#blood of dragons
I hope that at some point they bring a sex educator or at least a few fliers to Kelsingra, they need it
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is Amber a fucking elderling or am I making shit up
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I'm back!!!/ROTE update
Ok hi I'm finally back after months of abandoning my Tumblr account! I'm so sorry, but work was just kicking my ass so bad and school was overwhelming. But I'm back!!!
So an update for my ROTE read through:
I finished the entire Rain Wild Chronicles since the last time I posted and it was...ok. Don't get me wrong it was better than a lot of fantasy books out there just because Robin Hobb can write so well. But compared to the other books it was...ok. I just found that there were characters and storylines that I didn't care about as much. For example, I LOVED Sedric's character arc from beginning to end (and I think he might be one of my favorite new characters along with Carson), but I got tired of Thymara's story and her wondering if she should pick Rapskal or Tats. And by the end I was upset with who she chose so it all felt like I went through it for nothing. I just wish it could've been simpler ya know? Alise was ok, but by Blood of Dragons I felt like she wasn't really relevant anymore. But I really liked Leftrin, he gave off chill uncle vibes. The Selden chapters and scenes were some of my favorite and I loved Chassim.
I think my favorite out of all 4 books was Dragon Haven, mostly because there was a lot more Sedric in that one probably lol. If you couldn't tell, I had the time of my life reading from Sedric's POV. Anytime he was mentioned my eyes were glued to the page lol.
But overall this series was fine, definitely not my favorite, just fine. And that's ok :)
And now onto the Fitz and The Fool trilogy!!! I'm so excited and nervous!!! Since my schedule is looking to be more free I will start doing daily updates like usual starting tomorrow, or whenever you see this I might have already started!!!
I know I'm inconsistent, but thank you all for continuing to be on this journey with me!! Ya'll rock!!! <3
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moonzz3-reads · 5 months
finished the Rain Wilds Chronicles and have many thoughts.
I saw online that a lot of people didn’t enjoy them as much as Robin Hobb’s other books, and I can’t say anything on that because I just picked this up at a bookstore and went for it (oops) so definitely read out of order, but I really enjoyed it anyway. The important relationships were fleshed out pretty well, the first two books and the river journey was a little unnecessarily long, but most of it was important for character development and world building, I liked the way the series ended a lot, and I enjoyed the fact that the dragons and their attitudes, especially Sintara’s, weren’t “fixed”. The keepers didn’t turn them morally good, as would have been the case in many other series.
Idk. Brain going crazy, and I enjoyed the series :)
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chloristoflora · 1 year
"She is still so incredibly beautiful," Malta said. She willed her voice not to choke in her tight throat. "Look at these scales, every one a tiny work of art. It's even more a wonder when you realize she determined their decoration, every one of them. Look at these, around her eyes." Her fingers walked to them, traced the intricate pattern of white, silver and black that framed the dragon's closed eyes. "No dragon will ever be as glorious as she was. The young queen Sintara flaunts herself, but she will never be as blue as our Tintaglia. Fente and Veras are plain as tree snakes compared to her. My conceited beauty, you had every right to be vain."
"She did," Reyn conceded. "I hate that she dies like this, broken and flawed. Such a waste to lose her. I could feel the hope in the other dragons surge when she appeared in the skies. They need her, they need what she remembers."
"We all do," Malta said quietly. "Especially Phron."
The baby stirred in her lap, perhaps at the mention of his name. Malta lifted the corner of her cloak that covered him. He still slept. She bent close to study his face in the moonlight. "Look," she said to her husband. "I never realized it before. The tiny scales on his brows? They are the same pattern as hers. Even without her presence, he carries her marks on him. Her artistry would have lived on in him. If he were to live." The baby stirred at her touch as she traced his face and whimpered more strongly. "Hush, my little one." She lifted him from her lap. His thin arm and scrawny hand sprawled from his wrappings. She put the little hand on the dragon's brows, held it there between Tintaglia's scales and her still-soft, still-human palm. "She would have been your dragon, too, my darling. Touch her once, before you both go. Imagine how beautiful you would have been if she could have guided you." She moved the baby's hand down the dragon's scaling in a caress. "Tintaglia, if you must go, give him something of yourself first. Give him a memory of flight, give him a thought of your beauty to carry into the dark."
Blood of Dragons, by Robin Hobb (Rain Wild Chronicles #4)
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dragonfodder · 1 year
A snippet from Blood of Dragons
for @okruchlodu :)
When Aenor had a dream about fire and magic, he knew something in the world had changed. Whether for the worse or the better, he couldn't say. But in that dream, he saw himself setting foot on the ancient island of Ynis Scí. Black sand crunched under his boots as he headed up the shore towards the ruins of an old city. But as he got closer, a shadow emerged from the ruins and rushed towards him with a terrible, screeching sound. Aenor drew his sword, ready to attack, but then the scenery changed – the ruins and the shadow disappeared in a torrent of dragonfire, burning bright and hot; and he woke up, startled, feeling as if something in the world had shifted. Maybe the old magic, which was slowly vanishing from the world, returned. He wasn't sure about it, but he somehow knew nothing would be the same again. He mulled over the dream all morning, replaying it in his mind so many times, that he was sure he'll remember every details years later. Soon, however, the sounds of some commotion snapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to reality. There was shouting and arguing just outside his room, then a sharp knock on the door.
