#blue colonel
radiantrookie · 24 days
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babybinko · 10 months
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My second batch of venture bros genderbends are finally done! :D [first set here]
PLEASE LOOK UNDER THE CUT!!! I made all these nice drawings and doodles of them and I want people to see them without this post being super long! :') [My thoughts on the designs and doodles will be under the cut as well]
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Okay NOW I'm going talk about my thought process on some of these:
Baby Rusty: I love the baby Rusty, the frilly socks and sleeves were a must. I actually drew her with the original set of genderbends but I turned off her layer and forgot about her 💀
Jonas Jr: not much to say about her, I tried to make her like Rosie the Riveter. Her little bandana has the Venture logo on it :)
Jonas Sr: I wanted her to be a hot bitch, her outfit is maybe a little scandalous for the time era they were in but I think it fits, canon Jonas is a whore. I think everybody would want her and that every celebrity, politician, and anybody with any power would chase after her so badly.
Blue Morpho: I made her so incredibly slay. I fucking love her outfit, I found the inspo for the outfit on Pinterest but I changed it up a bit. Also her gun has the bayonetta butterfly wings on it as a charm because I HAD TO.
Colonel Gentleman: Not a lot to say, I wanted to give her like horse riding esque boots and I gave her a purple flower cause she likes the ladies. I know generally WLW flowers are Violets and Lavender but I wanted to draw a rose so, Purple rose compromise <3
Dr.Boyfriend 2: With my last round Dr.Boyfriend was the only one people had complaints with. I think people wished he was more Masculine and I agree but if I switched up the design too much it wouldn't look like Dr.Girlfriend. I hope giving him armor and making him look like a knight helped him look more masc. I made the sheer wings cross over his chest to make it look like it was holding up the shoulder armor. Also his guild book is insanely high quality because I was procrastinating drawing his armor.
Goofy and Goober (Watch and Ward): I think they ended up really cute, I tried to make their hair colors close to Doc and Jacksons since I heard they are supposed to be like their "main" self inserts. With Ward I had a really specific idea for her hair, I kept thinking about this haircut from my sims and had to do it. It might be hard to see but her ponytail holders have skull charms on them. I also purposely gave them both some sort of ponytail hairstyle so they would match but be slightly different :) (They are absolutely prank calling or trolling their clients on that phone btw)
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Shoreleave: OH MY GOD I LOVE SHORELEAVE. I kept turning her folder back on just to keep looking at her when I was drawing the other characters. She is so captivating to me, she looks so soft and human. I want to take a bite out of her thigh. My biggest inspo for her was Cammy from Street Fighter, I felt like her dressing a bit skimpy works for her since canon Shoreleave kinda does. The girls out for the girls.
Alchemist: I love her design so much too. I wanted her to look like some kind of nun or priestess. She looks like if a Zelda fire temple was a person. I kinda gave her like a weird little hime cut under the hood. Also I put the Triad logo on all three of their designs (+ Triana).
Jefferson: Had a lot of fun with her, I didnt change her design much from canon though so there's not much to say. I did give her more flared pants though. Drawing her hair was a really fun change of pace, I very rarely get to draw textured hair.
College Rusty and Monarch Drawing: I love this one, Monarch turned out so hot dude. You can tell what character I like more LMFAO. I made rusty very obnoxious 80s while keeping the colors of the original college rusty outfit. Monarch kind of looks like postal dude but its fine because shes slay.
Hereditary Venture Family Dinner Drawing: This was one of the first drawings I started but the second to last one I finished. I wanted to draw the family doing something together but I think I really truly just wanted to draw Dermott again. 😭 Nobody has said anything if they noticed but I did give hatred the shirt from these edits. (I believe the one on the left is from reddit and the one on the right is by SquashFold on Twitter)
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Dermott piercing Dean's ears drawing: Even though its messy its in the top 3 favorites I did, It was also the last one I did. I just love the idea of Dermott giving goth Dean at home ear piercings. At first I didn't know if I wanted to make Dermott giving her piercings at the mall where she works or at home but the mall idea was too much work for a last minute sketch. Dermott is so mean older sister who shoplifts and works at the mall.
Drug bathroom drawing: Another one of my favorites, its based off a specific deleted scene from Invisible Hand of Fate where Pete and Rusty talk at the bar but Pete comes out of the bathroom sniffling at the start. I love the way I drew Pete pushing the hair out of her face and both of their expressions.
Bdsm 21 drawing: Okay first of all, The little devil Monarch was so cute I was screaming, crying, and throwing up while drawing her. I fucking love her, shes the smallest part of the image but my favorite. I also am quite fond of the bdsm 21.
Quizgirls Pete and Billy: I tried looking up Vanna White dresses to base Pete's outfit off of but I couldn't find one that Pete would actually wear so I just had to make shit up. Billy's design is really basic but the bow in her hair is actually from one of my rejected main Billy genderbends.
Me and The Bestie: I put a lot of effort into this one for no reason. Literally the moment I saw Jonas in the problem machine I thought he should be made of like blue slime. When I was working on this I kept thinking about Momopatchi's Hatsune Microbe drawing so this Jonas was definitely inspired by that. I gave Jonas makeup because she was having a party movie night on gargantua and I felt like she would still have makeup on thats like completely fucked up and deteriorating on her face after many many years. Vendata's outfit was partially based on Marguerite Chapman's from Flight to Mars, never seen it but I was looking up old sci-fi movie costumes to work with and I thought it would look good :)
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abs-2020 · 1 year
Dont really know if you do jake sully asks but.
Yandere! Dilf! jake sully x young Na'vi reader {not TOO young}
Where hake is already married to neytiri and has his four children but isn't satisfied with it, he didn't get to enjoy most of his time as a young Na'vi, then suddenly, a young Na'vi reader gets gis attention, following reader around like its a hobby.
Of course, the reader notices, how could they not with jake big form always around them? The reader took a liking to jake a few pandoran moons ago, but since they know Neytiri is HIS mate, reader can't stand a chance.
So when some time came jake slowly improved his relationship with the reader and they {you know 🤭}
And then one day the reader sees that he looked so happy with his family, so the reader distances themselves to him thinking he doesn't want reader anymore, and the reader thinking they were only and ONLY his plaything.
The reader follows the elders' commands and begins to find another mate.
Jake on the other hand is FURIOUS, let me tell you, volcano furious, he wants reader and reader only, he finds himself getting rid of possible mates as he is ofc, THE Toruk Macto. He gets amd at the reader and pour some angry smut there would you? And the rest us to you😫😫😫😫🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Girlie. 🤚🏻🤚🏻 lemme just tell you. This. Sounded. Fun. Buuuut uh, I’m scared I did your thoughts absolutely no justice and that I didn’t live up to any of your expectations. But I did my best and played around sooo I hope you enjoy. Aaassss always comments and complaints are always appreciated. <3.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/choking kink/CNC/forced breeding/oral(M) receiving/jakes an ass/ this is just pure filth/cheating on Netyiri/stalking/age gap/it’s nassstayyy.
Authors note: uuh NOBODY thank me. Because this wasn’t my idea. It was this lovely girls idea. 😌 but I feel like i did your idea no Justice.
Jake. Jake sully. Jake fucking sully. The Avatar that’s been haunting your dreams and daydreams. His hulking blue frame and roguishly attractive aroma haunted your every god damned thought. I mean how could he not? His tenacious smirk, beautiful hair, and that gorgeous gorgeous voice of his had you fawning over him like a little puppy. But it wasn’t always that way, of course not. In fact, you hadn’t really noticed Jake sully, ‘the Toruk Makto’ not until the big blue alien had started following you around like some gaurd dog a few months ago. Like it was a hobby, like it was his duty. That, that is when you noticed the blue avatar. That’s when you noticed his burning hot gaze on your behind, the gaze that sent chills down your spine. That was when you first noticed Jake sully.
Soon after his stalkerish behaviors Jake had finally started to make interactions with you. Such as asking ‘how your day was’ or telling you that ‘your hair looked nice’ even as far as sneaking up behind you and capturing you in unexpected embraces. But that was after he had started to grow on you. But oh boy, The way his arms wrapped around your form intoxicated you to the very core, made you feel a warmth you hadn’t ever felt before. A warmth that you never wanted to go away, never.
But no matter what the hulking blue alien did to make you feel at ease you always had one thought on your mind. ‘Jake was a mated man’ Jake had a mate. And that thought was the only thought that had seemed to keep you at bay. You stood absolutely no chance. But his warmth, oh his warmth. You just wished it would never leave.
And that warmth never did go away, and neither did Jake sully, because that warmth had ended up filling your core. And oh it was so hot, sticky, and passionate when it had happened to. The way his hulking form towered over yours, or the soft little whimpers of praise that left his throat with each thrust had you hooked. Hooked in a way you never thought was possible. And the thought of being so hooked to someone, Especially a mated man scared you. But what scared you even more was the fact that Jake sully never left your mind, not ever.
You should have been disgusted with yourself after it had happened. After you had brought about the cheating on Netyiri, Such a kind and beautiful Na’vi. But not only should you have felt disgusted with yourself for that, you should have felt disgusted because of the age gap. Jake was 28 for heavens sake. And you? You were 19. You were 19 well over ‘mating’ age in the words of the Tsahìk. And that had reminded you of your conversion not only a couple days ago.
A hand being placed on your shoulder had your attention being drawn to its user your brows and ears both quirked up. You’d expected it to be a friend, maybe some random boy. But no, all you were met with was the harsh, stone cold gaze of the Tsahìk.
“(Y/N), you’re well over mating age. I think it’s time you find yourself a mate. A strong man, a warrior...”blah..blah..blah…
that was all you heard coming from her mouth during the encounter. But- the Tsahìk was right, and you knew that. Deep down you knew. But even deeper down a part of you wanted to have Jake all for your self, wanted to be his mate, a part that didn’t want to let him go. mean how could you? How could you let go of a man like that? Was a thought that played in your mind on repeat.
Your mindless and aimless wandering during your thoughts had ended up bringing you to the middle of base, a couple tents away from Jake’s. And you hadn’t quite noticed until the sound of laughing children had your head and ears swiftly jerkin in the direction of the noises. Your heart sunk when your eyes met the scene before you. It was all 6 of them, Spider, Netayum, Lo’ak, Tuk, Netyiri, and Jake. Now it wouldn’t have been such a problem if they all hadn’t been laughing, smiling, teasing, and playing all together like the happiest family you’d ever seen. But they were, and it made your heart sink. You couldn’t take that from Jake, you couldn’t take Jake from that he loved his family too much for that. And you finally saw that.
“Oh Ewya, how could I have been such an idiot..”
You were so stupid, you were an idiot. How could you be such and idiot? Jake had a mate, Jake had children, ‘Jake had children’ you brought a shaky hand to your face dragging the flesh of your palm against the palm of your cheek. An exaggerated sight would leave your throat once reality finally set it. You brought about the cheating Netyiri, you helped Jake cheat on his mate. Betray his family. Betray himself. You did that. You did that.
A uneasy queasiness set into the pit your stomach as a sour and tart taste began to fill your mouth coating your taste buds. Quickly you’d rush a hand to your stomach and the other to your mouth. Your feet scurried against the smooth rocky floor as you tried to find a corner to let your body do its thing. But before you knew it a gag would fill the air as the remains of your lunch hit the floor with a noisy spat.
A light sheen of sweat would coat your forehead from the toll puking had taken on your body. You’d shake your head in annoyance at the world and situation your tail whipping furiously and ears falling back in regret.
“Maybe the Tsahìk was right..’
Laughter would fill the air your tail whipping as you sat next to Etäay a joke he had made a couple seconds ago causing laughter to rip through the both of you, a blush painting your features at the proximity of the Na’vi.
Etäay was a funny man, in his late 20s and an excellent hunter. Definitely a Na’vi you wouldn’t have expected to have a sense of humor, But he did. He was a taller Na’vi, skinner, more lean than anything else. His hair in one long thick braid, with two smaller ones hanging in the front of his angular and chiseled face. He wasn’t Jake, not in the slightest, no where near close. No not at all. But you had finally decided to take the advice of the Tsahìk and try finding yourself a mate.
‘Jake wouldn’t mind’ you told yourself ‘Jake won’t care’ he had a family for Christ sake. And a mate. What had happened between the two of you was a mistake. A huge and forgettable one at that. So forget about it you did. Or at least try…
And try you did, but sometimes things just can’t be helped. Because when Etäay decided to lay a bold hand right on the apex of your thigh the sound of a crack coming from the branches above the both of you rippled through the forest causing your ears to fall back in fear as your body stiffened.
A nervous laugh would escape Etäay’s throat. He was just as startled as you were. And you didn’t blame him. Oh no you didn’t blame him at all. How could you when the atmosphere had changed so quickly? Everything had gone dark, a suck a gloomy feeling filling the air making it thick and hard to inhale. A feeling of being watched. stalked by unwanted and familiar eyes. It had your palms going clamy and throat dry. You knew those eyes, and you knew this presence.
“Jake..” it was barley audible, barley about a whisper.
“What?” Etäay would question from the side of you his hand leaving your thigh as he shuffled up uncomfortably. He obviously didn’t catch what you said.
“N-nothing, I’m sorry Etäay but I’m off to bed.” You’d pause “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But deep down, a part of you knew you weren’t going to be seeing him tomorrow. Because a part of you knew Jake wasn’t going to let you.
As you shuffled up from your seat on the forest floor Etäay would give you his farewells before you scurried off like a little mouse. Your heart was thumping, beating just as fast as your mind was racing. ‘Was that really Jake? Or am I just paranoid?’ You asked yourself as you dodged, weaved, jumped, and maneuvered around the forest and it’s obstacles. But after shuffling around the forest for about 10 minutes your heart and mind had finally calmed down. A laugh would leave your throat, the sound echoing around the quiet forest.
You mumbled to yourself as you looked around the trunk of a girthy tree “I was definitely paranoid-“ a choke would fill the air as a giant and roughy blue hand met your throat with a harsh jab, long and thin fingers wrapping around the nape of your neck in a tight, vice like grip. Immediately your air was cut off and your body thrown against the bark of the girthy tree. An animalistic growl echoed through the forest, and rattled every bone in your body shaking you down to your very core your thighs rubbing together subconsciously.
“Oh sweet girl I think you were paranoid just enough.”
Your eyes widened in confirmation at the sound of Jake, oh god jakes voice had your ears falling back and your tail wrapping around your own thigh. Jakes voice was almost hypnotizing a hint of anger and a promise of threat laced in his words, A cherry on top just for you.
Jakes grip on your neck only tightened, the danger of the lack of oxygen causing a sweet and sticky slick to form between your folds as your thighs rubbed together in unison. Black spots starting to cloud your vision, jakes yellow honey dew eyes never leaving yours, not even for a split second. Another aggressive growl would leave his throat as he held your body against the bark of the tree. Your hands would shoot to jakes forearms your nails digging into his blue flesh, breaking skin, drawing blood as you fought the brink of consciousness and unconsciousness. Your eyes would flutter closed as you tried to suck in a breath that wasn’t granted. Your vision getting blacker, blacker by the second. Your body and limbs weakening your hands slipping from jakes forearm as you slipped into unconsciousness. That was until a weight was finally lifted from your throat your knees hitting the forest floor with a loud thud.
Your gasps of air would fill the quiet forest as Jakes giant form loomed over your tiny one, him even taller as you sat on your knees your hand shooting to your throat in an attempt to ease the pain. There was definitely going to be a bruise you thought. A dark and very noticeable Bruise. A mark he was going to leave you with to remember him. The sounds of steps, jakes steps would have you shooting your head up to look at the man.
“You think you can just go around fucking, flirting or even looking in the direct on other guys sweet heart? …?” Jakes tone was dark, each word he spoke with a possessive snarl his canines glistening in the dark of the forest. “You think that’s okay?” Jake would quirk a brow at you.
A scoff would leave your throat as your hand continued to rub and sooth the bruising flesh.
“You don’t own me Jake. You’re a mated man.” Your words were thick, full of truth and venom. “So yes, I can go around. I can go around and find myself a mate. And he’ll be the only one allowed to touch me and make love to me.” Your ears would perk up with pride as you looked up to the man before you, still resting on your knees.
Jakes ears would twitch at your words, his whole body moving in a quick blur as his hand reached for your face his hand gripping your cheeks forcing them into an ‘o’ shape straining your neck to look up at him as he pulled you from your knees to your feet.
Jake was radiating heat and anger, his eyes boring holes into your very soul. He was fuming and oh my did it make slick run down your thigh. You liked him like this, liked him manhandling you. Like him choking you. Got you loved him choking you. He’d never done that before but now, now you were hooked. A dark look would cross jakes features as he stared at your ‘o’ shaped mouth and sinister smirk coating his beautiful face as an idea crossed his mind. Quickly Jake would shove you back down to your knees with a snarl his hands knotting into your hair the skin on the back of your scalp burning from his grip tears threatening to spill from the pain.
In a blur Jake would remove his groin cloth, an unholy groan leaving his lips as his member spring free from its confinement. Your eyes would widen when his long, blue, shaft collided with the skin of your cheek. The sight had your mouth weathering as you counted the bumps and ridges of his member saliva threatening to spill at any moment. Jakes grip on your hair would tighten, a slap to your cheek brining you back to reality causing you to look back up at the dominating Na’vi with doe eyes.
Another slap to your cheek, “open your fucking mouth.” Jakes honey dew eyes were staring right back into yours not an ounce of forgiveness in his orbs.
you wanted to resist you really wanted to, bout how could you? This man was your poison and you would do anything to get a taste even if it meant death. So, you obliged with a more than happy heart. Sticking your tongue out in the most sultry way as a pool of saliva ran from your tongue down the the forest floor. Im that moment you swear you heard jake suck in a breath and stutter. His demeanor faltering for only a second. But only for a second because before you knew it jakes member was getting shoved in and out of your throat in a ruthless and unforgiving pace, each thrust leaving you on the verge of gagging as his ridges caught onto parts of your throat only making the abuse on your throat worse. Ruthlessly Jake would fuck into your throat, small curses and growls leaving his throat as tears trickled down your blue cheeks your ears back and tail stiff.
“O-oh I’m not gonna make love to you b-baby girl, I’m gonna fuck you.” Jake would spit his words through his teeth with venom trying his best not to moan or let his demeanor fall.
A moan would fill your throat at jakes words, the vibrations from your throat brining Jake closer the the edge his thrusts getting faster and faster, quicker and sloppier. Sticky and sweet Slick was running down your thighs, the feeling of jakes member ramming into the back of your throat causing you an embarrassing amount of pleasure and ecstasy.
“Oh yeah you like that? Like the thought of me fucking you and taking you from behind huh sweet girl..?” A slap to your cheek and the tightening grip on your hair would cause another moan to leave your throat as you rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to ease some of your desire. “Yeah you do, fuck yeah you do you…” jakes thrusts we’re accentuated with his last few words as he reached his orgasm. “cause. You’re. Fucking. Mine.”
Jakes mouth would fall open when he finally reached his climax his head and ears falling back in pleasure and bliss as his hot and sticky seed coated the back of your abused throat.
Panting would fill the air as jake slowly removed his hand from your hair along with his member from your throat in a quick motion. Tears would stain your blue cheeks your skin damp and wet as you brought a shaky hand to the flesh in an attempt to dry your skin. Subconsciously you were still rubbing your thighs together as you bit your lip. Jake still standing tall in front of you.
“Oh we’re not done baby girl.” Jakes words were filled with a threat.
Roughly and forcefully jakes hands would find their way to your waist the blue Na’vi making easy work of flipping you onto your stomach, so that you were face down and ass up. Jakes hand would rub soothing Circles onto the flesh of your behind as he lined himself up with your entrance. You waited in anticipation. You knew it was going to hurt, be painful. Especially with a Na’vi of his size and girth. But you’d never expected him to do what he was just about to do, suddenly jakes hand was lifted from your arse, your hips would rut in the air in retaliation, you wanted him to touch you. To stretch you around his fingers to warm you up for him, but when the sudden sound of a slap filling the air and a quick shot of pain from between your legs came out of nowhere a mewl of pain and surprise escaped your throat.
“Y-you..” you couldn’t speak, you were in too much pain from jakes actions. From him thrusting his whole length into you in one go, without stretching you out or warming you up.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh baby girl. It’s okay. You’re okay.. fuck- fuck you’re squeezing me so good…” Jake would sit bottomed out inside of you for a few seconds before he finally decided to take his length almost all the way out just to slam right back into you. “…you deserve this, this is what you get sweet thing. D-daddy’s gotta teach you a lesson.”
A moan of pleasure and pain would leave your lips when jakes hand found it’s way to your throat for the second time of the night, the man’s large, long, and slender fingers wrapping all the way around your delicate throat as he pulled your back to his chest to he could cradle you one hand snaking to pleasure your little bundle of pleasure and nerves. Your body was on fire, jakes hand on your throat, his harsh thrusts, harsh words and harsh tone, his warmth was enough to set off every single nerve in your body.
“J-jake.. please.”
A laugh would rumble from jakes chest as he mumbled a ‘Nuh uh’ his fingers making quick and great work of your clit the action brining you closer and closer to the edge.
“Daddy’s gotta remind you who this pussy belongs to baby girl, he’s gotta remind you that you’re mine. He’s gotta show you what happens when you talk to other guys.” Jakes voice was sultry and demanding as his thrusts got faster and faster, deeper and deeper, roughy and rougher by the second.
You’d chant jakes name as he brought you closer and closer to the edge, climax, your orgasm. His grip on your neck only tightening as he pulled your back tighter against his chest, his eyes landing on the bulge that formed in your belly with each thrust. A guttural groan would leave jakes throat at the sight, his hips now pistoling into you at an unforgiving pace the sight making him chase his and your high.
A sharp moan would leave your throat as your nails dug into jakes forearm as he fucked you flush against his chest the angle causing him to hit deeper and deeper your velvety and gummy walls spasming around him, gripping onto him like a vice, suctioning, pulling him back into you with each of his thrusts.
The finally a knot would snap sending you into cloud nine, oblivion, All you saw was white as you scream jakes name and closed your eyes in pure ecstasy and pleasure your orgasm crashing into you like an ocean wave your ears falling back in triumph.
Jake would continue to piston into your weeping and swollen cunt your juices dripping down the both of your thighs as the sound of wet skin slapping skin filled the forest air. Jakes tail would wrap itself around your thigh as his ears fell back.
“Daddy’s gonna make you a mommy.”
Your eyes would shoot open at his words, but it was far too late jakes hips already sputtering as he stilled inside of you spilling his hot and sticky seed inside of you an ever so present bulge poking out from your tummy as both of your juices mixed onto the forest floor.
“That’s Daddy’s lesson.”
Authors note: ahahah, was this too much? Maybe. do I care? Maybe. But hoooopefully you enjoyed it. I tried my best to fufilll your wishes. And I’m sorry it took so long. I suck ballz. <3 ;)
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year
I can't get over how they just fucking appear
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
“This Is What You Came For”
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Based on the scene where Tuk, Lo’ak and Tsireya are being held at gunpoint by Quaritch and his squad. Miles tells Jake to hand himself in otherwise he’ll shoot Lo’ak. Imagine you are Jake. 
Recom soldiers (Quaritch/Lyle/Mansk/Prager/Ja/Lopez/Brown/Fike) x recom-Y/N
WARNINGS: SMUT, Angst, Hurt/comfort, non-con (sorry i love it), gangbang, voyeurism
9117 words
I have a big story to tell. My past is long and changed significantly once I arrived on Pandora as a marine soldier. 
