#boc lore
llamagirl28 · 20 days
I'll say it's interesting how both Arthur and Mordred have Pendragon and Le Fay blood yet only Mordred has both Pendragon and Le Fay power
It happens! Pendragon powers (dragonblood powers in general) are guaranteed to be passed down the line without fail, but whether someone from a sorcerer line gets their magic powers is a lottery.
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tarnishedinquirer · 1 month
Leaving Stormveil
With a Great Rune secured, it was time to finally move on from Stormveil. I could have gone straight to the Roundtable Hold for a date with the Two Fingers. I could have gone to the Divine Tower and activated my new rune. But instead, I just wanted to get out. I wanted to go somewhere new. And so, I followed a side passage down and towards what I hoped was an exit.
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It had all the hallmarks of a bolthole. Nearly every castle has one. A secret way out where, during a siege, supplies can be snuck in and in the event of the castle being overrun, the monarch can escape.
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Before I could leave though, my attention was drawn by a spirit. I now have a hunch that most people can't see these, so I felt obligated to talk to it. However, as I approached, I recognized its posture. Leaning back, grasping at its eyes... this was like the Afflicted village.
Maiden, dear maiden. Where are you? Please, take my grapes.
Grapes? I looked around, and saw it... the voice called it a Shabriri Grape.
Shabriri…the name rang a bell. Something from my forgotten youth, perhaps. A boogeyman?
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A yellowing, oozing eyeball of the infirm. The surface is shriveled, and the inside is squishy, not unlike a large, overly-ripe grape. Give to the blind maiden to guide her to the distant light.
What the hell. Why did the voice even want me to touch this, let alone take it with me. But it knew how to bait me. It told me to do something specific with it, but didn't tell me what would happen. I had to know. I picked it up with tongs and put it in a specimen vial just to be safe.
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The change from one side of the castle to the other was breathtaking. The other side was golden and green, like tarnished bronze. But this region was deep blue and white. The very air was blue. And god, there were so many stars, even during the day. The fisher-king hypothesis was proven true. Whoever ruled this land must truly love the stars.
It was then I realized I was not alone here.
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Boc! It was good to see him. He seemed to be doing a lot better after his ordeal in the cave. He offered to alter my garments but unfortunately, he could not alter the ones I was currently wearing. I'll be on the lookout for garments to alter just so he has something to do and feels useful.
But he wasn't the only one here.
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It was impossible. Standing before me was Irina of Morne, alive and in the flesh. Her finger maiden robes were still bloody from her murder, but here she was. A tarnished like me, perhaps? No...something was different.
She introduced herself as Hyetta, and asked me for a Shabriri grape.
To... to eat.
I asked her if she remembered me and she insisted we'd never met. Could it be some coincidence? an identical twin? No... the blood told me no. I called her Irina and she did not know who that was. I had to step away before I did something I'd regret like grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.
Perhaps some kind of spell? I wouldn't where to start, breaking an enchantment this powerful. There was only one course of action to take, and it pained me. Would it strengthen the enchantment? Snap her out of it? At the very least, something would happen, and something was better than nothing.
I gave her the grape.
She ate it in one bite. My stomach heaved, but she clearly enjoyed it. She thanked me profusely and gave me the blessing of the Fingers. So I guess.... nothing was what happened. Dammit.
The fingers have a lot to answer for.
How is Irina/Hyetta alive?
What happened to her memory?
Why does she want to eat eyeballs?
Why did I actually go through with this?
Is it the great runes that cause the fisher-king effect? What did these lands look like before?
The ritual the ritual the ritual
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hellafluff · 2 years
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Made another Tarnished Character sheet! This time for Gilda, my faith based Tarnished. She's blind but can see Grace and the runes inside of people so she doesn't have too much trouble fighting her way across the Lands Between. Torrent and Melina help her a lot too :)
Below the cut is a bunch of information about those NPC Lore Items I drew on the bottom there. I tried to make them as lore friendly as possible, like they're something your Tarnished my come across in the wild!
Finger Maiden’s Token
A pale lock of hair from a finger maiden. Allows for more efficient use of runes when gaining strength. It is said that the maiden’s eyes turned faintly gold when she first encountered the Erdtree, the only hint of color on her form. (Leveling requires 10% less runes per level)
Blind Maiden’s Prayerbook
Prayerbook of a Blind Finger Maiden. It is written entirely in braille.
Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations:
Guiding Grace 
Incantation of a Blind Finger Maiden.
