#blud im so tired
leternumo · 1 month
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finished an older sketch .
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can someone knock me CLEAN out so i can get a full 5 hours MINIMUM
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jukednuked · 1 year
lyney the type of guy to 'recharge' his magic by kissing you
lyney the type of guy who'd send one of his hat pigeons to deliver you a love letter (it turned into confetti after being read)
lyney the type of guy to let you carry him on your back because he's 'tired' (blud wants to be as close to you as possible)
lyney the type of guy who'd apologize to you by making a bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere
lyney also the type of guy who'd value what you both have a lot, he'll get real serious if he senses any type of resentment after an argument
lyney the type of guy to teach you a magic trick or two, like how to steal someone's heart maybe?
lyney the type of guy who'd be so good at pick up lines that it's almost frustrating how he can make you feel like jelly in a split second
lyney the type of guy who'd never, ever let you come to his house in hopes of avoiding a certain harbinger (blud doesnt want you to get put in a meat grinder)
lyney the type of guy to massage your shoulders frequently because seeing you all satisfied makes him feel like he can take care of you
lyney the type of guy who'd jokingly bite you one time because you just look too cute (it will become more than one time)
lyney the type of guy who'd beg you to become his assistant in one of his magic tricks involving a box and a saw because lynette refused
lyney the type of guy who'd trace shapes on your hands whenever you feel upset and just want to sit in silence
lyney the type of guy who'd get real sad if he doesn't find you in the audience when he's having a magic show, might fumble over his words and accidentally make a snake appear rather than a cat
lyney the type of guy who'd tell you to throw tomatoes at him like he's a medieval criminal if he ever fails a magic trick
lyney the type of guy who uses the thought of you as a way to cope with his past
lyney the type of guy who'd show off his magic to you whenever you compliment someone else just for you to go wowowoww lyney!!
lyney the type of guy who conveniently always chooses you as guest of the magic show
lyney the type of guy to get you a matching hat just like his one, just a different colour
lyney the type of guy to have a diary<33 every page involves your name at least 1-2 times
lyney the type of guy to slide notes with angry faces drawn on them under your door whenever you forget to give him his goodmorning/afternoon/night/literally-every-part-of-the-day kiss
lyney is that guy
A/N: my sincerest apologies @strawberrylabs if you look closely you can see the blood, sweat and tears i shedded writing this😓🙏 i secretly wanted to switch it to the most gut wrenching angst mid way but im soooo nice
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ellies-cove · 8 months
Can I just say... i really like that your divider is a blank search bar. Idk why it just tickles me pink. Also!!! I see you included Alejandro in the "fave cod men lifted by their s/o" (WHICH WAS ADORABLE BTW OMG!!! I love how they all just want to sleep and are too tired to call reader out on their mischievous powerlifitng)(also im sorry for the misspelling....) and SO. I have... request for Alejandro specifically and maybe Rudy if you'd like to write for him too! Non-Mexican S/O headcanons?? how would they introduce reader to their culture and language? What would they be absolutely stoked by if reader did? Any points of contention u can imagine??? - anon Minty 💚🩵
These are not my characters, if the owner wants me to take down the post I wouldn't mind. :) - Moon 🌕
Alejandro with a Non-Mexican Reader!
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I feel like he would tease about you.
If you are American he'll say something like "Those damn Americans know the way to my heart" or something cheesy.
If your from anywhere in Europe he'd be interested to under stand your culture.
Loves to listen hear you speak in your language.
With your permission, he'd teach you Spanish.
Head over heels with you if you call him any pet name in Spanish.
Even if your calling him ugly he'll take it as a joke.
Oh but if someone calls you something mean in Spanish....
(Skip this part if you don't like violence!)
Slamming them against the ground, blood everywhere. Head wounds everywhere and a bullet in their ankle and a wire scar on their neck.
Their nails have been ripped off and their hands have a symbol, the Los vaquero's symbol like they were marked as prey.
