#blood & cheese
While I still don’t think it was done perfectly, the more I think about it, the more I think Blood & Cheese was done well. With no Maelor, the change to “which one is the boy” makes sense, and even Helaena offering up her necklace, which I really didn’t like at first, makes much more sense now that I think about it. Cheese(?)’s “does she look like a fucking prince to you” line and all their talk of sons makes it clear to Helaena that offering herself up is not going to do any good, and doing so might risk making them angry and just make them kill both children. So then of course she offers up her necklace, they have to be doing this for money and it’s the only thing that might appeal to them. Then, once they make it clear both kids are dying if she doesn’t tell them which one is Jaehaerys, she points to him. They know she’s telling the truth because she looks so guilty and horrified but she has no choice, at this point she can only save Jaehaera. Even her running out makes sense, being unable to watch the fate her son has been doomed to, saving who she can save and wandering around, not even being phased by Alicent and Criston because she’s so guilt-ridden and so traumatized and so stunned and so out of it that all she can do is collapse to the floor and say “they killed the boy.” Not even Jaehaerys’ name, they broke her so thoroughly that she can only speak like them. Okay maybe it was actually done well.
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Wish he lived to bully Tyland Lannister some more
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Alicole was underwhelming, but B&C takes the cake as the worst adaptation of a single asoiaf/f&b event so far:
It was so rushed and whitewashed and did not focus on Helaena at all. Where is Helaena pleading for her son's life and offering up her own life instead? Where is Maelor whom Helaena was coerced to offer up as a sacrifice and does not bear to look at? Where is Heleana being forced to make a decision that haunts her entire life? She is obviously traumatized by what happened, but having her just say "they killed the boy" does not do her character and her grief justice. I really hope we get to see more of Helaena in episode 2 because it would be really upsetting if the show just brushes her off.
Not to mention Alicent's absence from the events of B&C. Alicent was really there, worried for her daughter's and grandchildren's lives, and was the first person to offer Helaena some comfort and consolation. The more I think about it the more mad I get because we got robbed of what could have been a truly harrowing and distressing scene that would do the events and the characters justice. Book!B&C was about two mothers and their shared agony, pain, and grief. It could have been powerful and shocking from an acting perspective alone if they had followed the events of the book.
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ophelieverse · 2 days
Aegon asking Ser Criston where tf he was when his son was being killed:
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“you dumb fucking bitch i’m going to fuck you up”
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biwitchenergyz · 2 months
One thing I find interesting about team black vs team green is that whenever team green talks about how Blood and Cheese was wrong, team black blows up their comments saying “an eye for an eye and a son for a son.” But the thing is… team black never was an eye for an eye. That’s the whole point. They never give back what they take. Had Rhaenyra or Viserys tried to make amends with Aemond over what Lucereys did to him, had Lucereys apologized and actually stopped mocking Aemond, things may have ended differently. If team black is so strong about a son for a son then they should understand Alicent’s demand that Lucereys eye be put out as well. As someone who is team neutral it feels like team black proves time and time again that they believe they are entitled to everything and are shocked when their actions have consequences.
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For those who are wondering where Aemond went during the whole blood and cheese fiasco, he obviously was doing his night time hair routine. It takes a lot a work to look that fabulous.
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sunfyredefender77 · 2 months
the blue dress effect.
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lilianade-comics · 8 months
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Ectober Haunt day 13 (Horror Flick)
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rararatigan · 1 month
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More Quotes From the Blood Bus (No. 4)
“I can’t wait to get home to my cheese.”
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yosb · 10 hours
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“He is my son, my first son!”
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Book Helaena: offers herself instead of the children and is forced to choose which must die. Chooses her youngest and watches in horror as they kill Jaehaerys anyway.
HOTD Helaena: Hey here's this necklace and oh you want my son? He's right there. Gotta run off and watch my mom bang the lord commander.
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Ok so I’m not trying to call anyone out or insinuate things but I really don’t like it when people have “oh my god poor helaena she doesn’t want to be at the funeral she doesn’t want to hurt team black her trauma is being exploited by her evil bitch mother and brother uwu” takes.
Because yes, Helaena is a much kinder and gentler person than most of the Greens. Yes, she was barely involved in the war. But, believe it or not, she is actually capable of independent thought and comprehension beyond being “the nice one.”
She watched her son be killed in front of her. Her daughter threatened with rape. Her other son told that she wants him dead. All because of her sister and uncle, people that have no war with her or her children, people that only two weeks ago were enjoying her company at dinner. You’re telling me that she feels no anger or resentment towards these people? At all? That nowhere, nowhere in the corner of her mind, nowhere does she want the people of King’s Landing to understand their brutality?
Look I know that people already think that autistic people are sweet little innocent uwu small beans who could never feel a negative emotion towards anyone in their life and who are incapable of comprehending anything as complex as politics and war, but this is getting ridiculous. And you know what? Maybe when the season comes out she will have been forced to go to the funeral, and I’ll eat my words. But for now, can we please not do this?
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coldraindropsss · 4 months
The three Queens.
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The peace makers.
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The birth of a queen.
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ophelieverse · 3 days
Ep 1 spoilers without context:
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biwitchenergyz · 3 days
I’m going to say it… I fucking hated the blood and cheese scene’s. They had every chance to make this episode as big as the red wedding episode in GOT and the writers fucked everything up. The actors were amazing! This is not on them. The whole thing was underwhelming and left me thinking… “this isn’t nearly as bad as what team green did.” Which fucks EVERYTHING up. Blood and Cheese is generally one of the most horrific scenes in Fire and Blood (moreso then Luke’s death). These changes made no sense and frankly they didn’t add to the storyline in anyway, instead they took away a MAJOR part of the story and also future plots that paint team black in a bad light.
(Check out my other post if you want to see how I think it should have been but I want to make it clear that I am not upset that they didn’t show Jae being killed. I’m glad it was offscreen. It was just the stupidity of Blood and Cheese walking through the castle with no guards trying to stop them and the Alicole scene, and then taking away Maelor that I didn’t like)
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