#bliss chapman
carmenveda · 6 months
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Bliss Chapman photographed by Carly Scott for ODDA, October 2023
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Enola Holmes 2: Chapman sisters
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wildmelon · 2 years
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the chapmans 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼
basically i don’t actually play legacy challenges but i have a save i mentally refer to as my “legacy save” bc i don’t tend to play out full generations ever except for this one save. but even then it’s almost 3 years old and i’m just starting on gen 3 lmfao bc i literally just came to terms with the idea of my “founders” dying. but here’s one of my favorite families, i’m putting a bit about them each under the cut bc y’all know by now i can’t just show u their pretty faces and go :) feeling rather tender since it’s been a while since i opened this save 🥺
will chapman: will’s an absolute sweetheart who was in love with bliss’ fiery spirit since first grade. she was very perplexed by the total lack of agenda behind his kindness at first and highly suspicious of his seemingly infinite patience, but eventually she learned to accept his unconditional love around senior year of high school and is all the better for it. will’s smack dab in the middle of a big family, with two older brothers and a younger brother and sister (twins), so his easygoing nature served him well growing up. will and bliss are a perfect match, each other’s missing puzzle pieces, their differences complement and challenge each other in the best ways--
bliss chapman: the firstborn daughter of my ‘legacy founders’ and the oldest of four, bliss was an absolute handful to raise. she had a lot of anger issues growing up and a hard relationship with her little-miss-perfect mother. (this was so sad actually, her poor mom marley had 0 idea what to do). she had a big complex about deserving love, especially the kind of love her parents have for each other. will helped her heal a lot of those wounds. she freaked tf out when they accidentally got pregnant with kit after college but watching her blossom as a mother was so special 😭 it was the exact kind of thing all her fears and insecurities told her she’d be bad at her whole life, but bliss has a really big heart and was much better at parenting then she ever could’ve predicted. bliss had a lifelong obsession with space and became a mechanical engineer before accomplishing her dream of being an astronaut. (bliss is so so special to me and i have a lot of writing about her 🥺❤️)
kit (katherine) chapman: kit’s always wanted to be a doctor like her dad and is about to start at britechester to do it! she’s a huge geek and was very awkward and shy her whole life and recently blossomed into a very pretty girl, but she doesn’t really know what to make of that yet. the only time she’s perfectly articulate is during debate, she’s really good at it and all of her social anxiety melts away once she gets going! she thinks it’s the planning and organization. kit made henry puffer her entire personality for most of her childhood. 
stevie chapman: the self-declared “problem child,” stevie doesn’t actually cause many problems. she keeps up decent grades and is nice to her siblings, and in exchange her parents turn a blind eye when she sneaks out to catch a weeknight concert in the arts district. a hardcore adrenaline seeker, stevie’s parents (lovingly) anticipate the day she moves out and they no longer have to bear witness to her constant scrapes. she never runs out of energy and is fun and bubbly. her family thinks stevie’s desire to be perceived as a rebel is quite cute and usually they indulge her. (for any fellow frozen pines fans, stevie was named after @\softpine’s stevie 🥺 she was born a few months after i first read all the camellia posts and became obsessed ❤️)
elliot chapman: the accident bonus baby! will and bliss planned on not having any more kids, but sometimes mc command center god has other plans! they’re young parents though so it makes sense. elliott has no discernable personality yet because i did not plan for him. poor baby will most likely have a complex about being the extra as an adult. 
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fictionaltrvlr · 1 year
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enola holmes 🤍🤎
cutout credits
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vlij · 2 years
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Enola Holmes 2 (2022) dir. by Harry Bradbeer
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distantvoices · 7 months
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Bliss Chapman by Carly Scott for ODDA Magazine October 2023
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superblysubpar · 2 years
Leather & Lace: Ch. 01
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Leather and Lace Masterlist
A/N: I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve been holding this close to my heart & finally decided it was time to share it. Please see the masterlist for overall series warning, but this chapter is slow and simple - a touch angsty. Let me know what you think! And to my lovely ladies (you know who you are), I’m not sure what I did to deserve you all, but I’m so grateful for you. Thanks for making me laugh harder than I have in a long time & for talking me into sharing this (& more). Special thanks to @boomhauer for taking on the role of putting up with my excessive use of the word and, bad grammar, and tendency to over italicize - I owe you big time friend.
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Side A | Track 01: “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
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There’s a reason there are so many songs about young love, lost innocence, fleeting moments, and growing up.
