#blood pressure 911 tablets
burninglights · 1 year
seeing some of you getting snotty about people not having first aid kits & first aid training without advising people on what they should have/what they should know is doing my nut in. without further ado:
First Aid Kits (what should be in yours)
If you’re going to uni/moving out of home, you really ought to have a first aid kit. Small first aid kits are fairly inexpensive and come with basic first aid supplies.
Included in my first aid kit is:
1 card of paracetamol tablets
1 card of ibuprofen tablets
A length of gauze bandage
1 tube of topical antiseptic (I use Savlon or Germolene)
1 tube arnica/bruise cream
30x plasters, assorted sizes
5x long strip plasters
10x antiseptic wipes
3x individually sealed small sterile gauze pads (7cm x 7.5cm)
4 sterile small adhesive dressings (7cm x 5.3cm)
it’s a good idea to also have an emergency card in your first aid kit, with the contact details for your next of kin and any health conditions written on it. They usually come as part of first aid kits anyway, and have a little clear plastic pocket to keep them in.
Also, remember to replenish whatever you use from your kit, and to keep an eye on expiration dates of medications/ointments.
Medication management
If you’re on medication long term (antipsychotics, antidepressants, statins, anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, insulin etc.) you should have a two week overlap period; where possible, you should order a refill of your medication two weeks before your current supply runs out, so that if there are supply issues, you’re not going to be left hanging.
I’m aware this might not be possible for Americans owing to insurance and reassessment (I’m UK based, and just have to refill by filling out a form available in my GP’s office) and for those on controlled medications (opiates, methadone treatment for addiction, ADHD meds etc).
If you have medication that only requires use in emergent circumstances (ie. an EpiPen or an asthma inhaler), keep track of the expiration dates, and order a refill of your medication ahead of time. Better to have an extra inhaler knocking about for a couple of weeks than to really need one and not have it.
First Aid for Dummies & How to Get First Aid Training
Aif you’re ‘fresh out the womb’ new to first aid, or live somewhere where medical care is inaccessible, I highly recommend Where There Is No Doctor by David Werner and Carol Thuman, which gives step by step guides from scratches, scrapes and rashes up to emergent wound care. It’s not an exaggeration to say that that book kept me and my siblings alive for the first few years of our existencewhen we lived on the edge of the Kalahari 120 miles from the nearest hospital.
few bits and pieces of first aid I’ve picked up, both from training and being the world’s clumsiest son of a bitch:
Z-wrapping for wrists and ankles, especially if you’re prone to sprains. I don’t know how to explain this in a coherent way, so I’ve linked a video of how to do it.
For deep cuts or wounds that bleed a lot, you need to apply pressure and elevate the injury above the heart. It takes a nearly comically small amount of blood loss to become life threatening (blood loss equivalent to half a coke can is considered life threatening in adults) - if the blood is bright red, spurting/gushing, and the blood loss is uncontrolled, or if you have a clotting condition like haemophilia, you need to get to an urgent care centre yesterday. Call 999/911, maintain hard pressure over the wound, and keep the person calm and talking.
If someone has been stabbed an the knife is still in situ, for the love of God do not pull out the knife, or let them pull out the knife. It’s impossible to know what’s been hit without imaging, the knife acts as a seal in the wound; haemorrhage or massive internal injury are not situations you want to be dealing with outside of an acute trauma care setting. Call 999/911 immediately, and keep the injured person calm.
Learn how to recognise the signs of overdose. I went to a Midlands uni that had a reputation as a party uni, and hearing through the grapevine about ODs on nights out wasn’t uncommon. Narcan/Naloxone is a controlled substance in the UK so can’t be bought OTC, but I know it’s available to buy OTC in some parts of America and Canada. If you can, please consider carrying naloxone. If you witness an OD, call 999/911 immediately, and try to keep the person alert. If you have it, administer Narcan.
Don’t fuck with sepsis or meningitis. These diseases move fast, and can turn you into a past participle in as little as 12 hours. Get your MenACWY vaccine, know the symptoms, and call 999/911 immediately if you have the symptoms, especially if there’s been an outbreak in your area or you’ve had close contact with someone who is infected.
If you get bitten by a wild animal, (fox, bat, dog, raccoon…whatever) flushing the wound with water and then getting to A&E needs to become your number one priority. Tetanus, rabies and capnocytophaga infection are no joke: you need boosters/antibodies and antibiotics as a matter of urgency.
Finally, don’t be a hero. You are not John Wick. If someone is injured in an actively dangerous location or situation, the only thing you ought to do is call 999.
You really and truly don’t need to be able to pull a Hawkeye Pierce; the whole point of first aid is that it’s the first line of aid, and gets you to A&E or Minor Injuries so that you can receive professional medical attention.
That said, having a first aid training is incredibly valuable, both because you never know when some fuck shit is about to happen, and because by law most workplaces are supposed to have at least one first aider on staff, so it gives your CV an edge.
In the UK, the St. John Ambulance Trust offers workplace first aid certification, annual refreshers, sports first aid training, AED use & CPR certification and mental health first aid training.
You can also get personal first aid training for adults, children and babies with the British Red Cross for the cost of £37.50, as well as certified workplace first aid certification from £165.
The British Heart Foundation offer CPR training for free via their RevivR program; it takes 15 minutes, and can be used for workplace certification.
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sushiwife · 1 year
***Warning: talk and description of death***
At 10:25 pm on October 31, my dad began showing signs of a stroke. He'd had a few over the years, so my mom was atleast able to figure out that he was having difficulties.
I had stepped out temporarely to assist someone at my job, and was back only minutes later. As I walked up to the door, I noticed that the t.v. was off and mom was sitting in front of dad. After spending the majority of my life helping my mom take care of my dad, I immediately knew something was wrong.
The very first thing I noticed getting into the house is that my dad looked like he had melted into his chair. That the best way to describe it. Poor posture, glassy eyes, slow to respond, drool coming out of the right side of his mouth. There was blood too. I started to assess him, asking him who, what, where, and when. He answers all of those correctly. We take his blood pressure, it's normal for him, a little on the high side. He complains that he can't move his right leg. Mom points out he can't move his right arm either. We spend just a couple minutes trying to figure out what was going on and we determine that he is absolutely have a neurological episode of some sort. To what degree, we weren't sure.
The funny thing is, if you have had any sort of neurological problem, sometimes having an infection or even pneumonia starts off looking like a neuro episode. It makes you feel real stupid when you call 911 and it turns out he just has a bad UTI.
Either way, there was a problem and we couldn't get him to the car with the way he was. I call 911, and dispatch guides me through another assessment. She tells me that an ambulance is on their way. What clued me in that this was different than any other time, is that she tells me to stay on the phone. Usually they ask if it's okay to end the call as someone was on their way. She asks me more questions.
My husband has come upstairs at this point. I told him I was on the phone with 911 and he immediately begins to help me clear the living room so that the EMTs can assist my dad with less difficulty. He tosses the cat in the bathroom. Mom starts to grab her things, phone, tablet, charge cords, it's gonna be a long night.
EMTs arrive quickly. They begin to do their own assessment, asking us questions, asking dad questions, taking his blood pressure, checking his glucose ( he's not diabetic). The get what I call 'The Chair'. It looks as the name suggests, but it also has straps, handles, and wheels. They get dad situated.
One EMT has sleeve tattos. I hear my dad say "Nice tats." It's slurred at this point. My bloods begins to run ice cold.
The get my dad loaded up, I help mom pack her to go bag. Once they begin to roll away, I notice that they left their medic bag. I hear that it's bad if they do that, and I get it, with all the stuff in there, however I don't feel it to be unprofessional. I feel like it shows how focused they were on my dad and making sure that he was tended to in a timely manner. I tell mom to let one of the nurses know that the EMTs left the bag. They will know how to get a hold of them.
Mom heads to the hospital. I don't go because of COVID. The whole ordeal takes place in about 20 minutes.
Mom calls me a very short time later. They hadn't put him into a ER room yet, he went straight to CT. Mom tells me it's not looking good.
The EMT comes by to grab his bag.
Mom calls again, dad is being transfered to the nearest Trauma 1 center, an hour and a half away by car. He is being airlifted. She says once he gets loaded onto the helicopter, she'll head home to get clothes and other toiletries. She's called my brother, he's coming to drive her. She says it's really bad, but he's still awake and talking. I start gathering her things, then my things. I tell my husband to get his things.
Mom gets back from the hospital, they had to sedate, then intubate him because he started retching. She tells me to wait to drive. Come after you've gotten rest, she tells me. There's no point in both of us being exhausted. My brother shows up and they leave.
I switch between packing and panicing. I barely get three hours of sleep.
I fucking book it to the hospital. Exhausted, worried, I didn't know what to think. When I get there my mom gives me a hug. She asks me if I want to go see dad. I say yes. She walks me to where the unit is. We have to be buzzed in. She shows me the way to his room. I walk around the corner and into the room I go. And my heart just breaks.
There is my dad. Laying there, tube down his throat, leaning to the one side, not awake. I break down.
Mom tells me that we are now waiting for my sister to get here so we can have a meeting with the doctors. My heart sank.
It was a short while later that my sister arrives. Mom alerts the doctor and we all go into a little conference room. He's had a massive stroke. There is significant damage, substantial bleeding. If he makes it, he will never walk, never talk, need 24/7 care. He would have to be place into a long term care facility. That was if he made it. The first order of business, they have determined that the bleeding had stopped, but the blood might still be spreading. If the blood reaches to certain parts of the brain, it is 95% fatal. There is a surgery they can perform to alieviate the blood and pressure (because there was a little bit of swelling in the brain), but it would not have any affect on his quailty of life. If we wanted them to, they would perform the surgery, and it could possibly extend his life, but to an unknown degree. They weren't sure if he would survive the surgery. The other options we were given were wait and see if he recovers any functionality or we discuss removing the tube. We opt to wait and see for a day or two, and then discuss our options from there.
Thus begins the worst and most devastating week of my life. We immediately opt out of the surgery, because we felt it would do no good. There is no recovery. We've all come to the same conclusion. Dad was not coming home with us. We decide to remove the tube, but we are able to wait a few days so people can say their goodbyes.
Sunday comes and they remove the tube. He continues breathing on his own. We go in to see him several times. I get an opportunity to talk to him alone, tell him I love him. Talked about everything that had happened and that our options weren't good, that he wouldn't want us to let him live like that. I told him that I wished there was another way, another option, a miracle, because I wasn't ready to let him go, but I knew that we needed to.
They moved him to palliative care, we wait while they get him settled and helped Mom get situated. My husband and I stay at a nearby hotel as we planned to visit the next morning. I am absolutely miserable. We get food and I barely eat a third of it. This whole time, I had been messaging with various people in our lives, letting them know what was happening. There was one I had forgotten, a friend from high school that got on really well with my dad. I told her what had happened, what was going to happen. I told her I didn't want her randomly find out down the road.
Eventually I ready for bed, making sure I was wearing clothes that I could roll out of bed and leave in. We sleep, but only for a few hours as my mom calls me just before 3:30 am. It's time, but she's not even sure that I will make it before he passes. I jump out of bed, glasses, shoes, jacket on before the minute was up. Husband yanked on pants, shoes, and jacket and then we are off. I speed to the hospital, no one on the streets. We get to the hospital and through the checkpoint faster than I thought possible. Keep in mind, this hospital is massive, practically a city all on it's own. We find the right elevator, get up to the floor and to his quickly.
I walk into his room, prior to this, I didn't think he could look any worse. But he did. He wasn't breathing, mouth still open, pallor had turn yellow. His hands were still curled and stiff, but even puffier than before. While no one would confirm this, I'm sure he was already dead. Mom just sat there, just as shell-shocked as I was, wondering if this was really happening. After several minutes, two nurses came in with a heart monitor. This was palliative care, so rushing wasn't going to be a thing. They hooked him up and after a few more minutes they inform us that they no longer detect a heart beat. That he had passed.
They give their gentle condolences, tell us that a doctor will be in shortly to pronounce the time of death. They tell us that there is no rush, that we may spend whatever time we need with him. They leave and then the doctor arrives shortly after. He introduces himself and that he was going to exam my dad. He does so and officially announces that he has passed. The Dr gives condolences and an apology, but he has questions he needs to ask us. Would we like an autopsy (he didn't recommend as we knew the causes), informs us that the donor network would be calling us within two hours to ask questions, and a few others that I don't remember. He then excuses himself, repeats what the nurse had told us. We all just sit there. We quietly talk, mostly about nothing. My mom asks me to call the funeral home we had planned to use, and request the pick up.
After a little back and forth, mom and I confirming with one another that we are indeed ready to leave. As ready as we would ever be. Afterwards was blur, going back to the hotel, getting breakfast, the donor network called and asked invasive yet necessary questions for an hour an a half. My brother and sister in law show up, eventually we decide it's time to go home and face the music.
