#bnha oc kaito
zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Don't close the box yet, I'm trying to read something with Kaito getting too many present for Christmas from the Precepts, and Kai putting them away.
I'm sure Kaito throws a fit. Nobody is on Chisaki's side...not even pops. Kaito is so spoiled 😭
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"Almost there... aaand-" you stood on your tippy toes and cheered along with the 4 year old you were holding for him to finally manage to put the star on top of the tree while your husband only could arch an eyebrow.
It wasn't very common for him to celebrate Christmas. He just didn't see the appeal to it. Like... okay, you lie to children about a fat old guy who delivers presents to all the people in the world in one night; give more presents yourself to others; stay awake for unbelievable night hours instead of doing something productive and stuff your face with the "holidays type" of food.
But seeing his wide and son being all hyped up for the holiday warmed a bit his chest...
Until pops decided to spoil his son every single holiday ever.
The last Christmas since Kaito was born was like a huge pile of boxes of toys. Very LOUD and ANNOYING toys.
He could still remember the headaches combine with the countless nights of no sleep.
"Santa will come?"
"Well, you were a good boy the whole year so-" you bopper his nose as his eyes crossed to look at your finger until snickering a bit at your playfulness.
"I object. He was a brat." Kaito yelled a hey at his dad who didn't even sounded impressed at his son's reaction while you try it to maintain your giggles at bay.
He only sighed before standing up and going over the two of you as you gently put Kaito back down on his feet.
"Don't be such a grinch love, you can't deny is the time of the year where usually we are the kost kindest to others."
"Some people." He grumbled with a cold look as you caressed his covered cheek.
"Come on, just look at him." You moved your gaze towards to the boy who was checking if the cookies were rightfully placed on the plate for Santa Claus "the best part of having kids Kai is to see their joy... we can't assure if it will always be that way since the world isn't all sunshines... but seeing that innocence and happiness doesn't it make it all worth it the hours of decorating and other stuff?" You pointed out as you smiled at his usually cold and distant look turn into soft golden eyes filled with calmness and understanding.
"I suppose you're right." He sighed after a couple of seconds, uncrossing his arms and just leaving them both at his side "I just only can hope to not have certain elders spoil too much our-"
"MeRrY ChRIStMaS BItChES!" You both jumped at mimic literally busting the door open along with the rest of precepts.
"Uncle Chrono! Mimic!" Kaito wide smile at the sign, you sighed in relief that Kaito didn't catch the curse word... while Kai looked like he was about to kill every single person of that room asides you and his kid.
"I'm sorry for his manners master, young master and lady (Y/n)" Tengai and Nemoto bowed while speaking simultaneously while you waved your hands around and saying for them to cut the formality.
"We bought some fruit cake but..." Hojo was about to speak until Setsuno elbowed his other companion.
"Tabe ate it all before we stepped inside." The man whose name was spoken only lowered his head in a silent apology.
"Hey shrimp." Rappa kneeled down while giving him a nerf gun "There ya go. Shoot your old man."
"Wooooowww." Kaito eyes shined bright until he whined at his new toy being yanked off of him to only laugh at the sign of his father literally slamming the toy on Rappa's face as the man cussed him out.
"First of all, what are all of you here?" Chisaki spoke in a murderous silent voice as you walked towards him in hopes to calm him down before he overhauled someone in front of your son... again.
"The old man invited us." Chrono spoke simply while you and Kai widened your eyes "Said something about giving the kid more company... oh and he mentioned gifts too I guess."
"Of course he did." Kai groaned while face palming as you giggled at the sign of a four year old climbing rikiya as the man only smiled at the boy. "Where is even he at the moment?"
"Right here." The elder soon appeared and went to give you a hug first, totally ignoring Chisaki. "I hope I wasn't late to see my favorite grandson!"
"He is your only grandson..." Kai mentioned nimbly before groaning when Pops gave him a big box to hold as the elder went and grabbed the kid. "What is even this?!"
You only blinked at the sign of the room getting more crowded and hearing the commotion of it and clearly noticing your husband's distaste of all of it.
Yeah... long night ahead of you ...
After God knows how long it was, you pribed Kaito out of the chair, saying Tabe wasn't going to steal Santa's cookies. Despite the kid always proclaiming he was agrow kid he still insisted that he sitter on your lap to receive the presents to show you and his father who refuse to wipe the frown out of his face or to sit down in the ground.
"Uncle rappa gave me a nerf gun first." The kid mumbled while opening the next present with silver paper wrapped around it "Wow! A new action figurine!"
"That's mine actually." Chrono mentioned with a smirk as yououthed a thank you to him as Kai only glared at his childhood friend
"Thank you uncle!" Kaito gleamed in happiness.
