#ok I ended talking a bit about everyone XD
fantomette22 · 1 year
*Knock knock*
Since your Elden Ring adventure's nearing an end (I think?? idk) Tell me about your favourite characters!
And have some cookies too cos you deserve them!: 🍪
My first adventure in the lands between is indeed toward its end (I'm 135h in I think) ! (I forgot to answered you last time sorry too XD) I just need to finished some catacombs and stuff at the mountain tops, the fire giant, Farum Azula, Mohg & Malenia (+ I reach the frenzied flame too! so I might do that too but I need to be sure to have the needle) and I think I did almost everything else ? I think ?? maybe I forgot 1-2 catacombs or a few optional bosses (oh yeah I need to do the bell bearing hunters...) but I think I might have done almost everything else ?? (don't don't ask me for all the items & papers lol XD )
I have the week in vacation so I might try to finished it this week. (Gonna try to stream my attempts at Malenia too...omg...)
So, besides it would probably take hours to talked about all the characters + I don't know everything yet but let's go with the few I liked the most I think.
Ranni my beloved ❤️ I really like her ! (wow what a surprise. But somehow I feel her quest would be more impactful + have more meaning after doing the game a first time)
I really like Iji & Blaidd too T_T
Torrent my dear companion! idk what I would have done without him XD we live quite crazy adventures !
A shame we didn't see Melina too much too... but towards the end I found the little bit of dialogue & hidden bit of lore about her super interesting ?! I know she won't take it well but Melina I just wanna help you...
Rya and Boc my beloved !!! I love them so much they need to be protected ! Miriel too :D (and Kale is cool)
Millicent !! oh dear... I was like : oh yes she's cooI ! It's sad how we first found her. But now I finished her quest and it's the first time I cried in this game ! "Come on Milli Malenia is just around the corner ! What are you even talking about ??" I feel smt is weirdly missing... I thought se wanted to see malenia... she was in the prayer room and then... (I need to post the beautiful pic I took. I wanna draw it ;-;)
I understand now why you all love her so much. I need to catch up with your fic and re read Stolen soon ! (now I will actually get all the ref and understand everything XD)
Latenna goat summon too (with Mimic, Rollo & the wolves lol) ! Can't wait to fight alongside Finlay too ! She seems to be the ultimate mvp
Oh Sellen too... maybe she's not a nice person (idk what she really done but it may be bad?) but she always was nice to me.
About the roundtable now! (I mean I like everyone except Gideon and the dung eater lmao) ! Aka Roderika (one of the best clearly! idk what I would have done without her), Rogier (he deserved better ;-;), Fia (what a really interesting character! D and his bro too), I didn't finished Hewg storyline but interesting so far...
Goldmask is fun but poor Coryhn... Hyetta too man ;-; (girl you're blind how-)
Big Boggart really start as annoying as Patches to ended up as a true bro
Nepheli is incredible ! (+ Gostoc & Kenneth amazing storm veil squad i think they're funny together XD)
Hello I love Fortissax so much too ! (one of the best boss fight for now) I need to know more about Forti and Godwyn !!! omg I have some thoughts!!!
And omg don't get me started and Vyke & Lansseax + Vyke's maiden T_T what went wrong hm ?!?!?!
I finished Gurranq quest too! Well a bit crazy but who isn't but really interesting willing to help
Oh like Alexander too ! And his newphew ! I think he's still chilling in the lava XD (I mean the other tarnished helping us are cool) and wow Diallos... I found he was a bit dumb at first... but damned
Oh Morgott !!! i understand better why people simp on him so much XD he's really cool! and deserved better too
speaking of the demigod poor Rennala ;-; and Rykard is cool but I can't take him seriously with his dumb voice XD
Yura was nice... Thops too...
Oh and Miquella really seems to be the ultimate goat too... can't wait to learn more ;-; ( Myself having a lil bro I feel this siblings might end me)
Anyway they all deserve better!!!!
And I'm gonna stop here XD Thanks for the cookies too ! :D 🍪
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lc-holy · 11 months
Miraculous awakening Live-blog:
Originally I didn't want to watch the film because I know I'm not going to like it, but since I've seen a lot of people talking about it, I thought I'd make up my own mind.
(I watch the film in French)
Fu's voice is a little less cartoonish than in the series. But what intrigues me is who is Fu talking to? Is he breaking the 4th wall by talking to the audience?
He could also have said: "this film is a Jeremy Zag fanfic, it's not canon to the series".
So Marinette in the film is ashamed of her father? I can understand that she's a teenager, and that her father is a bit overprotective.... It's a bit cliché and déjà vu but hey.
Wow, Sabine and Marinette's discussion in the bakery... it was too weird and unnatural.
First song... it's so weird... I don't understand what's happening? We see Marinette taking a bike, going in all directions, but finally coming back to the bakery...
And I have the impression that the lyrics don't match what we see on screen? I have the impression that the song wants to show us that she's weird because she's clumsy like in the show, but at the same time she doesn't say it clearly.... I find the song lyrics too vague and empty... I don't understand what this song is trying to tell me...
Oh, Gabriel! His design is my least favorite at the moment. Mostly because of his tiny shoulders! In the series, his shoulders are broad, which gives him presence.
Oh, it's nice to see how Gabriel's clothes are made. After all, in the show, Gabriel doesn't want to leave his house and does everything by phone. I think it's nice. But the scene didn't even last 1 minute...
Alya saving Marinette was pretty good here.
So Alya likes to film people making fools of themselves? I thought her passion was journalism and superheroes! And Marinette smiling? If I were her, I'd be afraid she'd film me without my knowledge and post it on the Internet.
Well, the dialogue is awkward, but I understood what Alya meant xD
I don't quite understand Marinette's montage, which is supposed to show us her clumsiness...  I don't think Marinette is all that clumsy, actually. She's supposed to be the school's disaster girl, but she hasn't done anything really catastrophic.
Wow the miraculous butterfly giving end-of-the-world flashbacks.... I wasn't expecting that.
But why is everyone laughing at Marinette! She hasn't done anything particularly embarrassing...
First interaction between Adrien and Marinette, it's pretty sweet. I can see why she has a crush on him, he's one of the first people to be nice to her (although there was Alya too, but hey). But Adrien disappearing while putting the books away! I burst out laughing. Did he run away or what? He hadn't even finished putting the books away! And the fact that he said afterwards that he found Marinette too weird? Is that why he ran away?! It makes the scene less cute...
Adrien: "I'm used to it, I work alone all the time." I don't understand why he says that? Why does he work alone? In the show I can understand, he's home-schooled, but here I don't understand what they wanted to tell us about Adrien with this sentence...
So in the film Adrien can go out whenever he wants, ok.
Fu is very strange, but it's funny. Fu giving her the ladybug's miraculous is almost the same as in the show, except that in the show fu gives her his miraculous because she saved him but also because he saw her clumsiness and lack of confidence.
I thought it was funny at first, but fu is starting to get creepy, and I feel like I'm watching a parody of miraculous here.
Okay, the akumatization scene could have been interesting, especially with the parallel when Adrien finds the black cat ring and the failed marriage proposal. But the akumatization is so quick??? We don't have time to feel all the frustration of the akumatized character, who cries and suddenly growls a little because he's not happy. We don't see Gabriel feeling the negative emotions. And no pact between Hawkmoth and the akumatized? okay...
And we're talking about the fact that Adrien didn't have to do much to get his miraculous? It just came to him because he's the chosen one. The same goes for Marinette... in the end, the fact that she saved Master Fu's life was for nothing, since the miraculous come magically to the chosen ones.
Wow Calm down tikki... I have a feeling she's going to be radically different from tikki from the series. I feel more like tikki with Plagg's behavior.
Tikki's rap is weird, I don't know if I like it or not xD
Marinette: "First a song, now a yo-yo and then what? A dinette?" Huh? You know you can be humorous and still make sense. Maybe it's just the French translation.
Is the yo-yo alive?
Huh?! Chat noir is here?! But we didn't see Plagg and Adrien meet! We didn't see Adrien transform! We didn't see Adrien's reaction when he discovered the miraculous....
Chat noir: "A young girl doesn't hang out in a place like this at this time of night" How to destroy the charm of Chat noir's character in one line... But it's a different story, so the characters are bound to be a bit different, so we'll let it slide.
It's a shame we didn't get to see Adrien's reaction when he found out he'd been chosen to be a hero, because he seems to be playing the super-mysterious hero by hiding in the cathedral. So far we haven't seen much of Adrien, except that he looks sad to have lost his mother.
Chat noir is a bit strange? As we haven't really been introduced to Adrien, we don't really understand why Adrien suddenly changes personality...
He made a joke without being insufferable! Phew, it's Chat noir all right. And then he calls Ladybug assistant... Chat noir... I believed in you...
Alya says Ladybug is strong, even though she's done absolutely nothing so far.
The lighting effects are really nice.
Oh my, the careless whisper music started when Chat noir took Ladybug's hand! What's that music?
So Ladybug and Chat noir didn't beat the akumatized person, the butterfly simply left the object. Which makes me think that Tikki didn't explain how to purify the akuma! She should have explained this to Marinette instead of telling her to trust herself.
So it's Fu that explains their power ok. But even after falling in love with Ladybug, Chat noir still wants to go it alone?
What's with the characters in this movie disappearing like that?! Is master fu a ghost?
Plagg is so pathetic?! What did you do to him?! Is this his first on-screen interaction with Adrien?! I feel like they introduced him to us as if we already knew him.
He farts and burps, yay.... It's the quintessence of humor. (I'm not against fart jokes, but in movies it's always complicated to make jokes like that).
