||Between bloodlines||
~~Reserved A/O/B au thread with @within-the-resort ~~
Teru Mikami was well known for what he does. To being a criminal prosecutor during the day to insure all that crossed the line was taken down. Everyone knew not to mess with him and yet, this was only remaining quiet to it.
However during the night, he was a freelance assassin given missions to kill bad targets. Right now, he was on the roof of his next target, from the notes he gotten. Though, he was well known due to his skills but also being the strongest Alpha in the group.
Right now for his target, he was after the well known Patterson family. A heartless bloodline that seems to only see the rich for their own needs. He's heard other assassins tried to take them out but not all of them was successful. Some took out a few, others died in the job. However, Teru has gotten a lot more and was done taking down another a few weeks ago. Now he got another one.
"So....Jacob Patterson...tch, another one...this shouldn't take too long.." He said going to look for a way to find him but remains hidden while keeping quiet.
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dreamsndmadness · 5 months
Feyds motivations in chapter 11 are soooo interesting to me. He’s experiencing guilt/shame out of a selfish desire to be close to Paul rather than actual selflessness(personally, I think this is how most truely selfless behavior starts: with fear of the consequences of selfish behavior), he’s mainly concerned about their ability to spar, have sex, spend time together, and is VERY jealous that lady Jessica is the one Paul goes to for comfort instead of him etc. And the baby just compounds it all for him! But I think there’s seeds of actual selflessness in there, somewhere 😝
for the scene where Feyd wakes up to find his dick hard, does he get angry at himself, Paul? Or The situation in general? My reading of it was he got mad at himself for getting hard at an inappropriate time(hence him wanting to shove his dick down) and making Paul move away from him. Or he could’ve wanted to do that because of his masochism. His masochism takes a very prominent front seat this chapter(he’s always wondering when Paul will hit him, that’s how I saw the “will you do it now”s), but also his desire to hurt other people, like the Harkonnen who comes in to tell him about the lost harvester.
His reaction to Pauls’ changing relationship with his men is also interesting. Paul commands in a way fitting to an Atreides and Feyds men respect/like him more for that, and Feyd gets sooo jealous when Paul uses Morins name. Feyd also gains some self awareness in this scene, yay! yeah it’s probably not a good idea to choke and try to kill people in front of your husband buddy.
Speaking of Feyds men, I have a theory on Kinets mission. I think it’s going to be something that reflects Feyds’ selfishness and desire to be close to Paul no matter what. Now this is definitely not going to be gone through with considering the visions Paul had but I wonder if Feyds going to try and get Paul some kind of dune-y sci-fi abortion? To me it would fit with him not wanting Paul and his relationship to change, he still wants to spar and have sex which Paul being pregnant will inevitably get in the way of(and as of now he doesn’t really have any other ways of connecting with Paul). Feyd doesn’t seem to be super thrilled about the idea of being a father(even though we see him being very sweet with his daughter in Paul’s vision) especially considering his complicated relationship with HIS father figure, the baron. This is a very “out there” theory compared to some other possibilities but I figured I would throw it out there even if it’s just for the sake of discussion.
This chapter has made me so interested in how Paul’s going to fall for Feyd considering how little he has to offer emotional maturity-wise, even with the bits of affection Paul has felt for him. I’m very excited to see how you handle these twos relationship and especially Feyds relationship with the idea of being a parent and him having to be emotionally mature for such a thing.
Always love your analysis and questions!!!!!
Yes!!!! It’s definitely a selfish motivation. But I also agree with you, this selfish motivation is opening up his mind and there are inclinings of selflessness in there. His thoughts are all very focused on whether or not Paul will want to have sex with him, be close to him, touch him, etc. BUT in those musings we are seeing him reflect on the trajectory of their relationship (which is not something he has done before) and kinda put himself in Paul’s shoes. Which is such a big step for him. He’s like “oh woah. Um this has really sucked for him since the start of all this… damn”.
Yeah, man, do him and Jessica hate each other. I love to see it 😝. He hates her because of the pure love and regard and respect Paul has for her and how it’s always going to win over whatever he and Paul have. But he loves rubbing Paul and their growing connection in her face because he sees what he and Jessica have as some kind of twisted competition for Paul’s affection. And it’s like, no sweetie. That’s not how love works. Paul has enough bandwidth for the both of you. And Jessica has none of that going on and obviously doesn’t see it as a competition lol. She just hates this guy that is part of the family that murdered the love of her life. And she hates that he’s causing Paul distress.
