#blog pivot
morphimus · 3 months
forget everything else i said this is a skyrim blog now
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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An unbothered queen has entered, and subsequently left.
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ackee · 6 months
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these tags on a post i made yesterday are so funny to me bc so many people will tell budding artists "just make fanart to build an audience and then sneak in oc art!" like idk how to tell you that shit do not work. it really and truly do not and here is the proof !
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raiiny-bay · 9 months
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dykerory · 2 months
they call him tobias "seratonin deficiency" ziegler
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the production of don giovanni im watching has a very talented leporello but im way too distracted by his outfit to focus on his lines
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what is this. pink on green? crosshatch on stripes? bigass feather cap?? this is the outfit of a man who hasn't realized he's bisexual yet. i need him
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cuttlebirb · 9 months
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Some Rin and Len artwork, for a charm! I've wanted to do one of them since I made a Miku charm last year or so, but I just kept putting it off! Happy to have finally gotten around to it, I love them <3
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bridgeportbritt · 2 months
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The SimDonia Royals Returns Tomorrow!
This will probably be the least structured chapter of the whole series lol. I have not been feeling super-duper lately and not really working too hard on the story. I've moreso been playing and morphing that into my little outline for what's next. But I think I've cobbled up some good stuff so far. The schedule is very up in the air because like I said, ya girl has been lacking in the sims area of life. But let's just see how it goes. Two posts this week to kick us off!!!
PS We've time skipped!
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picturebookshelf · 11 months
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Deltora Quest: The Forest of Silence (2000)
Story: Emily Rodda -- Art: Emily Rodda, Kate Rowe & Marc McBride
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kasumikoujou · 11 months
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nabnab-official · 5 months
hey banbanheads sorry i havent been making as many posts. truth be told, my banban fixation is dying and has been for months now. ive been involved with it since its release a year ago and at the end of 2023 i felt my interest starting to die. i thought 6's release would revive it but it didnt im gonna continue posting here regardless because i really enjoy the community and i like posting on this blog. im just not sure what content ill make, art will probably slow down because i dont have a lot of time or energy for it. i might try posting different mascot horror stuff here. im anticipating poppy chapter 3's release so when that drops ill likely post abt it on this blog. im still really invested in mascot horror and the general horror scene so thats not changing anytime soon. i just dont really know what to post atm though, but i do enjoy running this blog and engaging with you guys so i dont want to stop posting. if you guys want me to post particular stuff or have any ideas, let me know. im almost at 50 followers so maybe ill do something special for that? let me know what you guys want to see from me. original content? mascot horror stuff? general horror stuff? more shitposts? more art? im in a bit of a creation rut at the moment so feedback is appreciated
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morphimus · 3 months
Fuck it. This is a gundam blog now
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kalak · 2 years
Ok so what was the moment in Lightsongs arc that brought you to tears? Now I’m curious
When he sacrificed himself!
The concept of the Returned is so fascinating because you're basically an amnesiac given godly powers and the luxury of (basically) royalty, and that sounds like an experience that's so detached from ours, but when you see Lightsong's arc, it's the opposite.
Through the entire book he's looking for his purpose, and his past, the reason he has returned. And I think that's something we can all relate to - the seeking of meaning in life. Him trying out different things, thinking that he must have been this or that in his past life, it's just like people chasing different goals, trying to find something that clicks, seeking something that might give us meaning. His delusions of grandeur that he might have been a detective - that's just like us, daydreaming about fame and success in the future.. he's just daydreaming about fame and success in the past.
And there's also the idea of agency. For the Returned, it would be so easy to not care about anything and relax into their luxurious lifestyle, because why seek out meaning when you're already a god? Why seek out your past when it's already been taken from you? But Lightsong says that no, I need to go on my silly little quests because that makes me happy and because I need to.
He's a representation of human agency, and the human need for meaning of life.
Then in the scene where he chooses his sacrifice, it turns out to be a culmination of all his efforts - When he was dying, he saw a glimpse of a possible future and he chose to return, and then Lightsong the god chooses to sacrifice himself. And he was only there, in the right moment, because he was going on his silly little quests the entire book.
To me, lightsong's sacrifice means the human choice, coming from a god with no memory, and that got me so good goddammit
I hope I got the details right, as you can guess it's been like, an year since I've last read cosmere content 😂
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butchboromir · 4 days
i have decided i will allow myself one more day of posting like this and then i am PIVOTING.
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gothprentiss · 2 years
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emily prentiss in playlists
running in the night · 80s goth teen angst
two steps on the water · grown up goth introspection
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fideidefenswhore · 14 days
Hi curious if you've read this: https://thecreationofanneboleyn.wordpress.com/tag/the-white-queen/
It's an article Susan Bordo wrote in 2013 comparing Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth Woodville to each other when the The White Queen came out in June of that year. Or more precisely how PG imagined both of them to be. Basically, Bordo thinks Gregory wrote her Elizabeth Woodville as an apology to Anne Boleyn. Thoughts?
Yeah, this raises some interesting points, but, no, I don't really think PGreg wrote TWQ's heroine as means of apology to how she wrote TOBG's...anti-heroine, whether subconsciously or otherwise.
In the PGregverse, it does seem like the Woodvilles (and it is interesting, I suppose, that she wrote TOBG first) are, actually, much like the Boleyn(-Howard, as she makes clear) 'family firm'; or rather, that the Boleyns are like the Woodvilles, with the soul extracted:
'It is a battle to the death,' she says simply. 'That is what it means to be Queen of England. You are not Melusina, rising from a fountain to easy happiness. You will not be a beautiful woman at court with nothing to do but make magic. The road you have chosen will mean that you have to spend your life scheming and fighting. Our task, as your family, is to make sure you win.”
As an author, the Boleyns are possibly the most straightforward vehicle to craft narrative scandal, drama, and danger. It's not that the Woodvilles' path, forged during the fraught time of the WoTR (particularly, Elizabeth taking sanctuary with her family, several times, harkens to the dire predictions of Chapuys for AB, that there would be an uprising against her specifically that would push her into hiding, himself pushing for her excommunication, hoping that the people of England would make the hoped-for interdict follow her 'wherever she went'); was absent of these things (the several executions of members of their family, the bastardization of Elizabeth's children with Edward IV), but, simply put, there is not as direct of a foil to them as there is COA and Princess Mary, to the Boleyns. Nothing...is really, truly analagous, although similarities can be found (Warwick as advisor versus Wolsey or Cromwell-- JamesFrainification-- I suppose, Margaret of Anjou as 'rightful queen', although she does not seem to have had the immense public sympathy that COA did, nor was she, obviously, Edward IV's wife; on that note, Eleanor Talbot would be...a sensationalistic reach to quantify as a 'parallel', obviously she did not live with Edward as his wife for so many years, nor have his children, nor a coronation, although it is funny that there's that interlink in the Boleyn drama- her being a relation of Mary Talbot, Henry Percy's wife).
I do take her point on paralleling portrayals overall of Anne&Henry vs Edward&Elizabeth, though, not just merely TOBG, but more as a criticism of the sort of...static mold of this genre, I suppose? If the audience were to watch a HVIII that either soon recovered from, or cloaked, his disappointment in his first child by Anne being a daughter (rather than how it's usually written, as she summarizes in Par5, which contradicts, I would argue, evidence that suggests it was otherwise); then there would be suspense in what happens later. There is very minimal effort to subvert audience expectations in this way, however, it is almost like scriptwriters have given up on the element of suspense in storytelling here because the story is so well-known.
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