#bloons app
panikkoi · 2 months
eti :)
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worldofgoo · 2 years
i was about to complain about there not being anything on my dash but i remembered i can play solitaire so whatever
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the-fandom-crossroads · 9 months
Folks talking about Game Devs dropping Unity or how it won't hurt small indie devs with under 200,000. Are missing the point.
Some of these Unity games can't change to another engine because they have years of code piled on top of each other at this point. aka POKEMON GO. They'd basically have to rebuild the game from scratch.
Not to mention Unity is mostly used by phone app games or Indie's that are lucky enough to get picked up by console. Indie games on Mobile easily pass 200,000 downloads. Temple Run 1 and 2 are in Unity, Crossy Road, Angry birds 1 and 2, and Hearthstone. All of these past 200,000 downloads years ago but aren't bringing in money now except hearthstone.
The Developers will do what happened to the first Angry birds app. They'll take it down, build it in a new engine for "HD", and add a shit ton of micro transactions. We are about to lose countless original versions of the OG pre lootbox mobile games.
We are also about to lose some of the biggest Indie games of the last decade. Among Us, Plague Inc., 7 Days to die, the original Slenderman game and it's sequel, I am Bread, Ori and the Blind Forest, Dream Daddy, Overcooked 1 & 2, Pathfinder online, Cup Head, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Oxygen Not Included, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Beat Saber, Subnautica, The Stanley Parable, Untitled Goose Game, Power Washing Simulator, Fall Guys, Inscryption, Phasmophobia
And the big one FUCKING HOLLOW KNIGHT. Silk song has already been pushed back out of this year specifically because it's being made by a team of like 3 people. It is so close to being finished and now they are being told they have to start over from scratch basically. Hollow Knight got over 200,000 downloads from being on playstation and was eventually put on Playstations subscription service. Every cent they made from hollow knight has gone back into making silk song. Which might now be delayed by multiple years and oh they are going to have to use some of that funds to pay unity now. Or find a way to get out of a contract with playstation. Because folks will keep downloading Hollow Knight for free and Unity will send the Hollow Knight team the bill.
oh and there's one more teeny tiny game made in Unity that you guys might not want to suddenly disappear. One with almost 3 years of monthly code updates, one with 139 million downloads to date, and 4.8 million monthly users.
Genshin. Guys Genshin Impact is made completely in Unity and that's not a game that can have it's code just copy and pasted to another engine.
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smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Took the day off work cus im feeling a little burnt. But I found out adventure time did a balloon tower defense game and now I'm addicted
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 days
Bloons TD 6 (2018)
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Platform: Mac / PC / iPhone / iPad / Android Developer: Ninja Kiwi Publisher: Ninja Kiwi Genre: Strategy / Theme Fantasy: Modern Military Franchises: Bloons / Bloons TD Type: Appropriation
First released for iOS and Android on June 13, 2018, Bloons TD 6 is the sixth main entry in the Bloons TD series, a tower defense spin-off to the Bloons series of puzzle games. Unlike previous entries into the series, which were developed for Adobe Flash, TD 6 was built with Unity. Bloons TD 6 features a number of other differences relative to previous entries in the series, including polygonal 3D graphics, completely reworked tower upgrades and control schemes, and a new leveling progression system centered around "Monkey Knowledge".
Since launch, the game has received a PC release through Steam, co-op support, new towers, and several time-limited event modes.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/bloons-td-6/3030-68981/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=WOWAnBXFGcU
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Evie x Aiden gaming headcanons
As requested by @inlocusmads, here are some of my gaming related headcanons for Evie and Aiden. Many of these are actually some of my oldest headcanons, back from when I first got into Choices. Here's what I've got as of now:
Evie is more of a casual gamer, but she does have a lot of games she enjoys. Minecraft, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart DS, and Among Us are some of her biggest favorites. And also a couple of oddly satisfying mobile games. And whatever the Choices universe equivalent to Choices and HSS Prime is.
Evie was also a major frequenter of sites like CoolMath during 4th-6th grade and she still enjoys them. Some of her favorites includes Sushi Cat, Papa's Pizzaria/Taco Mia/Burgeria/etc., Bloons + Bloons Tower Defense, and Fireboy and Watergirl. Luckily she does get a chance to show them to Aiden before the end of Adobe Flash.
Aiden is utter crap at computer games. The only ones he's good at are stuff like Smule Magic Piano (which Evie would struggle with more) and Minecraft creative mode.
And 75% of Aiden's Minecraft-playing is composing or recreating songs with the note blocks.
He sometimes does Minecraft Survival mode but the only way he can really last is if Evie's in the world with him and they're working together.
He barely manages Mario Kart, but can't drift for shit.
He openly insults Fortnite.
