#blissfully dreaming
98chao · 1 year
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sonknux prime
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 month
When you know a character and their material like the back of your hand and you see someone say something about the character as if it’s a known trait of theirs but you’ve literally never seen that happen
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yulgurr · 9 days
another 3houses oc came to me in a dream i need someone to grab my shoulders, shake me very well and tell me to stop
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xoshepard · 2 months
i loooove when shit is not my business and has nothing to do with me :)
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theskoomacat · 3 months
my brain wrote such a fun little book of poetry by a beetle in today's dream, like damn. i didn't know i had it in me. the beetle itself was absolutely stellar too
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
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UnderREM aggie doodles where its just ‘Yeah... underlying pain’ (feat smol @lightmooncream​)
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outeremissary · 1 year
Tagged by @silversiren1101... sorry to be doing this in the literal middle of the night, I've chosen the "sleep from 9-1, then ????-????" route tonight.
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Anyway. The only one is the one you already knew, haha. I'm vaguely aware of alexisonfire and Death Cab for Cutie existing - the latter is a really Tumblr artist, I think I've been told? - but I don't know any more than that. I briefly thought I knew The New Low, but it turns out that what I was remembering was being bizarrely obsessed with the song New Low by Middle Class Rut in middle school.
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I edited this on my phone so pardon the sloppiness of a last second swap. This was odd to do because I have a Weird Thing where I don't really listen to music by artist a lot of the time, and I often don't know more than a random scattering of songs or a single album from an artist. Artists I am confident I generally know the discography of are kinda few and far between, and I was much better about being thorough like that in high school... Anyway. A random scattering of stuff. Even I don't know how I determined what made the cut and what didn't for half of this list. I assume I can't do duplicates or Lord Huron would definitely be on here.
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The blank. I don't have a lot of people to tag, I guess? @camelliagwerm if you're interested and no one has reached out to you yet
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chimaeray · 2 years
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Don’t weep for the lost, for Death sits among you, wielding Life in his hand
Okay I’ve been working on this for weeks, and it’s finally done!! It’s my first digital painting and I just had to do something, huge obviously.
This is my necromancer, Tymreos. While he isn’t the commander in my canon, he spends a lot of time working closely with the various commanders and Trahearne. He and his twin fought against and killed Mordremoth, as their dream foresaw. While Tam lien delivered the final blow in the dream of dreams, Tymreos was the only one that managed to kill his own lover to defeat the dragon for good. After the fall of Mordremoth, Tymreos spirals and starts to believe he’s cursed to kill his friends and loved ones. This is only reinforced when he later has to kill his own sapling-hood friend, Khasiana, and a Charr that she raised to become her strongest minion. While he’s long been on the road to recovery by the time he finishes mending Caladbolg, the guilt of all the friends he’s had to kill still weights heavily on him. He wonders if Mordremoth is truly dead, and if the things he has done were really worth it.
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haneys · 1 year
I have new ocs btw lol and once again they came to me inna dream. breezy surferbro bleached blonde. roots showing five o'clock shadow on. flip flops on. Hawaiian shirt flaying open. corny top scars tatts. he really dgaf. trans biaro. he's just kinds letting the days go by chilling and being dope. no the sharpest tool in the shed but he emits chill vibes plus is a handyman so ppl vibe with him. big family. there's also this other guy who's kinda a rich fail son that's being very burned out by the whole yoire gonna take iver the company from ur dad so now ur basicislly being ceo junior and trying to learn how to not tank it. and there's also the dad. the dad was like the fucking vampire dad from hotel transylvania fucking help me. surfbro and failson met for a brief moment because the Richfam were doing some how about we all spend a day like Nirmal People I prommy were not detached from how normal people live trust me. and then they were having like the worst day in the beach the dad was really like well this fucking sucks while the mom (I want her so bad) was like meh but also thought it was funny to see the dad be mad as hell. failson before all that was like yeah I'm straight I'm just so busy with the whole ceo thing I don't have the time to date and think abt women👍 and then he ran into the surfbro amd he was like oh I am a homo. cool. this is not confusing at all and also I'm gonna behave so normal and natural rn. surely. and it was like the worst floppiest try at flirting ever. and I mean to be fair he kinda just had a personal revelation and also tried to date like probably once in his life but still it was really funny to see. surfbrobdidnt even register he was being hit on. he was like you're kinda weird lol let's hang out. failson had like heart eyes aura the entire time. the dad was like YOURE FUCKING KIDDING ME.???? he really didn't like that. not even the fact that turns out his son is gay he dgaf it was just the person he chose. like litersly super diving behind a McDonald's wpuld get someone better. he was seething and malding. the mom thought it was VERY VERY funny exactly because he was malding. but oh well the day comes to and end and thay all can move on surely right. 