#blood pressure 911 review
blog405095 · 1 year
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buybloodpressure911 · 2 years
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Blood Pressure 911 Supplements - Health
A Right Jolly Good Sort: My Experience with Blood Pressure 911
I used to be a bit of a skeptic when it came to herbal supplements. All that seemed a bit "snake oil salesman" to me, you know? But then my doctor mentioned I was borderline for high blood pressure. Now, a flutter in the old ticker wasn't exactly unheard of in my family, but the thought of being on medication for the rest of my life wasn't particularly appealing. So, I decided to explore some natural alternatives.
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Taking the Plunge with Blood Pressure 911
That's when I stumbled upon Blood Pressure 911. Now, the name might be a bit dramatic, but it piqued my curiosity. The idea of a natural solution based on Japanese ingredients appealed to me. After doing some research and seeing mostly positive reviews, I decided to give it a go.
Easy to Swallow, Easy to Maintain
Blood Pressure 911 comes in capsules, which is perfect for someone like me who isn't a fan of syrups or powders. The dosage is simple – just two capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It easily slotted into my routine, no fuss, no bother.
Feeling the Natural Difference
Now, I'm not going to say it was a miracle cure. It took a good few weeks before I really noticed a difference. But slowly and surely, I started to feel a change. That tightness in my chest, the occasional light-headedness – it all seemed to fade away. I felt more energised, and sleep came a bit easier too.
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Back to the Doctor, Back with a Smile
After three months of taking Blood Pressure 911, I decided to head back to the doctor for a check-up. He was pleasantly surprised! My blood pressure had dropped to a healthy range. He was cautious at first, recommending I continue with the supplements for another few months alongside a healthy diet and exercise – all things I was already incorporating more of thanks to feeling better. But there was a definite shift in his tone – he seemed genuinely impressed by the natural approach.
A Word to the Wise
Look, I'm not saying Blood Pressure 911 is a magic bullet. Everyone's body is different, and what works for me might not work for you. But for someone like me, who wanted to explore natural ways to manage my health, it's been a real game-changer. If you're on the fence about giving it a try, all I can say is – it might just be the "cup of tea" you've been looking for. Just remember, consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, alright?
Now, I'm not back to scoffing at all things herbal. Blood Pressure 911 has shown me that sometimes, a natural approach can be just as, if not more, effective than traditional medication. It's certainly made a positive difference in my life, and for that, I'm a right jolly good fan!
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killed-by-choice · 9 days
Amber Thurman, 28 (USA 2022)
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Amber with her beloved son
Georgia’s Pro-Life laws have reduced abortion and protected women. Amber Thurman, who died because of a legal abortion from out of state, is the only person in Georgia for years of records to die from septic shock from “retained products of conception.”
Amber, a healthy 28-year-old single mother, learned she was pregnant with twins in 2022. Scared for her stability and feeling unable to provide for them while attending nursing school, she and her friend Ricaria Baker scheduled a legal surgical abortion in North Carolina.
After leaving her son with a babysitter and making the long drive to another state, Amber and Ricaria were delayed by heavy traffic. They contacted the abortion facility only to find out that the facility had crammed in so many clients that they wouldn’t let her have more than a 15-minute delay or they would cancel her appointment. However, a facility worker gave Amber a “counseling session” and sold her the abortion pills. Tired from the journey and frustrated at the idea of making the long trip for a second time, Amber agreed. She took the first pill at the abortion facility on August 13. She was nine weeks pregnant.
Ricaria later told media that Amber wanted to get home before the abortion symptoms started. The two of them went home and Amber took the final dose.
Amber would soon learn that chemical abortion was not as safe or convenient as the facility claimed. She was in intense pain and bleeding much more heavily than she was led to expect. Her boyfriend called 911 after she vomited blood and lost consciousness.
At 6:51 P.M. on August 18, Amber was brought to Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia. Her condition mirrored that of others killed by “safe and legal” use of the abortion pill. A pelvic exam and ultrasound indicated that the legal abortion left tissue inside of her, where it decayed and caused sepsis. Her blood pressure was dangerously low from bleeding, her white blood cell count was elevated, and while attempting to use the bathroom she fainted again and hit her head.
After assessing Amber’s condition, doctors started her on an IV drip and antibiotics to combat the sepsis, The OB-GYN who was caring for Amber noted the possibility of doing a D&C the next day. However, her condition badly deteriorated. By 5:14 the next morning, she was having trouble breathing and her blood pressure was still dangerous even after five liters of fluids. Realizing that Amber was even sicker than previously thought, her doctors continued to gather information and increased her antibiotics. They also tested for STDs that could potentially complicate treatment and for pneumonia, which can easily develop in patients with sepsis.
