carefulfears · 1 year
mulder not owning a bed is such a minor character detail that’s encompassing of practically the entirety of who he is, which is so crazy honestly
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handledwithgloves · 6 months
and what weapon would they be???
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Mulder and Stagnation, Scully and Autonomy
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A bit I pulled from my next post on HTGSC:
“Where’s my partner?” 
Lyda sidesteps the question: “He believes in ghosts?”
“Yeah,” Scully unflinchingly responds. 
“You poor child. You must have an awfully small life, spending your Christmas Eve with him-- running around and chasing things you don’t even believe in.” 
Well that’s a perspective that Scully does and doesn’t hold: yes, Mulder’s single mindedness can be infuriating at times… but does she come across that way to him? It hits on that old, nagging insecurity: Phoebe Green and Bambi Berenbaum and Diana Fowley (and eventually Karin Berquist) can feed his theories and take her place and sneer at her skepticism; and Mulder will cling to their validation because he feels (she thinks) rejected by her. 
Does he feel rejected by her?  
Again: Mulder’s walls are his insecurity and terror that Scully will pack up and leave him one day; and Scully’s are that Mulder would be satisfied to rot in stagnation in his molding basement, rooting her down with him (an interesting foretelling of the episode Field Trip.) 
Her fear and equal confusion are twisted up with her warring belief and disbelief, too muddled for her to sift and resort her quaking emotions. 
“I can see it in your face, the fear," Lyda continues, "the conflicted yearnings. The subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another.” 
That part is true: Jack Willis to a degree, Mulder most definitely, and even more definitely Daniel Waterston. Scully eventually gravitates to Daniel because she feels unneeded by Mulder-- those doubts bleeding through since S1 into Never Again and into Milagro and finally concluding in All Things-- and her dutiful personality wants to be someone’s right hand man and the only twinkle in their eye. Mulder, for all his affectionate nature, forgets that Scully needs a moment after she loses her sister (talking about fate), her dog (moving on to his request), her rudder in the work (shuffling off to Graceland and giving her the wrong space) her Christmas Eve, and eventually her weekend. He almost loses her to men who need her to fix them-- Ed Jerse’s messed up life and crummy bar, Waterson’s damaged heart and broken relationships-- who have a way of crushing her rationality under the thumb of passion through obligation, who want to take the steering wheel of her life and turn it in their directions. It’s not until All Things that Scully realizes what Melissa meant by “life’s… just a path”: it’s one with a destination only you-- she-- can choose; and it causes her to fully take control of the reigns of her life and be at peace with her hands-off man Mulder. 
It took Scully forever to start a relationship with Mulder-- whether that’s The Unnatural or Millennium or All Things-- because she was ingrained in her habits, waiting for him to take control. But Mulder’s no Eddie van Blundht (no Ed Jerse, no Daniel Waterston); and they both realized it would take a miracle for him to do what his shapeshifter-self did. So: Scully, miraculously healed from cancer, reached out for another miracle… and Mulder completely missed it. This shifted her back into Starbuck mode; which led to her quiet reticence of S5 and her self-blame in FTF and her hints and thwarted hopes in S6. The relationship stagnated until Mulder got a clue-- in The Unnatural-- and it shifted irrevocably from there. 
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is-on-its-way · 3 months
We've got a big potato
Post-Episode: s04e20 Small Potatoes
Part of the Scully is a human Series
Summary: Small potatoes ending with Mulder making light of the fact that Scully was almost sexually assaulted by Van Blundt just didn't sit right with me. So here's their very uncommunicative conversation about it.
(They walk down the hall together, neither looking very happy. Scully's arms are folded, but then she unfolds them and puts her hands in her coat pockets. Mulder is fiddling with his sleeves and looking down at the floor as he walks.) SCULLY: I don't imagine you need to be told this Mulder, but you're not a loser. MULDER: Yeah, but I'm no Eddie Van Blundht either. Am I? (He glances quickly over at her. She doesn't respond and stares straight ahead. Mulder continues to fiddle with his hands and looks ahead as well.
