#blueberry cow is life
sanseterrer · 3 months
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And all the long-drowned despair was buried in the green fire and the radiance of Spring // part 1.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Yan Clown/Circus + Imaginary Friend Darling Blurb
Throughout life, friends come and go, but you - were always the first.
Things were simple in the beginning. Sit with that lonely kid at the playground, wipe their face with your sleeves, and ask if they wanted to be friends. They always said yes. You were inseparable. Playing until streetlights came on plus a seat saved for you at the dinner table when they reluctantly returned home. The biggest fears you faced where the monsters under the bed and the dark... then came school, homework, the future. Your playdates became so far and few, they put in the efforts to make new friends and you were so happy for them.
"Y/n? Who's that? Quit talking to yourself and come hang out with us."
But none of them ever wanted to be yours. Your friend was never home anymore and when they were it was always school work or video games taking their attention. Your place at the table was given to someone else. They'd gradually drift away from speaking to you and it was like you never existed in the first place to them, and maybe you never did - so you left. Back to that empty that existed before it all. There, you remembered all your friends. All your precious memories and the treasures they gave you their parents questioned them about when they disappeared. You hated it there. You didn't want to reminisce on the good times - it only lead to wordless goodbyes. Why - why did they always leave you behind?
"I got invited to a slumber party this weekend... Everyone turned out to be so nice once I gave them a chance like you told me to.... You'll... always be my best friend, but I have real ones now. I'm not a kid anymore - and I can't live in a fantasy world forever."
Of course you always knew - but did your time together really mean nothing? The smiles and tears, joys and fears - were those fake too? This was how life for you went and has gone your entire path. Make a new friend, wait for them to make their own, force yourself to forget, and repeat. You never, ever blamed them for abandoning you. It was your biggest dream to see your friends go out in the world and do all the things you rambled about for hours - you just wished you could've been their when they made their dreams come true. If they could make those fantasies reality, why couldn't you be real too them? It's not fair-
"Hey! You gonna put your raspberry in the square yet? I don't mind waiting cuz you're really cute - but I've eaten most of the blueberries already and if I eat one more I won't have enough for a win."
A new friend - you kept them waiting, lost in your thoughts like that. There's something different about this one... They're a lot bigger than your old friends and dress strange just like those funny people in shows. How old are they?
"28..... Is my favorite number because that's how many waffles I can eat before throwing up. I dunno my age really, I like a lot of candles on my pie so it's hard to remember. I'm probably waaaaaay older - or younger, but I'm definitely not younger than eighteen because I get a new doll every year - and there's a ton. Hey, when's your birthday so we can get your collection started?"
An adult - An adult can see you, but why?
"Hmmm, I dunno how you got in here either. I was just thinking about how great it would be to have someone to eat all these waffles with since I made 29 today - and poof you appeared outta nowhere. You gotta so me that trick eventually - wanna be pals? I'll give you... a quarter, no- half the stack if ya stick around. My name's Gus. Gus the clown."
A clown... Alot of your friends loved those, others were terrified. This one reminded you alot of them. So silly and carefree, just like they always were before reality kicked in. It was never that way for Gus. You'll never forget the shocked look on their face when you told them chocolate milk didn't come from brown cows. They serenaded you with songs detailing your adventures together and nearly had a heart attack when you played peekaboo together which they later tried to play off as good acting - the tear smudges in their paint was just from hot how was is.
At the same time, Gus was far more mature they let on. They fantasized about finding the missing piece to their act and heart, and hopefully marrying that special someone someday. They were all smiles - but as soon as someone got hurt they knew when to drop the act and when to use it to their advantage. You prayed the day they found someone they wouldn't ditch you like everyone else.
It turned out there were a lot more like Gus. True to their status as a performer, they worked and lived in a traveling circus with others who were accepting of you - and had the eyes to see you. They never doubted your existence like parents used to and believed near ever word Gus said even when at the point in time you were nothing more than the ramblings of a mad-clown, and greeted you in kind. Overtime, you became corporal for these performers too and the brief hellos turned to bear hugs thrust upon dolls Gus' sibling made for everyone to have when they wanted sat hello. They still couldn't touch you, but for the first time everyone knew you were their and love you the same, if not more than the friend you came for. Sometimes it really did feel like you were a real person. If only....
You pull your hand away from Gus' as the clown bursts into a fit of giggles - yelping in pain as they clap their hands together, electrocuting themselves on the buzzer.
Whoo! That definitely sends a shock through ya. Can't believe that got you. Hey - that got you... you've never been hurt by any of the things we've done before."
They're right. That really did hurt. Wait. It hurt. You've never been able to interact with anything before - leaving Gus overwhelmed on brunch dates when they devoured your share. What's going on?
Gus expresses the confusion you're both feeling with a high-pitched scream. They dart around the room, nabbing their emergency supplies of candy from beneath their pillow. "Ahhhh, idea - Y/n, try one of these - hurry!"
You take one of the licorice sticks and shove it in your mouth. If picked up the treat wasn't proof enough, the explosion of flavor on your tongue confirmed your theories.
Gus races in a circles, squeeling in delight as they grab and pinch your plush - warm cheeks. "They've never been warm before! This is amazing. Ahhh, next test- here goes!"
Shutting their eyes, Gus rams their lips against yours - grinning with teeth against your skin. They kiss your lips, cheeks, and noses - smothering you with a hug, soaking up the beat of your speeding heart.
"You have no idea long I've wanted to do that...."
You're still reeling from everything going on. "W-what's happening, Gus?"
"No clue! If you want my guess, I'd say so many people believing in you made you real like that one movie with the puppet. The others! Oh, man everyone's gonna love this! Come on!"
Gus picks you up and sprints to the main show room. They gather everyone into the area along with the biggest mirror they could find. They try to explain, but the excitement gets the better of them. Frustrated by everyone's agreeable questions - they rip off the blanket covering the mirror and your reflection, and the crowd goes wild.
"That wasn't there before! Can we touch Y/n now???"
"I call dibs on giving them their first piggyback ride!"
"Wonderful timing! I knitted you a lovely scarf before I forgot you technically were a figment of our combined imaginations."
"If they're really here and can touch stuff... They can be part of the show - can't they?"
Thats right. You'd fit right in with your history too. After a celebratory dinner and cuddle session - the preparations for your big debut were made. As expected, everyone loved you. You and Gus were the starting act, and two halves of the same whole. People saw you, they praised you, loved you. The adoration of the crowd was like no other, but everything after the curtains were closed was even better. Gus kept to their promise of never leaving you behind. You were that missing piece - someone they couldn't live without. It was time for you to finally grow up and leave the ghosts of the past where they lied.
"Aw, don't be like that, sweetie. You'll love it once we get there."
This is bullshit. Their college gradation and their folks were dragging them to some circus. Luckily they had a few buds pull through for an aftershow at a nearby bat.
"Maybe your opinion will change when you see the staring act. That clown reminds me a lot of that friend you used to go on about. What was their name again? I think it was -"
Y/n. Your name and smiling face were plastered on a billboard they passed. It was no vague resemblance - that was their first companion down to the scrunchie you wore around your wrist that they gave you on the day they gave you the lukewarm mercy of a goodbye. It couldn't really be you - right?
"Look how big you've grown...."
"Your parents tell me you're graduating this year. I'm so, so proud of you. Are you going to become a scientist just like you said?"
"You always said it was so you could find a way for everyone to see me too... I'm sorry for holding you back for so long. It's good that you made friends. I made alot too - really good ones. With them, I can live in fantasy and the real world at the same time. It's so much fun."
What are you apologizing for? Why are you acting like you're the one that abandoned them. You were everywhere to them. Everything they ever achieved was because of the shoulder you gave them to lean on. Being with you was like a dream - but everyone has to wake up eventually.
"Oops! Looks like a wasted all our time. I have a few more scheduled greets, but maybe if you stay after we can chat a little more before you leave. See you!"
They don't want to leave. There's still so much to be explained; to say and do, but just like them - you were gone as you appeared. They had to see you again in a better time. Do imaginary friends drink coffee?"
"How's it feel to be the one on the other end of the stick?"
Another clown stands behind them. It was the same one that shared your act. Gus. What do they want?
"Y'know I know alllll about what happened between you two. I know everything from their past since as their bestest friend - and potential future spouse - it's my job to make them loved enough to spill every, little detail. You shouldn't have come here. You're not the first to recognize them - and you won't be the last.
The ball of their wrist juts painfully against their skin as the clown grabs their arm.
"I won't let any of you get back into their heart. I won't let anyone hurt them again. You can't just take back what you broke when someone else fixes it. I'll make you feel what they felt. I'll make them forget you - and anyone who tries to take them from us that I promise and promises are meant to be kept. Quick question before you go though - think Y/n will like these matching necklaces I made us? Anything looks cute when its on them - but think it'll fit better than that old scrunchie."
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Cow!Hob likes blueberries and there is this patch of berries in the gardens of the Endless cat manor up the hill. Kitties and cows don't really mingle much, though they all live in the same town, and shop at the same Tescos, and go to the same schools. And Hob tries not to sneak over the fence and munch on the blueberries too much, but they're free and more or less out in the open....
During one of Hob's stealth blueberry missions (he might have had that spy cat movie - Meow-ssion Impossible - music playing in his head as he hopped the fence), Hob bumps into a very pretty kitty.
Dream: You do know you're trespassing? Not even very well, I might add.
Hob: 😍 pretty *cough* Hi, I'm Hob. Do you want to share some of my blueberries?
Dream: They're not your blueberries, they're mine.
Hob: Do you want to share some of your blueberries.
Dream: You are not as charming as you think you are.....Fine. let's share. Then you leave.
Hob hung out with his pretty kitty all afternoon.
Next time Hob jumps the fence, he brings some of his milk to share.
I'm obsessed with this ask and the whole universe you built so quickly for us - the tesco and the meow-sion impossible, omg 😭😭 Hob being a himbo cow is also insanely cute, and I want to take him home!!!
Dream is not the sort of cat to have friends - he's very much the cat that walked by himself, if you know that story. But this irritating, trespasser of a cow, who has nearly cleared out his blueberry bushes, refuses to take no for an answer! He keeps coming back, and Dream... Well. He was going to call the cops but a) the cops are usually dogs, and Dream doesn't much like dogs and b) the cow brought a flask of milk on his second visit, and Dream may now be a little addicted.
So, it's a mootually beneficial arrangement. Hob gets his blueberries and Dream gets his milk. And they talk. Dream eventually opens up about what a rough time he's had recently. He's only just returned to the Endless Manor, and he isn't quite sure what he'll do with his life now. Hob suggests that they should go for a walk together and end it with a picnic, to which Dream begrudgingly agrees because he knows that Hob will bring milk for him. About halfway through the walk, Dream gets a bit tired, so Hob takes his hand and supports him the rest of the way.
