bonesandthebees · 2 years
Imma be real, I haven't read Stars yet. I know myself, I know I enjoy waiting for fics to finish so I can binge read for like a week straight and need 0 patience. But damn, skimming the asks u get and ur replies makes me wanna toss that out the window and just start now.... hmmm.... i think you'll be seeing some comments from me soon... I love your writing too much to wait.
if you do decide to start stars I hope you enjoy it!! it's definitely my favorite thing I've ever written. but I'm also working to try and finish it before the end of the year, so hopefully it'll be complete soon :)
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lynxgriffin · 4 years
My dad just saw something on amazon prime mention MST3K and I'm like "I've heard of that because of a tumblr comic artist!" And then he went off for like 15 min describing it. I think I saw it on prime so I may watch a bit of it with him, since tv is our father-daughter bonding activity. Bonus: hes playing it now and just the intro made me cackle so Thanks lynx.
Ahahaa I’m so glad I was able to entice you to watch it! XD It is especially fun as a family or friends show! 
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headoverjojo · 4 years
im so mad i just typed a ton and tumblr ate it. Shorter version: For the 6 character thingy, Im gonna suggest a couple and i try to go with ones u know so pick whichver one u know most.
Sure thing! I’m curious to read your suggestion :3
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I had this thought at like 2am okay, so what about headcannons (or scenario, whatever you think fits best) for Goro with an S/O who has anger issues. And not an argument between them because I don't need that angst, but like a stranger says something just enough to piss S/O off and they are *that* close to flipping their shit. I just thought it'd be funny, like "No, don't punch them, don't go to jail-"
Oohoo boy. Goro must have his hands full looool
- Even though he’s really not the one to talk about anger issues, Akechi has been a positive force in S/O’s life, being there to calm them down and teach them how controlling their anger.
- A common catalyst for S/O his Akechi’s annoying fans (girls, boys, non-binaries, anyone; we don’t discriminate here
- Whether it be they won’t leave him alone or they get a little too close for comfort to him, S/O has his voice echoing in their head.
- “Violence doesn’t solve anything”, “They’re just trying to get a reaction out of you”, “Getting angry isn’t good for you”, things like that.
- But ohhhh man, the ONE thing that gets S/O sooo close to erupting is people who put Akechi down/talk trash about him (Notably during the PTs rise to fame).
- They will fight them on all planes of existence. No joke.
- Akechi can certainly tell when S/O is about to go ape. Their eyes get really narrow, their making fists, their knuckles are white, and they look as red as a beat in the face. Basically almost looking like an angry cartoon character.
- Partly thanks to his support, there is hardly ever a time that S/O makes an attempt to punch someone’s lights out. But if he’s not around, the probability that they do punch someone is increased.
- So when Akechi turns the corner to greet them after he’s left work, he’s only 3/4 shocked to see S/O’s fist about to smash someone in the face.
- Thanks to his athletic hobbies, he’s able to reach them in time to grab their arm, their fist only inches away from the other’s face. 
- S/O was so ready to punch Akechi, but once they noticed it was him, they get a bit of a sad puppy look on their face. But still angry af, of course.
- “Don’t pull an Akira, S/O...”
- He knows he probably can’t get S/O to apologize to the person, nor get them to say anything whatsoever, so he apologizes profusely to the stranger, offers them compensation and shit, then pulls S/O away.
- S/O, despite still feeling a bit ashamed and guilty for their actions, goes on a rant, asking why he stopped them and telling him what the person was saying about him. 
- Although strangers’ words do tend to get to him, he tells them the same thing that he has always told them.
- “They aren’t worth you getting thrown behind bars, S/O...”
- BONUS: He has them grab onto his hand when they’re feeling angry. Sometimes his hand goes numb. Sometimes his knuckles crack.
- As much as he likes being the receiver of affection, he holds them when they are just a big angry baby.
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seven-tea · 7 years
Hope you don't mind my two cents in on paramount heathers. I'm not too optimistic about it, really, but I do plan to watch it- at least a bit. Like, my mental image was always the heathers are so stereotypically attractive by any and all societal standards. I have nothing bad to say about the cast, as I know nothing about any of them, but they definitely don't match any mental images I had of the Heathers. Anyway, I hope it goes well! Its a "High hopes, low expectations" type of thing.
Yes Chandler definitely isn’t “the blonde from the pepsi commercial” or however that speech went but I think that they can address this and do it well while still maintaining the story and feel of the movie. Despite what I say on this blog I don’t have the highest expectations for this show (I don’t think it’ll be bad though don’t get me wrong) but I do hope that it will do well if only because the cast and crew deserve it.
-mod mik
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the-magical-loser · 6 years
if it wasn’t already apparent  that i am a huge nerd, my friend and I have been binge watching  BNHA all day, i am only half way through season 2 and I was almost in tears, so if you need me i’ll be screaming into the void about my emotions, k bye. 