I was originally meant to work under the command of Colonel Quaritch but when Jake Sully arrived, I was given the task to help him get used to Pandora. I had my own Avatar already. Before Jake came, I would provide protection for Grace and her team every time we went into the forest to get samples of new botanical species. Lyle would often join us, but he didn’t have an Avatar. 
The day Jake got lost was the same day I left at night to go find him. He was my assignment and I would be screwed if I didn’t find him alive. So while wandering the forest alone, obviously fully armed with guns and knives, I encountered real Na’vi. They were on horseback and brought me to Hometree, to decide whether to execute me. It surprised me because I expected to be dead on the spot but then luckily Jake said he knew me and persuaded Neytiri to persuade her parents not to have me executed. 
I was young at that point in life. But time went by quickly. 
Once problems started to rise I had to make a decision and I chose to turn on my own kind and help Jake save Pandora. 
I fought by his side and we won the battle. But at the time, we didn’t know it would only be the first of many. 
Just like Jake, the clan and Eywa transferred my consciousness from my human body to my Na’vi Avatar.
Now, Jake and I were close friends. I was the aunt to his and Neytiri’s kids and we recently left the forest because the Sky People were back. We travelled to the coastlines and were accepted into a new clan. 
Now, the fight had been going on for a while and Jake was badly injured. Neytiri had retrieved him on her Ikran and flown him to safety because she knew that Quaritch was going after him. Quaritch was hunting Jake Sully, and me, Y/N L/N. 
I rode next to Ronal and Tonowari on my ilu to free Lo’ak, Tuk, and Tsireya. We stopped and I raised my sniper gun, checking to see whether it was safe to shoot one of the other recom’s from here. Suddenly, I heard Quaritch. 
“Y/N, tell your friends to stand down.” he says with a pause. I gasp and I feel my heart sink. He has the kids cuffed and at gunpoint. Half of me wants to go there with the warriors behind me and kill every single soldier, but I know better than to act on emotions. I’m afraid of what will happen if I don’t listen…
“You want your kids back?” he asks, knowing the damn answer. “Come out alone.” Quaritch orders. I tense, my ears tipped back. Of course, just like I remembered him. Nothing seemed to change about the Colonel other than his body. I noticed Z-Dog and Lyle on either side of him. I knew they all despised me. But I used to have quite a close relationship with Zdinarsk and Lyle and I were friendly. I guess that gave them more of a reason to hate me. That I chose this planet over everything I had with them. 
“You know better than to test my result.” the Colonel warns, pointing his gun at the back of Lo’ak’s head. My heart is racing. 
I snarl, cursing myself and putting my sniper gun down, knowing it won’t help me now. He kept on talking. 
“I took you under my wing, Y/N. You betrayed me. You killed your own good men, good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid.” the Colonel snarls. 
I lean my hand in front of me, taking deep breaths to think about my next move. I know I need to listen to him. 
I glanced at Ronal and Tonorwari who were both furious about the recoms taking Tsireya. Then I looked behind me and scanned all the warriors who had joined us. We were enough people to take down the ship, but we couldn’t endanger the kids’ lives. 
My ears droop to the sides and I let my head hang before telling Ronal and Tonowari to stay here and keep the clan away. 
Tonwori warns me that they are killers of Tulkun and that they need to die here and today. I nod, agreeing with him. 
“They came here for me… for me and Jake. That’s what this whole thing is about…” I tell them and Ronal snarls in general anger and frustration. 
“You brought this upon us! You!” she says in a harsh tone and I flinch a little, but I completely understand her anger. 
“Then it’s me who has to do this…” I say and Tonowari gives me a firm nod before signalling to his warriors to stand down. I take a deep breath, looking back at the ship. 
“Offer’s fixin’ to expire…” Quaritch warns me. “What’s it gonna be?” 
My worried gaze turns into a glare. “Check your fire. I’m coming out.” I say, moving my gun back around my shoulder and moving forwards on my ilu.
Neytiri is circling the sky on her Ikran, watching the scene play out. She presses her neck and asks me what’s happening. 
I sigh, feeling my gut wrench and stomach drop. Honestly, I feel a little sick. But I can’t tell her what I’m doing. I don’t have the heart to tell Neytiri. She helped me so much in the past years, I owed it to her to give my life for her children. 
My ilu and I leave the warriors behind us and we dive under the water's surface. 
I see one of the Tulkun nearby and it seems to acknowledge me. It was the outsider. The one that Lo’ak had befriended. I believed his story and he showed me the bond they had. I disconnected my queue from my beloved ilu, patting its neck as a goodbye before swimming towards the Tulkun. 
If they want me to come to them I might as well make my entrance impressive. 
The Tulkun lets me close to it and I hold on to its fin as he pulls me through the water. I look behind me to see the bottom of the clan’s animals and my loyal ilu waiting for me to return. It breaks my heart, leaving it behind, but it was the right thing to do. 
We neared the ship and I moved on to the Tulkun’s back, and hold on to one of the horn-like shapes it has on its head. It swims up to the water's surface and soon, we slowly glide out of the water and in front of the ship. 
Immediately everyone onboard shuffles around and all weapons are pointed at me. I stay, kneeling on its back as it brings me to the side so I can comfortably step on board. I glide my hand over its skin and thank the Tulkun before standing upright and for the first time, I set foot onto the ship. 
I locked eyes with the Colonel, examining him and his team. Their guns remained pointed at me and followed my steps. I stopped, standing in front of them with nothing in my hands. The water was dripping from my body and hair, creating small puddles beneath my feet. 
I shifted my gaze to the kids. They all looked worried but Tsireya and Tuk seemed a little relieved that an adult on their side was with them. On the other hand, Lo’ak looked upset. I saw him shaking his head at me before, he must not want me to give up my life. But I owe it to all of them. I owe it to Jake for helping me escape, I owe it to Neytiri for taking care of me, to the kids who have always been so lovely over the years and to Eywa. I saved Ewya once, but I also brought this upon her. I needed to make it right. 
Quaritch firmly nodded, pressing his lips into a straight line and turning to face me while still pointing his gun at Lo’ak. That angered me. 
“Slowly remove your weapon.” he ordered me and my ears tipped back, showing him clear signs of discomfort. I was about to rid my protection. 
I listened, slowly pulling the strap over my head and arm, holding my gun in my hand before gently throwing it to the side. 
A recom soldier kicked it out of my reach and I glared at him before looking back at Miles. 
“Let them go.” I snarled and he glared back. With some hesitation, he lowered his weapon and signalled something to his soldiers. To my relief, they started opening the handcuffs of the children but still held them by the arms. 
I stood firmly on the ground, my tail flicking around in irritation. I felt protective over them. They needed to return to Neytiri safe and unharmed. 
“Let ‘em go.” The Colonel ordered, harshly pushing Lo’ak away from himself and towards me. Lo’ak glanced around and grabbed Tsireya’s hand before warily walking to me. Tuk couldn’t wait anymore. She was terrified of the soldiers so she sprinted to me and hugged my lower waist, hiding her face in my hip. I leaned down, cradling her body and holding her close to me. My hand stroked her head to try and comfort her in any way possible. 
“Shh Tuk. It’s all okay now. You can go home.” I say in a soft voice, forgetting about all the danger around us for a second. Lo’ak comes around my other side and hugs me too. I hold them all for a few seconds as if we were one family and when Tuk lifts her head, I wipe her tears. 
“Don’t cry Tuk. You are safe now.” I force a smile and press her forehead to mine. That was something that always helped calm her down when she was a baby. It seemed to still work. 
In the next few seconds, I heard the cry of an Ikran and the flap of its wings behind me. I looked up and all soldiers had changed their aim from me to something behind me. 
I just smiled in relief, knowing who it was. 
I turned around and Neytiri had gotten off her Ikran and stood behind me, but luckily she wasn’t pointing weapons at the enemy. 
“Don’t shoot.” I shout, wanting them to know she was here for her children. 
Tuk gasped and ran to her mother and Lo’ak quickly joined her. Tsireya followed Lo’ak. 
I want to walk to Neytiri too but I hear a shout behind me. 
“You take one more step Y/L/N and I open fire.” The Colonel warns. “You’re stayin’ here.” 
I freeze in my step and look over my shoulder to let him know I heard him before turning back to Neytiri. She had put Tuk on her Ikran already and Lo’ak and Tsireya got onto the Tulkun that brought me here. 
Neytiri and I exchanged eye contact and as much as she hated that I was part of the reason this was happening, her gaze softened. She knew what I was doing and it saddened her. She also took to heart that I put her children's lives over my own and gave me a sad smile. 
“I thank you Y/N…” she said in Na’vi. 
I nod, smiling and bowing my head a little. 
“You proved yourself to the Great Mother. It will not be forgotten.”
Her words make me feel proud and I thank her. She walks over to me, in slow strides, her eyes not leaving mine. Now I could see how saddened she was.
Her eyes are just as teared up as mine are.
She pressed her own forehead against mine and thanked me again, for helping her children. Then, she returned to her Ikran, looking at me one last time before taking off. Lo’ak and Tsierya were ordered by her to go, and I waved at Lo’ak slowly. He returned the gesture, also visibly sad and they dived under the water. 
I stared at the open ocean for a few moments before taking a deep breath and turning back to face the Colonel. 
I couldn’t read his expression but it had changed. Maybe seeing me with children had some kind of impact on him. After all, I knew he more or less thought of himself as Spider’s dad. 
Then he signalled something and most weapons were put down. I heard a few chuckles from the soldiers around me who had now encircled me and blocked my exit. They were recoms. The humans didn’t dare get so close. I hiss at one that’s too close for my liking but he just smirks, not moving back. 
“This is going to be fun.” the Colonel says, evilly smirking at me before turning around and leading the way. Almost instantly, a gun is pointed at my head and I am pushed forward, being told to follow him. 
I let out a shaky breath but oblige. At least I wasn’t being held down. 
We entered a large hall which looked like an empty car storage area inside the ship. There was a light in the middle of the ceiling that didn’t reach the dark corners. I sigh. This was probably the last room I was going to see in my life. 
I knew whatever they had planned wasn’t going to go well for me. Then again, I was surprised I was still alive now. Maybe they wanted me for questioning first. 
I heard a few footsteps behind me stop walking and then I heard a voice sternly say, “No humans allowed.”.
There was complaining coming from the humans on board and then the large doors started automatically closing. 
All daylight was now gone and everything seemed dimmer. I was urged to walk to the centre of the room so that I more or less stood beneath the light. 
The soldiers stopped around me, creating a type of wide circle to make sure I couldn’t escape. I assumed the doors were all locked anyway, so I wouldn’t test my luck. 
“Zdinarsk, Warren, go to the deck and help Walker and Zhang.” the Colonel said and they nodded before walking off. I watched Zdinarsk and our eyes met but she left anyway without saying a word. I wasn’t surprised. 
I slowly turn around, scanning everyone. Just to see what I was dealing with. Most of them looked the same, everyone wearing similar attire but something small would always differentiate them. 
Surrounding Y/N stood Prager, Mansk, Fike, Ja(Alexander), Brown, Lopez, Wainfleet, and the Colonel. Their weapons were no longer pointed at her but they still held them firmly, in case she were to try something.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions and you will answer them.” the Colonel says, stepping forward a little and resting his hands on his vest. I turn to face him and glare again. 
What makes him think I’m going to willingly snitch on my family?
“If you refuse, then you won’t look as pretty by the time we’re done.” Quaritch adds, and a bald soldier and a soldier wearing his cap backwards flash metal rods and another soldier cracks his knuckles behind me. I’ve seen them use those on other clans. They shock and electrocute them. 
I recognize Lyle and Brown. 
I frown at his words. He would always somehow manage to catch me off guard. 
When I look back at him, he takes it as an answer to my understanding of the terms and conditions. 
“How does it feel to betray your own kind, Y/N? Your own people.” he snarls and I scoff. As long as I answer I should be fine. What I say is up to me.
“Great.” I reply, staring him dead in the eye. He raises an eyebrow before nodding at Lyle. He steps forward and I feel a cold metal come in contact with my thigh before my whole body is tensed and I flinch at the shock waves running through me. 
I yelp and quickly step away from him, my hand covering where he electrocuted me. I stared at him in shock. He didn’t even hesitate. After years of us knowing each other and that man mindlessly hurt me. 
“Ah! Fuck- ‘in hell…You idiot- I answered the question!” I swear, not understanding why he did that. 
My reaction amused the soldiers. 
“Doesn’t seem to be going that well for you.” Quaritch teases and I look back at him, my eyes furious. God, I hated him. A few men chuckle and I twirl my tail around my leg. Being in the spotlight like this made me uncomfortable. 
“Who’s here with you that we know?” the Colonel asks and my ears flick away a drop of water that fell from my hair. 
I hesitate, not wanting to expose them. But then again, it wasn’t such a secret since they were watching the others leave Pandora after we had won. I hear the shock rod go off close to me as a warning and I jumped before opening my mouth to say something. 
“Most of the science team…” I say, a bit quieter now. He doesn’t say anything and just keeps looking at me. I take it as a hint to elaborate. 
“Dr. Norm Spellman, Max Patel, John, Lily, …” 
“What about Augustine?” Quaritch asks and my frown turns into a blank expression. I stare at him in slight disbelief, trying to find out whether he was serious or not. 
My silence seems to make him uncomfortable. So he signals his soldier to shock me but I answer before he can. 
“You killed Grace…” I snarl at him, the memory paining me. He doesn’t seem upset but he definitely wasn’t expecting to hear that. 
“You shot her… in her stomach.” 
He looked away, not saying anything. 
“But the Great Mother accepted her. Her soul is with Eywa now.” I softly say. He looks back. I can tell not a single person in this room still fully understood the power of Eywa. 
“Grace helped Pandora, unlike you. Eywa will have no mercy on you.”
After what was probably a minute of silence, he continued questioning me. 
“Where’s Sully?” he asks. I decide to irritate him just a little more. 
“Which one?” I reply, smirking. I knew I wouldn’t get shocked because I answered and played it off as an innocent question. 
His ears tipped back and he caught on to my attitude. 
“Answer.” Quaritch demanded. 
“I don’t know.” I say and suddenly I feel the same pain and shock shoot through my body. But this time, it comes from my hip. 
I whine, bending forward and resting one arm on my knee while I regain my breath. I throw Brown a dirty look before returning my gaze to Quaritch. 
“He’s injured. I don’t know where they took him. He could be anywhere.” 
“I feel like you would know where.” the Colonel replies, taking an intimidating step forward. I stand my ground. 
“No.” I simply say and suddenly I feel both rods on my ribs and shock waves hit me again. My knees give out and I’m kneeling on the floor, one arm hugging my waist while the other holds me up.
Quaritch stares me down before sighing and shaking his head. 
“You know Y/N, I used to think of you as my best soldier.” he says and my ears perk up. 
“You were everything you needed to be. I was hoping you’d become Colonel one day too.”  
He was playing mind games with me. I wasn’t going to fall for it. I got off my knees and stood in front of him again. 
“I don’t know why you decided to run off with Sully. But I can see it changed you.” he locks eyes with me again and he looks angry. 
“I didn’t think it would be possible, but turns out you really did become Na’vi, huh?” he continues, almost mocking me. 
“You live with them, talk like them…Hell, look at you. Ya even dress like ‘em.” he growls and I look down at my body. I wore typical female Na’vi clothing. A top which I used to think barely covered my chest and a loincloth. 
I heard some shuffling around me and then Quaritch smirked. 
“Definitely not complainin’.”
The soldiers around me chuckle darkly. I used to be one of them and now they think they can treat me like a minority.
That’s it. He crossed the line. I know exactly what that meant and it was completely unnecessary. 
“Asshole.” I snarl and his eyes widen at my comment. 
“I see you kept your spirit at least.” he grins. “Guess it won’t be as easy to break ya.” 
I huff and he watches me for a while before asking away again. 
“Who do you have the kids with? Sully?” he asks and I look at him confused. Did he not know they were Jake’s and Neytiri’s?
“What kids?” I ask and Lyle takes a step forward but I move out of his way when he tries to touch me with the metal stick again. 
“They aren’t mine.” 
“I’m meant to believe that?” he asks me and scoffs. I’m getting really frustrated here. 
“They’re Neytiri’s… and Jake’s.” I say, knowing they are safe so it won’t matter if I tell them. 
“You don’t have kids? Ya didn’t settle down like Sully?” he asks and I glare at him again. But I know I have to answer so I shake my head ‘no’. 
“Why’d ya give yourself up for them then?” he asks, genuinely. 
“Because they don’t deserve to die. They saw me as one of them.” I coldly replied, still angry about how they were treated. “I on the other hand came here with the intention to kill for our kind. People like that don’t deserve a good life.” 
A few moments of silence.
Quaritch claps his hands together and smirks. “Well then, that’ll just make this even better.” 
I stare at him trying to figure out what he means but I snap out of it when I see Lyle move out of the corner of my eye and I move away again. He huffs out in annoyance. 
“Cut it out, I swear to god.” I say, having enough of this bullshit. But Lyle and Brown both attempt to shock me again this time. I turn around, facing them now and hiss. It just seems to annoy Lyle even more and the next time he tries to hit me with the rod I lose it. 
“That’s it, you fuckin-” I start swearing, grabbing the rod where he’s holding it and kneeing him in the stomach. He lets go, groaning and bending forwards. I immediately upper-punch him in the face and he stumbles back. Behind me, Brown attempts to restrain my arms but I elbow him in the chest, knocking the air out of him and he lets go, taking a few steps back. 
I want to turn around to face Quaritch but now Prager and Ja have dropped their weapons and run forward to try to contain me. 
They seemed to forget that I used to be a marine too. 
Prager wraps his arms around my waist, holding my arms down. I kick myself off the ground in a launch-mode position and then kick Ja in the face, sending him to the ground. When I land on my feet, I lean down, keeping the motion and Prager is more or less thrown over me. 
He lets go and then I see Lyle standing and coming for me again. I just throw myself on him and tackle him to the ground. Lyle manages to hit me in the face but it doesn’t phase me. He rolls us over and tries pinning my arms down but I knee him between the legs and he gives out much easier than expected. 
I roll him around and am now straddling his waist, delivering punch after punch to his face. 
Before I know it, someone grabs both my arms and my braid, pulling me off of Lyle and hurling me to my feet. I struggle and try to set myself free from their grip but I can’t. I’m held tightly in place and pulled against this soldier's body, with my back pressing against his chest. The tight grip on my braid pains me. 
I look up and notice it's Mansk. He removed his glasses and looked pissed off. That was unlike him. Rarely things got to him, he would usually have a neutral stern face with occasional smiles. 
This was new. But maybe, I was the problem. Not like I cared if I annoyed him. Nothing could compare to the hell these meathead idiots put me through. 
Lyle and Brown are helped up and all eyes are back on me. My chest is heaving slightly more than before and I feel the blood running down from my nose. 
Quaritch doesn’t even seem angry. He actually looks impressed. The soldiers that didn’t join like Fike and Lopez are waiting for orders and seem to be expecting a horrible reaction from the Colonel. The soldiers that I did hit on the other hand… those fuckers are out for blood. I mean every single one of them looks at me like they want to kill me. Lyle included. The once goofy dumbass I would work with has his eyes filled with fury. 
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is how I go down. This could very well be how I die. 
“What? Did you forget I used to be like you?” I snicker, not being able to hold back a small grin. I took down most of them. I was impressed with myself. Damn. Jake would be impressed too. 
Quaritch smirked. I amused him. “Don’t think you’re gettin’ the princess treatment now.” he said. I wasn’t expecting it. Usually, fighting others in combat would earn someone more respect. That didn’t work in this case. 
“Anyway…” Quaritch started again, starting to slowly walk around Mansk and me while the other soldiers watched him. As if they were waiting for permission to kill me and finish me off. “Since you’re ours now and we can do with you as we please…”
My eyes shoot to him and my ears perk up. His words confuse me but they have caught my attention. 
“And you’re Na’vi now so you understand your body… you can help us out.” Quaritch states, stopping and facing me again. His hands are still holding onto the top of his vest. 
My ears tip back when I hear him ask for my help. The last thing I would do is willingly help them. He scoffs at my reaction and Mansk rearranges his grip on my body, making sure to keep it tight. 
“We noticed we get, frustrated, more easily…” Quaritch spoke, pretending as if it were nothing. “And you just happened to trigger that reaction again.” 
I huff, glaring at him again. My body tenses and I try to push myself away from Mansk who just tugs me back into him. 
“How do we contain or… solve that problem, Y/N?” Quaritch asks, taking a step towards me. His tall and built form is almost towering over my slightly smaller frame. I was never small but I never reached their height either. 
My eyes widen and I gulp. Surely he doesn’t mean what I think he does. If they are going through their heat, or rut actually, then only finding a mate and forming tsaheylu can solve that as far as I know. And if that is the case here, I need to leave right now. The last thing I need is to be spiritually connected to these monsters through Eywa. She would probably banish me along with them.
He takes note of my reaction. “I can tell that you know the answer. Why don’t you open your pretty lil’ mouth and share it with us?” Quaritch mocks me and I notice how it spikes everyone's interest. It makes me feel more nervous than angry, to be honest. Nervous and even a little frightened because I don’t know what is to come. 
I myself was nearing my heat cycle, so my pheromones could be stronger but I shouldn’t be due for the next week or two at least. I wasn’t feeling the symptoms either so I should be fine. 
“No? You want to keep it to yourself? Alright then. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, sweetheart.” He says, turning away and walking to a chair. He picks it up, bringing it to the circle and sitting on it the wrong way. 
“There’s one rule, squad. You listen to everything I say. If you don’t, you’re out and I’ll deal with you personally.” Quaritch threatened, scanning over his unit. A few soldiers nod while others just look between him and me. 
I notice Mansk has tightened his grip on me and is almost hugging me from behind. If you could call his tight, bruising grip a hug. 
“Understood?” Quaritch asks, wanting to make himself clear. Everyone responds with ‘yes sir.’ and the Colonel nods. 
“Alright then. Deal with her.” he snarls and I hear a few dark chuckles and growls around the room. They seemed to know what to do while I was confused.
Mansk grins behind me and harshly pushes me forwards, almost making me stumble. I yelp and stop before I can get closer to the other soldiers but some of them are already making their way to me, their grins and smirks making me feel small. Almost instantly, multiple hands are on me and suddenly, my knee is kicked in. I whine as my legs give out and I fall to my knees while being pushed down. I feel two hands wrap around my queue and some push down my back, so I’m struggling to keep myself up on all fours. My hands are pulled from beneath me and arranged in front of me and I feel someone lift my waist. 
I protest, curses and swear words spilling from my lips but they don’t faze anyone. I also continue to fight against their grip, hoping to make this as difficult for them as possible. 
Quickly looking around me I notice some soldiers stood standing and watching. Around me, I recognize Mansk, Lyle, Lopez, and Fike.
“Come back here, hot stuff.”  Mansk was behind me, pulling me back by my waist and hips when I tried to crawl away. Lyle was on my side and I assumed his hands were around my queue. Lopez and Fike were holding me down by pushing my back and grabbing my arms. Mansk had wrapped his arm around my tail, holding me in place. 
“Stop fuckin’ movin’.” I heard Mansk growl and my eyes widened in shock when I felt my stomach erupt in excitement and realised my body was positively reacting to their handling. 