Dream may be in love with a little more than just the milk, okay.
They have the most romantic picnic, and instead of drinking from the flask this time, Hob pulls up his shirt (the one that says "got milk?" on the front) and offers it straight from the source. And Dream discovers that there is absolutely nothing in the world as healing as sucking sweet milk from his cow (boy)friend's tit, having his ears rubbed, and watching the stars slowing emerging above <3
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zzzykiek · 4 months
Play it Sweet
2PAlastor x Diabetc human Fem!reader
This chapter dives into the NSFW zone at the end so Minors DNI you've been warned.
CW: toxic work environment, creepy boss, anxiety, p in v sex, cunnilingus (just a smidge). 
*Please give credit when reposting*
Thanks and enjoy!
2P Alastor credit - https://anic-mj.tumblr.com/post/627521842542936064/2palastorblueberry/amp 
Chapter 3 —-- In Control
His tears are pouring over your shoulder. “Al?” You gently rub his back. He reaches into his pocket and procures another yellow pill. (Are these anti anxiety meds?) He steps back and throws the pill down his throat. He takes a deep breath and you gently swipe a tissue over his cheeks. 
“Th-th-thank you. I k-k-kept up the act a bit longer than p-p-planned.” 
“Well you did a fantastic job!” Your turn to plant a kiss on him though you have to half-jump to reach. The smile it brings from him is so adorable you can actually feel your eyes dilate. “How can a demon be so adorable…” you definitely didn't mean to say that out loud but there it came, out with your breath. Before you could process anything from that blunder you’re in Al’s arms, legs wrapped around his waist, as his forehead sits against yours blue bangs tickling your temples.
“I’m a-d-d-dorable huh?” He laughs and twirls you around. (Holy cow, he is strong!) “We should head out, my sunshine.” His voice purrs that new nickname and you melt into an embrace as he lets you slide down his frame to be standing on the floor. You look at him and giggle, both of you have the goofiest looks on your faces. His smile grows suddenly “Oh! and don't think I missed you mentioning having a recording studio. This I must see!”
“Well then let's go. I seem to remember you mentioning some blueberry pancakes.” 
“Th-that I did!” 
You lead him out to your car and cringe at the state of it. Random books, games, and antiques you had planned to restore. “Sorry, I wasn't planning on hosting a guest… I promise my place is clean.” You hear the door and see Al plop into the passenger seat with bright eyes turning over an old radio in his hands. (He likes radios? His voice did sound like one at first.) You hop in and start up the car before acknowledging his interest. 
“I rescued that beauty from an old thrift store. Poor thing needs some TLC. Sadly when I got it Boss decided to add work hours with my promotion, so it got stuck in limbo…” 
“Oh, it stands for Tender, Love, and Care. I restore antique things I like. If you like that you are going to love the ones in my studio.”
“You’re perfect.” Now it was his turn to accidently slip a thought out with his breath. You both chuckle and the remainder of the car ride goes by in a wave of blushes, glances, giggles. You finally reach your little cottage and Al follows you inside, still clutching the radio. You do a little spin in the living room of your small abode. 
“Here we are! I gave up having a typical bedroom so I could bring my studio to life….” You say glancing at the haphazardly made futon around the corner. “...but this is what you wanted to see!” You throw a door open and let the back lights illuminate the perfect merriment of restored and new recording technology creating an impressive switchboard. Bookcases filled with restored radios, cameras, and phones. Al’s eyes are wide and with a flash of green light he returns to the blue deer figure you met hiding under a table. You lean against the switchboard and flick a switch bringing the tape reels and record player to life. 
“So did you know I liked radio, or is that also your thing? Judging from your reaction I'd say you have a thing for broadcasting too.”
“Y-y-yes my sunshine, I am known as The….” He summons a blue cane with a microphone atop it and twirls it with a flourish and finishes it with a bow. “The Radio Demon.”
“Well Mr. Radio Demon, can I assume you dance?” You flick a switch and the room fills with your favorite electro swing mix. 
Al tightens his grip on the microphone, then it disappears as he offers his hand to you. You accept and are immediately pulled into the best dance of your life. (Not that you had many other dances under your belt, and definitely the only one who could actually dance to your music.) All timid nature is gone as Al spins you around, leading you in perfect time to the music, and even lifts you above his head. 
You’re nose to nose as the song ends, both of you breathing heavily, and in the same heartbeat, his hand is behind your head and your fingers are gripping his collar while your lips explore his. (How do our lips fit so perfectly together…?) You sigh into the feeling and he mewls in response gently flicking his tongue against your lower lip. You allow access and he gently moans at the feeling of the deeper kiss. He is holding onto you so tight, like you would run away if he let go. You let your hands explore his hair, confirming your suspicions of his ears being sensitive as he melts onto his knees at the first light touch. He breaks away the kiss and looks slightly sad for a moment as he gently unzippers your dress. You laugh remembering that for some reason you chose blue undergarments that day. (I guess that was fate.) His eyes glow as he admires this little surprise. Quickly fumbling with the buttons on his coat, starting to shake again. 
“No-no-no, I need to be in control for this…. First t-t-time, I don't want to scare you off.”
He goes to grab another yellow pill and you catch his hand gently.
“What if I don't want you in control?” You look him in the eyes. 
“P-p-please, I want to b-b-be.” 
The look he gives you tells you how important it is to him so you let him down the pill and help undo his buttons while he takes a deep breath. You make it through all the buttons (Three layers is a lot of fucking buttons.), and pull his upper vestments off. As you touch his chest you're surprised to feel soft fur, as pale as his skin. You run your fingers through it letting out a deep contented sigh.  He closes his eyes and leans into your touch. Grabbing your wrist, he begins planting small kisses along your arm until he reaches your lips again where he dives back in. His kisses are desperate and sloppy, gently suckling your lip as he backs off just long enough for a breath. He begins rutting his hips and soft moans escape him each time he makes contact against you. His sounds alone send a surge of warm arousal straight to your core, only to be combated by the tingle of his clothed erection hitting your clit, making it your turn to moan. 
You gently push him up as you fuss with his belt and pants, letting them drop revealing more soft almost white fur and the slightly darker toned skin surrounding his cock. (Oh shit is that going to fit…?) 
“I p-p-promise to be gentle.” (Ok can he read my mind? I am starting to wonder now.) 
He kisses you again with a bright red flush on his pale cheeks. You feel him position himself and slide his tip up along your slit, moaning at how slick you are. (Holy shit, I've never been this turned on by anyone before.)
“Y-y-ou really want me?” He breathes the question in between kisses. All you can do is nod, so kiss drunk at this point that you knew he could get anything out of you he wanted. (I guess I gave him everything already though huh…?) You feel pressure at your entrance as he gently begins pushing in. You whimper at the sensation. (Fuck it's been way to long, and he is so big!) You hiss in a breath and his kisses become lighter as he coos reassurance between each one. Running a hand through your hair, he murmurs, “It’s okay,” and, “I got you,” followed by, “Hold on to me.”
When he says that, you let your hands fall to his arms and squeeze, digging your nails into biceps. He groans in pleasure as his pelvis presses flush against you. (Was that from my nails or him bottoming out?) His breath becomes deep and animalistic with tiny sounds of pleasure escaping as he gently pulls back.
“I'll mold you to me.” His voice is still soft, but there's a spice to it, and you feel static dance on your skin. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and you loosen your grip on his arms to entangle your fingers in his hair as he carefully pushes all the way back inside. Your eyes go wide as he hits a spot you never experienced before. (Now I understand the whole seeing stars thing.) 
“Al,” his name tumbles from you as he picks up his pace.
A soft yet guttural moan escapes him with every thrust, contrasting your uncontrollable squeaks as he hits that spot over and over, never letting you get a full scream of pleasure out before he is hitting it again. Your eyes go wide as he places his forehead against yours. You’re so close and as he looks into your eyes you realize so is he. 
“Cum with me, my sunshine.” He purrs, locking your lips together again as your mind goes blank with pleasure. Every muscle in your body pulses almost in time with his. You can feel, as he slows his motions, the warmth left behind from his own orgasm, with no way to tell what of the mess now coating your thighs is from him and what was from you. 
Before you even recover, he dips his head down between your legs.  He begins licking up the mess running down your swollen pussy. This elicits a gasp from you and an animalistic moan from him as he greedily takes in all the juices he can get to, going so far as to use his finger to get more from inside your overly sensitive hole. 
Your brain and body come down from their high enough for you to form a few thoughts. (I just fucked a literal demon…. That's new…. I am totally fucked.) You can’t help but giggle at your own ideas. Your movement breaks Al from his dessert between your legs. He wipes his mouth quickly as he pulls you up into an embrace, both of you kneeling on the floor in the middle of your studio. “Are you o-o-k?” He asks then. “D-d-did I hurt you?”
You snuggle into the soft fur of his chest. “No Al, not at all.” You feel him relax and hold you closer to him. (Drowning in soft fur isn't a bad way to go right?) 
The rest of the evening goes by in a blur of kisses, cuddles, and conversation. His cute little stutter comes and goes as he talks. You spend hours talking to Al about radios, music, your broadcasts, books… you've never been able to speak this easily with someone. Eventually everyone gets bored or annoyed, but not Al; he is fully engaged and just as excited as you. The more excited he is, the less he stutters. He even shares some first-hand things about some of your restored items you could have never discovered on your own. Eventually (Way too late for a work night.), you fall asleep on his heavenly soft chest. 
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cindol · 1 year
Painter Toji! Hcs?
Oooo this is a interesting oneeeee anon! Here’s my spin on this hc. I know you wanted just a few but I’m really interested in this hc. Really sorry it’s taken me this long if you still care anon 😊
Fushiguro Toji x black fem reader
tw: suggestive, fluff for the most part, written in hc format, both reader and toji are in their 40s., kind ooc toji !,
tagging— @neptunes1nterweb @honeybleed @mcdonaldsfics
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Painter!Toji who honestly just saw this job as a house painter an easy way to money for him and his teenage children. He was always thinking of new ways to make money to support them and keep the lights on just for them so this house painting job was a savior.
Painter!Toji who found that he loved painting other things outside of painting house walls. Painting canvases was a new side hobby for them when he wasn’t in painted overalls and jeans 24/7.
Painter!Toji who loved rich clients who’d occasionally hire him for paint jobs inside their house. The pay was 10x better so he loved those cash cows.
Painter!Toji who caught the attention of one old geezer with how well he painted beautiful clouds onto his blank walls. He was in awe at how a simple house painter had this small talent and gave him a few numbers to start really painting more complex houses.