Stop farting plagg!!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!
So is Hawkmoth a separate entity? But then, who is Hawkmoth? And is Nooroo kind?
Nooroo: "These powers aren't meant for this" Nooroo says this when Hawkmoth tells him he wants to cause chaos to get Ladybug and Chat noir's miraculous back. So Nooroo's power can also be used for good? like in the show?
Uh... what year is the film set in? Are there any prisoners in the catacombs???? Are people still selling newspapers in the streets? What's going on?
I'm sorry, but the akumatizations in this film make no sense....
Nino tells Adrien to be super mysterious to seduce the person he loves. But this scene should have taken place before Ladybug met Chat noir! Chat noir's behavior would have made more sense!
Why doesn't Adrien want to stay with Marinette? Because he thinks she's weird? (#notmyAdrien)
Well, their discussion is actually quite cute.
The action scenes are nice, but we need to stop using unnecessary slow motion. Why slow down when Nino confesses to Alya?
Ladybug still had a plan to beat the bad guys, even if there was no Ladybug vision. Wait... Isn't there a lucky charm?
But don't akuma go into objects?! They go into people! Oh okay... it wouldn't be very kids friendly to break their leg to get the akuma out of their body anyway...
Meh... the way she purified the akumas was not impressive at all. And she didn't do what she did in the show and get the akumas that formed Hawkmoth's head. It would have been cool to see this scene with this animation. Well...
oh? Chat noir became a little more humble all of a sudden.
Parisians still read newspapers? Don't they have the Internet?
Ladybug and Chat noir advertising cars? The subtlety of this ad xD it made me burst out laughing.
The rooftop scene is very cute, too bad it ends with Chat noir blocking Ladybug against a wall.
Tikki forced Marinette to touch Adrien's hand to bring him closer and now that Marinette wants to ask Adrien to go to the ball, she tells him to stay focused on her mission? She was fearless from the start and now she's cautious? Why is that? Tikki's behavior has changed completely...
Do the earrings flash in case of danger? It's not very discreet, but okay.
So Chat noir pretended to be in danger to get Ladybug to come?
Wait, wait... Chat noir tells his life story here?! And his secret identity? oh... that’s right... From the beginning, they never talked about the importance of keeping their identity a secret... So if it doesn't matter, why don't they already know who they are!
Adrien: "Since my mother died, I've sworn not to get attached to people, so as not to suffer" Ok Gwen Stacy.
Joking aside, we see so little of Adrien interacting with others in this film that this sentence is a little surprising. And he has Nino, doesn't he? Isn't he his friend? In fact, we don't really know what their relationship is, since they've only exchanged two sentences.
In all the songs, French lip-synching is catastrophic....
"Every day you save the world with that mask but the girl wearing it saved my heart" "How could I have imagined for a second that she could love me, behind my mask hides an empty and abandoned heart" Chat noir throwing out corny quotes he found on the internet xD
And stop farting plagg !!!! I promise you I love plagg in the series but here he is uninteresting and insufferable!!!!!!
Ooh... Gabriel are you okay?
Adrien gets angry with his father, but he doesn't care that he's in a terrible state?
Oh! Adrien "tutoie" his father in the film.
And we've never seen Chloé and Adrien interact with each other... Are they childhood friends or not?
And Marinette loses hope again ...
Stop with the careless whisper music, please.....
No, just no ... even if Adrien is heartbroken, he'll still turn into Chat noir to save Paris ... now Adrien is just selfish. He turns into Chat noir just to see Ladybug. This scene really made me angry...
The fact that they say they're "stronger together" is starting to get on my nerves. It's so cheesy.
Chat noir cataclysm is a liquid?
Hawkmoth masters the force?!
Tikki: "Get up, Marinette, don't let your fear paralyze you" No, but you have to stop using phrases like "go and believe in yourself!". Marinette has a head injury and has to be taken to hospital.
So there wasn't even a final fight? Quite simply: Oh no, Chat noir is my son! I'll stop being mean!
Gabriel's story told in a minute. I prefer Felix and Kagami to tell it, sorry Gabriel.
Gabriel: "The only power stronger than death is love" Gabriel, even you don't deserve to say such corny things...what have they done to you, poor guy...
I heard Fu was more competent in this movie than in the series. And really...I don't see how...he served any purpose other than to explain their power. He didn't even choose the heroes.
Ladybug: "the power of love will be there to protect you" ah yes, the film completely assumes its cheesiness.
So there's no Miraculous ladybug: it's the power of love that literally fixes everything.
Didn't we even see Marinette make her dress?
Has Adrien turned into Luka or what? Instead of playing guitar chords, he's playing cheesy poem quotes!
This final scene is long....
This identity reveal sucks... my god... no impact.
 I'm not giving a score because I don't like to rate films. But here's my general feeling:
This is fan fiction written by someone who can't write. I tried to detach myself as much as possible from the series, but even though I knew nothing about Miraculous, everything is too vague and unexplained. The relationships between the characters are bizarre and unlovable.
Marinette is an empty shell who tells us nothing except that she doesn't trust herself.
There's nothing charming about Chat Noir, who thinks only of Ladybug and has nothing heroic about him.
The relationship between Gabriel and Adrien is non-existent.
Chloé is useless.
Plagg just farts...
The final battle is non-existent... ! ! !!!
Yes, you don't write a series like you write a movie, but here instead of taking another direction to make a parallel universe to Miraculous the series, they just took away everything that made it fun. They didn't add anything or develop anything differently, they just took things away.
The music in a musical should tell a story, but here it's the same thing all the time... and it doesn't tell much either.
If you like the film's music, I think you might enjoy the film, because it's watchable. It's not horrible, but it's forgettable and cliché.
I'm not going to talk about this movie again, I'm clearly not the target audience. I'll leave it to those who will like the film. I will only continue to watch the series and the special episodes.
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How did s!Dappleduo came to the Shelter ?
Ok, so, I wanted to get on s!Dappleduo theories and questions. 
Quick note : through this post I’ll stick with “s!Dapper” and “s!Pomme'' to make it easier. But just so you know, in general, I use Shade and Dapper, and Lumi and Pomme interchangeably, and still refer to the same characters. 
First of all some basics : 
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It is confirmed Shelter is a place where people were all brought by the tree, besides of a few possible exceptions, and came from different minecraft universes. The kind of the universes can be really diverse going from one character to another : other dimensions ? made up minecraft universes ? Or even, already existing minecraft universes. 
I’ve been getting into figuring out where everyone came from, why and how they came to the Shelter. A lot of hints made me think some characters could have died before being resurrected by the tree, thus reincarnated. And surely there is something that all of them must have in common to be chosen by the tree, but we can't confirm yet the process is the same for everyone. So for now I think the "death and reincarnated" scenario is only "one way” possible among others. 
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Going onto s!Dappleduo’s case. My first and biggest interrogation was whether or not s!Dapper and s!Pomme, and q!Dapper and q!Pomme, were the same characters.
I know in /meta, they rp and act the same, but the real question was to know if lorewise, the 2 versions of their characters have a shared backstory, thus meaning s!Dapper and s!Pomme were actually the continuation of q!Pomme and q!Dapper ?
A quick /meta note on this : I wanted to get into s!Dappleduo’s lore for a while. But I had a lot of hesitation because I was debating whether or not everything was just /meta references, and if there was even a lore talk to have to begin with. But then we had more lore, thus more hints to make up my mind.  
Now, I think the answer is yes. 
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Recently, s!Pomme heavily hinted she came from the QSMP’s universe, and that she misses people from there, during her dialogue with s!Mine.
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And both s!Pomme and s!Dapper referenced the events they went through in QSMP during Shelter's /rp moments, meaning it actually happened to their current characters and they remember it :
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s!Dapper referencing the punch card and the free cookie jar xD
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Their character seems to be basically the same, altho a bit different. s!Pomme hinted a lot this idea of a new chapter, of a “rebirth”. 
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And I think the same goes for s!Dapper, as I consider s!Dappleduo siblings to have shared lore in general.
I see all of this as hinting they went through reincarnation, after all didn’t they have a parent who used to reincarnate over and over again ?
They still seem to have memories of their "previous life", altho it's not sure yet they fully remember everything. They’re still the same, but not completely. And they both came from the tree. 
Thing is, they’re not the only one hinted to be “reincarnated” from the tree. s!Ryan, s!Luh and s!Heiwa's hints mostly, made me think their characters were reincarnated from the tree after “dying”. Did s!Dapper and s!Pomme died aswell and were reincarnated in Shelter ? 
That's where having the confirmation that q!Dappleduo and s!Dappleduo are the same makes a whole difference : Dappleduo had 2 lives before.
q!Dappleduo came up to life with the constant threat of perma death upon them, making it an essential part of how they grew and evolved as characters. Especially for q!Pomme ! Her being the only one with 2 lives, growing up stronger to fight for her life and those she cares about, is one of the most fundamental element of her character. 
But now, both of them ended up in Shelter, and are now immortal. But still, their character backstory is still based on them having only 2 lives and struggling to stay alive. My point being, if they canonically had 2 lives, why not anymore ?
And as much as there is an obvious /meta reason why it's this way, lorewise, I think we can still ask ourselves how come they did get rid of the 2 lives limitations ? In general, how did they came from one state to another ?
Could q!Pomme and q!Dapper have died, and been reincarnated by the tree ? But if so, how did they die ? Last thing we know, they both still had 2 lives, what could have killed them both twice ? And was the reincarnation itself enough to get them rid of the 2 lives limitation, or is there even more to it ?