🤨 wrong. anyway to make it short failson gets surfbro to work for him, mostly secretary style, since he was looking for a more stable job than his odd jobs and repair work around the neighborhood. failson is having a great time. the mom really likes surfbro and thinks he's funny to have around. all the staff loves him. the dad tries to kill him. I mean no like litersly he's so mad 80% of the dream was dad teying to kill him looney tunes style he tried to drop a piano on him. he tried to flatten him with a mullet. the got surfbro escaping a big rolling stone. litersly cartoon saw traps. but surfbro has maxed out luck Stat he isn't even AVARE. failson is like hey I know my dad doesn't like u too much I hope he haven't been giving u any problems and surfbro is like nah it's ok 👍 unaware there's an angry lion waiting for him in the break room but becayse if bizzare chain if events he ends up safe and sound and the lion mauls the dad etc. it was so so so great. genuelly the dad surfbro stuff was better to me than the gay love winning thing. truly the dream of all time
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slimeslab · 2 years
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College AU C!Slimecicle my beloved
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writeshite · 2 years
In this house we’re ignoring volume 2 of Stranger Things Season 4 because fuck that
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itscrystql · 15 days
over rooftops
a bird flaps its wings,
so free,
utterly and blissfully unaware
of all the trials and tribulations you have known
and this i call
the luxury of not having to make decisions in perfect clarity
of navigation in a haze,
a shameful human i am
in moments of sufferance i know are temporary
and the best (worst) part of it all
i choose this life.
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astrummorte · 4 months
@sixteenbells for clive & lex.
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the look on his face, to most, would be a blank one. something of an empty recognition of knowing he's no longer at home. no longer safe. but a practiced soldier like the man before the boy would recognize well that look of examination hidden by indifference towards the rest of the world.
& then he smiles.
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"I seem to be a little lost?" the smile in the midst of a battle raging in the distance is all too telling of someone who is used to such cacophonies. "You seem kind, sir. May I ask where I am?"
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piduai · 8 months
Queen I didn’t realize how popular boat is in the jpn fandom..whyyy
he is? i never got that impression tbh... like he does have his share of fans sure but he also got over the top heavy promoting and focus with the s4 anime. it's the same with the western fans though. but he still doesn't strike me as a POPULAR popular character, if there was a popularity poll i don't think he'd make it to top 10
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skalidris · 10 months
genuinely, truly, really, refuse to empathize with the sentiment that 'writing is awful & suffering & only hard' because i think it distorts the sentiment of whatever the person actually thinks and also takes you further away from writing.
(if, while writing, you are mainly thinking, 'i hate this!', you will be even less able to write! and feel worse about it! and also what you write will be associated with that bad feeling!)
and writing is so fundamentally different from like.. letting your thoughts go... because. it's a material thing. it's a physical thing you have to actually do which requires you to engage with the literality of expression.
so imagining is so far away from writing as a practical thing to do, that if you do imagine->write you're never going to be doing anything other than translating from your thoughts! because your imagination isn't bound by syntax or structure or coherency or strategic reversal or ,,,,
& writing super is! & that's not a bad thing bc that's its essence anyway! that's why it's writing and not playing a traverse flute!
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I had this dream (nightmare) that there was this awful snowstorm, so bad that the snow was piled comically high on the sides of the highway and cars were stuck in mountainous snowdrifts, teetering in the wind. I had a clinical day to go to at 10:38 pm (for some reason?? idk why it was that late) and needed to drive in the pitch black storm. When I told people around me about it, fearful of getting trapped in my car/crashing/not making it on time, they looked at me like I was absolutely insane for even thinking about that as important. The default response was, “What’re you gonna do when you have to go to work in the future?” condescension dripping from their voices. I never even left for the clinical day, instead constantly looking at the time (1:12 am) and frantically scrounging up possible survival supplies to take with me.
Then I woke up at exactly 6:30 am (funnily enough, when clinical days usually start).
Not my brain making up heavy handed analogies at night now. What is this, high school English class?
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