A reason those songs usually involved leaving someone behind or being the one who was left. 
Several reasons that hundreds of people are able to connect to a lyric about watching that person or that town disappear in your rearview mirror as you vowed to never look back again. 
The reasons, the songs, the people who relate to them, all center around one thing - small towns.
And small towns fucking suck.
The songs, the movies, the people - they want you to believe in small town America. They want you to think it’s peaceful, that it’s bliss. Not a single soul is unhappy - the town and all within it are thriving. You’re supposed to feel safe, enjoy knowing your neighbors, and learn how to bake pies to submit to county fairs like your mom did and her mom did. It’s all shoved down your throat from the minute you’re born in that ‘too big’ city hospital. Barely a day old and you’re already being told it’s better this way as you're shuffled back home to where you’re supposed to belong.
When you’re younger, you don’t understand it all yet. You like that everyone in your class knows each other and everyone gets invited to every birthday party. You like waving to your mailman at the grocery store and seeing your teacher at the movie theater. You love that all of the moms know each other and gossip, because that means when yours picks you up to go home after a sleepover you have at least another hour together while they all talk.
But as the years go by, it all starts to change. Suddenly, your class doesn’t like each other, you’re not all invited to the parties, people stop dressing up for Halloween because it’s not “cool” anymore. Your best friends start talking about boys, clothes aren’t just clothes - they’re a status, and liking certain music or movies makes you either a freak or a god. 
Someone snaps their fingers and it’s a bloodbath to rise up in social status. There’s a hierarchy, a food chain, and it’s every man for himself. You start to see that it was all an illusion. The moms who you swore were the best of friends are the first to let you in on the secret of the false happiness of the town and its people. 
Their long winded doorway and grocery store gossip filled conversations you once tuned out, now ring in your ears too loud. They fake smiles and pleasantries until one leaves the herd, the pack descending on them with nasty remarks and the first of many rumor fueled flames is lit. No longer the close friendships you once dreamed of having yourself, but relationships formed from gossip and jealousy and hate that their offspring seemed doomed to inherit.
Like a movie playing on the big screen, you watch it happen right before your eyes. Your once tight knit group of friends turning on each other for something as simple as eating a slice of pizza at lunch instead of a salad. They’re glossing lips and curling eyelashes, and talking about basketball player boyfriends. Plans for their futures suddenly centered around boys you’d grown up with, dreams of weddings, kids, and staying in that same town repeating it all over again with a new generation. 
They've got to be shitting you, right? 
You’re not an idiot though. You see how the people you once called friends are suddenly freaks - shunned by the kings and queens of the school. And you’re not proud of it, but you play along. You wear the outfits, the bright blue eyeshadow, you make fun of people who are slightly different from the status quo. 
High School is a balance beam, a high wire, a jump out of an airplane but you don’t all have the parachute or net to catch you. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, a massive and giant labyrinth of contradictions and riddles designed to make you sink or swim. Lean or turn the wrong way one time, and it’s game over.
You can’t answer too many questions in class and look like a nerd, but obviously you have to keep up your grades because you can’t be seen as a slacker or dropout - what would people think? You can’t like art or band or theater too much, you can be an athlete but they’d prefer it if you just cheered for them. Be a good girl, get good grades, and dote on whatever king of Hawkins belongs to the letterman jacket you currently have slung around your shoulders. 
And the school stuff isn’t even the worst part. The extracurriculars are where things started to get really complicated. Only the freaks, losers, and dropouts smoke weed and drink. Oh, but you’re not gonna have even a sip or one hit at the party? Who are you, Mother Theresea? You go to church, so you’re a saint, right? Only on her knees for Jesus? Boys will be lining up to see if they can make the angel dip into her sinful ways. Trapped on the receiving end of a double edged sword - a prude if you don’t do anything and a slut if you do. 
You walk the line for four years, sticking to the status quo and you coast. Never in the background and never in the spotlight, miraculously making it through what’s supposedly the best years of your life fairly unscathed. It’s not all rainbows and perfectly pressed pleated skirts though, and you need out. You pack up what little you can consider truly your own possessions two days after graduation, ready to head towards the city. You’re going to watch that shitty little town disappear in your rearview mirror and you’re not going to look back, not even for a second. 