So the scene where he wakes up hard. I think it’s a combination of all of those things. He doesn’t have the capacity to really parse his feelings right now and often just goes straight to anger. I think he’s definitely mad at his body when that’s clearly not what Paul wants or needs right now. And I think he’s angry at Paul for pulling away, because he feels like they have been making such progress from his point of view. Paul hasn’t been afraid of him in while. Paul is welcoming his touch. They have been having a bunch of sex without the purpose of getting pregnant. And then bam. It’s all about to change. Paul is back in his own head. Paul is pulling away. And they have only just barely started to work on their communication skills with each other. And the only way Feyd knew how to communicate before this was through violence and intimidation, which is what he reverts to in this moment of stress.
Feyd’s masochism. You are entirely correct in your reading. Will you do it now?. He thinks it multiple times in this chapter and it is absolutely him wondering when Paul is going to hit him. Not in a fun way. I’m absolutely sure that the Baron physically abused him as well as all the other forms of abuse. He is probably very used to being hit when he’s done something wrong, made people angry, or even just in general. We can see a taste of that in the dinner scene in chapter 8 where the Baron slaps him for poking him with a fork. It’s casual. And he was honestly expecting it from the Baron and he did it to kind of provoke him. It’s just a thing that happens. And it’s something that he’s grown used to. It’s almost comforting for him. So he’s waiting for it with Paul. And he’s been waiting for a while. He thought Paul was going to hurt him for punching the wall and then he doesn’t. And then it all compounds. He almost kills the man. And he sees how Paul is reacting to the pregnancy. Then Paul is like “so we can’t casually hit each other anymore during sparring” and Feyd loses it. Cause if Paul isn’t going to hit him, then he was at least expecting to be beat up in the training room.
Yeah, his conditioned reactions is to hurt people and kill people 😬. And he doesn’t really think there’s anything wrong with that. At least he didn’t until Paul. Because he really doesn’t see those people as people. But Paul very much does. It’s clear. He uses their names, he talks to them like they have thoughts and feelings and it’s a big surprise to everyone present because the men are not used to being treated that way and Feyd is not used to people in his “family” treating the men that way. I can’t even imagine how stressful it must be to be a subordinate in the Harkonnen household. Basically you could be killed at any moment. Paul is such a breath of fresh air to them.
Oh yeah. Feyd is soooooo mad that Paul is talking to Morin like a person. They are going to have to talk about that eventually. Cause his jealousy will be an issue. Not that he has anything to worry about with Morin lol. Although it’s perfectly possible that he does in fact have a little thing for Paul.
Oooooh I love that theory!!!! You are right that it is going to have to do with Feyd wanting to get closer to Paul. Basically his conversation with Jessica has a big impact on him and he is going to be really focused on “earning it” with Paul. Kinet’s mission is going to have a ripple effect because it is a statement. In more ways than one. I like the space abortion theory!!! I do think if Paul gave any inckling that was what he wanted, Feyd would do it. However, they are both sensible of the reason for their union. But if Paul really wanted to have it gone, Feyd would hop them on the next ship to space planned parenthood.
Feyd’s growth as a husband and a parent is going to be so fun to write. Right now he is having a hard time conceptualizing this whole pregnancy thing. Obviously he’s seen pregnant people and babies before although I think his exposure has probably been very limited. And he absolutely has not gotten to the part where he’s thinking about his babies and how to raise his children. Right now he is very focused on Paul and what this means for them as a couple at this precise moment. They are going to talk next chapter and Paul is going to be like “you know this means that in approximately 9 months we are going to have a human being on our hands” and Feyd will be like 👁️👄👁️.
As for Paul and his feelings for Feyd. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s basically going to creep up on him and there are going to be reasons that he falls for him. This is so hard to say without spoilers lol. So, a very specific thing is going to trigger their first kiss which Paul will initiate. And it will be because of something Feyd does/says. Ahhh I wish I could say more.
Chapter count has gone up again because more things need to happen/get worked through. The bones of the story that I started are still there. I’ve had all the major plot points worked out since I first posted, but it has expanded so so much (I think the original count was 11 and we are currently at 20 🙃). And I’m really really loving writing it. And I have sooooo many ideas for other fics in this universe. Obviously the sequel, which will be kinda a bear to write ngl. And then a bunch of shorter pieces as well. Because I’m just not done with them. And I really love living in this alternate universe I’ve created.
As always, thank you for your thoughtful and interesting asks ☺️❤️.
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current-comix · 1 year
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blackwood4stucky · 22 days
oh how i adore the ways in which you bleed for me
I gotta know what this one is about.
Vampire Steve's POV of his and Bucky's third time together. Blood play, genetic body mod, ancient magic and witches galore!