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adoctorx · 2 months
Sunosi Side Effects (solriamfetol) is a prescription oral tablet used to increase wakefulness in adults with narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea. Sunosi can cause side effects that range from mild to serious, including headache and decreased appetite. What are the more common side effects of Sunosi? Some people may experience mild to serious side effects during Sunosi treatment. Examples of the drug’s commonly reported side effects include: headache nausea decreased appetite insomnia (difficulty sleeping)* anxiety * To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects explained” section below. What are the mild side effects of Sunosi? Mild side effects have been reported with Sunosi. These include: dry mouth constipation abdominal pain nausea decreased appetite headache dizziness chest discomfort excessive sweating In most cases, these side effects should be temporary. And some may be easily managed. But if you have symptoms that are ongoing or bothersome, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. And do not stop taking Sunosi unless your doctor recommends it. Sunosi may cause mild side effects other than those listed above. See the drug’s prescribing information for details. What are the serious side effects of Sunosi? Serious side effects have been reported with Sunosi. These include: high blood pressure* increased heart rate heart palpitations (a feeling of skipped or extra heartbeats) mental health symptoms, including insomnia* anxiety irritability If you develop serious side effects while taking Sunosi, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. * To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects explained” section below. Note: After the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug, it tracks and reviews side effects of the medication. If you’d like to notify the FDA about a side effect you’ve had with Sunosi, visit MedWatch. Allergic reaction For some people, Sunosi can cause an allergic reaction. This side effect didn’t occur in the drug’s studies, but it has been reported since Sunosi came on the market. What might help If you have mild symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as a mild rash, call your doctor right away. They may suggest a treatment to manage your symptoms and can determine whether you should keep taking Sunosi. If you have symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, such as swelling or difficulty breathing, call 911 or your local emergency number right away. These symptoms could be life threatening and require immediate medical care. If your doctor confirms you’ve had a serious allergic reaction to Sunosi, they may have you switch to a different treatment. FAQ about Sunosi’s side effects Get answers to some frequently asked questions about Sunosi’s side effects. How do side effects of Sunosi compare with those of other stimulants, such as Provigil and Adderall? Sunosi (solriamfetol) and Provigil (modafinil) share some similar side effects. For example, people in Sunosi studies and Provigil studies reported headache, nausea, and insomnia. But unlike Sunosi, Provigil can also cause other symptoms like back pain and runny nose. Sunosi and Adderall (amphetamine/dextroamphetamine) also share some similar side effects. For example, in both Sunosi studies and Adderall studies, people reported symptoms of high blood pressure and increased heart rate. However, unlike Adderall, Sunosi isn’t a stimulant drug even though it may have similar side effects to stimulants. Can Sunosi cause weight gain or weight loss? Weight loss was a rare side effect reported in studies of Sunosi. But it’s not known for sure whether Sunosi was the cause. Low appetite is a commonly reported side effect of Sunosi, and this could lead to weight loss.
Weight gain was not a side effect reported in the drug’s studies. If you have additional questions about Sunosi’s potential effects on body weight, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Is there a risk of misuse with Sunosi? Yes, Sunosi has a risk of misuse. With misuse, a person takes a drug in a way or for a reason other than how or why it was prescribed. Examples include taking the drug more often or at higher doses than recommended by your doctor. You should take Sunosi only as your doctor has prescribed. Misuse increases the risk of overdose, which can lead to difficulty breathing, coma, and even death. Side effects explained Learn more about some of the side effects Sunosi may cause. High blood pressure High blood pressure was a serious side effect reported in studies of Sunosi. High blood pressure is considered a silent condition because people who have it often don’t have symptoms. Severe high blood pressure can be life threatening and is more likely to cause symptoms. These can include: dizziness blurred vision severe headache chest pain If you take other drugs that can increase blood pressure along with Sunosi, your risk of high blood pressure increases. What might help Talk with your doctor about all medical conditions you may have before starting Sunosi. If you have certain preexisting conditions, such as cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease, your doctor will likely watch you more closely while you’re taking Sunosi. They may also monitor your blood pressure and heart rate before you start this medication and throughout your treatment. If you develop serious side effects while taking Sunosi, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. Insomnia Insomnia was a serious side effect reported in studies of Sunosi. Insomnia can cause symptoms such as: trouble falling or staying asleep, or both consistently broken or interrupted sleep What might help Talk with your doctor if you experience insomnia symptoms while taking Sunosi. They can adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medication. They may also recommend practicing healthy sleep hygiene to help with these symptoms. Keeping track of side effects During your Sunosi treatment, consider taking notes on any side effects you’re having. You can then share this information with your doctor. This is especially helpful when you first start taking a new drug or using a combination of treatments. Your side effect notes can include things such as: what dose of the drug you were taking when you had the side effect how soon you had the side effect after starting that dose what your symptoms were how your symptoms affected your daily activities what other medications you were taking any other information you feel is important Sharing notes with your doctor will help them learn more about how Sunosi affects you. They can then use this information to adjust your treatment plan if needed. Warnings for Sunosi Sunosi can sometimes cause harmful effects in people with certain conditions. This is known as a drug-condition interaction. Other factors may also affect whether Sunosi is a good treatment option for you. Talk with your doctor about your health history before taking Sunosi. Be sure to tell them if any of the following factors apply to you: heart problems, such as having had a heart attack stroke high blood pressure high cholesterol diabetes kidney problems mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder alcohol or drug dependence* previous allergic reaction to Sunosi pregnancy breastfeeding alcohol consumption * Dependence is when your body gets used to a drug and needs it for you to function as usual. Disclaimer: adoctor has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date.
However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.
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imlershy · 1 year
Why Using Blood Pressure Supplements Is Important?
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Getting products to help lessen significant blood pressure can lead to vital health rewards. However, it is critical to choose correctly To various natural supplements might actually increase systolic or alternatively diastolic blood pressure, and some can deal with a few other drugs you have to improve ones own superior blood pressure. We assessed the research to search for the best blood pressure pills supplements, together with folks produced by way of physicians and the generated simply by using a variety of secure constituents want hibiscus, l-theanine, hawthorne extract, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin c, vitamin d, and many more. By using the site, an individual can have some understanding blood pressure supplement reviews a lot faster.
Most of us select simply heallth supplements that had been lab-tested to make sure many get together with top notch guidelines, come with no non listed constituents, plus stand for publicised. Obvious Substances, Levels, Values, and Sources: I was wary of supplements of which never obviously listing lots of the materials that they hold. Additionally chosen those that wouldn't take advantage of little-known products, that make them inconceivable to fnd out the complete amount of the two additive as well robustness.
Probably the most promising health supplements provide you with strong repayment insurance plans that may demonstrate the maker is normally comfortable their specific supplement performs mainly because offered. That we were watchful about individuals that just didn't supply a big refund guarantee, which will tell us they're expectant a number of give back tickets.
Shown prescribed drugs similar to ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and even lime scale manner blockers can certainly considerably decreased higher blood pressure after only days to weeks. The sad thing is, a lot of people do not want these prescription medications or choose to avoid them a result of the side-effects. On those occasions, natural supplements that actually work to provide a organic replacing will be a good opportunity. There is however several stories in relation to which often nutritional supplements work and in what way they must be employed.
Various tablets aim to duplicate the consequences of medicines which more affordable higher blood pressure, along the lines of ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or limescale tv channel blockers. Individuals serve as a great all-natural diuretic, enhancing the body system take out additional sea salt together with drinking water from your blood flow. One of the best capsules in order to big blood pressure intermix each of those tactics ; sustaining nourishing swelling around and in the centre together with improving upon blood circulation by promoting peacefulness . not to mention dilation for abnormal veins.
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healthiswealth0914 · 2 years
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19umbrellas · 5 years
Villain I appear to be || Vanya Hargreeves x Reader
Description: You were the eighth member of the infamous Umbrella Academy. Your adopted father, Reginald Hargreeves, had raised you and your seven other siblings to fight crime and stop evil, however, as you grew older you found yourself straining farther and farther away from the life of a hero your father always wanted you to be.
This will be a One-shot series or something? I don’t really know what it’s called. It’s like, same title and concept but different stories and pairings per chapter. If that makes sense. ùwú
Pairing: Vanya x Reader
Word Count: 2194
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Vanya unlocked her apartment door with an audible sigh. Her violin was strapped uncomfortably around her left shoulder along with several grocery bags hanging from her fingers. She walked into her comfortable little apartment before shutting the door behind her. Vanya's lids hooded over her tired eyes as she trotted over to her dining table and practically threw three plastic bags on it's surface while she gently propped the violin bag on the chair. As she took off her coat, a loud meow suddenly came from the couch. She looked over to the cushions and saw a cat.
"Mr. Puddles." She was exasperated. "You scared me. Why do you keep coming here? I don't have any food for you." She went over to the feline and hoisted him up on her shoulder, however, as she moved towards the door the weight of the cat on her arms and chest suddenly doubled, alarming the rather petite woman. Before she could let go of Mr. Puddles the cat quickly morphed into a bigger entity with human limbs that wrapped around her body. "(y/n)?" she said, realizing what was happening before you could even shift back to your original form.
"Hey, Vanya." You said pulling away from her as you looked at her with Mr. Puddles' eyes before you blinked and they  returned back to your normal orbs of (e/c). "What's up?" Vanya sighed. "Can't you just knock or something. I would've let you in anyway." You laughed. "That's too... Ordinary for my taste." you joked but Vanya only gave you an impatient look. "Yeesh, tough crowd." you scoffed as you jumped on the couch and plopped your bum on its soft cushions. You crossed your legs and turned your head to her. "Getting a bit feisty with me, aren't you, Vanya?" You smirked. "Finally found the courage to actually fight for yourself? I'm impressed." Vanya huffed "What are you even doing here, (y/n)?"
"Can't I visit my favorite sister whenever I so please?" you asked, your smirk showed no sign of disappearing. Vanya shook her head "Last time you came here I caught you stealing my groceries. Not to mention you pawned my favorite white violin. I had to borrow money from Allison just to get it back." You shrugged. "That was a long time ago Vanya. I'm a changed..." you morphed into a small girl, then a fox, then a teenaged boy, before morphing back to yourself "... Whatever I am. Besides, the pay for a world class thief is getting higher by the day. You will not believe how many zeros are in my bank account." You laughed but Vanya's expression showed no amusement. She sighed again, shook her head and walked to her newly bought groceries and started to put them away.
"Hey, Vanya. Think you can fix me up a drink?" You said from the couch. Vanya felt her eyebrows twitch but she complied anyways. She grabbed a glass from her cupboard and poured some gin in it. She gave it to you and you said, "Thanks.". She didn't reply. She went back to cleaning her dining area but not before taking her pills. She put the orange cylinder back in her pocket and proceeded to grab some fresh grapes and placed them in the fridge.
You just watched her silently, the cocky look on your face was gone as you firmly grasped on your red stained left hip. You tried not to groan from the pain but you eventually started to let out quiet heavy breathes. You pulled your hand up and cringed at the amount of blood that was coating it. Not wanting to stain Vanya's couch you stood up and just leaned against the wall.
"You know, you should really get locks for your windows." you suddenly said, breaking the silence. Vanya looked at you and your smirk crawled back to your lips. "I'm just saying, a lot of people could break in and steal something. Exhibit A." you gestured to yourself. Vanya's patience was stretched thin at this point. Her brows furrowed as she turned to you. Her expression made her look like she was going to explode and it took you by surprise. "(y/n) can you please just...." she closed her eyes, turning her head has she breathed deeply.
You looked at her with a raised eye brow. You've never seen Vanya look this frustrated before and it kind of made you feel bad. "...Just.... Go.... I'm pretty sure you already got whatever it is you came for so please just leave me alone." she turned around a perched herself on the counter as she got her pills from her pocket and drank a tablet or two.
You said nothing, not wanting to inconvenience her any longer so you did what you were told. Vanya heard the click on her window and turned around to find no one else there. "Why can't you ever use the door..." she sighed before grabbing her violin case.
A black cat stalked quietly on top of the roof before stopping at the edge. The cat's yellow eyes peered down the dark alleyway before it jumped down the fire escape and slowly made its way down a large garbage bin. You morphed back into your original form and huffed at the pain on your sides. You opened up the garbage bin and threw out a man clad in all black and a bloody face. He groaned as he hit the ground and turned to look at your glowing feline yellow eyes. "... You're a demon..." he sputtered out and you tilted your head as you walked over to him and stepped on his chest making him scream in agony. "I could be worst." you put more pressure on your leg and the man whimpered. "Listen to me you disgusting bag of human flesh. If I ever catch you going inside that apartment again..." your eyes flashed red "I'll make you eat dirt. You catch my drift?" The thief nodded as he stared into your ruby orbs before they went back to yellow. You lifted your foot from his body but before he could sigh in relief you stomped on his nether regions. "That's for ruining my favorite shirt." you said, motioning to your red stained hip. The bloody criminal laid helpless and whining in pain on the cold cement as you walked away from him, eyes shifting back to their normal (f/c) hue.
Sirens and red and blue flashes suddenly came closer to you and you turned yourself back into a cat before scampering away.
Weeks have passed since the incident in Vanya's neighborhood. Apparently a notorious burglar had been found half dead at the side of her apartment building. Police are unsure how that man got his wounds  and when asked about it he refused to mention a name. Detectives conducted a door to door interview with the residents near the area including Vanya but they didn't get anything useful. After his recovery he was sent to jail for theft.