You were getting a bit worried to the amount of gifts, you weren't going to lie. It was like when you gave birth to Kaito... too much presents. Yet you were still happy when all Kaito won he showed it to you with a pretty smile that reminded you a bit of your husband's rare one.
"Since when I gave you all the order to spoil rotten my kid?" Kai growled as the precepts tensed while Mimic, Chrono blinked and Pops only arched an eyebrow.
"Is Christmas."
"I'm putting these away." He growled while going to pick the other boxes that weren't open until he felt a tiny hand gripping his pants tight and when he turned to look... he found the usual calm son he had now with tears welling up in his (E/c) eyes with the biggest pout he ever saw.
"Please Dada.... I want to see what's inside..." the kid hiccups and he swore that was the first time ever on his life he felt the worst human on the planet.
"Way to go dude." Chrono mumbled until he flinched at the hard elbow connecting with his chest.
"Fine. But you better organize all these things and not leave it out here for me or your mother to pick it up." He growled but soon blushed crimson red at his son hugging his legs at the front of everyone. "Let go Kaito. Now is not the time."
"Overjerk is such a jellohead when he is with these two you notice?" Rappa mumbled to Tabe as the guy munched on some fried chicken.
The precepts had gone since they wanted to spend the holidays in other places, so it was only Chrono and Pops left.
"A choo-choo!" The boy exclaimed in glee as he held the new brand toy his grandfather had given him.
"A train with a remote controller.... pops how much money did you spend on this one even?" Kai asked almost in terror as the elder only chuckled and mumbled about letting the kid have fun.
"Mama look! It makes even a lil noise!" The boy pressed a button and it soon the sound of a train filled the room.
"Wow honey that's incredible! Did you thank granddad?" You smiled at your son when his eyes widened in realization as he zapped towards the elder to give him a hug for it.
"Awe is fine! I just wanted to see that boy's smile!" Pops chuckled while messing up the kid's hair
"Later you better not to blame me for this brat to be so spoiled." Kai growled only to soften up a bit as you rested your head on his shoulder and his son climbed back to sit between the two of you.
"I'm not spoiled. You are." The kid mumbled while nuzzling his face and hugging you the best he could with his little chubby arms.
"Grandpop and mommy said it. You're spoiled dad." The kid stared up at his dad in the most numb tone of voice he could ever muster as Chisaki glared daggers at the four year old boy as Chrono tried his best to not laugh and fail.
"... you do know you don't need to dress up as Santa right pops? Kaito doesn't need to see it." You mumbled to the elder while your two favorite boys discussed while the old man chuckled on his eggnog.
"Oh please I already have the costume. Chisaki won't do it but sure as heck I will."
"You do spoil Kaito a lot pops.." You chuckled as the elder smiled in triumph
"Parents are made to educate while grandparents are to spoil. That's the rule."
"I never heard of it!" You laughed as Pops chuckled.
"Well, now you do!"
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jamscandraw · 10 months
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I did a fun challenge where people gave me OC combinations to mash together and design a fusion for! Also Steve is there too lol
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pasteleraser · 1 month
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More long hair Toshi💜 (ft. My oc Morami^^)
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bellinyx · 6 months
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Kaito Takami
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great-cats · 2 years
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Sorry, lower left corner. I ran out of motivation after UPPER LEFT CORNER AGAIN
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bnhamadenotborn · 1 year
How were Shin and Kaito going to start dating?
After their transition from bully and victim to actual competitive rivals to "nobody understands me like you do but I still don't like you" allies in first year, they eventually embark on a tentative friendship and actually start to get on pretty well. Shin catches a big dirty crush some time in second year, but it's in the midst of all the other awful stuff that's happening to him (his quirk is basically overexpressing itself and causing him all kinds of health problems and he's too scared to ask for help but he's also convinced he's going to go nuclear and either die or hurt a lot of people) and the last time he had a crush on a school friend and revealed his feelings, he got utterly rejected and it ended up destroying the only friendship he had at the time, and he doesn't want that happening again, so he keeps it all bottled up in a cocktail of denial, repression and self-deprecation. Kaito has absolutely no idea about any of this
Kaito doesn't even realise he likes boys (he's bisexual) until third year, and suddenly a lot of things he thinks about Shin make a lot more sense. But he also doesn't want to make a move, because he values Shin's friendship a lot (something he worked very hard to cultivate) and he knows that Shin is super focused on doing well at school and he doesn't want to be a distraction. He figures it's only a few more months until they graduate, and by then he'll know for sure if this is a proper crush or a fleeting thing, and if it is real then he'll tell Shin how he feels and see what happens
Of course it's never that simple, in the big finale showdown at the end of third year (the final season of the anime lol) Kaito almost dies of his injuries, and Shin almost dies using a fusion of his quirk and a healing quirk he got from a temporary injection to save his life. Once they've both recovered they get to finally talk about their feelings; it's clear they care about each other immensely but don't know if anything romantic would work. They agree to give it a try, and if it feels weird they're still friends. Five years later they get married lmao
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fawnsandangels · 2 months
lore enthusiast! made this blog to rant about the three generation bnha lore @ceedraft and I have come up with over the course of 2+ years.