Points in the direction of the nearest Sight of Grace.
The only things she could see were the guiding rays of Grace, even long before her arrival to the Lands Between. In the rare moments she lost sight of them, she prayed for their swift and inevitable return.
Sure Footing
Incantation of a Blind Finger Maiden.
Prevents the caster from being knocked to the ground and reduces fall damage.
Her cane kept her path clear and her faith in the Golden Order kept her upright. Little could shake her, until she met the Veiled Monarch himself.
Gilded Cane
Faith/Dex Straight “Sword”
A cane used by the blind, covered lovingly in gilt.
Gilda the Blind was a devout follower of the Golden Order, even before her arrival in the Lands Between. Her faith is said to have impressed the King of Leyndell, who offered her a place at his side. 
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little-lanterns · 16 days
hellagur second skin...
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Okay I am feeling kinda insane so I have to spell everything out
I have a theory about Lappland
First of all I'm sure she has connection to Laterano and that's why.
1) Skin
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So her skin from Bloodline of Combat "Refined Horrormare". The one in which description written "The outfit Lappland wore at the Laterano Apostolic Knights' Funeral Memorial Hall.
Even two years ago , I was confused about what Lappy to do with Laterano. Why does she visit the Funeral of Apostolic Knight?
The thing about BoC skins is that they have usually heavy lore. Mountain leaving RI, Beagle dying, Executor tracking down Artoria, and past of a lot of operators. Right?
So about Lappland's skin. We see her wearing this clothes in IL Siracusana, and a lot of people, especially wiki-writers think that it is that big moment skin's introduction written about. BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
First of all it's nowhere near Laterano and other skins if they have a very direct connection with place and event.
Also quotes in this skin
" Collect the debts, and pay the price."
"Is that all? That's all our lives are worth. I told you, everything you've taken from me, I'll have you repay. In full." - is quote from Lappland and people(on wiki) think that she says it to her father, BUT BUT she didn't try to take a revenge on him in event. Maybe in the future, but unlikely. She stated that she doesn't want any connection with Siracusa and said goodbye to him, not trying to hurt. Hardly counts as repaing, right?
Also also in whole even she never showed as much hostility or better say vengefulness? Even her fight with Texas felt more like friendly rematch.
And I don't think anyone or anything in Siracusa could cause her such emotions if she leaves it so easily.
So I am sure we will have Lappland in Laterano
Okay sorry moving on.
2) Her belt
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Her belt has number "1911" on it and IT is a year when last Newfoundland Wolf was killed, but in contrast with Texas her family is fine. So kinda weird isn't it?
So maybe this number has a double meaning
And you know what else happened in 1911?
M1911 was designed.
And I mean Sankta's and their guns, right?
3) Sweets
It's almost nothing, but second thing Laterano is known for is their sweets and Lappland kinda mentions sweets a lot?
Her notorious voiceline with mentioning of mille feuille and which she given to Exusiai and tried to give to Texas. Her keeping chocolate (of course it's maybe more about Texas). This stickers
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Kinda suspicious isn't it?
So like she has connection to Laterano definitely. But what is this connection?
Well my theory is that her mother was Sankta.
And my arguments, I do have arguments!
1) Sankta's offsprings with other races don't bear any physical similarities with their divine parents, so her being Lupo doesn't contradict this theory
2) She is one of only two Lupo operators who deal Arts damage, and she was stated to not have any training with it, using Arts with just raw talent alone in her file. And Sanktas are well known for their impressive Arts controlling abilities
3) Also the end of her file
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For a long time we thought it was Texas about Lappland and about her family. But now after Siracusano we can see that we mistaken a lot. First of all she lost her family not because they are dead, but because they threw her away. Also she didn't forced Doctor to choose anything yet. Doctor even wasn't present in Siracusana. Also know I'm even doubting if it was written by Texas, because we seen them interacting in Siracusana and they are fine. Weird as fuck and deadly to each other, but fine. If Texas truly believed she is that dangerous she would try to keep PL as far away from her as possible. But she isn't
So whatever this file states it going to happen in future.
And I think she will revenge for her mother.
It is a very weak theory I know, but I can't stop think about it.
So if you have your own theory about Lappland's connection to Laterano, please, I am begging, tell me.
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chatonarya · 25 days
CN Terra Historicus uploaded a new post today for the Lone Trail rerun. It's Saria speaking in a hearing in Max D.C. regarding the events of LT itself and Rhine Lab's plans moving forward.
