few steps, still standing at a respectable distance, but all Jackie wants to do is push her closer.
“Because I know now, Jackie,” she declares, leaning in closer. Jackie inhales sharply. “It’s you. It’s always been you. All it took for me to realize was you ditching me, and I understand if you don’t-” Nicky leaves her sentence unfinished thanks to Jackie cupping her face and clashing their lips together.
It feels as if the last time they kissed was years ago, and Jackie thought for the longest time she had forgotten the taste of Nicky’s lips; but they’re still soft, with a hint of strawberry thanks to the chapstick Nicky often uses.
The kiss is anything but soft, and it resembles how much they had missed each other during all this time. Nicky places her hands on Jackie’s waist and pins her against the wall, and Jackie’s hands soon find their way into Nicky’s hair, softly caressing it.
God, she’d missed this terribly.
Nicky starts to pepper kisses all over Jackie’s face, making her giggle.
“Habibi, this is nice and all, but I think we’re forgetting dinner,” Jackie chuckles, smiling bashfully. Nicky kisses her more tenderly, taking her time, and Jackie is gone.
“I think I wanna eat something else now,” Nicky says nonchalantly.
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eksulansis · 4 years
I'm just saying that for his own sake, he should learn how to handle this situations better. Fans, especially the really young ones won't change, they will bully and harass him, because they just don't know better, and he (and Shannon too) need to ignore them. Don't engage in DMs, GCs and so on. I'm not victim blaming here, they were being treated horribly, but if they want to stay in the industry, they'll need to adapt and shrug it off even if they are right in so many ways.
agree here. he’s removed himself from any responsibility for the feelings of the fans of his work since a bunch of them hurt his so tastelessly - yet he still remained on the radar and kept providing a reaction. i guess they’re trying to prove that their life remains unaffected by the ugly online comments & trolling but in doing so, young and yet to learn a lot as they are, they’re inviting more drama and negativity b/c the fandom will never stop. part of me is glad that vid caused so much controversy, especially the way fans got amybeth involved in the discussion, - that will teach them to be more careful with expressing their mind and interacting with fans in general. 
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Chapter 42. da blak parade AN: omg da new season iz kumming out rlly soon I kant wait!!!1111. I fink dat gwen will be really the same person as crimson koz dey are both goffick. omg I hope joques nd tome get 2getha dat will be so shmexxy, wont it?? If dey don’t den fresh is hamophobic!!!!!111111 thx 4 da help wiv facts, rahce u rok!!!111 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I sat depressedly in the producers office wiv Kelly, Blaineley, Trent's dad, Duncan's dad, Chris and Chef. The producer was sitting in front of us cruelly. He looked more young den he did in da future. “What da hell is this anyway??” he cackled meanly. I hoped he didn’t find out dat I was frum another time. “Whatever u do don’t blame Gwen , u jerk.” Satan said. “Yah, siriusly she was trying to get Satan and Kelly back together.” Chef said deviantly. “Be quiet you Satanists.” the Producer cockled. “If ur lucky I’ll probably send u all to prison!!! That will teach u to copolate in da Mess Hall.” “You fucking poser.” I muttoned. “I bet you’ve never herd of GC.” Trent's dad said. “Shut up!!!” Duncan's dad shouted. “Yeah shut up!!!!” Chris said preppily. “No u shut up!!!!!!!!1111” said Blaineley. “I’ve had enough of u Satanists in my camp!!!!” shouted the Producer spuriously. Suddenly I grabed ma iPod from him. “Evry1! Jump in b4 itz 2 l8!!! I jumped in2 it. But only 1 odder person jumpd in. It was……..Satan. “You dunderheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111” screamed the Producer wisely as we went. I looked around. I wuz in da cabin wiv Satan. I was wearing a blak plaid miniskirt with hot blue fishnetz, a sexy blak MCR corset and blak stiletto boots with green pentagroms on dem. My earrings were blake Satanist sins and my raven hair was all around me. “Hey kool where iz dis?” she asked in an emo voice. “Dis is da future. da Producrs iPod dat he tried to take away from me wuz really also a tim machine.” I told her. “Kool