There's still an unknown timeline gap between q!Pomme and q!Dapper having both of their life and still no official death/reason for their death, and current s!Dapper and s!Pomme being immortal. And as much as I think reincarnation occured here, I’m still not 100% sure they had to die for it. Well, let’s say something is still strange about this. 
Another element I had, but was kinda cautious to use since I wasn’t sure how much "in character" it was (but that I’m now using, you’ll see why) : it is said that s!Dapper one of the first residents along with s!Jean and s!Ana. Meaning that s!Pomme came after ? And if so, why did they come separately ?
That’s all we had for s!Dappleduo for a while. But recently, more came to it.
During the conversation between s!Mine and s!Pomme, s!Pomme said she didn't know how she came here (surely no memory loss has ever happened to her before) but was glad s!Dapper "found" her.
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And when s!Mine asked if they both came from the same tree, or just ended up finding each other (the exact same interrogation I had about them), s!Pomme answer was that s!Dapper has "his own ways" of doing stuff, that he is a creative fella and has a lot of tricks.
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That’s all, she didn’t explain more after.
What "trick" from s!Dapper is she referring to right there ? Is that "trick" the whole reason why they found each other ? Could it imply they were not supposed to be together at first if it wasn't for s!Dapper ? And if so, why ?
The fact that it is implied they went through seperate ways before coming here is really intriguing. Why was s!Dapper the first one (apparently) and what did he do, both to get there at first and then to "find" Pomme ? That’s the reason why I’m not entirely sure they died. As much as it is possible, it looks like there is even more to it, especially about s!Dapper whole involvment in this process. After all, the Halo family is known to have this habit of playing with life and death’s rules, right ? 
And I kinda covered everything I wanted to say. Again, not so much happened, and we're still in the dark. It's still just some questions and comments here and there.
I mainly wanted to bring your attention into those hints and mysteries about them, and how it seems like we’re missing a part of the timeline of event that explain s!Dappleduo whole presence here. And I can’t wait to see what they’re cooking :D
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t3acupz · 4 months
ok I have to ask because I'm so curious. Do you ship brownham in a "two hawks" serial killer couple way, or a Will is manipulating Matthew way, or a pwp way, or a doomed by the narrative way or...? I just want to know your headcanons XD
There’s so much to say about brownham that I get emotional about it.
Essentially, what happens in canon isn’t that great for Matthew. Will emotionally manipulates Matthew, and uses him to try and kill Hannibal. For Will, Matthew is just a pawn in his chess game against Hannibal.
But I like to approach this ship from Matthew’s point of view. He is someone who has been hiding his true self from everyone for most of his life. He’s spent time in a mental asylum for unknown reasons. He fakes a lisp and changes his mannerisms to appear as an unassuming orderly at the BSHCI. We can only assume his backstory and what led him to act this way but he’s clearly desperate to be known. Truly known. And in truly knowing someone, we love them.
I love that we get a small shot of Matthew in 2.01 Kaiseki (bringing Will his dinner) because it shows that he’s been with Will since the beginning of his imprisonment. Matthew spent months studying Will, silently watching him from the shadows. Listening to his conversations with Chilton. I’m sure he’s heard Will denounce Hannibal as the real Chesapeake Ripper plenty of times. Matthew read Will’s file and studied the Chesapeake Ripper’s murders just so he can come up with a plan to free Will by creating an alibi for him.
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This scene in 2.05 Mukōzuke is so great because of the symbolism. Matthew opened Will’s enclosure, and watched him exit the cage with complete adoration. That was exactly what Matthew had planned by killing the bailiff. He wanted to set Will free. He knew that Will was an empath; someone who could finally understand him and not think he was depraved or insane.
Matthew is wearing all white, a symbol of purity. He wants to be Will’s savior, his guardian angel. He talks about hawks and how their folly is their solitary nature. He’s so in love with Will that he will make them go against their natures just to be together.
I’ll talk briefly about the pool scene. Water is one of Will’s motifs in the show, and Matthew thus became an extension of Will. He swam faster than Hannibal and then outmaneuvered him with the tranquilizer dart. He could’ve just let Hannibal drown and that would’ve been the end of it but he wanted to mock Hannibal. He wanted to show Hannibal how much he hurt Will and in doing so, compared Hannibal to the traitorous Judas. He needed Hannibal to know that he was killing for Will, and at Will’s request. It was Matthew’s way of saying, “Yes, I won and I killed you for my man.”
Matthew wasn’t shocked in the slightest when Hannibal told him that Will wasn’t a killer. It didn’t faze him at all. He also wasn’t the least bit fearful to be facing the actual Chesapeake Ripper. A man known for killing dozens of people in gruesome and horrific ways. He had Hannibal tied up and bleeding out and did it all while being adorably jaunty. That’s an amazing power move and something completely unforgettable for me when watching this show.
So the way I view the ship is in canon-divergence. Matthew succeeds in killing Hannibal, and Will is freed from the BSHCI when new evidence comes to light to prove that Lecter was the Chesapeake Ripper. Will returns to Wolf Trap and takes time off from working for the FBI to deal with the trauma of everything he went through. Initially, Matthew gives Will space by just dropping of care packages but eventually starts to help with chores around the house. Finally, Will invites Matthew to talk candidly about what transpired. It begins as unrequited love but evolves into real feelings from Will when he finally accepts the love he deserves.
I don’t picture them becoming serial killers because Matthew’s only known kill was the bailiff and that was done out of love, unlike Hannibal who killed for pleasure and to consume his victims like they were nothing more than livestock. Will had two paths - embrace the darkness within himself with Hannibal or follow a lighter path with Matthew (I enjoy both).
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Favourite Moments from Willow: Behind the Magic
Erin and Tony piggyback time
Erin and Ruby have their own handshake that's awesome!!!
Seeing the sheer effort put into and the quality of the design of the sets and the creatures is just aweinspiring
'Loud White Men' 'Opinions That Matter' venn diagram t-shirt
The bit. Mainly Warwick's vendetta against Ellie, and his posters.
"But then on the other hand, i was choking on a chicken bone." everyone say thank you Warwick XD
Kelly being like 'you ok?' when she's fighting Adwoa
"Ellen... Mario... Dennis... and there's Tommy... Arianna... and Robin."
Ruby's arms
Frog!!!! Even frogs love Ruby Cruz! The frogs have spoken!!!
Ruby sat in the background in fantasy attire on her phone whilst Warwick and the others commit to the bit
Ruby being one of my favourite genders
Amar talking about the importance of seeing Asian folk in a show like Willow
Erin and Ruby talking about the importance of queer folk in a show like Willow :')
Erin just being so sad about it ending
Ellie and Ruby on the fake horse
Great set feeling. Awesome to hear.
Amar and those damn chairs.
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triptychofvoids · 7 months
Hey, hey sunshine, considering how many cute sketches with a Medic you draw for people
Can I ask a question to a Medic from your headcannons?
Mr. Medic, what was the first reaction of Heavy to your autism? Did he notice sensory overload or other signs of autism not characteristic of neurotypical people? (may the author forgive me for such stupid questions ":D)
from very near the beginning most of the mercs would know something is a bit different about him, it would be fairly obvious if youre paying enough attention. medic wouldnt really mask very much (if at all) so other people would pick up on something eventually.
the rest under the cut because. this got a bit longer than intended ^^;
when medic makes eye contact its either all or nothing, hes either staring into your soul the whole time or he isnt looking at your face at all. hes more than happy to talk for hours on end about what he wants to talk about and doesnt really notice that he hasnt given the other person a chance to speak for the past 40 minutes. he doesnt really hide his stims (with a few exceptions) so it wouldnt be uncommon to see him rocking in his seat even if only a little or wringing his hands or waving them around when hes excited or anything like that. hes openly very picky about certain foods and drinks. ive already mentioned him having very low empathy. he tends to already be fairly quick to annoyance and anger but nothing pushes him over the edge like hearing sounds out in the common areas of the base while hes trying to sleep or focus on something and hes gotten into more than one argument trying to get whichever merc is out there being loud to be quiet. etc etc etc i could go on.
but at first even though a lot of this would be noticed by the other mercs many of them would just assume its because hes a little weird and eccentric or something, but eventually each of them would probably get their chance to learn more about it or possibly be forced to learn about it if the situation called for it.
now to finally get to heavy xD
he would have noticed many of these traits and like some of the others just brushed it off as medic being a bit weird at first, but i think hed get his first realization moment the first time that medic has a shutdown in front of him (hed have meltdowns too but hed be more prone to shutdown. it does depend on the situation though). maybe they had a really tough battle that day, medic maybe loses a glove and gets some clothes ripped or something, everyones dying everyones getting hurt even more and worse than usual, its completely awful the entire time and medic starts getting sensory overload but has to keep going until they finish the battle obviously. anyway maybe they actually manage to pull off the win somehow and when heavy goes to congratulate medic, hes unresponsive. not completely unresponsive but hes walking around avoiding touching or even standing too close to everything and everyone, he hasnt said a single word since the battle ended (and come to think of it, he had been talking less and less as the battle progressed), any of his usual over the top expressiveness is completely gone. heavy tries to figure out whats wrong but all his questions are met with a blank stare and medic more or less trying to get away from him. so heavy is thinking this is awful,, something broke doktor,, but, look, heavy is a smart man ok?
hed figure out that medic clearly isnt in the mood for talking so hed instead try short yes and no questions in his usual quiet and caring way. are you injured? are you angry with someone? do you want to be alone? can i help? and medic maybe answers with a small head shake or a little hum of affirmation, which takes a lot of energy and he wants nothing more than to collapse right there on the floor, but if it means heavy will be able to understand whats going on and it will get him the best outcome as fast as possible then he tries his best. heavy doesnt really know exactly whats going on but he works out that the poor guy just needs to be alone for a while so he helps escort him to his room or the infirmary or wherever he leads and helps keep everyone else away from him. once they get there heavy stands outside and waits because he realizes that anyone coming in there to bother medic is definitely one of the worst things that could happen at that moment, and he does it without asking.
it would take several hours because it takes medic about an hour of sitting in a quiet corner to even recover enough to clean himself up from the battle, and after that he collapses on any flat surface he can find that isnt the floor to take a nap, and once he wakes up from that he spends a bit of time quietly interacting with his birds or organizing some medical equipment before finally he goes to find heavy and is pleasantly surprised to find him essentially guarding the door. at that point he answers any of heavys questions, explains autism to him as best as he can and in detail, lists exactly what caused the problem that day, exactly what some of his traits are, explains exactly what to do if something like this happens again in the future. etc. so after that heavy would connect the dots between this and some of medics other traits and would have a better understanding of it and do everything he can to support medic if needed and umm yeah :]!!!!
