skyliv · 2 months
spiderverse is so cool like wdym i get to see the strangest most gorgeous gay person with the most problems ever next to some guy voiced by jason schwartzman
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headpainmigraine · 1 year
Imposter syndrome goes hardcore man.
Me, an entire cucumber, JUST got a confirmed POTS diagnosis, taking ivabradine for my heart rate: Why am I even taking this? My heart doesn't feel that fast. I'm lying to myself, I'm lying to EVERYONE
Also me, suddenly feeling weird, feeling my pulse: tiktiktiktiktiktik
Me: Oh, okay.
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butchpeabody · 2 years
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felt like doodling my grumpus oc....bellawee you will always be famous
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sameteeth · 1 year
randomly i am like sick with anxiety
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tfw your prof has sent an article where Bezos is mentioned and you're feeling attacked by the evil: 🗡 🔪 🗡
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redjaybird · 1 year
[its a friday and i have to be awake]
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andiaquarium-moved · 2 years
ok. nap time i think
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aggiepython · 11 months
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The Factory
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oddosstuff · 3 months
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awfull. sickening. shitty. twisteds concepts I made when I first really got into dw * loud sigh *
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wuntrum · 2 years
i need to make my art weirder 😭
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synodicsoma · 9 months
Will I ever stop posting wips and art late in the bum fuck if the night?
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So um…. I don’t think I’ll be playing postal anytime soon
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i accidentally got a lemon seed into the soup pot while i was squeezing the juice in did not realize bit into the lemon seed as I ate the soup and it was….THE most vile taste
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god the twdg fans are so toxic when it comes to tillie, every time i see a post about the books art on reddit it’s just full of people insulting her personally ffs….
I know, it's annoying. I try to stay away from reddit because it's the worst, but sometimes I sneak in there just to see what's up. Usually it starts off not too bad, just a lot of shitposts. Apparently there was a huge debate recently over whether Clementine's hat is blue or purple. But then someone posts about the comic and I do an eyeroll so extreme that I'm pretty sure it's a demon trying to invade my body before my spirit swats it away with a flyswatter.
If it was just shit talking that comic, I wouldn't be irritated. I shit talk the comic, I hate that damn thing. But noooo, people have to make it about Tillie. Some of the stuff they write about her is disgusting and makes me want to just abandon the fandom completely, I'm embarrassed to have a shared interest in twdg with these people.
They're not even doing anything productive, y'know? They're just leeches in a cesspool that feed off each other's bitterness and misery and it infects anyone who steps too close.... is that a dramatic way to describe toxic twdg fans? Yes, but it's more thought put into that sentence than any of them put into their posts so I don't feel bad.
Blegh, see? Negativity infection, I hate it >:[
On a positive note, might I suggest Tillie's other works? Like Spinning, which is autobiographical of her life from when she was a figure skater? Gives a lot of insight into her as a person and it's just an overall good book, highly recommend.
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skenpiel · 1 year
designing a new more canon compliant prospit dreamer outfit for my trollsona but cringing and groaning the whole time so you know i dont agree with the color palette
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//I think I've definitely hit that bittersweet portion of my prep to move because while I'm glad that all of the bureaucratic, document-related things are mostly over, but on the other hand I just realized that I practically only have 2 months left to spend with my family and friends. On one hand, I'm definitely going to make the most of it and have fun, on the other there's also that heavy feeling in my gut that I'm running on borrowed time with my loved ones right now so yeah//
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