One night, as a sleeping Vanya was warmly snuggled inside her blanket a loud crash could be heard from her living room. She instantly became conscious and grabbed her phone. She called 911 as she got out of her bed slowly approached the door. She told the operator about her situation and told them her address. The lady on the other line told her to stay calm and wait for a few minutes as they police were already on their way. Vanya thanked them and hung up as she pressed her body on the door. She listened for a bit but heard complete silence for half a minute. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wrapped her pale fingers on the doorknob she slowly turned it and peaked through the small crack on her door.
There was a large hole on her window, wind blew through the curtains but other than that there was no other movement inside the room. A sudden meow broke the silence as a shadow of a cat jumped on the head of the couch. "(y/n)?" Vanya asked with an 'are you kidding me' tone. She turned on the light switch next to her door frame but she screamed as soon as she saw you. Your fur was coated in thick red liquid and one of your eyes had been scratched and bloodied. You let out one last weak meow before falling onto the couch. Vanya was about to run to the your side but you quickly turned back into a human and told her to stay where she was. Vanya was already next to you and her eyes grew wide when she saw another man laying on the other side of the room with scratch marks all over his body.
"Go back to your room Vanya. He's not completely down yet." You said as best as you could as you looked at her with your one good eye. "I can't just leave you out here." she said. The intruder suddenly twitched making Vanya flinched away when her eyes caught the movement. "Vanya. I'll be fine. I can't exactly stay here when the cops show up." the man started groaning. "I'm not going anywhere without you." she said sternly. You looked into Vanya's eyes and realized there was nothing that could change her mind. You sighed as the man slowly started to get up. "Fine." You turned into a fox and ran into the room with Vanya close behind you before locking the door.
It didn't take long for the police to arrive and luckily the thief wasn't able to get away fast enough so the cops were able to apprehend him as well as his partner that was thrown out the window. You were also arrested on the spot even though Vanya told the police that you had nothing to do with the break in. Sadly, your one good deed wasn't enough to excuse you from the hundreds of sins that you have committed. You plead guilty in the court of law and judge reduces 2 years off of your sentence.
As soon as you were thrown in prison Vanya was the first to visit you. The both of you sat in front of each other, a glass wall dividing you with only a phone to connect with each other. She greeted you and asked how you were doing. You responded with laugh and told her not to worry about it. Vanya kept glancing at your now scarred face but her eyes lingered longer at your sliced eyeball. "Why didn't you get a prosthetic?" she asked. "With all those zeros in your bank account, I would've thought you'd have enough money for glass eyeball.".
You chuckled as you gave her a shrug. "Every cent under my name is dirty money Van. Don't want the coppers sniffing around for all that dough, I'll get bankrupt. Besides, I've grown quite the... Er... attachment to my original eye." it was Vanya's turn to laugh. You smiled, feeling a bit proud to have made her this happy at such an odd time.
"10 years of jail time..." she sighed and shook her head. "You think you can handle it?" your smirk grew wider. "You underestimate me number 7.". Vanya glanced at the calender behind you. "I would never." she said. "Want to watch a movie at my place this tomorrow?" she asked and you shot her a wink. "I don't know, I'm a little busy but I'll try to make it." You both laughed. For the rest of the visit you and Vanya joked around with each other until it was time for her to leave.
The next night, sirens echoed around the prison as armed men frantically ran around as soon as a guard reported the absence of Inmate 19. A reporter stood in front of the prison not an hour later and broadcasted the breaking news all over the city. "(y/n) Hargreeves, a world renown thief has escaped city prison and is on the loose. Police are now on the look out for a (h/c-"
The TV switched to another chanel and Vanya placed the remote back on her coffee table. A Black cat had jumped next to her rubbed itself on her arm. She smiled as she petted the cat between it's ears. "Did you hear that? A big bad criminal is running around the streets. We should be more careful when we go outside." Vanya cooed jokingly. You meowed in return and laid down on her lap. Vanya giggled as she felt you purr and continued to rub your head.
"Maybe you aren't so bad after all."
I wrote this after apocalypse suite and I may have portrayed Vanya as herself in the comics rather than her Netflix counterpart.
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thyroidrescue911s · 4 years
Thyroid Rescue 911 Review
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The problem of the thyroid and the related problems that come along with it have become a major issue in today’s time. A recent study showed that the cases of the thyroid and related health problems have increased by a massive 80 percent in the past century. The thyroid is a major reason for miscarriage among women and also causes cancer. People who are obese and underactive, pick up the disease that is Thyroid. This disease is extremely dangerous and goes on to attack human organs in our body, which may ultimately lead to death. The answer to all problems relating to the thyroid is here, Thyroid Rescue 911, which will treat and effectively prevent thyroid and related health problems.
  About Thyroid Rescue 911
 Thyroid Rescue 911 is a dietary supplement, formulated with 100 % organic and natural ingredients. It is made specifically to treat thyroid problems and problems related to it. It will effectively treat mood swings, sleep disorders, fatigue, low metabolism, anemia, skin problems, and many other health problems, which are caused due to the irregular functioning of our thyroid hormones. Thyroid Rescue 911 is invented by an endocrinology researcher, Jason Miller. The natural and pure ingredients used in the composition of the dietary supplement will help you get the best results possible. And you can always trust Phytage Labs and the products they make as they use the highest quality ingredients, which are completely safe and secure.
 The manufacturers at Phytage Labs are very transparent about all the ingredients they use in the composition of the supplement. Thyroid Rescue 911 has formulated a team of scientists at Phytage Labs with 100 percent natural ingredients. The most significant ingredients are discussed below.
 Molybdenum – This enzyme aids you in metabolic healing. It is also very crucial to circulate nutritious levels of nutrients in the blood in the body.
 Schizandra – This is a strong antioxidant hemp that has been manufactured to reduce blood pressure, fix damaged cells, land significantly boost up liver health.
 Cayenne Pepper – Cayenne Pepper is well known to dramatically boost up circulation, granting T3 and T4 hormones to administer metabolism more accurately.
 Vitamin B12 – This is an essential vitamin that gives energy that 40 percent of the people with thyroid problems are deficient in.
 Ashwagandha Root – This antioxidant is known to boost up the transformation of T3 and T4 into the effective form your metabolism requires.
 L-Tyrosine – It constructs nutritious levels of T3 and T4 hormones.
 Copper and Manganese – These enhance the thyroid exhilarating hormones and enhance metabolism for your body.
 Selenium, Magnesium, and Zinc – These help you control sleeplessness, fatigue, mood swings, foggy brain, skin problems or even depression.
 Bladderwrack – Bladderwrack is a great spring of iodine, as iodine plays a very crucial role in treating thyroid problems.
 All the ingredients present in the formulation of the supplement are FDA certified. The natural ingredients used in the composition of Thyroid Rescue 911 dietary supplement gives user confidence to purchase the product, without any hesitation.
 Does Thyroid Rescue 911 Actually Work?
 The organic ingredients, which are used in the composition of Thyroid Rescue 911 dietary supplement naturally helps you to treat thyroid and the related health issues that come along with it. The main goals of the organic ingredients are to increase the metabolism of the body and maintain a balance in hormones, T3 and T4. The levels of T3 and T4 hormones are balanced by injected them in the cells if required. The activation of the hormones, then become compatible with iodine. It will also improve the heart rate by efficiently increasing blood circulation.
 Benefits of Thyroid Rescue 911
  Thyroid Rescue 911 reverses insomnia. It helps you to get your sleep pattern in order and people suffering from insomnia can sleep peacefully.
  It improves energy levels. This dietary supplement helps maintain hormone levels, which support people to have the required energy levels in the body.
  Thyroid Rescue 911 helps balance mood swings. This supplement injects T3 and T4 hormones in our body to maintain the hormone levels and balances mood swings.
  It improves low metabolism. People having low metabolism can be rest assured now because Thyroid Rescue 911 dietary supplements ensures a good metabolism.
  It reduces anxiety and depression as this dietary supplement maintain and balance the hormone levels in the body. It also helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  It fights skin problems. Thyroid Rescue 911 dietary supplements help in fighting skin problem and the user gets a fresh young
  Thyroid Rescue 911 supports weight loss. This dietary supplement is proven to help people suffering from obesity. It can help users lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks.
 Can Thyroid Rescue 911 Get Addictive?
 No, absolutely not. Thyroid Rescue 911 is created by an endocrinology researcher, Jason Miller, along with a team of scientists at Phytage Labs. One thing with the products made by Phytage Labs is that they do not compromise on quality, purity, and potency.
 For best results, it is advised to take 2 pills daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, with water.
  Ordering Thyroid Rescue 911 right now puts you in an advantageous position as a buyer. As you purchase more pairs, the discount you get keeps on increasing.
 One bottle of Thyroid Rescue 911 will cost you $69.95, which is sufficient for a month.
 Two bottles can be purchased at $119.90. This stock is sufficient for two months. You save $10 on each bottle.
 Four bottles of Thyroid Rescue 911 will cost you $49.95 each. The four bottles you will get it for $199.80. You save $20 on each bottle on this deal.
 Refund Policy and Money Back Guarantee
 The manufacturers offer a whopping 90-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product. And unlike other manufacturers, they give a 100% refund, without asking any questions. Detailed refund policy is available online on the website of the manufacturer.
 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
 Does it Actually Work?
 Yes, it actually works. Thyroid Rescue 911 is a dietary supplement, which is an organic combination of formula to revive the thyroid gland and rehabilitating metabolism. No matter what your age is, you can take these pills.
  Who all Can Use Thyroid Rescue 911 Supplement?
 These can be used by people who are experiencing health problems, which are related to thyroid. Those people who are not able to sleep despite having other medicines, people who have digestion issues, are obese, have low metabolism can use this Thyroid Rescue 911 supplement. It gives your hormones a balance.
 Can Children Use this Supplement?
 Thyroid Rescue 911 supplement could be used by any man or woman who is not less than 18 years of age.
 What if the Thyroid Rescue 911 Supplement Doesn’t Work for Me?
 If the Thyroid Rescue 911 doesn’t work for you or you haven’t had a good experience with it, you just have to send them an mail. They have a 90-day money-back guarantee policy in which you will get a 100 percent refund with no questions asked.
 How Do You Use Thyroid Rescue 911 Supplement?
 One bottle consists of 60 tablets. Consume 2 tablets per day, in the morning and evening with water and with any meal.
 How Soon Will the Results be Visible?
 You can see some results from the first or the second day from the day you start consuming the pill. Major changes will occur after three weeks. Results may vary from person to person.
 Does Thyroid Rescue 911 Supplement Have any Side Effects?
 Thyroid Rescue 911 is manufactured with the highest quality ingredients that are tested by different methods for potency and purity under safe conditions. There are no side effects of Thyroid Rescue 911.
 Is it required to put the Thyroid Rescue 911 supplement in the fridge to keep it cold?
 No, the Thyroid Rescue 911 supplement is manufactured in such a way that it stays potent, effective and fresh at any temperature. There is no need to put it in the refrigerator.
 Does The Company Charge Extra for International Orders?
 No, the company charges zero shipping fees for international orders, which is another incentive to buy the dietary supplement.
 Is the Transaction on the Manufacturer’s Website Safe?
 Yes, the transactions you make on the website for the purchase of Thyroid Rescue 911 are extremely secure and safe. Reputed antivirus agencies like Trust Guard, McAfee Secure have placed their faith in the company to make you pay-outs safe.
 Pros of Thyroid Rescue 911
  It backpedals your sleep disorder and soon you will start your sleep faster and better.
  It decreases fatigue and will enhance your energy level from the first pill itself.
  It supports you to overpower anger issues and mood swings.
  It produces a hormone that keeps you happy and extricates you from any kind of depression.
  It boosts up your digestive system.
  It enhances your energy flow and metabolism.
  It assures the smooth distribution of blood through the whole body.
  It supports you to overpower obesity.
  It supports your overpower hair and skin problems.
  It gives your hormones a balance.
  The supplement is only available on the official website of the company. It cannot be purchased locally or from any other online website. This is done to preserve the authenticity and originality of the product.
 After thorough research about various supplements available in the market which help in treating thyroid problems, it is found that Thyroid Rescue 911 is the best dietary supplement now. Finally, for all people affected by thyroid problems, there is no need to feel tired, have irregular sleep patterns or low metabolism because of Thyroid Rescue 911. Also, this supplement has been formulated with the highest quality ingredients at the renowned Phytage Labs and it has no side effects. Unlike its competitors, Thyroid Rescue 911 dietary supplement actually gives results and within weeks.
 The price at which the manufacturers are offering the dietary supplement is extremely reasonable. It is also offering free shipping for a limited time period. The products available are limited so it is advised to order Thyroid Rescue 911 supplement without any delay and get a better and healthier life, which is exclusive of the thyroid and related health problems.
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davidlrichards · 5 years
Hydroxycut Black
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Will Hydroxycut Black cast your weight loss demons into the darkness? You will find out and also discover If it made it into the top 10 most potent weight loss supplements at the end of this article. But first Do you find weight loss annoying? — Always putting the weight back on. — Tired of feeling you may never get the body you want — Its not easy to sweat blood on the treadmill — Especially when your also having to give up basic food everyone else enjoys
I will reveal great options to boost energy and and give you a lift no matter what your circumstances. Unlike other websites we are not affiliated to Hydroxycut so you will get real objective information
You will also get quick overview of what all the other experts say. Yes all the science baby!
