#blitzo means a lot to me more than i can say lmao
blitzisms 6 months
man. i love this boy.
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neko-loogi 11 months
Heeeyy, I'm back with a new Helluva Boss opinion post thingy
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Okay so, the Mammon episode- it was alright I guess? Tbh it didn't strike me as super awesome or anything, it's just kinda there?
Anyway, let's talk about it a little bit!
So I wanted to start off with Mammon himself, I'm gonna be honest I don't hate him but I don't like him either. I'll admit I do actually like his voice, I'm sure y'all might find it annoying but I dunno, I like his accent and the way he talks is kinda funny. His design tho? Eh, it could use some work.
For instance, his eyes are weird, like every time he was on screen my first thought was always: "Wow, he looks like Robin from TTG". I also hate how he's shaped like your typical "fat" character from cartoons. But for some reason they decided to give him skinny arms but a round body. He's weirdly disproportionate, which is disappointing because they definitely could make a better plus sized character design. But oh well, knowing Viv, she wouldn't even try.
I will admit his true demon form is kinda cool, except that I actually thought he was going to be a caterpillar or something but he's a spider? I swear, Viv has some weird design choices.
Moving on, the episode was cluttered as hell. It had way too much stuff in it, which made the episode feel eternal. Not only that but the episode has 4 songs.. FOUR FUCKING SONGS- When will Viv realize that not every HB episode needs a song? Like is this shit an animated series or a fucking musical? Make up your mind Viv-
Anyway, I'm glad this episode focuses on Fizz, but his character did feel a bit off in certain scenes, but aside from that everything else was fine. (I found that scene of Fizz talking to the deaf imp child while using sign language to be very endearing).
Alright, I'mma point out a few other things real quick:
Ozzie's relationship with Fizz is absolutely adorable and I love them so much. However I don't understand why they portray their relationship as a bad thing? Like, fucking Queen Bee is dating Vortex (who's a hellhound, and they are a lower class than imps) and nobody says anything and she's a sin- so why can't Ozzie do the same??
I also happen to noticed that Fizz and Mammon's relationship is similar to Angel Dust and Valentino's- I just hope they don't completely butcher my boy Fizz, because he's the ONLY character I genuinely like from this god awful series.
Edit: I find it outrageous that Fizz apologized to Blitzo in the previous episode for the accident and claims that yes, he was affected by it but he's gotten over it. Yet here, he's super insecure about it and seeks approval from Mammon. It doesn't make sense- I swear it's like the characters are evolving backwards (as in the character development just resets and they act like nothing happened).
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I also just wanted to say that this character made me feel super uncomfortable throughout the episode (which I guess is the point, but honestly they didn't need to add him.) Like, was it really necessary to include this Reddit mod, Discord user incel with an obsessive personality to the episode? He doesn't really contribute much other than to probably trigger people who have dealt with some form of harassment like this, and to make Fizz look super helpless so that Blitzo can defend him.
Blitzo didn't contribute anything to the episode, they didn't need to add him either. Like we get it he's the main character but that doesn't mean he has to be in every fucking episode doing absolutely nothing other than saying a bunch of curse words or shooting someone.
In conclusion, I didn't like this episode that much. I was expecting more to be completely honest.
Sorry if this post was a little long- I wanted to write more stuff but I don't want to burden y'all with reading a lot of shit lmao. Anyway, that's all, love ya <3
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gartenofbanny 1 year
Striker was one of my favorite antagonists in Helluva Boss. He's a (mostly) thought-out character with an understandable motivation, has a great personality, is a threat to IMP and Stolas, conflicts with Blitzo moreso than Moxxie, and his design is cool. Well when Western Energy was released, you can tell that Striker's character has been changed, and not for the better. While I still consider him my favorite antagonist (because he's the one with the most depth), I can't ignore the character change he had in Western Energy, and believe me they did change a lot about him. So this is going to be a simple comparison of both versions of Striker, some of the topics I'm going to be talking about are listed in this meme I made. Anyway, let's get started.
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Show vs Tell
Helluva Boss has always had a show vs tell problem, but it was very apparent in Western Energy. For this example I'm going to bring up the Ballad of Striker.
