#s/o who got a sunburn
atom-writings · 1 year
Summer time! May I ask what the axis (Prussia and Romano) have planned for the beach with their s/o versus the reality of the trip? 😂
Oh, to make this more fun I want this to be a group trip.
Happy Summer! ☀️
hetalia axis on a group beach trip with their s/o
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: they think ur hot. lol. thats it.
a/n: since this is my last weekend of summer its a perfect time to do this :sobsobsob: sorry anon
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There'll be plenty of pretty girls for him to flirt with! And more importantly, one VERY pretty person that he's gonna flirt with the most.
Hopefully, this time, he won't put one foot in the water and immediately shriek about how freezing it is.
He'll spend as much time with you as he does with his friends! Plus, now you can be closer to them! Hooray!
Maybe he'll get a little bit of a workout. He's not a big swimmer, but he'll try his hardest, just to impress you.
He'll spend a little too much time trying to get Kiku to get out of his shell. If you suggest that maybe he just doesn't want to... Feliciano is taking it as a personal challenge.
He doesn't get a lot of swimming done. Just enough to balance out the ice cream he got for the two of you.
He ends up teasing Ludwig a lot about how girls are staring at him-
He usually only gets hit by Romano twice! (To be fair, he was totally asking for it.)
He'll drool over you for an... uncomfortable amount of time. Luckily, he knows how to be subtle. His words are absolutely NOT subtle though!
If no one knew you were dating him before, they will now.
He cannot stop kissing you.
He can't help it, ok? You're just too cute in that swimsuit!
 Everyone will enjoy his homecooked snacks and NOT spend money unnecessarily on some overpriced trash-
 He'll only have to remind you and everyone else to put on sunscreen once, and will actually do so when he tells them to.
Feliciano will not hit his head on the bottom of the pool diving again, and if he does, Ludwig will not be the one who has to drive him to the doctor. Again.
Nothing will go wrong. Okay, something will go wrong, but it'll be something minor... please...
All of his friends constantly interrupt the two of you and drag you off to do something stupid
He was so careful! But... he still got sunburned on his back.
Halfway through the trip, he's done swimming because he's tired of Romano splashing him in the face when he's trying to get some ACTUAL EXCERCISE-
One of the lifeguards is a stupid teenager and of course, Ludwig is the one who ends up saving some poor kid. (He did not have to volunteer! But you know, “If I didn't, who would?”)
Everyone stares because god lord that man is shredded to hell and back.
( Someone tries hitting on him and he's so uncomfortable he pretends he doesn't speak English and runs away)
He still has a lovely time, because you're around, and that's all he needs to be happy.
No one will talk to him. No one will look at him. It will not be too hot and he won't have to swim. Please. Please do not make him swim.
Actually, you can talk to and look at him. Maybe Ludwig can. But only that.
Hopefully, he won't be forced to eat terrible beach food. He packed a sandwich. That's enough, right?
All he wants is to sit in the shade with you and read quietly, away from all the noise and heat of the beachfront.
Feliciano is gonna drag him in the water, and he'll trip. And fall. Into the water. And he'll be all wet for the rest of the day. And he'll hate it. So much.
Barely gets to read his book for multiple reasons.
Halfway through the trip, he's completely wiped out from the heat. You'll probably have to help with sunscreen, too.
Anytime any of you bring him down to the water, he tries to bring up a bunch of random facts to get you to stop.
(”Don't you know there's jellyfish in this country? I do not want to get stung!“ ”THIS IS A LAKE!“)
Kiku is much more suited for an arcade than a beach. He's too much of an old man for it. He's glad you're having fun, though.
You'll pass out from how hot he is
He WON'T give in and eat any of the disgusting, insulting beach food.
He'll be able to completely ignore everyone but you, including the stupid, loud Germans!
The heat won't bother him. He's a Mediterranean country for god's sake, he's used to it being hot!
Hopefully, and he really prayed for this, he'll get a nice tan and not more sunburnt.
Feliciano won't interrupt his peace and relaxation. And if he does, he won't run away as Romano tries to smack him with a rolled-up magazine.
He ends up getting super insecure about his body in comparison to everyone else (Cough, cough, Ludwig and Gilbert,) and you'll have to coax him to not constantly wear his towel.
Any time not spent bothering others is spent with you while relaxing in a pool floatie.
He's so unused to exercise that he gets hungry and tired almost immediately.
He tries his best to ignore the other beachgoers in favour of you, but he can't stop getting annoyed by everyone else OR subtly flirting with others.
(He's just in a bad mood, he doesn't mean any of it.)
As soon as he sees you, he can't help staring. He just thinks you're so stunning when you're wearing so little...
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks.
You and him are gonna race in the water, and he's gonna WIN!
He'll finally get to show off his rockin' bod without being seen as a douchebag.
Plus, he'll get to see your body too. Even better.
(I'm telling you now, if your stomach spills out of your swimsuit, he's gonna get so attracted to you, he'll get dizzy and have to sit down.)
When (If) girls stare at him for being so hot, he'll get to show off that he's dating YOU, which in his opinion, you're even hotter than him. Then they'll get jealous and stop looking at him! (Not how that works, but whatever.)
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks. This is inevitable.
Gilbert will quickly become pretty bored just swimming, so you and him will build a nice big sand castle (He insists on making one replicating a castle he used to live in.)
He'll sneak up behind Ludwig and grab his ankles, swimming away before he can see him. Just for fun.
He's gonna ask you if you're drowning.  Regardless of what you say, he's picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the water. Just because he thinks it'd be hot. (”I'm saving you, Liebling! I take kisses in payment-“)
Romano will hate it, but Gilbert definitely will try to force him down a slide if there are any.
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nkn0va · 7 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, (and maybe Sumire if you feel like throwing her in here but you don't have to) from Persona 5? Thank you!
Hell yeah I can put Sumi in there, redhead supremacy. Tsubaki Yayoi best girl
Blazblue asks when
Content Warning: MAJOR spoilers for Persona 5 Royal. Ann Takamaki:
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-If you manage to get with Ann of all people, fuckin' major props to you. You got yourself a literal model, nevermind the trauma/nervousness she probably has when it comes to relationships thanks to Kamoshida.
-Hope you're not one who sunburns easily, because you got yourself a ray of sunshine. Delete that joke, that was stupid.
-Ann has officially decided to make it her life's mission to make every day she can brighter for you and it will be your problem.
-Favorite dates of hers include going to Odaiba, mostly for the ferris wheel, going to the underground mall, whether for actual shopping or window shopping, and of course hitting up whatever sweets store you two can find. She'll usually pay due to her modelling giving her more money than the average high school student, and she insists because of this.
-Ann is all for physical affection, she is all over you every chance she gets. Cuddles, kisses, spooning, you name it. You MIGHT get some PDA out of her but not a lot, unless she just gets one of those sudden bursts of confidence out of seemingly nowhere.
-At home dates work for her too. She's totally on board with snuggling up on the couch absolutely drowning in blankets to watch a movie. Bonus points if the two of you fall asleep together just like that.
-As for the more...explicit parts of a relationship, the kind that hormonal teenagers get the most excited over...yeah Kamoshida did some serious damage on that front. If you wanna do that with her, it's going to take a while before she builds up the confidence to wanna explore that. You'll have to bring it up in conversation first, though.
-It is not an uncommon occurrence for you to find some sort of sweet treat on your desk as you go into school in the morning. Nothing big, just a little something Ann found while out in town that made her think of you.
Makoto Niijima
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-Ahh, the student council president. Calm, composed, put together, and has zero idea what in God's green Earth she's doing when it comes to an S/O.
-If she was being completely honest she barely has any idea how she managed to even get an S/O in the first place, but she certainly won't be caught complaining. It's nice to know she has someone she knows she can count on for a change. At least anyone that's not just her sister.
-Makoto is the type to show affection in subtler ways, namely through worrying about you. Your grades, your health, your diet, she makes sure you're on top of it. It could come off as overbearing at times, but she does it to show she cares about you.
-She's much more of the shy type when it comes to more direct displays of affection. The subtle brushing of her hand against yours before it eventually rests on or holds it, her head on your shoulder as you two are sitting together. It'll take a bit before she becomes more confident to show how she really feels, but however she does it, watching the normally cold, professional student council president unwind like that is always quite cute.
-Take her to see an action movie, particularly a Yazuka movie, and she's super engrossed in it, no matter how much she blushes and stutters as she tries to initially deny it. If you're a fan of those movies too, that's even better for her.
-Study dates are a regular occurrence. If your grades aren't looking the best, Makoto is about to come in clutch and save you, whether you like it or not. She won't really be mad though, as long as you show you're at least trying your best.
-Outside of that though, she much prefers dates at your place or hers. Watching a movie, making dinner together, and just in general talking about whatever comes to mind. It's a very cozy, homely atmosphere.
Futaba Sakura
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-The social shut-in neet. The only shot you're having at a relationship with Futaba is if you're a Phantom Thief. Otherwise you will have no idea she exists.
-You thought Makoto was nervous going into a relationship? Yeah you haven't seen shit yet.
-Your first order of business in this relationship would pretty obviously be getting Sojiro's approval. Being a Phantom Thief and helping her get out of her room is a nice start, at the very least. Once you've proved yourself to him though, you've secured yourself the ultimate wingman.
-It's going to take quite a bit of convincing to take Futaba out somewhere. Your best bet would be Akihabara too look at all the tech stuff, video game/anime merch, and other general nerd things. All the while she's attached to you at the hip of course. If you leave her sight for even a second she'll never forgive you. At least that's what she says, anyway.
-Most dates are obviously going to be indoors, whether in her room or at Leblanc. Watching anime, playing video games, just about what you'd expect. All the while she'll nerd out about lore/story and teach you anything you're confused on or show some super cool tech in whatever video game you're playing, after thoroughly trouncing you, of course. Will probably make jokes about being your sensei and stuff like that.
-A fun little trick to do is to peck her cheek when you're playing something together to catch her off guard. She'll go red as a beet as her brain completely stops working, after which she'll accuse you of cheating. She'll try to eventually show affection herself in similar ways though she'll get super shy about it and act like it didn't happen. It's pretty freaking cute.
-Also she will 100 percent borrow your clothes without your permission, no matter how oversized they are. She has commandeered your entire wardrobe.
Haru Okumura
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-What. A. Sweetie.
-If you're aiming for a relationship with this heiress, you're gonna have to play the long game for a bit. When you were about to be married to Sugimura you'd probably need a break from anything romance related for a while as well. Once Haru does feel ready enough to give relationships a try again with someone she actually cares about it's really something.