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momos-scribbles · 5 years
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Some color palettes I did a while back because my hand is in pain 🤚🗡
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memesandmylife · 8 years
i CANNOT BELIEVE @bloodandblackrose just called me out for owning a homestuck blog in the middle of a crowded hallway😵
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
I just need someone to scream about the arcana at and like AAAAA I started lucios route going "hehe himbo likes dogs." And now im like "HES A REAL HIMBO! THE MOST HIMBO TRAIT IS KINDNESS!! HE LOVES U AND HIS DOGGIES!! SO MUCH!!" And I just. I love assholes with Substance under there. I will say the Whiplash of going between Muriel's route and Lucios is a Punch but. God. I love lucio so much now. He just wants some genuine love and I AM HERE TO GIVE IT!! Last update made me cry with love.
right??? i always feel a bit guilty for lucio being my fave because of what he’s done to the others on their own routes, but... i love he... especially after his love confession ;-;
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
I just wanna say I'm so glad to see you on my dashagain, it brings a massive smile to my face to have seen a ton of posts from you again lol. Though now I have to be far more cautious about using tumblr in public. Worth it.
lmao, and i oop—
but thank you for the kind message!!
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headoverjojo · 5 years
If it aint too self-indulgent, could i get bruno, abba, doppio and risotto with an s/o whos like "oh im going to the beach/pool for the day, oh i dont burn, i dont need any form of sunblock" then comes home looking like a tomato? Im running out of aloe vera and redder than previously thought possible. (I think your rules said 4 single characters, but if i misread then just take your pick from them)
Hello there! :3 Be as self indulgent as you want, dear, be so uwu And you remembered perfectly the rules! Let’s go :3 (OH NOOOO please get more aloe vera DDD: )
Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Risotto Nero and Vinegar Doppio with a s/o who comes home with sunburns
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno told them to take the with them the sun cream, that it should have be better, that the sun was scorching, but no, they hadn’t listen to him and look at them now, all red and whining. He deeply sighs, seeing them like this. He knew that it would have happened, but could he force them to put on the cream? No. They’re adult and they can take their own decision, even if it’s a bad one. It can be a lesson.
Still, Bruno is not going to leave them languishing in their sunburning pain and, knowing that they should have surely come back in this state, he went to buy a cream for sunburns. The moment they enter home, whining and complaining, Bruno hands them the cream, while reading the newspaper. He doesn’t need to say them “I’ve told you”: they already know it and the sunburns are enough to remind them of it.
For the next few days, Bruno takes care of them, preparing lukewarm bags to soothe the pain and keeping them at rest. He’s a bit annoyed by the whole easily avoidable situation, but he loves them and he’s going to take care of them for all the necessary time!
He sincerely hopes it’s the first and last time it happens! Sunburns aren’t things to underestimate and they can bring to more severe diseases. If they have learned their lesson, then it’s all ok, but if they try to sneak out again without any sunblock, then he’s going to be annoyed! Last time it didn’t go really well, why they insist on not put on a cream, a spray, something?! He’s gonna scold them for their irresponsibility. And if they still go out without any sunblock, Bruno would show up through a zipper and put it on them while they’re enjoying a sun bath. They’re not going to other more sunburns, not under his watch!
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio isn’t going to pester them about the sunblock: he tells them one time, saying them that the sun, that day, would be scorching. If they listen to him, fine; if not, their business. He’s not going to babysit them, they’re adult and can take the decisions they want! if they lack of common sense, then they’ll pay the price. Maybe, with a little sunburn, they’ll learn that it’s always good to put on some sunblock.
Still, he never imagined that they could come home completely red as a tomato. Shit, this is way more than a little sunburn! He grumbles all the time, scolding them for their lack of common sense and telling them “I’ve told you that the sun would have been scorching, but when do you ever listen to me?”, before going out to buy some cream to soothe their pain. Following the pharmacist’s advices, he prepares also lukewarm water to soothe the burning pain, all while muttering and grumbling, making them smile a little, even if every part of them burns and hurts.
For the next few days, Abbacchio is more caring, with them. Yes, they were an idiot, but they’re his idiot and he’d be damned if he doesn’t take care of them. He doesn’t coddle them or pity them, just giving them time to rest and heal properly.
If he sees them going to the beach again without any sunblock, he’s going to be really angry. Wasn’t the last time enough?! Do they really want to get more sunburns?! This time he’ll not let it go, pestering them until they take with them the sunblock or blocking them and covering them in sunblock before they head out of the house. He’s not going to be gentle, if he has to be rough, he’ll be! They can pout at him as much as they want, but they’re not going to sunbathe without any protection, not under his watch!
Risotto Nero
Risotto is naturally tanned and doesn’t burn easily. He’s used to be under the sun for long hours, since his childhood and, even if now he mostly stays in the dark -both due to his work and his aesthetic-, he still is pretty resistant. However, he knows that sunblock is important, so, even if he understands the “No I don’t need sunblock” ‘cause he too tends to be like this, he tells them to put it on, since the light marine breeze could trick them and not make them notice that they’re burning.
And this is right what happens; he knows it even before they’re actually on sight, hearing their whimpers and muffled curses. By the time he has reached them, they’re slowly and carefully peeling off their clothes, cursing at every movement, a cream for sunburns thrown on their bed. He goes to help them, without saying anything: the burns are already enough, they don’t need him to scold them. His gaze too is enough, as they pout and mutter a “You were right” that makes him lightly smile while he gently spreads the cream on their skin.