The song is insanely catchy, but my problem is that they just describe traits or stuff about Striker that we already know about or we're going to know about later on. We know he's fast and strong and tall and mean because he already expressed those traits in Harvest Moon, we're told that he's the best assassin in the Ring of Wrath despite him failing to kill Stolas twice, they say that he's this famous assassin even the cacti know his name but Blitzo, Moxxie, nor Millie never heard of him before Harvest Moon and there was no foreshadowing that he even existed.
The only things we know that's new when it comes to Striker is that he likes to eat P芒t茅 for lunch and he likes to ride on the choo-choo train. So yeah those are the only two new things we know about him, the rest of those traits don't make sense or were things we already knew and we have Harvest Moon Festival to thank for that.
Striker is fast because and strong and tall because he's Blitzo's physical equal and he overpowered Millie swiftly. He's mean because we've seen him insult and hate on Moxxie just because he's weak. None of that was told to us, it was shown.
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So not only did the writers implement tell instead of show this song that's telling us all this stuff just regurgitating information that we already know or stuff that doesn't make any sense. It's just a catchy song with no meaning.
Striker also mentions that Demonic Royalty took away everything he had, but it's very vague and not even brought up again in the episode. Stolas doesn't even know what he's talking about and doesn't even care lmao. This could've been a good opportunity to flesh him out a little especially considering that he's the second major antagonist to make a second appearance as an antagonist.
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Voice Acting
Now this is going to be a bit controversial, while I do like Edward Bosco's voice, Norman Reedus' voice acting is just on another level. Simply put it, Norman Reedus is a more experienced Actor than Ed Bosco because Norman has been in the game for well over 10 years at least. Edward Bosco from what I've seen only does voice acting for cartoons meanwhile Norman Reedus does both acting and voice acting and has been doing so since the 1990s.
Norman is just better, but that doesn't mean Edward Bosco is bad. I will say that Vivziepop should've had Edward Bosco voice Striker from the beginning because in all honesty, whenever I see or hear Striker I immediately think Norman Reedus until I remember Edward Bosco also voiced him. Having a big actor voice an antagonist leads to the audience identifying that antagonist as the actor.
And when that big voice actor gets replaced by a lesser experienced one it'll be difficult to fill those shoes, I'm not blaming Ed for this, moreso Vivziepop because I don't know why she decided to hire Norman fucking Reedus for this role and could've known that Norman Reedus most likely wouldn't be back for it.
Personality Change
So Striker has had a personality change in Western Energy, while remnants of his personality in Harvest Moon remained (like his hatred of Overlords & Demonic Royalty) there's more stuff that was added and removed that made his character a bit worse.
One of the things that they added to Striker was the fact that he has a statue of himself with a stick poking out between his legs. Obviously not going to share the image here because of reasons. While he was pretty narcissistic, it wasn't to the extent that he would literally make a fucking statue of himself with a hard-on. It's literally something Chaz would do and you all know my opinion about that guy. Not to mention it's yet another male character that's obsessed with dick so yeah.
Striker all of a sudden is also more sensitive to insults compared to his Harvest Moon version. He gets triggered whenever Stolas insulted him which is weird because before when he did get insulted he just didn't care and bit back with his own insults. Now he's just an angry goofball.
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Striker gets disgusted to sexual remarks to the extent that he'll literally stop what he's doing. Whether it be stop torturing Stolas or stop choking out Moxxie because sexual jokes and cries are oh so disgusting to him. Remember when Blitzo essentially flirted with him in Harvest Moon and Striker didn't have a reaction to it? Yeah, me too.
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This sensitivity to an extent also makes him less intimidating because now if you just insult Striker or say something dirty around him, he'll all of a sudden stop what he's doing to look at you disgustedly or gag. "Greatest Assassin in the Ring of Wrath", but he can't take insults or dirty jokes, fuck off with that.