-Haru is the soft kind of girlfriend, both figuratively and literally. She treats you with nothing but patience and kindness, and trusts you more than anyone else. She does anything she can for you and will push aside anything and everything if you're ever in need.
-Cuddles with her are soft, fluffy, and warm. It's almost like a sheep, you could stay like that with her for hours.
-Her favorite type of date is naturally anything involving gardening. If you're inexperienced with this sort of thing, Haru is more than happy to teach you everything you need to know. Ask her to do so and the smile on her face could replace the sun.
-The easiest way for her to show affection is through gifts. She's the heiress of one of the largest companies in the world, she has more than enough to spend on you and then some. If you say anything about something cool you want when in her general vicinity you'll be getting that same thing not even a week later. To be frank, you'll probably need to be careful when talking about that sort of stuff, she will have zero inhibitions when it comes to gift giving.
-And don't even get me started when things like Valentine's Day, Christmas, and god forbid your birthday roll around lmfao.
-Whether it's at home baking sweets, spending time a cozy cafe out in Shinjuku, or at a restaurant so fancy that you feel underdressed no matter what you wear, Haru is down for all of it. The only detail that matters to her on a date, and her life in general is that you're there.
-And for the love of God do not let this woman drive, you are gambling with your fucking life.
Sumire Yoshizawa
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-A relationship with Sumire would probably start out...awkward. Especially if you knew her while she was posing as Kasumi.
-A lot of guilt and low self-esteem will make the relationship a work in progress to begin with. An S/O of hers will need to be there for her and assure her that she is enough. They're in love with Sumire, not the image and identity of Kasumi she placed upon herself.
-It won't be forever, though. She'll eventually bounce back, knowing that she needs to be there for you like you are for her.
-Sumire is loyal above all else. You showed your loyalty when your stuck by her through such a strange, confusing and difficult time in her life, and she's damn well gonna make sure she returns the favor.
-It'll take a while for her to warm up to it, but she is all in for physical and verbal affection. Anything to show just how much she loves you. Just not in public...
-Sumire would definitely work best with an S/O that praises her for everything she does. It gives her a warm, fuzzy feeling inside and makes her feel satisfied.
-She'd definitely be the type to want to push you to be your best self, physically and mentally. She knows what the latter is like more than anything else and doesn't want you to fall into the same trap. Physically active dates are her forte. A jog around the park in the morning followed by a good breakfast at a restaurant somewhere and she's in Heaven.
-Speaking of which, you better have a good amount of money on hand whenever you go out on a date, lest you run the risk of her draining it dry on food. She'll at least have the decency to know when it's better to stop most of the time but when she gets going, she really gets going, especially if you have a hearty appetite yourself.
-You're naturally sure to catch her gymnastics competitions, whether online or in person. It serves as a motivator for Sumire. Knowing you're watching from somewhere really gives her that extra drive to do her best. You're the reason she's gotten this far, she won't let you down as long as she has something to say about it. Not just in her dreams to be a world class gymnast, but in her entire life.
First headcanon post. Hope these are up to expectations, I really tried with these.
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 month
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia
Shoto with a S/O who could kick his ass in a fight
Bakugo with someone who stares for a while
Deku with someone that has zero self-preservation
Deku, Bakugo, and Kirishima with someoe who is touch-starved
deku and shotoShoto with someonewhowho hates themselves
deku but make him yandere
Hawks with a S/O who is afraid of kisses/insecure about them
Bakugo apologizes...Deku doesn't forgive him
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun/Jibaku-Shounen Hanako-kun
Hanako with a S/O who's first language isn't japaneseJapanese (OLD)
Hanako with a sick S/O (OLD)
Hanako with a S/O who ha AuDHD (OLD)
Hanako with a S/O that has autism and violent stims (OLD)
Tsukasa with someone thats psychotic
Hanako finding his smiley S/O upset (OLD)
TBHK characters with someoe who has an old disney voice (OLD)
Yugi twin with someoe who's clingy (OLD)
Hanako's reaction to someone who draws onto his hand (OLD)
Yugi twins with someoe who tries to rub off somene's touch (OLD)
Weird dream i had... (OLD)
Funny scenario with fren :> (OLD)
Hanako with someone who is jealous of Nene (VERY FUCKING OLD)
Tsukasa on caffeine (OLD)
TBHK with someone who come out as trans (FTM IMPLIED + OLD)
Amane Yugi w/someone who isis an astronomy nerd (OLD)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton headcanons
Michael Afton with a sick S/O
Daycare attendants with a child tht bonks their head
Yandere! Funtime Foxy + Funtime Freddy headcanons
Daycare Attendnats =autism???
Yandere! Funtime Freddy playing games with is victom
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT)
tiny child sees them...now wat?
you're sunburn...good job
Leo with someone who has ink powers
I got calledit called a fa-
Casey fucked up and thinks you're married
Young Royals
Nothing here yet…
Charlie and Tori with an 11 year old! transfem! sibling!reader
Charlie with 11 year old!transfem!sibling!reader pt 2
Hazbin Hotel (HH)
Nothing here yet…
Helluva Boss (HB)
Luna with a vampire sinner S/O
Blitz realizes he loves someone
Stolas with a friend
Ticci Toby art I made :D
Good Omens (GO)
Nothing here yet…
Doctor Who
Nothing here yet…
House of the Dragon (HOTD)
Nothing here yet…
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snapghoul · 11 months
Songs I think Johnny Cage actually listens too.
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✰ Note: I love “International Love” being his unofficial theme song, it’s funny. This is just a collection of songs I think represent him and songs he has on his playlists. Some have headcanons for funzies.
✰ Head cannon: Johnny gets his music taste from his mother, It was one of the only ways to bond with him because of her job. Favorite memories are him singing with her in the car. Has old cassettes his mom made for him, refuses to get rid of them.
– ⭑ –
Head Over Heels & Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears
Voulez-Vous, Money, Money, Money, Super Trooper & Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA
✰ His mother played Slipping Through My Fingers on their way home from his high school graduation, and they both ugly cried.
Blue Monday - New Order
Sunglasses At Night - Corey Hart
Bohemian Rapsody, Another One Bites The Dust, We Will Rock You, Killer Queen, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Paint It Black & Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones
Girls On Film, Hungry Like The Wolf, Rio & The Wild Boys - Duran Duran
Sabotage, Fight For Your Right, Intergalactic, No Sleep Til Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
✰ Listens to BB while he is training. Something about them make him want to beat the shit outta his punching bag.
Enjoy The Silence & Never Let Me Down Again - Depeche Mode
Devil Went Down To Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band
Sunburn - Fuel
Love Shack - The B-52’s
✰ His mother's favorite song. Listens to it when he’s feeling nostalgic.
Black Betty - Ram Jam
Enter Sandman, For Whom The Bell Tolls, One, Master Of Puppets & Lux Æterna - Metallica
✰ Johnny is a sleeper Metalhead; one would never know he is until someone walks in on him listening to it. He had his wrist broken in a pit. Will white girl dance to metal and rock music.
Lonely Day, Chop Souy!, Sugar & Violent Pornography - System Of A Down
Welcome To The Jungle, Sweet Child O’ Mine & Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses
The Chain, Go Your Own Way & Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Super Massive Black Hole, Knights of Cydonia & Starlight - Muse
Punk Tactics - Joey Valence & Brae
✰ “I am the King and You’re just a pawn. Who’s got the high ground now, Obi-wan?”
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rose-the-witch1 · 2 years
hi hi~ i hope u have a great day~~
May i request a Vampire au with octa trio tho? instead of them being a vampire, it’ll be the reader who’s a vampire also a sweetheart and kind one? 👀
Sure thing! Hope this is okay!!
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Azul Ashengrotto
At first he doesn't realize that you're a vampire.
Like, even when you smile at him he just assumes your teeth are Like That
But then when you start carrying an umbrella around in the daytime and you don't show up in any mirrors, he honestly questions you a lot
Then he gets the grand idea of trying to hire you for the Mostro Lounge, because a vampire attracts freaks who are into vampires
When you turn him down he's bitter for a bit but he lets it go
He'll offer to buy you a new umbrella if yours ever breaks
He also respects your kindness and tries to help you with keeping away from human blood in any way that he can
If you ask him if you can feed on him he'll get extremely flustered
But he'll reluctantly oblige, albeit being very squeamish
The feeling feels rather nice to him though, and if you're his s/o he'll let you do it more often
Also very curious about you and your habits since he's never met a vampire before
Generally loves you and loves being around you!
Jade Leech
Figured it out immediately when you got sunburn for the first time
He found it amusing, honestly, but he'll swarm you with questions about vampire stereotypes
Overall though he finds you very cute, I like to think he loves vampires
He uses your lack of reflection to freak people out, like in the hall of mirrors you don't show up in any of them and it gives folks the creeps
If you ask to feed on him he will happily oblige
But if you're his s/o he will not hesitate to bite back
If you get flustered by that he will call you out on it
He'll also wake you up if you start falling asleep in class
Pretty much adores your kindness and vampire mannerisms
Floyd Leech
Pretty much found out after making a joke
"Hey Floyd, do you want my French bread pizza? I can't have garlic" "What're you, Shrimpy, a vampire?" "Yes actually"
Congratulations, you've been upgraded from shrimpy to vampire squid!
Not as curious as the other two, but he does find some of your abilities funny
Especially whenever you turn into a bat
"Vampire squid can fly without a broom! That's so cool!"
Feedings are uncommon with him but when you do feed off him he's extra giggly and woozy because he lets you take as much as you need
As his s/o he is prone to more giggle fits after feeding because he finds your fangs tickle
In this state he'll just gush about you being cute and wanting to kiss you
Sometimes takes your kindness for granted but he'll make up for it with little gifts like snacks
You're his cute little vampire squid, what can he say?
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rfxiii · 1 year
a bit of a odd request Franklin Clinton x EXTREMELY PALE reader
ISTG I burn so easily and get made fun if sm😭😭😭😭😭
Franklin Clinton with an extra pale S/O:
*His protective mode is activated every time you guys go out. If you’re wearing clothes that expose your skin (tank top, shorts, etc.) he’s going to remind you a hundred times to put on sunscreen before leaving the house. If you’re going to be gone for extended amounts of time (at the beach, at a concert, walking around town) he brings more sunscreen with him in his pocket to make sure you’re always covered.
If, on the off chance, you do still end up sunburnt he’s got everything already at his house to make it easier- he’s got ice packs, aloe cream, lotions, and pain medicine. He’s bringing you ice water round the clock to keep you hydrated and doing anything he can to keep you comfortable. He doesn’t often get sunburned but he can tell by how bright red your usually pale skin is that it must really hurt.