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Closed - Not alone
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Winter wasn't sure if this was a good idea. Not the fact that she was breaking and entering into an apartment, that was normal for her. It was the fact that she was breaking into his apartment. The man she had been tracking for months, and been too afraid to approach because,... well what if he was like the them. What if he was still under their control, and was nothing like what he seemed? But she had to know. She had to be sure. She was in denial of it but she wanted to know she wasn't alone.
She walked into the apartment with damn near silent steps. Heart beating out of her chest, and her lungs feeling like they were going to cave in. It was a feeling she only seemed to get when dealing with something like this. She could kill people with a steel determination, and not feel anything, but the idea of finding and meeting her father,.... for some reason it terrified her. In fact this was the very thought that distracted her for a second when she stopped and picked up a picture. It looked like a gift. A photo of Bucky and Sam, the metal winged hero now carrying the shield.
Was that what having a real friend looked like?
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thevalicemultiverse · 2 months
Fact Core: Shapeshifters becoming Embraced will depend on the breed.  Garou, Ajaba, Bastet, Gurahl, Ratkin, and Rokea may all become vampires, although Ratkin decay like normal corpses and Rokea immediately go insane. However, they lose Gnosis whenever they violate their tenets unless they submit to the Wyrm. If they lose all of their Gnosis, they become little more than animals. An Embrace of an Ananasi, Camazotz, Grondr, Nagah, or Nuwisha simply fail.  Corax and Mokole die at sunrise regardless of if they are hidden from it, although Mokole will go insane like the Rokea do. Kitsune will immediately burst into flames when Embraced, which may kill the attempted sire.
Alice: ...thank you for that. I don't suppose you have any facts on how I can solve this bloody laser puzzle, do you?
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lady-wallace · 5 months
Blood Will Tell (JJBA Bloodline Verse)
New commission for my Bloodline Anon!
(Bloodline Verse) Mista encourages Giorno to take a much-needed break by taking him to a concert, but an enemy decides to take advantage of the Don’s day off.
Read on Ao3
I currently have emergency comms open to help me buy a much needed new laptop, so if you would like a fic or a different kind of comm, please check out the info post HERE
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acoldsovereign · 4 months
{{ Seeing Chaos' Siren Fu makes me want to try again with vamp!Maiz's design (and add back a lot of the original ideas I had for her verse 😭)
. . . I'm gonna end up drawing a brown vampire lady aren't I?
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#OOC: Out of Limits#{{i know an original idea was that it was either a partial punishment from king yemma or the result of an incomplete erasure from zen-oh#{{ and that one of the side effects was that she lost her melanin- but is it bad if i say screw that idea bc it sounds too cruel??????#{{ like she's a vampire and got her dna fucked with by the vampire king of the other series she belonged to#{{ and was made an OUTCAST even amongst the vamps there!! bc they couldn't trace her bloodline to anything#{{ and in Vampire Hunter D the vamps are elitist as FUCK. LIKE BRO. Y'ALL ARE VAMPS. WHY THE CLASSISM??????????#{{ but that's on brand on me. tina likes the morbid and fucked up shit like that. anyway tl;dr maiz is then attacked by those assholes and-#{{-humans alike and it results in a jaded amnesiac lady who is programmed to think she's 8000 years old when she's WAY younger than that!#{{ i made her even able to feed on both humans and vampires equally due to sheer rage and cynicism. misanthropy. etc.#{{she had an ice fortress that most couldn't travel to without freezing to death bc in that verse she can freeze an entire PLANET in hours.#{{ and her ice was THAT cold. like the shit was close to pluto levels if not colder than that. 😭#{{ like .. maybe i should give her brown skin back AT LEAST. Her tail is even gone! :(((( she has more fangies and can harden her skin#{{ and she can't even use ki anymore bc she's dead/undead. like ??? maybe the cosmic horror vampire should be BROWN at LEAST???????????#{{ also ignore any typos you see. my fingers are sometimes faster than my brain- gomen 😭
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
CLOSED STARTER for @stingslikeabee.
★. ―
In the morning, Melissa came to get him. She was accompanied by a handful of human soldiers. Feeble scraps of mortal life who couldn't stop a bear, let alone protect their queen ― and Daigo hissed between his teeth at all of them. As the beast predicted the day prior, the horses were too spooked to allow him to mount them. Instead, the dragon opted to run. He kept pace with Melissa's mare easily, which only unnerved the pitiful guards more.