Sometimes he'll go into a game like Mario Party thinking it'll be easy, only to be absolute dogshit at it.
Yes, Aiden is even crap at Tetris. His screen legit looked like this on his first attempt at the game.
He is not a fan of Among Us (despite that he willingly played "Mafia" on the boat in after-prom). To him, it's just people "running around and blaming each other". He especially hates being the imposter because, in his own words from the Mafia game, "I can't lie to save my life".
Actually I think Aiden would be pretty good at stuff like Interactive Story games like Evie does too.
Myra is always teasing him about how bad he is at most video games and often likes to mention his least favorites to annoy him.
Evie: "Aiden you're usually very dexterous when it comes to instruments, but you're bad at video games?" Aiden: "Playing the piano and playing on a gaming console are two completely different things."
Both of them:
Evie and Aiden regularly have double dates with Nishan and Sakura where they play 2-on-2 video games, usually battlegrounds-style games. Their rounds are of course very short-lived because Aiden is crap at the games, but they're still fun nonetheless.
I haven't played it myself yet but I can totally see the two of them getting into Fall Guys. Evie likes the cute fall guy avatars.
Evie (with some minimal help from Aiden) trying to design a sort of a big fancy "dream house" for them in Minecraft.
Something something they squee over Minecraft cats together a lot
Evie would try to teach Aiden a lot of the video games she's good at. He'd slowly improve at most of them.
The two of them totally obsess over video games with awesome soundtracks, even if they haven't played the games themselves. But it sometimes may lead them to getting into the games. Eg. Evie loves the soundtracks for the Super Mario Galaxy games, she'd show it to Aiden and they'd obsess over them, and at one point or another, they'd feel compelled to buy the games.
I think a habit both of them would also have in certain video games is: they start a game, but if the soundtrack is really good, they'll just make their character do nothing or run around aimlessly in it so that they can keep the music + sound effects going on because they don't want it to stop. They do this a LOT with Mecha Bowser battle in Super Mario Galaxy 1.
I think they'd sometimes use app versions of classic board games (chess, checkers, etc).
They'd definitely enjoy puzzle games like minesweeper. They're each pretty good at the puzzle games on their own, but it's extra fun to work on them together. Also Aiden sitting in Evie's lap while they play the games.
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greencorncube · 9 months
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ok so like. when it was about the end of the period i was playin bloons on the computer not the tower defense one and i herd her like. say to another teacher "Oh you should really try this ai app it helped me write this whole script for todays class!" and. what the fuck.
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destroyerarcher · 1 year
Hot Air Bloon iOS Review – A Lost Cache, unearthed.
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               Hot Air Bloon iOS represents how fleeting media is, especially in the digital age. Companies can suddenly make an app not run on modern platforms at will. In addition, businesses often shut down digital storefronts for older platforms, typically resulting in the removal of official access to media in the process. If that wasn’t enough, publishers behind media often remove them outright from their official sources, typically because it does not run on modern platforms or there is a new version that is intended to replace the old media. This is also not to mention titles having online features or being tied to an online platform without any end-of-life plan on distributing those features. Of course, people typically use a specific version or title older than the current version for a reason. Trying to funnel people into a new version typically ends up in these people instead pirating that lost media.
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                So, what does this have to do with an iOS version of Hot Air Bloon (HAB iOS)? Well, that is exactly the situation Hot Air Bloon iOS ended up in. HAB iOS was released in 2010 November 3, exclusive to the iOS, as the game was likely built in Xcode. In 2017, Apple revealed iOS 11 would no longer support 32-bit apps, which any iOS app before 2015 ran on. This meant that 32-bit apps would only be playable on any new iOS from thereon out if the developer opted to update their game. Unsurprisingly, many of these 32-bit apps were not updated. Sometime between late 2018 and early 2019, Ninja Kiwi quietly removed HAB iOS from the app store, because it could no longer run on modern devices. This trend was even enforced by Apple themselves in June 2022, where they made it so that in the newly released Xcode beta, developers can no longer update 32-bit apps, and on top of that, 32 bit apps would be removed from being listed on the app store automatically by Apple. There was no way to install Hot Air Bloon iOS for four years, until on 2023 January 21, an ipa file (an iOS app file) for Hot Air Bloon iOS was uploaded onto archive.org, and three days later, on 2023 January 24, the ipa was successfully cracked. I then installed the cracked version on my iPad 2 and started my journey experiencing this formerly lost media. Unfortunately, I have no way to support Ninja Kiwi directly, so pirating HAB iOS was the only option
