#body: why you do nauseous tho?
bereft-of-frogs · 11 months
I love when I’m like ‘I think the solution to this stress is to just bury it down and pretend everything’s fine 😀’
and my body is like ‘hm good try but there will be consequences tho. have fun with those’
That’s a fun evolutionary advantage, love that for us as a species
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sharkorok · 10 months
“did you drink water?” (enha)
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or where enhypen reacts to their idol!s/o passing out
cw/genre: fainting, mostly fluff but reader is hard on themself
requested: yassss :D
a/n: why does it feel like a year since I last posted lolol srry but papa sharkie’s home now
-ok so it happened at a music festival you both were attending, n after his performances were done he decided to visit you !!
-you looked pale and he was worried but he understood how both of your careers work, until you missed a step and fell down, slumping on the floor
-he had to fight every single nerve in his body, he wanted to run to you and check on you, he was so nervous :(
-the second you were backstage and no cameras were around he was all over you, he got you water and some snacks from food vendors, laying you down and playing with your hair while some medical staff made sure you’re alright
-kisses you all over and takes ur phone so you can’t look at twitter so you don’t see any posts being mean or u get embarrassed
-he’s so so so comforting and he refuses to leave ur side until staff pries him off
-expect him to visit your hotel and hold you until you fall asleep, esp if u were nauseous !
-ur members gush that he stayed with u the whole night until his manager found him
-awards show rehearsals and stage prep, groups were mingling around the venue, while your’s was getting their mics checked and stuff
-you want to put your full effort in, even if it was just rehearsals and mic checks, especially to impress ur boyfie lol <3
-but you served too hard and you stumbled, falling over as your members rushed to catch you, Jay practically jumping from where he was sitting
-he runs backstage and he’s taking care of u, chilled water bottle and a cold towel around your neck, making sure staff is checking on you and asking every few seconds about what happened exactly
-and if u try to say something? “shhh baby, don’t talk right now.”
-gets so >:[ if you even try to suggest you continuing to perform!
-“jay, I feel better, I can take a ten minute stage.” “nuh-uh.” and ur just like omfg this boy
-so begrudgingly you stay behind during the live performance, and jay promises you that you didn’t let anyone down, your health is the top priority
-nearly exposes your relationship with his reaction (I’m gonna be honest I’m out of scenarios so sorry)
-he practically jumps out of his seat the second you collapse on stage, jay grabbing his wrist and gesturing towards the cameras focused on them
-“I can’t just not see them!” “I know, but staff will take care of y/n. Let’s just wait for attendees to leave.” jay reassured, but jake still wasn’t happy
-he was gripping the seats trying not to run to you immediately
-and the second he can see you again?? he makes sure to ask staff what he can do to help you, and if you’re alright and he’s constantly kissing the back of your hand
-“no baby, don’t get up just yet, wait until we get the clear from staff ok?”
-you’re so EMBARRASSED!! so ur like hiding in his shoulder, trying not to cry
-he’s hyping you up tho and trying to bring some light to the situation like, “wow you performed so well that even ur own body couldn’t handle it babe”
-sneaks into ur company van so he can make sure ur okay on the way home LMAO
-there’s a fancam out there of his reaction to you fainting on stage where you can clearly see him saying “oh shit”
-nervously looking at his members w an evident side eye as if he’s asking if he should pull a k drama moment and run up there to hold you or if he should keep his job
-so so so nervous that it might be something more serious, or you could’ve fallen in a way that got you a head injury, or maybe it just so embarrassed that you’ll faint again once u wake up who knows
-my king of overthinking
-but doesn’t want to worry you or make it a big deal because he understands how that can make someone feel worse LMAO
-“omg y/n you fainted?? I didn’t even notice ong you’re so professional babe 😍😍”
-doesn’t really know how to help you so he’s awkwardly standing around staff while offering the occasional “whooo you can do it y/n!!” tryna be supportive 💀
-once ur better he feels more comfortable taking you out for some comfort food and supplies a ton of kisses
-ok this has been on my mind the entire time while I was writing this but he’d def argue w people online if “lazy” or “unprofessional” accusations started popping up
-he probably already has a fan acc he uses to stalk posts pertaining him or you, n he’s pressed when he sees a tabloid accusing you of being lazy
-you come home after a quick check up to see him furiously typing on the couch b4 he looks up to you and gets all smiley again
-so so so supportive and also distracts you from the situation so you don’t have to think about it :>
-“shhh don’t look at Twitter let’s just watch this cute little show together ok? :)”
-keeps an extra close eye on ur Twitter feed for the next few days
-and an even closer eye on ur health! switches out any dietary supplements u take for multivitamins n fights w staff if they try to continue a restrictive diet on you
-ensures you’ll never faint again to the best of his ability
-literally the second u woke up it was “did you drink enough water today??”
-you thought u died and ascended to heaven and you were looking at an angel but it was just jungwon worriedly staring at you
-doesn’t want to seem immature by hounding staff to ask questions, but truthfully, he wants to grab them by the shoulders and freak out
-but he wants to be strong for u!! and so he grabs you the best water bottle, some snacks for your blood sugar, and a fan in order to help you recover
-is so comforting about it, reassures you that this is going to happen to basically every idol, he’s so sweet I’m going to cry.
-sends a bouquet to the dorms later on with a “hope you feel better!” card T^T
-he’s so worried about you but he could tell with the recent dating rumors between you two he has to stay as calm as possible, in case fans were trying to film his reaction
-another idol tried to invite him to the after party but he’s nowhere to be found, practically sprinting backstage to check on you
-“babe omg u literally fell for me…” <- the first thing he says upon seeing you -_- lolol
-doesn’t really know how to act in front of management and staff, so once you two are in a more private space he’s all over you
-checking your temp, elevating your head, googling how to help someone recovery from fainting LMAO
-“trust I’ll report every single fancam I see” <- him if u say ur embarrassed about passing out on stage
-sweet boy flies off of the couch you’re laying on the second ur manager comes in tho lol, expect him to visit later tonight to properly make sure ur ok! <3
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Based on this ask for my moot @swiftieblyth
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“Darling, are you feeling unwell again?” Your husband, President Coriolanus Snow of Panem, asked you as he entered the residential wing of the Presidential Palace only to see you sprawled out on the sofa with a cold compress on your head in an attempt to ease your migraine. A migraine that's so bad that your body's shaking in pain and all of the drapes are drawn, leaving you in the dark to wallow in your misery.
“No.” You moan out in pain. “I’ve been suffering with a terrible migraine all day, Coryo.”
“My darling rose, perhaps we should call the doctor?” Coriolanus suggested while making his way over to your side.
“I don't need a doctor, Coryo. It's just a migraine.” You waved off your husband's concern as he kneels next to you. Truthfully, you hurt so bad that you just want to cry. But it's just a headache, all a doctor's going to do is prescribe headache and migraine medications and you've already got those in the medicine cabinet. Too bad you're too nauseous to take them tho.
“This isn't just a migraine. You've been getting frequent headaches too often lately. Not to mention your lack of appetite and nausea.”
“I'm fine, Coryo.” You stubbornly told your husband.
“You're not fine, my love. Don't even lie to me and say you are.”
“I know, Coryo.” You sigh defeatedly. Your husband always knows when you're lying. What is he, a human lie detector?
“This is concerning me. Really it is and you know I don't frighten that easily.” The President told you, gently stroking your arm up and down in a soothing manner.
“I know, it concerns me too," You honestly admit to the platinum blonde who's your other half in life. "but I already have migraine and headache medications; they don't work.”
“You have to take them for them to work, darling.” Scolded your husband.
“Okay, when I'm not too nauseous from the headaches and take them they don't really help.”
“That's why we need to get you to a doctor.”
“I know, but I don't want to see the doctor only for him to tell me what I already know- that I have migraines.”
Coriolanus loves you, he truly does, but sometimes you can be so stubborn. He'd feel better if you'd just agree to see the doctor, but you won't.
Your claim that it's just migraines is bullshit; both you and your husband know it too. You're been experiencing chronic fatigue, a tiny bit of brain fog, and tingling in your hands that makes you shake them out to get feeling back sometimes.
Those symptoms on top of the frequent headaches, nausea, and loss of appetite has Coriolanus worried. Of course you're concerned too, but your husband's downright scared to death. But maybe that's because he's been looking up things and playing Dr. Panoogle when it comes to your symptoms.
But President Snow’s read so many scary things while playing Dr. Panoogle that he's desperate to get you to a doctor. He can't have you dying on him from some disease or illness.
Coriolanus let out an exasperated sigh. “If your symptoms consist or worsen, I'm taking you to the doctor. Understood?”
“Understood.” You reply, causing your husband to gently kiss your temple before scooping you up and bringing you to your large bedroom for some proper rest in your king sized bed.
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A few days later your health took a turn for the worse. Your headache was gone, but you were feeling fatigued. More than usual. Also you were having some problems with your motor skills. You're, for a lack of a better word, clumsy and stumbling over your own feet.
You're scared, but you don't want to bother your husband. Coryo's the President and he's been busier than usual lately since the games are a month and a half away. You know if you call him or send a maid to get him then he'll scrap all of his duties to tend to you. As much as you want your doting husband by your side, he's the President of Panem and has a duty to the country. Plus, he's the youngest president that's ever been elected, so if he puts off his duties it'll make him look like a slacker and your husband's anything but that.
So, you decide to deal with feeling poorly yourself. But then you suddenly feel dizzy when you rise from the sofa in order to go to the bathroom. You feel as if the room's spinning, as if you can see the air dancing around the floor.
And suddenly you faint; hitting the floor with a loud thud. A loud thud that, unfortunately, none of the staff heard.
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Coryo's exhausted when he makes his way down the hall, towards the residential wing of the Presidential Palace. He can't wait to get home to you, his darling wife. You've been by his side since college, always supporting his dreams and goals. You always manage to bring a smile to his face when he's had a bad day. You also calm the rage coursing through him whenever he's pissed off about something work related.
Just being around you's enough to calm him, bring fresh air to his dark soul. The nation of Panem should be glad that you're the First Lady. If Coriolanus was married to anyone else, well…there would be a ton more executions and poisonings then what have occured.
That's for sure.
Coriolanus can't wait to see you, to have you in his arms or to be held in yours (either works for him), but when he enters the living room of your living quarters his blood freezes in his veins.
The sight of you passed on the floor is like a vice around his heart. You're motionless and he's terrified that he's going to lose you. Quickly, he rushed over to you and pulled you into his arms. “Please, baby, wake up. Open your eyes for me, darling.” Coriolanus begs, gently patting your cheek in an attempt to rouse you, as his icy eyes shine with fear.
Your eyelashes flutter as you begin to weakly open your eyes. “Coryo?” You ask, trying to make the shape of your husband out since your vision’s a bit spotty.
“I'm here, darling.” Coryo assured you. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he tells you, “I'm taking you to the doctor, Y/N. You've been passed out for only gods know how long; you're getting checked out.’
“Okay.” You relent, knowing that you won't win against your husband on this. He told you before that if your health declines he's making you see the doctor.
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The doctor examined you, listened to your list of symptoms, and ran some tests on you. Once the results were in, the doctor walked into your examination room with a few papers in hand.
Coming to a stop in front of the table you're sitting on, the doctor looks between you and President Snow before revealing, “First Lady Snow, I've come to the conclusion that you have both high cholesterol and an iron deficiency.”
“Isn't she a bit young for that?” Coriolanus asked in disbelief. How could you have those medical issues? Didn't people Grandma'am’s age have those kinds of issues?
“Yes, President Snow, the First Lady is young, but it seems that her medical issues with high cholesterol and iron deficiency is a genetic one.” The doctor told your husband before looking over at you. “Do your parents or siblings have any of these issues?”
“No.” You shake your head. “My mother and older brother don't have any problems.”
“Her father died in the war, during the Dark Days alongside mine.” Your husband told the doctor before the middle-aged man could even ask about your dad.
The doctor nodded, only to hand you a script and say, “That's a prescription for a statin. It's a medication to control your cholesterol.” He gave you another piece of paper that had some supplements written on it. “Those are over the counters you can buy for your iron deficiency. They're easily found in the vitamin aisle of the pharmacy.”
Looking between you and your husband, the doctor sighed. “Now, this next part might be a bit difficult since it concerns diet. I understand that you're the First Family of Panem, the equivalent of royalty in the eyes of the old world, but there's quite a few diet restrictions the First Lady has now because of her condition.” Handing some papers about foods you could eat, couldn't eat, and diet plans to your husband l, the doctor concluded his thoughts on the matter with, “I understand that you hold a lot of galas and dinner parties and I won't tell you what to serve, just that the First Lady doesn't eat anything she's not supposed to unless you want her having another episode due to out of order levels of cholesterol.”
“Don't worry, Dr. Murphy, she'll strictly adhere to whatever's in this diet plan.” Coriolanus assured your doctor, holding the papers in his hand up slightly. “Nothing she's not allowed to have will enter the Presidential Palace.”
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Well, it's rare, but your medication gave you an allergic reaction. Yea…it gave you a bad cause of hives, which you had to get some antihistamines for. So, you couldn't take the cholesterol medication.
Your husband was livid that the statin gave you hives. He even threatened to have the doctor's head on a silver platter for malpractice, but you managed to calm him down enough not to kill poor Dr. Murphy. That doctor should be thanking his lucky stars that you have such a strong hold on your deranged husband, President Coriolanus Snow, otherwise he'd be pushing up daisies right now.
Since the cholesterol medication is off the table, you have to manage it all on your own with a strict diet. A diet that Coryo's also eating, despite the fact that he's as healthy as a horse.
It means a lot to you that your husband's supporting your journey to get healthier. That he eats the same foods as you and won't let anything you can't have come into your home. Not many husbands are so devoted, but yours is.