„Prince Aenor?” it was Sir Ingvarr , head of the Kingsguard. Aenor would recognize his voice anywhere, anytime. „I'm so sorry for disturbing so early, Your Highness, but it's your brother, Maekar, he's –„ „What happened to him?” Aenor crossed the room in a quick paced stride and opened the door without delay. This didn't sound good. His brother was only eight, but always knew how to find trouble. Or maybe trouble was good at finding him.
„He was found on the third level of the Dragon Keep, my prince. Outside, might I add.” Sir Ingvarr said, stepping aside to let Maekar in, who looked obviously annoyed.
Aenor sighed. The Dragon Keep was a fortified tower consisting of fifteen levels, and a tall conical roof topped with a blue dragon statue. „Were you climbing again?”
Maekar muttered something and shuffled his feet, then nodded. „I didn't want to listen to Master Halldor's lessons. They're boring. So I sneaked off.”
„Maekar,” he moved to crouch next to him, so that he was at eye level with him. „How many times I and your father told you, climbing is dangerous? And you need those lessons. You're the son of a king, you can't go without that sort of knowledge.”
„But you're the crown prince.” Maekar shrugged. „And I don't want that anyway. I want to be a warrior and be the member of your Kingsguard when you get crowned.”
„That's all well and nice,” Aenor said, straightening up. „But our father is still alive, I'm still just the crown prince, and if the Gods will it, it won't change for a long time. You have your training with our Master of Blades already, Maekar, but that doesn't mean you can skip being well versed in history and politics, even if you indeed end up in the Kingsguard someday.” he looked up at Sir Ingvarr. „Thank you, Sir Ingvarr. You may go now. I'm taking my little brother on a walk.”
„As you wish, Prince Aenor.” Sir Ingvarr bowed and left the room, closing the door behind himself.
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My new 3D-printed dragon friend matches Heeby!
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lordgolden · 1 year
The letter from Wintrow I’m crying 😭😭😭 I MISSED HIM!!!!!
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saturni-idae · 3 months
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Down in the dungeon, where hunger resides 🩸
I wanted to make a dungeon meshi fanart for a while, and man, I love Falin, so here we go
I hope you like it :)
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kavaleyre · 6 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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robynnnn311 · 2 months
nobody is making him say this he’s just saying it unprovoked
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sihtryggr · 3 months
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father, son, holy spirit.
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artnoonewants · 4 months
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Poor delusional Viserys 😔
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ruporas · 6 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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chloristoflora · 1 year
Day the 3rd of the Plough Moon
Year the 7th of the Independent Alliance of Traders
From Reyall, Keeper of the Birds, Bingtown
To Detozi, Keeper of the Birds, Trehaug
Enclosed, a transcription of a hand-carried message from Wintrow Vestrit Haven, captain of the liveship Vivacia and Consort to the Pirate Queen Etta Ludluck.
Please note that dates indicate this message has been delayed by several months, through no fault of the Bird Keepers' Guild. It is addressed to the Khuprus household, but appears intended for Reyn and Malta Khuprus.
To my sister, Malta Vestrit Khuprus and her husband, Reyn Khuprus of the Rain Wild Traders:
Sister, Brother, if you can summon that dragon of yours, there was never a better time for you to do so. My efforts to locate Selden have been fruitless. I wish he had contacted me before he undertook a journey in this direction, for I would have made sure that a suitable escort was provided to an Elderling lord and dragon-poet such as he. For now, I am heartsick to tell you that I have received tidings of a 'Dragon-Boy' that somewhat matches a description of Selden since his Elderling changes. I both hope and fear that this is indeed our little brother. My hope is that at least he was alive when this gossip reached me and my fear is that he is in dire need of help, as he has been taken as a slave of sorts, displayed as a wonder for the ignorant gawker. I pray to Sa to keep him safe wherever he may be, but I have also offered a substantial reward if he is brought safely to me. I regretfully add that I have promised a reward also for reliable news of his demise, with evidence, for I would know what has become of him, no matter how much sorrow it brings me.
What was our mother thinking, to let him go off on his own like this? Did no one there think of how valuable a hostage he was to any that cared to take him?
Vivacia sends greetings to Althea and Brashen, if you should see them. Etta earnestly desires them to know that our Paragon wishes to see the ship whose name he bears. I myself think he is still young to hear of that part of his heritage, for doubtless the Paragon would disagree and would impart far more information than a boy of his years needs to understand just yet.
Please remember you are always welcome here and that we all most earnestly desire to see you again.
And if Selden has since wandered home, in the name of Sa herself, send me word by the swiftest means possible.
When I think of him, I still imagine him as a boy with his front teeth just beginning to grow in.
My love to both of you, and my hope that this finds you both in good health.
Your loving brother,
Blood of Dragons, by Robin Hobb (Rain Wild Chronicles #4)
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dragonfodder · 1 year
Map for Blood of Dragons
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