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                I went over a lot of background information on why Hot Air Bloon iOS was formerly lost media. How is the actual app itself? Well, Hot Air Bloon iOS is surprisingly...quite good. Hot Air Bloon iOS’s core gameplay is a lot like the original Flash version. It is an autorunner where you control a blimp by pressing the power button to push it up. This is necessary to avoid crashing into obstacles, whether the natural boundaries of the screen or enemies that fly or shoot at you. The original flash version was purely an endless runner, and the iOS version also has this mode playable as “Classic”. Where HAB iOS deviates is with its new story mode, taking the player on a campaign of 7 levels comprised of four stages. Each level has its unique biome, ranging from a haunted forest to an underwater ocean. With these unique biomes come their unique obstacles and in the case of the ocean, a unique mechanic. The ocean biome is notable for how it flips gravity, with the player floating up by default, and the power button pushing them downwards. To top each biome off, there are also boss encounters at the end of each biome, which are a significant change of pace from normal stages, often involving the player to shoot darts at the enemy. Another thing that I appreciate a in hindsight about HAB iOS is that to beat the game, there is minimal grind involved. with newer Bloons titles, they often involve a semi-lengthy if not lengthy grind to acquire your full toolset, with the grind often doing nothing to prepare the player for the toughest challenges the game has to offer. Being able to beat the game in one sitting if I really wanted to, is the part of classic gaming I really enjoy, where they often are much, much less grindier than other games doing the same repetitive action just to try the actual interesting levels. There is also enough mechanical depth to allow players to create their own self-imposed challenges, oftentimes involving not using brake mechanics or beating bosses with full health. Similarly, HAB iOS does not overstay its welcome, as the seven distinct levels offer enough variety to experience the game’s core mechanic of balancing the blimp’s elevation, without being stretched out to the point of each level becoming a copy of the last. What’s more is that the implied lore both in direct postcards and environmental design, provides a lot of depth to the notorious Bloons Lore.
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                So, is there anything I dislike about HAB iOS? Well, there are actually a few things I dislike. If you have noticed in my screenshots, there are hearts that are lives that the player uses. Yes, there is a lives system in Hot Air Bloon iOS and it is very frustrating. The player starts with three lives, and can gain more by popping a certain amount of bloons, ranging from 100-250 bloons depending on what level the player currently is in. Lives persist across levels but lose all your lives and you are sent to the first stage of the current level with three lives. This mechanic often forces players to force close the app to save their stage progress, so that they do not have to replay all the previous stages just to practice their current stage again. This ends up slowing gameplay to a halt, and the game would be much better without a life system. Another weak point of HAB iOS is that levels have a nearly fixed duration. Since with the exception of the first stage of Level 7, all non-boss stages simply require the player to survive a set amount of time, there is no reason to collect hundreds of bloons to move faster, when it is better to avoid collecting bloons to give more reaction time against obstacles. Some levels are borderline unplayable when collecting lots of bloons, because the player cannot react fast enough to off-screen hazards. If there were warning signals for all off-screen hazards like with the final stage’s boss, then it would be much more bearable to go fast. Unfortunately, going fast is a detriment rather than a benefit.
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                Despite its flaws, Hot Air Bloon iOS is a reminder of what was great about early iOS gaming. The philosophy of a lean title with little in the way of grind, the will to innovate on an existing title, and the accessibility of it all on the go through a small phone is what made me fall in love with the platform in the first place as a child.  At the same time, though, it is a reminder of how hardware is gradually aging, and how having a way to replay old titles is more important than ever, to see what made that time great. With the release of touchHLE by Hikari no Yume kickstarting iOS emulatione, hopefully everyone will eventually get an opportunity to revisit iOS classics, including Hot Air Bloon iOS.
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storycub2 · 2 years
Apple Highlights Some Of The Most Effective (and Most Popular) Apps Of 2022
As expected, Apple's event right this moment wasn't about heralding any new hardware -- it was about shining some gentle on among the yr's standout apps. (If Android is extra your factor, anticipate Google's own list of first-class apps to drop shortly, too.) Apple's selections this yr run the gamut from artsy -- Spectre Camera helps folks take lengthy-exposure photos with their iPhones -- to sensible fare like Affinity's desktop publishing app for the Mac. With that mentioned, a few of the alternatives listed here are notably attention-grabbing.
Sayonara Wild Hearts was simply essentially the most stylish of Apple Arcade's first games, so its nod right here feels well-warranted despite being a cross-platform title. And the same might be mentioned for Hyper Mild Drifter -- it is a little strange to see it take the crown for Best iPad sport of the 12 months when it debuted on PCs and Macs over three years ago. (Eva Gaspar, CEO of Abylight Studios, informed Engadget they took on the venture of adapting HLD for iOS after completing the Change port final year.) Regardless, there are a handful of fascinating decisions that even we hadn't heard of earlier than, so be certain to take a look at the complete listing beneath.
iPhone App of the 12 months: Spectre Camera (Lux Optics)
iPad App of the Yr: Stream by Moleskine (Moleskine)
Mac App of the Yr: Affinity Publisher (Serif Labs)
Apple Tv App of the Year: The Explorers (The Explorers Community)
iPhone Recreation of the Year: "Sky: Youngsters of the sunshine" (thatgamecompany)
iPad Game of the Year: "Hyper Gentle Drifter" (Abylight S.L.)