Hydroxycut Black is another dietary supplement that Hydroxycut has put on the market. Hydroxycut claims that it is the number #1 weight loss supplement brand in America. While all of its products are centered on weight loss, most feature 2 main ingredients that are stimulant based. The company makes the following claims but don’t they all? I give you the truth today 
Intense weight loss. 
Helps to elevate your metabolism. 
is backed up by scientific research.   
Hydroxycut is apparently formulated for people with an active lifestyle, especially for athletes  and active people, although we find it doubtful indeed that many athletes would use the supplement so it would seem more of a marketing ploy than anything. It is claimed to give you an extra boost of energy and increased mental focus. Its two main ingredients, caffeine and C. canephora robusta are present in nearly all the Hydroxycut range. You can learn how effective they are for weight loss in the ingredient section.
Hydroxycut black is a thermogenic product promoted to both men and women aiming to lose weight faster and who also want an energy boost. Compared to other products produced by Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Black is said to offer you an enhanced energy, improved focus, and a sensory effect. Hydroxycut also promotes the product as having quick release tablets. There is absolutely no evidence that the tablets are quick release or that  means anything. In Fact many claims are made suggesting each supplement in the hydroxycut range offers you something unique. But can that be true when the main ingredients are virtually identical in all Hydroxycut supplements? Well to check if Hydroxycut got in the readers top 10 check out the product compare section at the bottom of the article.
According to limited studies C. canephora robusta helped people lose a limited amount of weight over a 2 month period in conjunction with a low calorie diet. But the claims are somewhat less exciting then presented by the company and we found clear evidence of fake reviews on the official website and on amazon. Check the science section further for round up of what scientific and medical sources say.
If you take a look at the reviews on the Hydroxycut website, Customers give either 4 or 5 stars positive reviews. But it is highly suspicious that there are hardly any negative reviews on the official website. Especially given the same hydroxycut black has less favourable reviews on Amazon.  It gets worse however because I have discovered blatant and widespread fake positive reviews on Amazon. If you want to avoid being scammed check it out here.
Hydroxycut has decided to plant and select fake positive reviews on the its official website.
Fake positive reviews on Amazon are rife but at least there are some real reviews Here are some of customer reviews from amazon considered most helpful. Kim wrote… “The first couple of days were fine till I had to up the pills from 1 2xs a day to 2 2xs a day my chest started hurting I felt sick had cold sweats had sharp pains in my chest my daughter called 911 turns out the caffeine was to much for me to handle put my blood pressure through the roof” L,fallis wrote.. “The side effects were not worth struggling through a month to see if it works. I tapped out after four days because the extreme acid reflux had me marathoning Tums, in addition to anxiety so bad it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest…no. Just no. Lesson learned“ Amazon Customer wrote… “Does nothing. Waste of money. I don’t believe all the fake reviews.
But first i will reveal what the science has to say.
  The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement.
The US National Library of medicine
    The most widely used study to promote green coffee the main ingredient of Hydroxycut was later retracted.
Chemistry Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA. Author
  The main study promoted on the “Hydroxycut” product website (published in a French journal and translated in English) is one of the three studies that was included in the meta-analysis. But, like the other studies, it does have some methodological queries surrounding not only the randomisation process but also the statistical analyses of the results.
    Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that caffeine intake might promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction.
US National Library of medicine.
  Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate ‘brown fat’, the body’s own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes.
    Caffeine is stimulant which can boost your metabolism but if consumed to late in the day may result in disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain in many studies.
US National Library OF Medicine
All Hydroxycut products have one common denominator, its key ingredient is C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract). Coffee beans are green until roasted. In their green form they contain a high content of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is the compound most believe acts on your body to help you lose weight. So in fact the 2 main ingredients in Hydroxycut are Chlorogenic acid and caffeine. The other Ingredients are normally token in that they are not at a high enough dosage to be effective. Here is what medicalnewstoday.com had to say about chlorogenic acid
“studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin”
Caffeine anhydrous  – Believed to help your body’s ability to metabolize fat and utilize it as a fuel source and can also enhance your focus. Each pill has 100mg of caffeine. An average 8oz cup of coffee ranges from 95-16mg, an 8oz cola has between 24-46mg.
Purslane extract – is one source of vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 
Alpha lipoic acid – is a fatty acid found in mitochondria that also plays a role in energy metabolism. 
Black caraway extract – which has also been used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes. 
Furthermore, Hydroxycut Black also has the following ingredients, Yohimbe extract, Maitake mushroom extract, Chicory Extract, Glycerine, Capsule (Hypromellose, FD&C Red No. 40) and Water. To compare the ingredients of all the hydroxycut products side by side go here.
For individuals who are caffeine sensitive, take note that most Hydroxycut has large doses in most of its supplements. To discover the more potent non stimulant alternatives check compare section further down the page. Side effects of caffeine often include nervousness, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping. 
There are many reports of side effects so it’s best that you become aware of the following health problems: 
Cardiovascular problems
Seizures, etc
In terms of its daily intake, you are to take one serving (two liquid capsules) twice a day. It’s best that you take it 30 or 60 minutes before your two large meals each day. You must not exceed 4 capsules in a period of  24 hours. For you to have an optimal results…. it is recommended that you take it for 60 days and combine it with a low-calorie diet and exercise according to the official website. As directed on the label, you are to take 1 capsule, twice a day during your Day 1 to Day 3. From the 4th day onward you are told to take 2 capsules twice a day. Keep in mind that you must not exceed the recommended serving per day especially in the evening because these are stimulant based fat burners. 
You must not combine the Hydroxycut Black product with other products containing caffeine or stimulants. In addition, this is not for individuals who are below 18 years old. Also, pregnant and/or nursing females are also not advised to take this product. 
You can buy Hydroxycut Black directly on the following websites and the price for one bottle is $30.99.
Vitamine Shoppe 
We are not Impressed! Hydroxycut will only give you a refund if you return the bottle unopened in its original packaging within 30 days. Many other suppliers like Havasu who sell apple cider vinegar offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Hydroxycut claims to be one of the leading dietary supplements in the US.  It may heighten your focus and metabolism with the use of caffeine. However those effects are normally short lived and your body will develop a tolerance.  Complaints about nervousness, difficulty sleeping  and palpitations are common place. More serious side effects may include jaundice, cardiovascular problems, and panic attacks. Hydroxycut Black is the 5th most popular hydroxycut product but no hydroxycut even made the top 3 go here to see the quick view compare table.
Hydroxycut Black really isn’t really isn’t the wonder supplement it purports to be. Poor customer feedback is common, Science puts a sledge hammer to the claims made by the company and amazon reviews are littered with fake positive reviews.
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from By Diet Wiki https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-black/ from Hydroxycut Supplement Review https://hydroxycutreviews.tumblr.com/post/187146061793
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brookekeagle · 5 years
Hydroxycut Black
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  Will Hydroxycut Black cast your weight loss demons into the darkness?
You will find out and also discover
If it made it into the top 10 most potent weight loss supplements at the end of this article.
But first
Do you find weight loss annoying?
— Always putting the weight back on. — Tired of feeling you may never get the body you want — Its not easy to sweat blood on the treadmill — Especially when your also having to give up basic food everyone else enjoys
I will reveal great options to boost energy and and give you a lift no matter what your circumstances.
Unlike other websites we are not affiliated to Hydroxycut so you will get real objective information
You will also get quick overview of what all the other experts say.
Yes all the science baby!
Hydroxycut Black is another dietary supplement that Hydroxycut has put on the market. Hydroxycut claims that it is the number #1 weight loss supplement brand in America. While all of its products are centered on weight loss, most feature 2 main ingredients that are stimulant based. The company makes the following claims but don’t they all? I give you the truth today 
Intense weight loss. 
Helps to elevate your metabolism. 
is backed up by scientific research.   
Hydroxycut is apparently formulated for people with an active lifestyle, especially for athletes  and active people, although we find it doubtful indeed that many athletes would use the supplement so
it would seem more of a marketing ploy than anything.
It is claimed to give you an extra boost of energy and increased mental focus.
Its two main ingredients, caffeine and C. canephora robusta are present in nearly all the Hydroxycut range.
You can learn how effective they are for weight loss in the ingredient section.
Hydroxycut black is a thermogenic product promoted to both men and women aiming to lose weight faster and who also want an energy boost.
Compared to other products produced by Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Black is said to offer you an enhanced energy, improved focus, and a sensory effect.
Hydroxycut also promotes the product as having quick release tablets.
There is absolutely no evidence that the tablets are quick release or that  means anything.
In Fact many claims are made suggesting each supplement in the hydroxycut range offers you something unique.
But can that be true when the main ingredients are virtually identical in all Hydroxycut supplements? Well to check if Hydroxycut got in the readers top 10 check out the product compare section at the bottom of the article.
According to limited studies C. canephora robusta helped people lose a limited amount of weight over a 2 month period in conjunction with a low calorie diet. But the claims are somewhat less exciting then presented by the company and we found clear evidence of fake reviews on the official website and on amazon. Check the science section further for round up of what scientific and medical sources say.
If you take a look at the reviews on the Hydroxycut website, Customers give either 4 or 5 stars positive reviews. But it is highly suspicious that there are hardly any negative reviews on the official website. Especially given the same hydroxycut black has less favourable reviews on Amazon. 
It gets worse however because I have discovered blatant and widespread fake positive reviews on Amazon.
If you want to avoid being scammed check it out here.
Hydroxycut has decided to plant and select fake positive reviews on the its official website.
Fake positive reviews on Amazon are rife but at least there are some real reviews
Here are some of customer reviews from amazon considered most helpful.
Kim wrote…
“The first couple of days were fine till I had to up the pills from 1 2xs a day to 2 2xs a day my chest started hurting I felt sick had cold sweats had sharp pains in my chest my daughter called 911 turns out the caffeine was to much for me to handle put my blood pressure through the roof”
L,fallis wrote.. “The side effects were not worth struggling through a month to see if it works. I tapped out after four days because the extreme acid reflux had me marathoning Tums, in addition to anxiety so bad it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest…no. Just no. Lesson learned“
Amazon Customer wrote… “Does nothing. Waste of money. I don’t believe all the fake reviews.
But first i will reveal what the science has to say.
  The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement.
The US National Library of medicine
    The most widely used study to promote green coffee the main ingredient of Hydroxycut was later retracted.
Chemistry Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA. Author
    The main study promoted on the “Hydroxycut” product website (published in a French journal and translated in English) is one of the three studies that was included in the meta-analysis. But, like the other studies, it does have some methodological queries surrounding not only the randomisation process but also the statistical analyses of the results.
    Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that caffeine intake might promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction.
US National Library of medicine.
    Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate ‘brown fat’, the body’s own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes.
    Caffeine is stimulant which can boost your metabolism but if consumed to late in the day may result in disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain in many studies.
US National Library OF Medicine
All Hydroxycut products have one common denominator, its key ingredient is C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract).
Coffee beans are green until roasted.
In their green form they contain a high content of chlorogenic acid.
Chlorogenic acid is the compound most believe acts on your body to help you lose weight.
So in fact the 2 main ingredients in Hydroxycut are Chlorogenic acid and caffeine.
The other Ingredients are normally token in that they are not at a high enough dosage to be effective.
Here is what medicalnewstoday.com had to say about chlorogenic acid
“studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin”
Caffeine anhydrous  – Believed to help your body’s ability to metabolize fat and utilize it as a fuel source and can also enhance your focus. Each pill has 100mg of caffeine. An average 8oz cup of coffee ranges from 95-16mg, an 8oz cola has between 24-46mg.
Purslane extract – is one source of vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 
Alpha lipoic acid – is a fatty acid found in mitochondria that also plays a role in energy metabolism. 
Black caraway extract – which has also been used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes. 
Furthermore, Hydroxycut Black also has the following ingredients, Yohimbe extract, Maitake mushroom extract, Chicory Extract, Glycerine, Capsule (Hypromellose, FD&C Red No. 40) and Water.
To compare the ingredients of all the hydroxycut products side by side go here.
For individuals who are caffeine sensitive, take note that most Hydroxycut has large doses in most of its supplements. To discover the more potent non stimulant alternatives check compare section further down the page. Side effects of caffeine often include nervousness, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping. 
There are many reports of side effects so it’s best that you become aware of the following health problems: 
Cardiovascular problems
Seizures, etc
In terms of its daily intake, you are to take one serving (two liquid capsules) twice a day.
It’s best that you take it 30 or 60 minutes before your two large meals each day.
You must not exceed 4 capsules in a period of  24 hours.
For you to have an optimal results….
it is recommended that you take it for 60 days and combine it with a low-calorie diet and exercise according to the official website.
As directed on the label, you are to take 1 capsule, twice a day during your Day 1 to Day 3.
From the 4th day onward you are told to take 2 capsules twice a day.
Keep in mind that you must not exceed the recommended serving per day especially in the evening because these are stimulant based fat burners. 
