Azalea's, Camelia's and Rhododendron's: Chapter 6
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Summary: Life always seemed to throw bullshit your way. A bullshit childhood, a bullshit family with the exception of your older brother, a bullshit bodyguard team because of aforementioned older brother… To say you were tired of it would be an understatement. You just wanted to bask in your self-made richness as a bestselling author, all by yourself being the key point, and pretend you’re not doing it to avoid your trauma. But now you have to deal with seven incredibly hot, stubborn and frustrating men forcibly barging into your life against both of your wishes and ruining your peaceful silence. So, if they were going to be hardheads, you’ll be one right back.
Pairing: BTS x reader, featuring older brother Bang Chan.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of forced marriage.
Word Count: 3k
Surprise!!! Sorry I've been MIA for so long, graduating college is no jokes my peeps, and adulting is even worse. I go to bed at 9PM like an old lady and eat cereal out of a Tupperware container bc I'm too lazy to wash a bowl. Enjoy this chapter and I hope to keep updating more for you guys.
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Jungkook nervously picks at the fingerless glove that hides his hand tattoos, sitting idly in the living room. It's been a couple of hours since you left the manor with Yoongi and Jimin in tow and he regrets not taking advantage of the opportunity to make up with you sooner. Mira is skirting around the house doing her normal cleaning activities and he can hear her placing heavy tomes back on the wide bookshelves in your office. She's been eyeballing him all morning in what he assumes is irritation... or dislike... or probably both, he deserves it.
He moves to stand outside the door frame of your office, staring at the floor and scuffing his foot on the floor like a child, stealing glances at the woman every few seconds.
"I can feel you burning a hole in the back of my head child, spit it out."
Cheeks burning a fiery red upon being caught by the woman, he feels like he's back in training and should be standing at attention right now.
"I just, umm... I'm sorry about the things I said the other day." Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and shame, staring down at his shoes again.
Quirking a brow at him, she begins placing the disheveled papers on your desk into a neat pile. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, though I appreciate the sentiment, I'm also not the one to give out your forgiveness either."
Nodding in understanding, he lets out a quiet sigh, beginning to turn around when he hears her speak up.
"I spent over twenty years caring for her as if she were my own, and not once did I ever suspect something was wrong. I failed her as the only mother figure she had in her life, and I'll never let it happen again. I will protect her at all costs, even from you." There's an unbreakable fierceness in her eyes, and Jungkook can tell that biological or not, it's clear as day how much she loves you as a daughter.
"I understand. I promise I will never do anything to hurt her again, and I will do my very best to protect her from others." Going into a deep bow out of respect and apology to the caretaker before him.
She locks her eyes on him when he lifts his head, holding him to that promise in her heart.
Her words about you piqued his curiosity and as he's about to ask about your real mother, the alarm system beeps to the opening of the front door, signaling your arrival home.
"We're back!" You yell, Jimin and yourself carrying drawstring bags, and Jungkook observes his second eldest hyung stumble his way through the entryway like a newborn calf.
Catching his breath, Yoongi whips his head at you and your partner in crime. "I told you to never do that while I was in the car, are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"
The two of you are cackling in delight, it was Jimin's idea to switch the car to manual on the way home; you had taken full advantage of your six-gear V10 engine.
"Hey Mira, Hwasa is coming over later, so she'll be here for dinner" You call out to her. The three of you moving to your office with the drawstring bags.
Jimin watches you walk behind your desk and crouch down to press a false panel in the baseboard of your bottom shelf, making the entire section slide out like a drawer, revealing a safe as well as a packed duffel bag behind the backboard. You place the bag in your hands next to the duffel bag and turn to grab the others from Jimin and Yoongi, placing them in and sliding the shelf back in place with a click.
"I'm not gonna lie, that's some spy-type shit and I used to work at the NIS." Yoongi pipes up behind you, leaving you and Jimin to start giggling at his comment.
You get up and move to sit down in your desk chair, "I promise I'm not a spy, Namjoon should know about it if my brother was detailed enough in the information he provided to you guys."
Confused, Jimin asks why your brother would include the location of your safe to bodyguards. It would make sense to know about it if they were home security guards but knowing where your safe is does nothing to help them protect you personally.
You go on to explain that it's not the safe but the compartment itself that's important to know about. The duffel inside is a go-bag for emergencies that require your swift evacuation from the manor, containing everything you would need in the event you need to go into hiding.
The two continue to stare at you like you've grown a second head until Yoongi breaks the silence. "Ya know this doesn't help your case on the spy thing." Jimin nods in agreement, "Yep definitely think you're a spy now."
Rolling your eyes, you shoo them off with the agreement to sort through the bags at night, eyes following them out the door. Turning your attention to your computer, you begin skimming through your emails, noting the file from your lawyer with the restraining order paperwork against Shin. There's also an email from his lawyer with the paperwork for the compensation the judge ordered him to pay you. Forwarding both to Chan you check your work email, finding that Hwasa had already sent you drafts of your return announcement and a tentative schedule for your book promotions to be approved by you.
With your eyes trained on the promotion dates you don't notice the figure standing in the doorway. Jungkook stands timidly much like the same way he did with Mira earlier. Finally swallowing down his fear, he knocks lightly on the doorframe to get your attention. Acknowledging him with a hum, you stay focused on the screen in front of you. When you don't hear any movement or response, you look up to lock eyes with him.
"Come in Jungkook, take a seat." You say, moving your eyes back to your work. The youngest slowly makes his way over to one of the guest chairs sitting in front of your desk, timidly sitting down like it was going to bite him in the ass. He sits for a few seconds, waiting for you to ask him what he wants or lock your eyes back on him, and when it becomes clear you aren't going to initiate this chat with him, he prepares himself to bite the bullet. Yoongi had told him that you'd offered forgiveness after he had promised to put effort into fixing the situation (of course leaving out the part about the 'effort' being absolutely destroying your abusers' reputations). He knows he'd been harsher than Yoongi, and he hopes he can repair the damage he caused as his brother had.
Taking a deep breath he begins his apology, "I'd like to say that I'm very sorry about what I said, it was uncalled for, and I shouldn't have judged you based on my past client's behavior or projected my frustrations on you." He finishes with a silent exhale of relief for getting that off his chest, watching as you stop typing and quirk an eyebrow, looking at him over the glasses on your nose like a judgy librarian.
"Did you think it would be that easy? A few heartfelt words and then all of your guilt can melt away."
"O-of course not!" He stutters out, "I know I have to make the effort to fix this. I crossed a line, not only professionally but personally, and doing so caused you harm. I would like to genuinely make this up to you."
Placing your glasses down on the desk, you lean back to take in the man sitting before you. "And how exactly are you going to do that? I may have been able to strike a deal with Yoongi, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven him yet either. He knows he has to meet my expectations to fix this, but what do you have to offer? What do you have or what can you do to prove to me you mean it?" Crossing your arms, you wait for his response.
"Anything and everything you want from me I'll do; I promise I'll protect you and not just in the scope of my job but emotionally too."
You narrow your eyes at his response, "What makes you think I want anything from you? Much less your protection over my private emotions?"
He knew this wouldn't be easy, earning just a minuscule amount of your trust to begin repairing the damage he's done. But he feels the resentment in your words, and he feels the pain he caused you within that resentment. He wants to heal it, he needs to heal it, if not for himself but for you. A woman who has been hurt by this world far too many times, a woman who is so headstrong despite being torn down so many times. He needs to heal the hurt that he has caused because he took away the little trust you had left in the compassion of human beings.
"I know you don't trust me; I know you resent me for the things I said. I won't try to deny that fact, or that you have every right to deny me the trust to fix the pain I have caused you. Words from people like me probably mean nothing to you, which is why I want to do everything I can to show you that I can be trusted with your safety. I want to do everything in my power to earn your forgiveness, even if that means I have to resign, or wear a carrot costume around Seoul, or drink the most disgusting concoction you can come up with."
You have to hide your desire to crack up at imagining him walking around in a carrot costume, straightening your expression as he looks at you in desperation as he continues to list out even more ridiculous punishments you could put him through. Coming closer to slipping into giggles the more he continues.
He cuts himself off when you raise a hand to stop his rambling, taking a deep breath before you begin to speak.
"Okay, I get it. I'm not going to make you do any of those ridiculous things, but I'll admit I don't know what I could have you do that could fix this either." You take your glasses and put them back on, refocusing on his face.
"Instead, I want you to be the best damn bodyguard you can be without me asking for it. You want me to tell you anything and everything I want from you but I'm not going to do that, if you want to fix this then you're going to have to figure out those things on your own. I want you to impress me, okay?"
Nodding eagerly at your conclusion, he nearly throws the chair back from the force of standing up. Bowing down multiple times as he thanks you relentlessly while vacating your office, excited to go tell his brothers and come up with a plan to accomplish the task you have given him.
You'd think you'd just told an intern that you would let him proofread your drafts, but you can't help the quirk of your mouth into a smirk at his enthusiasm.
Later that night Hwasa came to the manor to finish setting your comeback into stone for the announcement the next morning, staying for dinner as expected, and then left some cardboard file boxes that you'd texted her to bring.
She had pestered you on why you needed them nearly the whole time she was there, and all you'd supplied her with was that they were for your next book. Once everyone else had headed off to bed for the night; Yoongi, Jimin, and you spent hours on end sorting each envelope by date, opening them up, and then filing them away in the boxes.
Working well into the early hours of the morning, when they finally left you to get a few hours of sleep in, you sat looking at the completed file boxes containing the horrors of your childhood.
You hadn't let yourself cry looking at the images, having long since shed your last tears over the pains your monster of a father caused. But you had caught the tears the two men with you had tried to hide, the almost silent gasps of mortification every time they opened up a new envelope.
It made you feel like you had become too numb to the atrocities that had been committed against you, and their anger and sorrow also made you feel relief in a way as well. There were people near you willing to feel the pain and sorrow you could no longer take on, and for that, you felt grateful.
A buzz from your phone pulls you out of your thoughts, and you check it to find the announcement from the company of your return from hiatus. You shoot Chan a text that you need to see him today, and he responds almost immediately with a time to meet at his office. 
The anticipation and anxiety sit heavy in your gut. You've quietly held your career outside of the Chaebol world, true identity unknown to the tabloids and all of your father's past business partners. He never let you out in public much regardless, but this is going to bring a whole new spotlight onto you and your family, and Chan has the right to know before shit hits the fan.
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Your Louboutin's click menacingly down the silent hallway of your brothers company, Jungkook and Yoongi flank you a few steps ahead while the rest of the boys follow behind. You probably look like something straight out of a mafia movie, and with the impending hellfire you're about to rain down on your family, you feel the sentiment is appropriate. 
The employees of Chan's company always go silent when you appear, the hushed whispers of gossip passing around. Most of his employees theorize you're something akin to a Black Widow, a terrifyingly powerful mistress to their goofy CEO, and then there are those that know you by your Pen Name, who think the reason you went on hiatus was to be with Chan. 
The two of you have laughed at the gossip Felix has passed on from the employees over the years, and you have no desire to correct them either. Doing so would allow for people to dig more into your brothers background, which would lead to your true identity, defeating the purpose of going by a Pen Name in the first place. 
So, yes, you pull a little bit of enjoyment out of scaring the shit out of his employees by looking like a widow on her 5th husband all dead by mysterious natural causes. Life as an author can be a bit boring sometimes, sue you for having a dark sense of humor, you gotta find entertainment somewhere. 
Jungkook holds open the door to Chan's office for you and as you step into his office, the heaviness of the situation settles in the room. His gaze meets yours, filled with concern and curiosity. Without a word, he gestures for you to take a seat opposite him. You sink into the plush chair, the weight of the world resting on your shoulders.
The boys take their places around the room and when your brother moves to dismiss them, you pipe up. 
"Jimin and Yoongi stay." 
He shares a confused look with you but doesn't protest, and Jungkook looks like a kicked puppy with his big doe eyes watching you as he files out the door with the rest of his hyungs.
"I see you're getting along well with the team I hired you." He says, bringing your attention back to him.
Snorting, you deadpan back, "Not at all."
"O...Kay?" He looks at your two remaining bodyguards for answers only to find none. "Anyway, what's going on? Why did you need to see me? You should be focusing on your comeback promotions."
"I've finished the Map of the Soul series, and I'm going to start on a new book."
"That's great-" 
 You cut his response short, ripping the theoretical band-aid off. "A book about Father... About me." 
His shock is evident on his face, and he quickly clears his throat, looking at Yoongi and Jimin in mild panic. "Bug, I think we should have this conversation in private."
Any other bodyguards would take that as their cue to leave, but they simply look to you for direction on the issue, and you can tell your brother notices it. 
"They already know about it, about all of it."
Your response has him whipping his head back in your direction so quick you're surprised he didn't pull a muscle.
"They WHAT!?" 
If this wasn't such a heavy topic, you would chuckle at his reaction.
"It's just them, that's why I had them stay. They're going to be kept in the loop while I'm writing the book in order to discretely keep an eye on any potential threats to its release."
You watch as he takes in this information, leaning back in his chair in deep thought, occasionally looking up at you and then the boys.
Finally he settles his gaze back on you, "You're sure about this? This won't just stir up our family it'll stir up the conglomerate world too." 
"Absolutely positive. I trusted in the justice system and they failed me, I won't give them the chance to fail the next person who gets sold off like a peace of meat for the benefit of corporate gain."
You can see the wince Chan tries to hide at your words, you know he has a lot of guilt at not seeing the truth behind your engagement sooner. Not to mention the treatment you suffered at the hands of your Father. 
"You know I will always support you, no matter what." He looks you dead in the eyes, "But there's one problem..."
Maintaining eye contact, you wait for him to finish his words. 
"Mother called me, she's coming back to Korea."
And just like that, everything comes crashing back down again.
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Taglist: @yoongiigolden @chim-possible @ayoo-bangtan @janiva @devilsbooksworld @backinblack1967 @missseoulite @miraxflor @memerswrites @SchokoShaker @simpforhyunjin @zae007live @onlyasgoodasitgets @quinsly @fuck-you-im-gae @tinyoonsblog @iamkookiesforyou @yoursoontobestepmom @emu007 @childfmoonn @candied-lavender @silscintilla @sporadicfuryface @definetlythinkimanalien @btsizlyfe @rinkud @midiplier @purplebeebs @avadakadabra93
67 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 4 months
TO BE (yours) // KNJ
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he'll give in... right?
oc has always had a crush on her bodyguard, nam joon. when her monthly family dinner goes to shit, she turns to him for comfort. tonight, it was different. tonight, he just might give her exactly what she wants
navi | m. list | ask me !
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pairing: bodyguard nam joon + heiress oc 
bodyguard au
one shot
porn with(out) plot
warnings: oc has some grandma issues, oc is insanely unhinged (oc makes nam joon watch as she pleasures herself), masturbation/fingering (oc makes him hold her hand while she fingers herself), nipple play, blow job (oc chokes), slapping (of face and ass) and riding... name calling (joon calls her a slut, whore, and bitch), cockwarming ?? making out,, yeah idk ! find the rest out for urself ;)
note: happy birthday @joonsjuice LMAO
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
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“I hate this fucking life!” 
Before you can slam your bedroom door shut, a foot is placed to prevent you from doing so. 
You huff, knowing exactly who is following you.
There was no point putting up a fight. Regardless of what you do, you know exactly how he would handle you. So, you move on. You focus on your feelings and the stress wrapped around it. As you take off your skirt and unbutton your blouse, he makes his way to his regular position.
Nam Joon stands beside the door, feet firmly planted on the ground, his hands placed in front, and his gaze straight ahead. If this was any other bodyguard, their presence would irritate you and ignite your anger even more… But this was Nam Joon. 
It’s different. 
Oddly enough, there's a sense of comfort when he's around. It feels like it's okay for you to be angry and throw a tantrum. He'd cover for you. He'd protect you. He'd deal with you.
Regardless, this is routine.
Once a month, you attend your infamous grandmother’s family dinner. There, you’d share your company’s progress and plans, and receive criticism.
No praise.
No empathy.
No encouragement.
It is never good enough for her. Even though you have a more successful business than your siblings and cousins—it meant nothing To your grandmother, it didn’t matter.
It always better.
To do better.
To be better.
After these horrendous dinners, you’d go home in tears. The pressure she’d put on you is often unnecessary, but you feel it. To your very core, you feel how intense the need to please her is.
Sometimes, you were angry. Often, you were sad.
For comfort, you’d typically contact your family friend, Jung Hoseok for some… Release. Sometimes, it was talking things through. Other times, it included fucking… But those nights were rare.
During those times, Nam Joon would wait outside the door. It made you wonder that night if he liked what he heard… Or if he felt jealous…
If he even gave it a second thought at all.
You see…
You’ve been unhinged since birth. By your grandmother’s orders, she hired a bodyguard service for you. To keep you in check or whatever (as if you’re this wild child that isn’t running the biggest company in your family). To keep you safe. To keep an eye on you. To keep you from doing bad things.
Sucks to suck because the only bad thing you want to do is your bodyguard. 
Thank you, Grandma!
When Nam Joon came into your life, it felt like Christmas. He’s tall, handsome, smart, and funny in his own ways. If anything, he’s perfect for you. Aside it being his job, you really feel like he knows you. Your next moves and even your feelings—he’s good at predicting and protecting them.
It’s like not you could hide your intentions and attraction either. No, you take any and every chance to flirt with him.
Truth be told, you really need him to dick you down.
“Crazy how I’m literally changing in front of you and you would rather look at the wall,” you tease, as you unclip your bra and throw it at his head. 
Nam Joon removes your bra from his head and continues to stay silent. Him ignoring you is something he does when he knows your emotions are high.
Rolling your eyes, you open your closet and grab your pajamas. You chose wisely, of course… You noticed Nam Joon’s eyes linger a little longer when you wear flimsy things. So, that’s exactly what you wear tonight.
A little ditzy floral pyjama set.
The fabric itself is thin and tight, making it easy for your nipples and the curve of your breast to be outlined. The shorts are practically panties… Guess you won’t be needing underwear either, right? 
Once you put on the top, you bend down to take your underwear off. You throw it back, aiming for his head again. Perfectly, it lands just where you want it to.
“Oops! Sorry, I meant to get that in my laundry bin.” You explain, laughing as you put the shorts on. 
You see Nam Joon’s shoulders rise and fall. He sighs, as he takes your underwear off of his head and places it in your laundry bin for you. 
Cutely, you bump into him as you make your way to bed. Nam Joon purses his lips at you, almost feeling the need to choke when he sets his eyes on your pajamas. 