Your “friends” think you've lost it. Your parents worry and remind you you can always come back. You hope your little brother is proud of you - he’s the only reason you do risk a glance in the rearview mirror. You see him standing in the driveway, waving a sad arm in the air, his misfit friends all standing by him. He'll be okay. He'll see how good you do outside of that town and maybe he'll be inspired and get out too. 
Chicago is dirty, loud, fast and wonderful. It’s nothing like you thought it’d be and everything you dreamed about. You’re poor and surviving off of Seven-Eleven slurpees, but you’re living.
People are different in the city. Unique and vibrant and filled with life. They’re not settling for normalcy. They’re pushing themselves and boundaries. Told to be different and stand out - speak up instead of being seen and not heard. 
School is completely different too. No one to tell you that you can’t like both an art class and a science class. A gift from the universe, you’re sure, when your assigned lab partner offers you a joint one day, where he casually offers up the information that his cousin is his dealer and his mom runs a local Sunday school - like that’s normal everywhere. And maybe it is, maybe the awful small town is ancient history. You embrace the new normal and you ask if his cousin can hook you up too and if the church has a choir you can join. 
The next four years are long, and not at all perfect, but they’re your years and no one else’s. You’re writing your own story and figuring things out for yourself. Your parents and brother call and visit frequently and you manage to avoid returning home as much as possible - visits only extending for no more than two days, and staying put inside your childhood home. The happenstance lab partner talk ends you up in a job teaching at a local church when you’re not in class. Falling in love with the kids, you pursue a career in teaching, dreaming of a future where you’re helping to shape the minds of the next generations. 
Graduation, your own apartment, a job teaching art to middle school - the dreams, the life you couldn’t have even imagined, unfolding before you like you’re living the best part of a movie. It all seems too good to be true.
And maybe it was. 
Maybe it was some sort of childhood naivety clinging to you. Hopes and dreams were just that - and somehow you had gotten caught up in yours. You should have realized that life is not always a happy ending. It is filled with an immeasurable amount of curve balls, running uphill both ways, grief, and unexpected life altering moments. It’s unpredictable and unfair and ready to blindside you at a moment’s notice. 
The loaf of bread you’ve been carrying falls into an icy puddle at the curb. You jump to grab it, but it's too late. A car rolls right over it, honking like it's your fault and you flip them off.
You know it’s stupid to cry over a loaf of bread, over a stranger honking at you, and besides, your tears will only freeze to your eyelashes. So you try to keep them at bay as you quickly walk the remaining block to your apartment, arms pulling your coat closer to ward off any harsh wind that manages to sneak through and chill your body.
You rip the pink past due notice from your door as you rush inside, dumping your bags on the floor and kick the excuse of a coffee table that's just a sheet over two cardboard boxes as you pass it. You don’t even bother turning on the lights because you know you couldn’t afford last month’s electricity bill, which means you certainly can’t afford this month’s. 
You knew you weren't going to make it much longer and the tears you had managed to hold in now wet your lashes as they threatened to finally fall.
The shrill ring of your phone pulls you out of your self pity and wallowing. You knew it was your little brother, calling you at this time every Sunday night. You had managed to keep it all to yourself for almost six months, not having it in you to tell them all, to tell him that you had failed. That you needed to return home. 
You knew it was time though and you picked it up on the last ring, "Hello?"
Your brother is screaming into the line and you start to panic, "What? What's going on?" Your mind starts racing back to a few years ago when all the crazy shit went down with the mall and the earthquake - your family luckily safe with you in Chicago for both events. Why they insisted on returning to that shitty town even after all of that was beyond you.  
"I got into NYU!"
You fall back against your wall, the tears falling down your still thawing cheeks. A mixture of grieving the loss of your own innocence and celebration of his still thriving one. You clutch the phone tighter and wish you could hug him through it, wrapping the cord around your fingers you choke out, “I’m so proud of you buddy. That’s amazing. Congrats.”
He's breathless and laughing, "Will you come home to celebrate? Longer than the two days you had planned for Christmas? Please?"
You cradle the phone between your ear and neck and grab a spoon to get your dinner of peanut butter started.
You look up at the ceiling and try not to cry harder. You can’t tell him, but you have to. You take a deep breath as his voice falls to that wobble that only little brothers know. The one they perfect before their first words so they can hit you right where it hurts and make you swear to yourself to never let the sound leave their mouth again if you can help it.
"Y/N? Please?" he asks quietly.
You sniffle and form some sort of courage to tell him you’re a failure, "How ‘bout I do you one better and I come home for the rest of your senior year?"