what’s an ipatch?” she whimpered. “It’s somefing u use 2 lizzen 2 music.” I yakked. Suddenly some of my friends walked in. “OMG you’re fucking alive!” said Izzy wearing a blak leather jocket, blak baggy pants and a goffik black Frum First to Last shirt. I explained 2 her why I was alive. “Konichiwa, bitch.” said Courtney. “Hey, motherfucker.” Said Harold with his red hair. He waz wearing a black P?ATD t-shit and blak baggy pants. “Hey whose that, Gwen?” Leshawna questioned as she walked in wearing a beige t-shit with a red pentarom on it with lace at the bottom, red letther pants, and brown flats. she wesnt aprep or anything. “Oh its Satan.” I told her and she nodded knowing da truth. Suddenly Satan started to cry. “Are you okay Satan?” we asked concernedly. “OMFG ur from da future!!1! What if u don’t like m anymore koz were from difrent times?????” she asked. “No I still like you.” I said “Ok.” she said ressuredly. I let her lizzen 2 Teenagers by MCR on my ipod while I was about to go outside to find out some fingz. I gave Harold a signal to keep Satan occupied. Satan fell asleep. I took the iPod. I was about to walk outside. Don ran in!!!!!!!1111 he was wearing a olive colored cardigan, black jeans, a white scarf, sunglasses, and blakc shoes. “Oh my fucking god, where’s Duncan!!!!111 How did Chris get back here!!!” I asked sadly. “Gwen I was so worried abott u but I know you can’t fucking die because you’re a vrompire. Chris came back because that girl Heather freed him. I never liked her she was a bad contestant.” Don said reassuredly. “That bitch!!!!!!!1” I shouted angrily. I hated Heather because she was a fucking prep. “Yes they are on the loose at this school. Chris is back the producers is on his way to help evry1. Tell evry1 u see to lock themselves in their room!!!!!!” Don said worriedly. “OK. But where’s Duncan???? How cum he was doing it with Cody?????” Then I said “Lizzen evry1, I have
sumthing imptent to do. in hr evry1 stay!!!!!!!!!” wiv dat I ran out. “Good luck Gwennie!!!!!!!11” everyone cried. I ran sexily down the path in2 da Mess Hall. There was hardly ne1 else outside nd tere was an atmosphere of horrer. On da way I saw Heather laughing on da stairs. She was wearing a a slutty pink shirt wiv flowers on it, a blu jean skirt Abercromie and pink stiletoos. She looked jest like a cross of those fucking preps Hilery Duff and Lindsey Lohan. “You fucking bitch!!!!!111” I shouted angrily. “No, your totally a bitch. Now Blaineley will like totally kill u!” she laughed. I put up my middle finger at her. When I had reached da Mess Hall I saw Trent. “OMG Trent!!!!111” I yielded. We hugged each udder happily. He locked at me wif his green eyes and spiky blak hair. “I wus so worried you died!” moaned Trent. “I know but Im a vampire lol. When I woke up I wuz back in 1980, so neway I bought Blaineler from when she was yung with me.” “Where’s Duncan?” I asked spuriously. “Duncan? You mean that fukking poser who betroyed you?” Trent snarkled with anger. “I NO BUT WE HAV 2 FIND HIM.” I SED SMARTY. “I’ll do it den.” Trent said angstily. “OK.” I argreed. Suddenly……….all da lights in da hall went out. And den…….da mark of blaineley appeared. “Oh my fucking satan!!!!!” Trent shouted. “I fink Blaineley has arrivd.” I sed anxiously. “Fuck, I have to find Duncan!!1 I guess we shood separate.” “Ok.” Trent sed diapperating. I ran out of the MessHall.
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Tag Meme Thing
Tagged by @spaceboysatori
Rules: tag 20 ppl
Nickname: Emily, Em (l0st.spirits on the wlw gc)
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: very smol 5'1 ½ (t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶s̶u̶r̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶s̶u̶r̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶d̶o̶m̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶)
Last thing I googled: Kermit memes (I blame the group chat)
Favorite music artist (at the moment): Two Door Cinema Club
Last movie I saw: Insidious
Why did I chose my URL: Its the first one that popped in my head. Whoops
Do I have any side blogs: I have two side blogs. One is very depressing where I keep my trauma in. The other one that has one post because I never use it is called @the-gr8-depression
What did your last relationship teach you: That people are very scary. And to not get with a person that is unstable because you need to worry about yourself instead of worrying about the person you’re dating.