But, that also means that dinner parties have a strict menu now to. Because President Snow's making everyone-
that enters the Presidential Palace for a gala or dinner party eat your family's special diet.
He's not having you get sick on his watch by accidentally eating one of your ‘bad’ foods that can make your cholesterol skyrocket.
Coriolanus needs you to get healthy so that you can start thinking about having a baby. Well, you've been together for so many years now, it's the only logical step. But before that can happen he wants to make sure that your cholesterol and iron levels are at a good reading.
He's so supportive and you're so grateful for him.
“Thank you, Coryo, for doing this diet with me and for just being such a good husband while I've been dealing with my health issues.” You tell your husband one night during dinner.
Your husband always returns to the residential wing of the Presidential Palace for mealtimes now. He feels it's his duty to make sure you're eating healthy and the only way to do that is to share meals with you all the time.
Coryo pauses in stabbing his vegetables with a fork, only to tell you, “My darling rose, you don't have to thank me for wanting you well. For wanting nothing but the best for my love.”
“I know, but not all husbands are like you and I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful for everything.”
Reaching across the table to grab your hand, the president smiles that special smile he only reserves for you. “You're everything to me. Made me love again when I never thought I'd be able to.” Coryo's icy blue eyes were twinkling as he admitted, “I'm completely lost without you, my love. I'll always be by your side to support you because I need you to be healthy and at your best.”
Your husband's words really touched your heart. To the public your husband's a cold, stoic, firm leader. But to you he lets down his guard, shows you a tender side. He's also a very devoted man to have as a life partner.
Coryo's been by your side during all of your hard times. Like during the times I'm University that you had some very bad spats and falling outs with some of your friends via social media. He's your biggest supporter, but hearing that he needs you by his side because you make him a better man just makes you swoon.
So, it seems that you both need each other. Perhaps that's why your love works so well. You make his heart beat and prevent it from rotting while he makes sure that you're healthy, both mentally and physically.
And right now you might be a little unwell, but you'll get better. With Coryo's love and support you'll be better in no time.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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eimids · 11 months
Leah Williamson x reader smut
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Reader is questioning her sexual identity, Leah’s here to help.
warnings: Smutt, first time
Words: 3.3k
Being a 24 year old virgin is hard. Myteamates at arsenal ask me about my sex life quite often but yeah no. Still a fucking virgin.
I just think I'm atill a virgin because I've been questioning my sexual identity forever. Now i'm thinking that I'm romantically attracted to men but I couldn't imagine having sex with a man. That is just a no. But I'm more sexually attracted to females. Although I could imagine being with a female romantically. So I guess that makes me bi? Pan?
I have had mixed feelings about my teammate Leah. She's really pretty and I can't help but glance at her every now and then. There's tension between us.
Sexual tension.
I have never really had anything like this. She's been flirting with me during training and one time we shared a room and I could see her staring at me when I got out of the shower. We have known each other only for 5 months since I moved to arsenal but we are actually gotten quite close.
Today Leah asked me to go to a bar with her. I felt excited but nervous at the same time.
I was running late. When I showered I decided to shave my body just in case anything happens. I had a huge problem with my clothes. I didn't want to be too fancy but I didn't want to look like a bum. I ran outside to my cab and climbed in.
I saw Leah standing next to the bar. She was looking around to see me. I wasn't really sure if other teammates would also be here or not.
Our eyes met and she smiled at me. She waved at me and I walked to her. She was wearing a gorgeous oversized blazer.
"Hi Leah" I said and smiled. I was leaning in for a hug but then I remembered that she really doesn't like hugs.
"Hi y/n. You look gorgeous" Leah said as she checked me out.
"So do you! What are you drinking" I asked and then added "wait don't say. Just ordered me the same that you are having. I'll go to the bathroom real quick" I said and left. Leah looked a little confused.
I was so nervous that I was feeling nauseous. 'Why am I so nervous, she's just a teammate' I thought to myself. I stayed in the bathroom for a while until I was feeling calmer.
"Sorry that you had to wait" I said when I walked back to Leah.
"It's fine y/n. So here is your drink" She said and pushed a drink towards me.
"Thank you. So is this a girl's night or is it just us tonight?" I asked. Still wondering if other teammates like Beth, McCabe and Less would show up.
"Today it's just us. I want to get to know you better since you are the newbie" She said and smirked.
"Hey don't call me that" I said sounding hurt. Of course with sarcasm.
"You are the newbie tho" She teased.
"Fine. But you said you wanted to get to know me. What do you have in mind?" I asked.
"Nothing special. Just want to get to know you. Like where did you grow up, why you decided to join Arsenal and do you have a boyfriend?" She said. I was little taken back by the boyfriend question.
"I grew up in Sweden and England. I moved a lot when I was younger, I wanted to join arsenal so I could get better at the best club. I do not have a boyfriend. Nor girlfriend" I answered her in one breath.
"Slow down y/n. We have all night to talk. Follow up question. Do you like girls?" She asked.
"Yeah I do. I've been questioning my sexuality for so long but yeah I like girls. I mean how can you not. But how about you" I answered.
"I'm lesbian" She said "and single" She added and winked. I blushed a little.
"Would you girls like to have anything else?" The bartender asked suddenly. I noticed that she was looking at me.
"I think we're good" I answered and smiled.
"Well if you need anything just let me know" She said and winked at me. She slid a card to me where was her phone number.
Leah had a weird look on her face. I couldn't figure out what it was until it hit me.
Leah Wiliamson was jealous because some bartender was flirting with me. I was feeling quite special. From all girls in the world she chose me to go to a bar with.
Leah then put her hand on my knee. Her hand was going little higher as she drew some patterns to my knee. Butterflies filled my stomach again. How was this happening. A literal goddess next to me.
"Y/n I'm gonna be a little forward now" Leah said and I nodded.
"I really want you in my bed. Ever since you joined the team I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you. You are intoxicating. I have always just wanted to kiss you, to have you"
To have me.
I was really wondering if this was real. Leah fucking Wiliamsson telling me that she wants me.
"I... I want you t-too Leah" I said not so smoothly as I thought it would be.
"What about we get out of here?" Leah asked and stood up.
I nodded and she put her hand possessively on the small of my back. We walked to her car and she opened the door for me and then went to the other side of the car to get in.
The ride was full with tension. Neither of us said anything but Leah’s hand was on my upper thigh the whole ride.
I got lost in my thoughts. Suddenly the car stopped and Leah walked to my side of the car and opened the door. She helped me out from the car and we walked inside her apartment building. It was big fancy building.
Once we got to the elevator she pushed me against the wall and smashed our lips together. I kissed her back and we made out intensively in the elevator.
Once we got to the highest floor we entered Leah’s apartment. A fricking penthouse.
"Wow. This is-" i started but Leah closed the door and once again pushed me against the wall.
"Y/n I need to know that you are okay with this?" Leah said with her lips right next to my ear.
I nodded. Not getting any words out of my mouth.
"I need a verbal answer. Are you okay with this?" She asked again.
"Y..Yes Leah" I said and licked my lips.
"Good" She said and attached her lips back to mine.
We made out for a while until she moved her knee to my pussy. I don't know what she did but I let an embarrassing sound from my mouth. She chuckled at me and pulled away.
"Go to my room. I'll be there soon" She said and I started walking. Then I realized that I don't know where her room is in this huge apartment. I was turning around to ask but she said "Down the hall, the last room".
I continued walking to her room. I opened the door and then I was in the most gorgeous room that I have ever been.
I sat on the bed admiring Leah’s room. It was quite dark. There were led lights that brought some light. They were really bright white color. There was two doors on the other side of the room and the other side was just  big window.
I heard steps coming towards the room. My pulse quickened and I felt red creeping on my cheeks. Leah opened the door and walked in. She was now wearing only pants and bra and she was holding two glasses with maybe water in them.
"My god you are beautiful y/n. I can't wait to have you. You are so pretty sitting there. My good girl. You just do things to me. I can't act normal around you at prac" She started. She walked next to me and put her hand on my face and then carefully to my neck.
"Beth has been teasing me about you for months now. She has noticed that I'm different around you" She continued.
"No I'm finally having what I have wanted for months. You" She ended her sentence.
Leah wants me.
Then I began to panic a little. 'Do I need to tell Leah that I'm a virgin. What if I don't know what to do. What if Leah thinks that I'm gross down there' I thought to myself.
Leah obviously noticed me becoming tense.
"Hey what's wrong" She asked.
"Nothing. It's just I.." I started. Do I really have to tell her that I'm a virgin.
"Y/n It's okay. I want you to be comfortable today. I won't do anything you are even the slightest uncomfortable with" Leah said comforting.
"It's just that I...I'm a virgin" I said. The last part was barely a sound. It was so quiet but for my surprise Leah just smiled.
"Well that's even better. I get to be the first one to show you how good you can feel. I get to show you what your body is able to do" She said and started kissing my neck.
"Now tell me y/n, have you ever had an orgasm?" Leah asked. I flushed bright red. Even more red than I was before.
"No" I answered quietly.
"I love that. I get to be the first one to show you what an orgasm feels like. And don't be so embarrassed, it's okay y/n. Relax a little" Leah said. And kissed my lips softly.
"I think you are little too dressed for this occasion" Leah said and flipped me over. She unzipped my dress and carefully removed it from my body. She then flipped me back so I was looking at her.
"God you are beautiful y/n" She said and put her hand gently around my neck.
"Today I'm gonna make you feel things that you have never felt. I'm gonna make you come over and over again. But now you need an safe word. When you say the word I promise I will stop everything I'm doing. You can say it if something hurts or if things feel just uncomfortable. I want you to enjoy this night" Leah said.
"I don't know. What should it be?" I asked confused
"Well it can be anything. Something that you will remember" Leah answered. She was kissing my neck.
"Umm Rose? It has spikes and it's red so I associate it with danger usually. It's also my favorite flower" I answered I was starting to ramble but then I decided to try to touch Leah put she pinned my hands above my head.
"Rose it is. Whenever you say that I promise I'll stop what i'm doing. And please if anything is uncomfortable tell me. We can take things slower. But now you are being really inpatient, aren't you" Leah said and licked her lips.
"Please can I touch you Leah?" I asked.
"Not yet Princess" She answered and my heart fluttered and the nickname. Leah continued kissing me. She unclasped my bra and threw it away. She swirled her tongue around my nipple and I just moaned. I couldn't help the sound leaving my mouth.
"Mhmm don't stop Lee. It feels good" I said breathing heavily.
"You are already moaning and I have barely touched you" Leah said and sucked my nipple. The words that Leah said made me wetter than I already was.
"Lee please I need more" I asked pleading.
"I know you want more but I promise you will feel even better if we do this slowly" Leah said and then started kissing my stomach. She went lower and lower until she was at my panties.
"Is it okay if I take these off?" She asked and immediately answered yes.
She used only her mouth to take them off. She threw them somewhere and then kissed my inner thighs. I was feeling super needy and I wanted her already to fuck me already.
"Please Lee. Please just please" I begged.
"Is my girl needy. You want to know how my mouth feels on your clit and my fingers inside you?" She asked.
"Yes. I want you to fuck me. Please" I said. I was feeling so weird. Everything was too much but not enough at the same time.
"Oh god Lee” I yelled when I finally felt her mouth sucking on my clit. She swirled her tongue around it at the same time. Just that could have made me explode.
She then dipped one finger in me easily. She tested if I was wet enough and the she pushed another in me.
"God yes!!" I moaned loudly. My breathing became heavier as something started happening inside me.
Leah was going a slow pace with her first tongue. She flicked it on my clit before starting a faster pace. Her fingers slowly curling so they were touching more of my insides. Then they hit a spot that made my back arch and my body felt like it was on fire.
"Fuck Leah right there. YESS" I yelled but Leah slowed down her pace. She then stopped and straddled me again.
"Don't come until I tell you to" She said and I was about to protest and then her thigh touched my clit and I moaned.
Leah smiled as she was looking at me. She slowly started to move her body and I started to grind on her thigh. My mouth opened and moans left it.
I was so vulnerable for Leah. I just wanted to pleaseher and not come but I was so close. Leah was controlling me but in a good way.
"Please" I whined.
"Not yet y/n" She said and brought her hand to my cunt and pushed her fingers inside again.
She was going fast with her fingers and again she started flicking my clit. Then she curled her fingers against the same spot that already made my back arch.
"Leah, I-I need t..to come" I was shaking under her. The feeling was so strong.
"Now. Do it. Come for me Princess" Leah said and I let the most ungodly sound. I felt like my body was on fire as it shook. Leah’s fingers were still moving inside of me. I tried to control the shocks going through my body but all I could do was moan.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." I moaned as the white continued to cover my vision.
I cried out nonsense. My body was trembling with the overwhelming feeling. My pyssy was stretching and tightening around Leah’s fingers with every thrust.
Slowly I felt every movement stop. I could only hear Leah’s breathing and my own. My body felt numb but in the best way possible.
"Wow, that was... that was wow" I mumbled while panting.
Leah laughed a little. My body was still shaking.
"You were so good my princess. I know I keep telling you this but you are so incredibly beautiful. Especially when you come" Leah said and kiss my lips. It was more sensual, more gentle.
"Can- can I do that again?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah you can. I can make you come many more times but I bet you are really sensitive right now" She said and swiped my clit gently. I buckled my hips. My clit in fact was sensitive.
"But i wanna feel that again" I said pouting.
"Hmm I have an idea but I wanna know that you are 100% comfortable with it" Leah said and I nodded. Curious what she had in mind.
"I have a strap in that closet. Do you know what it is?" Leah asked and I nodded.
"What if we use that?" Leah suggested and once again I nodded.
"Princess give me a verbal answer" Leah said softly.
"Yes Lee, I want that" I needed something so badly I could have cried.