You must not combine the Hydroxycut Black product with other products containing caffeine or stimulants. In addition, this is not for individuals who are below 18 years old. Also, pregnant and/or nursing females are also not advised to take this product. 
You can buy Hydroxycut Black directly on the following websites and the price for one bottle is $30.99.
Vitamine Shoppe 
We are not Impressed!
Hydroxycut will only give you a refund if you return the bottle unopened in its original packaging within 30 days.
Many other suppliers like Havasu who sell apple cider vinegar offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Hydroxycut claims to be one of the leading dietary supplements in the US.  It may heighten your focus and metabolism with the use of caffeine. However those effects are normally short lived and your body will develop a tolerance.  Complaints about nervousness, difficulty sleeping  and palpitations are common place. More serious side effects may include jaundice, cardiovascular problems, and panic attacks.
Hydroxycut Black is the 5th most popular hydroxycut product but no hydroxycut even made the top 3 go here to see the quick view compare table.
Hydroxycut Black really isn’t really isn’t the wonder supplement it purports to be. Poor customer feedback is common, Science puts a sledge hammer to the claims made by the company and amazon reviews are littered with fake positive reviews.
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Source: https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-black/
from Hydroxycut Supplement Review https://hydroxycutreviews1.wordpress.com/2019/08/20/hydroxycut-black/
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adoctorx · 2 months
Velsipity (etrasimod) is a prescription oral tablet used to treat moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis in adults. Velsipity can cause side effects that range from mild to serious. Examples include headache and dizziness. What are the more common side effects of Velsipity? Some people may experience mild to serious side effects during their Velsipity treatment. Examples of the drug’s more commonly reported side effects include: headache dizziness increased liver enzymes joint pain What are the mild side effects of Velsipity? Mild side effects have been reported with Velsipity. These include: headache dizziness nausea joint pain mild infection* mild allergic reaction*† In most cases, these side effects should be temporary. And some may be easily managed. But if you have symptoms that are ongoing or bothersome, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. And do not stop taking Velsipity unless your doctor recommends it. Velsipity may cause mild side effects other than those listed above. See the drug’s prescribing information for details. * To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects explained” section below. † An allergic reaction is possible after taking Velsipity, but this side effect wasn’t reported in studies. What are the serious side effects of Velsipity? Serious side effects have been reported with Velsipity. These include: temporarily slowed heart rate after starting treatment serious infection* increased risk of skin cancer* high blood pressure high cholesterol liver problems decreased lung function macular edema (swelling in the back of the eye) posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES), a rare but life-threatening condition caused by sudden swelling in the blood vessels of the brain severe allergic reaction*† If you develop serious side effects while taking Velsipity, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life-threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. * To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects explained” section below. † An allergic reaction is possible after taking Velsipity, but this side effect wasn’t reported in studies. Note: After the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug, it tracks and reviews the side effects of the medication. If you’d like to notify the FDA about a side effect you’ve had with Velsipity, visit MedWatch. Side effects explained Learn more about some of the side effects Velsipity may cause. Infection Velsipity lowers your white blood cell count, so it can raise your risk of getting an infection. (White blood cells help your body fight infections.) Infections were a common side effect reported in studies of Velsipity. The most common infections reported with Velsipity were urinary tract infections (UTIs) and herpes virus infections, such as cold sores, genital herpes, chickenpox, and shingles. These infections are usually mild. Symptoms of infection can include: fever flu-like symptoms pain or burning sensation when urinating skin rash or sores burning or tingling sensation in the affected area Symptoms of brain infections can include: headache with fever neck stiffness sensitivity to light worsening weakness or numbness clumsiness or difficulty with balance confusion changes in vision Factors that can increase the risk of infection during your Velsipity treatment include having a weak immune system and not being up-to-date with recommended vaccines. You may have a weak immune system if you take medications that affect your immune system. These include certain cancer drugs as well as immunosuppressant and immunomodulator medications. You may also have an increased risk of infection for 4–5 weeks after stopping Velsipity treatment. It can take this long for your white blood cells to return to normal levels.
What might help? Before starting Velsipity, tell your doctor about any medications you currently take. Also, tell them if you have any current infections or infections that keep coming back. You should also talk with your doctor about your vaccination history. Before prescribing Velsipity, your doctor will likely check your white blood cell count to make sure Velsipity is safe for you. They may also prescribe medication to treat any infections you have to avoid them getting worse. If needed, they may recommend getting certain vaccines before starting treatment. If you have symptoms of infections while taking Velsipity or in the 5 weeks after stopping Velsipity, see your doctor right away. You may need medication to treat the infection. If you have a serious infection, your doctor will usually have you stop taking Velsipity until the infection goes away. If you have questions or concerns about your risk of infection with Velsipity, talk with your doctor. Increased risk of skin cancer Velsipity may increase your risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer wasn’t reported in studies of Velsipity. But this side effect has been reported with other medications from the same group of drugs as Velsipity. Symptoms of skin cancer can include: change in the size or color of a mole new mole, wart, or skin growth rough or scaly patch with raised edges skin sore that bleeds or crusts and doesn’t heal shiny, smooth bump that’s red or dark Factors that can raise the risk of skin cancer when taking this drug include exposure to sunlight or UV light. Other factors include taking medication that weakens your immune system, such as immunosuppressant medication or certain cancer drugs. What might help? While taking Velsipity, you should limit the amount of time you spend in the sun. When outside, protect your skin with a high-SPF sunscreen or clothing, including a hat. And avoid using sunlamps or tanning beds. You should frequently check your skin for any changes while taking Velsipity. If you notice any changes, see your doctor as soon as possible. If you have questions or concerns about your risk of skin cancer with Velsipity, talk with your doctor. Allergic reaction Like most drugs, Velsipity can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This side effect wasn’t reported in studies, but it could still occur. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and include: skin rash itchiness flushing (temporary warmth, redness, or deepening of skin color) swelling under your skin (usually in your eyelids, lips, hands, or feet) swelling of your mouth, tongue, or throat, which can make it hard to breathe What might help? If you have mild symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as a mild rash, call your doctor right away. They may suggest a treatment to manage your symptoms. Examples include: an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine) a product you apply to your skin, such as hydrocortisone cream If your doctor confirms you’ve had a mild allergic reaction to Velsipity, they’ll decide whether you should continue taking it. If you have symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, such as swelling or trouble breathing, call 911 or your local emergency number right away. These symptoms could be life-threatening and require immediate medical care. If your doctor confirms you’ve had a serious allergic reaction to Velsipity, they may have to switch to a different treatment. Keeping track of side effects During your Velsipity treatment, consider taking notes on any side effects you’re having. You can then share this information with your doctor. This is especially helpful when you first start taking a new drug or using a combination of treatments. Your side effect notes can include things such as: What dose of the drug were you taking when you had the side effect? How soon will you have the side effect after starting that dose? What were your symptoms?
How have your symptoms affected your daily activities? What other medications were you taking? any other information you feel is important Keeping notes and sharing them with your doctor will help them learn more about how velocities affect you. They can then use this information to adjust your treatment plan if needed. Warnings for Velsipity Below is important information you should consider before taking Velsipity. Warnings Velsipity can sometimes cause harmful effects in people who have certain conditions. This is known as a drug-condition interaction. Other factors may also affect whether Velsipity is a good treatment option for you. Talk with your doctor about your health history before you take Velsipity. Be sure to tell them if any of the following factors apply to you: current or past heart problems, such as slow or irregular heartbeat, heart failure, unstable angina episode, or heart attack have had a stroke or ministroke high blood pressure breathing problems, including sleep apnea history of fainting liver problems, such as cirrhosis infections, including infections that keep coming back skin cancer weak immune system recent or upcoming vaccines previous allergic reaction to Velsipity pregnancy breastfeeding Alcohol and Velsipity There are no known interactions between alcohol and Velsipity. But alcohol and Velsipity can cause some similar side effects, including headache and dizziness. So you may be more likely to have these side effects if you drink alcohol during your Velsipity treatment. Velsipity can also cause increased liver enzymes, which could be worsened by excessive alcohol use. If you have questions about consuming alcohol during Velsipity treatment, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Pregnancy and breastfeeding with Velsipity Velsipity is usually prescribed for someone who’s pregnant or breastfeeding only if the benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks to the fetus or child. Pregnancy It’s not known whether it’s safe to take Velsipity during pregnancy. But this drug may cause harm to a fetus. If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, talk with your doctor about your treatment options. If you’re able to become pregnant, your doctor may recommend using a form of birth control during your Velsipity treatment and for 1 week after your last dose. If you become pregnant during your Velsipity treatment, consider signing up for the pregnancy registry for this drug by calling 800-616-3791. A pregnancy registry collects information about the safety of certain drugs when used during pregnancy. Breastfeeding It isn’t known whether Velsipity is safe to take while breastfeeding. If you’re breastfeeding or planning to do so, talk with your doctor before starting Velsipity treatment. What to ask your doctor Like most drugs, Velsipity can cause a number of side effects that range from mild to serious. However, most are temporary and go away after a few days or weeks. If you have questions about the side effects that Velsipity can cause, talk with your doctor. Examples of questions to help get you started include: How often do serious side effects occur with Velsipity? Do my other health conditions or medications raise my risk of side effects from Velsipity? Do other medications that could treat my condition have similar side effects to Velsipity? To learn more about Velsipity, see this article.
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caroldthom · 5 years
Hydroxycut Black
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 Will Hydroxycut Black cast your weight loss demons into the darkness? You will find out and also discover If it made it into the top 10 most potent weight loss supplements at the end of this article. But first Do you find weight loss annoying? — Always putting the weight back on. — Tired of feeling you may never get the body you want — Its not easy to sweat blood on the treadmill — Especially when your also having to give up basic food everyone else enjoys
I will reveal great options to boost energy and and give you a lift no matter what your circumstances. Unlike other websites we are not affiliated to Hydroxycut so you will get real objective information
You will also get quick overview of what all the other experts say. Yes all the science baby!
Hydroxycut Black is another dietary supplement that Hydroxycut has put on the market. Hydroxycut claims that it is the number #1 weight loss supplement brand in America. While all of its products are centered on weight loss, most feature 2 main ingredients that are stimulant based. The company makes the following claims but don’t they all? I give you the truth today 
Intense weight loss. 
Helps to elevate your metabolism. 
is backed up by scientific research.   
Hydroxycut is apparently formulated for people with an active lifestyle, especially for athletes  and active people, although we find it doubtful indeed that many athletes would use the supplement so it would seem more of a marketing ploy than anything. It is claimed to give you an extra boost of energy and increased mental focus. Its two main ingredients, caffeine and C. canephora robusta are present in nearly all the Hydroxycut range. You can learn how effective they are for weight loss in the ingredient section.
Hydroxycut black is a thermogenic product promoted to both men and women aiming to lose weight faster and who also want an energy boost. Compared to other products produced by Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Black is said to offer you an enhanced energy, improved focus, and a sensory effect. Hydroxycut also promotes the product as having quick release tablets. There is absolutely no evidence that the tablets are quick release or that  means anything. In Fact many claims are made suggesting each supplement in the hydroxycut range offers you something unique. But can that be true when the main ingredients are virtually identical in all Hydroxycut supplements? Well to check if Hydroxycut got in the readers top 10 check out the product compare section at the bottom of the article.
According to limited studies C. canephora robusta helped people lose a limited amount of weight over a 2 month period in conjunction with a low calorie diet. But the claims are somewhat less exciting then presented by the company and we found clear evidence of fake reviews on the official website and on amazon. Check the science section further for round up of what scientific and medical sources say.
If you take a look at the reviews on the Hydroxycut website, Customers give either 4 or 5 stars positive reviews. But it is highly suspicious that there are hardly any negative reviews on the official website. Especially given the same hydroxycut black has less favourable reviews on Amazon.  It gets worse however because I have discovered blatant and widespread fake positive reviews on Amazon. If you want to avoid being scammed check it out here.
Hydroxycut has decided to plant and select fake positive reviews on the its official website.
Fake positive reviews on Amazon are rife but at least there are some real reviews Here are some of customer reviews from amazon considered most helpful. Kim wrote… “The first couple of days were fine till I had to up the pills from 1 2xs a day to 2 2xs a day my chest started hurting I felt sick had cold sweats had sharp pains in my chest my daughter called 911 turns out the caffeine was to much for me to handle put my blood pressure through the roof” L,fallis wrote.. “The side effects were not worth struggling through a month to see if it works. I tapped out after four days because the extreme acid reflux had me marathoning Tums, in addition to anxiety so bad it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest…no. Just no. Lesson learned“ Amazon Customer wrote… “Does nothing. Waste of money. I don’t believe all the fake reviews.
But first i will reveal what the science has to say.
 The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement.
The US National Library of medicine
  The most widely used study to promote green coffee the main ingredient of Hydroxycut was later retracted.
Chemistry Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA. Author
  The main study promoted on the “Hydroxycut” product website (published in a French journal and translated in English) is one of the three studies that was included in the meta-analysis. But, like the other studies, it does have some methodological queries surrounding not only the randomisation process but also the statistical analyses of the results.
  Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that caffeine intake might promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction.
US National Library of medicine.
   Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate ‘brown fat’, the body’s own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes.