You rip it off like a bandaid that’s been left on too long, wincing through it as you blurt out, "I got laid off at the end of last year."
"But you're the art teacher! How can they just-"
You interrupt him before you start crying harder and he can go off on a rant, “Buddy, I know, listen, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you all about it over some pizza while we watch The Breakfast Club, okay?”
He’s silent for what feels like forever when he finally asks, “Can we get pineapple on the pizza?”
You laugh through the remaining tears and nod, leaning your forehead against the wall, “You bet. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
When you hang up, you look around your dark apartment. The place that once was your oasis, your dream, now an expensive responsibility and weight on your shoulders. You’d sold most of your furniture already, and so you start packing your few remaining belongings that same night. 
In the next two days you sell what you can, enough to barely make your final rent payment and you hand your landlord your key as the first snow of the year drifts down lazily around you. You turn and take one final polaroid of the city - wanting to remember it this way, before climbing into your rusting and falling apart car and closing your door on it all. 
As you make the drive out of the city, your eyes fill with tears in the rearview mirror. It was never supposed to be like this. This wasn’t the town that was supposed to disappear in the mirror. These weren’t the people you were supposed to be leaving. As the wheels of the car take you further and further away, you turn the volume of your mixtape up as loud as it can go, drowning out the thoughts of your failures, your disappointments, your crushed dreams. You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you sing along loudly.
“...I got no plans, I ain’t going nowhere. So take your fast car and keep on driving. So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car - speed so fast I felt like I was drunk. City lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulders. And I, I had a feeling that I belonged. I-I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone…”
🖤 Thanks again for being here - any interaction is so appreciated & I’d love to know what you thought about it! If you’re able, please consider reblogging to help get my work seen.  tag list: @christalcake @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean
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athenepromachos · 2 years
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Henry with Serrana Su-Ling Bliss (Bessie Chapman) BTS of Enola 2 😍
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Keep pondering a Fallen London timeline where Pages had a hybrid with the protag from Mask of the Rose through some process and said child is referred to as The Young Master.
Pages spends its whole pregnancy both insisting it's not pregnant and having internalized anxiety about trying to divine meaning into it wanting to eat fish at 7am but only raw. Not because it isnt thrilled but because its terrified. The other masters that give a shit are unluckily also probably not so fond of Pages itself, the whole being with a human thing, or the very idea of mixing material. The insistence that the whole thing is in service of producing a good love story is a thin cover at best, but good golly its clinging to it.
Fun additions to this mental au include: Pages getting blissed out on a music box its lover found for the baby and promptly stealing it. Literally every Master knowing its pregnant and initially Hearts tries to take bets on who did it before being soundly sworn at. Lover moving in with Pages to help since it is their child too, and the inevitable process of Redecorating since everything is v much not their size. Debates about how the kid will look occupying the conversation whenever Lover visits Chapman's to check up on ppl, with Archie insisting hes "not that kind of doctor--if those exist" when asked. Griz spends a good deal of these conversations deadpan staring into the middle distance, imagining the paperwork backlog that will appear when Pages dips out to deliver and recover.
Not pictured in all this is the mental image of Pages absolutely hating nursery rhymes for not having a coherent narrative depth. Because its implied.
By FL times the kiddo would be old enough to be kinda pissed most things are already in hand so to speak. It likes fish and the zea. Would that make it Mr. Fish? Sails? Fins? Its conflicted and this leads to a lot of "I cant shrink down rn I'm POUTING".
I'm pondering
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youneedtolightenup · 2 years
6, 10, 22!! ❤️
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never go to?
I only got around to reading one volume of the english translated MXTX books this year and I really wanted to read all of them as they came out. I mean, I have technically read them...but not those versions so it's not the same asjdskla. I also did want to read the first volume of the new english translation of 2HA...but alas i don't think i will manage that either! it's on the list for next year though!
10. What was your favourite new release of the year?
Hm. I really enjoyed 'Hell Followed with Us' by Andrew Joseph White. It was a nice little post apocalyptic YA novel. Full of delicious imagery and very VERY queer. It was a nice read.
Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman was a fun surprise too! I read an ARC of this one purely because I loved the cover when I requested it and it ended up being very cool and finished in record time.