He may tease you a bit about how pale you are and how easily you get sunburnt but it’s all in good fun and he’s always there to be the first one to make sure you’re prepared for a day out in the sun. He’s the only one allowed to pick on you though. Lamar may have tried calling you things like “vampire” and other childish, silly names. But Frank is always there to tell him to fuck off and quit being stupid, even if you take the teasing in stride. He thinks everything about you is perfect and he lets you know that daily. You being extremely pale is just a part of who you are, and while your friends may pick on you for burning so easily and being so light he’s always there to tell people off and make sure you’re protected when you’re out in the sun.*
“Ay, hold up!” Franklin calls after you almost frantically as he stops you at the door, “What are you doin’?”
You tilt your head in mild confusion, giving him an absent shrug, “Getting ready to go out? You said we’d go to the beach today.”
With a tinge of concern in his voice, Franklin places a hand on the top of your head. "I know we planned on hittin’ up the beach, babe, but remember you burn pretty easy. We gotta make sure you're protected." He teases, pulling out a big beach bag stuffed with various items. "I've got this covered."
While you watch without argument, bemused by his protectiveness, Franklin begins pulling out an array of sunscreens, from SPF 30 to SPF 100, along with a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and a colorful beach umbrella. "We gonna have the best beach day ever, and you won't get fried."
You can't help but chuckle at his determination, appreciating the thoughtfulness. "You're amazing, Franklin."
He winks at you. "Gotta make sure ya taken care of, right?"
With Franklin's careful preparations, the two of you set off for a day at the beach. Under the shade of the umbrella, you enjoy the sun and the sound of the waves, without worrying about getting sunburn. If there was one thing you loved most about Frank it was how much he cared for you.
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
If you’re still doing the outsiders, could you maybe do some hcs for Dallas going on his SOs family vacation? You can pick the location idc
ahhh this one was v interesting! i hope you enjoy reading what i came up with. i had sm fun writing this and all the chaos that exudes lmaoo. thanks for requesting! <3 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dallas Winston Going on His S/o's Family Vacation Hc's:
° Let’s get one thing straight, Dally has never been on a vacation in his life. So when your parents suggested inviting him along, he thought you were just pulling his leg. No one’s parents had willingly wanted him to attend anything with them.
° “Man, you’re just shittin’ all over me today, aintcha?” Dally half grinned at you, a Coke in his hand as he sat across from you in that diner.
° “Naw I’m bein’ serious! They wantcha to come-,” You grinned at him.
° “Forreal?”
° “Forreal!”
° He’s in awe when he realises that you’re being straight with him. There’s no funny business going on. Practically has a permanent grin from ear to ear, man!
° Whether it’s to another town, city, state or country, he’s stoked!!! Feeling high as a kite on pure adrenaline, because let’s face it, Dally loves a good adventure. He’s not shy about exploring places and uncovering whatever kind of fun the environment has to offer. He’s like a bloodhound, getting into everything that he probably shouldn’t, but that doesn’t deter him! He’s Dallas Winston!
° Dally’s in his element okay? He enjoys the trip, making the most out of it. You remind him to be on his best behaviour, but he’s got that twinkle of mischief in his eyes, “Okay, sweetcheeks,” he grins. Oh boy does he make you regret saying those words!
° He does his best not to do anything in front of your parents that could get him arrested – especially in another country. The “don’t get caught” rule he has with the gang still applies. Yet, Dally’s gonna swipe a few good things from the hotel room.
° “Babe, what do you need a goddamn towel for?!” You snap at him, hands on your hips.
° “Have you ever showered at Bucks? Those towels are like goddamn sandpaper!” He retorts back with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. “Let me live a little here!”
° “They’re gonna charge my parents-,”
° “To hell they will!”
° “Is that shampoo?!”
° “Quit lookin’ through my shit, snoopy!”
° Chaos ensues because it’s Dallas lmaoo!
° He gives the cleaning lady a fright one morning by prancing out of the bathroom butt naked. Y’all heard the screaming from down the hall. You know because Dally’s hardly clutching a towel around his waist as he watches the lady sprint down the hallway, “Next time knock, grandma!” followed by his characteristic hyena laugh.
° He smokes in his room – or at least with the window open. He doesn’t care about hotel policies. He thinks they can kiss his ass for all he cares. You reprimand him a few times about it, but he just sasses back, “I got the window open don’t I?” before pulling you into his lap on the chair he’s sitting in by the window.
° If y’all are somewhere tropical, he gets the worst sunburn of his life. And he thought Oklahoma was bad? Fdsijfhdusjfsdji you’re highkey a big shit and five star his back. Let’s just say he chased you round the pool and threw you in once he caught you.
° Dw he flushes the toilet when you’re showering as further pay back.
° Tries to fight a guy who gave you the bedroom eyes when you were in your swimsuit. Broke his nose and everything! Surprisingly your dad was on his side.
° Speaking of pools. If there is one, you bet your ass Dallas is in it. It’s probably how he acquired his sunburn. He’s also cannonballing into it whenever some rich uppity family’s are lounging round pool side. It’s a masterpiece, I promise!
° I cannot tell you how many times you and Dallas got drunk asf! Ya’ll probs shouldn’t have, but Dallas is a natural at acting not drunk: You on the other hand… not so much.
° Can’t forget how many times Dallas sneaks into your room at night. Whether it’s an elaborate pathway to your door or scaling up the side of a building – both of which almost result in his imminent death. He’s a daredevil and will do it all! He’s soft for you deep down, just wants to spend some time with you when no one else is looking. Just so he can be himself: He’s still an asshole though ndufjdsdjk.
° “Y’know it’s kinda cool you took me along,” He grins against your hairline.
° “Only kinda?” You giggle against his neck.
° “I’m takin’ points off for five starin’ me on day two.”
° “You’re just bitter coz you got roasted before me.”
° “Hey, that toilet over in the other room’s kinda lookin’ like it wants your face in it.” He laughs, only half meaning his threat.
° “Oh, to be swirlied by Dallas Winston!” You gasp, sitting up straight and putting a hand on your heart, “I’m so honoured!”
° “You’re so goddamn dramatic.” He laughs, patting your thigh. “Don’t make me follow through to shut you up.”
° “Is that a promise or threat?” You grin, leaning closer to him.
° “Only one way to find out…” He murmurs against your lips.
° Can't forget the golden moment when Dallas put a tie around your doorknob as a prank, which resulted in your parents grounding you bc of the deeper meaning bcfuiebifcihcbieyfby. That's what you get for trying to stop him stealing that ultrasoft bathrobe from his room.
° Even if it’s somewhere cold, Dallas doesn’t care! He’ll be snowboarding, skiing and doing whatever else! Even instigating snowball fights. You’ll catch him with melting snow dripping from his beautiful hair, slipping down his forehead as he beams brightly. Looks younger too, less hard and rough. That’s your Dallas.
° You guys have a lot of cute moments, especially walking off in your own direction at the end of the day. You guys will go for some cokes at a local restaurant, maybe some food. His eyes are alight, and although he isn't the softest, you can tell he loves you in his own way. It's his actions that shine brighter, but they can be hard to miss. If you don't realise, his kisses will seal the deal!
° If there are horses, cars or bikes involved, he's in his element. Probably being risky too, which makes you freak out ngl! He's fine tho, and a little injury won't deter him either. Though you remind him, it's a vacation, not a date with death!
° By some miracle, Dallas manages to keep the forbidden things he does behind everyone’s back and doesn’t get caught. He comes away with some souvenirs and interesting stories to give to and tell the gang when he returns to Tulsa. Even they note how happy he is – buzzing to be exact!
° Dallas doesn’t just bond with you, but also your family. Maybe everyone else doesn’t like him quite the way that you do, but they see a different side to him that they don’t get to see back home. Like how Dally didn’t pick on your younger sibling as much or opened the doors a little more for your mother. This vacation benefits everyone positively.
° Maybe it even makes Dallas believe that the world isn’t so rotten. That some people actually see the good in him that he believed had died out so long ago. He doesn’t really outright thank you for taking him along, but you see it in those mischievous eyes: Gratitude. If Dallas Winston could love anybody, it’d be you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog and follow for more!
requests: closed!
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mahvaladara · 5 months
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I was tagged by @izayoirii. Thank you. I love doing these.
Name: Khal'lil Varysia (Khalil)
Nicknames: Khal, by everyone, dragon, by Mako, my child, by Hydaelyn, Star (by others of his race and dragons).
Age: Adult, appears to be in his mid thirties.
Nameday: 10th of First Astral Moon. Was the day he was found.
Race: Asheren (outsider) Dragon, everyone believes him to be a Raen Au'Ra.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pan. Catching feels for a deaf librarian.
Profession: Warrior of Light, Wandering Scholar, Mage, wandering star.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Long, red and straight. He leaves his side-bangs loose and ties half of his hair in a bun. He also likes side-braids.
Eyes: Shifting between a sharp green and neon green.
Skin: Pale and caucasion, littered in gold scales. Khal does not tan easily, and if it was not for being a dragon, he'd walk around sunburned.
Tattoos/scars: Khal has a very deep scar on his chest, right over his heart. It appears he was pierced by something or pinned. The scar's a little bruised from being shot by another dragon and later on by an ascian cause seeing his friend get shot was not deterrent enough to stop him from trying. He has a few adventuring scars on his arms and back, some spells he failed to dodge or a blade who got to close for comfort, or a lesson or two from being too cocky.
As for tattoo, Khal doesn't have tattoos but he has full body warpaint on. It's quite water resistent and not easy to smudge. When it does get smudged he either paints it back on himself, asks someone else to help him with it, but most of the time just uses magic to reapply it.
Parents: He has no parents. His parents passed away several decades/centuries ago. Far before he became lost and was buried. His parents disappeared around the same time the rest of his race started disappearing.
Siblings: No siblings he knows off. Khal is a lone star.
Grandparents: Technically, Majah, as the mother of all Asheren, would be considered his grandmother.
In-laws and Others:
Mostly friends. He holds very few people as important in his life. He cares deeply for Ryl and feels a connection with the elezen, as if they have met before in another world. He respects and looks up to Mako, as a much older and much more skilled WoL. Gets along with Ishwa, Inouva and Haoru and often goes adventuring with Gal, another fellow adventurer.
Very simmilar to the Echo but also different, Khal has the Sight, associated to a third eye he choses to hide. The sight gives him sinesthesia, and he can see emotions, auras and intentions. The rest of it acts almost identical to the Echo. He has no control over it.
Khal as a great prophiciency at many types of magic, from wielding it with the use of grimoires for offense or defense, to mixing it currently with a blade with red magic, Khal has understanding of both white and black magic and arcamina. He is absolutely fascinated by the flow of aether which has lead some of his friends to suspect that perhaps Khal comes from the realm of Aether or from another world watsoever.