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Reckless Actions
Time to list Striker's reckless actions in a single episode alone
1. He attacked Stolas in public in a caf茅 where possible High Ranked Demons dine at
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2. He has a wanted poster yet is in public
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3. Is well known and possibly famous despite being called "The Greatest Assassin in the Ring of Wrath"
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4. For some reason he lets imps be aware of his hideout which is what literally caused Moxxie and Millie to find him
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While Striker in Harvest Moon was a bit reckless (Like why did he leave his door open to for Blitzo to find him assassinating Stolas and why was he immediately hostile towards Moxxie when Moxxie found his gun), but he wasn't reckless to this extent. I can also explain why Striker decided to snipe Stolas. It's because there were a bunch of Imps around and once Striker instantly kills Stolas it actually leaves a lot of suspects instead of one. And due to the fact that Imps are the bottom of the social hierarchy, it would lead to many members of Demonic Royalty just hating on Imps which can become a problem for Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo because they are all affiliated with Stolas.
So if Striker just straight up killed Stolas in Harvest Moon, he probably won't face the consequences. That would be an interesting conflict, but it's definitely not gonna happen.
Anyway, Striker as an antagonist has really changed for the worst in Western Energy and it's such a shame because he was my favorite antagonist. He still is, but it's just not the Striker I liked. Oh well at least the DHORKS Agents are still around, hopefully Viv and her writing team don't fuck them up.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day! 鉂わ笍
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eliziarts 2 years
It really gets me how you can't say shit about Helluva Boss (or Hazbin Hotel for that matter) to actually critique without fans getting buthurt, and the only people agreeing with you people who just hate Vivzipop (for the record i dont lol). But here are my gripes that I wish people were actually talking about (btw I really *want* to love Helluva Boss and none of this is mean-spirited, just things I've noticed that I wish the team would fix, or I believe are beyond fixing):
1. The very confused tone. I know a lot of people deflect any criticism from the show by saying 'oh but it's a comedy you shouldn't take it too seriously'. Here's the thing- it's literally taking itself too seriously. There's a balance that a show can have between dark elements and humor, but Helluva Boss consistently tries to tackle very, VERY heavy subjects. This combined with the Brandon Rodgers-essque d!ck joke comedy doesn't.. work. At least not in the way they're attempting. I think the most egregious example of this is the scene in the latest episode when Moxie's dad is literally threatening to kill him if he doesn't follow through with an arranged marriage... immeadiatly followed by Moxie walking though a hall of wall d!ldos. It kind of says, 'hey, we were taking this really seriously 2 seconds ago, but jk actually now you should laugh!'
Juxtaposition doesn't work if it actively confuses its audience on what to feel. I'm not sure how much influence Vivzie and Brandon have on the outcome of the show vs the rest of the writing team, but it seems like Brandon's humor and Vivzie's tendency to write melodramatic soap opera scenes just aren't really meshing together quite right. I wish it had more similar pacing and tone shifts that HH had, because it felt more sudden in a purposeful way, rather than 'we're too lazy to find a good transition between these two scenes.'
2. Why does Vivziepop never write interesting female characters? I know this is talked about a bit more, but it's growing increasingly prevalent in Helluva Boss. We still haven't gotten an episode focused on any of the female leads that's actually about *them*.
Millie is practically nonexistent without her relationship to Moxie. Even the episode where we meet her family, it doesn't give us any insight about her. Every time she goes feral(tm) it's either to save her husband or it's part of a group fight. The only backstory we got for Loona was there to service Blitzo's character, and show us *his* reaction. The only things we've seen with Octavia were put there to help us learn more about Stolas. Even in the scene where they only had Loona and Octavia on the screen, it didn't feel like it was about them at all. It didn't feel like the scene existed to show us them bonding about their shitty dads. It felt like the scene was there to once again ask the audience to give Blitzo and Stolas pity points. Which- brings me to my next problem.
3. Its justifications of abuse. I know they're in hell. Most of them should be shitty people, and they are! But I wish the story would stop trying to pretend they're not. Helluva Boss keeps doing this thing where it draws a line between 'good' abuse and 'bad' abuse. And this kind of completely changed Stolas and Blitzo's relationship. Ik some people may like this change but I personally don't.