22. What's the longest book you read?
I'm sure you know the answer to this one already, Emma. It's definitely TGCF!!! that baby was nearly 2100+ pages on my kobo!! but it was 2100+ pages of pure blisssss (except book 4 ofc. that was NOT bliss)
apparently I have shit memory and cannot read things properly. I read tgcf last year duh jasdklja OKAY SO my longest read from 2022 is golden stage! goodreads tells me it was 992 pages! it did NOT feel that long tbh.
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Bessie Chapman looking out for Enola
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Enola Holmes 2 (2022)
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Enola Holmes 2 is a worthy successor to the surprisingly delightful 2020 film. It remains to be seen if this series will truly branch off on its own or if all further instalments will bring back Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes but if the results are as consistent as they've been, no one will mind. Once again, we have a compelling mystery made more enticing thanks to its charismatic and charming titular character.
Following the events of the first film, Enola Holmes (Millie Bobby Brown) struggles to find clients for her detective agency. She finally receives a case to crack when a matchgirl named Bess Chapman (Serrana Su-Ling Bliss) asks for help finding her missing sister Sarah.
Unlike Enola Holmes, this sequel is not based on a novel by Nancy Springer. I suspect it’s so writer Jack Thorne and director Harry Bradbeer (both returning) can pursue another goal besides delivering mysteries that will keep you wondering: giving Enola's films a distinct identity. While her older, more famous and more successful brother Sherlock (Henry Cavill) returns and brings along several characters from the established Sir Arthur Conan Doyle canon, several are tweaked to fit this series' modern, feminist themes. It shouldn’t be a surprise. These naturally lend themselves to making this second case more than just “Sherlock Holmes Junior”. Enola was raised by her free-spirited mother (played again by Helena Bonham Carter) to be her older brothers’ equal but unlike Sherlock, society has different expectations of her. She can’t just walk into a ball and ask a male suspect questions; she has to go inside with an appropriate dress and speaking with an unmarried man, at her age… has certain connotations. It feels natural and brings something new to this sort of story by making complicated situations even more complicated.
Like any good mystery, Enola Holmes 2 repeatedly gives you the feeling that you too could’ve figured it if you had been paying attention to what’s on screen just a little more, or you happened to be more knowledgeable about things like flowers, costumes or dances - coincidentally, topics most would consider feminine. The only time the movie might “cheat” is right at the end, when a certain person gets their commeuppance rather easily. I can’t be sure since this is my first viewing, but my instinct tells me that - just like last time - knowing all the answers won’t diminish your enjoyment of the film too much because the actors are so good in their roles. Millie Bobby Brown is just as charming as ever. As is Cavill. Though their roles aren’t as big as last time, Louis Partridge as Tewkesbury, Adeel Akhtar as Lestrade and Helena Bonham Carter are all a joy to watch once more too. As for the villains/foils encountered along the way, they’re appropriately despicable.
At certain points, Enola Holmes 2 feels like it’s getting a bit out of scale, like it’s needlessly upping the stakes just to be “bigger” than the first. The missing girl and the side case Sherlock is investigating are enough, particularly when combined with the personal journey Enola is going through as she comes into her own while also dealing with her feelings towards Tewkesbury. It's what prevents this follow-up from being better than the first.