It led him to painting a sweet rich bakery lady. As he painted pretty things on her walls she was so sweet throughout the whole painting. In between breaks she would give him a fresh baked blueberry muffin and some lemonade. Toji was thankful in response to that, the snobby rich fiends he usually painted for just disregarded him. She just giggled at his thankfulness.”no need to thank me, every hard working person needs a small break with a snack yeah?”He chuckled in response biting the muffin in his hand.”guess that’s right ma’am.”
After that Painter!Toji was more interested in this bakery lady, this was their first conversation yes but he wanted to know much more about her and stayed after hours even when he finished painting. They had a nice conversation exchanging details about one another and even phone numbers. Toji had learned she was a lonely business lady herself working a big bakery.
Painter!Toji who showed some of his canvas paintings to y/n, the bakery lady and she was in awe as she looked at them on her living room table.”these are nice y’know fushiguro? Could really sell these and start your living as a full pledged painter.” Toji just scoffed at that.”nah, I don’t got the work ethic for that kinda fancy artist shit.”
She just pouted.”oh i call bullshit. I use to have that same kinda mindset but now look at me? a grown woman with a owned booming business. With this talent you could really start it off! What do you say hm?” The look of awe in her brown eyes and smile on her lips made him give in and say fuck it.
Painter!Toji who’s paintings were a hit once y/n sold a few to some fellow rich people. In a mere 2 months he found himself a career as a painter and not just some house painter. Life was getting easier and easier for him and his kids, bills easier to pay now.
Painter!Toji who got drunk with y/n one night on some wine and on a drunk whim painted her naked as she laid on his new living room table. He kept it as a private painting only for his eyes views and weirdly flet so much love for this piece as it sat above his bed on his wall.
Painter!Toji who’s actually painted y/n a few more times then he liked to admit. It was so embarrassing for him to admit to himself that she was always in his mind so much to where he didn’t even need a picture of her to paint her.
Painter!Toji who felt jealous creep up inside him when he was introducing y/n to fellow painters he met and how they looked at her and her figure. Precisely, satoru gojo. The way the younger white haired male would put a skinny paint brush in his mouth biting it and staring y/n down from her white sleeveless blouse down to her long brown skirt and mocha green baking apron with the words “kiss the bakery baby” made toji frown slightly.
Gojo grinned at the letters on her apron lifting his black sunglases down to stare.”kiss the bakery baby.. Well i would but i got manners yeah? Know better to just fancy the most beautiful woman furst day i meet her unlike some sleezeballs.” He pointed his thumb to the direction of a man with long black hair, and another with blonde hair in a nice suit making both men groan.
Toji thought that was enough he stepped next to y/n.”that’s enough satoru.. don’t need some playboy trying to mess around with my favorite bakery woman, scaring her away..” she giggled at Toji’s talk back.”it’s okay toji, he comes off strong but I like his playfulness.” Goji smirked making toji side eye him.
Next, one long haired man in just a simple white t-shirt and jeans with some glasses and his hands in his jeans came next in front of her to introduce himself, next came a man with blonde hair a striped tie, and a white suit with black tinted circular glasses to match coming to shake her hand also.
She complimented the two men saying they were,”such nice young men.” Which had two blushing and one raising a brow. When she excused herself for a bathroom trip they got to talking like Highschool girls.
Gojo rubbed the back of his head as he titled his glasses down looking at toji.”I would bag her man, surprised you haven’t bagged her yet with how you nearly were gonna kill me for a lil flirt.”
Toji just rolled his eyes and put his hands in his sweatpants.”just friends, all there to it.” Getou smiled shaking his head.”better switch that title or else some man will.”
Painter!Toji who slowly started showing his affection to y/n after that talk with the boys. It took him some courage to start showing how he cared, friends or not but he was trying. With how he patted her head sometimes or how he takes heavy things from her weaker arms and playfully saying.”you’re so weak.” Making her pout and smile hitting his arm.
y/n starts taking notice of his affection also. When he usually didn’t take notice of her bakery outfits she would smile hearing him compliment her overalls and noticing a new apron she wears every day of the week and how he would compliment her fro and lipstick. And in response she would compliment him back and show her affection, complimenting him on the grey sleeved shirt he always wears and how it fits his build nicely and how she would brush her hand on his hair sometimes.
They developed a nice little affectionate bond to where both felt they needed to make a move. Toji felt like more of a coward with how he felt for her but didn’t have the balls to drop his tough guy act and ask her out like a normal man would. When he least expected it she came to his doorstep with some bread and a cheesy note obviously asking for a date.
That made him grin but groan.”I’m suppose to be the one asking ya out y’know?” He but the inside of his cheek.”feel like a pansy now.” He joked making her pout and him feel bad and take the basket of bread from her hands.”I’m the first man to except a date from a woman though hm?”
Painter!Toji and y/n who took things slow when the two of them started dating for the better. Y/n hadn’t been in a relationship in some years so it was awkward for her to get comfortable and toji hasn’t even thought of another woman in the years following his late wife’s death so they both decided to take it slow, no cheap tricks.
It started off with small dates and kisses on the cheek in her bakery when it was closed then transferred into slow kisses and makeouts in her house and bakery with her on her kitchen counter and him holding her waist.
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That’s all because I realllyyyy don’t know how to end this sorry !
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somereaderinblue · 1 year
Silk Hiding Steel
Can be read on ao3 here.
Damian Wayne learns about his maternal grandmother through his father’s legacy.
It was through tragedy, as most legacies wont to have. A punk with a gun, a set of clumsy fingers desperate to hold a heavy wallet and a hunger in his eyes for the shiny pearls around her neck.
Gothamites know Martha Wayne as the wife of Thomas Wayne, poor Bruce Wayne’s loving mother who was ripped from his side too soon.
Damian had roughly the same image of her.
Until he didn’t.
It started with a switchblade.
Since young, Damian was gifted with more weapons than toys. Some children wanted Nerf guns; his mother gave him a crossbow. Some children smacked each other with toy lightsabers; he nursed knuckles bruised by a bokken. Some children desired a puppy; Damian got Goliath, then Alfred (the cat), Titus and Bat-Cow.
His father, despite his many misgivings towards his upbringing with the League, saw no problem in resuming this particular tradition of gift-giving. In fact, many of his siblings boasted weapons gifted to them in similar fashion.
Thus, the first weapon he gifted him was a switchblade. The blade was sharp and its mother of pearl handle was as exquisite as it was cold against his skin. It reminded him of an angel, embodying beauty and death in one.
“It’s beautiful.” He said, noting how perfectly balanced it weighed in his hand.
“It was my mother’s.” baba said wistfully.
Damian froze.
“This belonged to grandmother?” he asked.
“It’s a Kane heirloom.” baba replied.
Damian stared at the switchblade, perplexed. He knows that Thomas Wayne owns an extensive collection of scalpels. However, the thought of sweet Martha Wayne’s hands touching such a deadly weapon seemed like blasphemy.
………was it?
His ignorance buzzed around his conscience like a persistent mosquito.
Who was Martha Wayne, really?
 He finally verbalizes the question when he’s aiding Pennyworth in the gardens (the same garden Martha cared for, the same one with the blueberries a young Bruce would eat until he was sick).
“Tell me about my grandmother.”
The words were blunt but the tone was soft. Though he was looking away from Alfred, the old man could practically taste the curiosity.
Thus, being the loyal butler that he is, he complies.
Damian learns more about his grandmother in that evening than he does his whole life.
He learns that Martha Wayne liked rock music. Bets that she would’ve adored his father’s Nirvana collection just as much as he does if she had the chance.
He learns that she hates cooking. Learns that she couldn’t sew to save her life but easily learned how to suture a wound under Thomas and Alfred’s guidance.
He learns that she didn’t need to garner attention to know that she already had the life of a party in her bones because she danced best when there was no music.
He learns that her favourite colour was sugar white.
The same colour as the switchblade Damian’s taken to carrying with him at all times. The same colour as the pearls that became Martha Wayne’s noose.
That night, Damian turns the switchblade over in his hand, its handle feeling just a bit warmer against his palm.
 “You’re just like her, y’know.”
Damian blinked, looking up to see his uncle staring at him. The wistfulness in his eyes was a mirror of baba’s, the clarity of it piercing through the cigarette smoke spilling past chapped lips.
Damian’s head inclined ever so slightly in silent question.
“Your grandmother. Your hands are like hers.” TJ explained.
Now that was a new and completely unexpected (compliment?) comparison. Many have commented that he had his mother’s eyes, his father’s jawline, either of their competence or determination; not once have they drawn parallels to him and his paternal grandmother.
(He finds himself preening a bit at that; that Ra’s is no longer the only grandparent to compare himself to.)
“What makes you say that?” he asked.
A cigarette is stomped underneath boots that’ve seen better days so his hands are free to pull a switchblade out of his jacket.
Its handle was black mother of pearl, reminding the youngest Wayne of ink. But it’s just as elegant and small in TJ’s calloused hands as it is in Damian’s.
“All those assholes could do was ogle at the silk she wore, so caught up in betting on when her pearls turned into her noose that they never noticed the knives she had underneath.” TJ explained, deftly flipping the blade.
“Did she ever use them?” Damian asked, morbidly fascinated.
“Kid, some girls had dolls, Kane women had knives. Neither of these came from dear old dad.” TJ snorted. “People always fret that killers can pretend to be kind, they forgot it went both ways.”
Because even gentle hands can learn to hurt others. Hands like his baba’s, like his siblings, like his. Hands like Martha Kane’s Wayne’s, apparently.
“What would she say if she could see me now?”
Damian winced at the childish weakness lacing each of those words.
But TJ, an imperfect reflection of his grandfather’s face with his grandmother’s eyes and a mouth as foul as the worst dumpster in the Narrows, gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze. The tenderness in his eyes is alien to others because it spoke of a home he can no longer return to.
“She would’ve adored you to that Metropolis boy scout’s rock and back, kid. Would've somehow spoiled you fucking rotten more than you already are.” He replied.
“Tell me about her.” Damian demands once more.
TJ lights another cigarette and though Damian abhors the smell of it, he listens to every smoky word with rapt attention.
He learns that Martha Wayne’s smile is at its sweetest when she’s cursing an ignorant condescending asshole in wine-smooth Italian.
He learns that she enjoyed greasy food, much to Alfred’s chagrin.
He learns that she’d smoke the same cheap brand of cigarettes as his uncle, much to her husband’s chagrin.
He learns that she’s the one to help Thomas clean the blood out of his fingernails and press an ice pack against the bruise he got from defending a harassed working girl.
He learns that she not only enables but participates in Bruce’s habit of bringing home injured strays to nurse back to health.
He learns that she was never a pure angel. No, she was more than that.
She was the heart of the family, one of many hearts in Gotham’s vessel. She was a bloody organ beating life through the body of a scarred entity too large for her.
He learns that she was strong (perhaps the strongest of them all) because she chose to be kind and gentle and loving despite being capable of cruelty and hatred. Because even Martha Wayne was only human.