Within the next few seconds, someone delivered a harsh slap to my ass and I cried out, arching my back in pain before dropping my head and trying to hide my embarrassed face. 
Lyle chuckled at my reaction, moving to sit in front of me now. He picked up my face into his hand, forcing me to look up at him. I closed my eyes, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“Look at you turning all red, buttercup.” he cooed, and it felt like he was making fun of me. “This ain’t how I remember you.” 
I open my eyes and glare up at him while he just grins. 
Fike’s hands are on the waistband of my loincloth and he looks back to the Colonel for permission. 
“Take it off.” Quaritch orders and the soldier's snicker in response. My eyes shoot wide open when I hear the words and I struggle again. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, I will-” I start threatening but within seconds I feel someone quite literally rip the cloth from my waist. I scream in shock and in pain because the fingers that removed it scratched my skin. I pull my head away from Lyle’s grip. 
His focus seems to have been distracted from my face and shifted to my bare waist. He could only watch his colleague's reactions to imagine what you looked like. Based on their groans and curses, he couldn’t wait to have his turn. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” Mansk groaned, resting his hand on my bare hip and Lopez laughed. 
“Christmas came early.” Fike jokes and I hide my face in my arm again. 
Some soldiers standing around came behind Mansk to see and I tried blocking their laughs and jokes out. 
“Show me.” Lyle ordered, becoming visibly impatient. His hand still held my braid while the other pulled me around by my waist. He leaned over to see what I looked like and when he cursed too I wanted to cry. The embarrassment was overwhelming. I’d never had this much unwanted attention and I didn’t know how to deal with it. 
“You better hurry the fuck up. I’m next.” Lyle grinned, looking at Mansk who pulled my hips back to him. I closed my legs and managed to cover myself with my now free tail but it earned me another harsh slap to my other ass cheek. 
“Don’t hide baby. It won’t help you.” I heard Quaritch say and my cheeks heated up even more. I forgot he was still there and he was probably watching the whole thing. The superior I used to look up to was watching and commanding his men to use me. 
My tail was snatched away by Mansk again and Lopez untied the knot I made on my back, holding my chest piece in place. It fell open and I clenched my jaw together, tensing all my muscles. It was pulled over my head and I watched as someone threw it to the side. I was completely naked now. In front of 8 men. 
Hands were feeling up and down my body, squeezing and caressing my bare, burning skin. 
Lyle was back in front of me now, hand holding my face. I didn’t even fight his grip anymore, I just let him hold my head up. 
My teary eyes and flushed face seemed to turn him on even more. 
“You look so pretty, baby. Don’t worry, you’re gonna get what you want.” He cooed and I managed to gather the strength and snarl at him. He knew damn well this is not what I asked for. 
I heard someone unbuckle their belt and shuffle behind me. Before long, my hips were pulled flush against someone else’s bare abdomen. I gasped, looking behind me and whining. I hated how the excitement in my stomach turned into the wetness that was gathering by my core. It wasn’t fair. I needed to stay strong. I wanted to prove to them that I was still strong and could resist as long as I wanted to. But the truth was, my opposing and rebellious thoughts were fading and being replaced with feelings I was denying for way too long. 
Mansk grinded himself against me, feeling my slick on himself. 
“Shit- looks like you’re enjoying this.” he snarled and I shook my head no, my ears strained back. But I was lying to myself at this point.
“Not yet.” Quaritch said and Mansk stopped. “Prep her first.” 
Mansk pulled away and suddenly, someone pushed two fingers into me and I bit down on my lip. 
Lyle was watching my reactions, falling silent and looking almost mesmerised. His ears were pointed forwards, trying to pick up all and any noises I made. Even just your heavy breathing had him feeling fired up.
The fingers inside me started moving and I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip, fighting the urge to just submit and let them use me. I whine again through clenched teeth and hear how Lyle sighs. 
Luckily it stops before I can fall apart and the fingers which belong to Lopez are removed. 
“Fuck, look at how wet she is.” he says, spreading the slick over my hot skin. 
That’s when I know that I can’t hide it anymore. Hot tears start spilling down my face in embarrassment and I become aware of the fact that I am screwed. My pride is gone. 
“Aw, don’t cry, buttercup. We’ll make you feel good.” Lyle teases me, running a thumb over my cheek and wiping away a few tears. 
“No.” I whimper, trying in one last attempt to keep up my rebellious act but then I feel Mansk line himself up with me and then it’s all over. 
One of his hands is on my tail while the other then tightly grips my waist and with one strong thrust, he’s inside me. I gasp at the stretch and the foreign feeling of intrusion. He mutters a curse under his breath, stilling for a moment. 
“Shit- so tight. I’m only half in.” he says, his tone a little quieter now and a few soldiers laugh. My wide eyes meet Lyle’s when he says only half and Lyle laughs too. 
“Don’t worry, baby. You can take it.” he says, and surprisingly his now softer voice comforts me. He rubs his thumb over my cheek again while Mansk pulls out and with his next thrusts, he pushes even deeper into me. A whimper and a sob leave my lips, but the noises seem to spur him on. He’s getting a reaction from me and that’s what he needs. 
Soon, he’s thrusting in and out of me and it starts feeling good. His heavy breathing and grunting have my stomach erupting in sick butterflies and then he hits a spot inside me that shoots pleasure through me. My tensed figure suddenly relaxes and I involuntarily arch my back and moan. 
The soldier’s heads shoot to me and Lyle looks surprised but the filthy noise makes his grin return. 
“Look at you, taking it like a good slut.” he says and lightly slaps my cheek. It doesn’t even hurt, it just stings a little and manages to keep my head in reality. 
Mansk speeds up his pace, pulling me back against him every time he thrusts forward. I feel another pair of hands move up and down my arched back while the others grope my breasts and play with my nipples. 
Lyle grips my jaw again and takes advantage of my parted lips. He pushes his thumb past them and into my hot mouth. My jaw drops open a bit more and our eyes meet. My half-lidded eyes find his intrigued gaze and I watch his eyes widen as I swirl my tongue around his finger. 
“Shit.” he whispers, unable to stop watching me suck his thumb. Mansk speeds up even more and I moan around Lyle’s finger. 
Hastily, he removes it from my mouth and his hands fly to his belt. I watch as he opens everything, pulling his cammies down his waist swiftly. His toned abdomen, his v-line, toned thighs and huge dick make me moan again. 
Lyle can’t wait any longer and pulls my head to his length, wrapping his fingers around my braid again. 
Without any fucking hesitation, I stick my tongue out and sloppily lick a long stripe from his base to his tip. I keep my eyes trained on his face and watch how his lips are white from how hard he’s biting down on them. 
Next, I open my mouth and wrap my lips around his head. He moans and I notice his body shudder. 
Mansk is relentlessly fucking into me and I feel myself get close too. He keeps hitting the same spot inside me and I moan around Lyle. 
In the next few seconds, my legs shake and I clench around Mansk who curses again and rides out my orgasm. My eyes roll to the back of my head and then his hips still with his cock deep inside me. Mansk releases his load, leaning forward and hugging my waist to keep me close to him. My quivering legs slowly slide out from beneath me but Mansk gets up and pulls me back up by my waist. He pulls out with a sigh and Lyle removes himself from my lips. 
“My fucking turn.” Lyle announces, getting up and taking Mansk’s position. Mansk moves to the side, regaining his breath before getting dressed. 
Fike had been jerking off to my sounds and watched how I was being fucked. He finished just before I did and was now getting dressed with Mansk. They both got up, grinning at each other before taking their previous spots and holding their weapons. 
Lyle doesn’t need to wait, he just immediately pushes himself deep into me and starts to fuck me. I moan, trying to crawl away because I’m still so sensitive but he just tugs me back and tightens his grip. Lopez is now in front of me and his pants open too. My vision is a little blurry now, but maybe it’s just my clouded mind. I can’t properly comprehend what’s happening but I sure can’t fight it. I just let it happen now. 
Lyle grabs my thighs, spreading them further apart so that my legs are resting around his. One of his hands is wrapped around my tail while the other is groping my ass. 
I want to moan but then my mouth is filled with Lopez’s dick. I open my mouth as he makes me almost choke and let my tongue trace his veins. Lopez groans, his ears tipped back and fangs bared. Their primal side turns me on. 
"Watch it with those." Lopez growls out, his thumb tracing over my fangs. I don't even get the chance to nod before I'm urged to take more.
I wrap my lips around him, taking him as far into my mouth as possible before hollowing my cheeks. He snarls, responding to the pleasure and slowly moves in and out of me. 
Compared to him, Lyle is fucking the life out of me. The area where the skin of his thighs and abdomen slaps mine has turned red and no longer stings, it's becoming numb.
I moan around Lopez again and because I’m already so fucked out, time passes quicker. Lyle finishes by plunging himself as deep as Mansk into me and cumming. He makes me come a second time because he paid attention to how my body responded to him and applied pressure on my clit to get me over the edge. Seeing my eyes roll back again sent Lopez into euphoria and after they both pulled away and my quivering self was laying on the floor regaining my breath, their positions were taken. 
Strong hands pull me from the ground and back onto all fours. My knees and palms became red and sore. I open my eyes and see Prager, Ja, and Brown kneeling around me.
Brown lines himself up behind me while Ja cups my face, smiling. Prager is keeping me stable and holding me in place so I don’t fall over. 
“I can’t- anymore.” I sob, feeling like a mess. My skin has beads of sweat covering it, my face is flushed and my hips are bruised. The blood from my nose ran down my lips and I can taste the blood. 
Tears are wiped away by Ja and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Prager and Brown look over at Quaritch. 
“She can take it.” Quaritch assures. His voice reminds me of how angry I felt before. Like he would know whether I can or can’t. 
I feel Brown push into me and moan. My slick mixed with Lyle’s and Mansk’s cum is dripping down my legs now. I protest with a whimper, spreading my arms and legs so that I really don’t collapse. 
“Someone’s been fucked dumb.” Ja coo’s but it no longer makes me feel embarrassed. It makes me enjoy it that much more. 
Brown tugs my hips towards him, his tail caressing my thigh as he ruts into me with no mercy. Prager and Ja switch places and Prager is opening his belt in front of me again. I started feeling like I was about to lose consciousness from everything happening around me.
Once Prager rid himself of his pants, I instinctively opened my mouth and he chuckled. His former colleague who beat him in combat was now waiting for him to push his cock into her mouth. 
“Didn’t think I’d ever get to see you like this, Y/N.” he teases but his words just went in one ear and out the other. The other men laughed. 
“Hurry up before she passes out on you.” A voice from one of the soldiers standing called and more snickers followed. 
“Take it easy on her. I’m surprised she’s still standin’.” Quaritch says and I can tell by the way he says it that he’s grinning. 
Prager nods and Brown slows down a little. Then Prager places his tip on my lips, gripping the back of my head and pushing about halfway in. I’m more used to the intrusion so I can take more of him. He bites his lip, pulling out before back slowly advancing a little further in. He’s almost bottomed out and I choke a little, squeezing my eyes shut. Another tear runs down my cheek and Prager moans, his head falling back. 
I hear a few voices around me exchanging words and in synch with Brown’s thrusts, Prager pushes all the way down my throat so that my nose is pressed against his abdomen. My eyes are wide because I can’t believe I’m able to take him so far down my throat. Especially because he and all the other soldiers are so big. 
I hold back a choke and cough a little, swallowing around him which drives Prager feral. He and Brown both still their hips and the soldiers standing around cheer at him and whistle. 
“Shit, she can take it all. Makes me want to have another turn.” Someone says but I’m too distracted to figure out who it is. 
“Not today, otherwise, we’ll lose her.” Quaritch chuckles. 
Prager and Brown both pull out while Ja holds me up now. Brown finishes quickly and then Prager follows. I swallow Prager’s load out of reflex because he is so far down my throat. 
When Prager pulls out I gasp for air and cough, which has a few soldiers snickering darkly. He high-fives Brown as he gets up, but Prager stays kneeling by me to hold me up for Ja. 
“You okay, baby?” Ja asks but I can’t respond. I feel so weak and tired. He lets go of my waist and I slowly sink to the ground. My limbs are almost useless at this point. 
Prager is grinning while Ja takes a bit of pity on me. He carefully turns me around so that I’m laying on my back before climbing on top of me, his arms caging me in. I feel a little less exposed like this at least. He smirks when my eyes meet his. 
“I’ll try to be gentle.” he whispers, taking into consideration how sore I am and how watery my eyes are. 
“Oh god.” someone laughs. “Lover-boy’s fallin’ in love again.” 
Ja’s ears tip back and he glares at the soldier that commented that. 
“Hey. Cut it out and let the man handle things. Someone has to be last.” Lyle stepped in. 
My ears have drooped, and I just watch him. I’m too tired to even turn my head. 
Ja looks at me before undoing his pants. When he slips them down, he checks on me again to make sure I’m still awake. He seems very caring. Unlike the others. It makes me feel safer. It also makes me regret kicking him in the face before. 
Ja takes one of my legs, wrapping it around his waist and then he takes both my hands and pins them above my head with one of his. I don’t even lift a finger in protest. 
Then, he moves his hips forward and slowly enters me. He manages to push all the way in because I’m stretched out from all the others but it doesn’t feel any less good. 
They’ve all been deprived of sexual relief for a long time and now they could finally let it all out. 
He’s about to pull out again when someone comments on something. Ja was about to punch his colleague and take you away so he could have you to himself but the comment stopped his violent thoughts. 
“Damn, look.” Lopez nudges Brown and Mansk, but their eyes are already fixed on your abdomen. Lyle chuckles and even Quaritch now stands up to look. 
Ja is confused and looks down only to be met with one of the most beautiful sights he’s ever seen. He examines the belly bulge, letting go of your thigh and pressing down lightly on your abdomen. 
I whine, closing my eyes and it makes Ja want to claim me as his right then and there. 
“Fuck, you don’t know how good you look right now, babygirl.” Mansk says, feeling needy all over again. 
I whimper, letting my head fall to the side so that I’m not looking at them. 
“Poor girl’s embarrassed. Leave her alone.” Prager jokes and they chuckle knowing you’ve been embarrassed from the second your knees hit the ground. 
“You’re okay, baby. Let me take care of you.” Ja whispered, leaning down to my ear. I look up at him and nod a little in response which makes him smile. 
Slowly and steadily, he pulls out of me. Ja starts gently thrusting into me, his one hand returning to keep my thigh around his lower waist. He rubs his hand along the skin, keeping it in place while he makes sure I feel good too. Every reaction I give him he takes into account and once I arch my back off the ground and into him, he grins, seeing it as a positive response. He speeds up just a little, but not enough to have our skin slapping. 
I whimper and occasionally moan, my eyes fluttering closed. 
He drops his head and licks the skin around my nipples before biting and kissing my neck. 
The kisses surprise me but they piss Quaritch off. 
“Not her mouth. Don’t you dare.” Quaritch orders, sternly. Ja looks up, not seeming happy with the order but still listening. He doesn’t nod, he just returns to kissing my neck which makes the butterflies in my tummy come to life again. 
My mouth drops open as I feel another orgasm start to build up. 
Ja’s thrusts become a little sloppy and he grinds down against my clit every time he bottoms out. 
“You can let go, baby.” he whispers in my ear and I nod again. With the next few thrusts, I’m in heaven. My pussy clenches around him which pushes him over the edge but he rides out both our orgasms. 
His head is dropped in the crook of my neck while we both regain our breath. I can’t even open my eyes, I just go limp. Ja gives my cheek a small kiss before carefully letting go of me and pulling out. Quaritch glares at him before Ja starts getting dressed. 
I just lay on the floor, my legs resting on top of each other with one arm slightly covering my chest. 
Quaritch walks over to me and squats down. He turns my head to look up at him and I notice the shit-eating grin on his face. He watches how my ears tip back and my little rebellion against him amuses the Colonel. 
“You and I aren’t done yet.” he whispers before standing up. 
“Prager, get the towel. Lyle, help the poor lady up.” he orders and Lyle walks over to me, sinking to his knees and pulling me up into a sitting position. Prager comes over and wipes away the mixture of body fluids than ran down my inner thighs. I flinch when he touches my pussy but Lyle comforts me by holding my cheek and rubbing my belly. 
“You did well, buttercup.” he says and I would have scoffed at the pet name which I was now able to comprehend again, but I was mentally absent. 
The towel is wrapped around me and Lyle pulls me to my feet. He’s about to pick me up but to his surprise, I push him away. 
“I can fucking walk by myself, I don’t need your help.” I say. My previous attitude returning amuses the squad. 
Lyle grins. “Go ahead.”
He removes his arms from under my arms and I take a step forward. Almost immediately my quivering legs give out but before I can sink to the ground, Lyle catches me again. 
“Fuck.” I swear and he chuckles. 
“Pick her up.” Quaritch orders and Lyle scoops me into his arms. I cover my face with the towel and don’t protest. 
“What were you saying, baby?” Lyle teased and Mansk chuckled. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” I mumble. Lyle grins and starts walking behind the Colonel. The squad pick up their things and make their way to the exit. 
“I want to go back.” I say, only loud enough for Lyle and Miles to hear.
I wanted to go back to my family, but I knew that there was no chance of that happening. 
Quaritch scoffed, stopping in front of the exit doors and tucking in my towel so that nothing was exposed. 
“Not happening. This is what you came for Y/N.” he teased, making sure I was covered before pressing the button and the large automatic doors opened. The daylight hit me and I shielded myself with the towel.
Mansk and Ja walked beside Lyle to keep the people and other soldiers who weren’t recoms away. They felt protective over you. You were their Y/N after all. 
No one needed to know about their business. All they saw was them carrying out a limp, not moving Na’vi. Whether she was dead or alive, they didn’t know.
What the recoms knew was that they were not finished with you and you knew Quaritch still had plans. 
The team knew you from before. They wouldn’t shoot you and dump your body in the water. You were being taken back to their base, where they would take care of you.
(probably won't be able to post for the next 2 weeks, so sorry. I'm learning for finals and have so many assignments due.)
Let me know how you liked it <3 i appreciate all feedback. This took me way too long💞💀
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whats-9plus10 · 2 months
happy anniversary Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart 💚🫀
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these mfs carrying the colonel miles quaritch fic tumblr
@nqify @milknhonies @ikranwings @fanfiction-blep @woodspr1te @cuethediscoandthedrinks @whoreish-behaviour @lousvintagehelmet @cautionworks @abs-2020
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naeverse · 9 months
Helping Hands
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🎖️staring: ColonelMiguel x Soldier Fem!Reader
“It's because you are too quick to touch what you truly desire instead of building up to it.” He said matter-of-factly, his voice, gravelly and rough and making your stomach flutter. 
“Just like shooting at the range, so quick to press that trigger, you haven't even perfected your form yet.” He smirked, placing his hands on either side of your head, trapping you under him. 
“It seems you need more than just practice, Muñeca. Seems you need a lesson on self-control and discipline…”
🪖 summary: 
You've been a part of Colonel Miguel O'Hara's team for a while now, but so far, you haven't made a good impression. It seems you can't do anything right without the assistance of your colonel by your side. Even though your COL is helpful, he's cold and stern, always making sure you know how much of a disappointment you are to your squad. You feel like a failure to your team, despite trying your hardest, and even more so to yourself due to your inability to satisfy your own sexual needs. But, just like with everything else…
Your Colonel is here to help.
🎖️ tw/cw: Big Dick Miguel, Breast Worship, Caught Masturbating, Clitoris Stimulation, Dirty Talk, Dominate, High Sensitivity, Public Sex, Shower Sex, Face Slapping, Size Difference, Spanking, Standing, Submissive, Rough, Unprotected, Wall sex, etc…
🤎 Pet names: Muñeca (Doll), Princesa (Princess), Chica (Girl) 
🪖rating: 18+ explicit I SMUT I
🎖️Word Count: 10.8k 
(I do not own any of the photos used! All credit goes to the original artist!)
(*All rights reserved. DO NOT repost/translate/copy any of my work.*)
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“Cease fire!” 
The bellowing voice of your Colonel, Miguel O'Hara, shouted across the shooting range. Your finger instantly froze upon the trigger of your pistol, turning to look at him through your protective shades.
Your Colonel studied the untouched target before shaking his head in disapproval. You heaved a sigh, lowering your weapon. 
You, honestly, weren't that skilled in the force. You struggled in hand-to-hand combat, always ending up on your ass with a bruise somewhere on your body. Always slipped or hurt yourself when running through the elaborate obstacle course on base and took too long to disable a practice bomb which would have resulted in you and your team's death. 
Many on your force don't know why your Colonel still hasn't dropped you, even you pondered the thought. 
By your teammates, which were mostly men, you were given the name. ‘Slip-up.’ They always teased you, saying that if you couldn't do your part in the force, at least they had something to look at whilst they worked. 
Their insults hurt and although you loved being a part of the team, you couldn't help feeling annoyed and frustrated all the time when it came to your abilities. You always tried your hardest but despite it, you still were, honestly, 
But, even though you already saw yourself as an utter failure, Colonel O'Hara always added more salt to the already gaping wound. He made sure you recognized every debacle you made, especially, right now with your inability to aim properly. 
“Where’s your head at, soldier!?” He shouted, walking over to you, his beige shirt clinging to every muscle in his large torso. His hardened pecs, broad shoulders, and defined 6-pack accentuated under the cloth as he approached you. 
You honestly didn’t know what your problem was, except that you’ve been here with Miguel since the crack of dawn and you still haven’t gotten a single shot on the damn target.
“My apologies, Colonel.” You hastily replied, causing him to scoff, crossing his arms over his chest. “Get your act together. You won’t be able to apologize if the enemy has already shot you dead.” He snapped, causing you to give him a nod. 
He looked you over before sighing. “Get in position.” He commanded. You briskly followed his order, drawing up your weapon, bending your knees, and closed one eye. 
“Do not fire.” He told you, his heavy footfalls beginning to move around you. Your heart was, oddly, beating rapidly in your chest. You didn’t know if it was due to the overwhelming anxiety, you always felt when you were under the stern Colonel's gaze, or the fact that he was so drop-dead gorgeous that you didn’t want to make yourself look like an even bigger fool than you already had. 
“Your form is all wrong.” He commented, placing his large hands on your waist from behind. Your breath hitched, a deep blush covering your cheeks as he shifted your hips, turning it to the right. “You are too tense. Loosen up.” He whispered; his sharp cheekbone pressed into your cheek. His voice was deep and seemed to resonate through your entire being. 
You could feel yourself heating up like an ignited furnace, shakily exhaling to calm yourself. You rolled your shoulders to relax in hopes of having better control of your planted feet in the dirt and your weapon in your hand, but it felt impossible with him being so close. 
You gasped when you felt his combat boot abruptly kick your legs further apart, his hands tightening on your waist. “You need to widen your legs, and get your head in the game.” He said against your ear, loud enough to be heard through the heavy-duty headphones that adorned them. 
His calloused fingers lingered on the fabric of your dark green, brown, and beige camo shirt before he pulled away, leaving his scorching touch imprinted on your hips. “Open your eyes, soldier. Do you think that is a telescope you are looking through? You chose the wrong profession then, kid." He teased with a deep chuckle, making you clench your jaw.
You opened both of your eyes, peering through your glasses at the target. 
“Now, that you got your head out of your ass…” Colonel O'Hara muttered, standing beside you with his arms crossed. 