(General summary here.)
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Of interest is the fact that it mentions RL's collaboration with Karlan Trade and their intention to build facilities in Kjerag to investigate and research the hole in the starpod, as she reasons it won't last forever and they do not have sufficient energy to reproduce that hole created by Kristen again. She also cites Kjerag's advantages such as their altitude and Catastrophe-free atmosphere, as well as the reference opinions of "Speaker Gnosis Edelweiss, who was the chief technical officer of Karlan Trade", which state that only Karlan Trade can build the facilities to RL's standards on the Kjerag terrain.
This is obviously foreshadowing Kjerag 3 and reveals the true purpose and source of that CG from Concept PV 4.
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We know well by now by his BoC skin lore that Gnosis becomes Kjerag's first Speaker of the Parliament in the future, but I'm a little surprised to see it happen so quickly and apparently offscreen at the moment.
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The abolition of the Tri-Clan Council is already a seismic shift for Kjerag, because the Council and the Court have jointly governed Kjerag for almost as long as it has existed. In addition, BoC skins generally (but not always) take place in a nebulous time in the future. To have it casually dropped like this with no development or warning is a little shocking, as I still don't believe Kjerag would accept Gnosis in such a public position of power if his reputation wasn't cleared at some point beforehand.
But perhaps the details themselves will be revealed during Kjerag 3, which is shaping up to be quite big. What's not surprising, on the other hand, is that even as Speaker, Gnosis is still heavily involved in the technological development of Kjerag. He wouldn't dedicate his heart and soul towards building it up (and succeeding!) only to step back and permit some other party to waltz in and do as they please, after all!
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midstpodcast · 4 months
Rapid-fire worldbuilding questions!
-Clouds and thunder are seen in the Un; is there rain? Atmospheres? -How does cosmos gravity work??? (Universal?) -Is gravity different in the fold? We see fauna “swim” through the air; does this relate to the Postmaster’s scar? -Do the Question Eels like chin scritches? -Just how habitable IS the Un? Can flora photosynthesize Unlight? Do tans work? -Are there in-world Midst/Median/Fold holidays? -With the importance of Loxlee lights for fold safety, does the Trust monopolize all fold-safe research? -Did Weepe ever babysit Tzila?
P.S. Are there any elements of the lore that you think people are paying too much attention to? As a DM, I can understand the concept of putting too much thought into something that's only surface-deep. I shall theorize anything if given the opportunity, so it'd be nice to know which parts of my conspiracy board were me reading too much into something! ^.^
- Yep, rain and atmospheres both exist! Weather systems can roam free-range through the cosmos, and/or gravitate around individual islets. - No one knows, Down is down and Up is up. - Gravity is the same in the Fold, but certain creatures have adapted in ways that allow them to “fly” - We haven’t tried domesticating them yet – maybe in a future Midst Messages episode - The Un is equally as habitable as the Fold, it just depends whether you prefer predictable mica problems or unpredictable Fold problems. Flora do survive in the Un, though whether that’s thanks to photosynthesis or something else, who can say. Unlight doesn’t really tan you in the same way sunlight does, but a lifetime of exposure to the Un will still get you pretty weathered-looking. - Stationary Hill celebrates the day of its founding! The Trust has too many holidays to remember. And Fold communities surely observe some holidays related to the passage of the current. - The Trust doesn’t monopolize anything! That wouldn’t be Valorous. Unless it would be. idk, I’m not a notary. - Sherman may not have the BEST judgment in babysitters, but I hope he would be smart enough not to leave his daughter in Weepe’s care. That said, it would be very funny and I can see them actually getting along.
Regarding your P.S.: I personally LOVE leaving holes in a fiction. Having unanswered questions about my own world makes it feel more alive to me. Besides, some things are just more fun if left ambiguous – like the exact mathematics of the Trust system, or the way time is measured, or bocs. (Jk, the only reason we don’t go into detail about bocs is because everybody already understands how they work.)
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discluded · 2 years
wait pond hid in the bushes to film the pool scene?? I didn't know that 😭🤣
I was joking, but only the wording! I don't think there was actually a bush on the rooftop (at least from the angles they shot from)!
Friends, let's talk about the LORE of KPTS Episode 13's Pool Scene.
Basically, several memorable scenes in the series were just Pond (director/producer, and CEO of BOC whom we are judging for that right now) walking by a scene and thinking it looked beautiful and decided they were going to film a scene there.