They had reached the car outside in the parking lot before Scully spoke. 
She whipped around on him and looked him straight in the face as he startled at her anger. He had been so caught up in his own thoughts and self pity and confusion at everything Eddie had just said and everything Scully had done he hadn’t noticed how livid she had become. 
She took a deep breath, the breath before she‘d let him have it. For what, he truly did not know.
“That man attempted to rape me Mulder. For you to suggest I would ever have chosen him...”
His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up in panic. “Scully, I didn’t mean…” He started but she cut him off.
“He looked exactly like you and he had your voice and…” she trailed off and looked away from him blinked and frustrated at the tears blossoming in her eyes 
“How could you think it was me? “He whispered looking at the ground next to her.
He had been burning to know since the police had carted a dazed Van Blunt out of Scully’s apartment, having been on the receiving end of a pretty good punch in the jaw from Mulder “You know me, we’ve spent four years together. Why couldn’t you tell me apart from that... that…” He wanted to say loser, but truth be told, he’d never been more certain he was the loser of the situation. “criminal?” He finally finished.
She brushed her cheek quickly and looked back at him. “You want to know why it was so easy? Because he didn’t talk about the work and I thought..." She spluttered in embarrassment, then restarted "Because he seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say… in my life.” He cheeks were bright red now.
“I am genuinely interested in what you have to say Scully. Always.” his voice choked on the last word. He felt a deep shame bubble up in his chest. 
How could she believe it was any other way? He wanted to know everything about her. Her deepest feelings on every subject, he just, had a hard time finding the words to start a conversation. They were closer that anything he'd ever experienced with another human being, but in some ways felt like strangers still. He was always so excited to talk to her about their work because she was the only one who would listen, the only one just as invested, she'd made that clear. Anything he found his first thought was always her. He would guess at what she would say or think or feel about it, he could hear her voice so clearly in his head.
But that wasn’t enough anymore and that terrified him. He wasn’t enough. Illness can make a person reevaluate their life. He was terrified she’d leave the x files, leave him alone and his life would be transformed back to that empty lonely place it had been before her. Worse, because he knew what it was to have her now. And she was sick, possibly… he couldn’t even think it. 
She pursed her lips looking hurt avoiding his gaze. Her chin crinkled betraying her fight not to come to tears. 
“Let’s just forget it okay Mulder?” She glanced back at him quickly “Please?”
“Yeah, okay Scully, if thats what you need.” He swallowed, he couldn’t let this end like this.
He grabbed her arm as she walked away from him to the car and stopped her. She turned only halfway back to him.
“Scully I never meant to imply… Im sorry, I know he took advantage of you. Im so glad I got there in time.”
She searched his face, her own inscrutable, and then nodded at him, eyes softening. "You always get there in time." She gave him a small smile and he let his hand drop from her arm as she started to the passenger side of their car.
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nyaruhodou · 7 months
a combination bakery and weed shop called blundt cakes
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jackalopescruff · 1 year
rolling my subway sandwich up in the paper like a huge blundt and smoking it before evaporating in a cloud of oven vapors
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sosnastudios · 1 year
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a double-wall, extra-chunky custom clamshell chisel box for a client and his favorite chisel “BLUNDT”
it has a birdseye maple label and supports to keep the chisel locked in place when the box is closed.
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boycritter · 11 months
pythaogares hitting the blundt :
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omjitskailay · 2 months
I don't know if this audience exists but if you are a fan of both the X-files and Agents of Shield, clap your hands.
So Coulson and May 's relationship throughout AoS is like Mulder and Scully's in XF S6
They are government agency coworkers, pining for each other but not willing to admit their feelings
They have saved each other's lives countless times
One or both of them have died and been brought back to life
They did kiss, except the girl was not her actual self (LMD May, Triangle Scully, plus when Scully almost kissed Eddie)
They have gone undercover as a couple
May and Scully have both had relationships with a man who turned into a very bad guy agianst his will (Ed Jerse and Lash)
Each couple went through multiple periods of time where one of them was not actually them (Agent 33, LMD May/Coulson, Eddie Van Blundt, Fletcher)
They are constantly on the verge of violently making out, but always hampered by Extremely Bad Circumstances
Scully and May both have trauma from the death of a young girl (Emily and Bahrain)
Fury = Skinner
True, Sculder have only been coworkers for six years and Philinda have known each other for around 35 years, but getting married to someone else can have that effect on relationships.