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marisol ramírez — alex and si’s mom! best friends with damaris and ua general ed alum. she had alex when in college and almost got engaged to his dad, but broke it off for reasons. she became a primary teacher, her quirk is healing but was never powerful enough for her to become a pro hero. not that she was interested in it to begin with.
kaito nakajima (reason) — sierra’s dad, second half of marikai, pro hero known as nightwave. ua alumni. his quirk lets him turn the moisture in the air and turn it into water. he met mari at UA and they became quick friends, but they drifted apart shortly after she met alex’s dad and got engaged to him. he left to work in the states as a pro hero and by the time he came back, mari had moved on with her life and doesn’t have any interest in reconnecting. until it’s 16 yrs later, they hook up at a friends wedding with the expectation to never see school other again (again), and Sierra ends up as kaito’s intern. surprise!
sierra ramírez — cutie pie, troublemaker, you name it. looks like her mom but takes after her dad in a lot of ways, including his quirk. she can control existing water— not out of thin air, so she must always have some on her if she wishes to use it. a very bright and bubbly kid, she attached herself to akemi’s hip the second they were in front of each other and hadn’t let go. she can talk to just about— and make friends— with just about anyone.
alexandre ramírez — resident pretty boy of class 2a. the complete opposite of his younger sister, alex is shy and prefers to keep to himself. doesn’t talk about his dad, has faint memories of kaito holding him as a baby. his quirk is like his mothers on a much more powerful scale and takes the form of water. best friends of akemi’s older brother, almost the president of class 2a until he lost it to his eventual girlfriend </3.
ximena todoroki — xi, xi-xi, etc. not as developed i’ll admit!! she takes after her mother a lot in terms of energy and personality, but slightly resembles shoto as she gets older. #teenage angst. her quirk is pyrokinesis, except its hot enough that it’s cold— almost like it freezes its victims. oops.
and that’s that! my babies! please don’t steal anything or i’ll tweak out </3.
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skarkkk · 5 months
Kaishou, meus meninos❤️❤️❤️
#fyp #fy #fanfic #fanfiction #bnhaoc #bnha #shinsouhitoshi #kaitokiroto #kaishoubnha #s'afia #SkarNaraFics #saga
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marimindfog · 1 year
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i havent drawn asumi in forever but i think this is the first time im posting her brother (?)
This would be when they were younger
Kaito Uchiumi! Age: one more than Asumi lol. Quirk name: Colossal/Giant squid (i cant choose which yet), he has 6 tentacle limbs on his back and the ability to partially/fully turn into a massive squid. Hero name: Kraken. He grows up to be ungodly tall (very unusual w his family genes lol). Favorite food is sushi boat :)
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thesongofs1n · 15 days
Himuri Kaito, a bnha oc 💕
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Her quirk allows her to manipulate her energy to create a sword, which she can only pull out of her tattoo/marking :D
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noperopesaredope · 8 months
My Dumb New BNHA OC (Part 2)
(Read part 1 before reading this. This post will make no god damn sense otherwise)
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I took one of my favorite fan OCs and paired him together with one of my least favorite characters in BNHA.
Usually, people ship their OCs with a character they like, or a side character who they don’t hate. Usually, people’s OCs hate Mineta. But Kaito, my nicest, most lovely OC, decided to get with Mineta of all people.
I mainly did it as a funny joke. At some point in time, I discovered the “Mineta Redemption” tag on AO3 and thought it was interesting. I read some of the fics, and they were pretty good. A few years before that, I accidentally read a fic with “Homophobic Mineta”, and despite loathing him at the time, I felt annoyed with it. It felt weirdly OOC. 
In my brain, Mineta wouldn’t be straight up homophobic. At most, he’d be mildly confused and uncomfortable at most. He might also be a little creepy around lesbians. But he didn’t seem like the type to call someone a slur or use hate speech. He would just be kinda ignorant. In fact, rewatching clips of him, I think he might be pretty supportive if one of his guy friends came out to him. He does have positive moments in canon, it’s just overshadowed by creepiness.
Then I found the “Bi Mineta” tag, and that changed the fucking game. Imagine Mineta straight up not knowing what gay people are, and then he learns and slowly realizes that he might like guys. He’s just in denial. Or even Mineta having extreme internalized homophobia. It sounded great.
Originally, some drafts of Kaito were going to have him be extremely charismatic and able to attract all sorts of people. He’s kinda like Alejandro from TD but with a different personality. At some point, I randomly thought to myself: “wouldn’t it be funny if Mineta of all people ended up crushing on Kaito and was confused as hell about it?” Then I thought, “oh god, wouldn’t it be even more hilarious if this sweet, low key perfect guy who could get with anyone he wanted ended up crushing on MINETA of all people?”