A/N: Hi, don’t mind me, just vomiting this out after binge reading @bruciemilf posts about Thomas Junior, Martha, the Kanes/Waynes in gen & their ao3 fic ‘Cain Instinct’. So huge thanks to bruciemilf for once again inspiring me.
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mocha-moo · 1 year
Ugh, i need more 🫐🐄 in my lifee. Blueberry inflation and cows are such a good combination but its so hard to find. Why can't I just become a giant berry cow then turn another person into one from my juices? I feel like thats really hot
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cypheroo · 3 months
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The Stories never told before | Garroth Ro'Meave ~☆
"Hi! Could I request a Garroth x reader where the reader is a farmer who has Irene's relic? I think it would be great angst if Garroth, who regularly visited the farmer! Reader, stopped due to his religious trauma and uncomfortable-ness about being around the actual Irene as himself? I am SO ready for Garroth angst, but if this isn't something you're up to, that's perfectly okay! Thanks :))"
Word count : 2,008 words
Trigger warnings : heavy talks of religion and religious trauma. PLEASE read carefully!
AN : IM SORRY ANON the fic isn't exactly what you requested but i had a little bit of a different idea and wanted to run with it! I hope you can still enjoy it! ALSO THIS STORY KINDA TAKES PLACE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE DAIRIES SERIES! THAT WILL EXPLAIN SOME STUFF!
Working day in and day out for these crops was insanely hard, if it wasn't one thing it was something else, if it wasn't your shed door breaking off, it was an issue with the water supply. Today was no different, needing to pull yourself up out of bed, and force yourself to make breakfast before the sun was above the mountains. If only Irene could personally send someone to assist you in this farm. You were always a firm believer in irene and often made offerings to the old statue near your blueberry patch. Irene was an important part of your life, sure you weren't downright obsessed but you did what you were taught, your parents prayed to her and told you stories of her before bed.
You knew of the village not far from where your farm was, you just never made it a choice to visit, instead caring for your animals and crops. But it was this one day that it changed, instead of looking out to an empty forest your eyes were met with hers. Only after a panicked greeting were you able to meet who was the next lord of phoenix drop. She properly introduced herself as lady Aphmau. She was impressed with your work on this farm of yours and was intrigued to find out you weren't a part of her village, but merely lived around it. She offered you a nice deal, a good trade as apparently the farms in phoenix drop did not compare to yours. She wanted to know if she could offer protection, fabrics, and other goods in return for some of the crops you grew, your chickens eggs, and your cows milk.. To which you were surprised at the sudden offer, it sounded amazing, you didn't really need the protection but other goods sounded very tempting. You asked for a day or two to properly think the whole ordeal through. And she obliged with a smile, stating she'd be back in a few days. And there you were left, confused yet very happy over what had just happened.
Though she held her word it didn't explain why the next morning you saw what you could only assume was one of phoenix drops guards patrolling around your land. He was odd, yes he looked capable but he was wearing a full face helmet, hand staying on his sheathed sword and looking extremely alert.
Opening your door today almost made it feel like a repeat of yesterday, you called to the man and waved your arm for him to see, 
“Any reason you're here today? Is lord aphmau with you today?”
“Nope, just doing the rounds this morning”
“Rounds? What do you mean?”
“Lord Aphmau requested we include this farm on are daily and nightly rounds”
You stood there confused, you didn't give her an answer and she was already sending guards to do ‘rounds’ here? That was… you didn't know if it was a good thing or not. Maybe she was trying to somehow force your hand? Maybe she already made her choice and just wanted to give you the illusion of choice? Maybe talking with her wasn't a good idea. Who knows! But before you could keep thinking the man let out a small huff, almost like a chuckle, 
“Tensions are high between us and some other kingdoms, she simply doesn't want anyone innocent to be hurt in some sort of cross fire.”
Those were his only words, your eyes widened softly and your face suddenly felt a little red, was it that easy to see your worry? You quickly nodded and smiled at him. Agreeing and brushing it off. You then cleared your throat and changed the topic, seeking to possibly learn more from this guard.
It was usually normal at this time to hear him knock at your door, to see that sweetheart tilt that head of his at you the moment your eyes met what you could only assume to be his. It had been months since that first interaction you both had. Since then you both had talked and joked more each morning and evening. You both talked and got along really well…you could even say you really really liked him. That's why it hurt so much when suddenly he stopped showing up at your doorstep, instead another guard would do the rounds on your farm, which you didn't mind, and at first maybe you thought he just got sick? But after the first week past you really didn't buy that excuse you made for him. What if something happened? What if he was really injured or something? After days of needing to think it through you made the choice to head into town the next morning to check up on him, it was only fair since he usually came to you.
So the next morning you packed some eggs and milk to drop off at the market and headed off to town, careful not to harm anything you had in your arms. You had visited phoenix drop a few times but never stayed too long, usually it was to drop off some of your goods to the market or pick up some of the goods you were entitled to. It was still difficult to walk around phoenix drop as it could be quite confusing with the turns you had to take in order to even be near the guard post, but eventually you were faced with it, after a direction or two from some of the people who actually lived there.
By the time you were there it was nearing midday, spending most of your morning trying to set everything up at the market and go sightseeing around the beauty that was phoenix drop. So you knocked softly once before you realized the door was not only unlocked but very much open and easily allowed anyone access to walk in if needed. So softly you asked for someone as the place looked a little empty. Only to be answered by the voice you knew all too well, garroths.
“[Name]? What do you need?” 
His voice was stern but still held a lot of care, usually you weren't in town so you could see why this would raise a few red flags. But you quickly smiled faintly, 
“I was worried for you! Since you…usually are the one doing the partrole on my farm” you attempted to explain yourself before Garroth nodded,
 "I'm no longer patrolling your area as of a week ago” he explained quite harshly. To which you were taken aback you made a confused and hurt face which seemed to annoy garroth some more, 
“I…have no interest being around someone who follows such religion” 
Those words hurt, considering who they were coming from and how important irene,her story were to you! And now hearing someone you held dear suddenly take offense to something you held so dear? You scoffed, and crossed your arms, 
“garroth what has gotten into you, ive…my personal beliefs have never had an effect on our relationship, you've never communicated that my beliefs hurt or cause harm to you.” your words were filled with confusion and fear, what could have caused this sort or response? You didn't wanna hear anymore from him, you quickly turned and began to walk home, not bothering to hear another word.
He promised himself to avoid religion, he promised to stray away from anything that would remind him of what he used to identify as normal. He didn't know why but the moment he found out of your fondness for lady irene he panicked, sure it sounds childish but he closed it off, he turned his back on that farm and that included you too. The only background he has with any kind of religion is horrible, he didn't know how it was meant to be anything else. He truly believed it was a space to hate and harm anyone you couldn't bare to see, so that night when you opened up to him about your upbringing and your appreciation to irene he couldn't handle it, he used all the power he could to suppress any memory he had of those memories but walking home that night was filled with flashbacks and his fears returning. Hurting him and causing him to black out for the rest of the evening. 
The next morning he sent someone else on the rounds to your farm, afraid those memories would force their way back into his mind if he saw you again. Yes it hurt, and yes you deserve an explanation behind it, but he wasn't thinking right and was almost always in a state of stress. This didn't help. So the day you wandered back into him he freaked out more, afraid of what he couldn't control, so yes his emotions got the better of him, his fears got the better of him. And the moment you turned your back on him, was the moment he seemed to notice how hurtful his words were, sure he needed to feel protected but did he really need to protect himself from you?
It was under the dark cloak of night that he found himself in front of your small home, this time not afraid or mad at something you had no part in., he pulled off his helmet and closed his eyes, fixing his hair with one hand and holding his helmet with the other. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. And once the old door creaked open and your face appeared he bowed his head, spouting apologies and a bad explanation for what he was thinking. It was when you shushed him and allowed him inside that he quieted down. You looked tired, he must've woken you up.
Once you both sat down on your couch he set his helmet down on the floor next to him, you had seen his face before, it was rare but you had, that's how comfortable you both were with each other. Before you could ask him anything he apologized again, this time he was slow when he explained in more detail than before how he was raised, a place where religion was more harmful then it could be good. A place he felt suffocated by fear and worry. How he had promised to leave all of it behind, how he was afraid when you admitted your adoration and love for Irene, in fear of his relationship being poisoned by that same ‘religion’ he was raised with.
The topic was dark and it was the most he had ever opened up to you, it all kept pouring out, and you listened to every part of it, not once stopping him. You allowed him to share why he thought he did the thing he did, why he was so afraid despite trusting you with even seeing his face, and knowing of his royal history, and as soon as you thought it was over he continued, apology after apology. And eventually when he quieted down you hummed ever so softly, leaning closer and wrapping your arms tightly around him, this time it was your turn to apologize, not just for this situation but for how he was taught what religion was. You assured him of being careful with your words. You promised that religion would never have a place in your friendship, that you loved him and only held irene close for yourself, and that he'd never have to have anything to do with it, you'd respect his history, you cared for him to much for him to be afraid of something you could help him work through.
And while your arms were still wrapped tightly around him, slowly his snaked around and hugged you back, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief, and softly as quietly as he could make it he whispered the simple words, “i love you”
Only to be met with an “i love you too” from you.
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verucagloop · 9 months
Violet get Wrecked! - Blueberry Inflation
On Curvage ------>>> https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/41419-violet-get-wrecked/
Also on Onlyfans, Clips4sale, and Manyvids ----->>> https://linktr.ee/verucagloop
Violet, the greedy gum chewer, steals Wonka's gum right in front of him and chews like the obnoxious cow she is all while Wonka tries to convince her to stop. His please and insults fall on deaf ears as it seems she desires her blue fate. Come watch a stupid brat chew gum, turn blue, inflate into a ball and get tease with her new life as a permanent blueberry.
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abarbaricyalp · 7 months
Hi! If you're still doing the Sambucky romance ask: 🚨
You know I love a good 'mission goes awry' prompt. Sometimes Sam loses his clothes in those ones 😊 From this prompt list
This one got away from me. I don't even know what this is. CW: Mild violence, some monster things
🚨 When a mission goes awry
Bucky blinked and the giant lizard he'd been trying to choke out was no longer in his arms.
Oh no, this was not happening again.
He slowly got to his feet, squinting through the fog that was moving like it was alive. It was almost like the atmosphere of rolling around in arid dirt with the lizards, but wet where that had been dry.
"Sam?" he called out cautiously.
He was answered by an animalistic screech that had him covering his ears and turning tail.
He'd been here before. He hadn't liked it.
The multiverse had broken four days ago. Bucky and Sam had had nothing to do with it, thank you very much. They hadn't even known the multiverse was real until a handful of months ago. Bucky was still fucked up over the reality stone. He could not handle a broken multiverse.