  Caffeine is stimulant which can boost your metabolism but if consumed to late in the day may result in disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain in many studies.
US National Library OF Medicine
All Hydroxycut products have one common denominator, its key ingredient is C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract). Coffee beans are green until roasted. In their green form they contain a high content of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is the compound most believe acts on your body to help you lose weight. So in fact the 2 main ingredients in Hydroxycut are Chlorogenic acid and caffeine. The other Ingredients are normally token in that they are not at a high enough dosage to be effective. Here is what medicalnewstoday.com had to say about chlorogenic acid
“studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin”
Caffeine anhydrous  – Believed to help your body’s ability to metabolize fat and utilize it as a fuel source and can also enhance your focus. Each pill has 100mg of caffeine. An average 8oz cup of coffee ranges from 95-16mg, an 8oz cola has between 24-46mg.
Purslane extract – is one source of vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 
Alpha lipoic acid – is a fatty acid found in mitochondria that also plays a role in energy metabolism. 
Black caraway extract – which has also been used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes. 
Furthermore, Hydroxycut Black also has the following ingredients, Yohimbe extract, Maitake mushroom extract, Chicory Extract, Glycerine, Capsule (Hypromellose, FD&C Red No. 40) and Water. To compare the ingredients of all the hydroxycut products side by side go here.
For individuals who are caffeine sensitive, take note that most Hydroxycut has large doses in most of its supplements. To discover the more potent non stimulant alternatives check compare section further down the page. Side effects of caffeine often include nervousness, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping. 
There are many reports of side effects so it’s best that you become aware of the following health problems: 
Cardiovascular problems
Seizures, etc
In terms of its daily intake, you are to take one serving (two liquid capsules) twice a day. It’s best that you take it 30 or 60 minutes before your two large meals each day. You must not exceed 4 capsules in a period of  24 hours. For you to have an optimal results…. it is recommended that you take it for 60 days and combine it with a low-calorie diet and exercise according to the official website. As directed on the label, you are to take 1 capsule, twice a day during your Day 1 to Day 3. From the 4th day onward you are told to take 2 capsules twice a day. Keep in mind that you must not exceed the recommended serving per day especially in the evening because these are stimulant based fat burners. 
You must not combine the Hydroxycut Black product with other products containing caffeine or stimulants. In addition, this is not for individuals who are below 18 years old. Also, pregnant and/or nursing females are also not advised to take this product. 
You can buy Hydroxycut Black directly on the following websites and the price for one bottle is $30.99.
Vitamine Shoppe 
We are not Impressed! Hydroxycut will only give you a refund if you return the bottle unopened in its original packaging within 30 days. Many other suppliers like Havasu who sell apple cider vinegar offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Hydroxycut claims to be one of the leading dietary supplements in the US.  It may heighten your focus and metabolism with the use of caffeine. However those effects are normally short lived and your body will develop a tolerance.  Complaints about nervousness, difficulty sleeping  and palpitations are common place. More serious side effects may include jaundice, cardiovascular problems, and panic attacks. Hydroxycut Black is the 5th most popular hydroxycut product but no hydroxycut even made the top 3 go here to see the quick view compare table.
Hydroxycut Black really isn’t really isn’t the wonder supplement it purports to be. Poor customer feedback is common, Science puts a sledge hammer to the claims made by the company and amazon reviews are littered with fake positive reviews.
 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email
from https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-black/
from Hydroxycut Supplement Review - Blog http://hydroxycut1.weebly.com/blog/hydroxycut-black
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hydroxycutreviews · 5 years
Hydroxycut Black
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  Will Hydroxycut Black cast your weight loss demons into the darkness? You will find out and also discover If it made it into the top 10 most potent weight loss supplements at the end of this article. But first Do you find weight loss annoying? — Always putting the weight back on. — Tired of feeling you may never get the body you want — Its not easy to sweat blood on the treadmill — Especially when your also having to give up basic food everyone else enjoys
I will reveal great options to boost energy and and give you a lift no matter what your circumstances. Unlike other websites we are not affiliated to Hydroxycut so you will get real objective information
You will also get quick overview of what all the other experts say. Yes all the science baby!
Hydroxycut Black is another dietary supplement that Hydroxycut has put on the market. Hydroxycut claims that it is the number #1 weight loss supplement brand in America. While all of its products are centered on weight loss, most feature 2 main ingredients that are stimulant based. The company makes the following claims but don’t they all? I give you the truth today 
Intense weight loss. 
Helps to elevate your metabolism. 
is backed up by scientific research.   
Hydroxycut is apparently formulated for people with an active lifestyle, especially for athletes  and active people, although we find it doubtful indeed that many athletes would use the supplement so it would seem more of a marketing ploy than anything. It is claimed to give you an extra boost of energy and increased mental focus. Its two main ingredients, caffeine and C. canephora robusta are present in nearly all the Hydroxycut range. You can learn how effective they are for weight loss in the ingredient section.
Hydroxycut black is a thermogenic product promoted to both men and women aiming to lose weight faster and who also want an energy boost. Compared to other products produced by Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Black is said to offer you an enhanced energy, improved focus, and a sensory effect. Hydroxycut also promotes the product as having quick release tablets. There is absolutely no evidence that the tablets are quick release or that  means anything. In Fact many claims are made suggesting each supplement in the hydroxycut range offers you something unique. But can that be true when the main ingredients are virtually identical in all Hydroxycut supplements? Well to check if Hydroxycut got in the readers top 10 check out the product compare section at the bottom of the article.
According to limited studies C. canephora robusta helped people lose a limited amount of weight over a 2 month period in conjunction with a low calorie diet. But the claims are somewhat less exciting then presented by the company and we found clear evidence of fake reviews on the official website and on amazon. Check the science section further for round up of what scientific and medical sources say.
If you take a look at the reviews on the Hydroxycut website, Customers give either 4 or 5 stars positive reviews. But it is highly suspicious that there are hardly any negative reviews on the official website. Especially given the same hydroxycut black has less favourable reviews on Amazon.  It gets worse however because I have discovered blatant and widespread fake positive reviews on Amazon. If you want to avoid being scammed check it out here.
Hydroxycut has decided to plant and select fake positive reviews on the its official website.
Fake positive reviews on Amazon are rife but at least there are some real reviews Here are some of customer reviews from amazon considered most helpful. Kim wrote… “The first couple of days were fine till I had to up the pills from 1 2xs a day to 2 2xs a day my chest started hurting I felt sick had cold sweats had sharp pains in my chest my daughter called 911 turns out the caffeine was to much for me to handle put my blood pressure through the roof” L,fallis wrote.. “The side effects were not worth struggling through a month to see if it works. I tapped out after four days because the extreme acid reflux had me marathoning Tums, in addition to anxiety so bad it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest…no. Just no. Lesson learned“ Amazon Customer wrote… “Does nothing. Waste of money. I don’t believe all the fake reviews.
But first i will reveal what the science has to say.
  The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement.
The US National Library of medicine
    The most widely used study to promote green coffee the main ingredient of Hydroxycut was later retracted.
Chemistry Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA. Author
    The main study promoted on the “Hydroxycut” product website (published in a French journal and translated in English) is one of the three studies that was included in the meta-analysis. But, like the other studies, it does have some methodological queries surrounding not only the randomisation process but also the statistical analyses of the results.
    Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that caffeine intake might promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction.
US National Library of medicine.
    Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate ‘brown fat’, the body’s own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes.
    Caffeine is stimulant which can boost your metabolism but if consumed to late in the day may result in disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain in many studies.
US National Library OF Medicine
All Hydroxycut products have one common denominator, its key ingredient is C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract). Coffee beans are green until roasted. In their green form they contain a high content of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is the compound most believe acts on your body to help you lose weight. So in fact the 2 main ingredients in Hydroxycut are Chlorogenic acid and caffeine. The other Ingredients are normally token in that they are not at a high enough dosage to be effective. Here is what medicalnewstoday.com had to say about chlorogenic acid
“studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin”
Caffeine anhydrous  – Believed to help your body’s ability to metabolize fat and utilize it as a fuel source and can also enhance your focus. Each pill has 100mg of caffeine. An average 8oz cup of coffee ranges from 95-16mg, an 8oz cola has between 24-46mg.
Purslane extract – is one source of vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 
Alpha lipoic acid – is a fatty acid found in mitochondria that also plays a role in energy metabolism. 
Black caraway extract – which has also been used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes. 
Furthermore, Hydroxycut Black also has the following ingredients, Yohimbe extract, Maitake mushroom extract, Chicory Extract, Glycerine, Capsule (Hypromellose, FD&C Red No. 40) and Water. To compare the ingredients of all the hydroxycut products side by side go here.
For individuals who are caffeine sensitive, take note that most Hydroxycut has large doses in most of its supplements. To discover the more potent non stimulant alternatives check compare section further down the page. Side effects of caffeine often include nervousness, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping. 
There are many reports of side effects so it’s best that you become aware of the following health problems: 
Cardiovascular problems
Seizures, etc
In terms of its daily intake, you are to take one serving (two liquid capsules) twice a day. It’s best that you take it 30 or 60 minutes before your two large meals each day. You must not exceed 4 capsules in a period of  24 hours. For you to have an optimal results…. it is recommended that you take it for 60 days and combine it with a low-calorie diet and exercise according to the official website. As directed on the label, you are to take 1 capsule, twice a day during your Day 1 to Day 3. From the 4th day onward you are told to take 2 capsules twice a day. Keep in mind that you must not exceed the recommended serving per day especially in the evening because these are stimulant based fat burners. 
You must not combine the Hydroxycut Black product with other products containing caffeine or stimulants. In addition, this is not for individuals who are below 18 years old. Also, pregnant and/or nursing females are also not advised to take this product. 
You can buy Hydroxycut Black directly on the following websites and the price for one bottle is $30.99.
Vitamine Shoppe 
We are not Impressed! Hydroxycut will only give you a refund if you return the bottle unopened in its original packaging within 30 days. Many other suppliers like Havasu who sell apple cider vinegar offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Hydroxycut claims to be one of the leading dietary supplements in the US.  It may heighten your focus and metabolism with the use of caffeine. However those effects are normally short lived and your body will develop a tolerance.  Complaints about nervousness, difficulty sleeping  and palpitations are common place. More serious side effects may include jaundice, cardiovascular problems, and panic attacks. Hydroxycut Black is the 5th most popular hydroxycut product but no hydroxycut even made the top 3 go here to see the quick view compare table.
Hydroxycut Black really isn’t really isn’t the wonder supplement it purports to be. Poor customer feedback is common, Science puts a sledge hammer to the claims made by the company and amazon reviews are littered with fake positive reviews.
  Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email
from By Diet Wiki https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-black/
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averymessyxmas · 6 years
Chapter 10
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 Norielle passed out and MJ grabbed her in time. “Narkim go get Janessa and Vada now!”. I ran upstairs, and Janessa was already coming out the room. “What’s going on?” She turned on the hall light. “Oh My Gosh what happened to your face?!” She said trying to inspect my face, I lightly moved her hand and shook my head. “Norielle passed out” I told her. Her eyes widened. “Where, where is she?” She asked. “Downstairs, get Vi” I said. I ran back downstairs, Vada and Janessa followed me minutes later. “Okay somebody call an ambulance, she is pregnant” Janessa said. “Nori!” She said lightly. MJ pulled out his phone and called 911. “Narkim what happened?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “She had an anxiety attack” I told them. “Alright they are on the way” MJ said.
We all sat in the waiting room at North Side Hospital. “Should we call mama?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “Nori would be pissed if we told mama” I said. MJ stood up against the wall. “How come yall aint tell me my baby sister was pregnant?” I shrugged. “Yall let us know what they say, walk with me Nari” MJ said. I sighed. “Yo what happened?” He asked. “My friend Andre, I was telling you about is her baby’s father, her boyfriend. I aint tell her I was the reason, she been stressed lately, and I can feel it sometimes she gets anxiety attacks it started since she got pregnant, I aint expect her to find out like that. I feel really bad man” I said feeling my eyes get watery. MJ sighed. “Nari, look once dude get out and everything, she’s going to forgive you, may take a minute but yall closer than we all are cause yall shared a womb, birthday yall just close, she just hormonal” He told me. Denisha ran into the hospital doors. “Is Nori okay?” She asked. She looked at my face. “What the fuck Narkim?!” She asked. “I got beat up by some nigga trying to do a deal, I’m good though, and we don’t know about Nori”. We walked back to the waiting room. “I’m looking for my daughter Norielle Simone Richards, she’s 20 years old, I’m her mother Sharice Richards” We all looked at each other. My mom had walked in with Nylah and Damien. “Man, who called?” I asked. Vada pointed at Damien. “D probably did” Janessa shook her head. Mama had seen us all and rushed over to us, “What happened is she okay?” She asked looking at MJ and Vada. She looked over at me and gasped. “Was it an accident, Narkim what happened?” She asked. I looked at Denisha. “I um got to a fight with some dude at the club” She shook her head. “If it’s one twin then it’s another” The doctor came out. “Okay Richards family?” She asked. My mom waved her hand. “Okay so Norielle is up, she’s just a little light headed. It seems to me she had an anxiety attack and passed out due to the attack, she is okay and so is the baby. I just ask that we keep her from stress being that she does have a little high blood pressure” The doctor said smiling. Mama shook her head. “Okay run that by me again you said the baby is okay?” She asked. I shook my head. “Yes, the baby is fine, and moving around he seems to be an energetic little fella especially due to the circumstance, you guys can now see her” She said before walking away. Mama turned and looked at us. “Yall knew?” She asked. “Mama I just found out like you” Damien said. She shook her head. “I’m talking to your older siblings”. We all nodded. “She didn’t want to tell you yet” Janessa said. “I need to sit this one down, I will see yall back out the house I can’t see her right now” Mama walked out. I was nervous to walk in the room. “Come on yall” Vada said. I sighed. “I’ll be out here” Nisha told me. When we walked in Nori was eating Doritos and drinking cranberry juice. “Nor, Nor” Vada said hugging her. She smiled as she hugged MJ, and Janessa, Damien and Nylah. She looked at me and shook her head. “I want you out! Get him out!” She yelled. MJ sighed. “Come on man. Doc said no stress”. “Norielle man I’m sorry” I said as MJ was lightly pushing me towards the door. I sucked my teeth and threw myself into the seat. “What happened?” Nisha asked. “Nori don’t want to see me” I said pouting. This is what I feared, losing my sister.