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cidthesquid · 5 days
More New Features/Update - Style Savvy : Styling Star #02
[Previous Post]              [First Post]              [Next Post] Aaaand we're back! Last time, All we really got to do was the prologue, restocking and setting up our starting outfit, So let's see what comes next:
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So first I ended up using mods to edit my character a bit, Inital Design: | New Design:
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The most obvious change is the skin tone, I'm not the biggest fan, of how darker skin tones work in the new art style, I would have preferred something in the middle, Or a slight tweak to the lighting, as the color of both can vary quite a bit in various conditions:
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But I still think both look good overall, (emulator could be Affecting) So I haven't decided what I'll stick with long term. (I don't really believe that our avatar's need to look like us IRL, so I encourage everyone to try whatever you want, even other skin tones!) I also adjusted the eyes a bit:
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I really like the 'cat eye' design from before, but I did not like that it was 'baked' into the eye shape. This really restricted some designs, and make eyelashes look a little weird imo. The lipstick is new for post 2 as well, and I think it's a nice addition, without being too flashy, but I may change it later. Any ways, even after all these blogs, it's still a little uncomfortable talking about physical appearance, even for my own fictional avatar, So I'll even the design choices at that, let's hop back into the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright, so another new feature for Styling Star is:
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They actually announce when new people show up in town! It's another small change, that really helps add to the feeling of the town growing! If only they made it a little easier to find and talk to people, maybe the social aspect was a little over done in fashion forward, But it's a little weird to have a new entries that shows a bunch of people walkign around, with no option to talk to most of them.
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It kinda feels like we've reverted back to the first 3ds game where you only have fixed NPC's in specific locations:
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...and they only cycle through a small handful of lines. Maybe this will improve overtime, it's not a huge deal though. I also learned that you can change you can change your phone's wallpaper and background picture, that's pretty fun:
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Yup, I'm pretty broke again! Time to go to work! And we just had a customer walk in and ask for a full outfit!
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I guess that mean's we're near the end of the tutorial, And the dialogue choices even let us Savvy veterans skip the explanation! Again, they really nailed the prologue in this game! It's really good at giving players freedom in how to approach the start, while still keeping them from getting lost. So now it's time to make our first real outfit of the game:
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I think it turned out well given out limitations, but maybe the hat as a bit too much,haha. There's also a neat little option to style from any outfit you've saved in your scrapbook. But for some reason, you can't save the outfit you're currently making So you'll have to design them in your apartment first, then you can suggest your custom design for customers. Any way, they were the only customer today, so on to the next... ----- The new girl from the prior day shows up at our shop:
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(I guess they wanted to give us a days advance notice, or it overlapped with an event?) Anyway, she asks for a rock skirt, litearly the one item I did not yet buy in that style! XD So I head to the exhibition hall, buy way more than I need, and head back.
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I completely forgot what she was wearing, despite having the other screenshot literary showing on my second monitor. (as I write this while playing) But it all turned out ok, as I picked up a really nice match:
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And that was it, she bought the skirt, and left. I was expecting this to be more of an 'event' like explaining, if a customer 'really likes' an item, they can ask for a full outfit, but nope. They did have a cute little epilogue though, after they bought the outfit, her normally Stoic boyfriend complements her look:
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A bit of an seemly fluffy ending, but kinda directly tied into a comment I made in my bonus post about not really being comfortable delivering complements, especially in regard to one's appearance, (outfit or otherwise) It may seem like a simple thing for some, and I don't really think it's worth going off-topic enough to explain why it's difficult for me, but it is interesting seeing some version of that shown in-game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The rest of the day was also mostly filled with people asking for a single item, so a bit on the slow side, So I decided to work on a few pre-made (scrapbook) outfits to offer to customers, It was a little weird having to build them all on my avatar, as the hair and makeup don't really match the styles I was going for:
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And once there were no more customers to help, I changed back into my standard outfit and decided to turn in for the night:
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This game must have been a huge 180 for people playing right after fashion forward. No real time clock is a nice change, but with the limited customers and lack of npc's to talk to, (so far) it really feels like the days have a fixed end point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Day, and a new brand unlocked!
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Also, I think I forgot to mention the 'daily results' screen, I believe it's a replacement for the 'happiness gauge' From trendsetters, but improved to show a numerical rank rather than just resting with no trackable progression. This is the last day we'll cover in this post, it both seems like a good stopping point, (And I'm kinda hungry, and my ADHD's hyperfocus is forcing me to finish this haha)
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I guess this game has achievements, that's pretty nice! So, I wake up and see another "new person has arrived in town" notification. So, I leave my apartment ready to run into them at my shop, and on the way, I literally run into them:
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(Oh hey, an actual event!) They fell over, so after making sure they were okay, I'm introduced to Rosie and We're given the chance to name the city:
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Oh, gees, I was not prepared for this, and I probably can't change it later, ahhh.
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Sorry, I panicked, and just typed stuff unto Google Translate until something with a nice sound came out. XD Sorry to anyone who's french, I just think your words sound nice. google says "nouvelle vie" means "New Life", that sound like a reasonable enough city name. Anyways we learn she's from out in the country, and a little lost, She complements our clothes and mentions only ever seeing fashionable people on tv. She also mentions that she's interested in getting some new clothes, so we invite here to visit our Boutique! And now we've opened a few new events, But I've just been informed that I have already used up my 30 photos for this post, so I guess the rest will have to wait till next time! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you had fun reading it as well.
As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome! (I'm also looking for feedback on this new style, how's the formatting, too many Gifs?)
You literally can't bother me, (unless you go out of your way to be a jerk), so post whatever you need to say!
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nanabbi · 8 months
Okay so
Now that this is the end
Remember when you answered that ask and posted Hanahaki spoiler without context?
I may be dumb but even now I'm.confused about it xD
Could you expain what they meant please?
By the way I absolutely l o v e d following the comic. Everything from the artstyle to the story was absolutely beautiful
Oh, my! You are so right, I forgot to address that although I had it in the back of my mind xD You are not dumb, you are very valid considering how incredibly vague they were, as well as scene specific. Ok so, this is not an exact 1/1 but I will elaborate further:
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1- Ok, the first one was not- in fact- about both of them being stupid. Although the person that had interpreted this as such was very right. So, it is heavily implied and some people caught it but I think some might have not and not everyone was around when we had been talking about it here, that Hizashi did in fact get the surgery the first time around, when they were still in school. In the flashback you see him taking a moment to remember Aizawa because of it, so the first picture was (maybe a bit of a tease) symbolizing the memory erasure. 👀
2- The second is so much more easy to explain xD It was just the glass of water Shouta gave Hizashi when he woke up.
3- Is just as easy, and while it could have honestly been applied to any part of the story, I actually had the spread page in mind when I had put that photo there 😌
4- EMERGENCY MEETING- Called by Cyan. The colour choice was important eheheh, because that picture was a reference to the flashback. Where Oboro and Shouta had an "emergency meeting" to talk about Hizashi.
And this clears out that ehehe, it was so much fun when I had posted it and seeing everyone's guesses of it 💕 Hope this wasn't much of an underwhelming answer xD
Thank you very much!! 💚
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lavendertownsghost · 1 month
RvB Restoration incoherent liveblog, then more coherent thoughts at the end
spoilers of course
Kai!!! God I hope she's in more than one scene
Why do I feel like something's up with Wash?
Wait when did they get Sheila back??
Hey they actually mentioned O'mally and how Doc perceived that
Like how they kept Grif being absolutely done with everything like in season 15
Simmons stop being mean to your boyfriend
I just realized that Epsilon's armor is from a different game than the others
Oohhh wow the Great Destroyer prophecy is actually relevant
wait how is Felix part of the Meta 2.0? I thought they just couldn't get Elijah Wood back for Sigma and that's the orange AI talking to Delta, but it's actually a version of Felix??
Yep, totally expected the Reds to nope out xD
OK that's totally Sigma with a different voice actor (Miles?). Or was Epsilon was implying that Felix and Sigma merged somehow.
This is also a real good look into how Maine was tortured
Tucker noooooo :(
Wash go save your boyfriend
Also wait why is Wash in a hospital again? he was fine at the end of season 13. Unless this is a hallucination and he had a mental break
Surprised Grif went along with this
479er!!!! My girl!
Also did Sarge forget for like the 3rd time that the Red vs Blue fight was fake?