He commanded, your trigger finger going rampant as you fired repeatedly. The splitting sounds of the pistol were muffled due to your headphones, but still loud nonetheless. With every shot, your body recoiled back. Not enough to throw you off balance, but enough to send another burst of adrenaline through you that urged you to click the trigger again and again. 
You continued firing until Colonel O'Hara's voice boomed across the yard. 
“Cease fire!” 
He yelled once more, your finger lifting off of the addicting trigger. You stood up from your position and watched your superior observe the damage you had made on the target. When he walked over to you, his bronze, chiseled face was so stern and devoid of emotion that you couldn't tell if you had made a shot or not. 
“Good job, kid. You hit the board at least.” He said with a tight-lipped smile. It didn't seem like he was disappointed anymore.
You pondered as you breathed a sigh of relief. Miguel observed your small being before him with stern eyes. "You did better today." He said, reaching over and taking the pistol from you. Compared to the weapon in his hands, he made it look like a mere plaything as he carried it with so much confidence. 
“Now hit the showers. I expect you to be out in 20.” He ordered. You nodded, giving him a departed salute. You removed your shooting gear, placing them in their respective places by the range before hightailing it to the showers. 
You didn't want Colonel O'Hara to call you back for anything. 
You were so exhausted from shooting the same gun and staring at the black silhouetted targets that your vision was a little wonky. 
You sighed, stepping into the locker room and walking over to yours. The locker rooms were gender mixed. Males and females showered together due to there, honestly, not being many women in your force. To save money, your base went the cheap way out and blended the two.
Colonel O'Hara had his respective team with you being a part of it. You could count on your fingers just how many females were in your force, making you feel a little out of place sometimes amongst the men, especially with their excessive teasing. 
You undressed, placing your beige combat boots, camo shirt, pants, and undergarments into your locker and grabbing a towel to cover your nude body. Once you acquired all of your bathing essentials, you exited the lockers to enter the showers. 
The showers were like cubicles. Each held a shower head plastered on the wall but with no curtains. 
There were only three showers that had a curtain but those were always occupied, thankfully, the room was empty upon your entrance. 
‘I can finally enjoy a peaceful shower.’ 
You thought, remembering all of the other times you used the shower room and how it was always filled with men, playing and bathing with each other in the nude as if everything was fine. You could never wrap your head around how comfortable they could be to shower beside one another and converse like normal. 
You could never…
Always deciding to postpone your bathtime or endure it and shower in the farthest cubicle away from everyone, but even then you were still teased. 
So with a huge grin, you happily drew back the curtain and stepped into the shower. You placed your bathroom items onto a small shelf and hung up the towel that was worn around your body before turning on the water. 
You gasped, the water was always ice cold upon turning it on. You didn't know if to be thankful for the sudden rush of alertness or irritated by the amount of shivering you always did afterward. Nonetheless, when the temperature changed to be a perfect blend of warm and hot, you melted upon contact with the satisfying liquid. 
You sighed, running your hands through your hair and feeling all your sore muscles from the long training with Colonel O’Hara, relax. You proceeded on cleaning yourself, filling your washcloth with your bodywash and beginning to wash up.
Whilst enjoying the heat and bathing yourself, you began to remember everything from this morning - the harsh training, the endless shouts from the stern Latino, and the frustration of not hitting that damn target came flooding in. 
Before you could beat yourself up, you started to focus more on your Colonel than how much of an ass shooter you were.
How he carried himself with so much confidence, and always looked like his muscles packed pounds on his body, causing him to walk so heavily and wide. Being in the military, you've been with your force even at the worst of times. Experienced moments where you were starved, under extreme elements, and times where you had to go days without properly bathing or doing so at all. 
You've seen Colonel O'Hara at his worst, and even then he made starving and reeking of musk look good. 
It was also rare that you even saw him nude. 
Colonel O'Hara was a male who hated to be caught with his pants down, literally.
He despised being seen as weak and vulnerable so during his time of bathing, he woke up at the crack of dawn to shower. You heard him one time, leaving his room, which was apart from the bunks, you and the normal soldiers resided in, to go to the shower room. 
But the one time you've seen him fully was on a mission. One that the Colonel had selected you to participate in, himself. 
During a long journey, everyone took turns to shower or take a quick bath in a river, waterfall, or whatever water source was nearby, your team would use to your disposal. 
On this particular mission, a lake was the nearest form of bath system your team could use. You got paired to freshen up with the last group which happened, your Colonel joined at the last minute.
The man was ripped, you knew that. You can see it through any piece of clothing he wore, but surprisingly even his ass looked good. 
You didn't think you were much of an ass girl until you caught sight of his when he was bathing in the lake that day. How his ass had the perfect mixture of muscular and plumpness was blasphemy, and to top it off, his back muscles seemed to flex and bulge with every movement he made. He was even packing in the front. 
How his large, veiny hands ran the water over his body, his palms brushing over his pecs, abs, and biceps, and the look of pure concentration on his chiseled face made the scene even more hotter. His golden-brown body seemed to glisten despite the lack of proper cleaning the lake did for anyone's body that day. 
It was a miracle no one saw you, it would have been embarrassing with how much ogling you were doing. You could hardly bathe yourself without sparing him occasional glances that left you certain when the gods sculpted your sexy Colonel, they were playing favorites. 
He was perfect…
His honeyed body was sculpted with bulging muscles, sinewy limbs, taut abs and thighs, a few scars littered his being here and there, but even still, those scars intensified his attractiveness. 
As you stood, washing off the soap studs that coated your body, just recalling the memories and thinking of how magnificent of a specimen your COL was, your core throbbed in desire. 
You've secretly felt this way about your Colonel ever since you were assigned to him. How could you not when he traversed any land as if he owned it, whether it was on the battlefield or just walking to catch a meal at the base cafeteria.
When Colonel O'Hara was in the room, you, everyone, even the damn fly on the wall knew he was there. He just had that aura about him that demanded attention even though he was the type to strongly despise it.
The warm water continued to run down your body, washing away the soap that covered it. But it wasn't as hot as his touch that still was permanently burned into your sides, and you couldn't stop thinking about how right his hands felt on you…
His calloused fingertips pressed into your hips, his large hands engulfing your waist like you were a mere doll. If only the guy knew how much control he had over you, in the, not so, professional way. 
Now, he even had you fingering yourself just by the mere thought of him. Your fingers thrusted up into your warm entrance, wishing it was his thick ones that were touching you. Your other hand found the shower wall, trying to stabilize yourself under the running water as you fingered yourself. 
You moaned, eyes closed tightly whilst you chased that trembling ache, that pleasurable high that had been caused by that hunk of a giant down at the shooting range. You wiggled another finger inside, emitting a loud cry to burst from your chest.
But your two fingers weren't enough...
The only thing that could cure the burning longing in the pit of your stomach was the enormity in between that man's legs. 
The massiveness that was off limits to you. 
The forbidden meat that you couldn't taste…
You gritted your teeth in frustration, continuing to chase that high that you knew you couldn't ever reach. You didn't know how long you'd been in the shower, fingering yourself with the knowledge that you could never seem to get yourself to release. 
You felt it once when you were with your first boyfriend but after you broke up and got into the military, nothing!
You feel the rush, the spasming, the addicting pleasure and trembling of your legs but that was it. 
Not in a long time had you felt that satisfying crash of ecstasy. You’ve always got to the peak of it, but never could get over it, always leaving you sexually frustrated; but you try. 
Goodness, you do try…
“Oh, fuck.” You whined, gripping the wall whilst thrusting your two fingers inside of your dripping pussy. The sensation felt so good, the feeling of being full, and that delicious friction with every penetration of your fingers made your eyes flutter.
You were so adamant about this being the day you made yourself climax that you didn't even hear the heavy footfalls on the tile flooring of the shower room. 
You were too consumed by the pleasure and of that sexy view that was engraved in your mind of Miguel bathing in that lake. His massive, broad body, gorgeous ass, and enormous cock. How it wasn't even fully erect and it was big. 
You imagined him here with you, his fingers being what was inside of you, feeling the stretch of his thick digits as he pounded them into you at such speeds that it was inhumane. How his cock would do even more damage, drilling into you until you saw stars and could barely remember your own name.
But you would be certain to know this. 
He'll make sure of it.
Moaning and crying it out at the top of your lungs as he pounded into you mercilessly, dominating and controlling you like he did. Every. Single. Day. 
“Oh yes. Fuck- Miguel!" You whined loudly, completely blinded by your erotic act that was being driven and led by your sexy Colonel.
You were so immersed in what you were doing, you didn't even notice when the curtains were drawn back. 
You didn't know what had happened, just that the shower looked a little brighter than before, and the sudden rush of cool air on your bare backside made you shiver. 
Completely dazed, you turned around to make eye contact with the Colonel himself. 
His beige muscle shirt, camo cargo pants, and tan combat boots still adorning his massive frame. Even though he'd found you in the worst way possible, his face was emotionless, a still painting in a museum. 
“I thought I told you to be out in 20.” He sternly said, his deep voice bouncing off the secluded shower room. Your bottom lip trembled, your hand instantly drawing away from your core. Your evident slick glistening on your fingers as you noticed his dark eyes shift to them and back to your face. 
You didn't know what to say… 
‘Sorry, I didn't come out sooner, Colonel. I was so busy fingering myself to the thought of you that I lost track of time.’
That's a one-way ticket straight to a Non-Judicial Punishment and no telling what your consequence would be.
So you just stood there, completely nude and with the shower running, still trying to make sense of what the hell was happening with your foggy brain. 
Honestly, you were still stuck in la la land, seeing Miguel bathing in that lake and having a perfect view, not at all attentive to what was happening before you. 
Your Colonel scoffed, looking you over. “Soldier! I asked you a fucking question!” He shouted, making you jump, and snapping you out of your trance.
Finally, you realized what the hell was happening. 
‘Oh shit! Miguel, just caught me-
to him!'
You wanted nothing more than the walls to swallow you whole.
Your hands hastily turned off the shower and covered your sensitive areas, your cheeks a deep red. “O-Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry.” You said, about to go into a spurge of apologies when Miguel stopped you. 
“I don't want to hear a fucking apology, I want to hear what the hell you were doing.” He declared angrily, his bushy eyebrows drawn low over his dark eyes. You gulped, quivering before him because you couldn't possibly tell him what you were doing. 
You'll die from embarrassment…
“I-I can't-”
“Don't give me that bullshit, soldier.” He spat, stepping closer to you in the tiled cubicle. Your eyes widened as he cornered you to the wall.
“Tell me what you were doing.” He said through gritted teeth. He looked furious and that it made you scared beyond anything. 
Of course, you've seen your Colonel angry, it was honestly his default setting, but directed towards you was a different story. 
You gulped, your pupils trembling under his intense gaze. 
“I-I was…t-touching myself.” You confessed with a blush, averting your gaze which only seemed to make him angrier. “You know how I feel about that. Eyes on me.” He sternly spat, as it took everything to meet his gaze once more. 
His cold face and amber orbs held little to no sign of what his next reaction, response, or move would be. 
It made everything even scarier. 
“So you're telling me, you were in here for almost an hour and you still haven't released?” 
He asked in a nonchalant tone as if he hadn't asked something so erotic. You gulped, your arms tightening around your body to hide your sensitive areas even more, your cheeks reddening even more.
“C-Colonel I-”
“Y/N.” He said your name so coldly that your entire body tensed up.
He hardly addressed you by name and when he did, you knew you fucked up. 
“Answer the damn question. It's a simple yes Colonel or no Colonel.” He demanded, his large frame towering over you, making you feel so small. “N-No, Colonel. I-I haven't.” You admitted, biting your bottom lip anxiously. You probably spilled your guts here in this shower more than ever in your entire lifetime. 
You felt like one of Colonel O'Hara's targets whom he strapped to a chair to interrogate, except he didn't even pull out a single weapon and you were already blabbering your deepest secrets to him.
How pathetic were you...? 
After your confession, he just stood there looking down at you, your stomach clenching and your heart beating so loud in your chest, that you were certain he could hear it. 
Until he smirked, looking you up and down. “Don't tell me you can't do that right either, soldier.” He teased, making your entire body burn up in embarrassment. “N-No, it's not like that.” You stammered, your hair completely soaked and your body dripping with water from your previous shower. 
You just felt like you had to defend yourself in front of your Colonel. It felt like every time he was around, you couldn't do anything right. You were certain your COL had been taking notes on all of the things you couldn’t seem to do and you didn't want pleasing yourself to be added to the list.
“I-I just can't, okay.” You told him with a dejected sigh. He tilted his head, a deep chuckle rumbling from the depth of his chest. His eyes taking in your small form compared to his massiveness. “It's simply because you are too quick to touch what you truly desire instead of building up to it.” He merely said, his voice, gravelly and rough and making your stomach flutter. 
“Just like shooting at the range, so quick to press the trigger, you haven't even perfected your form yet.” He smirked, placing his hands on either side of your head, trapping you under him. 
“It seems you need more than just practice, Muñeca. Seems you need a lesson on self-control and discipline.” He whispered into your ear, his lips against your skin making you shudder. 
You didn't know what he could mean. The only thing filling your brain was another round of harsh training of push-ups, pull-ups, and laps around the whole damn base. 
A training so extreme you didn't know if you could even handle going through it, especially after the long, one-on-one training at the shooting range. 
You wet your lips, gazing up at your COL's hardened, defined face. Even from this angle, which was usually an ugly one on others, he looked good. 
“W-What do you mean?” You inquired, you knew better than to make an excuse or complain about your exhaustion.
Colonel O'Hara would work anyone overtime if you bitched.
He smirked, turning to draw the curtains back before meeting your perplexed gaze.
“I'm talking about a lesson of pleasure, Muñeca.” 
Your eyes shot open, staring at him in utter shock.
This had to be a dream. 
You were ready to hear the thunderous voices of one of the lieutenants anytime now, waking you and your fellow soldiers up from your deep slumbers to start your day of training and missions.
But either the lieutenants were sleeping in, or this moment was real. 
Nonetheless, you were about to lose your shit. 
“P-Pleasure?” You fumbled over your words, your backside already pressed against the wall. Miguel hummed, stepping closely up to you, sandwiching you between him and the white tiles. 
You instantly lost the ability to breathe, not due to his enormous frame crushing you into the wall, but the fact you could feel every one of his defined chest muscles against your body through his shirt.
The hardness and solidity of them were enough to reawaken that desire in your core. 
You bit your lip, his dark hair falling over his face whilst he loomed over you. “How long has this been happening, soldier?” He asked in the same stern tone as if he was demanding you to shoot another clip into a target. You gulped, peering up at him, trying to keep eye contact. “Since my last relationship, sir.” 
“So before enlisting?” You gave him a curt nod. He hummed, looking you over before his dark eyes lingered upon your shield arms. “Stand up straight, hands at your side. You know the drill.” He spat harshly inside of the small cubicle shower. 
Just his mere tone was enough to control and completely dominate you. Your arms shakingly moved from over your breasts to rest on your sides as you stood erect, the mere position changes thrusting your bare breast forward. 
You bit your lip, hoping he didn't notice how perky and hard they were, but you should have been ashamed to think otherwise. 
His gaze instantly was directed to your breasts, a smirk spreading across his tanned lips. “You turned on, Muñeca, or is your little body just cold?” He laughed, making you blush. 
You hoped that was a rhetorical question because you didn't want to answer it. 
His tanned hands left the wall to cup your bare breasts. The roughness of his palms on your supple flesh was enough to make you drip a puddle onto the tiled flooring. 
You whined, wincing a little at how painfully hard and sensitive your tits were. He fondled them softly, testing the waters, but you couldn't help but squirm in his hold. “When was the last time you gave these babies attention, hmm?” He asked, squeezing the sensitive flesh in his hands and brushing his thumb along your nipples. 
Honestly, you couldn't remember. You hardly paid attention to your chest when it came to pleasing yourself. Like your Colonel said, you just dove right into where you needed it the most, ignoring everything else. 
“I-I can't remember.” You responded, causing him to click his tongue. “So impatient. Just like you and that gun.” He said, continuing to caress your highly sensitive breasts in his hands. 
“But we are going to fix that, even if it takes all afternoon until the sun sets and when it rises in the morning of the next day.” 
He whispered into your ear. 
“You'll learn to be patient, chica.” 
He spat before lowering to bring one of your swollen nipples to his mouth. 
Pleasure like never before hit you like a freight train. His skilled tongue swirled around your hardened pebble, teasing and flicking it as you melted under his ministrations. His other hand worked in tandem with his sucking, rolling your other nipple with his thumb in time with his tongue. 
You mewled and whined, grasping for anything when your hand found a railing. Your head fell back against the wall as he pleased your chest, his towering body bent over to suck at your breasts. Sloppily sucking and coating your pebbled flesh with his saliva with every taste like he was starved predator finally seizing its prey.
Your legs trembled, the feeling so familiar, as your eyes fluttered. Your grip on the metal bar tightening.
“C-Colonel.” You called out to him, your thighs coated with your essence.
You needed him, more of him. 
He hummed in response, but not ceasing his suckles. Your face became flushed, your core, completely soakened and desiring to be filled. 
Longing to be fondled by his skillful hands. 
For him to play with your pussy like he handles his guns, so rough, yet attentive, and proficient. 
“I-I want you to touch me, d-down there.” You said in a trembling voice. 
He suddenly bit your sensitive nub, his teeth capturing your nipple, emitting a cry from you as he tugged away to look up at you. He shook his head, rising to his full height. Your eyes followed him, his figure looming over you once more. “Soldier, you haven't been listening to a thing I've said, have you?” He said in a gravelly tone, almost disappointed and a little angry. Your cheeks reddened, your lips quivering. “I-I'm sorry-”
Your words were cut off when his hands slammed onto the wall on either side of your head. The sound was deafening and your heart felt like it had jumped out your chest. He pressed his lips to your ear, his voice sinister and gut-wrenching. 
"Rush me again and I won't hesitate to punish you." He snarled into your ear. His words sliced through the closed space, sharp and precise, leaving wounds that stung like the cut of a razor into your skin.
It terrified you and left your body a little shaken.
You felt his eyes, look you up and down, taking in your trembling form. "Now keep that little mouth of yours shut, unless you are addressed, soldier." He sternly said before pulling away.
Silence except for the thudding of your loud beating heart filled your cubicle. You weren't able to alleviate your quivering being, as the next words he uttered, shook you to your very core.
"Turn around.”
He commanded, making your eyes widen in shock and worry. You were stuck between desire and utter terror.
However, you followed his order. 
You didn't want to anger him any further.
You turned around, shakingly placing your hands on the shower wall, your bare backside to him.
Your Colonel was a scary man, an even scarier one when he's on a mission; but you never thought even in the bedroom he could keep his same ominousness. 
Your ears and sense of touch were on high alert. You felt colder than before whilst the incessant small drips of water from the showerhead were slowly driving you crazy. 
The suspense was suffocating, to the point you were begging for something to happen, anything!
"You are so needy, chica." 
He said from behind you, the sound of him unfastening his belt and zipper filling the shower after his words. Your heart skipped a beat, fingers flexing against the wall. You wanted so much to turn around and see the magnificence behind you, but you knew he would punish you if you did. 
"And what did I tell you, hmm?" He urged, moving his cock into the gap between your thighs, brushing his length along your slick folds. 
"Despite your...neediness, I need you to listen. To obey my commands, chica." He uttered, a sharp gasp escaping your lips when you felt his hands on your waist, his bare chest against your back, and his cock poking into the back of your thigh. You whimpered softly, your juices spilling down your legs. 
You knew this was a trap. He wanted to see what you would do, now that his impressive cock was right where you wanted it most... 
You moaned, gripping the wall, and trying to find your words. "T-To be p-patient." You said through breathy gasps. He hummed in agreement. "Good, soldier, and what did you do despite my command?" He asked into your ear, his lips brushing the lobe and making you shudder under him. 
All you've ever wanted was him, making his demand for patience utterly impossible.
It was despicable how, in spite of your Colonel’s knowledge of your intense desire to feel his touch, his cock, his body against your own, he was ordering you to wait. You pressed your forehead into the shower wall, biting your lip and ignoring his question. 
You didn't want to wait. 
You couldn't, not with your body practically begging for him, and your arousal leaking onto his cock and down your thighs.
You shook your head, grinding onto his shaft that was nestled between your legs, failing his test horribly. With every gyrate of your hips, his mushroom head brushed into your clit over and over again. The feeling was so good and pleasurable it urged you to move your hips faster, chasing that sweet sensation. 
Miguel's deep groan into your ear only made you quicken your pace until his deadly grip on your hips forced you to stop. "Fuck, Chica. You just can't seem to listen, can you?" He spat harshly into your ear. You whimpered, feeling him move his cock from between your thighs to press it along the curve of your ass. "I-I'm sorry." 
"Stop with the fucking apologies." He growled, his hands lowering to grope your rear tightly, emitting a cry from your lips. "All you do is apologize but do the same damn things." He hissed, feeling his dark eyes look you over, a deep chuckle passing his lips. "You are practically shaking in my hands, but it's not from fear, is it, you little slut? 
It was as if he had punched you right in the gut. You knew your Colonel was observant, from being alongside him from the one mission you were allowed to participate in. You remembered the usefulness of the skill, but you wished right now that he wasn't. 
He was capturing everything and didn't hesitate to bring it out into the open. 
Indeed, you were trembling and quivering under him. The desire and lust for him were overwhelming, and just his mere touch was causing you pleasure. "N-No. I-It's not...f-fear" You honestly replied, shamelessly lowering your head against the wall. He snickered, feeling his defined chest rumble against your bare back. "Shit, you want this so damn bad, don't you? Want my cock inside of you?" He inquired, only making your stomach tighten in want. 
It was as if he had read your mind. Knew all your dirty thoughts. You bit your lip, unable to confess something so embarrassing. 
A sudden harsh slap to your ass made you jolt and cry out in a mixture of ecstasy and agony. Miguel's large hand wrapped around your throat, pulling you flush against his hardened chest. 
"Answer me, soldier." He said harshly into your ear, his hand giving your neck a warning squeeze, briefly cutting your oxygen before your lungs were filled once more. "You are aching to be fucked? Yes or no?" He asked through gritted teeth whilst you were gasping desperately for air. Your hands left the wall to grasp tightly around his massive wrist and forearm, his limbs looking so humongous in your hands. 
Despite his roughness, this was all you've ever wanted. What you've desired. You found yourself frantically nodding, his hand still snug around your throat, fingers pressing into your neck. "Y-Yes." You panted, causing him to groan, the sound so very sexy in your ear.
"And yet, you are faced with a predicament aren't you, Chica? Believe you can't cum, is that right?" He asked in a teasing voice, your face reddening at his recollection of your embarrassing secret.
You nodded, his other hand leaving your waist to slap your ass once more. "With words." 
"Yes!" You cried out, feeling him tug you back against him. "Isn't that a shame that you cannot handle it yourself? You want me to do it for you?" You bit your lip, squeezing your thighs tightly together. "T-That's...correct sir." You whispered, his hand around your waist beginning to explore your body, caressing your thighs, stomach, and hips. 
He took your sensitive breast into his hand, tweaking the tender nub and groping the supple flesh roughly, drawing a wince and whine from your parted lips. "That makes you selfish." He sternly said, tightening his hold around your neck, even a little bit of his strength left you gasping for air. "We could get in a hell of a lot of trouble if we are caught and yet, you still crave me." He stated, reading you like an open book. 
Were you that easy to read?