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I was relieved to know my baby was okay, but I was scared as fuck to know I had passed out after having a bad anxiety attack. I was pissed at my twin for setting up Andre’ like that. He was in there doing time for nothing. While my brother was out here still doing nothing with his life but being a dope boy. Fuck him I don’t want to talk to him ever. He the reason I’m doing this shit alone. “Nori man how come you aint tell us we were having a nephew!” Damien said rubbing on my stomach. I felt happy to have my bump out and not hiding it anymore. “You’re going to freak but Mama Richards knows now” Nylah told me. I sighed. “I mean, She was going to find out eventually” I said calm. The doctor told me to stay calm. “When can you leave?” MJ asked. “Now” I told them. “Alright then chipmunk get dressed so we can go, its 5:13 in the morning we are tired” Vada said. I got dressed and checked out.
 When we got home, everybody went to their rooms. Nylah slept in Vada’s room since she was back in the guest house. I was hoping Narkim was smart and went to Denisha’s. When I walked into my room my mom was sitting on my bed drinking wine, at fucking 6 in the morning. “You know when I was pregnant with you guys, I almost lost you both due to high risk, the doctor said you were guys were supposed to not make it but you did and I knew you were destined to be something great. I didn’t expect you to end up pregnant” She said looking at me. I shrugged. “Well I didn’t either, but it happened, I can’t undo it but I can make the best of it” I told her. She just stared at me. “Was this a one-night stand, did the father bail, where is he, please don’t tell me you don’t know who he is?” She asked. “The baby’s father and I are together, he is away right now” I told her. She nodded. “So, he is visiting family?” She asked. I nodded slowly. I couldn’t tell her he was in jail. “What does he do, is he in school?” She asked. “Yes, his name is Andre’ Dobbs, his dad owns a small restaurant chain in Savannah, his parents also do ministry work and he is an honor student” I told her. She laughed chugging her wine. “Ministry work, do they know their son fucked my daughter and got her pregnant?” I nodded although I was unsure. “They are thrilled” I said. She shrugged. “Well, I hope you have a plan because I’m not taking care of that baby and honey when your father finds out, you’re going to have an ear full” She told me. “I’m going to school and I’m going to work and take care of my son with his father, I won’t need help” I said sternly. She nodded. “You don’t have a car Norielle or a pot to piss in but this house, you live in a dorm on campus once that baby is here you can’t raise him in the dorm room and have your roommate watch him before your classes” She told me. “Mommy I got this please don’t stress me out” I told her. “Hey, I’m, being realistic, I knew my fish dreams were real” She said before leaving out. I laid on my bed and rubbed my stomach. “Don’t worry baby, we won’t be struggling hopefully daddy gets out in time” I said. My door opened again revealing Grandma Rudy. “Nori” She walked in. “You okay?” She asked. I nodded. “Your mama called and told me what happened” She said. My mom walked back into the room. “You knew too?” She asked. Grandma Rudy nodded. “Mama you could have told me!” She yelled. Grandma Rudy put her hands on her hip. “I don’t have to tell you shit If I don’t want to, and this is why, you drunk again hollering go to bed Rice” She said before walking out. I laid back down and heard them arguing in the hall way. I was now wondering what Daddy was going to say.
Janessa: (5 days before Christmas)
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It had been 2days since Norielle went to the hospital the house has been chill, no drama, Narkim been I’m guessing with his girlfriend. Nylah and Nori been spending time together. I’m assuming Damien and Nylah aren’t getting along. Which is awkward since it’s been so calm, but it’s always calm before the storm. I was making lunch for Chase, while Dylan was upstairs sleep. Since our last Dinner our mother had been at Stephans for a little while she had planned on coming back tonight since all the drama had ceased. “Paw Patrol!” Chase yelled. I turned on Paw Patrol on his tablet, I started cleaning up the dishes the house had been a mess since mama was gone. I heard a knock at the door. “Chase Mommy will be right back” I told him. He looked at me and smiled eating his grapes. I wiped off my hands and I opened the door. My heart dropped. “Hey Ness” Omari said. He had two roses. “I got one for you and Vi” He told me. “What the fuck? Why are you here?” Vada asked appearing beside me. He gave her a rose and handed me one. She grabbed her rose and threw it. I simply shook my head rejecting it. “She asked you a question?” I said folding my arms with the drying towel still in my hand. “It’s snowing out here can I come inside?” He asked. “Uh no you can freeze to death” Vada said. He pleaded with her through pleading eyes. “Vi” I said. She moved out the way. Omari walked in and closed the door. “Look I wanted to apologize to you both for putting you guys against each other and cheating on you Vada and taking things further with you Ness” He said. I shook my head. “Janessa” I said sucking my teeth at him. “You’re an asshole for telling her and second you made me seem like a hoe when you were the one  pressuring me to drink and fuck you that night when I was only 16, then you got me hooked on your pills after you got injured and couldn’t play football so you got addicted to pain pills and you knew I was depressed for getting an abortion after you tried to guilt trip me into keeping a baby I didn’t want in the first place!” I yelled. Vada folded her arms and shook her head at him. “Omari you need to go” She said. “Vi, you really going to listen to your hoe of a sister that split us up from the beginning?” He said. “Excuse me?!” I yelled. He looked at me and pulled out his phone. “I have old photos of you, and old videos of your pill popping druggie ass, All I wanted was Vada, so I settled for her dumb ass sister” He said. I was about to hit the fuck out of him. When I felt a force move me and punch him in his face. “Come at my wife again, and we going to have a problem for real” Dylan said. Omari laughed. “What you going to do white boy?” He asked him. Dylan walked up to him. Vada opened the door. “You really need to go and please for the love of God don’t come back don’t hit me up, you are already blocked” She said. “Vada look I’m a little drunk, I’m sorry”. He wasn’t trying to leave. “Ayo, this that Omari cat” Michael said coming down the steps. “Yeah it’s me” MJ nodded and pulled out his gun. “Come near my sisters, my family anybody again, I will put a bullet in your dick” He said. Omari hurried up and ran out the door. I looked at MJ shocked. “Malcom what the fuck!” Vada said. He smiled and shrugged. “I told you I was tired of him” he said before walking back upstairs. “Mommy!” Chase yelled. I quickly went into the dining room. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked. He pointed to the ground. His grapes had fell. I laughed and kissed his head. “Okay I will get you some more” Dylan walked in holding his hand. “Baby I need ice” He said. I kissed his knuckles. “You need more than that, that was sexy” I said to him. He smirked. “Nobody disrespects my wife” He told me.
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 Nylah hasn’t looked at me, spoken to me. Respond to my texts in 2 days. Narkim aint been around to talk to. I’m positive Nylah has me blocked. Kristen still blowing me up after I aint talked to her since that night. I’m conflicted but then I’m not because I just want to cut this shit off have my best friend back. I was eating spaghetti mama made for lunch at the table by myself, Nylah came down to get some chips or something. She had knocked all the water bottles out the fridge. I got up from the table to help. She looked at me and shook her head. “I’m find Damien please leave me alone” She said sternly. “I’m just trying to help” I said grabbing a water bottle. “Well I don’t want or need your help” She said snatching the water bottle from me and leaving. I sighed. “It shouldn’t be this complicated” I said to myself. Kristen started calling my phone. I sighed. “Yerrrr” I said. She paused for a minute. “Excuse me! You haven’t answered your phone in 2 days sir, what’s going on?” She asked. I got up and took the call outside. “Look I’m not your man! I don’t have to talk to you! Please stop blowing my shit up! Damn!” I snapped. She started laughing. “So childish, your father doesn’t act like this” She said. “Bitch go fuck his old ass then, you’re talking to a child what do you expect” I said annoyed. “Bitch? You will not call me a- “I hung up the phone and went back into the house. She kept blowing up my phone. I put the spaghetti away. “Yo Mama?” I said. She was decorating the house with lights. “I’m bout to go for a drive I’ll be back”. I got in my car and drove to the park to play basketball. It was a little snow outside by I just needed my mind clear. I was playing for about an hour. “Damien?” I looked up to see Narkim. “One on One?” I asked. He shrugged. He still had a bruise under his left eye and band aid above his eyebrow. “What homie look like?” I asked. He looked at me funny. “The nigga that you fought” He laughed. “Ummm homie in crutches” He said. I laughed. “My nigga” I said. He started bouncing the ball and took off on my ass. We both played for our basketball team, well I currently play on the team while he played when He was in school. “How you and La?” He asked. Shooting his shot. “We not talking, she found out about the teacher” I told him. He stopped and looked at me. “What you going to do?” He asked. I shrugged. “Ima cut that bitch off simple” I said. “And then what?” He asked. “Get La-La back” I said. He nodded. “That’s my little brother” He said dapping me up. “How’s Nori?” he asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know she been chill her and Nylah been kicking it you know laughing and shit” I said. He slowly nodded his head. “I hate when we all aint getting along you know, we family we should be tight, but you know shit happens” He told me. “I don’t know what yall got going on, but it’s always been us 3 when the rents were gone or when everybody else moved out and we always been close so I’m sure shit will get better hopefully between mama and daddy” I said. He sighed. “Keep dreaming with that one kid, but aye I’m catch you later tonight maybe” He said before driving off. I bounced the ball a little bit before deciding to drive to Kristen’s spot.
 When I pulled up at her spot, I knocked on the door. She quickly opened the door and closed it. She shook her head. “Your dad is here” She whispered. I shrugged. “Good for you, I’m done with this shit don’t call me don’t show up at my house unannounced leave me alone” I said to her. She bit on her lip. “Why? Huh before you didn’t want to stop now why?” She asked. “Because Nylah found out and I care more about her then I do you, I’m sorry Ms. Madison” She laughed lowly. “That little bitch, she’s not even women enough for you” She said smirking. I smiled at her. “Call her a bitch again and I’m tell the whole world about us” I told her. She shook her head. “I can fail you out of my class and you won’t graduate or play ball again” She said. I looked at her. “You try to manipulate me to many times, now all I have to do is tell your father and everyone else that you been coming on to me harassing me, I have all those messages we used to have from each other” She told me. I shook my head. “I’m 17 and you psycho over some under age dick” I said before leaving. She got me fucked up.
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 Shit has been chill since we found out Nori was pregnant. Mama been quiet, we know she’s pissed. Nori and she haven’t really spoken. Nylah and Damien aint been talking. I don’t know what’s up with that. Narkim been distant. I don’t blame him, Nori is really hurt by his actions. My life been ok for these past 2 days. Gia and I been texting on and off like I said. I’m just chilling. I was sitting on the couch with Chase and Nori, and Nylah watching Zootopia. I don’t why they got me watching this shit, but it makes me really miss my kids. “Ding, Dong” The doorbell rang. “I got it” I told them. They were glued to the phones while Chase was watching in his little chair amazed at the movie. I got up and opened the door. I see it was Danielle. “Hey” I said. She smiled lightly. “Um I just wanted to stop by to check on Norielle. I had called your phone the other day but you didn’t answer so I called the house to let you know I was coming back on Christmas eve but your Grandma picked up and kind of yelled at me for not bringing the kids to see her and for not coming to check on Nori, so I’m here” She said. I nodded. I moved to the side to let her come in. “Norielle, Danielle here to see you” I said. She came in to the hall near the door. I swear as soon as we found out Nori was pregnant it’s like her baby bump grew or she just stopped hiding it. “Oh my Gosh, your pregnant?!” Danielle said in excitement. Nori smiled and nodded. “Yeah, been keeping a secret for a little minute, I’m having a boy” She said. Danielle lightly rubbed her stomach. “I’m glad you’re okay, congratulations honey, I will bring Chris and Lei over on Christmas eve”. Norielle nodded. “Okay cool they can meet Janessa son Chase, their cousin” She told her. Danielle looked at me. I shrugged. “Hey what’s my family without secrets” I told her. “Malcom can we talk upstairs” She asked me. I nodded and followed her upstairs. She sat on the bed in her big coat she had on. “I wanted to see you honestly, I had been missing you a lot and shit hasn’t been good between us and I don’t want us to get a divorce but at least try counseling this time and work on us, take time away from my job the kids just us” She said. I looked at her. “I mean, yeah that’s cool. I wouldn’t mind that, I mean I’m happy we can work on shit” I told her. She smiled. “Me too” She got up and kissed me. We started making out, it had been a minute since I see her. I can’t lie I missed my wife.
