#blonde katy!!!
youngexwivesclub · 5 months
Reneé meeting Katy Perry at coachella!!
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laurettelarue · 3 months
Lovely slender & sexy CD shows her new dress
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thegravewalker · 7 months
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Katy Lamb
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faketitsupgradekits · 2 months
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Katie Price
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tex6689 · 8 months
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Katy Ann
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college-girls-blog · 1 year
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Katie Sigmond & Olivia Dunne
Louisiana State University (LSU)
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iflewkscouldkill · 1 month
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 4 months
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chenziee · 6 months
Second of my three pieces for the @opblondebombshells zine!! It's available for download for free, so check it out! ✨
This one is with perfect illustrations done by @trashchaser, please just look at them they're so beautiful ;__;
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“White Knight” Cavendish in Trouble?!
NEW WORLD, Grand Line | by Absa
Is “White Knight” Cavendish in some kind of trouble? That was the question running through our minds as we stalked—excuse me—secretly followed everyone’s favorite Pirate Prince after anonymously interviewing him about the cursed Straw Hat’s Grand Fleet. (See yesterday’s World Economic Journal for details.)
When we said our goodbyes, we noticed Mr. Cavendish was slightly nervous about the time, as if he had somewhere else to be. Naturally curious what had the usually confident pirate so out of character, we decided to see what was going on.
His first stop was his ship… but we knew that couldn’t be it. And so, we waited patiently for two hours for him to come back ashore—and boy, was the wait worth it! My dear readers, the sight this man made! He was shining even brighter than usual, his outfit flawless and worthy of a front page on the most prestigious fashion magazines and perfectly accentuating his princely appearance. It was clear he put a lot of care into his look today and it honestly made us wonder whether he spent the entire two hours just getting ready.
Having seen him walking away looking like a fashion star, it was quite obvious he had an important meeting (or perhaps, a rendezvous?!) ahead of him. And we couldn’t miss out on a scoop like that.
But then, we couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw him approach—believe it or not—none other than the most hated pirate on all the seas, Bartolomeo the Cannibal!
It was near-impossible to hear what they were talking about, but from the few words that carried over to us it was clear the hooligan was scolding his partner for being “three fucking hours late!”, to which Mr. Cavendish simply shrugged, smelling his beloved rose and muttering something—something that only made the Cannibal throw his arms into the air in annoyance.
Mr. Cavendish seemed unphased by his barbarian behavior, however. He smiled brightly, so much in fact that our visual transponder snail was momentarily blinded when we tried to take pictures. He didn’t even protest when after a few muttered complaints, Bartolomeo grabbed his wrist to drag him somewhere, not at all fighting the violent grip on his hand the entire time they walked together.
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Confused by why the “White Knight” would let himself be treated this way, of course we followed them. We were surprised even further when they arrived at an expensive looking restaurant, where the two of them were led to a table that was seemingly booked in advance.
What were they talking about? Was the Cannibal blackmailing him somehow? That was something we aimed to discover when we sneaked inside the restaurant.
Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to get close enough to the pair without a waitress tripping over me and becoming my wife—I mean, without being discovered.
What we can tell you, however, is that they ate a full course dinner together, chatting the whole time. By the way Bartolomeo rolled his eyes a few times, it seemed that Mr. Cavendish talked about himself a lot—but on the other hand, he also looked annoyed whenever Bartolomeo would start talking about something excitedly, pointing at a copy of Straw Hat Luffy’s wanted poster he pulled out of his wallet for some unknown reason.
At one point, it looked like they got into a fight with their faces very close to each other. It almost looked like they were kissing… but as the Pirate Prince and the Cannibal being that close is frankly unthinkable and honestly straight up impossible, we are assuming some secret information was being passed—possibly to threaten Mr. Cavendish!
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What is going on between them?
Is “White Knight” Cavendish in danger?
Can he get rid of Bartolomeo the Cannibal somehow without harm coming to him?
We shall keep an eye on them and keep you, our wonderful readers, updated on the wellbeing of your most beloved star in the following issues of our magazine!
For now, we can only pray for Mr. Cavendish’s safety together.
- If you are able to provide us any more information on this matter (or want to become my wife), please contact our editorial team via the News Coo! -
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neutron669 · 8 months
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Katie Flowers
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enchantingfemininity · 11 months
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themedievaldead · 5 months
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celebrityxbabes · 11 days
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boomkitty86 · 6 months
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 1 year
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