You were doing this on purpose.
He knows it.
Tilting your head at him, you ask, “Do you like it?”
Nam Joon clears his throat as he stands to the side. Gestures at your bed, he ignores your question but replies with; “you’ve had a long day, Ms. ___. Please go to bed.”
“You know what else is long?”
“Ms. ___—”
“Oh, come on!” you whine, as you drop to your knees. “It’s not like this is the first time I’ve asked.”
“It’s also not the first time I’m saying no,” he chuckles. Then, he bends down, grabs you by the waist, and lifts you. 
Your heart begins to race as he carries you.
He’s done this only a couple of times—more because you were having a temper-tantrum and he had to remove you from the environment. There was also this one time when you were crying so much at your grandmother’s dinner table that he swooped in like a knight in shining armour. That was probably the day you felt something for him…
A feeling beyond your wet pussy, that is. 
Nam Joon sets you gently on your bed. As you lay, you reach for his hand. He turns to you and blinks.
“Did you need something?”
He squints his eyes at you.
“Go to sleep, Ms. ___.”
“Awh, come on!” you cry as he leaves your side. You miss your heart fluttering already. “You don’t even have to make me cum—”
With a warning tone, he interrupts you. “Goodnight, Ms. ___.”
Annoyed, you shift around your bed and attempt to make yourself comfortable. Unfortunately for you, all you can think about are your grandmother’s harsh words from tonight's dinner and the silence of your siblings and cousins whose lips did not even twitch to defend you.
Your grandmother’s invasive words begin to consume you. The feeling is… Horrible. It was rough, to say the least. Maybe, instead of distracting yourself… You could use Nam Joon for something else. 
“Do you think my grandma hates me?” you ask with a weary tone. 
Nam Joon reaches over to dim your bedroom lights and takes his time to walk back to his placement. As he does so, he thinks about it. This was also routine of you….
To hit on him, to get sad and look for comfort, and then finally go to sleep. It wasn’t every night—just the family dinner ones. On the regular, it would just be you making one or two flirtatious commentaries and then falling asleep as soon as possible. 
Moments where you look for validation and comfort he thinks these are the purest moments of you. The fact that you’re about to rest, but can’t because you’re reflecting on the things that make you feel uneasy… Well, let’s just say that it’s on the list of reasons why he hasn’t quit his job. Aside from liking his profession, he also likes you. 
There’s never a dull moment. 
“I think she just wants you to be the best.” He answers plainly. “She just doesn’t express it well.”
You sigh. “So that means what I do right now isn’t the best? It’s not good enough? Is that it?”
“No,” Nam Joon shakes his head. “I think she expects more because you are more. The potential she wants from you is real because it lives in you. She’s impatient about seeing it, but business is all about growth and building. Ms. ___, you know you’re amazing, right? You’re perfect. Your grandmother could never hate you even though it may feel like it.”
Snickering, you cross your arms. “Are you just saying that because you’re on her payroll?”
“No,” he assures you. “I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Besides, you’re smart enough to know when I’m lying anyway.”
His words hit you. 
Suddenly feel better. There’s no other way of explaining why. Sometimes, all you really need is a friend… But being friends with Nam Joon?
You hate that. 
“... So, you think I’m amazing?”
Nam Joon doesn’t respond. 
So, you try again.
“If I’m so amazing… Then, why don’t you want me? No one’s here, you know! It’s just you and me. Nothing bad is gonna happen… You don’t need to protect me—”
“Ms. ___—”
“I’ve wanted you for so long… You know it too! Come on, I know you just as well as you know me—“
“Highly doubt that, princess.”
“I want to know you… All of you,” you confess, quickly getting out of bed. You stand in front of him and look up at him. Batting your eyelashes, you try to sound as innocent as possible. “Tell me you don’t want me.”
Nam Joon feels a shiver.
He gulps as you place your hand on his chest, slowly moving it around to feel him. In an even slower motion, you begin to slide your hand down from his chest to his abdomen. He lowers his gaze at you as you give him pleading eyes. Gulping, he watches your hands make their way to his belt. 
Then, he stops you. 
Just as you’re about to unbuckle it, he grabs your wrists and pulls you up. 
“I don’t want you.”
His words cut deep and his tone is harsh. 
Too harsh. 
There’s a look in his eyes that you’re well aware of. In that understanding, you don’t feel so awful anymore. So, you keep your head high. If he wants to play like this, then so be it. 
Let’s play. 
“Good thing I’m smart and I know when you’re lying.” You then place your hand on his cheeks and squish his lips together. Tiptoeing, you place a small kiss on his lips. 
Nam Joon is caught off guard. 
This never happened before! It never went this far…
He thought he was immune to you. In a cliché sense, he didn’t this would happen. He’d be an idiot to not recognize that sexual tension between you two since the very beginning—but he never pictured it like this. 
He never pictured his dreams to come true. 
Just as Nam Joon is about to give in, you pull away. 
It’s then that he hates himself. He wishes he spent more time memorizing the way your lips felt against his. Who knows if you’d ever do this to him again, right? This was a once-in-a-million for him. 
You’re his one. 
“Since you want to stand there and watch… Fine. Stand there and watch.” 
Without saying another word, you twirl his tie in your hand and gentle tug him to follow as you make your way back to your bed. Nam Joon doesn’t really move though. He stays still, only letting his head turn as you let go of his tie. He watches with lustful eyes as you crawl onto your bed. Positioning yourself, you lean your back against your headboard and sit up in a way where you can comfortably plant your feet. Nam Joon’s eyes almost fall out of his head the second you suck on your fingers, open your legs, and shove your lubed fingers inside your shorts. 
Nam Joon feels stuck.
He should look away, right? For some reason, he can’t. He has looked the other way every time you changed or tried to kiss him… Tonight, was different.
Tonight, he was weak. 
As you let out a breathy moan, you begin to rub yourself. 
Feeling the way your soft pussy is against your fingers, you whimper at the thought of Nam Joon caving and taking his place in between your legs. You apply some pressure and rub circles on your clit. Doing this begins slowly, but as you stare at Nam Joon in his suit, you can’t help but feel sensations in your pelvis. You rub yourself faster, feeling your legs tighten as you do so. 
You rub yourself for what feels like a good 5 minutes. Noticing how quiet it suddenly became and how he’s not making any comments, you take this opportunity to tease him. 
With a small voice, you ask, “N-Nam Joon… A-are y-you watching?”
He doesn’t respond. 
“Can y-you look at me, p-please?” you stutter through the sensation. “I’m touching my pussy for you… So you have to be watching, okay? This is for you.” 
Expecting silence, Nam Joon surprises you with his words. 
“I’m watching, princess.”
You feel a relief. 
In an even softer tone, you whine, “Good. D-do you like it? Do you like what you see? Am I doing it right?”
“Yeah,” he confesses. “Doing so good, princess. Don’t stop.”
Biting your lip, you spread your legs out even more. As you rub yourself, you squirm from the feeling of this not being enough. 
Meanwhile, Nam Joon feels like he’s stuck in a trance. He can’t keep his eyes off of you as you pleasure yourself. He wishes to do it for you… But not yet. A part of him is curious to see how far you can push yourself. How much can you take? How far will you go? He wants to know when he’s needed… He wants to wait it out and let you have this. 
“My pussy is leaking through my shorts… Is it pretty?”
Nam Joon’s breath hitches. “Yeah. It’s pretty.”
“I’m glad you think so… I’m thinking of you. You made this mess.”
The truth is, he’s afraid when you give this to him… He won’t be able to quit. He’ll be selfish. He’ll have you any way he wants and ignore what you want. So, this is him being considerate. This is him being patient. This is him letting you have your fun. 
“Should I stick my fingers inside?” 
He utters a hiss... Yet, with a soft tone, he encourages you, “Do what you want.”
“I need help.”
Nam Joon huffs. “You can do it yourself. If you can start this, you can finish.”
You groan, throwing your head back. “A-arghh, fine… Can you hold my hand though?”
He raises a brow. 
But he also picks up his feet and makes his way to you. 
He stands on the side of your bed and offers you his hand. Gladly, you take it. With your other hand, you split your folds open. Tugging on his hand, you pout. 
“Can you spit on it? I would do it but… Your spit would help me cum faster.” 
Too stunned to speak, Nam Joon sucks his inner cheek, runs his tongue along his teeth, and gathers spit from the back of his throat. He then leans over and—
“Mhmm,” you moan, massaging his spit in your pussy. “Fuck, that got me so horny. Are you horny?”
Nam Joon glares at you. 
“Hurry up and cum,” he hisses. “ I’m supposed to be watching—”
“You are, aren’t you?”
Nam Joon gets the feeling you’re alluding to something completely different from his job. It makes him sick to his stomach that he’s fucking into it. God, did you have to be this compelling? All he can do is push you away… At least, try to. 
“This is getting ridiculous.”
You let a small laugh escape your lips. “Are you serious?”
He shrugs. 
“Nam Joon, you’re holding my hand, spitting on my pussy, and about to watch me finger myself… Me asking you if you’re horny is where you’re deciding this is ridiculous—”
“___, just fucking cum already.”
Instantly, you roll your eyes at him. 
The attitude.
He needs his dick sucked or something.
In response, you wiggle your fingers at him. He gives you a blank expression and turns away for a moment. You take that as your sign to start. With one finger, you insert it inside you. Your pussy clenches and your reaction extends to you squeezing Nam Joon’s hand. As you finger yourself, you try to focus on hitting your climax. 
It’s much more frustrating than it is easy. The man whose cock you desperately want inside of you is just fucking standing there while your fingers do you no justice. 
So, in the silence of your dimly lit bedroom, you shut your eyes and imagine him more intensely. You imagine Nam Joon’s fingers inside you. You imagine how his lips would feel against your skin. How his soft tongue would feel like giving your clit kitten licks. You moan at the very thought, and get excited over the fact that he’s actually here. Even though he’s not touching you the way you want right now, at least he was here. 
He was watching.
Listening to every whimper.
Every breathy utter of his name. 
Then, you feel the sensation in between your legs take over. You pump your fingers faster and lazily begin to rub yourself to finish off. You squirm, murmuring his name in between breaths.
Nam Joon can’t stop watching the way your pussy spreads and how tiny your fingers are. Every time you squeeze his hand, his eyes dart to the way your pussy gets more swollen. On top of that, he loves the way your chest rises. Your nipples are so fucking hard right now. 
He’d kill to lick them. 
To bite them. 
To suck on them. 
Fuck it.
Maybe he should fold. 
So lost in thought, he misses it. In a blink of an eye, you cum and let out a lewd moan. As you catch your breath, you let go of his hand and massage your pussy. 
“Are you finished?” Nam Joon asks. 
You let out a dramatic sigh. “Yeah, I guess. It was fun but honestly? I’m still horny.”
“Not good enough?” 
“You tell me,” you grab his hand and tug him to your pussy.
He didn’t expect it.
It’s too late for him. By the time he registered what you were doing, his fingers were already inbetween your folds. You hold his wrist and control the way he touches you. Dragging his hands up and down, you feel tingles begin again. 
“See? I came, right?”
“Y-yeah,” Nam Joon stutters for the first time tonight. “So wet.”
You scoff. “I usually cum more than this… This is so weird! I don’t get what I did wrong. I thought of you as usual—”
“Princess…” He takes his hand away, signaling you that you’re crossing the line. Shrugging, you offer him an innocent look. “Don’t.”
“Taste me,” you suggest. “If you don’t like the way I taste then you can go back to your little spot over there and do whatever you want. You can keep listening and watching me pleasure myself… But just know, I won’t cum for a long time. I’m horny as fuck but I just can’t get off all by myself! It’s too hard… Deal?”
“Deal? You’re insane,” he grumbles. “Do you hear yourself?”
“I do…” you assure him. “Do you hear me? Because it doesn’t have to be like that. You can stand over there—hey, I’ll even let you jerk off—or you can do it yourself. Make me cum. Fuck me as hard as you can. Take what you want. Your choice.” 
Nam Joon gulps as you sit up and wrap your arms around his neck. Tilting your head at him, you look into his eyes and wait for his decision. 
Nam Joon waits for a second too long. 
Your gaze softens as you take his silence as a no. That’s okay. You can just keep touching yourself and drag it out longer. It’d be fun for you anyway… This was his loss. 
As you pull away, just as you’re about to lay down, Nam Joon cups your cheeks and crashes his lips against yours. He kisses you deep, slipping his tongue in. You waste no time, finding his tongue and sucking on it as he pull away for air. You smile against his kiss, and continue to make out with him. His hands travel from your cheeks to your breast and holy shit.
You’re so fucking happy.
He palms your breasts and pays special attention to your nipples. They’re so hard and sensitive. He knows it. So, he takes his time.
First, he pitches them lightly. You gasp and he laughs into the kiss. Mumbling, “sorry, sorry… my bad, princess,” into your kiss. He runs his thumb over your nipples, stimulating your drive evn more. He then twists them and earns another gasp from you. This time, a moan follows. Next, he cups your entire breast with his hands and squeezes them. Pulling away from the kiss, he scrunches your top over your breasts and dives in. 
He licks your nipples, slaps your breasts, and bites them. 
God, when he bites them—
“O-okay, okay,” you stop him, “gonna need you to start fucking me or else I’m gonna cum with you just doing this.”
“Like me that much?” he teases.
You glare at him. “Might lose interest after seeing your dick though.”
With that, Nam Joon folds. 
He towers over you, as your hands instantly make their way to unbutton his shirt. Midway through, he kisses you. It’s deep and desperate—like he has wanted this for so long too. 
When his shirt is off, you move on to unbuckle his belt. You do it as quickly as possible, ever so happy to finally be able to see his length. Taking his pants off, he tosses them aside.
You can’t believe it. 
His cock is so perfect. 
It’s chiseled like it’s meant to be art. 
“Okay, y-yeah,” you choke. “I’m interested.”
Before he can even respond, Nam Joon throws his head back from the pleasure of you sucking his dick. Holy shit, you just went for it. 
As your mouth wraps around his tip, you take in how he tastes. The precum that sat in the crease of his tip was a little salty. He tastes even better the more you suck. His cock in your mouth is so big. It’s full, girthy, and long. Without needing to try, his length hits the back of your throat multiple times. With teary eyes, you gag, choke, and slobber all of his fat cock. 
Like a fucking dog. 
Like a fucking bitch. 
Like his fucking whore. 
Nam Joon loves the sight. 
He takes a handful of your hair and fucks himself deeper in your pretty mouth. This time, when his cock hits the back of your throat, he holds you still. You breathe in through your nose, sucking as much of him as you can. When you let out an intense gasp for air, he pulls away and feels his stomach twist as strings of your saliva drip. 
Nam Joon repositions you.
He lays down on his back and places you on top of him. There, you let your hands roam his chest as he helps you take your shorts off. His pecks are large and rock-hard. You love the way they feel and as he takes heavy breaths in, you note the way his abs flex.
It’s such a beautiful sight. 
“This is what you wanted, right?” Nam Joon scoffs, as he reaches for his dick. He pumps himself lazily before placing it at your entrance. “Want me so bad? Let’s see how much. Do you think you can last bouncing on my cock? You barely lasted 10 minutes fingering yourself. You were thinking about me too, right? Holding my hand and shit? Have you always been a fucking whore?”
You pout, nodding. “Yeah. I am such a fucking whore for you… I’ve been so patient. Did I wait well?”
Without warning, Nam Joon slaps you in the face. 
“This is about me,” he growls. “You want me. You have me. You get to fuck me. Get that? You waited, and you got the prize. Me. Shut the fuck up and do your fucking job, slut. I’ll praise you when I want. Don’t ask for it. Understand?”
You nod. 
He slaps your face again.
“Answer me, bitch.”
You bite your bottom lip. “I understand.”
“Good,” Nam Joon says, satisfied. “Whenever you’re ready…”
You purse your lips, asking for one more kiss. He kisses you, and as he does so, you take his cock and try to put it in. For some reason, perhaps because of how wet you are, his cock keeps slipping or your hole is just too fucking small for him. When he realizes what’s going on, he sits up a little. 
In a low tone, he offers, “Here, I’ll help you put it in.”
You look at him as he guides it in. You watch how soft his gaze turns the minute you sink into his member. You swear he feels the butterflies too. As you adjust to his size, you begin to move a little. Rolling your hips, you also add a little bounce. For stability, you place your hands on his chest. 
“That’s it,” he moans, “my slut is such a good girl.”
“Mhmm,” you breathe, “s-so good. You fill me up so good, Joon.”
As you ride him, you begin to feel more and more desperate for his cock to fuck you. This entire time, you had been doing all the work and goddamn it’s fucking exhausting. You slam your pussy onto his dick visciously, picking up the pace and trying to catch your orgasm—but you get so fucking tired.
It’s so annoying. 
“I—” you cry, “a-agghhh!”
“I got you.”
Suddenly, Nam Joon wraps his arms around your body and holds you tight. It’s like a hug, but as he does it, he drills his fucking cock into you. Like never before, you feel his length reach spots you missed as you rode him. Nam Joon drills like there’s no tomorrow. It’s so rough and intense, he slaps your ass while he’s at it. You’re constantly moaning, and at this point—
“You like it like this, little slut? Such a fucking whore for wanting it like this… Gonna take my cum? Gonna get so fucked up you can’t walk tomorrow?”
“Mhmmm,” you sob. “Yes, I want it like this. J-just like that! Fuck yes, yes, yes!”
“You think about this, huh? Always imagining how it’d be like for me to fuck you? Are you happy now? Are you fucking happy? Greedy little bitch always gets what she wants, huh?”
“So happy,” you gasp. “I love your cock. You’re so good to me, Joon.” 
Something inside him flips. He loves the way you say his name. He loves the way this feels and is even more in love with the way that it’s with you. With that being said…
He fucks you harder.
Rough, sloppy, messy. 
It’s so fucking good that you grip onto his hair and let out a few sobs. You murmur his name into his ear and your pussy clenches every time he kisses you. You bury your face in the crook of his neck and concentrate on how blissful this all is. After a few moments—
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god—” 
You cum. 
But it doesn’t stop there. 
Even though you came, he didn’t. 
Nam Joon continues to fuck you through your orgasm as he reaches his. Feeling the sensation, he curls his toes and digs his cock deep into you as he releases. Nam Joon stuffs his cum inside you, and pumps in and out a few more times. 
Then, he leaves it inside. 
As his cum spills, he keeps his cock inside you. Too tired to pull out, but also too in his head. He wants this to last longer than it has. He wants it again if possible… But that’s asking for too much. He knows it. 