She then stood up and walked to the closet. She finally took her pants off and put the harnest on. She then walked back to me and layed next to me. She flipped me so I was on top of her next to the fake penis.
"Are you sure about this?" She asked
"100%. I promise" I answered.
"Good girl" Leah said and the praise made my heart beat faster. She grabbed lube from her nightstand and put it on the strap. It was now nice and slippery.
"Okay princess, Whenever you are ready" Leah said and put her hands in my hips.
I got on top of the strap and slowly started going down. Leah’s strong hands were supporting me as I slide down the dick. It was stretching me perfectly.
When it was fully in me tears started to form in my eyes because of the pleasure. I waited for a while to be comfortable and then I moved up slightly and then back down.
"Fuck. Lee, I feel so full. You are making me feel so full" I moaned.
"You are doing so good baby" Leah said and I moved my body against the dick. It hit so many good spots. She started to lift me slowly up and down on the strap.
I felt tears coming down from my eyes as I was slowly bouncing on the strap. Leah was praising me but I really couldn't hear them because I was so focused on chasing my orgasm.
I started to bounce faster and faster on the strap. Leah looked surprised at my pace.
"I- I-I'm gonna cum" I said and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
I kept bouncing on the strap and I brought my hand to rub my clit. Everything was perfect. Everything felt so good but little overwhelming.
Then it happened again. My body started to shake uncontrollably and I felt like million little shocks were going trough my body. I came hard on the strap. I could feel liquid come out of me.
Leah’s hands supported me as I really couldn't control my body.
"Rose. Rose" I quickly said when everything was too much. Tears in my eyes.
Leah immediately flipped us over and took the strap out of me. My body still shook a little because it was still climaxing.
"You are okay princess" Leah said and took the harness off. She then took a blanket and covered our bodies with it. She wrapped her arms around me as I came from my high.
"Are you okay?" She asked?
"Yeah. It was just little too much but wow it felt good" I said and laughed.
"Thank you for telling me that it was enough. And I'm glad you enjoyed it" She said and smiled. I smiled back at her and quickly fell asleep on her arms.
"Wake up. We are here" I heard. I opened my eyes and I was in a car. The car was parked in front of a bar. I was in a cab. 'What is going on?' I thought until I realized.
It was all a dream.
This is actually a fic i have written some time ago but i decided to post it here.
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stinkysam · 2 months
Serge “Frenchie” - Millions pieces.
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Warning : nsfw, blood loss, slight gore (?), long ass intro, blowjob (receiving), come eating.
Genre : smut
Synopsis : “could you write Frenchie x male supe in, like, a body worship nsfw scenario where Frenchie is comforting him? Preferable related to his powers but could be dysphoria, self-esteem, whatever (I support creative liberties tbh).” - anon
Reader : male (he/you)
A/N : for a better visibility of reader’s powers, see Buggy the Clown from One Piece (tho it's a bit different)
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You didn't know what were your powers apart from your super strength until the day you fought against Homelander with Butcher and Soldier Boy at Herogasm, your fists doing barely anything against his laser eyes who slit your throat from left to right, separing your head from the rest of your body. You fell to your knees slowly before falling on your front, head rolling on the ground, blood gushing everywhere.
When you reopened your eyes, Homelander was gone, Annie and M.M by your… side ? Standing next to your body ? You blinked a few times trying to make sense of it and get rid of the hazy feeling.
“Fuck.” M.M whispered. Blood continued spilling from where your head was supposed to be. He was at a loss for words.
“What should we do ?” Asked Annie, feeling nauseous from seeing you in such a state.
“Grab his head.” M.M said. They weren't going to leave you here. They'd take you to the base and give you a proper burial. Somewhere.
Annie grabbed your head cautiously, unsure on how to hold you.
As M.M moved closer to you to grab your body, your arm moved suddenly, as if to rub your head, making them jump in surprise.
“What the…” You said quietly, almost inaudibly, feeling foggy from the extreme blood loss, looking at your body by M.M’s feet, while your hand is groggily patting the air in hope to find your throbbing head. “Why can I see… my body like that ?”
Annie turns with horror your head around to look at your face.
“How… are you still… alive ?” She asked shakily, words slowly coming out of her mouth as if she struggled to find them due to the shock.
“What ?” You replied tiredly, confused, barely remembering what happened. “Why is my body…” You started again, slowly losing your words, ready to pass out again.
M.M checked your pulse as if to make sure you were really alive and nodded to Annie. After a beat she moved closer to your body, unsure and awkwardly, and placed your head where it should be.
In a few seconds it was re-attaching itself together, leaving a big scar all around your neck where you had been lasered.
Since that day, you always found yourself in situations where you get heavily cut. Arms ripped, hands torn off, fingers cut, thighs slit, ankles deeply severed. But you always glued yourself back together, leaving big scars where you got cut.
You quickly found out that once a part of you had been severed, you could detach it at will, sending your hands flying to strangle someone while your legs kicked another person in the nuts, your head flying above them to yell where the others were hiding, and this, without major blood loss or having to saw through your skin, flesh and bones. You could be cut in a million pieces and re-attach yourself afterwards.
Still, as much as you liked your powers, each scar left you with a sour taste in your mouth.
They were big and everything but neat, and you could often physically remember the pain it caused you. Sometimes it was just your fingers hurting, sometimes it was everywhere at once, feeling like you were being ripped apart again.
Frenchie knew you had trouble with them, it was obvious and you weren't particularly silent about it. You hid them with bandages as much as you could or wore clothes that would hide your neck, arms and hands, only taking them off to sleep or when you knew you'd be alone all day.
He knew all too well how you could feel about your scars, he himself had a multitude of them on his body, often reminding him how he got them, with the pain it brought him.
So he tried to help make you feel better about them.
You were currently laying on your bed, the sheets thrown aside, no bandages or clothes to hide your scars apart from your boxers hiding the cuts around your thighs. Frenchie was resting next to you, kissing your shoulder as he fought the urge to take a nap, one of his hands absentmindedly caressing your side.
He hummed, feeling comfortable, and you smiled.
He moved to place another kiss on the side of your neck this time, feeling the irregularities of your scar against his lips.
“I think that you're a handsome man.” He stated out of the blue after a minute with a small smile and shining eyes.
You opened your eyes and frowned, slightly taken aback.
“Okay ?” You replied, laughing quietly.
“Non mais je suis sérieux.” He moved so he could look you in the eyes, grabbing your face with one hand to make you look at him. “Not once I could think the opposite.”
“First of all, you're biased.” You nodded half joking, half serious, enjoying the warmth of his hand on your cheek as you turned yourself to fully face him, the hand that caressed your side now on your back.
“How ?”
“We're dating ?” You frowned, as if it was the most logical of all things.
“Oh, because I'm dating you, I can't find you handsome, huh ?”
“Well, fuck that. J'emmerde ta logique.” He said with a frown, making you laugh.
“Okay, okay.” You caressed his cheek, trying to wave it off so he would change the topic. He didn't. He kissed your neck again.
“Head to toes, there is not a thing that I don't like.” He smiled against your lips before pecking them, his fingers tapping against your spine absentmindedly.
“I could find you a few things.” You laughed, kissing him back.
“Non. I love everything.” He grabbed your hands, planting his lips on your scarred wrists.
“Stop.” You said, trying not to show embarrassment. But instead of stopping he continued, kissing your palms, fingers and wrists once more.
When he let go of your hands it was to attack your face, kissing whatever he could reach as quickly as possible as you laughed. Eventually he landed on your lips, savoring the kiss a bit more, then moved to your chin then under it, until he reached the scar around your neck.
Quickly, he pushed you on your back as he climbed on top of you and kissed your scar again. One of his thumbs caressed it slowly as if to memorize each bump and irregularities.
“Serge.” You warned quietly, nervousness evident in your voice, not feeling the greatest about him studying your scar like this despite enjoying the attention and affection.
“I love them.” He started, looking at you. “Because each time you survived.”
You stared at him as if you were debating whether to believe him or not.
He kissed the scar you had at the joint of your left arm and shoulder.
“As horrible as it had been, you survived.” He smiled, grabbing your hands to kiss your fingers.
One of his hands moved to touch your body, fingers lightly caressing you, giving you goosebumps as he focused on kissing your collarbones and moving lower, slowly, as if to not let an inch of your skin feel unloved or untouched.
When he was low enough, he pulled your boxers out of the way, throwing them aside, before caressing your thighs, feeling the rather new scars on your soft skin. He planted a few kisses there, his hand caressing your other thigh as you watched his every move.
“Avec ou sans.” He stroked your dick before giving it a peck. “You're still handsome. You’re still you.” He looked at your eyes, making sure you were listening to him as he jerked it slowly as it began to harden in his hand.
Frenchie squirmed a bit, changing to a better position, allowing both of his hands to caress you, thumbs tracing your scars gently.
“Malgré mes cicatrices, tu m’aimes, right ?” He asked, though he already knew your answer.
“Bien sûr.”
“C'est pareil pour moi. Pourquoi mon amour devrait changer à la vue de tes cicatrices ? Mh ?”
At your lack of answer he nipped your inner thigh, away from the scar, making you yelp and close your legs in surprise, squishing his head for a second before reopening them.
“It shouldn't.” You said and he kissed where he bit you. Correct.
“Carrément it shouldn't !” He replied, frowning before focusing back on your dick, thumb tracing the veins, lips kissing the side by the base, slowly going up to the tip. “Je t'aime. And no scars will change that, understood ?”
You nodded, watching his hand move up and down your dick slowly, teasing you. You sighed, letting the pleasure get to your head as Frenchie began to lick you before wrapping his lips around you.
“Fuck…” You quietly said as he started to bob his head, his other hand massaging your inner thigh cautiously, not wanting to irritate the scars, always gentle.
It felt so warm and wet inside his mouth, you refused to close your eyes to not miss a thing, feeling his tongue press against your cock and move, making you squirm.
Your right hand landed in his hair, at first just to touch him and to keep him there, but rapidly it was to control the pace. You closed your legs a bit and he wrapped his arms around them, taking you deeper in his mouth.
You knew Frenchie had no gag reflex but each time it blew your mind, though you remained cautious, not wanting to wake a remnant of it while your tip was in his throat.
His grip around your legs tightened, making sure you wouldn't move.
As if you'd want to get away from this.
You moved his head up and down on your dick, cursing quietly as his mouth swallowed you whole. It was a sight to behold. A bit of drool pooling at the base of your cock.
Your hips bucked into him, making him hum and swallow around you, close to sending you over the edge. You could feel his thumbs caress your thighs, fingers tracing your scars delicately.
“Fuck, I'm close.” You warned, sighing and panting loudly. Your hips stuttering upward, bucking into his mouth to get more, his eyes flickered to yours before pulling away to jerk you off quickly. His lips were by your wet tip, tongue out, ready for you to come.
And that's what you did, you came on his tongue, shooting ropes of cum in his mouth with a loud moan, and when you were done, he swallowed it all, licking your dick clean and smiling cheekily at you before crawling to kiss you.
“I love you.” He whispered, booping your nose, making you chuckle.
“I love you too.” You kissed his cheek. “I'm not saying I love them now, but maybe I'll try to not bother myself with bandages. Maybe.”
“I knew I gave awesome blowjobs.” He said proudly with a large smile. You frowned, rolling on your side as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
“Le melon du gars...” You whispered, smiling, and he laughed before kissing your forehead.
Traduction - Translation :
Non mais je suis sérieux. - No but I'm serious.
J’emmerde ta logique. - Fuck your logic.
Avec ou sans. - With or without.
Malgré mes cicatrices, tu m’aimes ? - Despite my scars, you love me ?
Bien sûr. - Of course.
C'est pareil pour moi. Pourquoi mon amour devrait changer à la vue de tes cicatrices ? - It's the same for me. Why would my love change at the sight of your scars ?
Carrément. - Damn right.
Je t'aime. - I love you.
Le melon du gars… - The melon (to have a big ego) of this guy.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
Can I request something with Matt x fem!reader where they go on a walk or something and all of a sudden it starts raining like crazy so they rush back home and get in comfy clothes and then start making out or something? Can get as smutty as u want it to be
Also sorry if you’ve already written something similar, im new to your page and only read a few things but I love your work really really much!!
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is having a bit of anxiety, so she stays back to try and calm her mind, but when Matt comes home he decides to take her for a walk to clear her mind, but then the weather gets crazy, and they head back home🫂
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT! There’s shower sex, but nothing crazy. It’s pretty cute actually🥹
Song for the imagine: Cigarettes out the Window- TV Girl
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Today just felt like a drag. I was having the worst anxiety, and I didn’t even know why. I spent the whole day with my heart thumping, my head racing and my body shaking. I hated this feeling, and the only person who could help me was Matt.
Sadly Matt was out today filming with his brothers, and doing some stuff at the warehouse. He had asked if he wanted me to join, but I was so anxious I simply couldn’t get up.
I knew they would be gone pretty much the whole day, so I tried to keep my mind off of things. I decided to cook, clean and do some laundry while listening to music. I lit some candles to ease my senses, but still I couldn’t shake this anxious feeling.
I was trying to eat lunch, but my mind wouldn’t let me. I began to feel nauseous. I just wanted to feel okay, and for some reason I couldn’t. I was watching Cars on Disney plus since it was my favorite childhood movie, and taking deep breaths, when suddenly my phone pinged with a message, it was from Matt
Hey baby, how are you doing? I miss you
Hey baby. I’m doing okay. I miss you more
are you sure? You seemed off this morning
yeah… just having a bit of anxiety, but I’m doing alright
want me to come home??
No baby don’t worry I’m okay! I’m watching Cars and eating now. Thank you my love
okay! Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll be over real quick
I decided to take a nap to keep my mind off of things since I couldn’t eat, or really calm down.
I had fallen asleep around 2, and woke up when I heard the front door opening. They were home!!