And thus, a ship was born. Kaito has changed and evolved overtime, but for the most part, he has remained Mineta’s love interest. It was supposed to be a joke, an ironic ship for shits and giggles. But once you start shipping something “ironically,” eventually you’re gonna end up shipping it unironically.
They first meet at an empty bus stop, where Mineta is waiting for the bus (for some reason). Kaito runs up to the bus stop and ends up standing next to him. Kaito mistakes Mineta for a kid and asks where Mineta’s parents are. Mineta tells him that he’s 16, and Kaito immediately becomes apologetic and rambles awkwardly for a minute before shutting up. Then, he kinda recognizes Mineta (though not fully) and asks if he goes to UA. Turns out, Kaito also goes to UA, but just the Support Course (you know, with Mai). He also just so happens to be the twin brother of one of Mineta’s classmates, Mika (another OC of mine who is important to this story). They talk for a few minutes and introduce themselves.
Then, Mineta notices a pin on Kaito's bag. It’s a pin for a (very obscure) harem anime that nobody else has ever heard of. But both Mineta and Kaito just so happen to love it. They start excitedly talking about it with each other, and end up exchanging numbers. They begin texting each other, growing closer and closer. Mineta thinks Kaito is the coolest guy in the world, and takes his opinion very seriously. At some point, Kaito invites Mineta over to his house to watch a movie/show with him. They end up having a great time, and it’s very friendship goals.
They hang out more and more frequently, since neither of them have many friends, and they like spending time together. Kaito starts to give Mineta a new perspective on the world and people, and Mineta slowly realizes that maybe he has a skewed view of not just girls, but relationships in general. He didn’t have the best view of himself, and that was affecting how he interacted with other people. I’ve always headcanoned Mineta as having dwarfism (which is why I low key hate it when people make him taller/have a growth spurt), and while he is far from perfect representation, I do think that it can give him a lot of extra depth and even explains elements of his behavior. Him being disabled could be interesting if explored correctly. 
As you may know from the previous post, Kaito also has a physical disability, but he doesn’t mind it all that much. Yes, it can be difficult, but he embraces his disability completely. Mineta is very insecure about his disability and how others perceive/treat him because of it. He has a lot of insecurities that shape his behaviors, and may have underlying concerns about whether or not he is lovable. 
And then here comes Kaito, a guy who embraces his own disability to the fullest. Even when facing discrimination, he doesn’t let it affect how he views himself or his disability. He is proud of himself, and he ends up introducing Mineta to a new perspective on disabilities. Kaito may even invite him into an online group chat of others with disabilities or a support group. Kaito inspires Mineta to accept himself as a person, and this causes growth.
But romantic relationships aren’t one sided. Kaito likes a lot of things about Mineta as well. Kaito admires the fact that Mineta wants to be a hero, and while obviously Mineta is a bit of a coward, he is really good at being a hero (found this video, and wow I forgot how much skill he actually has). He can also be pretty brave when it matters. Even though his reasons for becoming a hero weren't the best, Kaito still admires him for it.
Mineta doesn’t exactly have confidence in terms of liking himself, but he still throws himself out there and does things with very little shame. Maybe not enough shame. But the point still stands. He puts himself out there and tries. Kaito isn't always the type to try. He doesn't put himself out there in the same way. So seeing Mineta constantly speak his mind is admirable to Kaito.
Kaito also thinks that Mineta is just a generally funny and interesting person. When he’s not being a little piece of shit, Mineta actually has a surprisingly good sense of humor. He’s mainly good at making slightly snarky/sarcastic comments that can catch you off guard, but still make you laugh. That’s why Kaito loves watching certain kinds of shows with Mineta. You know, the ones you can watch with friends and make comments about while you’re watching it. They also like to rewatch their favorite shows together and actually talk about it while watching, pointing out certain details and what they find interesting. Kaito actually thinks that a lot of Mineta’s points can be pretty good, especially in regards to stylization and character design.
While it’s not exactly canon, I have seen multiple people headcanon Mineta as being good at drawing, and I like that headcanon a lot. Perhaps he’s particularly good at drawing the human figure (not for the best of reasons, but the point still stands), and is very particular about proportions and stuff. He’s very into anime, and thus his artstyle is very anime-esque, but he actually excels in realism. So Kaito frequently compliments Mineta on his drawing skills. Plus some of his other skills, like how he uses his quirk in really creative and versatile ways.