You thought you were careful with your attraction towards your superior. You made sure the only time you pleasured yourself to him was somewhere secluded and away from everyone, that when you were ogling at him, no one was watching. So how the hell was he doing this? 
Unveiling all of your deep secrets without you even having to open your mouth.
It was bothering you so much…
You wet your lips, nodding slowly. "Y-Yes...I-I still do." You told him, his hand still enclosed around your throat and continuing his sensual play on your breasts with his other. "Y-You make it impossible not to, sir." You rasped, trying to keep your voice stable in his hold. 
Silence filled the shower room after your confession leaving you nervous about whether he'll leave or not. 
You did, technically, admit that the two of you could get into serious trouble if you continued, yet due to your blinding lust for him, you didn't care. 
Even if you didn't, your Colonel could lose everything. 
Does he think less of you now?
Did that make you even more of a slut in his eyes?
Your mind was swirling, trying to ponder what the hell was going to happen. However, the more you thought, the more your worries intensified. 
Suddenly, a blur of movements occurred, everything happening so fast that you were unable to keep up. 
Miguel spun you around, turning you to face him, sometime during the movement, he turned on the shower. The water cascaded down your bare beings and dripped off every sexy and tantalizing contour of both of your bodies.
Your eyes roamed his massive frame, finally seeing him fully. His coppery, scarred, and muscular body was in front of you, as everything about him was big. His shoulders, chest, arms, hands, and even his cock.
Your eyes shakingly looked down at the monster between his legs. The enormity you've been dreaming about and lusting for since you've become a part of his team.  
You thought it was big when you saw it at the lake, a few feet away from you, but nothing could prepare you for how it'll look in front of you. 
Like his enormous frame and towering height, his cock was impressively thick and long. The tawny, sensitive skin was covered in veins with a bulging one that ran down the underside of it. His tip was a flushed, angry brown, already dripping with pre-cum. 
A patch of coarse dark brown hair, adorning the top of his well-endowed shaft, trailed an irresistible path up to his navel and hairy toned chest. Even though you've fantasized about his cock regularly, in reality, it was even more astonishing. 
He stepped up to you under the water, his gaze predatory behind his dark hair that had become a drenched nest upon his head, wet chocolate strands sticking to his forehead. He took your throat into his large, calloused hand once again, your body welcoming the oddly pleasurable sensation. 
"Widen your legs." 
He said in a deep voice, his lips drawn down in his usual permanent scowl, regardless of his mood. Your heart leaped at the command, hastily widening your stance, your backside flush against the tiled wall. You shuddered as the steamy air of the shower graced your throbbing core.
His other hand fell down your stomach, tracing patterns as he went. You shakingly exhaled, his touch felt so foreign, yet satisfying all at once. "You are so desperate to cum, Muñeca, that you skip all of the delicious parts." He chuckled, returning to his lecturing. His hand occasionally squeezed around your throat, cutting off your oxygen, before bestowing you with the gratifying air once more.  
Your eyes rolled, hands springing up to grab his massive forearm in your hands; although, your fingers couldn't enclose around the bulging limb. He teasingly trailed his other hand along your body, finding your sensitive breasts again, drawing a hiss from your lips. "So, tell me. How do you do it, hmm?" He asked, rolling the hardened pebble under his calloused thumb.
You moaned loudly, squirming in his hold. The sensations, a blend of pain and pleasure due to your heightened sensitivity, leaving you indecisive on the satisfaction of his touch. "H-How do I -gosh, do what?" 
"Touch yourself. Where do you start?" He asked once more, his fingers continuing to tweak and fondle with your breasts. Your cheeks reddened, eyes opening to gaze up at him to see his serious and stern ones staring right back. 
You didn't know why he enjoyed hearing you speak. He knew where you started, it was the sole reason he was here. 
But with trembling lips, you responded to your COL. "D-Down there." You panted, bringing a smirk to his lips. 
"So, I was correct. You don't know how to please yourself." He uttered, his hand moving from your throat, leaving behind his warmth and burning touch. 
Your eyebrows furrowed at his words. You hated to hear that from him. 
Something else that you couldn't do without need of assistance, and it was always his. 
Whether it was shooting a gun, learning how to not trip over your own feet whilst running or discovering the weakness of your opponent in a fistfight. 
He was always there, assisting you with your troubles but making sure you knew how much of a failure you were as he did. 
But this was even more embarrassing than any of your other inabilities. 
This was something you shouldn't need help with. You should be able to satisfy yourself on your own.
Why the hell did you depend on him so much?!
It was so damn frustrating...
"A-Apparently so." You whispered dejectedly, instantly gaining his attention. "Then let's fix that." He uttered, his hands moving up to caress your breasts, his touch gentle for the first time. 
You sucked in a breath. "You want to start with these babies." He whispered, thumbs ghosting over your tender nipples. "Go slow, feel the sensations, and once you are ready." He gave them a sudden tug, pinching them harshly. You moaned loudly, back arching off of the wall. 
A fire felt like it had sparked underneath your skin, a blinding sensation washing over you. Your eyes fluttered, looking up at him to see his cold eyes staring back.  
He smirked, leaning towards you and placing an open mouth kiss on your shoulder. Your breath hitched. "The goal is to slow down. Enjoy the moment." He whispered into your skin, trailing more of his searing kisses along your collarbones, the water falling upon your bodies.
You wanted so much to touch him, to feel his musculature under your palms. But, honestly, even though you were practically dazed with pleasure,
You knew your place and his…
He sucked softly at your skin, licking up a trail of water droplets up to your neck. You moaned; the sensations so intense. He wrapped his lips around the pulse point of your neck, continuing his sucking, but keeping you unmarked. 
You didn't know to be thankful or upset due to his cautiousness of sucking such pretty love bites onto your throat. It would had been wonderful to see them there, knowing it was from him.
A gasp escaped your lips when you felt his heavy cock against your abdomen, throbbing and twitching in desire. Your stomach coiled up in a delectable burn, a feeling that was a distant memory. Your moans came out breathy and airy, and your soppy entrance pulsated in want. 
Miguel could feel it.
You were ready for more. 
He gave your throat a final lap, before pulling away. His eyes stared at you, seeming a little darker than before. "Then…
You touch." 
He whispered, his thick fingers trailing a teasing line down your stomach until finally, his two fingers found your bud of nerves. 
You jolted, hands flinging up to grasp his biceps. You moaned at his touch and the feeling of how solid his muscles were. His fingers moved in a circular pace, swirling the saturated bud. You writhed and squirmed, bringing a smirk to his lips. 
"Is this living up to your dirty thoughts, Muñeca?" He inquired with a chuckle. You blushed horribly, remembering your loud cries with his name included and how he probably heard. You frantically nodded, unable to speak. 
His fingers were as skillful as you thought, fondling and caressing your bud and sending waves of tingles sprouting throughout your body. 
Your legs trembled, your chest heaving whilst your breathing increased. He pressed a finger into your bud making you choke out a moan, nails piercing his biceps. He snickered, lifting your leg and exposing your pussy even more for his play.
He quickened his pace, his fingers rubbing your engorged clit at such high speeds you saw stars. 
He hadn't even inserted a finger yet and you were already feeling that high approaching, that pleasurable crash that you always deemed impossible. 
But you should have known he'll take you there…
And even further…
He widened your slick folds, replacing his fingers with his thumb, pressing the thick digit into your exposed clit, and inserting two fingers into your soppy entrance. His movement, becoming even more erratic inside of you.
You cried out loudly, looking down at his hand that was moving so fast against your clit and thrusting inside of you. You’ve never felt such speeds, unable to do so yourself, as the intensity of it was brutal. Your juices splashed everywhere, dripping onto the floor whilst he continued his assault. 
Moans became stuck in your throat, your gut started to tighten, and your eyes rolled so fiercely you saw white. "Yes, chica, just like that." He growled. "Cum for me." He snarled, and you lost control. 
Your limbs felt like jelly, thighs convulsing and pussy clenching around his fingers as you came in hot juicy spurts. Your arousal gushed out, spilling down your thighs and coating his hand. You shook uncontrollably, becoming a trembling leaf in his arms and unable to utter a word.
Miguel continued to please you through your orgasm, driving you over the limit and making you cream until you couldn't anymore. 
"This what you wanted, chica?" He asked through growls, running his slick fingers along your wet folds upon your fading orgasm. You were highly sensitive, whimpering, and nodding frantically. "Yes, g-goodness, yes." You whined, practically on the verge of tears by the sheer intensity.
He laughed at your glossy eyes and flushed cheeks. Miguel smirked, looking at you. "Had enough?" He asked, dark eyes following you. 
Honestly, you wanted to nod. 
Just the thought of going through another burst of pleasure was exhausting, yet your core throbbed in desire for more of that addicting sensation. 
"N-No...I-I can take more." You said through trembling lips. His smirk broadened across his tanned lips. The sight, breathtaking.
"That's what I like to hear, soldier." He said, drawing his hand from between your legs to take hold of your neck once more. You gasped, his thumb tracing patterns across the base of your throat. Your hands fell into place on his forearm, his entire body, mostly his chest, covered in a sensual tangle of dark brown hair.
His rugged look exciting you even more.
Upon coming down from your high, your numbness faded away allowing you to feel and become aware of your surroundings again. His hands were calloused against your throat and skin, rough after years of handwork and harsh labor. Even his manly scent of musk and sweat reawakened that desire inside the pit of your stomach. 
Everything about your Colonel you adored, the burning wish deep inside that he would grace you with the feeling of his cock; because, at the moment, the longing to be fucked by him was the only thing on your mind.
Your COL, lowered your leg, running his palm along your thigh to grip your hip. "Want to be fucked by a real man, soldier?" He inquired with a wicked grin. "I doubt that ex of yours fucked you like I can." He uttered, his voice dripping with confidence, making your stomach flutter. 
It seemed as if your COL secretly enjoyed hearing you confess to that erotic question. That burning and so very enticing inquiry. 
He knew how much you wanted it.
How much you wanted him, yet this was his second time questioning your desires. 
"Yes, I-I want you to fuck me." You uttered through trembling lips, gazing up at your massive Colonel. His dark eyes were cold but held a hint of amusement, peering down at you like a mere ant. 
The shower was completely silent, except for the running water that dripped around your naked bodies. Time was the last thing on any of your minds as he gave you that rare smirk that ignited the butterflies in your belly, making them fly rampant. 
He pressed his thumb into your throat, your breathing turning more into a wheeze. "Don't expect me to be gentle." He said gruffly, his other hand trailing down your body to rest on your rear, his rough palm squeezing your supple cheek. A strangled moan escaped your lips, your core throbbing at his warning and touch. 
"I-I didn't want you to." You replied through gasps of air, his smirk broadening.
He didn’t utter a word, using his other hand to lift your leg, hoisting it up over his right shoulder. You gasped, turning to the side and resting both hands on the shower wall. Miguel smirked, grasping your leg and pulling you towards him. You whimpered, biting your lip at the heat and hardness of his cock brushing against your core. 
“Remember, Soldier…” He whispered, moving his hand from your throat to take your hair into his tight grip. He yanked your head towards him, making you wince.
“You asked for this.” 
He uttered sinisterly before a sharp delightful, yet painful sensation shot through your body. You choked on a moan, feeling his large tip sink inside of you. You held onto the wall for dear life, his grip around your leg dangerously constricting. “Fuck, you are tight.” He snarled into your ear. 
Just his tip was inside and your walls felt like they were being stretched to the extreme, despite being soaking wet. You whimpered, burrowing your face into your inner elbow, as his cock throbbed inside of you with every clench of your walls.
“T-Too big, C-Colonel.” You said into your arm, your words muffled, but intelligible. He groaned, the sound resonating from the depths of his chest. "Mierda, you can take it.” He growled, his cock straining inside of your tight walls. You whined, the sensation of the extreme stretch of your walls was so strong that you could feel the tingles in your toes.
It was almost hard to stand…
"Relax, Princesa. Loosen up." He whispered into your ear. Although he uttered the same words from the shooting range, it sounded so much sexier coming from his lips, causing your stuffed entrance to quiver. He groaned, gradually sinking more of his cock inside of you upon your walls easing up. You choked out a moan, fingers flexing against the tiled walls. 
"Now, take a deep breath." He rasped, his large hand completely enclosed around your ankle that rested on his right shoulder. You tried painstakingly to focus on your breathing until you found the capability to do so. 
You inhaled through your nose and upon exhaling, he pushed the rest of his enormity into your tight walls; his tip pressing against your cervix. You screamed in shock and at the burst of pleasure and pain. 
His cock was enormous resting snugly inside of your inners as he held your body tightly against his massive one. Every twitch of his shaft felt like it was in your throat whilst the coarse hair of his cock, brushed against your sensitive bud. 
You moaned softly at the overwhelming sensations, tensing around him. Deep grunts passed his parted lips at every choke of his cock by your clenching walls. “Ay cono- you are squeezing me so good." He gasped, his eyes fluttering whilst you whimpered into your arm.
His hardened pecs rose and fell against your raised leg with every breath he took, the feeling only increasing the pleasurable sensations in your core.
Without warning, he slowly pulled out to his mushroom head and plunged back in with the force of a jackhammer, the impact, resonating. You cried out as he soon found a merciless pace inside of you.
With the first snaps of his hips, it instantly took your breath away and made your brain mush. The thrusts that followed were a blur. Your eyes rolled uncontrollably whilst he fucked you senselessly. 
You couldn't scream, moan, or cry, every thrust stole your breath away like it wasn't yours to begin with. Your Colonel took you again and again, never ceasing his pace and you were slowly losing your mind with every slam of his cock into your pussy. 
“Still believe you can't cum?" He grunted into your ear, hoisting your leg up higher and widening them. You silently moaned, the blood rushing to your ears causing his dirty question to be left unanswered as his cock burrowed deeper inside of you with each snap of his hips. 
You pulled away from your arm, drunkenly looking down at the magnificent sight of his cock rapidly thrusting into you. His tanned shaft moved so fast that it was a blur. 
You still couldn’t believe this was happening, looking up at your Colonel with a desire to see his face and engrave this surreal moment into your brain.
His dark eyes, blown with lust, met yours, his tanned lips parted while he rutted into you with all his might. His balls smacked into your thigh with every thrust, causing the most pornographic flesh-slapping sounds to fill the tiled cubicle. The water from the shower splashed off your Colonel’s back to pool at your feet, but your eyes stayed trained on Miguel despite the shower blinding your vision.
Your stomach began to burn unbearingly, like a ball of tangled yarn tightening with each passing moment. You couldn’t think, only focusing on the blinding pleasure that was bringing you closer and closer to that blissful end. “C-Colonel…” You were only able to whimper through the overwhelming ecstasy. 
“Have to cum, soldier?” He inquired causing you frantically nodded. He chuckled, increasing his pace and snaking his other hand to your front, rubbing frantic circles onto your clit. You screamed out and instantly became undone in his burly arms. 
Your eyes rolled back, convulsing harshly in his arms as your release came crashing into you like a tidal wave. Your pussy fluttered around his cock, clenching him tightly and earning a sexy groan from Miguel into your ear. “Fuck- There we go.” He whispered, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm. 
The sensations were blinding and so good. It left you wanting more of the forgotten feeling.
Your legs trembled horribly, leaving you unable to hold yourself up; but it was as if your COL knew you and your body, although this being the first time he’d ever touched you. 
He hastily pulled out and lowered your leg from his shoulder, making you gasp. He chuckled, leaving you to balance on your jelly legs. "Tired yet?” He inquired. “Knowing a little thing like you, I don’t think you can handle another round.” He taunted, giving you that teasing glare of his.
The look he gave you when the other members of your squad were around.
Challenging you to push your limits, to not look weak, and most of all…
To not disappoint him…
You hated that look because it was a complete and utter mindfuck. 
And every single time…
He got you. 
You hastily shook your head, resting against the wall to stabilize yourself. “No, sir. I-I’m fine.” You breathlessly replied.
His smirk broadened, as like always, you’ve run right into his trap. “Good.” He uttered, suddenly, hoisting you up and pressing your backside against the wall. His large hands rested underneath your thighs and effortlessly held you up. 
You gasped at the abrupt action, wrapping your legs around his waist and resting your hands on his scarred and coarse-haired chest. You met his piercing gaze, his usual confidence, dripping from his very being.
“I’m just getting started with you, soldier.” 
He said, not giving you time to react before pushing his length back inside of you. You instantly cried out, your arms flinging around his thick neck. He groaned, his one hand pressing into the wall, his fingers digging into your thigh. "Fuck, you feel good.” He growled, soon finding a relentless pace once again.
With every drive of his hips, your backside slammed into the wall, leaving you certain your back would be bruised later. Your eyes rolled over and over again, his cock continuously touching deep inside of you, making your toes curl so much that it hurt. 
He handled your body like a ragdoll, pounding his enormous shaft into you whilst holding you in his arms like you weighed absolutely nothing. The water continued to cascade down your bodies, now completely cold, but neither of you could feel a thing; too blinded with pleasure and of each other. 
He took your jaw in his hand, turning your face to look at him. Your eyes fluttered horribly, his thrusting never ceasing. "Tell me this soldier.” He said through grunts, “Do you always moan my name when you please yourself?” He uttered and even during your fucked-out state, your flushed face turned a deep red in embarrassment. 
His words clarified his presence during your failed pleasure session. 
You didn’t know to be ashamed of him, your Colonel, overhearing you in such a state, or thankful, since now he was bestowing upon you the pleasure your body had been craving. Nonetheless, you tried to find the words in your scrambled brain to respond.
“Y-Yes.” You truthfully stammered. “I-I’m sorry.” You added, your reddened cheeks intensifying as he continued to move inside of you. 
A breathtaking grunt that sounded like a snicker passed his lips, his amber eyes staring into yours. “What did I tell you about apologizing, hmm?” He inquired, his cock and words only causing the pit of your stomach to tighten once again. 
“T-that you don’t w-want to hear them.” 
“Correct, Princesa.” He replied, his eyes roaming your face, before sternness washed over his facial features.
"Let me hear it again." 
He snarled, making your heart drop. His tone was the same when he was training you on the field, or barking orders to the rest of your squad. His gravelly, rough tone was rooted into your mind and shook you to your very core.
Suddenly, you felt sober and alert for the first time since he touched you.
“W-What!?” You exclaimed in shock. He scoffed, pressing you against the wall, leveraging you, and continuing his inhumane pace. "You heard me. 
Say my name, soldier."
He groaned, the water from the showerhead continuing to spill down onto the two of you, blinding your already glazed sight. 
You instantly couldn’t speak. Every plunge of his cock inside of your soppy pussy snatched the words from your lips and left your mind a complete mess once again. At your speechlessness, he abruptly slapped you, a sizzling sting filling your left cheek. Your face snapped to the right, a loud broken moan erupting from your throat. 
You instantly became alert, your vision still a little hazy as he gripped your rosy cheeks in his hand, turning to face him.
"Fucking say it!"
He demanded, your stomach coiling at the desperate grunts that he was trying to keep hidden behind his gritted teeth.
"M-Miguel- fuck." You were finally able to muster. Saliva that was unable to be swallowed began to drip down the corners of your mouth and behind his clamped hand.
The sexy vein in his forehead started to bulge, his abs clenching against your stomach. "Hmm, say it again." 
"M-Miguel! Mmm, Miguel, p-please!" You cried out. You didn’t know what you were pleading for, the reasoning completely unknown. The only thing clear in your fogged mind was your desire for him.
More of him. 
Your words seemed to turn him on even more, a hot groan falling from his parted lips, his pace increasing. “Such a good girl for me, soldier.” He gasped, his hips snapping into you at such erratic and unwavering speeds, despite the duration of fucking he'd been doing into you. "Mmm, you are such a good little soldier for me.” He babbled, his fingers pressing into your face whilst your eyes rolled uncontrollably.
Your walls fluttered around his cock, contracting and gripping him tightly. For the first time since his assault on your pussy, his hips faltered, a curse spilling from his lips. "Mierda- I'm close." He rasped, yet, you couldn't take it anymore.
Shockwaves engulfed your body, overwhelming and suffocating you in its electrified grip. Your back arched against the wall, whining and rambling through tears. "I'm cumming. 'm cumming." You sobbed, his cock attacking your G-spot one final time as you squirted in lengthy bursts.
The feeling was something you never felt before. It was different from when you came the first time with his mere fingers and the second on his cock. 
Your eyes blurred, your mouth falling slack whilst tears spilled down your cheeks. Your essence sprayed onto him, coating his cock, abs, and thighs with your juices.
He cursed, moving his hand from your face to wrap his burly arms around your body. "Shit, Princesa, you are cumming so well for me." He growled. "I should reward you, shouldn't I?" He inquired breathlessly, a smirk spreading across his bronze, chiseled face. 
You didn't need to answer, not like you could anyway, because it seemed your Colonel knew it already. 
You were thankful for the implant that was placed into your arm upon enlisting as you knew exactly what your COL was planning.
He took your legs into his hands, placing them onto his broad shoulders, and pressed your backside into the wall. You tighten your grip around his neck, trying to prepare yourself, but it was useless. 
Like a jackhammer, he hungrily plowed into you. You silently screamed, his cock rapidly disappearing in and out of your pussy. "Oh yes- going to fill you up so well, little soldier." He breathlessly groaned, his cock effortlessly pressing into your G-spot over and over again.
You were so sensitive, trembling and shaking in his arms. You sobbed at the intensity until your walls gripped him one final time.
"Ay, coño!" He exclaimed, in a low, guttural groan before spilling his seed inside of you. Your eyes rolled, his warm essence coating your walls and filling you up, just like he promised. 
Your face scrunched up in pure ecstasy at the mind-numbing sensation, causing you to meet your peak once again. You trembled in his tight hold, eyes rolling whilst your release poured down your legs.
His load seemed to be endless as he emptied himself inside of you until the very last drop. He let out a shaky moan, burrowing the bridge of his nose into the crook of your neck and holding you against the wall.
The both of you caught your breath, his cock softening inside of your stuffed walls. The shower smelled strongly of sex and sweat. The icy cold water continuing to rain down upon your bodies, your beings finally recognizing the chilliness, but too tired to do anything about it. 
When the two of you had finally gotten your strength, your Colonel lifted you from his shaft and onto the floor. His cum instantly began to spill down your trembling legs, the feeling making you tingle all over.
To stabilize you, his large, calloused hands were glued to your hips, just like they were at the shooting range.
Feeling just right, and as if they belonged there. 
"Hope you learned something today, Soldier." He uttered, his voice taking on his usual commanding tone. You thickly gulped, looking up at the massive male with half-hooded eyes. 
You weakly nodded. "Y-Yes...I have, Colonel." You whispered, bringing a tight-lipped smile to his lips. 
"I'm glad to hear that." He said, pulling away from you and drawing the curtains back. Your warm body was instantly graced with a chilled breeze at his action, making you shudder. 
The shower room was, thankfully, still vacant as his pile of clothes and boots were sitting just outside of the cubicle. 
Before his large frame left you to clean up, he looked over his broad shoulder, his dark eyes on you. "I don't want you pleasing yourself anymore, soldier." He simply said, his words surprising you and making your stomach flutter. 
"M-May I ask...why?" You hesitantly asked, still out of breath from the heated sex the two of you shared. He licked his lips, turning to you fully in the doorway of your shower cubicle, his eyes looking you up and down. 
"Why, that pussy of yours has my name on it." He replied, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his large chest. “I’m the only one that gets to pleasure you.” He chuckled, looking you up and down. “Also because…
I’m the only one who can.” 