 “Ima come back with the kids before Christmas eve” Danielle said pulling up her leggings. “Come back tonight” I said grabbing her hand. She blushed. “Ima try” She told me. I got dressed and walked with her downstairs it was around 7:43pm. “I love you” I told her kissing her. “I love you” She smiled before leaving. I went into the kitchen to warm up the food mom made, and probably watch a movie on Netflix. I grabbed my food and brought it into the living room. Nylah was in the dining room with Vada. Nessa and Dylan were bringing up the stuff for the tree. “You know yall got to go get the tree tomorrow” Janessa said. I nodded. “Yeah, I know” I said to her. “I heard you and Danielle” Damien said making a face. I rolled eyes. “Shut up lil nigga” I told him smiling. “Yall made up, yall good?” Nessa asked. Mama came downstairs and grabbed my food. “You know you eat in the dining room MJ” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Aight mama” I told her. “When is Dani bringing my babies?” She asked. I got up from the couch. “Soon Ma, soon” I was walking to the dining room when the doorbell rang again, followed by a knock. “Who is it?” I asked. I opened the door to see some tall young guy. He had on a long coat with some skinny jeans and vans and his hands were in his pocket. He was like a rich kid. “Yo can I help you?” I asked. He nodded. “Hi, how you doing I’m looking for Norielle Richards, is the right address?” He asked. I just looked at him. “Im here big brother Malcom, who are you?” I asked wanting to know what this nigga wanted with my sister. “Im her boyfriend my name is Andre’ Dobbs”
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Blood Pressure 911 - 100% Powerful Natural Blood Sugar Formula Where To Buy?
Blood Pressure 911 Review – To learn more about the most advanced blood pressure support supplement, its ingredients, benefits, tablet, customer reviews and more.
Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to uncontrollable health. Many people suffer from an unbalanced blood pressure level in their daily lives. This can lead to many problems that should be avoided. We are now offering a one-stop solution to all blood pressure issues.
Blood Pressure 911 is a remarkable blood pressure solution for a variety of issues. The supplement has been designed to treat hypertension and blood pressure problems. You can also improve your cardiovascular health and live a healthier lifestyle.
This life-saving product was developed by PhytAge Labs. They proudly presented their supplement to many customers. PhytAge Labs' goal is to offer the best solution and reveal the truth about current medications.
The big pharma companies won't want you to learn the truth about how natural there is a way to reduce blood pressure.
Thickened arteries are the root cause of high blood pressure. When the arteries become thicker, it can lead to strokes and heart attacks.
This does not mean you cannot breathe properly if your blood pressure is high. This is a big topic.
It is difficult to achieve a perfect blood pressure level. PhytAge Labs came up with an innovative way to keep blood pressure levels at a healthy level, even though many people are trying.
Let's start with the humble beginnings and then move on to the product.
PhytAge Laboratories - How did it all start?
PhytAge Labs, a brand specializing in health and fitness, released a digestive-centered supplement back at the beginning of 2015. Their popularity was not due to the digestive capsule. Their research and all-natural solution worked like a charm.
This was why it was so important to get that kind of exposure. They decided to offer a simple, yet effective solution for the current problems facing the world. Only problem is that the market has become more of a business.
PhytAge Labs is focused on the cure and not making a profit. Since then, the company has been developing a variety of all-natural and useful supplements that people love.
Blood Pressure 911 is one of the most recent ways they have found to create the perfect natural solution. It was designed to help people suffering from high blood pressure and make their lives more enjoyable and healthy.
Let's now talk about the best Blood Pressure 911 Supplement guide.
Blood Pressure 911 The SANEST GUIDE
According to the PhytAge labs teams, the best explanation for the Blood Pressure 911 is that the supplement has been scientifically proven in studies by well-respected universities.
The supplement is made up of natural ingredients that work against high blood pressure. If you are interested in the benefits, I will pop it right away. Here are the top benefits of choosing Blood Pressure 911.
This all-natural formula reduces LDL (bad cholesterol).
It can also help you maintain a higher blood sugar level.
The product is completely natural and has no side effects. You can also use it to treat any side effects you may be experiencing.
It can energize your entire body and give you a healthier lifestyle.
How does Heart Rate 911 Work?
Blood Pressure 911 is the name of this secret formula. You read that correctly! This is a solution that was impossible just a few years ago, but has now been proven so successful that it could put Big Pharma and their Prescription Med Empire out of business!
Stay with me if you are taking blood pressure medication and you don't feel better or can't bear to listen to the side effects.
Blood Pressure 911 is a dietary supplement. Adults should take 1 capsule twice daily according to Blood Pressure 911.
Blood Pressure 911 recommended that the dose not be increased as it is not meant for people with known medical conditions.
Although the product is entirely natural, you should consult your physician before using it.
Blood Pressure 911 Ingredients - Are They Safe?
You can find out more about the ingredients and how they interact to give the best results by watching the official video of the company.
Each ingredient has been thoroughly researched to ensure that you understand why they are so valuable. Let's now get to the Blood Pressure 911 Supplement.
Green Tea
Green Tea, one of the most potent forms of antioxidants is great for lowering blood pressure. We've seen numerous tests in the past. What makes you believe that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Koreans have a long lifespan? Their preferred drink is Green Tea. Green Tea with a lower intake is best for maintaining blood pressure at an optimal level.
Hawthorn is an effective remedy for many problems. It is a popular ingredient that can be used to solve many problems. This plant can also be used to reduce blood pressure. Researchers conducted a lot of research. Researchers concluded that the leaf is excellent for lowering blood pressure and minimizing side effects.
This means that all medical herbalists love it, and it is in the Blood Pressure 911 supplement.
You won't experience any digestive problems with Juniper berries. There are other benefits, however, that you might not know about. It is high in Vitamin C and promotes healthy blood vessels. We couldn't find any surveys to tell you whether or not it worked.
One thing is certain. Higher doses of Juniper Berries can lead to serious health problems. This is true for almost all other medications.
Garlic is used primarily for flavoring, but many people don't know it has other benefits. Garlic can control blood pressure and bring it down to levels you couldn't imagine.
This supplement contains a lot of garlic to help people with high blood pressure. It's a great idea!
Buchu Plant, Hibiscus Plant and Olive are other ingredients. These ingredients are effective in lowering blood pressure, and they don't cause any side effects.
Let's now move on to the Q&A section.
Q/A: Everything You Need to Know About Blood Pressure 911
Do You Want To Take This Capsule With A Healthy Diet?
Although a healthy diet is the best way to control blood pressure, the lab also recommends that you do some physical activity. This will be possible by reducing the intake of alcohol and bad food.
Yes! Healthy eating habits will help you stay healthy over time. It is recommended that you exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and take the Blood Pressure 911 capsule. Now you are all set.
How to Get the Best Result When Taking This Supplement?
The best thing about this supplement is the fact that the company has provided a detailed guide on how to use it. One capsule can be taken twice daily. This means you can take one capsule twice daily. You should begin to see some real results on a daily basis.
External factors, such as age and the severity of blood pressure problems, can also play a role.
This means that you can move at your own speed.
How long will it take me to start seeing results?
To see serious results, the company suggests that we take at least 90 days. Everyone will progress at their own pace. We can't predict how long it will take. There's also a bright side.
You can return your money if you are not satisfied with the results. There is a 90-day guarantee that your money will be returned. If the product does not meet your expectations, you can easily return your money. You'd think that this is fair.
FDA Supplements and
A dietary supplement will not be approved by the FDA. The FDA will not approve dietary supplements.
Run from any company that claims the FDA has approved their diet supplement. This is a clear misrepresentation.
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this statement. This product is not intended for the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of any disease.
These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended for the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of any disease.
Remember this before you buy
Avoid taking dietary supplements if you're pregnant. Before you take any supplement, it is a good idea that you consult your doctor.
Only people over 18 years of age can use the Blood Pressure 911 Supplement.
Blood pressure 911 is a tool that helps you get rid of hypertension.
Blood pressure 911 contains world-class natural ingredients.
These products are much more affordable than blood pressure medications. You can also get it at a discount.
Blood pressure 911's dosing instructions are simple to follow. It is easy to use the capsule dosage form.
This product has been tried by thousands and many people have enjoyed its benefits.
Based on research and clinical evidence.
Made in FDA-approved facilities
Blood Pressure 911 Sixty-day money-back guarantee
Only blood pressure 911 available online
Blood Pressure 911 Review: Conclusion
Let's get to the point. Is it possible? YES! This supplement has been naturally shown to be beneficial for a healthy lifestyle.
Blood Pressure 911 provides a dietary solution that helps maintain blood pressure and minimizes side effects.
We recommend that you still contact the team to discuss your issues and allow them to handle your problem. This will allow you to evaluate their ability to answer your questions and determine if they are trustworthy.
We recommend this supplement because it is one of few that can cure high blood pressure.
1 Blood Pressure 911 Bottle: $69.95 Each
2 Blood Pressure 911 bottles $119.90 (2 bottles)
4 Blood Pressure 911 bottles $199.80 (4 bottles)
Should we recommend Blood Pressure 911
We do!
Blood Pressure 911 is scientifically proven to increase your health and blood flow. To get the best results, it is recommended that you use Blood Pressure 911 for at least 30 days.
Blood Pressure 911 is 100% natural so there are no side effects. If you aren't satisfied with the results, there is a money back guarantee.
Blood Pressure is manufactured in the USA by an FDA-registered facility that adheres to Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines.
Blood Pressure 911 is the best way to improve your overall health.
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Keto Complete Reviews: Is It Legit or Scam?
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Keto Complete Losing body fat is a bit of a goal for those who want a fit, toned, and firm body. Losing the fat that has accumulated over time is difficult, especially when there are no sections of aerobic activity performed consistently or when you do not take the time to do so. This is where dietary supplements like Keto Complete come in. These products will allow you to satisfy the need to say goodbye to the stomach, thighs and buttocks with accumulation of fat. Getting the right calories into the body, with a little outside help, you can achieve great results in a short period of time. Let's not get lost in the conversation, let's immediately find out what Keto Complete is, the opinions of those who have tried it and where you buy it as a special offer. Often, what causes the most weight gain, in addition to a high fat diet, is the excess carbohydrate consumed on a daily basis. Few people know that when the body does not consume all the sugars introduced with food, it turns them into storage fat, to be used when needed. In addition, the body is "designed" to first burn sugars for energy and then move on to fat. In fact, during physical activity in the first 20 minutes, the metabolism burns carbohydrates and only after that time switches to fat. Keto Complete This state is called ketosis. And this is where Keto Complete comes in, in practice the supplement helps the body achieve pre-ketosis phase so that the body burns fat before the condition. Take two tablets daily, before main meals, with plenty of water. 
Official Web: https://ipsnews.net/business/2021/08/30/keto-complete-australia-pills-reviews-price-ingredients-legit-or-scam/
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soetusk · 3 years
An Unbiased View of Top High Blood Pressure Supplement
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Just recently, higher than average blood pressure is really a cured due to its working along with nerve-racking life of people today. In keeping with interesting experience, excellent blood pressure is considered the # 1 reason hiding behind premature tragedy mainly because blood pressure is usually right related to the middle. Confirm extremely high blood pressure may experience quite a lot of heart-related conditions, which include heart attack, cardiovascular disaster, and a lot more. It's endorsed which we have to thrive the latest stress-free your life to give up heart issues and also blood pressure. Various health experts whom mentioned that people experience good top rated blood pressure products week after week preferably should put emphasis on their dietary plan. Each one preferably should drink a wholesome weight loss diet not to mention please take a most effective nights slumber. Plenty of qualified personnel likewise recommend that persons needs to get involved in a lot of basic activities to get healthy and fit, nevertheless citizens don’t sufficient with regards to typical. The majority of everyday people ingest blood pressure supplements web page blood pressure supplement in considered the exclusively heal which may provide better results in a short while.
Many people have numerous supplements to lower blood pressure, even so, not each and every one health career due to the fact some blood pressure pills arrive with a variety of preservatives. A result of harmful components, families suffer many effects on your bodies, and all sorts of side-effects might be unacceptable. As documented in internet sites record, untold numbers of people has been a food related to blood pressure scam considering that a number of stores are providing bad quality pills that lead to poor health. Many of us are usually planning your how to find the best blood pressure supplement is less difficult for them, but usually, it could be tougher for all of them when they have a look around internet and view every last boost. The potency of drugs relies on the constituents. Tablets that have herbal and effective formula will supply more attractive brings about women and men. Which they breath satisfactory expertise in the components discover most of the best blood pressure supplements devoid of hindrance. As you desire, serious women and men can just click here and head to this useful actual a website to gain knowledge of concerning the best high blood pressure supplements.
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