Without exchanging any words, you lift your face and lean in. You and Nam Joon make out, nice and slow. It’s so opposite from what you two were just doing… But it was nice. You even play with his hair as you two kiss. He likes it. You know he does because he smirks against your lips. 
When you pull away, it’s like a wave of emotions hit Nam Joon. 
What the fuck did he just do?
He isn’t sure what to say or to do… All he knows is that it was good. It was fun. He had wanted this moment for a while too. Is that something he should regret? Getting what he has wanted and waited for? He doesn’t know. 
As you two lay beside one another, you reach for him and curl into his embrace. Quickly, you fall asleep. The entire thing tired you out. Nam Joon contemplates if he should get up and resume to his usual service… Or should he just lay here? Be with you? 
Was that an option?
Either way, he knows one things for sure…
He’d be here in the morning. 
To protect you.
To fuck you.
To be yours.
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What if... you decided to run away? part three | OT7 BTS au
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A very belated update starring my soulmate @shadowofahope and some angst. Warnings: mentions of murder, crime scenes, betrayal, injury, a mentally deranged villain, and bts hurting. 6.3K words
Two options presented themselves to Min Yoongi as he watched you happily having breakfast with the others. He could tell you and this whole dream would be shattered, or he could bury it, and they could all live happily ever after. He was deluding himself he knew it, it wasn’t a question of if you’d find out, it was a matter of when. He also knew, if he wasn’t the one to tell you, you’d never forgive him.
Still with knowing this, his tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he looks at you, his throat seized. All his instincts wanted to do was keep him from breaking the mirage of everything he wanted, and that’s what he would be doing. Call him a coward, like Namjoon was doing with his gaze eating into the side of Yoongi’s face, but to keep that smile on your face, he’d be anything to keep dreaming.
“Hyung, Princess is sleeping next to us tonight,” Jungkook stares down the Prince with the most serious glare he can muster before he sits down for his serving of pancakes. Jimin and Taehyung nodding furiously on either side of him, imploring with their eyes that you both agree.
The idea of you not being in his arms as he slept made an uncomfortable itch manifest under his skin, akin to anxiety but more volatile. He keeps himself from scratching, nodding quietly in agreement as he plays with his food. He can feel the surprise in the room, Jin and Hobi looking at each other in shock. Even you nearly choked on the orange juice, whipping your head round to inspect the silent prince.
He tried to keep his features neutral, knowing you could read him like a book. Your reassuring palm on his thigh lets him know you can see through him, that light squeeze trying to coax him to look at you, but he’s too afraid to. If he faces you he would have to face Namjoon too, and right now, he couldn’t deal with either of you.
“Yoongi?” Your voice is so understanding and soft, the disgust he had in himself he could feel rise like bile in his throat at the sound.
“I don’t like it Jagi,” he tries to smile, trying to meet your eyes. “But you’re right I have to share.”
He excuses himself, unable to stand lying to you about his current predicament, Namjoon’s eyes following him every step of the way. You’re about to follow after him but the taller individual beats you to it, telling you to stay.
The remaining men look between themselves, questioning each other silently before you verbalise their thoughts.
“Did someone say something to him?” You wince at the accusation in your own words.
“We’ve been saying something to him since we landed Princess,” Jimin deadpans, eyes narrowing at you as you defend the greedy prince.
“Look I know he’s been… unreasonable lately, but you know him,” you didn’t want to talk about Yoongi’s vulnerabilities, but the suggestion was clear in your tone. “He doesn’t mean to be-” you hesitate, trying to find the right word.
“An asshole?” Jin suggests, making Jungkook snicker at the language. “We know Princess, but I think he’s forgetting the fact we nearly lost you too.”
“Of course you’re going to defend your prince over your knights in shining armour,” Taehyung mumbles to himself, his fork hitting the plate harshly as he picks up a piece of pancake.
You press your lips together to hold back the laugh, Jin and Jimin mirroring your expression.
You knock on the door again, the fifth time, but still no response. It had been a week since you last saw her and now you were worried something was wrong. You frown, there were only so many places you could be on this island and when the weather was scorching like today, the only place was home. So why was your new friend not answering the door?
“Nym?” You call out again, but not a whisper greets you back.
You sigh, sweat starting to drip from your scalp to your face. You turn back to your place, telling yourself you’d try again later.
The heat of the sun cooked the top of your head, you curse yourself for not bringing out a hat or parasol or something. As beautiful as this piece of heaven was, you were not acclimated to it.
You try not to run back to the villa to escape the heat, ready for a cool drink as you reach the front step.
“Where have you been?” Yoongi almost yells in his panic when you walk through the door making you jump.
“Hey,” you frown, hand on your chest to slow your startled heart. “What’s wrong?”
He composes himself at that question, as if he wasn’t aware of his demeanour until you called it out, like he forgot himself for a moment.
“Nothing,” he mutters, walking away with his head hanging low in guilt.
What the heck was that?
“Yoongi?” You call after him, knowing he wanted to be alone but not wanting to leave him with the thoughts drowning him. You follow him into his room, staring in worry when he sits on the bed and hangs his head into his hands. 
“Baby?” you ask, heart thumping uncontrollably as your mind races. “Yoongi what’s wrong?”
You’re scared to approach him, depending on his disposition he didn’t always welcome physical comfort when he felt vulnerable. Whatever cloud was thundering above him had his shoulders slumped, you couldn't see his eyes, couldn’t read his expression. 
“Yoongi say something,” you beg, still standing by the door. “You’ve been acting weird all week, please say something.”
He sniffs, lifting his head, eyes full of water ready to spill. You stand in shock for a second, Yoongi wasn’t one to cry. You rush to him, holding him tight as he starts to sob, knowing he was unworthy of your comfort right now when he kept the worst secret from you. 
“Jagi, tell me what's wrong please,” your own bottom lip wobbles, you hate seeing him upset, it kills you. 
He shakes his head against you. You would never forgive him, he tries to get ahold of himself, pushing away from you as he wipes his face in his hands. The look of worry you give him breaks his heart. He takes your hand in his, trying to reassure you silently by stroking his thumb against your skin but he can’t meet your eyes. 
He wants to thank you when you don’t push it, when you let it go for now, but the words are bitter and vile in his mouth and he doesn’t release them.
“Why are you guys making popcorn?” Namjoon asks when he enters the kitchen, Yoongi close behind him after another argument. 
“We fixed the TV,” Jungkook says with a mouthful of snacks.
The prince becomes petrified with panic, he was the one to mess with the wiring so you wouldn’t have access to the outside world or the news. The fear that freezes him, suddenly jolts him out of shock, almost running to the living room where he finds you flicking through the channels. He doesn’t think before he snatches the remote out of your hand, turning the device off and gaining everyone’s questioning gaze.
“Hyung, what are you doing?” Taehyung asks in disbelief, he just got comfortable for movie night. 
He can’t say a word, his mind drawing blanks for an excuse. 
“You’ve been acting weird all week,” Jin says.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Jimin looks at him as if he’s grown 2 extra heads. 
“No tv,” he breathes, the panic not subsiding. Namjoon stands behind him, his cheeks sucked in as he watches the scene. He’s still angry from the fight with the prince, but he wasn't vindictive enough to throw him under the bus.
“Why?” Hoseok asks.
“He’s hiding something,” you finally speak after observing him, trying to take the remote back but he grips onto it like his life depends on it. 
Jungkook had followed behind the two when they entered, moving towards the screen while you and Yoongi stared at each other. He uses the controls on the TV to turn it on, Yoongi’s face turning blank when he changes channel. It’s his worst luck that it revealed what he tried so desperately to hide. 
You turn to the image of your father’s coffin being walked out of his castle, held up by 6 men as Baekhyun and Taeyeon walked behind it dressed in black. The words the newscaster was saying don’t even reach your ears, your face contorting from shock into pain. 
You start hyperventilating, the others caught in stupor, unable to move. The king was dead, and they all had strong suspicions that Yoongi knew. 
“Y/n let’s calm-“ Namjoon tries reaching for you but you snap away at his touch.
“Did you know?” He would take bullets right now than the look of fire on your face.
“Did. You. Know.”
But his face confesses for you where his words can’t. That’s all it takes for you to break down, falling to your knees with your arms around your head, whimpering not just at the loss of life, but the loss of trust.
“Jagi,” Yoongi tries again, his heart blaring fast in alarm.
“Don’t,” the strength in your voice is gone, but he knows not to say another word. 
The tension turns thick, Jungkook mutes the news channel, but the footage of your father’s funeral still plays on the screen for them all to see. Minutes pass, no one daring to speak first. Jin glares at the prince, knowing what emotional turmoil he just put you through, how could he keep this from you? His gaze flickers to Namjoon with even more contempt.
“I have to go back,” you say more to yourself than them, coming to stand on wobbly legs, but your words cut through the silence for them all to hear.
“No,” the prince almost growls at the suggestion, but you look ready to tear him right back, looking like a wounded animal on edge, ready to do whatever to survive.
“You,” that one syllable held more venom than he had ever heard from you, finger pointed like a knife in accusation, “don’t get to decide for me, you don’t get to control me, y-you-“
You can’t help it, your words falter as you break down again, the corners of your sneer weighted down by grief, the bottom lip trembling as the fire in your eyes is drowned out by tears.
“You of all people know what it’s like to be controlled your whole life, and you tried to do that to me.”
Your words hit him, they do, like a truck to the chest, ploughing him down, but he can’t regret his actions, only your sorrow.
“If you go back,” he takes a step towards you. “We,” he points to himself and the rest of inhabitants in the room, “go back.”
He waits for the realisation to pass your eyes, and he knows it’s there as they soften on him for a moment.
“If we go back Jagi,” his voice cracks, hating himself for causing you this pain, but wanting you to listen to him. “We are dead men.”
“I can ex-“
“They won’t wait for an explanation Y/n!” He yells frustrated. “They’ll sentence us to death before we’re questioned, you know how it works! How it really works.”
Your lips quiver as you try to look strong, but everything inside of you is crushed. The hurt clawed its way through your body, reducing you to nothing. 
“I should have married him,” you say quietly to yourself but the sincerity in your tone breaks their hearts. You regretted choosing them, choosing your freedom.
“And lived unhappily ever after?” Yoongi scoffs with disgust at the image of you and Wang at the altar.
“And this is better? Letting my country and my people fall into the hands of a psychopath? Be betrayed by men who I thought loved me enough not to lie to me?” you reply, staring despondently at nothing. “I was born with my duty and I have failed it.”
His red rimmed eyes can’t look at you.
“For what?” Your hoarse voice presses, hurting you all. “For something as trivial and fickle as love, the monarchy comes first and I have forgotten my place.”
“Please,” he begs, head hung low as every word you uttered, although right, killed him.
“My father was right.” It was like a final bullet, the harshest slap or ice bucket thrown over him.
You turn to Namjoon.
“If you didn’t love me, would you have let me escape?”
Both your minds go to the night he caught you, the night their feelings were revealed. He thinks it through, understanding his own duty. You stare in silence, his mind calculating, overthinking. There just wasn’t a world that existed in his mind where he didn’t love you, so how could he answer?
“I don’t know,” he confesses sincerely.
“I wish you didn’t,” you breathe. “My father might still be alive.”
“That’s not your fault,” Taehyung says but you shake your head.
What if he died because of you? Because you ran away? The guilt eats away at you, and you know if Yoongi and Namjoon were honest from the beginning you could have accepted it, could have leaned on them for emotional support but now you felt a rift between yourselves that ran too deep to fix. Yet despite that distance that now existed between you, you had no one else to turn to. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you sob, looking to them all for guidance. It was ironic that you were now technically queen, and you had no clue, no power, nothing.
They stay silent, solemn as they look to the ground and avoid your gaze.
“Princess there’s nothing we can do,” Jin says softly, not wanting to upset you but unable to feed any fantasy you had of fixing this.
“I can’t leave my people to Taeyeon,”
Yoongi stands in front of you, his eyes piercing into yours, with an anger you couldn’t place.
“They’re not your people anymore,” he says harshly, “you abdicated, this isn’t your problem.”
“Hyung,” Jimin warns him gently, he was pushing it.
You search his eyes, wondering why he was trying to hurt you further, until you realise there was fear he was trying to hide with his wrath.
“You knew when you left, eventually Baekhyun and that psycho bitch would be next in line,” Yoongi continues, ignoring Jimin. “You don’t want that life Y/n.”
A knock on the door snaps everyone’s attention to the sound, the tension not broken but they’re grateful for the pause.
Your new friend enters cautiously, eyes wandering around the room at everyone’s sullen expressions and the endless stream of tears pouring down your face. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on.
“Nym, is everything okay?” Namjoon asks politely, not appreciating the disruption but knowing there wouldn’t be one without good reason.
“I… I did some digging,” Nym breathes nervously, wanting to bolt out of the room with the heaviness in the air but this was important. “The authorities already know something was unusual with the late king’s passing so-“
“You knew too?” The sting of betrayal had you interrupting before you could stop yourself. You were stuck on this island and you thought you could run to your friend’s place for help when the conversation was over but now you truly had nowhere to turn to. This paradise had turned into a prison, they weren’t going to let you leave.
Nym looks at you sadly, apologising silently hoping what was uncovered with a week of no sleep would earn your forgiveness.
“I thought hard about what I could do to help, and I think I have something.”
“What is it?” Hoseok asks.
“The authorities know there’s something odd about the King’s passing, but Prince Baekhyun and his wife closed any investigation, so I did some digging,” Nym explains, feeling the intensity of everyone’s stares, no one breathed. “I…”
She pauses, looking at you wondering whether it was right to just lay everything out on the table, but how can something so destructive be cushioned. Namjoon’s eyes glance towards the laptop in the computer genius’s arms.
“What did you find?” you barely whisper. 
“She didn’t cover her tracks very well,” Nym replies, hesitating. “I don’t think you should see this.”
“Taehyung and Jimin, maybe your should take Y/n-”
“No,” you interrupt, the hell were they going to discuss this without you, that was what caused this fucking problem in the first place. “Show me.”
Your eyes don’t implore your friend, they demand authority and everyone in the room understands why you deserve your title, blood had nothing to do with it. The laptop is placed on the table, everyone’s eyes glued to the screen. 
“The Imperial castle has two sets of security cameras, someone hacked into them to erase everything the night of your fathers death,” Nym explains. “It took a week but I recovered them.”
“How did he die?” Jin asks what you couldn't stomach asking.
“The official story is he mixed medication with alcohol and…” there's a pause for concern over your wellbeing, but you were done with walking around eggshells, they were all broken anyway. 
“Say it,” you beg.
“He fell down the Castle stairs,” Nym says, watching your reaction cautiously, “there was a dent on his head that was unexplainable with the fall, but they think he might’ve bumped it on something given his state. They blamed the security camera malfunction on the storm.”
“And what actually happened?” Namjoon asks.
“Just play the footage Nym,” you say, it didn’t matter anyway, what was done was done, what you wanted was the truth.
After a deep breath, Nym presses play, the screen is grainy at first but clears. Your father comes into the frame, obviously heavily intoxicated with someone pushing him from behind. Whoever it was, wears a ski mask, looking around on edge. There’s a glint of metal in their hand that you can’t make out but it’s pressed against his back. After a stumble, he trips on the ground, and the masked figure tries to pull him up. They get into a tussle, your father grabbing the individual but only able to pull off the balaclava. Your breath catches as you recognise her, and now the object in her grasp. You jump when the pistol is slammed against his skull, and he’s pulled to his feet. He’s disorientated, clutching his head in his hands before he’s pushed to the stairs. You close your eyes, knowing what was about to happen, and you thought you could stomach it but you can’t. Arms wrap around you, someone strokes your hair. You bury your head into his chest, knowing it was Taehyung who had come to comfort you from the most abhorrent scene you ever had to witness. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n,” Nym says sincerely as you muffle your cries. 
They sit in silence once Nym leaves, the hours tick by with you sitting on the ottoman alone, too quiet, too stoic, too deep in thought. No one dares to break it first, no one dares to move, scared that the already fragile state of your being could shatter more than it already had. There was no coming back from this, that was the fear, no recovering. 
The footage would be released with your permission, it would solve the issue of letting the psychopath sit in your throne, and yet there was another fear in the room. The proof of your father’s murder didn’t solve everything. 
“I’m going back,” you say calmly.
“You’re not coming with me,” you don’t mean it in a cruel way but it still breaks their hearts. “I have a role I was born to serve, a people who need a queen they can trust, not some relative who thought they were safe from ever having to wear the crown.”
“But we’re happy here,” Jimin says with wobbling lips, eyes and nose streaming.
“Why can’t we come with you?” Jungkook cries.
“Because for right or wrong reasons, the government will still have you tried for concealing my whereabouts without consulting the royal guards,” you state, hating the matter of fact but you couldn’t risk their safety. “Rules are rules, and no matter what story we spin, we still broke the law.”
“You’re going to leave us?” Hoseok asks in disbelief. “After everything.”
You bite your lip hard to stop your eyes watering but it doesn’t work. This would be the hardest thing you would do but it needed to be done.
“Not forever,” you promise, voice hoarse and heavy. “But until I can clear your name and guarantee your safety, this will have to be goodbye.”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, his arms crossed, his eyes closed as if that would protect him and stop everything.
“You and I both know what happens if you come back with me Yoongi,” you sniff. “If you get imprisoned in my country, the repercussions will be war and you know it.”
“What if we go back to our country?” Hoseok suggests, “Yoongi’s uncle might be able to liaise with little Queen’s government and clear our name.”
“There’s no guarantee that would work,” Namjoon sighs, massaging his head with his fingers as he tries to solve this impossible conundrum. Politics was more complicated than chess, it was like playing on a board 50 times the size with a thousand more unique pieces.
“Not to mention what Y/n’s government will force her to do in return for clearing our name,” Yoongi seethes, finally looking at you with a sad anger welling his eyes. “What if they ask you to marry Wang like your father proposed, to honour his wishes and get whatever deal he was offered by selling your hand in marriage.”
“That’s not how it works,” Tae says in disbelief, looking between you and Yoongi waiting for someone to reassure him you wouldn’t become a pawn for your country. You only look at him sadly in reply.
“One problem at a time please,” Jin mutters, catching Namjoon’s headache.
“Please don’t go back,” Jimin begs, the palm of his hands covering his eyes as he sobbed. This was so cruel, that they finally got to taste a life with you in their arms for only seconds before you were taken away.
“What if Princess married Hyung?” Jungkook suggests desperately, but the question makes you burst more into tears, your head tilted to the ceilings as you try to stop.