Earlier on, we were made to believe Stolas kind of fucked up by cheating on his wife. Not only did this affect Stella (tho ofc we later learn it's due to image reasons) but his daughter as well. It's just generally an uncomfortable and tricky situation. And I liked it! It was interesting and had levels of nuance. However, now that we know that he was basically being abused by Stella this entire time, and met Blitzo when they were kids (which is a WHOLE OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE CAN OF WORMS LMAO) the audience no longer feels like Stolas did anything wrong. Now his actions feel justified.
As much as I loved his confrontational scene with Stella the first time I watched it, as I know many people did, I also know that it kind of ruined any sense of nuance that whole situation had. Now, Stolas suddenly has been absolved from any previously implied mistakes. And, Stella is portrayed as this 1 dimensional cruel monster.
Which brings me to the point of abuse in this show. It's a very prevalent theme, and it's a heavy one for a show branded as a sit-com to portray (hard, but not impossible). But it fails on the end that it doesn't stay consistent in its condemnation of it. Every time a character does something 'bad', as soon as we find out there is a reason for this bad behavior, the show suddenly makes it seem like we should feel bad for them and that their actions are justified because they're a broken person. See: the narrative around Stolas' affair suddenly being changed as soon as we find out he was being abused by Stella.
Inconsistent emotional consequences in writing is lazy for sure. But the real problem is when it gets to the abuse side of things, it can actually become harmful. It's implied that Blitzo had an emotionally abusive relationship with Verosika. But ohh we know he had a fucked up childhood and has fear of forming emotional bonds so! Geuss it's okay! But when it comes to Stella, she's just downright mean, 1 dimensional, and literally says she's doing things for no reason other than to make Stolas suffer.
It's important to note that every single time a character gets a *reason* for their assholery, it becomes a *justification* in the way the show frames it. But whenever a character doesn't have a reason for being as asshole, like Stella (at least not one that's shown), that's where the show then draws the line.
This is harmful! Hate to break it to you but the bulk of abusive people out there were abused themselves. They have multitudes of reasons for why they are the way they are. But that doesn't excuse their actions! And I really hate that this is the standard of framing Helluva Boss has set up for their show because now, no matter how bad a character's actions are, they can slap on a sad backstory and suddenly make that character a sympathetic one.
Yeah but anyways idk. If you read all of that I thank you for taking ur time to listen to my 2 cents. The last episode I really enjoyed was the Ozzie's one and I'm just kinda bummed at a lot of this stuff I mentioned.
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fizzbot 5 months
1, 2 (you know who this is about), 3, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 23, 25 for the voiolence ask game :333
17 (Strinker), 23, 24 (Vox), and 25 (Stolas) for the other fandom ask game :333
YAYYYYYY I LOVE ANSWERING THINGS!!!!!!! :DDDDDD thanks babe ily!!!!!!!!! <33333333
violence ask game og post here!
1. the character everyone gets wrong i suffer from a disease called "im the only one with correct opinions about every character ever" so i kind of feel this way about everyone all the time HJKLSDFHJKL.......but maybe its just bc im so Him For Real, but i feel it a lot with blitzo????? i feel like hes the character where i see the most takes about him that i fundamentally disagree with. it doesnt help that his character writing is so shitty tho.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom I DO KNOW EXACTLY WHO ITS ABOUT. BLITZO. sjhkdfhjksdf kind of ties into the thing i said above and not EXACLTY what the question is asking but. that man is a SUB. i am being so so serious when i say that everyone who thinks he is/writes him as a dom and/or top doesnt understand him as a character. its partially bc stolitz's writing is so godawful, but like. its not even. subtext??? that this man is a sub/bottom??? its just text. its so obvious that they basically say it. YES he ACTS like a dom thats the FUCKING POINT. HES LYING. hes putting on an act and YOU ALL FELL FOR IT. this man is not emotionally vulnerable enough to let himself indulge in the side of kink/sex that he wants, so he never does. especially since stolas only wants him when hes acting like a top/dom. blitz rolls his eyes and drags his feet in sex because hes not getting anything out of it. again it doesnt help that he doesnt LIKE stolas but he would LIKE HIM MORE if they were on the same page in bed. AND LIKE??? the reason i say its not even subtext is because this is a preference blitz obviously has since SEASON ONE (see: STRIKER), but as stolitz develops romantically in canon, we can see stolas indulging him more. the only time blitz has EVER been aroused on screen is when stolas (and striker) is taking control. the one other time you could argue is at the end of truth seekers where AGAIN they practically STATE that hes not by showing that blitz is only acting this way in the bedroom for stolas. hsjkdfhjksdf if i keep talking about this im gonna start foaming at the mouth I HAVE TO MOVE ON