They came up the stairs as I was stretching
“Hey! It looks so clean in here, and smells amazing” Nick said looking around
“Thanks! Did some of that anxiety deep cleaning” I said smiling at them
“I appreciate it! You didn’t have to tho” Chris said
“No, don't even worry! I love it” I said getting up and grabbing my plate to bring to the kitchen, Matt had followed me into the kitchen
“You didn’t eat?” He asked looking at my plate still full
“I tried to, but I just couldn’t” I said
“Baby why didn’t you call me? I would’ve came and spent the day with you” he said looking at little but upset
“Don’t worry baby! I’m okay” I said tossing the food out
“Want to go for a walk?” He asked me
“You know that might actually help me a lot” I said
“Alright let’s go” he said. I went and put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, and we headed out
“So tell me how dirty was the house” Matt said laughing
“Actually it wasn’t too bad. I mean not till I got to Chris' room to put his laundry on his bed for him. That was something out of this world” I said laughing
“Oh god. Chris is actually a child. His room looks like it got flipped upside down repeatedly for 10 minutes” Matt said laughing
“I cleaned it up a bit for him, just so it wasn’t too bad” I said
“Aww you’re so sweet cleaning up after that pig” he said kissing me on the cheek
“I love to clean helps my mind clear” I said to him
“Oh look at that flower” he said pointing behind me
I quickly turned around, and saw a beautiful pink flower hanging off of a vine on someone’s fence.
“Oh that’s so pretty” I said grabbing it and looking at it
“Take it” he said
“No it’ll die by the time we get home” I said frowning a little bit
“But it’ll be a memory” he said
“Yeah, but it looks so pretty right now” I said back to him
He was looking into my eyes, when all of sudden it started to poor on us
“WHAT THE FUCK” we both screamed and started to laugh
“Since fucking when was it supposed to rain” he said grabbing my hand as we started to jog back to the house
We were laughing, and running back to the house trying not to slip or step into any big puddles on the way back
When we got back to the house we were drenched, and cold, and laughing about how bizarre this situation was
We had taken our shoes off at the door, and started to walk up the steps. When we got to the top I slipped and fell to my knees
“OH MY GOD” Matt said laughing so hard, and trying to help me up, but we were laughing too hard we couldn't even focus on each other
“Oh my fucking god” I said holding my stomach and laughing
“Get up” he said doubled over laughing and holding his stomach
“I’m trying” I said as I was trying to get up, and all that we kept hearing was my wet feet squeaking on the floor trying to get up
“I CANT FUCKING BREATHE YOU SOUND LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY” Matt said trying to help me up, but we literally could not get it together
Finally we calmed down, and I got up holding onto Matt as we kept laughing and walking to his room
“Oh god. My knees are going to be tore up tomorrow” I said walking into his room
“It’s okay I’ll put some ointment on them for you” he said shutting his door
“I’m colddddddd” I said shaking my body
“Want to take a warm shower with me?” He asked stripping himself of his wet hoodie
“Ouuu yes that sounds nice” I said also taking off my wet hoodie
We had stripped ourselves of our clothes and left them in a wet pile in his room, and then walked to his bathroom
He got the hot water started, and we both got in
“This feels great” I said letting the hot water hit my back
“It really does” he said also letting the water hit him
We showered together talking and laughing about how funny my fall was, and that he wish he had it recorded
I had finished washing my face when I turned to Matt, and we already looking at me
“You’re so beautiful” he said looking down at my lips
“Thank you baby” I said wiping the water out of my eyes
“Kiss me” he said before pulling me in by my waist
I smashed my lips against his as I ran my fingers through his wet hair
“How does shower sex sound to you?” He asked pulling away from me
“It sounds hot” I said kissing his neck
Matt continued to kiss me, and went down to my neck peppering little love bites here and there.
I sighed at this
“I love you so much Matt. You treat me so well” I said
“I love you more baby” he said coming back up to kiss my lips
“I would get down and suck your dick, but my knees are already hurting from falling” I said, and we both started to giggle thinking back to the fall I had
“Don’t worry baby. I wanna pleasure you” he said laughing a little bit
“I’m ready Matt” I said to him kissing him one last time
Matt had pushed me back against the shower wall allowing the cool tiles to kiss my warm skin. He grabbed my leg lifting it up slightly and with his other hand guided his dick to my entrance.
Slowly he started to slide into me. And then completely bottoming out
“Fuck” I said throwing my head back a little bit
“Shit baby” he said looking at me
Matt started to slowly thrust into me. Making sure we both don’t fall this time. He was kissing my neck as he thrusted deeper and deeper
“Shit matt this feels so good” I said starting to get wobbly in the knees
“I know baby” he said putting one hand on the shower wall next to my head, and the other wrapped around my waist to keep me close
Matt kept fucking into me as a delicious pace, allowing me to feel every inch of him. This felt amazing, and I needed this so badly. He was keeping my mind off of all my worries by fucking me in the best way
“Shit Matt I think I’m gonna cum” I said pulling at his hair in the back of his head
“Me too baby, me too” he said still thrusting into me
“Fuck Matt” I moaned one last time before cumming on his dick. My legs shaking, and my upper body convulsing
He allowed me to come down from my high to catch my breath before pulling out of me
Matt started to jerk himself off before moaning my name and cumming into his hand.
He started to come down from his high, trying to catch his breath before cleaning himself off one last time, and I did the same
“Thank you baby that was amazing” I said kissing his back as he cleaned himself up
“Always for my pretty girl. I’m always here for you to help you take your mind off of anything” he said turning around and kissing me
We both hopped out of the shower and got dressed in his room. Changing into some warm clothes, and then putting our wet clothes to wash
“Wanna watch The Notebook” I asked him laying in his bed
“I’ve never seen it. I’m down” he said after shutting his door, and coming to lay with me
I put the movie on, and we snuggled into each other while watching. Eventually we fell asleep….in each others arms watching a romance movie…..oh how cliché
The End
I’m powering through these requests🤞🏽, and hope you guys enjoyed this one. And for the person that requested this I hope you liked it as well lmk!!!!❤️
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writing-bakugo · 2 years
BNHA Headcanons
They wake you up in the middle of the night in pain
a/n: mentions of heart attack, depression, anxiety. If you don't like true events skip Bakugo's...his is based on my night last night. It's okay tho. After tons of tests, my bby's healthy and safe!
"Babe," Bakugo said and shook your leg.
You took a deep breath and groaned. His eyes were wide and he clutched his heart. Why he was waking you up before he left for work, you had no clue.
"Don't be afraid," he said through mangy breaths. "My chest is tightening and I've never been in this much pain before."
"Shh." You pulled him to sit on the bed and rubbed his quaking back. "It's okay, you'll be okay. Calm down."
"No," Bakugo hoarsely gasped. His entire body convulsed and the bed shook under you. "I'm dizzy and nauseous. My jaw's locked multiple times. I...I thought I was gonna faint in the bathroom so I rushed back in here so you would possibly see me."
"What?" Your brows furrowed together when he asked for his phone.
You still blinked away sleep and rubbed his back. He typed 'hospital' in his GPS and clicked on the closest one's number. You glanced at the time and tilted your head. 00:46...? After repeating what he just told you, he hung up.
"You need to drive me to the—" Bakugo's jaw locked and he keeled over. After a few grunts and seconds he gasped for air. "I think this is a heart attack."
"What?" Sleep oozed out of you all at once as the reality of the situation dawned on you. "Okay."
You jumped to your feet and pulled on the closest pair of sweatpants. "Okay."
Heart attacks were for old people like Clark Kent's dad. Bakugo was young and healthy. It just made no sense. You glanced at his shuddering body. "Okay."
You pulled on mismatched socks and mumbled to yourself, "okay. This is okay. Everything's okay."
After grabbing your insurance card, you helped him to his feet and out the door.
Rocks and rasps woke you. You rolled to your side and blinked open your eyes a few times to see Kirishima's chin quivering.
Surprised saucers stared back at you. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry."
"What's going on? Are you okay?"
"I just..." Kirishima wiped a tear. "I just don't...I'm not..."
"Hey," you sat, "you can tell me anything."
"I'm not worth a thing."
A string pulled in your heart like a rocks strikes the surface of water. You wrapped him up tightly and whispered, "Eijirou I love you so so much. You're worth more that the entire universe to me."
Tears streaked your neck and collarbone and you repeated yourself. "To me, you're more precious than breath itself. I love you so, so much. You're Eijirou Kirishima, and I will never not love you."
A body collapsing atop yours woke you. You rolled none other than Kaminari off of you and muttered about how late he was.
"Isssts ggrrreft," Kaminari said.
You rubbed your temples and turned on the lamp light to see a very pale, very sweaty Kaminari. His hair slicked back and his skin glistened and you immediately swatted your hand on his forehead.
"Owwww," Kaminari drawled. Sure enough, a fever. Kaminari held his breath.
His eyes started watering and his adam's apple bounced up and down and you shook your head. "No, no, Denki. Up. To the bath—"
Alcoholic vomit drenched you. You took a very deep, very don't-kill-my-boyfriend steadying breath. Through your teeth, you hissed, "get off my bed."
Kaminari whined collapsed on his pillow.
"Oh how did Chargebolt die?" You asked yourself when you jumped off the bed and ripped your silly Chargebolt t-shirt off. "I shoved all the vomit back down his throat. Turns out, they don't recommend doing that."
Despite the bile and blood lust stinging the back of your throat, you tugged Kaminari up and to the bathroom.
Your bedroom window rattled. Considering the rain outside, it wasn't a surprise. Until it rasped like a knock. And again. You grabbed the closest thing: a baseball bat; before tiptoeing to the window.
It cracked again.
You gripped the bat tight before unlatching the window and swinging it open. You backpedaled and stared at the open window while water spilled into your apartment.
"You're awake. Perfect." A head appeared upside down and teetered lightly back and forth.
You screamed and swung. The head vanished just before the bat would've cracked it.
"Whoa!" Sero slowly lowered. "Hey, it's just me! It's me! Hanta! Don't swing, okay? I'm coming in."
And then he flipped into your room and slid the window closed. "Sorry about the water." He looked around before noticing the bat in your tight hands. Sero softly limped forward and grabbed the tip of it, "relax, Firecracker."
You let him take it. He looked awful, you realized. The rain had matted his hair down—but from the pink streaks dripping on your ground, you assumed he must be bleeding somewhere up there. Not to mention the right sleeve of his hero costume was completely missing and in it's place a large tooth-like gash. His knee looked pretty bad too.
"Sorry," he gulped. "I didn't know where else to go."
"The hospital?" You exasperated.
He shook his head. "Don't know who I can trust. There's something awful happening out there."
Sero gulped.
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I got a little carried away with Sero's...might make it a separate short story?
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goth-mami-writer · 5 months
A post about my life lately.
(If you fucking care ✌️🫠)
⚠️Tw: There's some mentions in this that may stir certain emotions regarding✨️pro-choice✨️mindsets (abortion) and vomiting. So if you think that's gonna upset you, don't interact pls. Thx.⚠️
I've been away. And here's why without being theatrical - I found out I was pregnant again. And....I wasn't happy.
I'm a mom to 1 already and...I knew that I couldn't do it again. It's hard, to be as frank as I can. The physical effect of pregnancy on the body is something...I despise? I had awful, TERRIBLE sickness the first time anddd fuck, it was the same this time.
Yeah, no. You can go ahead and count me out.
Well- Were you using BiRtH CoNtrOl?!, you may ask?
Yes. Abso-fuckin-lutely. I had an IUD inserted two months after I had my first kid. Cause FUCK THAT. I knew I didn't want another. My son's awesome. Being his mom is my reason for living. But pregnancy is not for me.
So- this being the decision, I fucking called the one person I goddamn trust and that's Mera. ❤️ @short-honey-badger
And bitch, did we plan a trip. We had to drive OUT OF OUR STATE TO RECEIVE THE CARE NECESSARY. (That's a topic for another day tho t-.-t )
✨️Anyways,✨️ Mera is a badass and drove me to said appointment as I'm fighting the most debilitating nausea. All I could stand to eat without vomiting was fucking popsicles and slushies. So yum at 5 am, BTW.
~But here's where shit gets wild~
I show up, ready to have this done. Get on with my life. Maybe start writing again because I know that I'll feel better. The nurses and staff were incredible and sweet. But there was one problem.....my IUD was out of place, they tell me.
Okay? I knew that, right? Obviously, that's why it didn't work and I got pregnant. Makes sense.
NONONONO. I'm laying on a table out of my home state, laughing gassed out of MY FUCKING MIND, with a lady doctor telling me in the calmest demeanor that she can that I need FUCKING ✨️EMERGENCY SURGERY✨️
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So...the staff is obviously letting me recover from the procedure- THE ONE I JUST HAD. and now I'm being fed all this medical jargon basically saying that if I didn't receive surgery, this IUD was gonna tear its way into my other organs because it was already embedded in the muscle tissue of my abdomen.
Fucking AWESOME.
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Luckily, all these people were contracted to the local hospital in this city and they were going to let them know I was coming over and all that good jazz, but I basically needed to get over there. Like...now. RIGHT NEOW. 💀
So then it's me and Mera just navigating parts of a city that we just DO NOT fucking know, trying to get me to said hospital where this surgery needed to take place. It wasn't far but goddamn this hospital had absolute SHIT parking. It was a monster to fucking navigate as well. Luckily, I was on some good pain meds that were keeping me kinda stable, but ooohhhh, not for long.
We get checked into the ER and yeah, I started HURTING. Not to mention also, viciously nauseous once again. But this time, because I hadn't eaten anything since 5am and I was told that it would basically be fucking ILLEGAL for me to eat again until I got off this operating table.
(I thought you said it was an emergency, why didn't they have you in OR yet??)