“She can’t get married without the permission of the courts,” Namjoon says solemnly, head hanging low. “And Yoongi Hyung’s uncle would never agree, there’s too much bad blood.”
“He barely agreed to let Yoongi become little queen’s guard,” Jin remembers out loud.
Yoongi shakes his head. He hated this, the fact his blood had a say in his life, ruled it without thought to what he wanted.
“If my father was king he would have allowed it,” Yoongi admits, for years he prayed his uncle would sire offspring so the crown would never fall on him, now he was second guessing his wishes.
You both look at eachother, another life flashing before your eyes, one so out of reach it was more of a fantasy than a dream. You still held a resentment for his actions, but the concept of leaving him overcast everything. You understood it to some extent but you truly didn’t know whether you could forgive him. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, “right now it doesn’t change anything.”
He hangs his head in shame, knowing he really fucked up beyond repair. 
Your attention shifts to Namjoon as he kneels in front of you, the equation in his head starting to solve itself. His eyes implore into yours, the rest of the group fade to the background when he takes your hands into his, his warm touch soothing you. 
“You always said growing up royal was awful,” He starts cautiously, not wanting to cause any more problems or misunderstandings. “There were too many rules, too many restrictions, too many classes on how to behave.”
You nod as you take in his words, wondering where he was going with this. 
“Your father pushed you away, there's a history of that you know,” he informs you. “The first heir is always treated differently, the spare is raised with less restraint, they say the prospect of raising a child who is set to replace you throughout time has caused parental rifts.”
“Where are you going with this Joonie?” you ask, he smiles apologetically, the tangent was somewhat an accident to avoid a harsh truth he needed to reveal.
“If you go back, your whole life is decided for you, Queen of a country or not, the government will set your alliance to someone they see fit, you will be expected to have two children, at least, and then they will be subjected to everything you did growing up.”
You stare at him. The thought had crossed your mind before but you always swore you would do better. The reason your father was so harsh on you was he couldn’t have a spare, your mother died too soon after your birth. You were it, he drilled that into you from day one.
“I can protect them,” you say weakly, tears starting again when Joon shakes his head in disagreement. 
“I know you’ll fight Y/n, but it would be you against a hundred officials, you tried to fight your father and you couldn’t and every one of those officials were behind him in his decision.”
“Joon,” you cry, wanting him to stop. His hand squeezes yours, the other wiping away the teardrops gently trying to cushion his words. 
“To the world, you are so privileged, and part of that is true, but they haven’t seen you suffer like we have, and I hate to think about how much you suffered before meeting us.”
You sniff, looking around the room at the rest of them looking so downtrodden, your eyes falling last on Yoongi who wipes his tears before they can fall. Yoongi, who understood you through experience, who you connected with the moment you met. 
“You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me,” you tell them truthfully, “I don’t want to go back without you, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.”
“It’s your decision little Queen,” Hoseok steps forward, smiling sadly but knowing how hard this was for you. “We’ll support you no matter what.”
The younger three glare at him for that comment, the others hanging their heads low as if in prayer. 
“Whatever happens,” Jin agrees, “you always have our love and support Princess.”
“Please,” Yoongi begs quietly, his face scrunched in pain as he cries openly. The sight breaks your heart all over again, you really did hate seeing him in pain. 
“After the tribulations and trials of our beloved royal family, I think the country can say this is a monumental event in history. Like treachery out of a mediaeval plot, today also marks the one month anniversary of the death of our late king, murdered by the wife of his nephew in a scheme for the crown.
Of course this plot was unveiled by his daughter, who at the time fled the country for her safety, but returned to ensure the safety of her people and bring Kim Taeyeon to justice.”
Sadness sat like stones in their stomachs, sinking slowly as your face graced the screen. You smile but they know it doesn’t reach your eyes, you wave to the crowd and the cameras before climbing into the carriage off to the citadel for your coronation. 
“She looks so beautiful,” Taehyung mumbles, in awe of your figure in the red ruby gown. He blinks back tears, your absence didn’t get any easier for them, and seeing you on a screen just cemented the fact you were no longer here. 
“I can’t believe she went back,” Jin whispers to himself but the others hear. They also hear his unsaid words hiding between the lines, you chose duty over them, the irony was hard to ignore. You always thought they would do the same.
“Of course the matter still remains about the young Queen’s foreign bodyguards who’s current whereabouts are unknown. There is massive divide in the country and government over the actions of Kim Namjoon and his men, one of whom is the current Prince of another nation. There are calls for their presence in the court, others are demanding they receive the medal of valour, and during a recent official press conference this is what our new Queen had to say…”
The screen shifts to you at a podium, cameras and lights flashing on your form as you look at your paper. They hadn’t seen the footage yet but the date stamp on the footage showed it was from a few days ago. Jungkook holds his breath, waiting for you to speak, it felt like a lifetime ago that he heard your voice. 
“I understand there is a lot of speculation over my disappearance, and rumours that I was abducted by the men sworn to protect me.”
The youngest can’t help sniffling at the sound, he misses you and the feeling opened new excruciating wounds in him where he thought there was room for no more. 
“I am here to clear any misunderstanding over the events of the last month or so. This accusation has put to question the character of the men my own father, the late king, employed and I can say one thing for certain with absolute conviction…”
You take a pause, looking up at the cameras as if staring into each of their souls. They can see the longing in your eyes, the tears forming that you blink away, a moment of weakness that you had to hide. 
“Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin… Min Yoongi,” you take a breath as if his name pained you. “Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jung Jungkook are the best men I have ever met, and they saved my life, and any call for their imprisonment is a crime against the crown and against me. I will do everything in my power to clear their names, and have them return. Our relations with King Min must remain peaceful, and I will not have my country tarnish their character and cause unrest between two nations. 
My first act on the throne will be to resolve any remaining issues between our countries and draw up a new treaty with King Min, and I know my people will stand with me. Thank you.”
“She’s gonna do it,” Namjoon says quietly but proudly, smiling sadly when he sees the resolve on your face as you start answering press questions. “It’ll take some time but we’ll be by her side again.”
The room is quiet as they watch the footage change back to your coronation, all of them swallowing back tears with heavy hearts. They wished they could be standing there beside you, but one day they knew they would be again, no matter how long it took. 
There are cheers coming from the crowds as the crown is placed on your head, you take a deep breath that they can all see, a smile to the people but your eyes are glassy. 
“Our beautiful little Queen,” Jimin says in awe, tears slipping that he can’t help. 
“I know she’ll be the best Queen in the world but I’m so anxious for her,” Jin breathes, his heart nervous for you. 
“I wish we were there,” Hoseok whispers.
“She shouldn’t be there,” Yoongi says solemnly, standing. “She should be here with us.”
The others watch him walk out of the room, the prince had fallen into a deep stoic state, they just hope the hurt would fade with time. You carved out Yoongi’s soul the day you left, they could only pray he would find himself again. 
You don’t know how you managed to give your new staff the slip, you had paid the driver off with enough money that he couldn’t refuse, despite what your advisors and the government officials tried to stop you from doing.
You knew it would bring you nothing but more grief, but you had to. You could already hear Namjoon berating you, it almost makes you smile before you remember why you’re here. You’re glad to see the tower is cold and depressing as promised, the criminals in here were all in treachery of the crown. 
The guards all gave you worried looks as you demanded to see her, and there she stood in the last cell, trapped behind metal bars finally looking like the madness she held within. Her hair stood on end, a nest of knots that could never be undone, much like the chaos she caused in your life. 
She sees you, and now you really do smile vindictively when her eyes travel down the length of your coronation gown before fixing themselves on the crown that sat where it belonged. She growls, her teeth baring in disgust and hate you never witnessed before.
She presses herself against the metal, reaching for you as if she could snatch all her wants within her grasp. 
“You abdicated, that crown is mine!”
It was strange, confronting her like this. Almost surreal, the concept that this was the woman you befriended, the woman who failed in killing you, and the woman who murdered your father. There was no denying it, you saw it for yourself. 
“Why couldn’t you just stay away?” she has the gall to sob, to truly cry over her loss as if she was the victim, and you knew then there was no hope for her, not that you would ever offer it to her in the first place. 
You shake your head in disbelief, a humourless laugh before you take a step closer, wanting no one but her to hear your words.
“You know what?” You start, voice quiet but unwavering. “If you had just left everything well enough alone, I wouldn’t be here, if you didn’t let your greed become so heinous it cost a man his life, eventually you could’ve worn this crown and I would have let you.”
She screams, the sound making you want to slap some sense into her. 
“But your actions have cost so many people in so many ways,” you say sadly, not an ounce of sympathy for her, but for yourself as selfish as that might sound. “I can see now there’s no saving you.”
“That crown is mine! THAT CROWN IS MINE!” She repeats it as if it would become true, getting louder and louder as you stare. 
“You killed my father you psychotic bitch,” you spit, but there was no point to this, there would be no real justice for her actions, and she would never regret them. You wonder what closure you were trying to gain by being here, there was nothing you could do to make her feel your pain. 
“Your majesty,” your new personal advisor bids your farewell. You had moved to the cold imperial castle, the official site for the monarch. The day had cost you all your energy and you could barely bring yourself to climb the stairs to your new chamber. You try to ignore the urge to glance towards where you know they found your father’s body, the hurt of losing him still fresh despite the strain of your relationship with him. You push away the thoughts to deal with another time. 
Your jaw hurts from forcing your face to smile all day for the public eye, as you get ready for bed the deep empty void in your chest gets filled with pangs of sadness so intense you have to stop and breathe for a moment. You had kept it subdued all day for duty, but it came back with a vengeance. 
You were now Queen, and completely utterly unfathomably alone. The thought grips you so painfully in the silenve you can’t help the sob that turns into a wail. There was no one here to comfort you, no one to hear you yet you still covered your cries with your hand, sinking pitifully to the floor. 
The agony of leaving them didn’t fade for a day. You forgave Yoongi and Namjoon the second you returned to this awful cage, wanting to regret leaving them but there was nothing you could do about your decision now. You knew what Yoongi was trying to protect you from, there was no malice in his actions, just desperation that undid you both. You walked back into the life you tried to escape, and lost far more than you could ever explain. 
In truth you didn’t know whether you would see them again, whether you would win the fight to clear their name. You would never give up, you couldn’t, the only thing that kept you going was getting them back, otherwise this was going to be a long lonely purgatory for you without them. 
“Min Yoongi I forgive you,” you barely breathe out loud, needing him to hear you no matter how impossible. You knew him better than you knew yourself, knew he needed to hear those words for his own peace, or he would never forgive himself. You knew what state you left him in, and that one thing was your biggest regret.
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simp4eshal · 3 months
The boy is mine (Spencer x Reader)
Based on “The Boy is mine” by Ariana Grande
“The boy is mine,
I can’t wait to try him”
Your dad was president. Yes, he was.
And as the first daughter, you had to have security. That was obligatory.
But after an attempt is made on your life, your dad gets more cautious, and during the time of the investigation an FBI agent is charged with your safety.
Spencer reid x reader
I/ The one where you meet, and he’s so fine you spill coffee on yourself
II/ The one where you’re clumsy, and somehow end up on top of him
III/ The one where he can not act as if he’s not attracted to you anymore
IV/ The one where you get caught
V/ The one where your dad accepts him
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
Good luck reading this ha
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They didn't do anything for Dark Choco, so I did something.
The writing is just a bunch of head canons my sis and I came up with.
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Kiss it Better (JJK)
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Pairing: Bodyguard! Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, smut, fluff.
Au: Bodyguard au.
Summary: You know you shouldn't be falling for Jungkook, the man who's in charge of your security. But you can't help it. You have already fallen for him. The fact that you know he doesn't feel the same for you, makes things all the more difficult. 
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Curse words, smut.
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You have no idea how things escalated this quickly. 
One moment, you are happily enjoying the club music and dancing with your date and the very next moment you are pinned against the wall with your said date's hands around your neck. Not the kinky way.
"It was much easier than I thought it would be." He mumbles with his face inches away from yours. "Miss Y/L/N, such a sweetheart you are playing right into my game."
As he speaks, you notice the absence of the smell of alcohol from his breath.
You both had agreed on getting drunk and letting it loose. But it's now that you realise that you were the one who was getting drunk while he was only pretending to take shots. It was all pre-planned so that you put your guard down which would only give him the perfect opportunity to shoot his shot. Which is exactly what he's doing right now.
The realisation itself is enough to sober you up.
"Now that you are right where I want you to be-", his grip on your neck gets tighter and a hard frown replaces the cruel smile on his lips, "-you have two options. You either be the good girl I know you can be and do everything I say or we can have it the hard way." 
A cold shiver runs down your spine at the various possibilities of what this man can do to you but you try your best to hide it. 
Your attempt, however, seems futile.
"Scared?" He whispers, with a sadistic undertone. 
You know better than to answer any of his questions, so instead of replying to him, you keep mum hoping this nightmare will soon be over.
Your quietness possibly triggers something inside him and his grip on your neck gets even tighter. "You bitch, I want you to answer-"
His sentence gets cut off abruptly and the next thing you know, he's lying on the ground and groaning in pain. 
Your eyes snap from his crouched body to figure out what or who might be the cause of your attacker's current state.
Jeon Jungkook. The man who's in charge of your security. 
Words can't describe how relieved you feel to see him but underneath that relief and gratitude, there's also a sense of genuine surprise because he shouldn't be here. No one knows you are here.
"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" You ask, a little breathless because of the tight hold the man had on your throat only a few seconds ago.
"I should be the one asking you that question." Jungkook answers without looking at you, his eyes locked on the man who's now surrounded by at least three more men. Each wearing black suits similar to the ones of Jungkook.
"Take good care of him." He instructs and then turns towards you. "Car is waiting for us, let's go." 
As he waits for you to start walking, your mind starts reeling. Everything is happening too fast for your mind to process. Seconds ago, you didn't know what would happen to you, where the guy will take you, what his motives were behind his actions, since when has he been planning all this, what would he benefit from this? But now, you're free and safe. You feel like you can breathe again. 
In the midst of all these thoughts, there's also another thought that echoes in your mind; is he mad at me? 
Nevertheless, not deciding to aggravate him, just in case he was, you decide to silently head towards the car with Jungkook trailing behind you.
The moment you two are inside the car and the doors are locked, he turns towards you once again, this time his features morphing into that of worry. "Are you okay?" 
"I am. Thankfully, you came before he could do anything severe." You mumble, softly. 
Jungkook nods and offers you a water bottle. You take it and gulp down and it's only then that you realise how dry your throat had become.
Once you're done and feel like your thirst has been quenched, Jungkook asks the driver to start the car.
There are a few moments of silence until you just can't anymore.
"Are you mad at me?"
Jungkook looks at you, and by the expression on his face, it looks like he wasn't expecting you to ask that. 
Nevertheless, he shakes his head. "No, what gave you the impression that I was mad at you?"
You look away from him and settle for focusing on the moving scenery outside. "You did warn me that I shouldn't go out with him but I still sneaked out. That too without any security."
"I'd be a fool to believe that you'd actually listen to what I had advised." He says with his fingers absentmindedly tapping on his clothed thigh. 
By now, you know him well enough to know that he is not mad. His voice doesn't sound like he's disappointed or mad, rather it conveys exactly what he said; he saw this coming.
You know you shouldn't have gone even after he had warned you against it. But you still did. Simply, because you wanted to distract yourself from the feelings you have started harbouring for Jungkook. It's honestly a bit embarrassing, considering how tonight ended. The frustration you're feeling right now, however, is greater than your embarrassment.
"Can you blame me for sneaking out though? I don't get to go anywhere without bodyguards. While I do appreciate it, it just sometimes gets frustrating. Sometimes you just want to be yourself without constantly feeling the eyes of others on you." Huffing, you lean back on your seat and close your eyes. "Moreover, who would have thought that a person pretending to be my romantic interest would turn out to be a potential threat."
"Well, it's actually very predictable," Jungkook replies, without missing a beat. "You are under the spotlight and the men you date, more often than not, make it to the news. And anyone, who keeps a tab on that, can tell that you have a type. Thus, whoever wants to get to you, might as well shoot their shot by sending someone who's just your type." 
Your eyes snap open at his words. "What do you mean by I have a type?" 
"Well, you do have a type." 
"If, so please kindly enlighten me as to what my type is." You retort.
Jungkook hums. "Let's see, tall, brunette, outgoing, a bit nerdy, dry sense of humour, someone who's into physical affection and is into sports. Those are the major qualities, yes." 
You blink in surprise and astonishment. Because, what the fuck, he's accurate. You have always gone for guys who fill in these boxes. Well except for Jungkook, of course.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he indeed is right, you roll your eyes and instead shoot him with another statement. "You just ignored the part where I said that me sneaking out is justified because of me feeling the need to have some sort of control and freedom in my life, because you know my point is valid." 
From the corner of your eyes, you see Jungkook smirking as if knowing that he has won. "I didn't ignore it and yes, your point is valid. It is understandable why you would feel the need to sneak out. But that doesn't mean that it is going to stop me from accompanying you to places. I can't have you in danger. I'd do whatever it takes for you to be safe." 
His words cause a certain warmth to spread through you. Feeling flustered and a bit bashful, you find yourself at a loss of words. So, you mutter a small 'thank you'.
He tilts his head to look at you. "You don't have to thank me, it's my job."
It's his job. That's the only reason he said all the things he said and here you were feeling butterflies in your stomach, thinking you are special. He's with you at the moment, simply because it's his job. It could be anyone in your place and he would treat them the same. You're not special to him. 
Your disappointment must have been visible on your face, causing Jungkook to think that your source of disappointment is his and his team's constant presence around you.
"Hey," he mutters, voice softer than before. "I know it can get tiring, but if you can, please try to look at it differently. Instead of feeling like it's your freedom that's being stolen, try to look at it as if you're safe enough to feel free and that no matter where you are, there is a group of well-trained men trying to ensure your safety."
You downcast your eye, feeling guilty for making him feel like you don't appreciate all the work he does. Because, you do! It's just the fact that having feelings for him made you feel helpless because you had no clue what to do about them. With each passing day, your feelings just keep intensifying and you feel incredibly vulnerable in his presence. A few words from him can make your day or break your day. It doesn't help that he has never allowed himself to be vulnerable or open with you. Not even in the slightest. 
His smiles, his expressions, his behaviour everything is always under control and in check. Nothing that hints you that he views you as anything more than a client he is supposed to protect. Which is why you had decided to go on today's date, even when he had asked you not to. 