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr LMAO SJKDFLHJKSDFL there are too many. some of my (least) favorites include takes such as "stolas is introduced as a good father", "blitzker is more toxic than stolitz", and "husk is in the wrong during loser, baby". you are all so fucking stupid. i hope you get well soon
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? RADIOAPPLE. they are SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I HATE THEM. its one thing to have the worst shipping take ever but then theyre always the loudest and most un-based motherfuckers in the world. nothing quite makes me seethe with rage the way seeing that fuckass ship appear in EVERY TAG does. go on try it. look in any hellaverse tag right now and scroll 3 times. i guarantee radioapple will come up. i know because i HAVE THE TAG BLOCKED.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them? alastor :( i mean i knew it was coming. i LOVE LOVE LOVE our rewrite/""yarnsnake"" alastor so much but canon and ESPECIALLY fanon alastor is so fucking boring. they took out any intimidation from his character at all and made him just another guy who swears every 3 seconds and that only exists to be o.p and give cringey quips. and the fandom LOVES that for some reason?? as if the SHOW hasnt toned him down enough, all the fans either turn him into this weirdly sexualized dom character or this cutesy villain with a secret soft side and UUGHHHHJKSDFHJK SHUT THE FUCK UP. he would not fucking say that!!!!!!!!!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about OOOHHH this is a good one. umm......kind of ties into the above answer, but i genuinely keep seeing people saying that they think alastor is gonna get a redemption arc/saying that he has a secret "good" side and loves the people at the hotel. yall. youre being manipulated HJKLSDFHJKLHJK. i see a lot of "lute was in love with adam" and vise versa too which. idk. its fine. im sure itll probably be canon. but im too obsessed with them being close friends with benefits that play cod together and otherwise have no attachments LMAOSHDJKFLHSDJKL. there are for sure more but im blanking, might revisit this later
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) ANOTHER REALLY GOOD ONE. stolitz instantly came to mind HJKSDLFHJKL just the whole ship. specifically the arc in the show. also huskerdust? not the ship itself but the characterization. its the same flavor of evil that stolitz is just without the power imbalance. vivzie wants sexual assault in all of her leading ships soooo badddd. i hate the fandom take (loosely based on canon) of husk being ""into it"" the whole time angel was harassing him. makes me fuckin GAG.
19. youre mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... STOLITZ BEING CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. omg critics usually HATTTTEEEE this shit!!!!!! and i totally see where theyre coming from. ""the circus"" was OBVIOUSLY just meant to humanize stolas/shift the ""blame"" onto blitz instead by making it seem like he initiated it/made stolas think he wanted this (which doesnt make it right but wtever). and the childhood friends (if you can even call them friends) IS so nothing......but im such a sucker for this trope. i actually think its really cute. IDKKKK i think it ties into how i genuinely think that stolitz couldve been good if they had lead with this. since he started off as a villain and had a very rocky transition into being """not a villain""" despite still being horrifically evil, the show is stuck in this weird place of trying to TELL us that stolas is good and worthy of redemption while SHOWING us that hes not. if he was a villain at the start, they shouldve stuck to their guns and kept him that way. if they wanted him and blitz to have a romance, then they shoudlnt have fucking started the show like this. its too late to go back and fix it and the circus is a very clear showing of them trying and failing to do so.....AND YET. i still think its sweet. it makes me yearn for a show where they remeet as adults and start reforming a FRIENDSHIP instead of a weird sex deal. it wouldve actually been cute and compelling to see them observe how the world has hardened and changed the other and finding out that they still love each other despite it. how they both were so deply hurt by the circumstances and yet still managed to grow in a way that left room for the other. AUGHHHHHH. << ripping my hair out
23. ship that youve unwillingly come around to sighhh. stolitz and huskerdust. <///////3 but ONLY our very specific rewrites of them. also honeymoon??? i was really NOT convinced about them at first just cause i didnt like bee but idk, ive changed my tune a little <3333 honestly ive kinda willingly come around for everyship JSDJHKF like chaggie/fallenstar??? CUTE. exceedingly boring in canon but cute.