My particular case needed staffing of crazy ass doctors to oversee this procedure. I swear to God, I met like 5 people in the four hours that I sat in the emergency room before being prepped for surgery.
I was rolled out for testing like four different times! All kinds of shit just being shot into my IV while I'm still fucked up on the first dose of morphine that's still whooping my ass in and out of consciousness as Mera is at my bedside like,
"O.o u okay?" (Bc she's an angel that stayed with me during the entirety of this fucking insanity like T-T)
FINALLY. I got into my fucking surgery. It went fine, everything is fine. But goddamn, I'm exhausted. Mera was exhausted. We'd been up for almost 24hrs at this point in the day and now I'm finally being admitted into an actual room for post-op recovery.
That next morning before my discharge, I was let know the gravity of my situation and things like that. I was reassured that nothing I did caused this IUD to move. And that meant one thing-
It was never inserted correctly in the first place.
✨️So✨️ let me be the first one to tell you- please. For the love of FUCK. Go get your IUD checked. Via fucking ultrasound.
Don't let that sassy nurse stick a speculum in your fuggin hoo-haa and tell you she can see the strings so you're good.
Check your IUD!!! Or you're gonna be knocked up, getting a little pregnancy✨️deletion✨️ in a strange state where a really nice lady doctor is gonna tell you that you're like weeks away from internally bleeding and need dire abdominal surgery to prevent that. And all you're gonna have is your bestfriend who you feel terrible for bc she didn't sign up for any of this bullshit. But there you are, passed out on morphine, hungry, confused, nauseous and WAITING FOR SURGEONS.
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What if you made Matsuda walk in on Shota Light x L fucking and made him scream at L and be all righteously offended then L convinces him to join and he folds
okay so I had to consider this one for a while, and tho I dont think it's feasible in the shota au "canon", I did have some fun imagining it.
hot take: matsuda is the most morally correct character in death note. yes, more than soichiro. I say this because I don't think matsuda even has the capability of doing something with ill intent. there is not a single bad bone in his body. which is exactly why it would be so fun to push his morality to the limit. pushing pretty boys to their limits is the epitome of joy in life, you see.
because even tho matsuda wouldn't even let himself think about something as bad as sex with his boss's 12 year old son, he can't control how his brain reacts to the way light hollows his cheeks around the lollipop L supplied him with, or the way light's body rubs against him when the boy climbs into his lap to examine the new information he found. he still feels sick every time he watches L lead light back to their bedroom, or sees L's hands wander just a little too low on light's stomach; it makes him almost as nauseous as how he feels when he finds himself imagining what it would be like to be in L's place.
you can imagine his pure disgust and grim victory when he finally catches L redhanded; there's really not an easy way to explain why your child suspect is handcuffed to the bed desperately fucking himself on your cock. that's not an easy one to explain. so what's the only solution? L has to pull matsuda down to his level. he calmly asks matsuda if he would like a turn, light wouldn't mind, right, light-chan? light's glazed over eyes and drool trailing from his pink lips answer for themselves. and matsuda knows this is so wrong and he should really be running to soichiro as fast as he can, but let's be honest, our man has never had a backbone and we love him for it.
which is how matsuda ends up holding light's slim hips with the gentlest of hands, fucking him deep and slow while profusely apologizing and praising how wonderful and good he is. that night, matsuda would cry over being a pedophile while jerking off to the memory of the way light's small body took cock like he was born for it. he can't look light in the eye for an entire week at least, and matsuda has to live torturing himself over whether it would be right to sacrifice his own career and reputation to bring down L lawliet.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
HELLO LOVE!!! @bebbie-bilinski AGAIN!!
ok like we discussed this is def gonna be a more hurt/comfort oriented request :P
as always regressor!stiles and cg!derek at the loft haha
ok i was wondering if you could maybe do something where stiles is upset -very upset- we're talking ugly crying inconsolable throwing pillows full speed at walls that sort of upset tho im not too sure as to why he could be upset maybe its all the stress of having near death experiences thanks to the supernatural world or maybe its due to thinking about past trauma too much (or take some creative liberties! u know i'll eat it up regardless) im thinking stiles will be big during this and derek tries frantically to help in whatever way he can and once hes calmed down hes just too exhausted to do anything else but regress and recuperate from all the big emotions :P then its all derek asking what stiles wants to get comfy and big ol clueless stares from stiles cus he has no idea what he wants lol im not sure if id rather they be alone when stiles regresses or maybe peters there too anyways theres obligatory cuddles in big comfy t shirts and!! itty-bitty-baby regressor stiles coded pretty please (´∀`)♡ ! god im so sorry this is so long i hope that was detailed enough!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ remembering ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| stiles stilinski & derek hale & peter hale || read on ao3
notes: this got requested and hour ago and I’m already answering it & it’s midnight, someone pray for me
warnings: set after s3 before s4, mentions/talk of void stiles, crying, angst, hurt/comfort, pet names, Peter being referred to as “papa”
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Derek watches in horror as Stiles scream sobs in the middle of the lofts living room, his hands are grabbing at his throat as though he can’t breathe, body halfway bent in on itself as he only grows louder. Derek doesn’t know what to do. Stiles had texted him asking if he could come over, saying he felt upset and maybe a slip coming, Derek of course replied immediately saying he’d be waiting.
What Derek didn’t expect was to open the loft door to Stiles already crying, thick tears staining his pale skin and hiccuping breaths leaving his chest. Derek had tried to pull Stiles into his arms, the little usually clings to Derek when upset, but he got pushed away from. There’s been no explanation as to why Stiles is so upset but that doesn’t seem to matter to Derek, he’s too heartbroken to think about it.
“Stiles, Stiles please breathe, it’s okay.” Whether or not Stiles can even hear Derek’s voice is really up for debate, Derek keeps trying anyways. His own tears threatening to spill when Stiles’ knees shake and he drops to the ground, Derek right by his side.
“I can’t- I can’t Der, I can’t!” Small red lines appear on Stiles’ throat where he scratches at the skin, Hale catching his wrists before it can get any worse. The last thing he needs is to try and preform first aid while Stiles is in this state.
“Can’t what? What is it baby? Talk to me.” It shakes coming out of Derek’s mouth, hating how Stiles cries even harder.
“It’s too much! I don’t want it!” Stiles sobs before falling into Derek’s chest, screaming as loud as he can get before another sob bubbles from his throat.
“What don’t you want? You gotta talk to me, let me help.” Derek’s voice is hoarse with desperation, allowing Stiles to hit at his sides after Derek releases his wrists.
“All of it! I- I remember it all Der, I don’t want it, please. Please make it go away.” The begging tone and pleading eyes sent Derek’s way is enough for his breath to catch. He suddenly knows what this is all about, void Stiles, the hell that happened last year and still haunts his little night and day. Hale can’t imagine what it felt like to have someone control Stiles’ mind like that, but he knows what Stiles tells him, and that alone is enough to make Derek nauseous.
“It wasn’t you, it wasn’t you baby. It’s okay.” He soothes the best he can despite knowing how little it really does. Nothing can fix what happened, or the results it left behind.
“I don’t want to remember, I hate it. I wanna go back, let me go back.” Stiles’ hands cling around Dereks neck, fingers pulling at the t shirt he has on so tightly the material could rip.
“Go back where?” If there’s a place Stiles wants to go that’ll comfort him Derek will move hell on earth to get him there.
“To before. When- when void didn’t exist, to before it all happened.” Oh.
“Oh honey…” Derek has no words to say, he can only pull Stiles up into his lap more and rub his hand down the brunettes back. There’s still small whimpers and tears spilling from Stiles, Derek hates that he can’t make it all feel better, that he can’t take this kind of hurt away. He wishes he could hold Stiles’ hand and watch his veins turn black as he drained Stiles of his pain, but this isn’t physical, and there’s no easy fix to it.
“I want papa.” There’s a tremble when Stiles talks, he’s obviously dropped into his regression, a younger headspace from what Derek can tell just by his voice. And he wants Peter. Derek knows Peter went out to the grocery store at least an hour ago, he hopes he’ll be getting back soon.
“I’ll text him, okay?” Stiles nods along, eyes already drooping with exhaustion from his overwhelmed state. The attire he has on can’t be comfortable, jeans and a t shirt is fine while big but Hale knows Stiles will want something softer in his regressed state.
With that, Derek decides Stiles should change and quickly picks him up to walk them over to Peters bedroom, knowing that Stiles will want to wear something of Peters if he’s not here. He always likes to have something of one of his caregivers on, whether it he Derek’s hoodie or Peters shirt all depends on who Stiles is feeling clinger towards.
“Which one do you wanna wear?” The top drawer of Peters dresser is open wide enough for Stiles to see each t shirt folded neatly, Peters always been a precise person and his organization never fails to portray that.
“Do you want me to pick for you?” After a long beat of silence where Stiles only stares blankly into the drawer Derek figures he’d have a better bet choosing himself. Stiles nods in approval before Hale grabs the cranberry red t shirt that he knows is oversized even for Peter so it should be hanging off of Stiles, how he likes his shirts to be when small.
“Alright buddy let me text your papa and then we’ll get you out of those clothes.” A quick text messily explaining everything that just happened gets sent out quickly to Peter, he replies immediately, assuring Derek he’d be home as soon as he could and that grocery shopping would have to wait.
Once Stiles is changed into a small pair of pajama shorts and Peters shirt, him and Derek curl into the couch together. There’s a kids show playing lowly but neither are paying attention. Stiles is chewing the collar of Peters shirt, having refused a tether or pacifier, and Derek’s busy focusing in on Stiles’ heartbeat. It’s normal, not spiking in anxiety or panic, he should be relaxing with that information. He can’t. His brain is too busy running through what possibly could’ve happened to trigger Stiles like that.
It could’ve been his own overthinking, that’s happened a couple times, but never lead to that intense of a reaction. Derek prays silently that it wasn’t somebody saying something to upset Stiles, or a random bout of flashbacks as that always leaves Stiles restless for at least a few days if not a full week.
“Munchkin! What happened?!” Peters booming voice cuts through Derek’s thoughts and he’s quickly met with Peter barreling over to where the two are on the couch. Stiles instantaneously climbs off of Derek to cling around Peter with a happy giggle at Peter hugging him in close. At least he’s calmed down now.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” Seconds pass where Stiles just stares at Peter, the older Hale obviously growing more concerned as his brow furrows and Derek swears his eyes couldn’t grow any wider.
“Papa!” Stiles finally bursts out and latches around Peter again, it makes both the caregivers give out a small sigh of relief and chuckle at Stiles’ endless need for affection and his lack of communication skills in baby space.
Derek knows he and Peter will have to talk about what happened once Stiles goes to sleep, which shouldn’t be too far away with how tired he looks. The questions buzzing in his head will have to wait to get answered, and Peter might genuinely never let Stiles leave the loft again, but for now Derek leans back into the couch and tries to relax. Peter gives him a knowing look, that one that says he can feel how much tension Derek still holds about the situation, he lets Peter knock his shoulder into Derek in support. They’ll figure it out.
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humiliatingsluts2 · 2 months
Thank you, Wall🥰🫶🏻 My journey... well, not much progress! Starting to think it's just not for me... I am still so excited and happy when I see it in 3rd person perspective tho, your and Lola's content, for example, is hot as hell!!💗💗💕💕💕😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 It's just when I try to do stuff myself, it's like my body rejects it and everything in me tightens, my throat especially, makes me so nauseous🤢🤢 And the intense shame and sense of unworthiness lmao It is honestly hilarious how ashamed I am of some of the kinks I apparently like now🤢 If I'm so ashamed and disgusted by them then it's not for me, right? And the intense sadness I feel hahaha, if something makes me this sad, I should just avoid it! But then the way pussy throbs and leaks to kinky stuff... ugghhh I really don't wanna give up exploring... Annnd I'm rambling again, but yeah, not much progress. I'm still gonna be an avid follower of you and Lola tho, you guys are so sexy😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 (Lola especially if I'm honest omg💘(her twitter😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫💕 💓 💕her pussy😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫💗 her mouth stuffed with your cock😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫💕 her pretty lingeriessssss!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖✨✨) but since this is your blog let's pretend I think you're the hottest ever!!🥳)
Hi 🍰. I think you’re doing well. The advice I’d give you is:
Slow down, take the pressure off yourself
Focus on the “why” of any negative feelings and shame, there is nothing shameful or disgusting about anything you’re into
Then think about the good: what sexual experiences (solo or with a partner) have you had that were positive? Draw out threads that made you feel secure and see if you can have more of that.
I think the really intense physical responses you’re having might be above my and tumblr’s pay grade though, a sex positive (sex) therapist could be the right way to go.
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le010n11 · 2 years
Kiss from a rose. Neymessi fic.
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”
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Leo wasn't a vocal person at all, his closed circle knew how it wasn't easy for him to express his feelings through words. Everytime he tried to talk the words would get stuck in his throat making him feel nauseous. Instead Lionel preferred to sulk in his own room alone. Even tho Luis knew Leo liked being alone, this time he wouldn't let that happen. Luis hated seeing his dearest friend suffering like that. He hated seeing him grieving alone. An idea came to mind, to ease Leo's pain and make him get over the other man.
Leo thought it was the most stupidest thing he had ever heard. Nonetheless, he tried it without telling Luis of course. Luis would know anyway, but not now.
For a start he sent a huge beautiful bouquet of lilies, with no notes attached and no name on it. He knew there was a big possibility for Neymar not to receive his flowers, nevertheless he didn't care. He sent them and wished for the best.
The next day, while stalking Neymar's Instagram stories, skipping his pictures in the Paris saint Germain kit, they made Leo feel horrible. The last story was a photo of the bouquet he sent, with a text saying “Obrigado meu amado fã! mas por que lírios?„
A very smart and genuine question from Neymar, Leo didn't expect the younger to ask such a question, he was genuinely impressed Neymar caught what he was trying to do.