With her blood pressure so low, Amber’s doctors tried to save her by giving her Levophed. This was a powerful blood pressure support medication given because she desperately needed her blood pressure to be stabilized. But even with Levophed, Amber’s blood pressure kept falling. She was admitted to the ICU at 6:45 A.M.
By 7:15, doctors discussed a D&C. However, because of her critical condition and because of how the Levophed affected blood flow, surgery was very risky for Amber. Still, after a specialist in intensive care examined her, it was decided that the risk had to be taken.
In the OR, it was discovered that the sepsis was causing her organs to fail. Amber’s bowel needed to be removed, but because of how her blood flow was affected, it was too dangerous to do so. A surgeon carried out the D&C as planned, but the infection was so bad that Amber also had to have a hysterectomy. Despite the hospital’s efforts, Amber went into cardiac arrest during her surgery. A maternal mortality review noted that her death was preventable.
Once Amber’s case became publicly known, some pro-abortion sources tried to claim that the Georgia abortion ban was what actually killed her. They claimed that Georgia law had criminalized D&C so absolutely that doctors were limited in what they could do to save her life.
This is not true.
First, Amber’s twins were already dead. A procedure to remove a dead baby’s remains or other retained tissue is not medically or legally qualified as an abortion.
Second, the legal text of Georgia’s abortion ban clearly states that even if a treatment could be considered an abortion (which, again, does not apply to removing the remains of a corpse), it is unambiguously legal if needed to preserve the life or health of the mother. The text of the law allows doctors, not politicians, to have the final say in what qualifies. Legally, Amber’s doctors were allowed to give her a D&C at any time— which they did. The claims that the abortion ban forced the doctors to delay the D&C or criminalized it are unfounded. Even ProPublica themselves admitted that “Doctors and a nurse involved in Thurman’s care declined to explain their thinking and did not respond to questions from ProPublica.” In other words, they were only guessing what they thought might have been the motivation.
Amber’s D&C was also performed on the day it was planned. There was no refusal to treat her, and in fact even the article that attempts to paint her as a “victim” of abortion bans admits that surgery was dangerous at that point because of the blood pressure medication— the medication given because her legal abortion made her lose so much blood. Surgery may be delayed for extremely fragile patients, and seeing that multiple experts were being brought in to analyze her case and help the best they could, it is extremely likely that she did not receive surgery sooner because they thought it was more likely to kill than save her. This is especially relevant in a patient with respiratory distress, organ failure and extremely low blood pressure— surgery on someone with highly impacted blood flow poses risks of its own.
Lastly, there is no denying that Amber died from a legal abortion. She was not a criminal— she underwent something she was told was “safe and legal” and still died. The blame for her death rests on the abortion facility that packed in as many women as they could and then risked their lives.
It is also worth noting that in a case like this of abortion pill-induced sepsis, treatment can fail even when everything can be attempted. Given that she was already in severe sepsis when admitted to the hospital, even an immediate D&C (had she been stable enough for one) may have been too late. A similar case, the death of “Jayden Roe,” records an immediate D&C being done on a patient who was much less sick and still died.
But even if, hypothetically, Amber’s doctors delayed an aspect of her treatment needlessly, that would be their fault individually as practitioners, not the fault of a law that clearly allows them to use their own judgement and decide for themselves.
Although Amber was afraid of financial instability, she loved being a mother and frequently posted about how much she loved being with her young son— a son who lost his mother and two siblings to “safe and legal” abortion.
Since becoming publicly known, Amber’s death has been exploited by abortion supporters. All of the social media posts claiming that abortion bans killed her miss a very crucial fact: she died of complications of a fully legal abortion.
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hillbillyoracle · 4 months
I would LOVE a post on putting together first aid kits, I always read about it and get overwhelmed and short out so maybe if someone whose writing I already know i can parse explains it I'll actually finish putting mine together :|
I might go one to write something more involved later but I thought I'd jot down my initial thoughts here.
Let me preface all of this by saying I don't have extensive medical training. I got my CNA license like a decade ago and used to be certified for basic search and rescue. So take all of this with a grain of salt and cross reference with other sources.
First Aid Kit supplies tend to fall into a few categories:
Supplies that help you get someone to emergency care
Supplies that help you get someone to primary care
Supplies that help you self treat without seeking care
All of these categories can go pretty deep and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.
Supplies in each category can be helpful in other categories. I've just grouped them according to their primary use case in my personal kits.
Getting Someone to Emergency Care
The most important aspect of responding to an emergency is knowledge so keeping an updated First Aid/CPR certification is ideal even if you don't need it for work or another position.
If you can't make it to a class, the Red Cross has a first aid app that you can download and review. While 911 can guide you how to respond to some emergencies over the phone, it's always helps to be familiar with best practices beforehand.
Aside from that a lot of supplies can be on the more expensive side.