Ahhh yes, the classic Sarge plan of 'Kill Grif'
Love how they glossed over the actual fight at the end of season 13
Oh god the zoom class flashbacks
oh shit that's Tucker in the armor
hey you know what would be real fucked? if Junior shows up
oh wow didn't expect the Reds to straight up leave Caboose to die
wait Sarge don't do a heroic sacrifice
hell yeah Sarge badass moment!
oh no Sarge in front of that door
fuck, if anyone from Blood Gulch was going to die it would be Sarge
aww Sarge finally saying he's proud of Simmons legitimately has me tearing up
People are going to say that Sarge being nice to Grif is out of character, but honestly I think it fits
why do I think Doc is a hallucination of Wash's?
oh wow Simmons
Grimmons moment? Run away with me, just the two of us.
aww Grif, choosing to stay of his own volition
So they're retconing Private Jimmy again? Church was in a robot for Blood Gulch?
Church gets a body again?
aww memories :) someone better draw fanart of Caboose, Grif, and Simmons and reminiscing around a campfire
Where is Carolina in all this?
I'm wondering if this is to bring Tex back instead of Church?
oof Simmons' robo arm
Simmons badass moment
hey wait Simmons better not die
Car moment!
also is Wash just unconscious somewhere?
oh there he is
ooohhh he's calling Carolina with he beacon?
oh shit are we going to get a Tex and Carolina team up!
yeah Carolina!!!!!
wait Grif and Simmons don't know she's Allison's kid xD
mother daughter team up for the ages
you know, if Tucker was still conscious in there he would absolutely make a joke about getting double teamed by two badass ladies
You know, I don't think Tucker is surviving this
Oh fuck yeah Tex!
wait what how can she use the sword?
oohhh Tucker was still holding it
Theta baby boy :(
awww Tex and Church are finally together
now someone get Tucker to a hospital
I feel like the best plan would be destroying it- oh there it goes
oh Doc is totally a hallucination
oh Doc is dead :(
oh it's all the Freelancers :(
Yeah I can definitely see that conversation between Wash and Carolina as either romantic or platonic, everyone wins there
is One from season 18? I don't recognize her
oh the shot of them on top of the base :(
Grif goes home... alone :(
aww the credits with everyone's faces. that last shot of the four of the OG RoosterTeeth crew:(((
I think that was a good end. I wish Wash would have actually talked to Tucker, and I'm sad we didn't see Donut and no canon grimmons but that was a long shot. I wish there was a bit more of Tucker as himself, but he's been the main character for a while so it was nice to focus on the others. the actual ending after the fight did feel a little rushed, I would have liked a bit more of Blue team recovering. also is it now just Simmons and Lopez vs Caboose, Tucker, Wash, and Carolina, or are the Freelancers going to leave?
I'm making a separate Grimmons post
All in all I liked it :) I think the most important thing was the everyone was in character. I know people are going to nitpick it and tear it apart, but it honestly could have been way worse.
Bow Chicka Bye Now
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shivstar · 20 days
It's the anon who talked about the Map and Peter XD First of all, sorry for going anon, I'm just shy and a bit socially anxious and I never talked on this site.
Thank you so much for your reply and your post about Peter! Let me say, I totally agree with you about who's the more talented and intelligent among the marauders, and in general I love your blog so much!
As for Peter, I don't know, it's a lot of things. Sorry, I tried to keep it brief, but I end up rambling a lot.
I totally agree that the McGonagall saying Peter was always trailing after Sirius makes it sound like a fanboy behavior. She also says he hero-worships them, and ok. Totally understandable. But she's also a professor. She might not know everything.
And we know James and Sirius weren't always good to Peter. (though... could the fact that James got annoyed at Peter mean that Peter knew better and James knew that Peter knew better... maybe? Not sure about that, actually XD)
But that's the problem with James and Sirius, they are the best and they know it. They have each other, James is the only one who can keep up with Sirius and vice versa.
They befriend two other boys: Remus and Peter, and I think James and Sirius care about them equally. But it's JamesandSirius, inseparable, quite the double act, and then there's everyone else. Which is why I actually think Remus and Peter were very close to each other - they had to be, to balance the duo that was JamesandSirius, otherwise the Marauders wouldn't have lasted. Take just three people, and anyone would end up third-wheeling PadfootandProngs :)
When I read the book, I got the impression that Peter was actually well integrated because: the order of the names in the Map, the whole secret keeper thing, Srius saying he would die for Peter (like he would for any of them - and I choose to believe Sirius meant that. And yet Sirius thought Remus was the traitor.).
I actually care more about Sirius and James and would happily ignore Remus and Peter if possible, though I wouldn't mind it if fics portrayed the Marauders as equals, because at least on paper they were supposed to be. But fanon Remus had to go and ruin everything. So I decided Peter deserved to be promoted a little bit XD
Weirdly enough, it was the fics portraying Peter in a negative light that convinced me. The more I read those fics, the less likely it would be for him to be the secret keeper, which he was. So how was it possible?
(I read a fic where little Harry didn't like Peter. It made it impossible for me to believe it when they followed canon and Peter was the secret keeper.)
James and Sirius are so brilliant, there's no way, no way, they would befriend someone they found genuinely annoying or weak or pathetic or stupid or unreliable or coward etc.
And given their personalities, I don't think it's because the four of them were the only boys in their year, so James and Sirius felt obligated to include Remus and Peter out of pity. Or maybe, yes to a friendship when they were at school, but they wouldn't have stayed in touch after Hogwarts.
Peter did prove to be smarter than them when he betrayed them (as you said, it wouldn't be accurate to portray him as dumb), but I also think it proved how well he knew them, given how well he orchestrated the whole thing, and how well he could predict Sirius' reaction. 
Sirius wouldn't have entrusted the lives of the persons he loved the most, the life of James, to someone he wasn't 10000% sure of.
Same with James. It was not about himself. It was about his family, his wife, his child.
And then there's Lily. She too agreed to this plan. 
Three persons all loved and trusted Peter enough.
Cue the angst! I mean, how much worse would the betrayal be if Peter was truly part of the group? The tragedy, the devastation. It all works so much better in my head!
Peter was a trusted, beloved friend and he threw it away. Maybe at some point he got insecure, just as Remus had his own insecurities - I have all these parallels in my head about how both Remus and Peter actually didn't trust the Marauders enough (as in didn't trust themselves to be part of it). They both wanted so desperately to belong that they didn't realise they already were part of something great and beautiful, and they ended up losing it. While James and Sirius got too comfortable, too arrogant. They took their four-way friendship for granted because to them, it was. For James and Sirius, anything less than perfect devotion among friends would be unthinkable. They didn't think they had to show it, while Peter and Remus, not being as intense as J and S, and being normal persons, needed proof, needed concrete things that made them believe that the friendship was still the same even after Hogwarts, even with a war going on, even with James marrying and only including Sirius (best man, godfather).
Whatever friendship they had had, at that point, I think Remus and Peter doubted it.
Maybe James and Sirius weren't able to convey their love for Peter in a way that made sense to him, but the love was there, I'm sure. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.
In the end, Peter didn't trust them to die for him, and he chose not to die for them. The tragedy is so deliciously excruciating to me. But it only works if Peter was a true Marauder.
I'll always have love for pre-betrayal Peter.
It is completely alright Anon. I mean tumblr gave this option for a reason right. You are not alone in being shy and anxious about putting your thoughts out.
Thank you for your kind words Anon!!!!!
Also my view on Peter and Marauders in general are almost similar to what you mentioned.
Beginning from how McGonagall didn't have much clue as to what what kept happening with harry and friends so why would she know any better about the marauders dynamic.
Or the theory that post school, in a no war au, they will surely drift apart. Peter and Remus. They are the two people whose personal growth is overshadowed by the other two. Not in an evil way. But because of j and s being overprotective of these two. Or because they are always in the like light.
Remus and Peter, in a world with no war have to do a long soul searching. Finding out themselves. They didn't get to do that in war.
It's like when some parents push a kid to a certain career. They are so busy and single-minded in their teen and early adulthood that they keep on going. Only for find out later that the career they are in doesn't suit them well.
War was not for Peter. I will give his sorting the benifit of doubt that he was brave. But bravery doesn't excludes stupidity. To have it doesn't mean you can't be self preserving too.
Peter got lost in all this whirlwind is my theory.
War makes you unrecognizable to yourself. Let alone for people who don't even know their own purpose. So it is easy to use them and throw them away.
Peter is just that.
Also I will like to appreciate you mentioning secret keeper thing involved three people. Mostly people say Sirius was responsible for the Halloween because he suggested it. But it is wrong way of framing it.
Like taking away the agency of 2 adult people. Sirius proposed, they agreed. Then execution of plan. It stopped being his idea and became their collective plan. All three of them.
Sirius feeling guilty is understandable because he is alive and jily are gone. But for readers to interpret it as ,beside Peter, Sirius being solely responsible for their death is plain stupid.
I love a good rant. So don't worry. I am like you too in the sense that fanon Remus made me averse to Remus Lupin in general. And now I would rather seek Peter if I am reading something about James or Sirius.
Also yes. Most fics are like James and Sirius didn't respect Peter. Or Sirius hated his guts. These people are living under the rock it seems.
Thr things that Sirius himself says to Peter in the shack is after peter's betrayal. Peter hurt Sirius the most. Because James and lily atleast got an easy death. But Sirius had to live in hell because of Peter's mechanisations.
But this is a very hurt Sirius wanting Peter to hurt too. That is in no way an evidence to young Sirius Black's view on Peter.