Seamstress, journaling , botany and traveling. Learning anything he possibly can. Khal is a knowledge hoarder. Reading, he's an avid reader and often visits libraries to borrow books.
Most Positive Trait: Selflessness and curiosity.
Most Negative Trait: Recklessness and pride.
Colors: Wine Red, Moad and Rhotano Blue, Grape Purple.
Smells: Pine, lavenders and sandalwood. Also the scent of freshly baked bread.
Textures: Silk, cotton and fresh grass under his feet.
Drinks: Chamomile and lavender tea and Mead.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Water, Tea, wine and mead. He loves mead.
Drugs: He does not take them. But someone needs to remind him some people don't want heroes around, and that qualifies WoL too. He should be careful with what he drink or eats. We never know when it might be drugged or poisoned.
Mount Issuance:
A white chocobo named Volante and a calvary drake he's still trying to tame.
Been Arrested: No. At least not yet.
I tag: @izayoiri (make for another char); @lazysunjade (for any character you wish); @dandylion240 (any character you wish).
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You hotties seeing their s/o with a bikini for the First Time. But with a s/o still insicure about their body
He will not stop complimenting his S/O on how good they look and how the bikini color suits them so well that he cannot stop staring at them.
He would have his hands all over his S/O and would make sure he is always close to them. He tells them how amazing they look.
Ryokugyu 🌱
He would whistle when he sees his S/O, making sure to have them twirl for him so that he could admire all angles of his S/O.
Fujitora 🐅
He would feel his S/O’s body and even though he feels a little shy that his S/O is wearing so little. He compliments them and tries to make them feel comfortable.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He would raise his eyebrow and smirk, “…well well…I feel I’ve been deprived until now…how cruel you are”, he’d say with a little purr in his voice as he gives his S/O an appreciative look before giving them some kisses.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He look above his sunglasses when he sees his S/O and gives them a huge smile before doing a wolf’s howl which would earn him a blush from them, “…I guess I’ll have to get you more bikinis so I can see you like this more”, he’d say as his hands were all over his S/O.
Benn Beckman 🔫
His eyes would widen when he sees his S/O before going over to give them an even more appreciative look, “…you always know how to take my breath away, love”.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He would still be wearing his muffler until he sees his S/O, he couldn’t hide his smile and immediately pulled it off before cuddling his S/O, “…you look so good, sweetheart…”.
He would be sunbathing with his mask on when he noticed his S/O walking up to him, he couldn’t help but move his mask up so that he could see more of his S/O, “…I swear I’m the luckiest man alive to have you all to myself”, he’d say before feeling up his S/O and pulling them to sit on his lap.
He would be in the water, cooling off and enjoying the sun at the same time when he noticed his S/O approaching. He blushed at the sight of them and immediately went to their side, “…seeing you like this has made my day…even my week”, he’d say before pulling his S/O close .
It was getting way too hot to keep his mask on at the beach so he decided to take it off since it was just him and his S/O there anyway. That’s when he’d notice his S/O strolling over, his eyes widening, “…my my…I would die a happy man now after seeing you look this breathtaking “, he’d say with a smirk as he’d pull them close and give them some kisses.
Queen 👑
While sipping a drink, he’d look around for his S/O and would shout out in excitement when he sees them, “…that’s my baby right there! A super model just for me!”.
He wasn’t someone who liked to be at the beach for too long since he got sunburned quite easily but this time he wanted to spend time with his S/O. He would spot his S/O in their bikini and his jaw would drop, “…my love, you look amazing! Such grace and sexiness altogether “, he purred.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
He loved going to the beach to relax and soak up the sun all thanks to his S/O organizing a day out. He would be watching the waves when he noticed someone approaching him and turned to see his S/O, “a goddess walking towards me…I’m truly a lucky man”, he’d say with a smile before giving his S/O a kiss.
Oven Charlotte 🍞
He would be in the water waist deep with his sunglasses on, just relaxing and enjoying himself. He would lay down and close his eyes for a moment and then open them to see his S/O standing over him, “…enjoying the water, my love?”, they’d ask. He couldn’t even speak as he was taking in his S/O’s body and bikini in, “…you are truly able to take my heartbeat away! Come here!”, he’d grab his S/O and kiss them all over.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hi Bella, this is my first ask so a little nervous 😓 But may I have the submas twins (separately) taking care of their s/o after a full day at the beach, their s/o put on the proper amount of unscreen but still got over burnt and needs a good aloe gel massage?
(Don't mean to project, but currently in pain from a good day at the beach yesterday🥺)
Love your writing of the good bois and I can't wait for more😊💛✨️
hello! Boy do I feel you! I reapplied sunscreen like five times while tubing and still my ass got sunburnt. Couldn’t sit down for like a week
Ingo is so worried. He doesn’t understand why you got burnt! Not only did you apply sunscreen yourself, but Ingo pestered you about it and helped you reapply himself! And he’s fine! So why are you so burnt? He feels responsible almost, so he puts it entirely on himself to take care of you
Ingo lavishes you in attention. He gives you water and other drinks to keep you from dehydrating, he massages aloe and lotions onto your stiff, sore skin. He helps you find ways to be as comfortable as possible while burnt in odd places.
Should you happen to get sun poisoning, Ingo is beside himself with worry and guilt. He eases you into a cool bath, so careful of your burns, now raised and white. He applies aloe on you every hour on the hour. He takes off work to feed you and soothe your pain, desperate to get you better. He kisses your less sore spots, and reads to you in bed, waiting for your painkillers to kick in so you can sleep.
Whatever you desire, he’ll bring it to you, as an apologize for his negligence, even though you assure him none is necessary
Emmet is in as bad of shape as you, if not better since you had him reapply sunscreen with you. Emmet tends to forget those things in the rush of fun beach activities. He’s a bit sunburn in some places, but you. . . he winces looking at you sometimes. How did you burn so bad despite the sunscreen??? He doesn’t understand, but he does know how to help
Since Emmet is bad about remembering sunscreen, he knows how to take care of someone with a bad sunburn. He gives you water, lays cool towels on your burns after rubbing aloe on them. He distracts you to take your mind off of the pain while the meds kick in. In his opinion, it’s the perfect time to relax and kick back, play easy going video games together, or watch him get frustrated at the harder ones.
Should you get sun poisoning, however, Emmet is both at a loss and panicking. He calls Ingo, who merely comes over and feeds off Emmet’s panicking. They try their best to help you how the internet says too, but it’s a little rough at first, thus not that good for your miserable state. Eventually, as things click, Emmet is able to help you take cool baths, apply aloe, drink lots of water and such, without as much fuss. He takes a few days off to make sure you recover without much pain or scarring
He’s happy to help however you need! Just tell him and he’s off! His Joltiks will perform a little show for your amusement while he’s away, to keep your mind off of things. It’s very cute
Thank you for sending something in!! I hope I did your first request justice!!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
May 28: Return
Traveling days are so surreal. You start one place, you end up somewhere else. I woke up at 5am in S's guest room, and now I'm on my own couch.
The day was very straightforward, really easy traveling. Really encourages me to take more trips where I just pop up there and then come back down.
We got to the airport super early and then I sat around for a long while because the plane was late in a lackadaisical way. Like oh we were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago, and it's just now showing up... whatever. ADK time for sure. I didn't care; my layover in Boston was long anyway. The plane itself was a full house, all 8 seats full. I was right behind the co-pilot. I slept the whole way.
In Boston, got food and coffee and then just sat for a long time in the rocking chair looking out the window and thinking. I am full of excellent thoughts. Kept scratching the peeling skin of the dumbass boat sunburn at the very top of my forehead where I missed putting on sunscreen like a total fucking rube. The flight itself was fine; on time, not too long; I did stay awake the whole time though.
I checked my bag because I no longer trust TSA not to steal my stuff after they confiscated my host gift on the way up--something that was my fault but I'm big mad about it anyway. So I had to grab that, and I had weird anxiety about it. But it was fine. My ride was there, and I got home about 5, I'd say.
I have literally been on my couch chilling, scrolling, watching TV... shameless. I can't believe it's 10. At least I took off work tomorrow. I have these ideas that I'll clean... mmmmm, we'll see.
I just... loved being home. I've been thinking a lot about my total lack of Home recently but I think, even without family there, this is sort of it. Why did I cry when the flight attendant at Boston said 'for those of you from the Boston area, welcome home'? Even though that was just my layover? S and I still talk as if we were elementary school BFFs. I still feel so comfortable around her and her family. I love her son, I miss him so much already, I just want to hold him as he wiggles around. And I want to play with her dog. And I'm usually scared of dogs.
It's nice to be around people who've known you for a long time and share a certain set of memories and references with you. It's also nice to be around people who have the same vocabulary and scale as you. Like no upstate NY is not the fucking Hudson Valley and it's not Buffalo either (that's Western NY). No 40 degree is not cold. And yes 80 is sweltering and 90 should be illegal. I like being around grocery stores that aren't chains and local-branded soda and beer and ice cream. I like chains like Grand Union, Kinney's, and Stewart's. The shades of green in the trees and blue in the water are the most beautiful colors in the world. I just love this area so much. I'm not even kidding when I say I want to have property up there which is fucking WILD given I don't even have property HERE. L M A O, self.
I'll go up again for Carnival. I have to start acknowledging my November trip (hadfakfaksfa) and then after that, we'll start planning for February. Excellent, excellent. Keep looking forward to things, keep looking on.
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goodenoughmatsu · 2 years
hello admin of this account, it's my first time asking for something here.... I was wondering how you think the matsuo family would react if they were invited to go to disney with all paid 🤔?I think this is a cute scenario... Strangely.