Mineta’s less favorable traits have not gone over Kaito’s head. He only bore witness to Mineta’s more creepy side after having known him for a decent amount of time, but he was already aware of Mineta’s insecurities and personal issues by that point. So Kaito was aware of why Mineta acted the way he did, and he wasn’t completely unaware of how horny his friend could get. Most people would have dropped Mineta after seeing how creepy he can be, but one of Kaito’s minor/major flaws is thinking “I can fix them” whenever he has a slightly shitty person in his life. Somehow, he actually succeeded in this with Mineta.
Overtime, Mineta starts to hit on the girls less and is generally less creepy. Eventually, he stops hitting on people altogether. He also starts smiling more often, like he’s legitimately more happy in general. He engages with people, and he’s still kinda socially awkward and tries a little too hard, but he’s better at it. It’s almost like he’s more “present,” talking not for the sake of social attention, but because he legitimately has something to add. It takes a little while for people to notice, but they do.
At a certain point, Mineta starts catching feelings for Kaito, but it takes a while for him to realize it.
Mineta’s crush on Kaito is actually kinda funny because despite feeling sexual attraction towards girls almost 24/7, Mineta hasn’t had very many (romantic) crushes. Even in canon, he doesn’t seem to actually have a specific crush on anyone, just generalized, desperate lust. So when he starts having a legit crush on a person, he acts very differently. It’s so fucking obvious, too. When he’s sexually attracted to someone, he acts the way he does in the show, and is much more upfront. But when he has a normal crush, Mineta is much more shy about it. He acts the way he usually does around Kaito, but when Kaito compliments him, Mineta’s suddenly blushing and turning into mush. When he talks about Kaito, it’s in such an adoring way, like “he’s so smart and cool and interesting and amazing and-”
And Kaito's not much different. As mentioned earlier, he frequently compliments Mineta, and things he is just amazing, even if he isn't perfect. They are still normal friends, and when they hang out, the tension isn't too high. They just enjoy each other's company. But there will still be the occasional moments where the
It's honestly really obvious that they like each other. While I might not do this, as I have funnier plans in mind, it would be funny if Mineta invited Kaito over to the dorms one day to watch a movie together and Kaito met the rest of Class 1A. Everyone sees how Mineta acts towards him (and hears him talk about him), and they immediately pick up on the fact that Mineta probably has a crush. They can even tell that Kaito feels the same way (again, this subplot might not happen, but it would be hilarious). But the pair are both fucking oblivious, and it’s almost infuriating. Like, just fucking kiss already.
And eventually, they do. It’s such a fun scene. While I was working on the two of them, I finally listened to “Loser Baby” from Hazbin Hotel, and it was like a lightning strike of inspiration. Not only did it help me flesh out their relationship and them as characters, but it made one of my best confession scenes. Basically, the two are watching a (completely original to the BNHA Universe) show that Kaito has seen before, but Mineta hasn’t. In the show, one of the characters ends up having a whole monologue that Mineta relates a little too hard to, and he starts crying.
Kaito asks him what’s wrong, and Mineta basically starts talking to him about how he feels like nobody really likes him all that much because he’s kind of a shitty person. Yes, his classmates no longer hate him, but few of them actually like him. He generally just has a lot of personal issues regarding self worth and stuff. Kaito admits that he struggles with that kinda stuff too sometimes, and they both go quiet for a moment, before Kaito has an idea. He presses play again on the remote, knowing what happens after the monologue in the show. It’s “Loser Baby” (though the context is a bit different). Kaito sings along to Husk’s part, directly to Mineta, and it’s kinda silly at first, specifically during the first chorus. But then, like in Hazbin Hotel, it actually gets really cute. 
There is one small difference in the song during this scene. At some point, before the part where Angel and Husk are under the umbrella together (timestamp 2:20 in the original), there is a small musical break. During this part, this little exchange happens:
Kaito: *Grabs Mineta’s hands in his* “Hey, what you said about nobody liking you? That’s not true.”
Mineta: *Not looking at him* “How do you know that?”
Kaito: “Because…I like you.”
Mineta: “Yeah, but nobody likes me, like, romantically.”
Kaito: “.......I do.”
Mineta: *Freezes in shock, then slowly looks up at Kaito* “Really?”
Kaito: *Blushing like crazy* “Yeah.”
Mineta: *Also blushing* “Me too.”
Kaito: “Really?”
Mineta: “Yeah.”
They look back to the TV again when they hear the final start of the song begin. The part with the umbrella. And the two sing along to the song together (there are subtitles). Then, as soon as the song ends, Mineta and Kaito do a deep kiss.
This isn’t where the story ends. This is more the end of part 1 of their romance. Once they start dating, things are both the same and completely different. And it’s a lot crazier. But I’ll talk about that in either another part, or create a fanfic like a normal person.
Stay tuned if you want to hear more about this chaos. I’m way too proud of it.