At the first sight of the palace, Daigo felt his insides twist. Dragons didn't have the same anxieties as humans. That this was the day of his wedding meant very little to the dragon, who possessed no notion of this event's historic importance ; instead, he rather hated the feeling of being confined in such an artificial home. The fake lighting stung his eyes, and the overwhelming odor of human combined with others like obnoxious perfumes and cooking spices suppressed his sense of smell. He pressed closer to Melissa in the entryway for these reasons, scaled fingers seeking her own.
A servant came forward and hesitantly introduced himself : Sasaki. Though his voice was weak, his will was quite strong. The queen had selected him to be the king's chief aid once he arrived. Unfortunately for the poor man, Daigo would not be moved from Melissa. With the understanding that pressing the creature could spook him, Sasaki backed away, and the decision was made that the bride and groom would be prepared for their ceremony together.
The aids assumed that piecing together Melissa's elaborate, breathtaking gown would take up the bulk of their time . . . but their previous calculations failed to account for the difficulties of dressing a dragon. Daigo was no easy charge, and his bride was ready long before him. After watching the fifth attendant to work with the future ruler nearly get bit for dragging cloth too harshly over the patches of scales on the creature's human figure, Melissa shooed the servants out of the room. Another breach of tradition that made many of them murmur, but she didn't care. Her soft voice soothed the dragon, who was eager to have her near. Daigo nosed into her hair, breathing deeply, while she coaxed the rest of his shirt on. Melissa was respectful of where his body was different, and her gentle fingers were able to finish getting the minimal amount of clothing on him with no further trouble. The battered pair of trousers that he wore down from the mountains were set to the side. Daigo trembled under Melissa's hands. This was all too much stimulation for him ― nonetheless, he would carry on for her.
For the dragon, the rest of the day was a blur. He sat through the ceremony fairly calmly thanks to the presence of the queen at his side. The boring messages about marriage and unity left little impression on the beast. Daigo occupied himself with picking at his outfit instead.
What followed the wedding proper was a large celebration with a grand feast. It was obvious that this was the greatest excuse for glee that Solaris found in years. The dragon also sensed the thick relief that ran under everything. While no one dared to use vocabulary similar to DEFEATED, there was a shared feeling among the guests that the threat of many generations that usually hung over them was GONE. Placed into a human - sized shape that they could familiarize themselves with and gossip about. Daigo was able to ignore the bulk of the chatter ; the intensity of the music, which added to the dense noise filling his sensitive ears, helped to drown it out, anyway. Melissa was pulled away quickly by social obligation, and the dragon busied himself by examining the floral arrangements around the outskirts of the hall. For a time, they calmed him, reminded him of the fragrant strains he grew in the corners of his lair.
Daigo was holding a bloom he plucked when the queen found him again. It appeared that the beast was at his limit. Whispers in her ear informed her across the room that her husband was chasing away nosy aristocrats and innocent well - wishers alike. The cracks in his shape were starting to frighten some of the attendees, as well. Daigo's half - halo of amethyst was sunk into his brow and hair, and his irises were exceptionally bright. He eyed Melissa warily at her approach, unsure if he was about to be reprimanded for the crawling scales now covering his arms. Instead of greeting her verbally, the dragon moved to tuck his flower behind her ear. It was a dark purple, and he liked the color on her.
The way he relaxed at her suggestion that they leave spoke volumes about his level of discomfort. He rumbled appreciatively at her. Daigo clung to the queen as she guided them out. Their disappearing backs prompted the conversation in the hall to shift. THE WEDDING NIGHT. A topic many of the aristocracy clutched their pearls over and that the court discussed with pale faces.
Daigo stepped over the threshold to Melissa's rooms and exhaled loudly. He had never been here before, but he recognized it as her space. The scent of the royal, which he practically ached for, was thick in this place. It was quiet and significantly calmer than any other atmosphere of the day, and Daigo responded well to that.
As soon as the main door closed, the dragon reached up. His clawed hands curled into the front of his shirt. Snarling, Daigo removed it in shreds. He was sick of being stuck in these decorative fabrics ( what he saw as itchy, pathetic excuses for hide ). The dragon let the remains of his top fall to the floor, where he bared his teeth at them. Fingertips combed through his tresses and loosened the few clips and braids there. Everything needed to go. Only the beast's trousers were allowed to remain for now. They were loose enough. Daigo shook out his head, grumbling.
FINALLY. He settled and forcefully huffed out a stream of warm air. Daigo stretched leisurely. Once he was satisfied, he reached for Melissa. Even just brushing his palm against her arm brought a sense of refreshment to the dragon.