If you’ve been eagerly anticipating Enola Holmes 2, you’ll be happy to hear that the character’s first success was no fluke. This has all of the makings of a full-on franchise. I’m looking forward to Enola Holmes 3. (November 10, 2022)
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More headcanons! Favorite songs: John-The Impression That I Get (The Mighty Bosstones) Rose-Set Adrift On Memory Bliss (P.M. Dawn) Dave-Me Myself And I (De La Soul) Jade-Why Does The Sun Shine? (They Might Be Giants) Terezi- a tie between Fast Car (Tracy Chapman) and Cornflake Girl (Tori Amos) Kanaya-Sawdust and Diamonds (Ys) Tavros-La Bamba (Los Lobos) Karkat-Summertime (Will Smith) Sollux-Hacker (Death Grips) Feferi-Over The Falls (Primus) Eridan-Black Sun (Death Cab For Cutie) Nepeta-Flamingo
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musicarenagh · 29 days
Creating Blissful Ballads: Sarah Rose Talks 'Making of Us' You should definitely listen to Sarah Rose’s brand new song called Making of Us… I mean it’s truly magical. Here is one of the UK’s best singer-songwriters, gearing up for the second single in 2024, and this one is absolutely soaring with both emotion and songwriting skills. You know, ‘Making of Us’ was written like, last fall I think, but idea of this song is very close to me and I think it does not have an expiry date. Sarah was dreaming about her first dancing song for the future wedding and she just poured out this story while singing it out. It begins almost skeletal in structure, it’s just Sarah singing over a few piano notes to start with. However, as events progress, the overall show does the same, growing into such lush layers and mere electrical touches. There are clearly echoes of an artist such as Sasha Alex Sloan in Sarah’s music which is warm, folk and country with electronic pop elements. One thing that I found particularly fascinating about Sarah is the fact that she can take inspiration from basically anything; whether it is movies or books she reads or simply things she comes across in her daily life. A love for music has also been identified as another lifelong activity which entails playing piano from home when she was young, under her mom’s tuition. Today, she uses her first and second names for her performance pseudonym. But as much as I have seen her acquire success and grammy awards, Sarah has remained very down to earth and relentless continuously improving the craft of her music and songwriting. I would be very interested in exploring it further and finding out more about her and the inspiration behind “Making of Us” album and her further plans. This just whet my appetite for this band! Listen to Making of Us below  Follow Sarah Rose on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram What is your stage name Sarah Rose Is there a story behind your stage name? It's my first and middle name Where do you find inspiration? Films, books and the world around me What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I loved writing songs at the piano as a child, I did it for pleasure and had no desire to finish or share them! Are you from a musical or artistic family? My mum is a pianist Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Becoming part of the industry was a natural progression from writing songs, performing and learning about the industry. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? Initially I was self-taught and then I had music lessons, ending up with grade 8 qualifications on piano and vocals. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I actually don't remember the first ever gig I went to, but I remember being seeing Tracy Chapman in an intimate setting in my early songwriting days. [caption id="attachment_55589" align="alignnone" width="1334"] I remember being seeing Tracy Chapman in an intimate setting in my early songwriting days.[/caption] How could you describe your music? country inspired dreamy pop with electronic elements Describe your creative process. It varies - I'll usually have a concept and title and then a seed of a melodic idea, the song will grow from there. What is your main inspiration? I feel a strong pull to writing songs, when ideas come to me from the middle of nowhere, I feel that the songs deserve to be written - that inspires me! What musician do you admire most and why? I'm a massive fan of Julia Michaels as a songwriter and artist - she has her own unique sense of artistry with rhythmic melodies and infectious choruses and even in songs she has written for others, I hear her songwriting shining through. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes - I started with a fully singer/songwriter sound, experimented with more electronic sounds and I've now taken my favourite elements of everything to create my own artistry and write songs I love.
Who do you see as your main competitor? I'm a small independent artist so I don't see myself in that way - there is room for everyone's artistry. What are your interests outside of music? Hanging out with my friends and family, travel, film, nature and spending time with my dog (Marley the shih-tzu) If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Maybe writing books for kids - perhaps I'll dabble with this in the future! What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Currently - trying to cut through the noise and stay motivated when it doesn't come easily. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? More artist to fan platforms that aren't skewed towards the big artists. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6fiffSWgnFWANwI1qmCkul?si=tfMvo0qRRXCf4yvx47HT8A Why did you choose this as the title of this project? 'Making of Us' refers to the early days of a relationship which become the foundation of the relationship, the story that connected two people. What are your plans for the coming months? I'm working on an album at the moment for release next year, entitled 'love stories & legends', inspired by the ghosts, myths and legends of my hometown Winchester. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans I have lots of collaborations booked as part of this album project. What message would you like to give to your fans? Thank you for listening to my music - so much more to come soon!
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andronetalks · 3 months
"I'm Using The Force": Musk's Brain Chip Allows Paralyzed Man To Play Civilization VI
Zero Hedge By Tyler Durden – March 21, 2024 Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corp. broadcasted a live stream on X featuring the first patient to receive its brain-computer implant, a 29-year-old man with quadriplegia. This groundbreaking procedure enables him to operate a computer cursor using thoughts, allowing him to play online video games. In a nine-minute presentation, Neuralink engineer Bliss Chapman…
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eshragcom · 3 months
Neuralink video shows patient playing chess using brain implant
In a livestream on X, patient Noland Arbaugh explained that he was playing a game of chess online using a device in his brain to move the cursor. He appeared in the video beside Neuralink’s brain interface software lead Bliss Chapman, and answered questions about how the technology worked, saying that it required him to “imagine the cursor moving”. The 29-year-old said he had become paralysed…
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