He stated, his eyes glued to every part of you. You couldn’t believe what he’d just said, staring at him in utter shock. 
A small smirk spread across his lips at your stunned expression. "Now pick your mouth off the floor and get your ass out here in 20." He said in his usual stern voice, holding a bit of amusement. "Take any longer, and I won't hesitate to come back and drill that order into your head until you understand. Got it, soldier?" 
You bit your lip, cheeks turning a rosy red as you nodded. He pushed off the wall, simply picking up his clothes and walking towards the lockers. 
You took in the last of his gorgeous ass, muscular backside, towering height, and confident stride as he disappeared around the corner and into the locker room.
You were still unable to believe that you, the forces' slip-up, were allowed to get a taste of that hunk of a man; and was able to climax so many times with him, despite the numerous times you tried and failed on your own.
You grinned, a deep blush staining your cheeks whilst pulling the curtains closed. You turned back towards the cold shower, rotating the knob to the right in hopes of there still being warm water left.
Upon waiting, you couldn't resist recalling everything from that state of pure bliss that you just shared with your Colonel. 
The moment, honestly, one of your sex dreams come to life. 
Just thinking about it, made your leaking entrance throb to life once more.
Even as you stood under the water, muscles spent and core still dripping with his cum, an erotic thought filled your mind…
 'Maybe showering a little longer than 20 minutes wouldn't be so bad...'
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A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed 'Helping Hands.' Make sure to like, comment, follow, and reblog! Love you guys!
Also my request box is open, if anyone is interested!!
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<3 Taglist:
@oscarissac2099 @powerful-niya @szapizzapanda @mcmiracles @mreowmoreww @thedevax @jadeloverxd @lazyotakuofficial @migueloharacumslut @nattywattyy @homewreckingwreck @kinkybandages
(*All rights reserved. DO NOT repost/translate/copy any of my work.*)
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doctorfriend79 · 25 days
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"This is Clara, not my assistant. She's, er, some other word."
"I'm his carer."
"Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to."
The episode 'Into The Dalek' first aired on this date ten years ago.
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naavispider · 1 year
Spider + recom squad headcanons because @hyperfixatedfandomer got me inspired ✨
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(pic source)
Spider constantly cussing out Quaritch and the other recoms and nobody batting an eyelid
Quaritch secretly loving it because even though those are some spicy insults, Spider is obviously comfortable enough in his presence to say them
(Quaritch doesn’t know this is why he enjoys it, to him he’s just confused when a warm glow starts to spread from his chest)
Spider having the time of his imprisonment life because nobody seems to care that he hates them, he can just freely live his truth without being punished
He used to feel like he was walking on eggshells around the Omatikaya (esp Neytiri) because everything he said he could be judged for, but here no one gives a shit, it seems
Weirdly, he also knows that he’s probably a great deal safer with the recom squad than with any old Omatikaya, because these guys will actually try to protect him if any of the wildlife turns foul
Z-dog praising Spider for his creative insults, stating that they’re some of the most inventive ones she’s heard in her two lifetimes. Spider glowing warm because it’s the only praise he’s received from an adult in years
Quaritch watching the other recoms take the piss out of spider for his foul attitude towards them, but his juxtapositional softness and gentleness when it comes to the animals they encounter
Quaritch not joining in because he’s just watching Spider react, always trying to gauge his response
“What the hell is a Tarzan and why do you keep calling me tiger?!”
Quaritch has enough and gets a picture of a tiger up to show him. Spider is unimpressed at first until he realises that tigers look pretty ferocious, and he likes their stripes. From then on, the nickname doesn’t bother him.
The recoms all promise to never enlighten Spider about Tarzan, making him believe it’s a kind of species of Earth animal that died out thousands of years ago. Quaritch doesn’t join in but has to hide his smirk whenever Spider starts frustratedly asking how big tarzans were and if they had stripes or sharp teeth or were predators
Spider being woken up early in the mornings for trekking through the jungle with a furious, albeit sleepy, “fuck off.”
The recoms joking about spider being a baby, or weak, or fragile, but they recognise deep down that the kid is built. Quaritch knows this too and knows they’re only doing it to wind spider up, so he doesn’t stop them
When spider is especially annoyed/homesick/sick of being a prisoner, the recoms are better at noticing it than Quaritch, who at the beginning of their relationship was abrasive and unable to empathise with him
A hand on Quaritch’s shoulder from Wainfleet or Ja or Lopez is all it takes for the recoms to stop Quaritch from going off at the boy after he ransacked the supplies
Spider trying out the recom food from the suction packets and their faces bursting into laughter when spider pulls a disgusted face and starts gagging (a la trying alcohol for the first time)
Spider teaching Quaritch Na’vi at Quaritch’s request, but exchanging phrases like ‘good morning’ to ‘I am a worm’s anus’
Mansk has been checking the translation on his tablet software, and starting grinning when he catches on to what Spider is doing. He gets Z-dog and the others round and they watch with barely concealed laughter as Spider tricks the Colonel (Quaritch never finds out)
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radiantrookie · 19 days
The Reds and Blues's hospital visit
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jasonisaacs · 21 hours
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A fine solider you are, bested by a bedtime story.
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abs-2020 · 2 years
Pt. 4
(Avatar)Colonel Miles Quaritch x Na’vi Reader
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UH, This has multiple parts. So buckle up.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/violence/choking/pinning/overstimulation/heavy topics/Dirty talk/Virginity Loss/knife play maybe/size kink/FUTURE SMUT/Stockholm Syndrome/fingering/pet names/manhandling/manipulation/spanking/etc.. it’s nasty up in this piece.
P.S. uuuh stuff spoken in Na’vi is Italic and stuff readers thinking is blue
Summary: This takes place in ATWOW Aaand you’re neytiris older sister, and you get captured in order to save jakes children and spider. <3
Authors note: this chapter most likely has smut so like if you ain’t into that then scurry away. <3
P.s. Oh yes this is nasty nasty.
Your ears would fall back as you felt a powerful emotion radiate from Miles as he stood up from beside you. ‘Jealously’ was your first thought. Miles stood there for a moment looking off into the distance. And you wondered what he was thinking, that was until you noticed the sun had gone down, leaving you with Miles, alone, in the forest, in the dark. In the dark. And something about the jealously that was oozing from his body like a bad smell had your stomach and toes turning.
“Hey princess, let’s play a game.”
Miles tone was one you hadn’t heard him tune before. Almost zombie or robot like. It didn’t sound like him. Something sinister was hidden beneath. Your ears would perk at his words and tone as you looked up to the tall blue man, his vest and pants something you’d grown used to. ‘It looked good on him’ and his waist. ‘God his waist was so gas damned attractive.’ The thought had you biting your lip and tail whip as you stood your body visibly stiff and you on edge.
“It is eclipse.” You’d state in protest. As you began to fidget with your hands.
Miles would stare at you his expression plain and dead as he tilt his head. The expressionless face that stared at you had your heart rate picking up as your fingers twitched. After what felt like forever of getting stared at by a zombie Miles would finally show emotion and smirk and lick his canines very slowly. Very very slowly his tung swirling the sharp tooth. The sight had your thighs clenching.
“Perfect.” Miles would exaggerate the ‘purrr’ in ‘perfect’. As he raised his brows.
A nervous laugh would catch in your throat. But then something inside started to bubble.. A courage. A playful courage.
“What game?” You’d ask your ears falling back at the word game. ‘This isn’t going to be a game.’
“Hide and seek sweet cheeks.” Miles would coo his words in your language his eyes lighting up and pupils dilating the once yellow orbs now almost completely a black abyss. The sight had you taking a step back.
‘He’s gonna hunt me’ your tail would freeze then frantically wag at the thought.
“What are the rule-“
“One..two..three..four…” miles would interrupt you boldly as he gave you a look that said ‘go anywhere and I’ll find you’ that ghost of a grin that you’d come to hate and love so much plastered onto his face as his animalistic eyes stared into yours.
It took a few staggered steps back and an almost trip onto your arse but quickly you’d gain control of your feet and rush to get as far as possible from miles. ‘He doesn’t know the forest like I do’ you thought ‘I don’t even know what he’s counting to’ your feet quietly padded against the floor as your ran thought the bushes and three iridescence of the forest whooshing past your eyes. ‘He can’t maneuver around like I do.’ You told yourself. But something inside you deep down said ‘oh he could.’ But you were to confident to believe that thought. You were a better hunter than Netyiri, quieter, quicker, stronger, swifter, more agile and far less forgiving. A better warrior too. There was no way he was gonna catch you.
Swiftly you’d make your way onto and up a tree perching yourself onto the strong branches, it was dark, and the leaves would cover you. You would see him before he saw you. You were sure of it. ‘What was I so scared for?’ You asked yourself in a prideful tone.
“Ready of not here I come princess.” Your head would snap at the direction of Miles voice his words quiet and distant but loud and unwantingly close. that logic didn’t make sense to you. You’d shake your head trying to rid your ears of his words.
Then you were quiet. Your tail still and ears perked and listening. For anything. But there was nothing, the forest was quiet. Too quiet. It’s like it knew, like Ewya knew. Knew you were being hunted. You’d look down into the iridescence of the forest looking for the man you loved and craved. ‘Where was he’ those were the only words circuiting through your brain. Still you sat perched in the tree, listening. waiting.
“Come out, come out wheeereever yoooou are.” Miles would sing his tone sinister.
It was then you saw him taking playful steps, long and playful steps. Almost skipping down the forest. stopping under the branches you were perched on his ears perked and tail still. He was listening. Stupidly your sweaty hands would slip causing a small branch to crack and fall. Your eyes would widen as you gasped. quickly and quietly you’d make your way back to the thickness of the three to hide just incase he saw you through the leaves of where you had been perched. Your heart was racing. You eyes wide and breaths forcefully quiet as you brought a hand to cover your mouth.
~~~~~~~~~~~~(Miles POV)~~~~~~~~~~
‘I could smell her, her slick, her arousal, her fear, her sweat. I could smell her. And lord if she smelt that good all I could think about is how she would taste.’ My body was going crazy, zings and shocks pulsing all over. How easily I could’ve scaled the tree and taken her right there. But I wanted to play with her. Play with her mind. Make her feel like pray. Make her feel weak. Make her feel dominated. I wanted to hunt her. A smirk would cross my face when a branch from right where she was perched fell next to my feet.
“Oh my, that’s odd. Very odd. Branches don’t really just fall from trees. Eh, it’s probably nothing.” I’d say in a teasing tone. I knew she was watching me. Listening. Slowly I’d lift my head to look to the branches. She wasn’t there anymore. But ‘she was close.’
~~~~~~~~~~~~(End of Miles POV)~~~~~~~~
You knew Miles was mocking you with his words and actions. And it annoyed you. With an annoyed noise your ears would flick back as you quietly climbed down the tree being extra careful to make no sounds. Your heart was still racing. Then the thought hit you.
“I can escape…” you’d mutter to yourself quietly. You voice was filled with hope and your eyes lighted up at the thought. the situation now becoming 10x more serious to you. ‘Run. Run and don’t look back’ Quickly you’d dart from the tree dodging your way around the plants, bushes and rocks and fungi. Everything was at steak now. Everything. ‘I can see Netyiri and Netayum!’
You’d never ran faster, ever. At least that’s what you thought. Suddenly there was loud footsteps from behind you. Fast and loud. Chasing after you. And they were coming fast. You’d stop and look to your right and left the footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer by the second. ‘Jump behind the rock.’ In a desperate attempt you’d roll and hurdle yourself behind a large rock quickly putting your back to it and raising your hand quickly, to cover your mouth. You breathing was frantic and loud. So you had to quiet it down some how.
“I can hear you sweet thing, why don’t you just come out?” Miles would coo “are yoooou over HERE!” Your body would freeze. But his head never popped from either side of the rock.
A small whine of would leave your throat. A whine of anxiety and panic. You felt like a small animal, being hunted by a big bad wolf. ‘Your big bad wolf’ you’d never felt like prey until you met Miles.
An animalistic growl would gurgle from miles throat his steps louder than before and his breathing more frantic. He sounded hungry. ‘He sounded hungry.’ The thought had you covering your stomach ad closing your legs.
“I can smell you.” Miles would snap as he jumped over the rock and quickly turned to face you. His eyes were crazy, and his pupils were blown out. His mouth was agape and his canines were shining under the moon light. “I gotcha.”
‘Run’ quickly you’d jump from the rock only making it a few hurried steps away before your shoulders were grabbed and you were thrown back against the rock a grunt would leave your throat, the cool and rough surface of the stone causing the breath to hitch in your throat. A warm arm snaking its way around your waist as a firm and solid body would press against yours pressing you back against the rock.
“Looks like I’ve won.” Miles Tone was sinister as he rubbed his cheek against yours as he whispered into your ear. A zing flowing through your body. Slowly he’d pull back to look into your yellow eyes.
“And?” You’d ask your body tingling with his strong warm arm around your waste.
“I want my reward, princess.” Miles would give you a grin as he puckered his lip his free hand going to your cheek. Lightly he’d rub his thumb against your soft blue flesh. Your cheeks were warm and flushed.
“What do you want?” You’d ask. It was a stupid question really. Deep down you already knew the answer to his question.
“You.” Miles would pull you closer to him his body easily dominating yours not only in size but power as well. your warmths mixing with his. “I want you (Y/N).” A zing would flow through your body as you stared into his eyes.
‘He wants me..’ you’d stare into Miles eyes him doing the same his hand still resting on your cheek. ‘I want you to..’ you didn’t have the courage to say those words out loud. Not yet. Miles ears would flick back as he leant his forehead against yours. His cup on your cheek getting more firm. He wanted you. You could tell. Your hand would go to cup the one he had on your cheek The closeness of him had the butterflies in your stomach soaring.
“And don’t say you don’t want me back.. because I can fucking smell you. I can smell you and it’s making me feral princess.”
A low growl would leave Miles throat his breath mixing with yours as your foreheads rested against each other’s. You’d bite your lip as you brought your one of your hands to miles face and the other to one of his biceps giving the muscle a light squeeze. ‘I love his strong arms.’ Your ears would fall back as You’d leant to kiss Miles only to pull back in defeat. Miles would chuckle and shake his head. Quickly he’d move his hand from your cheek and tangle his fingers in your hair. Hastily hed pull your face to his smashing his blue lips onto yours. This kiss was different from the first time. It screamed ‘I want you’ Miles was relentless his lips were relentless, full of passion and technique ‘he’s done this before’ the thought had your ears falling back. But that thought was quickly replaced by Miles spreading your legs with his knee pushing his firm quad against your core. The friction from his pants and the pressure on your bundle of nerves had your mouth fall agape as you stared into his eyes.
A deep chuckle would leave miles your reaction filling him with pride As his ears perked. Miles took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, quickly dominating yours. he was dominating every inch of your body. He was dominant. Everything he did had you feeling fuzzy. Again miles would grind his clothed quad against your clit this time a small moan would leave your throat as you threw your head back braking the kiss. A trail of spit from the two of you breaking as you pulled away. Miles would stare at you his eyes watching everything you did. He was like a hawk. An apex predator. Your hand would shoot to miles shoulders when you felt his breath on your neck your thighs clenching around the one between your leg. The slick from your core had begun to drip onto miles pants a feeling of guilt washing over your. ‘I’m so sensitive’ you thought ‘he’s gonna kill me.’
You’d bite your lip when you felt Miles hot and wet tongue like a stripe up your neck the action causing your whole body to break out in goosebumps.. ‘Jesus.’ The hand miles had in your hair would pull your head back aggressively leaving your neck more exposed. An animalistic growl would leave miles throat as he licked his canines and stared at your neck. Im a flash Miles would latch onto your soft and delicate blue flesh his teeth quickly sinking into your flesh easily breaking the skin. A silent scream would leave your throat as thick blood ran down your neck. Your blood. The feeling of his teeth sinking into your flesh and your blood running down your neck had your thighs clenching and butterflies fluttering. Slowly miles would remove his teeth from your neck and lick the puncture wound he’d just created suckling the blood. His head would dip to your chest slowly licking up the blood that had oozed from the wound. A groan would leave his throat.
“Y- you just bit me..” your voice was small and horse as miles hands went to your waist. Your grip on his shoulder tight and harsh. You were gonna leave bruises for sure.
Miles would chuckle his breath still on your neck. Gently he’d give your neck a small peck before lifting his head do face you.
“Yeah, now everyone will know your mine princess.” Miles would look down on you a grin crossing his beautiful blue features. “I’ve marked you, I’ve marked you cause I want ever god damned creature on this planet to know your mine.” Miles grip on your hair would tighten the thought of you with another man obviously angering him.
Your eyes were glossy, skin hot and body sensitive and on edge. Your breaths were labored and fast. Miles would kiss your forehead and give your hips a tight squeeze. Another animalistic grin crossing his features would have your thighs clenching and toes curling. ‘What’s he thinking?’
“Ride my thigh, you’ve already soaked my pants. Might as well, make it worse since you’re such dirty girl. Can’t even keep her juices from dripping onto me.” Miles would shake his head in a scolding manner.
Your ears would fall back at his words. The degrading nature had your insides clenching around noting and you biting your lip once more. Miles would dig his thigh into your core with much more force a look of annoyance crossing his face as he puckered his lips. His grip on your hips getting tighter.
“Ride. My. Fucking. Thigh. I’ll be nice once, then I won’t.” Miles ears would fall back another sinister grin crossing his face.
‘I’ve never done this.’ Is all you wanted to scream and protest back. But his dominating nature had you submitting far to easily. Slowly you’d buck your hips back and fourth dragging your core and clit against miles quad painfully slow. Miles head would dip down to watch the show his eyes lighting up at the sight of you pleasuring yourself. The feeling was so foreign and pleasurable. It had you catching your lip between your teeth and pulling miles face towards yours.
“Kiss me, please.” You’d beg as you ground your hips faster chasing the knot starting to form in your stomach. ‘I’m to sensitive.’ Your ears had fallen back. And your tail had wrapped around Miles leg.
“Your wish is my command princess.” With that miles would latch his lips back onto yours.
The kiss was soft and hungry, teeth clashed and tongues danced Miles experienced tongue obviously dominating yours. Your hands would wrap around his neck as you chased your high. Soft whimpers would leave your throat each time your clit dragged against his combat pants. The friction sending you into an abyss of pleasure you hadn’t felt heifer. Your mouth would fall open as your breaths got more frantic. Your bucks would become unrhythmic and slow. Miles knew you were close, you were so sensitive and readable. Just like a virgin should be.
“That’s right ride my thigh princess. You’re doing such a good job” miles would coo in your ear as he placed his hands back on your hips.
You’d break the kiss and dig your head in between miles neck and shoulder as the coil in your stomach got tighter. You’d moan his name Just as your coil was about to snap and send you into an abyss of pleasure you’d only ever heard about in stories from your friends and sister. Quickly miles would take his knee from your crotch and chuckle. An annoyed sound would leave your throat as your hands clutched onto miles shoulders. Out of frustration you’d push Miles away and Hiss. ‘Asshole’ He’d barley budge as he grabbed your writs and pinned them to the rock above you.
“You really think I’d let you cum? No, no sweetheart. The first time you cum is gonna be on my cock.” Miles would spit in anger. His fierce eyes would search yours for a quick second. then they’d soften, they’d soften as he gave you a look that said ‘if you’re okay with that.’ And you’d nod.
With that miles would place his lips back onto yours only breaking the kiss to slip his vest and shirt off. Your hands would go to miles chest as you broke the kiss. placing your forehead onto miles chin as you looked at his upper body. ‘He’s so beautiful’
“You’re beautiful..” you’d say barley above a whisper as you stared at the man. Memorized by his body. ‘He had such a slim waist.’
your fingers would trace the lines of his abs and blue stripes of his pattern the coldness of your fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. Shivers getting sent down his spine. Slowly you’d trail you fingers down further and further trailing his V line until you hit the hem of his pants. The Tent in his pants was visible and it had your mouth watering. A small pur would fill the air as your hands trailed back up miles body a groan leaving his throat as he threw his head back in annoyance his lips Puckering. Harshly his hand would grip your hair yet again as he brought you up to kiss him. His teeth would pull at your bottom lip as he ground his hips against you another groan leaving him as his hands went to pinch your nipples.
“You’re gonna me me feral princess.” Miles would bark as he continued to kiss you slowly taking your body from the rock and lowering you to the floor.
Miles would pull you onto his lap the friction causing you to whimper and buck your hips against his.
“Oh fuck it.” Miles would say to himself as his strong arms flipped you onto your belly your hips in the air. His hands pushing your face into the dirt before he Harshly pulled your hair back with a growl as he leant over you his tongue licking a stripe up your ear the feeling causing them to fall back. Miles would growl. your scalp burning. “Isn’t this the position we were in when we first met princess?” Miles would ask his voice dark and full of lust. “Only the roles are reversed, and now I got the pretty little princess right where I want her.” Your eyes would light up as the memory flashed before your eyes.
“Yeah I got her where I want her.”
Miles hand would slap your ass the harshness and unexpectedness of the action causing you to jump. Your heart would race thinking about Miles words a pleasurable fear pooling between the heat of your thighs causing a slick to drip down the inside of the muscles. Another slap would have a hiss escape your throat. His hands were heavy and rough. 3 more painful slaps to your ass would have your nails digging into the floor and tears filling your eyes as miles pulled your hair back even harder careful not to harm your Queue. You’d bite your lip at 2 more slaps tears finally beginning to fall down the sides of your cheeks.
“Who do you belong to?” Miles voice would boom from above you. Another slap would echo through to forest. You stayed quiet as you grit your teeth. “Answer. Me.” Miles would give you a spank for each word he spoke.
“Yours, I’m yours.” You’d cry the pain and pleasure starting to become too much. “I’m yours.. I’m Miles.” You’d say again like a chant.
This had heat flowing to miles member his pants getting tighter and tighter by the second. Another growl would leave his throat as he pulled your back to him gripping your chin and turning your head in a harsh angle.
“Yeah that’s right, your Daddy’s girl. Your daddy’s girl alright. Your my princess and I’m. your. fucking. King.” Miles words would have the heat between your legs starting to become painful, as you clenched around nothing. “You’re fucking mine, NOT Tsu’tey’s”
“Please..” you’d bed as miles pushed you back to the floor. Miles ears would perk up at your words.
“Please what?” Miles would tease
“Please, tsaheylu…Make the bond- please.” You’d beg from below miles “I need you miles. I need you.” Your words were quiet.
Miles would stay quiet for a moment. Gently he’d grab your Queue along with his and bring the two tips together. You’d take a deep breath just as the bond was made. A moan would leave your throat, you could feel him, all of him, his emotions, his breath, his heartbeat, his passion, his excitement, his strength, all of it. All of it. Again you saw him. You loved him. Miles would place his hand on your back to steady himself his mouth agape and ears back as he closed his eyes the new and exotic feeling pleasuring him. A ‘fuck’ would leave his throat. He’d never felt anything like this before. But he was addicted. He was addicted because all he felt was you. All he wanted was you. Quickly miles would grab you and flip you onto your back. The only sound other then each others breath in sync was the clank of his belt on the floor and the rustling of him getting out of his pants in a hurry.
