#bobby cox
roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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Bobby Cox
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Bobby Cox American Baseball Manager
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acunasmvpszn · 2 months
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bobbycox · 4 months
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Bobby Cox Words of Wisdom #motivation #motivate #history #fact #bas...
Bobby Cox, a legendary baseball manager, was known for his words of wisdom that transcended the sport. His leadership and life lessons can be summarized as follows:
"Never give up, keep pushing forward, and stay loyal to your team. Success comes from hard work, determination, and always striving to do your best. Remember, it's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up and keep playing the game of life with heart and integrity."
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crazycubanlove · 1 year
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Bobby Cox
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dilfth1rster · 5 months
Smut Requests - @dilfth1rster
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REQUEST HERE <----- click
Hi I'm Miko! Here you can ask filthy questions/send ideas/ask me thoughts on anyone anything smut related :)
Who I write for/am interested in(roles included):
Chris Evans
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Pedro Pascal
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Andrew Lincoln
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan
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Henry Cavill
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Jensen Ackles
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Charlie Cox
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Jon Bernthal
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Daniel Craig
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Jason Momoa
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Oscar Isaac
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Ryan Reynolds
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David Harbour
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Theo James
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Jake Gyllenhaal
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Ryan Gosling
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AND MORE!!!!!!
+ you can request people not listed here as long as they're my type(muscled middle aged man(mostly) or a nice dad bod(bears)) I can figure something out or you can always ask in the request field (click) as well :)
What I like (fetishes/kinks) and Do's and Don'ts
Daddy Kink/Breeding/Roleplay/Age-Gap/Non-Con/Dub-Con/Bondage/Hands/Body Hair/Facial Hair/Size Difference/Dirty Talk/Mandhandling/!Dark/Piss/Watersports/Feet/Finger-fucking/ and sucking/Body/Piercing/Worship/Degradation/Humiliation/Stepcest/Incest/Deepthroat/ and more! (ask)
I don't do
Gore/Weird body mods/Animal related stuff(get help)/Scat/Pedophilia/ hmmmm I think that's it
I hope to please you and let's have some fun together!!! :)
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sunlitpynch · 23 days
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back after my hiatus (recently saw a fence post and was like “i think….i miss my wife”)
i forgot how much fun it was to make these — i already have my next dump half done
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kcsplace · 4 months
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its-ezraaa · 2 months
some random sketches
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Also I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and practice drawing some outfits... So ofc I forced Nick out of his comfort zone and put him in something that isn't a black hoodie on black ripped jeans.
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kori-senpai · 1 month
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themundanemudperson · 10 months
hello fence fandom
i present to you: a bad meme
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based off of this panel:
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BRCU incorrect quotes part 2: electric boogaloo
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ccssketchbooknstuff · 5 months
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"i think it would help me if a lesbian pinned me to the wall with an épée. i mean, it may not fix me but it wouldn't hurt" - me, 10 minutes before starting this piece, about my partner who sadly doesn't fence
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bobbycox · 4 months
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iffeelscouldkill · 21 days
Lost in a Familiar Place pt. 3
(Aka the 'Nicholas never applied to Kings Row' AU)
A/N: This AU now has a name! The title is taken from the song 'Ghosts of My Hometown' by The Strike, which is a Nicholas song if I've ever heard one. It's all about not really being able to leave your past behind, and coming to terms with the ghosts of where you came from. Also, I feel like the phrase "lost in a familiar place" fits well with an AU where Nicholas is a stranger in a place that, in another life, would be familiar.
If you haven't read these, check out Part 1 and Part 2!
Nicholas swallowed, wondering if he was about to experience death by epée on the spot. He didn’t know national #2 Seiji Katayama had this kind of temper. “Uh, look, it wasn’t for long or anything, but I saw some moments where I would’ve gone for a hit. If it were me.”
Seiji stared squinty-eyed at Nicholas like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Who are you?” he said.
“Uh, I’m-”
“This is Nicholas.” Suddenly Aiden was draping an arm around Nicholas’ shoulders and smiling warmly. “He’s an external spectator today.”
Nicholas noticed that Aiden had suddenly acquired the ability to remember his name. He had a hunch that Aiden’s friendly behaviour had more to do with riling up Seiji than with him, though. “Uh, yeah.” He stuck out a hand for Seiji to shake. “Nice to meet you.”
Seiji looked distrustful, but shook his hand. “I’ve never seen you at a competition before.”
“I was at Regionals six months ago,” Nicholas said. “I fenced Kyle Allen in the first round.”
One eyebrow went up. “So you lost. And you think you could find holes in my defence?”
Nicholas had nothing to prove to this arrogant, condescending guy, but he felt annoyance rising anyway.  “I could prove it if given the chance. Maybe you’re not as infallible as you think you are.”