25. common fandom complaint that youre sick of hearing i guess i dont really get that sick of fandom complaints......at least i cant think of many off the top of my head......this kind of goes for all fandoms but im very sick of hearing "UGH can everyone stop saying (insane take) 馃檮" and the take is just something that no one has ever said. like one person has a sort of lukewarm opinion and 300+ people have to make a post bitching about it like its a real problem that exists. it doesnt. calm down.
fandom ask game og post here!
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [Striker] would like? OOOHHHHH...........damn this is hard......i cant get into his head as easily as you (presumably) can.......shkdjfhjksdf he kinda strikes me as someone who would be a little snobby about literature tbh. he likes the classics <333 maybe especially classic horror <333 phantom of the opera came to mind which i think is fitting cause weve also established hes a musical theater guy <33333
23. Has your favorite character/ship changed over time? OH yea. i remember back in the Early Hazbin Days my fave was angel dust and my favorite ship was radiodust. i was thirteen so im gonna give myself a little slack here but i still shudder when i think about it JHKHSFJKHJK. now my fave hazbin character is probably vox or rosie <3 and my favorite ship is polyvees!!!! they are so evil polycule. to me. as for helluva, back in the day when i genuinely like the show it was only just starting out. i think my favorite character was robofizz? which is so funny now that ive got a user based on him JHKSDFHJKHJKSDF he is so nothing now </////3 i DID like stolitz but TO BE FAIR. that was in its crackship era. like when we were all like "imagine if they started getting serious about this LOL wouldnt that be hilarious". (it was not hilarious). now my favorite character is STRIKER by a MILEEEE. and my fave ship is blitzker/rewritten stolitz!! <333
24. What's your favorite thing about [Vox]? well. he gets Christian Borle points. we only hatewatched this show in the first place for His Voice. but i do also just really like his general little mannerisms :3 i like how he glitches when he gets flustered/overwhelmed, and how his smile raises and falls depending on who hes with/around. i actually think his body language is really interesting and fun to analyze!!! manipulative little shit. i hope he overheats and explodes
25. What's your least favourite thing [Stolas] said or did? where do i fucking start. there are so many things about this fucker i cant stand. the one that always comes to mind is the interaction at the beginning of LooLooLand. TWO things he says are SO YUCKY GROSS SLIMEY. these lines:
i hate that blitz had to ask. it makes me feel so gross. i know this was still stolas' villain era but it genuinely icks me out SO MUCH seeing how MISERABLE blitz is early on in their relationship. he is so desperate for this job that he would put up with being sexually assaulted/humiliated in public. im so sorry blitzy, one day soon youll find a cowboy who treats you right :///// the other one (from the same scene) that i HATTTEEE is this interaction with via he has right before
Stolas: I'll pay you.~
Blitzo: ...Pay me what?
Stolas: Money.~
WHY. WOULD YOU SAY THAT. TO YOUR UNDERAGE DAUGHTER. and hes so confused when she doesnt like him?? :/// this isnt even mentioning that he openly, sexually flirts with blitz in front of her both on the phone immediately afterwards and all day at the park. i think he should die for real actually. a few honorable mentions include the infamous murder family phone call, assaulting his imp butler, neglecting his daughter, and (intentionally or not) implying that he only wants blitz for sex post-ozzies.
Stolas: They want our money and our bodies.
Octavia: Our money, maybe...
Stolas: Speak for yourself, princess.