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starcloud-nova · 1 year
PLEASE ramble to me about your OCs I am 👀👀👀
Catla this ask has been sitting in my inbox for so long that it has gotten EMBARASSING but I will move past all that and take this opportunity you have given me. Thank u. This ended being 2k+ words and it’s late and I’m tired of half-assedly proofreading so I am putting it out into the world.
Some preface before we get into it (there are a lot of prefaces bear with me!): The story of my original OCs (just 2-3 characters) was “what if there was a character, and she was adopted by [character I am too embarrassed to name], and there was found family.” This was the end goal. Everything else was backstory. They started off as Marvel OCs, then BNHA, then Haikyuu, then Black Clover, then DC, before I finally decided that they were too far removed from any canon to fit into a preexisting story and finally made them just original characters.
By the time I hit DC OCs’, I decided I needed a team of people for my main OCs (siblings) to be friends and allied with, to juxtapose the batfam, so I created a plethora of OCs to go along with them. Suddenly we had a lot of characters, and I needed to thread them all together. I developed my own dynamics, backstories, and other details for all of these characters. 
Instead of starting with an archetype or trope (hothead, scarecrow, hero, rebel, sunshiney, miserable, etc), I started with different events or moments in their lives. Essentially, I went backward, deciding key events before personality (kind of like how real life works…) This is what makes it so hard to describe my OCs to people. There isn’t just a set of keywords I can pull out of nowhere*, like “happy-go-lucky” or “angry” because they react differently in different situations. The only way to know the full range of my characters is to…know them.
*This is for most of my OCs. some of them I never developed as much, so they’re a little more black and white. Looking at you, Kicks.
That was a lot of ramble (it’s well past 1am as I write this) but to boil it down, the reason why i shared all of this information is this: My OCs are not ‘characters’ to me. They are people. They are so complex and have rich histories and aren’t just moodboards or aesthetics to me. And there’s no single plotline that I follow through either (more on this later**), because there is no overarching plot throughout their entire lives. Conflicts get resolved, or there are multiple at once, just like how someone can have both school and home life drama at once.
No, I don’t know their favorite songs, or movies, or colors, or what their ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ are. Yes, I know that Daiken would never ever speak to Brii again after everything, and he would definitely fight her if they ever met again, but he still picked up the phone when she called because he knew that she would only call him if it was important. And it was.
Sorry,. I am so normal abt my OCs. no one will read this post LMAO but . oh well. Already at 500 words and no sign of the end.
So the most basics are this:
For the sake of this post, ‘canon’ is at this point in time: Sachi Kojima (she) (16) lives with her three brothers, her twin Kazuki (he) (16), younger (half-)brother Kaito (he) (11), and elder brother Daiken (he) (21). Daiken is their legal guardian and took custody of them when he was 18, after The Incident™ when their severely abusive father (who was also a crimelord) was arrested. Her mother died when she was 4. 
Remember that thing I mentioned about the crimelord? Yeah, so as it turns out [bear with me this is the least plausible part of the story] all of the local bigger criminals/crimelords in the area…participate in ‘bring your kid to work day’, like, most days. Yeah, yeah I know. All of the Criminals™ are lowkey training their kids to follow in their footsteps and take them with them to places but also leave them in this old ass conference room for hours at a time I DONT KNOW it doesnt sound plausible to me either. Anyways. Jokingly, this group of kids call themselves the ‘Junior Murderers Club’ and they fuck around and do a whole lot of Nothing and bond while their parents talk about crime and get drunk and shit. They also call themselves ‘Sixes’ because they’re either six inches away [from their parent] or six rooms away, unless they wanna be six feet under…haha.
This group of kids exists in the ‘pre-canon’ of the story (from when Daiken was 12-17) and consists of: 
Daiken Kojima (he/him) (age 14 for reference)
Former team leader
Original codename: Moonstrike
Current codename: Redpoint
Maisie “Maze” Morian (she/her) (15) [deceased]
Codename: Freyja
Brielle “Brii” Hayes (she/her) (14)
Codename: Widow
Jacob Myers (he/they) (14)
Codename: Nightlight
James “Jamie” Moreno (he/him) (13) [deceased]
Codename: Piccolo
[Deadname] “Amelie” Espinosa (she/they) (12)
Original codename: Torito
Current codename: Mariposa
Lorena Inés “LS” Sauly (she/they) (12) 
do NOT call her by her first name or they will kill u
Codename: Siren
[Deadname] “Kicks” Hall (they/them) (11)
Codename: Kicks
Daiken is one of the few people that can still get away with calling Kicks ‘KJ’, their old nickname derived from their deadname + their codename, Kicks.
Azarus “Azz” Adams (he/him) (10)
Codename: Merlin
Best friends w/Kazuki (currently 17), also hates his first name lol
They are all trauma buddies and went on missions together n stuff and they all mostly*** hated their parents. After Sachi + co. (her siblings) escape their situation, they all kind of break off, and eventually they form the Information League, or the IL, or just… no name at all because I’m still not satisfied with that one.
