dozydawn · 1 year
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Blendo glassware by Anchor Hocking, 1950s.
The style is characterized by a bright neon or pastel solid base that fades as it goes up the glass and has a gold rim.
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battlebots and robot wars legend, Unidentified flying object(s)
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natalieironside · 1 year
Y'all remember that time Adam and Jamie Mythbusters built a real-life beyblade and entered it into a battle robot tournament and they got disqualified because it killed the other robots too good and sprayed shrapnel into the audience
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mourningmaybells · 17 days
I hate how things you see at a younger age affect you later on. I’ll be watching a movie scene where people are quiet in a small space and my mind always goes “this is just like the orange-peeling scene in Thirty Flights of Loving” without fail. It is just silence.
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darkersoul · 1 year
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blend diego brando
from jjba
regular diego, not alternate
i want to see my dinosaur boy blended
it is important
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it's him
the dino boy
I love him
but I would love him more as a juice
Diego Brando from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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smokiedokie · 2 years
I love that everyone in the fandom has really latched onto Armand’s fascination with blenders. Forget blorbos, that’s my blendo.
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vanishingmoments · 6 months
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they didn't have bulletproof glass????
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Replaying quadrilateral cowboy because it's a fantastic game and it's been long enough that I've forgotten most of the level solutions.
The entire game is dripping in character and atmosphere, the props are so simple yet so effective, but one of my favourite parts is the way that everything you're using feels like a prototype. Your automated suitcase gun and your infiltration robots have to be controlled by issuing very direct commands like "GO FORWARD 400; TURN 90; GO FORWARD 20, PITCH 45; FIRE;. This is distinct from Using A Finished Product or Actively Making A Novel Thing.
Quadrilateral Cowboy feels like, okay, we built these tools and they work, but we're in too much of a hurry to put the user interface together, so here's the development console, you'll be fine. It grants you more speed than if you, say, had to build everything from scratch, while still providing idiosyncrasies and quirks you have to work with and around in interesting ways. For example, each little program for your different tools has a slightly different syntax because each one was written by someone else.
If you were actively doing the technical side of intrusion, something like Hack.Net or a Zachtronics programming game, it would be different, those are slower and more methodical games. If you just pointed at the target and hit go it would be more like Watchdogs, which is a fast-paced action game with technological trappings.
When I was building control panels at my last job, the first trials involved manually setting up the test patterns you wanted to run in the controller software. Then, I was working on the rest of it so I made a little prototype command line program that could quickly toggle the outputs when I wanted to check something, but you wouldn't want to give it to anyone who had never used it before. Finally I wrote a GUI app with usage notes and help text for the technicians to take out to site for their installation checklists. Quadrilateral Cowboy falls very firmly into that middle land of prototype testing software.
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Game 218 - QUADRILATERAL COWBOY by Blendo Games
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I picked up this game through the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I chose to donate 10 dollars, and I found about 153 games in the bundle that I was actually interested in. So, the consideration for this game will be if it was worth the 7 cents (rounded up) that I paid for it and the hours that I played it for. The bundle has since ended, but I still encourage you to make a donation to the organizations listed here.
What did I think it was at first? I'm guessing it will be some sort of blocky experience.
How was the character creator? None, you are the titular quadrilateral cowboy. You can see yourself in a mirror and you look like this:
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How was the game? I really liked some parts of this game!
There's this cool almost 90's aesthetic going on that's really fun. Basically, you use a computer deck to hack security systems through programming. You do this in order to steal stuff - it's very heisty.
I played through one level and found it pretty fun! The programming it teaches you is very basic, I'm guessing, but as someone who's never done that outside of limited HTML I found it pretty cool.
There are many different obstacles you run into while trying to rob people, such as security cameras, doors, and lasers. Your job is to run programming commands to turn off or redirect these obstacles so that you can move through them.
What did I not love? I played through the first level, and despite how cool the concept was I knew I wouldn't be able to go much further. The game relies a lot on timing to maintain the tension of the heist - obstacles will alarm if you shut them off for more than 3 seconds, for instance. I didn't like this at all - it was really frustrating to try multiple times to get the timing correct especially with the imprecise controls.
The game does have a tourist mode where all doors are open, but that's not what I want - what I'm looking for is more akin to a difficulty setting.
There were also some weird physics moments where I'd close the hacking deck and propel myself out of the level, which was annoying.
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At 1 hour and 7 cents, was it really worth it? If you don't have my weird timed game aversion you might like it! It is very intellectually stimulating.
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dozydawn · 3 months
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so i was looking at a blog of weak and sad battlebots for post ideas, WHEN FUCKING BLENDO SHOWED UP
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izmirphpdeveloper · 1 year
BlendOS: Özelleştirilebilir Bir Arch Linux Tabanlı İşletim Sistemi
BlendOS, Arch Linux tabanlı bir işletim sistemidir. Arch Linux, son derece özelleştirilebilir ve esnek bir yapıya sahip olduğu için, BlendOS da aynı özellikleri taşır ve kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarınıza göre yapılandırılabilmektedir. Linux topluluğu, her zaman yeni ve heyecan verici projelerle doludur. BlendOS, Linux tabanlı bir işletim sistemi olup, her kullanıcı profiline uyacak şekilde…
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theletterwsarseflap · 2 months
Watching Adam Savage talk about Blendo and ngl he could make an amusing live action Dr Wily how he looks now
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req'd by @yourlocalfallofthewest
love me a woman that can spin at the original velocity blendo was projected to achieve
text: A fine woman is like a fine washing machine: they both spin at 3000 rpm
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