Seiji’s eyes widened in something like irate disbelief, and next to him, Bobby made a small squeaking noise. That was when Aiden decided to stick his oar in.
“Seiji, weren’t you saying the other day that you don’t really have anyone here that challenges you?”
Seiji clenched his jaw and glared at Aiden. “As if I’m going to fence any amateur who just wanders in here and-”
“That’s enough,” Coach Williams’ voice came like a whipcrack, making everyone in the vicinity jump guiltily. “Can I remind you that we are in the middle of a fencing practice? I expect you all to focus on the task at hand.”
There was a round of “Yes Coach,” and “Sorry Coach,” from the assembled fencers. Nicholas mumbled, “Sorry, Coach,” along with the others, even though Coach Williams technically wasn’t his coach. But you didn’t cross a fencing coach.
“Everyone who’s not a member of the team, I want you to practice footwork,” Coach Williams said. “You know the drill; find a partner, and each of you take turns advancing and retreating, then switch. Focus on your feet.”
Given their orders, the students who had been looking on began to disperse. Bobby gave Nicholas an apologetic grimace and paired up with a dark-haired boy of medium height.
“Nicholas,” Coach said, and Nicholas straightened up, rigid, in anticipation of the dressing-down he was sure was coming. “You’re here as a guest, and not as a member of the student body.”
Nicholas winced at the reminder. “I know, I-”
“But,” Coach Williams continued over him, “we have a spare set of gear in the supply room that should fit you.” Nicholas blinked at her. “If you’d like to take part, you may – but I expect nothing less than scrupulous conduct and sportsmanship from you. Am I making myself clear?”
Speechless, Nicholas nodded. The words, I get to fence???! were exploding somewhere in the back of his mind.
“Yes, Coach. I understand,” he said, almost vibrating with excitement. Seiji Katayama’s expression darkened even more, and Nicholas beamed at him. Was he really about to fence-
“Aiden,” Coach said, and Aiden turned to her. “I want you to partner with Nicholas. You’ll spar a practice match, first to 10 points. Eugene and Seiji will do the same; Harvard, you’ll referee.”
“Oh, I don’t think I’m the one who should-” Aiden began, but a look from Harvard made him subside. “Yes, Coach.”
Even dressed in borrowed fencing whites (which did fit him well) and standing in a fencing salle he barely belonged in, Nicholas felt amazing as he took up a position across from Aiden on the piste. This was it. This was what he lived for – the chance to fence.
Since he’d started learning with Coach Joe – finally putting those years of devouring every fencing video he could find into practice – Nicholas quickly realised that nothing compared to the feeling of standing on the piste with a foil in his hand.
(Even when the piste was actually the community hall floor. It still felt awesome).
Fencing at Regionals had been even more incredible. He’d felt like he’d arrived. Even losing in his very first round to an ass like Kyle Allen hadn’t been able to dampen it.
Aiden seemed to be sizing him up, and then he smiled. It wasn’t the same cutthroat smile that he’d given Seiji before they fenced, but it wasn’t completely friendly either. “Sorry about this,” he said. “I did originally have a more… pleasurable plan for today.”
“Fencing’s pleasurable,” Nicholas pointed out.
Aiden’s lips quirked into a slightly disbelieving smirk. “Right.”
The match began. Aiden was, as Nicholas had seen, a skilled fencer, and Nicholas was unable to parry his first two hits. Right afterwards, Nicholas got a hit past his guard, and Aiden looked surprised, like he hadn’t seen it coming. Like a lot of right-handed fencers, Aiden wasn’t as good at blocking or predicting moves from the left. Nicholas knew he could press his advantage there.
He attacked, fast and aggressive. Aiden was clearly adapting to his approach, making it more difficult for Nicholas to get through, but he still didn’t seem able to predict exactly where Nicholas would attack from. By the time Coach called the first break, Nicholas had scored two hits to Aiden’s four.
As they paused to catch their breath, Aiden said, “Of course, I know I’m not the one you’d rather be fencing right now.”
Nicholas frowned quizzically at him. Aiden continued, “You and Seiji had some real… tension just then. That was interesting. I could almost see the sparks flying.”
Nicholas glanced over at Seiji, but he was focused on sparring with Eugene. “You seem like you don’t really get along with Seiji,” he commented. “Why’s that?”
Aiden snorted and gave an airy shrug. “Seiji’s an excellent fencer,” he said. “But you’ve met him. He’s not really a ‘team’ guy.”
“Are you?”
Aiden blinked at Nicholas. “Sorry?”