One of them was the episode 6 bath scene. (And yes, it's possible to get the handcuffs off, I thought the same thing when I first watched. No I'm not looking it for you, find the proof yourself!)
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Another one was them was the pool in the hotel suite they used as Kinn's room in the series.
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tweet / translation
So yes, it was very limited staff, like all of the NC scenes.
The pool scene was entirely improvised by Mile and Apo. I'm sure the two of them discussed what they were going to do in the scene before it was shot, but improvised as in there was no specific direction. Pond told them they were going to shoot there and what the tone of the scene was.
So all the sexiness including Porsche mock pinning Kinn before Kinn slide him across the pool and railing him against the backdrop of nighttime Bangkok and Deutsche Bank was all on Mile and Apo. 😍🥰 *sighs dreamily*
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Actually, since I just reblogged this old pride photo a few days ago. This is actually what I was thinking of when I reblogged it.
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It was very beautiful art they made together...
There's so much to say about this, but I'll keep it short. Like all of Kinn and Porsche's sex scenes, it served narrative purpose. The physical and verbal affirmation that they loved each other and are on each other's sides before all the shit that hits the fan in the 11:30th hour.
@dancinbutterfly wrote this beautiful meta about Mile and Apo's reaction video when the two of them watched it together the first time too. I highly recommended everyone read it if they haven't!
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mesaprotector · 3 months
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My Elden Ring character tier list after finishing the game. Don't look at it too closely if you mind spoilers. Caption (since the images are hard to see) and some explanations:
S: Morgott, Miriel, *Kalé
Kalé being this high is based on his cut questline - without it, I'd put him right at the top of A/B tier. I probably don't have to explain Morgott or Miriel.
A: Alexander, Enia, Gideon, Hewg, Big Boggart, Melina, Jar Bairn, Blaidd, Mohg
I think Gideon is a fantastic character, not least because in my playthrough I screwed up Nepheli's questline among others so I had no forewarning of how callous he was. Mohg's voice actor and design are what make him so memorable for me.
A/B: Godfrey, Roderika, Fia, Malenia, Rennala, Patches, Ranni, Sellen, Radahn
While I'm not immune to cute blue witch girls, I never found Ranni very interesting. She's charming, sure, but I mostly followed her quest out of duty. Godfrey and Radahn are very similar characters in my mind - likeable warlords - and even though the Radahn festival was one of my favorite parts of the game, Radahn himself doesn't have much to say anymore. Him being in the upper half of the list is an accomplishment though.
B: Godfrey, Gowry, Thops, Maliketh, Rya, Rogier, Latenna
Didn't do most of Rya's questline, so she'd probably be higher if I had. Same with Rogier. I found Gowry more interesting than his charge Millicent, and unlike Gideon I was sort of on the line of whether he meant well or not the whole time, until the end.
B/C: Boc, Nepheli, Corhyn, Iji, Millicent, Goldmask, Hyetta
I did wish Boc well but man was I uncomfortable during most of our interactions.
C: Seluvis, Kenneth, Gostoc, Tanith, Albus, Shabriri
Seluvis's voice actor was great - I despised him. Shabriri was a lot more effective as a sinister presence in the game's background than he was after he actually appeared.
D: Jerren, Rykard, Radagon, Bernahl, Pidia
Jerren was fine but just kind of a nonentity. Rykard and Radagon each had like 1 interesting moment. I forgot who Bernahl was even after putting him on this list which should say enough. And Pidia is just Seluvis without the charm of being so obviously awful.
Not on the list: Diallos, D, D's brother, Dung Eater, Vyke, Varré, Yura
I missed the majority of each of these quests. I heard Diallos's was good, but I can't fairly rank him.
Also not on the list: Marika
I feel only someone who's studied this game's lore for months could even begin to get a sense of what kind of character she is.
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terendelev · 4 months
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ok, about this guy (my Tarnished)
-served the Two Fingers as a Confessor so hes a big Golden Order fanboy even before he came to the Lands Between
-will go with the Goldmask's ending (Golden Order restored everything is the same)
-had a love affair with D and obsessed with him in a weird way even after his death
-then Varre gaslight, girlbossed his way and had a toxic relationship with him
-only had a weak side for Boc and Roderika
-thats all I got rn I am still watching lore videos)
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tallymali · 10 months
1. boc my tiny boy my precious son my little lad
2. malenia bc she was made for the traumatised girlies with quiet and endless wrath deep inside
3. blaidd. i am just a hole.
4. bell bearing hunter. i am still just a hole.