Going to the club with the person he had warned you against, was your way of rebelling. It made you feel strong. You thought going out would prove to him that you can be well and fine without him protecting you, it would be your own way to show him that you are not helpless. When in reality, it's just you who didn't want to feel helpless. 
However, when you were proved wrong, you tried to justify your actions because you were desperate. Desperate to feel like you were in the right. To add to that, was the frustration you felt towards yourself. Which is why you said what you said, to feel some sort of power over the situation.
Sometimes you indeed wish you had more freedom in your life, it's only reasonable for you to feel so. But you also know and understand why your parents have employed a whole team of bodyguards for you. They mean well and so does Jungkook. You know it very well. Thus the negative feelings towards the matter hardly ever rise. But today it did. When that wasn't even the reason why you were frustrated. You were frustrated with yourself.
"I'm sorry," you say, as sincerely as you can. "I didn't mean it that way. I do appreciate all the work you and your team do and I'm lucky that I have such a hardworking team ensuring my safety."
Jungkook nods, giving you a small smile to let you know that he appreciates your words.
A calm silence falls in the car and you relish in it, letting your thoughts wander. Unsurprisingly, your thoughts revolve around the person sitting right next to you.
When he listed out the characters that you usually prefer in your partner, it was only then that you realised that Jungkook doesn't necessarily fit in that description. 
He is tall, yes. 
Brunette, yes. 
Nerdy? You don't think so. 
Dry sense of humour? You wouldn't know because he never jokes around with you. 
Into sports? Again, he only discusses professional matters with you. 
Into physical affection? Huh, this is something you can only ever imagine knowing, when it comes to him.
Even then, you realise it doesn't affect your feelings for him. Because you fell for Jungkook for completely different reasons. 
He's kind, sweet, thoughtful, considerate, smart, intelligent, hardworking, and dedicated. Not to mention how safe you feel around him.
Which is why, even when the man had you pinned against the wall, you were not as scared as you think you should have been. Yes, you were scared but somewhere deep down you knew Jungkook would track you, sooner or later. Although, to be fair, you didn't think it would be that soon. But it explains why you aren't shaken up about the whole incident. 
When it comes to him, you don't care whether he is the kind of guy you usually prefer or not. He does not need to fit in any box, for your feelings are simply based on who he is. It's also why you believe your feelings are way deeper than you let yourself imagine.
You would have confessed, had it been anyone else. But it's Jungkook. The guy who doesn't allow himself to get comfortable with you. The guy who's here because he's employed to protect you.
Today, when he saved you, he only let his worries show after the two of you were inside the car. That's him being good at his job. Not showing emotions in front of others because any display of emotion can be used as a weakness. He only let his concerns show when there was no one around and when the man was taken away.
You do appreciate Jungkook's professionalism a lot. Although, sometimes you just wish he would fuck all sorts of professionalism.
You wish he had asked whether you are okay or not, on the spot, the very moment he freed you from the man's grasp. You wish he had shown concerns towards you right there. Almost, as if it's on instinct. If you were in his place, you know you'd have. You'd have wanted to make sure that he's okay. That would have been your priority. 
You know, it's his priority too. But the lack of emotions tells you it's his priority only because it's his job. It was only when he was sure that his job is done, that he bothered to ask if you were okay.
Which again, makes you feel helpless, mad and vulnerable.
"Your favourite ice cream place is open." Jungkook's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. "Do you want to go there?"
And then it's times like these, when you let yourself entertain that maybe, just maybe he cares for you more than just a client.
From the corner of your eye, you can see that he googled the place to check if it was open or not. It makes you think that maybe he's aware that you are in need of some cheering up. It also doesn't help that it was just once, six months ago, that you had casually mentioned that you love the ice-creams from that particular place. It's the fact that he still somehow remembers this small detail.
But you convince yourself that this doesn't mean anything. After all, he's been trained to observe. Perhaps, that's why he remembers the place.
You feel your brain and heart hurt, trying to not give yourself too much hope because you know how much it will crush you, if you let yourself believe in the possibility of something more.
"I'll just order it online." Saying so, you once again lean back in your seat and close your eyes, this time with the intention of taking a small nap to quiet your mind.
You hear a hum from Jungkook in response and the last thing you remember before drifting off is the one question you desperately try to avoid.
Why did he Google the ice-cream place? 
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Part two of this fic will be uploaded on my patreon on 10th of October.
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Permanent taglist:
@bloodline1632 @embrace-themagic @jeonsorchid @fragmentof-indifference
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ilys00ga · 9 months
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pair: yoongi x female reader.
synopsis: afraid of losing him again, you cling onto him as you try to keep him by your side. (aka. how you convinced him to work for you).
genre: fluff. bodyguard!yoongi, princess!reader, modern royalty AU.
A/N: this is originally a +1 to my other one-shot, but I guess it can also be considered as an individual one? idk, I just had my fun.
warnings: none. I just really have romantic feelings for boxer yoongi *cries*.
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
walking down these very familiar stairs has become a frequent occurrence in your weekly routine.
muffled sounds of leather colliding with leather become more audible the deeper you step down the dark stairway until you finally reach the faintly illuminated room and spot him training all alone inside the square boxing ring.
the loud clacking noise of your heels against the hard floor announces your presence as you walk towards him.
"you seem to be enjoying this place." yoongi comments, not bothering to stop and face your unhappy form.
"I need to talk to you." the beating of your heart is so annoying as you take in the sight before you, shamelessly staring at his sweaty back, all buffed up with muscles making your head spin every time they flex and throb.
"what are you so eager to talk about like that." silence is all you offer as a sign of seriousness. he sighs and halts in his movements before turning, breathlessly abandoning his task and giving you his full attention with his arms hanging lazily over the ropes that hug the ring. his pale skin is glistering, shining with the soft lights that hang above your heads.
"alright, what it is?" he inquires.
why is your stomach producing so many butterflies all of a sudden?
"I heard about your father's decision to move to Daegu." you gulp the lump in your throat down, focusing on the reason behind your visit today and nearly failing.
"that, I have already guessed." he shrugges.
"what are you going to do?"
"whatever he wants me to."
your breath hitched for a second, and you raise a confused eyebrow at him. "are you seriously gonna leave just like that?"
"why not? our stay wasn't even guaranteed to begin with. father was nothing but a guarderner your father hired years ago. now he wants to leave, what do you expect me to do?" he glares back at you with a blank expression. he's so hard to read today.
you fight your scoff because you know he's right. he always is. it's not his fault, and he should probably go and find something else to do with his life in lieu of wasting it in the castle, yet you can't let him go. not yet.
you take a deep breath in, trying to steady your heartbeat as discreetly as possible in his presence and step closer to the edge of the ring. "I'm moving out of the castle to settle into my own house somewhere else. I also discussed the matter with father, and he suggested that you come work as my bodyguard or something."
because I want you to, dummy.
"why not? it's a good job, probably better than anything you can find once you go out there."
"and what about my dad?" yoongi's voice grows noticeably timid, blank eyes avoiding yours and settling on the ground.
"father said he will take good care of him, so neither of you has to worry about that. he said your father is way too good of a man to discharge just like that."
hesitation and worry, that's what his expression was reading as he looks back at you. you expected to get a scoff, a glare, a dismissing look...anything that could be classified as rejection. anything but a smirk, a sexy smug even, snapping so suddenly and creeping up his handsome face, then he comments with a breathy chuckle, "you want me to stay?"
you roll your eyes at that, desperately trying to look as nonchalant as ever despite the heat that washed over your face and body. "don't get too delusional."
"why do you want me to work specifically for you, then?" damn it, he's good.
"it's just..." you pause as you back away, choosing to grab the chair that has been sitting there watching your pathetic attempt at making your childhood crush friend stay and plopping down on it. "I don't trust any of my dad's men, I mean I do, sort of, but not enough to let them guard and be close to me 24/7 out of the castle grounds." you admit honestly, hesitating before adding more arguments to convince the man, "plus you are already skilled and well trained, kind of scary looking too. I think you'd fit the job perfectly."
yoongi stares silently at you, seeming to be contemplating the arguments you offered, making you fiddle with your fingers as you grow anxious. he then blinks, narrowing his eyes with a suspicious face.
"did you just say I'm scary looking?" he blurts.
letting out a breathy chuckle, you slowly rise from your seat to approach him again with a playful yet warm smile.
"we grew up together, somehow I do trust you more than I probably should." there's a pause as you let that piece of information settle into your own head before you continue, "take your time. think about it as much as you like. make up your mind, just... don't leave yet." you search into his eyes for a brief moment, despirately fishing for any hint of discomfort. upon finding none, you decide your job is done. you've tried your best, you can't force him into doing anything. he's a human, you respect him and you can not strip his right of choice just because you're the king's daughter. he's a friend. a very dear one.
"yah! don't run away when you just called me scary-looking!" he playfully yells, watching you giggle as you lazily walk away.
"I'll be waiting!" you shout one last time, leaving him to think your proposal through.
a couple of days later, you were busy peacefully going through your night routine when a sudden ping erupted in your room. you fetch your phone, praying to the lords above that whoever was reaching out to you at this late hour has no emergency to deliver. you are seriously tired and crave nothing more than to jump into your bed and sleep for the next couple of days like a parched man in an empty, dry desert.
"yoongi: see you tomorrow, princess."
your eyebrows furrow in confusion at his message. usually, when you or yoongi decide on seeing each other, neither of you texts the other. it just happens like it's the most natural thing in your lives. and truthfully, it has been exactly that ever since you were 13, and he was 15.
"you: huh? did you really have to announce that with a puffed up chest?"
"yoongi: be nice and say hi to your new bodyguard -_-."
your eyes widen at that, quickly dialing his number before attacking him with questions and failed attempts of muffled squeals, leaving him in a smiling mess with pink tinted cheeks that you'll never ever know about.
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seonghwa10ve · 3 months
Protector of my life|01
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Pairing: ceo!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
Theme: fluff , angst ,eventual smut, strangers to co-workers to???.
Synopsis: You saved a man when he was almost assassinated by two men but you save his life. What happens when you join an academy only for female bodyguards.
A/n: Finally started writing it and I hope you guys will love it and don't worry I'll be updating the rest soon anyways... enjoy 🥰💞
It was beautiful
The sky was so blue without clouds and the sun has never shun so bright in the morning making the view in the city with large buildings so breath-taking.
The cafe was rich with the aroma of coffee beans and the sound of the customers either ordering or talking to their loved ones was peaceful.
When you were younger, you always imagined having the best career and so many journeys you could dream of. But as some people say life is a bitch and that's how you ended up here trying to look for a suitable job but all of them were already taken.
Being the only child throughout your childhood was lonely but you got to understand yourself and even got a best friend , Yeji.
Yeji always had a cheerful personality till now and was always a supportive friend.
That's why you two became roommates. She came from a very wealthy family which is hard to believe that she actually made you her best friend. Yeji has been a humble human being since you two bonded. You didn't even know she came from a rich family until she brought you to her house when you two were in highschool.
When you came out of the cafe to head back to your apartment, You were lost in thought until you saw a man. He he was tall,had nice beautiful silky hair and was built because his jacket looked like it wanted to give up on him
You looked at his side profile while you were behind him but couldn't really see him properly. When you looked at his face again, you noticed a dot on his head not just any dot, a red dot.
When you looked at the direction the light was coming from you saw a guy with a cape and he wore a mask trying to hide his identity in the black car he was in and he was trying to aim the gun at the man in front of you. You did what any smart person would do and ran to him .
You pushed the man in the black suit which ended up with him falling down on the pavement with you on top of him how cliché
And that's when you heard the trigger and people on the street scattered while some stood in shock.
When you opened your eyes you first looked around for the shooter and he was nowhere to be seen. Then you looked at the man in front of you who you saved and oh gosh
He was absolutely gorgeous
He looked like he came straight out of a movie . He had a mole under his bottom lip with one piercing on his eyebrow and the other on his lip. His eyes were so memorizing .
When you you cleared your throat and stood up trying to find something to say or ask.
"A-are you alright sir?" You asked while trying to help him get up and he stood up dusting his suit that you're very sure costs more than your phone. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry. Thank you for saving me " he smiled at you with his cute bunny teeth that were pearly white.
"No need to thank me sir I was just saving someone's life" you said while you noticed a bruise on your arm and winced as you touched it. "I guess I should be the one asking you if you're alright" he lightly chuckled and look at you as if you two were not just strangers who met not even three minutes ago. "I'll be fine it's just a bruise. I'll clean it up when I get home."
"I should repay you for saving me." He insisted and you brushed it off saying that anyone could have done the same thing to him but he was stubborn and refund until you gave in. "Fine, okay you can just not today." You agreed and he smiled while walking away and he stopped his tracks and turned to look at you "I didn't catch your name by the way" he looked at you , hoping you would answer and luckily you did " I'm Y/n " you replied and he repeated it just to remember it . "I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you." He smiled at you "Nice to meet you too, Jungkook."
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"So how did your day go?" Yeji asked while bringing the popcorn for the movie you two were about to watch." It was alright just saved a random guy in a suit" you explained while stuffing the popcorn in your mouth.
"Was he cute?" Yeji asked forgetting about the movie you were supposed to watch.
"I guess, I just feel guilty because you have to pay more for most of the bills that I was supposed to pay for." You told her while she looked at you a smiled "Hey Y/n, don't feel bad I actually saw a flyer a few days ago it was for a job asking for a bodyguard." You looked at her and she looked at you with sympathy in her eyes .
"Wouldn't that be for males or something?" you asked her while trying to process the information you were being told."No it's all genders plus they get paid at a very high amount. Why don't you try." She looked at you with convincing eyes and you wanted to protest but you though of the salary plus you took training way back when you lived with your parents.
"Okay .....I'm going tomorrow did you take a photo of it?" " Yeah I'll send it to you."
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You woke up early , took a shower got dressed up and ate some breakfast before you went to the company .
The company wasn't far from the apartment so it didn't make anything better because you were nervous. What if the CEO was an old creep or something.
When you reach you were stunned by the huge building in front of you.
The sun only blinding your eyes due to the glass that the building had plus the big name of the company on top.
'Damn.....they surely get paid a lot here' you thought while entering the building. The lobby was even more beautiful than the outside of the building and you went to the receptionist and told her you came for the interview. She checked the system and you read her name tag Park Chaeyoung. She was so gorgeous and tall no doubt she would be a model. "Lim Y/n?" She asked "Yes that's me " "Okay, the interview is on the 20th floor and I wish you all the best" she bowed at you and you did the same before you left.
When you had your interview you were nervous and you hoped that this was the only chance you to avoid life biting you in the ass . "We'll tell you about our decision when we're done have a good day" The man who you found out was Mr. Kim Seokjin said and you left the building hoping for the best.
You went home, thinking about whether you would get the job or not while Yeji kept on encouraging you not to overthink and that everything would be fine.
After a week or two passed, You got a notification congratulating you that you got the job and man did you scream your ass out of happiness .
"Are you alright what happened did a thief try to attack you?!" Yeji came in full panic mode until she saw no one and was confused. "No I got the job!!!" You yelled out of excitement and she screamed while running to hug you. "Congrats bestie, see I told you everything would work out" she said while she was still hugging you.
You read the message out to her while you forgot to read one part and your smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" Yeji asked and you were trying to find the right words to tell her "I-i'm going to have to leave for two months and live with the rest of the other females." You said failing to look at her in the eyes or else you would cry ."Maybe I should just turn it do-" "Don't I'll be alright Y/n okay?" "I guess you're right" you said lowering your head trying to fight back tears
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"Welcome ladies, today you're just going to arranged your luggage and mingle with your fellow co-workers but before that , I would all like you to meet the CEO of JEON CO."
People were all wondering who he was and everyone was thinking about all the things he would do to us .
"Sorry for delaying, Oh, hello everyone my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm the CEO of JEON CO I hope you ladies will feel comfortable and please feel at ease." He bowed and smile at everyone while you looked at him wide eyed and he tried to hide that he was shocked too but he failed and you looked away.
No way the man you saved is your boss
Part 2
A/n : I finally managed to write the first part but I'm wondering if I should have a tag list if so please tell me . 🥰💞
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jmdbjk · 1 year
SUGA/Agust D, Rosemont, May 5, 2023
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I told my family I met someone on the Internet and I’m gonna fly to Chicago by myself and land there at midnight and get from the airport to the hotel … in the middle of the night. And then the next day, I’m going to meet that person in-person at my hotel even though I’ve never seen them or heard their voice. 😳 It’ll be fine. 🤣🤣
I got myself to Chicago and it was uneventful except that I couldn’t figure out which seat was mine on the plane. Ha ha ha ha ha I accidentally sat in “first class” on the first leg of my flight on one of those small jets. This is “first class”… and y'all paid extra for that?
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Then on my connecting flight we were packed like sardines on a real jet and I accidentally sat one row behind the one where I was supposed to be sitting. I’m a derp.
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The hotel was great but I’ve never heard of a hotel property being shared by two different brands. Granted they’re both owned by the same corporation but still both hotels were housed within the same building. I stayed in the Staybridge Suites and the other half of the hotel was Holiday Inn. “When you get off the elevator go left for Staybridge and right for Holiday Inn.”
Anyway…The facility was brand spanking new and staff was excellent, especially the housekeeping staff, so I highly recommend.
And guess what floor I was on? Yes, 7th floor, room 717.
The hotel was less than a mile from ALLSTATE Arena. It was an easy walk. I could see it from my hotel room window.
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Also, this on the property next to the hotel:
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Paging BTS, where are you? There's 22 acres for sale just for you on Mannheim Road, Rosemont, Illinois.
I also saw the Daechwita car drive by!
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Before we headed over to the arena, we went to a Korean BBQ place. My first experience and it was charcoal barbecue, so there was an actual little fire pit in the middle of our table. We had the usual 5 million side dishes and bulgogi. It was delicious. The Korean owners were very nice and attentive. A group of youngish Korean men came in. They had lanyards on but I couldn’t see what was on them. Could they have been Yoongi's staff?? Maybe! Or just a group of coworkers from nearby…
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Truly the absolute best part of the whole trip was meeting this group of crazy people! Y'all are the best and made this whole trip one of the most awesome memories of my life! I am so thankful and I love you guys! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
We got in line close to 5 o’clock at the entrance that was stated on our tickets. There were at least four entrances, each with lines this long that wound around the parking lot and around the building.
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(they didn’t know I was jmdbjk 🤣)
The doors opened a few minutes before 6:30 and the line moved very very swiftly. The venue was very organized except if you were parking a car… it was a little outta control for them ha ha, ha ha ha ha.