Except that now, he had to.
If he'd thought blipping out of existence had been bad, blipping into another Bucky Barnes's existence was much worse. There did not seem to be a version of him that sat on a beautiful front porch at sunset beside Sam and watched the bees tend their garden while eating homemade blueberry pie. It was always some kind of fuckery.
This fuckery was vampires. The fog had kind of suggested it, but he was never going to forget that noise or the claws and teeth that came with it. How come vampire him was always fighting some kind of harpy?
Like he said, he didn't know anything about the multiverse. He didn't know how multiversal travel should work. Over the past four days, it had worked by swapping him and Sam with another Bucky and Sam every time they were in a fight. And Sams and Buckys got into lots of fights! The world-- every world apparently-- constantly needed to be saved. Actually, Bucky should talk to his therapist about that.
"Sam!" he called again as he ran, looking for any space in this dilapidated graveyard to hide. Last time, it had been a dilapidated castle. Much easier to hide in. Especially because he refused to jump into any of the wrenched open caskets in their upturned Graves. "Could really use some help, birdbrain!"
As if on cue, the harpy and another figure plummeted to the ground just a few feet in front of Bucky. It was a clash of talons and feathers--the worst bird fight Bucky had ever seen between New York pigeons escalated by about 100.
The harpy was a grotesque thing, half human, half bird, all demon. The man on top of it was disarmingly. Sam was always beautiful. It was just that vampire-Sam also had some bird mutation, which gave him huge wings, which grew from and encompassed the upper half of his arms and he had these bird eyes in this molten gold color that were uncannily round with the color spreading from edge to edge. When he was on the attack like this, he had a sharp break and talons instead of fingers.
Bucky was still very much into it.
The harpy wrenched itself away with another ear splitting screech and a trailing line of blood from a new wound on its gross scaly bird neck. It screeched one more time for emphasis and took to the sky, off kilter but still powerful.
When Sam turned to him, he was mostly human--or vampire?-- again. His gold eyes narrowed when he found Bucky. "You again," he groaned.
Vampire-Sam didn't like human-Bucky, Bucky had discovered last time he was dumped in this penny dreadful novel come to life.
"Have there been many others?" Bucky asked. "Have you been pulled away much?"
"Yes and yes," Sam answered. "I just got back from a cow farm in the 1900s."
Bucky grimaced. He could not fathom a cowboy version of himself. Cowboy-Sam had to be super hot though. "I think they're called ranches."
The vampire scoffed and waved a razor-nail tipped hand dismissively. "Leave," he ordered. "And bring James back."
Bucky didn't actually know how to leave, but the vampire had some ability to manipulate these crossovers.
Bucky landed in a new environment, which still didn't have giant lizards. "Oh goddammit," he growled and shoved himself to his feet again. "Sam!"
. . .
Sam landed face first in the sand. He pushed himself up and spit out wet sand before turning over onto his back. This was driveline the Gulf, he decided. No white sand beaches here and the ocean beyond was a tumultuous grey-green beneath the brilliant sunset painting the surface of it.
"Buck!" he called into the sky.
A few seconds later, the sounds of someone shuffling through the shallows interrupted the lapping of the waves. Sam looked over and felt his mouth literally drop open. He blinked against the shine of the sunset and watched Bucky come out of the waves, water cascading off of him like a commercial. He shook his shaggy hair out of his face and hiked a surfboard closer to his side as he hit the shore and had to drag it through the wet sand. He was all lithe silhouette and obvious muscle. He was missing his arm, no prosthesis in sight, and he looked like a walking advertisement. Sam's mouth was kind of dry.
He grinned a little at Sam, dropping the board into the sand to wave, and then jogged over. His pleased expression quickly fell though and he dropped to his knees next to Sam with a worried frenzy to his movements.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, man, I just tripped," Sam said.
"I would say so, yeah!" Bucky agreed. "Why do you have legs?"
Sam's brain shorted out for a moment. Normally, he had a response for everything, but he'd never been asked why he had legs. "Because I was born with them?" he hazarded.
But his response was lost in a flurry of movement and curses as Bucky got his arm around Sam's chest--wow, that was a nice feeling--and hauled him into the water. Sam futilely tried to get his feet under him, but Bucky was really strong and fast and the sand was at the soupy-sinking moment of a tide change over loose sand.
"The water will help," Bucky said in a way that suggested he was still trying to convince himself of the same thing. "Oh, God, what if it doesn't?"
Sam was more confused than he ever had been, and he'd seen people get really big and really small, talking raccoons, an assortment of aliens, rocks that altered reality, time, and space, and literal gods.
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked. "Who am I here?"
Bucky squawked a little. "You're forgetting who you are? The Little Mermaid didn't cover that!"
Sam's eyebrows went up. "I'm a merman?" he asked in surprise. His mama had always said he was a water baby.
"Sam!" Bucky whined desperately.
Sam finally took total mercy on him and put a hand on Bucky's shoulder to keep him still. "Hey, calm down. I'm not your Sam," he said. "I guess you haven't had to deal with any of this yet."
Bucky stared at him, blue eyes almost orange in the sun, wide and a little naïve. God, he seemed so young. "Deal with what?" he asked
"The multiverse," Sam said. "I'm not your Sam. We swapped places."
Bucky's tanned skin drained to a more familiar color. "You have to switch back! He can't be outside of the water for long."
And, oh yeah. Shit. Sam didn't know how to control any of this. He wasn't sure how to intentionally swap out with a specific other Sam.
"Okay, okay, calm down, kiddo," Sam said softly. "These things are triggered by fights. Were you part of a battle or something?"
Bucky's face screwed to one side. "No. Why would I be? I was on the waves. But Sam wasn't with me. He could've been dealing with anything down there."
Sam looked to the expanse of ocean that Bucky gestured to. There was no way Sam could figure out where the other Sam had been, much less take up his fight again.
"Listen, I'll try my hardest," Sam said. "But I don't know how to bring him straight back. I'm not in charge of this."
"I don't care about any of that. I don't care about your multiverse. Make it bring him back," Bucky said. There was a familiar steel edge to his voice, the tone that came out when his own Bucky skipped worry and went straight to fury. The kind of emotion that usually led to Bucky making bad decisions.
"I'll try," he promised. "I need you to take a swing at me," he said, standing up and shaking water off of his arms. There was no way to wring out the suit, so that was just going to have to stay. Maybe multiversal travel came with free air-drying.
"What?" Bucky asked, looking askance. "I'm not hitting you."
"My adrenaline doesn't get right if I start it. You have to start it."
Bucky's eyes pinched in. "I ain't been in a fight in years."
Wow, Sam thought. A well adjusted Barnes. Who knew. "Come on, kid. Otherwise, I'm gonna go find a jellyfish to antagonize."
Bucky sighed, squirmed for a second, and then swung at Sam.
. . .
Bucky wandered around the great forest with deep skepticism. He wasn't sure what multiverse this was, but it seemed to be one that wasn't inhabited by anybody. What kind of fight had been happening here?
Up ahead, the dense, dark copse eased some and sunlight dappled the ground. He jogged over to it, hoping to shed some light on the situation. God, he wished there was a Sam around to say that to. The trees opened to a rolling hill and a sprawl of space that stretched on for forever.
Bucky rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes and blinked at the image before him. Despite the fact that he'd just walked out of a forest, New York City was ahead of him. The buildings were half destroyed. The other half of them had been taken over by the flora of the area. Vines seemed to be tearing apart concrete and rebar. Trees grew through the middle of roads. Flowers covered every ugly grey space available.
It was kind of beautiful, if not for the fact that this was Bucky's home and every childhood memory he had was now buried. Coney Island was underwater.
Suddenly, something wrapped around Bucky's ankle and yanked him down to the ground hard. He kicked his other foot at the binding, expecting a lasso of some kind or a rope trap. Instead, he found another vine, dragging him back into the forest and a massive bush that was growing by the second.
Bucky began to kick harder and reached for the knife strapped to his thigh.
"Wait!" someone called and suddenly a man was springing into action, dropping himself across Bucky's thighs, facing his legs. He began, not to hack at the vine, but to untie it from Bucky's leg. He made remarkably quick work of it. Bucky couldn't get his charger untangled that fast. He sat back as the vine finished coiling into the bush and let out a satisfied sigh. Then he glanced over his shoulder at Bucky and grinned.
How come they were always so handsome?
The other Sam stood and offered his hand down to Bucky to haul him to his feet. "Don't think too negatively about the plants here," he said. "They always know."
Bucky nodded his acknowledgement. He took in the look of the other Sam. This one had intricate gold designs on his face and down his arms. They were radial in nature, making him look even more like sunshine than usual. "You from around here?" he asked. "What is this place?"
Sam shook his head. "Nah. I was dropped here a while ago. I'm just a fast learner."
"Yeah," Bucky agreed, feeling just a little breathless after that close call. "I kind of figured with the whole--" He gestured to his face. "This seems like some future of the Earth I'm from. I know all those buildings."
Sam nodded. He walked a few steps out again, closer to the crest of the hill, and then sat down like the grass hadn't just tried to kill Bucky. "We're not even from Earth. I don't know how we keep getting caught up in Earth nonsense."
Bucky snorted. "Trust me, Earthlings get caught up in plenty of intergalactic nonsense too." His eyes went to the markings on Sam's arm again, thin, lovely lines sprawling from his elbow.
"Blue," Sam said, lifting Bucky's chin with a gold streaked finger. "Yours are blue." He traced a crescent shape around the corner of Bucky's eye. "You don't have as many. Have you ever seen yourself in one of these things?"
Bucky's face warmed and he gently removed it from Sam's touch, looking back to the death of one New York and the birth of another. "No. I think that's one of the rules. Only one of us at a time."
Sam nodded. "I've noticed that as well. But it usually begins to resolve itself when two people are in the wrong universe."
"Yeah," Bucky agreed again. "I've noticed that too."
Sam grinned at him. He was so handsome, it hurt. "I will be very happy to leave this planet again."
"Yeah, we kind of suck."
Sam reached up to trace another crescent along the joint of Bucky's right shoulder. "Maybe not all of it," he hummed.
Bucky blushed again and pulled out a knife as he turned away. "Let me go instigate something to get us out of here," he muttered. Even walking away, he could feel Sam's radiance
. . .
Sam did end up underwater, but it wasn't any kind of water a merman would want to live in. Maybe a bogman. He spit out marshy water and tried to ignore how many mosquito larvae were definitely in his mouth. There was a conveniently placed liana-type vine right on the bank and he hauled himself out of the water.
Sam was not a bayou man. There were enough horror stories in high school about idiots going missing at night and he'd been in the med-clinic waiting room once when someone had come in with an alligator bite that had taken half the meat of his arm with it. Sam did not like the bayous in practice. Which was to say, he had no idea where he was or how to get out of it.