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dellinah 4 years
Hazbin hotel for the fandom thing
Dumbass appearing again to answer for HELLUVA BOSS on this one bc im dumb enough to switch them rip me
1. First character I ever fell in love with:
For obvious reasons, Loona lmao. This is going to sound bad but I didn't get AS invested in the characters from the pilot as I could have been bc the format didn't really allow for that I think. 2 episodes in and I love them a lot more
2. Character I used to love and now do not:
Literally none, what happened was the other way around. I wasn't invested in any of them, and now I am in pretty much all. Especially Stolas, that was a full 180 that punched me in the face from 'character that exists I guess' to 'I WILL DIE AND KILL FOR YOU'
3. A ship I used to love and now do not:
Same thing, it was the other way around. I started not caring for any but now they got mee ;3;
4. Ultimate favorite character:
Blitzo!! ESPECIALLY after Loo Loo Land. And honestly so much of it comes from Brandon's performance, his delivery adds SO MUCH personality to the character. You can tell what he feels regardless of what he's saying by HOW he says it and he's got so much depth to him anyway I love him. But honestly I love them all so much he's just a bit more bc of how layered and just fun he is to watch. Also in the end he IS so caring still, he's like a cat being an asshole but lovingly
5. Prettiest character:
That one wolfman from the teaser. He can get it
From the main cast I think Loona and Via look pretty cute!
6. Most hated character:
Stolas' wife. This is going to bite me in the ass later if they give her a character but eh,,, very few things get under my skin more than 'parent who screams and fights in front of their child' and while I CAN understand she's mad for being cheated on can you please not discuss it in front of the child. Look at what you did you ruined a perfectly good Octavia. She has depression now
7. My otp
Stolas/Blitzo bc Stolas deserves better and Blitzo deserves a family and shut up they love each other. I do think Blitzo having a crush on Moxxie is lowkey kind of cute, but I would never want them to actually happen bc Millie/Moxxie is too precious to be broken apart
8. My notp
Somehow, Blitzo/Millie doesn't do it for me? I think Blitzo has a bit of a crush on both the m&ms (maybe bc he's lonely and wants love so bad he crushes on everyone that is close to him, or maybe just bc he does bc horny bastard) but while Blitzo/Moxxie is cute, Blitzo/Millie is... eh
9. Favorite episode
Loo loo land! It was the ep that really sucked me in and made me see this as a good layered show. I think Murder family tried to give Moxxie more of a personality and while it is a good ep it didnt go as deep with characterization as I think it could have, other than Moxxie at least. Loo loo land did it better and did more and I hope it keeps going from there!
10. Saddest death
The teacher oof. I feel so bad for her and all the shit she went through before she died and after. She literally did nothinh wrong and deserved better
11/12. Least/fav season
Well season 1 is being pretty great so i dont have a least fav :P
13. Character everyone loves and I hate
Again, none, all the fandom favs are my favs. I guess of the main cast Millie is my least fav but I love her so much still and she's absolutely relatable bc I too, want a thing I dont know what is just bc it looks cute
14. Piece of trash but still a fav
Loona oops. I mean i know she is a bit of an emo edgy asshole but she cute so its all forgiven
15. Deserves better than this lil cinnamon roll character:
Octavia. To think of what she went through in her household that turned a sweet lil baby into a depressed teen just makes me want to give her a hug :( I'm so happy she has a good dad but honestly growing up to realize your parents hate each other and are possibly in an arranged marriage (I personally think it was a status thing which is why his wife seems more upset that he cheated with an IMP than that he cheated at all + needing an heir thing. I'd say Stolas is gay and sad he was forced into a straight marriage but let's be honest literally everyone in that show is at least bi lmao) just messes one up and growing up in that household sounds like hell in hell
16. This ship is wrong but I love it
Uhh Moxxie/Blitzo? Again idk if it counts bc i dont want them to be endgame AT ALL and I just think Blitzo having a crush on him is cute. But. They be cute. I love how Blitzo invades Moxxies personal space more than everyone else's (Watcha dreaming about? :3) and Moxxie is SO DONE with him its a cute dynamic
17. They're kinda cute but I don't really ship it
I guess same as the previous one lmao. I like them platonically/one sided but def not when they're portrayed as actually together
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