Some supplies I included in some of my kits:
SAM splints + medical tape
Quick Clot (cloth, not powder)
Trauma Sheers
If you don't have the money for these supplies, don't fret. Cheaper things that would be helpful in similar situations would be
ace bandages (improvised tourniquet)
safety pins (improvised sling)
washcloths and hand towels (to aid compression)
Getting Someone to Primary Care
Though depending on where you live and how the health care system works these could overlap with getting someone to urgent care (step below emergency care).
The import part of this category is twofold - you need information to give a primary care/urgent care physician to help diagnose and treat and you need to keep someone comfortable/from getting worse.
Keep a Record
If you take nothing else from this post, it's this - take notes. The format is simple - date, time, observation. Don't worry if you observation is "dumb" or you don't know the right words; any changes you think could be noteworthy, write down.
Take it with you when you or the person you're caring for goes in to be seen. Jot down a brief summary of the visit (name of facility, name of provider, symptoms discussed, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, plan of care/follow up) in case you need to seek care with a different physician (specialist, ER, etc).
Taking Vitals
Ideally, you'll want to be able to check a person's vitals. So these pieces of equipment can help:
Pulse Oximeter
Automatic blood pressure cuff
While I recommend all of this, if you can only get one of these, I'd pick an oral thermometer personally since it's very difficult to tell the difference between different stages of a fever with your hand alone and can be found for pretty cheap. Be sure to wash it off after each use so as not to spread gems.
If you can't purchase the others, make sure you know how to take a pulse accurately, count respirations, and know the signs of low oxygen and blood pressure issues.
Keeping Someone Comfortable
This greatly depends on what a person is experiencing, but in general you'll want to fill what you can of these:
Fever reducer
Cough suppressant
Rash cream
Sleep support
I cannot recommend specific ones for each category since everyone has such specific needs. If you're concerned about picking the right ones for you, your doctor can make recommendations.
Fluids and rest are generally helpful in keeping someone comfortable and stable.
Treating Someone at Home
This is where the band-aids live. Most of what people think of when they think first-aid tend to be things in this category.
This is also one of the most difficult ones to give specifics on because people vary in their needs so widely. What might be a fairly common occurrence for me might be rare for you and vice versa.
So instead of theorizing what you might need, I'll talk about what I have in mine. Hopefully seeing my thought process helps you.
When bandaging a wound, you need to clean it and then put on an absorbent layer and a cover to keep out debris.
I use alcohol pads to clean wounds and band-aids (since they are absorbent layer and cover in one) for small wounds. Most cuts and scraps only need this.
For larger wounds I keep some gauze pads and cohesive wrap to cut to size.
Some wounds need further treatment. Some things need treatment to prevent them becoming wounds.
I keep triple antibiotic to put on wounds that are at a higher risk for becoming or have become infected.
I keep sting relief pads for insect stings and bites to prevent me scratching at them into wounds.
I keep burn gel for burns (including sunburns).
I keep hydrocortisone and calamine lotion for rashes.
I keep lavender balm for sleep/muscle tension and muscle balm for muscle strains.
For Blisters
This gets it own little section in each of my kits since I get blisters pretty often. Remember folks, the sooner you catch a hotspot or blister, the easier it is to treat.
I keep hydrocolloid bandages for blisters and athletic tape for hot spots. A lot of them.
If they open, then they're effectively a wound and I treat them similarly. But generally I try to prevent that.
I keep a tick remover (card style) because I find it easier than tweezers (though I have those too).
I keep instant cold compress packs - especially in our "sport" kit that's in the car my partner takes to her full contact sport. Her most common injuries have been jammed fingers and nail bent back - cold packs are great for both. They're also great for treating heat exhaustion, especially when you're away from a building with good AC.
In a similar vein, I specifically have several finger SAM splints coming in for that kit.
Gloves. Seriously they're so useful, I use them all the time. Dying my hair, chopping up spicy peppers, using cleaning products that might make me break out, keeping my hand clean for treating a wound, sexy times - they're good for all sorts of things.
12cc syringe in our sport kit for filling with water and flushing out bigger wounds (like scrapes from falls) away from home.
I'm probably forgetting some other things but I think this covers most of it.
I know this is a lot. There's no need to go out and get things all at once.
I started collecting supplies slowly when I was in college. I just established a box as my first aid kit and decided it would always live under my bathroom sink. When stuff came up, I grabbed supplies for it and then kept the extras (throwing out the medications as they expired).
If you make a list for yourself, you can grab things proactively when you have a little left over in your budget or they're on sale. Prioritize things based on what you think you're most likely to use.
Need to start small? A box of bandages, oral thermometer, painkiller/fever reducer, and an antihistamine are better than nothing and a great start to build on once you have more resources.
I hope this helps someone out!