Mac Sport of the Yr: "GRIS" (Devolver / Nomada Studio)
Apple Tv Sport of the Year: "Marvel Boy: The Dragon's Entice" (DotEmu)
Apple Arcade Recreation of the Year: "Sayonara Wild Hearts" (Simogo)
As traditional, Apple additionally provided details on the yr's most downloaded apps. You'd most likely see many of those titles coming from miles away, however still -- it is fascinating to see how sure apps, firms and platforms stack up over time. Take TikTok as an example: It is an unabashed phenomenon now, albeit one that is also inflicting concern in the upper echelons of multiple governments. This 12 months, it was Apple's fourth most downloaded free iPhone app -- that is a pretty big leap from final yr, the place it placed 16th.) And while Photography-blogs , Instagram and Snapchat proceed to assert the first, second and third place crowns respectively, Bitmoji dropped out of the highest ten entirely this year. Guess those customized clothes weren't enough to keep individuals hooked.
Here are the complete lists:
Prime Free iPhone Apps
Google Maps - Transit & Meals
Amazon - Purchasing made easy
Top Paid iPhone Apps
Dark Sky Weather
The Wonder Weeks
AutoSleep Tracker for Watch
Afterlight - Picture Editor
Procreate Pocket
Sky Guide
Prime Free iPad Apps
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream
Amazon Prime Video
Google Chrome
Hulu: Watch Television Shows & Motion pictures
Gmail - E-mail by Google
TikTok - Make Your Day
Top Paid iPad Apps
GoodNotes 5
Duet Display
Toca Hair Salon 3
Toca Life: Neighborhood
PDF Skilled 7: PDF Editor
Affinity Designer
Prime Free iPhone Games
Mario Kart Tour
Call of Obligation: Mobile
BitLife - Life Simulator
Roller Splat!
High Paid iPhone Games
Rebel Inc.
Bloons TD 5
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
High Free iPad Games
Paper.io 2
Color Bump 3D
Magic Tiles 3: Piano Sport
Polysphere - artwork of puzzle
Tiles Hop - EDM Rush
Helix Soar
Prime Paid iPad Games
Bloons TD 6
Plague Inc.
Wonderful Frog?
Stardew Valley
The sport of Life
Heads Up!
Bendy and the Ink Machine
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zooquilt6 · 2 years
Apple Highlights A Few Of The Perfect (and Most Popular) Apps Of 2022
As expected, Apple's event at the moment wasn't about heralding any new hardware -- it was about shining some light on a few of the 12 months's standout apps. (If Android is extra your thing, anticipate Google's personal list of first-class apps to drop shortly, too.) Apple's selections this yr run the gamut from artsy -- Spectre Camera helps people take lengthy-exposure pictures with their iPhones -- to sensible fare like Affinity's desktop publishing app for the Mac. With that said, a couple of of the alternatives here are particularly attention-grabbing.
Sayonara Wild Hearts was simply essentially the most stylish of Apple Arcade's first games, so its nod here feels effectively-warranted regardless of being a cross-platform title. And MINECRAFT may very well be mentioned for Hyper Light Drifter -- it is somewhat strange to see it take the crown for Greatest iPad game of the year when it debuted on PCs and Macs over three years in the past. (Eva Gaspar, CEO of Abylight Studios, instructed Engadget they took on the mission of adapting HLD for iOS after finishing the Switch port last yr.) Regardless, there are a handful of fascinating selections that even we hadn't heard of earlier than, so make sure to check out the full listing beneath.
iPhone App of the 12 months: Spectre Camera (Lux Optics)
iPad App of the Yr: Move by Moleskine (Moleskine)
Mac App of the Yr: Affinity Writer (Serif Labs)
Apple Television App of the Year: The Explorers (The Explorers Community)
iPhone Sport of the 12 months: "Sky: Kids of the sunshine" (thatgamecompany)
iPad Game of the Year: "Hyper Mild Drifter" (Abylight S.L.)