Osomatsu: Has one goal. The idea is to get the kids so exhausted that he and his partner can have time alone. This ultimately backfires and he ends up exhausted too. But there is a magical moment where the kids are sleeping, and his s/o buries themselves into his side before Osomatsu blacks out from the dopamine crash that is Disney. He does get upset at missing out on the alcoholic drinks. Karamatsu: tries to look really brave, picking rides that push the boundaries of human courage! Only to end up opting instead to be the cool dad who takes his kids to the tea cups… someone definitely throws up on him, and he gets a cool 80 dollar shirt. Despite this, he takes over 30 pictures to fill his usually empty wallet. Choromatsu: He made a plan, for sure he did. But because kids are unpredictable, as well as other humans who go to the amusement park- he’s just glad he shoved so much sunscreen on his kids not one ended up with a sunburn. The same couldn't be said about him, and his partner gladly helps by putting aloe on his burns. His number one accomplishment was gaining all the collectable coins, and autographs so his kids remember the fun! Ichimatsu: ends up being the dad who does throw up. The stress of being on some of the rides got to him pretty bad, and he was disappointed there wasn’t a cat themed mascot really- but his partner found him an Aristocat’s shirt. He stays back with the tiny kids if there's any that are too young for the rides, or makes an excuse not to get into a roller coaster ride. Though he did like the haunted mansion- even if he made a few people scared himself. Jyushimatsu: his partner isn’t sure how, but they lose him for 10 minutes before they get followed by goofy. Jyushi being in the costume the entire time- is just happy to find his family and ends up saving one of his kids before removing the head and destroying the magic of disney for them by accident. Todomatsu: On top of it, though the mascots creep him out. Plenty of pictures to brag to his brothers and everyone just how good he is at being a dad- and how amazingly hot his partner is- and how cute his kids are! The aesthetics of wearing matching outfits was great, and getting a daycare spot so he and his partner could get some adult drinks- honestly, he’s living the high life.
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saiyanqueenreads · 1 year
Hunter-Centric Fanfic Recommendation List for The Owl House: Fics starting with W, X, Y, Z, #
***Please observe any tags/warnings on each work before reading, as some stories may deal with triggering topics and situations***
The list will be updated periodically as I find great new stuff.
Waffles & Flapjack — Similar Yet Different by redrasberries Wake, Hurt, Sleep, Repeat by randomramblingsofme Wanted by CassiePoppy45   Wants by skeletun War Before Bedtime by Polyhexian wasted time with you is the best thing I knew by Cataclysmania    we have a lot more in common than you would be calm with by tristenthekitty we are not the soil we are born from (we are the roots we grow ourselves) by howtotrainyournana we keep this love in a photograph by rnelody we'll get there, one day by hereforthehurts well, the thing is—it's just... by Philiah We're just searching for a meaning by Thousand_Springs What is My Future Like? by Anxious_writer what kind of monster by the_sunshine_dims What Remains by birdinblue What Resembles the Grave But Isn't by azhdarchidaen Whatever It Takes by Sergeant_Sporks What's In a Name by aJanuary What’s in a name? by CowPrintLilies When I See You Again by tristenthekitty When The Past Catches Up With You by CassiePoppy45 when will this feeling pass? by kiixi When You Are Young They Assume You Know Nothing by redrasberries Where Cardinals Fly by q_amongstcupids where my skin begins by parsnipit Where The Moon It Shines Like Gold by FiaNightshade Where You End And I Begin by Pokimoko Wherabouts Unknown by SoliAvi which witch by Anonymous Who Are We Mistaken? by ObabScribbler Wholly you, and that's Special by JustWanderingSpace Why do I feel younger the older I get? by RickSanchez69   will i like wolves again? By sleepy_catz Windy by Polyhexian Winter Sunburn by Raven_with_a_Typewriter Wintery Junk by avatarmerida Wishing There Was More by Cat_oftherevolution With Clay and Star Scraps by SiryyGray With Crooked Hands by SoliAvi with his beak he tries to soothe me (he makes me feel that i belong) by rnelody with or without by parsnipit   Wood and Scales Dont Burn When It Rains by here_there_be_drag0ns wood carving by pawprint_paxillus Words like honey turned to mud by skellygay Words like violence by ChildlikeGoblinQueen Working with Animals by CassiePoppy45  World's Best Turkey Carver by Jagodzianka Worlds Collide by CassiePoppy45
You Are Worthy by FireQuill31 you broke your wings to help me fly by tristenthekitty You Fill My Lungs With Sweetness by HalcyonHal you gave me your eyes, now you're the window to my soul by strawberrydog You Have To Live Through It by ObabScribbler you made the choice to be by Anonymous you thought by now you'd be so much better than you are by Cataclysmania You Want To Smile, You Want To Hurt, You Don't Want To Be by bananadonut You Were More Than Just A Short Time by Sokkas_First_Fangirl  you, wonderful you by paperjamBipper You’re Good by EmeraldArt “You’re Just The Golden Guard.” by Veela_Petal_of_Ice Your Loyal Dog by Sergeant_Sporks You're My Cup of Tea by CassiePoppy45 You've Got to Stop Running by CassiePoppy45  
Zombie AU by redwoodroots
12am Cereal by waterfalls_of_eventide
Fics Starting With: A / B, C, D / E, F, G / H, I / J, K, L / M, N, O, P / Q, R, S / T, U, V / W, X, Y, Z, #
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pyxisfelixhaven · 1 year
ffxivwrite2023 #7 ;; n o i s o m e
"Look, all I'm saying is that he's never steered us wrong before," Memo, a black and red haired Miqo'te, chuckled, tightening the latches at the back of her greaves whilst their tail swirled behind them.
"The last time we followed one of Nedrick's leads, we were wandering around an ancient temple for hours in the heat and both got sunburned," Pyxis sighed in response, her own tail idly tracing lines in the snow as they sat waiting for the other to finish suiting up.
"But we were the first group to ever make it through, and there was some good equipment at the end," Memo smirked, standing up straight with their hands on their hips. "If we clear out this place, it'll bring us even more recognition, and even more spoils!" 
"I could do with less of the recognition part," Pyxis sighed again, running a hand through her hair as they could already feel a headache forming. "But if you really want to go, then at least I'll be there to patch you up." 
"A star as always, my dear friend," the other laughed, looking over to another Au Ra and a Viera chatting amongst themselves. "I couldn't get in contact with those archers we were with last time, but these two seemed happy enough to tag along." 
"I wouldn't be surprised if they purposefully ignored you after last time," Pyxis chuckled softly, picking themselves up off the floor and dusting off some of the loose snow that had started to gather on her cloak.
Following Memo's gaze to the heavy hitting duo, a smile crept onto their face; despite initial hesitations for the adventuring lifestyle, with everything that had happened over the past year Pyxis found themselves enjoying being able to help others live out the ever changing lifestyle of hopping from quest to quest. There was always something someone needed help with, and it didn't always need the Warrior of Light's intervention. Friends and strangers alike were always willing to help them out, so returning the favour was an easy job to accept. 
"That's just mean!" Memo pouted, signalling the other two members of their makeshift party to start following them. "I can't imagine why someone wouldn't come to our beck and call when they hear you're providing support!" 
The lighthearted banter echoed into the snowy hills of Coerthas, travelling towards a guarded gate nestled in the mouth of a small cavern. Two guards looked to the party, and Pyxis could have sworn that one of them rolled their eyes. That didn't bode well. 
"I see you managed to gather some willing party members?" One of the guards questioned Memo, who to their credit didn't seem to be disturbed by the dry undertone or lack of care for letting another adventuring party through the gates.
"Yep, and soon you won't need to guard here anymore either!" The Miqo'te boasted, and Pyxis definitely saw both guards roll their eyes this time. 
"Have you told your companions how Aurum Vale got its most enticing name?"
"No actually, could you-" Pyxis started, but Memo had already started opening the gate, causing the metal creaking to echo through the cavern opening.
"Don't listen to them, they're just trying to scare us off,” she chuckled, keeping the gate open for the other three. “You’ll see when we get down there, don’t worry about it!”
Pyxis was most certainly worrying about it.
“Well, just don’t die. I’ve fished out my fair share of corpses from down there already,” the guard muttered as the rest of the party followed the armoured tank, all glancing at each other with various levels of anxiety between them.
As the party descended further into the cavern, the cold winds of Coerthas that were usually an annoyance were slowly becoming a dream to return to, warmer and thicker air wrapping firm around their limbs. And the smell - twelve above the smell - clung to their cloth and any exposed skin, leaving an almost oily feeling residue on anything they all wielded. Where the auri were just about managing to stomach the offending scents, the more sensitive Miqo’te and Viera had slowed in their descent, their suppressing swallows heavy in their throats.
“What even is that smell?” Pyxis groaned, pulling their cloak above their nose to try and mask it somewhat, but it still didn’t help.
“I think it’s that,” the other Au Ra choked out, pointing to just around the last corner.
The stone cavern floors had started to soften, thick green moss making traction underfoot more difficult, glimmers of yellow weeds outshined by thick golden liquid pooled in small, frequent potholes. There were multiple wavekin sitting in these pools, clearly unaffected by the offensive smell as their tongues flickered into the air. Even if there weren’t monsters, anything that had been forced to stay down in the grim caverns for longer than necessary could easily turn even the most hardened of adventurers.
“That stuff might be what he said not to stand in.”
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parkerdoesparkour · 1 year
-For Dessert: Upside Down Pineapple Cake (Sebek Zigvolt)-
Sebek and Titania’s relationship in fluffy little snippets.
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Acceptance How long did it take for them to accept that they were in love? What were they like after accepting it?
Sebek would take forever to accept that he was crushing on a human let alone the human who refuses to call the Young Master by an appropriate title and gets into trouble on a daily basis–he scoffed at the very idea!
Lilia was the first to bring it up, when the old man noticed Sebek ranting about how Titania had forgotten to put sunscreen on for P.E. and got sunburned on her ears. “Doesn’t she know as one of the Young Master’s closest friends she should be striving to set a good example for the other students?” he ranted. Meanwhile, Lilia remained silent with a teasing grin spreading across his face. By the time Sebek noticed, it was too late for him. “What is it?”
“Were you worried about her?” he asked and at Sebek’s apparent confusion, Lilia added, “Do you have a crush on Titania?”
Sebek reeled back as if he had been burned. “WHAT!?” he shouted. “MASTER LILIA YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS!?”
“You sound worried about her,” Lilia shrugged, “and you’ve been talking about her a lot lately. You can’t blame me for being curious.”
“I would NEVER–.”
“Sebek, shut up,” Silver said from the couch. The shouting had apparently woken him up and now he had a vengeance. “Just earlier you were whining about how she only waved at you fifteen times today even though you saw each other twenty-one times.”
“WHA–?” Sebek was flabbergasted. “I told you that in PRIVATE Silver!” 
“Oh, and what about when you were so depressed because she said she couldn’t study with you due to previous engagements of watching Ace at his club?” Lilia mentioned. “You were terribly distraught that you couldn’t spend time with her, you even almost joined the basketball club.”
“Master Lilia that is taken out of context–.”
“What about begging Riddle to let Titania watch our horseback riding club?” Silver added. “But then you made me invite her cause you didn’t want her ‘getting ideas’ about anything.”
“I cannot believe these lies you’re telling–.”
“Oh, you’re all still awake,” Malleus entered the common room, his nightly walk with Titania concluded. “What are you discussing?”
“Young love,” Lilia chuckled. 