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huskerdustfanclub · 2 years
Derek had blood all down his shirt but he wasn't really hurt he was a little bit but it wasn't bad it wasn't his blood. He had been raped however and the guy who did it attempted to make him suck his dick afterwards but good reviews and the guy was getting ready to take a knife and cut him Derek was able to grab the blade cutting his hands and he's in and turn cut the guy's dick off he was scared rocking back and forth he did manage to put pressure on the guys wound and call 911.
Derek then immediately called Ashley the guy was passed out the guy looked pale from blood loss he was rocking back and forth listening to the phone ring
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Fic: “Comedian’s Night”
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read on AO3
Fandom: Teen Titans
Rating: T (for violence/blood)
Summary: Robin investigates trouble in Jump City's local performing arts center and gets the unlikeliest backup.
Getting back from Steel City, and Titans East, for a double-team mission against H.I.V.E. Five, Robin has one mission— the Tower's main computer alerts.
911 calls. Emergency service updates. Police scans. He inspects all waiting to be reviewed. There appears to have been a fair amount of criminal activity before and after Robin left.  No spikes. The Team are still on their way back, so Robin does another data check-through with a more critical eye.
Is that… a skeletal-white face mask, great. Great.
Robin can feel the eye-roll coming, tapping on some of the keyss.
Same suit, same cape, same gadgets—
Same old nonsense.
However, a new distress-signal blinks on the flat computer-panel displays.
Trouble right in middle of Jump City?
Robin considers his options, deciding to alert Cyborg who is still driving everyone else in the T-car and going himself. Someone has to.
"How's about I introduce myself, ladies and germs!" she shrills over the heightened chaos. "Ya can call me Duela—the Joker's Daughter!"
Robin groans lightly, his entire body protesting as he turns onto his stomach.
"I'm sure am glad I know sign language!" Duela recites, bending the fingers of a woman's hand she melted off. "Comes in prettieeee HANDY!"
Her high-pitched maniacal laughter echoes through the building.
Damn it—
"Some days, I miss my ex-boyfriend," Duela says gleefully, an the innocent man writhing in pain from his bleeding shoulder. Two razor-sharp playing cards embedded in him. "But my aim is steadily improving, wouldn'ya think?"
Robin drags himself back onto his feet to go to the injured man, clamping his fingers over the wound. It's not life-threatening.
"Take your scarf, apply pressure on it… he's okay, okay?" Robin assures the man's frantic date. "You need to get yourselves out of here."
He blocks them from Duela smirking.
Under the spotlights, her emerald-and-purple outfit glitters.
Duela's exposed flesh has a ghastly white sheen. Maybe a chemical alteration?
That doesn't make her…
"Joker's daughter?" Robin says scoffing, his vision still a little hazy. His muscles tremble. "More like a wannabe clown psycho."
Her smirk widens.
"And who are you? Hmm?" she jeers. "The Ugly Traffic Light Who Could?"
Robin unclips an ammunition disc, switching it on. 
The activation light blinking red. 
"Green means go, right," he quips, throwing the disc at Duela's feet. 
In moments, a stream of concentrated freezing gas bursts out, and Robin moves. He has to see who else is left before—
The smoke…
Robin feels it inside of him like a burning sick-sensation, growing heavier. 
His knees start to give.
"Night, night," Duela sing-songs, getting out her bullet-firing lipstick.
Robin's vision blurs.
A gigantic red X shoots through the air, colliding into Duela before she's fired her weapon, pinning her to the stage-wall.
"Is that all you got, kid—"
"Some folks just ain't cut out for showbiz—"
A deep, coughing wheeze startles Robin awake.
He lifts off the concrete rooftop, dazedly examining himself.
"Take it easy," comes the static-filled voice. Not far off, Red X has a foot on the rooftop's ledge, gazing out into the neon-lit skyline. "You woke up two times already. Puked the first time, and then, you started mumbling in another language the second. But I'm no expert in Western European."
"…did you kill her?" Robin croaks, ignoring how his heart pounds.
"Came close," Red X admits. "She's gonna be going 'night, night' for a while."
"Is this a detour from robbing a bank, X?"
"Saving your life?" 
A loud tutting noise crackles Red X's mask voice-box. 
"You're going to return the museum's jewels you stole…" Robin demands, weakly climbing to his knees. Red X shuffles his dark, leathered boot off the rooftop's ledge. He doesn’t seem very worried about Robin's hand going for his utility belt. Or rather, for no belt. Red X holds up Robin's belt.
"Finders keepers."
"Is that all that matters to you? Being a criminal?"
Robin hesitates, Red X's finger suddenly pushing under his chin, tilting his face.
"Not all…" Red X says.
The whites of Robin's eyelets go big.
Red X drags his fingertip purposefully, tilting Robin's face further up. No, no—Robin struggles against the humiliated blush, jerking away.