A howl pierced through the quiet then, which only worked to send Sam's heart tripping in his chest in triple speed. He could totally use this vine to climb into a tree.
Actually, he had wings. He snapped them open and water gushed out of the pack.
Two water universes back to back, he thought with more irritation than he'd felt in a long time. Just his damn luck.
There was another howl then, much closer. Sam did begin to climb into the tree. He was stopped by a curious, "Sam?" and he looked down to find a familiar, uncanny face.
"Hey, Jamie," he greeted, relief flooding through him so quickly he almost went lightheaded.
The genetically-spliced, lab-grown werewolf looked at Sam with wide eyed curiosity. Actually, he was always wide eyed. He very much so had a dog's eyes. It had been a while since James and Bucky had swapped places in the middle of a battle (a precursor to this problem?) and Sam had ended up fighting next to the giant wolf instead of his partner. Bucky and a rougarou-Sam had shown up a while later and the fight was over pretty quickly after that.
"Is Sam around by any chance?" he tried.
"You know he isn't," James answered. It was difficult to read his expressions. He had a broad, flat nose that was as reactive as any puppy's, but usually only with disgust and anger. His pointed ears, too tall to be hidden behind his long hair, were under much better control. Sam had a cat. He looked at the ears for behavioral indicators. "I only just got back myself. I was on a planet called Venus, but not our Venus. It was...interesting." Now his nose scrunched and a cute little blush crept along his furry face.
Sam tried not to let his scowl show too much. This Sam had magic in him, which would move this all along much faster. Still, without sulking too much, Sam asked, "How are you feeling?"
"Like I could rip something open with my teeth. I've barely sat still for five minutes over the past week. I'm going from one fight to the next. Have you ever seen a fight on a planet of pleasure?"
Sam grimaced. "Yeah, I can't really blame you for getting mad. And I probably wouldn't stop you from going full wolf."
"As long as it's not towards you?" James finished, taking the words right from Sam's mouth.
"Wow, all Sams really are the same, huh?"
James grinned, showing off all of his long, sharp teeth. "I can send you on," he said. "Sam showed me how. I just don't know where you're going to land."
"Wow, look at you," Sam complimented. "Please do. I don't wanna start a fight with you."
"You haven't found another way for the quiet places?" James asked, raising his bushy brow. "And they say I have the anger issues."
Sam tsked at him and gestured for him to hurry up.
. . .
A galaxy stretched out below Bucky. It was like something from a painting, all swirling colors and bright spots of planets. Jewel toned galactic highways with actual jewels embedded into it. He sat in red dirt and traced nonsense letters beside himself because it kept him calm.
There was no one else up here. He'd never been sent somewhere where there was no one else. True, this was an entire planet, but it was also an empty planet and Bucky had walked for ages across barren plains and deserts before he'd finally come around one swooping crest and found this view. He'd given up at that point and decided just to wait for something to happen.
It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. An entire cosmos swirled below him, full of twinkling lights and shining colors. He wondered what lived down there. What music did they listen to and what foods did they like and how did they sleep at night? Surely, something was falling in love at that moment. Something was laughing, something else was crying. He wondered if they were being affected by this multiverse bullshit too. Were there missing citizens? Was some version of Joaquin running around one of those lights trying to get back to wherever he belonged? Was something that lived here now fighting the lizards Bucky had been taken from?
Sam could be down there: a thought which almost made leaping off of this planet a feasible idea. He hadn't considered what would happen if he died in one of these places. Usually, all of the dangerous ones kept him too busy to wonder. The glitch would send him on before it got too hairy. The quiet ones, it was obviously not a problem. But if he did manage to leap off of a planet, would he just float aimlessly for eternity? Would he have to swim through zero gravity space to find some alien to duke it out with? Or if he did blip out with someone else, what would happen to them? Did they land on a planet again? Surely not every Bucky in the multiverses would do something as stupid as jumping into space.
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," someone said from behind him.
Bucky whirled around, on his feet instantly. But all that adrenaline drained just as quickly. "Sam," he breathed. Then he was crossing over the red dust on silent steps and clutching at Sam--his Sam--as tightly as he could. It didn't matter how many times this happened; it always felt like this one could be the last.
Sam hugged him back tightly. "I knew this one was you," he said as he pressed his face to Bucky's hair. "You're always mopey-er than the others."
Bucky rolled his eyes, but he still laughed a little. "If you'd been here as long as I have, you'd be moping too," he promised. "Are you okay?" He pulled away to hold Sam's face gently. "Everywhere you went wasn't too bad?" He looked to be in one piece and the exhaustion on his face was par for the course at this point.
Sam smiled and turned his face to kiss the inside of Bucky's right wrist, feeling the flutter of his pulse for a few seconds. "It was pretty quiet. Didn't get dropped into the middle of any fights this time. What about you?"
Bucky shook his head. "I'm fine. I mean, it wasn't quiet, but I'm fine." He smoothed his thumb over Sam's cheek before stepping into his space again. "God, I missed you."
"You say that every time," Sam laughed. "From my experiences, all Sams are the same."
Bucky shook his head. "None of them are you."
Sam held him for a while longer, pressing half kisses to his head, before he finally said, "Come on, sweetheart. Let's head home."
Out of all of the nonsense about this multiverse glitch, the only fast rule was that universal pairs could send themselves home. It was like the glitch evened itself out when they found each other again. All was right in the world for those few moments.
Bucky had to agree. "Yeah, doll. Let's go home."
. . .
Back in the real Colorado, Bucky was instantly taken off his feet by a charging lizard the size of a minivan. Wheezing on the ground--the ideal position to watch Sam go soaring by above--Bucky had to at least admit, it was nice to be back where he knew the monsters and the people and the rules. At least he was home again.
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total-feminism-takes · 6 months
Lesbian Courtney anon here!
Beth don't need to main three because the main three need her and love her who they are!
Imagine this and the scene: Bratz style girls x TD
Beth, the sweetheart they all love Beth even Courtney in her own I rather punch the wall or die then admit my feelings to anyone because that's how I was raised and my therapist with I am working on it.
Courtney angry feminist trope stick up her butt religious type everyone says (Mom of the group and puts herself in dangerous situations make sure all her girls are alright!)
Lindsay the bubbly cute (she more than likely get away with it after being caught once)
Leshawna - true leadership
Heather ('Leader' but not really the figure head, she will tear people apart in heartbeat that stare in sexual way at her girls)
All of them have sleepovers, a bit fights over teenager things like Lindsay no! Frosted tips for Tyler so gross! AHHHhh
Boy troubles are in comfort and cuddle times! Maybe Lindsay and Courtney cuddle the most after Duncan and Tyler got detention with Alejandro again and Heather is like no tears boys are stupid! Then they all cuddle together and stuff!
Girl dates!
Beth with Lindsay holding hands and Courtney then carrying them when they get tired sometimes because Courtney strong and works out with Eva!
Heather makeovers! Lindsay and Beth in beauty school poor Heather as their test subject and Leshawna happily waiting her turn!
Eva and Courtney teaching Beth self defense!
That's it and immediately someone draw these girls in fluffy strawberry cowgirls, blueberry cow, and farmer moon outfits like NOW!!
I like Beth but I have hate relationship with people who are like she gets a glow up and rest the cast can't tell it's Beth!
Everyone is ugly sometimes.
Beth is not ugly due to her looks. I don't like Beth trope of her thinking everyone wants her because I was like that once but then I was like male validation ain't it. BUT THEY DON'T GIVE HER GROWTH AND GIVE HER BRADY!!!
I am say it.
Fat, chubby, acne, greasy hair, and depression- I don't care.
I love you, girl or not. I have in my whole life care over others from throwing up toddlers and older people in mental distress.
Baby, let me tell you something, ugliness is when you look hollow look in the mirror due to being the 'prettiest girl in the world' but alone just for validation for a guy who can't even remotely recall your favorite color or birthday!
I rather tell you I have bath my sick loved ones when they weren't healthy or just happy in general. Beth is not meant to be perfect girl or the prettiest girl because she just a girl.
Her warmth, her smile, and her willingness to help is just her that we should value.
And she ain't even that ugly.
All these girls not even ugly. Mess up drawing shaped bodies but not ugly.
Speaking with experiment from a little girl who was Beth growing up and became the Courtney archetype of rage, acting like I know better to push everyone away, and etc, the world was cruel and killed a little girl of hope now I have rage and my tan skin with angry makes people think I am danger for not knowing how to let go or grieve all of it yet.
Basically Beth. They- I - the fandom should leave you alone if we don't love all of you with flaws and such too.
Beth for president and Courtney vice president! for a school AU trope and Heather gets jealous runs against them with Leshawna! Lindsay just wants to make their posters!
- 🧡
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Manatee Encounter
X and Marty have lovely time in their date :)
For X and Marty, an underwater date is the ideal kind of date. Privacy is just needed, as they aren't ready to make their relationship public yet. A high-ranking Maverick Hunter dating the Pirate Queen? Asmov would be a mess to deal with, which they eventually have to deal with in the future. But for now, it's just to spend time in each other's company.
Another reason for the date being underwater is not only to admire the sea's beauty but also for X to brush up on his swimming lessons. X’s swimming ability is often questionable at best; he can’t even doggy paddle to save his blue tush. He splashes around helplessly in the water; it’s embarrassing to witness. Combined with how he moves around underwater, it’s a miracle that he survived his battles against marine-based mavericks. So Marty took it upon herself to teach her blue dummy how to properly maneuver around the water. But since then, X’s swimming ability has improved, but he has a long way to go.
But it was break time, and X was hanging onto Marty. Traversing the ocean floor with ease, it became a fun dating activity for the two of them. Especially that he clings to her shoulder while she swims in mermaid mode.
His face was closer to hers. Tenderly rubbing his face with hers, he added a sweet peck to her cheek. His arm wrapped around her shoulder in an affectionate manner. Marty lets out a satisfied hum, enjoying the blue hunter’s affection.
“Ay, Bluey is already getting so lovey-dovey? So cute, I could have just easily chewed that adorable face of yours right now~” purred, returning the affections by nibbling his face in a playful manner. Holding his hands with her own and facing him with that gentle smile.
“Can’t you blame me? I love you with my entire soul, and being with you helps my heart feel at ease. Your heart is the bright light of my soul, taking me away from all my doubts. Reminding me that life isn’t just surrounded by endless battles, finding adventure, and finding joy in things I didn’t think about before! Learning how to properly swim, viewing the world from a different perspective, and learning how to do proper CPR without accidentally shattering a human's chest,” said that last part sheepishly
It did help X understand how ridiculously fragile humans truly are.
Marty increasingly flustered the kind words that were spoken. Unlike others, X’s words have such tenderness that they overwhelm a soul.