One of the things we had hoped we would be able to do would be snag some freebies from fellow Army’s, and they did not disappoint!
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We did not bother to try to get any concert merch because the lines were ridiculously long and people had been in them since early morning. Some said most items were sold out by the time they reached the booth. I would have wanted a t-shirt and I’m sure those went fast.
Merch booths were also set up inside the venue, and those lines were also long. We just went ahead and found our seats and sat down and waited for the concert to begin.
The venue was a lot smaller than I thought it would be, I think Allstate Arena capacity is about 20,000 for concerts.
Our seats were fantastic. I’m sure those who chose general admission had a great time down there but that’s not for me.
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Yoongi looked amazing even though he was not feeling 100%. He still sounded very good but his voice was a little rough at first.
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No one told me that the flames they used during the performance would give off so much heat! I could feel it even from where I was sitting every time they blasted!
Probably one of my favorite songs during the whole concert was Burn It...
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The audience barked throughout the concert and Yoongi smiled in acknowledgement. We saw only one concert goer wearing a wedding dress, but did not see any marry me Yoongi signs.
More Yoongi pics:
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As you can see, we had matchy-matchy tangerine hat people in front of us. But black seemed to be de rigueur with lots of fishnets on the legs, arms and body, stomper boots and purple hair. Red chopsticks in the hair, cat ears, black kimonos with gold metallic designs, leather pants and skirts and of course a lot of fan made t-shirts and concert merch t-shirts.
As far as the diversity of the crowd there were people of all ages, colors and genders. Male Army were represented well, all ages and ethnicities.
After the concert we hiked up and down Mannheim Road trying to find food, all the hotel restaurants were closed. I think we were also in a post-concert daze. We ended up right back across from the venue at a take-out pizza place called Rosati's. It was the best pizza ever because we were starving and we stood there and ate almost the whole thing straight out of the oven. STRETCHY CHEESE ROCKS!!
I don't think post-concert depression has set in yet. I am still high from the past three days. IT WENT BY SO FAST! My trip home was not as smooth as the one getting to Chicago. My first flight was delayed 2 hours. They changed my gate 5 times. Its a big airport. I got my steps in that day. I was almost late for my connecting flight in Dallas. I had to run to that gate, they were paging me for the last time. They slammed the plane door as soon as I got inside. And then we waited almost another 2 hours to take off because of these storms that arrived to DFW at the same time I did:
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As usual, I wish I had taken MORE pictures and video but I was watching as much as I could with my own eyeballs and it now seems like a dream. It was over too fast. I am satisfied I was finally part of the purple ocean on May 5, 2023 but now I need to see all seven of them which is now #1 on my bucket list. Using all my universe manifesting, wishing, prayers, chakras, astrological readings, tarot cards and kumbaya to make it happen in 2025-2026.
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ggukzashi · 1 year
Black Pearl Pt. 2
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Pairing: Namjoon × reader ft. Ot7
Rating: Adult, Explicit
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: You're with your friends drinking when suddenly your entire life is flipped around. You find yourself trapped in a house with 7 men you don't know and their Alpha gets on your nerves a little too much. What do you do when you realize that you like their leader and you're not supposed to? Can you resist giving in and sticking to your belief of no relationships or do you give in to the temptation?
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing
Author's Note: I decided to write this series inspired by Namjoon in a black turtleneck ( yes I'm weak and I know y'all are too). It's my first time writing a series so please do let me know your thoughts and engage with the post.
Chapter Two
It almost feels like an instant reaction, the way it rolls off of your tongue so easily. Almost like it’s a name you’ve known for a while. Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear your phone ringing. You pull it out of your purse that you managed to grab before you had to leave the club. Before you get the chance to answer, Namjoon grabs it out of your hand harshly.
“What the fuck?” You yell.
“Give me my phone back,” you demand, your hands crossed against your chest. Namjoon quickly pulls the car over and slides the SIM card out of your phone before throwing it out of the window. Your eyes shoot open at his action. You're about to yell at him again when you hear a gunshot in the distance.
"Sit back," Namjoon orders in a voice that leaves no place for argument, as he presses on the accelerator and speeds away from the location. He reaches his arm to the back seat with ease and retracts his walkie-talkie.
"How the fuck are they trailing us?” He asks and you can hear another voice answer through the mic.
"They must have pinged her phone location hyung."
"I just destroyed the SIM card,” he groans out in frustration.
You turn around and see a black car right behind you. Your heartbeat picks up its pace immediately and your eyes widen. "Namjoon, they're right behind us,” you cry out, your eyes fixated on the car trailing right behind you.
"I'm on it. Don’t worry," he says and before you know it, you're in a chase with the car behind you. Namjoon quickly maneuvers his own vehicle into a small lane nearby and follows along an internal route. You manage to lose the car and catch your breath as you're back on the road.
"We lost them, right?" You ask nervously and Namjoon turns his head to look at you.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had your phone?” He says, instead of answering your question. “Do you even know how dangerous of a situation you're in right now? They probably would be still right behind us had I not found out about your phone,” he yells as you purse your lips together with a sniffle escaping your lips.
There’s an unspoken tension in the air surrounding you. If it was anyone else, you’d have yelled back but there’s something about him. An aura of dominance exudes from him that makes you nervous. You observe how his jaw clenches in anger, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. You notice his biceps flexing underneath his black turtleneck as he runs his hands through his jet-black hair.
You gulp before you shake your thoughts off. The man yelled at you and you’re here drooling. Jeez, get a grip, Y/n.
"I'm here in your car and I don't even know you. I don't know where my friends and family are. I haven't eaten a morsel in the last four hours. I'm drunk and vulnerable and there are a bunch of men with guns after me. You think I'm having any fun here?" You scream back, almost in the same harsh tone, he’s been using since earlier.
For a second you see his gaze soften but you quickly look away and stare out the window, looking at the night sky instead. You aren’t one to take shit from others, especially from one of your dad’s minions and you want to make sure he knows that.
Being tired and hungry, you end up falling asleep.
~the next day~
You wake up to the feeling of sunlight hitting you. Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the brightness of the room, your head pounding from all the vodka shots. Last night’s events flood through your head and you grunt out in frustration. As you look down, you realize you’re wearing what seems to be a man’s t-shirt.
“Who changed my clothes now?” You whine as you get out of bed and make your way out. As you open the door, more sunlight hits you and you squint your eyes.
“The fuck? Is this Edward Cullen’s house or what?” You question as you follow the staircase and make your way downstairs. Your eyes immediately land on a man leaning against the kitchen counter, his eyes glued to your legs as you walk in further.
“Morning,” he says, his voice sweet and soft. Your eyes land on the way his abs peek through his shirt when he stretches his hands up in the air. You roll your eyes and open the fridge to grab some water.
“Had a rough night I presume,” he speaks again, his tone a little raspier but no less soft. You have a few sips of water and put the bottle back in. The moment you close the fridge, the stranger stands right next to you. You almost yell out loud but his hands are quick to cover your mouth, his eyes staring directly into yours. You notice his lips curve up into a playful smile as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip.
You quickly push him off of you as you hear footsteps. Your eyes dart to the hallway, where Namjoon walks in wearing a pair of blue sweatpants. Only sweatpants. Your jaw drops at the sight of his hard muscular chest and curved abs on display, choking on your own spit. The biceps that you had been eying since you sat in the car with him were now visible to you pretty clearly. As the heat rushes to your cheeks, you notice the way his sweatpants hang low on his hips.
Namjoon looks up at you and the angelic stranger standing at your side, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Morning hyung,” he greets, his voice sounding chirpier than earlier. Namjoon just nods in response before walking away from the situation.
The man turns to you and sticks out his hands. “I’m Jimin. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Y/n, but I guess you already know that.”
Your eyes dart back to where Namjoon was standing just a few seconds ago and thoughts run through your head. “Hey, meeting in two” You hear a deep voice speak. Your head shoots up as your eyes land on the man in front of you, running his fingers through his long dark curls. You notice the way his eyes scan your body before landing on Jimin standing next to you. His brows knit in confusion as he signals Jimin to move with his eyes.
“Wait” you yell out as Jimin walks over to the dark-haired man. You quickly walk towards them.
“What meeting?” you question, your eyes squinting in confusion. The two men look at each other before the dark-haired man speaks up, “Namjoon hyung called for all 7 of us to assemble to discuss further plans”
“Can I come with?” you ask.
“Well, he told all 7 of us to gather so..” the man’s voice trails off. You roll your eyes at his response.
“Aren’t you all here for MY safety?” you say and Jimin shrugs before responding, “Fair enough. Come along.” As the three of you walk towards one of the rooms in the safe house, you look around admiring the simplicity of the house.
Jimin pushes open the door of a room and you see Namjoon talking to someone over the phone. The other guys seem to be engaged in conversation as you slowly sit down not wanting to draw attention to yourself.
“Why is she here?” Namjoon speaks, his voice coming off deeper than usual. You roll your eyes at his question before responding, “Because I wanted to” crossing your arms, staring down at him. You notice the way his jaw clenches at your snappy response.
“It's only fair we start by introducing ourselves right?” one of the men sitting next to you says. You notice the softer features on his face, his smile bright.
“Jung Hoseok at your service,” he says doing a little bow making you giggle at his actions.
“The name’s Seokjin,” The older one says and the others start chuckling at his introduction. Your eyes dart to namjoon and you notice how at ease he seems with the other guys. His eyes meet yours and a soft smile appears on his face. He fucking smiled. You feel your heart almost skip a beat at the sight of his dimples. You quickly look away and try to focus on the ongoing conversation instead.
“Lol boomer,” the seemingly younger man says giggling as Seokjin glares at him. You notice the way he plays with the ring near the right corner of his lip. “I’m Jungkook. Unlike Jin hyung, if you wanna hang out with the cool people hit me up.” you chuckle at his statement and you hear Hoseok whisper to you.
“You’re about to witness Jin hyung’s iconic rap yelling”
Sure enough, Jin does start yelling, dragging out his words as the younger man throws his head back, everyone laughing. You don’t recognize the smile on your face. It feels so natural to laugh around these people you’ve never even met before. Your mind takes you back to the dinner table at your house, back in Seoul where all you ever experienced was anger, sadness, and silence.
“I’m Taehyung. Nice to meet you” the deep voice of the dark-haired man brings you back to reality. You notice the smile playing on his lips, in complete contrast to his deep, manly voice.
“That’s Yoongi hyung” Hoseok says pointing to one of the men with long black hair, sleeping peacefully.
“Someone willing to volunteer as tribute?” Jimin asks as your brows furrow in confusion.
“I vote for Jimin,” Jungkook says and the others nod in approval. “Why me?” Jimin rolls his eyes before tugging at Yoongi’s hand and yelling into his ears ‘wake up’.
“Fucking hell. Can’t sleep peacefully for one second in this goddamn household full of lunatics.” Yoongi complains as his eyes barely open, still adjusting to the bright lighting of the room.
“Stop complaining cat man,” Jimin says laughing at Yoongi’s half-awake state.
“Now that we’re done with introductions can we get into the important stuff” Namjoon speaks, his dominant leader mode taking control, the softer side completely dissolving into the atmosphere.
He opens up his phone and slides it over to you. You see a tanned man with a scruffy-looking beard. “Do you recognize him?” Namjoon asks and you shake your head.
“As per our intel, he is the one who fired the shots at the club.” You look down again taking a closer look at the man. “I’ve never seen him,” you say shaking your head and Namjoon sighs in response.
“As much as we are here in a safe house, we must be on alert at all times. Never underestimate the enemy” he says and everyone nods in response.
“We also have only three bedrooms and before you all fight to death over being roomies, Jin hyung and I came up with a list of the least chaotic combinations. Jin hyung and Jimin will be in one room. Hobi and Tae can sleep in the living room. Yoongi and Kook will be in one room.”
“Wait where are you and I sleeping?” you ask and the realization hits you that you’re fucked.
You're gonna be sharing a room with Namjoon.
Taglist: @kookznoona @souryoong @gukkie01
Special thanks to @gukkie01 for proposing this idea. Love you ♡.
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Azalea's, Camelia's and Rhododendron's: Chapter Five
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Summary: Life always seemed to throw bullshit your way. A bullshit childhood, a bullshit family with the exception of your older brother, a bullshit bodyguard team because of aforementioned older brother… To say you were tired of it would be an understatement. You just wanted to bask in your self-made richness as a bestselling author, all by yourself being the key point, and pretend you're not doing it to avoid your trauma. But now you have to deal with seven incredibly hot, stubborn and frustrating men forcibly barging into your life against both of your wishes and ruining your peaceful silence. So, if they were going to be hardheads, you'll be one right back.
Pairing: Bts x reader, featuring older brother Bang Chan and a dickhead ex to be revealed later on.
Warnings: Descriptions of/Allusions to abuse, blood, toxic households.
Word Count: 3k
Taglist Form
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"What made you want to become an author?"
The question stopped you in your tracks and you can tell Jimin notices it. No one had ever asked you that before outside of interviews or fan Q&A's. Not even your beloved brother. It was a painful subject, to which the truth you've never revealed. Now however, after everything that has happened. It makes you angry, like you want to set the world ablaze with the truth one person at a time.
To the rest of the world, you are a normal daughter of a high class family who chose to pursue her dreams in writing instead of following in her parents footsteps. Who were you to take that illusion away from people when you so desperately wished it was the truth? 
So, you told a generic story of that exact narrative illusion with a smile on your face, the camera's flashing away as the memories were breaking you inside. 
You had your last public appearance three months ago when Do-Yun's trial start date finally arrived. You masked the fear, the panic, the desperation and the despair of knowing he may walk free within the next few months. Standing up on a podium in front of hundreds of fans and reporters you told another generic, illusory lie about taking a break from media to focus on your next book, and you were met with love and support, hate and curses, invasive questions, and thousands of bright flashes that haunted your nightmares for weeks. 
Snapping your head up to Jimin's concerned gaze, you take a deep breath in, realizing you had stopped breathing in your dazed state.  
"Sorry, what did you say?" 
He purses his lips as he takes in your body language, "I asked if you were okay?"
"Ah, yea I'm okay." You avert your gaze from his and turn your attention back to your plants. "I need to run a few errands today; can you go ask who is available to go with me?" You deadpan.
He seems surprised you even want to leave the house at all, but slowly nods his head and begins to turn back to the house. "I'll go with you, but I'll ask who else can go. Your brother set a condition in our contract of at least two guards when leaving the property." 
You almost want to roll your eyes at that, doing nothing but giving a noncommittal hum in return. Finishing up in the greenhouse and heading upstairs to your bedroom to get ready for the day shortly after Jimin's departure. 
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"Oh come on, he's the only other person available." Jimin whines at you, Yoongi standing awkwardly next to him at the bottom of the stairs. Looking at the two of them from halfway down the steps, an eyebrow cocked disapprovingly. 
"I don't care, find someone to switch."
Damn you were stubborn. 
"Look I know we didn't have a pretty start to this, but we all specialize in certain abilities and everyone else has tasks they need to complete related to these abilities. We can't switch." Yoongi deadpans, a nonchalant look on his face.  
God that was the biggest piece of bullshit Jimin's ever heard come out of his hyungs' mouth, but he hopes like hell it will work. When he came inside to inform his brothers that you were going out today, they all began to plan on how to fix the train wreck of a relationship you had with them. Beginning with the two instigators, Yoongi and Jungkook, with the elder volunteering to go first. They had to work with you for at least one year per their contract, and if they were going to do that, they needed to get along with you.
"Fine, but I'm driving today. No protests from the peanut gallery if you don't want to deal with my shit the whole day. Got it?" Your heels clicked as you descended the stairs and past the two of them, sliding Saint Laurent aviators over your eyes. You meant it when you thought about setting fire with the truth, and you dressed for the occasion, feeling more powerful than you have in a long time.
The two could see the shift in your mood, they had never seen you this confident. When you had lunch with Madame Versace, they could tell you were comfortable in your skin, you knew you were pretty without anyone saying it. But this was different, this was the kind of confidence they see in someone who's powerful and know how to use that power.
Following you out to the multi-car garage you press a code into a keypad to a hanger they hadn't been into before. Each of the doors to your garage opened to single hangers unlike most multi-car garages that were open all the way through on the inside. So as a result, they had only used and been into one hanger for the SUV, while all visitors parked out in the driveway.
The door whirrs as it slides up and reveals an iridescent blue Audi R8, shocking the two men as you remote start the car and it roars to life. When you look back to tell them to get in and notice their expressions, you simply shrug. "I bought it with the settlement money from my dad's trial, it felt good to blow his money on things he would rather die than let me have. I printed out and sent him pictures of everything I bought with his money, you should have heard the voicemails he left from the prison phones when he received them."
Smirking to yourself you glide into the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition, fully starting the car. Jimin slides in next to you in the passenger's seat while Yoongi plops into the back, fastening their seatbelts as you begin to drive out of the garage and the engine purrs louder.
The three of you make the thirty-minute drive back into the heart of Seoul, even rolling down the windows and flooring it on the highway with Jimin hyping you up. Meanwhile, Yoongi was white knuckling the handles on the roof, eyes closed and screeching in your backseat that you all were going to die.
After practically torturing your older bodyguard most of the way, you smoothly steer the car into the parking garage of your publishing label. Putting the car in park inside a space, Jimin comes around the car to open your door and Yoongi tries and fails at getting out of the car in a dignified way. The two of you laugh as the older man trips and almost rolls onto the concrete, stumbling his way back to a standing position.
"You are never allowed to go over the speed limit again with me in the car." He states almost pleadingly while looking you in the eyes, sending you and Jimin into another fit of giggles.
After getting yourselves together you began to make your way into the building with the two men flanking your sides. You swipe a key card to call the elevator and step through the doors, pressing the correct floor and letting the doors slide closed. You notice the way Yoongi and Jimin have slipped into their professional personas, steeling their emotions and squaring their shoulders to portray imposing figures to the eyes of others.
When the elevator dings and the doors open you step confidently into the bustling office space. A few workers notice your presence and stop to give you a bow, greeting you as 'Pandora Jakga-nim.'
"Why are they calling you that?" Yoongi questions out of earshot of others.
"You should really be more knowledgeable of your client Mr. Min." You fire back, "It's my pen name."
"Your brother didn't tell us that you had a pen name."
Choosing to ignore him you continued to make your way through the building until reaching Hwasa's office, knocking on the open door.
She greets you happily and the both of you fall into a comfortable routine after you sit on the visitors' side of the desk. The boys close the door behind them and stand on either side of it, watching over the two of you.