As the articles he read on Google said, lilies symbolize grief and loss. Lilies couldn't express his feelings better, Leo was grieving the departure of his loved one. It wasn't easy for him, it wasn't easy on the rest of the team but he suffered the most. He felt like a part of his soul left his body when the other left with little to no explanation.
Lilies were the perfect flowers for their current situation, for Leo they meant mourning but for Neymar it meant rebirth.
It took Leo awhile to think about his next bouquet of flowers. He was still trying to understand how he felt about Neymar. He wasn't mad anymore, he was confused on why Neymar left in the first place. He was confused and lost in his own head thinking about Neymar and his unexplained reasons. Finally Leo chose, he chose sending basil.
Suarez found choosing basil was funny, the only thing he knew about basil was they were used in food. “Sending him ugly basil? No wonder why he left.” He joked, trying to lighten up the mood a bit but it made Leo more irritated, sometimes Suarez got on his nerves. “Basil are holy and sacred, they aren't just for cooking Luis.” he said, organizing the flowers, trying to make them look pleasing. He knew the younger wouldn't find them that amusing but he wanted to send a message and he hoped Neymar would receive it. “They are for good wishes. ” He explained, even tho he was still hurt about Neymar's departure, he wished everyday Neymar would have a good career in Paris. As much as he hated Neymar's new club, he always prayed Neymar could shine there just as he did at Barça.
Neymar said he would use them for cooking on his Instagram stories, which made Leo think how Neymar and Luis were so alike. Both were stupid enough. Maybe the idea of expressing his feelings with flowers wasn't the brightest but he did feel better after sending them, they made him connect with his feelings and tell Neymar his unspoken words.
Leo thought so hard about his next ones, he wanted something beautiful yet screamed his deep devoted feelings for Neymar. red chrysanthemum were the winner. They were so bright red, almost made Leo blind by how bright they were. They screamed love and passion, Leo was still in love, deeply in love and what was better than bright red flowers to show how madly in love he was. “Do you ever think Neymar will guess who send flowers to him?” a genuine question he always had on his mind since starting this. At first he was okay with Neymar not knowing who sent those, but with every bouquet, he wanted Neymar to know about his feelings, still he wasn't ready to reveal himself.
Neymar got injured, a nasty tackle injured him badly, making him miss lots of important matches. Leo's heart was torn, he hated how players hurt Neymar in order to stop him. It wasn't Neymar's problem he was so good and players didn't know how to stop him from doing amazing on the pitch. What made Leo more devasted was how he wasn't there to help his little boy, he wasn't there to comfort him, hug him and whisper sweet words to him to try and ease his pain. Luckily he had a way to show his support to the younger.
Gladiolus meant strength and faithfulness, Leo knew how strong Neymar was. He faced lots of injuries yet he never lost his faith. He was strong, determinant to get better for himself and his fans. He always got back stronger than ever, Leo was always speechless by Neymar. Everything about him made him in loss of words.
Neymar wasn't surprised by the flowers no more, instead he started to think it wasn't a random obsessed fan sending him bunch of different flowers, it was a letter, especially for him. His injury gave him time to rest and think about the flowers he was receiving. He started by searching the names of the flowers and it's symbolism. diving in different articles, he never thought flowers could mean too much. He almost guessed who sent them, nonetheless he preferred being in denial till the other gather the courage and reveal himself.
Leo never thought seeing Neymar again on the field would make his heart go warm and his stomach feel tingly. For him it was the most beautiful sight to be seen. Neymar was back from his injury, showing off his skills and playing gracefully on the field. Leo was proud of his boy. A big blue salvia bouquet was sent, with a short letter and words of encouragement. He knew by now Neymar would have guessed who sent him all these different flowers.
One day Leo woke up, a bouquet of yarrow flowers on his doorstep with a letter attached.
“I am more courageous than you Leo, I love you in spite of everything. I'm sorry.”
Yarrow flowers are a symbol of bravery, courage and everlasting love.
And Luis's idea backfired.
Pic of flowers mentioned .
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sorry same person but this is why i get really kind of defensive and pissed off when people are all whatever about gastro issues especially ibs because it fucking kills like it hurts unlike any pain i’ve had before and people will still be like ‘yeah but it’s gross and stupid’ no it fucking sucks and i can’t get rid of it
also somebody literally said to my FACE the other day ‘oh my god you have IBS that’s literally so embarrassing’ and this is one of my close friends. i was also very clearly not in a jokey mood about it and was upset because my stomach hurt so your account is a godsend and i hope people can get over themselves and end the whole ‘ew why would you talk about that’ thing
chronic gastro illness rlly gets the ableism twofold one for the usual ableism of ppl not understanding the chronic in chronic illness or the pain n fatigue that comes w a chronic illness n second anything having to do w digestion is seen as a taboo subject bc “its gross” even tho its v natural
n like u said there r symptoms that r v debilitating ppl who dont have a chronic gastro illness dont stop to think abt how much having a digestive system that fundamentally doesnt work can be disruptive its not like we just shit more or less then the rest of the population theres the cramps n nausea that come before bms n that by diagnostic criteria dont immediately get better after having a bm theres the danger of dehydration when u have chronic diarrhea n everyone ik who has had a bout of constipation either bc of a chronic gastro illness or some other reason say its miserable ur nauseous n bloated n gassy n just feel over all bad
n the biggest one i think is how most ppl just eat n dont think much abt it but when u have a chronic gastro illness eating can feel like a battle field how is this gonna settle will eating make me feel better or worse ? n sometimes during bad episodes u know eating is gonna make u feel like shit but not eating is gonna make u feel worse so u just gotta power thru every meal u have on top of wtvr ibs symptoms ur having
able bodied ppl dont realize it is a privilege to be able to eat n shit wo having to think abt it at all able bodied ppl dont realize its a privilege not to have to know where a bathroom is at any given moment its a privilege for ppl to be able to look at ppl who suffer w ibs n say thats gross n embarrassing dont talk abt that bc they dont know the pain that comes w having ibs or any other chronic gastro illness
that rlly sux that u had to hear that at all but esp from a close friend of urs n im glad the blog could be a good space for u n good luck w ur flare up 🙏🏻
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asoulofatlantis · 7 months
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So guys I am back yet again, after almost 3 weeks of a Horror that still doesn't seem to end. First I had a mild stomach flue and since it was (relatively) mild, I decided to go to work, since... you know I work had for the money. After taking multiple warning that I should not take the symptoms so lightly, I felt like I've finally recovered but for some reason I was still feeling weak. Just a few days after seemingly recovering from the stomach-flue, my immune system decided to kick me for what I did and for the first time in many, many years (this was a normal ocurrecence back when I was a sickly child tho) I had the flu. Like the actual 6 days of dangerously high fever - kind of flue. It took an unhealthy cocktail of pain medicine to even get the fever down a bit. On day 7 the fever was FINALLY gone and I though my body would gain back strength and the ability to eat. (I was not having hunger nor did anything taste good, so whatever I had been eating was me trying to force some energy source into my immensly weakened body) BUT I did not. I was feelings worse, even with the fever gone. So the doctor found out that the flu had weakened my immune system even further, so on top off still recovering from the flue I had bronchitis and Sinusitis. Giving him no choice but to pump a bunch a medicine inside me, including some antibiotics. And after 3 days of Antibiotics I am still not feeling very well. I still have to take painkiller against the Sinusitis, while my stomach start to revolt against all the medicine, by making me feel nauseous (AGAIN) and I am also still couching slime. So... not sure how long it takes for the Antibiotiks to kick in, but I feel like if they don't, the doctor will see me yet again on Friday, while my work place won't see me again next week - which isn't such a bad thing, since I found out just the day when I broke down with the fever, that my colleagues told my boss I am a lazy bitch who never ever does anything anyway. So.... no one is gonna miss me around there anyway.
All that aside... I had a lot of brain fog fopr the past weeks but I think I am not capable of FINALLY going back to Squall and FF8, so that I can rush to finish this game soon. So... lets go!
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Can someone please tell me why I was so stupid to think it was a good idea to stop playing right at the beginning of the Galbadia-Garden-Attack? I have no idea were to go XD
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I know this was basically the last chance for the Ring exchange, but neither of them know that. So... the timing is really weird. Especially since, Zell was supposed to be tired because he worked on remaking that ring for Rinoa, but what did he do all night, if he didn't even have the original ring as a reference? Its all a bit weird, if you ask me, even if I get that it was supposed to be a secret from Squall.
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THIS GIRL IS GOING ON MY NERVES! She constantly gets herself in trouble and for some reason, only Squall can save her, as if he has nothing better to do as the leader of the garden then to babysit that spoiled so called princess. ARG!
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Personal preferences aside... I think it speaks for Squall that he didn't let anyone else die, just because "his" Rinoa was in danger. He IS the Leader. He can not afford to play favorites in a situation like this.
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This is so unreasonable, its making me angry. "Hey Squall, we might be going to die soon under your leadership, but your biggest priority should be saving Rinoa right now, because this is a lovestory!" is basically what they are saying and I can not even put into words how stupid that is!
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This minigame is so freaking stupid!
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XD I mean, its nice that she managed to hold on for so long because she wanted to gave him back the ring an all... but it was not nice of Zell to just give the ring to her without Squalls permission, especially after promising to not lose it or anything like this.
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They are his best and only friends and sometimes as a friend, you have to do what's best for them, even if they do not agree with you. And I think it is good that Raijin and Fujin understand that. They could have just followed Seifer blindly like they did so far, but they do understand that that is not the way to save him.
For some reason my mods don't work anymore. That is really bad timing...
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I did not take Rinoa with me and it makes no sense at all that the other would let her come running alone when they don't know if we might be in the middle of the fight with Edea. And I mean, we already confirmed multiple times that Rino is stupid enough to try come running to Squalls side for no apparent reason but shippiness, but the other are not stupid enough to let her.
The problem here is that the game had to handle the situation in case you do not bring her along and they couldn't come up with anything better than her just randomly finding us in this room before the fight with Edea.
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I can kind of understand him. He just couldn't fight his own wife. But he still should have done this whole thing a bit differently.
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In the fight against the Galbadia Garden, when Squall thought Rinoa was lost, he was merely thinking a sad "Rinoa..." and now all of a sudden she is all he can think about, even tho when he previously mentioned everyone trying to get them together he did not sound that enthusiastic or interested at all. And I do get that some people only know what they had or could have had after they lost it and Squall certainly is the type for it. But the whole buildup for this ship until now was really, really bad to begin with.
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They did? When? Just a short while ago in Fishermans Horizont you just had another argument.
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I forgot that I still have to deal with Lagunas part of the story...
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This scene is only in here to see Laguna with a Gunblade because apparently its important to see Laguna using the same weapon his son does ^^'
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It is a bit more complicated than that. But I understand why Ellone feels like its her fault.
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We are traveling into the unknown with a comatose friend and a witch that could be controlled by some evil being at any given time... what exactly makes you feel like this is a picnic?
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fagmegumi · 1 year
u not a lesbian tho ur bisexual
Okay so let me clear this up not even for the benefit of anon but for my mutuals who don’t know me irl and may get the wrong impression from it.
what i meant to say in those tags is that the reason i still feel comfortable going to women’s places in my current state of existence is that 1) lesbianism AND womanhood both come in many diverse flavors of gender experiences so to speak 2) ERGO even lesbians who are straight up cis women can and will be attracted to people with various kinds of gender experiences, both “internally” so to speak (‘identity’) and “externally” (various configurations of genitals, breasts or lack thereof, body hair, presentation, etcetc.) this isn’t the case for ALL obviously but its certainly the case for some. Like I personally know lesbians who know about my gender situation and would still fuck me lol im not even being prescriptive rn as you point out i am NOT a lesbian and its not up to me to say what they should or shouldnt do. Im literally describing reality. 3) as i exist right now, i am a person with breasts, a pussy, and a relatively feminine face (though invisalign is doing wonders on my jawline, werk!). To say that no lesbian who sees me in a bar dancing could possibly be attracted to the person they see is genuinely so far out of the bounds of reality it boggles the mind. Also this is neither here nor there but i don’t exactly consider myself a “man”, like I would never want to fill the social role of ‘man’ the way a cis man does. That’s why i call myself transmasc but not a trans man. If id been born with a penis and assigned male at birth and raised a boy etcetc, i would STILL want to socially and/or medically transition bc I simply dont see myself as a genuine 100% man the way i dont see myself as a woman.
If i ever do manage to get hrt and I acquire more masculine characteristics etc the situation will be different, like I wouldnt feel as comfortable going to spaces for women. Also I should specify that the bar i went to today does not call itself a “lesbian bar”, it is a bar for queer women of any sexuality (and their friends and allies of other genders). Not every single person in there was a woman, and not every single woman was a lesbian. Statistically in fact many of them were probably bisexual, and honestly assuming otherwise is lowkey pretty biphobic lol
lastly, i also want to specify that, even if im pre-transition and i look for all intents and purposes like a cis woman (something that makes my life hell in many generic lgbt places, where the general misogynistic and boys-club vibe makes it so gay dudes will tolerate me at best and assume im a ‘fag hag’) i still would never have sex with a lesbian without clarifying my gender situation to them first. I simply would not feel comfortable with that in fact the thought makes me pretty nauseous. But at the same time 1) i know (again, for a fact) there are plenty of people who use the label of lesbian who WOULD fuck me even after knowing and 2) i dont think grinding a little on a stranger in a bar you saw from a cross the room and found really hot, or even having a short dancefloor makeout with them, is anywhere on the same level.
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~An Encounter With the Pieces of Utter Scum that Bullied York~ (hurt/comfort)
⚠️TW⚠️ possible body dysmorphia, bullying, sensored swearing, sad Yorkie and a very angry Texas
Main characters in this: New York, Texas, and York’s bullies. Other characters may be mentioned or make an appearance tho.