Everyone always saw her from the surface as a crass, fearsome pirate queen, showing her real heart to anyone not to be seen as helpless and weak. Only very few are allowed to see her; among her most vulnerable are individuals who are extremely important to her. That includes the Neo Blue Bomber himself, who’s basically the most precious treasure of her life.
She turned around, showing off her signature fanged smile.
“Gosh…you…fucking blueberry, always on that mushy shit. I can’t really say much with words alone, but you're also extremely important to me. My sweetest Azure, what am I going to do without you?” she chucked
Pulling the blue hunter into her arms, tenderly embracing him, as for X to return the hug full-heartedly. Enjoying the warmth that their hearts can provide.
Was it dumb to hug on the seafloor? Pretty much, but are they enjoying it? Fuck yeah, it was.
X raised his head before catching a glimpse of an unusual sight that caught the hunter’s attention; behind Marty was a particular sight of sea creatures that he had never seen before. These tuskless walruses have a strange shape, resembling blimps. However, they seem to be focusing on eating the seagrass like cows on a field.
"Marty? What is that? Never seen this animal eating plant life underwater before," he asked, staring at the creature before him.
While X's knowledge of sea creatures is just the basics,. Most of the time, he just spends his duties and daily life on the surface, only going underwater on specific missions. It's unfortunate he never got the proper time to admire the seas, only in brief moments of peace.
He stared at the creatures with fascination, admiring their particular plumpness.
Marty glances at X before looking at him with a puzzled expression. Looking in the direction that he was looking, her expression changed from confusion to delight. She is smiling wildly at the sight that is in front of her.
"Oh! Well, look at that! It's a group of manatees! Or, well, an aggregation is what is called! I haven't seen them in a while! Perfectly harmless herbivores, I still can’t believe these adorable bastards are still in the wild. Oh, this is great!!" she exclaimed
"Oh, so that’s a manatee interesting; you say they are herbivores? But also, is a group of them all an aggregation? For a second, they resemble walruses; I assume they are related in some capacity. Because of how they look'' glancing again at the aggregation.
Marty smirked at that comment on how naive her sweet, dear blue can be.
"Mmm, nope, it's quite common for some folks to mistake that manatees are related to walruses, but the funny thing is that they aren't related, but rather related to elephants!"
"Of course, ya silly blueberry! Elephants and manatees, along with other hoofed animals from that ancient animal line called...fuck whatcha called again, shit-gotcha! Ungulate, yeah, that!” Her tail twitched from excitement upon seeing the group of sea blimp
“If you pay attention to their faces, they share a similar prehensile upper lip to get food. Behind those adorable lips are horn-like ridged pads that help break down their food into smaller pieces. They don't exactly have necks, so they mostly look front and back most of the time. So they have to put a shitload of effort into moving their whole body so it can just turn around. They also have these pectoral flippers that are actually pretty flexible despite being joined; they mostly help them to crawl, steer around, and put food in their mouth. Also, did you know?" She babbled on
Marty continued to explain more about the creature itself, surprisingly having such deep knowledge of it, leaving the azure hunter stunned. He never knew Marty had so much knowledge about sea life, and yet he can't stop being amazed by it. Absorbing the information intently and hearing her gush about sea life in such depth, it never ceases to amaze him. It’s hard to forget that she's a pirate.
“Gosh, you know so much about these guys, don’t you? It’s incredible to have this knowledge of marine life itself; I'm almost jealous, you know.”
She froze, letting out a surprised squeak, then turning crimson from the compliment.
“H-hey! I told you a while back that I used to be a rescue type, specifically from a marine preserve in the Pacific sector. My job is to help out at the preserve and do rescue work. It’s kind of mandatory for the reploid folk that work there to have knowledge of marine life and the ocean’s ecosystems. Not like 100%, but more like the important parts that are required to be learned. I was so curious about marine life that I spent more hours gathering information than I was supposed to. It made me admire the sea even more, and it motivates me even more to protect it! Ya know—fuck said to much, didn’t I?” Turning away from him, she covered her face with embarrassment.
X chuckled, smiling in his beloved’s flustered state.
“Oh Marty, what am I going to do with you? My sweet mer-“.
“Ah! What in the world?” X turned around, feeling the light bump before his back. Before he could react, he froze in sight and was responsible for that.
He’s now facing a manatee, who’s just very curious about the blue hunter, still investigating this strange metal thing before it.
Then the group of manatees followed the curious one’s lead. Departing from the sea grass that they were originally consuming, then surrounding X, staring at him with their beady eyes.
Marty couldn’t believe what she was witnessing before her eyes. But at the same time lovingly grins the sight.
"Well, I’ll be damned! It looks like you caught their attention there; it looks like they thought that you were one of them, knowing how sweet you are.” She teases.
Understandably, in an era where wildlife habitats have been destroyed by the hands of humanity and the wars,. That’s why the preserves were created in the first place: to help the wildlife either be reintroduced to their remaining habitats or preserve their species to prevent their extinction. These creatures don’t really approach humans and reploids that often.
X being able to attract these animals makes sense to her. After all, his pure heart is what draws them to him in the first place.
It just felt right.
Meanwhile, the poor hunter stood still, not knowing how or exactly what to do. Being caught off guard by the animal that is still inspecting him. Turning towards Marty, hoping that she can aid him in this predicament.
“Ummmm Mar-Mar!? What should I do? Should I step away? I don’t want to hurt them.”
Marty snorted, then turned into laughter, the legendary X being nervous, not wanting to harm the innocent creature by accident.
“Don’t worry, Bluebell, just stay calm as long as you don’t harm them. Just stay calm As long as you don't spook them, you're fine.” Marty said reassuringly
X nodded as he then looked at the manatee that was still inspecting him, poking him with their muzzle. Nervousness soon was replaced with wonder; he had never been close to an animal like this. Closing his eyes, he gently petted the animal’s head, gently rubbing it.
“Amazing…They have this leathery feeling, and yet it's rough; it feels like I'm touching an old rug from an antique store.” mumbled, still in awe of the texture of their skin
The manatee is leaning toward more of the hunter’s hand, enjoying the rubs that he's giving. Moving around allows the hunter to feel its whole back. Now seeing their kin allowing the blue bomber to rub and scratch its back, they soon began to get close to him, wanting the attention and rubs.
“H-hey! One at a time, please! hahahahahah! Wait no, that tickles!”
Being ambushed by their adorable mobbing of him, there is no escape from them. Yet despite being mobbed by them, he's enjoying it very much, unable to escape from their attack. He tried to give the aggregation as much attention as he could, but it's not enough.
Their cuteness was too much help!
“It looks like they're surrounded there; you're not going to have all of this love for yourself. Here, let me show you how it’s done there, Bluey.”
In his relief, Marty finally stepped in or well swam in, relieving some of the load of sea blubbers that were overwhelming him. Her hands started to lovingly scratch the backs of two of the manatees; the blimps were rolling, loving her scratches.
“Ay, such cuties look like you guys want nothing more than getting some love!” She giggled, gently patting the manatees.
X beamed with love at the sight of his dearly beloved rescuing him from this predicament, but also showed the same amount of gentleness toward the creatures. He’s now sitting on a rock, rubbing the manatee that is on his lap.
“Thanks, Mar. For a moment, I thought I was going to be a goner.”
“You're welcome, ya big sap. Once again, saving your blue tush as always. I can't have you nearly got defeated by manatees. You're my precious treasure; you can’t have anything bad happen to you!”
“I know; i'm pretty sure that if something were happen to me, Zero would of turned you into sushi,” he joked
She lets out an overly dramatic gasp “How rude! Tell such a comment to your savior!”
Both of them stared at each other for a second before letting out a heartfelt laugh echoing through the seafloor, with the manatees not caring much about being focused on the pets that they were receiving.
An hour passed, and aggregation parted ways with the couple satisfied with the pets and the attention that was received, swimming and seeking to go somewhere else to rest. Leaving the couple alone, laying on the sand, cuddling together, and smiling together.
Marty sighed dreamily, looking at her Sweet Blue
"Well, that was fun, eh, Bluey? You got the chance to interact with sea life this closely in the wild like that.” She chucked, booping his nose “I still can't believe you were almost piled on by them.”
“Yeah, it was almost embarrassing. But I had a good time; interacting with such majestic sea creatures and learning from them was an experience that I'll never forget.” He murmured, lightly drawing small circles on her back
“You say that to every date, we went, but this one was pretty fun. I have to admit it, but being with you is the best part.” She embraced him even closer
They wanted this moment to last an eternity, enjoying this quiet yet soft moment together. Especially for X, this peace is too precious to be lost—a precious peace that he swore to protect. Soon gentle emeralds meet fearsome amethysts, their faces closer then…
“My Azure Light...”
“My Beautiful Que-”
"Oh, what now?! I'm on a day off!” exasperated
He picks up the transmission call from Zero. This better be important.
“Zero, What’s wrong? Are you serious?! I told you, yes! I'm with Marty. I told you last week where I'm going... Alright, I’ll head out and see you there.” X hanging up
“Judging from that, we gotta cut this short then; shame the crimson bastard sure knows how to ruin a good moment.”
X sighed
“It looks like they need backup for a mission coming up. They gotta get ready. Im sorry, Mar” remorseful for the interruption of their date
“Hey! Don't apologize, Bluey! I need to get back to the ship anyway; I don't want Gale Albatross and Vice Captain on my ass again after the last time.” Grimacing the time that she was chewed out by her closest friends from that one time she took a long time to return without letting them know about the complication.
But at the same time giving X a mischievous look
“But also, ya might want to get cleaned up after all; you don't want to repeat the ‘Throwing up a starfish on my best friend incident’ after that extreme swimming lesson.”
“Ah! How did you-“
“Of course, but before we go, there's something I want to finish.”
“That is..?”
Pulling her in, he kisses her under the beauty of the sea. Marty was at first caught off guard, then went deep into it, closing her eyes and enjoying this moment. Their helms gently touch under the tender kiss.
“I love you.”
“I know…”
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always-andromeda · 2 years
How Dano Characters Would Play Stardew Valley Part I | Dano!Characters x GN!Reader
Dano!Characters x GN!Reader
Author's Note | I mentioned that I had this idea to the groupchat girlies and they were super encouraging about it; so...this exists now. I just wanted to jot down some wholesome thoughts to give myself a little bit of a break from fulfilling milestone requests. I also just know way too much about this game and it really shows. Part II of this will be posted tomorrow!!
Warnings | spoilers for Stardew Valley? overall, this is pure fluff!
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✰ Alex Jones/Barry Milland ✰
Alex gets very fixated on the game. It's just so calming to him. Expect him to be playing it for literally hours on end, completely avoiding any other responsibility he might have.
He likes planting and picking flowers. No matter how much you tell him that they just aren't profitable, he just loves how pretty they are. He also loves planting strawberries in the Spring.