"I brought the final draft to the last book." You say, pulling a USB out of your bag and sliding it over to her.
"Already!? We haven't even released the second book yet and you managed to finish the last installment in less than six months!?" Her eyes are blown wide in shock as she picks up the drive.
"I've had lots of time to write since I stepped back from the public. Which is why I'm leaving this in your capable hands, I'd like to release a statement that I'm going to work on another book."
She looks at you incredulously upon hearing your intentions, "What do you mean work on another book? You haven't told me of any plans for after the 'Youth' series."
"I actually decided to go for it recently." Giving a small smile to the woman in front of you, "This book is something that I've actually been writing since I was young, and I feel like now is the time to show it to the world."
You watch as she looks you over silently for a bit, almost worried she would tell you no and to write a development plan first. However, she simply shrugs, "Fuck it, we'll deal with the fallout later. Write that shit, you know I've got your back." A full grin is on her face by the end of her reply, and you mirror her with excitement.
Turning back to the boys with a grin, you see a smirk on Jimin's face.
"Where to next, Miss Bang?"
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When Jimin asked you 'Where to?' he was not expecting you to drive the three of them to a mansion in the inner suburbs of Seoul. Punching in a passcode to the drive gate, the wood panel slides back into the concrete walls standing tall around the house like a prison.
"What is this place?" He questions you, taking a good look at the abandoned home in front of him as you park the car.
"The Bang family manor." His head whips over to you as you stare blankly in front of you, hands gripping the steering wheel tight.
Turning to face him you take a deep breath and speak, "You asked me this morning what made me want to become an author. In my entire career my answer has always been the same, and it's also a lie. I've never told a soul the truth to that question, so tell me, do you truly want to know?"
Dark eyes pierce you as he ponders your response, and finally he gives a resolute nod. Turning to look back at Yoongi, you nod your head to the house with a simple, "Let's go, I'll need the both of you for this."
Stepping into the grand foyer, the crystal chandelier above your heads is draped in a dust sheet, much like the rest of the furniture in the home.
"I want you two to walk in and tell me what you see."
They look at you confused, but you simply nod them on to the task. Everything within the living room screams luxury, hand crafted ornate rugs, antique vases and crystal decanters, a large painted family portrait featuring younger versions of the Bang siblings. Nothing seemed out of place apart from the dust and draped sheets.
Yoongi speaks first, "I don't understand, what is it that you want us to see?"
A sad smile appears on your face, "It's not what you see, but what you don't see that I want you to notice. Tell me, do you see family holiday photos anywhere? Do you see photo albums on the shelves? Graduation Photos? Family movies or games in the entertainment center?"
The two bodyguards overlook the room a second time and find each thing you list missing, as if a family never existed in this space, and no one would know they did if not for the portrait. You tell them to follow you after a moment and lead them up the stairs to a closed room. You hand Yoongi the key, and he notes that you stand outside the doorway when they enter the office.
"This was my father's office; I want you to tell me what you see again."
The unease Yoongi senses from you makes sense now that he knows what the room is, and he studies the space carefully with the guide of the objects listed from the previous room.
"Why is this the only room without a rug?" Jimin questions, completely unrelated to the parameters Yoongi had thought they were under.
"Oooh, look at you go. Five points to Mr. Park for catching the subtle difference. But we'll come back to the answer to that in a second, there's a second half to it."
Putting your attention back on Yoongi, you give the next instructions. "Yoongi, inside that large red book on the shelf is a key to the safe under the desk. Take it and open it up."
The man moves as you said and finds the book is actually a secret storage box, taking the key and finding the metal safe embedded in the desk to look like a drawer, he opens it up.
The gasps the two let out are horrified, and they can only imagine the horror you must feel even being near this room again. Inside the safe sits bottles of cleaner with bloody fingerprints all over them and a red stained rag, accompanied by a half empty bottle of distilled water. The final piece of the ensemble a rolled up blood-stained belt, whittled down into a makeshift whip.
"I knew he was an asshole but this... How did no one know all these years?" There's pain in Jimin's eyes as he looks at you, and you don't want to tell him it's because you had to hide to survive.
You ignore the pain in your chest and his comment, "Coming back to your observation Jimin, tell me, why do you think this is the only room without a rug?"
It's silent for a second as their minds buffer the horrific possibility that they don't want to say, only to have it confirmed. Yoongi clears his throat, and braves to step in the darkness of your reality.
"You can't clean the blood out of the rugs."
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner. How incredibly fucked up is that.
"Wow, look at what a smart cookie you are. He took out the rug around the time I entered high school, the stains were still there even after he made me scrub it for a whole day. I had to roll it up and carry it to the backyard to burn with my back split open from the buckle of his belt."
Yet again they have nothing to say at the despicable shadows that eclipse your past. They feel heartbreak, anger, sadness, and a want for vengeance.
"Come on, there's one last thing." Turning on your heels you stride down the hallway to your old bedroom, opening the door and plopping down on the bed.
The boys enter and immediately start looking for clues and it makes you want to giggle at their furrowed brows.
"This is my old room; you don't have to scan for clues here."
Getting up from the bed you walk over to the large bookcase against the wall. Patting it, you look over at the boys and instruct them to slide it over.
"Do either of you have a knife or something like it?"
Confused, Yoongi raises his hand slightly. "I have a pocketknife?"
"That will work perfect, these boards here are loose. Use it to pull them off." Pointing out several wooden floorboards where the bookcase sat, Yoongi wedges the tip of his knife in the worn spots he can see from where you pulled them up previously.
Inside the space between the floors and the foundation are drawstring bags that Jimin reaches in to grab and set them down in the room. Opening one he finds it full to the brim of dated white envelopes, some thicker than others and some of those rubber banded to other thick ones. The two sort through the bag and open the others in curiosity after finding nothing but the letters, every bag just like the first. Finally, they look to you for answers as you pick up a few and read the dates for yourself.
"Inside each of these envelopes are pictures of the abuse I experienced at the hands of my father, and a letter recounting what happened or what I could remember of it. Each one represents a separate event and they date all the way back to when I was twelve."
Yoongi drops the envelope in his hand like it burned him, it was a banded one with the same date on both of the hefty envelops. He can only imagine the damage that was caused to require that many photos to document everything.
"Jimin, you wanted to know my reason for becoming an author? This is it. I wanted to ruin everything he built, and I needed evidence to do it, so I started writing these and taking pictures so I could show the world who he really was."
The man nods his head, eyes trailing over hundreds of pieces of the puzzle that makes up you. Clicking each one into place within his mind to begin to see the picture of the truth.
"Do you really want a fresh start with me Yoongi?" Eyebrows raised as you question his determination.
"I do. I regret it and I wish I could take it back, but I have to settle for making it right and I want that."
Sighing, you let out a determined nod and pick up a bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
"If you really want to make it right with me, then help me take down that bastard from the inside out. Starting with these."
There's a smirk on his face when you say this, and he finds himself almost excited to deal some pain to the people who have hurt you. He picks up the envelopes he dropped earlier and place them back in the bags. Picking up one for himself and handing the other to Jimin, they share a look of wicked excitement, turning back to you simultaneously with their minds steeled.
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll gladly make this right."
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Jakga-nim: Formal address of a writer
If your username is in red it means I couldn’t tag your account, please contact me so I can try to fix it! 💜
Taglist: @emu007 @childfmoonn @candied-lavender @silscintilla @sporadicfuryface @definetlythinkimanalien @btsizlyfe @yoongiigolden @chim-possible @ayoo-bangtan @janiva @devilsbooksworld @backinblack1967 @missseoulite @miraxflor @memerswrites @schokoshaker @simpforhawanghyunjin @simpforhyunjinniw @zae007live
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
literally never gonna trust bts news from any sources except bts or bighit
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pinievsev · 1 year
I was just chilling and my brain said "BODYGUARD READER!" HELP WHO DO I DO IT WITH?!? 😃
{masterlist} >>>>>
ALSO! TYSM FOR 300<333 😋
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taehyungfirst · 3 months
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can I leave this here?
(they COULD be at the party - that's not the issue here tho)
I’m crying for this screenshot. Btw, as I said, op (who we don’t even know if it’s reliable) namedropped Jisoo, and the lady with the mask is maybe her manager. I genuinely can’t see Jsoo or Jnnie, but maybe a blink could be more correct abt that.
Also someone said Jsoo was live that day so it seems improbable, again I don’t know if it’s true.
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Kiss it Better (II)
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Pairing: Bodyguard! Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff.
Au: Bodyguard au.
Summary: You know you shouldn’t be falling for Jungkook, the man who’s in charge of your security. But you can’t help it. You have already fallen for him. The fact that you know he doesn’t feel the same for you, makes things all the more difficult. 
Word Count: 5K+
Warnings: Curse words.
A/N: I know I said this would have smut but while writing, it didn’t feel natural to me write it, considering the situation? So maybe I’ll write a smut drabble for them later? 😉
Important: You can subscribe to my patreon anytime! If you subscribe, say on, 10th, your subscription will be valid till 10th if next month! So go ahead and feel free to subscribe!!!!
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Part One
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Jungkook looks at your sleeping form and sighs. 
He feels...weird. Bad weird. 
To begin with is the fact that he was supposed to follow you closely and be nearby, such that you would always be in his range of vision. But, he was late. He can argue with his conscience and say that it's not his fault because you intentionally left behind the phone that his team tracks, but he does not. Simply, because it's not about why he was late, it's the fact that he was late. 
He does not want to imagine what could have happened had he been late by a few more minutes.
The thought makes him look at you again, needing the reassurance that you are safe and right next to him.
However, when he takes notice of the small frown that's etched on your face, it makes him mirror your expression.
He thinks you must have been extremely terrified, for you to have that expression even while you're sleeping. It's a frown that tells him, that whatever thoughts or feelings you were having before falling asleep, weren't the nicest. 
It makes him itch to comfort you, in any way he can. 
But he can't. 
It's not his place to do so. He's simply your bodyguard, after all. 
For the time being, he finds solace in the thought that you're safe and do not have any severe injury. 
That's something he knew from the very first moment he saw you, in the alley. In his career, he's had all sorts of injuries and knows how much an injury can hurt just by looking at it. It works the other way as well. He can look at a person and tell by their physical posture and expression, whether they are hurting somewhere or not. 
He could tell that you were not hurting. Physically, at least. However, the bruises on your neck from how tightly the man gripped you, didn't escape his eyes. 
He's glad that those were the only harm the man could do. But at the same time, he saw red when he saw you visibly shiver at the man's words. He could sense how scared you were. 
Which is why he wanted to make sure that the man was taken away. He wanted to see it for himself. He also, hoped that you being there and witnessing the guy being taken away, provided some sort of security and comfort to you, as well. 
He's not sure if it has had the desired effect, though. He wants to ask you what would make you feel better and if there's anything he can do for you to feel better. But again, it's not his place to do so. Especially, when you expressed just a few minutes ago how you feel suffocated by his presence around you. It's reasonable, he thinks. He knows he'd feel suffocated too if he were in your place. 
But he still wants to be with you. He still wants to make sure that you're okay. He wants you to feel that you're safe because he's there. Which is why, even when he was supposed to accompany his team to investigate the man, he chose to accompany you instead. Because he wanted to. 
It's odd for him to behave and feel this way. He can't remember the last time he felt this intense level of love and care for someone. With his job and his profession, he always needs to be on guard. He never has time for feelings.
But you broke every single guard of his. 
He's aware that he should not be feeling this way. Not when your father is his employer. Not when he's your bodyguard. Not when you feel suffocated because of him.
The car halting causes him to glance out and he realises that the two of you have reached your destination.
His eyes then move back to your sleeping form and he gently calls your name in hopes that you'll wake up. And thankfully, you do. You slowly open your eyes and blink a few times.
"We are here," Jungkook says to you, keeping his voice as soft as he can. 
A nod is what he receives from you as you yawn. Jungkook opens his door and steps out of the car. Getting to your side, he opens the door for you. 
You step out, your eyes still bleary from sleep. Muttering a small thank you to him, you walk towards the entrance with slow steps.
Jungkook knows this is it. He's supposed to accompany you to your apartment and then, he's off. He can't stay with you even if he wants to. 
He keeps his expressions blank, or at least hopes that it is blank, on the elevator. Soon, you both find yourself in front of your apartment and Jungkook is about to bid goodbye but before he can get the words out of his mouth, you say exactly what he had desperately wanted to hear.
"Can you please, stay?"
Jungkook doesn't question why. Doesn't mention it would be inappropriate. Doesn't say anything he would have usually said in response to your words. 
Instead, he simply nods and as you move away from the entrance, he walks in. 
He just wants to make sure you're okay.
"Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?" He queries when the lights have been switched on.
"I thought we were ordering ice cream?" You reply with a question of your own.
"If that's what you'd prefer," he shrugs to let you know that he's okay with whatever it is that you want to order. He takes out his phone to search for your favourite shop.
"Order one mint chocolate and one chocolate," you say before he types away the order.
"Huh?" He looks up from the screen to frown at you in confusion.
"Mint chocolate for me and chocolate for you," you look away in nevrousness and miss the slightly perplexed look Jungkook shoots your way. 
However, he decides that he does not want to go into technicalities today. Ordering the two flavours of ice cream, he moves to the kitchen to arrange the bowls and spoons. 
Jungkook doesn't query about how you know his favourite ice cream flavour, even though he really wants to.
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The two of you sit side by side on your couch, watching some random Netflix show with ice cream tubs in hand. It is quiet but it is comforting. His presence is comforting.
However, soon the silence is broken by Jungkook's phone ringing. 
He apologises for the disruption before looking at his screen to check who could be calling at this hour. When he takes notice of the name on his screen, he politely excuses himself and heads for the balcony. 
You don't pay much mind to it. You know it must have been something related to work. 
But what if it's his girlfriend? A voice quips. 
The thought causes your stomach to churn but you honestly don't have the energy to play the what-if game. It hurts to think that he might already have committed himself to someone else and that you have zero chance. But for tonight, you try not to dwell in it too much. 
You just need him to be with you. Even if he's simply staying just because he's your bodyguard.
The squeaking sound of the balcony door opening catches your attention as Jungkook walks in.
He looks a little hesitant before he starts to speak. "The man is currently going through investigation. They'd like for you to be present via video so that if he lies, you can call him out on the spot but he won't be able to see you and he won't know that you are present, either."
"Although, if you feel uncomfortable doing so, you don't have to."
You let yourself think for a little while. Do you want to be there while he's being interrogated? The feeling that comes up when his face appears in your mind, isn't the nicest. But then you want to ask him your own set of questions, want to know what he has to say and most importantly why he did what he did.
You glance to meet Jungkook's gaze and you're caught off guard by the worry you see in them. Fuck, are you acting so miserable that even at home where there are no potential threats, he's feeling worried? 
The thought makes you feel angry and you straighten your posture and try to look devoid of any emotion as you open your mouth to speak. "I want to be there while he's being interrogated."
Jungkook nods and with a worried frown on his face, types away the affirmative response.
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"Why did you intend to hurt Miss Y/L/N?" Officer Kim asks in a stiff voice, which somehow manages to sound intimidating even through the screen. 
The man, however, seems unbothered as he sneers. "She is the easiest way to get to her father. Hurt her and you will hurt him."
"Why did you intend to hurt her father?" 
The man laughs like a maniac. A laugh you realise you don't recognise. You had heard him laugh before, but back then, it seemed sweet and genuine. Now it only makes you squirm in your seat in discomfort.
"It's because of that son of a bastard that we went bankrupt."
You see the effect the question has on him. His smug, cocky expression changes into that of anger and the scowl that appears on his face, causes goosebumps on his face. 
"My father used to be one of the shareholders in that bastard's company. He was well respected and had a name of his own. But soon, it all came to light. They caught on to the fact that my father had been taking a percentage of the company's money and was using it for developing his own company. When word got out, he was fired in the blink of an eye." His eyes flare with anger. "It's because of that bastard and his stupid company that we are suffering now."
You want to scream. Want to knock some sense into the guy and tell him that it's not your father's fault for firing someone who was transferring money illegally. But then you can't really do that.
"Is it just you or are there other people involved with you?" 
"Just me," he smirks as if it's something to be proud of.
"No one in the club was involved with you?" 
"No," he replies in the same smug manner.
"You came up with the whole plan of pretending to be interested in her and taking her on a date, all by yourself?"
The man snorts.
"Date," he says in a mocking tone. "All she did was whine about that stupid bodyguard of her's."
All colour drains from your face. You have no idea where this is going. 
"Jungkook this, Jungkook that, Jungkook doesn't care for me all that fucking bullshit."
You don't like where this is going.
Any other time, you'd have called him out because your voice is not that high-pitched. But at the moment, you're too busy drowning in your humiliation.
You're never getting drunk again.
"She was trying to use me as a distraction from that man. She was such a whiny bitch, god knows I was this close to snapping at her and letting my efforts go to vain."
You don't hear what else he has to say and get up hurriedly, ignoring Jungkook and his presence entirely. You pay no attention to your surroundings and beeline towards your bedroom.
You shut the door and sit on your bed to process what the fuck just happened.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Now Jungkook must have figured it out and you just feel so embarrassed about it. How are you going to face him now? How are you going to pretend that everything is fine? Even worse, what if Jungkook pretends that none of this ever happened? But then what will you do if he acknowledges your feelings, only to turn you down? 
Your brain clouds with anxious thoughts but unfortunately you don't get enough time to calm yourself down when you hear the door of your room open.
"Please don't–" you say but Jungkook doesn't listen as the sound of his feet pattering against the floor gives away the fact that he is not willing to heed your request.
"Are you okay?" 
His gentle tone surprises you. You have never heard him speak in that tone. The realisation only makes you hug your pillow closer to your chest and you hide your face inside the covers.
He must be pitying you.
"Just don't talk to me. I don't need your pity. I have already been humiliated enough, just get away." You grumble, unable to hide the anger you're feeling.
Much to your dismay, you feel the bed dip, indicating that he must be sitting on your bed, now.
"Do you think me going away will make you feel better?"
You don't reply. Because you don't have an answer to his question. A part of you wants to never see Jungkook again because it reminds you of how you got exposed when you had already made up your mind to never let your feelings see the daylight. The other part of you wants to pull him close and wants to bury your face in his chest. 
But what are you to do when the latter seems the only choice? When you feel and believe that you won't ever get to bask in Jungkook's comfort the way you want to? Well, your frustration grows. As a result of which, the idea of being away from Jungkook seems ideal. If he is out of sight, you possibly won't have this intense urge to pull him close. 