A static-snort of laughter.
"Don't drive under the influence, Chuckles," Red X quips, tossing one of the T-communicators. "Call for a ride. Safety first."
"And I'll catch ya on the flip-side."
He takes a running leap off the building, which Robin suspects City Hall, vanishing in mid-air. Yep, definitely the same Red X tech.
Same old nonsense…
Robin presses for Cyborg's number, a little defeated.
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halosluvchild · 2 years
What are your other wee woo show wecommendations?
buckle up this is going to be long
Chicago fire/med/PD -was my go to for a long time I stopped watching when fire was on season 5 I think but I've seen bits and pieces of the newer seasons and I would honestly still recommend it
911/911 lone star- 911 is better than lone star in my opinion but I do love both the queer and poc representation in both is amazing and I live for angst so if you do to these shows are for you
NCIS/NCIS LA/NCIS NO/NCIS Hawaii- Hawaii the newest edition to the franchise is my favorite simply for the queer rep but if you have time and want to go back and watch them, all 20 seasons of the original are binge worthy. LA is give or take in it's first few seasons but once it gets going its good, and NO was good except it's last season so all around the NCIS franchise is a must watch in my opinion
FBI/FBI international/FBI most wanted- fairly new FBI is only on it's fifth season international it's second I think and most wanted either 3-4th but I could see all three of these shows lasting for a long time
SWAT- I just really like how the characters were developed and how the crimes are solved but you also see their personal lives.
criminal minds- I mean this one is obvious criminal minds is one of the best wee woo shows that ever aired.
Hawaii Five-0(2010)- also one of my all time favorites it's fun trying to figure out if they are cops or not
Murdoch mysteries- if you like old timey stuff in a modern setting this is the show for you it's based in 1890's Toronto and follows detective and inventor William Murdoch as he tries to solve mysteries
Frankie Drake mysteries- again this one is if you like the old timey stuff but in a modern spin this time set in 1920's Toronto Frankie Drake is a private detective I also enjoy this one because of the topics the show explores like crooked cops, misogyny,and racism.
Will Trent - now I can't give a full extensive review because this is a new show and only two episodes have aired but I like what I see so far. if you have ever seen or heard of the show monk that was around in the early 2000's this show is like the 2020's version of that
Blue Bloods- who doesn't love family drama this show is full of it especially when you put the additional pressure of the father being the police commissioner the oldest son being a detective the youngest son being a beat cop and the only daughter being a prosecutor. (disclaimer out of all the wee woo shows on this list this one is probably the one that tries the hardest with the copaganda, although most if not all these shows are copaganda blue bloods covers topics like unarmed people getting shot,cops being terrorized by the public, cops looking like the bad guys,and most if not all the time they will side with the cop or find the cop did nothing wrong. So if you are a ACAB person like me the way I go into this show each week is reminding myself that it is copaganda and that they are aiming to make cops look good that is their goal and it's most likely their target audience is people who already don't see cops as bastards that it doesn't change the fact that ACAB)
Alert- again just like Will Trent this show just aired so I can't give a solid recommendation but I do like what I have seen from the two day premiere the show basically follows a task force set out to find missing people but with added drama suspense and what appears to be secrets.
Magnum PI(2018)- now my dad will tell you to watch the original but in my honest opinion the reboot is better and although CBS cancelled it NBC picked it up for two seasons. I honestly just love the shows where the "normies" are better at being detectives than actual detectives
CSI- it doesn't matter which one you can pick up one of the older ones and watch every season or you can watch the reboot I will never get tired of CSI
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adoctorx · 6 days
Brovana (arformoterol tartrate) is a prescription drug used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Brovana can cause side effects that range from mild to serious. Examples include back pain, diarrhea, and leg cramps. What are the more common side effects of Brovana? Some people may experience mild to serious side effects during their Brovana treatment. Examples of the drug’s commonly reported side effects include: back or chest pain diarrhea sinusitis (sinus infection) leg cramps shortness of breath What are the mild side effects of Brovana? Mild side effects have been reported with Brovana. These include: shortness of breath rash swelling in the lower legs or hands flu symptoms tremor back or chest pain diarrhea sinusitis (sinus infection) leg cramps chest congestion In most cases, these side effects should be temporary. And some may be easily managed. But if you have symptoms that are ongoing or bothersome, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. And do not stop Brovana treatment unless your doctor recommends it. Brovana may cause mild side effects other than those listed above. See the drug’s prescribing information for details. What are the serious side effects of Brovana? Serious side effects have been reported with Brovana. These include, but are not limited to: heart problems* high blood sugar