“That reminds me,” Malleus said. He reached into his pocket and passed a bottle of aloe back to Sebek. “Titania was very grateful for the aloe for her sunburn.”
Sebek’s face turned bright red as both Lilia and Silver tried (and failed) to hide their laughter. He snatched the bottle away and ran off, shouting something about betrayal coming from unlikely places. 
The next day, he spotted Titania walking towards the main building just as he and Lilia left the Hall of Mirrors. Lilia snickered and Sebek’s cheeks went red again. He huffed and pouted but still left Lilia behind as he jogged to catch up with Titania. She noticed him approaching and smiled warmly. “Hello, Sebek!”
“Human,” he said, hoping his cheeks had returned to their normal color. “I warned you about the sunburn, didn’t I?”
She laughed. “Don’t worry, I put sunscreen on today.” 
He cleared his throat and said, “Of course,” hoping he wouldn’t get too badly teased by the others, the extra bottle of sunscreen heavy in his pocket.
Best Friends What was it like to be friends with them? Have things changed since they started dating their s/o?
Sebek would never say he and Titania were friends, at least, not with his words. But he sat with her and the other first year gang at lunch, followed her around with only minimal grumbling, and whenever she was doing something less than safe and secure, Sebek could be found hovering not far away. Of course, if you asked him, he was just “in the area” and definitely “wasn’t making sure Titania was ok” or whatever. 
Titania hissed as Sebek dabbed the scrape on her knee with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. He noticed her clenching her teeth and paused, the cotton ball hovering above her exposed skin. She forces a strained smile. “I’m ok,” she said and he continued to clean her wound. 
“Honestly,” he sighed, “you must be more careful. Your human bodies are fragile. If I hadn’t been here when you fell, your wound could have gotten infected! And then you would have gotten sick! And then–!”
“Yes, yes,” she cut him off. “I owe you my life, great and noble Sebek. Whatever shall I do to make it up to you?” She laughed and his cheeks turned pink.
“Just worried about you,” Sebek grumbled. He hadn’t intended for her to hear, but she smiled softly and placed her hand on his cheek. He froze up, his face warming under her touch. “What?”
“Thank you, Sebek,” she said. “Really.”
“Hmph,” he responded and he continued to dab the wound gently. Then, after a minute, he added, “Promise me you’ll be more careful.”
“Pinky promise,” Titania grinned. “And if I’m ever in trouble, I’ll call you to come save me.”
At that, he perked up, puffing his chest up in pride. “Of course! I may not be on the same level as the Young Master, but I am still good to have in an emergency. After all, Master Lilia has trained me well since…”
Titania let Sebek go on, not necessarily listening to what he was saying but enjoying the sound of him talking so happily with her. 
Confession How did their confession go? Was it planned or was it out of the blue?
Sebek’s confession was, well, interesting to say the least. He still was in denial about his feelings for Titania, despite Lilia, Silver, and even Malleus being acutely aware of his crush. So his confession was mostly done on impulse with a small dash of trying to one-up Ace at lunch. Ace had been talking about how since he was the only one who had a girlfriend before (no matter how shitty of a boyfriend he had been) he was the most knowledgeable about romance. This, of course, started a contest among the first years, with Titania watching in silent amusement.
“Oh yeah?” Ace said, sneering at Sebek. “If you’re such a romantic, how come you’ve never had a girlfriend before?”
Sebek sputtered. “Well, that’s simply because I haven’t met someone yet! She would have to be someone kind and studious and someone the Young Master would approve of.” He glanced at Titania, but she was focused on Ace as he laughed. 
“Well, we know Titania won’t be meeting those standards,” he joked and Titania stuck her tongue out at him in faux hurt. After all it was meant to be lighthearted teasing. But, of course, Sebek had never been able to read a room well. 
“I’ll have you know,” he started, fuming, “not only does Titania meet my very high standards, but she also has the approval of the Young Master AND Master Lilia. Plus, she is very nice and I like spending time with her. Also, she makes me happy. I already like Titania so she is obviously–.”
Sebek stopped hearing a snort from Jack. He looked at Epel, who was smiling gently at Sebek, to Ace and Deuce, who were biting their lips to hold in their laughter, to Titania, who was staring at Sebek in wide-eyed wonder. Then it hit him. He coughed, his face flaming, and stood up. “I believe the Young Master is calling for me.” 
He dashed from the cafeteria, cursing himself for being so stupid. He intended to return to Diasomnia and lock himself in his room, only leaving to guard the Young Master. He made it to the Hall of Mirrors and was about to kiss his school career goodbye when he heard his name. 
Titania huffed and puffed when she caught up to him. His first instinct was to be worried she was straining herself and his second was to take off again because she was certainly going to make fun of him. But as if she was predicting his thoughts, she grabbed onto his wrist preventing him from leaving. “What?”
“Saturday,” she said. 
“I’m free Saturday, all day, so let’s go on a date.” 
“YES! I mean–ahem–yes. I’ll, um, I’ll pick you up. Saturday.”
Date What was the first date with them like? What is their go-to date? What is their dream date?
Sebek nearly paced a hole in Diasomnia’s common room floor waiting for the clock to show the time he was supposed to pick Titania up. Even if it was kind of his fault for getting ready three hours early, he still glared at the agonizingly slow hands of the clock in an attempt to make time move faster. 
He eventually decided that showing up early was better than showing up late so he left twenty minutes before he actually needed to leave. He texted Titania that he was ready for her and knocked on Ramshackle’s door to let her know he was outside. Surprisingly, Titania appeared a few moments later with a smile. 
Sebek panicked. “Ah–I didn’t mean to rush you!” he started but she laughed and gave his shoulder a firm pat. 
“I was already ready,” she said. “I was so excited I actually woke up early.”
For some reason, Sebek’s chest felt light, and he decided to ask Master Lilia about that later. 
“Well, shall we be off then?” he asked. He offered Titania his arm which she took with a grand smile. Originally, Sebek had planned on taking Titania back to Diasomnia where he could teach her all about Briar Valley’s long history but Lilia vetoed that immediately, saying Sebek would scare Titania away before he even had a chance to properly woo her. He decided (with the bredgruding help of Ace and Deuce) to take her to a pastry shop and just talk with her.
“That sounds wonderful!” Titania said. Her eyes sparkled when he told her about the pastries and he figured he’d made the right choice. Even if he really wanted to give her that history lesson, he could be convinced this was just as good from the joy on her face alone. 
Elapse How long can they go being away from their s/o?
The other first years made a bet and timed Sebek to see how long he would last before asking when Titania would be back. Ace lowballed it at half an hour while Deuce was more willing to give Sebek the benefit of the doubt and wrote down two hours. Jack said forty-five minutes and Epel said anywhere between an hour and an hour and thirty. 
The entire group assembled in the library for a study session and Lilia conveniently needed to borrow Titania for an unspecified amount of time (he got a cut of the winnings for his assistance). Once she was out of sight, Ace started a timer on his phone and they all went back to studying in silence.
“Titania has been gone for quite some time.” Sebek looked up from his textbook at the door she’d disappeared out of. He frowned and said, “Perhaps I should go check on her and Master Lilia. They might be in need of my assistance.” Without waiting for a reply, he dashed off after them. Epel leaned over to Ace.
“What’s the time?”
Ace looked absolutely disgusted as Jack read the stopped timer from over his shoulder. “Two minutes and seventeen seconds.”
There were decidedly no winners for that bet. Lilia was amused regardless. 
Fight Sebek fumed when he arrived back at Diasomnia. He slammed the door to the entrance hall which garnered the attention of both Lilia and Malleus. When Sebek threw down his bag and marched to stand behind Malleus, they knew something was wrong. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be with Titania today?” Lilia asked. Sebek huffed and crossed his arms. 
“I was worried about the Young Master,” Sebek began, “and wished to come back to check on him. The human–” Something was definitely wrong. Sebek hadn’t referred to Titania as ‘the human’ in quite some time. “--said I shouldn’t go which is AWFUL. I mean, what if the Young Master was in danger?” He rolled his eyes and continued. “Needless to say, I came to check anyway and she told me I shouldn’t bother to come back.”
“Oh, dear,” Lilia sighed. Malleus rose from his seat and Sebek scrambled to follow him. 
“Wherever you’re going, I shall–.”
“I am going to Ramshackle,” Malleus said. His cold tone silenced Sebek in a heartbeat. The poor boy looked like a lost puppy as Malleus turned his back on him. “Titania must be upset. I want to check on her.” 
He vanished and silence consumed the common room. Eventually, Sebek muttered, “Did I do something bad?” He looked to Lilia who offered Sebek a smile. 
“I don’t think so,” he said. “It’s in your nature to be worried about the people you care about. That’s not a bad thing.”
“But I hurt Titania.”
“Then, what can you do to make it better?”
“He hates me,” Titania whispered. Malleus offered a soothing pat to her back. 
“I’m sure he doesn’t.”
“But I yelled at him,” she said. “What if he never talks to me again?”
“Ahem.” Whatever Malleus was about to say, it’s cut off by Sebek’s sudden presence in Titania’s living room. He held some kind of box and looked scared out of his mind. But he stood his ground and addressed Malleus. “May I speak with Titania?” He looked at her, and when she nodded, Malleus sighed. He left the room though Sebek knew he was still watching from a distance. Malleus was quite overprotective of her, after all. 
Sebek sat beside Titania and offered her the box. She gave him a confused glance and he mumbled, “I’m sorry for yelling at you. And for leaving you alone. This is my apology gift.” After a moment, he said, “Master Lilia helped me get it.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Titania said. “For yelling at you and telling you not to come back. I always want you to come back.”
“That makes me happy,” Sebek admitted. “I… would be very sad if I couldn’t come visit you.”
Titania leaned her head against his shoulder. “I would be sad, too.” Sebek placed his head on top of her’s as she turned her attention to the box. “So, what’s this?”
“Strawberry shortcake.”
“Oh, Sebek,” she giggled, “I’m so happy you came back.”
Gift What is something they would buy as a gift for their s/o?
Sebek enjoyed getting Titania small trinkets that had no particular commonality other than he saw it and he thought she would like it. Among her trinkets, she had a little wooden elephant, a felt bird, a few rocks, a leaf she’d pressed in one of her textbooks, and random magnets from Sam’s store. She displays most of them around her living room with a few more meaningful ones (a bookmark he’d made for her out of flower petals and a lightning bolt keychain) being kept close to her at all times. 
Hug Do they like to hug their s/o? If so, how often do they hug them? What are their hugs like?