All of his animals are at full friendship levels with him because he is so diligent at keeping them fed and petting them every single day.
Alex choses a cat for his pet and absolutely goes with naming them after some sort of food. Think something along the lines of Peach, Pumpkin, or Blueberry.
He deliberates for a very long time before choosing to marry Penny. He just thinks that she's so kind and her home life reminds him a lot of what his own looked like when he was younger. When she asks him what theme he'd like her to renovate the bedroom with, he chooses the strawberry theme, of course.
Alex gets a little intimidated by some of the other characters like the Wizard, Hayley, Kent, and Shane. He just doesn't get why they have to be so cold and never really gets higher than two hearts with them.
His favorite villager ever is Willy. He's not particularly good at fishing, but he makes it part of his routine to fish with Willy whenever he's outside of his fishing store.
✰ Calvin Weir-Fields ✰
Right off the bat, Calvin absolutely spoils the Stardew Valley experience. He's incredibly impatient and skips through most heart events and cutscenes. Within hours of starting the game, he's consulting the wiki.
He has a weird dislike for Elliott. Especially if you have any interest in the character. Calvin will fish just to acquire garbage that he then gifts to Elliott.
Calvin marries Leah. A red headed artist who has a bad ex? Yeah, that sounds pretty familiar. You know Calvin is zeroed in on this poor girl. When Leah paints the portrait of Marnie, Calvin chooses the Classic Country Portrait.
He would be okay with having the two children but gets so annoyed with having them run around his house (it throws off the aesthetic) that he'd turn them into doves and only feels bad about it when Leah asks about having children again.
He's decent with the farming and everyday upkeep of the farm but he doesn't see much of a point in the slice of life narrative. He needs an objective. So he just puts all his focus on making as much money as possible.
He gets really good at making jellies, wines, and caviar that he then sells. He tries to get into caring for the animals so he can make cheese, mayo, oil, and fabric but he's not nearly attentive enough to the animals.
This man goes days without feeding the animals and rarely remembers to pet them. He also goes nuts when he gets to name them. He has theming for basically all of the different types of animals. For example, all of the cows are named after gems.
Calvin gets pretty sick of the game pretty quickly though. He'll get bored with the unending nature and the second he puts it down, there's a good chance that he'll simply never pick it back up again.
✰ Dwayne Hoover ✰
Dwayne mostly prefers mining and combat to farming. He's fairly good at the combat aspect, actually.
Also loves being able to enchant his weapons at the Forge on Ginger Island. He has chests full of various weapons (that he never uses) but he still loves collecting them all.
He's scarily good at navigating the Skull Caverns. He has a fully enchanted Galaxy sword and absolutely kills it with his reflexes, killing monsters left and right and getting all of the best loot.
If Dwayne could insert himself into Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail's friend group, he absolutely would.
He also has such a soft spot for the Junimos and tries his damn best to finish the Community Center so they can be freed. If he could punch Morris the way that Pierre can when the Community Center is finished, he would also do that.
At first he says that he's going to stay single in the game. But Krobus? He absolutely strives to get Krobus to move into his farm. He feels bad that Krobus can't go outside and mostly stays indoors.
On rainy days though, Krobus will tell his character, “Ever since I left my people, I've been searching for a new home...now I belong somewhere. That means everything to me.” This makes Dwayne shed a few tears that he will fervently deny.
✰ Edward Nashton ✰
When he first discovers the game, he thinks he's going to be normal about it. He's just going to try it out. But like with everything else in his life, he gets fixated fast.
He dedicates hundreds of hours into the game and creates a dozen different save files. This is because he wants to explore the game to its fullest potential but doesn't want to get bored by playing on the same save file.
Edward marries basically everyone at some point but he definitely has his favorite storylines. His favorites: Abigail (he gets to be her protector when she starts out in the mines and she literally kills for him; what a queen), Sebastian (maybe he reminds him of a certain emo bat boy but maybe he's thinks it's cool that he's drummer, we'll never know), and Penny (she takes care of children, maybe she'll take care of him).
But the marriages are the least of his interests, to be very honest. He hops from spouse to spouse on different save files anyways. For the most part, he loves the mystery; or he likes uncovering mysteries.
He's not great at combat but he loves exploring the mines and finding new pieces of loot to collect.
He collects all the shiny things he finds; both gems and museum items. He'd make his own museum in a giant shed on the farm even though it doesn't do anything to make him money. He just likes keeping little trinkets!
That being said, he hoards basically everything and has chests full of resources that he can never possibly use all of. He spends hours on this game? Of course he's loaded on resources and mostly broke on the majority of his save files. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
✰ Eli Sunday ✰
Eli has a massive savior complex going into it. Shane and Pam are massive red flags for him. He tries going after Shane until he realizes that it's going into a romantic direction. The internalized homophobia has him reeling away and going straight to saving Pam.
This puts him directly in front of Penny. Penny intrigues him. She's quiet, meek, and cares for the town's children. She's the quiet and submissive wife of his little Christian boy dreams.
Eli absolutely tramples over poor Penny. He just gives her poppies continually until she has enough hearts for him to marry her. The second they're married, he kind of forgets she exists and doesn't really notice that the heart levels can deteriorate. 
That doesn't matter though. Father Eli has some money to make! This man wants to maximize his profits in any way that he possibly can.
Starfruit absolutely changed the game for him. He's got his math down exactly right. This is the kind of guy who would write down all of his math and work out the numbers.
He absolutely names his farm Eden and names all of the animals biblical names.
Eli loves having a farm that looks rich and lush. He fills the entire space with barns, coops, fruit trees, and squares of crops all being watered with iridium sprinklers. This farm is his virtual paradise and it really shows.
✰ Hank ✰
Hank has a somewhat normal attachment to this game at first. But it truly is incredibly comforting for him.
Socializing in real life and having his own experiences are kind of difficult for him to manage. So the game is a nice, relaxing reprieve from the anxiety and dread he carries with him every day.
When it comes time to choose a pet, Hank goes with a dog. Specifically the floppy eared brown dog. He’d name it something unbearably sweet like Honey or Chocolate.
Hank finds solace in the story and the intimate moments between the NPCs. He loves the bonds that he can create with each of the townies and finds things that he can like about basically all of them (however, he isn't a huge fan of Pierre, Pam, and Morris, of course).
He loves fishing, foraging, and farming the most. Mining isn't his strongest suit, but he can manage well enough to get rocks and ores. Just don't expect him to go venturing into the Skull Mines more than once or twice.
The greenhouse is his favorite place on the farm. He grows flowers and plants fruit trees along the sides. Sometimes he just likes sitting in there for a few seconds, just to ground himself.
The storylines of each NPC is far more important than money making to Hank.
He dates basically all of the marriage candidates, but he is thoughtful enough to acquire a rabbit's foot so he avoids being slut shamed by the boys and girls.
Hank doesn't get married, though. He loves all of the marriage candidates and their storylines pretty much equally and can't commit to one. But he lets Krobus move in in a heartbeat. It just makes sense to him.
Krobus is a little strange to him and it takes a while for him to warm up to the monster. But as soon as he does, they're thick as thieves.
Hank actually finds it hilarious that he decorates his house in such a classical manner with fireplaces and bookshelves and everything while simultaneously having Krobus' little dungeon room added on to the side of the house.
✰ Jay ✰
Like Alex, Jay adores the animals and keeps them at full friendship levels at all times. He has the most trouble naming them, though, because he'll spend minutes just thinking about what he should call each animal.
He eventually settles on a human name theme. He'll call them just regular people names like Burt, Steve, or some goofy name. This is because he believes it gives them a level of respect that you cannot get from naming an animal after an inanimate object or anything else. Ideally, he wouldn't want to name them at all because, "Who am I to dictate their identity?"
The animals are there purely for a good time. He absolutely doesn't harvest anything from them and actually loses money getting wheat for them so they can eat every day. This man would have no food in his fridge, low energy, no health and he'd still be running to Marnie's to spend his last few gold on getting some wheat.
On many occasions, he has not gotten home on time and passes out at two in the morning at some random place in the forest. This is because he's obsessed with foraging and will explore every outdoor area to find every forage-able good. This is because he never has any money to actually buy food for himself.
Jay ends up marrying Maru. It's almost accidental. He didn't plan on marrying anyone in the game until he saw her heart event where the player looks at the stars with her. It's such an intimate moment that he is instantly smitten.
He completely commits to Maru when she frees her robotic invention, Marilda. It's a sentiment that he applies with every living being in real life, so of course he goes for her.
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starxyys · 4 months
Low cal food for you guys!!
•🌸 outshine popsicle 30cals
•🌸light laughing cow 25cals
•🌸konjac jelly 6cals
•🌸 rice cake lightly salted 35cals
•🌸 blueberries, raspberries, blackberries 1cal per berry
•🌸 healthy life bread 35cals per slice
•🌸dill pickles (I think 5cal each!)
Bye ml!!
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Karen Mathison Schmidt (American, born 1957) Edgewood Memory, 2012 oil on Gessoboard 24 x 24 inches Private collection Artist statement: 'I’m an artist living in the farm country of north Louisiana, along with my husband, our three cats and seven (yeah, 7!) dogs. I love to paint everything (including the walls in our house) and find constant inspiration in my daily life: dogs, cats, cows, horses, trees, fields, ponds and bayous, morning light, afternoon light ... you get the idea. My work is greatly inspired by the style of America’s Golden Age of Illustration, particularly the work of Howard Pyle, N. C. Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, Jessie Wilcox Smith, Elizabeth Shippen Green and others. I’ve been painting my whole life, and I have sold my work to patrons all over the USA, Canada, the UK and Europe.” 
- Karen Mathison Schmidt
* * * * *
A blank page is a place to list the creation we weren't given. A shopping list of eternity where we're never too sick to swallow fresh blueberries and where the dance never ends. A blank page is a paper bird to fold up and fly. I can't change anything but I am a poet and if I can't trust God I must speak for the world and my friends. Want more. Want so much more. Test each day and night for ripeness like a melon at the market. You're crucified on the hands of a clock, pull out those nails. I'm throwing you a rope of words. Hold on. - Julia Vinograd
[poetic outlaws]
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mastershipmaker · 2 years
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“ . . . our new home. We live here now. You, me and dozens of our little cupcake children. We’ll raise them as our own.”
Holy cow!!! Can’t believe that is where Strawberry’s mind went. I get the scene is a gag but the show essentially brought up on it’s own the concept of Strawberry and Orange living the marriage life and raise dozens of children together. 
And the Strawberry Shortcake series has never been one to do romance, at best preferring side hints and fluff moments like with Blueberry and Huckleberry in the 2009 series--interestingly that’s the other pairing for this episode--“They’re cool; we’re cool”. So this amazing moment stands out even more. 
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