bukbot · 4 years
bluecrownedsnakes: Go the cat seems friendly.
dejasquietplace: Four letter invitation.
bluecrownedsnakes: Totally contrived.
dejasquietplace: First four segments of the Eocene to the exoskeleton, as the Shoggoths in his bubble.
bluecrownedsnakes: Last four years!
dejasquietplace: Of four big brown four-legged chickens and she made lot'sa spaghetti!
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bunjywunjy · 5 years
I grew up in the Midwest and I legit saw a small shark chasing an even smaller school of fish in the shallows in florida once the memory will never leave me
it sounds like a good memory, at least if you like sharks (I DO. I LIKE SHARKS VERY MUCH.)
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candoia-aspera · 5 years
Why aren't butterfly koi popular ?
“Official” answer? Balance and purity.
Actual answer? They’re not actually the same species as nishikigoi at all.
The main concern when showing koi is achieving a fish with the perfect form and colouration. The form that takes precedence - the body of the ideal fish must have a perfectly equal, balanced form, especially the fins. Getting the shape right is one of the most difficult parts of show breeding the species.
Butterflies kinda throw this out the window a bit with their long, flowing finnage, slimmer bodies and inability to develop colour the same way true koi do. In the eye of the show judge, they’re unbalanced, and in the eye of the purist, they’re an insult to the hard work of koi breeders. 
They’re not really koi, but a cross between koi and a variety of other species, which is why the name “Dragon Carp” is taking off in Europe - it better respresents what the fish actually is. Also, it just sounds cooler.
Personally, I think they’re brilliant. They’re beautiful fish that are often more hardy than actual koi, although they don’t get quite as big, and they’re not subject to the same hideous inbreeding so you tend to get better spawns out of them. Plus, they look like actual dragons!
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fuck-customers · 5 years
I was doing topstock today and a customer was nearby browsing the condoms. Like right beside me. I dropped the ladder of my cart and he said in a snotty annoyed voice "I'm trying to make a PURCHASE here." Dude I don't care if you're buying condoms or if you're self conscious about it, I'm just doing my job and I'm barely even paying attention to you. Relax.
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Did you know the mmo guild wars 2 has a canon autistic character? I could tell he was right away and then I learned it was canon and I nearly cried. His big special interest is bugs and that's a big one for me too, although I'm only an amateur and he's an entomologist. His name is Gorrik and I think about him a lot.
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swampgallows · 6 years
What are you referring to with "RAVE act"? I've never heard of that.. I go to shows but I've never been to an underground type of rave
the RAVE act was the “Reducing Americans’ Vulnerability to Ecstasy” Act of 2003. it was made to reduce drug availability but not so subtly targeted raves, penning them as places that existed only for drug distribution (or enough distribution to warrant them dangerous). as the “RAVE act”, the bill failed twice, but was later passed as the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act.
the problem with the RAVE act was that it made sweeping generalizations over what would be considered drug paraphernalia or suspect of drug distribution, which included any venue that offered glow sticks and/or free water. IDAPA, piggybacking on the PROTECT act (which introduced AMBER alert), instead targeted ecstasy/MDMA specifically. It sought to raise awareness of the dangers of party drugs to children and to make illegal any place facilitating the usage of these drugs. this is why harm reduction programs like DanceSafe have struggled, as the availability of test kits or drug education is considered “proliferating” drug use (use, yes, not abuse!). but alas.
this swept away a lot of the cultural interest in raves and forced them largely underground as any small assembly with electronic music was automatically scrutinized. online communities like ravematch, ravelinks, plurspace/life, and even ticket distributors like groovetickets/purplepass were targeted by law enforcement as “conspiring” to throw raves and/or distribute drugs.parties were systematically being shut down unless they were huge city-sanctioned events which, ironically, have more drug abuse and poor behavior than small community-driven undergrounds due to sheer volume and publicity. 
capital has always gotten its way, however, and event permits were updated with clauses about security and EMTs on staff to monitor their audience. these bills have always been sloppy, such as the later state bill AB 74 (which, before several amendments, required a business license for any gathering with amplified/recorded music, even if it were a fundraiser game of musical chairs) and the infamous Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 in the UK (which targeted any gathering with music; “music” being defined as “"sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats", specifically to target the growing rave scene).
When it came to AB 74, voters pointed out that Assemblywoman Fiona Ma would be violating her own bill with her publicly-advertised New Year’s Eve party by 1. having it open to the public 2. charging admission and 3. not having a business license permitting her to do so. (This all occurred on facebook so unfortunately the link to the event itself is dead.) Later, she changed the event to a “private” party but still charged admission.