Lily specifically mentions about Peter to Sirius in her letter. If it was such a common understanding that Sirius just tolerates Peter than why would she bother to tell him about how worried she is about Peter???
His ways may be a bit condescending. But what do you expect from him? He is Black. That comes out in small ways.
I truly believe that Sirius did cared for and loved Peter in his own ways. A whole lot more than he did Remus.. For Sirius Black is a dog. And dogs are about loyalty and trust. Sirius giving you his trust is as good as him declaring he loves you.
My HC. For a pre Halloween Sirius- Peter > Remus.
Thanks for the ask and sharing your views.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 13 - Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
dude i multiship so hard in this fandom i dont think there’s a single combination i havent thought of + found a way to enjoy, and that extends to trios. AND i like tw poly. i am mashing them together like barbie dolls. i am having sm fun here in my room
even the ones i don’t exactly “like” still make me Feel Things (more on that later), and even the ones i tend to prefer as friends (more on that later, too), i can still see it if i want to yknow. that’s what’s fun about the slutty bisexy show! woo! they all compel me. 
nonetheless, here are the pairings i like the most, ranked by how often i think of them + how insane they make me. im not gonna gush a ton, actually, bc i get annoyed w how much i talk, so ill keep every explanation under 15 words
owen x ianto: I Want Them Covered in Blood Together (Gnashing My Teeth) (by fall out boy)
owen x andy: golden retriever boyfriend for owen bc sometimes it’s nice to not be angsty (gooseberry who?)
owen x jack: i dont know how they make me feel but they make me feel Something :/
ianto x tosh: THEY’D BE SO CUTE they’d be precious that’s all
tosh x andy: see above. tosh deserves a sweet bf (there are no girls to ship her with 😔)
owen x suzie: they’re mirrors, they’re the same… they intrigue me. also Hawt xD (im bi)
owen x gwen: better as besties imho but im still a bi moron who’s not immune
jack x ianto: overrated imho BUT i do still like them. sigh. dead line speech wahhh
gwen x rhys: i love their relationship troubles n the way it grounds the show. theyre cute
jack x the doctor: sending jack off to harass the doctor so the team can Rest (+ Im Compelled)
jack x gwen: they compel me a little. a teeny bit. not too much but a little
(can u tell i like owen ships. he just has such fascinating relationships w everyone)
ok i lied ill say a couple things. firstly my otp being owento… i’ve talked a bit about it but in brief it started out because i can't resist having at least one enemies/rivals to lovers ship per fandom and ep12 blew my mind a little - and then something just Clicked and they somehow achieved top ten ships of all time status in my brain?? idk what happened there. i usually go for canon-based ships, so having one that kind of lacks substance in the source media (allegedly; i think they’re fruity in canon. but u know what i mean like theyre not ‘canon’ in a show where there is in fact gay TEXT rather than just the subtextual shit theyre doing yanno) and is largely a beast of my own creation (+ the influence of the wonderful handful of fic writers we’ve had over the years) has been rlly fun. 
im largely preoccupied with those two, but i’ve found jack + his relationship with ianto kind of inherently haunts owen x ianto… if you’ve read my fic you know what i mean by that. i can’t see owento existing on its own, like janto fundamentally co-exists next to it so i have to take it into account, and then jack and owen also have a fascinating relationship so i’ve kind of just ended up spending a lot of time thinking about and figuring out owen x ianto x jack in all combinations, because there’s a lot of fascinating stuff going on there from every end. introducing owen to the equation also kind of… ig redeems janto for me, bc i found them offensively underwhelming in s1 and s2. they should be dark and fucked up, and they’re not. owen kind of… brings smth dark and fucked up to the table, and a lot of why i like shipping him with ianto is bc they bring shit out of each other - and owen, for his part, is capable of bringing out ianto’s repressed rage and forcing him to deal with things he’d rather try to compartmentalize and ignore… i find that super compelling, and i also find it useful for breaking down my issues with how jack & ianto’s relationship is initially presented. like, he’s a handy narrative tool for that hfsdjkf. point is, whether i like it or not, jack and his relationships with my girlies (owen n ianto are the girlies <3) is kind of also an intrinsic part of what most of my fixation-oriented brain power goes into thinking about. i’ve been developing this huge fic ‘verse fdhfjk.... Im Very Tired
sometimes i like fun, though, which is what’s behind a lot of those other ships. i’m generally into very dark + angsty + psychological themes, but sometimes fluff and domesticity and occasional silliness is nice, and that’s what’s behind owandy (i have an au where they meet before owen dies) and iantosh (+ gwen x rhys) as my sort of… alternative endgame. my comfort ‘au’. not an au, exactly, but an alternative fluffier world to the darker owento-based one i’ve crafted and spend most of my time thinking about fdshkfj. i also like sending jack off to go bother the doctor, in this ‘au’, because unfortunately i don’t think he’s conductive to the team’s happiness. i think he needs to find his own way to heal and that should probs include the doctor, considering how obsessed jack is with them + how much he needs to unpack All That Shit he has going on before he can be any sort of truly positive force in the lives of the tw team. so for now he’s banned from the polycule for jack crimes. listen, i love that torchwood’s inherently sad and dark and lonely, it’s what compels me, and i’m ultimately glad that’s the core of the show - but it doesn’t have to be. sometimes i enjoy a nicer alternative. i think they could fix it. and that’s what fandom + fanfic is for. 
i also have several ot3s i enjoy, mostly owen ones. i think he deserves a bf + a gf, i think it’d fix him. put that bitch in a bisexual sandwich and maybe he'd behave. in particular, i love owen x tosh x ianto, it’s the only place i ship owen/tosh bc i think ianto would keep owen in check and they’d all better each other. i love owen x tosh x andy for similar reasons. can you tell the four characters im biased towards fhdskj. (i love gwen just as much but she’s kind of doing her own thing with just rhys and jack imo fdkfjsd. perhaps torchwood is composed of two polycules and jack is the link between both of them)
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scribe-of-hael · 9 months
What would happen if ES Optimus and Megatron ended up in the Transformers Prime AU?
What are the TFP characters reaction to a seemingly nicer Megatron?
In reality ES are pretty small since they kind align with g1 size! Its not their fault tfp are stupidly big. Tfp megs i believe is like 30ft tall, KO is about 21ft in comparison. But for their sake I'll bump them up to a tfp kinda height xD we grow during dimensional travel for science reasons.
ofc Tfp Optimus knows somthing up cause they are there and takes them back depsite knowing that one is a Megatron but clearly isn't his megs.
who's sus? Rachet sus ,because rachet is rachet and that is what he do lol the prime team are weary of Megs. But it comes very clear that this Megs isn't at all like theirs. Its kinda wierd for them to talk to him but God is ot nice to have a Megatron who's not trying to kill you. I think Arcee and Racehet are sus and weary. Which Meg i think would understand he's had to deal with this hesitation by others bots for a while of think.
How do I think the bots would be less inclined to avoid ES megs. The kids ofc! And megs knows how to talk to the kids and has some good practice with Moe and Robbie. He's acutally happy the kids (looking at Ralph and Miko , and eventually Jack) come to talk to him.
Seeing his gentle nature alrund the kids when their megs wouldn't even think twice about crushing them sets everyone at Ease.
Miko is fighting for a ride in his alt mode , she's so exicted. I think its adorable.
Bee , arcee , Bulkhead and yes you too raceht come around to Megs a bit.
Optimus is already very happy to see that yes, a megs can change. And he enjoys tlaking to him and the other op.
oh God I'm now seeing that tfp seeing megs might just fuel his thoughts of "My Megatron can change, I can help him change!" No sweetheart you can't and both ES megs and op agree that their megs is CRAZY.
don't let THE MEGS. MEET. PERIOD. DO NOT. it would such an epic fight let's be real. ES megs is just utterly disgusted that this who who he is here. Who he probably could have become the damage he caused. It makes Megs angery.
Though tfp megs is also disgusted that ES would change, give up the war and join Optimus of all people. The shame ES megs feels seeing Starscream get basically beat up by Megs. (Oof megs maybe you should properly apologize to your star because YEAH IT DOENST LOOK GREAT FROM THE OUSTIDE DOES IT?)
But when comes to TFP op, its a bit harder. Cause ofc tfp op is light hearted here and there but he's a very serious individual, he very much a noble leader and we don't get to many light hearted moments because of how serious the situation is in prime. But ES is extremely more light hearted, dare I say goofy, he's an old man/dad. Some of ES jokes go over tfp head but its ok. He gentle explains and TFP learns lol
See the difference in personality is one scene.
"Hey Optimus wanna see somthing funny?"
Tfp: No (being honest and not trying to be hurtful he just don't wanna that ok, but he seriosu )
ES: Oooo! Of course ! Is it the monkey video? I love that one ! (Interested, indulges even if he may not understand, he wants to see funny meme)
Optimus is having a fun time seeing different versions of himself while Megs is reminds ...right...I'm still bad most of the time in other universes and I still have alot to work on.
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laufire · 3 months
Your top 5 Lois Lane moments (off the top of your head).
I recently read Lois Lane (1986) "When It Rains, God Is Crying", a two-part story about Lois delving into children disappearances. It's less that there's one moment and more that I just like how Lois is written there. She had a professional fumble before this (indirectly cause by Superman, in part, and leading to the end of their relationship) and she's a bit in hot water, focused on the investigation while everyone talks about how she's getting too obsessed and should disengage etc. And Lois herself gets mean and dismissive and furious at others because she's so focused on the work in a way I really enjoyed reading. Like a moment where she's incredibly dismissive of Lucy's stewardess job, for example. I like when Lois's characterisation shows different facets.