Sebek loved hugs and his hugs ranged from bone crushing to soul crushing. He was a little more than a foot taller than Titania so he would completely wrap himself around her body and squeeze the life out of her, but she never seemed to mind the strength behind his hugs. He had no reservations around hugs either, and would always make sure to give her one whenever he saw her. Sometimes, he’ll drape his arms over her shoulders and she’ll lean her entire body weight into his chest just because they both loved the closeness it gave them. If they were spending the night together, Sebek always hugged Titania in his sleep. It even got so bad that he doesn’t sleep as well if she’s not with him (which Lilia teases him for so much).
Introduction How did they meet their s/o? What was their s/o’s first impression of them?
Sebek and Titania met through Malleus of all people. Sebek was insistent on following his lord during his and Titania’s nightly walk for safety. Malleus, try as he might, couldn’t shake Sebek off so he showed up at Ramshackle with the first year in tow and a very apologetic look on his face. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Malleus said, to which Titania gave him a small smile. 
“Mal, it’s ok, you’re kind of the biggest deal in Briar Valley,” she laughed. “I’m surprised you don’t always have a guard with you.”
“Human!” Sebek shouted. “You should address Lord Malleus with the proper respect!” 
“Don’t,” Malleus sighed and Titania laughed again while Sebek fumed. He was not jealous that this magicless human was closer to the Young Lord than he was no matter what the others said. Still, he forgot about his jealousy for a brief moment when Titania looked directly at him. 
“I don’t think we’ve met,” she said. “I’m Titania Goodfellow. Nice to meet you, um, Sebek.”
He huffed, if only to cover up his (pleasant) surprise that she already knew his name. “I’m one of the Young Lord’s guards, Sebek Zigvolt. Class 1-D.” Malleus cleared his throat and shot Sebek a look. “It’s… nice… to meet you too, I guess.”
She turned back to Mallues and they began their walk with a light conversation. Sebek followed behind, quietly, watching for some reason for Titania to give him to keep her away from Malleus. For his safety, of course, and not because Titania’s laugh made Sebek feel weird. That would not be very cool of him.  
Jealousy How easily do they get jealous? What do they do in that state of jealousy?
Sebek is only truly jealous of one person, and it’s a secret he will take to his grave. He loved his Lord Malleus and loved being a knight that served him, but, so help him Seven, if Malleus smiled at Titania one more time, Sebek might actually resign. 
He hated feeling jealous of Malleus but he couldn’t help it since he got to see first hand how much Malleus adores Titania, even before she and Sebek started dating. It was obvious to anyone who watched him that the Briar Valley heir was infatuated with the Ramshackle prefect and that made Sebek so angry, even if he wasn’t surprised because, obviously, Malleus would like Titania, she’s perfect. 
For his credit, Sebek hid his jealousy well, only slightly pouting when Malleus would appear while Sebek and Titania were hanging around either dorm. But he couldn’t hide it from Titania, of all people, though he was secretly grateful she figured it out because that just meant she would be extra, extra affectionate with him when Malleus was around. 
Even if Sebek was a proud knight of Malleus, when Titania would cuddle up to his side while Malleus sat on the opposite side of the couch, Sebek couldn’t help but internally gloat. 
Kisses What are their kisses like?
Unlike Sebek’s hugs, his kisses barely even touched Titania’s skin, hovering uncertainly over her as he squeezed his eyes so tightly closed he wrinkled his cheeks. 
Sebek was walking Titania back to her dorm one night after she’d spent the afternoon with him lounging around his room. She was talking to him as they walked but he couldn’t hear a word she was saying. He was too focused, too distracted, by the plan formulating in his mind. He knew what he needed to do and yet as they drew closer to their destination, he found himself drowning in fear and doubt. But he knew he needed to do it, he knew it had to happen, so he counted down in his head and when he got to three, he went for it.
“And then Epel–oh!” Titania gasped and abruptly ended her sentence as Sebek quickly pulled back from her cheek. His face burned and he couldn’t quite meet her eyes even though he felt her staring at him. After a beat, she said, “You missed.” 
“What?” he asked and turned to face her again. She smiled. 
“You missed.” 
She leaned up, stretching on her tiptoes, as she placed a chaste kiss on his chapped lips. His mind completely shut off and she pulled back a second later with a sheepish smile. “Thanks for walking me,” she said. She unwrapped her arm from his and stepped towards the door of Ramshackle. In a stutter, Sebek managed to shout, 
She startled but smiled and stepped back to Sebek’s side. “Ok.”
Love When did they realize they were truly in love with their s/o?
Sebek realized he was in love with Titania only after a little help from his mother. He wrote often to his family back home about his school life and his training and his Lord Malleus. Though recently, he’d begun writing more and more about his time with Titania, Titania’s likes and dislikes, how Titania was enjoying her classes, what Titania had eaten for lunch, and so on, and so on. 
After about the fourteenth letter full of Sebek’s endearingly annoying affection for Titania, his mother wrote a reply that made his entire world view spin. “And I can’t wait to meet this Titania you speak so highly of,” she’d said in her letter. “You clearly love her very much. We’re all excited to see her in person.”
It was a one-off sentence in the middle of the last paragraph in her letter but Sebek found himself reading and rereading it. Love? His mother had said he was in love with Titania but love was such a scary word, especially for someone as young as him with a reputation as Malleus’ best knight to maintain. 
Sure, he was dating Titania, but love meant they might get married and he was already half human. If he got married to a full blooded human, then he might tully Lord Malleus’ name forever and ever!
But the word settled into his chest and bloomed like a ray of sun across his entire body and, despite himself, he smiled at his mother’s words, at his family’s desire to meet Titania, and his own excitement to introduce her as his love. It was a strange feeling to be that happy but he enjoyed it and he couldn’t wait to tell Titania.
The next day, he proudly announced in front of her entire homeroom class that he was ready to introduce the “one he loved so dearly” to his family. Titania replied with her own declaration of love for Sebek and the rest of their classmates groaned in disgust at their love for each other. Get a room!
Marriage How would they propose?
Officially, Titania and Sebek had graduated from Night Raven College. There was no need to focus on the fact it had only been a day and that they’d only just begun to pack for the move to Briar Valley. They had graduated and the future was now and, frankly, Sebek didn’t want to wait any longer. 
The afternoon was spent helping pack Titania’s belongings into boxes and keep the Ramshackle students (and the Ramshackle ghosts) from crying too hard. Grim was helping Sebek tape up the last of their stuff while Titania was promising the dorm residents she would come visit during the next school year. 
“And you can come visit us over the summer, you know?” Alphonse interjected. 
“Yeah, we’ll be here even on school breaks!” Bertholdt added. 
Clarence was crying too hard to say anything. 
“Yes, yes,” Titania assured them, “Grim and I will come visit you guys before school starts again.”
“Bring Sebek, too,” Bertholdt sniffled. 
“And don’t forget to invite us to your wedding,” Alphonse said. Sebek had to cover Grim’s mouth before he pointed out that the ghosts could only come to the wedding if it was at Ramshackle. 
Clarence wailed louder. 
“Ok, ok, I promise,” Titania said. “But we’re not even engaged, yet.”
“Why not?” one of the Ramshackle first years asked. Sebek could feel his ears turning red. 
“Well, we wanted to wait until we graduated,” Titania answered. “Which, I guess we have now…” She trailed off and Sebek took the opportunity to stand up and come to her side. “So, soon, I guess?” she laughed. 
“Yes,” Sebek agreed. “We have officially graduated so nothing is holding us back.” 
Swallowing his butterflies, he pulled the ring box out from his pocket and knelt on one knee in front of Titania. She screamed in joy, Sebek guessed, from the enormous smile on her face and he smiled in turn. “I wanted to wait until we had a bit more privacy,” he began but was swiftly silenced by Titania leaping at him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “My love, I haven’t even asked you yet.”
“Oh, fuck,” Titania laughed. She pulled away from him, not too far, and watched him with misty eyes as the dorm around them swarmed with excitement. “Sorry, um, go ahead.”
He chuckled. “Ace taught me all the nuances of a human proposal,” he explained, offering the emerald wedding ring, “so, Titania, will you marry me?”
Nicknames  What nicknames do they call their s/o? What nicknames do they like being called?
In their early years of dating, Sebek mostly referred to Titania by her name or, very occasionally, human if he was grumpy with her. Later on, he would call her my love or my dear because he’s an old man.
Titania mostly calls him Seb or Sebby which she’s done since before they were dating. After they get married, though, she’d start to call him hubby only because it embarrassed him. 
Oath What is a bad habit they try to stop doing for their s/o? 
Sebek was chewing Titania out as he dabbed a soapy cloth on her face that was quickly turning brown with the amount of black ink on her. “What if some of it had gotten in your mouth?” he asked as he rinsed the cloth off. He applied more soap before returning to his task. Titania’s face was crunched up in displeasure but she didn’t protest, knowing she’d brought this on herself. 
She’d been chewing on one of her pens as she often did when in class or doing homework but it unfortunately exploded on her. Ink had painted her chin, lower cheeks, and shirt completely black and Sebek nearly had an aneurysm when he saw it. He feared she’d die from ink poisoning but luckily none had gotten in her mouth. 
“Sorry,” she said as he scraped away the stains on her face. “At least tomorrow is laundry day.”
Sebek sighed before squishing her cheeks together. “You need to be more careful. And you need to stop chewing on your pens.”
“Sowwy,” she said and he released her cheeks with an unsatisfied huff. “I’ll try.” 
“Of course, as Malleus’ most reliable retainer, I will offer my aid to you,” he said. “Lilia suggests the quickest way to break a bad habit is to reward the habit you want to see.”
“M’not a dog,” she muttered. 
“Of course, you’re not,” Sebek responded. The metaphor went over his head, as it often did, but Titania was used to that by now. “Anyways, I’m going to have Grim watch you and report back. For every lesson you go through without chewing on a pen,” he paused for dramatic effect, “I’ll give you ten kisses.”
Titania did not want to admit it but she broke her pen chewing habit quickly after that promise. 
PDA What is the most affection they’ll give their s/o in public?
Surprisingly, Sebek was fine with most public affection. He loved hugs and enjoyed hugging Titania whenever he could, in the public eye or not. He was also okay with chaste kisses as long as Lilia or Ace wasn’t around because he couldn’t handle their teasing afterwards. He would also hold Titania’s hand but he wouldn’t initiate particularly long kisses or say too sweet things, since those were reserved for Titania’s ears only.  
Quandary  What’s the most awkward thing they’ve dealt with since dating their s/o?
The most awkward thing Sebek has dealt with in his relationship with Titania, after Lilia’s teasing, is his jealousy of Malleus. Up until then, Sebek sang Malleus’ praises for all to hear but after he realized Malleus’ affection for Titania, he found things a bit awkward whenever the subject of his relationship was brought up. 