“You were planning to skip practice, even though you’re on the team,” Nicholas pointed out. “But Seiji’s here.” Even though, as the national number two-ranked fencer, he probably had a better excuse than anyone to skip practice – or train on his own. Nicholas didn’t really like Seiji’s attitude, but he didn’t think Aiden was one to be preaching about teamwork.
Aiden’s eyes narrowed, but Coach Williams cut in. “Less talking, more fencing, boys.”
They took up their positions again, and almost immediately, Nicholas scored a hit. Aiden had been over-extended, and not just briefly; it felt like a glaring mistake from someone who was clearly a competent fencer. Aiden said nothing, just narrowed his eyes; he quickly took two more points. But even when he managed to pull ahead, Nicholas was there, narrowing the gap again.
By the second break, the score was 7-6 to Aiden. Nicholas was only one point behind a skilled older fencer who represented a high school at state competitions. The excitement coursed through him like electricity.
As they pulled off their masks, Aiden looked disgruntled for a fraction of a second, but it quickly smoothed away. “I feel like I should warn you,” he said, sounding apologetic. “Seiji’s not going to go easy on you because you’re a rookie. The guy doesn’t hold back, ever. Even when it’s just a practice match.”
“Not like you, you mean?” Nicholas asked. He didn’t need or want Aiden to go easy on him, but even from the brief time they’d known each other, Aiden didn’t strike him as the type of guy who gave things his all if he could help it. He just projected this air of coasting through life. It wasn’t the kind of thing Nicholas really found attractive, but Aiden had been charming, and well. It had been a while since anyone paid him attention in that way.
Aiden shrugged theatrically. “I’d just hate to see you get railroaded,” he said. “Very few people have the ability to hold their own against Seiji. Mind you, I did.” He delivered this last revelation almost as an afterthought.
Nicholas stared at him. “What do you mean?” Watching the two of them fence, it hadn’t seemed like Aiden was in Seiji’s league at all.
“Oh, yes, Seiji lost to me in the try-outs for the fencing team,” Aiden said, with a smirk. “It happens. But he didn’t take it very well.” He made a show of putting his mask back on in response to Coach Williams’ pointed glare.
Aiden had beaten Seiji. Aiden had beaten Seiji. And Nicholas was almost level with him in a sparring match. Even if it was just a practice – then if Nicholas could beat Aiden, it felt… like he could almost be on an equal footing with Seiji.
A calm and a focus descended over Nicholas that he hadn’t really found before. He tried to think and act quickly in his fencing matches, but trying to do something wasn’t the same as doing it, and he hadn’t reached the point yet where instinct would just take over. He knew he was fast, but there was still that disconnect between what he sensed and saw and how his body acted. It could be frustrating.
Now, though, it was like he could deconstruct his opponent at a speed he’d never experienced, Aiden’s weak points mapped out and highlighted. He could remember what had worked before and apply those tactics. And he was fast. His technique had holes in it; Kyle had had the experience to exploit those at Regionals, though he still wasn’t able to fend off Nicholas completely. And Nicholas was always learning.
Aiden attacked, but Nicholas read his movement and parried, then countered with a hit past Aiden’s guard. And another. 8-7.
Aiden scored a hit that Nicholas wasn’t anticipating by kind of flicking his blade – the flick sailed past his guard in a way that was extremely annoying, but Nicholas was also intrigued. That seemed like a neat attack.
They were neck and neck at 8 points each, and the next person to score a hit would be one point away from winning. Nicholas saw an opening. Attacked. Scored. 9-8.
Nicholas became aware that they had an audience. Maybe had had one for a while – the match between Eugene and Seiji had already concluded, and together with Harvard, they’d come to spectate.
Seiji’s attention was laser-focused on Nicholas. If Nicholas could just win this next point, he-
Aiden exploited an opening in Nicholas’ guard, scoring a hit to his wrist. Damn. But they were neck and neck; as long as Nicholas kept fencing like he knew he could–
Aiden went in for the attack – but just as Nicholas had expected, there was a slight turn in his body that left his shoulder open to a hit–
Nicholas had won.
Coach Williams’ whistle blew, and she looked genuinely approving as she said, “Well done, Nicholas.” Then she added, “Aiden, I have some notes for things to focus on in our next practice sessions.”
Aiden pulled off his mask and faced Harvard, who greeted him with a raised eyebrow. “You lost?”
“It was just a practice match!” Aiden protested. “I was giving Nicholas the chance to improve.”
“Hey, nice fencing!” This was Eugene, who’d been fencing Harvard before and had just fenced Seiji. He gave Nicholas a friendly punch to the shoulder that was a little bit painful. “Where did you come from, again? Coach didn’t really say.”
Nicholas opened his mouth to explain, but just then, someone took hold of his shoulder in an iron grip. Nicholas looked into the glowering visage of Seiji Katayama. “You’ll fence me next,” he said.
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