levels low blood potassium levels paradoxical bronchospasm* bronchitis If you develop serious side effects while taking Brovana, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. * To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects explained” section below. Note: After the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug, it tracks and reviews side effects of the medication. If you’d like to notify the FDA about a side effect you’ve had with Brovana, visit MedWatch. Allergic reaction For some people, Brovana can cause an allergic reaction. But it’s not clear how often this side effect occurred in the drug’s studies. In general, symptoms of allergic reaction can be mild or serious. What might help If you have mild symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as a mild rash, call your doctor right away. They may suggest a treatment to manage your symptoms and can determine whether you should continue Brovana treatment. If you have symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, such as swelling or trouble breathing, call 911 or your local emergency number right away. These symptoms could be life threatening and require immediate medical care. If your doctor confirms you’ve had a serious allergic reaction to Brovana, they may have you switch to a different treatment. Side effects explained Learn more about some of the side effects Brovana may cause. Heart problems Heart problems were a serious side effect reported in studies of Brovana. Examples include changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm. These changes may cause symptoms such as: dizziness chest pain trouble breathing feelings of a fast or irregular heartbeat Using Brovana dosage beyond the recommended amount can increase your risk of heart problems. Using Brovana with other medications that work similarly to Brovana can also increase this risk. What might help Using Brovana as prescribed will decrease your risk of heart problems. If you experience any of the above side effects while using Brovana, talk with your doctor right away. Paradoxical bronchospasm Your risk of paradoxical bronchospasm may increase when using Brovana. Paradoxical bronchospasm is when your airway suddenly tightens immediately after using Brovana, which can be life-threatening. Typically, medications like Brovana cause airway opening. So, this side effect is unexpected. How often this side effect occurred wasn’t reported in studies of Brovana.
Symptoms can include: cough wheezing (whistling sound when you breathe) dizziness chest pain or tightness What might help If you experience any of the above symptoms after using Brovana, call 911 or your local emergency number right away. Keeping track of side effects During your Brovana treatment, consider taking notes on any side effects you’re having. You can then share this information with your doctor. This is especially helpful when you first start taking a new drug or using a combination of treatments. Your side effect notes can include things such as: what dose of the drug you were taking when you had the side effect how soon you had the side effect after starting that dose what your symptoms were how your symptoms affected your daily activities what other medications you were taking any other information you feel is important Sharing notes with your doctor will help them learn more about how Brovana affects you. They can then use this information to adjust your treatment plan if needed. Warnings for Brovana Below is important information you should consider before taking Brovana. Warnings Brovana can sometimes cause harmful effects in people who have certain conditions. This is known as a drug-condition interaction. Other factors may also affect whether Brovana is a good treatment option for you. Talk with your doctor about your health history before you take Brovana. Be sure to tell them if any of the following factors apply to you: heart problems high blood pressure seizure disorders thyroid problems asthma diabetes liver problems previous allergic reaction to Brovana or a similar drug pregnancy breastfeeding alcohol consumption Disclaimer: Healthline has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses. Certainly! Here's a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section optimized for SEO and formatted with questions in h3 HTML tags. These are based on the general topic of Brovana, its⁣ side effects, and ⁤how to manage them: What is Brovana used for? Brovana is used as a long-term treatment to help people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) manage their symptoms. It helps⁤ in ⁢relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing. What are the common side effects​ of Brovana? Common side effects of Brovana may ⁤include​ cough, ⁢chest pain, throat irritation, and leg cramps. It's important to‍ talk ⁣to your healthcare provider if these side effects persist or worsen. Can Brovana cause serious side effects? Yes, Brovana can⁤ cause serious side ⁤effects. ⁢These might ⁢include sudden breathing difficulties, heart rhythm changes, and allergic reactions. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any severe symptoms. How can I manage the side effects of Brovana? To manage the side effects,‍ follow your healthcare provider's instructions ‍closely. Ensure you use the medication ⁢as ⁣prescribed and discuss any concerns about side effects with your doctor. Staying hydrated and using a humidifier may also help alleviate throat irritation. Who should not use Brovana? Brovana is not recommended for individuals with certain heart conditions,​ severe allergies to its⁣ ingredients, or those who experience sudden breathing problems. Always ‍consult your doctor to ensure Brovana is safe⁤ for you.