5. iji for being a nice and kind welsh grandfather. i want to visit him for tea and cake every weekend
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llamagirl28 · 7 months
let me just start by appreciating the hard work you do for this IF. this is genuinely one of the few IFs that have given me brainrot (/pos), and im so excited to see how it goes! your writing is amazing and the characters are so entertaining! im not very good with compliments, but i just wanted to give some appreciation with your work <3
anyway, what are the family symbols/crests of the ROs (or anyone)? we know that the Pendragon's is dragons and red, Le Fay's is serpents and green, and Leudonus's is bears and moss green. and follow-up question, are there any symbolism to why you chose that particular symbol, or was it already predetermined in Arthurian legend?
Thank you so much! 💕
No, it's not predetermined from Arthurian legends, I honestly took a lot of liberty with the myths in general - Boc is inspired by them but very much its own thing haha.
Alright, so the crests!
Pendragon - gold dragon, red background. All the dragon bloods chose their crests based upon the dragons that gave them their powers. They all went with a gilded dragon in various poses, and the background came from the color of the scales. Fun fact, the posture of the dragon on the Pendragon crest was changed when they first came to sit on the throne - it was less threatening as it is now, rearing, claws ready to strike, maw open.
Le Fay is not actually green! It's serpent and azure blue, the color being reminiscent of the sea. In-story explanation: their fae ancestor first showed themselves to their human ancestor in the shape of a snake. As to why I chose it, I really like serpent imagery and symbolism and how it can be use in the game.
Leudonus have the moss green and bear because I wanted something you'd think of as big and strong and fearsome. The origin of it in game is not set yet.
Beauregard - swan and blue. Swan because the first of their family to sit on the throne is said to have arrived at the castle in a swan-drawn boat to dethrone the one who wanted the crown, seeing them as unfit to rule. This is loosely based on the tale of the Swan Knight/Knight of the Swan. Also swans because they're beautiful birds and they have plenty in Astolat.
Meier (Isac's family) have a stag and dark green as their symbol. They are descendants of the fae known as the Deer King, hence the stag, and their magic affinity is plant-based, hence green.
Hendrik (Guinevere's family) - Red tulip and black. Tulip because of the family business, back before they even got on the throne.
Allard family, after they stopped using the Le Fay serpent - the Royal Eagle, (what we know as golden eagle). It's supposed to be a symbol to evoke power, strength and determination.
Laurent family (the family of Elena aka Galahad's mother) - a bundle of lavender against bronze background.
Du Lac - apple tree with red fruit, light green background. Inspired by the association of Avalon with appletrees within Arthurian legends. Initially it was mentioned as a symbol of Avalon in the game but I later changed it. In my story, Avalon is based on Mediterranean islands so if there's any fruit emblematic to it, it should be something more citrusy.
These are the most defined at the moment.
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tarnishedinquirer · 3 months
Person of Interest: Boc
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Name: Boc Title/Alias: None Race: Demi-Human Gender: Male Occupation: Seamster Affiliation: None Notes:
Initially shapeshifted into a tree. Said that someone transformed him.
Wants to follow in his mother's footsteps.
Race called "demi-humans," bears some resemblance to the Beastman of Faruum Azula, but smaller and with less fur.
Outcast from his tribe
Friendly, earnest, servile demeanor.
was attacked by his former tribe
has since recovered and set up shop right outside Stormveil
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liyazaki · 2 years
just finished KinnPorsche it was good, like the scenery not so sure about dialogue but it was really good. I just never seen a fandom sucked a company's dick so hard, is this normal in BL series? I've seen a couple so I wouldn't know like I saw a couple of comments praising the company and some saying people should be thankful got weird never saw people thanking CW for Supernatural lol other than that obviously the fandom I think it's very intense but it also comes quite supportive. Not sure if I would be part of but mostly it was a good series and I hope there is a second season because that ending is asking for more.
this had me rolling, Nonnie 🤣 you're really not wrong- to say the KP fandom has collectively been laying on the floor for months, begging BOC to step on us wouldn't really be an exaggeration (aside from the nightmare novel writers, who can go straight to hell...*burns sage*).
you might already be familiar with the legendary creation-of-KP fandom lore, but that's the main reason why we went particularly feral for- of all things- a production company.
how can you not when said production company is essentially co-owned and funded by one of its main leads, who chose to invest in the show partially because one of the mains was based on him? to quote Ms. Stefani, that shit is bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S).
to answer your original question: no, the fandom reaction you've been seeing is not at all typical. Bad Buddy was the last show that had an equally-feral fandom reaction, but with a very different vibe.
watching KinnPorsche with this little community has been a mostly-amazing, completely-unhinged experience, and I'm SO hoping for a second season, partially just so the madness gets to go on for just a little longer (ANNOUNCEMENT WHEN LORD- WHEN).