He had to have a serious talk with Lilia about how to handle this and the old man suggested talking with Malleus. It might have been the longest conversation of his life but in the end Sebek was happy they talked. 
Malleus assured Sebek what he felt for Titania was purely platonic and expressed how happy he was that Sebek found someone he cared so much for. It made Sebek happy, both to have his Young Lord’s blessing and to know there wasn’t any real reason to feel jealous of Malleus. 
He also told Titania, who was equally happy to hear Malleus thought so highly of their relationship. Of course, he would still feel the occasional pangs of a jealous heart but nothing that couldn’t be fixed with cuddles and kisses.
Ruminate How often do they think or daydream about their s/o?
Ace put it so beautifully when he called Sebek a simp because that was the truth. If Sebek wasn’t beside Titania or on guard duty, he was thinking of her and when he would be able to see her next. He would daydream in particular about future dates and plans he had with her. Of course, Titania was doing the exact same thing, so maybe they really were made for each other. 
Scent What do they smell like?
According to Titania, Sebek smells like hellebores and freshly brewed tea. Sebek has heard he smells like earth or the sky when it’s raining. 
Talk How often do they talk about their s/o in front of others?
Sebek does not shut up about Titania to the point where some wish he’d go back to ranting about how great Lord Malleus is. It doesn’t matter if they asked about her or if she was even relevant to the conversation, Sebek will find a way to bring her up with the most smug grin on his face. 
“Oh yes, I can help you study for your defensive magic exam. You know, Titania, my girlfriend…”
Unique What’s something they would do only for their s/o?
Something Sebek does for Titania, and only for Titania, is that he will put more effort into lowering his voice and making sure he isn’t shouting. If anyone else were to tell him he’s being too loud, he purposely talks louder just to annoy them. But if Titania might even need a bit more quiet, Sebek is immediately lowering his voice, whispering, and asking her if his volume is ok. 
Vulnerable What’s something their s/o does that makes them weak to their knees?
Sebek is not one to admit his weaknesses and even with Titania he’s hesitant to talk about things that make him feel vulnerable. But one weakness he doesn’t mind showing is how much he enjoys Titania running her fingers through his hair.
Since he usually had it gelled so stiff it wouldn’t even move in the wind, it was a nice feeling having her fingers running through it when he didn’t have it gelled. It was relaxing when she did it and when she would scrape her nails lightly against his skull. Sometimes, he would lay in her arms and let her play with his hair until he eventually fell asleep. He realized that he always slept best when she was around, but especially when would play with his hair before he fell asleep. 
Witty What was their reaction to making their s/o laugh for the first time?
The first time Sebek made Titania laugh, everyone knew about it, because he walked around campus the rest of the day with a pleased smile on his face and his chest puffed out like a bird. Anyone unlucky enough to ask him what happened (Silver) would get a monologue about how Titania’s laughter sounded better than a thousand silver bells or how her smile could light up an entire city or how–.
Silver fell asleep after the seventh metaphor but Sebek kept going until Lilia came to find them.  
Xylophone What is a song that describes the relationship or their feelings towards their s/o?
Fixer Upper from Frozen
He’s just a bit of fixer-upper He’s got a couple of bugs His isolation is confirmation Of his desperation for human hugs
Would You Be So Kind by dodie
Oh, would you be so kind As to fall in love with me? You see, I’m trying I know you know that I like you But that’s not enough So if you will Please fall in love
Yearn What is something they look for or would like to have in a s/o?
Sebek would obviously want someone Malleus approved of and someone who got along well with the rest of his Diasomnia family. But more than that he would want someone who wasn’t afraid to speak their mind and stand up for themselves and their friends. He’d want someone with a kind heart and warm personality and someone who didn’t mind listening to him ramble. Most importantly, Sebek would want someone who could give him as much love as he gives them. 
Zzz How are they when it comes to sleeping and cuddling with their s/o?
Just like with his hugs, Sebek enjoys holding Titania as he possibly can while they cuddle and sleep. He enjoys it when she plays with his hair or when he gets to lay on top of her and listen to her heartbeat. While he’d never admit it to anyone, he also really enjoys spooning, whether he’s the big spoon or the little spoon. He gets annoyed though when Grim worms his way between them and snores so loud he wakes them up. Titania thinks it’s cute Grim wants to be a part of their cuddles. Sebek, decidedly, does not. 
0 notes
headoverjojo · 5 years
If it aint too self-indulgent, could i get bruno, abba, doppio and risotto with an s/o whos like "oh im going to the beach/pool for the day, oh i dont burn, i dont need any form of sunblock" then comes home looking like a tomato? Im running out of aloe vera and redder than previously thought possible. (I think your rules said 4 single characters, but if i misread then just take your pick from them)
Hello there! :3 Be as self indulgent as you want, dear, be so uwu And you remembered perfectly the rules! Let’s go :3 (OH NOOOO please get more aloe vera DDD: )
Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Risotto Nero and Vinegar Doppio with a s/o who comes home with sunburns
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno told them to take the with them the sun cream, that it should have be better, that the sun was scorching, but no, they hadn’t listen to him and look at them now, all red and whining. He deeply sighs, seeing them like this. He knew that it would have happened, but could he force them to put on the cream? No. They’re adult and they can take their own decision, even if it’s a bad one. It can be a lesson.
Still, Bruno is not going to leave them languishing in their sunburning pain and, knowing that they should have surely come back in this state, he went to buy a cream for sunburns. The moment they enter home, whining and complaining, Bruno hands them the cream, while reading the newspaper. He doesn’t need to say them “I’ve told you”: they already know it and the sunburns are enough to remind them of it.
For the next few days, Bruno takes care of them, preparing lukewarm bags to soothe the pain and keeping them at rest. He’s a bit annoyed by the whole easily avoidable situation, but he loves them and he’s going to take care of them for all the necessary time!
He sincerely hopes it’s the first and last time it happens! Sunburns aren’t things to underestimate and they can bring to more severe diseases. If they have learned their lesson, then it’s all ok, but if they try to sneak out again without any sunblock, then he’s going to be annoyed! Last time it didn’t go really well, why they insist on not put on a cream, a spray, something?! He’s gonna scold them for their irresponsibility. And if they still go out without any sunblock, Bruno would show up through a zipper and put it on them while they’re enjoying a sun bath. They’re not going to other more sunburns, not under his watch!
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio isn’t going to pester them about the sunblock: he tells them one time, saying them that the sun, that day, would be scorching. If they listen to him, fine; if not, their business. He’s not going to babysit them, they’re adult and can take the decisions they want! if they lack of common sense, then they’ll pay the price. Maybe, with a little sunburn, they’ll learn that it’s always good to put on some sunblock.
Still, he never imagined that they could come home completely red as a tomato. Shit, this is way more than a little sunburn! He grumbles all the time, scolding them for their lack of common sense and telling them “I’ve told you that the sun would have been scorching, but when do you ever listen to me?”, before going out to buy some cream to soothe their pain. Following the pharmacist’s advices, he prepares also lukewarm water to soothe the burning pain, all while muttering and grumbling, making them smile a little, even if every part of them burns and hurts.
For the next few days, Abbacchio is more caring, with them. Yes, they were an idiot, but they’re his idiot and he’d be damned if he doesn’t take care of them. He doesn’t coddle them or pity them, just giving them time to rest and heal properly.
If he sees them going to the beach again without any sunblock, he’s going to be really angry. Wasn’t the last time enough?! Do they really want to get more sunburns?! This time he’ll not let it go, pestering them until they take with them the sunblock or blocking them and covering them in sunblock before they head out of the house. He’s not going to be gentle, if he has to be rough, he’ll be! They can pout at him as much as they want, but they’re not going to sunbathe without any protection, not under his watch!
Risotto Nero
Risotto is naturally tanned and doesn’t burn easily. He’s used to be under the sun for long hours, since his childhood and, even if now he mostly stays in the dark -both due to his work and his aesthetic-, he still is pretty resistant. However, he knows that sunblock is important, so, even if he understands the “No I don’t need sunblock” ‘cause he too tends to be like this, he tells them to put it on, since the light marine breeze could trick them and not make them notice that they’re burning.
And this is right what happens; he knows it even before they’re actually on sight, hearing their whimpers and muffled curses. By the time he has reached them, they’re slowly and carefully peeling off their clothes, cursing at every movement, a cream for sunburns thrown on their bed. He goes to help them, without saying anything: the burns are already enough, they don’t need him to scold them. His gaze too is enough, as they pout and mutter a “You were right” that makes him lightly smile while he gently spreads the cream on their skin.
For the next days, he tries to work as much as possible at home, in order to relieve them from some housework. In the private sphere he’s really considerate and attentive, so he’d not shy away from helping his s/o, even if, from time to time, he’d sneak a comment, grinning when they pout and huff. They also try to punish him by forbidding kisses, but the first one who gives up is right Risotto’s s/o, every time.
Risotto is sure they’ll not do again the same mistake, even more if they’re on his team. He’s an understanding man, but just for the first time. One time must be enough to learn the lesson. Making mistakes is human, it happens to everyone, but persevering is just stupid and he doesn’t tolerate stupid acts. So, this time is the only one he allows them to do this mistake. They know it and everyone knows that it will never happen again and that from now on they’ll always take with them a good sunblock.
Vinegar Doppio
Doppio burns easily, since he has a really sensitive skin, -ironic, seen that he has lived in Sardinia, a very sunny region-, so, the rare times he can actually relax at the beach or a pool, he always brings with him the highest sunblock, spreading it also on his s/o. But when they go alone, Doppio knows they’ll take advantage of it not to put it on, he knows them. And he worries about it.
And, as he feared, -he couldn’t go to the beach to bring them a sunblock due to a mission- they come back completely red and burnt. He’s so worried!! He runs to buy a lotion for burns and, back home, he treats them gently and sweetly, cleaning their skin with lukewarm water with extremely delicate gestures, applying then the lotion. He feels even guilty! If only he had imposed himself… they don’t want him to feel guilty! It’s not his fault!
Doppio is going to be really attentive for all the time they’re recovering from the sunburns. He feels guilty, even if they told him more times not to feel like this, that it wasn’t his fault, so he feels the need to make amend, in a certain sense. They’re touched by his gentleness, but at the same time they wish to heal faster, so he can stop to feel guilty!
They’re not going to do it again. Doppio doesn’t deserve to feel like this, plus he has a lot of work, missions… they don’t want to be an additional burden! So, lesson learned: they’ll take with them a sunblock, every time they go to the beach or the pool, to Doppio’s utter relief. He knows that sunburns can bring to more severe diseases and knowing that they, now, protect themselves adequately lifts a great weight from his heart!
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