It's similar for me with Amy Adams's Lois: it's less about an specific moment and more about what the iteration of the character brought. One moment I like is when she does find Clark on her own in Smallville (this is before Superman, but she's following the story of a man with powers) and drops the story, keeping the secret. In general, Clark and Lois being an actual team instead of how shitty some of the identity shenanigans have gotten over the years (and I'm saying this as someone who enjoys secret identity shenanigans) was something I liked on this version.
I haven't watched Christopher Reeves's Superman films (I intend to, at some point, but who knows when). I HAVE watched the deleted scene where Lois tricks Clark into revealing himself by shooting a blank at him. I love it xD
It's been AEONS since I watched either Smallville or Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (neither of which I ever properly finished... it's on my list as well...). I'm cheating by picking each Lois introductory episodes (4x01 for Smallville, the pilot for L&C). I think they both, and their actress, made a superb job introducing the character, making her *pop* for the audience, showing us their "unstoppable force" quality.
This might be just because it's what I saw of her last LOL, but I LOVE the moment where she dumps Bruce in STAS!! It's a good moment for them both, period, and I like their dynamic and all, but outside that, I just really really enjoyed seeing someone basically tell Bruce "I love you, but this is where I get off." It was VERY satisfying for me.
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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Hi I saw that your asks were open and I was wondering if I could get Chifuyu x depressed Reader and he takes care of her when she's depressed? IE feeding her food, helping her to brush her teeth sorta thing? Kinda been going through it lately and that he's my comfort character. If you can't no worries and no rush if you can. I adore your writing style and was happy to see asks were open!
Hello! Thank you for your kind words! I am glad you like what I have to offer! Hopefully this one will also warm your heart a bit ❤️
I am very sorry for what you are going through!
If you'd like to talk, please feel free to message me!
Thank you for requesting, i hope this is of your liking!
Let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: although the reader is depressed I took a more fluffy note here. I hope that's ok?
I also see these boys to be a bit… let's say worried about their hair XD
You weren't at school today and your boyfriend, Chifuyu, did not like that. It meant you were probably sick and it didn't help at all that you didn't answer texts or calls.
He spent the whole day at school worried sick about you. When the final bell rang, he dashed to your house, normally your parents would be working, he was turning between hoping they were home and hoping they were not - if they were you being taken care of. If not, then Chifuyu could spend some time with you.
When he got to your house and knocked on the door, all he heard was silence. After a few minutes he knocked again while calling out for you.
Upon hearing your name in such a familiar voice, you slowly made your way to the door from your bedroom.
You were wearing your school's uniform.
But until you got there, Chifuyu's voice got more and more worried.
When you opened the door you saw a mix of relief and worry on Chifuyu's face. He hugged you tightly, so tightly you felt tears bubbling up in your eyes.
Chifuyu felt you shaking slightly and was quick to grab you by the shoulder and ask if everything was OK. You answered by bursting into tears.
The poor boy didn't quite know what to do, so he guided inside your home, sat you on the couch and asked if your parents - or someone - was home with you.
You shook your head. Chifuyu went to grab a glass of water and after placing it on the table, he held you tightly again and he asked you if someone hurted you - the boy was willing to fight anything and everyone for you.
You didn't quite reply and he wasn't understanding very well what you were saying, so he decided to wait for you to calm down.
As soon as you started to calm down for a bit he gave you the glass of water and asked again what was wrong, while removing the hair that got stuck on your face.
You mumbled you were just… sad. Upon hearing that answer he understood what was wrong. Chifuyu asked if you ate something and why you were wearing your uniform and yet, didn't go to school.
You explained you pretend to go to school so your parents wouldn't worry, but you lacked the energy to do anything else, including eating.
As soon as you were done with this answer you turned into a little ball on the other end of the couch.
Chifuyu got up saying he was going to find something for you to eat. Your protests weren't enough to keep him from searching for some food.
Eventually he found an instant Ramen, it wasn't the ideal meal, but hey, it's food. He started preparing it.
While he was at it, you hugged a pillow and stared at the dark screen of the TV - it was turned off.
When Chifuyu is done with the Ramen he is only holding one hashi. You were slightly confused by that, but soon you understood why just one - he offered to feed you.
His face was tint with red, an adorable view! It was so cliche of him, like he took this out of one of his romance Mangas.
He asked you to sit right and tried to feed you the ramen, but that didn't quite work out - you two ended up making a mess, he gave you too much food at once.
Was there a big mess? Yes. Was he frustrated that he failed on his shoujo out scene? Yes. But that didn't matter.
It didn't matter because you started giggling at that mess and it was the best thing he heard all day.
You finished eating on your own, but Chifuyu offered to cuddle you while you were at it. So you leaned your back on his chest.
He got terribly shy and red faced, but happy nonetheless. He also made you drink some more water after eating and of course, he cleaned the mess and washed the dishes.
With everything set and clean, it was getting a bit late - toman meeting was coming up and your parents would come back soon.
He was worried about leaving you alone until then. You knew he had a meeting, so you reassured him you would be fine.
Chifuyu didn't quite trust that 100%, but you promised to answer his call when he got home and to message him when your parents got home.
The boy sighed. He made you pink swear what you promised, which made you giggle again.
Chifuyu, then, left your house with a tight heart. He knew you weren't fully ok, but it was frustrating he couldn't punch your sadness away.
You did as promised, messaged him when your parents got home and answered his call.
You had a tired voice, as expected, but at least you answered. You didn't talk much either, but Chifuyu said he would walk you to school.
So the next day he was standing near your home. When you walked out, he smiled brightly at you, which made your heart do a little happy dance.
As you mumbled a " good morning" Chifuyu stared at you. You raised an eyebrow at him and to your surprise he asked if he could brush your hair.
You flinched for a moment before nodding. Surprisingly, Chifuyu had a comb on his bag and he proceeded to comb your hair for you.
Was it awkward ? Yes. You were in the middle of the street. But you were thankful for him for doing that for you, he even tied your hair in a ponytail!
When he was done, he finally grabbed your hand to walk to school. You were a bit late, but that's fine.
Chifuyu paid extra attention to you at school - made sure you were fine during classes and during lunch time, he sat next to you and tried to feed you again.
Which you giggle and said you could do it yourself. He was a bit bummed out, but happy you could giggle again.
By the end of the day you smiled at Chifuyu, a small shy smile, but it was there.
The boy got so happy to see you smiling again that he almost tripped.
And you? You were glad to have such a sweet boyfriend. You were truly thankful for his patience with you.
Thank you for reading!
I hope this have helped :c
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
*kicks down your door*
The newest chapter of Dazai’s Moving Detective Agency is so fucking good it is now my fave chapter I did not expect THAT to be the solution to the heart thing. Also the Akutagawa and Atsushi thing was Goddamn hilarious.
*Shakes your hand, fixes the door, and leaves.*
HULLO oh my gosh I'm sorry this took me so long to respond to alskdfjskfjs this ask was one of the ones that kept disappearing and reappearing in my browser inbox for some reason — ANYWAY YESSS (I want to talk about spoilers for chapter 19 so I'm gonna put them under the cut :0)
Ok so the heart thing! I wanted to mention that I remember seeing your comment where you theorized about how maybe the heart thing would be solved by Chuuya and Dazai kissing or saying "I love you" for the first time, and that maybe they could metaphorically share a heart between them, and the way you wrote it sounded so nice and romantic and lovely and while I was reading it I was internally just thinking "oh no" because of how it was actually going to go XD
In retrospect I really did have Chuuya solve it in the most brute force way possible aksdjfksfjks — speaking of that scene though, it did change a bit from the way I had originally planned it! Since I wrote the story back to front, I figured out the ending first, then the middle, then went back to the beginning and worked forward from there — so as a result, by the time I got back to the ending, a bunch of character stuff had changed.
Basically, in my first draft, Chuuya was going to get out of the chasm, find Dazai in the castle ruins, tell Yosano "before you say anything I know this is very medically inadvisable", then immediately pull his own heart out of his chest and split it in half (much to the utter horror of everyone watching). I was kind of hand-waving the magic aspect at that point, figuring "well, he's a star with a shit-ton of magic, he can probably survive doing wild stuff like that".
...But then I started writing everything out from the beginning, and added all the stuff with Chuuya learning not to shut out the people who care about him and to let them help him when he's in trouble, and in the process of really digging into his character arc I realized that I had made it so that him acting on his own like that would have been rolling back the character development I had already given him aksjdfksdfjskj SO I thought about it for a looong time and gradually figured out how to incorporate Rimbaud, Yosano, Kyouka, and the rest into all helping out in their own ways. And I ended up liking that version way better, since it fits more with the theme of support and the importance of all Chuuya's bonds he's made along the way, so I think it was worth the extra effort in the end!
...It still is a very brute-force way to solve it though XD Chuuya has a very straight forward approach to everything ksjfkdsj
ANYWAY that was a long ramble — I'm also really glad you enjoyed the Akutagawa and Atsushi shenanigans, I ended up having way too much fun with that part :D Their interactions are actually pretty similar to how I initially planned everything out (that end part where Dazai and Chuuya are completely wrapped up in each other while everything is spiraling out of control around them is heavily inspired by the ending of the book version of Howl's Moving Castle, and I had most of the dialogue for it figured out from the beginning).