Can Brovana be used with other COPD medications? Yes,⁢ Brovana is often used in combination with other COPD medications. However, it should not‍ be used with⁢ other long-acting beta agonists. Always inform your⁣ healthcare provider about ⁢all medications and supplements ​you are taking. What should I do⁢ if I miss a dose of Brovana? If you miss a dose of⁤ Brovana, take it as​ soon as you remember. If it is ⁢almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue‌ with your regular schedule. Do not double up on doses⁣ to ⁣make up for the missed one. Is it safe to use Brovana during pregnancy or breastfeeding? The safety of Brovana during pregnancy or breastfeeding is not well ​established. If you are pregnant, planning to become‍ pregnant, or breastfeeding, discuss the benefits⁢ and risks with your healthcare provider. How should Brovana be ⁢stored? Store Brovana at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and⁣ light. Keep⁢ it out of reach of children. Do not freeze or refrigerate the medication and ensure it is disposed of properly ⁢when no longer needed or⁣ expired. What should I do ⁣if I experience an overdose of Brovana? In case of an overdose, seek​ emergency ​medical attention immediately. Symptoms of​ overdose may include severe chest pain, irregular heartbeats, ⁤and feeling​ light-headed⁢ or fainting. This format is designed to ⁣provide clear, concise information that ​will improve search visibility while ​being accessible to readers.
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flying-health · 5 months
Taking Charge of My Heart Health: A Positive Review of Blood Pressure 911
I've always been conscious of my health, but in recent years, I became increasingly concerned about my blood pressure readings. They were starting to creep up, and it worried me. I knew I needed to make some changes, and that's when I discovered Blood Pressure 911.
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Natural Support for a Healthy Heart
Blood Pressure 911 is a dietary supplement formulated with a blend of vitamins and minerals specifically chosen to support healthy blood pressure levels. I was drawn to the fact that it offered a natural approach to managing my concerns. Unlike some medications, which can come with unwanted side effects, Blood Pressure 911 promised a more holistic approach.
Easy to Integrate into My Routine
The best part? Taking Blood Pressure 911 is incredibly easy. The capsules are similar in size to a standard multivitamin, and the recommended dosage is just two per day. This fit seamlessly into my existing routine, and I never found myself forgetting to take them.
Seeing Results with Consistency
After incorporating Blood Pressure 911 into my daily regimen for a few weeks, I started to notice a positive difference. I felt more energized throughout the day, and a sense of calmness I hadn't experienced before. Most importantly, when I checked my blood pressure at home, the readings were consistently lower. This gave me tremendous peace of mind knowing my efforts, with the help of Blood Pressure 911, were paying off.
Living a More Fulfilling Life
Since starting Blood Pressure 911, I feel a renewed sense of control over my health. My concerns about high blood pressure have significantly diminished, and I'm more confident than ever in my ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This newfound confidence allows me to fully embrace life's activities without holding back. Whether it's taking a brisk walk in the park, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying a stress-free evening, I do it all with a lighter heart.
A Word of Caution
It's important to remember that everyone's body is different, and what works for me may not work for everyone. While Blood Pressure 911 has been a positive addition to my health routine, I would always recommend consulting with a doctor before taking any new supplements. Discuss your individual needs and make sure Blood Pressure 911 is right for you.
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with my experience with Blood Pressure 911. It's a natural, convenient, and effective way to support healthy blood pressure levels and overall heart health. If you're looking for a way to take charge of your cardiovascular health, I highly recommend giving Blood Pressure 911 a try.
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buybloodpressure911 · 2 years
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e4ejaz · 5 months
Blood Pressure 911 Supplements - Health
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I can tell you more about Blood Pressure 911. Here's a summary of the key points to consider, along with some additional advice:
Blood Pressure 911: Claimed Benefits and Concerns
Claims: Blood Pressure 911 is a supplement that promises to support healthy blood pressure levels.
Limited Transparency: The specific ingredients and dosages are often not readily available. This makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness and potential side effects.
Questionable Marketing: Beware of claims that suggest a quick fix for high blood pressure. It's a complex condition requiring lifestyle changes and potentially medication.
Unproven Effectiveness: There's a lack of strong scientific research specifically on Blood Pressure 911's ability to manage blood pressure.
Alternatives for Healthy Blood Pressure Management
Doctor Supervision is Crucial: High blood pressure is a serious condition. Work with a doctor to monitor your blood pressure and create a treatment plan. Supplements should not replace professional medical advice.
Focus on Evidence-Based Methods:
Lifestyle Changes: Maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced diet low in sodium, exercise regularly, manage stress, and limit alcohol. These are all essential for blood pressure control.
Medication: If lifestyle changes aren't enough, your doctor may prescribe medication to effectively manage your blood pressure.
Consult Your Doctor: Discuss your blood pressure concerns and potential use of Blood Pressure 911 with your doctor. They can advise you on the best course of action based on your individual situation.
Focus on Proven Methods: Prioritize doctor-recommended lifestyle changes and medication (if prescribed) for effective blood pressure management.
Research Independently: Look for reviews from credible medical sources beyond those promoting Blood Pressure 911 to get an unbiased perspective.
Avoid Unproven Solutions: Don't rely on supplements as a replacement for professional medical advice for high blood pressure.
There is no magic bullet for high blood pressure.
Always consult a doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.
Here are some additional tips for managing high blood pressure:
Track your blood pressure: Regularly monitor your blood pressure at home using a reliable home monitor.