These are all of the thoughts I had while brushing my teeth at 1am last night so you're welcome
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digitalcockroach · 6 months
i think my bday plans will be: going to the dispo to claim my bday discount, smorking a huge blundt, dress up cute af in my new skirt and take a million selfies, annoy u all with my posts, then go see Love Lies Bleeding (note to self: sneak in a burrito from the taco bell next door)
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
i think what really gets me about the small potatoes "we don't really talk" thing is that it's coming from eddie van blundt and not mulder. someone outside of their relationship thst doesn't actually know anything about them or how important they are to each other. he saw the looks, the way they respond to each other, and the man (despicably so) can see feelings and makes the right assumption that scully is waiting on mulder and that's what's so frustrating lol
like complete strangers can see it but they don't understand anything real about them
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carefulfears · 1 year
if y'all don't mind me talking about those fish for the second night in a row...i just love all of the little details of characterization on this show so much and i think mulder's fish are a perfect example of this
(you can find my last post about them here)
mulder has fish as early as the first episode of season two, about which set decorator shirley inget said on the DVD extras, "so, we got him a fish tank, and it's kinda nice, 'cause he's got a little pet at home"
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the fish are his pets! they're what he comes home to, and the tank is tucked in the corner of the one area of his apartment that he actually uses, that he's actually comfortable in, right in between the couch and his desk
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it's why we're so familiar with it and see it so often
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he's literally always sitting next to it
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it’s always tended to, cared for, and decorated. filled with rocks and plants.
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and, of course, his UFO aquarium accessory. which, you could say he saw at the pet store and bought, i would argue that it was a gift from someone
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after mulder leaves in season nine, the tank and his fish can be seen in scully's apartment
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throughout the show, we see scully, doggett, and van blundt feed the fish, with both scully and doggett pausing in mulder's apartment to feed them whenever they come over while he's away
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mulder jokes about them when running off on an assignment in the pine bluff variant
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and checks on them upon returning after his abduction, immediately noticing that one is gone
the thing about this to me is, that mulder is a natural caretaker. we see this kick in instantly with his mother, with scully, and with all of the victims and witnesses on the cases that he takes on.
above anything else, mulder is defined by being the big brother, and he's good at instinctually caring for others
however, one of the many contradictions and conflicts of his character, is that the flipside of that core defining characteristic is that he's the big brother who lost his baby sister. who, at least from his point of view, failed at caring for her and keeping her safe, and never allows himself another chance
he isolates, he will not let himself connect to or focus on anything other than work, he doesn't own a bed. he doesn't see his family, him and scully "just work together," he packs up and leaves town 48 hours after his baby is born. safer without him there, that oughta protect everyone.
isn't that the joke of fish? they're the pet for people who can't take care of something real, who aren't capable, who don't have the time. they're low-maintenance, they don't expect anything from you, they're the starter.
they're how you introduce a child to responsibility, to looking after something that's alive.
mulder could have something real, but just like he stays confined to that one corner of his meticulously decorated apartment, he stays confined to that entry level of connection and responsibility. he picks out rocks and plants and sets up aquarium bobbers and makes sure they're fed. the tank is always clean. when he comes back from the dead, he's missing one molly, and it's the first thing he notices and gravitates towards. they have a new home when he has to pack up and go.
he knows how, and he'll tend to whatever is in front of him, but he'll never have more than that.
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ummmuhhidk · 8 months
blundt cake (weed bundt cake)
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heblankhard · 11 months
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Take heed of the fucking barbie blundt fellas
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sjweminem · 11 months
smoking blundts on the portch
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lake-lady · 2 years
*spells blunt "blundt"*
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