Mac Game of the 12 months: "GRIS" (Devolver / Nomada Studio)
Apple Tv Game of the 12 months: "Surprise Boy: The Dragon's Lure" (DotEmu)
Apple Arcade Sport of the Yr: "Sayonara Wild Hearts" (Simogo)
As normal, Apple additionally supplied details on the 12 months's most downloaded apps. You'd in all probability see many of these titles coming from miles away, but nonetheless -- it's interesting to see how certain apps, corporations and platforms stack up over time. Take TikTok for example: It's an unabashed phenomenon now, albeit one that's additionally inflicting concern within the upper echelons of multiple governments. This 12 months, it was Apple's fourth most downloaded free iPhone app -- that is a pretty large jump from last yr, the place it placed 16th.) And whereas YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat proceed to assert the first, second and third place crowns respectively, Bitmoji dropped out of the top ten solely this year. Guess those customized clothes weren't sufficient to keep folks hooked.
Here are the complete lists:
High Free iPhone Apps
Google Maps - Transit & Food
Amazon - Purchasing made easy
Top Paid iPhone Apps
Dark Sky Weather
The Surprise Weeks
AutoSleep Tracker for Watch
Afterlight - Photograph Editor
Procreate Pocket
Sky Information
Top Free iPad Apps
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream
Amazon Prime Video
Google Chrome
Hulu: Watch Tv Reveals & Movies
Gmail - E mail by Google
TikTok - Make Your Day
Top Paid iPad Apps
GoodNotes 5
Duet Display
Toca Hair Salon three
Toca Life: Neighborhood
PDF Expert 7: PDF Editor
Affinity Designer
High Free iPhone Video games
Mario Kart Tour
Name of Obligation: Mobile
BitLife - Life Simulator
Roller Splat!
Prime Paid iPhone Games
Rebel Inc.
Bloons TD 5
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Top Free iPad Video games
Paper.io 2
Shade Bump 3D
Magic Tiles 3: Piano Game
Polysphere - art of puzzle
Tiles Hop - EDM Rush
Helix Leap
Top Paid iPad Video games
Bloons TD 6
Plague Inc.
Amazing Frog?
Stardew Valley
The game of Life
Heads Up!
Bendy and the Ink Machine
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fallonbartlett66 · 3 months
'world's Most Expensive Videogame' Presently Free To Play However Only For A Brief Time
One of the key aspects that units cash making apps apart is their inclusivity. These apps sometimes do not require any specific skills or prior expertise, making them accessible to a broad vary of customers. This implies that virtually anybody with a smartphone and an internet connection can potentially leverage these apps to earn money. By eliminating conventional obstacles to entry, money making apps create opportunities for individuals from all walks of life to complement their revenue or discover new incomes avenues. If you’re someone who enjoys enjoying simple but addictive games, Boodle might be the proper money-making app for you. With its user-friendly interface and a variety of game choices, Boodle makes incomes money by way of gaming each straightforward and pleasant. A lot of games like Clash of Clan, PUBG Mobile, Fortnite, etc. have in-app purchases and there's no restrict on how a lot cash one can spend on them. But that doesn’t imply Apple’s iOS is lagging behind in phrases of dear apps. Every second you both get nearer to death or nearer to prosperity and evolving to the next level of play. The graphical interface could be very easy, and it'll run perfectly fine on low-cost telephones. Either way, the necessary a part of choosing your game is to take a glance at its tags, game critiques, and watching some gameplay footage before absolutely shopping for into the sport. Part of the hit Bloons TD smartphone collection, Bloons TD 6 is the fruits of the franchise. Combining the great components of all previous games as properly as adding its extras and improvements, TD 6 offers you one of the most satisfying tower defense games of all time. With its user-friendly interface and seamless gameplay, Spades Cash offers a truly immersive experience for players of all talent ranges. The game became a massive business success because of hundreds of thousands of hard-core fans around the world. We’ll also take a look at the most expensive online game ever sold. Brazil is a beautiful marketplace for Canadian video gaming studies. Given its giant population offering a robust participant base of all ages, with a particular preference for casual and mobile games, the online game market is good for Canadian small and medium size studios. Brazil’s place as a regional powerhouse also facilitates access to the rest of the Latin American market. Launched in 2011, the QSFFStats is developed for the hardcore soccer followers on the market who want to keep themselves up to date with the stats for all passing leagues and upload play-by-play stats by through email. The app offers nothing important when it comes to functionality, which is shocking given its expensive price ticket. It will simply sit on your personal home display displaying “Most Expensive Android Widget” so that folks viewing your house display screen know how rich you would possibly be. Since Google has set an higher limit for the way much an app or a game could cost on Play Store, you won’t discover anything over $400. most expensive game on play store They simply assume that means because they don’t know the time and effort developers will hold whereas making these apps. Maybe next yr video games will be good again but me, I actually have my doubts. In the meantime I’m more than pleased to while away my time making good on good intentions whereas I await the discharge of the only good video game ever, Maddy Thorson’s Earthblade. Globally we downloaded nearly 300 billion mobile apps in 2023, based on Statista, and greater than half of them had been games. That’s up nearly 50 billion app installs from the earlier — an almost 20% increase in mobile app downloads — and we might be in for a further leap in 2024.