***EXCEPT Brii who was treated quite well by her father and was brainwashed/manipulated into believing that what they did was okay in some capacity. She is essentially Daiken’s narrative foil and I love her to death. She is the worst. Stupid gay bitch <3
One of the previous generations of Sixes is Perria Dawson (she/her, codename: Delphi), who is ten years older than Daiken (so in canon, 31) who watched silently from the shadows, collected information, and slowly worked her way out of the complicated network of crime that she was entrapped in to eventually Get Out. She specialized in information gathering and staying under the radar. The IL’s base is a warehouse that her father used to own but sorta kinda forgot about, so she took over it when she got away from him and made it HQ. Notably, it has a big open space with high ceilings that they call the Fly, short for flyspace, a few rooms out of the way (kind of hidden) that she lives in with her kids (see below) part-time, and high rafters with those criss-crossy metal ladder things that are a bunch of X’s and stuff. 
In current canon, she’s a programmer or something like that and works a day job and while she’s cool with calls, everyone else feels bad for mooching off of her, so she’s Not to be disturbed during this time. She is my Deus ex machina. Anytime something goes Majorly wrong, someone always has to say the line “I’m calling Perria”. 
Perria also has the habit of picking up strays lmao and later takes in Manha Latif (she her, codename: Trebleclef, 15 in canon), my little meow meow who was not a Six but had a much beloved older brother who disappeared after dealing with some fucked up shit, so she got a little toooo involved in the nightlife and the IL got involved and now she’s one of them. Her brother (Binyamin) is probably dead rip and during all of this mess, her mom goes back overseas to Pakistan and is currently living there, so Perria was like “yea dude I’ll take you in”, so she lives with Perria
A year and a half later, she adopts the strangest fuckin little kid who talks like an adult and doesn’t know her name and appears from the shadows when you call for her and oh shit she’s probably magic or something. When you let a six-year-old pick their own name they will generally pick shit like Andromeda (or Anna for short). They refer to her as ‘The Kid™’ or ‘Star’ in the field.
Other character info I didn’t mention:
Sachi’s codename is ‘Scapegoat’ to reclaim her identity as the childhood scapegoat, because “everything’s always my fault, isn’t that right? 🙄”
Kazuki’s and Kaito’s I am still not completely satisfied with. I have spent many walks home contemplating something that doesn’t sound like a 12 year old came up with but it is hard I tell you. Kaito doesn’t really go into the field much anyway because everyone is determined to not traumatize him anymore than he already is but the name I picked for him is Gear. Kazuki is Steel.
If anyone has suggestions, my criteria are that Kazuki’s starts with an S (to match his sister) and sounds somewhat physics-y or steampunk/cyberpunky. Kaito’s is so weird that anything works really but he likes animals and will probably be a vet so keep that in mind. Also reminder he is 11.
Now that most of my characters are out of the way it’s time to explain the **many plotlines that I have going on. When I come up with scenarios in my mind, they fit into the below categories. Essentially, if I wanted to actually sit down and tell the story of these kids, these are the options that I have.
One: The Early Days (2011-2019) 
The abuse Daiken, Sachi, Kazuki, and Kaito faced at the hands of their father for 8 years. This is either from Sachi’s or Daiken’s point of view. 
Sachi has the unique experience of being the scapegoat and most hated child and also only girl (which is important here as well as later****). Also goes into Sachi’s relationship with her best friends (Bianca/Bia (she), who she was probably in love with [or was she?] and Trey (he)), her twin, lying pathologically to all the adults in her life, her anger issues, and more. 
Daiken has the experience of being the eldest child forced to look after his siblings while work alongside his father on missions and meeting people as well as maintain his grades to escape to medical school and a better future. He’s a lil parentified. Lol. 
Two: Daiken as a Six (2013-2018) 
Trigger warning for child death in this one.
The struggles that Daiken experienced before escaping his father at 18 (when he got arrested). This mainly focuses on how Brii is his narrative foil as well as goes into more detail on the missions he went on with LS and Jacob and Jamie and Azz. When Daiken was 14, he was going through his father’s computer, and accidentally discovers that Jamie had died a few weeks prior, at only 13. This devastates him, and while he was already against the work he was forced into, the circumstances of Jamie’s death (at the hands of one of Jamie’s father’s employees in the mob, used brutally as a human shield), radicalizes him, and he ends up toe-to-toe with the ever-loyal Brii. Brii is like Daiken but her father actually loves her deeply and manipulates/abuses her differently. Years later, Maze (who Brii was secretly in love with) dies at 19, protecting Brii on a mission, and while this would have radicalized Daiken, this only further cements in Brii’s eyes that what they are doing is the way to keep the most people safe. This story is really interesting and nuanced in a lot of ways.