Religious or spiritual: neither?
Favorite color: blue, red, and green
Average hours of sleep: right now only like 2 hrs a night because i have insomnia so listen to music at night
Lucky number: 7 is nice
Favorite character: tony stark or hawkeye (the marvel cinematic universe hawkeye is trash tho)
How many blankets sleep with: Like 5 wrapped around me with 3 fans facing me cause I don’t have air conditioning
Dream job: veterinarian or marine biologist
Tagging: @itsallavengers @quiznaks @analphancones (whoops I’m too lazy to put anymore people in)
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dansmovingcastle · 7 years
henlo im bored on a long car journey and my luv @hazyphil tagged me in this !! (thank u nat!)
rules ; tag twenty blogs you’d like to get to know better !
nickname(s) ; some of my friends called me luce or lulu,, but family call me lu
zodiac sign ; pisces ! (and boy oh boy let me tell u i am the most Stereotypical pisces EVER)
height ; 5′11 (a giant,,,)
last thing you googled ; “where am i”
favourite music artist ; the front bottoms or lorde but atm i am rlly lovin frank ocean nd kanye out of nostalgia
song stuck in your head ; there isnt one bc im listening to music atm but im listening to chanel by frank ocean
last movie you watched ; it was ‘nerve’ but i didnt rlly find it that interesting
what are you wearing right now ? ; black skinny jeans, a black turtle neck, a pink n white blossom bomber jacket n just black running shoes bc im gonna be walking a lot today rip
why did you choose your url ? ; partly bc of a fic i read years ago and partly bc i make art :’)))
do you have any other blogs ? ; yes !! @velvetlucy is my aes/main blog and @studyblrlucy is my studyblr!!!
what did your last relationship teach you ? ; never rely on one person for all your happiness
religious or spiritual ? ; im not relgious but i respect anyone that is!! and honestly i have no clue it all baffles me sm but its very interesting
favourite colour ; any pastel colour especially lilac, baby pink, yellow and mint
average hours of sleep ; im a baby and need 10 hours but recently ive been getting like 5 (i blame the gc and pop…)
lucky number ; 2 !
favourite characters ; bubbles from the powerpuff girls (bc,,, me?), bee from bee and puppycat, veronica from riverdale
how many blankets do you sleep with ? ; usually a duvet and a fuzzy blanket unless its rlly hot then just a sheet:’) or my duvet with a fan on
dream job ; a photographer/artist or a florist or a baker tbh
i tag ; all of the peej net and anyone tht wants to do this (so,, all of my followers) but u obviously dont hav to do it!
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one-shoop · 4 years
So this is random! But... made a new rd today, a small one with two genes and my sister to teach them french. Then we added my mother since she knows french well. Turns out she was asleep, and she thought it was only me and my sister. So she started telling us about how we should have just walked up to her instead of bugging her with the notes, how sheher phone kept ringing, and how our attitude reminded her of when we were kids and all. We tried telling her we weren't alone in the gc but she was already done ranting by the time she noticed it. Then when she finally noticed, she talked about how she made a fool of herself and how embarrassed she was. Despite nobody commenting on it at all.
Then at dinner. She tells us to warn her next time we make a group chat, since she thought we were alone and added she looked ridiculous in front of everyone. She didn't eat to "make a fool of herself" again. So here I'm wondering which part is supposed to be embarrassing. The part where she didn't acknowledge anyone else, or the part where she nagged at us in front of our friends? I felt like she was putting the blame on us. Its stupid, I mean, she was even saying how tired she was and how "all she saw were cutesy icons". I dated to say we had told her many times there were other people, an d we were doing a french class.
I mean come on. Why would she be embarrassed? I mean. Shouldn't we be embarrassed? And is this kind of shame she talks about even that bad? Its not even bad for her, I mean, scone on. No need to bring it up twice.
I feel like maybe I should be kind of insulted? But maybe not? Its just kind of weird?
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