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semiauto03-blog · 3 months
BitRival: New Game Integration
Get ready to pop and unlock Rivals because Bloons TD 6 is now available on the BitRivals app! Earn points for tackling those tricky MOABs and win rare loots through our Rival raffles! Join the action now and play to earn! #PlayToEarn #giveaways #gamers 🚀🎮 #BitRivals
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1gbag · 4 months
Top 5 Must-Try Free Android Tower Defense Games for 2024
Are you a strategy enthusiast looking for some thrilling tower defense games to play on your Android device? Look no further! We have curated a list of the top five free Android tower defense games for 2024. These games offer unique gameplay mechanics, stunning graphics, and hours of addictive fun. Get ready to defend your turf and strategize your way to victory!
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Castle Defense: Kingdom Wars by DH Games Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dhgames.defender&hl=en_US&gl=US
Castle Defense: Kingdom Wars is a fantastic tower defense game that combines strategy and action. Set in a medieval world, your task is to defend your castle against waves of enemies. With a variety of heroes, towers, and special abilities at your disposal, you can create powerful defenses and unleash devastating attacks. The game features stunning 3D graphics, immersive sound effects, and addictive gameplay. Upgrade your towers, recruit new heroes, and prove your strategic skills in this epic tower defense adventure!
Bloons TD 6 by ninja kiwi Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ninjakiwi.bloonstd6&hl=en_US&gl=US
Bloons TD 6 is a popular tower defense game that offers a colorful and entertaining experience. In this game, your objective is to pop waves of balloons using a variety of monkey towers with different abilities and upgrade paths. With each victory, you earn in-game currency to unlock new towers, upgrades, and abilities. Bloons TD 6 features captivating graphics, challenging levels, and an engaging progression system. Prepare for a balloon-popping extravaganza as you strategize your way through countless fun-filled levels!
Defense Zone 3 HD by ARTEM KOTOV Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.defensezone3&hl=en_US&gl=US
Defense Zone 3 HD is a visually stunning tower defense game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its modern warfare setting, the game offers a realistic combat experience as you defend your bases against waves of enemy troops, tanks, and aircraft. The game features a wide variety of towers with different firepower and abilities, allowing you to create diverse strategies. Defense Zone 3 HD also boasts impressive graphics, intense gameplay, and challenging levels that will test your tactical skills to the limit.
Alien Creeps TD by Outplay Entertainment Ltd Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outplayentertainment.aliencreeps&hl=en_US&gl=US
Alien Creeps TD takes the tower defense genre to new heights with its sci-fi theme and action-packed gameplay. As the commander, you must defend Earth from an alien invasion by strategically placing powerful towers along the path. The game offers a wide range of towers, each with unique abilities and upgrade options. With stunning visuals, explosive special effects, and fast-paced gameplay, Alien Creeps TD delivers an adrenaline-pumping tower defense experience that will keep you hooked for hours.
Plants vs. Zombies 2 by ELECTRONIC ARTS Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.game.pvz2_row&hl=en_US&gl=US
Plants vs. Zombies 2 is a classic tower defense game that has stood the test of time. In this addictive sequel, you'll join Crazy Dave on a time-traveling adventure to battle hordes of hilarious zombies across different historical eras. Armed with an arsenal of plants, each with unique abilities, you must strategically place them to defend your garden from the undead. With its charming graphics, humorous storyline, and addictive gameplay, Plants vs. Zombies 2 remains a must-play tower defense game for both casual and hardcore gamers.
Conclusion: In the ever-expanding world of Android tower defense games, these five titles stand out as the cream of the crop for 2024. Castle Defense: Kingdom Wars, Bloons TD 6, Defense Zone 3 HD, Alien Creeps TD, and Plants vs. Zombies 2 offer engaging gameplay, stunning visuals, and unique features that will keep players entertained for hours on end. Whether you prefer medieval battles, balloon-popping monkey towers, intense modern warfare, alien invasions, or even zombie slaying, there's a tower defense game on this list that will satisfy your strategic cravings. So, gather your defenses, devise your tactics, and embark on an epic tower defense adventure today!
Unleash Your Endless Adventure: Top 5 Android Endless Runner Games 2024!
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govindhtech · 4 months
Apple Vision Pro: The First Spatial Computer
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Use Apps on an Infinite Canvas
Apple Vision Pro is great for daily work. The three-dimensional user interface lets apps appear side by side at any scale, creating an infinite canvas for multitasking and collaboration. Vision Pro users can create the perfect workspace with a Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad or Mac Virtual Display.