...Honestly, considering how out of order I wrote it, I'm surprised I didn't have to scrap more scenes. As it is, the only things that really ended up getting changed/scrapped were:
A part of chapter 11 (in particular, the bit where Chuuya and Dazai talk after Dazai brings Akutagawa and Kyouka to the castle was originally a very different tone, because Chuuya was not supposed to have gotten as far along his "realizing he has feelings for Dazai" arc)(I do still kinda like the original version for the comedy aspect, but I like the way the final version fits with their relationship progression better)
A scene where Dazai was going to get drunk, which had to be scrapped entirely (I was basing it off of the book scene where Howl gets drunk and goes on a rant about the curse, but I ended up deciding that it a), made things way too obvious, and b), Chuuya should have absolutely figured everything out from what Dazai said and I didn't want to make Chuuya seem like a moron)
The final confrontation between Chuuya, Dazai, and Fyodor changed a LOT. I rewrote that scene. So many times. Similar to the Chuuya-pulling-out-his-heart-scene, there was a bit in my original draft that ended up being very out of character for Dazai because of how his and Chuuya's relationship had developed in the rest of the story, so I had to completely switch around how they got into the chasm in the first place. I again think it was worth the effort though, because I think where it landed (Dazai completely losing control of the situation and having to trust Chuuya to save them both) was more interesting for Dazai's arc as well.
Anyway, all that said— I've had a really really good time writing this fic, and I'm happy other people have enjoyed it too!! (And hopefully I can actually finish chapter 20 soon aksdjfksdj things keep getting in the way of it help)
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bsd x gn!reader
They find you "asleep" on the couch after a Argument
Warnings:suicide talk,cuss words (let me know if I missed anything)
Word count:2093
Note:I keep forgetting about the word count xD sorry I'll try and remember if there isn't anything just tell me and I'll get it done but if you don't mind it than don't ^^
please read:please ask me before posting my work on anything else if not at least give me credit
Dazai Osamu
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Dazai left after your and his argument you got mad at him because he went a bit to far and when I mean a bit I mean he went over board on trying to kill himself where there where burns on his arms you have took your blanket and a pillow and went to bed on the couch he got back from his walk he went on to calm down and he saw you on the couch "asleep" he put his jacket away and walked to you and poked your cheek and said "dear I know your up and I'm sorry I should of sticked to the lake" you got up and turned but fell and he got you before you fell you huffed he hugged you and nuzzle his face in your neck and you tried to stay mad at him but he kept doing the cute things his does you got up and pushed him and sat on the couch crossing your arms and he picked you up bridal style like this
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and went to your shared room and covered you up and said he will sleep on the couch but you just pulled him back and made him sleep on the bed
Chuuya Nakahara
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He started to argue with you because you have been hanging with a boy for so long it ended with him pushing you away and walking out mad you took a blanket and pillow and went on the couch to leave him to the room alone he came back he sometimes liked it alone when he cake back you pretended you were sleeping he said "why aren't you in the room?" you ignored him you were still mad at him he thought you were cheating on him all you could think is why would he think that? You both have been together since he was 15 he asked again but saying "if your still mad it's annoying it's been hours-" you huffed and pulled the blanket over your head he said "doll listen I'm sorry it was just a bad day at work- I had trouble killing some guys, if it makes you feel better I almost died- even though you might not think that is good but I mean your mad at me so it was a win win right? Mori had to bandage up my arm- now I look like that dumbass Dazai but not a lot like him I'm sorry I know yout wo were close and all and I am talking shot about him-" you cut him off by throwing a pillow at his face you sat up and told him "you talk to much when you back don't you?" He looked at you and smiled and said "I learn from the best" you smacked his arm and he sat next to you and showed you his arm it was like Dazai's you said "oooooo maybe I should name you Dazai" he replied with "not funny" you giggled and kissed his cheek
Ranpo Edogawa
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You two were fighting about how he went on a case and he got hurt well ok the case two of them and yes someone went with him but they didn't fight really (you choose) you and Ranpo don't fight the one time you did was when you had to go on a mission for a long time Yosano told you not to be so mad at Ranpo he did his best and the guy who tried to help kept saying sorry everyone was scared of you because well you are scary when you are mad you were now fighting with ranpo and at work yelling across the room both of you he said something he didn't mean you got up grabbed your jacket and left Dazai tried to stop you but you pushed him away you went out of the ADA's office somewhere away from ranpo anywhere after a bit you realized it was dark you went back to yours and ranpo's room he wasn't there probably at a case you got a blanket and pillow and went to sleep on the couch he cane back and said "your back!" You ignored him he huffed and put down a bag and poked you saying "sugar I bought some snacks" he kept poking you and soon enough you got up and he kissed you over and over again you tried not to laugh but you did ge kept doing it to he said "I'm sorry but I am fine now Yosano help me" you took the bag and he winned you got up and ran and he ran after you for his snacks
Poe Allan Edgar
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He was working a bit to hard on a book you told him to stop and rest take a break for a few days but he didn't Karl jumped on your head during the argument Poe looked at him and said your taking her side? you tried taking Karl off but Poe just said to leave all you really wanted was to have Poe take a break you replied with "Poe listen just take a small break please?" He pushed you out with Karl on your head you took Karl off when Poe closed the door you looked at him and you were looking at him you kissed his forehead and said "he'll never take a break from thoes books will he?" Karl nodded and you walked away from Poe's office you went to yours and his house and sat on the couch you layed down and Karl got into a ball near your stomach he fell asleep and you were texting Poe he wasn't answering he came back a few hours later you heard him sigh and say "[name] was right-" he looked at you and walked to you poking you when you look slightly at him he said "I'm sorry" you picked Karl up slightly and sat up you put Karl next to you and you looked at Poe he had his head down saying "I should have listened to you how long have you been on the couch? You looked at him and you both talked a little Poe said "I'll take a break okay? I'm sorry I should of listened to you" you kissed his cheek and said "at least three days please Poe"
Kunikida Doppo
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You were being lazy with your best friend Dazai he knew Dazai would but not you he yelled at you about it during work like he did with Dazai you didn't think he would get this mad he than said "I expedited better of you y/n" you didn't want to make him more mad in facted you wanted to leave but he always yelled at Dazai for leaving work or anything like that you were looking down but than the boss came in and told Ranpo a case opened up ranpo than said "I need someone to come with me" you hopped up out of your chair and said "I'll go!" Ranpo got up and walked to you and pulled you up saying "than let's go!" You looked at Kunikida and he was typing at his computer you blow your breath and grabbed you jacket than put it on Dazai waved bye to you and Ranpo you both went on the case you were silent when both got back to Kunikida yelling at Dazai you took off your jacket and you sat down Dazai and Kunikida looked at you Dazai said "oh hey y/n" you waved at Dazai and laid your head on the desk you heard Kunikida sigh after work he said he needed to do something before he goes to the room when you got to your room you took a blanket and and pillow and laid on the couch when Kunikida got back he looked at you and said "what are you doing?" You didn't answer he kept asking the questions he than said "if it is about today I'm sorry Dazai was a bit extra today I shouldn't have said that to you-" he knew you weren't going to bed you have waited for him he bought something to eat for you both you covered your face with the blanket he kissed for head and said "I bought you some food" you than sat up and looked at him he smiled and gave it to you and than sat next to you saying he was sorry again (not sure if any of you says a thanks or not but if you do just add that)
Jouno Saigiku
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He kept coming home late all the time you didn't see him most of the time he would leave early come home late he would send someone over to get something if he forgot it the only time you hears from him was him texting you saying he was gonna be late you lost some sleep waiting for him this time you went to his work you knew he forgot something so you brought it for him and something to eat you talked to tecchou while waiting for your boyfriend he said I thought Jouno would send someone to get what he forgot you said "well he forgot something and nobody cane by to get it so I got it for him and something to eat" he replied with "I've noticed he as been at work more than with you it is like he is here 24/7, are you okay? Do you want me to hang out with you after I'm done" you looked down and said "I would love that but he wouldn't like it-" Jouno said "what are you doing here y/n?" You jumped up and looked at Jouno you replied with "fucking hell you are sneaky- but um you forgot your book so I brought it for you and something to eat" he looked over at tecchou and said "is that why when I asked someone to get it they said it wasn't there? And you weren't either" you said "yea-" you handed the things to him and he took it and said thanks you both talked and he said "well I have to get back to work see you later" you looked down and he walked away tecchou said he'll come by later you looked at him and smiled than nodded he ruffled your hair and said "see you than" walking away you walked away and back to the house you and Jouno had you did what you did and tecchou came by you talked to him and Jouno came and he asked what was tecchou doing there tecchou said "I am here to keep her busy and not alone 24/7 Jouno" the two boys were yelling back and forth you got up and pushed Jouno away he asked "what is up with you" you yelled back saying "the thing wrong is you work all day and we only talk is you texting me saying your going to be late I have lost sleep because of me waiting for you" you than put your shoes on and walked out slaming the door and Jouno covered his ears from it after hours you came back Jouno was in the room and you were be quiet as possible and it works you laid on the couch and Jouno cane back and kept saying he was sorry than said "i came back because tecchou said that i haven't been away from you and I didn't see it-" you looked up at him and said go next thing you knew he picked you up bridal style he lead you to yours and his room he went out and made you your favorite drink and gave it to you than kissed your head and said he'll take the next week off
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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He came to the living room and looked at you and said "I thought you would leave" you were on the couch laying down with a blanket covering your face after yours and his fight you have been crying you and him fight a lot but not all the time you didn't even know why you both have been fighting you smelled something and got up you saw him sitting next to you and he our your favorite drink and snack on the table in front of the couch he said he was sorry about the fight and said he didn't even know why the fight started and wiped your tears away and kissed your nose and said "please forgive me I didn't mean it" you smiled
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