"Today . . . made you my wife ??" he asked quietly, drawing up the lessons she gave him in his lair while the official arrangements were being made elsewhere. " ― or do we have to produce an heir first ??" Daigo wrinkled his nose thoughtfully, fingertips going under and lifting Melissa's chin. His visage was still ever so slightly distorted, and the dragon's voice was colored by a curious vibration. "That is next, isn't it ??"
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
“We’ll leave a light on for you.” (Dianne to Steven, Blind verse)
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"--Thank you," though if he were to be honest, he was good at navigating in the dark by now. His curiosities often took him to those dark caves without a flashlight. He could make his way around, but she was trying to be considerate.
"I know I failed the blindfold test, but I can actually get around in the dark well, so you don't need to worry about me so much." He squeezed her shoulder gently. "I'll be fine."
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comicwaren · 1 year
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This week on Marvel Comics (21st June 2023):
Avengers Vol. 9 #002
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #005 (Finale)
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #005 (Finale)
Cult of Carnage: Misery #002
Edge of Spider-Verse Vol. 3 #003
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 7 #003
Hallows' Eve #004
Hellcat Vol. 2 #004
I Am Iron Man #004
Incredible Hulk Vol. 4 #001 (NEW!)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol. 2 #007
New Mutants Lethal Legion #004
Scarlet Witch Annual #001 (One-shot)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #035
Ultimate Invasion #001 (NEW!)
Venom Vol. 5 #021
X-Force Vol. 6 #041
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were-jer · 1 year
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"Hey, I was thinking about inviting my boyfriend home for winter break - do we still live at the Boarding House?" Jeremy was walking home to his loft after classes were done for the day, he didn't even say hi when his sister answered the phone, just straight into his questions.
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dreamsndmadness · 2 months
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smashpages · 1 year
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This is the Spider-Verse variant cover for Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4  (Marvel, May 2023) by Betsy Cola.
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cursedfortune · 7 months
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It's fun to think about when advanced weaponry was initially introduced into hunting Mortem. Especially because during the period such was in development, she had been captured and imprisoned far beneath the earth by her witch hunters.
It took her cursing herself with misfortune but never activating the spell to escape. Instead, she spent well over a century compounding upon the spell - pouring energy into it to make sure that when she activated it, it would have a higher success rate against its own caster. During a routine maintenance check on the iron maiden she had been imprisoned within, a single malfunction broke one of the wards that kept her at bay. It allowed for a chain reaction of Mortem burning through her energy to destroy the remaining ones, switching blessing herself herself while invoking the curse she placed upon her imprisonment.
Successfully freeing herself she began carving her way out of the old fortress only to be confronted with what was considered modern firearms at that time. Being a creature whose advanced weaponry was crossbows before then, she had no idea what to make of guns. They were used as blunt forced weapons against the witch hunters, crude swords she skewer them with.
Halfway through the fight to escape she began noticing how they used the weapons and took up mimicking the actions they had taken. Single shot guns that hadn't yet been fired she'd use against them before using the empty weapon as a blunt weapon once more. She discovered how her spell of regeneration handled (or didn't) against imbedded bullets and the annoyance that came with having to carve bullets out of herself later.
While guns don't thrill Mortem due to how impersonal they are often used, it doesn't stop her from being absolutely thrilled to see human advancement and combat it. Her entire purpose surrounds potential, she wants them to become more formidable to keep up with her. To allow the pendulum to keep swinging back and forth; so that when she pushes, they can push back - when she pushes harder, they step up and return fire in a dance that only inspires them to keep growing until one day they won't need her around.
The witch hunters still pass down the stories of the Witch of the Deep Woods laughing and gleeful as she was under fire, thrilled to see humanity didn't just stand still when she was imprisoned.
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cfgodsandmonsters · 1 year
{ @were-jer liked for a Nox starter! }
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“So, like, not to make this weird or anything --” he cut off, pausing to rake his teeth over the inside of his lower lip, as his gaze shifted to...anywhere that wasn't Jeremy, really. Shit. He was gonna make this weird, wasn't he? He really hadn't known what to expect from Jeremy's home town -- it was still a little crazy to him that he was here at all, honestly -- but what he hadn't expected was for the whole to bear the lingering scent of predators.
He couldn't imagine Jeremy didn't know. There was no way he didn't know, right? He really didn't need to say anything...except what if he didn't know? They'd never really directly talked about...that sort of thing while at school. Maybe this was a new thing since he'd been away? In the end, Nox couldn't find a good enough excuse to keep quiet. Sure, it might make things weird if he did know... but if he didn't and Nox didn't say anything... yeah, no, it wasn't worth the risk. Finally, he looked back to Jeremy, and finished speaking. “--- you know there are like, a LOT of vampires in this town, right?”
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