There are a few moments of silence where neither of you speak. You think that maybe he has given up and you're about to finally let the tears fall when he speaks again, crushing all your hopes of getting some alone time.
"I do care about you, you know?" His voice is shaky. The kind of shaky where he seems unsure whether it's the right thing to say or not. The kind of tone that gives away that he is feeling nervous. 
But your mind is too clouded with emotions to take notice of that.
Yeah, sure, but only as a client because it is your job to protect me. The petty voice in your head mutters and you are this close to uttering the words but instead, you let out a scoff. However, seconds later you come to regret your decision for your scoff is a clear giveaway of the fact that you're listening to his words and are very much reacting to them.
Jungkook, on the other hand, does not like the way you scoffed. It's almost as if you don't believe him. But what's there to not believe? 
"Will you please look at me?" He mutters and this time he sounds a little more sure. If he were to be honest, he does not know where he is getting all this courage from, when he has been so scared of crossing any boundaries with you. And he is pretty sure, sitting on your bed, when you had clearly expressed that you'd like for him to leave, definitely crosses some boundaries.
All he knows is that the moment, he learnt how you think he feels about you, he felt completely uneasy. He just knew that he had to go after you. Although, he didn't know what comes after that. But now, that you seem so unwilling to talk to him, his heart aches and he just wants to know what he ever did for you to give him this sort of reaction.
You don't move an inch.
"I'm not moving from here until you talk to me." He declares, hoping you'd take notice of his tone and understand that he's being damn serious.
Still no response.
"Miss Y/L/N, you need to rest–"
Something about him addressing you with that title when you had repeatedly told him that it was okay to call you by your name, makes you snap.
"Why the fuck are you here, pretending to care?" You say, now sitting up straight on your bed with your voice heavily laced with anger, frustration, annoyance and hurt.
Jungkook is taken aback by your sudden outburst. After you refusing to give him any sort of response, this reaction was not what he was expecting.
He recomposes himself and stares at you softly. "I'm not pretending anything, I do care about you–"
"As a client, I know," you cut him off. You are just so not in the mood for this bullshit.
Jungkook looks away from you and there's a look of conflict on his face that confirms everything you already know.
"Just go," you whisper, wanting to be alone with your bruised ego and in the mood of having a good cry to release your pent-up frustrations.
Jungkook hesitates.
Don't get him wrong. His hesitation is not about whether he should follow your words or not. Because there's no way, he is leaving your room without having a proper conversation with you. What he does hesitate about is whether it would be okay to take a hold of your arms to move them away so that he can get a view of your face. And so that, hopefully, you see the genuineness in his efforts and somehow trust him to be vulnerable with, for once.
He does not like how frustrated you look. He hates to think that he is the reason behind it, although how he has no idea. 
Going against himself and his brain which screams at him, about how this is wrong and how you can have him fired, his fingers curl around your elbow. 
But you're as stubborn as he knows you to be. You move away from him and angle your body in the other direction. 
He sighs in dejection and can't help the panic that shoots through him. However, he relaxes a bit when he notices that you're unbothered and don't seem uncomfortable at his attempt of moving your arms away.
"Y/N, just talk to me, please." He begs.
His tone is what catches you off guard and makes you look up at him out of pure curiosity. Because never did you think that Jeon Jungkook could sound like that. It's as if your brain wants to make sure that it's the same Jungkook you know, who's now speaking to you in that tone. A tone which makes him sound desperate and dare you say….human? 
You have seen Jungkook behave and be like himself with others when he's off duty. But never with you, because he only ever spends time with you when he's on duty.
When you do lock eyes with him, you see the earnestness in them and find your resolve crumbling just in the slightest. How can it not when for the first time, his doe eyes, seem soft and easy to read? They no longer appear to be hard and guarded. Moreover, his eyes are swirling with emotions and it leaves you speechless to think that you might have been the cause of that. 
"I don't think you'd like what I have to say," you whisper, more to yourself than to him but Jungkook manages to hear every word crystal clear.
"Let me be the judge of that." He responds to your words without missing a beat. He knows, that whatever it might be can't be worse than you ignoring him.
"What exactly do you want to know?" You query, just to get an idea of what he thinks is going on. Does he think you have feelings for him? Or does he think you were just complaining about him as a bodyguard for not respecting your personal space? 
Jungkook looks down and chews on his lips. He does not know how to phrase what exactly he wants to say. He wants to know why you think of him the way you do. But then wouldn't it be too straightforward of a question? Technically, you can have whatsoever personal opinions about your bodyguard. He cannot ask you about it, can he? 
Hence, he opts for the safer option. Something, which he thinks, will gradually lead to having the conversation he wants to have.
"I just find it odd that you'd be talking about me of all people and that too with the guy you were on a date with." 
Your stomach fills with dread as soon as the words are out of his mouth. This was the question you expected yet hoped that he wouldn't ask. A part of you wants to go back to not responding to his words but the other, much larger, part of you wants to be honest. Because he was being genuine and you have never seen him like this.
"Can you not think of a reason why I could have done that?" You mumble, feeling incredibly nervous. If you could run away, you would but then you probably won't be able to do that either, considering how stiff you feel. Your legs might just be frozen, who knows?
"Did I do something that had you annoyed?" He throws in his assumption. That's the only thing he can think of at the moment, that would have you thinking that he does not care for you. Maybe you thought that him following you around and not leaving you alone as you had expressed you'd like to be, meant that he did not care for you.
"I mean of course, but that is not it." You say, but much to your surprise, the corners of your lips quirk up. He still thinks that you find his presence annoying huh? "Think of some other reason."
There's one that comes to Jungkook's mind but he immediately shoots it down, because there's no way. 
Jungkook's eyes widen when another possibility comes to his mind. Maybe Jimin told you all that?
Jimin is a part of your security team and he had always had a hunch about Jungkook's feelings. When Jimin had queried him about it, he had denied it and shot down the idea immediately. He remembers his words being a little harsh but that's because he was so caught off guard. He thought he was doing an excellent job at hiding his feelings but at Jimin's query, he felt threatened and exposed. No matter how much of a sweet guy he knows Jimin to be, he couldn't risk anyone knowing.
However, it doesn't help that Jimin and you are friends.
"Did someone say something about me to you?" His voice comes out in a rush.
You huff, a bit amused at his inability to figure it out by himself. But then you notice how his doe eyes are now wide in panic and although you do not know why he could be panicking, you don't like the idea of him being under stress. "Jungkook, people usually talk like that about their ex but you're not my ex so do the maths."
Instant relief courses through his veins because you did not even frown at his previous question, which means it's not about Jimin blabbering stuff. But his relief soon turns into confusion. If not that then what else could have you saying such stuff about him?
Unbeknownst to him, a pout appears on his lips.
Jungkook is pouting! Is this some parallel universe???? Your mind screams at you, wondering what the fuck are you witnessing.
And if that's not enough he mumbles, "I'm not good at maths." 
You can't help the snort that escapes you at his poor attempt at cracking a joke. But as soon as that thought comes to your mind, a much more important realisation dawns upon you. Jungkook just cracked a joke in your presence! When that sinks in, your mouth parts in shock. It doesn't help that there's a tiny little smile that plays on Jungkook's lips and by the looks of it, it's you, he's smiling at. 
Let's rewind. Shall we? First, Jungkook pouted. Second, he cracked a joke (a poor one, but still a joke). Third, he is smiling at you. Not one of those 'I'm-your-bodyguard-and-it's-too-serious-of-a-job-for-me-to-smile-genuinely" smiles. It's the smile that you recognise to be Jungkook's. Not that of Jeon Jungkook's, who's your bodyguard.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asks, keeping his tone gentle, noticing that your posture is not as stiff as before.
Wanting to just bask in the moment, you don't reply to him. Instead, you find your guard lowering. Maybe this is what you wanted. An opportunity where Jungkook looks like someone you can be vulnerable with and someone you can confess to. Someone who talks to you as you, and not as a client. 
"Jungkook," you say, a bit nervous but also with the understanding that you don't know when you'll feel this comfortable with him, again. "I like you."
Jungkook's world stops when he hears the words leave your mouth. A part of his brain even chastises him for ignoring when the thought, that you might, just might, return his feelings, had popped up.
But now that you have confirmed it and are looking at him like that, Jungkook finds himself being speechless because what the fuck.
The expression on Jungkook's face causes you to chortle. 
You had imagined Jungkook being very stoic and professional to your confession. But this is way more adorable than anything you could have ever imagined. 
He looks like a kid who's been told that Santa isn't real. But instead of being heartbroken, he looks like the kid who still hasn't processed it yet, and is in shock.
Your laughter causes Jungkook to break out of his thoughts. He tries to speak but his mind has gone completely blank.
"It's okay. I know you don't feel the same," you say with a tender smile because although it hurts, you do feel lighter and somehow find yourself being happy that his reaction isn't as heartbreaking as you'd thought it'd be.
He blinks repetitively as his brain's engine starts, again. 
"What the fuck do you mean by I don't feel the same? I've liked you for so long." He exclaims, the moment, your words register.
Now it's your brain which stops working. But when the gravity of his words sinks in, your first reaction is that of denial.
"That can't be true," you whisper, shaking your head.
"What do you mean by that can't be true?" He asks immediately, not understanding where you're coming from. 
You let out a breath. "Jungkook, I've spent so much time with you. Never have you behaved like someone who likes me. You have always made sure to remind me that I'm nothing but a client to you."
He sighs, frowning to himself and hating the idea of making you feel like that when you mean so much more to him. "I know I did that. But that's only because I didn't think I had any right to harbour these feelings for you. Especially because I thought that they were unreciprocated. I was always so scared of letting my guard down and letting you have even a small glimpse of my feelings because I thought it'd make you uncomfortable and then you would fire me."
You stay quiet for a moment too long, making Jungkook feel anxious. But then you don't know what to say. After telling yourself what you have, for so long, it's hard to believe in a completely different narration. 
"So….you're telling me that all this time, you have felt the same for me?" Those are the words you utter after your mind runs out of logic.
"Yes," he nods with a tiny, sheepish smile on his face that does nothing to hide the fact that he is both anxious and shy at the same time.
"Wow," you say in a whisper with your eyes now wide open.
He groans and brings his hands to run them on his face. "Can you please, tell me what you're thinking? This is scaring the shit out of me."
Your body screams at you to wrap him in a hug to chase his anxiety away. But you're still lingering in disbelief.
"You really like me? As in a romantic way?"
He nods. "More than you can ever imagine."
"Kiss me." The words are out of your mouth before you can think your words through. But astonishingly, that is the only thing you could think of. Because for months, you have imagined what it would feel like to be kissing him and to get to know how those pink lips taste. Now that he admits to having feelings for you, your mind automatically narrows down to finally, finally, getting to kiss him and perhaps, the feeling of his lips is what you need to accept that he does like you the way he claims.
Although that's the last thing Jungkook had expected you to say, he isn't complaining at all. He had secretly dreamed of this for so long.
Inching closer to you, his nose touches yours and he watches in awe as your eyes close in anticipation. The moment his lips crash with yours it's like a huge wave of relief courses through the both of you.
It starts out gentle with both of you tasting the waters and letting your lips mould against each other softly but once they get a little familiar, it turns into a heavy make out session.
As the both of you develop a steady pace and lose yourself in each other, your hands become needier as they roam on his firm chest to get a good feel of his abs. From there, you slowly find your hands moving towards his hair and your tongue lightly teasing Jungkook's bottom lip. 
Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath when he feels your tongue grazing against his lip. Fuck, he can't believe this. He opens his mouth and the moment he lets you in, your tongue finds his and he groans into your mouth at how good this feels. 
The spell is, however, broken when his palm that was resting on your cheek, glides down a little to hold you by your neck. 
"Ouch," you can't help but wince.
Jungkook's eyes snap open at the sound. His brows furrow in confusion before he realises that, mistakenly, he had placed his fingers against the bruise on your neck.
"That fucker," he spits with gritted teeth. The sight of your bruised skin, makes his blood boil and he feels the same anger he felt when he was in the car with you.
"It doesn't hurt that bad," you try to say softly, but your voice comes out uneven due to your breathless state from all the kissing.
Your words have nearly zero effect on the hard frown that is now on his face. So, you gently wipe away the remnant saliva from his lips, hoping that your touch would distract him from the events that transpired a few hours ago.
"That doesn't matter, he hurt you." He grumbles, with an expression that you recognise as disappointment. He is disappointed with himself.
The fact that he feels that way does not sit right with you. After all, it was your fault that you went on the date.
"It's okay, I'm pretty sure it's my fault," before he can retort, you shush him. "However, if you want, you can always kiss it better."
Jungkook takes notice of the mischievous glint in your eyes and finds himself relaxing. He still hates how that man put his hands on you and how he couldn't reach in time. But right now, he wants to enjoy this moment. He wants to forget about everything else and solely focus on you. 
Which is why he lets it go.
"Now how can I say no to that?" He replies, with a gentle smirk on his face, which somehow radiates both charm and affection.
A shiver runs down your spine when his lips make contact with your skin and warmth spreads through your whole body when you feel how gentle he is being. His kisses are feather-light so that they don't hurt you. His kisses also happen to be wet, which subsequently, makes you wet. 
You moan softly and that sound is enough to have Jungkook's dick twitching in his pants and that's how he knows that he needs to stop before things get any more heated.
Leaving a few more wet kisses he slowly withdraws and when he does, you open your eyes and whine.
Jungkook chuckles at your protest and pecks your lips softly as compensation. "Love, you should take some rest. Today has been a lot for you." 
You sigh with a smile but nevertheless, agree with him. "I love how today ended though."
Jungkook can't help but agree. Despite how things started, they ended well and that's all Jungkook could ask for. "I could have never imagined that today would take such a turn."
You hum with a love fool smile on your face. You just can't seem to be able to move your eyes away from his. How can someone be so beautiful? 
You take his hand in yours and slot your fingers against his. "Stay the night."
Jungkook's heart skips a beat at your words. Fuck, he's not sure if he'll survive this. 
You coo as you notice his cheeks turning red. "Awww, are you blushing? Who would have thought?"
His cheeks get even warmer at being called out. "Are you sure I won't be suffocating you?" He asks with squinted eyes.
"Well, I am a cuddler so chances are I would be the one suffocating you," you pout. "But then, I also never actually felt suffocated by you, so there's no way I would feel suffocated."
"Oh?" Although Jungkook had asked the previous question just to tease you, he feels hugely relieved at your words and is glad to know that his presence isn't suffocating for you.
"Uh uhm, I was too busy making heart eyes at you to ever feel anything else." You say and take an intense amount of pleasure when your words have the desired effect. Jungkook is blushing again. Who knew Jeon Jungkook would be the blushing type? 
"Th-That's good to know," he stutters and you find yourself being on the verge of cooing again. "I should go and change by the way."
You chuckle at his adorableness as he gets up in a haste and fumbles his way to the bathroom. How can you miss the chance to tease him one last time before the door closes, though?
"I will tell you more about my 'making-hopeless-heart-eyes' days, once you're out." 
The door slams shut in response and you bury your face in a pillow and giggle like a fool.
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Officer Kim, half an hour later, when he finds that there's no one on the other side of the video call: 👁️👄👁️
But hey, here's my patreon just in case you enjoy my writing! 😚
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ilys00ga · 9 months
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bodyguard boyfriend to the rescue.
synopsis: your comfort person, aka your secret boyfriend, saves you from falling into the abyss, once again.
genre: angst, fluff.
A/N: this is not my first time writing something like this, but it is my first (very random) public post of such. I hope this is decent enough, I will maybe post more, but I'm not sure. until then, here's this.
warnings: anxiety attacks and overthinking. no explicit mentions, tho, just dark thoughts.
the walls of the room stare back at you as you sit on the floor. body so stiff and brain so busy running nonstop. almost feels like it would pop legs out and escape out of your scull at any given moment as you lean your head on the edge of the bed. too tired to blink, too tired to move a limb or even get into bed and give your body its long desired rest and warmth.
days like these have always been your most despised. but as hard as you try, you can't make it stop.
nasty thoughts keep on going on and about, keep on getting nastier and darker.
what is it that I want the most? what is it that I dream of the most?
quick puffs of air start leaving your lungs as they run through your mouth, yet you can't seem to breathe. you don't know how to breathe.
what the hell am I even doing. I'm not good at anything. everything I have ever fought for was never by choice. what the hell am I going to do next?
you try and take deep breaths, you really do, but the white ceiling is becoming way too blurry for you liking. everything surrounding you in the room feels too far away from you as the floor is getting too cold and hard.
you try to remind yourself, I'm still young. this can't be just it. I'm too young, I have a lover, I have power, I have much more to look forward to, to wish and dream for..
you try telling yourself that it's gonna be okay, everything will work out just well for me, all I have to do is wait.
you blink. once, twice... you blink as hard as you can as you feel the tears that have been lingering heavily at the corner of your eyes running free. you blink as you try to snap back to reality, to your room, to your bed and to your floor. you blink.
just then, the sound of your phone arises, screaming loud and clear as if saying: here, let me guide you. listen to me and snap out of it.
the weight that's been sinking the back of your head to the bed finally lightens, allowing you to lift your head as you keep on panting for air.
you slowly reach for the phone, praying that whoever's calling will help ease your pain. and your prayers are answered immediately as you feel a ghost of a relieved smile starting to creep up to the corners of your lips.
your mouth feels terribly heavy as you put the phone to your ear, unable to speak while your heart beats so fast and loud in your chest.
"hey...you alright?"
there it is, his voice oh so warm and delicate. so gentle and calm. he is probably worried sick as he realises this is yet another one of your episodes. oh how he hates those episodes.
the caring tone does nothing but fill your eyes with freshly new tears as it embraces your aching heart. it is quite a complex combination of feelings his existence provides to your soul. incredibly healing, yet dangerously consuming.
still unable to utter a word, you close your eyes as you desperately sniff one more time, and he hums. oh, how good you are for me.
"I'm on my way. I'll bring your favorite meal with me as well. we can lay together after filling our bellies and then you'll tell me what it is that's bothering you. a princess should never carry a burden with her."
you smile as you hang up. he never fails to amaze you.
and so, you just wait. sitting in your quarters as you wait for your bodyguard's arrival. for his hands to wrap so tenderly around you as he soothes your sore bones. for his breath to bathe you in warmth and comfort as he pulls you closer to him, whispering words of pure love to your awaiting ears, for your tired brain to listen and oblige as his knight speaks to it.
and you wait for yoongi to bring his love to you.
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