10:00 am:
York woke up with a yawn after getting a decent amount of sleep for once (as in, he was awake till 6 in the morning before his body decided to just shut down). That had been the first time he’d slept in a very long time, so he couldn’t say he didn’t feel better at least a little bit. But something felt… off. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was, but something just felt- wrong. About him. He just decided to shake it off and get ready for the day.
He swung his feet over the side of the bed and went to go stand up, only for his knees to give out, making him fall with a loud-ish thud. ‘Godd*mnit….’ He cursed himself. He stood up and brushed it off so he continue doing what he was doing. York walked over to his closet to pick an outfit and just decided on a tank top and some jeans, or at least… until he took off his t-shirt and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror that he had in his closet.
But not just himself, but the several scars that littered his torso, big and small. Especially the one that started at the top of his right shoulder and traveled across his back to his upper left hip… that one…. He hated them. He hated the way he could literally SEE his ribs, and his hip bones… he hated it all…. York tried to hold back his tears, yet a single one rolled down his face. He was quick to wipe it away when he heard a knock on his door.
"Ay Yorkie?! Are ya dead or alive in there?" He heard Massachusetts’s voice shout.
"A-alive, why do ya wanna know?!" He shouted back.
"I thought I heard the thud of death comin’ from yer room, so I came to check on ya!!" Mass shouted.
"I dropped somethin’." York responded. He heard Mass chuckle behind the door.
"Good. Cuz what do I always say?"
"*sigh* That ain’t no one no how gon’ kill me but you." He responded, rolling his eyes fondly.
"Exactly. I’ll see ya downstairs, I’m pretty sure that Tex is makin’ breakfast today." Mass said proudly before walking downstairs.
York hated the thought of eating right now. It just made him nauseous, tho he knew that he needed to eat something. He let out a shaky sigh as he put back the tank top and jeans and exchanged them for sweatpants and an oversized band-tee that he had gotten at some point. After putting them on, he grabbed his giant friggin’ coat and beanie that he wore everyday and put them on as well, not even bothering with brushing his hair. After taking one last look at himself in the mirror and deeming himself presentable, he headed downstairs to the main floor where the others were.
New York came downstairs and walked in the kitchen where Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Mass were all chilling, either eating or talking or in Tex’s case, making breakfast.
Texas looked up from where he was cooking over the stove. "Mornin’ sleepyhead! I made eggs and bacon, ya wan’ some?" He asked with a smile.
"No thanks, I ain’t really hungry right now. I’ll just stick to coffee." York said, walking over to the coffee machine.
"Suit yerself." Texas said with a small chuckle before going back to making breakfast for the others.
The Empire State just rolled his eyes and started making himself some coffee when he felt someone lightly jab him in the back, making him flinch. He heard the sound of Florida snickering behind him and sighed before going back to making coffee.
"Pfft- you’re so jumpy York, it’s honestly hilarious!!" Florida said whilst laughing his a$$ off.
"Yea yea whateva’. Shut the f(speaks New York) up before America only has 49 states." York said, giving Florida a death glare.
"Pfft- yea- okay…" The Sunshine State said as he went to go terrorize the other states.
New York sighed as he turned back to his coffee which was done brewing. He added some honey to it and started to drink it, completely disregarding the fact that it was indeed freshly made and still boiling hot. "Ow- F(speaks New York)!" (I have done this before, and I’m just gonna say that it pretty much ruins the rest of whatever you’re drinking)
"Woah slow down York!! What’d yer tongue ever do to you huh?" Mass jokingly said whilst chuckling.
York glared at him. "Shut tf up."
Mass put his hands up in mock surrender. "I’m just sayin’~"
"Well stop ‘just sayin’ before I beat the sh*t outta ya."
"Alright alright, I was just jokin’ around with ya, kid." said the Bay State as he swung an arm over the the taller’s shoulders playfully. He observed what York was wearing and gave him a judging look. "Ya really gonna wear that today?"
"Yea why wouldn’t I?" York replied.
"It’s gonna be like- 80 degrees today, and yer wearin’ that giant fa(speaks Boston)in’ coat and sweatpants?!"
"Eh I’ll be fine." York said, not wanting to tell his older brother the actual reason that he was was wearing this.
"Aight then…" Mass said before walking away to most likely talk to Pennsylvania.
York finished coffee and started heading back up to his room. He had only made it to the foot of the stairs when all of a sudden, New Jersey’s Boxer, Murrie, tackled him to ground and started licking his face and sniffing him, making the state burst into high pitched giggles as he tried to push her off gently.
"Hehehey Murriehehe!! Ohohoff girl, ohohoff!! (Hey Murrie!! Off girl, off!!)" he said through his giggles as he tried to get her off of him. But alas, the persistent pup thought of this as a game and started playing around and jumping around and playfully pushing him with her front paws, which made poor York curl up in a giggly little ball as a reflex. He uncovered his face a bit to see Jersey walking towards the two with an amused look on his face.
"Alright alright Murrie!! Give the poor thing a break." Jersey said, calling his dog away from his younger brother so he could actually breathe. "You doin’ aight Yorkie? Ya ain’t lookin’ too good. I mean- she just kinda tackled ya to the ground outta nowhere."
"I’m fihihihine duhuhumb*$$." York said, taking Jersey’s hand that he had offered and allowing himself to be pulled into a standing position. ‘Ok- that felt way too easy for him-‘ York thought as he brushed himself off.
"If ya say so, c’mon Murrie! Let’s go outside!!" Jersey said, snapping his fingers and walking away with his dog. York turned and started heading upstairs again.
(Listen, I know this part didn’t really fit with the story too well, but it was too cute and wholesome to leave out 🥺🥺. Just- Yorkie getting along with animals- AHHHHH 😭🤌)
Three hours later, so around 1pm:
So now York was just flat out bored. He decided that he might as well actually brush his hair today, seeing as he was bored and had absolutely nothing else to do. He got up out of bed and walked over to his closet-mirror and took off his hat. He grabbed his brush and raised his arm up to brush his hair, only to stop when he could see his hip bones peeking out from under his shirt, which had raised along with his arm.
He hated it. ‘Why do I look like that…’ he thought to himself as he lowered his arms and set down the brush. He grabbed his beanie and put it back on as he walked over to his bed. The only thing he could think about was his body and how much he hated it. How much he hated all of the scars. How much he hated the fact that he could quite clearly see his ribs. How much he hated it all.
‘Y’know what? I’m just gonna take a walk. Walks are good.’ He thought to himself as he grabbed a pair of shoes and put them on. He stood up from his bed, silently cursing himself when his knees gave out and he fell AGAIN (just a heads up for y’all that don’t know about my hc: York sometimes has trouble walking without having his knees give out. He’s gotten a lot better, but it still happens sometimes). This time tho, he fell a harder, meaning he was definitely gonna have bruises on both knees. Like last time, he got up and brushed himself off before going downstairs again.
Downstairs again:
The Empire State walked downstairs and waved to Louisiana, who smiled and waved back from where he was hanging off the back of the couch.
"Hey York! How’re ya doin’ sha?" Loui said. He could sense that there was something wrong with his friend, but decided to just ignore it.
‘Not good. I hate my body, I hate it so much…’ York thought to himself, but just said "Good I guess."
Loui smiled brightly, "That’s good to hear sha. Where’re ya goin’?"
"Jus’ for a walk." York said when he got to the front door.
"Oh. Are ya sure ya wanna wear dat sha? It’s like- 80 degrees out. Heatstroke is gonna come an’ bite ya in the *$$."
"I’ll be aight." Said the Empire State.
"At leas’ get a lighta jacket if yer gonna wear one at all sha." Loui said, minorly concerned for his friend’s safety.
York sighed and rolled his eyes fondly. Everyone knew how much Louisiana cared for them, and they were all quite endeared by it. "Fine." he said as he grabbed a lighter jacket off the coat rack. York said his goodbyes and walked out the door.
At the park at 2pm:
York felt somewhat at peace now. The sound of the trees swaying, birds chirping, children running around playing, the wind blowing around him, it was all calming to him. Except for the sun that was beating down on his soul. He was starting to really think that he should’ve listened to his brother and friend, but quickly shut down the thought when he remembered what he looked like. The memories of his body flashed in his mind again as he continued walking, ruining his peaceful state of mind.
Thoughts such as ‘God why do I look like that….’ and ‘Why can’t I just be normal…?’ flashed through York’s mind. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when something caught his eye.
‘Was that…? Oh god- oh sh*t- oh no no no no….’ York’s eyes widened a bit when he saw some people that he never hoped to see again. ‘M-maybe they won’t see me…. God I hope they don’t….’ York thought to himself as put his hood up, in hopes they wouldn’t see him or recognize him. Who is "they", you might ask? Well "they" are the guys that bullied New York for being skinny amongst other things. And they were there. At the park. York could only hope they didn’t notice him.
But unfortunately we don’t all get what we want, seeing as one the bullies made eye contact with York and pointed him out the others, who also all looked at him. York started walking faster, in hopes that maybe he would at least avoid conflict, but unfortunately when he heard running feet behind him and felt a hand grab his shoulder roughly and spin him around, he knew that wasn’t gonna to happen.
"What the he//?!" He shouted, prying the hand off his shoulder. He weakly glared at the other four guys.
"Hohoholy sh*t! Is that you, York?" The first guy said, laughing.
"Yes. Now s-shut up and leave m-me alone." York said darkly, but silently cursed himself for stuttering. He started feeling more uneasy when they all started laughing teasingly.
"No. I don’t think we will. Now, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TELL US WHAT TO DO?!" The first guy shouted, grabbing the state by his arm harshly and digging his nails into York’s arm as he pulled York closer to him. He smiled maniacally when York cried out in pain. "Still as weak as ever huh?"
"L-LET GO OF ME- *yelp*" York screamed, yelping when he received a good ol’ slap across the face. He tried pulling on his arm, but unfortunately the guy holding him was absolutely jacked and York was too startled and on edge to put in his max effort to get away.
"SHUT IT YOU EMACIATED FREAK!!" One of the other guys said as he took York from first guy and threw him on the ground, relishing in the cry of pain he got in return.
York got up almost immediately and sucker punched him in the face before two sets of hands grabbed him and harshly threw him to the ground again (this poor baby’s been thrown at the ground like- twice by now 😭). He felt a single tear roll down his face and blood running down his chin. He heard the first guy scoff and say,
"Really?! Crying already, autistic freak?! We’ve barely done anything yet~" York didn’t like the sound of that. Another sound he didn’t like was the sound of a knife being unsheathed. Or the feeling of him being forcefully sat up onto his knees facing the second guy, who had a knife his hands. York flinched and yelped when the guy cut him across his cheek with the knife.
"That’s a little taste of when it’s my turn with you. Have at im’ guys." The knife b*tch said with a grin. That’s when the first guy walked over to York and slapped him again. York ended up curling in a lil’ ball on the ground as he tried to protect himself when the others started joining in on the beating the living crap out of him. He was lightly gasping for air and coughing up blood. These guys were truly insane that they could just grab someone and beat them THAT harshly for no reason at all and laugh at their cries.
‘God make it stop make it stop make it stop…..’ he thought to himself. Luckily for him, he wasn’t the only state that decided to go for a walk today. He heard the scream of one of the guys and felt them being ripped away from his body. York uncovered his eyes for a second to see Texas beating the living sh*t out of the bullies before covering them again.
With Texas, before the *$$ beating of the bullies:
Texas had just been taking a nice peaceful walk in the park when he heard a bunch of screaming and yelling. He had decided to ignore it at first. That was, until he heard a familiar voice shout,
"L-LET GO OF ME-" and a yelp. It took Tex a hot minute to recognize that voice as New York’s. Why would New York be yelling at somebody to let him go?! More importantly, why did he yelp and sound like he was in pain?!?! This isnt right…. Texas started running in the direction of the yelling. He and New York didn’t always get along well, but he wasn’t about to leave him alone in a situation where he was definitely hurt and in danger.
When he was somewhere near the source of the noise, what he shocked him to his core. It was, in fact, York that had screamed at someone to let him go. The same York that had made that loud yelp. And that same York that was currently curled up in a ball on the ground getting beat up by like- 4 other guys. Oh he// no. Texas was not gonna let this stand.
"HEY!!" He shouted at them as he started running at them. He gained the attention of one guy, so that was the first guy he picked up by the neck and threw away from his fellow state. The others had turned their attention to the taller, who had thrown one of their guys like it was nothing. "Git away from im’ right. NOW." Tex said sternly, death glaring the other three guys. It clearly had some effect, seeing as fear was evident on their faces. The guy with the knife, also the tallest and strongest looking guy of the group, decided to attack Texas.
Seeing as it was meant to be a surprise attack, you can imagine the look on the guys’ faces when Texas dodged the attack with great ease and gut-punched the other guy as hard as he could. The guy cried out and fell to the ground in pain.
"Anyone else?" Asked the Lone Star State with a sadistic smile on his face. The looks of fear on the bullies’ faces was everything and it deeply satisfied Texas.
"N-no…" the two guys said nervously.
"Good. Now… GIT’!!" Texas said with a level of aggression that sent them running away as fast as they could, dragging their little friends with them.
Tex sighed and walked over to New York, who was still curled up in a ball on the ground. ‘Is he dead- oh god-‘ he thought to himself, but quickly erased the thought when he heard a small whimpering sound. The Lone Star State knelt down next to York’s body and placed a hand on his shoulder, only to remove it when the smaller hissed at him like a cat. ‘And here he says that he ain’t a cat in human form. Lil’ liar.’ Tex thought to himself.
"York. It’s me Texas. I ain’t gonna hurt ya." He said, putting a hand on York’s back gently, cuz his back was more than likely bruised. He moved his hand away and tried to gently pick up the Empire State, but stopped when the smaller cried out. He opted to move to the other side of York, so he could see his face and York could see his.