Puts a lot of spices in his foods.
He'll laugh at you if you say it's spicy and give you milk.
"Mi amor and her white taste bluds." He would tease you every time...
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ehveerivv · 11 days
I’ll edit later bc I know it’s written all wacky and the tenses make no sense. I’m tired and I need to go to bed, it’s already light out 😭😭😭
I love my partner; there’s literally nothing she could do that I wouldn’t crumble into a pile of adoration over.
Her stepdad is a different story…I’ve met the guy twice in our relationship so far. The second time was after a night out with my partner and Ghostie. We went to a popular urban legend spot and ran out like little bitches after hearing a LOUD shriek which at 4 in the morning really fucks with you (lol). We went there to drop my partner back at her place. Our interaction consisted of a simple “goodnight be safe yada yada, nice to meet you by the way, I’m dating your kid”
The FIRST time I met her stepdad was at work. I was working fast food at that point in time. I had NO CLUE who he was. He came up to the front counter and said (word for word)
“hi, can i get a medium fry to go? Who’s your T doctor?”
My guy W H A T ? You meet your kid’s partner and the first thing you do is ask about my medicals? What happened to “hi nice to meet you?” And either way, I was on the clock, at work; doing work things. At the time I didn’t even know who the hell he was either. There was zero introduction. For all I knew he was a complete stranger.
While it was an incredibly invasive question I answered honestly, explaining that at that point due to the law change I stopped taking T until after my birthday (which was a month before this interaction) he kinda “hmm”’d at me and said something about his T shots and it hit me; bro is also trans. I wouldn’t have ever guessed that. I thought that was super neat cause now I knew I already had something in common with him.
A few days ago my partner told me that because I don’t bind or go out of my way to present one way or another that her stepdad was making comments that I’m “not really trans” because I don’t bind at work.
First off, not that it’s her stepdads business, but binding in a hot and greasy workplace while being a smoker and on top that being off of T which means my estrogen levels rocketed and thus made my boobas painful didn’t seem like a great idea. I choose breathing over chest pain :)
Second, I was stealthing at work aside from like 2 other coworkers who I know outside of work.
Third, I don’t owe anyone any type of masculinity or femininity. I dress comfortably and while I do present masculine outside of work sometimes I’m just lazy or not feeling like putting a lot of effort into the way I look.
Fourth- blud has been on T much longer than I have at that point, so no. Im not gonna look like a cis dude. And I don’t really give a shit 🤷
Why in the world was someone who has years of being trans on me try to beef with me and “out trans” me??? I’d met him twice at this point and both times I had been as respectful as possible to him.
The part that really got under my skin though, was that her stepdad has been raving about how I seem delicate and stupid, I’m going to be hate crimed, I needed protection from my partner, etc.
Delicate? Sure, I have vulnerable moments, but for the most part I’m delicate like a landmine and if you step on the pressure plate too hard yeah, I’m gonna explode.
Stupid? Yes. But just because I do stupid things and make some stupid choices doesn’t make me a stupid person. I’m competent and capable. I wasn’t climbing the work ladder with my stupidity that’s for damn sure.
Hate crimed? Unfortunately yes, but I do my best to not instigate and try my damndest not to put myself in situations like that.
Need protection? Nah, I’m good. Daddy raised a cryer with good aim, not a bitch :)
The “delicate” comment came from right after my parents nearly got divorced twice in one month and I lost the only grandparent on my dad’s side of the family that I had left. The women who raised me and the other woman I liked calling “mom”. Why can’t I be vulnerable in that moment and let myself feel upset over something devastating like that???
I’m not gonna go create beef with her stepdad or anything; but it’s really fucking frustrating that I feel like I suddenly have something to prove :(
Dysphoria is usually like a 3/10 like I can handle it and all, but now it’s like a 6/10 and it hurts a little more :/ and I was really hoping I might be able to get tips or even bond over also being trans with him over time.
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im so tired i just typed blood as blud. heh.
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