For the next days, he tries to work as much as possible at home, in order to relieve them from some housework. In the private sphere he’s really considerate and attentive, so he’d not shy away from helping his s/o, even if, from time to time, he’d sneak a comment, grinning when they pout and huff. They also try to punish him by forbidding kisses, but the first one who gives up is right Risotto’s s/o, every time.
Risotto is sure they’ll not do again the same mistake, even more if they’re on his team. He’s an understanding man, but just for the first time. One time must be enough to learn the lesson. Making mistakes is human, it happens to everyone, but persevering is just stupid and he doesn’t tolerate stupid acts. So, this time is the only one he allows them to do this mistake. They know it and everyone knows that it will never happen again and that from now on they’ll always take with them a good sunblock.
Vinegar Doppio
Doppio burns easily, since he has a really sensitive skin, -ironic, seen that he has lived in Sardinia, a very sunny region-, so, the rare times he can actually relax at the beach or a pool, he always brings with him the highest sunblock, spreading it also on his s/o. But when they go alone, Doppio knows they’ll take advantage of it not to put it on, he knows them. And he worries about it.
And, as he feared, -he couldn’t go to the beach to bring them a sunblock due to a mission- they come back completely red and burnt. He’s so worried!! He runs to buy a lotion for burns and, back home, he treats them gently and sweetly, cleaning their skin with lukewarm water with extremely delicate gestures, applying then the lotion. He feels even guilty! If only he had imposed himself… they don’t want him to feel guilty! It’s not his fault!
Doppio is going to be really attentive for all the time they’re recovering from the sunburns. He feels guilty, even if they told him more times not to feel like this, that it wasn’t his fault, so he feels the need to make amend, in a certain sense. They’re touched by his gentleness, but at the same time they wish to heal faster, so he can stop to feel guilty!
They’re not going to do it again. Doppio doesn’t deserve to feel like this, plus he has a lot of work, missions… they don’t want to be an additional burden! So, lesson learned: they’ll take with them a sunblock, every time they go to the beach or the pool, to Doppio’s utter relief. He knows that sunburns can bring to more severe diseases and knowing that they, now, protect themselves adequately lifts a great weight from his heart!
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
You got my brain on the topic of 'does diavolo deserve it' and one part bugs me and idk if its clearer in the manga. Is he like teleporting from deadly scene to deadly scene, or is it literally all in his head, or wtf. I cant figure it out. Bc if hes literally just waking up teleported to random spots, i like to imagine a scene of giorno going out and he sees a very familiar pink haired man running away at the sight of him, only to get hit by a car. Then giornos like "huh ok its still going."
dglkdsgjkl lmao it is kind of funny if he’s just... teleporting
i don’t know, to be honest?? for how fuckin’ weird jjba is, i wouldn’t put it beyond GER to be able to teleport people places. 
also god imagining giorno watching that and just being like ‘LOL’ is hilarious
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
Okay not ur normal ask content but i read u reply to someone about stand fucking and let me tell you me and my brother terrorize our group chat by discussing which stands are best to fuck. Our friends hate us. We agreed Moody Blue's replay gives it a very high ranking. We debated about if white album counts and voted no because thats just fucking Ghia but Colder, not the stand itself. (Same with Oasis and secco) Id love outside input to this debate. More ammo to terrorize friends.
lmao, ghiaccio will get angry! he wants to fuck too, it’s not his fault his stand is just... him!!!
we have to think outside the box for some stand fucking. it goes without saying, really, that heaven’s door would be a lot of fun. if you’re into it, formaggio will gladly use little feet to play with you. hmm... i suppose you could fuck killer queen too.
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headoverjojo · 6 years
Hi I just wanted to say I adore your writing. I followed for your la squadra writings, and I stayed for..... literally all others too. I don't think I've read a single thing I haven't LOVED! (and I've scrolled for a long time on your blog) Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!!
I had to take legit 5 minutes before answering ‘cause I was so overwhelmed that I could just giggle and hide my face aaaaaaaaah
Well, first of all… Hi!!! And, like… just thank you. Thank you thank you thank you so much!!! Your words are so kind and motivate me to do better and better!! I’m really happy that you like my work, it’s… I don’t even have words to say how I feel! Mostly grateful, without doubt. Thank you again :,) And have a fantastic, happy and wonderful day too!!!
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momos-scribbles · 5 years
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What’s that you say? More color palettes? HECK YA, these are fun!💖 The unmarked ones are “shortcake” and “Neon signs”
(Once again, the characters in the top center and right belong to @bloodandblackrose and the others belong to friends. Just wanted to clarify the ones from the last post don’t belong to me either)
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momos-scribbles · 5 years
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Some more palettes ft. Some of the dndr 1 & 2 kids! I’m really happy with these and hope to do more at some point 💖
(The characters in sunflowers and mint chocolate belong to the lovely @bloodandblackrose 🌹btw)
(Also posted on IG @ the_magical_gurl)
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