See, York didn’t even know what was happening anymore. He could barely see cuz his eyes were full of unshed tears and pain. He could barely hear cuz he tried to zone out and block out the yelling. And the only thing he could feel was pain and confusion. He uncovered his face when saw someone that looked different from any of the guys that were beating him a few minutes before. He tried to recognize the "person" that was in front of him and managed to recognize the pattern and colors of the person’s shirt. It was…. Texas?! Texas had been the one to save him?! But why?? It doesn’t matter. He was somewhat safe now. Aside from the fact that he couldn’t breathe or move without it hurting.
Texas was unsure of what do at this point. He had to make sure that York was okay (tho he quite clearly wasn’t), but he couldn’t move the Empire State without hurting him further. And needed the smaller to calm down as well, cuz he was also clearly not calm and having trouble breathing. ‘What’s something that his brethren do to calm im’ down or tire im’ out…. C’mon Tex, think, think…. Oh. That’ll do it.’ He thought to himself. He placed a gentle hand on York’s knee (cuz any other place he had put his hand would cause York pain) and teleported them both to a less crowded and more secret area.
York could obviously feel the change in environment, seeing as he had uncovered his face a little tiny bit. Texas gently took off the smaller’s hat and jacket and set them aside. Tbh he couldn’t believe he was doing this. He ran a gentle hand through York’s hair and gently scratched his scalp. This seemed to calm York down quite a bit, seeing as he was able to control his breathing again. ‘Da*m- his hair really is the softest thing ever-‘ Texas couldn’t help thinking to himself.
"Hey York? Are ya aight?" Tex asked. It took a few minutes, but eventually Texas received an answer.
"I-I d-don’t know…" York said softly. "I-it h-hurts…."
"Yea ya ain’t lookin’ too hot I’ll just say that." Texas replied, wincing a bit at the sight of the bruising on York’s arms. And that was just what he could SEE. He couldn’t even imagine the bruises along his fellow state’s legs, back and torso. He gently grabbed York’s wrists with one hand and used the other hand to push York’s legs away from his torso so he could check him over. He gently uncurled the injured state, much to the smaller’s dismay, muttering an apology when York cried out in pain.
"Ok. I’m gonna check ya for any broken ribs, so this might hurt." Tex warned.
"I-I’m probably f-fine." York said. He tried to get up, but instantly fell back down into Texas’s arms.
"Yea. Ok, Mr. I’m Probably Fine." Texas said teasingly. "Listen, I’ll be gentle, ok? But we gotta check to make sure that nothin’ is broken."
"Great. In the meantime, ya can tell me who those guys were and why on God’s green earth were they beatin’ ya like that." Texas said as he moved one his hands to the top of York’s rib cage.
"They were uhh… some guys I grew up with in school." Said York, wincing when he felt Texas’s finger gently press into one of his ribs.
"Were they some ol’ friends o’ yours that decided they didn’t like ya anymore?"
"God no. Quite t-the opposite actuALLY-" York replied, but got cut off with a whimper when Tex pressed into a broken rib. "S-sorry."
"What’re ya apologizin’ for? This stuff hurts, don’t you dare apologize for respondin’ to it." Said the Lone Star State. "Anyways, you were sayin’?"
"R-right. They w-weren’t my friends i-in any way. The only thing they ever did was bully me and push me around." York said. "I’m not even sure w-why they h-hated me to be honest. They just always did."
Texas was honestly shocked. "D-d*mn. What kinda things did they bully ya for? I always imagined ya as the kid that would either have no friends or just a small group of friends that just wanted to get through the year. Not the type for anyone to hate. Especially for no reason."
"W-well…. They bullied me for bein’ autistic for one. Treated me as if I wasn’t capable of anything and just a burden to have around cuz of it." York responded with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Which, they prolly right about tha-"
"New York." Texas said sternly, making York shut his mouth before he could finish that sentence. Texas sighed and looked at the smaller with slight pity. "Ya ain’t incompetent or a burden to have around, so don’t you DARE, insult yourself like that. Continue."
"O-okay…. Well, they also made fun of me because of my body. T-that honestly put me in a r-really dark place." York continued.
"Your body?! But there’s nothing wrong with yer body tho." Texas said, disgusted by what York had told him. "What kind of things did them rejects say about your body?"
"They always deemed me to be way too skinny. They called me too feminine, and they even went as far as to call me an emaciated freak of nature once. And because I was a lot weaker than them, they could just throw me around and beat me like a ragdoll."
"Oh sh*t…. You said that they did this fer no reason?! Who in their right mind does that to someone?!" Texas said. As previously mentioned, York and Texas didn’t always get along well, but they most certainly didn’t hate each other. Meaning when Tex found out that somebody was doing this to his friend, he was obviously pissed tf off and wishing he had done more than just punch and toss two of those b**tards.
"I-I don’t know. But it did put me in a d-dark place for a long time. All my life, I’ve never been able to gain weight. I’d rather not t-talk about it anymore…" said the smaller, feeling himself starting to cry again. "C-can we just go home??"
"Ofc. I’m all done, there seems to be only a few broken bones, but nothin’ to serious. Are ya able to teleport, or do ya want me to teleport you with me?" Texas responded, standing up and offering a hand to the shorter to take.
"I think I’m probably good to teleport myself." Said York as he took the taller state’s hand and stood up. Unfortunately, when he stood up, he fell into Texas, who caught him with much ease.
"Yea no yer not. I’ll just teleport ya with me." Tex said. He picked up York, smirking at the small squeak he gave, and teleported them to the statehouse, not even giving York a second to protest.
At the statehouse:
After Tex had dropped York off in his room, he called Gov, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts to his own room. He waited on the foot of his bed for the four personifications to show up.
He waited for like- 5 minutes until he heard someone knocking on his door. He got up and welcomed them to his room and offered them each a drink.
"Ya betta’ have a good reason fer callin’ us here cowboy." Jersey said, taking the beer Texas offered him.
"Jersey, be nice." Connie said, scolding his younger sibling. "Why didja call us here Tex?"
"It’s about York." Said the Lone Star State. That seemed to get the attention of New York’s older siblings.
"Where is he?! Is he alright?!" Mass asked frantically.
"Well, kinda. He’s in his room right now." Tex responded.
"Is he hurt?! And if so, who did it?!" Jersey asked sternly. "Cuz whoever did it is bouta neva’ see the light of day again."
"Now now, calm yerself. Yes he’s hurt, but not to bad. Actually- that’s a bit inaccurate. He’s kinda pretendin’ like it doesn’t hurt, but I know fer a dang fact that it does. He’s bruised literally along his entire torso and arms."
"WHAT?! Who the f(speaks Boston) did it and where the he// are they now?!" Mass yelled, visibly startling the Lone Star State.
"Listen. I don’t know exactly who they are, and trust me, I wanna kill em’ as much as you do. New York did say somethin’ about growin’ up with them, and how they always bullied im’ in school. He told me that they always said some pretty nasty things about his weight and him being autistic." The tallest answered. He noticed how Gov just stood there, listening intently, not saying a single word. There was something unnerving about that.
"Um Mass? Do ya think it’s…. y’know….?" Connie asked the younger, who looked ready to kill.
"Ohoho yea…. I thought they would’ve given up a few years ago, but I suppose they want a round two." The Bay State said darkly.
"Wait a minute Massachusetts." Gov said, finally speaking up. "How many were there and how many did you kill Texas?" He asked politely, tho there was an unnerving edge to the fed’s voice that disturbed the four states.
"U-uh… there were four guys. But I killed none, only gut punched one and threw another." Texas replied to Gov.
"Alright. Thank you for informing us, Texas. Anything else?" Gov asked politely.
"Okay. C’mon you three. We have some… business, to take care of." Said the Fed with a smile that had something terrifying to it, and walked out of Texas’s room, the other 3 following suit.
Texas knew exactly what was about to happen and was both happy and utterly terrified.
Later that night:
Mass was walking back to his room when he heard a strange noise coming from New York’s room. It sounded like… crying? Of some sort anyway, it was rather silent crying. He was secretly worried about his brother even more now. He walked up to York’s door and opened it. What he saw next broke his cold heart.
York was sitting on the edge of his bed, quietly crying. Mass observed him further and realized that he seemed to have fresh cuts along his wrists and a small razor blade in his hand, which was dripping with blood. He saw his little brother slowly bring the razor to his wrist once more. Oh he// no.
"York stop!!" Mass yelled as he ran over to his brother and snatched the razor from his hands. "What were ya thinkin’?!"
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry….." York kept repeating over and over again whilst covering his face and curling up in a little ball with his knees to his chest.
Mass sighed and sat down next to his brother. "York." He gently pulled his brother into a hug and let him cry on his shoulder. "Shhh… you’re ok… you’re alright…." He said gently comforting his little brother. He continued to comfort the Empire State until his crying was reduced to just a few tears and whimpers. He could tell that York had been needing to cry for a long time and has been holding it in with every ounce of strength he could possibly have.
"Hey York…" the older said as he shifted to a laying position with York wrapped around him, and at this point he didn’t care that there was some blood on his clothes, he just wanted his baby brother to be alright. (If you haven’t noticed by now, I’ve entered my "tough boys being soft" hours)
"Mmm…?" York hummed, muffled by his face being buried in his brother’s chest.
"….What exactly happened today?" Mass asked him.
"Zach, Cody, Brandon, and Ryan (the names of the bullies) happened….."
"Yea that’s what I thought from what Texas told us." Said the Bay State, as he gently rubbed his back comfortingly.
There was a few minutes of comforting silence before York spoke up.
"Ik snap het niet, Mass…. (I don’t get it, Mass…)" he said. It took Mass a second to translate Dutch to English, but he eventually managed to. He was the type that didn’t speak it, but he understood it to an extent.
"Whaddya mean bud?" Mass asked.
"Why can’t I just look normal…?" York said, trembling slightly.
‘Is it his scars again?’ Mass thought to himself. "But you do though."
"No I don’t…."
"What makes you think that ya don’t look normal?" The older asked.
He heard the taller mumble something about scars and his body. "Did one them say anything bad about your body again?!" A nod. Whooo Mass was gonna kill someone-
"Y-yea it wasn’t anything too bad. Cody just called me an emaciated freak, but I’ve been called much worse, so it ain’t that big a deal." Ok. Yup. Mass is gonna go start a fight.
"York, that’s not good. Just because ya may have been called worse doesn’t mean that it isn’t a big deal, kid." He said, hugging his brother tighter, but still kinda gently cuz he remembered how Texas said that York’s entire torso was probably littered with bruises. He hadn’t seen York this fragile and broken in a long time. "And with your scars, don’t think of them as a bad thing, think of them as bad*$$ medals for several battles that you fought and won. Perhaps they’re almost like tiger stripes, which would make sense seeing as you’re basically a cat in human form."
He smiled when he heard a small giggle emit from his brother. Laughter. That’s good.
"You cheesy little b**tard." York said, still muffled by his brother’s shirt.
"Yea that was kinda cheesy. But yer only sayin’ that cuz’ ya know that it’s true." Said the older.
"No it’s not…."
"Yea it is~" Mass said in a sing-songy voice. He started to gently trace the scars through York’s shirt, making York hide his blushing face in his neck.
"You’re amazing and you know it." The older said teasingly. He understood that his little brother needed comforting right now, but he couldn’t help but tease him a bit. So why not tease York with comforting words? He heard York make a ‘uh uh’ sound and gave a faux offended gasp.
"How dare ya insult the world’s best little brother!! Simply shameful. You are awesome. You are handsome. You are the cutest thing ever. And. You. Know. It." Said the older, gently poking the younger in the side with each syllable of the last sentence, making York blush even more.
"Ok I was gonna tease y’all about this, but that’s actually really f(technical glitch)ing adorable like- what the he//." Mass looked up to see Florida standing in the doorway, smirking with not a mischievous, but a fond glint in his eyes.
"FLORIDA- wait what-?" Mass started to yell but then realized what Florida had said.
"Yea. I mean it. I ain’t gonna say anything this time, I promise." The Sunshine State said as he walked over to where the other two states were laying. "I do have to say though, I have NEVER seen Yorkie like this. Is he doing alright?"
To say Mass was surprised at Florida’s seemingly genuine concern would be an understatement, but still he said, "I’m not even sure at this point. He seems to okay at the moment though."
Florida walked over to the other side of the bed so he could York’s face a bit clearer, and smiled when he saw York half asleep. This was rare to see York this calm. "Hey York." He said, ruffling his hair gently and grinning widely when York leaned into the touch and started purring.
"Awww~ Honestly the fact that he still refuses to admit that he’s basically a cat in human form is crazy. And that’s coming from me."
"As much as I hate to agree with ya, I have to agree." Mass agreed.
"But what happened to his arms? They’re both bleeding." Florida asked.
Mass didn’t say anything, he just handed the razor to Florida and allowed him to put two brain cells together to figure it out himself.
Florida had a bit of a shocked expression on his face, and not a lot is able to truly shock Florida. "D-did he…?" Mass nodded. "Oh my god…"
"Yea… I need to bandage his arms, but he’s sleeping right now and I don’t wanna move im’. It’s kinda like how whenever Loui falls asleep on someone, moving would be be illegal."
"Ohoho yea. Don’t wanna do that." Florida said with a laugh.
"I mean- he’s not spontaneously bleeding out, so I think he’ll be ok to sleep."
"Yea. Let’s just let him sleep. On the other hand, I didn’t know that you could be so soft, Mass~" Florida teased. Yup. There it was.
"Are ya f(speaks Boston)in’ kiddin’ me right now…?? Yer so d*mn lucky that he’s asleep, cuz if he wasn’t I would make you eat those words-"
"I’ve eaten a face, I’ll eat those words too." Florida said with his usual mischievous smile.
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