Eventually the bill became so broad and watered down that it was superfluous, stating that any event over 10k people must require a plan to involve security and EMTs/medical personnel. which is kinda pretty much already in the law (and common sense). but it served its purpose to demonize the rave scene as dangerous and life-threatening, so while it didn’t do much for legislature it certainly made a cultural impact.
the rave scene has survived these bills (and in the case of public order 94, has thrived in opposition of them) but there have been several periods where it’s had to hold its breath and dive underground to do so. while there were still smatterings of parties throughout the 00s, it wasn’t until “EDM” was becoming in vogue around 2008 that raving had a resurgence, and this was heavily due to the RAVE act, as it was a bill proposed to Senate (and later enacted as federal law as IDAPA).
tl;dr parties with free water and glowsticks were basically made illegal in 2003.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Hello! Idk any one on Tumblr keeping bugs so I thought of you? If I spray for bugs in my room can I ever keep my pet bu. in the room again or should I avoid spraying altogether? I live in a garage and it's that time of year lol but I didn't think abt it before I got my bug.
Hey!! Sorry for the delay! 
My experience is mainly with hermit crabs - hermit crabs are sensitive to pesticides & such as well, since they’re invertebrates. My groups all say that the tank should be sealed off securely for at least 24 hours during/after the spraying. After that, you can uncover & proceed as usual. 
However, I’m not sure if it’s quite the same situation for actual pet bugs, so I wanna tag @tser and @fimbry bc I know both of them keep pet bugs & they may know more!
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fjordfolk · 6 years
(also requested by @tzu-cool )
This one's tricky, because on one hand I just think it's so sad that Papillons, simply for the convenience and sport of human beings, have been bred in such a way that most of them have lost their ability of flight. At this point, the vast majority of the breed would simply perish in the wild, as they're no longer adapted to hunt their primary food source of butterflies.
However, those that do retain the ability to fly have a clear and unfair advantage in sports such as agility. Rather than banning the breed from competition outright, I think we need to implement standardized testing to make sure that flight-capable Papillons are not used to cheat at trials.
There's also the added controversy with their cousin breed the Phalène, as many get the two confused, forcing many Phalène individuals to endure daylight hours which can be very stressful and detrimental to their health. They are, as most of us know, nocturnal by nature.
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whipplefilter · 5 years
Did you ever RP Cars? I was on an RP site called Hillbilly Hell and I was looking through it last night admiring my 13 year old bad writing
I never did! I’ve actually never RP’d anything before, period. I always admired people who did, though--and thought that people who had like, RP groups and really involved character profiles and all that stuff were really cool.
I don’t think I could ever be an RPer, though. Partially because it would cause me altogether too much social anxiety, but also because I think my creative process really doesn’t lend itself to RP. Writing fanfic was totally my thing when I was 13, though, just as it is now!
I also strongly approve of going back through old stuff. I’m glad you got a taste of memory lane!!!
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morgueknight · 5 years
Do you ever do commissions for real money?
yeah i do
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We forgot this blog exists and I just want to say we love it and will probably have something to submit in the near future! - Vash, Outpost System
please do! we love submissions and post all of them (if our inbox doesnt eat them)
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bukbot · 4 years
bluecrownedsnakes: 200-foot cube.
danskjavlarna: The paste has some of you.
bluecrownedsnakes: A 200-foot cube.
danskjavlarna: A 200-foot cube.
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twobigears · 5 years
bluecrownedsnakes replied to your post: Whenever I listen to Sarah Stremming’s podcast, I...
To be fair most dogs are significantly less aggressive off leash so you might be better letting her keep the off leash privileges than forcing her to deal with off leash dogs in an off leash area while leashed
This is generally true, and my dogs do tend to be “police” dogs that have a problem with other dogs being off-leash when my dogs are on a leash. Like, “we’re on a leash, that dog should be a on a leash too”. I see it especially with Ryker. He’s very aware of leash status, and if the other dog’s on-leash/off-leash status is the same as him, he gives zero shits about the other dog. Even if he is on-leash and the other dog is off-leash, he has a very good “leave it” and is much less bothered than Chandra.
But unfortunately Chandra has twice charged at non-threatening off-leash dogs while being off-leash herself. She has not hiked off-leash since the second incident. We were making good progress with improving her recall and offered eye contact/disconnect from other dogs, and Chandra will do that easier on-leash even if the other dog is off-leash. And now we have a major setback to rebuild from.
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I saw your comment abt pukh's dislike of flowers and I wanted you to know that my character gave his love interest flowers and she proceeded to eat part of them
Okay first off, she’s valid, it’s just a fancy salad! That’s all most greens are!
SECOND OFF, I cannot confirm nor deny if Pukh would do the same if they knew the flowers were edible. I absolutely cannot confirm or deny this fact. I know it sucks to not know but there is no way to tell which they would do, seriously. 
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katy-l-wood · 6 years
bluecrownedsnakes replied to your photo “I was talking to an older lady at work and she just kept handing me...”
Old ladies in retail are my favorite co-workers
She was actually a customer!
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bunjywunjy · 6 years
I have a question. In your post about the gaboon viper it looks like the fangs are covered in skin. It's like this in a lot of other pics I was able to find too. What's up with that? Any idea?
that’s kind of a protective sheath that covers all but the tip of the fangs. it slides up into the gums if the snake actually bites something, but otherwise it’s there as a barrier to protect those thin hollow fangs and keep them from breaking.
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