VisionOS-specific apps like Box make it easy to collaborate and securely manage files and content, including 3D objects, while MindNode helps users brainstorm with thought bubbles that float around their space. OmniFocus and OmniPlan display a complete project plan in large windows with beautiful data and project management visualization. Microsoft 365 productivity apps Fantastical and Numerics use Apple Vision Pro’s infinite canvas and sharp text rendering to simplify daily tasks. JigSpace creates interactive, step-by-step spatial presentations from 3D content, audio, video, and text, and Navi creates live captions for conversations.
“Apple Vision Pro is a massive step change in technology, akin to iPhone and iPad,” said Box cofounder and CEO Aaron Levie. “This revolutionary technology delivers visually stunning interactions without physical limitations, redefining how we work. From creating the next breakthrough product to reimagining customer experiences, the possibilities are endless.”
Apple Vision Pro lets users join Webex, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams for the best meeting experience with multiple windows and shared content that fills the space. At launch, Vision Pro supports thousands of productivity apps like Slack, Notion, Todoist, and others that are essential to workflows.
Enjoy Fun Games in New Ways
Apple Vision Pro makes gaming fun and rewarding for all skill levels. Players can play App Store games that change their surroundings, use an Environment for a more immersive experience, or play compatible games on a large screen. Vision Pro integrates with PlayStation DualSense and Xbox Wireless Controller to support a variety of games and spatial experiences.
Apple vision pro games
On Apple Vision Pro, Apple Arcade offers over 250 games without in-app purchases or ads, including NBA 2K24 Arcade Edition, Sonic Dream Team, and TMNT Splintered Fate. A great selection of Vision Pro-exclusive spatial games will let arcade players experience spatial gaming. Players travel to stunning gameplay environments in Synth Riders, twirl LEGO bricks with their fingers in LEGO Builder’s Journey, slice apples with their hands in Super Fruit Ninja, and more. Spatial games launched with Apple Arcade include Game Room, WHAT THE GOLF, Cut the Rope 3, Jetpack Joyride 2, Bloons TD 6+, stitch., Patterned, Illustrated, and Wylde Flowers.
Halfbrick CEO Shainiel Deo said, “Innovation is in our DNA, so we were super excited to dive into this new technology and take the core gameplay of Jetpack Joyride and Fruit Ninja into new, immersive, and truly captivating experiences, leveraging the incredible technology of the Apple Vision Super Fruit Ninja’s Dojo that turns their living room into their Dojo and Jetpack Joyride 2’s Barry Steakfries world should impress players.
In addition to Apple Arcade, the App Store has spatial games with different gameplay. Loóna brings relaxing 3D dioramas to life, Blackbox spatial puzzles float in the physical world, and Void-X revives the fast-paced retro arcade shooter in a dark, pixel art-style cityscape with immersive 3D effects and intuitive eye and hand gameplay. Skatrix Pro is a competitive and immersive skateboarding game with physics-driven skateboarding and a 3D hand gesture joystick.
Mac Virtual Display lets players play more games from the Mac App Store and Steam, including Lies of P and Baldur’s Gate 3, in smooth and responsive Game Mode.
Discover New Places
New spatial computing experiences help Apple Vision Pro users explore places in amazing ways. The Archive lets users explore immersive locations, artifacts, and spatial media from Star Trek’s Gene Roddenberry and other legendary creators, while Hold the World takes them to London’s Natural History Museum with Sir David Attenborough to see rare specimens from its world-famous collection. Voyager by ForeFlight gives aviation enthusiasts the ultimate playground by spatializing air traffic control, and CARROT Weather uses 3D weather maps to deliver hilariously twisted forecasts.
Funways to Learn with Apps
Apple Vision Pro apps like solAR, Sky Guide, and Night Sky create a three-dimensional learning environment that brings the solar system to users. Exploring Mars lets users explore Mars through one of the three NASA rovers on the surface. Users can explore a bacteria cell down to its atoms in CellWalk and understand the human heart like never before in Insight Heart. Complete HeartX uses a novel approach to connect tailored 3D anatomy and physiology with diagnoses and treatments to better prepare students for patient care.
New music experiences
Many popular apps have created exclusive experiences for Apple Vision Pro, like djay, which lets users mix their favorite music on two highly realistic 3D turntables. Now Playing enhances listening by uncovering music’s hidden stories, and STAGE+ lets users encounter the world’s greatest classical musicians like never before. Spool makes stunning music videos with studio-quality visual effects and immersive editing tools, while Animoog Galaxy inhabits a physical space and adds new sounds and colors. AmazeVR Concerts puts users in the front row of high-quality concerts with live action footage of their favorite artists in stunning 3D VR environments. User can discover new music, create choreography, and more on tappr.tv.