Reduce stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or spending time in nature.
Limit sodium intake: Pay attention to the sodium content of processed foods and aim to reduce your overall sodium intake.
Maintain a healthy weight: Losing weight can significantly improve blood pressure control for many people.
Quit smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for high blood pressure. Quitting smoking can significantly improve your cardiovascular health.
By focusing on these evidence-based strategies and working with your doctor, you can effectively manage your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Maria Leho, 26 (USA 1999)
Maria Leho was 26 years old and already had a 7-year-old boy and a toddler at home. When she found out she was pregnant for the third time, she underwent a “safe and legal” abortion— a mistake that would kill her.
She was pregnant in the first trimester when she went to Albany Medical Surgical Center of Chicago, which was a location of the Family Planning Associates (FPA) chain of abortion facilities. AMSC was also a member of the National Abortion Federation, which claimed to ensure that all of their member facilities adhered only to the highest standards of care. Unfortunately, this claim meant nothing regarding Maria’s safety or treatment.
Maria had a seizure disorder and documented it in her medical records for the facility. Despite this, AMSC employee Lawrence Hill administered Brevitol, which is contraindicated for anyone with a history of seizures. Abortionist John Weitzner rushed through the suction abortion in only four minutes and then the unconscious Maria was taken to the “recovery room”.
After the abortion, an employee named Tanya Hall put a blood pressure cuff on Maria’s arm. She also removed a pulse oximeter from Maria’s finger and replaced with a new one but did not test it to see if it was working. Instead, she just left. A nurse who later reviewed Maria’s records noticed that the AMSC nurses did not perform a proper assessment of Maria. They didn’t even check if she was breathing or if she had a pulse.
Later, employee Yvette Johnson realized that Maria had gone into cardiac arrest and wasn’t breathing at all. Instead of calling an ambulance as soon as Maria’s condition was discovered, the staff attempted to revive her themselves for 10 additional minutes after she was discovered to have no pulse. Only after all that time passed did they bother to call 911.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s hospital attempted to treat Maria during her last two days of life. All attempts were unsuccessful and she was declared dead on June 11, 1999. Her two young sons lost their mother and their youngest sibling to the same killers.
(Court Documents)
Porter County, Indiana Vidette-Messenger Obituary Index
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banyanstuart · 11 months
What to Know about Overdosing on Xanax (Stuart)
Dangers of Overdosing on Xanax
Recently, it has been reported that Xanax is becoming increasingly popular among recreational drug users. It is often used as a "study drug," taken to increase alertness or reduce stress. While Xanax may seem harmless at first, the truth of the matter is that abusing and overusing Xanax is extremely dangerous.
In this article we discuss the dangers of overdosing on Xanax. We’ll review the symptoms of an overdose, how to recognize an overdose, how to get help if you or someone you know is overdosing, and how to prevent overdosing with Xanax.
Symptoms of an Overdose
Slurred speech
Slowed reflexes or reaction times
Confusion or disorientation
Uncoordinated movements
Agitation or aggression
Trouble breathing
Low blood pressure
Anyone who experiences any of these symptoms after taking Xanax should seek medical attention immediately.
Recognizing an Overdose
If you suspect someone is overdosing on Xanax, it is important to take action quickly. Be on the lookout for the following signs and symptoms:
Slowed breathing rate
Slowed heart rate
Pale and clammy skin
Loss of consciousness
Agitation or aggression
Confusion or disorientation
If any of these signs are noticed, it is important to call 911 right away.
Treatment for an Overdose
If someone is experiencing an overdose on Xanax, the next step is to seek medical attention. Depending on the severity of the overdose, medical treatment may include oxygen therapy, fluids, medications to reverse the effects of Xanax, and close monitoring.
It is also important to remember that the psychological effects of Xanax can linger for days or weeks. Therefore, it is important to seek psychological counseling and support to address any lingering issues.
Preventing an Overdose
There are a few guidelines to follow to help prevent an overdose on Xanax. They include:
Never taking more than the recommended dose of Xanax, as directed by your doctor.
Never taking Xanax with alcohol or other drugs.
Avoiding recreational use of Xanax.
Talking to a doctor or mental health professional about potential alternatives to Xanax for managing stress or anxiety.
We hope this article has shed some light on the dangers of overdosing on Xanax. If you’d like to learn more about the dangers associated with abusing Xanax, or would like to get help for someone who may be abusing Xanax, please visit this article for more information, or head back to Banyan Treatment Center's homepage to find more helpful resources.
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imlershy · 1 year
Why Using Blood Pressure Supplements Is Important?
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evy55 · 1 year
Blood Pressure 911⚠️BE CAREFUL⚠️Blood Pressure 911 Review - Blood Pressu...
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