Miles strong hands would throw your legs over his shoulders the action bring you back to reality and opening your eyes. ‘He’s so tall’ you thought to yourself has he towered over you one of his hands would go to rest by your head on the floor the other would hold his blue member and lead it to your entrance. Slowly he’d drag his blue tip up and down your folds the feeling had your eyes rolling back as one of your hands shot to grab onto his bicep. Again miles eyes would meet yours asking for permission and you’d nod. The kind gesture had your heart folding. with a deep breath miles would slowly push his tip in. A burning pain shooting through your stomach your grip on his bicep Turing to iron. You hadn’t looked at his member before but god you should have because he felt huge. Bug. He felt too big. And as if miles red you mind he’d speak.
“Oh don’t worry princess I’m gonna make it fit. It’s gonna hurt tho, you are a sweet little virgin after all.” The thought had miles pushing himself in faster, rougher, and a little too deeper than he should’ve because he felt the pain, your pain. It shot from his queue to his whole body. And it had him shaking. You’d whine the grip on his bicep getting even tighter.
~~~~~~~~~(Miles POV)~~~~~~~~
‘You were so tight’, that was miles only thought. Until he opened his eyes and saw your face. Then it was ‘god she’s so fucking beautiful’ your brows were furrowed and your lips were pressed into a hard line. And miles felt pitty. He’d bring his hand to your cheek and caress the soft flesh. ‘She was so soft’ slowly miles would watch your eyes open and meet with his. And god he always saw stars when you looked at him like that.
“That’s it princess, you’re doin so good for daddy.” My words weren’t forced, they were so natural with her, but then my ears would perk up as she clenched around me at my words. ‘Oooh ho ho, my baby likes that.’ Was all I could think as I slowly inched into her a grin crossing my face as i stared into her beautiful eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~(End of Miles POV)~~~~~~~~~~
Miles words had you clenching around him as he sunk deeper and deeper into you. The bond made you feel his pleasure and god was it strong. Strong enough to cover up your pain. The pain of your velvety walls stretching more than they ever had. The pain of getting deflowered. His hand on your cheek comforted you as you looked into his eyes. ‘Beautiful eyes.’ Eyes full of passion, love and want. Still miles would inch into you slowly and painfully. It had you bringing a hand to your face to cover up the wince you made. Miles would tsk. He didn’t like that. With a tilt of his head he’d speak.
“Oh no princess, remove that hand. I want to see your pretty little face don’t be shy.” Miles would speak his teeth gritting at how much you were squeezing him.
After what felt like forever for the both of you he’d finally bottom out with a harsh thrust a groan leaving his throat. Miles would lift his hand from the ground to cup your other cheek as he waited for you to adjust. He’d lean down to rest his forehead onto yours while he waited giving your nose a soft peck.
Was all you had to say for miles to drag his member almost completely out of you only to go balls deep in one harsh and quick thrust. The feeling had the air getting knocked out or your lungs and your core clenching and gripping onto miles member as your ears fell back in pleasure. Over and over miles would do the same thing his tail whipping in the air as your ears fell back in ecstasy. Miles would growl and lift himself up placing a hand onto your chest to steady himself. His thrusts were relentless. And god he felt so good. The pleasure he was experiencing was doubled because of the bond. And it had his head would fall back as a groan left his throat.
“Fuck you feel so good princess. This feels so good. Ain’t ever felt anything like it. You’re doing so well, taking your daddy’s cock so well.” Miles words would take a moan from your throat as you grabbed the hand that was rested on your chest.
‘He was hitting so deep’ you thought to yourself, ‘so, so, so, deep.’ He felt so good inside you, like he fit you perfectly, like he was made for you. Like you were made for each other. You were made for each other. The pleasure you were feeling was addicting, not only casue it was yours but casue it was his too. ‘You’d bonded. You’re bonded. You were now his and he was now yours.’ The thought had you moaning miles name out loud and clench around him. Miles stared at you his pace never faltering and thrusts only getting stronger. Then miles hit that spot, that gummy pleasure crazy inducing spot inside of you. And it had you moan his name again. And he knew, he knew by the noise you made, face you made and the way you clenched around him. And he took this opportunity to heart.
“Is that the spot? Yeah? That’s the spot that’s gonna have you screaming my name huh princess?” Miles would coo as he slowed his pace his thrusts still as strong the long and slow drag of his cock against your G-spot had you seeing starts.
Your coil was tightening, and Miles could feel it by the way you spasmed around his cock keeping his slow pace. He’d look down to where the two of you met at the sight had him wanting to chase his own release. Your cream on his cock made him feral. Your blood on his cock made him fearl, knowing he was the man to claim you and mark you as his made him turn into a monster. And speed his thrusts.
“Yeah you’re fucking mine princess, you’re mine. And anytime another man looks at you he’s gonna know it, he’s gonna smell it, oh he’s gonna fucking smell it. And he’s gonna know I’m the one that fucking took your virginity, You’re ruined princess, no man will ever make you feel this fucking good. No man…” miles hand would go to your throat as he picked up a brutal pace and positioned in and out of you. His hand would go to rub your clit roughly the feeling causing your eyes to roll back and walls to clench and spasm . “..So I’m gonna ask you again, I’m gonna ask you one. More. time….” Miles hips would meet your at each word “… who owns you.?”
A moan would leave your throat as the coil inside you tightened and threatened to snap. You’d grab the wrist of the hand miles that was torturing your clit and moan his name.
“You do…you own me.” You’d cry out at the burning pleasure building up inside of you.
“Say it. Say my name while you cum.” Miles would demand as he rocked into your velvety walls.
And like a slave you’d yell his name the cord snapping inside of you causing white to cloud your visions and your body to go numb. Your orgasm hitting you like a wave and crashing down to bring you pure ecstasy. Your cunt would squeeze miles cock like a snake would it’s pray and spasm around him. Miles would fuck you through your high as he pulled your legs from his shoulder and placed them by his waist. Quickly you’d wrap your legs around him trapping him in. Keeping him close. Miles would fall down onto you and cup the side of your had with both hands as he pulled your face to his in a passionate kiss. Your high dying down as miles chased his own high animalistic growl and beautiful groans leaving his throat as his thrusts got sloppier and less rhythmic. A ‘fuck’ would leave miles throat as he quickly pulled out of you leaving you feeling empty as his cum shot onto your belly as he moaned your nam his release finally hitting. He sounds so beautiful.’ Both of you would moan. The feelings both of you were feeling through your Queue’s becoming too much.
Miles would grab you his queue and gently pull it from yours giving yours a light kiss before setting it into your hands. A whine would leave you and Miles lips at the loss of the bond. ‘I want to feel him.’ You’d cry internally from the loss as you pushed yourself up with your forearms a painful ache starting to form Between your legs along with the one on your rear end. A hiss of pain would leave your throat as you shifted your weight trying to find a less painful option. You eyes would meet miles and you’d smile.
“Oel ngati kameie.” Miles eyes would light up
“Oel ngati kameie princess..”
Agin Miles would smile to himself as he watched you before shifting his body around yours only to pull your back to his chest and pet your head in a comforting manner. A sigh of relief would leave the both of you, the safety and comfort you felt from each other going unmatched to anything either of you had experienced. ‘He’s my home.’ Your 4 fingered hands would go to find his 5 fingered ones resting on your belly. Once found you’d interlock your fingers with his and smile.
“You did so good for me princess.” Miles would say his voice warmer and softer than ever. The vibrations from his chest to your back would put you at ease as his hand pet your head and he planted soft kisses to your hair.
You’d smile at his words the ache between your legs giving you a strange feeling of comfort and pride. ‘He’s mine, the monster is mine…’ your grip on his fingers would tighten as your tail wrapped around his ankle. The post sex tiredness would slowly set in your breaths getting slower and slower, quieter and quieter as you began to doze off. But you had one last thing to say before you let your tiredness get the best of you.
“We’re mated for life.. I’m with you now miles.”
As you woke up your hands would shoot up going to rub your tired eyes. As your hands left your eyes you’d expected to be met with the bright sun, only you weren’t. It was still dark out. The forest illuminated by the plants and iridescence of the ferns. Then a giant sigh next to your ear would catch you off gaurd and cause your head to jump around to see the body behind you. ‘Miles.. my miles.’ You’d smile at the sight of him. You’d never seen him sleep before. ‘He looked so cute.’ You thought to yourself as you brang your your hand to his cheek. ‘So much more peaceful than usual.’ Youd giggle at the thought. But then something snapped in the forest.
Quickly your head would snap around and your ears would fall back a hiss leaving your throat. Only to find You were met with a viperwolf. Your head would turn. ‘They’re never alone.’ You thought as you stared into the eyes of the small dog. Then Something inside you told you to follow the small dog, and the look in its eyes said the same thing. You’d look back to miles. He was sound asleep. He wasn’t going to be up for hours. ‘I’ll be back to wake him.’ You thought as you leant down to kiss his cheek. Then you’d look back to the wolf. Slowly and quietly you’d remove the strong blue arm from around your waist and set it onto the floor. You’d wince and grab your crotch the pain from getting defloured finally set in. You were sore. So very sore. And your arse that felt 10x worse. You’d take A deep and determined breath and look back at miles one last time. Then back you’d look to the viper wolf. ‘Ewya is calling’
“Lead the way.”
After what had felt like a long couple miles you’d finally realize where the viper wolf was taking you.
“Mother tree? The tree of souls?” You’d ask as you looked back down at the small black creature. It would stop in its tracks look back at you and nod.
You’d keep quiet after that. ‘What does Ewya have to show me?’ Your heart would begin to race at the thought. Fear and panic crashing into you like a chooper crashing on the forest floor. Once you’d finally reached the tree your legs would shake. You’d look back down at the viper wolf.
“Thank you.”
With that the viper wolf would hiss and walk off leaving you to Mother tree. ‘Oh great mother what do you have for me..’ your heart would race with each step you took getting closer and closer to your beloved and sacred tree. It’s glow more beautiful and powerful than anything on pandora. ‘Not as beautiful as Miles eyes’ the trek had taken longer than you expected and the morning sun was starting to rise. Finally you had reached the grand tree you’d take a shaky breath and grab a couple of (vines?) closing your eyes as you grabbed your queue and brang the two together to make the bond.
Your ears would fall back. Screams, you heard scream and cries. You saw fire. Lots and lots of fire. There was gun shots and then there was the sound of an animal being shot. A screech of pain. Then the words ‘toruk makto’ and ‘where is he’ fallowed by cries. Cried of pain, loss and sadness. But it wasn’t just any voice. It was miles voice. Images of him and crying children would blur past your eyes. Blood. Water. And pain, you feel pain and fear. The pain and fear of the ones miles had hurt. Then the vision would end and you’d pull back hastily breaking the bond almost tripping as you took frantic steps backwards. Your hand would go to cover your mouth as a pained noise left your throat as you pieces the puzzle together. ‘He was looking for Jake… and hurting people in his way.’ Your ears would fall back as you fell to your knees and hugged your stomach. ‘He didn’t… he couldn’t..’
“I thought this madness was over great mother!” You’d cry out as tears poured down your cheek. “I thought I’d tamed the beast.” ‘That was such a stupid thought’ you’d continue to cry your fist pounding into the floor.
A screech would be heard from above you, it was Pepe’s screech. The wind from his mighty wings would blow onto your back as he landed next to you. Another small screech would leave your purple ikrans throat as he lowered his head and nudged it against your back in a comforting manner. Another pained noise would leave your throat as you grabbed onto your stomach for comfort.
“(Y/N) (Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU??” An unwanted and familiar voice that you loved would call from a close distance.
Miles voice would have your head shooting up to see the tall blue alien, ‘my mate.’ Running towards you. Quickly you’d stand and throw your hand in the said in a ‘stop’ position tears still falling down your cheeks.
“STOP, do not come any closer!” You’d yell your teeth baring as tears covered your cheeks. “Ewya has show me..” a sob would break your sentence in half as you brought a free hand to cover your mouth.
Miles would halt and put his hands up in a defensive manner.
“N-now just wait a minute princess, I’m confused her-“
You’d hush miles by signing for him to shut up with your hands.
“No, NO! I TRUSTED you! I trusted YOU!” your voice would crack as you brought your queue’s to Pepe’s a hiss leaving his throat at the bond. And and feeling of your pain and sadness “I trusted you..” another pained sound would leave your throat as you jumped onto Pepe’s back.
Your action had miles darting towards you. A look of panic crossing his face his eyes going glossy. His skin immediately turning pale as his ears fell back. He’d reach for you as he ran towards you and pepe. You’d lift your hand causing pepe to lift himself off the floor.
“(Y/N) WAIT! Don’t go! Don’t go! Please don’t go!” Miles would scream as sprinted towards you. His voice strained, he sounded confused, heartbroken and if he was about to cry. Miles would trip and slide against the floor a hiss leaving his throat. His head quickly shooting up to meet your eyes. Both of your eyes filled with sadness and pain. And fear. The fear of losing each other.
Tears would fill your eyes again. You did not what to say the words you were about to say. But you had to. You had to. Because if he did love you, they’d change him. They had to. With another pained sob you’d grab you chest as if your heart had just been stabbed.
“You.. are a monster Miles Quaritch.”
Authors note: *gasp* oh my gosh. 😱
P.s. as always comments are appreciated <3 this chapter made me cry. ALSO! IF YOU ASKED TO BE TAGGED BUT DIDN’T GET TAGGED ITS CAUSE THE TAG DIDN’T WORK!
Pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
@kimqueenofhell @strawberrytodes @esposadomd @kitty-cat-luver @spookyspecterino @vane28282 @fayenijimura @gayfagdownthestreet @anbanananna @pinkpotatoqueen @witxhy-lexx @perseny @seashelldom @blueberry-thrawn @kadu-5607 @4shbug
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year
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Donut helps Sarge make his fursona
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
what if, for ‘This Is What You Came For’ part 2 Quaritch gets his turn with you, while all the other recoms are there to watch 👀
“This Is What You Came For” Pt.2 
The Teasing Never Stops
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"This Is What You Came For" 1
WARNINGS: SMUT, angst, tiniest little bit of fluff if you squint, Non-con, ABSOLUTE HUMILIATION AND DEGRADING, mean Quaritch, teasing recoms, crying, voyeurism
A/N: I got so embarrassed and red writing this, enjoy <3 I'm also sick with a sore throat and shit but I provide :)
Word count: 7309
I can’t remember what happened after that… intense session. Lyle was carrying me and I may have very well passed out. 
When my memory came back, I was in a cell-like room. My body was pressed up sideways against a wall and I was sitting on a bench inside it. It was very small and completely empty. I lift my head, looking around and seeing that the door was made of thick glass. It was an automatic sliding door. Maybe I could break it down or figure out how to open it. 
I go to move off the bench but stop once I feel my limbs not move with me. I glance down to see that my wrists have been handcuffed together. 
Wow, so much for them being nice, huh?
There was a green and red blinking light. It seemed like a motion sensor because it definitely wasn’t a camera. 
I lean my head back against the wall, feeling sore between my legs and completely exhausted. 
The handcuffs were starting to become uncomfortable and red rings formed on the skin of my wrists. I didn’t even feel like standing up. 
The foreign feeling of wearing proper clothes had me unable to relax. I noticed I was wearing something very similar to what Z-Dog wearing the last time I saw her. Except I had shorts with I assume her or Walker’s tank top. No bra or underwear but it didn’t bother me. 
After a few minutes of silence, I heard distant voices and some humans opened a large door, which led to the room with the cells. One of them being mine. All other cells were empty. 
Leaning down and emerging on the other side was the Colonel. My ears automatically tip back but I watch him with a neutral face. I didn’t like him for what he did but he didn’t seem like he wanted to kill me last time, so I wasn’t going to push my luck. 
A few humans waited by the entrance while he looked around and walked over to my cell. When his eyes caught mine he smiled a devilish smile. 
“Mornin’. Or should I say, afternoon?” he teased. I must have been out for long. 
“What happened?” I ask, stretching my arms and back. 
“You passed out on the way back. That was yesterday, sweetheart.” he informed me, standing tall outside the glass or clear plastic door cell. There were breathing holes in it, so I roughly heard what he was saying. 
“Oh.” I whisper, not knowing what to do. 
He stared at me in silence for a while, as if he were weighing out his options and assessing the situation. After about a minute, he shifted his weight from one leg to the other and sighed. 
“I’m gonna open this door and you’re going to come with me, understood? No struggling or fighting, otherwise there will be consequences.” Quaritch says, warning me with his stern tone. 
It’s not like I really have a choice. I feel weak anyway. And my hands are no good right now, so I nod and he confirms my decision with a firm nod of his head.
The Colonel calls over a person in a lab coat and they open the door with their keycard. He moves to the side, to let me walk past but I wasn’t sure I would even be able to get up yet. 
Slowly I turned to the side and let my feet touch the ground. At least my ankles weren’t tied. 
I push myself off the bench and quickly lean against the wall with my flattened-out palms while I try to control the shaking of my knees. 
“What? Ya need a wheelchair?” Quaritch asks, leaning against the door frame and smirking. 
I scoff. Yeah right. I was going to spare myself that embarrassment. 
“No. I’m fine.” I mumble, pushing myself off the wall and taking a shaky step forwards. 
He huffs, seeming frustrated with how long it's taking me. But he doesn’t comment on it or get angry which surprises me. After all, I can’t walk because of his goddamn orders and his soldiers. 
Quaritch offers me a hand, stretching it out in front of him and opening his palm to me. 
I stare up at him, wondering whether he was serious. A gesture like that was one of the last things I expected. 
“Come on, hurry it up. I don’t have all day.” he says, urging me to take his hand and follow him. 
Quaritch did in fact have all day. He cancelled all his plans and tasks he had to complete today as Colonel so he could focus on you. While he wasn’t really sure what to expect and what to even do with you now that they had captured you, he knew he would have to devote his full attention to it. 
“This is your doing.” I say, not looking at him but at my feet so that I don’t trip. He scoffs at my words. 
I stretch out my right arm and my left follows, placing my hand into his open palm and taking another step. 
“There we go.” he coos, looking down at my legs to make sure I don’t tangle them. 
Once I’m out of the cell I stop and look around. 
“You gonna be able to speed it up? If not, I will have you put in a wheelchair.” he tells me and it starts off by sounding nice and considerate and gradually his sentence turns into a threat. As if he can’t help himself but always be a little mean. 
“I’ll be fine.” I mumble and he slightly nods before looking up at the exit doors. 
He starts walking and I’m dragged behind him. My legs suffer the first few steps but quickly adapt to the feeling of walking and soon I let go of his hand. He doesn’t react when I pull it away, he just leads the way to where we are going. I look behind us to see a person in a lab coat jogging behind us and holding a clipboard. Next to them are two soldiers with their guns aimed at me. 
I roll my eyes. If I would have wanted to kill them it would have been done by now. 
We come to the end of the hallway and Quaritch looks behind him to see how I’m doing. Then another door automatically slides open and I see a big empty room. Well, empty of people, not equipment. There are benches and monitors and in the background, I see hologram-like pictures of Jake, Neytiri, Grace, Norm, the village that was set on fire and a picture of me. Human me. I walk inside and branch off from Quaritch who is telling a human to gather his squad here. 
I stop in front of the hologram of my face. Next to it are a few other pictures of me working for the RDA. Then there is one of my Na’vi self, right next to my face. As if they were comparing the features to find out whether it was really me. 
I stare at my human form, remembering what it was like. I hadn’t seen her in years. Then again, she wasn’t who I wanted to be. I didn’t like her. She used to have bad intentions and morally messed up thoughts. She was a weapon and not an individual form of life. 
Quaritch had come up behind me, keeping a distance but looking over my shoulder at my past self. He seemed to be in deep thought. 
I was staring at a picture I completely forgot existed. I used to have it in a frame on my nightstand when I was human and working for the RDA. It was a picture Norm took of Trudy and me with her newly assigned fighter helicopter. We were both in charge of it and it was ours to take out for missions. 
She looked so happy, posing with me while we were installing the new equipment. 
That was the helicopter she died in too. We both took it out after painting it with warpaint and when the helicopter was hit, it knocked me off and I fell. The huge leaves caught me and when I looked back up in the sky, the helicopter was a flaming fireball, falling to the ground. Tears swelled in my eyes and my heart ached.
I flicked to a new picture, one taken of me and… Grace. That was when Lyle and I accompanied her to get samples from the forest. He was in the background while she and I smiled for the camera. 
I did miss her too. 
The Colonel’s breathing seems to have stopped when he saw this picture. He knew now that he was responsible for both of their deaths but I couldn’t tell whether he felt guilty or not. But something was definitely bothering him.
Suddenly, his hand reached past my body and he picked up a holo tablet. My eyes followed his hands and he gestured over to a bench. 
“Sit down here.” he says. It’s surprisingly not a stern, angry order. He’s talking to me like I’m one of his soldiers again. It warms my heart a little. But I couldn’t let it get to me. I knew they were horrible people. Worse than me. Their intentions stayed the same while mine had shifted to love Pandora. 
My gaze flickers between him, the tablet and the bench. I decide not to make this difficult because he isn’t currently being awfully rude.
I walk towards him and sit in front of him on the bench. He watches in approval but his expression stays neutral and emotionless. 
I cross my legs on the wooden seat and look up at him. The Colonel hands me the tablet and I continue examining my old self. 
Just seeing the relationship I had with them before and seeing how happy I looked before realising how fucked up the RDA’s actions were. It was weird to think that that young girl was me. Her mind seems so different to mine now. 
Quaritch is leaning against a desk, facing me and watching my reactions as I flick through the pictures. 
Then my ears twitch to a new noise of distant footsteps, laughter and voices. I keep my eyes on the tablet though, getting an odd feeling of deja-vu. 
The recoms walk in and stop at the entrance, seeing their Colonel and then …me. I’m awake and not being held down. Huh. 
“Colonel.” Lyle greets and Quaritch snaps out of his thoughts and glances at his soldiers. Quickly, he pushes himself from the desk and straightens his posture. 
He nods in their direction before they move into the room. A few of them sit down while others stand and a type of circle is formed. It’s odd that there is a structure and order in all their actions. Then again, it does seem familiar. 
I tear my eyes away from the holopad and look around. I’m still not comfortable in all of their presence. They’re bad people and I still want to go home. My ears are tipped back and I don’t look anyone in the eyes. 
Z-Dog stands close to her superior, eyeing me down. It doesn’t go unnoticed that my hands are still cuffed together. 
Lyle takes a seat next to me but he’s not in my space so I don’t react. Mansk stands opposite Zdinarsk, also watching me. Maybe they were wondering why I wasn’t completely restricted. Or maybe they were afraid they would get beaten up again. Yeah, let’s settle for that. They were afraid.
Then Ja moves next to me, sitting much closer to me than Lyle. His legs spread in a mansplaining position and his knee nudges mine.
I glare at him and remove my legs from their previous position, keeping them placed firmly next to each other and on the ground now.
He smirked at me and my reaction, his eyes twinkling as he stared into mine while keeping his leg there where it was. 
I wasn’t going to deal with his teasing so I looked straight ahead, keeping my ears flat and back. My tail flicked with irritation and I returned to look at the holopad on my lap. 
“Alright squad, listen up.” Quaritch announces, clasping his hands together and gaining everyone’s attention. Ja also stops staring at me and faces forward. 
“There’s a slight change in plan, now that we have accomplished half our mission.” he continues and people listen, occasionally nodding along. 
I scoff which his sensitive ears capture and his head turns to me. The others also watch me, waiting for their Colonel’s reaction. 
“Half the mission?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. Old Y/N is back now. My silent examining self was gone and was replaced with my attitude. 