New ways to discover, visualize, and shop
Apple Vision Pro creates immersive, dynamic shopping experiences like never before. J.Crew Virtual Closet and Mytheresa: Luxury Experience are reinventing shopping with live consultations and FaceTime looksharing. Decathlon lets customers see products in 3D in their home. Lowe’s Style Studio uses spatial computing to let users design the perfect kitchen in real time, and Wayfair Decorify helps them redesign their spaces quickly. Through virtual home tours and interactive 3D floor plans, Zillow Immerse lets house hunters explore select listings.
Stay Present with Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro lets users reflect, breathe, and focus in quiet spaces with apps. Vision Pro users can relax and build resilience with beautifully designed mindfulness apps like Healium that create stress-reducing memories of nature-based escapes. Lungy: Spaces offers interactive breathing exercises and sound-based, active meditation, while wellness app Odio creates a sonic cocoon with spatial soundscapes to relax users. Endel’s immersive light and sound experience is ideal for Vision Pro.
The App Store is constantly adding new apps, giving Apple Vision Pro users exciting new spatial experiences.
What is Apple spatial computing?
Spatial computing blends reality and virtuality. Apple Vision Pro scans a user’s surroundings to create a 3D spatial map.
What is the purpose of spatial computing?
Spatial computing allows machines to learn about physical spaces and track human behavior and movement. With this data, machines can automate and optimize human processes.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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kiwimadegames · 4 months
Tumblr media
'Bloons TD Battles 2' (2021) By: Ninja Kiwi (Auckland) For: iOS, Android, Steam Battle through a series of challenging Arenas and prove that you have what it takes to enter the fabled Hall of Masters and seize your glory! Links: - Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1276390/Bloons_TD_Battles_2/?curator_clanid=10060090 - iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bloons-td-battles-2/id1540061397 - Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ninjakiwi.bloonstdbattles2&hl=en_US&gl=US
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paleclementine · 5 months
okay i might as well do the update now. I'll try to include as much as I'm able, but I'll probably miss some details.
thank fucking Christ the semester is over.
Holy shit, I hadn't had such a hard time in school since my sophomore year of highschool. The classes were the most boring ones I've ever taken. The professors were so boring and terrible. I hated going to class, but it was one of the few things that got me away from my roommates. I can't stand thinking about them now, So i might later. I started losing weight and cutting down calories significantly, and since I started on November 8th, I've lost 7-10 pounds, but I've hit a plateau and can no longer (as of now) lose weight just by eating less, so I'll need to exercise again. tbh, I think all the weight I lost actually came from those first two weeks where I was running and doing abs and actually burning calories. Outside, of course, because it wasn't balls-fucking cold and burning my nose. I'm proud of myself for losing that weight, but I still have a long, long way to go. I want to get down to 88 pounds (ugw). I don't plan on staying there- genuinely, I don't- it's just... I want to be able to say I did it. That not only was I capable of it, but I actually accomplished it. I've never been underweight in my entire fucking life, and for once, I'd like to not be the duff. it will take hard work and discipline, but I'm not afraid of hard work; I'll get everything I want.
The new york trip was really fun, but physically draining. Anthony was a good sport about it, although he did play bloons tower defense on his phone more than I would have liked. He was good around my family though, and supportive of me when I got disgusted of the streets and subways and crowds. Side note- I hate new yorkers. They're so rude. There's lots of little things that happened, but my favorite parts were ice skating at Rockerfeller, getting peanut noodles (twice!) with Anthony in Chinatown, and hearing all his spiderman facts, watching Wicked, and napping when possible. It was a long trip, but worthwhile.
Now I'm home, and it's comfortable. I got everything I wanted for Christmas and liked all of my stuff. Unlike other Christmas's, I know I'll use everything I got. Me and Hailey watched all the harry potter movies together, and now I'm in a harry potter phase again. It's so good! Liking it isn't cringe (as I once thought- ugh, I got too consumed with millennial hate).
Btw, I went to hang out with Emily thinking we were going to eat dinner together and just talk, and then guess who was there? SAM. The fucking bastard. I don't know what the fuck happened- how it played out- to make him join, or if Emily let him come in the first place. I. Fucking. HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm doing well, trying to just chill out completely. God knows I need it and will continue to need it. I deleted tiktok and I already feel myself settling back into my natural rhythm again. I really, really appreciate that.. the norm for myself is not being on tiktok. My body and brain naturally don't want that level of overstimulation, and the mere act of not being on it makes me more relaxed. I literally had the app for two months-- maybe more, honestly, but I cant remember. that's a long fucking time. Since I've deleted it, I've read over 200,000 words of fanfic on AO3, and in my opinion, that's a much better way to spend my time. Sighhh. I hate tiktok. I hate social media. I think I'd end up fine if I got a flip phone so long as I could still listen to music.
Anyway, back to reading fanfic :) overall, I'm happy here. I don't want to go back to the cold. But I'll do what I must- because I must do it.
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