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Watch "Boc EXPLAINED | Elden Ring Lore" on YouTube
Can't lie, this is one character from Elden Ring that had my feelings hurt. I just wanted everything good for Boc.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
*Knock knock*
Since your Elden Ring adventure's nearing an end (I think?? idk) Tell me about your favourite characters!
And have some cookies too cos you deserve them!: 🍪
My first adventure in the lands between is indeed toward its end (I'm 135h in I think) ! (I forgot to answered you last time sorry too XD) I just need to finished some catacombs and stuff at the mountain tops, the fire giant, Farum Azula, Mohg & Malenia (+ I reach the frenzied flame too! so I might do that too but I need to be sure to have the needle) and I think I did almost everything else ? I think ?? maybe I forgot 1-2 catacombs or a few optional bosses (oh yeah I need to do the bell bearing hunters...) but I think I might have done almost everything else ?? (don't don't ask me for all the items & papers lol XD )
I have the week in vacation so I might try to finished it this week. (Gonna try to stream my attempts at Malenia too...omg...)
So, besides it would probably take hours to talked about all the characters + I don't know everything yet but let's go with the few I liked the most I think.
Ranni my beloved ❤️ I really like her ! (wow what a surprise. But somehow I feel her quest would be more impactful + have more meaning after doing the game a first time)
I really like Iji & Blaidd too T_T
Torrent my dear companion! idk what I would have done without him XD we live quite crazy adventures !
A shame we didn't see Melina too much too... but towards the end I found the little bit of dialogue & hidden bit of lore about her super interesting ?! I know she won't take it well but Melina I just wanna help you...
Rya and Boc my beloved !!! I love them so much they need to be protected ! Miriel too :D (and Kale is cool)
Millicent !! oh dear... I was like : oh yes she's cooI ! It's sad how we first found her. But now I finished her quest and it's the first time I cried in this game ! "Come on Milli Malenia is just around the corner ! What are you even talking about ??" I feel smt is weirdly missing... I thought se wanted to see malenia... she was in the prayer room and then... (I need to post the beautiful pic I took. I wanna draw it ;-;)
I understand now why you all love her so much. I need to catch up with your fic and re read Stolen soon ! (now I will actually get all the ref and understand everything XD)
Latenna goat summon too (with Mimic, Rollo & the wolves lol) ! Can't wait to fight alongside Finlay too ! She seems to be the ultimate mvp
Oh Sellen too... maybe she's not a nice person (idk what she really done but it may be bad?) but she always was nice to me.
About the roundtable now! (I mean I like everyone except Gideon and the dung eater lmao) ! Aka Roderika (one of the best clearly! idk what I would have done without her), Rogier (he deserved better ;-;), Fia (what a really interesting character! D and his bro too), I didn't finished Hewg storyline but interesting so far...
Goldmask is fun but poor Coryhn... Hyetta too man ;-; (girl you're blind how-)
Big Boggart really start as annoying as Patches to ended up as a true bro
Nepheli is incredible ! (+ Gostoc & Kenneth amazing storm veil squad i think they're funny together XD)
Hello I love Fortissax so much too ! (one of the best boss fight for now) I need to know more about Forti and Godwyn !!! omg I have some thoughts!!!
And omg don't get me started and Vyke & Lansseax + Vyke's maiden T_T what went wrong hm ?!?!?!
I finished Gurranq quest too! Well a bit crazy but who isn't but really interesting willing to help
Oh like Alexander too ! And his newphew ! I think he's still chilling in the lava XD (I mean the other tarnished helping us are cool) and wow Diallos... I found he was a bit dumb at first... but damned
Oh Morgott !!! i understand better why people simp on him so much XD he's really cool! and deserved better too
speaking of the demigod poor Rennala ;-; and Rykard is cool but I can't take him seriously with his dumb voice XD
Yura was nice... Thops too...
Oh and Miquella really seems to be the ultimate goat too... can't wait to learn more ;-; ( Myself having a lil bro I feel this siblings might end me)
Anyway they all deserve better!!!!
And I'm gonna stop here XD Thanks for the cookies too ! :D 🍪
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