“That’s right.” Quaritch says, becoming annoyed. He says it in a way that urges me to keep talking. 
“Wasn’t the mission to kill me?” I ask, tilting my head. He opens his mouth to reply but my curiosity gets the better of me. 
“Which reminds me, how come I’m still alive?” I continue to push, genuinely confused why they haven’t tortured and killed me yet. While I was unconscious they had the perfect opportunity to get rid of me. 
He sighs, glaring me down. 
“It was. Now, you’ve helped us realise that you can make yourself more useful to us alive rather than dead.” he snarled, his own ears tipping back. Mine, therefore, perk forward at his words. What was he talking about? It better not be sexual. If I was going to become their personal toy I might as well just kill myself. I wasn’t going to willingly experience that humiliation again, no matter how good it may feel. 
“If you’re going to use me as some kind of toy then I will make your lives hell on Pandora. I swear to god-” I start going off, words leaving my lips before I can run them through my head. 
All the soldier's attention was really peaking now. Memories of yesterday flood their minds again, reminding them of the dirty pictures you left behind in their heads.
“I was going to say you can help us learn how to be Na’vi, but since your dirty little mind can’t help itself, we can put your wish to a test.” Quaritch steps forward, continuing to glare down at me. I hear Ja and Lyle both chuckle next to me as I try to keep my composure. 
Quaritch raises an eyebrow and I look away in defeat. There was once again too much attention on me. I couldn’t handle it and I didn’t want to be blushing in front of them. I needed to gain or regain a good image.
“You gonna cooperate and teach us your damned language?” he asks and I huff before nodding. Pfft, ‘damned’ language. I’ve grown to prefer Na’vi over English.
“Words, sweetheart.” the Colonel says and I look up again. 
“Yes.” The words softly leave my mouth, my voice much quieter. He smirks evilly, enjoying how he was able to make me fall back in line. Especially after I proved how much I was to handle. 
“Alright then. Ms L/N, the board is yours.” Quaritch says, moving to the side for me to get up. I sigh, making sure they know I’m not happy doing this before getting up with the holopad and walking to the desk the Colonel was leaning against before. 
“Anyone who isn’t part of this mission leaves now.” Quaritch orders and a few humans who were hanging around the entry door turned to leave. 
Z-Dog got up too. She was part of this mission but she was working with Walker, Zhang, Warren and a few other soldiers who didn’t witness the unholy events that occurred the day before. 
She walked out, closing the door behind her. The room had windows which connected to the hallway so we could still see the rest of the workforce passing our room. 
Then the attention was back on me. Everyone was sitting now except for me and Quaritch. 
“What do you want me to explain?” I ask, feeling clueless. Did they want me to recite the Na’vi alphabet to them or sing them children's songs?
“Whatever you deem as important.” Miles said but I just blankly stared at him. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, hating that I had to do this. Prager and Mansk chuckled while Fike and Lopez exchanged looks. Brown kept his focus on me, not seeming fazed by the behaviour of his colleagues.  
“Don’t push it.” Quaritch warned and Lyle grinned. 
“Can you at least undo these?” I ask, holding up my cuffed wrists. 
“If you give us a good lesson, I’ll consider it.” he smirks, crossing his arms in front of his chest while shifting his weight from one leg to another and I huff. 
“Fine.” I mumble. “Are you even getting paid for this?” I then ask, curiously. 
Quaritch lets out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“We’ve been given a second chance at life Y/N, we don’t expect money after that.” He snarls. 
“Seems like you’re kind of throwing that opportunity away.” I say looking away, reflecting on how they are doing exactly what got them killed last time. 
“Start explaining some shit before I throw you back in that cell.” Quaritch threatens me, raising his voice and I flinch a little.
I start explaining basic things like greetings and the hand gestures one does. 
“Can you write it down?” Lyle asks after a while and I pause. I don’t know whether his question was genuine because I didn’t expect them to actually want to learn any of this. 
“Yeah, but you won’t be able to read it. The letters don’t look anything like your ones.” I say and continue telling them about anything I think is valid. 
That’s something along the lines of “If you see the fruit with a red stem and purple bud, you can eat it but make sure the petals around it are yellow and not grey.” Or “Animals on Pandora are not there for our use. They live among the people and share our home.” 
I was now leaning against the desk myself, feeling a little more comfortable talking until I noticed something new. 
Eventually, the attention seems to leave what I am saying and focuses on my body. I notice a few eyes staring at my chest and waist and it irritates me. Quaritch him fucking self is looking me over even though he is the one that asked me to teach them. 
I start saying something about the culture and clothing until Lopez interrupts. 
“Did she not get a bra?” he asks Brown who is sitting next to him. Ja grins, his eyes shameless staring at my chest. 
I look down to see that my nipples are visible through the fabric. It wouldn’t bother me, given the fact that the chest piece I usually wore would often slip and even reveal my bare chest. But in their presence and with their predatory eyes, it seemed to have a different effect on me. 
Lyle turns to Mansk and Ja. ”Didn’t give ‘er any panties either.” he grins and immediately I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Their laughter makes me feel helpless and ashamed for something I am not responsible for. 
“Hey Y/N, how do you say ‘panties’ in Na’vi?” Fike calls out in a teasing way, nudging Prager in the shoulder. 
My ears strain as far back as possible. “You don’t.” I snarl, my tail wrapping around my leg. The word didn’t exist and it didn’t need to.
“How ‘bout ‘flustered’?” Mansk asks, leaning forward and grinning. My head snaps to him.  Shit, were my cheeks really visibly red? I don’t respond to that because I know they aren’t even genuine questions. They’re just trying to embarrass me and have their fun. 
“Can you explain how mating works?” Lyle asks, not letting it be. I want to be engulfed by the ground when I hear his question. I swallow nervously, fiddling with my restricted hands and glancing at Quaritch. I hope to see a disappointed or angry look on his face caused by the behaviour of his soldiers but he is just staring right back at me, not a hint of emotion on his face other than slight amusement. The comments and questions don’t faze him and he has no problem with what is being said. 
That makes my blood boil. 
Lyle is still looking at me, awaiting an answer and so are the others now too. 
“It’s not that different.” I say, my voice breaking and the words almost turning into a whisper. 
“A little louder, baby.” Ja says, leaning forward on his legs and resting his chin in one of his palms. 
He smiles, pretending that his teasing had no bad intentions and was completely innocent. I knew damn well it wasn’t and their minds were filthier than my one could ever be. 
He seems to be having a good time. That’s a strong contrast to how I’m feeling. 
“It’s not that different.” I repeat, listening to them and speaking up. Lopez chuckles while Ja’s smirk turns into a shit-eating grin. 
“Different from what?” Lyle asks, standing up now and slowly walking up to me. “From how we fucked you dumb yesterday?” 
My eyes go wide at his bold words and I stare at him in disbelief. I open my mouth to try and reply but let’s be honest here, how the fuck does one respond to that?
“Huh?” he asks, not dropping it. He’s standing right in front of me, towering over me even though we’re both Na’vi. 
“Move out the fuckin way, man. Can’t see shit.” Brown calls out and Lyle grins. 
Lyle moves to the side and his hand comes up to grab my face. I flinch away and move away from his hands but he grabs me by the arm and grips my jaw tighter between his hand this time, making me look up at the other soldiers. 
“Look at how shy she’s gettin’.” he laughs when I refuse to look at anyone and just close my eyes or stare up at the ceiling. “Aww, come on baby it’s okay. We’ve seen more than this.” he coos, mocking me and I whine, trying to move away, hoping he would let go of me. 
“That’s enough.” I hear Quaritch’s stern voice almost shout from the other side of the room. Lyle lets go of my face and I drop my head down, sighing in relief. 
When I glance at the Colonel, he’s saying something to Prager who then gets up and heads over to the windows. 
Quaritch calmly makes his way over to me and I can feel the energy of authority he carries. It has Lyle taking a safe step back, distancing himself from me.
I can make out that Prager is pulling down the blinds on the windows from the corner of my eye but the realisation is subconscious. I’m too distracted watching the Colonel walk over to me with an unreadable look on his face. Even though I don’t work under his command anymore, he still remains so unbearably intimidating.
“Sit down.” he orders and Lyle nods, returning to his seat in a few quick strides. Prager also sat back down now and the room seems more enclosed with the windows not being seen. 
He comes up to stand next to me and sends a harsh glare to his recoms. 
“Leave the poor lady alone.” he says, turning to face them and placing a hand on my shoulder. It’s still bigger than my hands and almost engulfs my entire shoulder. 
“She’s tryin’ to help us and teach us what we need to know and all you lot can do is tease ‘er.” he continues lecturing his team. My eyes widen and I look up at him but his eyes remain fixed on his soldiers. Some of them are looking at the ground or at their hands with their grins wiped clean off their faces. 
“Look at the poor thing, you’ve embarrassed her. She can’t even look us in the eye now.” The Colonel continues. 
Wow. My mind was blown. Quaritch was standing up for me. Why though? He didn’t seem to care earlier.
Finally, the teasing ended and they were told off for it. I couldn’t believe it was happening. It seemed almost too good to be true. 
I was distracted by my thoughts, wondering why he chose to save me now. His words faded from my hearing slightly as I fought back a smile. 
“Give me your hands, sweetheart.” He finally spoke, looking down at me. His voice was a little softer but his face was still neutral. I was hoping for an apologetic look but he didn’t give me one. I brushed it off, holding my locked up hands to him. He held them and opened the handcuffs, sliding them into the pocket of his cammies. 
I rubbed my wrists which had marks on the skin from the cuffs. 
Quaritch turned back to his soldiers while I stood next to him, my tail swaying from side to side now. 
“If you ever speak to her like that again, we’re going to have a problem.” he continued and my heart fluttered at his words. I was saved. 
“You’re never going to touch her like that again either, understood?” he added and I looked to see whether he was looking at Lyle because Lyle had just had a tight grip on me, but he wasn’t. Quaritch was looking at everyone which meant he was referring to past events. My tail stopped moving. Why did he have to bring that up again?
“And if you think you’re ever gonna get to see her like that again,” he spoke and I grimaced slightly, wondering what the point of his mentioning all this was again. “...then you ain’t that wrong.” 
My heart stopped and I froze completely. What did he just say…?
I was in the motion of looking up but my movements stopped when his rough hand attached itself to the hem of my tank top and it was swiftly pulled up and over my chest. 
I gasp, my eyes shooting wide open again as I go to cover my bare chest. The fabric pooled above my breasts and my hands flew to pull it down but just as they reached up, the same hand that pulled up the cloth, caught both my hands and held them in the air. 
I glanced at Quaritch in disbelief and he had an evil smirk on his lips. His other hand curled around the bunched-up top and pulled it over my head. 
I struggled in his grip, trying to free myself but it was absolutely no use. 
The soldiers had meanwhile all looked up and their eyes were blown wide. They weren’t expecting Quaritch to do that but they sure as hell weren’t complaining. 
“This,” he snarls, throwing the tank top behind him “this,” Quaritch reaches down to my shorts and since there is no belt to properly hold them up, he pulls them down my legs and kicks them away. 
I’m completely bare and I put on leg infront of the other, raising it a little to cover myself in any way possible. His hand then holds my face similar to the way Lyle did before. 
“And this,” he makes me look up at his soldiers again, some of who’m are grinning. “...is mine.” 
I whimper, tears filling my eyes as complete and utter embarrassment and shame flood my senses. 
“Don’t cry baby, they’ve seen you like this before.” Quaritch cooed, wiping a tear from my cheek but more hot tears spilt down my flushed skin. 
“This isn’t- fair.” I sob. Yes, his and the recom’s presence had me feeling excited because they all looked so damn good. I also happened to have slept with all of them more or less so of course I would be a little attracted to them. But now, it seemed as though he knew that very well and Quaritch always managed to use the situation to his advantage. 
“Never said it would be, sweet’eart.” he said, grinning. He let my arms go and I curled them around my body, managing to hide myself for a few seconds. Then I was picked up and placed onto the desk which to Quaritch’s delight was at about waist height. The room was built for Na’vi-sized soldiers, not humans. It came in handy. 
I was placed on the desk, facing the others and Quaritch was standing to my right, scanning over my bare body. I instinctively crossed my legs over each other and watched his ears tip back when he saw the movements. 
“You either open ‘em now or I’ll do it for you. What’s it gonna be?” he said, looking into my eyes now. 
My ears are already strained all the way back and I bare my fang at him, hissing. I hated him for this. I hated the effect he had on me and how he knew exactly what to do and when to do it. I also knew I stood no chance and it made me hate him even more. 
“Alright then.” he chuckled darkly, harshly grabbing my knees with both his hands and forcing my legs open. I leaned forward trying to curl myself over my body but he placed one hand on my chest and pushed me all the way back. 
I lay on the desk, my head hanging off the other side with my legs opened in front of eight men whose hungry eyes were devouring the sight. I heard a groan which definitely did not come from Quaritch and I covered my hot face with my sweaty palms. 
Quaritch smirked, holding my legs in place before one of his hands starts to rub my pussy. 
A dark chuckle left his throat. “I thought you weren’t enjoying this Y/N.” 
The teasing never stopped. He glided his fingers through my shamefully slick folds and then pushed a finger into me. When he pulled it out, he held it up for the others to see too. 
Lyle muttered something which I didn’t understand but it made the Colonel grin. 
“Can’t get enough, huh, you little vixen?” Quaritch said, lightly slapping my pussy. I cried out, flinching away from his touch and biting my fist. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” Ja mumbled, adjusting his pants. “Colonel, can I-” he started saying but was cut off. 
“Forget it.” Quaritch snarled, almost hissing at Ja who leaned back on his deck and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You had your goddamn turn.” Miles adds, focusing his attention back on me. He pushed two fingers in and I whined. 
“Please- it hurts.” I say, the plea being meant to ask him to stop. I was sore from yesterday but he interpreted it differently.
“You have it that bad, baby?” he scoffed, pushing his fingers back in. I gasped, trying to move away but I would just fall from the desk. 
“No.” I cry out. “I can’t- do this. It still-” 
“Shhh.” he hushed me, losing his tight grip and closing my legs. His hand rubbed my thigh in an oddly comforting way. He traced a tattoo on my hip that I got before joining the Marines. It made him smile. A part of old me would always be there. It marked me as a Sky Person which amused the Colonel. 
He moved around the desk, now no longer standing in front of it but on the side. He pulled me up by my hips and moved me so that I was laying in front of him again. 
The others were seeing me from the side, all of them sitting and watching intently on my right. 
“You’ll be fine.” he said, but it was not reassuring to me. He said it as if he were waving my worries off. With the way he was looking at me, it seemed he was too distracted to properly even process my words. 
He pulled my legs up and open again, tracing a hand down my thigh as he stared down at my glistening heat. 
I wasn’t sure whether it hurt because of yesterday or whether I was feeling that needy, but my question was soon to be answered. 
He let me go and started undoing his pants. I bent my legs and tried to cover myself in any way possible but it didn’t even make sense to me anymore. I was completely naked in front of them all once again and covering myself with my hands is pointless. 
Quaritch had meanwhile undone his pants and pulled them down just enough so that his dick was out. I looked up at him and saw it. Fuck, this was going to hurt. He was big too. 
I covered my face again, trying to turn to the side and away from the unwanted audience but he flipped me back on my back.
The hard desk beneath me was uncomfortable for my tail. 
Quaritch pulled my hips closer to his and my legs were placed on his shoulders. I didn’t even fight it anymore. Even if I would kick him in the face, I would have to knock out another 7 soldiers to get away and then figure out how to get out of this building with others around. It wouldn’t work. I was too out of it to be able to think properly. I just wanted to be curled up in a ball and covered.
As attracted as I was to everyone in the room, I was most definitely not used to this much attention and it was shockingly overwhelming. 
“Beg for it, baby. Then I promise to make you feel good.” Quaritch teased, his tail amusedly swaying behind him. 
No fucking way was I doing that. 
“Fuck you.” I snarl, glaring at him and trying to remove a leg from his shoulder but he held it in place. A few chuckles erupted from the soldiers seated. 
“The sooner you beg, the sooner this will be over, sweetheart. I can have you layin’ here like this all day.” he adds, grinning down at me while his hand glides up and down my leg. 
I groan out in frustration, my tail thudding against the desk. I stay quiet for a while, wondering whether he will give up but he doesn’t. Quaritch raises a challenging eyebrow and I huff. There was no good way out of this for me.
“Please.” I whisper, still covering my face. 
“Louder.” Quaritch says, removing the hands from my flushed face.
“Please.” I repeat so that everyone can hear it. 
“Please, what?” he grins, licking over his fangs and resting the side of his head on my calf that was on his shoulder.
I gulp, wanting to kill him for the words I was about to say. 
“Please fuck me.” I whine, covering my mouth again as soon as the words leave my lips. 
He chuckles.”Why didn’t ya just say so?”
Quaritch presses the tip of his dick against my entrance and I tense up, unsure of how it will feel. 
Almost instantly, his hips snap forward and he’s pushing all of himself into me at once. 
I cry out, fresh tears forming in the corners of my eyes. My hands grip the sides of the desk when I feel his abdomen press against my ass. He’s bottomed me out. 
The belly bulge they pointed out last time had formed again and Quaritch peered down at it. God, did it raise his ego to be this big. 
“Fuck-” I swear, whining out and clenching my eyes closed. 
“You okay?” Quaritch asks with a hint of worry. His words surprise me. 
“Hurts...” I whimper, biting my lip while my chest heaves. 
He doesn’t move for a while, he just traces patterns on my skin until my face is no longer contorted in discomfort. 
“It’ll get better.” he hushes my small cry and pulls out, before gently letting himself be engulfed again. He exhales shakily, his own needs finally being heard. 
Before being able to complain or do anything else, he pulls out again and I’m flipped over. My chest presses into the cool material of the desk and my hips are now hanging off the edge while my toes barely touch the ground. 
Miles almost immediately thrusts back inside and I arch my back, leaning on my forearms now. My teeth are clenched and I hiss at the feeling of the new angle. 
He thrusts into me with precise and strong strokes before he stills and I feel a hand wrap around my braid. My eyes shoot open and I tense up again. I feel him run his hand down it before picking up the tip. 
“No!” I shout, trying to turn around. “No- don’t do that.”
He holds me down by placing his hand on my back. 
“Why not?” he teased, examining my queue. I notice that everyone is watching the small strings of nerves move around in my braid.  
“It can’t be undone. It’s for life. Don’t you dare.” I threaten him, looking over my shoulder and snarling the words at him. 
“Do you have some boyfriend you’ve done it with?” he asks mockingly, wondering whether I was perhaps already mated. I let my head drop down and into my arm. “Does he fuck this pussy as good as me?”
“No.” I mumble, but he hears it. It answered both questions. 
The answer is like music to his ears. 
“Don’t you wanna try it? I am the reason you’re alive after all.” he says, trying to hit me with some of his twisted words of truth. Then again, he was also the reason I was captured here. 
I don’t answer because I’m rethinking my choices. I did meet a nice Na’vi man once, but as soon as he found out I used to be human. That ended it. It would always ruin any chance I would get. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea?
My silence shows Quaritch that I’m not protesting, so he doesn’t wait any longer. 
He pulls his own braid over his shoulder and pinches the base of both out queues. I flinch and look over my shoulder, in anticipation of what is to come. 
He held our queues together and the strings created a bond, shining a small white light before becoming one stable string. Both our pupils were blown wide as our senses were flooded with the feeling of being connected to each other. My eyes fluttered closed a little when I felt his arousal and he growled, grasping my hips before setting a pace again. 
Quaritch was thrusting into me, hitting all spots inside me and showing attention to my body. He could now feel what felt good for me and focused on that. 
My tail curled upwards and I stretched my arms out in front of me, pushing back against Miles. 
He was being filled with the need to deeply breed me. Something he had never thought of before. He needed to fill me up with his cum until it was seeping out of my pussy and I couldn’t take anymore. 
Never again was anyone except for him going to touch you. You were his now. 
I bit my lip and with the next thrust, I moaned. He felt so good it was making my mind fuzzy. 
He grinned, while breathlessly panting a little. Miles stabilised himself by holding my hips and one of his hands wrapped itself around my tail and tugging me back with every thrust. 
“Shit.” I cursed, balling my fists up before pressing my chest off the desk again and arching my back while leaning against my forearms. 
“That’s it. Take it baby.” Miles hisses between clenched teeth. His hips were starting to stutter every few thrusts and I knew he was as close as I was. My tail wrapped around the arm holding it and I let my head fall back, not caring about how exposed I was to the rest of the soldiers. 
They were mesmerised by the sight before them and I couldn’t even focus on anything else except the way Miles was fucking me into the desk. 
His hand reached back and he delivered a stinging spank to my ass, making me cry out again. 
“That’s for being such a pain in the ass.” he chuckled before picking up his speed and making the desk wobble. My mouth is hanging open in pleasure and not a proper thought is able to reach my mind at this instant. 
“I’m gonna fill you up now and you’re going to take it all.” He growled, leaning forwards and placing his outstretched arms on either side of my back while his hips continued to rut inside me. His fangs were bared as the primal instincts shone through both of our bodies.
I quickly nodded, needing to feel him do that otherwise I would explode. 
Within the next few seconds, he thrust so hard that it pushed me over the edge. My whole body tensed and I clenched around him. Miles’ hips stilled and he buried himself as deep inside me as he could before releasing his load into my throbbing pussy. 
“Fuck.” he moaned while white waves of pleasure shot through our bodies. It was twice as intense because I felt my orgasm along with his. 
Our bodies relaxed against each other and I panted against the desk, dropping my head down again. 
He was leaning against my angled hips and soon enough our tsaheylu’s bond disconnected and my braid fell onto my back. It was done. We were mated for life. The realisation hit me only now and I didn’t know how to feel about it. 
Miles slowly straightened his posture and pulled out, tucking himself back into his pants before watching his cum flow out of my pussy. The sight was one of the best things he had seen in years. 
When he looked at my limp body, he felt guilty for his actions and for forcing himself onto me. 
“Give me that.” he ordered Mansk to give him my shorts and top. 
I was lifted and re-dressed by Miles. My eyes scanned the room and I felt slightly ashamed. I looked down, my ears tipped back again, showing my discomfort. 
Quaritch noticed it and stopped. He didn’t quite know how to make me feel better but he wasn’t going to let anyone else comfort me.
“I’m sorry.” he spoke softly, his gaze no longer intimidating me. 
I hesitate to answer. “It’s okay.” I reply, even though I’m not sure it is. We were mated for life. I didn’t know what would happen now. 
He smiled at my words but he could tell I wasn’t sure of them either. 
“Dismissed.” he announces to his squad. “Go deal with yourselves.” 
They all stood up, some grinning and looking at me before adjusting their pants a little and leaving. 
The door closes behind them.
“It’ll all get better soon.” Miles says, placing a hand on my back in comfort. I look up at him, wondering what he means. But he as well isn’t sure of his words.
I nod and he embraces me. Something we have never done before. I had my head pressed against his chest while his arms cradled my upper body. 
“Let me take care of you baby.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my head. The gesture makes me melt and I lean further into him, accepting his offer. 
(please don't ask me to make part 3.I have no ideas for that and I promise I have so many more story ideas coming)
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@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lovekeeho   @luciddasherer @misscaller06 @clora95  @mxddymay @nanamislut321 @dangerslutx @ndjhs7 @winxschester
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lavernius · 11 months
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Red Team (& co.) doodles.
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