Three: To Grow Again (TGA)/After (2019-) 
The story of Sachi and her siblings’ lives after they’re taken out of their father’s custody and transferred into Daiken’s care a few months later. Mostly a story of healing and setbacks as Sachi experiences loss, works through trauma, adjusts to a new way of life, and also forms close bonds with the IL. This is the Good Ending
An AU of this: Daiken becomes a teen dad and shares custody of his daughter Aika with her mom. This is mostly fluffy slice of life stuff and isn’t canon to anything. 
Another AU of this: I like to play with a roleswap/reverse siblings so that everyone is backward in age. I haven't played with this concept as much so feel free to ask more abt this.
Four: The Dimension Girls (2020-) 
Eventually I got bored of the happily ever after stuff so I gave Sachi the power to travel between dimensions and made her a guardian of the planet Earth. I have a lot of lore I’m still working on (ATSV gave me so many good ideas, but also hey I already had the ‘anomaly’ concept!) but I’ve tried to distinguish between dimensions, universes, and smaller changes in dimensions. That’s a different post. 
Sachi and two other girls****, Allison (Aussie, she/they, 19) and Imogen (Irish, she/her, 16) are meant to help dimensional anomalies, act as ambassadors to other dimensions, and protect the dimension from threats. I used the concept of the 5 senses, where Allison is sight, Sachi is hearing, and Imogen is taste (which I decided includes gasses/the lungs). There are 5 senses, obviously, but I decided that the other 2 girls haven’t activated their powers yet, so right now, Sachi’s Earth doesn’t have all of its guardians, making the burden greater on the three. Not every dimension uses the 5 senses in their powers, or even has the same rules for picking guardians. In this dimension, the guardian powers are passed through the girl in the bloodline (trans-inclusive! Which is why none of the others can be transfemme and Sachi can’t be transmasc lol) until there isn’t one, then it jumps to a new family. There’s some fun horror where these senses sometimes cross over and they can experience things from other dimensions (phantom hearing, vision, smoke in Im’s lungs, etc). There’s also this mirror dimension where they go and blah blah I don’t feel like explaining.
I love doing crossovers so when I do those I just make it a dimensional thing. I tried staying away from the ‘fantasy structure is just a bureaucracy hierarchy’ concept because I hate it, but there are also beings with more power, like Cosmic/Cozy who is an inter-dimensional higher being who steps in when situations get dire. Pronouns pending because I can’t decide between they/them and he/she so y’all can help me out with that as well.
An AU of this: Sachi also gets stuck in timeloops sometimes, caused by her powers somehow. I have fun with it. This one is more canon than the other AU I have, and I headcanon that she wears a watch that beeps at 11:50 pm and again at midnight because when she loops it’s always at midnight, and she can get her bearings at 11:50 pm so that if she ends up looping, she’s somewhere safe and can remember what she was doing at the time to avoid suspicion of the others. It’s a vibe.
Another AU of this: Sachi keeps getting dreams of treading water in an endless ocean as her mother calls out to her and tells her it’s okay + something ominous about where to find her/info about her death. Every time Sachi wakes up, water materializes out of nowhere and she awakens drenched and exhausted, a pool of water around her. This period of time would be either on and off for a few months or for a few weeks straight. She sets an alarm for every 20 minutes so that when she sleeps, she never starts dreaming. She’s constantly exhausted and is living hell for this period of time until the dreams stop.
I think that’s all of the information about my OCs and To Grow Again, the name I picked for their story. This was a lonnggggg post so I will not be surprised if no one reads this. If you made it this far and read most of it, leave a goat emoji in the replies <3. Thank you for letting me rant Catla!!!!! Hope you all enjoyed lol. There is so much information still in my brain, resting, that I have not released yet, so if you have any questions, please hmu with an ask!!! I am obsessed and will respond.
peace ✌️
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jamscandraw · 2 years
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🎁special delivery!!🎁
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pasteleraser · 4 months
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[BNHA OC - IDOL AU] pt. 2 fan meet event
While doing the fan trend I remembered the scene from jjk where todo meets his idol, I just had to draw it😆
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bellinyx · 6 months
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I mean, can't you see the resemblance?
Blue Writing- Dabi
Red Writing- Hawks
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soundwavefucker69 · 3 months
working on a new "bnha oc gets reincarnated into star wars" fic and this one is gonna be FUN. Kaito gets reincarnated into SW and ends up a slave bc he's an unattended six year old in the Outer Rim, bought by Jango and adopted, and has to live through the horror of seeing the clones grow up in live time and realizing his dad is not a good person. bonus: mind control!! this one is gonna be angsty.
meanwhile: Jango has no fucking clue why the hell his son with long floppy ears and paws and antlers is somehow coming up 100% human with absolutely no genetic mixing whatsoever but there's some kind of weird mutation in his genome.
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